HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-12-19, Page 122 TUCiOtbAY, I>ecomber 13, Iso; T11,E SIGNAL: GODERIC11' ONTARIC The Christmas Store We told volt last week of few of tale lines which lar have procured for the gift- giving season. \1'e will tell you of a few more this week : but we iu a'e out sixice tour Bute to give more than a slig g;estion of the•4hings we hale gathered together fur till, Christtni:s seasaito. Joi! MI/ N" voile and .ort for i1vuryt-11 And please come •as early Ikissible, as there will lie til, usual rush the last few da , before Clit6trims. We have souu� rr% a serial lin, s in hi>;h gra, .... English China, ;? o y a 1 Boulton Ware, Cut glass, Sterling Silver, etc. The Japanese Dinner Songs and English Brass goods • in Vases, Jardinieres, ell at.. new and unique. 91 tiuu•e e+l . • le, Japestry China and roman Pottery ..,yandsome Papel eries .... . Baton-Ilullbot .laid call, r first-class g.nxl, in iTill'! teas desig im gifts for gentlemen Waterman's ideal Fountain Pel Pocket Diaries for tgos rArficlrs for the se,refary Fan:y Calendars, Paper- knives, Inkstands, Paper weights. Pen -racks. Seals etc., etc. G. B. D. Pipes :uud other article.: for tilt ;;code man who smokes. .For Xy Xady Mirrors, Yea Trays, Dress- ing Cases, Pomade Boxes, Manicure Sets, Vuua1 grettes, Card Cases, Fan. y Scissors. Purses, Brushes ofd titan% other,lawlit And stop fill 'pings. Christmas Cards and Booklets Calendars for tooll ,Books ALL THE NEW BOOKS The lounger Stet . . $1-25 l,v Rolert 'R'. Chain), Tic fruit of the .Tree . $ 1.25 i% Edith Whartoo. ['he Wea%vrs . . $1.50 by Colbert Parker. `.etau Fa iderwrm . $1.25 by Ilallie i:unto t. Rives. �t.lode's . . x+1.25 fly fall MACI,tircu. I ile shuttle . . . $1.50 by Frances llo olgsun ihrnctt. Rosalind at RV 1 little . 31.25 Its- Meredith Nicholson. I'hc Liou'x Share . . , A1.25 by (lcta'e Thanct. file i atrn at shanty Ila% 111 .00 by Rev. R. ii, kiiii irN. i''1'e Broken -Road . . $1.25 by A, F.. W. Mafou. i'rnphet in. Itahti,," , . $ 1.2.5 h% J. toes llewstin. I.+ght•fengtered Grntry 1.25 Ili- David Grmh iii Phillip,. ,)4nnuals.... soy's (Iwo, Girl", (limit c hufam, Chatterlm,x, TIS Snetday at Ionone, ell. Presentation hook% in inlmt'ms, ,:,rict%. .1sk to Nee Collins' lllus- frAfed P&Aef Classics, in lentil," rovers and gilt edi em, 75e enrol s1.0, and the Cissell series :.I .W sold 25e. The popular author, tit thcw. editinns. Never was tiler, %uch vahle in l,rwAs at the prier,. Bibles, -#{ymn Books, Prayer Books I %i IN lhnug ,n )mlsiks :d lilt' ngtiti Geo. Porter Comoro Honer %pl uarr, I'hune ios, twill Rllll [R.,r7 .e,,T[IlE M:HApH CO VY 8101/T MY UeaN►MWNON •w Yltlo•�w She N"alted uutll tier hu"band CWSWSChef turned Crum the will boo; naldtug. Bays the chef will be u) at 1 Diels L stoup, Julia. Now' I'll go downtown and order the cbridtmas trimmings D, Dib V! -t !'RA("y slid things." sY AMI Pee.Ate Z,11 HUY.Ct I1 rn e.e,mllwlft a Ile '-Teweoleopt(—Cat I,vak at the plave whir• air moos Aa, been. This ills gets green and sillily, The la bud pushes up, arrl its a few weekN anunulislukuble tNi;f of ntixtlrhic Is visible, %ith a stem and a long leaf or >y �t0>ti+lVJ ,LOVE. tea After thin oily mi.Uo•6s• couoe•d rnpid- Al 1 o'clenk sharp a cab rolled up to ph a rnmg. She went to the tele l,•up)right. I9u7, by Robertus Luw.I ly Into lid kingdom orad taken posses- fcop, right. VA)7, b)" v. N I.urle I I the door, and -A girl allghlei. 3,Ine. Pilo hareclf. D"you Rulsfurd's countenance fell a little "11' nt'a tint you say? Can't con)* IiF.\ you step under the sprig rind. 'file chute observer will see other get one, .lo1'u:P' AnXMdSMiStdke - of lalYllrbk! lunging trues little aNt'll{nga Dull prnkx along til,• \Its. Itutsfonl spoke eager• but dyne :In the girl oij utd the ;ate Why, nt'a two bull. But you will he • 1y. almost hy,lerlcully. and trent toward the side entrance. It here to borrow, of cuurile? What? — (it,- chandelier to get your brnmch, file that ecus tot file uJntle was the (•her, thou gh but a Irl, and \VIII roue note? Ter. Well, come as D PItAJyA B. SWEET. ('brlNtwas kias you lady out l.r hurimy frncclel under the bark to "Yes: I sent her round to 6 F r tee partlen.arly Inte•r•a1tYl ht titre ge•u- , sprout up In fresh placed. , Thus It the kitchen eutruuce." early I y u cpn." tritelw aloe I `+ �n hour later the note caule. airs. 4 of the imrntlar 111th yc,artable R utlfl wnnrtBnr* tills elute "Call Nile c,x,►';" , tree is lu Its tatee*"ion, line bunch,•, "She Is neat and len oh,- h",king•" Botsford read It with n perplexed face, [Copyright. NICHOLAS 1L by Frank N. Sweet.] growl if which /'lipid wr•tud lu Dote ape I Ik Ur. Botsford temporized drfenslcely thou par"el it to brr�humbamd. T. NICMOLAs esu resting teroprfuted fur Tits uw"n. Nrtcrmhrlt•I,s I of the Christmas hango•rgrowlmgabun• "Site says mile can (fu every knud of •'I dldu't know she spellell Iter came From his Christmas work at lasts the process of wlsUela• pnklucliuu and Jan11y. ! 1 that way, •lobe," she wit SThe gif*s had all been given, reproduction is highly lutere•xfing. Jt'be•n once the uil,ltletoe lakes Is..- houselar." irk from up garret to down cel. t 1, "Gough of The hgfidays were past, In tkerue parts of Euulaud, where lse•Nslon oil u fruit tree the eRe t upon Ina" 1. course lye octet sntc it Ila•IleYl out. I � +jr�, And, dotting in his armohair, most tit the mlatlettre of t'brixtwar the troll W guile nollrrablc. The eats• "fiat can she cook-faney,dines, i s'so I'm afraid she's not to Nell orducateel I With his eat upon his know tk•hr takes Its monrlxluu• tot few the no we thought And of course a layer's 1 pO menu. "She isn't a{wnya reliable. Poor., The good saint smoked his honest pipe says that ,lie Sall ,mite A rr ni- 1 I .. , .� Edwpu Edwprd:" And took his honest eau. talion at hum•• for Plato. ,thole%.rear r,x.kiug6 null she Is willing h, learn.1 i / I kir. Botsford ueklded agilely stool But something roused him quickly. a opened the note, yt'bfe•il ren\'�',Tuie.y He started from his pat. told her what you wanted." i sllic kind, lak{ug Its musteunuco not A soldier bold, a maiden fair, �Ir*.,lLddoi'd dr.,pped uio,tn a'af(tul. ' ! ! Alar )1 r. null Urs. t:utsf Were kneeling at his feet. g i ! , her eyes tilling ;^ s cannot come arcordim: to Imperative summons .•lm. whe "st Nicholas." the maiden cried, "Oh. John," she eJavuhileL" "II'N 11 t'.i `le P I you tomorrow. Faithfuln,�et"Behold my fearful plight:,_.„.-, - o'chm•k it ew. pull Cousin 1Atvard'a flan• P � � M, L911 These wounds have been inflicted erre 14 cumin¢ At :1 o vloo k tet %tare until 1 I "Rather abrupt for good since that dreadful, dreadful night Saturday; nil.[ she and Edwarl and tr iti" queried ale. Botsford. When you left me in the stocking sole of her people will Im• here for mlght masquerade allu,rst any lalfbu• Of a being I dare not name." 4111111111111.11, diduer b.owrim"'. and yon niily that's foreign, but neper wind; she Pau -sod. The soldier raised his know 1 how• me%eralien lilt- girl or Any Julia. \\'e must Ir as ubr to lief as voce Ior theitl. fit',•. Ilio "t h:1%e 1hing4 ni,•p.„f..' vie call for Edilarli's salie.” And {aid: "I blush with shame The girl's worth a clear million In her } 1h At p o'clock that night After the To stand before your sa,ntship owqu'right. till. John. why need our t � palius au -1 mistletoe nod holly had In the dress you now behold. r,m)k get slek at such a time nud"— 0been arraigel Sarah suddenly burst But the way I have been treated Mrs. Uot%ford was Iw•,•om n" In. -her- upon them with face full of conslerua- Makes my wry blood run cold. j ent, Not John noolde•d romprehenditnMi thin. live been nursed and k seed and cod - i "ittrt what else could I do., Their'% "The chef:" she gasped. "She's gone Bled; ter ;n wldch It clings. That Is oho w(fI In w hkh Ila r,metm live and thrive. Xaturally olds reelucrm the nmonnt of sul,slnnt•u which formerly went loin file fruit. If the capture tie an apple tree, the apple',! Iwe•ontr minall toll scraggly. The liilslleloe Sal stolen ninny their aweetne"m and plumpness. Man greevx by what he feeds on. So d.m•% mistletoe. And not the pork eating au vlsits the penally of death upon tilllr pig No (fora flip penally of wither - Ing And noeuring fall upon, the apple whose progenitor feeds the spronding p.ara,{le. ' Nature Is full of wooden, eud the growth of mi@Uetoe Is one of ' the most wonderful when adequately "1111,114,41. 1111%lle•top grows naturally In parts of England and Scotland, bring proin• gated by birds. LI some of the nortb- a corner on servants, eslw%•inlly rookm, l. -left entirely: i was at the range. I've been rocked and sung to sleep. ern counlli•x of Scutland no mistletoe at 11114-4-:19011.The only muggrston of watchln' the UtrL'ry, nitiambe 8t1181P8 C•BCAURD Ov A DUA..NCU. collie in _ Is found.. 'fills 1n believed to D(! din tine Ix'xlales Sarah wns n ten dollar a -lilt her hat oto An' mall th.tt e%firy ns--� time conics front, the gardeners prop• to the absence of the missile thrush day chef who connueorr•m nn a revilar thing was ready, w, i could attend to It f _ "1 agate the parasite artificially. 14I1stle- job Monday. Of cotirsq you duu't "What's the matter, Julia," her hum- a s o 1 u a bull'•h w`7� bow, An she left this note for ye." t Itt-moma drew• t:i.• %tralmlrt through the � •<J'+• ' tut, as Is well known, Is of the para - want :1 chef for two daytl:" ,the kitelicn, and Sarah will show you j 1 "But why did she go Y' gasped Mrs. ist ls flip girl smiled. 'noiddovl null canlc for- sllic kind, lak{ug Its musteunuco not Mrs. Itm-rwrd sprang to her feet, her C -016 Botsford. "I thought"— y %a "i not very glad to lenrn," Mid the from the gruuud, but from n tree. The fare ,id.lenly radiant. wnrol Mrs. Botsford mimnst raoght her ` �_ / •'she said everything was all reads," I s . j. apple tree crews to lee Its favorite. "The very thing:" she criell. "Ile,. from those The thrush of , , .. �✓ Sarah relented stolidly, "fin' that 1 I �" „- In her arms. "Oh, buy .drnr," mite mel, without I though the hawthnru, the little and the can do the art work and your cook the MARGUERITE LE:Qoyt. ( (•Quid ntteud to it now. There," ds a counties. IhIY name is exceedingly fond of the e poplar frellueuty carry the parnmite. I "Now %or MAT LBAYN ME IN CHABOL" e•letr car tinkle mounded outmide; "that's mn.• ,mil ries• re + it \ . The scientific inoculation of trri-% toward the e brxncil of the tree. appears. file filet of her coming In a cab slid be her ear mturtin' now. Site sold she . � k^—" ,Ir is t,earraoixem;nt of *none of ilwitiovernroent of the day. ;'Arliament ( t work f llmiw•m h lot, I with the mlmlletre growth istj,rnh• clel I r,tnkinx and harp laken a Mt of courprn lug well dressed ens significant of $14 wanted to cutch Ilio t) /ichwk." i the door, to her surprise. the chef the hind files to another tree. Being 111th excellent results In the north of A day. Mrs. Botsford opened the note with I until rnlry lip%'.' When all was in a whirl, Eugland. The gardener takes between •i Mr. Johnson- t',.' de i awd. Nils Mrs. Botsford •lid uud wait for Ilio• irenllding fin er%. As she rend she yon ore In five," mhe, smiled, "I think sa Jilrkxlug.:1h Jm tt eouldu' rrpFst claim" In' de privilege when Ah'seen dat mis This eotdier to a girl." ( him thumb And forefinger Inc of lite j<• I `Ne•ond gill to answer the bell. but hair• frowned• looked nmrtifiel. 1'aughel ear In charge, I -•111 do the 1Mat I tletop. little lw•rrkes of the inisilebM,.cntshes ran. I riel to life mile rutramrn. The om•ca., null finally pa%wed Ate note to lter hms- Botsford teal to the draw• talkin' 'Bout? All shall be well Again. It No that its sticky Jul,'e ormem out awl Ing rand, rubbing her forchend g bing ? slon was tor, moulentoum for ceremony. I,build. -lilt phin{ug eyes. ••She's till thoughtfully. I dr shelf right 'Ipn"c yo'. hennliful bald. Film' I•'lln-11111'• I.t' n #hot - 1, t When you aro well and strong, stirLs It upon the oirliwe of a brawl and were. not. made by the Govern •' Its exi"t:mce to blind and unreamoning An mhe threw open the door the girl right," wan her only committal. The rxion, will not als(fish itself, and The Semite. in -trim of IrioK a cheek , mlent, two of the atrnlgrmt objections imitation. of the tree. Usually h,• w•le,'is a yonilg view to certain changes In the ronsti- could offer :t mtout rexistanre to tiny vias 1'cuding over a fine clutup of Irate note read; thin to aA and plays it without wry tul.l'n 'if the He t and d tt•xlimfetice.IrlrAYmam potting tfluttlt out broneb, on which flip lark fm soft and (,it-it soit•mninrht oft ekindtice st-"Y1'11^t are y•)tl writ- clue":utthrmums that were mmilitig Iyenr Mrs. It,•Lrord -You really must therr therpOovernmrot,Mer ex^etlynflcience where tine woohl F be easily I rrWtrable. If nn older branch •dice^*t^ a ffrct." Thit s loves oily r es shortrnrd fern, of mrryir/• int future Ne•ualo,a* ^n t-xlr inion to other kind. hs a mrcun T rhanllk•r of mnnlp kind, r. Nclotvlr'm daringly into the very teeth of winter. ferelic me. 1 find an errand downtown I whet The Anstroliwn Star, Midnev- it aolhorilir" than lee t•homen, the bark is Alightly %cral,el the advanlwRt- of having of ti few thlORA that, have nu► de An Ili- N. al. W., way- 0 1 Ileo. F. tilt- (resent o IP of i Power to fill yitcwmcie•s in the :senate Mrs. Buufnrd's hrnrt ttnnued luN'Jrd and Sw, w,nM1 at .our houmc lilt dour id,iii,that f Carli,•i' than 1 Intrl• thinkinortil a� oilthe murfnce. The Iaerry la mamhpd Oltghl nut to Aplk)iuts d by the Fees Ikssil inns in the civil on -vice edit list• nee, in two sections? It dorm not i on 1 shan't forltet them." cember lath. ' her In"luutly. A grill who could lw•nd would stop th eawbilp, mud then per. - � fint nnULYt the bark. The mtel %•(1{1'11 F over flowers with tiiat look nam not nn haps you :,nil -1 would do We errand tea- so -thee A siaht of lour lovely chrvsan- It containm is thus held Its place by IN , cleanly, it uses the branch of the tree upon which 1t alights for a napkin, wiping its sticky bill thereon. Fell- goently a mWictoe need is thus do- itosited and glued to the bark. Then the reproductive process follows nat- urally. An omclal lnqulry as to whether mistletoe is still to be found on oak trees, as in Druidical days, resulted in We discovery of several oaks in one county of England benring the para after But modern mistletoe has cola t !e Cupldleal rather than Druldiral. When the mistletoe, and the mlNs, pill' the mister, get 1n Ute proper posltiOD11 the result rhymes with Man. Willy's Hot Christmas. "Well, Willy," said Uncle Ned, wit() sometimes talked slangy, "I supDese beets use.l fItsy rerythlns m' �. IIchef "What's the matter, Julia," her hum- a s o 1 u a bull'•h 1 will pilot you in the steekings onlinary workman, but tin artist. Am t Itt-moma drew• t:i.• %tralmlrt through the � •<J'+• ' band axked-"nnother headache'.," of n gull,. ,the kitelicn, and Sarah will show you lsilllsned Nlth the tumult. Sarah and the ••p slid say I did," replied tptlly. I ist ls flip girl smiled. 'noiddovl null canlc for- the Pide entrance. Thea loll I t "I wondor where r.,y soldier iso" C n NnRgo•mtlou, fur 1 mer yon ore Iw•rfM•I• Ltilc April or \Inv la the prolw•r sea- I TWIG AND YIBST BCD SUVATI110. "i not very glad to lenrn," Mid the It enpable. Only du make 1t just As-- p t I wnrol Mrs. Botsford mimnst raoght her ni.: to ••M•nwi Uo• do"r. and wimp way we drinrd y f. �' t soft for Ima•ula(hig. The seed skin from those The thrush of in•nnx Is Accustomed to everything, 4 1 i y 1 In her arms. "Oh, buy .drnr," mite mel, without Into tho kitchen I. -Corn L Tulle ritoi what 1 was duing. Then your strafts I and n remert rams of former mom hes t /} MARGUERITE LE:Qoyt. ( "nos through Ilse hark a little ••feeler" or root, and a small two g R. lietldin In counties. IhIY name is exceedingly fond of the burned no I had t' stay In bed all day. lso much and to please Edward." I Riving tilt: chef Au oplaeruondty tip 1 p r,mmpir••d to do the re"t. t rrwur do lo mn.• ,mil ries• re + it \ . She had lo(rn hurrying the chef toward the e brxncil of the tree. appears. mistletoe berry. After eating ltA fill �kolsh the Senate. ,Ir is t,earraoixem;nt of *none of ilwitiovernroent of the day. ;'Arliament ( t work f llmiw•m h lot, I tllrmigh lite hall fit the kitchen. At lslrrnk, "you don't know ileac glad i aro I r,tnkinx and harp laken a Mt of courprn Toronto star. lite two , ohl ,t representative entative rawly, mind ^ I the door, to her surprise. the chef the hind files to another tree. Being cleanly, it uses the branch of the tree upon which 1t alights for a napkin, wiping its sticky bill thereon. Fell- goently a mWictoe need is thus do- itosited and glued to the bark. Then the reproductive process follows nat- urally. An omclal lnqulry as to whether mistletoe is still to be found on oak trees, as in Druidical days, resulted in We discovery of several oaks in one county of England benring the para after But modern mistletoe has cola t !e Cupldleal rather than Druldiral. When the mistletoe, and the mlNs, pill' the mister, get 1n Ute proper posltiOD11 the result rhymes with Man. Willy's Hot Christmas. "Well, Willy," said Uncle Ned, wit() sometimes talked slangy, "I supDese beets use.l fItsy rerythlns m' �. IIchef "What's the matter, Julia," her hum- a s o 1 u a bull'•h 1 will pilot you in the steekings to Nee you: i will take tion right Into 1 fu *peril things. 1 think 1 have exrelled myself tills ome nn.l 1whcye you will be Is hr. Isn't he, John'.-" band axked-"nnother headache'.," ~lyse ,the kitelicn, and Sarah will show you lsilllsned Nlth the tumult. Sarah and the ••p slid say I did," replied tptlly. I yrs. I snplrot a ro. 1'11:+1 1,.•s where eyrrylhing is. 1 shall ntot make srcr•nd itirl con nwname the read very t "I wondor where r.,y soldier iso" e"' ``• "�- n NnRgo•mtlou, fur 1 mer yon ore Iw•rfM•I• nle•ly. 1 aha❑ do my errand noir and A SOLDIER 11101,1), A rtAtpa!r PAIR, was■ "i not very glad to lenrn," Mid the It enpable. Only du make 1t just As-- wilt Play Willi My aunt at the Marl. i [YRF.Lt3m AT nes rrtrr. top ns (•otiupreheush'e as yon nun. MINS borough tonight. It will he mor! con - vrnlent. You mmy expert uN Quire early Oh, were 1 net a soldier still It thk rare only 11Ibiil a chef IJltrt' Christmas holidays v; lilt hr ,'•that yon through the cooking. She hon an art• If in•nnx Is Accustomed to everything, tomorrow•tnornlna. I'"Ningly. I'd almost lista to wells" 1%t mnul, John. i Now It In her eyes." are on gowml termor wlth 11i.:Smlley for t I and and I wont to make her like me MARGUERITE LE:Qoyt. ( "Ah;' mused. the good at. Nicholas, Ord searched Loth far and near, knows flint After a time lite branch burned no I had t' stay In bed all day. lso much and to please Edward." , "1 think I snderttand," en' then paw licked me for glttln' m1 mn.• ,mil ries• re + it \ . She had lo(rn hurrying the chef In the Kitchen. And he smiled a merry little smile �kolsh the Senate. ,Ir is t,earraoixem;nt of *none of ilwitiovernroent of the day. ;'Arliament ( t work f llmiw•m h lot, I tllrmigh lite hall fit the kitchen. At Mism FUR (the vomit- tin 'loug, now, I And eougl--d behind Ilio hand. Toronto star. lite two , ohl ,t representative entative rawly, mind ^ I the door, to her surprise. the chef Mimtah Johnming! flow' dare 3,)'kips "Twas on that busy Christman eve, �„ res."" n II ht kisx a i g pun her fomhpad. until rnlry lip%'.' When all was in a whirl, Mi: Miller, M. 1'. for North limy, �•1 "If you tin- as nice to \Iisls I,enor its Mr. Johnson- t',.' de i awd. Nils This doll was given to A boy, inoprove the quality of flip form- yon ore In five," mhe, smiled, "I think sa Jilrkxlug.:1h Jm tt eouldu' rrpFst claim" In' de privilege when Ah'seen dat mis This eotdier to a girl." chlunitrr, if it is In Ila• of any i slur, I she will like )-oil. Now yon may leave herrhip. The Britf*h ,iome,, of Laub And then aloud he gravely said: for tilt- almdition rsf the Melanie. Mt•. ear In charge, I -•111 do the 1Mat I tletop. "1 gnaw to r_e your pain, ran. Miss lifts -What tnlstletoe yo' nil eat it you , any w eh me . year "cur orr.L's woRTu A rLrwr. srn,Lto!r." Botsford teal to the draw• talkin' 'Bout? All shall be well Again. plain (fIYhrs. ,t chef will Ire No a,t Ing rand, rubbing her forchend g bing Mr. Johnson-W'y, dat hnngro' ram m Next Christmas eve, my ehildron, rhlc, and, you knniy Mims ler00% has thoughtfully. I dr shelf right 'Ipn"c yo'. hennliful bald. Film' I•'lln-11111'• I.t' n #hot - 1, t When you aro well and strong, cleanly, it uses the branch of the tree upon which 1t alights for a napkin, wiping its sticky bill thereon. Fell- goently a mWictoe need is thus do- itosited and glued to the bark. Then the reproductive process follows nat- urally. An omclal lnqulry as to whether mistletoe is still to be found on oak trees, as in Druidical days, resulted in We discovery of several oaks in one county of England benring the para after But modern mistletoe has cola t !e Cupldleal rather than Druldiral. When the mistletoe, and the mlNs, pill' the mister, get 1n Ute proper posltiOD11 the result rhymes with Man. Willy's Hot Christmas. "Well, Willy," said Uncle Ned, wit() sometimes talked slangy, "I supDese beets use.l fItsy rerythlns m' �. IIchef "What's the matter, Julia," her hum- a s o 1 u a bull'•h 1 will pilot you in the steekings you had a hot time on Chtistmea." Is hr. Isn't he, John'.-" band axked-"nnother headache'.," o' spinach: Where you rtclly do belong" awel.Lr) 11RAro n AND TwIO. ••p slid say I did," replied tptlly. I yrs. I snplrot a ro. 1'11:+1 1,.•s •'N too," doubtfully;,"that's where the I " For the Present. t "I wondor where r.,y soldier iso" Aflrr n considerable period this twig, "flan Claus filled my socks so full b nlwat% ImY•a 'lit Iwl ,;rxaioa. Ihoagil 1 � I 1„11'1 'mnl;pory the:•e IN any hay About cnpf klNtkYl me. 1 never had n girl kl%s me nm soon lx fore. Bort 1 dont "i not very glad to lenrn," Mid the Cried gentle little Moll, g which looks like a amall finhhook sticking In the tree from the top of that they fell down Into til' fireplace ketched first, I up t' girt filling Ihp p,wltlnn. The mnnnRtr earn If only mhe dlffusem her Artist soul Iflrl friend who had come to spend the And oaby, gazing round him, sobbed, lip honk, fnllm off. The unlultlatarl "\there am• on an' got tiler u the that was lett as' It thk rare only 11Ibiil a chef IJltrt' Christmas holidays v; lilt hr ,'•that yon through the cooking. She hon an art• If is my baby dell?" thdnks It In all over, but the a:Berl• f p found paw them trydn' t' do til' ,ams re tem -owed 1 r Iml for two days." 1%t mnul, John. i Now It In her eyes." are on gowml termor wlth 11i.:Smlley for out, !'lough tile/ hunted high and low enced gnniettrr known llplter. 110 thing, en' 1 got m' hands tin' firms -we11, I:':, n mn u' or r•fmrre N..,c, the present." AI a o'clnr•k lshe wait ngtlln nt the "Yes " Ord searched Loth far and near, knows flint After a time lite branch burned no I had t' stay In bed all day. tarry M Ill.- Ir11•;r'In' p, dense, I efore 1 Mpllyd \d 1%m .�11(fr.aet', "J stmt N indnw, int there was nn carriage In Tlc maid. n and the solder held will lw•gin to swell At dile point of lu- 1 en' then paw licked me for glttln' m1 mn.• ,mil ries• re + it \ . for the preseut, y"ou know." dRhf. Two minnow later the tNw oculnllon, a Wer, seen ro more that )ear. gradually rising to a little ao early on Chrls'mua morntn':' �kolsh the Senate. ,Ir is t,earraoixem;nt of *none of ilwitiovernroent of the day. ;'Arliament ( t work f llmiw•m h lot, I comp .re.l with an appuiuLfnent which it !]_,,1111 facilitate the trnnoscllon of hominem". ( -lie is till ideal lecturer, for his Toronto star. lite two , ohl ,t representative entative rawly, mind ^ I rArrle. with fol' life ah l It doles not Rieke Parliament more it, till'1!a Iirt- 1.111elitllnlllt-film Of the I 111 making! rrronuno•ndatinns in regtanl Senate appointed by the exeeotive clan (I11tit-s of n n i;i0nal character•. repromentative in character. It d(kM Frill of ^tier• Mi: Miller, M. 1'. for North limy, ors Ili~ And ol.her ehangea vilruhltel lay not claim to that title. A ls(-rand Wh"It- flip selection in nlnde, ns it 'not inoprove the quality of flip form- most charuuing kind. I lisp given nal ire of it remr(fution calling to place the Senate in ,r-(k,*ilinn of in• chlunitrr, if it is In Ila• of any i slur, I umn;tlly is; from the llmt*c of Com- herrhip. The Britf*h ,iome,, of Laub dote, humor wit, hp keel" hit humor m for tilt- almdition rsf the Melanie. Mt•. creamed tiarfolneem nod lir inrretitd re. mixt hr w cheek Itllon the donnntnl "inns, flip tendency itiust Irr to Tin- land nwra ita existence to eb sm distinctiona, hearers in n napery in(o d frit)", the heMcIntyre. Ill. 1'. for Mouth Perth, would lot- matiNlled with w teems radical misommibilit.y to the people." The only lament for p rly in lite Ilnuwe of Coma tms. The Menwte• is ilselr by file head pair the inoh•penderive of 1'.Irli^mant. If to the old idea of rel re,entat'on inning to the en(i of him lecture, Ile fn,m nrg m-ferr•i•ig nppointei the appoinlmt-nla were not for life, of classiest. The CAnadiAn Menati, novels i*wlm,i full of pinthow/, which route" ::sea 'rt-, 111+ 1w"rs A ronferentw of dt,ntitors Cnnunnnpr. n•tori o to abolition is it, LlIs- wilmote of Ilie 'doolinnnl part. and were. not. made by the Govern •' Its exi"t:mce to blind and unreamoning the plain, minsple mttriem he hem to tell, an, with w rxion, will not als(fish itself, and The Semite. in -trim of IrioK a cheek , mlent, two of the atrnlgrmt objections imitation. I,ikp All Rrl•^t mis•skerc, he has mom" view to certain changes In the ronsti- could offer :t mtout rexistanre to tiny upon the tiovernment, is w IIMAns of would Ila• rentovt-ll. Blit the nee smify thin to aA and plays it without wry tul.l'n 'if the He t and d tt•xlimfetice.IrlrAYmam potting tfluttlt out And of (,it-it soit•mninrht oft ekindtice st-"Y1'11^t are y•)tl writ- nitelnpl w1 which An aRe limit loer tirpnMn^ therr therpOovernmrot,Mer ex^etlynflcience where tine woohl F be Iner g down?Itr R •dice^*t^ a ffrct." Thit s loves oily r es shortrnrd fern, of mrryir/• int future Ne•ualo,a* ^n t-xlr inion to other kind. hs a mrcun T rhanllk•r of mnnlp kind, r. Nclotvlr'm uuiht not to le inrrewmed. 11 im w MIRe to the prove,! I tf0clmd Tourist "1'm making a first(- Wh,ll is I whet The Anstroliwn Star, Midnev- it aolhorilir" than •111 pmpnsnlp son• im wild ne,elle"s Addition patronaRr the advanlwRt- of having of ti few thlORA that, have nu► de An Ili- N. al. W., way- 0 1 Ileo. F. tilt- (resent o IP of i Power to fill yitcwmcie•s in the :senate the rigfht linea. I ill second chautlw•r At the di%Ikmutl of the Government. In' i'Arliouoent meriting and fining Ira"i• , delflrie imprrnsk)n ulloon my locowry. Young, who Ivetures in (i(Islerich (1,:• I ;1 Oltghl nut to Aplk)iuts d by the Fees Ikssil inns in the civil on -vice edit list• nee, in two sections? It dorm not i on 1 shan't forltet them." cember lath. '