HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-12-19, Page 3THE SIGNAL: WDER.ICH, ONTARIO THURSDAY, Decewf►er 19 , 1907 3 ----'____ -- - - 4 IQeneeetum Mineral pater The Old, Old Jglre. WHEY FED CALVES. ' _ _ __ Xews of the ___ ____ Sistriet,►IIHtt IiUDBI{IGH MINt:HA[. WA• A New1•urkluauarta lrlkllbdabk,ut - ---- 1TKKtU••Inanuf•cturon of "61enn.eUplr Rexal, the bdlllNltt xtl..".thor +and+ Important Points In Rearing Them In r." taro Vrou.ral to dallier to Any attack of I juurunlibl. 'ltrud, yuu knWv." hr I Good Form. i r vellel'. ;�;-k. -A 1'kMtlba llaThu death of Henry tiheuldowu, it uuu I nxu came into Lite bush, said' i Rowe persons cluluh that good calae, -... - Irlow„ IWlfr•t lJbllter Ale in Piut. .uul »ad."fuuu al' hr„s,c-,•Ire Nluerol uWr ill throe.sure. Y K Hoadilaltl thlat excellent p:aimer fur. len 1. """"I,tnita raid clurrw H.ItYu Water And fortuar ra+rideul of ('rudituu,,tx;curied wade fur hiwrelf xud Weil N euw- g ,.lIb,uhle. tit. Thew owl. are mets tram )' )'sass uta uwru� sod wools N tartar wc- cannot he reurrl[ uu whey. OI eta+wmlwwl nafuurowater,rCat his, home it) Mitchell recently. forlabbethome, Mrs. lolcutt Jird about errs of it. ►'hey stay that bu the have maid that the best cows that they I .11 Iwyurltfe.., P. L. wALTV.' Nen Charles Stock, butcher, of Cueditun, record yenuy+xi(u• Nr. &'Ott, enjoyed, soring of lt•S5 It [elkprter fill' The ever saw' in the dairy luriude u uml.) s.•,, Plloum an' hair purthxrevl a bumiurrr ih Se•briog• lbs respect of the eumunnnity where, Traveller (lit" 1. Ile exp ,. line yo,oug ` = J - - -- -' villr, whither he will rt -move shortly, he halal live it Lut mel u.xnv years. lu chip. A visiWl lu Lhr uftice the land �r that assn rtxeeal during cul[ha, l jldtlslC Rieh,uxl Patterson. of HrO..rlw. InNr lNIhtICUI Ilaaltrl'b IIC N'A, a I.itN•1'sI, hula mftee Ula+ fuuural found lhr odium +old arwrntlulty ua u diet uC wbrp. 'flag I - he w+w an ebLeeund meinher of Calvin' bid ►lull talking about, his hp.x dib- truth probably lied I)COATen these leo It takes more than removed with hi. faulily to Edglar, 1 1,I•edbyleriAu ehurch. 'file 44lnily 1 cOnsolately. 'it has been a wad lust:, extremes, remarks Professor 'Phomas 1'idl(' CLAt SYS. I AM PILE. near liarrie, whsle he will engage rt I colusislr of five sour "last two daugh• I friends., the visitor r:ai,l. 'A haul loss Shaw in considering the matter, as modern •niachinery to pro- d. Ie I. ffl I� 1'AHKt W rewire t l I tui ..cur Lhr mercantile burinrbs. ti.u,o And u,w,ry, a1 -o eau Ilurrougb, wu.f.u1 Joint, blprua of the barn line. 1iu1• I (rte. The rues are John, .Lours. I indeed. He riRlud and loukerl rlNyut tolluwr, In Am(,ifcun .1•griculturist. duce good l{uur. I t IS the �inM+rltat1eu 'net ntd for roues chudruu. (L Robert, Allan mild Willtev, tall bu E4by the moll, 'And I ,un pleased to ser,' l'ah•es can los reared lu better form 'renai+ mild of irr.Iororni ttine, I klyFo' ha At dao,ett' vt•ry ill at the home of hist Wuwanosh ; the dntighlel•s, I.izAiP I he went un, 'that uu cunlnlelporNW Care USCtI 111 SeICCCIng the ft nr+on U. daughter, Mrs. S. Cox. Little hope it and Aggie, are at house. lir. `icutt Y R K 1[ they arta not given much whey until ANUItY:\1'ri. entertained of his lelApver •. the uu•bauchold event by lanai in, ole they are five or six w'uekr old. !le(oru N'heat before It is round 5 wait ill his sixty-eighth year. errlN••' 011ie Rru•l frowned. •Crus'?' and the searcliltig tests of RUY AUAAlti ►lits ►:lairs Amur. Mrlrad apo eldest j hr said. •Whele do yuu see :illy feedJug whey the calves should tat r A. The Late Peter Porterfield. I started oil new milk during the drat ?ucnsu ua' !'rano llrugh�(1 Fie►uunnCu111 hVlurt y tubi (Joe of tura+ oddest roll brlkt-kilownl �illWtbnt,(. Uvei K nothing.' N41-1 R.till the. nth week or two. No supplemental (nal expert. C{ICmiS!S afterwards Studio in Mull ofMuwtrwlBluck- Winghsnn, wvar recently Married to rbidentr of haul N\'rw•auusll �basal''that rout crkil,e. It's the Office will take the place u[ new' milt.nc that gIVC _- _._ -_ Uusteiv A. Dlxuheiun, of the mule city, real away In lilt- death of looter ter' tow`a•1.' " Kxchan;;.•. such a time. It would seem to be au C. IIoniae, of Clinton, has purchased �'orterfield, the former clerk of thtat i, _ .. .. - absolute necessity in order to stars Royal Household )r�oai town -bili and 1x.wtumbU•r .tt Marnoch. Gallantry. the \cork- of cilgesuou aright. if it i+ n � ----- front acre. atilt -t, of Harluck, the which occurrodtill Thursday. the -Uh' Flour ----_--"-- right Nerrr uu (he IN,int Ik•twea•n the iunt. �(r. PurlerRlrld was a native of � A true rIN•ciula'll of In:ully chi'a•ah y not nturtarl right, bol dutag 1,+ likely W 1)R.4. F;NMACKSON a TURNHULL. last line of Hallett and the gravel ill.L. ir. orletand, ;lull cause iv sit the very pectora of a small knight follow, rveu though the ufallugenktint �, mad and I. pRnting it with fruitvoor_ A. T. KYslKpawa9, M. P. treee. Mmi b i hlic After ll cause t for I who holds the rights o of his liady love folio , evtly should be Judicious. ,Then ,-.. its nutritious (Malities, Its S. Tcasacur., H. a home Links, ill t+clulruru and 1Vertntiu-, mFic[ed - wma eocuuntrled the Other u change 1s made from new to sklul purity and its uniform good olllcr. Hatatltou street, 1'hoou let, Ena•h Clark has slid his Ilrl-acne titer lownshi w, ht• cave to East IVa- du nn ,t Boatuu kindergarten. The milk, taking one to two weeks to make Nr. vol'.F:ullV k' o rawlitint, Kurth street. 1 I Y ' mess. III ICS preparation no at. Gemxo.church,' hone tort. farm. oil lot IS of the 17th concession waoosh in ]fell and se•ltled on the lilt teacher discovered that a very r:, all the change from all new milk to all Nr. rurnbuli'm re-idenne. Flontreal.a•eet. of Urey. W him brother• Henry, Of whele he IlVut the rest of laid life, , (Key' wam+ chewing gun, and rhe blade skim milk. no process tending to im- mouthwwtof Pastille Ublury. ►'hunts tut. Walton. lie will proluably retire In the unwe year, a poslo8lce was him dirgurge it. prove its quality IS omitted fnpm,active life for it Luuc and like up established at lixrvntxh, and hu was .•1 can'(•". he +aid. As soon an the change 1S 1leghh to )lit F. J. it. FORSTKIt EYE. EAR skim lullk then ullmcul or flaxseed or sir reridrucc ill Walton. x r rointld raoUuadtrt•, v position he I ••)!oil e•xn't :'" stn+ 7uh.w•ered in stn•- , Or Slt,ht.d. ' � Tel{ Volar Note and Throoll Indy. Stratford, 010 [ 1 1 I linseed gruel rata be fed as the calve, Hou.+ .urfu n+ Vew York uphthalmlc and Walter -Stewart, boll of Rev. Lr. held until January let last. He was priac. '1\'by• Yt'F. )'o" e•"'• a"`I YOU y roger tha o -ou want Royal tnrAl I,,•tltutr. "'JI" a'111"ti'mod"' 't Kmr. aitewart, of Clinton, underwent tan one of the oldest Ikyhtanaste'r•d •rel the Must_" may 1p0 able to tato 1t. t m l Put i ) " ro•..mlThn"t Hospital, Uolden,tyuare, mild o wratiou fur the retutvml of N tumor country, if nal Lite oldest in point of "NO, 1 enn't," l IN+1'sisted, and kept tutu the wllk uutll they rat meal tray household because the ItoYml l.uudan UPhl hnlude tylwn•arld Fjo-1 l ert'vlCr, and had ulAu fur uvrr furl the Rlult in Ihli runulh. Id. As r00n ad they do thin it l- put _ Ntm•vllal tpdon. Bn ulll.•u .tN,erl nett, on the brain in Torouto rrcrntld, >' makers guarantee it. lalrrtford, oopodte Windoor h.ael. Hour.: Though he is not yet out .of danger, years held the contract forcarryiriglbt- ••Now, why can't yuu {Give tile ►slat into the meal that Is fell dry. With yet r.m.,,, p. set 1 -Sam• Totcphuuu esT. hoped are entertained fur hi, ultiulate assails between Marnoch and lielgrave. giant, Johnny:'" the teacher• asked. this added to the mlxturr it mn)• In• ftllvie.Flear � Co., lie. ---- - - _ - ----- recovery. lir. Porterfield w•as'in hid seventy- llecxuse," staid Johnny shortly, 'Sl composer! u( the following: Ground 157 ' L SSill 1), French, formerly mat gear u[ Ute fourth year, kind had nut IN•rn enjoy- Iselongs to a little girl in yianuetvillc." corn three parts, ground nota thee, _ -- -- !Huron" county house of Mugu at ing guts! health fur some limn• l'hr------- wheat bran one. uileake one. 1'or it _ IAMKRON k KILLUIiAN, BAR. CliuGm, bit Hoar filling the ilium of death of him eldest sort bt Lite railwuc The Amiable Husband. tLur the ralaca tray bit allowed to tate - -'--- tams tat Onotha, two yt••ars mgt. fol KIHTKR9, wllc[Inr-. nooarle., ere. onlr.•, weigh -mister in the town of rtamk• tins. Kscbel Furter Acer)•, like ani- all of this that they will eat. lirmillao HL.thlnl door faults 1pluiaro, Goderie.h, movie, Flask. He is paid by cowuaib• O\ved in Fi few months by the tragi. vernal soffraur leader, was talking re- lnan M, G. l'.tNKla►N, K. 1'. J. 1. Kilo mien, lout him earnings range froua Will dens of Ili& t.bn•in-law, Junw. Fes- rrntl nlmrlht divorce. Changing to Whey. Lu1tAX. - Wiillr1itt guwou, one of the trio of I141wrinen y nlmUh. '•111 lrlultrr is al lhr start of Jit• 1b•lacn the rhana*e is mode to ahead I drowned at 13ayfirW, se+rulek) lar dis- to Mrs. Avery, said. "Nen uud the calves will t+o give pr sLx works PROCDFOOT. I(AY-4 a BLAIR Revent Tol"Ito palieru cosoment hearten hhn, and he realized that thin barrister., "unction•. nolwriettpublie PM • very flatleringlyou the recital given world had little more for him, kind lit- wonnen tats. nut. 1611 k w, olpativicioms not old, as intimated. Should should is• min the alaritimo ('our+, els. utfire, r,.t.k'e ill that city by Miaw Lilliula F. Jdck- wpnw people I lei n k. I mPut ienrr younger three to [odor weeks should 1 lwloarr, nest door 4'. A. smlrn'•lttvinrY. O I „syn. A. 1'. l'. ll., dauglaler our. .loch- looked confidently forward Lu that ,•cubes uio[edia•Orr.•" than inuuurnliV'• ire occupied to uutk'lag the change from , ,.if fund. Its lend At It w.d red -of iuerro•t, '•inheritance which is incorruptible N•hrn 1 wu" living In Pittsburg 1 s . W. 1'IpyCUFI►1.yT. K. l'. It. ('. 11AYH. u. P run,. jr., of Clinton, who our the least ;ted undrflled maid that twists hut.certAnil slim milk- to all whey. I[ they are I eLAllt,__� four yeaaxa how atudied Oradea• tilt- well- away." Uw•e.ssr•d was for thirty -mix Palled one day Ona thaill a nlsrrrad five olecka old, the change may be fits known pianist, J. U. A. Tri y r. w'una n to dinner time my h oat-' L Triplo. carr the tea nasi o clerk of h: u+t 1Vx• ruade !u out- or two weeks, but it htKlNlaION k (;ARROW. HAIL- While visiting in I.undun rreeutly, wanosh, and he ser•toruhed his duties rsm rulaf for tlau maid. yihr said, should not be sudden. The quantity ptrfeCLly s D uINTKitri, attorneys• .mlk. tor., el". K 1 i'•Nary. is that Mr. Browp downblairs ) o;odertch. Notary tolend ora I^w++.t rata. E Harold Mxrt,hall, ,t young they frraO in a inns[ enleient &slid capable man- 1 thought I heard him lust euw•." of w•bey to feed will b+ a little more h C C a u S C I- L,h'KIVtlUN. t'11A1t4Fs uAltlttyt►'. W neutr V►'ingh:un. [ecricrkl srt-iour tjl- mer. During ell theme veers, he was ..Nu'nn," llary andwelekl, 'that \Jus the than for calves of the 6dme age on -- --__ - -_- , termtl injuries by Iwing b(ruck in the krp( in clone. tench with (he p eople, dawg what wuz,gruwlin'." sk-Im milk -that 1st 1t till be fourteen each garment atomneh with a heavy lipped arrow•, and no one was letter known uta ulorr jlneurlince. jlAans. etc. -- - to eighteen pounds Ire day for calves _ , . _ _ -_ - shade of SWut ubh wtnrd, by as youth- ighly respect 41 ill the communit9 - rut rumpaniun. The Iruy in recover- a the doermsed. lir. Purtelfield! A Starter, Not a Repeater. at six weeks, Increasing at the talc of is made t0 L 1n YOl•NG a ROURMTHON, REAL. �K slowly. a worthy Scat, n true Lilxrxl ant} I "lista repe:ate mturie, about her one to two pounds u week' for the next Fi.tue and lI-urwnr Aseut-. ileal e-- r (lunch Presbyterian. He was the! w'unnen friends, doesn't she?" few weeks. It should not be given to - individual type Of lair for •,ah, or to Int 1'ml"•rliu. handled in Tile drsth of .lane liodginm, relict of anytwn of the Indio semi County. F'iro and the late 1(,,Iwlt Hodgins, of Cmirliton, ver , serail pf honor and intogrbl)•, a "Not- often; •mhe usually starts the extent of unduly distending the figure. to 1n 1rtance, uwrw3f to Imo ell•. whirls occurred un Wednesday. Lite ntan�whome', word was as gaol at: his them." _ paunch, as has been sometimes .done. lilt inst., reenovel A well-knowia and bond, and who would scorn to do any- -- -" • Animals of that class are sometimes 1O11N W. CRAllilF, LIFE. FIHF: highly r,•mlkctwl resident ut that thing itlt'wn uta deceitful with bib fel- Right you are. Alunao: the furan• rendered hideous because o[ the lane After It i3 finiclud and a mod accident iramumarv. Aleut for Ie.Autg lowmxn.� He bad fat• ) tsuts been :a t lin plays Irrx,au se• the wetter Won -k"' rut,„nail and lot -k ,vnnl+nae.. imam"•, in sal place. Iarey'dWtl, who was in itor amount of paunch they carry as u re- h..e. rRemlo;l ol"•.•tp n -and .I btwe,t rmtr.• atzty-t-ighth vent-. is rut•vived by unit - OCS t0 the laundry for I An m+ oTrr, rernlrt W -t Street and:+Inmrr miaQ•r end one brnther• holt of the rzcessi\c (ceding o[ whey. g m mAdre.. cJ.e t\', ('1lAlu1F:, uodeneh, trot. a The chardc'ter o[ tee \cox•)' -that ick, its final tt-aching, each 1, I.- .1.0-21 A recent event of interest in West the condition 1n which 1t reaches the Prato wk•iely was the ruarTinge of two e' C, ristmas Tree crlves--is important. When brought garment 1S tested On �[cKil,ld)1' MUTUAL FIRF: IN• former well-kuow'n re4identx of Cert' 1 / i from the wileyatank• at that factory 1t ll MUItANCK CO. F'arm and i-it-t•d trali:a• in the Im-awns of Miss Jennie '/Y-CiiAlltli\ MFIK� mOCiQi3 ranging from 2' town proyert]• sn-orad. Value of Pm;-. lar HxKguh, cldrsC dsu late t of llrm. R. ��� \ is frequently bn had condition Itr•cstlw .,oed up to Jan. limn. o, cr tRt ntionu. IMU.Ce. K - ,, .o4.11rer or.: -J. K Mdwrn, �ro,. ; T. F'rs.er IlaKgith, of lirltiwnt. Aha., and ��` of careless management. t0 SO inchuse mea3ufe- raoe 1�rtt�e� ; Jr+. ('mrMrly, ti. rwM. Mr. r'h.,• .lames h:. bilnilh, euw -s i/I'( s it•r'olaa -- nry, J, tt' "I' Ja.. Kt.0-. J.(i.Grn_.J. Itrline olea'ehaalll of Edult,ontAn, •� ' 1 /Ma? \.. meRt. Thus the 312e I3, wet.. director.: T. F:. Hr)-. Nraforth. w•rolary rib I \ o The Dainty Eater. tm-urer:takost. -. n -,t dimo-wr to hum., Alt interesting event Look place ail - - y The dainty eater Is hot the cow the determined aCCuratell'. J, w•. Yeo. Hdaw.rute, earns ►^r We -t the home of Mr. and 11rm. Jas. N'. Ao �'asue' -A a H,inms. Policy ho ere aan�+r mew.a ,rntr \ dairynnau wants Tor business, because And the size as marked and ar•t their rant. reemipt .r Mr. e!mu.% Reid. of Clinton, on Wrdnesday, the For the tomo' 1� his profits come not from the feed that 19mton. or a1 Mcl.wu lido-. Pala..: t lathing Lith Inst., when their only daughter. C1' Chrletmas, rpt YN. remains 1n wow and bin, but from 1S exact, and slays So, Nloro e;Odorteh' Mism 1lillixu MAI y, wn" a nitel ill the 't An, I,fuea F) - that which 1s consumed, srv's U. W. _- ---- - horada of pelta N, Thont:as IAt•, ut ,i Tlersu to�/►� because Stanfield'3 Undcr- SHj�a pjkR o Londial"rnp. Itra. I1. E. furry, of rI I`'�� Lighter In Notional Stockman hula ��ir i a - ` Farmer. During the winter, when they wear can't shrink nor _ _ the hatter plrcr, ufHcialel tat the cere- I m f, v `�lHA1'IN(i ANU HAIR -DRESSING 1110119, festa, $jadsotae siren eke do little or no work, We feeolourhorsee (l KtItUNtri. Thr lm -r vox" in town' 1'he• sonar of lirujwmin Churchill. of 11 1 T c u light ration that we call a muinte- Stretch. Wornpl .enllus. tater Ihtia,r clean end tam the 3rl concession of Hullelt. was gny yy: 1� � . �• uance ration, but In the ItprinR we odd last. No• awl sold �,ath, W•M. [lAvlp. t� , ARoll nn { ' MY i ti�an-h F:arharaan H.wel Bork +-ecees-ar to with festivity on Wednesday. the e. el tIt An .-6i SII , ��� to the maintenance ration a lot of cont ►'our sealer will likely haac allW,' .h Vi•y1. 11th irast., when his daughter. *tins- t� i; "� '-� �rand oats to lye transformed Into pulling cites and wei hts. Ifnot, he can e sw s cro;rded end ���. g __ - ___ ._- Dol•cas, Is -earns the bride of Hrrlm•rt - , ` � power to move plows. barrows'. etc. Wesley liovirr, most of tlrnry l:uvier, , ; Psek m ce In w fico, alt► tAla((s get them for you. 13s MaTrlajj0 L1COIllaee _ of this Ipa1v line. Hutlett. Rev. G. R. \ - ; � o, a les r 'wary o The food consumed bes[des the maintc• Bonne. o[ Clinton, rorfonueal the , . a su e o de r o'i mance ration Is what gives us results. ,t�ALTKIt K. KK1.1.1', 1 �t9�M�� � 1 have no use for a cow that cannot SlAtIfTE7D5 LPtlrriD - r[Uld. N. S. uuUklticH, uNT, ce[ewony in the' presence of a huge 11 n rQ Y s a -- number of newt". The y be n' an' n' utfllw three or four times the maintc- tt'dehmaker, Jeweller and apptk'uan. K 1 .- , %', v panCC retort, - -- la.aer of Ilarrlaak, 1A.•eo.e•. After a brief illness of pneumonim, l'sa1-I• sus a nffels o Im I,a '-Such Is.. Mlx. H. 1'rttypircr, of Kinlolkx, px,"eel 1'o�'.ahsld I can fit far chs lime 4 'rAdod; tit W. LAI F, hlai['KR OF MAHRI awa kill Sunday. the 8th inst., In the r �aams to me now I;caq atnl'sgy� o' al li 1� AUYliver+«,uoderteh,not. Y �( ' Men and Women of Ontario '; thirty-seventh year of her age. lye- �I A fta(th�n seems I fan sei'tIn~ co dies all lighted , __-_--_� _ _ __-T -_ cew,•ed, whip waas r "lost estittable .0 � Up In,i