HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-12-19, Page 22 Tmuasuay, uewiveer 19, IW7 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH+ ONTARIO __ __T • r - -, - .,e_•tat�.arr��,•l■ • w.r �r•e�w••,r• • _ r _. _ _ - - -_ -- _ ---� Y_o.-- __- _._ _ _ ,vr anti hu xs he will never be- considered npvrrdarin tt) o it a his uiuulll. ll, of au sonuity which will tx purcbased '- _ i OUR OTTAWA LE1wrER wuudPlrJ tl�,tl, i( iheYr Charges were (b the annuitant fur hlmrelf hir I, A'r �C HESON dead enough to yuNlify ta/rtlw aionatr. K y vv SON Dur, the huuurabin KrnU.luau whiles ileilro. It will tiiffrl• Il•um tin r.hpnu•s the i >ru�[ At a eerling of the National Civic - - Attorney -General for New Brunrwicis of the itlrurxucr cowFwaajrr in that t 00DERIC11. ONr'AltW, Federation al New Yolk this week SOME INCIDENTS IN THE PROD- had not taken acti0u Ell have the policy ru celled will never Is and alleged eiw•reAut punished. Hu re- that payntrats laude into the !]u\ -ru. i P17BLISHED EVERY THURSDAY the Statement war wads- by n delegate RESS OF THE SESSION. msiuded the Huuar that Ali-. Pugsley meat tar like Capital sufre which will � ■1' that the Canadian law recently pasw•,I halt stnrte,l life alla Liberal. had Kone produce the annuity' will never fa• Ladies' and Men's Fpr Coats at Sacrifice ^ }y AN ATT KK R RUNf.RT5cIN (o! the prevention of Strikes and uvrr to the Col•rervati,oes, anti had aliellatl•d, and rel alloolute safety will Prices :,TelephoueCallNo.0 Mon. Wm. Pu sle's Charges 4 ainst luU•t•lfrcoml+rLlhrrrlrgafu. He had Iw Srcur•t•d b the ott•ly whoulnkeY �-�-� •-�� Ira kltutx \\'AY eat Leet S diurekes uvrr g ► R L Y 1 H. L. Borden Worry the OPpoai• nu doubt first when the Conservuti%es the payments. It is u radical rchemP Torras of altbacriltion : Paaa•lrll 111 the IIIWI'a•►tr of Cxpl,ll xnd sl�ould ••own to lslwer 31r. lit clay fu- the betterment of the prospects of labor." Evidently', while the mock- t'oo Millionaire Kemp ,n A Bad would be found ritliug ulwu r. H the wage-earner slid will Secure w I We are greatly overstocked with Fur Coats and we would not Ltiu perannum It Saran,+,•' Temper Mon. Clifford Tifton to L. Fotdt-nr dawn a I. Thr Mfslfrtrr, cow la menthe, .9►• ; lhttw. mulnh.,'Sr. 1•Ak! brigade have Ixten working over. 6 prlt-ucu ftii• bib old SKr. This tend sacrifice prices at this season 1f coaditioaa did riot warrant it. To United state, yub,arlber.. (a.;,Ir r )tap Hetire born Parliament The Old- huwtver, received the chxllPnge in rile cu-ulwiative Scheme which F. 1). ( i.trirtly h, advance, time, Our legislators at Otlawu have silence, roil will await his own good \look will brin forward, and which _ t3ub 111lera who tall to nreitr Tu): SIGN IL Age Annuities Scheme. gg regularly by null will confer a favor by yc•, lint Stout nil thrix time in uselrax par• time to reply W tbr�Uumts tit tit- Cou- has tx+t-n aln•ady rzplxined in thew ell's Htowvi Woulbat ('oats, vuesintlrrd ue of the twt at ax unrly a date a. suite. : „ __.. servatives. Mr. 1 ugaley is an ex- columns, should make tit it sit inter- _ ft's (M. fur.......................t�.� 1' Wi91r• `-- I lrncelli campaigner and know• eatiu session for the wage-earning \Irn'r lihacl l'ulf l'IMtY, when r e new s or atadnho i-dbesrNh Wrtlt the Three• huntim-A land* til' butter 4,10m our own l .I maWudeut., when it is u g r *Ill and the new addraw should !w glreu, ip ppurUull that be ab'IUId eltew. �S,I10, for. �•� have recently been Stolen from the OU:tw•u. Dvc, 10. Tile Opposition speak, \len'• Black Uhinu Uio ('opts, sel- Advertising Rate{: London Asylum. The other da a had never intended that the delaate C K Y oeporatlioas Have Some Good Points. I ect aklns anti utltraclwu collar, l.,' at Ynd „thea atillllar aalVert 1,einenl.,, 11r lilt the address Should come w such a Charge of Embezzlement. $=W, for...... . ner tiles fur timt in.rrtion and to iwr line for nlllk-delivery Ceara eau away at Sees- sadd.0 stop its it did without having `Jit Wilfrid Laut_irr's defence of tor• iw 7,� Vin ham, Dec. 17. -P. N. Tanrlr ' r .ch wtawvraieaii ioarrtiou. �twsund by w inti olid o great calamity ons "drawn" the Hun. t�'ilhaw PugrlPy, WrwtiOns n�ealslst a•asltun attack hwr K )'• I e dlrn'a l'orin Uoats, =70,W, (tit•, , ho,l"areil..ah-, twei+e ti)l.•. to au inch. Mrt there it au interesting slur I,r• occasioned rood fur• thought. It may for till, past riven years branch eAu• o0 tsu.inrr:a cel.ta of ,is line% and under. &i Ir•r avoidrti only by the fact that most of K Y }w suwrwhxt tit a departure from lir et• of the lull 'telephone Uou{ n Ladirr' lung, hear Yew. hind it. Uurin¢ for recess, and'xt a P Pe► y, Y• landroauc Adeeti.euleola of l.o.r, Found, tatntywl, t=it- the milk had almady !leen deliverpd' !)tit he meeting at Ottawa. Mr. Pugh- Popular diaignoitiun, but it is nevrrtil, W n appear tuwurrow warning u, Tweed Coats. 117.611 and ff�fd.iel, nation+vNn.nt, 210natiorr WanW, Houao. for lot it not About, time more effective Il "w well knuwu, inane souse be, j• tear refte"hulg to find rite leaderof the answer w it charge of rill bezzlemrnt f111' • .. • ... • • . ........ Kate or to H,•nt. Fenn+ for rale or to item• y' Guvrrnlut-nt stating that corporationsprrtrrnkl b the colo n • • � • • � �' &00 Anklet, fur .-al", "" out r:oreding eight mraaures turn• taken for the safe- our chaegrs concerning the Conserv- K Y p ny. It it wl- lmrlies' Astrachan I.Autle Clwt,,, I Yir tweh ht+ertlun :tit for first month, See I Ative caw • 1 u fund in the Uaritiwe have been one of the must potent does the sults rrrvulreel fr in the 1'NRUIar �• i,lCl, fill'......... . toe each Yub.eQuent month. lAuver adveru.r- guarding of such valuables Rs milk. I't K agencies of nootlern civilisation In the llopu• .. 33.00 Provinc•s, xnd at the Sakur lime at. K urighlxlrb/Nx1 Of sues. He is a Regular ewenU in prol,orlion• hostel and eggs :' Imagine grocer's creation wnd distribution of wealth dal• luxe around tuwu, and the Citi- R lar R16.W, for ............. 38.00 Announceruentr iu ordinary rearlirag type tea trekerl the 11r110nn1 integrity of the I zruS 1'44«xivetl the uewr with x cent, {N•r lint. No uollrr Ir+. thwn'Gtr toy attempting l0 deliver n dozen or lead,- of the (►ppm,"iliuu. He it the Among 4411 cltlairs of the clnu11uumil)'• great I,adieh' Fur•Lfnwl l'•iwts, cable cullwr, Any r{,1•caal noUre, theobitrl of which i+ the fresh eggs without an protection but fllrot luau in ('finalla to cunt fah relroj na (Iogxtrallons wrrr, acc•onliuK to the ll''AI of rut-prjw•. � Ne is out +at 11mmenl p xunlary berent of soy individual or w.woci- KK )' I 1 o Prewirr, aim d x n• I "n ll:i(kl Ixaih clot of Hnert English braver, •tion, to M ronridered an adterti.emeut and the hoeerly of the Iuwnsloeople ! un .Nit. Bolden, wnd this xb * bas { y KK Kalionb of I1cun- >i7n,ull, sur ..... , , . , .. 59.00 wheegareetl,+tr•tndtoogb'• aroused the rn• of the ('opsrrvxtf\.,• note utero xnd it.tixxl lu reason that flat,+ for display said -nir.rt ad,eriiie- And stores left ungu:u'de•d At night part)'. Hy prulongiog the deluate un the)- would accntllplish molt- than in-; CHR/STMAS GLOVES events willbegivruon application. cotitaining butter of incalculable the Kieg'S splwcb, until Mi.. Pugsley dividualt-aurt. Heehad many words Alm Addrea.all communicattm,ato valor ! Could not Mr. l,rwis include would rise tit -his feet a11d repeat I , Of praise for the C. 11. It. , It diad lo. -en a College VANAM'.k t ItORERTSON, charger title to face, the O I position built lir a private enter Irl" slid no Ulnm'h sinews Kid Glares jai tans and in hill platform a plonk Ixnd a woxwl { ! one druievl that it Ian see the grey•, % to Ii, at ,.......... •„ Tare flu Nat. hoot tl ll t nitaih til• afterPr u o there "A Leading College for =t'so orr.adcb.ont, atuut enc, I/Nn for the providing of a nod then : but when, after n l'unSery. '''ountr)• ouch Iretl.r rhsn :a Guvrr°- Mru'r bilk -lined Kid (iluvaw IPerrin',I, --------.. -- Safety delxosit vault system or Inline" Alive callous had arraugeel x Witalrer Input ent.rprise would have dune. Girls and Yours Ladies." fit to :t, At ............... UUUaRH'n. THURSDAY. 1)►;t'. Is, 1f1:• thing „f that liuJ ter the lrot.efiun lit xwenduicuts which would hart- tic• g • • • • • a.00 1 lltat Inspection Act. " : 1. -- of d'riry +rlrlocts in frwnsit haw 1h luyevl the tossing of the addtrla till High School Classes. glee's L.inrn Handkerebiefs of evely ► after Christmas. ,the I:ffvertimeut in. 1'hr 5i i edu of agricuhuty hast etylu :►lid Initi44l At fruto, wach...tajc b 4oc nxlwcr to the consumer: Veen obliged t(P defrn his Wert in• Junitr IMlwrUuent for I ublicSPhoxll THE BYLAWS. P furuu•ol lir Irtulrr tit till- Opposition a pe' -tion Oct 18tudies,1. Mevl',sl'wbrt-llNmr, rplrutiidrrr\'icexblr --.--- - . that nil no acroulat would 311% Polis- 1 p:tasrll hest seaalon. The I Music, Fine Art. ('uuuuelcial. Ikl Four bylaws :are sghmitted to the ' Busy Days. ley speak during tilt- drbwte un the far, Isere w the ofisteict of l'hat11 dr- wakarr...: .... ..............;I to;5 each addiess, the Conwi%allivev changed chile that the leg ilatimis tacked on to-I'nestle iScieuce, Hfuciltiou, Physical Men's Necktie%. New York goods, K ('ulttne• select : ..... . r.atPpwyery of (:oedrrieb far their rust- Don't \ou talk 'Ixnrt ttoaihle�, hoary their txyfica. wnd sill await Ute Heat the Ort will ruin the d well hug in -I 35c (0 =1,35 on the Lith of Join uar •. They late ; t'ren dot Christmas tree : (Justly in that SeCli(Pu but there is For year llllok write 1 OPPOrturiity to foler the Minister tit 1. To advance a lagan of X1.1.lsel to Ibr t ymt atop fob knee Our niunr. Public N arks to �ualr KINxI his promiw that the exigi neer of special PRINCIPAL "'WARNER, LADIES' GLOVES Busy As kin lie. cuira will he legislated fur. Lha flinty E nginpp Works Company to charges: this will prolably come R St. Thomas, Out. Our eehx•tion i.+ uuurually largt- .uul aseiat in the ettenaion of the (root• liters Is soil ly on dr wing, when the Public Works 1'tlt 1111N1 Ptl are $iftOa to Retire. Reo tl. Dar s a tint, fah everylhj°g : IN•in tut throe h, or when the pe after Holidays )an. 6, 19tid. .ouglete. We curry every itvle frau all pally a bsiness. - Tiulr to work au'thur t(P sing : 6 i R The imlwrtxnf annnuucwut-nt i• (gyp the irallilig Makers. Pricer...;t to ;3.50 Too wulhurize the Tout- Of drlren• Trim Jut Chii.,twa. Uel•. me it•ndulenta to the Plectiml Laws ar,• wade that the !loll. Clilrorel Siftun is • y• D•�/ K out of Parlinulrntxry xlitics for xxl ♦♦♦�♦♦N♦�N♦� Ihoi-Cool Uh�- husi ll,sndk.nozet wars to the nnunlut of *11,4901 to sle•a•t heilidiscusses!. i N♦♦♦ KIM • GMDE Ulf e'IIUh'N lYllllpl'IN••1 hlnrdletls of Juzrn� 0rpital expenditure on \vxterwarka• Npvpr Illi,,' dem Ixeliticia ll. Mr. Pug Bide His Time. and that he will nut trP a candidate ♦ d tixira I electric light plant find rower system• 'frim tint Christina: irve : for 6041141081 wt the next general eke- ♦ THE ____ NG SCHOOL ! )', xauti(ul- sl'ylvtl ill every prier, :3. To provide S7,IMs) for the im" The temper of the Oplruxitiuu may K a - 9 i p Lat dem Inllr in high 1xlbiliuna IIP ail ed from two) incidents-. whit tion. However, it is said that It will iorcsCENTRAL I O4. Tont of the weirs suPPds 1yolt an' dim Ire. ' have ieveivt-d more or leis notoriety. duralead the Lilclet- forces in ) ... 'It•.' W • ACHE J. To u.rantre the solids of the Spend yah dullxh ur yob dime, A. E. Kim a Iht- willionxire ulrueher during the eletliun .xtslPaaigu. \t r. 1 SON SON O /� / Ootario erect Shore Electric Itfljlway Ywie¢ Jr Ix•IIS nn' hrxr'rnl risme, Kemp, Sifton is slow one of the riebrst Minn I V , v Qompany to the extent of $1:f0,laltl, in for Eae t 'l'utbntu. exllPli u(xnl \I r. its ('Amada, wnd his business inten•sts e leen of the leient uarxsltee of broods fes do tine thing at w time-- Pugrky during N slNech punctuated Trim slat l'hiirlmwedtve•. monopolize hie attention. His Ialrtlt I fT1rATFOtefD. ONT. R t e H wrdOf the (louse what l e had ruenanti t of :um All•6ritish rout,. Itabli h.ell _ - �_ of the �faltland Iver Power, l'otn•-11'Rebiu tau Sl u'. w +1 oulsidr� He us, l stror�Jfanat 'n the Old Country reatest llrille Is the Pst:ah Ish- . pang tot w similar amount. 1 sty that r,.ln by sou, fats t„unioo �,�.� Every fwci)ity should Ile provided From -in Memoriam." th r. He axal that the Ministenof and. though IL b#taltlxru6led tit wlnc tn.ut��i •Ain onlwiio. Me hal t 'iiy/wur for the intelligent Bier uesiou of these Pu tic Works had slit on lit%sent for one of wr leading budnoaa training The lilac draws uewr the birth 'of' that It Ir a tle11f I111Plllxl Pathe! shell all bylaws. wI that the voters may know tin weeks like w whipper) tllwwit-1, to dL ni i. 1 s ofr . our {aill.and .i y Y ('hrlxL : Pe'llhtiln ft- COIe•rlll'ItlP, there are hu1M1 w demand na oR1,•,. n+Lttwnln a,N1 bo.i ♦ what they are doing. Information The eNwn is hid : the night is still : _ of its CulHhnent. Thr ex-\liuister Of neon •elleim teacher+.. our couna•- ♦W ■ McK*M. )set,,;; I lit 1x•.1. un- go,all air• ., .,wd. ♦ will 11, furnished in ere{sect of the The Uhristnlx" IN Ila hl/nl hill to hill '3,.>rrl, the Interior iw now oil hie way homy ♦ u intely„ted tit your awn wellart•, wru,• Answer each other in the mist. It total 1x111 of 11.1, 01, (lie- frau EoRland and some aunuuneP- ♦ naw for uair ealaloarne : it i. fete. we Doty and the Electric ltwilwnr bylaws 1Nrratl a the burst shut Ontario it n went as t0 the result of his negotia- * Kot,, tit � Ica ri TeLnalut, ibl wnmerru.l. - by those personally interested in Four voice" of four hwsldeta round, Conserv ive 1 niviuce. Thr frontier- times way lie expectpoI iuunadiateh. . theta. What about tbeolherS:• Will Froeafar and near, tie usead anti vAti:e um orify in Toronto alone was Mr. Siftun bas hitter opponents 2 1%in,trlt•rif open, Januatp':. I S E L L I N wlwr, -1,6:91, so tl -it leaving that Tor hive Anjou at the (Conservative part)•, bill fis• ELLLOTT 3 MtLACHLAN, O T the town council unci the wwter and .Swell tint xndlfall, as if n dour out of Cha ker•koning the Liherals the wogie"t tit them admit that his lues • light commission let them go by de- R'ere •hut lot wr and tilt- wound. actually i u majority of 1.400 in the to the Hous• of (;onsu ons its :a delueter I-Andsal.. fault, or will some effort be made to 1 ruvjnce. he Whitnry Govern- is ahnost irrep,trnbbr. Since the hir •N�~♦♦,S�♦♦*j Each voice four chtolges oil tilt- wind, luelit's follow t in the .iw• ISlnwre is toric debate or. the xsltouom bills, assenexplain the preys ills to si which the 'fhlat now dilate• and now Jrl IeNsr, R K t Y I -- --- _-_ - - A FTER NINE YEARS' DRY GOODS r xl,serlly out o prolxfrtiou to its fol• when he resigned his lxfrrfulio. he has f•,a, assent of the voters is desired I!, I 1 ecce and go od-svill, ,go od-will and bowill jsl the c entry, and the change scarcely helm within list precislets of --- Pew''''• of r few'thoil votes will make a tilt, HOpse, Rod IA&t sets.' he waote .. BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE �E:LLINIj we have decided to SELL Peace anti good -will to all uaukind• great ditfeirnce i the nest nsermbly. only one speech. Hot there wits » and '' EVERLASTING PUSH " OUT. "Lie business Will be sold in Jan - EDITORIAL NOTES.• -Alred lt-nn)'Som• Nilnibarh• in the n t Federal election, tier when Siston And FirMinqQ weer s,,. two•.+rniial.In-w-r... �ttond __- __ _ the Federal Gove meat, which got considered tone mm�ingadrAU beat uary next and in the meantime we Gakrich wants that military camp, Old Christmas. a practically half the •ote east fu I9W in for the spcceesonhip to Sir Wilfrid iaTs) OTT Ontario, •hould get t It -ant half the Loss as hxdrr lit the Lillerwl J/J�� and won't ire happy till it gets it. Nov ht- who knows old Chrj"tIuas, twrty. �LIGtJ�� i InuSt reduce stock. We know the Way ___ Seat", if there is la ver_ slight improve• with the. solids in favor Of the R'est- He kpuwn a cork of worth ; went in the Lila•r l yr e. t. \ Who said this was going to be w For he is an good R fellow erose. Today �L. Fielding la the uo_ t0 d0 t hest IS the Small price ticket." d1111 Christinas season in Godelich ? As nny upon earth. Witere Does the t Come in:• dirplited second in command. The TORO W, ONS, We must give you more for your money Hanuu„n .Tinel• . rival be hats most to fear for the. Ixnd• and preµtre for tlt.t ria.. bu•ua-. . 0, - Wd\don't heal' ail load talk froell Flt- comes a'wrni /•Innkt-d anti eowted, er"hip is the Hon. Hodolphe Lemieux, "urhn+nreopen toour tudeni.. Iitindred. than your money is worth. No matter Y Aral huttonrd lip to the ebio, In ,another culnnru t Terence in the youthful Polwunastrr-(:rnrrrl, of line .rodents are ItMnx Inr,s sal In.i aaplraab for mnniciprl honors, Don't An xoNm as he carnes a -nigh the dun made hl the check l'Nnte jail news- tion. a+cit year 1, I u t,oio yn,s for une' what you want, We WILL SAVE YOU be bashful, gentlemen ! We olden and let him in. Papers have received , in c onnection Making a Good Impression. C. will do it riri.t. %% oto •r f -in , wnss with their sullsar•itx•n residin un the There WAS touch s /eculwl ion ,eforp January rel,. \\ rite for ,:attillau. ands ,1•,' We know lint he will not rail ta, ( hereiuwrcx„luelinar)'bor.inv« v1l¢t--, MONEY, especially in winter goods, "Do your Christmas shopping a11I ax• awPr the hearth a(p stent ; other ritir of lite line. 1'hrrr " not a the Session coulmr,,eed ,as to the I.mat ion of corlalle cad- No; tit • retired for this Wr set him in the old arulcrlair other side jai lli t-. het b r Icwt Flowersof the Hon. (:ro[gP Graham, tit- new Minister tit Itailwryr. Hr Cor. Yoa rant Alexander yfs, Millinery, Jackets, and ClOthing largely b) the increase - of 1NIM r on K year. Try this - '•Better Iwte than And x cushion whereon lu lean. newspaper -soma• of theme loll . lost hall made An excellent iawrewion and W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. I must all be cleared. never." And with sprigs of holly still ivv hundreds of dollars. 11 t is nal)' ,lie on Ixrth "ides of the House he is looked We make the house look gay, side of the tinrrtio11. 1'he thuusa ds "floss an A capable minister and is titan Ask Ow Rirli at the office what 3uat Ont of nn Old rrgxtd to him, lit l'anxdirus living in tit• 1 nit \with it future. Hr has x charming I _ _ I Terms strictly Cash. All aCCOUniS tbey want for Christmas and ten to For it was his Ancient, wit)•, sautes kept alive tine love (ail' ,,,,(I I loser ,tlallty and will make few II--- must be paid at once to save costs. one they will say, "Oh. give un a rest!" teregt in their native Ian(] hp sulphnsl e ri enemies. His un renders his ' ��w���t�� He must lie a rich old fellow ; int( for the daily or weekly Imlx•c from' crit iuisltl It -ft acrid than that of 80 Try it. ' What monev he gives Awx • ! the home t0w0. Now the increase of t his eontrwp )ruries.' tile CENT RA L There's not a load jai y day. � the postage has caueerl a Id -A McKIM'S Pretaste tette r•crlt hos r ew made e)( R great nuec- IBUSINESSCOLLEGE' K t'oe'd of al oral any day.. ge Anatlities. a deflnitP •txtement 'that he will not her ail' them to Put even this rnnuec• • Good luck Imtu OW C'hristmxx, tion Ihill Ixelnd them to the old home. torr, the session is far on its way, be A candidate for another term. It And Iong life let, un sing. • , Mr. Lemieux's action may he of ser. an ttnnpr will he uade to formulate ' of Tni.,nlo ha. -noted theffeMrst. of I r nC ren. for lhC rovision of old -a r yu ",r lite, +ret wonN•n,", the ,x1ry way lox,ks al, it lie meant It. For he 41nl Is tllnle goo d Illi LII (I1C lNmr vice to ('anada In some wn 2', but wp P g 1 - -- -- Than limn a crowned Kin' . confess we have nut seen COP IIPtIPflL annul ies irk Cauadn. it was brought to ,air{wr"Iruf 3rd-or,•r•,., et u, STORE y f ' forma Last session from tier I3ennte .Ingnr�aerl plank 1..tis . \Cite fM tx11 Immigration into Cfuiadu for the _ _ i pond rhe nest dx 1' BUSY Example Better than Precept. by Sir ichnrd ('art wlti ,1, who, slur - twelve nxrntbe ending this n abet FROM MIR CONTEMPORAHIEi. •'-..N'ephtark 4ntmc(Rp+ie+v, ing this last two lir there yPwrs, bus Add'•`• SELLING OUT lasttoUalleti:"ii,lesi. Of this number --- Mr.OeorRe Foster hits given notice bell Rjvj the scheme e1/IaPletters- W. H. SHAW. Principal, MI,:037 pervons came from Great Alpays Grotlehy. tbAt be will notes at nn rmh tint tion. Hix idea i+ sumpwhxt utter Britain and r the plan n Npw %A•alond, bat it well Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. ."AWA from the United ltuelpi, Nerruty. that all civil service appointments !w 1 IN' Ietw of :Irl I age pension and more �s'��wta� .State", Th. unexpected never lulpp,.rsr 'rlacll 71n a Ann-patUwln footing, when The Nail ,slid Fisipin• talks 1i'� on merit ,lid rhnrac'ter alone. Next thing we know The 1:1obe will nbotit the Dominion Guvhrnnlent•a It in the privilege of the rnembf-r'a of be arguing for restriction or .lapunese Ivork, the Opposition to take such w stpp. It commit@ them to nothing. If tile. asw����M��wo� me immigration un the !pound that the The Canadian's Birthright. whole Opposition voted tee a solid 1 ' use+ es sit wont' v onati'in with god ,'snadia„ Ib„ripe, thebodjai favor of ` t b aero to I yIlie LooseLeaf Ledger S'IeamPs is not c(Pmonlult with oNi 'I'„ Ix• I"tl 11 in 1'nnndn thin 1•wrn- lir fact would lint IN• neve ne•ol h• the I Canadian citizenship. tietbcPnturyneovtns'hewlth, freedOoll. public ns x guarantee that the('on- What to and golden oplxlrlUnitien file- 1 eery Pervative party if returned to looters. A C. b•. H. official fat Winnipeg ili')• o r girl. I'll*- Canadian young would snake .ivil srrvirt- ref„rin w mrkt-a the atxtrmt-nt that this ears (meson little no reason to en\'q #troy pnrt,nr its policy. If Lender Horden Give y other yunngleter under rhe sun, trolly wants to convince Lisp people 'rile only (,,w,,n.r.i.il n.h„ui w•."t of 'Toronto u.ing tilt•xmin crop in Manitolm,AlpenaRnd that tho Conservatives are coenruittellshove MODERN OFFICE WORK OF ACTUAL CANADIAN Our Account With the World. In this iw rrLult work, Irl him win8aakatchewwu is' worth twenty mil• W ' R BUSINESS PROCEDURE. Whol.sal. hoots callin daily fur , a Man .King.,trxt Whig. K + by inriucing :11-. Whitney tit Kite n hong more tfiwn Ix"t year's. This i. The world owes nn nous x livin gt'+Idtulr.. of CANADA'S GREATEST CHAIN OF HIGH. K, actuate p the 011, proposed new Whitneysylots in GRADE BUSINESS COLLEGES, h.."use unr aUalrnta IeArn the result of the higher prices of this laxstwlse that pIt offers part of it actual nlxtodo . Mr. tnry i" in to do fly doing." Ex h ,it -h -tit, !lav lNree leaf ledged', hill ,end _,+., seastm. - collrsl ('•nada. It offrta t(P all able r lxrleilion to this. Hail Nt•. &)rflen rhnrge sy"Lear, eitnl sy em. ,auk 1NNIk' : till. out Vermes Of notes, j n' ilrxlie41 turn the chance to neer. and can acnreely ,expect i1t. n1Rke very drafty, Jelxtsi� "lips, t IPriucS, stalemcutr, lease", uutrfgagrs, / "•A little uvrr• eine inches of allow fell nave• to lay up les st.lenootis labor for lunch impression on the niindx of n/eipt", ship ling hilts. 1. Slee Oort-xWdente DO ACTUAL , ' s �( �s`� In 1'011mfI nn.SsU•nluc, and a tr alar the exigencies (Pf the hour and the people ,accustomed to the ways row the first d+o . - R p ) BUSINESS old-fashioned LliziArd swept Octose conling.mir� til old mgr•, the tricks of is)litiria11s by setting up , ) \, a ' Litt- Sit This is from x Toronto A ,Good Nomination. Nr. FoMtel• to worry the Government �' y at iitfowr about civil service tufo-ru, �, 1 of ,Inwlay tact. Ave ve cel', s l.. Gregg Shorthand Paper filnattr• whileaVonservative Governmetlt at It \h, Hryce t-eosea to iN Amblasaaa• Tun/nW irapplying po' y memltrr. however, thief. despite the dor at Wa"hirigton, now would it do en the s tins stemO'�t] rl'HIN(1 I` "climatic disadvantages" of the city to make hills Governor -(.••neral of its arch a wry n- lit. people burr, !1 and I DON'T Yl)U "THINK THAT i most of the o tle (if Tur,rnto nun• Canada whim I.a.0 (Trey's term is (Pitt? uecrr Taro In•h/rr. I wlS lit\r(i r ►x' ► APPAREL would be host n ► Inge to live eery comfortably. It is so1nP time since Canada, had a Farmers Must Organizes �. I I - comwunpr Its Governor. ,anti tilt- Coln- 11lndtnr It(ronl. I'�� u c h Typewriting preel tell, 51niply becauge it's always needed senator P.rk' they steep Rre the w(Prr jhlt-nigcnt and one CRnnot have too much cif it. in It store like 7 gRve• :a newapwirr r Thr Gu nu r wird tile ulRnufacnnrr they art- likes* to IN•. o f-cla ,\ anti nidal , i spoke at 1'ornntn it which ht- f.' 1 ptyltis ik flscto this on( Wllere stich a iar a fitOCIC is carried, it, will be spoke jai rather Plighting lt-rwe of lir `•r Wiurid's Method. yucelions xnd UIe tariff is Hkely to talrghl by 1h. most vcido•ly ri;p,•rir0.ed tc�i•her ei Ontario: she is ' �' yiimror fiehnmrr, occupy A goal deal ,,fattention at th, nlat) a Vadrate of John R. Gregg, the author, find highly recon•. easy to feet almost anything it roan or boy would heed. henry-beiulerl institution of which hp coming ae"sion, expe•cfall. it, vipw (if wPndec by hint. .fast year our Htrnugrnpheroo were x11 placed Space will not permit ivin details, but we will list In his nilly to CfiP Iraiics of the W. is s member. When h•• Rot bark to (', '1'. 1'„ who had an interview with the npprNeching 1•Icctio0a, last yp,er within ten days of gladuatiun. Many of these vouhg Indies now drawing p giving , I Ottawa his fellow .Senators made it him Iecentby in fwvnf of ,t law against rhe. Orange decideil to is forces with S7ss In 11KNI llrr yem. It is freely nduritted that w. traits the Insist 1 Slig(F,egt the following:- * ollowing' : ' the 'nfinufacture And nwle of ej a-- fit*- Farmerti Association, mrid thr rapid xnd Rcrurate. bot for him. You gee there inn ccs• R Consolidation will probably Have: it Neckties Sweaters Umbrellas Pur Collars cites, .Sir Wilfrid Isurier said he hail 1 Y twin esprit dP corps evenxntungsedA(e personally, on ,several occnsfona, re• brm'ing effect. The turinely of On - old chrpS who Are not suppoin,A t0 motistrated with iova whnnl he had tariff have bong been onaniuloule fn ITelegraphy Muffler's Suspenders fancy Sox Fur (.ape Our Tele rah Department i- well f•Iilellllx•,I. ltlallt'onfia fLkP anything of that gr_ seen smokin on rhe streets. Perhaps Lht-h r•mnicUun that there should F/P g p y p :,1. .•hurt „f o1N•rati,rs fond Y R a 1 I Gloves Handkerchiefs Tie Fins Hats and Caps ----- the Premier wase giving A gentle hint Inn organization whoa• ftmetinn shall salaries RIl advancing rtapidl.V•' 'Shirts Underwear Cuff Links Toques )Several members of the second Hug• that the cigarette evil could he dealt he not only to promote the interests ' with 'noir effectively by the Indipa of agrieubinir•. IIOt to snake its in. �- ---- nian Unmw have hPe•1 exiled Greihrria, fluenre felt in It-gislotion. The og _ _-__ _ .__ - - thesngelvea slum by statutory enact• 1' .St...I, to nttendin our chain from almost SPECIAL ATTENTION CALLED TO the Chory(c nlii,inst thpnr bring whit tion of the fxrnlrr in the eonlmpminl . Wide Attendance K mens. ) K I Pvery ebnnty r`ik Onitet•io: ttnn the Huwian officials cull "high ora- Fla worshi Is Not Patriotism. has nn •thin to sell, the nice• is fixed Y from \lited world iS ,neat unonutiuna. When he • Flag - worship tsiha, tiuykxlcho•+cnn,.\II"•rtannd-Hritlleh('ohbnbisa:wnnch+.rnth.t'niG•d .Set of tinslx.nden, 17at•tm's xnd Aru11P1_s, pal up in ni,•,• I•„+ B1 west. Mooch sax if (►r. Sproule and %%no"l.lork SoI'li".1 fact lew hV llllt'1•ta, who lue r111rlo111M1 flnrll I Stitt,•le, Ellglanti xnd S.otland. %Ve tri1jn trent!! Oling people thxu Iaily 1ptl'N For -lined Molchw G10tP" .....................=3 :,Il•r s.3.•SO Hilly" Hmnett had Ix MI rt-nt to The r•oral schoNda Of the Province list) to R,f.r.ho•Im, turd he no,lat. rale other uaanagenrent in 5\'extern Ontario.\ l ' l n,lies' Fur-IinMl Mochw loves .......... $3,Qp :unl $.4 i:al nst t for coling in Pat'linrnent .urn all Irrt-ia'fng n flag. is, a prPaent Or rr hi what. hr is Otter r ytoil the _ _____ _- For-liortl Cort• nmillfrot fining, otter arrnar..........,.......... $eg against the parchaal• of a n.w wlxxl• in the shape of n new flag, h, IIP used 'he hwnti, lie ntuat buy rerr•ythinK ' shril for the (:nvernorGenernl'ierrxi• m the teaching of (rxtriotilenl. It is to ht- cnnaumpr lit. Its lees enhnnerd by n ! Ave)r.agP aitnxtfon tnkt-n hp air gr.utuw in not excelled: wt- invit,. lilnck 1►oK Costa, regular l:Li.illl . s21 tw• hit Ind that the work of convertin gR tariff nulinfwinn in fhp int.re"In of Cnuq/arix0n. indi\•Fdntel Instruction. Day at ensu Ostend night claasex I Five Dozen of Hlyd All \VOoI Wonted 9tockulgle, a snap....?00 rr. It. is time for N chrngr jai aCh,N,I rhildtrn info good ritlta•na Ivlll the rnanufwcturen. It the fitrrnpr, fret•, land neny take all of the Rlr,vp comites. ' One Down or Men`s Pants, regular $1.75, special.............st.25 111111aiA. not foo- left entirely tit the Hawn. The who ix the tye r foundation of the - `- -' flaw hits it,; prosir plot. ; tont flaw- SOCIal rlrueUtle, wnnld Menti his eon- I Mena wnd Boys' OvprrOAtn And .Suits wt ..... . 1 P roPu�Aw Pi+foaa 'rho l:alerk•h .SIi(hal (Lib.) is flat- w,n+lip in Itself snot na•Pasatih• the dition he netat crystallize his talk into WINTER TERM BEGINS JANUARY 6. foxltell in favor of .Sr•nMt- Abolition. aonlP AN patriotism. 'Ther, in. inder•rl, action. An other Interests w r hnay I ' See our Special 20th Century Brand, black or blue wonted, ;-5-co Having been paysPd oter, yP editor always the danwer of flag worxhip honking after their wPbfarr :We fimP y y mflennrv•,rf p WHITE FOR CATALOI;I l': .-.- - R Y Parties Nearly Brea in Oltthrio. R There are rt•i, g Venn __..-----••--_- _., _�--- .---- tPp l uilP freely in the eodtpr, rvi• R the true nlpwnin find ai has cmnP far the rwrntPr, w'hn is the dents Yet there are A few Yenwte patriotiaul. try ,f every inteersf, Io do hkewlaP. seatarPm estop nng.l std It iviirals. ll0rex In late Goderich Business College WALTER C. P IDHAM .-[w)odon Yree Press that, the fanner r• awnkpmn The Llndmt Ad rrrtiar r. NtsngP and tanner. asa,xiatinnle hold itiia b Intpnoating, Int not nn•urR1.' The fart that the Conaprvwtire vote aotne able tnen, loot th~ nnlat hasp The tdltor of The 91Rnn1 is lint ao in 1lntnrin in the RedPral Plection of sympathy and support in their en (i F•:LI..SPO,rl.L)N, - PUIN('ll'.1I,. , The Right Place to Buy Mena and Boys' Christmas Presents Applicant fir thio ur any other offlee, III)L exceeded the Liheral vote by tmly dravmw for the good of their class.