HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-12-12, Page 11SHILOHIS;hfwk (rasa+ for the worst cough—yultIt to the heaviest cold—arid S,%I(E take, evoa fora cfiild.Cures'batn Shiloh's CureSold under a guaranteeCOuglhs to cure colds and cough„Coldsquicker [has, any othermedlcllle-or your money back. /K years of atictOr— commend Shiloh's Cure. '1 c Sec. $1 Ad QIJICKLYI Ryrie "lippeeeial" 1115.00 OUR SPECIAL Laden Watch at $15 00 is a very accuratetense piece, and contains a fine Ryrie Bros. I5 jewelled nlovelrlsnt, carrying our fullest pwainiee. THE CASE is a Ilk gold fiII4guararreed for 25 years THIS WATCH can be supplierd in a mans size, open fasced, saw i� nt and back a the same poses. RYRIE BROS., ]Limited 13.1.138 Yo"e St:TORONTO Christmas Candy The largestet ick &fail the finest A—m-tinenl of fresh -made ('utt- Irrtione•ty• direct front liar own kitchen, will be found at Olympia Cafe f nu•st Choo•olxte• brut other se re&m, in f)erxrs or in balk. Rt pries that are very low,gnahty re,mioided. McLean's Meat Market I tIAae IIx•111.11 :a W W MPAt Market In I lie htalld on EAST STREET .haranane Ma ShooroAnel nearly oplxreite the Town HAI,.The .tore is fltled up in mo dern style fill the handling of meatsin the nlrrslapprove) way, And 1 intend tie serve my cmetomeis with the best to be had min y line. BUSINESS STRICTLY CASH PRICES RIGHT W. E. McLEAN �� SEE THE New Cutters at Knox's 1.v lies.celebraLed McLaughlin Company Only One Grade. and That The Best.' I have just Ieeckpal A ship- nlei)L of these fine Cullers and In`'it Anyone interested to call And sem them. PRICES RIGHT WM KNOX Cor.Ne+W alrand Hamilton sheetsLGODERICH THE RIGNAL :' GOrERICH, ONTARIO COUNTY COUNCIL. a°Wmittee recouuuenls that his re- the pruceuds to 1,t• used in lqe cull - f(ries than formerly. 1'hi.. is al-- fit,. toy the inerecost ret uuu)eration hereafter be $73. M Ida rtruetion of iwrunulent bridges in title - Marion Marland, of Clinton, who for count . Carli0d. twiny hall Lite DECEMBER years presided at organ 111uve1 by M. 1'. Mcl eau, secuudel Readied the singing each Sunday At 1. U. Uaetelbil, that lbs Warden and SESSION HELD AT WINGHAM LAST WEEK, uud hal- ill y the religious; her kindly Err servicemgratuilt,wfY• >' with the county l county niece legielaluru I)e orf traf c of any of the county roads given warrecouunet,dl•dtola,gioenagrafit(lf in re rttsenlalives in (illi tion lnintrr•viewthe, Ontario tentative will compare favorably with other S`Ju in recognition of her lalam•s of love xetsputx (i,livernment with the view of clak'iurf New Badges to be Constructed In in the intevesta let the htuaalet• an arrangement whereby the county 1908 Wooden Structures to bs A second report of the committee of Huron care twiticil/lila• in the I'ruv- Reptaeeu with Iron - (iOUto Of chsft with the presentlte•nt elf a recent grand jury. The contmitt,+e vinclxl goothl 1•en t spI)ropl'Inlion, either fur the conmtructboln lit peruun- Retuge Matters Dr. M. Nicholson thought the jury could not have been eat bridges (lr in some other way they Appointeu to G. C. I. Board. shown the prtpx•r coal bins, us they luny deet& iil the hebt iuterehtt of the the rime• of the house was entirely in- did not yen Iloav the bins could tic, "olonty, xud that thea report At the --- improved topical. Aa to thei pristin°r Juuuxrj w•sriun. Carded. The el- Ar'siun oC lila• count)' in thedal ferried to by the grand jury, lila colulnitte' were nut ie a A uotiol, by .laves '1'xylut ,and that nil bridges that council ill it (l l of illi C liar leu Wait Seto in N" ufK• IoW IArt week, opening on '1'uewlay. p(lmitiun to judge whether such prig- Thus. Slothe•r, leave been in the (wufaty for u nuruber The Walden briefly addl•wwed the oner was a tit pe rtiou for ,adellitsiot, U) of vearr and were :SI fern lung but council, referring to the work done if,,. house of retngp &fail rec(lunnelnel that no front the jail lir else- have irceeu shortened lx+ still county since the -June alerting and teutlilling the work before this meeliug• person where fie admitted exrept in the retail- Ise- bridges, wits lust. The special euuut,itte+leouulwended nlitted at the January aPesion fear emf iter provided by the bylaw ha that au #actrionn in reference to the cool - Weil Treated at Wingham. 1114f. elullicalion from the county of Woal- $I&yur Williaul Holmes, of \Ging The rep Ort WAS Idbopte`d• stock, and that in reference lie the halt, read an auhlress of wele"ine• to Roads and Bridges. g partition of the county of Halton in t hr cuuucil and life (lf the \Vin haus R general hila 1ta1 xud high The county bridge commissioner bridges regard to good routs grant that the \Vanden and clerk sign the petition V g se'hool m-111 written invitations that r•sid Ix! Split exnmined all Lhe in the county which wile overtwenty i this d forward e sane• RuP Lhe council visit threes institutions. Ir was moved by Mes feet in length and gave an estimate of Dr. Nicholson on G. C. I. Board. ars. Leckie and 11, Y. McLean •'that the very kind 001,K•5tt its the Amount required to renew the wooden bridges. The last jyle education cnutuitte•el recolu- the appointment of Dr. Mal- aud ctruPlimefatary +undress paeae!nteil III this 'Mayor woolen bridge's were built in 1891-3 niereded colon Nicholson all tnstlo of Utederich council by the still[ council of %vingbaul (re accepted wild and ounce of these would he gaol for soul& yeA-A cot but the above slew Collegiate InstituteRsAsked for by the Hobert Melw•xu and ltulrett 1 il inter in the 'ninutra &fill that the elvttatbous extender W this would covet the coast of replacing motion of Elliott, in place of the late F.-JorJ,n. culmcil by the hospital and high school the wooden bridges with iron ones, New bridges had, been colmtnu•ted with reference lie the 'notion of Meuse -A. Kellerman and Willett, ask- b"At"y la' accepted Athol that we visit anti iumpect these inatitutioua this year All follows: Biuevale; line ing for a grunt W Clediluu public to- youth of WinghaW; ('AullWll's bridge a,choxolfurcontinuationclasmwork,that lunrrow." Ion Thosaiay evening it complimentary banquet tendered south telt 11e•Igrave: Kingrbridge, in the usual grant be paid, oil the crrtifi• wits to life council -by the town of WiOg- Ashfield ; St. Joseph in Hay; (brand Bend in Stephen; Soluble on the rate of Inspector Total that the aechoxd is thereto. h:ain. A virvubu• frouo 11. BmclIAna+s• ark- boundary between IIuron and Middle - rex; Kirktonon theboundaary between entitled Wingliam's Hospitality Appreciated, ing that this cuuaty a)qsu(la int te or Huron And Perth. Bridges will be IW- DI„ved I.y %%lilluain Bailie, seconded two delegates to meet delogatis froze other rounliex to Iwgis- quitted next year as follows : Hall's Icy J. Taylor, •' that will life Inemb)e•rs wait nn the lut to induce bridgge. (loderich township. Warren u1' thio Huron county council. In couu- �er ouch bully to astiblirh Creel( one ruffle south of Hensall ; cit Rs,dmnblexl, do express our thanks One or entire m re consuptive Iloepltalt in Josephine, street, north of 1Viugh&en ; to the citizens of Winghnut for their this Province was stilt to the spea•isl and at bridge on the boundary between kindness +old right roysl welcome •ouuuittr e, but the cununiltee r•aeeoul• (irev And F Iola townships. Irhe cum• they have given use during our stay Inputt d 111r'actioell. Ill itlMlU nP10- baa bustled orde•rm to the CAMied. n'nmIg (heli)."_ A letter of 11e"m. (il,dlluall fi umonrt f $I:f,131.IMi riucc the L•atet. Stanl.nly, luu•ristt•rs, Making rlAinl on behalf of B. lllrysrob er'y for lues of meeting of till- rrruneil. The rind and bridge committee rec - EIGHT YEARS' AILING. t home inc'1 oro d Of, tele load Ileal' St. Joseph, was referred to that executive•- Unamended as follows _ •I• hen 1 h Some's Kidney Daeaae ouuniltre. Wgurding fl:aylleld bridge, that oil ,d cuuut (if the wings settling on Was Cured by Dodd's Kidney nit. lie the afte+rwoa of the sevoud day F. Metcalf, of ISlyth, wlat present cued went If abutmvnt is low of good, sound, (•„ ltell'a Cour, Nfld., Ilex. Dab— addlcssel the council with reference woodeu piles tea! driven around the iSpeciall---Ailing for eight years, L.,the fruit exhibit at Tell.last outside of the abutment. driven al- sleep &.s osaihle in the round, and, ry ground. seven (of which hr was unable to work. 'That is what kidney disease nnroth, and explained like dtslAu" ineff,"if-the grunt made by the pounty. hecontract for the superstructure { has IrPen let to Hill 1i Co., of to Joseph Btwne, a fisherman ret this He war heated l thisdoctors. allay 1bne.l by Me•aesrs. M. 1'. McLe,aa and Iw•ckie•. "that this council have aMitchell,oi'- to Is• erected this winter. we recons- place. i i dodoes, area after seven months in listened with grem rleasure to the re- lucud that our engineer let the. cols - i the hospital was kion( home as inrur- porls jt,•( delivered by Messrs. Met- tract for driving life piles ler soon al- possible, All that the super%trueWe able. Dodd'h Kidney I ills cured hills. 1(e calf anon Lane, file delegates from this county charge of our fruit exhibit can Ile completed t)efo•e spring. We took twenty-one boxer% of (hent. Insl, -in at the Provill'iAl fruit show in Tor- nlwe recommend that a row of fled be new he ba well well, and follow- outo, and cue gratified lit the extl-ut Ifrbven &round -the central allittlnent de (,I flshe bog his trade and excellence of the exhibit from bre the came rpa finer, and that the a that It its cote. like these that heave made like- ilnruu• lead wt cordially thank the APProacboe Ix• Hllyd up as IA1on as pole- till- Rodd'( Pills. it delegal4s for their efforts on 1)ehalf of sibh• Fu the spring• kidneys. The Rlwn s Curr the kidne r Cored y lent c r Y : Y Y the ee)lilltv.” Carried. Hegxrdina the claim of ML. llemP' a . kidne r sttRul all the bili urteo ort j P Moved 'bv Messrs. SlIPAI'rr nand hill, of Wroxeter, we ro(s)uuueud, that of [hr hiuexl, nlul with those impw i- Hciusturk, .that this council, through - our engineer and Mr. Freser leave tiers go nine -tenths of the aches and our nt40I-k enthatth, memorialize oath mar r lortisA'gintate 11,41 an offer from Mr. Hemphill le- garding a se•ttlelnent. they settle with Pains and diseasch the flesh is heir rt,. to aweod till- :risers- moat :art ; that in town,hi ra l0eP haul, providing 11 r. Hemphill sign( can it AN EXCITING EXPERIENCE. consppxectrot[urn Ot,tside of I a count- agrcefaornt and has ti lie county oaf the lil'l that the county ci oalitic• hea appointed to value All its 1 PI Sur not is uC Huron will not Ile held responsible I Sequel of the Switzer Bip;amy Case In parcels of property ; that in rural parts ref the municipalities the vales- lot- any (haulages hereafter. Bruce County. tion la• pmt Ott the land. rind in urban Regardin • the bridge between the I Kincardine, December lith. - Con - partIA And [ithAn Municipalities on troth clesex, l of furan, ton and Mid- Hodgins had An Thomperie land :ted buildings: that in uthato tion x, that no uctinn be taken At Acting bog experience oil TuPfly. M Acting ing a c parts A derlaration M• tuade to the prey PfRegar Regarding the (,ridges that sbonld a iewewarrant ito t by Magistrate notionBarker lot Barker he went to the residence o[ clerk of the rf.ht (lf all buil.hn s R' etvetel between ti le of vRlmatnon Ise renewed next season, namely Hall's bridge, 1V W. F.Switzer, Kinloss, to arrest Maria. and by him properly entered on the l odrrich township o ; arreo g p Crpek bridge, south of Iieusalt; the E. Harris on a charge of big+any And living in conjugal union with Mr. toll; that the clerk too, notilitsl of all rhangesraused by the bmyiug lir sell- frridge north of the town of Wing- Switzer knowing him to be the hut - Illg of proplrrlj' and lite 1'Pg111I•ed rp• II Rill ; the Holmesville bridge, and A I hand of another woman. lie brought (null mule on kllr rill ; fret the will tri until f, bdge oil the boundary of linron and with hills Fit. Harrison, of Kinloss. a lar til+! boli+ on which the Perth, we recommend that our eu- ginrur call for- tenders for these Switzer refused' too let hills selarr•h the house At first but afterwards allowed romhly 191et- is 'truck, and that the r lint ion t'pulxin for ct ,x rind of (tile brttlges, to be opened at the January hiW in. When they entered the i• r,ars, and if this prove•» s,attifnetory u oeting of lfllsa, We ,also rteconmsend that the chepue of Jt r. Sproule that horse Switzer licked to a shut un I P R +old followed horn around, but nud1P It Ix+ extended to tell veAM." Stent to the inittr, whi,•h re'fie in held h the county he returned to Rttempt to use it. hired sfrec•ial con do pnrttd in favor of the, million. i hie xnsi that two tenders be called itneer'r 111asI, who will Ise •a w•itnt+ss for the lt,c by Mrxsth l.ri s eager Rel Mc- for on Hall's bridge, one flit• concrete Rrc•h And one for abutruents and eup)er- defence, wax with him. Constable Ilodgins left 1(.arrison to watch the Kay that, oa in the el- (if in- Y muates in the fomes• of r•efnge, herr structure. the lowest tender then can Switzer re%ideuce And he drove along after no pwl-+o11 or pe!rslrus, being in• be accepted. This clRuse w&a amended to the residence of Mr. Harris. He valids lir inZ-Anv, be a dinittel as pay• to the effect that the clerk procure tree( with touch the ome reception ing inulAtes, ILIA lir house WAR not. the of lircountyIretaitor thereandduringthesomewhatelorrny built for this porpoise. tient to hoose whether a to whether the county can retain the fie otixtion!• Switzer himself arrived R of refuge rvnumiltre, Moved h Messi�. L:aawnt ;old cheque without interfering with the liberty of the council in res sect to the with his hired roan. Affairs got hotter still, but the constthle quieted y Cuntelenl that the roan(y eng "leer work' referred to, and in the event of their being able t. du Ino tlle'Iun Switzer b threatening to put the Y frons him !etch Lim too. hiand in it repowt to the clerk lorthwifh feel cho of Mr. Sproule A+ fur• for. and along In the uiexn Miss Ile rit, who a of all the bridges that have been taken off the cuilntj• Rod pill iln the• town- Lip felted to Life county. Nnr rnrne resigned to the situation ign K ship. And that the• clerk unlit the A nmtiou by Mrrs19+. Middleton and '•In than :an of the rest, wad tires%in and Y R c clerksof the different lnunit•bpnlitles McMillan wall stn ufrl its : accord• aamce with the rollnty hylas•, whereby she urate no retabit, a but ardine, p,anbtd the cunstnhls to Kincardine, ' ,d the u:unrs at hridgcs Rn11 where .of t Lhe county is r•equlrrl to build &alp where Magistrate Barker remandell lett ('tried. 'Aibridges on boundary lilies W ft•et and her until the folluwing•day. Bail wall Affairs at the House of Refuge. over, and Whereas a concrete Arch 2t, furnished then and she was allowed From the hilus,• If r,•fmge cnmulit. foot span lists tarn built on boundary to go holue. tee's Irport we• take the following - between Hullett send Goderich town- it will be remembered that in the Mr. +ofd 111-. Mut•h,.the new Nit wr ship, At I(,apnnn'IA, hY the Hrrvew of the• said uuulicirditles At a cost of ((blit of Switzer for biq:uny Judge And if atrun,, seenfel to take l)nit� of Barrett held that the D.tkoya divorce their I'll -ties like vet•r;tris, while 11iis litsi.dl, that the cost of ante be 1-01-11 was invalid, I)mt Allowed witzer off Rin;lmon liar proved a very uat.fill and I'v the county." Thin was re-ferrPd to on suspended sentence. rernewp lit aslii@tant. At flr-t'slmfp of the road And bridge committee, which file Inin at•i were disposed Let preolutne nn rhe inexperience of ISP kro•iler. but recommended that no action be taken, but an Amendment was made to this WORSE THAN ONIONS. rre undethr direction of the inspxs•tor hp was able ter deal with the insub- b cunimttteP as follows : "That in the construction of touudary lint. Bad Breath from 'Indigestion Cannot ordinates with :a firm hand hat kind bridges nand roncrete arches, if they be Overcome With Perfumes. wads. and there has since been no :are. constructed bj• the uninicipAlities concerned 0) feet or over on the np- All of us suffer front had breath trouble of this nature. v The conuuiltee nue( At the" horse lit 4rroval of the county engineer. their 'lisp assuwed s'),netin)es our*own. but oftener that of our friend+. indust v on Tuesday last and made is feature maintenance leY Nicap-tenths of this hal becath thorough inif)ertion ret the whole bound every corner the count y. Regarding the bridge between Hur• premilees .laid s,•rn``)illmnrly clean And everything in 1l- x1 order and well kept, while the nn and Perth counties the committee recommended that our engineer wait. TERS N S I"umat s were clean, will Chad. well un the decision of Perth county. fell, and call appnreutly c,anfortablc These recommendations were COUGH DROPS and AscodtentedAsslichpeople usually all-. Thwie arP now eighty innrxtrs nolo ptexI- TBP Pxeculitp rommittee re ruedVe Po re of Brucetil. TeM n -sten] nit.l lh-.MA .—Ing ,k. sewiir Usit ,gfh.n„tl b� •• r.nt bre the huusc. The inslxrtor will holy, Ifo recommending claim i ussenberry, of Brucefield, for the a u,rre •sA c •. r r.. rT..,-71 1 A•k fM till- k lwfore you his report• un which will A statement "f reCPlll[a altld 1411- hose lit A burse, that the ma ter pre left k mcpn, red M In Un mA +iia ),Ilnr pia. a QpQplven since our &et report. in the hands of l'ouneillofM"LRmunt THEY WILL CURE I,olvelllputh that the cost per and (ieiger and that in all feature con - l ons will notice 1 f tracts on county roads and bridges tet patient f•:t` maintenance Rill lir re- on building% will be soniewhat receives cLtuse Iw insertedrovidin that the gfor f(ries than formerly. 1'hi.. is al-- fit,. toy the inerecost ret contractor lir contractors same shall be res onsible felt- jail or An y 1aseel minted f tile, titles of ponsump- nuuly oe, nn li ole ncridente that may occmr tear) the earelpbsnese or improper front tion, by the fact that the. inmates have been somewhat )+otter pro•idpd Placing elf mRterial o ellnperfcct pen• for under the new nuunAgPment,.and (petioli by n fenco or otherwise utlstroling or PudnngBring the fentety in ounce instances that needed Ireeairs have been too long deferred. Ilow. orf traf c of any of the county roads evereven yet the charges for ronin- excPtxlingly m1slPrate rend or bridges w•here..new works or re. paalIrs art - in progress, &fill further that tentative will compare favorably with other this %hall ia notice to all ppniternr ofllcels off the county delivering .imihnr inetbtutions in lir Province, material for much roads or bridges to During A recent w•indslornl one of chimneys was blown fake the necessary preeaut(oms to so the ventilatic)n the bricks breaking through the place such material that it may not Ire Iover, raking dam;uge s which will a ent.nare .told oource of danger to the rt, -0f Rnd probably (seer from $1:0) to 1113++11 to re- Leave"'" public. pair•. Thr work is line Isvng pro• The committees- also reconunende(1 a ePedPd with And will sr -0n Is eon- grant of $27) to the Huron Poultry plrtell. The• eoiltnit(ee found that the wind")ill fill, pumping Nater for Asmociation. These I econneendations w c r e the rime• of the house was entirely in- ado ptest. A(oveltoy JAmPm Middleton. adequote, s1, much so that tile. water were, frequently elllpty and M•conded by Jails, Taj IOt', '•Lhat a Lanka there wns ret times stn insnfflrbont for even donleastic depotatioll lie Apointt to examine the road near Holmeville to see If the supply of w•Aler to may nothing of flee Ptn• site of the beidgp can bo Improved on, pmPPosPs, Loci. on. To remedy this very danger. before Any expense is incurred, the ,tete of affairs the committee pur- committee to consist of the Iteeve of rnts And has installed It gasollne Ooderich township, the Reeve of Col- rh:t.tsl cuglne with which to pomp water &hle. lrornptownship, 1. Churchill, J, Cox And D. Peterson." Carried. w•heln t hp windmill is not AvRi 1(ev. Mr. \VAde, the chaplain of the Mored by M. Y. McLean, se(nnded inmtitutinn• who conducts rpliRlou.., ' in the, institution every Ann- o. Inv r••, by J. Leckie, that the clerk ass gnestrti to prepare a bylaw to he Pill,- services day At trnl[• the inm(Itei when sick nlitted at the January aPesion fear emf land also attend* All fnnerrllp, ham made for An inrnpamP in .Alary, sideration Authorizing the enoncil a• I Jelin debentures for $1111,09) for turn( � It request pmt per ymr And the 70hearing luterestat foutllper ceut., at'e Comes to -Ojai @little sloulach truetble, and cannot Iw uvercuale by htwtth perfumes or any other yalliative alea►Ursem, If you (ocasionally have a bad breath ; it there ll- heart -burn, flatted once and Acid gulpin(gir of undigerlPd m flood t if the stoach I)urnat or sinal -is ; If thele itrleepleernear, nervouafaeas, Inrndachet lir any tither of the many ryulptunle(lf indigertiotl. use Mi -o -lea rt(lulach tahlPltand get well. Mi -o Ilia it not it mere digestive not- it oru phymil!, but it tunic Ieultdy that wtleuglhcus the mueclea of the actutt- erh ..ad towels so that the How of gastric juit:et is increased, laud the food it dipertd naturally field does not stay ill the •luutu h to feraoeet and poison the breath. Jar. Wilton ham sten r( I many curer Matto Mi -0-111A rtouud!h to I b b Illsh that Ire given.& guarantee with every,ill-I reut box that the money will Ix! re- funded if the related), fails to ggive aatitfartiue, lie takes the whole risk, null it lox'of Mi-o-na will not c(wct you it penny unit»ao it cures you. Tuu«suhtr, Dtlrcwber 12, 1807 11 Christmas Slippers IN KAKINU YOUR l'11HISTMAS PCIi- CHASES, place great stress leu buyiug your footwear here. IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO. Such it reholution will insure you against buying poor shoes and slto!I disaptointulenls of every kind. Out- line of Slippers is the finest usto.rl- enrnt you call find anywhere, as well as the must reasonable in price. If everybody fn this vicinity dos not get a pair of Chiisl.tuat Slippers it won't be uurfault. Sinn•iRl values in L+ddies' And Children'.. fine fell, till-t•ireuutd Juliette in all the latest colour Theological. QUEEN QUALITY SOLE AGENTS W A L K- O V E R SHOES SHOES \That is the meaning of false do-- FOR WOMEN FOR FOR MEN rine, Willie%" asked the Sunday teacher. "It's when & doctor giver the wrong ---- -- stuff to a'sicktuan," replied the little efiow. ' _ Downing & M aeVicar "This," said the man of the house, •v he Mournfully surveyed three North Side of Square (ill jrl'It'll !arpwts and ten rugs hxuginRR leu the •lolhell-line, ••this fie A c,nuFlill alien lard to twat." OO O O � - O CT*111ar's Scotch Store ° HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS. ° Only a few days now in which to do your Christmas shopping. Q We have spared neither time nor expense to secure all the latest 1 novelties for our patrons and you will find every section of our store brimful of Christmas suggestions. Kid Gloves 'llxe over popular gift. -ouly the laest brands kept Anel every pair guaranteeei in all styles• colors and lengths, from $1 per pair. Handkerchiefs By far the largest selec- tion we have ever shown either for Indies or genu, from the children's picture handkerchiefs to threew eL•ab- urate real Ince ones that are sit ouch priied by ladies. Neckwear \ ithnut .a doubt the Sc ch Sture is headquarters foreckwear. Here you Are a- ways sural of getting tho lie t novelties at very pwpula rices. The hotelieriner tette put up In fancy loose put sentutiou. Cushion Tops We have \c celled out•- he•Iv el- this se with the I,rautiful Cushion'ropp, both in the kind 'to worked +and in the ewe litho- graphic ones trot& -A . For the Little Ones We have left nothing undone in catering fol the noodles of the children. and herr, visit will Hull an assortment of infanta' and e•hildren's wear .citable for Rifts. CHILDREN'S BEARSKIN COATS CHILDREN'S CASHMERE COATS CHILDREN'S BEDFORD CORD COATS INFANTS' CHRISTENING ROBES INFANTS' BONNETS IN BEARSKIN, PLUSH, VELVET, SILK. lufant.' Buutees, Infants' Gaiters xud Uver- ails in treat variety. Childer re's bur Sete a► Specially. Umbrellas A larger range than ever of I inbrellats for ladies and gentlemen, in all the newest handles, fr•um $1 to $,i, Belts, Belts All the ilewee', designs. "ic, 8Qc, 7;l-, $1 and $1.,101. Furs, Furs Out- stock of popular burs will at once a7al to those who intend i;iving one of these handsuwe,gifts. Ladies' Golfers a 13'e have just received a large, delivery of ladies golfers, which make A most useful gift. We have them fruu $1.53 eawl). Comforters, Blankets e 111r of those swell Coniforu re, ur• 4 pair of our (.else ted Woollen Blankets wuuld tuake it swell gift. Ladies' Waists Nev- Lawn Christmas Waists \sew Silk Christmas 1Vaists New Lustre Christinas Waists leadies Silk Moteen and Sateen ✓:skirts, great v,triety to cheese front. kill I Phone5(, Store sit Millar's Scotch 'Phone C Loses—O- _01 0WJ (PARSONS' FAIR IS HEADQUARTI'RS 1:0R Christmas Gifts as wA have a large variety of toys. Just step ill alld you will beconvinced that we have the kind of goods you want and at the right prices. LI MOGES AUSTRIAN, JAPANESE AND GERMAN CHINA .ill kinds of Celluloid 'Boxes, Comb and I;rush Sets, and nollK frons ooe eent up- l wards. IAIso a large variety of Sleighs and inany other articles too numerous to mention. Come early before the rush and get your choice before they are all picked out. I We children will find 'Dear Old Santa iii us in Parsons' Fair Window Christmas Ebe. Don't forget to have a good look at his pleasant face. - a_1 Parsons' air lust Side of •-�,Itrtro Goderieb. _ 8_ M n 41