The Signal, 1907-12-12, Page 15r T11E SIGNAL: GOINP :1110 , ONTARiO 1 MACKAY AT BRUSSELS. I MARIN,H NEWS. �-- Provincial Leader Addresses Ram I)rltx,il, let.. U, Naviguliuli role. ItR)7 MARKET REPORTS. --- y Wheat Futurei. Huron Liberals. tlr.rlusing utatrly two wrecks allead lel' 1 Liverpool and Chicago ing years the popularitj• of the hole. (art rt•a►lrn. (blly two ler three Mull' ; Close Lower—Live Stoek— T latle11111 KAtllrlt \'111111 ANnfa(-Ifitfanllllder litur.tlls, I)rc. li. The xuuu+lt meet- leakitr are t.xleavelt•il IU patax Detroit, , Latest quotations. attained their present gorgeousness. ing lel' hie Mart Ilurou Liberals wits moithlmitseid. rhe la"l utee will pull,' Individuality in Gifts. sutelptivepi, we have the story told of a htdd ill the town hall, lilurrrlr. 0114 ebly Ire the 1'1.a•teix. Khe ,u'l iv4-d lel' Illllfmlu lllliday, atell It Ir said rile w'1ll Mou.L, y. :•:y,•uhss, I)ec. 9. I.Itellool w'hcal fnlul'rr closed to -da, '.d h,wer. ed it the wrappings nbout the Christ anerlitioll, with it large final repro-' At ill early it carg41 U( coal 1/) tltl Ill•ad I !,d to �d I... tor: c„Ili 1, I'Iar1,K u, I,GI'rll,la'1' Wheat LluFed 'a” Iran, crime In nil a trails reaching Fort eWolativr allrnduucn. 1'rl)sidetet Kill- of the lxftet+. It Jx nut likely that arse I lee. Pn,M•r rarf!_ v lower, and Ilc- the giv r rattler these, the gift itscl, ves the pleasure clair twetipied the 1'll:t ll'. stied rlalke lar the late imiat• will retll it to) will -l- 'wilhe► ,`.,111 uil4: hutiji, called in to exalaline her case, ss she appropriate introductory w(,rdr. -The lel snulhe,u Iklrt:i. L-Iat yrar the cal o Winnipeg Options. on crinlr, file card which bears till te,llel THIN pit cleared VVilh it uHlcrl s of the; purl yeal. wlv'e, rc•elecurl, sn nn IMertel1,t•1• 7. and the P1tA•' ,.•„Ito it tug are Ir.e ,1q.ing usuuatauis N'fnu1M'K Kaolin /ulurPN lit -'lay . tuberculosis. ,•ul'gu with the ex -eptiull that P. H. 84-08. 1six. the 4a11W boat lit nmke the lid, Wht•ul lace. $1.61014 bed, salary 31,•rl1,g bid, D,A:. 431/.c Wd.,N.Y We sold. TORTURED Y AND NiGHT. t+lkes ate Neruetary-trews III ellllip. Patel this )ear, p+t4lo d llctruit. down- outs Toronto Grain Market. possible fair elle moment Is being done owing LAI W. 11. Kerr, the Lot occ11- Iklund, fall1)tN'111111a•1''=I to help the patient.. ! 'Thal Ihere is no end til the henliol [Null• bring the caul d:elr fur Ufa• rid- Detroit, Ike. u. Marino insurance out toll Thur+d.ty. lend xr a e(n4e- Grain— Wheat, rprina. burh........a) Il lit i National Mail ita rima Atim,a'intinu, the ing flet• the IA-gi/htlure. 4 plograUu fall l uvucu Nese IKa1Lv :u+• It.wp(iug Lir I Wheat. fall. butch........... 1.0 \\' hent. U 31 .... Glacier. of Denhigh, One_ wit• lot of short addresses was givew, ill which l•II.11I1'lltr. '1'lll'1't•1„1', •, II I� allllltl [IYldl ed. b ll..h....... Whent. \gild, buY)I..�i...... 0 9M .. iwtient in the Nltixk-,k;& Free Ho"pitsl ant, Dr. 141tw Donald, ex -til. P., 1111.) is a1111• that Iher v tt oil he t. AV of 1111 1:1 e. hnmll. ..................Olt Os 0 k4 it, hying lhowo. And w',IN imalrle to II' I Itl1VN)'N Wt.l('llllll': �Ie'sal". \V. H. Activatestil Illist-i, is x,11 lllI - las Impat Ltxt IN),al IIII(A bent• • ••••..'..:: •• O 64 U•W w•heuil burp. adds "I relay ply that not for an laving Kerr Linul.•l:uh Alkiuwm, M. 11. 1', teulr eslllil Ila• ire (•pica•% the (to Lay lel,. ileum, Ilse begwnliwg or hear),-. buYh.............. .. 0 7•) MANI uatr, south . ............ :...... 0 cllfers hill'.. I %tnt-ted ilsillg Z;N, t -Illy flat- North Nur(a,lk: A. llislop. \l. 1, ., t1u IAIK•t til tn11111111•a' tilt Ih1• (•0111• navigatiml uuill 1)eremla•Y ; thele lakes, "Toronto Dai Makes. -- afford to pay far her in nn inslifidinn." luaus, ,old lion. A. U.:AarK ty, leader lrrlt. I:t; lila•% luht leu the awd the prite. i[oul mlyEi u' agKrt's nutter• Mule Ib. roil......... 0 Y! 0 =t Ituner, urea ... U zr, u .7 and have not been trollbled sister of file Opposition, t")k [liars, naillossh Ilefole the batter gewtlenian s[wke a Kale 4IN ell I1II, Til %il steutll tolwr 'e'. have IKa•11 burnt Al Piller 11(-01,0 A•1' 7. . ...... o.... Putter, creamery, Ib. roles... 0.19 0 al 14utle•q 'cn•mmery, buxrr...... U :A •� Compose pticen hA" been opened, congrttleltlrory address With prert•tehrl •1'hc l!ir)' of l'It.vvLuoAl and N,turui Pall . n. -laid, dozen........ 0:0 .... dusears, 0 72 onr(y), t, hills by the Liberal .%Pet K•iation. M1'. MN(-Kx)''s Il1I1 LVxN ell• N'1•Ie Ilrtlrlx l)'lVl e•Il1'11,'1' 111 IhH ,easlan. 1, .4s, cold-aturogr, 1'hr.•me, large. III .............. 0 l:iu ••.- show whoentered the instillation wer•a1,No. 1'1'l'l'[)l thilsilarlie, and hi%etirrjhff, The loss of lhr (')'pros txused the clear -cul. � greatest Ins" of lite. only uree of it crew ChPr"e. twin, III ............... U 13 .... Hamaly, extract,•d, III.......... 0 hi 0 1 5f ing when 4tich it pl•ndid feilletly I hopeful speech watt line lel the Ileal heard for day. lot tweet), -three t.sexPt►ig when she New York Dairy Market. nLhprn only paid n 11omifanl .title rang- many x r gait- went dull'n in a bake !tupetiue n In the evening ANN )rea le• unit•Ling War Octoer b-12. 'rlie .\rcadist. with filler•. tr- NI•:\\' YURK, Do•o. 9.-Builer-Film; re erl,ptm, o2s1: creauu•ry, rlar:laho, 2stirc; ex - .+kin eruption., ulcer", ringworm, itet held, when the andletee Tilled the hall. lit -eve I eckie crecuuied the chair, land teen lives lust, is the rwond Lugekl Iran. 11 irds to firsts, •'Ic to 2xc; held, wcurd t0 x}arlalr. '.'c to 21k: state dairy, :1 vPrllge fa� each patient was Ino-. than disxslcf. gave a rilort addl,ess. Lieut. 0#1._ —_ commission to fillellt, Ae to 211a': proc•lrm, rummun to srotec also 1:)c to 23iYr; western hurry, scalds ,rod 1111 %kill inj"rier An ALktnixnl "[wke leu [uis(,n Ixlxn, the The Efficacy of Vaccination. tartory, rummun I.. that. IGc w -ler; lad• 49.110 it week no that mar readers can pill o indumtr • and the owet'e uiestion. 1 ) l 1 Ilam, Mr. MacKay followed, and soa'Gxd licarun. ,Lo,win ervamerv. 'Ic lm 2:,c•. ciaePre-ria-mi-r: 'receipts. "416: state, ronto, fur price. 3 oozes for 41.'Li. very lugically +tied happily addreluad N'heu Ur. Bell, of the Provincial •full cream• small. coioted and whitr. f�U•. Is e; du.. saaal to prime, 115}1. to 1'K•: make pmviairrll fair Ilnl Pilch a patient �\'illinnl himmelf to it c Dili paris orl of the fwlicies Health Deleartloe111, was her' rile la le IAa,le, batmt, llaa,- to Loc•; do., c,unmcarl steal it pin," Nnid the- adnllring friem of the Liberals and Cmiservxtive"in 111hr1'lla)' he Imola• till' tatelliellt to) lit fair. 914,• to Heil\,•; dpi,. IargP. colored. adminsion. Cmltributinns on behalf of this w•mk the Province. calling 11[) as inUstra• ste-Atfo d physiei+lw, shot Asset let :C11► 'eXiuuiued P&Asc: aro., white, !Ylilc. skims, le lu Uc. a l.ggx-Firm: recelplr, Sari,; slate. Penn• An rl Score.'•INwk here, M g .' lions the suewssiun (little% and , the cases (of .111&II wX he lead Myh•anbr And nearby, fancy. relor•ted. T. 9, RultPrl.non. Serrefxr}-Tt+ppurer, suppler ciailo •y revrnuebill, Tht edit- during lister lofanths laf Ihi4 year duly b while to choler, Sac tea t7k : ed. Kut thio . yr call Pit on a rn"e, An41 ) caLiunat l nestiou, A ver live isNue, 1 Y Itvl• lad clAiwtd fu have rrrr la,t.n N ,;K; brown and mixed. laverage. ffnrst. Sk: w a Be 4 was dwelt ml, and the blunders of the vaccinated. Un three of these rile to, 3sc: first to, extra firm, 31c to Sic: West - Sic to :ft.. Education Isepartment wrre fa,intlrl initrks were 11Ilite iotlistincl, lilt. rite_ ern first. Sac to 3_c; secunda. out. The I'nivereily legislation and cinatiou having been made uvea the price of Pch.a4 remiders were xis,) thirty rears preveouply- In the'tolhel CATTLE MARKETS. r4erro•(1 til. sand his prxetical manner two came" no marks were visible, nod of dealingo with these topics was high- Il.•. Hell wits colivinrlrl that they Wyle Cables Steady—Hogs Aro Again Weak ly appreciated. mistaken in believing that they lu.d in American Markets. Gr. Macdonald, of %%'irlgluuu, lyes been vacOnsitt+d. lint even allowing },aaNtuN, la•, 9 - London cubh•s are The last mpeaker, and gar[- a mileecls that the five hold la•t.te vact inaled at a firmer. At 11r to Mace per Ib., dreti"d brimful of practical fact.. Ile dealt mmole date, and it is not claimed fur weight; refrigerator beef In Quoted at lea with Dominion issues• on which he is VAccination that it is it peel vender to I"r per pound. Toronto Junction Live Stock. nmpu,stionably tulrnughly farted. for it lung period of years, the show- The teluaical program during the ing wa,s it remarkable vindivAtioon of TtIRONTu JUNCTION, Dec. 9. -Re - evening was well rendered, and rote• list. trealtwent. That only fh•e yaC• eeipt”of live -stork at the yards were 4i4te•d of A piano 8440 by Mi­Motr1mie cinated Ilrr84rfiaKnit to( :94.1 contracted 90 carloads, conlfwsed of 15W cattle, Strachan, x solo b\ .1. I oleate she di,latse should Ile it sufficient w+u'• 7 hop. 2370 sheep and 44 calves. Kerr. to( Hlvth, and x timet by Mears runt to make its ada)ptiun general as Exporters. .banes and Kinclxir. ' It In•evenlive Illeast1Ie• frier” rang••d at from $4.2:1 to 1+. Hulls I'he statement wits also Illitde that sold at $3.50 l0 $4 1"'r came. POLITICAL NOTES.- there tore at the prevent title(- free rames 'o( preoallfa,x ill 011tarli(, for- one in Butchers. Prime picked lots of Chrislmax cattle --- hiurlwe. The I•r;ulan is that the w . Mold at from %.-� to 6771). and In two or three instameor s[ as high us tai• $7 and o uelxc, after the a ildethe The Toronto News a few days ago Ql P ti I even $8 per ratwas quoted, but Doty )ublimhed the following : in Montreal in IrC.I, adopted vac -int-- pine, twin :o, a three -cattle lots brought 1 , Lion. whilst, (,wing tar the culwparali%e these hash quotatialnx. -_^ Both the I rinlr Minister. Hun. ill r. Feeders and Stockers. absence of the dist-Aw in 01AIII•[u ill Whitney, and the Attorney -General. I: ail b+,Is of t'ntlarn IN healers xuhi I'll.. 1„•.t rml io•linriuent i, tr, lie recent rata, vote(-inali a has IretonANN Hun. \I r. Foy, were interviewed by �• $4 hum f4.75 t., t,1l.,, n,rdlwn to Raaf, rellued of self. The News thin tuorning its to file sig negkctrl. --- -- . N 5o h, ft. :.. ouuuon, settle 3:.t-/ lit V..rA: canners. 31 lit $1..',8 per cwt. �upfxrse• I leud•ytou tau• rapine),• you niHcance of that frlucLunxtiun. Huth Why Young. Men Don't Marry. Milkers and Springers. The New `(-'ant, how you know that I shell writ- reticent. Mr. Whitney refera"I limited fill III') P.ald at t;. to IZ each. race see it again %” Ir the word o{ the interviewer to Hon. Mr. Oso-hr+me, ol•nngecille, 1) • •, a. AL the 'coil- Veal Calves. an boort[ man worth it ' what is out of the city, while Mr. Foy eluding srariun if the Distfelin Price. for veal cairt•. ranged at fronts •'(ll., of cour"e! Bring him to mr !" PI)inted lent that special provision hall FArmero' and Wo:11eWs Institute, Mrs. 14 W v per cwt. t0 Ile IIIA41e fur voteer lisi; in inor. Colin Campbell, formerly of G(alerich. Sheep and Lambs. Lunch I)exrnn uurl•ting a lap to11 Sunday };x,urt cher add s1 t: 7. to:, r cwt•: ganizerl diat►icl". Neither u1rmlK•f ,Iwkeon Thr limnNrkerfar pini Hal t' I nflerlewre cavi •ing a aping of H,hr 84.x4 pie{oared lit dir/rnlul lir a uv%ti•)n Im ortxnee to lir titxte. ' Una toue,g Iambs at it.5o lit K :", per cwt., ••Johnny. Jnlmny, do these hriunx to of an a , on)Achin election. 7lhe pro- p1 Hoes coy :%' Johnny ' 1' rex, sir. l'un 11 g { Kit is should he taught it knuwlrl Ig ler Cuunx, Un,111rd. reported that haler rhes' Parlor Nee that'" what they got flit- eha.ing clausatiun may Judicate that an rare- dowrNtic science. Many a girl : ,kr rat IdRl,er: raleltM li2C, te. •id tion may he held aiion after the close forced to le,trn Music, painting ;tied watPred, and P. f.o.b. cars rt cou try Won III, ,m n Kundny ." of till, next messiou. drawing, when "he would pl•efer tfa t",Ints. \lay all eatr{v Provincial reneri►I learn how w get a goaal Illex0. Is it Montreal Live Stock. is Opened t.lkcti0te iii• h",ked for P The first in- not its iulp..rt It, \Ism. t'+uuphell 111•IN9'RIKAL. 111•c. /.-(S;lecL•el le—At I P tinultion tro thio effect came offivially naively ingnirell, to IN -,11 how t2 felted Mol,tical 5t.x•k ):ard, west end market. the :P olptx of lice "tock for the week I Our kitchen u as clean as yours in The Ontario (;Aywtte• this Morning in x mien as n horse• % Scruhbin;r a floor, rndfnK hec 7. were 1,11!:1 settle, S�'l sh,ep WONOERLAND thepublicatiun a procl,unatiml (-all• the speaker amrmeJ, was -fraught said lan,bN, boost, slid it::-- calvt•s. The trig for the cotulnenc'ement of the pre- with no Aware d,rilgel t) the avetxgt' N apply for hKal e(mumptb\lax morn - The more \'fill kill)" THE ELECTRIC THEATRE � n,Irttion rofihe voters' lit -tit in the unor- Kill t all dmice pit twel,oe nllm 11 As cotlslrted of •,0 cattle, 1900 alae Pp ( xuixwl wrtlotea pit the Province nn leers. fear" a , ifitd, got married At and lumhx, 9W hogs, and 4W calves. An abllUl llUr Cal)d\", Ica" I t ala4q• •trrhn); M•rv:dh•A In the market for GODLi21LII fkcem we. 11 (next Wrodnetalq•I. .l'm the ago ail rag tree :now plenty,ae (-little metal prices were fully 1.,,• per Il.. Creamand Lunt:hes the der the act this work would not cartel• single at lhirl y. The int ererler WA" tower Ulan u Week ago, which ass mt- more you µ'11I buy. No a 101 Frhrteary 1, next year. the young uit.n torr afr•Aid t(, tresses, titbuted to the returm4l very unseax.,n- hhe I31ggeSt alUl IieSt •iC X110\V No nttl, to ertli forth [hal their digeatiun to the girl who rant ahlr wattle— for the wooman of the N,enr lhlrCream islh: kind the Lieutenant-Governor-incurmcil .gook. and the tact that soar se:s were muck of the day. i iI i911 --class ill - - 'ler VIA .and e, its of Thr re.lulrnnentN That alwaystaStl'ti R)pll. Y �' Islay by proclamation dlreet the per• at- tl.c trade, id the dro, was from Moth every respect. Para[ ion of fit(- voter) liAls at an lural and ascus_ buyers wme metal athal 13rickCream aspeCialty. earlier date thitn that direrted by the• Christmas Cards. Ilchter on •rcuunt of Tho mild wratlln M act, "and shall so direct when ,lel clear- The lii,.t Chrietmas card ever pub- •pia the Appruacl,il,g holiday ofrerinRs Lown(- �S Illoving Pictures tion is about to he held.' limited ways i -sued Ill 1440 by u Loss. The pgrcentAire of cattle un the market 1 I _ _ duper names Jope h,Crandall. l'ruu• was Iariscr than It has I•een for some Christmas Boxes, -- p ser its paste, bill Press • the popply of rough illustrated Songs Hall was le anti a for hid idea to air .e. Interior gree conanaes bo be ar- NO MONEY AND NO Henry •Cole and employed the tto►nous awfte, which tends tr de}aet,s tiro mar - Choice Cigars artist J. C. Horsley to make the de: fill* fm the b;ttctrrloct Cattle advicreported sign. 1t wa.v lithographed by Jobbile.' I:Wl IIn aruttlxaa on 4alurdoy reported and Pipes. C0NTINcot'K PF:ILFORMANCh of Warwick court and colored by trade In casae tale, but dem no ort FRIENDS pralvrterne In Dake.. The demand from Complete change of Program hand. About 1,(1110 Tarda aero Nola. , )}Laces hatre its v, rt- Meow, re they are Imperial Cafe y _ Sucb was the small beginning pit what 1,hilnR All talc "tock they .11, In fur ever Tuesday, gl�lllirsday has grown to be a frifeantic industry. "hili"mru nein at. John, N.11., In the w'tat. Clothe Gait - III' to ma rks•\ mold Harry Edwards and Saturtlay, A Sad Story of Consumption in a lyre), c1l rwereM after Litecurds et, let ,'y,•, Rood at *• t 4;ir, .. cotor let f r to ry Y`, sumo sort were put upon timarket, 3+.r•, rrnumon at %lir to 2?yr, a;ad uderbr Phone aoo Nor BOON Canadian Town but it was not until 1462 that they at il.c to 1',e per Ib. ThPr: hex been no carne general eneral favor. Then (.(xA- surular Bhang, In file cos titian of th,. n arket for elle •p anti Iambs pence thio COME! Sur NOW all h Son of London begun to publish day week, but the reeling is Mule easy, The local Hospital Unable to Care cards in.cribed simply with the word+ Merry Christina.,' and "A Happy for the Patient, and the query New Year" and in 'illumirented forest, d tl folllrw•in ear robins holly Christmas.Gifts 1. Genuine Bargains at the Central Drug Store. ( Ionic ill and gee what we have to oHi•r n volt i the Malay lilies of useful and faticy I Toilet Goods at Generous Discounts Christmas Perfume Packages from Ioc to $5.00. \giallo\ amt olhrl 'Taih•t WAIIT• . 1'nluxn,•:, etc., in hand vumc huller. ( .111 sites. Large Variety of Hair Brushes in Klwny, /'elluloi.t KfasewanAl, t)lila•wa,al, rlr. Kee our 41.'25 Ebony (fair Iirwshes for $1 Is'. Toilet BI'llshes of all kind., Shaving liolmlia. A Special Drive in Hand and Shaving Mirrors. Pocket Mirrors at 5c, Ioc, 15c and 25C. Handsome Brush Travelling Cases. Military Brushes, Manicures, Hat Whisks, Perfume Atomizers, Sachet Envelopes, Fancy Puff Boxes, Puffs, etc. 3 Bring along your empty I'erfuhle Itottic Mill get some nice Perfume for yoll"self. Ses E. Hick Central Drug Store, Goderich, Ont. is what to Do? an le B ) branches, t.mlwsNed tif/urns and land• scapes were added. with the succeed• ing years the popularitj• of the hole. In it little booklet issued by the day cards inereased, anti the eardn T latle11111 KAtllrlt \'111111 ANnfa(-Ifitfanllllder ..,grew more elaborate %Intel they havC whose all"pl(-Px ilea beene4tabllphed attained their present gorgeousness. the :illlskoka, free Hospital for Con- Individuality in Gifts. sutelptivepi, we have the story told of a T e personality of,the giver express, slid close of consonmption• ed it the wrappings nbout the Christ A young woman, apparently friend- map 'ft ad.le value to the ximPlosl Iran, crime In nil a trails reaching Fort oflerin After all, it IN the xpir,t 01 WJlliatel, and immediately procured the giv r rattler these, the gift itscl, ves the pleasure walk an a donteslic. A d," -tor was which g irreateeL The favoriiar. rihlwn, the slip of Iniate called in to exalaline her case, ss she to,, the cider of the tiNNue paper eov mpftl•aled til he a consumptive, and shot crinlr, file card which bears till was at once pronounced a bad cases of Christmas .erecting, all express love tuberculosis. and Well-w.iuI' g, she was placed Jn the small local TORTURED Y AND NiGHT. hospital of the town, and everything possible fair elle moment Is being done Zam-Buk Cures Piles. to help the patient.. ! 'Thal Ihere is no end til the henliol Mit writing In the Secretary of the [ powers of Zain-Htlk in l,cinft Alveoli'" National Mail ita rima Atim,a'intinu, the stented every flay. Mr. Julies Secretary of the Ikmld (if ilealtIt nooks: 1 Glacier. of Denhigh, One_ wit• lot "Ix it, fm)smible to make r«,m fur this lured (lily 111141 night with blind 1,14-4.11 iwtient in the Nltixk-,k;& Free Ho"pitsl ant, ing F)ilero , " had that he nnyi: to couh final nn comfort stlndleg, Nittinl (!onnunlptive.. The local hoppital in crowded fire /awns, and then• is really it, hying lhowo. And w',IN imalrle to II' wn plAce for, Ihi. parr girl." Continuing, the Fort, William official Any work. One day stay even; repte, "Pro" It lit It" slunple box of %ilw-Buk adds "I relay ply that not for an laving I picked it up and read the horde able tl is roncerned, site, a. far A. cllfers hill'.. I %tnt-ted ilsillg Z;N, t -Illy Italy we call (earn, ham till fl'imid.4 who can that flight, Nlld before I r4111111 \0000 afford to pay far her in nn inslifidinn." cholate a large hox I wits /fireltdy cured it is to Meet 111st mnt.h cnme•m AIR theme and have not been trollbled sister that the Muskoka. Free Iloxpital for if yoish fel YCIII IIIA), pwbitxh thin u w Compose pticen hA" been opened, the Ik•ueflt of other sulteter,.- Thi i4 onr of the many cto.t.s wher The o(fleial r4-;v•tor of the past year onr(y), thmot more their bAlf the PAtents Z lm-Italk has h15Aled piles whe ii a show whoentered the instillation wer•a1,No. else Ltilr41, \Vhy di, yon Ro un 41ifim Illtf•ly free their Inairlf+•nanee not ing when 4tich it pl•ndid feilletly I (-n.ting them n .illgl.. farthing. The near pit hand nLhprn only paid n 11omifanl .title rang- 7slrll•Huk head. sore". ciire4 eezewa ing fmm 41.:11) to sRll.lsl a Werk, only A .+kin eruption., ulcer", ringworm, itet fete paying the larger ainomnt. The hntlrer'ser;lsh, blm"I f")imun, hall lei :1 vPrllge fa� each patient was Ino-. than FAIL rhe imi, abra.hins, abscesnep, ctrl l 611 rents A day. The Actual rust of hurry, scalds ,rod 1111 %kill inj"rier An maintenllnce to the inostitillion in over AllmearA•P. . Of All atfarea lend dI llRgitil 49.110 it week no that mar readers can al :dl cents, or from %,un -Bok C..,, testily "Ni, how .ln,llg A race in \Bade ronto, fur price. 3 oozes for 41.'Li. .mt y t" Tru"tern in their appeal to ---- make pmviairrll fair Ilnl Pilch a patient �\'illinnl "That, man it- set) honest, he Ai millll Aa that from Fort only one steal it pin," Nnid the- adnllring friem of scores who are ronstAntly meeking '•f nt.cer Thought much of the ,i adminsion. Cmltributinns on behalf of this w•mk test," nstxirlNe I Mr. CAyelloo. .. 1' hills with an unehrell,t!" may be 4entto: Sir Wm. it. Meredith. Kt., Vice-Pleaident. Ongoode Half: An rl Score.'•INwk here, M g .' W. I. (J&ge. F;ny., Al tips lna :Avenue: 0,11liell. I've title very fite;tleat tempe•4 T. 9, RultPrl.non. Serrefxr}-Tt+ppurer, for u yet- c4,ntlyI heat we I11"1lren fol NAtion"l Snnifarimm Ansocintion, 317 Kut thio . yr call Pit on a rn"e, An41 ) King `street \V., Toronto, Out. ern sit fan a Phnnlr."•k, but nil, mol Be 4 ye cannA sit on it thistle," f Tfe trade en Plact.p cans, Flow' 8411)1 export .dx•k al M•, butcher.' at 31ic to f$c, and culls at la per Ib. A fairly at -- live (Inde cunllnue., to laic ,bone IN, calve" and price. 7nlc. stready, tcitl, sales of choice snack at 111. to 1t.., galo•I at 8Y to, fro, fair at fu W $1 died cmnmon at tt to 14 A ace. A slronK•'r frrlin•r he" rl....... I.Kd In shot Illarkc•t for I a. arid pric.so .ince Ihls day rebel have a,lvaared ;Ca: to b'Ih' ter cwt. 'I'mor 1n nut due lit the. slight advance in prices fur Caruidlan baccata lit the Liver. I_ll and Prl.tol mirktus Capt week, but to the fact ll,..t Pupplles lel dre.st•d Imes brought forward have nut IKvit sufficlent to fill packeioo re ItOrementm. In orl— to Inerraate rel.e•ipt. let II+•• .tocks they wern obliged to bad up 'or than. A fair trade wan mono tells morning still sales of No lected lots were Ina -lo at 83.75 to 16 per cw'L, weighed off cars East Buffalo Cattle Market. 1•:.%ST 1tCN'k'.\Lot. Iwc. 9.-4-"ttle-11,- r 1st., 4709 head; fairly srttvr nn,l steady; ChriptmaN fancy, 3x.iIA In 3NJA. prima, f:,.;.11 l0 $G. d: "hlpplI,K, f1.7i In t-.4,1; butchers'. SEE to Q,..:.: heifer.: V3 t; to F,; cows, 12.r0l to $4.35; bull", 12.,x4. to $4.50: slnre esers start feedrx, f9.1a) t„ $4.15; stock helfer., f:.' -'d to IY.7:,; frrph cow's'&no] sprimiPrM, 3': to $3 lower, $19 to 1116t Ilolf.-Iiecelplp, 25,50) lived: fairly ac- tive: pless, Vk: to Wk• lower, other. 20o to 1 30c lower; heavy and mixed, $4.75 to $4 W.. Yorkers, 111.70 to flat; Isles., $4 'A; roughs. 1 14.'-'., to 14A0; stags, 13.401 W $4, dalrtes, $4 i., to $4.86. Sheer land I,smlia—Recelpts, ?7.01011, head. Rood Ismhx active; commim lambs aid [ Mhlatp lower; market easter; laniboo, $i, 1n f 36.116: yearlmRp, $4.75 to 15; wether.. 114.1`09 to $4.75; (wes. $4 to if 25; w,; sheep, mixed. ' 12 to 14.60; t'anada lamlb., 35.745 to $a.G. i Chicago Live Stock. . 1:1111•.100, Dec. 0.—t7altl.--r. r,.clpls. as- lllaated at about 2"M9; market Mtemdy to t roc higher; Moors. 81.90 to 33:fA1; cnwn, to 14.:L'; hclferre, $:.50 to Tei; bullp, 12.10 to $4.alI calve., is to V;5, elo.kers slid RP -1 - era, 12.e) to 14.•15. • HoRp—RccMIsU, rptlnlnfed At shout p), UX); market. 2oc to V lower; chohe h••s,y 4 shipping, $410 to 3,1. io; light butchelT, H.:/) P `(o34.70; IIRht mixed, $4 r-5 W $4.00; choice I ILI,lot, $4.01 to $4:.,; pecking. $4 to f4.::,; plgp, -44.10 to $4.50, built of sales: $1 to n $4:0. AhePp - Reeelpt., rstlmalwd at about 284.- 1100; market weak to sec to late lower; 1peap, U-Sle to t,, lamba,$G r, to WA; year• iga fns ti U. Raphael Tuck St sons' Art Publica. 1 tions. The pr1"Ireclimi of gift Nooks tried caletedar%, hooklets and Chri"ttehtm cards, and much p il,licath)nx, hall at - t tninrll the Ptandard of high art, And I. the aalsit illerl lel!ulem in such work it -v I n the• firm of Itapht/M Tuck k Senn ('to, Y Their puhlications hve out inlnlenm.• ve,g11r nod air, indety rrrogteizwl n" ^the sl,tildarl of ell"tollenrr. They e have i4vuer) fur this (lhri.twa, very exlew.•,ito linea of juventle and troy r basZ. artistic Valendarm, l'lirb,ttnits 1, p,I.lcalds, eta'., which will be fouled on I reale thruteghllul Vanada. A, '1'Iil11tw%y, I'll.'letnlK•r 12, I907 11_!ss tem L0ritif IIIILI:i Llll I 1,041"Perolt141 ?lot) '?ical- r Our Stock Is complete in all branches. Your inspection solicited. See Our IN and 25c Tables CHINA AND GLASSWARE srta��r� Morrow-& Morgan NEW STORE s• I'OR ClIRlSTN1:1S NEW GROCER'ES, TEAS, COFFEES, NEW FRUITS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. —ON S:11_h. SATL'RDAV 700 LBS. CHOICS BUTTER fresh from the llair\ 300 DOZEN FRESH EGGS 1 lxu- orders will bre al)prl ciao .l. Will J. Morrow Fred C. Morgan J .i al�rsa >•� It� There is no use trying to beat the old reliable PRIDHAM THE Tsy►1 L43R FOR FINJE ORDERED CLOTHING Gift Goods at Humber's THE BEST SELECTIOINJ EVER SEEN IN GODERIC H Watches, (h wks, Gi a i n �, Br(rc,clies, lugs-, bracelets, S( -ail' fins, _ Sikvrwaly. Oc. ( •lit C,111�� ( leak's ;md Untllrcilas The genuine goods Specially selected for t:tristlnas NOWHERE ELSE WILL YOU GET SUCH VALUES . C. A. HUMBER & SON JEWELLERS i'.ast Side Siltiarv, Godci f, 4.;84,.... .. ! 41