The Signal, 1907-12-19, Page 5THE' SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO TTT 7 t �.i� R the rear of the bled Il Peelle into whteh 1 h t I , 1 t 1 the conditions--nninvh I • Y 'tF Y 'F 1� 'YF 'F Il� `1w no per, cowl folio . 1 III ex w whir L lnomdsi up before me, ahuuer,,l - "''If. UI till, 11nlddle of file 1"041 and dark, )est us i had prevail beyond u keon'Iiug Itridget, her wuaJular u doubt that the curious sucking souud I'ared to the e;!x,%, s, it pokeF Int %rhk•h ammo at every step cam, front luted gild m bons htudled hmuuu water luskte rather than outskie these the other. I'veriug Over tier oho Goota. i was Belly. 1111.90 tycrl 1111,1 trrwl ole pretty reception this to 9lve :tit tint uudenlabll wOrtliy or the 119 Invited guest," I muttered wrathfully. I. encoud"uta on her geKKb looks. thinking of Harold, well groomed. dry I shut the dour, hnekod up uq atilt comfortable, by this time In May. I It wid renoi%od the dOrb,y from vole and"�perish the thought-takink l head r,sle, truny. %, hereupon Built dinner, 1t Might le, %%lilt the Lays! 'severe face refused, unit Ilo!ty, Jerking the gate open -with uItneces- turiug front her refuge, dewanded sary vigor. I sought the kitchen by I c•rexfeuUnls. way of the tack walk and an Invisible "The letter yuu promised to Io wire clothesline. This Instrument of Fee." "M• faltered. wutilatlo I took me on the Ioiut of the I I.ayln;: the derby til the floor Ile + Lite. When I had righted myself anti thlrly-Ilve foot s• all more for les 1 chin, knocking my teeth shut before I could remove wy tongue to I pines ,r [t the muLn•lla. I begat n prolis w•ar•11 under t)ie susplrfon. w•ru "Weill. I'll be 1 need" I ejacnlated in exaaplrat}en. *it Iwims to soft ye WtPr in be Llosped.' come a voles teem the dnt'r- rraF. wlfety, T disoovrtM tho station racteitnm shedding the light of his irrinninnc nf- ertanre an my Ilioo ". .last those, hessalhA by a ttrarherviws !till to the •term, I removed my aneber. Int band fmm my hat and raised my n "brolla, aflfl strontafng a7 •yet Up aha read. ••Where to th�derr- I bolo- 9111 - r 9111- bat got an tow tiling. Down fwenp- M the wfad sed, TAM an er�nffant k"wt f— m7 neaaabsesvl Mt fro -A" IDT �ABilif MOS&4 WMC[ � filet*[ beset by Its man} di cat (I ns e e encountered Bunyan's Christian. in that wind MY Anent umbrella acted like Ill, anti to a rudderless ship. It tell - pled me Into a mndhole one moment and tumbled me over n projecting clone the next, the ballasting boots be - Ina lit nn time nble to krep in line ,,till my head. Moreover, i dimenrereel presently that the statement concern. mII the tun acre Int was pure fiction. I the nmhrslla ermtsining as many holes as the agent's conecfroev. ,tiro T discovered nrter a hair hour's tramp that the fines did newt contain a "Mt of llghtm." There was only (me visible sad tbal but n faint clow' to on your donor - "Whist me, darthn'," came in a stage whisper, "sure, and It's dootful If he's got 1nny:" I strangled a laugh as the other fin• hbett bravely -"on your on that ",a'll go away quietly If you are not Urs. Smith's cousin." "I promise.' i replied ennfl,h•ntly. The bolt ons alipl,ed bm k the dans efeenrll, IIIA I, rotting 1113 Iola,• umhr•I- H. sfr! lied Inatde, the tend dripping frnm my cont tint] a drop of bloesl (till. Ing from lily scraped chin. I certAnl,v presented a %%range ape t*tfsWe. bat no stnnrrr thmu the Re . i hunched down enmforinbly In hfy chnir nud spread my hnndm over the hot store. ""lit ane %%nrd more nntll niorninq,•• i derinrrxl artily. "In the morning T'il tell yon." Bridget nnti tufty retired to n car ner tint] rnnenlied, llridcrt's fnrr till Ing turned In my directlon "till. Ilmg merits of the conNnslon reached mr "The born -sleigh roles -till they coin, Lome" -- it was Betty who expinined the con neet11in Between these incnhert'nt rte marks. and it wmm evidonliv Itrtt}. win had pertuade,l Bridget In finrbeIr me on the prrtnineA If i woolil ■ubm}t to TnUICIDAY, Daccmb!r 19, I907 , lily • , , Ill , I ate,- ,;lood cu goods %%lilt her rand Bridget. ho -lake nrms myself to the barn, desist uhlle them uln,, trout suuikinit uud I+e quiet until air", HOLIDAY � L I D � Y � I F T .1• h, Smith should return and Mluat tole to tiller the hour, for not, aK site wished. ,11112. "If." ar Bridget Vriwly added. "yo alit"' ain't legged It ululllty�,Jnile low"ay AT THOMSON'S MUSIC STORE Ihluklu' ur th' priauu bars:'• eraaiar:ar.� allwt 1 had ;rive', illy promise; therefore I ° toy submitted and autbl 1 forth lit slap s ,�,. v�-_-,:...- f` 1 Y_ou can't hang a ;;VI '4 -plug rlipher and patent leather KLIte, _ cen while behind we came Bridget. full,' PIANO on _ Illy armed, and beside her Betty .huldlug your the lantern, witich curt Iny Khadow• !m- t us Inclose anti grotesque, with the old der- Christmas T r e e by treating witty ears and the agent's I` BELL ::Ido raincoat flupplug nbout wu. .%t the or put One in your •, w .. i _ - tgcd just woweut Betty had allowed we the ^ Stocking, but it til• prolet•Uun of the agent's umbrella. "ru +� i vett lung its it la his %vun t one,". oho ea• h 1 spas• plaited to Bridget. Iti'ould In a k e a In Betty unlocked the . burn door nud, r a rolling It back, painted to u sleigh Just Very acceptable Inside the dour. ••'Ther% are rules Im 14" gift a// the same.• ' - cue• lbu sk•iCh," she Said. "aO you needn't a i f freeze," Then she cu we qulte clean 1 c, f aud apuke low, "And 1 hopxr you're But ' Illy a thief and will W here lu the muru- 111 Illtisic We` have a se'le'ct llile of °er Ina ' Pianos, Orga,gs, Edison Phonographs, "My mortal ft:1mO will centaiuly be P • ten• here," 1 aubwered solemnly, 411tuhing Violins, !guitars, ,,4CCOrdlOnS, i�armOR- OIl Into lite front scut of the er r, -but + icas. Sheet Xusic and asiC whether k will lxi 1B a limier for solid- /•p �001(S. kel Itied condition out)* the utoriniug 1% ill I - reveal." In `.%%ink Jla�hinr�,tltf fill rrliahl% :1n%I ling triol at 1 ' The dour was rolled back again. and �� Int I was left In darkuess to wrup myself "White, "jYew Williams" and `c/?ay- ue Ila best 1 could la the for rule. Int• M0,74, all good and anyone a useful gift. dry der whose vnurmW 1 htugbrsl at the � y tale uupleusaultlese. Finally 1 dozefl our, w'1lL the cowfurl[Bgretlectloil that Call ;I lilt see Ulif lar' .I„ pill, ill loo one but Clara would know of buy predicament and that I could get out- .Coca! Picture Post Cards. Che cele - fitted some way oil the morrow In time to fulfill my engagement Ln May%Ufe• braced i?aphael Cuck Cards and Post Alas for the lest laid plana mice Card �91butqs. and men: It was io o'clock- perhaps when I was arouised by a confusion of ' sounds outsido thq door -voices, tine Your l'011e'CtI0i1 of l)rrSeeilts will Ill)- Inc_ colllple`tt crunching of wheels and loud laughter. Without :t few of our "Stolen •poops:" I heard In a Tamil- tar voice. "This Is the rrk•Lest Joke I Yew View Books of goderic,'. Special ever got o8 to. :how•, show tip the con- for the Christmas trade. tents of the other Ion-tbe little otic." • The little Lox, sly hair arose under the derby. It was Itarold's voice, and Fine Stationery Hymn Books Bibles how in thunder - Back• rolled the tiger as tin, and In drove a closed carriage, the side lights -- - 1,linding mc. Fullofvi"S the vehicle caws Ilsley' and Briddella ct, tLc former James F■ T h o m s o n tcar[ut, the totter de3aut, still iuSgluC her hammer Dad poker. " "Merry Christmas, Bob:" roared Uar- old, dismounting from the carriage. lilt - maculate, dry uud uncreased. him, Clara, Bridget's tramp and thief:" — IUlg;;Iug himself In glee, he proceed- II ---- ed to prance around the sleigh, view•- -So 1 def',' responded Harold, with I Ing me oil all bides, while the conch- unnecessary and grim emphasis. WONOERLAND man, repressing busts of unseemly mirth, watched me out of the tall of Caws of 'Hard Milkins." his eve. "}land milling'• occurry from varied i Causes. Sometimea the trouble Is due THE ELECTRIC THEATRE Clara, laughing hysterically and to an unnatural c•oustrilc•Uon of the en- lue the the spoons in one hand, pace tire length of the canal of tin brat. GODERICH we the other, explaining as best %be sometimes to new growths along its could between Ler couculslons Of mer- course and not hatreoluenuy to little The Big, -,est anal Best .►C Show rlment: "We stopped at the house, and shotlike bodies attached to ledirle, D• Wo girls told us of your plight. 011ie which drop down Into the cunal from Of the day. l lith -Class iH %il so sour}, butt had to go to slay- above and form a sort of a ball valve eve respect. clue, and there I found Harold and obstruction. Again the trouble ina� brought tilm back with"- gO The rest was lost on me, for all ' f•Omc frim injuries to the lower hart Moving Pictures, Pur PDnld /the Sphincter of the teat). These lust lfa out ly file conic,,, something ll bebd ea�a uarlally areae from injuries re- I g tlChtly in Ler Lard, was Iter filly. 1 or re^ I are du from artygwithout and atoccasionally en_ Illustrated Songs d ono awful moment i prnyed the filer to open beneath me, for no mail would are due a warty Srovvihs at the open_ a willingly appear rldtculoux hcrore the nog of the teat I O:te w•othnu In the world. But _ CONTINUOUS I'IsHf'OH11A�'t'1: l' Attractive Butter Prints. Rt'r raised her eyes to mine unsmil. o IUZiy but with an expression Ie them flutter, if jilt up in prints, should Complete Change Of 111.0,7,i'711I1 h Ile wrapped In parchment paper to pre - that %suer,% u,e to dr h ns!lie U o rots[ sere, it. Prints should be rectangular every Tuesday, Thursday Which 'Still ieg_e,l ate• and iu4 et.ligI :Ind have a bent, trim appearance, and Saturday. hearted, to the for„I�:iun and my fort. B Whatever may be the condition, the r- inking off lily derby,• 1 mad, a man that pub his butter lip (u the 1 ' NOT SOON Nf sweeping Isiw. I n•Zrel, ('mufti Clara handsomest packages will sell Ute most COCIE • and Alisa Lay, that 1 can't Rc,i%c -"I'll BUT NOW P butter i[ other conditions are eanaL I In Ila orth,slox evening clothes. but e .you can see for yourel%em that tnej garIn,nis an 1 have on are nulp!O euarrrh to entitle Went to be called roil �� e W'Ith that i steed forth to civ:%%' on I he floor. As I turned siowly, flapping d ra get'sled. sibyl er, mud Ixegrinuxl and Gift Goods ■� dragglexl, my broil, eclipsed by the � oV v nge',t'a tint, everybody wan convulsed, o - even Bridget. e "Arrnb, now, 111x' Smith,” site cried, ••uli,l who would iwcr take ailcL u look. Humber's ill' man to tic a cousin of yes owe:" "•Ton did just right, Bridget, not to take him in," gasped Clara. ^You ser. Rub. I expected Lbep would come dur- r _- - ing wy absence, aud I told the• ^j9s i THE BEST SELECTION EVER SEEN they would know bim by his whlto bnir. But I expected to get back with IN GODERICH Rey before you came. Ebel, .11(in't come, and Nie girls know -Leiter than to admit a strange than after dark Watches, Chicks, Lhain5, 13rt1�ChC ti, since the robberies lip file ricer." Rings; Bracelets, Scarf Pins, P:n(ieiey such n looking *ottani ns that."' crrieddHarold. "I tell you, ails R Day, Rob didn't look like that oil the (,� train. Ile was gilt up regardless Of Silverware, etc. I. cost or his relatives' feelings. But that i was before be took to stealing ntnbeel- )1l' Ins and xpoAn nm, nd, by the wny"-lie 'lit Ghiss �'allus ;111( 1L turned abruptly on Rcy-"what plum• 1 I11�LIS tier did Betty hand over to you? ling The genuine `tads y Sreeially selected for Christmas Ilnb stolen anything of yowrg?" Rey stnilecl and glanced at me uncer• NOWHERL ELSE WILL YOU GET tannic, blit her fingers did not relax I -- their hold on the little lox. Meeting _ SUCH VALUES my elves, her own fell, and the color swept"Vex, lip over her round checks. I hero " sine replied demurely, •'I he hes." tear C. A. HUMBER & SON Harold glanced from one to the other I ' JEWELLERS of us suepic•lonsly, but Just then Clara claimed his attention, while Betty mo• , tinned me back nmong the shadows. �lfhcial alt h Inspectors for "Ile wean awful nnxlous to see Into Graml T1'unIc Railway the little box," she whispered, "but I looked out that he didn't. I give it right to her," And in the same breath Betty claimed her reward by adding, "C'ati t yon 'give me the wessnge to- I - ulght, air%" ,I certainty a-rilld mid did. in Illy exuliernnre of "pirlis that station ngent Rat 1114 pay Ili full then and there for Ills outfit. 11y hearty recomnlendntimu even overlooked the filet that loth Laitm and nmhrella leaked. When Betty retired, blushing. I retied It"r nt air elbow. w•hlle Clara, at the back of the cnrringe, began lend. Ing parkagrs Into ilnrokl's nrms. Without ginneing up. Rey hell the lit• to box Out to Inc. "It's }•norm,'• she whinfered. "Ttlre it.•' %voirulpy tnixunderstanal Ing herb hol(t- ly I,o,k I-xmexxlon of the hand, box and All. "Th -ink you -deer- in, n Vhrf%t- mnm girt which i wnlue share rnhies," "OIt, no. no!'* mile faltered. "i didn't men" -i meant the -the r-hox•" But she did not w•IttMrow tier hand. and Ilarnld, glancing around Just teen, let it pmrknge alp from blot arms. It rearhed the floor with a crash. "duh, roll Cerritos Stupid:' crk•d e'Iara. ..Your laxt hope of a Cbristmaa Wirt U obounteptl" as e y aud, scraping backward %I:dvw. of four share. eye.. 1t %%a4 nes ly, came to reit ag::iust lily Adaw*m til, work. sly uarluenis ro11e, ti%: ly 1 + Lite. When I had righted myself anti thlrly-Ilve foot s• all more for les 1 j urn►, at the "alae• time torula w silk Ill )g prospeandct of spending g y C3rfas madesundry rewarks uppropriatetothe clothesline and soothing to illy wound- bubihrl by ,divers :irticlrx. \sic umbrella if the out with al uwlBous mu eve part tfCb rrunpplag of the slender ribs. rruhleKs iusl ecilu:l pf 1v%cico 1 lee• ed feelings I stumbled up the back cniburraswxl. A4 1 replaced the the to le 1-jmas day ■t the hospitable Putts' 'the station agent backed into the steps suit applied my knuckles to the tents of the twrutli•III uml lou wean In Bixby Ivan nut esPecoubinlally room. }letter corns inside," be sus• e to me; but, since conatus of door with a force which evidently file',tidcntion apps.ar(1 11 frr_.!fu9 startled the intuates of the kitchen. treated affably, "before your hair Sits NVel the Welch nanfun are few and Lar lined of ItauZin' on to your head." For tau lurtaut'bilence greeted buy guilt stole over ate, At ,oho two - fifth Bridget ifoulsbed tier hum didIte between, 1 did out feel Justified 111 r> - I ' Well. I low In a demand for a hearing; tile', a hearty 'and w:uwlefl. prcdlcnmcut:" I ex- fusing t'ousin Clnra'K Invitation Be. claimed, acting on bis advice and look- "Oleo %%']tit a Illterulau accept arose ' :\rrah, Hefty, be's a liar: T1, sides was sides that, Bixby was only a few noses ing around the little station In search ( from within: "And sure, we dairlin', mile- life' ye I aln't hide mor 6rilr of th' Icitber from May when i of m Ila • MY sgsge, sent omnia needn't be afraid to oleo dour. 7k- him, l+edad:" ed to put in a retire or less painful sea• Aust have gone on,,, said the agent, UWrflgcnt dad, with th' hammer 1'11 utliud to his, It was true, ax the Ihhty-fifth Lick son Christmas evealu�. i srutigC himself on one corner o[ the if one on corner came:' Proved. bat I wrtt!d foot gi%e• up. Therefore I wrote l,lara that I'ti ar- tabun which I' tile tide ra b table which 6 P Some one approached the door, and it You prrrltlY4*— IK -gun Itelly, b• rive on the 6:30 tnhl Chrihat eve •Ain't none been toted faint and tremulous voice asked, " h•mporlredl. I(4trnln; to the stoi•u, o still r•mxiu with her until i o'clock' the lu hero %oda}. 1'll tel W.who is 1t'•" following afternoon. In this connote- he added constillugly, •aud youtllrIllce• A blest of snow laden wind whirled + If foo will 1:ir.I:c allow• B:e to tion 1 mentioned neither ny deatfna- ly gut it back In the course of's couple tion after 4 o'clock nor any prospective of days." --- delight there. In view of the next evening that was Truth to toll, In illy thoughts I was Indeed the consolation of Job-, co leaving that evcuhig call as far as foo - forcers. "Two days!" 1 exclaimed, her, sihle In the keeping of Providence, ror stricken. "See here! I'vc gut to realizing from paxt experiences that have it by tomorrow afternoon." , ' '— the atmosphere of Mayville had a '1'br, agent grinned, taking uncom. curiously unnen•Ing eRcc•t :f on me. The fortably accurate measure of me. f ' noir preparation 1 had made was to •'M -um. I understand." be mused, klek- 1\ •crtire a Christmas offering in ih„ Ing the table leg. "Girl in the case. alutlie of a very small Sold baud cam- "Girl know where you'll find any `t- (1 girl Ing a handsome diamond and engraved In Bixby, except.„ midltariecly, lit w el Inside with the (to mel Musical mw,• the pines,' - "Itcy Inay" GIris at the Plnen! Invapluntarily my Itut whether It will ever see if.• hand sought mP mop Of wind dishevel• ,;ZZ 1 - rnys of day." 1 said aloud, grimly pull- 141 hair, seeing which the agent grin• nulg as 1 "luffr,l the tiny b"x into Illy rad and resumed, "Jfited girls they be, "remains / P-r•ket, to I,e seen, as sh,r but that Betty's a beauty" Inn■t take with It mush a tips blunder -jib • �•` a "I am a cousin of Mrs. Smith.,- I tie. er as myself. Oh. for n alive of liar- Fan. with dlgully. ,She wrote me she ofd's aotohrance:" I added, catching up would meet Bee at the station.,, me umbrella and running [or the strcgIt The agent shook his head. "She gar- ? can't be In two places at on x•." Harold Welch vino tiny "What cousin And du you know about It,.,,, I de - the "Other man fn the came." i did not manded. ' I"%e my cousin, but then w'e were even ••Site went across the river this after- Ilwo. ' noon to Nlayville and buhl•t got back , ° c 1 wonder," 1 thought as i rscxd ylit. Roads are awfully heavy. Guess a, nuei the platform and sprang on the 1,n1'll have to hoot It up the hill." _ Already moving express, "if Clara baa Some[bfaC of a foregone conc•luslou, Infill! llurolti'" that is," I returned grimly, shivering 'fun minhte4o Safer m} ge,•srJoe v}14 an a fresh outbreak- of storm shook the `'�•`_; - an+nervi In the (srw.0 of that Brut e- station. man himself strolling leisurely down Suddenly a sbeephdi grin overxprrad - the shite the smoker. �•� ,the agent's fare. Ile arose au( kited a "Whitt a deucedly well set up fel- a door IeWnd him, sp,ak(ng without low:" said a man behind me to his looking back: "See Isere, now, 1.11 toC seat mate. "I.00ks nx if he•had walked - - - - THE LETTER ^-0U PROMISED TO LET US SEE," SHE FALTERS out of a handball, doesn't he?" ,you out to get up there if you'll prom- llarold's appearance was alwsyi esf ise 111 speak- a good word to Betty for »odor tar eStion umbrefra, boxing the bondboz type, but I well knew that ine-sort of reevalmend me, you know. my numbest earn and plasterlug a soft his settees were not alfvayn, and ll[1ss Whenever I see 'er utyt,i[ m} tongue uiy flet In the m c•11," 1 bugged, nu at prebellxfwe eye the hammer. "I'll npPhication oil the nape.of lily Beck. �!- gets into such a darned mixup mitt% "I aut airs. gwitb,s itu my poc•ketx again. I'm nu cousin:" 1 "Ilello, Bob:" he cried, surer , but toy teeth that I can't get a word out." shouted. file Bute L with Inc.,* "he not any better pleased than my�►C at 1 looked eagerly over his head Into "\rrah he Is, is Le-" cried the Iil- the meeting, "Going 's Cridgct, seeing my %%bolesowe down to C la Ts the cluset. "Recommend you to Betty? lierntan voice. "Lave him Slee th' %slot I cmetaM from tie6Ind my Dc Well, that Twtil-�cm ran bank on that sl'Q1t for her wenpons, relented. all presently betty of 61x hair, thin: peer IomS enough to nal. I'ea. A =1f )'Oil It get we out of this hole:' The other coke was uplifted 1n the 101'"cntal'me with 1'•nir of socks, red, but dry, just as you?" lie did his blest, but the results were strap 111 airy, g- q preferred 1n weak Ile did not reply at 1[l, bard become aware or another eglamft ohce. was rtaiull not gratifying- to my vanity, toue", "What is the color of your hair, taking my mealmre, as usual, with an t agent running malnly,lo breadth, 'Only one of My shorn red tiro t into.. 'line other Lad dropped throng please?" air of quizzical, galling amusement. w 'lc I rola tO hel�ht. nils rusty derby Coder ordinary dreumstanres in- Thr cad has a way of the bottomless ralecont picicet s n le making me real- encountered fbe flips of m • ears, while M ) stead of replying stood such on the Ize my Inconvenient length, the infest- hf4 raincoat missal the skirts of Info .I w•ouW not have etlM{I upon the where oilet the road. got Bridget grinueLl,jecol evidently order Order ority of my tailor xnd the cowli. k that to peoat by x u( buy p good font, and Lis robber gulag, but w•If¢ that storm a nd,•rus the right ynence my general dej out sin and w•ileolu sal side of my hair. ills loots, Inside of which my trousers sailing Illy back and the brim of itl! ring from her posit, position lU lir Itlidd r%e•4 wondered upward 111 tit,- ra,-k were tucked, rubbed Illi and down on derby directingn • grafi% stream imide of 1119 floor kicked 411 ogle of her sll over the seat nud Ivelgexi on mo high it my heels w1Un maddening persistence. illy collar I swallowed uuy,lrie and an- int, the first I had ever indulged per+r frayexl-and down at the heel ?ate 'lm that. Inc durliu': w6i'e over him face tprcad a grin - _ - y. "Brownish, verging In- elld fla Ilwered meekly, ,� [sin In It 'ull be to his with shine• ohne." which made comments nerdle•ss. I Staffing my oboes Into the ralncost to a golden red.*, I � ",\*tali"' come Bridget's I received her contrlt,"tion xubmlx Then be replied rare!csaly: •'Uh, yex, paket%, grappled with the itifest's trimm�hant rnm•a' "fie gively nud was stooping to put It o �oorlooas cotton umbrella, calculatgd, ain't th' wan she's lookln' 1 .hall get around to the Pirs•a on the "-lien an overloaded pocket seised til for. Bet m oa be observed with pride, to keep a . tY. y dear! Iave him out in plisse to o. cluck %rata In the moon. opportunity disgorge two trhu box ag. tell ucre Jot dry under a cluadburst. th' storm, th' desaveri"- Coawin l;lan, will you, and give I -- ,onelontoe PA, one long, ales tiny rule, l r 1111 regards? Tonight" --be. threw -___- .\a they rolled over oil the floor Bet the chill Inducing remark at me over ty Pounced oil them, and tit once m Lim shnulder as he moved away--• I g„ /' / character and dark mission stool r on t„ \Inyrllle.•' leafed. '•111x' Smith'n spoons," sL \IarvUle: The Lead pounded sr un / shrieked, "tile new ones that she had temples and burned my fn,,.. • ICs all /:�%.�"� / marked %%lilt her Initials last week! up frith me." was my solemn thought ,_ �-� 1 Oh. Bridget, however did he brcak•ln?" i searched Iliy porkets far my "The ihafe!" cried Bridget. nal, h untie, %Ir Gtigrrm en ounr,r"d / Now, ihoi a six xpaorls, solid silver, I rhe tnty jcwrlo•r's Loc. fow uii% I - I '� /L ' I. purchased and had engraved flint very I•rc<-rd It -poor nae isms little trinket- •%! 1� 1/1I morning as a Christmas gift for Illy nod I -ked out or the Ivinlow at theI � � l r'� engnte"ll, uuhosPitnbfe cousin, Lut %feather. t / I s� neither Betty nor Bridget would lintel" could not have looked at anIthing � to the truth concerning either the n*s calculated to Impart c•onsolatlon. 1 r.�,� spoons or the ring which Betty Belt There was a storm on, a driving storm �, �� j .�/ uncovered. "r sleet, rain and snow-, with a heavy !! j / 'Rey Day," she rend In horror strlc•k. '^oleo sky overhead and shoe deep 1 en toues, whlle Bridget, ever keeplug In"d Underfoot, the outer world• empe- r,l, a restraining eye ell me, reiterated, I I+Ilfy that part of It containing Blxh%. _ - _ ! '• "Oh, th' thnfe:" at tl•e top of her rolee, Is'liig an exact counterpart to my feel- / �'• Now, nee here," 1 began, "listen to reason, will you:'" But est that fill t I had never seen Blxby lootore, and ` _ Bridget's gaze toll gni the umbrella, 1 think one view would satisfy tiny ' 'w r/ .' and illy last hobo for mercy Hick-ered reasonable / it emelt%% of c lited anei went out. small - �/ station oln. station tet "Betty, me dnrlin', xc•e til• umbrelly," protected fon the midst OC the duct flats. � � -' - � r � ed in the river aha bowled. "It's Alimther Cross' sure, tomPting all the winds of heaven, and and this miserable thnfe hag made oR c i discovered the moment i had met font. ,� �. 17i with 1t from th' station." on the Platform that none of the w=ads i - - Betty at once fell foul of the ui. "Is restating temptation. An intanf rr' __ =� �� r Y breila with blushiilg cheeks, %chile r ryclone wound the t.:}s of my Ions; �- Bridget turned on me, taking n firmer rust firmly nroand my knees and i `tip- - �_- :_..�j= grip oil poker and hammer. forced Me to hang on to my tall hal �(` \low, lie gong, yo sphapine! Y, _ __� .t,�� - � mints death Rrlp, all of whie lyln•, thavlu' scoundrel, show ug the maneuvering was viewing with bottoms of yer boots directly." rrlfsh from car. window of the rear car. ( winds ill, rear "Alas," I returned without moving, As the train rnehrd on down the van• i "i have none to show, but i do fro %c n 1 }' 1 whirled around and aronnd trt r, liloernte my legs from the embrace of "ROW," HE DIRECTED, JUST FOLLOW YOUR DOSE UP TRB meeea r g. from this tame Ur, cross. provided he's the station ngent, to Alias my coat tails, at the tame time view- ROAD A SPELL." petty:' I',, the nearby landscape In search or Proper means of locomotion to tin :Fek," iie dirteted succinctly from c snapecc tilt' wall or the storm was Be6 blushed still more deeply, but (fid her bead Indcpehdently. After rifles. Savin my own y R patrol lraurets +lbC door, 'vast follow your Wase up 111 m voice ns I raised ft 111 Protest- a moment. however, she glanced over shnem. none wax In sight. the road a spell till you come to a lot 'I bave in my pocket a note from Mrs, her shoulder and challenged, I den't From the station a rand wound bark of lights. That's the Pinus. tin lu and Smith which will prove beyond a doubt berieve a word of it." nlneing the foothills gariied In gaunt' Inang tbenl (toots over the kitchen fire that I am expected," I "As surely its i Kit hero," i declared pines, which concealed any` no dry out while you, tell Betty that I Again there was a pause. "That aolchiui}, "Ln latrnntell n melange In age 1. sled ne elzhing of tbe, hospitality underscored fu send a merry Chttatmam and would Ie Pounds all right, Bridget, and 1f Mn me Inn and made Ills tileIn t',ns note. It wait rrrtsinly the dIarneel glad to send her somethln Smith ham Invited him•' -here the re- I and thea 1 It 'Bridget mnrRx t unpromising 11siking landmrape imore If I datrd•' marks were directed at me --••Il 1 let lent a Coati came n "tell nearer. itelty forward eagerly. "Out •van vywed under the wings of nigh. . i promised and star o`i!t on yon In will you promise solemnly on- with it"' conlmnnderl livid t "Weill. I'll be 1 need" I ejacnlated in exaaplrat}en. *it Iwims to soft ye WtPr in be Llosped.' come a voles teem the dnt'r- rraF. wlfety, T disoovrtM tho station racteitnm shedding the light of his irrinninnc nf- ertanre an my Ilioo ". .last those, hessalhA by a ttrarherviws !till to the •term, I removed my aneber. Int band fmm my hat and raised my n "brolla, aflfl strontafng a7 •yet Up aha read. ••Where to th�derr- I bolo- 9111 - r 9111- bat got an tow tiling. Down fwenp- M the wfad sed, TAM an er�nffant k"wt f— m7 neaaabsesvl Mt fro -A" IDT �ABilif MOS&4 WMC[ � filet*[ beset by Its man} di cat (I ns e e encountered Bunyan's Christian. in that wind MY Anent umbrella acted like Ill, anti to a rudderless ship. It tell - pled me Into a mndhole one moment and tumbled me over n projecting clone the next, the ballasting boots be - Ina lit nn time nble to krep in line ,,till my head. Moreover, i dimenrereel presently that the statement concern. mII the tun acre Int was pure fiction. I the nmhrslla ermtsining as many holes as the agent's conecfroev. ,tiro T discovered nrter a hair hour's tramp that the fines did newt contain a "Mt of llghtm." There was only (me visible sad tbal but n faint clow' to on your donor - "Whist me, darthn'," came in a stage whisper, "sure, and It's dootful If he's got 1nny:" I strangled a laugh as the other fin• hbett bravely -"on your on that ",a'll go away quietly If you are not Urs. Smith's cousin." "I promise.' i replied ennfl,h•ntly. The bolt ons alipl,ed bm k the dans efeenrll, IIIA I, rotting 1113 Iola,• umhr•I- H. sfr! lied Inatde, the tend dripping frnm my cont tint] a drop of bloesl (till. Ing from lily scraped chin. I certAnl,v presented a %%range ape t*tfsWe. bat no stnnrrr thmu the Re . i hunched down enmforinbly In hfy chnir nud spread my hnndm over the hot store. ""lit ane %%nrd more nntll niorninq,•• i derinrrxl artily. "In the morning T'il tell yon." Bridget nnti tufty retired to n car ner tint] rnnenlied, llridcrt's fnrr till Ing turned In my directlon "till. Ilmg merits of the conNnslon reached mr "The born -sleigh roles -till they coin, Lome" -- it was Betty who expinined the con neet11in Between these incnhert'nt rte marks. and it wmm evidonliv Itrtt}. win had pertuade,l Bridget In finrbeIr me on the prrtnineA If i woolil ■ubm}t to TnUICIDAY, Daccmb!r 19, I907 , lily • , , Ill , I ate,- ,;lood cu goods %%lilt her rand Bridget. ho -lake nrms myself to the barn, desist uhlle them uln,, trout suuikinit uud I+e quiet until air", HOLIDAY � L I D � Y � I F T .1• h, Smith should return and Mluat tole to tiller the hour, for not, aK site wished. ,11112. "If." ar Bridget Vriwly added. "yo alit"' ain't legged It ululllty�,Jnile low"ay AT THOMSON'S MUSIC STORE Ihluklu' ur th' priauu bars:'• eraaiar:ar.� allwt 1 had ;rive', illy promise; therefore I ° toy submitted and autbl 1 forth lit slap s ,�,. v�-_-,:...- f` 1 Y_ou can't hang a ;;VI '4 -plug rlipher and patent leather KLIte, _ cen while behind we came Bridget. full,' PIANO on _ Illy armed, and beside her Betty .huldlug your the lantern, witich curt Iny Khadow• !m- t us Inclose anti grotesque, with the old der- Christmas T r e e by treating witty ears and the agent's I` BELL ::Ido raincoat flupplug nbout wu. .%t the or put One in your •, w .. i _ - tgcd just woweut Betty had allowed we the ^ Stocking, but it til• prolet•Uun of the agent's umbrella. "ru +� i vett lung its it la his %vun t one,". oho ea• h 1 spas• plaited to Bridget. Iti'ould In a k e a In Betty unlocked the . burn door nud, r a rolling It back, painted to u sleigh Just Very acceptable Inside the dour. ••'Ther% are rules Im 14" gift a// the same.• ' - cue• lbu sk•iCh," she Said. "aO you needn't a i f freeze," Then she cu we qulte clean 1 c, f aud apuke low, "And 1 hopxr you're But ' Illy a thief and will W here lu the muru- 111 Illtisic We` have a se'le'ct llile of °er Ina ' Pianos, Orga,gs, Edison Phonographs, "My mortal ft:1mO will centaiuly be P • ten• here," 1 aubwered solemnly, 411tuhing Violins, !guitars, ,,4CCOrdlOnS, i�armOR- OIl Into lite front scut of the er r, -but + icas. Sheet Xusic and asiC whether k will lxi 1B a limier for solid- /•p �001(S. kel Itied condition out)* the utoriniug 1% ill I - reveal." In `.%%ink Jla�hinr�,tltf fill rrliahl% :1n%I ling triol at 1 ' The dour was rolled back again. and �� Int I was left In darkuess to wrup myself "White, "jYew Williams" and `c/?ay- ue Ila best 1 could la the for rule. Int• M0,74, all good and anyone a useful gift. dry der whose vnurmW 1 htugbrsl at the � y tale uupleusaultlese. Finally 1 dozefl our, w'1lL the cowfurl[Bgretlectloil that Call ;I lilt see Ulif lar' .I„ pill, ill loo one but Clara would know of buy predicament and that I could get out- .Coca! Picture Post Cards. Che cele - fitted some way oil the morrow In time to fulfill my engagement Ln May%Ufe• braced i?aphael Cuck Cards and Post Alas for the lest laid plana mice Card �91butqs. and men: It was io o'clock- perhaps when I was arouised by a confusion of ' sounds outsido thq door -voices, tine Your l'011e'CtI0i1 of l)rrSeeilts will Ill)- Inc_ colllple`tt crunching of wheels and loud laughter. Without :t few of our "Stolen •poops:" I heard In a Tamil- tar voice. "This Is the rrk•Lest Joke I Yew View Books of goderic,'. Special ever got o8 to. :how•, show tip the con- for the Christmas trade. tents of the other Ion-tbe little otic." • The little Lox, sly hair arose under the derby. It was Itarold's voice, and Fine Stationery Hymn Books Bibles how in thunder - Back• rolled the tiger as tin, and In drove a closed carriage, the side lights -- - 1,linding mc. Fullofvi"S the vehicle caws Ilsley' and Briddella ct, tLc former James F■ T h o m s o n tcar[ut, the totter de3aut, still iuSgluC her hammer Dad poker. " "Merry Christmas, Bob:" roared Uar- old, dismounting from the carriage. lilt - maculate, dry uud uncreased. him, Clara, Bridget's tramp and thief:" — IUlg;;Iug himself In glee, he proceed- II ---- ed to prance around the sleigh, view•- -So 1 def',' responded Harold, with I Ing me oil all bides, while the conch- unnecessary and grim emphasis. WONOERLAND man, repressing busts of unseemly mirth, watched me out of the tall of Caws of 'Hard Milkins." his eve. "}land milling'• occurry from varied i Causes. Sometimea the trouble Is due THE ELECTRIC THEATRE Clara, laughing hysterically and to an unnatural c•oustrilc•Uon of the en- lue the the spoons in one hand, pace tire length of the canal of tin brat. GODERICH we the other, explaining as best %be sometimes to new growths along its could between Ler couculslons Of mer- course and not hatreoluenuy to little The Big, -,est anal Best .►C Show rlment: "We stopped at the house, and shotlike bodies attached to ledirle, D• Wo girls told us of your plight. 011ie which drop down Into the cunal from Of the day. l lith -Class iH %il so sour}, butt had to go to slay- above and form a sort of a ball valve eve respect. clue, and there I found Harold and obstruction. Again the trouble ina� brought tilm back with"- gO The rest was lost on me, for all ' f•Omc frim injuries to the lower hart Moving Pictures, Pur PDnld /the Sphincter of the teat). These lust lfa out ly file conic,,, something ll bebd ea�a uarlally areae from injuries re- I g tlChtly in Ler Lard, was Iter filly. 1 or re^ I are du from artygwithout and atoccasionally en_ Illustrated Songs d ono awful moment i prnyed the filer to open beneath me, for no mail would are due a warty Srovvihs at the open_ a willingly appear rldtculoux hcrore the nog of the teat I O:te w•othnu In the world. But _ CONTINUOUS I'IsHf'OH11A�'t'1: l' Attractive Butter Prints. Rt'r raised her eyes to mine unsmil. o IUZiy but with an expression Ie them flutter, if jilt up in prints, should Complete Change Of 111.0,7,i'711I1 h Ile wrapped In parchment paper to pre - that %suer,% u,e to dr h ns!lie U o rots[ sere, it. Prints should be rectangular every Tuesday, Thursday Which 'Still ieg_e,l ate• and iu4 et.ligI :Ind have a bent, trim appearance, and Saturday. hearted, to the for„I�:iun and my fort. B Whatever may be the condition, the r- inking off lily derby,• 1 mad, a man that pub his butter lip (u the 1 ' NOT SOON Nf sweeping Isiw. I n•Zrel, ('mufti Clara handsomest packages will sell Ute most COCIE • and Alisa Lay, that 1 can't Rc,i%c -"I'll BUT NOW P butter i[ other conditions are eanaL I In Ila orth,slox evening clothes. but e .you can see for yourel%em that tnej garIn,nis an 1 have on are nulp!O euarrrh to entitle Went to be called roil �� e W'Ith that i steed forth to civ:%%' on I he floor. As I turned siowly, flapping d ra get'sled. sibyl er, mud Ixegrinuxl and Gift Goods ■� dragglexl, my broil, eclipsed by the � oV v nge',t'a tint, everybody wan convulsed, o - even Bridget. e "Arrnb, now, 111x' Smith,” site cried, ••uli,l who would iwcr take ailcL u look. Humber's ill' man to tic a cousin of yes owe:" "•Ton did just right, Bridget, not to take him in," gasped Clara. ^You ser. Rub. I expected Lbep would come dur- r _- - ing wy absence, aud I told the• ^j9s i THE BEST SELECTION EVER SEEN they would know bim by his whlto bnir. But I expected to get back with IN GODERICH Rey before you came. Ebel, .11(in't come, and Nie girls know -Leiter than to admit a strange than after dark Watches, Chicks, Lhain5, 13rt1�ChC ti, since the robberies lip file ricer." Rings; Bracelets, Scarf Pins, P:n(ieiey such n looking *ottani ns that."' crrieddHarold. "I tell you, ails R Day, Rob didn't look like that oil the (,� train. Ile was gilt up regardless Of Silverware, etc. I. cost or his relatives' feelings. But that i was before be took to stealing ntnbeel- )1l' Ins and xpoAn nm, nd, by the wny"-lie 'lit Ghiss �'allus ;111( 1L turned abruptly on Rcy-"what plum• 1 I11�LIS tier did Betty hand over to you? ling The genuine `tads y Sreeially selected for Christmas Ilnb stolen anything of yowrg?" Rey stnilecl and glanced at me uncer• NOWHERL ELSE WILL YOU GET tannic, blit her fingers did not relax I -- their hold on the little lox. Meeting _ SUCH VALUES my elves, her own fell, and the color swept"Vex, lip over her round checks. I hero " sine replied demurely, •'I he hes." tear C. A. HUMBER & SON Harold glanced from one to the other I ' JEWELLERS of us suepic•lonsly, but Just then Clara claimed his attention, while Betty mo• , tinned me back nmong the shadows. �lfhcial alt h Inspectors for "Ile wean awful nnxlous to see Into Graml T1'unIc Railway the little box," she whispered, "but I looked out that he didn't. I give it right to her," And in the same breath Betty claimed her reward by adding, "C'ati t yon 'give me the wessnge to- I - ulght, air%" ,I certainty a-rilld mid did. in Illy exuliernnre of "pirlis that station ngent Rat 1114 pay Ili full then and there for Ills outfit. 11y hearty recomnlendntimu even overlooked the filet that loth Laitm and nmhrella leaked. When Betty retired, blushing. I retied It"r nt air elbow. w•hlle Clara, at the back of the cnrringe, began lend. Ing parkagrs Into ilnrokl's nrms. Without ginneing up. Rey hell the lit• to box Out to Inc. "It's }•norm,'• she whinfered. "Ttlre it.•' %voirulpy tnixunderstanal Ing herb hol(t- ly I,o,k I-xmexxlon of the hand, box and All. "Th -ink you -deer- in, n Vhrf%t- mnm girt which i wnlue share rnhies," "OIt, no. no!'* mile faltered. "i didn't men" -i meant the -the r-hox•" But she did not w•IttMrow tier hand. and Ilarnld, glancing around Just teen, let it pmrknge alp from blot arms. It rearhed the floor with a crash. "duh, roll Cerritos Stupid:' crk•d e'Iara. ..Your laxt hope of a Cbristmaa Wirt U obounteptl"