The Signal, 1907-12-12, Page 13torim SIGNAL :'GAIIDERICH, ONTARIO TijudtleD.Y, Leceneber Is, 1907 13
rsc�,c',�,��rs�caQaa�`o�°.�e,�•'>�•,y�"�'s�r,�vt'�,�, •y. � �, y .j�, :�;.�, ,�� �e"�"�r',>�.';�'t�s,�s''!t1'�'�+,�s'„�"�':�„��'�e`'Y",�`c�s"�'t,'��s�' 'j�."�"'4''�''Y''�,
The News of the District. +
UUNUANNUN. las the wt"lding March was pIA rd by I UARLOW. I DUNLOP.
A. NF:\V'I'OLA, UIrNTIST, 1.l'('K- Mr's' I lev.l Julies. 'file bride It '51 11 EE. '1'HN: LINT OF Ul.t'IiHIN(i 1'raRu.vv, Uro. loth: �
chat fu x clwtuulr of while silk, r
' f , NUN'. Al hu,nort, it&, earept Thins' K 1 etre+* m Wdr wink's tllgual. Hrud Your I \\ , H. Young, it once fauliliat• fig
Ir) New to body ter exLraruuA ltwlh Ido lin Plt-t lily triuuued with t-l)lbll •Idercd I.ulr.erf pl toil to til• law, rel .. µ,,!lea+Lor, Ilene ill the tattle!' e,►I'/ of the atrNlllrt
leen),b•tUrlhw ('town raid bridge wurit chiffon Isce. !ler travelling "lilt wile Ili*-'ld h•wa. t u 1711MM 7NAL.Godetich. i y
lel.. .11uwWuw p Uw tneaibruakamn. x;awulill, is with lea unoc more after +w
�. H. You too rlwwY- hr! o }our wort wu.•lt I or blue In oudclulh, with but or rink MuN u.IY, Lk•c. Uth. a absence ill Michigan for sosue titue.
t"•nur duan ht We obutal Oahe were eine, braid. 1 he presrnAb were numerous, :Hiss Augustine little been re-eugagled I He. is in gim)l health and spirits #tied as
tea mole for the ur[do ,le the ".tit. it ... re Iwua ulerftd Road vailualde. Mr. dud \It's, by thr trusters of S. S. Nu. 1 (oil -all, jovial ale of yule, and as yet lilts too
Plowunan left by the eveuiug train un cot
hea. year. ibilyer tlu'eada like au many lof
NOTIUM. -THN: LLWAL AGENCY their huuvyupaou tutor, after which The towushi l coull-Al will i nL•nt on ' ili$ js, hu,xl's coup Wyuv who hxvo
il, tluntteaouoai for •rltr siguai f, al on, Po L they will reside Ileac' Doartaybtook. I ( )
Office tto. •lid Statlunnry riven whore Muoday next, Wall lust. All laaxes yi,.I+ ed to Cupid's III les. lie is
u,der- will be retwivwl for y..bZfptien, lid- That lilt)' arty hove a tn•uateruu"
vu a f must be paid by that date in -3 per still a alltmK advocate u[ aluglt•
Xtisinfa said yob work, at"1 rawly!, will M) )': Ke urtl' li e'le w•N W lulu wish of trait. will lx+ added. llvsareluesm.
"oven furawounls -aid for the wine. their 111Auy friends. r •
``i EF THE LINT OF CLUBBING- - --- - -- - I J. Fruest Hol"•Asan hes "e iKued I Sunday and Moliday lw11hg Lilt,, filial
UK.,. it, this week. Nianai. Ilaud Fuer I his position as teacher in S. K. Nu. a. days fur the gaip 1111 the arms after
•ubso•rlptlun to the locallit Or pu.t wtlrlei PORT ALBERT. We have not learned what his iuten. a'
the aceivat11 tit the beb(lol house 4111
ursend diruottoTHE810,Y'AL,Uoderlrh. THE LIST OF CIXHBIN(i�tiuuifill' the' fulure Real. ;tile :011 lilt. the ulten4aua•e u(tho
WRIMIJIDAY, DOC. llth. �► �t,Mbn• ht thi• week*. ILlenal. thud your Milton Tyndall hall taken the leader- pittlu folk at Liuuday oichool leu Muud:ay
has commenced at
The Palace Clothing Store
Our stock of latest novelties and newest
notions for the holiday trade is the brightest
and best we have ever show!!, and comprises
most desirable effects in
Gloves f!�
\\'C are pleased to ase H. Julies, ale.
uuund again, after his recent uhluhaP.
T. E. Ihuoin returned Ixbt week
fl'Ult, A blx Week.' hubine• is to to Ihr
SAWIAL•-Thr \\'. M. S. (l11tpwso•
holdir. a ilocial ill CIIiotCs hull Rei
Tuebday evening. Diiernibrr 1hh. A
IlLud In 1x111 Will b• furnib}lel b
K 1' K )' I
[allies, which refreshments
yu ale pmoil to the Itu•al a foat tit- motiatu,ter.
or nndd.rra•tto'1'HM:41UNAI„Uodrriel,
TuRKDAY, Dee, Path. I
I •rhe Foresters are reualNlellin the
hall. g
I Air"- -14311"s Hayden and Ali"s Lollir
Heunett, visited lit Belfast .lastweek.
John Quaid called ou his sister. MI's.
A. Shaefer, of Winghaln, laNt Sunda y'
lath Cunningham
hip of I be Auburn Metho dist choir. :1ld xt tidy sail out un \luud,ty La it,
y soutewhat thio. There were lute of
I ;hill.
well t entified fur the to.itiuu'
duel is wish �IlllI ever' buccess. cane arniti Alikoug those y\'1µ1 were 111
Y -attendance. but we w filum" that Isrfure
It lies Ise•eu decided out is hold u the cud of the week ('tele will hr Ilit•
(Uhristms enterGlinuneut this year in , usual attendance it tor, school lagoon.
connection will tilt Switli a Hill truh• I
loath schu,d,ubhad benContemplated. (YIHImileth IN It few
Jxb. SAllowe a rrived loot week [roto (dayb time the nlrrryy, anti joyful inn•
Cole1'lll' e, Alta., a)11 a\'lull to I11N )ill'- soli of Utoribnolas a\'ill lK! with lis I,llea•
•t 1 telex herr and ed"t•wheul•, ,old all
Alt. Mrs. Thus. Hallows•
Who maks the best liver ills? The
i D
J. C. Ayer Company, °f Lovell, Masi.
They have been making Ayer's Pills for
over sixty yearn. If yon have the alight-
est doubt about using these ills ask
your doctor. e Do as he says, always.
Handkerchiefs ` li
Walking Canes =
Fane' Vests X" s
` �l
- - - --�--- _
plit too nuiltxr to a test very ea"ii�.
the after
auiel [tilt[ a b•e
entail laid ! clasbes lit mankind are makinic prep ar-
Just (rave
the pie, pudding lir.
* r
willbeserved. Adinibsiunl:xandlw.
L1'hurlduydrawiugggravel. Ile put•
Hr leeks wrllgild hisoldflieals+art nliunsfur the accustomed gift -giving
other desserts sit your lunch air mid•
FancyAnd Plain v
Scol•xs".. t..late Bars.' concert oil
N/ors buiblingdueav tuund+aliplt under
Pleased user hilt. �wld the happy tuwily rwuhiunai. !loin
( 1#ty dinner. l'uu9l tin ustunishel to
understanda it good jilt) when corn.
\\'eluesday evening of [fiat work was
Iles. Taylor Rud Hoofer. of Guile• i Many familiar faces which were pros.
-Had hew quickly you'll fret 'cwpty'
Sweaters •�
;a decided sucrtab. The itu,cing tic•
Talc Evrii-r 41F THK bY.AK1/N.--Uun't
rich, were at No. a schlxd house oil• int at last years, g; ttlherings are now
Rgiii a), 'laid how 'unfinished' the weal
tuns were beyond doubt the best ever,
illustrxl,vl i
forget the Clutstnlas true entertain-
Fiidav vaccinating the pup its. They a/cattered far away, land sumo a,*
will seem. You can't get Italy work•
shown here and the mugs
talent un Friday evening, the Crth
also vNitd other selluols in the rlerping thrix 1st alumM+r, their meal-
ing mateto accept a p ill will]-
held in the very highest esteem, and
were well rendered. The pr)ce"Is
inbt.. t) Ix• given in the P)resbytierixn
luwnu bhip lethe statue erriued. Ory cheribbed ill fund recollection,
nut Pie in it. And s hr'alsuluteh
.bas. Sxllows, Doll of Thus, tallows•
aulouuted W B04.
church. It is e!xpN•-'tAd Ube one of
MINImTEH , CALIXII. --The PrebloThis is the "lesson of Lhe year when
right. The only thing that cnn take
Fur Caps +,
l'nr<Ixryr.ta UlxrLay. Miss Ityan
the biggest treats of the season.
lerifin cougrwKgfxtioaes o/ bwillPh 1111. 1 those Who are far aawuv write to the
the Illace of augur here ire herr lir
loss received a bmud-new stAwk lof
Come un•, come :all.
and Auburn leave decided to extend dear cane, ,ht l/uuuu thube webbiges
wine. It is It significant fact that free-
Etc., Etc.
Christlllas mwrltirs, lues, etc., nod
-Ball 40111 and young.
a rill to Hev. F. O. Nichol. of Cargill. ! Which show their beat l's affection is
lunch counters rule in cuunectiuu With
il,u tilts an display at tju• p", ttfllce.
TO bre auJ Ileal
The Pleali) ler') of Hnlr)11 will con. 'still it, the old Lawil�y' -circle of their
Imrs furnl.,h every inlaxitxable thing
Any prr•sou wishing Christmas prrs-
will be dune,
side!• the call al x lueeting to lie held ;childhuool nod yuutl1. a11ti tonally a
except sweetbr the restaurants
lent- ill silly kind may have his wants
by calling ,it the lx,atonlce•
---- -
ill tioderich on the Lome rust, failed kiss dot a the luring tarelrt lit -
Alii. Junes is 1 blow on the lad ter I,ksie returning to
,end I nc•h grille attached to saloons lir
bel often refuse to serve desserts 11f
!� �>•
In fact, everything new, neat
I.LRUK. li111PYxNT toF I al'LTHy'.
at Goolerich hospital,
I ithe old borne to eat the Christmas
shelve bile utlderlvrnt Au opseraliun
any start. They know their busiucas!
and attractive in Men's and t'
\1'elnrsalN air teal Wrrk into a hely
�P:E THE [.L;1 oI.. ('I.I IiHIN(;
last Week. We learn that she tm Iona- ! U rkey. lir unxyb• it is the bonnie[.•ssie
more sugar ,and sweets x halt
dley in our village, when about swvrt•
ullbr• ill llai. ur.•4'- Signal. Hand year
sulaa-rillluu to the Its',,1 agent w pie ttn„wtrr,
that awaits Ill 1renuilous expectancy a
gr!ssiug as inlet! xr cuuW Itr exprectrd , PLe )'
similar salute fruw her toile" lw•d
takes alt a mead, the leas alcohol he
wants. Conversely, nearly every
Boys' Wear. We have still
town thus of Poultry war delivered. .I.
R. McNabb was the buyer, a buyer
orrwnd di,vct tit THE SJUNAI, Gooderxh.
arH111411x! bile, will soon to able• t, leo.
turn to her post herr. In her absrncr who is coming fill- a few alloys Ia tee
drinking ,,all will tell yule that Ile has
a good assortment of
from %Viunipag taking; them off his
!'t CsuAY. Dec. Ucth,
l ,Lee• McMureli has ' Ix• leu hiN
i Y K
Miss Grace Liulield is officiating at his baverlheu•t ill this tt+wtia len
'rhe wish. "A Merry' t:
lust ills taste fur ,inlet.!,. Thr uwl•c
candy a nation consumes, the less
hand-,. altrmr lit the Poultry offered
tap n shi) with (ieo a Cullntsooa,
1 �
the. plostulttce. ala -lime
mos and a Happy New 7"tar," is the
wab of as ,air quality, "wing. ala
fprxc 1 K•
doubt, of !tile scarcity to[ fes d in lilir
the bbccbwil I.
wish of the Uunlop aact•ihe to x11 the
"The t"nitel Stilt" Government
crtiuu of country.
We are ploas,Nl to report that tour
genial pxstm+wlt'r, Mr. Whilty, tb hac•k
TOWNSHIP, readers of The Signal,, Ura __
buys pure lnudy'hy the tion and bhip)s
it to the Philippines to lie sold fit �tsl
Call and see them. They are good fitters,
CHats-rYl is THstatx.- The Chri"tui"-
ere eutertainment under the nus lets
at his post ugaiu after mutfrring from a
be•a ere cold for tilt pet week.
The luminal meeting of the bhlale. LEEeURN.
to the 'wildirrel in the o,uetwrnA. :\II
were crave it ill the tropics, and the
good wearers and easy in price.
of St. 1'Ellio Sunday school! will til•
held ill P:Iliatt'm Irxll un Munda3'
etrnin Iecennler Yin!, while the ant•
K• ,
under the aurpire" of the l r,•Khytel "ll"
The Misb,•s E. Morrison and E. Fite.
ti, their
laysou. lit Ilia ve pleasant
buunrs Rfte :a very plealmxut work's
and patrons of. the Ilohurb-
Ville flutter• fa cLeary will toe held leu Tt'lc81)1, Dec. little.
Friday, Iect-nllxr lath. ,las. lirea•o, of la,yAl, lilts purchaaNe•d
hi" uncle Heoiy Green is firer ,itrxcre
'.Nibs ENther Jamieson. of IAP,,des• farnr ha}
worm they got of it the less 'viuo'µnd
Whiskey they want.
-I it fine, the prejudice against sugar
i" horn of ruritxniem and stinginess.
Sind•►)• school will Ix• held the follow•.
vigil with 111,+. Root. MCIAronld.
and aleexol taken Knows•
Pp • l Y' 1
IK)ro, wine the succeahful to ht lilt fee• soon.
1 Ki
eluul patts. Whatever children cry
ing evening, December 'Skh. I:Ixllot•
prrpowratiuns an• IK•ioag nuMcLEAN
de ill
Alla- .1111:1 Moiregm. (rave., this
sleek 111 spm•ud the winter with her
the Portee's Hill wh(wl. All. .!ohne , ,
has [,ern len n cal as !"atelier to[ the Ptu[rsbea \\'. V. Li11klAtt-r, of Poll.
fur wast 1)e I)ad foe them, according
to the pure doctrine of original hire:
IN,th CAaem and leo titiulil. the rt..
trent" ill Duluth. bile acctonn allies
` 1
aunt Agricultural ('oil(,
Auburn school. K flop. wast a
reent visitor here•. with his
bwbide", it costs money. I know futlt-
grains will IOU up lu the altalld+lid of
loss hwhrl IlucglamN. of lilt .1rlh eon-
R. J. Draper. of this townbhi ), h"s :caul his
I father, John Iers
i[ies in the rural district; yet where
t11rwrr yex4s.
Cr""ium, who will hecuwe the wife tof
Will HHckin haat fururcrl - of fill
ix -en uppuioaLtNl by .the. Ontario Ue- btlrther and aiistt-r, hen! and uthrr
•t t f A It f 1
the head of lbe family grtNanb levet•
1 uaen. lit thi- week'- Siva ti. CL
ails., ripe ion to lilt hNwl ins Xt lie 1- 4n,"tri
o. lend ,atreel to TH . `41UD1A1„ uodent h.
FRIDAY. tea fish.
Hun THY. PI'1•ILY ST.LNI). - The
following report show" the stand
lug of the pupils in 1'. S. S. No.
11, F"t \VfiwancNsh, as determined b%
the exan ninations held during the'
month of November : V. clAss-!,ell
Mclwrt Tontmy lludger. Cecil Alc-
larty, Russell %Vaals. IV. claw
MAggie farrow. Frank M••Lnrty, Ma)
4 *, ok. Nels,"1 Hohilou. Leslie
Buchanan falslenl far one exaruin+-
tion a, Jennie Tunney I,alsrent file
filter exdemivaliotaw. Ill. elute -Mae
Turney, Culin Cawplx'11 (absent
ter one examinalionl, Lilly Hib-
hilt labeenl for one examination.
If. class -- Violet Buchaua 1. Gertie
Bobbitt. fart 11. clan --Charlotte
Temnei5 Bin• Fallow, Willie Ilibbitt.
I'art 1. claw _ Rttie Tubb, Aggir
11 --watt. M. 1. CLARK. TeaAaer.
Tursto,ty. Dow. little.
Allx•rl, McKellar, of Michignn, is
home On A visit to his niany friend"
N'm. Tabb's little daughter I-Atie
had the misfortune to break her ankle
while sliding till the ice at atchool, out -
day 1,tst week.
N tu. Mclwrty is having It sale Of his
farm stock and implenlentA on the
pith 11f this month. lie intends going;
to Alberta in the spring.
R••a•. S. Anderton, of Blyth, still
Kra• G. N. Hazen. gal IGtxlerich, ;tet' to
A•wist Rev. A. K, Junes in his special
ucaugelistic services this week.
A stuirwsy Ila" IK•vn pla e -ed ill tilt-
We•atheld church fur the use of the
IKastnr And choir, which hakes things
much more convenient for threat.
A Christmas tree and rantata will
IN, given to Uunnybr t)k chm-ch leu
Alonday evening, December '..ilea. by
the children and yyoung ppect()Pie lof I.he
Sunday school. Adtnilalior Htc. and
\Vm. McDowell hat] the misfortune
Ill lose a valuable horse a few days
Ito. This is the third horse to die in
s neighti orhocid within the past few
weeks. Prating fr)ycu grass is Lhuoght
to Ise the cause of dewth.
M t I,, U e-]', tea tai h.
Aire. Finlay, of Ashlield, )ens been
visitit her tatentm, Nr. /Led Mrs.
John Craig• o� St. Augustine, the past
The Fl,worth Le nl.tic tof Brick
Methodist rhtir•eIt is to he entertained
,It the Belgrave pArNnngeon Wednes-
day night of this week.
Revival service" at We.-tileld will pie
,Nontiuuel (,rich night this week. Tilt -
pastor will IN, assisted by Rev. S.
Anderton, of Blyth, and Rey. G. N.
Ilaxen, of 0(Aerich.
Miss Marshall, won ItaN Itee•n teach•
ing at frimh Itiver this year, lilts Iteen
engaged as teacher lir the Belgtave
sehool for 1110%, enrreeding A. A.
Naylor, who recently resigned.
two aF THE PiovF•.iiRs GnNE. -TN's
411 the Pioneers of this township, in
the persons of Robert mrott land Peter
Porterfield, were laxt week sunu11onel
home by the dark angel, Death. lei
the case, of the foColei., the Call dune
not unexpectedly, as deeeaseg had
[town in very pilot- health for soul(,
linin. But, although Mr. Porterfleld's
health Lad been failing, it wait, not
until last Sunday, when Pneumonia
bet in, that deceNtaN!d took to his bell.
;end the end estate soon, on Thuratlity
Innrnbhg. AI r. Scott'%funeral oil Fti-
Ay and Air. Porlerfleld's on Saf-
nrilav were loth lAigely nitsndel.
Nlr Porterfield Wats clerk of this town
ship for thirty-five years, which Poli•
tion he resigned about A year Ago.
N-ehnt:tu.-The home of Air. and
\Ire. \Villiam Nixou of East Wawn-
n41eh was tilt- scene of n pretty event
nn Tueusinv, :pfd itis;.. wheat their
oldest d-tughter, F.lira K., was united
in warriage tu .fames Plowman, u
Prostparnute farmer of West Wawa-
uoo,h• The rrrrnnnny wfia performed
ley Itrv. A. P:, Jonet,, in the presence ill
Ili•• imrnediat° fe irnd" of the pride And
)tnlom. Tilt- happy couple dtrld
audnr an arch of evergreens sued rtsc•s
g y l a pat wen o gr are nue, o t 1e relatives at SUlttfurd. Ht Ed w. his every to llar•m worth of sugar that
place. speakers for Faarnero' Institute meet- cunats into the house atm a sinful still
---_- -- sister 1(sy and ilia grandmother. Mr•b.
ings, his duties to commence with the Win. ("luttou, br., and wet many an 'ullwholewule' luxury."
February meetings. Old friend for it won) of greetl)g. All -' Christmas T l m e
The Signal's new story A1rs. H. Murphy Of the (lith C011- w •re Pleased to set• joint looking boa A Canadian Cabinet.
ctssio11 has rented her furca for a two. w 1 after his r•rceuta i a of illness.
ear aerate to Mr. Sinclair, %%-Ito toyer -eye Taylor %vds in Winghsn, last 1 valued currehpondeut writes to AT HICK'S DRUG STORE 1
rear by sed Sus Henry B:Iker'" far", ser attending tit,- Huron county The 'times asking its to ';tar gaud
Theflelmet I-Ased. Mr. Alurphy re"el've" her Pari nient. -- -- enough to state the nationalities of A FEWLINESOF G0006NOT MLNIIONEDINOUR 6rACLLL6LWH1,RL
bump and will likely re11lain on the the ulenil)en, of a3ir Wilfrid Laurier'n a 1Luygr of Pipe ,fruw �,c, to Z':.J,
fie an part of the time. We regret to Cabinet." Ile thinks that the infor- Tobamo )touch,-. do Rubber or I.vathci
' � any that she blue not yet recovered KIPPEN, mettiun would Ise welcouled by many ('hrWfi as t'lgars; 3c. and lir brands lit boxes", of Ills. Y.,s sed a,
of Navarre,front tilt rather serious accident she readers laeside� himself. The Time"
TCEADAT, (h•cewlKtt loth. a Fant y tro,cd e'hocolates trove eL•. to lel .
tori with a "hurt time. age. will try to briefly volliply with hi"
rile A thodistN will holt their
THE LATS: PETER CANTEr,UN.-An reoluest• e
Cori"turas tree entertainment lot S NIc% CENTI.YA1 DKLG STnKF
is a fasc nating talc
Of advenfiire and love. l
Read the openingchap•
tors In this issue.
,alai resident of the Wwnhhrp. Peter
C'antelon, of the lith concession,
d's� away tan Neavetnlwer SLth at the
age of sixty-seven year' The de-
i.e was it suit (if the late Namuc)
Cautelou, and It brother, Samuel, lives
at Band Axe, Mich., and it sister. Mrs.
Oen. Stanley, is also tit Alichigare.
Ifile Wife, two daupghters and- three
suns ales survive hint.
Nlsw FI:RN11tv..--A Very fine coal
furnace has la•n installed in the
Holinesville Methodist parx,nage by
tee. 11th.
C. C. Let'. of Goderich. So far as we
StHeNet. C'UNCV11T. - A cumxrt, will
cart judge it is going to lie A gtedt,
lir held in S. S. No. ;, un Friday night,
improvement. Iwth ill convenience
December :lkh. Doors opon At t:a),
+and c.xufurt. The pastor, Rev. 4. .I.
concert couitlence" At S. Admisbiull -
Snowdi hats had considerable exrwl
afitlts. " K, ; Children under I'L, I5c.
iemce in leaving turnaceel put in on sev•
EverybNly welcome.
oral circuits where ho has _liceu, and
understanda it good jilt) when corn.
(4KA) C•ITIZENs. -Having sold their
\N•nlrx E,r,aY, Ucc. fill,,
farm. Alcl.eod Bros., Hbtmesville. will
\'aaeeivatiun is the order o the day.
shortly wind alp their Affairs, And
Ilaugbtun Suwmt-rsnl, of Goxlerirh,
move to Goderich. They have been
residents of this townmhip Cora goeiil
t. home for it few day+ this week.
uuany years, and the township has no
Mrs. Albert Wise h.a, returned front
better residents than they are. Good
(Guelph, where lobe was visiting her
still obliging neighllors, straightfor•
sister, Mrs. t :gin.
waif in All their dealings, they are
\lies Rena Young, who haw las-en un
held in the very highest esteem, and
the sick list fur some time, is, we are
their removal will Ile regretted. That
plea mod to say, able to let• Out, again.
they and their abater, alw, will carry
.bas. Sxllows, Doll of Thus, tallows•
the g,"xl witehea of the conmunitX
MaIll"IrOOd Fari n, bas returned front
with thein gases withamt saying, and
the \Vest to spend the Christmas
we wish them every comfort of health
se•Itaun at hili old home.
and happiness in the county town.
` 3 OKrI, In till.. wMk signal, Hand your
airlwrriplion u) the I•Kal agent or gs,snna.ter.
or -end direct to THE rill)\AI,. Ooderlch.
TuNSDAY. 11141lc. path.
.NI19s I . gray spent Sunday at her 1,
hone at C)tewe.
.AI re. Hamilton, br., of Carlow, is
visiting friends At Nile this wank.
N'ts. Bailie attended the county
couneil meeting at Winghaul last
The Salihath ,"heti anniversary will
le hvIdat Nile alt Sunday. December
ltr')nd. Further lairticulara next week.
owing to the anniversary me•vic•ea
At Ebellcre•r•, the Nile Sabbath school
will meet next Sunday Inorning at
Ial:al. '['here will le nn services at
Nile afternoon or evening.
T. McGroitten has r•turneol after
s ending the past two months in,
wimitolm. During his abt,ence he
purchaaed'a t,ection of the [test i H.
�lglft'ov A land in the Swain River Valley
MoNDAV. Der, Wit.
L'__- If, McKenzie, M. P. for South
Hrlce, Is at Ottawa attending to his
Parliamentary duties.
Nolte Auder"ml, late cif N'inghanl,
has purchased the grocery businet,m of
JlrQuillin & (lo. and luta moved here.
Nit. land Mr,,. Joynt are celebrating
the silver anniversary of their mar.'
range by laking it trip to Liverpool,
MAncleater. 1,01)(11)" and oLL"goav,
and will t,rxnd as month in Ireland.
Hut 'crl:mm Vt"1, Som% l( Hs.. The iv-
n``enihK services In Lhe Alethexllet
11 limit On the Ise inst. were highly
successful. The pastor, Rev. J. E.
Pori, wits numbotel by Ro-v. W..1.
Ford, LL. B., Preaident of London
conference, who delivered able Aer-
,notes at broth morning and evening
services. The musical portion of the
services was ex(-ellmil.. ContriNitions
were placed on the plates ;unnunting to
oxer ;laced
On Monday evening nn en-
tertAinmenL was given under the nue-
piera of the rhurch :Ind WAS well At-
tended. The Methoxlivts of Lurknow
have a very hnndsome And roo'm(xli-
ons church and ate drserl•ing of pl•aho
for their enterprise and liberality.
\VEDNBNDAY, Dec. llth.
Miss Annie Cooper. of Seaforth, IN
visiting her cousin, Me-@. H. Little.
Two loath of the young people took
in the foaa'1 supper at Varna on Mon-
day evening.
K. H. Peck ll• Ca., or Seaforth,
have dispxrsed or it title Bell piano to
T. H. Brownlee.
Fred Baker is home again front
Owen Sound, where he spent the!
I•atter part of the hummer.
Miss Floosie Pollock has opened uP
her dressmaking shop again on Loader
NUect, after it month's holidays.
Chat. Falconer. who limn been in the
neighborhood of Aloostjaw for the
lst year or so, returned last 'w'eek.
9ayn things are pretty quiet out
there this toll.
Captain John Ferguson has arrive!'
home sate after another Reasou'N "ail-
ing : abo C Harlem and Apex. Ferguson.
We Are all eleas(d to wee their cheer -
fail feces again in our midst.
A FutunisnrNka lenxlK.-L. O. L.
No. 21. Bayfleld, met on \\ ednestlay
evening of Ixst week and elected the
following officers rote IINA: W. Al., T.
If, Brownlee; U. M.. R. McMurray i
It. S., O. 'K. lirern"Ik ; chaplain,
`Rev. Will. Hinde; F. S.. A. K. Erwin;
treasurer, J. W: Tippet; D. of C., U.
C. Galbraith ; lecturer, H. UArrow :
committee --W. Elliott, .1. Pollock, J.
4Dencer, I?. held,, W. JoluhAon. This
lodge is not only the ohlest in the
county but one of the lest. During
the ))last year it lute never mist"!
holding it regular meeting. and in
addition there were several atweixll,
for the purpose of initiation. Th(•
lodge also) has howl il, hall side) with
metallic Aiding. We feel Nure with
the list of afllcerm for !Bitot there is a
bright year ahead of No. 21. There
will Ise! A special tueeting on Saturday
evening of this week. The regular
night of meeting is the first Wednel.-
day in each month.
If A man wanta to convince him wife
that he is A genius he must do it dar-
ing rnnrtAhip.
Wit a pity that the woman avian
knows how to vhnn,tge it hualm tel
never had one and never will have
Christina- 've Rud lilt, Presbyterians
"Came night he battle week. A good
time ib expel •d tit butte.
Alex. Mcl th tb finishing up his
i n el ( 'a
ah o u t d nnb•r tilt week. 1
` t
well xlnwull t It Belts,.) feet. Hr
think- this will I his.L•a"t SI-abon in
the Iunaber bull eve► In -re. He will
still retain lois in test ill the Hrus'b
mills in Powabsaarh rd vic•inily.
Another of unr ) ug men has ll,,�ur,
front us, ire the person, of Melvin Alair,
who is allow in lmndot • where he pro-
poser to take• it coulnl vial conme in
the Forest City Hits eN College.
This will is. apply in far xtratiun• for
his futurr work in ruiho+ ling. Ht- is
;L clever and indti.1rio, -citing uuou
who i" sure to succeed.
Balfour; president of the Ifour,
Broadfawt .laud Co., of Ilegin Sask.,
is home for the winter. lie is Elevator
partner In the firm of Bal lir A
CnNson hem. He calls the ast
o u inner a "f leak" Beason and Na it
hasn't .1 parallel in the meuory of he
oldest "etHrr tllere. The crolnEl
retained as, g;rven ;is gramm until cu
thwigh the grain ripened fairly wet
in the btouk. :Many have very gtxxl
crops• while olherm have very poor
cine-. Ile doesn't think this should
deter anyone from going AVebt,.+s it
has been as backward season the world
A \\'.a1tNwii;.--Thune avho are buyy-
ing bran from Western wheat shot, (1
lie careful to see that it contains no
Weed nerds. Some claim that the
mills to cleaning the grain NOW the
Needs into the bran, or at least do not
grind true Needs lout mix them with the.
ran. Then. unless the bran is boiled
or thoroughly stenuued. the seeds are
liable to grow, ;laid we shall Noon have
its dirty Danns s they have in the
West. The weed called the tiom) H gg(f
mustard is to le especially (ireauled.
Those who buy Western wheat for
feeding should have it chopped before
Eat Mors Candy.
"Give children plenty of pure sugar,
taffy, fill(] butter•Iacotch, ;end Lliey'H
have little need of cod-liver oil," bays
Dr. Woods Hutchinson in the Christ-
nait Woman's Heatue Companion.
"Ili short, sugaria,after mens, bread
+and butter, easily our next most im-
portant and necessary fixed. Yen even
Nursing baby?
Sir N tl[rd Ixuren, F reamer- -Burn • a t
at fat. Lin. f: Assowption. Que. His ill
nuc of the.• coldest-establisbe d french
falnilieu of the Province.
lion. A. 11. Aylesworth, Minister of
Justice-- Hotel ILL Newburgh, Qui.: lout bile's mute than alterative %%-beat nigh that beldunl (Ailed to attract the
fancily of Knglibh extraction. he talks in his sleep. attention of Lhepaasseifi )• tend, "Any
Hou. Wait. Ht 11. 11. l :atrtarn, Minister : S(,vers! years aqo the civ:dry ill the flnc wishing to see the biggest hog in
('ustoms- Bc)rn at Hamilton, Out,: production of large hogs bprang u I Kienslas call at my farm and inquire
family lir Scottish extractionxr11oug the fanners in Kansas. \ i for Rile. -Silas Lowe."
Hon. N'. S. Fielding, 'Miof
Finance -Born in Halifax, N. S, ; fa►n- - -- --- - -- ---- -- - - - --- - -
ily of Klaglish descent.
Hun. Ay U. Ternttelrwla11, Aliuibler Of
Ireland lit-titleat 1'nk -nham,
Out. ; farnily Of Scottish extraction.
Hou. %%'m. Pugeley, :Minister of Pub- i
lie Works-B()rn at Sussex, N. H. ;
6uuily of English extraction.
Hun. Rodolphe Lemieux, lost-
master- General and Minister of Lal)or
-[lune in Montreal ; family of French
Hon. Q. P. Graham, Minister of ItAil-
waya and Canals -Born in Canada; of
Britieh blood.
Hon. Frank Oliver. ;Minister lir the
Interior --Born in the township of
CllinguacousY, Co. of Peel, Out.; of
Irish -English extraction.
Hun. R. `V. Scott, Secretary of
State -Born at Prescott, Ont:: family
f Irish extt•acticen.
1{on. L. Y. Brodeur, Minister of
A rine and Fisheries -B ae r n a t
He if, Qhel)ec ; family One of the
earl encs of Quebec coming from
From a about the sixteenth century.
Ho Sydney Fisher. Minister of
Agricu ure--Born in Jlontru4: fan-
ily of.4 ttish extraction.
Sir }tic and Cartwright, Minister of
Trade An( '(animerce--Born gat Kipgs-
ton, Ont. ; family of United Empire
luyali"t stn
IG will lin s n that every nrinber
Of the Cabinet 'm it Canadian by hirl h.
And all have I ids of British descent
or lung residene in Unumbe. It is it
Government of It me-pr(Anrefl mtnu-s.
wen, of which CA tells uuay well lie
proud.-Hanrilton 'mes.
Marriage is nut oft t ,a [soler', but
the contracting pikrtiem very ofleu new.
Wheat -. urn rLa oat to look
for the deserving pNor til(, • first stop
is in front (if a tmrrur.
The man Who pwints oat lir fault"
is a true friend, yet we suit 1 like to
kick him all the same.
A wife may Pay little oil tell 'ort to
her husband's remarks in ge tial.
It's a heavy strain on mother.
Her system is called upon to supply
nourishment for two.
Some form of nourishment that will
be easily taken up by mother's system
is needed.
Scott'., Emuail.siorl contains the
greatest possible amount of nourish-
ment in easily digested form.
Mother and baby are wonderfully
helped by its use.
AIL DIlUGG13T91 We. AND 01.60
Can we befaircI ?
Two Sizes -S ounce bottle 501; 20 ounce bottle, $1.00
Does it Pay
to buy a Stove or lunge because the rst cost
is cheap i
Will It be Profitable
in tilt- long, 11111 In i,ll) f, (Iwalwi lomigo'tluln 1114•
The firepot linings aro ma(1(6 of the best
cast iron and wear for years: Take time to
examine otir 101 tiges and I[eaters ; we can tell
if something you ought to know.
International Stock Food
Paroid Roofing
Es, P. Paulin
`;torr. 57 Re%tdenre. 177