HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-12-12, Page 14W '• ., am�",e�a` TmUr`" ,'^. s4�id'4Y& '�.X., atl lf' .;;7Yt.9trgtyAP s4 'Y, to Yt+r ' f? ' y,R' 'e1, 'rt' Ia 14 'PillaauAY, Ik,oauuber IJ, 1907 The Kodak Christmas Story dET A KODAK FOR YOUR BOY OR GIRL Q tet the grown folks with a K' odak and the, children with a Brownic juin in bUilding the Family ltudak Bunk, and there's no better way to begun than with pictures,of Christmas Day. EVERY REQUISITE I:0R 'Pill': AMATEUR. R. R. SALLOWS Money Mill Spent. �tirulutly it is it wonderful help. At A one dollar hill cannot tae heeler this scallion one canna( do hotter than invested than by mak lingg it to The rood /a dollar to Thr Family Hrna(W Family Herald and Weekly Star, of and \\"eekly Stier. of �l,)ntreal. Montreal, fur it rear's sullscriptiun to - - ` that great weekly. To have it euro- A Work of Art. to your home each week means n The t'hristnlas (ilulso is out and is a treat all the iyear rand. (ane dollar i agnifieent number. The typ,)gr•eph- is A very brain) anigunI when one con- ieal ;and picturi:al features, which ate bide" deal every week .tot- fifty -Iwo the first . to claim attention, :are ex - weeks he Is ggSaoI to receye A c,)py of reed inRlyy altraethN and are A credit the heat weeltly paper irritated today. to Canadian art. We fire pleased to it pleases everyone; to farrtlers par- notice that our well-known phutog- - - - _ __ ____ __ her. H. H. `(allows° has again heal a part. kn the making of The ('hristulos Globe. several of hits views la i"g re. prchictd. Thr quaint oldwindmill which he photographed during his visit to (luelowe halt hammer is given a full-page: setting, and wakes a laate- The Best Christmas Gift tiful picture. Of the literary hide of __ __ the mmrnher it im necehsary only to stale that it (glare burp nauleaAn drone What xill your suit or tat (ioldwin Suailh. Duncan Campbell Scott, Marietta Keith, Jean Hlewett. daughter or ),our friend and Others whore natieem are becoming at a distance receive move known in Canadian literary life, With the numeher tire issued lone gladly than a year's sub handsome supplementary picture*. scription to The Signal ' Iran You Count? Fifty-two times in the year it will be a pleasant lllis need stnrtinK to tcaLife l le one awdlm +uul crininK after the late Ore, reminder of home and ofPridh:um the tailor will give It slyit the giver. tof , othes Ila every m+m who well g , tvrutit the hubblem car blisters 'an the ceiling enured by the fire. This, prop- recitioes holdm goom al until Jaeary Into I HISK OIa•n every evening. I I"HInH.aM THK TmLt/H. THE SIGNAL: GODERIICH, ON'T'ARIO CHURCH NOTE& I� -7 Miss K. G. Poll ey's bake of painted 11 china and of bar art work, sllltahle for the Doty Loan• Chrtetmas gifts, I^,&���ins un Saturday next, at later home, Amrth 'iLrwet. Al 1 111 cotfllect�onl With the prolwlaitiou Italian to the Duty Hu- Santa Claus say- S- flat. a Inulhielpml Flue Works Co. a few fa.'ts hav-8 __ : . ..-::::>, � I .�, Id . I I I ,�. .•,,y .-. • Next year -if the, keeps up -I'll r` % 1.`I have to hire a sten- j' t (� ographer, a n d a y I p r i v ate sect etary. t ; and a few things I I i- - �I.. J . like that. +J �i -� Mail, mail, G� ' ' _. -_=- -'P mail I --more of it e w 1 coming to me every I a- day than to all the rest of the world put together. And I just can't answer all of it -- there isn't time, and it's such a busy season -my poor old head is beginning to ache already. I wisk somebody could help me - some -way! "4 _ Q 4 Q Now. gentle reader, why don't YOU step in, �_-Y_-_.._ -_ and help dear, troubl d, old Santa Claus ? Great quantines of his very finest Christmas • _ _. -- things care stored here, iq this big, busy store of ours arranged so that' you can examine them all, easily,' • Come. and pick out the many pleasant gifts you waist Santa to tuck into your friends' stockings on Christmas morning. Nothing but useful gifts here: The Hodgens Store The Square, Goderlch to go into the sunnufartit a of fullers. THE SIGNAL: GODERIICH, ON'T'ARIO CHURCH NOTE& A GOOD PROPOSITION. --- -7 Miss K. G. Poll ey's bake of painted a Town Will He" Ample Security for china and of bar art work, sllltahle for the Doty Loan• Chrtetmas gifts, I^,&���ins un Saturday next, at later home, Amrth 'iLrwet. Al 1 111 cotfllect�onl With the prolwlaitiou Italian to the Duty Hu- arts inrltw to C41 slid am Nis, poi- ley's %vulk. flat. a Inulhielpml Flue Works Co. a few fa.'ts hav-8 Her. 1►. N. alt-Caunos,. at Present l"K wt iu1)w,rtant IK•ariog thereoh ahuubd la. Rept-ill Initial by wale prart that Limtuwell Methodist ut the amid debt. Mthe h, has received A 1111a11iturlu* ill- vitAtiun to that pwlWrate of lit. tear!!•s players' Threat years ago. wheat this trona the of methealimt church. Rev. H. A. pant e,)nuuencrwl nrtoufacttire to, ine etigities in Goderich, only live Graham, at prvemt I lie parttair at St, Marv», is invlted W Wallington strewn, I metas wltr elupluy0d. Now fifty 111011 6111`:011. rare 4111 the {wyrlllt which anlUtrnts to 'rhe aaaciauueut of the Lnrd's Supper gls11►weak. The pttlllosltiolr Is not, therefore, wIII hr alis natvl ill Knox church next kle that the town lend its tllaluey tl a new Sahlktth morning. The preparatory mild untried concern, halt that it give service will lie held flit Friday evening it* lacking W a aoullatnrV already ut N u•clurk. when Lisle neat u1N1111101•11 lit- Vtd, Inn/1 C:\Ria diet) ibuied wren established. doinor a large anti will lrCa'I tn iluelldkng eoumuuu(camts. The star- busintwm, and having all eY- tentaive and valuablo pular as security. tentative plbs collection will Ile flu Ibehalf bof the It is the Intentiud of the ('0111{a y pour kat the eunglrgalion. to go into the sunnufartit a of fullers. The Stratford lleacon rtmter that to large re it •r of which are uecee- Iter'. G. 1''. Salton, acf lhlat city who 1,remchad ill (Wderich till Sunday, had large nary' iti connection with the C1u1- iiauy'a resent huainess Theles boilers leave flown asked to take char t• of A heretofore been manufactured Western church at a salary of "111111, At various places throughout the and Iahr.unagr. _ILL -Ilam the natterm culry, and It would lam "lore MALI» under conrh en dA•s Thr, Bea. factory W the Company, saw well flatcon, -hut lei till prollabli ity will re-- udvantag/'oud to the town, to have main in his present charges for when fhew nlanuf^ctur'ed here dirw•lly fir! - been this morning lie atatted It Would der the supervision of the Company* take it pretty strung team to pull'hiul tuanalivinent. For this purpose A away front triltford friends." new building of brick, content And The l . 13. S. C. E. of Knox church steel, hit by ,1511 flet, together avith ta+ has elected the following officers ,11141 other nee•-sboatry buildings• ie to directed o)1 the Maitland roast near cconvencni of cUmlllitlees fact- rile next six months: President, Rev. .Itis. A. Han-Gus1's salt block. and this build- ' Andel'MIII; W vice-president, F.1011 Ing Is to lot. equipped N•Itl a ninifern tot' the nlauufactmlr of boilers Wiggiou. 'lest vice-president, (',)life F'ingLUld: recording am•rretaror Kale Illant, soul IalaK) for other heavy work which Barre: curreslmlnding rw•ret)u•v. Nettie Harty Wiggins will lir in w•iLle this line of ►tlarlurac- lure, such as elle building laf steel (bwan: Ireastiver. Convenerd lookout, Ilev.tacn SO rang : shi[yr and htructural steel work. graver meetings Edith \Vig ills; - This Will n'a "ire $all itlyetstolelft of less than ilt.ltlkl, anti this- town scMb\I. Ah•xlna l'l angle : IIIA»It', l x111• least scene MvlA9at1 : dower Mml'gmrcl >!►•111 have its security n fillet mortgage Murray: missionary. lhribotaIa1 An-. ('one - 01 I [flit' plant mw! 11 It.s it tl-(`or detsnli : visiting, Ihtvid �ilulldart ; Iw'Y ln•ehent plant, reprocanting An ex a•ndlture I#( =7KII1111, This should lilel'aUl re. Lizzie Edward-. tie ani1Ile security for the, proposclt 1 ' 1 of Ihot reit t n r• nnni •rtw:u• The flu n a Anniversary a i lata it[ «iti,iaa. .live Ii dist chure�ts of town was the With Claim plant t•atablishea the lwcmAon of rhtt'arially inter"ing act'- ("),Japan). will give ealipluynlent to at wires Last Stutlnv. TivecongreKaLions Ieaust 1401 mea hanicies weir favored with the 'llreeence• of _ �_ Rev. G. F. Kalem. tit h}tratfunl• whose (nCCasiolsal vlallm ti) (.4boderich Are D. McGillicuddy and Cal 'may t(ary. always coVALUnle, and Rev. H. Kinner• In its column, "Whets Who Out son, missionary Co Jmlwan, avhflill huule West," Toronto Satru•day Night last on furlough. Mr. Salton tarupird Werk- had the following whieh will la° the pulpit of \ Will sln't•t Methodist of inta+l•eat lit evaders of The Mignal : rhurrh i" the uacrninl; and that act Mr. Dan McGillicuddy. publi»her Victoria street church tie the evening° mlt•ruafin¢lvith Mr. Elula•rtn)n. In and editor of The Calgary DnIIyy News, his 111111•niog Addr•ss.If•. Salton spoke "Gold C,gt•d at Saturday Night eafrlce on Monday. He has coffee aa►st on a [)five. front n the text, is oo respecter of : lytic in every nation he that ate" trip and gays that Burin• the ypp�ryi-'r.ons fear•lif Iltot l, .Laid w11'keth trighteuiam pant month the financial situation In Albrr•ta leas 1 un to elle tip Con• news• is aca•eptetl with Him." lir traced the ea•illµt.iuu► or miaaionary endeavor. rkderably. Mr. McGillicuddy used W in the Northwest. Numbers of people publish The Goderich Signal and was iNintim; bout that the gored which quite a figure in Ontario politics, but lagetu tI r e r11/r saw a narisa•rise now, with it daily newspaper onhis hK•liet (hat every ta•reon living Ili helothend,llll WH» 111M'Iiabl. llallllletl. hands. Ile sticks pretty ch)aely to hie had been removed with the decadence publishing, and produces an exa'r11e116 of Lhie belief end the growth act the r �vcmagary r' exclaimed \lr. Mcmiii- more reasonable one that those in every nation avhu wrought eighteens cloddy. -I'll tell tat some(hin about ness accorlinq to their light would Iunto at bell- til Tor- rwhrn ty. he population out"tlaliun %;hs litter receive salvation. Still there was need of haste in the task of bringing uwre than that laf Calgary at the pree- about the kingdom ofd'hrist on earth. ent time, and 1 ho t) live in Cal glory when its population will be IINIUA1 Speaking Iarticulal•Iv of China anal to that of roronto Hula)•. As a nmat- Japan and of the, great Awakening in these lands• he declared the danger ter of fact Calgary hits a better total - that, if the We»Ietu nations did not look now than Toronto had in the ~IV days i speak is(.*' chri.tiauixe then)• they would Haiti. ••How far !nets arc you ilpeakin christianize the Weatern nations. of Y' He told of the pitifully inndt,luatr "Well," replied Mr. AlcGilliroddy, force of Chrihtitap missionariew now in the field, and H141gs•ther otadea very -if •vuo will close that d,)ur 1 will G•1 rU•ouK plea for plrat.er effort in Iola- vain. Cowing an i du frau the genic west i find your climate do'w'n hr ekunary work. Ur. Lrullkertion's eyen- rather dauep and chilly. I lived'in ing address waw Altogethrr different Toronto kn 18741 when thin pop natio Ili form but rens V11WLIly inler•lstiug ,if the clef ,lilt not exceed Ill•Inall mild #Laid effective. it was lather ate intim• when Spading avenue had rs•arvely I Ate talk distant present conditions in house on , except a couple tit old 'lo Jalian. its topographical. social, kn- fltityl. Now yltiapart Calg \ry of totia dictatorial. religiunvand other features, with Torouto of that tame. In hlO and as lite alMaker has silent seven toy the census Calgary was shown yea" in that country lee w,w able to have +► Population u[ 1,111ft. ! Five glee 'l very a'IVId Vleay ,)f .1allatll'»e years later. when title now 11I, w inC life. The address Wav Illustrated by were being created, the census h,ureaa several children wearing .lapa"eee showed the population of Calgary ad co"tulnaw.:md ,Air. Emla•rs"rn also land with him a mnudier of lylanese welt- l l fent, In June of the _present year clen which were examined by many of ,Iheataicipal census conducted by t a"A."sille"t department gives u those present at the close of the mer, vice. 11 gill Iavlpla•, and the Jay 1 started •• tit tis I as ld h Gantedian Bank of Commerce. ''l1�is statement of the Canadian' BaWl- laf Coumoerce for the year end- ing Nove)ulle.r :fifth hhown net profits of $1,75* -1310, or at the rare tit 17.51 per cent. ten the capital. This compares with n rate of 17.11 per cent. in JIM me, which wan by a wide "margin the Wilt previous showing. In 11X6 the rata• of profit was 11.11 per rent. The more conservative position taken by Im\nks durife r' the year with regard W puri. Flesh loans i" rifiected in the contrite- tiun io ci rmot bans and discounts frons IIt70.30.�tc to *76.41ri,271. The r ', decrease un business deposits 1 taffPrt itlyd by the increase of those hearing in- terest. The ,tetemeot of l nhioea. for the year mhows:- 111c1•Vart•. Net. profits ......$1,752,31if Id II,C.2I Dividends...... INMI,an l lUl•111111 Written oft' lremisce (tifl,ln111 8,500 To pension fund., . :111,111111 Balance forward.. Oui•111 3 571,:t'ri The statement of amseth and liabili- ties shows: - Liabilities. i nc i ea oti. Circulation ....... $ 11,'V5.70i1 i aO..ALi Deposits... .It7,011t()17 •111,170 Balance due flanks in foreign corm.. 1,323,791 aln,Ull A s+eta. Crain. bullion Anti ])aim. notes_ ..$11,uy3,110 tl l,1ril,0ril Balance due by agts. and blanks kn foreign noun. Y,ri78,ri_l11 Ilrisl lit Gov. bonds, Muni•. and other securi- ties.... . .. I,ri71,081 •l,3211,77.i Call and short Mans.......... IY,005,:i.',7 3,fIU1,1(l1 Cur. lames and . dies ....... .... 70,417#:1,271 a3,rAI,O,i7 e DW'rrimhe. Tile Bank's °'quick nvsetm" fare li.'f3.71:i,14:1, ate Increase tit W,'175.7ri1 omnpared with last year. Now Postal Regulations a Mistake. Wood,tn,k, Ile, \t the I•arnlni meeting of the \\ -Ast„ek pnbh,- lih- retry laoarl a r'eMdotiot, wet, wi-ed. characterising as a mimlAke the fn crefese in the pustage rates on I'nited 9tatee periodicals coming into Canada. The resolution met forth that how- oaergaaal the lntentk►n of the teguba- tion.taight have herrn It was not, in the Interests tat the Canadian pet, lir. While this country had to depend to a large extent on fete literature 6nTo the 17nited Moralists, tborre w'am w dlanger that the very attempt to fore@ Beit - We periudicsl literature on a free Plan ple might have the very opposite of (lac effect intended. A ropy of Clio resolution will he sent to both meat meinhers and to the Government. Old Husband -"Didn't yoo Torrey trip for ally money;' Anmwer vele' that. madam ?+ Yonne Wife-1-Certwitlly 1 did. And we'd get along mplpndidly if you wore not so menu with it .� W.- , : Hu° til, lana ]BYLAW w vrs CORPORATION W THE TuWX or uwg- RICH. • A BYLAW TO oRANr Alt) BY WAY' UI' I,UAN "rum DUTY ENUI� WORMS tOM11ANY, WMITW \a'usakaa Thr Dyty Iwritie 'York- twee ally, Limited, hays blwn tot ,wine Mule 1x•1 carlyinir on the bualnos, of mauurarturillag alwrt"e ttulams. mild unt'hinery In it,, mna Ww n .l ti,Iderieb, and de.Uv to extend their meld buaamuss by wlllua thau„W a plant fur list' laanufa,Ltun of built- nud .u'uc(ul'sl steel work fur Isaal. and bulWlua•, and purlo•r purehalang All additional site fur their mid extendol bu.utws al or [low the Iw:rlily known,.. the Itan-faidA salt Week ,Ind erect hag thereof, a eon,retv mild a eei factury, •til N It but 1 tl nl n. which Ibe lit l W +hall W of tis JI n sial, of ill) % 110 fort, at aJJltlonwlcxpoudl Urn of ta,usb llr for Ilan buildings, land and plant, as umplu) latg In the s d exi,nrll( and extended uvr,m not loam lh.u, I4U uperatista beturd lilt exVirmliuu tot thu fir-[ year H the making of Litt luau hrortinAftet Mentioned. most Is e&ch tuarendinal year during the ourrenvy of the said lose.. AND aYnKKI.%a abe ,414 ( mul• say bare_ quested the• rudnlellmal .ouncdl of (has luau of Utnlerlch W aid thein In their .aid erlmta/ri,: by gta11t1uK to mem a lawn of a}ivoit w to Its eeamaid w'I.lb Interval al 5 Iwo net. In lwtutr1• .quer al f 1, I roda..nleast. of pranci rel anI luletx»l, sat that the aLaw payuleut in a om ) ear .lsall Ire ogaal In amuuut-to lilt ants Tal .tool to IW p:11J lay 111'. sold t.w'u in rem -I of Uwtlt'ueu Wrtrt. la, a• -heel bl•virlur .f Ihot byte w,,ueh anauM lit., un11mt W Ie• ti -le lar lin ,amt Matt w. lite suf,tbe {say flu -I" ural the amad dnlwnlure. W t. be I.A11„1 ,hall is - ,vttte awyablr, and by exeluptiuu fr.w mnui.I {,al la xatlon para Wt awl of ten )r,01. .tun \all Klitli it Ili, btv'u tlrlher asteed that the saki Cwnlan) -hall _.Ila, file Jou repo)nlr•nt of the ,.flit I«111 .aid Int due awr- ftrinanre of the said 101111, alt e,mdltleu., I.y r1e Ultl%Ka"t deli%ctlrg lit tike +11d town .a fire( d1O1-lgaat' llla.a all lit' l&#ki, of IIIc ,asl 1'um{wny. to l he,.Jd Wa n, ..... I till it- hulht htga, um-lunety mild plant raw' Ihrrecu lar M•eaaftet to Ice ertwta'd of Id.t„1 tilve vit, our• ills the culrelty' of flit' magi are f,, whleh whl tn0"froure,hrll ccmtmau a %,-I reliant lit insure the amid hood •gs, mauteldmtely ;,but ylnnt In Favor of the 'Am town to Ilie numunl of .nra lumboIv .16.11 lrmaau unyrfd a aura nam,Ir hi - a It1 M l r taw town. .xfl M, p wl b pni Y tm �'.V aVeml Illi Wllat la klh,d,' alt 1 a1 n ata the Ile tout• glagr 1g taw c awl lit kr ry a he amumc p In.uteA A urlmlg taw a•ureeno> OF Wt' said Ire. n, Alan \a-htKK%, at I, rrpeoditot to grant the saki old subject to the saki cwditionc Asp aYaKHC.%s au under Thermo it will M• nw•r-sry to l.-uc detival net. of the lod,u or tiuJereh ter laic sum of eaY,noto s) herefrlafter prevailed, the proreer1. of the old debentures to ler applied w the sad Loulasume. Kiwi to no other. A•yp \\'nett., il'b cl-ir:nblt to imme the aaad debent u,.• mt one tmc. &aid to con►t' lace i rnripml tit the w.id d,bt repayable by ) rwny ►um -during the p•rhwt of twenty )err-, der fag the ,-us enry of the said d.tlef,t lar-, said yc:aaly Inn, living of .itch re,ee• live amount. that the a�Roe ` x111.11111 pwxaabla• 1n eaelk )ear for pnucl,al amt anlrre.t, fn rt'tti of ,.mid debt, .Ilall ak a. nawrly a, pw.sime ,•yuan l0 nM alnwllla w. ptywblt 111 CM -11 til lite .,me ,a1ln,•teen years of the ad wrlwl. Acre w dMu-..a flat IWaI uuwuut 1c.luired by the t flu-ulWxted lluohtilwl Airs. Itsll, to tx: latest tacmually by-nuclAl rate fur Iw)Ins tna- amki dela mud mored a. hereinafter pe/,W d tee r_.AI&4"1. Asti Womotr,A. the atuoa.t u( the %pule ratemblc pre{arlty of the lawn .f tloderlrn, ac,vMing lit Ibe last re,o.e 1 &--..w,.t re.1 t beater, 1, ♦II,McL:!i0. Asti N'nengAS4 the aluamnl of the r%ishug dellentsre, debt of the said munlctaallfy ,. tyJa*,KYJ..57 .ruausl,e of loo -al imprvvuuenl "Witt*. sae. red by special a, tee, rales or as.•oss. whereof LEraO too principal 1 lar mteee,,; to in D 4w weever. 7'akhr.rnnl: the: mmliciawl vtlwil of tale r„raoralion of the towel of Uudench enacts L, ams fellow, 1. The rounieff,,al cvuu,il o'f file town of Uudench slwil Araf,f to tee: mud Corollary lar sul" of s;G,wnpl by WAY of Iola upon the lent, efura -mki In aid ./ the *all elderprtet, which solid town .hall b• mall atlrrl a. folks.., e-,nr., c, upon taro e%ecuuou and deal%ery u( old ulurlgrat and u1ma1 A valuation bring made bye. %asaLur to lee Aploulted by 1ht,ami cuuhcll of the land, buildings, machfuery awl plwntuf the -ell t u npo-y. and the waste %Alun g of sweet Sa t. being at W-1. "',mif."i .bell ,mluaalcal Ilnl11a tread,• Iqs., a t1ra,st .f the busbo.uss take•h n. a go'flla rorero. .I.I Iia• d livery of tilt said utsur.ulrc pe,hcae•. And I list br{aalve' ur mutt ,or 11. uaa.ue. r s.ron A• a 1 ralualur to be aplmunted by the Maned for that purlsswat shall have rcpure.t to the, fat counnt that Ihr ulditlorlal .ren of U..nial,.ac n ism, as,•n c x leynwlal by Ibe ctnnawny ulrun The n extc,..Wonnd flu I— consent 111 the said amu, as, and lite f,tachutery' Anti plant thereto clam W mal. a Y. Fur alt purp,he of raising Ibe ,mite ,stn. g absent) dche.tom. of the .aid town ,e the Amom1 of ati uR1U dim Itrurce id. brarnag Y lhlcee-t el .f litr S."l. poor activists. •hall tee: 1 L„•ned w11hh. two years fr.a file Iw.suuf of yA, the to)how. exrh of whM•h deatennuc. •ball Ire e fur tale -um of tt1aK17 to repay the red delta. and shall be tinted on the day of lain t. ie ate thereof, and shall he p„yabW at the fanatic of A1/nitrtwL In the .mall town u( lJoJerich. with In twenty )ear- thete.fter, mile n .nnnelly after the date thereof 1" ewah .u,.., 1,c year. a 1 Fisch of the g�#d� dr,Aanturc, shall be Ile signed by the M:n'uc w In., Bald toll" til ts tluleneh. or by .some other ptnssr ant hurixal by bylaw to sign tilt nun,•. And by the ora. urer of that red town, and fix, vl•rk shell ld a poru it on Cal not five been Ieas than 35,1001." stfinet, thereto the cv,e.ratc sea, of She urWd uhs.hly• "That Ir rapid growing." 1. Dunrg( the,urmtcy of the mud debars "Yes, and there will be plenty more talc.,,stoical there ate raf.at annually "y .&.,-tat of it. Buck in 1971) nU1xm1 in '1'urutitU y nate on all rateableror ppey lar trim;mod town of ucyacrob Ilse .out of s:J•Kt7 for rhe lour d rel iced that this city %could art- the Ie1se of tciw)1ug themnwunt dun in em,'uu U2 t„wte that leas taken lace herr. "Slid lee" (lar principal and interest in re-pt"P %•ith us in Cidgary it is different• ut the amid debt. Everybody can bee that our city, ad- ;. All nrrilaey, reari%ed tram the Paid comp Rely oil wncount of laic ,old lone -hall furul vointageo volly nituated in a Vast with, after the+•,ripe thereof, Is, (leposlled 1, country, in Luted to�row. It i5 cu ri- a Pg,rcual account 111 the flank of Muratrcml at' 011e," II IIIrLYi M1'. MelailliCUdd , "how y Uodeheh. and the "tune), .trending rel IM credit (If .rleh.pc,bd meavxnt at tile. lame til a city grows. here front yemer win. mewing the total A"nual rale and nrakiug all dow I can look away acrosts Toruuto Tho coli cWr, roll ,or any )mar ,,.at be applied for miles, and yet 1 remeutl,er when it an or tlwmrd, payment of the aluount falling due In such yemr for prturltwl tad inteee,t oil sun u small place. Why. 1 know lane" act.aft of lite 0 -Ad debentures. Sand floor In this town who owned acres of land mmo"nt lit lee rattled an such year shall IN lin Spadinu and elsewhere, mold IC at reduced to tin extent of ,he mun, .o apphwl. an Ivlvance amd thought they were K. Acid for Ibe purl,+..' of further noting the r,tRlrh,hment of the Brad fat•tory, It 1, hnrehl making money. if they had held ort declared that the wood lane. to be onclltled am *cattle of therm would tscN. IN- shoring "'old mwloemge, ere► the .god factory building,. arU11 Ml DAA trying t0 tinymrd house the liberal. neacMintry. erections mild Inn.] need in connertlon with the a:rmlpr"Y. es rl"r rent." and troller buslnesa stag" Im•, and they are her, - "Ye", &I'd twenty or thirty yearn b)•, exempted arum Inflation fex.epl school hence Bray le will tie lookin tack W 1 p g tRxe"iform period of tell yea". "In"Kneing with the year 1!0M. the prtasent (knot• grgretting that they7. The. bylaw ,hall take effect on the dal of did not buy mild bold property." the anal pn,dina thereof. Air. McGillicuddy i" him younger A, The lots, of the ele,:rurs of the ,rid tow, days wms at printer find warn eulployed of O,derich ,hull tie taken oat this bylaw at told Joe on The Mail when that oeel"p way following tlinesland phumm.tnrt in W Ray: on Monday', the rich day of January. Ilea ,-- first started in 187'1. lie was n delle- morcma at the hour of little notices, it, the gate fro") the Printer*' Union, Nn. 111, inevitable, and ca tinvil"s till are o'clock In flit to the Trades Assembl in the same y nflerroun n[ he we t wo ways by mac fullowiuy deputy eetundnK ofilrrn year Witt] the Idle E. F. Clarke and J.Polling Pubdlt Wram No. 1. at Thoulpsnl Hve,. S. �\ Illlaltl-, shell the nfne•honr day anal •IwV, by ML ('. Helcher, blatancy return and Saturday half -holiday were illi ing „Meer. and Jain- Inn-, kerandkr, poll clerk I tatted. He wets alio a prominent fig- Polling,oubdi%Wells No. -,. mt w•f,l. 4bartuwn • stare in the strike of that year when I repair -hop. ICaat reel by 1Lharl- aisles ,deputy "•turning officer, and line. 5hwe rlun, warrienta were ihmued for twenty-one poll clerk. ' of the lenders, including, along with 8ubdlvt.hm No. 1, mt tnwm hall, h) W A It Mr. MC(iillienddy, the Earn E. F. Vole, deputy rcrurnimar, et. end Linn Kainx, k Clarke. M. f .. John Armstrong, now If r►erk. n A Provincial offlrial, John Cerwan, of the enmtlnre nervine, n"d others. Islt'I.lo'n xu. 4, at s, sfulbcr- ws>.ed ,loop IJohn F. IM,w., drp oly returning oMnnr, wnJ %Z, II. Ktuther.. hod r•lerk. "'Tradition ham souse%hat rxmgger•- stoblivf.lon No..),at Mr. lvauo,. -tum, by atelthe ineldent•ofthat mlrike,"maid Om I.HkKk.deputy r,tniningoah:rr•don't Mr. AluOillictilldy, when anklral about J. C. Le'rommel• pull clerk. it, *'bill 1 rent•mim•r that prraceedingm `nndh inion No. ll,. Set John (lrnphr}}. .tore, I'll,If 1.. Wel-.al, dt•pnty were inntittlteel tender an obsolete laws rr%.toof,tg utlicer• and \a m. 7bfl. poll clerk. of the reign of William Iia. littler. Stitr,li%Wan No. 7. mt tactical. Netille', house, ever, the mummified law wasput by John %v. ('rends, deputy returning oM(-er (tack in its bandage* after doing lit lie 'arae Hohmrt flit• pull clerk. halm o a. On Saturday, the till dlay, of Jannmry, Ins 1111 the Nlm)or of the amki town -hall attend at the onlarle Best After All. nvun,d chaiotau Of flit- -,sate town &I. ten neleek In the forelli un, to alepnnt pr•nsns, W A1400f the rarloli, lolling p aes cAfomuaid ad at, the WinghaTo, Der. 7. --Tile fornihlr amid-nmlndna rep or the vele, try the , ferk ,in belmOt faartnrlem isles are rationing oQ short of the perwsc+ interested Ire Saed prwnot- tinle now. Ihr hours bring 8 St. In. to Irani II"eh,,urg tlw {wa„lotg of this bylaw 5.p. m.. caused, it in send, by scarcity In The clerk of Ihr curnn'ihnf the mid town of Orders And general dullness of trade of lieclrnch ,heli attcn,l at him ogler in the in the Northwest. Numbers of people town hall at ten uulwit In the forenoon ail are returning to this vicinity now Tdoella)•, the 7ln day of htnusa')•. IskK to .lar" up lite mornbe or votes (in and as"In.t test fl'Otrl NfnniLnF•a and till Nnrlhw•emt bylaw, seeking empinyment. And inquiring for --- Datil Sat the ,•ounetl ehSantAer farms rither to tent or purrhame. ' Is s.t of the Station do, trlKlerch the They have evideoLly found that on- a .- - 1 elhdmy of Iice t-rnher. altar, afflict Its the choice Province after all. i(mr,Pli KLLIOTT, M. U, JOHNaTON, - __ i_ _. + - - Mayor.C _ lark. r- v-Y----­-"--+---+^---ssil TAKL• NUTICK Read tht' new story, That too mbo,e I, a true spy of . ppropomal . bylaw which h:., bate, taken into const doration t o T j j lic diner and which will be anally palwwrl by the eouncll of tit munleilwuty flu the ,%.ul of the mame"r 1 1 1 of the elmcton hclem obtained theretoa art er T' j of avarrc„ nnc indicates,indicates,from the fimf panllemon in The �gnR' the deal, of wklrh fir -1. %"1i `f) fhorwilay, the IJth day of Deconabrr, 111117, land tM,,l the vote- of the ehnlnr. eof also .Slid muni rummcnced in this issue. ( =it,, will betaken tin rhe day mild M abe 11 J. aur. and allocated thereto ivai U JOHNSTON,, - - - -- ""Y"aw t f I,Y:.f rm� t A,'m'•" ac` s .°^ (r, - r a�. ,. ,i ,, 1Tley oo - s y BYLAW NU. 18, li11n, or THL 1 TOWN OF GUDltltlt'H. A BYLAW TO PROVIDE FOR 1HK 111 PROVINiU AND 1•:XTXNDINO UF' THE I WATERWORKS N\'NTEM U! THK TU"'N Or OODKRICH, AND FOR BOIL 1tOWIYU HUNKY THURI(YOR. W111GakAA Int Lown of Uederieli a&% oos.onoted and for moons yalals umbintalned a waterworks siatottrin for .up{dyiner water anti heist tulhe inhabitant, of the amid tow if wild fur a ebbe poor associate. under III. lore, Inloll«of filo Iduuic) Aa•t. Axis [kK to it haw lawn found that u" ism eiunt of defer. fu lite amid system film wets ; .up died thereby to the users thereof through i the Iluperfout altmuon is h"purx•. Asia Witr.Kr.ar the will .y:%Lu laws hen planed under lite euntrul of coaunrtarlw.eric In wir,umf,rc of the pro,oWu.nof the Muuld pre \Pater Week, Art and tela, Municipal LlKhl and Heat A, t. As" wliKHkAw 11.0 said ,oin ul..iouerr base delenuiucd that it 1. wdvbwbkr to construct a atdimentmliol ba,lu for that purl•u•t of al feeling the mad water and rendering the all... pure and .ultmble fur tint. Amu 11'mxKr A. the orthuale of the ev.l of eutasl ruct len of such sallulentath.n hesln, a, I mubndtlol by tine amid cumulpwiuuerw, n-, e, Ian1U. Asti WHIC11rAa 111 enter thereto' It will is, neeesaery l I :a .no debentures of the town of Utkier`.uh Lir the sum of'i!Prtur are bereinmfl rt' pro+Med iw'hlch 4 lite wf,wu"t of the debt Intcf,ded to lar credited by the bylaw, the pro coeds of the add deben Urrw to be appliett to lb. ,add pureami gat to no other. Awe. as So Nim As the total amount ram/lulral by '*Th* Consolidated Municipal Act or ISM' lit Ise naked alnfllally by ep•elal tale during thirty year., fur myself the amid debt and intee.f, a. Ilan mum of sl5i1Sti. As"w'llrltK%w it 1. dt'.lrahle lti issue the sato AeMmluu,s lab ouV flan•, lad W ..,k. late . praw•1 rere l of the amid dealt ,lq'abie by yearl) • nus during the lrertal of thirty year., bt•hla Ihr currency of taw stood dela•ul uw tas: lk) ,eat1y aumw bring of .ueb re.gaelive IanaU11f,l.. l Ihxt the Argrgple lamounl t-.ynMr In rwrh yw.r rel Smi'.6{{a I and Interest it. rboslra,t of, - __ -- ,_ , no 1, debt -1-all be at' near)= es puwi We nal tow, uusil 1. solo' I h.• Ile -t 1,41611'.41 to" in Th.' to Ila e,ll.tld -a rAlAh!r In 004-11 of the n0l 1 1 nrl Thr dwlr of mishit Krlvl t N t'" 1) r.It•) au. or lir wlst for as I R punlleatine was .A%" w•1/l'ar Am Thr 01110UUI Ul elle %basic T hurol..y. 11.,• G'th day OF IlecwllAwr, Ill+:•.101 eelcuble, prelely Of lila town of Uoterici, that lira•caitr-u(lh.'rh,•lo,uflhe•sldd aunt I eonhng to I)s• but re, iu,t a,se -mend r.11 I'llldi" wall lr taken 1111-M, un if., disk Sand ae fits• Utlim red act..,- tJsnreul n% ed s r wl moat WL' n Ib (1 dl. Aso- all►MiA.i r amu u, of theexisting % u H\T \ debenture debt of tit" Mmnnlefllahly i, I'leck W47'sLa"..)7 'exclusive of Ineal lynplv%tme,t debt, sevred by-tmciSal arts. mfr• lar wsersr - _. .. ------_.__ . went%).whateelftko principal or interest to fit merger. THk1:Kruc: oLe wulmpdtu.l rouvie 11 of Thr oureaorai dal of Ilse town of tr,dr11, 11 ....act..• INNN fudluw s. 1. The surf, of s7funt.0c, shall 1, eat tidal by it., town of t:.derirll in eo,4r,m,lln4 a•edl mentation basil tbecfor. ntd au %.1'w, 111. i' dental theme,, Fur the purlwpse of r,abdna tele said ,nio dal--"ttirr4o the MW low., to it., wnwurd tit $; naLLlm if. all ,ball be i-omed wilhiu 1 wn ran frulrl the ata- ing tlw•h,rf, rwrh aif d,l,l'� Jr b'"turr.,l..dl tam• dwt.,l flu Ihr day of the Is,ur I Ihereuf, .al ,ball la• yam}}nhle ",I'll. Ifair) yeanl.l..."er Sat the WutY of Mes,teewl h1 the MI ewe 11 Ala c ( f: o[L•rlrh. :a. Fitch of tit' said debeutor'. -Iw11 toe + / lila sad b) the Mayow Mayor of the all town, o1 Is) slue other lana, Aorhorired by bylaw 1.. dun fte slur, most by the trec,•ltrer of few -14 J town, arse taw Arra .limit attach thereto lite 1 rorim,mte -ret of the munf,ilwlity. I. race mel drtientores,hall bear interest of it,wo// !/ Site mt. of five ILK ("entuum leer au"vin.. payable yearly at the wad Hank hr rwrh aid e, ery year durinduring the t-urlrney Thereof. " 4 g 1"e,urrener of flit small draws - turns three shell lam• rwf„d Anticosti) by .1 --Lal eetecrl all the ratawble p,iperty' In taw salla Love Iuw" "r U.I.rit'l, the .flu, .f •I:u]i fur Ihr If OU t IOVe I n I (� lounape of paying tile ldhnouitl due i, each itf Y tam the mki yields, fair rihcllwl mud Interest in' our dvtxk you get 1ew{,[el t)r t nc or W trKf. Y I n Y g R The M,ki.n of the old drlsn the shall b e t a e r results lit. c w yeefen"I lad '1laraC u{w;n the .aid waterworks and rhe holds bond roper)• ■ppwr Men who work m a k C trainingff thereto for --string t c p yu.rnf of the Bald det.enturv- te,the extent of iicrm.wl.y, .phot O - graph , horrored for IM purpose of the Aald -&ter- ""'' � and would rather low corn 7. This bylaw shall take eget; on the day of p it... flea' tw...il•ar few" &. Tdon't turn out finished plc tures. Tit, tote of the eleelon of theamid town or Oldrrich %hall be taken on thea bylaw at 11 We IOVe our work. 011e Ilse follow Ina t inn -&aid place.• these I. W say Un Mmtday. Lake Mtn day of January Ifll, dant pictures show IL It pays yo'.i rise' sing mt the hour of bloc aiClork in the fore neon and-ritinu mit' till e,,, Drlork I" the to have us take them. after„wsl of the seam, der, by the intend, Ing dam{{,ally ret ural"{e oMema.: Pollflag sat 6d ion \rx 1. me rhouYt►on lie*, w,eml.Im bF. l'.vIJek:her, d.•puty returning Fred Brophey ufg,rr. land June. Fhrn kerkiae, poll rlrrk Pcolhuf( subdis aw(ua No. � at rem. 5harnlwn - relwir ,hop, Kii .trrel•b' I hm11e. tales, drl,1 rute rclaui,lg Driver. Keo. Shaeruu. ewe lrk. 1'dling-obdisinon Nn, 7, &1 the lesson halt. ny W. A. H. t'u0, deputy returning ofacer. red Linn Knox psll eters. Pulling •tot John No, 1, at S. glM err- tI me J. Jonston w,lod -buy, by Joan F' iMfcA, de{raly' returning officer. and \ 'm, Stotbeno, poll e r Polling wul.li,,.I-. Na S, at Mrs al"allnnL- M,iee. by (;mets• 1' IM,k. del-ul{� retus"fng ollln•r. wr,.l .I, 1 . LeTitu'* toll clerk Montreal Street, Godertch 1•.11ielic tidisblah No. m. wt John Brophey'• tore, by H. L War,ci deputy returning of Next Smarts' Lavery M'cr and w'm. Tait, all Ilerk. . {'ukliug .ubdivi,lon Nu, ,, at Ilennlr Neville - huur. by John W. ('eagle• ttrpvity eel un,fna uffleer. and It.bert Tait. &well elork. IS. also gal urday, t he Illi day of January. WK tae Mayor of the wW tow So.han et tend at t be CLEANING erluncli reinstalled, of Ibete said I,,M o wit left co k l In the fon noon, lit apwanl p•rnm. to at tend At the varlou. po1hnte Alar- wfon•.wld ""d at the PRESSING final .urnming up a Ibr rotes byr, the Oerk en ho"f Ihr toms..,. Interested In and promo, Ing ,or oplwYeing the ass" -ring of this bylaw n• AND -pametiveln Ivi. 1e -rich fall att n,Au.rilnltoo- said lowe REPAIRING of Uwlt-rkh .hill eRerKl Al ills tath•O an the town hall wt tun ai',I,-•k It, the foams, of Tneeday, lite, 7th day of January. Ifo, to -an UP, be launcher of rote. fur and n,gwin.t the by Of all kinds of Ladies and Imam 11-Itr,l at tear arnrovil chardlw•r' Gentlemen'! Clothing . . 11. P. I of the town of Uoderich. the 1 I elevlanlas My of Ue,eolner. A. _ Il, for. J(Y.4ZPH JILLPITT. M. O. JOHNSTON. Mayor. (acres. _ _ Ulde)a'called fur still deliver.. l TAKIL Nfrrl('K W any part of the town. That Ihr AI—r as, it Irate mpy of w,ropoe l PRICES REASONABLE.bylaw which has been taken Into ro"-idelalbn _ _..__-._-. . Rud which will M' finally pwwd by tape cooatdl of tis, unudr•tpaloty 111 tb.• rant of the aaa ll of the el -tor, belner obtained thereto) after Ll- - --- - Something New 'ro take the placo of the Street Door f(,r Summer we have a line of Storm Doors for Winter or if you are putting till a tlhed, it saves you the time of snaking a door and comes ch eel pe r. OUR SALES OF STOVES this fall have been larger than usual, but we still keep getting them in, and at pres- ent wo,'have an assort►nent of over fifty on our floor for you to chooso from. This may seem a large number to you, but if you (doubt it come in and count them for youi°self. We also have a number of SECOND-HAND WOOD COOKS AND HEATERS AND COAL RANGES In good repair. Ir HSATi;, P'-7 M ItG. ELECTRIC LIGHT WiRING AND TiSMITHIG given) special attention. old all work frilly guaranteed. More 'Phare " CHAS. C. LEE House 'Phone r r 2 ° ~--y,s it r Jt+ , .. y..,. r t ci .4*, r,'v t� y aft .. A 0 ,gats *tA" � 1vi,�. w °s). ids'' ' a ; , t, ). :.1;. -•11 . ., .yo a .,, , ,-. ''•r ": `t. ::'1wAt� ° '' f s t " a� ,y. v x. ... so.: ...-.s; .. , 0 1'i. alt„ _ --.. .. J �._.,,�. t_._.0-- �-4. irif :,r.,_.r.. iYww, . d _ . . -- r -�� _.a . � -- - _.. - __-._ _. � - _-...r,. ...., ,. _ _ _ --�- - _.._.:tea..- -�e-. "_ _=-._;.- __ _ells_.. - - ii _ .. - �,. �'�Lmat." .., a .....:;a.aiW:.0 ..« o tar, ' �,� ,.- r I,j�r,e ,� 3aykad11lA1li�wL�-