HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-12-19, Page 4III
4 TituasuaY, llecomber 19, 1907
,» a
i i K Greatu'd'y �
li.luor r let ►N• hall and with nothing
NIII Wt'eIitIV, the watter with ally pj'
thPllt. ). g IllttlliC know it. tlJlr, I,I,t
still they give.
over punished), is now one of the Ince
watitiful slid mcederu theatler
a tiosid d ostil it dleit>• playing
la ile i
cnlwdtd hfiubetm. • line looun thegpxy
is forgotten
How the Festive Season is Writ tC n for ! /tt
Obse�ited in Chicago. Signal by J. A. P.
A,IWnt It fi'ellx•k the nititolntr tIiItt ed
out tun rtowd lit it never less than a,
,-novd omit lnidoiKhtl, and you w"sn-
der hula. tllley dim+thlx.r rt', yuicll)'•
lY:N'itau i differvut 1114APm of ttaur•
'rhe big 'torts :ler like chief ventre
ul,alra It II • a.t now. 'Their window
6 1 i t
Jecnrutcd by the leftist self"tic bruit
ofAuleriva, prere•nt N picture I
Iwauty and lender Ito kt is null,• leu
-Must of your• re.wlers have, no
d'Iubt, at siollntl tittle yibited one of the
great ovCtgtuwn citirb of Aurettaa
while the Christmas season is un, and
u,ost of therm .have, no doubt, leen
surprised and amazed at the activity
o:l every hand and at the crowds tet
people continually plassiog, each one
apparently "c a denvo
In x frantic n t to
P l is e i
t shin l f the next. But Iww'
tel o v ever s 1
wq f thew have- r ser tel pad tl
o: insider what this Ito must of use
happy season of tike veno• retell• nienns
to and how it is observed by the g,eat
mass o f•humanity of all nationalities,
creeds find color's that nnlbt ueeea"ar•
fly be filleted within the ix,undarieb of
any city whose population is between
Lhc two and three million mark
I aul apeak•iug of Chicago now, that
wonderful whidy city you have all
heard en heli atxn
u t4- :old 1 will r
I tr to
lye it
U a 1a111L Idea W
of plat 'Ult
would and findleu '
l If \'Ula WPP
r to
xcanupiany file on Iny curiosity
• ektuut." (very' popular word herr)
atuund the city while Liu holiday
bessun is in full mwlllp.
First of all, t should. like lis touch tin
the Hfiancixl Hurt'), a little. w•e .
b t . as hfa e
frit, I ,t all over P •«
1 rt' til r twt•y ,and :et
rn•otent it i6 e ive o n
1 till 1 I t dead I issue f
the (Inv 1 hA\r puthlnll W ba ,tea to
what way ler Ina)• out have. caube d it.
As that does not coxecetit .nay subject,
tout the part of it that dura cul,crru
my subject vitally in the fact th',I
with a monev stringency Ihere would
IIB iso real Cioibtulm. in Ct irA(fo. At
thin season of good cheer the load
Pursuit ill lilt' aln,tgfity III lel• wluel,
Uhicagu it bis well euown is changr,l
Us Iha oslier extreme. and app meeutl)'
every luau, -mnau and child whit has
A doll It' to �pt•ud is waking x teen..
s renuo,lsPR-1t titgrt till (If it tli:u
tee Is W get it tiorlug Iha• It."t of lis.
vear : and it the carer i, not ay."Ltldt
Yost wit P,a�tly tuutginr 1% 1131 fi tli.trtl•
glutin)• olitl..,k it w•uuLl t"• fill• hoh-
drds and thousands III Chn-+Ige(m 1001'
and destitute .who dt-iwnd largely utl
tie City genetosity for their t'b1ist-
sitis. At the Hlst bigns of uuPasinetw
Lne Clocagu lurnkes., twough Lhr
Orrtring liowe Abwwiat�, ►f which is
ewnpuseskof All the hag 11r.;iiug iu.ti-
tutiuus of etre city, aul'red the en-
forcement of the thirty and sixty
days' withJlaw•al llotl(.P lis del,osit/e.
—which nicans that those having le -
than **111 in the savings Jepaltnu•nt
of any hank were compelled to gate
thirty dAye notice Ilefore they cuulti
wiLhdmw• their money, and' th,rloe-
having moll thou $hst, bixly tiny"'I
r10Cice. till rwum/n tel \Yhich \\':M t,.
prevrut a certain cl,.s, iguorant ill
Life'rt•al bit Indent ler of the :.rluldurr"
of Chicagu hacks, front starting It Ism
on tiny twnk and forcing it cit cn,st-tl.
doors ilefure iL,� uld naive time t.
Change its.11.,Kfal for rattle enough
W ill eet its obligati ns, 4hurtly afte1
this section, which, caused very little'
uneabiuesim, the Clearing Huuve Apo Is
elation issued to the blanks • vlearutg
house cheeks," critifica,rh in dennur
inatiuns of til, 02, $:r Atilt $Irl, And
each dollar issued wiw hacked by 1111.33
of unquestionable security _which
made it t"inally as good m it it were a
hi -and -new dollar front the. F. S. none.
The husinesa tnen and public generally
accepted the certificates as rtlaJily xs
theZ would gold, sand as then': wale
nearly 1i7,0111,1pp1 of them in ciirulfi-
Lion• with no danger tr( their leaving
the city, the stringency to money wit.
Immediately relievtrl and toy the tins♦
the holiday season mlarted wam ithoolot
entirely eliminated. At no tinge were,
Any hanks here in te,d danger. Chi-
cago bankelm are Among the m.,ml
e Vrise•rvative in the world. which fact
preen proved wore than once, find
is 'again proved when 1 am :kill.. to
staty that they had it
1101,0401,lsrl in
acts cash fin leand when Ill., Hurry
catnt itis which to ober fill), lest in
which e) might I.• put. Vo\v tlutt
the Cho helm ,-lard I. ill its height,
monr)• to\t-o
ng .te treely as ever
and the iits far „s Chicfogu is
concerneg of I he past.
. ' .
To a pxsit fit Ili. leintire a
Walk dowtree•t. walla Ie very
interestinof life ihst lhing00 WuttrNet hLion would Int the
policeman till the c ruing, urine-If"rk•
Ing MptPrllllrn of a uh s -KI. standing
head and shouldersrile rmwd.
How he handles life aRlc And keeps
everythingin notion i. wonderful, tib
him least fill t^ke wool put people,
cars, wagons and atitO1116 'Ir.g fn hitch
A hopelesv tangle that, it ould ttkr
an hour to net them too ing. He
rarely speaks his directions lout his
hxton i. ever in motion an:..nppaa-
ently he is signalling t, the rued,
L11P mUta'tllsll, 111P tnlll mtPP all the
chauffeur Ill at once, and hiv fins "ons
to stl.p and start lar oheytd if-
plir itly try all, He keeps up this c
dureenee test for right houew sett r
stretch. and were ill• to IeAVe hie pro"t
for any length al liner Note strrvt
would Ifeeutnr :ill untninginalrle Isle• n
tune of confusion.It Is
As we turn our glance from Ise e
policeman it milli `Not inonediately Pen• a
cuunWers one of the roonernos Nala-
tion Arm)• IlaYsiev who Are .thinned
at intorvals aloow Litt- stieet, n
triangle Iwside ithcw front which o
hanK% a pail l"•Nriug the inscription, ,
••HPIp n. W help others." They da M
this every veer, in order that th.',% n
cony Ile aIle son Chriatulas play to gite i
it Rood hal meal, mouse \tanfi clothing is,
or se well-Illlpfl hauekrt to eat of l'hi- "f
cag,im l IPwLiiJs of destitute, who, It
vrore it not fvlr the heroic efrores tet' n
flu• Army field the Vollniteers (if :"
America. \\•,field a•anally he starring fi
ori that Jay fit Ill days when everyone w,
should too happy. And it In intete.t- Ili
ing W \watts til.: people poet in their ser
contributions, Pao -h (trip heinKlt re• fli
warded by a pretty smile and "" If k
yon." %Vr first notice a fommy old to
I ►dy
who blocks four feet of sidewalk o
while site is fntnbling in her pdrWfor hl
the rt,luited coin. The next is a
yoovifyt fellow travelling At is, Weenon
(race Irul who still take•M Mule to mlop
,Ind drop in lite• fist ruin he taktw
f,utn his pocket. 'Then it couple of tb
little girls, too 4ulall to reach up to h
the pail• give their donations t, .the p1
A•reny girl : field 0004 it g,x•s vote cortin- Ili
null•. Acl•rNw the street :t• nu•nll"•r ..f of
Chir Volwtter;-vt of America, dn•sst•J h, 10
!tants, )'tan. And shaking de
hands with the children, iecoll..rling th
for the mamP ptrr"Iae and a meeting 1
with the suuP gpti-ti idly. Everymlet .Ria
is contribotin � a little. 111her ,'.hat• e4-
stable instit, o."•ere Also doiuK :, "it
Errand worn in order that every newly lie
and de.en•irt� pPr00rtn in Ise I. Iv tray fol
L•rcitive loompthIng to make Chrtmtnlas all
11lnl•uitlu foe ctipable of hrindlingIi ulna• jIlPa.ifig to the eve ns you pal
I III-eu hiloil1ed Ingle ,t utintlW, life d (ole] one to another' UI view tai
a Owes ful life)' for hila, amt the people still the public are clamoring fur he" lnelty things which they euutooh
in general are giving thein glee en• let- mer. ice. Fifteen huudtYvl puuple Inside of these iuuuPnse places
couraKewrnl by lilrtlt•al duu.,tion. of a minute Islay seem an exaggeration found every i1o4ginxhle article tha
until you conside1+t11►t thrlr'tu•e ally-
c:wh :old other owful gifts. man ouul.l wish for or wtiman either
• • (where At•ouue► ;asl,tsxl or :psl,la111 I,euple pieiu.lrlxla of clerks on e•vrry floor at
within the ••I,",p" ler greatt shopping
I venal• of the 4-i) • alulost fill)' evt,filfi o.'rrlto inx t e antsallor-i g until nigh
gg mu I I '' e ,
The Ix•st shopping time for those , at the prN,rnt title who ate depentt• that areec lutlilntxll nfil frv,nt of thell
W11041-0 Art? not ee'trly riew" is betweau ' Nut un tilt, trauslolwtatiuu companies
and t it viock in the afternoon, a" you' l unit it is I'Arviv visit Hud mot that i
to to"Ph their home- Almost w'" tort plea•Aut nod obliging to his or Ill
VAo curve Al"llt at that time withott thousand iian%eligel Irainb ruler ,end rltatuluurr. Hilden Nw'ilV a11111tlW hl•IY
Ix•inK jostled by lir cnlwdr nolle tine° 1 hveve the lily dmk. rhe elevated l
•leu e• • . 1 r
hear eel •t • t \c l Urtl r , ' 1
n >
1 hrstnf , e tl let
f Ju v •r I. If I
t u 1 lime f1 t iuu c. .1 ,
11 f
• 1 h ,•r and our eve
"rt' ruunin 1 o f t
uutkt, :t r e '1 • ,
I xsl 1 u nU•art to theist
li .• , u •ev. � { K 1
lhx'k lb ill p w 1 l
lit IwunJ. t 1
1 ) hr ' ,,ill tole' and ani 1, 'ts fiat xm 1 I 1
t r
parent confusion I
u ill nftbl u o lee o tl
all u, t u { 1
• u \• • he Y
wh have I"•vu housed :all da)• ju t � liner stations, and leu tht•.urtnyr lineal l
down -town business placer rowuu'slf e' then• it f nothing bol n ruuliuual It is not confusion. Every dollars
to Itplx•ar, And by i Ktats atrre•t 11x" t etch of cars IouJtug ill •Ill dilual silent ha.. its own dilf.'vent hearts sent
been. transformed hum n • luted into a nl:t,lxgwnrnt and [Ill. w hole platy
mentor mass of h front
see. unroll- tion., all troweled by happy but tin• I frufit Ilamewent to nx,f is conducted ill
.huPl.•r. Ioaulevl \\itis gilt.. ilitrnded 14t, .)•.real av perfectly organized at
tndlahle As an escaped FI'e•neh Oval In slake soutl•our else happy When { la
IstII1r('" liefor,•a gale of \Wind. N•hro the t•.r fitful lbty coulst arolllltl, tint of A Ills ant of regular. on re
Iha crowd moves y.io move also if vie\\. N.nue let till., ealnbllslunrn[
yeltu celle wise whoa hcrl,it h$pl,e•nm s • . have•Apill\mono where 11,nlheth 4-:t,
to in. going in vn�u• direction 1"leu gti inW nue of the ••swell" livilventiltft ch 1titen while Ihuy d,
ler nut :.end l,rnda.ll)L)pie"lI1K, rest to,ults fur lunch solei the first their• singq.igg : :tied nllm,t of then
d/xlginK:u1 elhi,\ying yule' w'ay yap thing to Attufrt yool"tttelltion is the have ice. -1 kill,. lasting oxlip.
Krfulually gel title" into the stwel, to Nxqul,it• untii,. the b.•autiful lights 111114-11 rt.reus, nwnry order, lelegr•apl
b, field the' mi •nm of luau'.), ofit•very hued. and te•lephunr dr onI•1 utont, and mall)
Ill t N 111111 t l 1111.' dense- fi t h n
•-r. '•.m •o' •ill o cu ki'r tel ,
waiter in icer in dress t t eta 1 that r nu•neea (tail e /
• A\ uta t 1 t the
by : ext K >
r danger 11 •1 • roll liver 1
til Llll Y t ix 11 1
F. l
, h e While \ f u xn• \\'Itilile n Il.u• , 1 I I dr s r l
wagon ler nntulonbile moll• thin to x ta 1 .u1JK K {ill urutr, Over ear
enough Ill make op f i• \chat gull hAve• for vulir ler!]er 10 Ise• served yo" leave talent the:,• stotvs hnve• to gu,uf
eacaprvt by getting. tl i,f Iha janl.- It A chance to IIK.k mrm,trt ypn. Nell- Again,t is tilt- class of .h./pla•1•14 atisto
in It gl'Nud 'iter fur till• light-fingered gr000led wen and stylishly dlf,,hed t ralically called kleptlulaniacs. bol
gentleulen lis gel ' 1 their work, 'till women list' elite ul'l'hic.lg.i ,.lo•irly vomulonly known :ts mhop lifters
the clhulatrulirrh' fi-w' rases elf thett :u)+ seated all Around vuu: awt Inure The shop detev:tiveb :lee lotxtioued fat
Idtrn than til , , I n r lerx in I he Inri ill int ':(O res a ,
• • n, •IP o e nrlirr . x•:ak. 1
, 1 and til
t,1 a .. 1 til 1
that are d
t 1
r kI n.• wine u • other nluet• , s4- � i •'1 e
._ e w e caw n 1 t 1 t e tel , Im .•rYNn enters
t 1ahr
I• I tell), J K
we I r efiheue\ Ali the 3{
11 rise. I ItI
l , a " a • ,kl eft .:►lis" Ivo h. 'm -
h l a r fol- It 1't'' L .0 t f t I t a •ver ht,, Inc - ,. r
• m, t t, t 1 k f ,ntil h
e •'r l •"u•UI n 1 un f I
teen a le{ 1 1 1 J
4-'t e t l 1 et' If 11 meals. a rhe -tote. ' • e e'., sm • ,
Pie 1 l It , r a'• t
, t 1 k u 1n
torn front l a Ifrirn tHct 9 I
t f {
who know eve• v'crnnk ill the ruuntry Yu•lol, ladies, a le", tet tell. ,vol vit at K1.1111 I) lsthnlled to)• .1 ill,- awake oten
,tee mingles at all tier. with the these Ian es and dliuk their wine or %urs w,nuru, de•teetive, it'• the eulplu)'
.•ruwd and t1 • minote list• light ling. cnrkla 1, with a, iiew h nutut Bern a. .d f1 N ),tor•. awl tie chances to do
`` \\'tom^ i •
J 70
1 � cwrnsM 4 uror.o,e � u,la.".•41r
real Ko•ntlentau i-
'J. 'tied hi, Active an aK iegatiml of W. I'. T. 1', avnue•n any plumlerinK tt,'e very slight.. Ir is
ration, :11,• :u :In end Tor the liflo' ;-wouh1sit) tbPil' INA. Nu11, n shill', title; A- hu•I that ninety per erns of lilt•
Ir Ig, at he n III Ilrl1.l lintely Phf•.Ir tell ng", when fine lot oar ,t lr•Illlolls little- Pholl•lifter•m tel•1• womr if. And uuuty_ of
r police "Intron *evil given the iters ot.def took is er"•adf- a;minst the thent ner• nhn•1• tha,l 'title to pay for
of IicioK indnor's at the tn,eltce, lis• \ram r1-6nlr••d, not fly the +etythiug they might. wish to have.
ill"mse or of leaving till- lawn �iyunr Inrn or rest orntit keetwro, line Ilnt they d.i it -lot look Nt it this, way.
Chi. I Iry motor of nut• )nu ng st.'iery leaderm There 4o' I. piles "f InPt:ty things NII
• And haute hse of our high-priced ,ttonnd tI tit. They ser jnmt tho11•t'ewt.ing gentleman fuel clergymen win didn'thnve the Irt,tk Article Ill,tt \vncehl make n frtenl surtowithreet Ltkir. lie will miart.litine In collet• pill ill the (Open tied 't nirn• pI,•menl. It will neve),• Irep"•r,ncarnet' fond in five I IuxkP a II,;ht LIIplot hetet prlacticc Int• nlisved from mush n hill, mod the next
nino. hiv 1u11K work how 41orhin• which thP)t lar r•nlhusla.tic•nu.nlPnf. it is io their imm—msion-and
artna I crowd, fill tllet•P 4" ally pr•raeh"d fill• fear they might then cworm list• mtmr deteective, fill•
torr•r•ne ks" in Chicago than ..Rend ^.nrintc." Inwt•11 by tvaarr tintt prnifises not to do
n any oth,•r place (OPproportionatr sire it again if given ,mother chance,
r Amrrica. 1'robfotoly Nlim in lec#ttse' Ulrr yon'. lunch.aon the• nlo,t I know of tet loam', leu • of these gre•al,
many of thein ar-P ex -Canadians• stun•'.that,gIviM n IN•Peentage of its
dllean't take the entlPttl:tn Ip L r tt.lturnl dtacctian In torn t r,n• h,l,t-
K �g 00lrlro will In• In fin• of Ito,• nnnennls "rt earnings to its emplrt •eat (.;Wll
I v r t him ht,,/r' in' lint ht i millionaire
thrate-. mini ) nn *ill 1"• very' forhfn, year and hundred, ore �efienMost
IrcrtiminK KulKlmTsor elute millionaire thereto'.. All employer" who have
Nlf• In n'NI•lere a meat NIlYwih•1-e• tet t1le
tan thmt pays little a large salary, lN•rn with till• Ih•w n yau• receive n
hich is his reastml for inking rattly a If se i ,yell have opt fohvady securwl
g \ our ticket: Tho Ally+ and lisle l•v Cottrill :unmlut. which is Illel/•NM•d
feltof or a eln,tll-v fur 11r immense• with P+n•h )'ear'N m •rvim, nu One, the
nonnt sof jewelry so'. other men•hnt• ,ler of 1 he highest cfl,r, for yoso nicer
se lie hand. oyer to yntl. lint wit "Ft' Anyl hing ohnoxion• in ,1 Chicago n1 it ov f Who, o1ksi give Ito iallynm ly re
now he in one of the mfrst nn "rp Ill- l it 1.
Thr thentra iv where you g p
1 rrfilly met Chi4-A o-IN•iPfy "n deem, wanted. ahoy stores And other thrun 1
um liurw in the laritl #snJ it is not 1
t,e:trle, alto nor wiliness who ,often. Kice their ,Nwplov•, v n ('hrisUnna
ur.coin that help), lis wxk. ills I' preto-nt. of "nine kind, 1which aNunuuts I
tmintxle a muc(.ess, their unmu ill sires• ,tight mel nirne to it large silo when uta cundder i
Hgun•s nce'u11, ••the Imrxew lull ntnuin• K Y
• Put srat,,All the while• scent• i�u•nn��t(tl• that Ihnnmanfls nluxt he orovided Tor,
There im also Lha professional beggar. nal in one tel luxury and mpdenff,Ir.
This is his 1"•mL npn.on. As ho knows '1:I gmrr on that pirtnlr yon wnnld
. .
eputonc ingeneralarefeeling pr'etty )wilily tllink Ihat only Itmhortdiet• In Iha nlagnilhmnt homes of Chi
ha and generous, And the Blore; anfr Away are hundreds tet families rAgli v 1%ealthy clam, along the IAkP
tisettle him appearance the better are who are AM"Ally s1:11'vinK 1"Icanw• Shore I►rive, '.Very imaginable luxrlry
a chancei to reap a harvemt, limns, they do nal pwgfm-sv this price of a which will lnilke the heart &q]fall is
then. types Are arnllesm, some log. single Itself of breast. [)string the Ilwre. No wish it left ungratiflelI. n"
ym, others are Irurnd nr ncaldeed, rM 1 /'hnafmas me"a"n ('hu•agu': thof►term gift tl) roally. Expense, in never con-
af, dumb and blind, std "inns- ale entertain al. least 11111,111111 people daily. id eel by the orcupwlsta of thew
1• svh"Is ronlhinatiun all A- once, 1 Nnniber, sof• then) run two ler tore palAtiAl mentions. The holiday see-
he air sen nrgamr, d gAng amt, hAves 1x'rfnrnulnera and 1111-11 seating (.agar- soon 14 one ecentlnnell round of enter•
abwn-terrilnly t" work in. ;,fill fly Im nlaav, trued t" IbP utno.l. tainment. They hlty" their hortm,
hen ' not, engage,) in 1 heir ptofrm. The sold iroffoo v Theatre. which will leArring" And autnulublips, their opera
"if) cerropation of duping the pill,. tae renieml"•red its the ne•ene of one of ' hojtPa And PSQI )-thing that wealth can
into giving thorn money can 1t' the world'm greatestdiaasters oetly a I forswore that goes to snake not only
lod al nay (of ••Mte
f the artel hoomm" r few years Ago (in vooneeti"n with , the Chrimtenna aPamlll but the "mire
Irl low n•murlm where like rheaplst which, by like wnq, to Poll" It' waa,J year one Of luxury and enjoyment for Ill
t 1
lRow U11 Cbrt"Eitmae,
I Our hent Ofurlm from 11o.v alany Christmas Novel.
tl till Christmas will Ile to
lies in like linos we carY•y,
r give the very heat we have and All useful articles suit
t for the lowest hossitole• able
r prices. FOR GIFTS
Coyne There ana lEx ect a 000b Zeal
ana Vou Won't :6t' Z'wappotnteb
are Ont, of nurgrcuLapree•ial• NEW LACES
ties. Front for 5v lis ilk• \ Ing shapuu•ul Ju"L in
each. Initial bilk handker ill, week of new Lacus and
Ilicf,, "i, arnl :al. , Away -down prices.
'rlw,`�te• I . �. do r �� rte e THliOUL�+K1( Nrj
r6��� "I
t Furniture for Christmas i
for a Christmas (flit than a nice piece o: farnitur.-.
We have a very fine assortment this season of
PARLOR CHAIRS Inoakand ny,
uphoI. SsIk
lstered In llk ar.d S,Ik E'LIs' ,
let Oak and Mahogany.
'A line assortment Off 13ICTURES at cut rate prices.
Children's TOY SETS, HI(ill CHAIRS and ROCKERS in Oak and Wicker '
Ho B.
I'al .1.. ,1 II•..,WE51' SIDE 01= SQUARE.
�urrly theirs ought sit I"• It
nn•rt c l'hrtsUnwa.
Another little pit -111W :Ind 1 lam
thr.eso¢h : -
A few hllm ks away from the main -
•ions on Iso• Lake shieri, Ih1c. we
hn•r Ill.. •'I,hlle 1,..1\' ..•It Lnnent.
.cell .,h. w It .1 #s di1T r.•nr • alo+1 ..f
rbc nn•.. .... ....... •)lad nal Ill.. .1 rr•rlm
f 1 ht. 1 t :r. , t.•.v .1o11AI - .. .e.•.•k.
I'll. r Iii.. in rrlln t«. lel af•Inrnim, aftieh
�1 �n)e11 oil "Isle in the 'hill"' of A
h-0-1 ng. A+ n•:u,� .� .. n..�..1, 1..•t'..
+rel. will .m copy , see• •.r Ila,. I...nw.
rhos,• i, no .rK refr .lir .. .11.•ie wn-
sleet te1.1 1 htldlen Va.. sI. -op „ted d,r•.m
nierl 4••t'• Tbee I -r.""- lt+la r till \•.•w On.
11••11 .e 11.11"\rt', N•• It., wrod"wm 11"s
tee t"r np"•ne,l ill winos•. Thr A.,nit/lry
crsl•It i..Ilvar.• h dildo•, Nod 11,14-- (!hit.
•111.1.1)• to.e• in 111.1. ,riii'l is no
1•xr.•ptinn pmt robe'. is the general
r•llle•Among throw PetoPle. flack of the
•Nwk )ri
:atm you ser it again --only
war..•. In our pbree n 1azr4 nirn
hnve tweet known to occupy ane noun.
While mfprlr lone sleeping others aro
I- king thele me -11- or dltiug mnlnnd
s looking. There iv w, ventilation.
The stench is unis•Arnble. When
one man leaves 1 lid +,nother is ready
to take it. It is never runpty. Again
)•leu find A Lunily liting in a rellmr,
dank #still damp, And An usual withopt.
Any ventilation. hent" are high and
they VAnnot Nlrnrd -lily better place.
In is short till" their is ticknest, ; con-
mnntption sets in need swore nil is so%'or I
for them and the (.Pilot,- frets another
l.ntnt. What rvnl t'hrirtnlav mean
to these lrruple a Oeeppile t hat fleet
that Chicago givrm veorl)• more msoney
to charity Than Knv other city on
-arth, and that the dillevent nil
"wietlrm tire,, filling all in their i-wer
Io "llr\•inte Iha suflrringa of three
;eople, who Are wo.tly foreigner" and
I IIAcclls toll d to nut• lang"agt• And
v+tys, thuusa•Ids of then, are living in
.him WAV, aowly giving lap Lheir
trength, toiling their lives ,way five. a
Iitt.mnee #tied mtarving to dilitth in
,rder that x "elect few way live iq
uxssry• And this Is whAt we yen tet
CIIIW 111A. ii111N in ones tet the f.11 -0-111 —t soloehow the Average I.I\' larks it
cilie, for lir freest and wealthiest nl.tnia for acquiring gelext conduct
cunntry'pn earth. f. A. 11. off
ark.;it ,rhonl.
rnt►rmn�nm►nrmnmmrttmrmmm rt' mr�tn�
What shall I buy for Christmas Gifts? 'Phis is the retssin
►roble 1 with
illost people at presltnt. 1 r f1
DON'T WORRY. •lwit vieit oto' store. We think we can h t
91N VUII SUI�C that,
iulpnrtalit Ijucstion to our inutoal advantage. Our shoal' casetf "are loaded with
Beautiful goolls 1longht on purpose to moet the wants of (;,,,jstuul s1,,Or
the table we show an elepia lino of Illy 4-1 s. 1 0
It is an extract of fresh cod livers, containing
I' all the virtues of pure Cod Liver Oil without the
What It IS
nauseous grease, combined with Phosphorus In
the form of the Compound Syrup of Hypophos-
phltes, nutritious Extract of Malt and the Fluid
Extract of Wild Cherry Bark.
It will promptly relieve, and if its ase is con-
tinued, permanently cure chronic bronchitis, all
What dM
affections, croup, hoarseness, nervous
disorders due to in exhausted condition of the
system, prostration following fevers, debility at
change of life, or constitutional wcwmess at any
age, and all blood disordem
We positively guarantee of Jki&'s Tasteleake
to do exactly what we claim it will do as printed
on the label of the bottle, or any advertising
matter, and every druggist who sells 'f Brick's
Tasteless " is authorized to refund to his custom•
WhatWt �A
n {�{�
er the full purchase p I if one hottle (foes not
show a ectded Improvement, wi h improve -
went will result clue if additional
bottles are taken.
We therefore request Jou to try a bottle of
"Brick's Tasteless " on our reeermmendation, and
if no improvement is shown after taking it, return
the empty bottle to the druggis t from whom you
purchased it and he will referred your money.
Can we be fairer?
Two Sims -8 Ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00
rnt►rmn�nm►nrmnmmrttmrmmm rt' mr�tn�
What shall I buy for Christmas Gifts? 'Phis is the retssin
►roble 1 with
illost people at presltnt. 1 r f1
DON'T WORRY. •lwit vieit oto' store. We think we can h t
91N VUII SUI�C that,
iulpnrtalit Ijucstion to our inutoal advantage. Our shoal' casetf "are loaded with
Beautiful goolls 1longht on purpose to moet the wants of (;,,,jstuul s1,,Or
the table we show an elepia lino of Illy 4-1 s. 1 0