The Signal, 1907-12-12, Page 8-'�.,,..a..,a;;:�t!.•�n.;� w,a,.QZ .-... �y y*..7+�p.�+srtwr'•,�.;, .•r'
8 ToomaDAY, Deoember 13, 190; THE SIGNAL: GODERICH+ ONTARIO
Cho co 1 ates
in Iasi& make ideal C')lristntaa
Gifts. tier our Nilidow display.
variety of prices. flake ypter
xlrctiwl uuw' :uul a dep,rsit
holds it for %ou.
uilr 1101011-.
The ver.N best go..i, at fair prices
Prompt delivery,
The Balmoral
J. J. EDWARD, Proprietor
lkdf^„I Mk k.
Practical N atchmaker
and Jeweler
The careful repaunig .,t hatches
and clocks a specials . -
All wait dune proulptl)and at
a reasonable price.
Kindly call when its need of
anything in m) line.
H. S. KE M P
llamilluta Street, near the Squa:
MW and Cooperage
Highest price pard for logs.
Jas. Young
A Complete Line
of nice
f -s to be seen at
Ce Wilson ts
`the Square, Goderieh
Curiosity Shop
N'e Olde
Hamilton Street
Ye Olee
'Towne of Goderich
he, 1 . rtifonnr cr infill k that
.t l,a. tm •alc --Id.
Furniture, Dishes,
Books, Pictures
and aIle kinds of ward And curi-
crsities, except ye olde maids And
aide bachelors, the which ms)- Ire
found in ye village of Clinton.
Be yurr home north of ye bound-
ary or south of ye aide gravel road,
scud your addrefs and wt %rill frost
to you by Ili& L1a)'c,tic a mad a
picture of 1'e Oldc Curiosity Shop,
wishing alle a Merrie Christmas
and a llapj,ie New Year, we will
romaine yures to ye end of ye
About Christmas Wants
If you need something in the Dry Goods line suitable for gifts we can
a► -,,180T.By •IWfM tLgwva'r, >- ;.0474;�, �,,,�,�,, �� I meet your wants with a splendid assortment of new, up-to-date articles
the morn- 1p a flesh Wound In my right slat lel the sprlug or aooBOr. But what of ' prices will be at
rock -bottom. got together specially for the Christmas trade, and our
Ing I-efure :fm:uuel cut Hway fits cnrtre b
klge14 e;nd1 lel his bight 1 should be g lllty
l'brlsrtuas 1 had slid alant 1-70) feet when 110,; of sulcide If 1 anticipated by but a lit- '
day ten hap1N•lsed lilt' ebekk -if list uolaae and lie what seemed my doom! ! HANDKERCHIEFS Men's Lawn and Linen
)ears ago, the I.uUct 0nnua-1 tiff.. 1 suppose, for I tea)( rode IB this new agony anti i Our stock never x, grrett and our price. Handkerchiefs
y her 1%16113 the ue%l t!,iu f' ►uv%r w'ur that I lay put illy right hand amoug the bughexe were °ever bus low as they acro for this Chri.tma,
In the 1'rlcl'ly !ill a cluwp a( sada Lashed• ueerudnj lel lean mud ,ter orcr the_ I trading. our priers run, filing 3 cents, six fur a Men's lawn and linen haodkcr, hick f,
canyon, dreary 'file sells hard gnus <lua'n, f,ut there cliff. Now file moon wad clear. Sly I quarter, lu Uhl cents, in plain hemstitched edges, J cents up, hcu,atilchesl.
I11!rs n,rrlhwest I was still n clear afte gleg.. %then 1 laud hit something hart]. NVItb a loud 1Ate and enibroidend corners, lace and etubruider-
tt•ua. %font., wy cufne ro illy full calls, Iu sorpriseto : ry of joy, 1 w as grasping -my bunting e'd Idge. bath with and without hensstitchhsg, Child's and Misses'Clouds
ceid to lige: Ord ulvseif °.Ice. Fur en in+taut 1 kulfe' 'This had slipped out of ltd Jobt see what wo can du fur you at 1Sc, 'S for ':ix•.rley, wouldn't wuutiered If 1 bad drol,prcrl o%er tho .heath during wy sliding and lodged A, k'^'1 us we over Nold other years let :ilk•. In all while and fancy txn•det•9, J'llc, •:i,•, :;;,,
lce If t a had a c1IR1 fried ter rise, but In doles so dmunq the bushes. , tad -7011 cents. Hay's need ,Sirl's Wool capw�etudu steak uta:•" !ooked lbr•,ugh the bussed "I'rnlrte 1;,+d, from whom all bless• Children s Picture and Motto loxlnes•plain uutl fancy eel used Iwuds, nrweht
Lrcl( flitch."too" twmnt In Therq was nothing just In front (lf Ings flow' lily heart was m!ghtlly Handkerchiefs.a to a turtles, I them. They grew' on the c•Ilfrs boll far cheered %Title the sense that be had not • i
cents, 'S fur runts uud 3 cauls. Pt'ipt•tp Kid Gloves
m pair "f chleLeas. a !about tw dc0 feet �rble along its rail formnk,•n n,e. As 1 turned to the steep borders, 3 cents, :f for 3 vent,., itnd better ones
10 Iro1w hath. a plum I evl;;e. 1 had nothing but lhoee frac: : Ilge and lagan backimt oat holes fur i Certs, ti tot- cents. All Acauu+ed edge, aril New block just In it- :dxt k and calors
padding and I don't know haw many bushes between we aped-tlhc boulders climb!ug I had little thought of bow fast calutr• lire a•soruurnt of the new ehudea in tau
finds of rales and pies that she had gar below. huen!I was 01011 illy chance of escape.browns. Perrin's utake. Vvery pair guaran
planned for our chr1-:tarns dinner. Peeing ibis, I tremNed and crunched Hut I was very careful, working Silk Handkerchiefs tec`e1. Perrin's Kids ire the to bt in the trade
''weli, Nelly, as there's only luurself down. 'then 1 notiael the blond team there lel the moorallglit. Should m' ('athinere Ringwood rued w•exrl gloves, new
and the baby and elle ut dinner. I dou't towound- ► I'u10 111 .1.,1,,m .ilk, initial cornets, 2, weaves, lit like kids and Bowl to wear, it,
3 knife milli from my hand It would bard- n;.. L..,,p t ,111d hotter rue. rt higher prices. child's, usisap,' and lAdie,'.
suppome we'd starve r ithout a venison ed arut. It ! ly Le stopped again by the rrioge of
etrak," I said, laughing "Itut there'll was drip -
be bushes. Should sande and feet fall of
tee some fur getting a black tolled lel gel the
Z .• their hold -oil the slope 1 night bilde deer." snow at . ti ,J aside from that frlBge and go ores to2 a 1C gar a n Days a50 1 teak my 1t"lncbe'ster late lel rise r(trtsoftbedeath. g2forentwn and storied for the mountain b u s h e a, • �• I picked and dug until I had three
after klur fir my young tclfr and Ise and my (�?s. pules of hale.. esteudlnst as far up as Tho two last BARGAIN DAYS Of thiel year in tills store will be hold on
baby -our drat. If Nelly had asked for ( rel o v e ! ,d a I could mach Then when 1 bad
an elephant steak, I Burr say a Into sante lead- •' .� Saturday and Monde next 14th and 16th
;pI moeeNl my feet Into the lowest of Y
[sled to get one. Site And ruse out fo a t re a dS f these• hales and w'm• cetting n fnitrlA
Use far west nHis me after I bad %isit- rprinklyd • .0' 1
t;, pair ill n,)' f Ell ranch w} urs stren>;th
be h"nee n kllchlgad, only tau )cars 11 red C� fir/ left me sod. only. There I rested, face It"ls 11CetIICSS t0 Say that our i►al'tr'hlll (lays aro always a Si sY };�s.
before, and illy pride was that she a p o t s iII dorn, for man)- moment+ A' N%a always
shouwe)I f can t for start.
nothing 11'e had dune around Ill . �l� Again I set to wattle: Again I drew ]have about as mall)' patrons as wo Can handle on these (lays. Every blhver knows
well from the start, d i see we do yet: 1 lay a i• . 0 Again
up: un I went as far as my that when this store says B.%KGAINs, BmWAINK it is. This time we are going t0 try
thanks fie to Gerd and steady work f° 'tong tineL strength world Allan, and ngaln et-
as=sO° Ion t A e hnnstion farted me to rest. But prow 1 and overtop all previous efforts. Nearly a whole sT(u1tF, h'1'LL Of lust the goodsUU
The night before i senrted up for snow IW
as up twenty fire or thirty feet from want tit HAIWAIN Pltll'E7;, Our stoek (lever was as large as it is flow and we want
canyon wltb my rifle and boating k c e p f ug "r tnt:rw' OCT MY HASIX" ,the• chimp of bushes, and the fear that to unload. Colne oil these two (lays, Saturday. 14th, and 'Monday, 16th, andwe will
knife there hall lieu A fall of about my rlgbt.side to the bushes, for I fear- I might stip, slide dawn and miss timing
OU Inches ra snow. This mould make ed that 1 should gotthron9h If I lel rllding l,er•nme extretue horror. I silve YOU a whole lot of woad money. Come ill the forenoon If you Call and avoid
It easy to track game �0 1 went along I ley uphill and pressed against them ce,r,.J alit endart tills. Grc cautiously the afternoon rllsh, but Ile sura and e,(Pt here sometime durillg the Two UAYs' SALE
In good aplrlis, struck the toot of the I with only the breadth of my feet. ; let myaelr down again flit 1 lay once
mountain two miles from home 41x11 rhen 1 lifted lit wy wounded arm, more amoug tilt frle'Udly bushes• WE WILL SPARE NO PAINS TO MAKE THIS STORE
decided to gel Up an lntmetsse gulch huping to stop the flow of re:l Per- 'file rale woulel foe ,out; to tell bow
straight In froth of me. IbAps rise IoFs of blues] had he'lred to I %;ant np r9alu need again erects time THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS WANTS
I moon reached the head of the gulch ILreak due.a Enc norreN At any rate. :niulng a short dlstance rn each time
and the tap of the muuutaiu. Then I II sbuddereil and shook and thought I calaprlled to de•01rebd by Ise fear of
ItoIt u rigs e d: w'a1e about -to fufut. It seemed a great 1^slu w} •
sallisy • % f q q gelp im hf loo and slgench 1'I me J. He Colborne 1111 "41 11th
,'.�, IR ff
Is -out d on , time before 1 could control myself etaf- Aside frow lite bushes. Sly weakness,
c. t- � the back- acfeutly to Berk for soar mea °a of ea• pruAablr from loss of blood, urea aueA
,i,:5' - TS 6.1100( the cape. But 1 (lid Bot look down over as 1 cannot do�crlloe to the underetand• L F•+sl+F:lilt H.
•:�' wuuutalu the cliff. It sewwerd that one more Iugof lint win his never felt the Ilke.
and went+fight of that abyss w-onld IurF me to %I)- Ihnbs tretghle.e) as with an apse. —� J
lock near• jump over in despair. I baked up the And all this time I bad to work Witt
ly in the 1i•1'e• and p!eee my mealU dependence on my — -
same di- �'Ilie truck 1 bad mn11e was as If a arkw°rd, unwounded left hand and v
rection 11 ver wide broom had strept snow off arm. ��—�---
hadcane, hard white Ice Hut. 1 rcCtrterl that After q long time 1 reached the stunt•
"Illy about' 'his vas only a thin sheet of Ice car- eel pine against which my %Vlnchester •
n thousand , ,•rang drop, s11ow h could net break had tared Furniture for Christmas
feWasb re• orrfoot, the slipgogh cruet with bead esploded
It Was byre' C
i tx tout, but I aught c•ut holes 1B It
I;sigbted wltb my gasoketk'nlfe and canib b) illy de-
mygamt.a�gber0. geent send
tat dee, on +�� straddling HERE is NOTHING MORE ACCEPTABLE OR USEFUL
"t sucnr¢u r GAMY." So l put mm
y hood In y pocket to
the w'esU t•
NenrcIt fur if knife. It uns not there d t h e tr
awe or a baekboBe, just on the edge of It %ens not Is any of my packets. I h a I d I n is for a Christmas Gift than a nice piece Of furniture.
a gales. This was alert 3 o'clock In it Lad slgopr0[1 out duringm)' y We hive a very fine assortment this season of
the afternoon, nod We gun wall already ,,! w urn,.
held flrgtelldFora ft sprat tip around It PARLOR CHAIRS
ie'w' went out of'Then ft sprang illi and book ui Oak arta Mahogany,
The doe bud not stela we, and 1 Gld fresh Aly boating knife' ilnw ew,uld 1 lug down upholstered ,n Silk and Silk Plush,
not mean site o rete till I COnld j:etlift 1 have (urgrrtt"u 111 1 lint my band toward the PARLOR CABINETS,
close enough to retake sure of teat to the sheath. The rhe°;h was empty! - cliff. Now
steak. w 1 worked over on the east how It germel certain that 1 must - - the moon MUSIC CABINETS,
side of the and went. al"ng ,lie -so certain that the raving spirit wad often
till I int right on tall of a stupe alter- re resigned
t was stifled In my heart. 1 obscured PARLOR TABLES
ly alrace a Rreat wall of mountain that resigned myself to Gtxl There was � by clouds. +a :treat
1 had adwired on the way ti 1 tray vanety
t nothing to do except go mnd or accept Titer XELTY CAME. ■ strop
then watching fi,r the dere more than my trite, and 'to accept is to be calm wind bad risen, and i ertlected n reg• r'
for tier #,fells, and that carelessness COMBINATION DESKS and LADIES' DESKS
l think 1 then had the very feeling Our Montana blizzard. But It prated
Dearly fiuLsbed me. Suddenly guy feet wltb which so many of'the dying turn to be "nl) a sgnali, and again f turned in Oak and Mahogany,
slipped, and 1 went rllding dawn the OAK and MAHOGANY ROCKERS
their faces silently to the visit when to my work.
to lister
a aping mountain elle. told that dears In Bear. Evening bad 7o let go of the tree and turn round variety.
I was not more than taltlJ d mJ now come on safely put me to e1 rgony of .fact. UPHOLSTERED LEATHER CHAIRS
back when I ugedentand what bad bap• To the Lushes d hrnled my race, let- but 1 did It and la; trernblloR, ince
Irenea. 1 had trod on the old delfts of ting my wounded nail, which pained down, With uy fort rjalnsl the tree, and MORRIS CHAIRS.
allow which had been melted on the mw-
e little, cattle to the sno. With that 161 i found strength to hack and dig
aurfac•e by the Chinook winds a few morm
ecut of reetiSteat!nn my thoughts again. i can remember little of what
days previously and had then frozen flew- lignite to my wire and child. It 1 did after that 1111 at last I drew my- A fine assortment of PICTURES at cut rate prices.
again a hard rlot0 of Ire. •Thls was %vas A If my gdul sought communion telt up and 'lay ou top of the moon -
coveted by the fresh snow of the night,+ with them for the end Then the quos taln. Children's TOY SETS, HIGH CHAIRS and ROCKERS in Oak and Wicker
and so I ha:Inot noticed the dangertinge as to I'or some time 1 could not move, and
The fresh snow went with me. I could I ; lr , h o w 1 Then 1 did stand up 1 doubted whetb•
milk -
bold on by It at all, and 1 votes m• should be per had streugM to escape, atter all.
about Z,0 frit long. Where It stapled found gnlck trip down. The slate was ` J found met Nfy s1er were feeble, and my brain
abthe again to reeled, lit still I staggered on toward
the straight wall began. It was about' trouble. Nelly tend the baby. It Nelly tend till IHBEC4'KETT
1 400 feet high. i sled'ed round some- f d ` I %e A. ly- 'lad pamsed almost to the foot of the
how and went heels first, then bend - f ' Ing on a mountain, keeping always In my morn- FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER
first, flat on my back. �• place set- tog tracks, that 1 sank down and found �
may suppore I had Bot time to done s r e re myself unable to rise. : ,— u,v#,:: tiTuruc. 1. 1'uu�r:: Itrau,rae > IR7.
I Uslnk ranch on my way .own, but 1 % b y A n) Then Nelly came. That brace little
saw a great deal. 1 saw Nelly and the ' fa hooter nwife of mane bad actually left the baby
I baby all alone In the house Altlu� for the torture nsleeping e11(l, art oututall
apogee across
me. I an vr what 1 should look like aft- talo. If 1 the snow in the moonlight to track me. _
er felling 400 feet on bowlderig d saw sbould it, She had come two males. She bad Ere - -
Nelly's people a thousand tulles away ® ninin there gun to climb the mountain when I sew Australian Railways. HJIA theJ fAce•el (•xtraorlinnry liabil- to the rolling stock. On the 3'Ith
and more, and she with the baby In m) bones her suddenly but n gee yards away. l'i'',xolo Nea.. itiee of Lifki,iail. '1'htse liabilities cost- of .lune last app the extras rdinser
her arms and %vlshout $10 In the Im "f BEGAN nAruiNa otT w o u 1 d The bottle of tea she chrrfed wrap , silted of s
Al r. Tha11s:Y1 'self, Mr. V\", I''ilr r:et• grecinl loans for renewal of liabilities had been wiped out with
reau drawer, hoping many a day rind line rs." blench per. pied In a cloth was still warm when Iiek tend Alt.. f . Huderro are the Coln- way, deficiency in rolling btock, Im•- the c:caption of Aorue Y17,O1M1, The
night far the bundle e[ the cliff's fr at missioners in chnrge of the l:overU_ lotted repairs and defigipucy in stores toile a open for traRtc is 3,401. The
h�pn for ypare nntrnrnA. Only the sh0 lgeelt beside me, and It roused m• Ml
to walk In alive. It was bard to sec "sent railways (l1 V'Ictolid. It will tie Besides this, of course, they had in• total ca Ifnl ex
fovea and lh0 cartMn Wide would dmlt quickly to some strength. Certelnty terebt char I expenditure has been
all that and feel w self slldin to 410 Inerremel a big that. hit.. Tait cans far• gas st mart un ,a heavy ship of lr ilea, (3 nd o entowner-
y 8 them. They might In °seaman Le over- she dared my life, for I could not leave mer•ly a high u111eiA1 0l the Cxnaelian capital. The Hrat year of eipxration ship of railways and operation or
strucuon. grown by the bnmhes and 'bldden,for- risen again and rhonld have been Pacific Halfway. ,End that he went to tender the costunidefun foraging, d A x Ir- them by an indeppeendent conooission
As I slewed around a gecoo. time ever from mortal eye. frozen to death but for her bravery. Auatralia to asMumae the task of pit, pills of 4:31'1. in 111114.3 this increased Is proving] euccess(ul in V ictoria.
and tasnA myt0lf going on mJ sirttn- 1 pictured the' agony of my wife [low we gilt home to the baby is a ting the ooverntueat railWays of Vic• Ia AMR. in Masai the sorplum wad
mcb, bead first, I slew n stunted pine salting In Uncertainty. The shocking story 1 need not dwell on, tm•ia on it loneliness fitoting. The task LIAR,alki. For the operating ,Year
close ahead. Sly 161 Inchester was still I thought that some wicked p-rion What Nelly did with all that Christ- before )ling alas no easy uBe. The: 111110.7 the morplad had atrar•ed to ill,• "What snakes old Hlank m(r oneas%
in my right hand. ,zomch,.w• i had might persuade her that i bad desert mas dinner i do not know, for 1 was earnings w'e•t•e not 100 large, and as a 1:iLTlne expenditure far maintenance' whet, n motor car comes along
clutched It by the muzzle. In re Hash 1 rel her entre Into my bralm would It sick aged senseless for more than two result the railways lend hee•n allnw•eel of way ham inere,wwl fi-oul 1181 tier, "Why. his Willie ran away in one, and
threw out my hand, hoping to Hing the rent toe merciful to her to push through weeks. Rut IB the aged 1 sem am well ft, title %lawn' When fee an.1 TIN AN- mile in HXJ:2-3 to 1171 lone, Milo in 111110• he is always e.fraid she is coming
.nriate runnnireio11, Ia,k r 1, ,r r.• in 7, and there has been a lar a Addition i track."
gun rotund the Ilttle pine end stop or to ore aisle c( the hashes nod fall as before except that 1 had pard °good 1 g
myself, Lot the bammer of the Run aver the precipice? Below titers on Winchester and a heft of cartridges for
struck the ptnp, and the charge was the bowlders my body might soon Ire• a venison steak flint the fat black ►rrrrrrrrnnnr+r
fired Into m". The bullet plowed seen by some bunter, and certainly my tailed doe continued to carry where it �hrrn►mnrmrn►rrnrrnnrmmnmrmmn►mnmr
through the muscles or my forearm, clothing and bones would be found grew,
e �►-'•' - -��. �s�r�,i,;f. - �. S MAS
f l ,t.•<., What shall I buy for Christmas Gifts? This it; lilt! pressing problem will]
` nnrat people fit present.
,�,;,I;' -' - ^�,�r_.•,•e �'"''' m`+.. .� a DON'T WORRY. Just visit our story. 117(5 think we can If you sull'c that
4�.e• A ".'�' = iluiluttaut (Iliestion to our mutual it'! van Our show cases are los/led with
Shocked into Generosity, Brotherly Love. Deafness e.,r�e,s.ctar.d WATCHES. RINGS. BRACELETS, LOCKETS,
A email cirrus in flip Yontheru Tam gazed at hisfuer-day-old sister Ny1rAlanrliratlme,aatAeycAnnnt rearhtlre NECKLETS, BROOCHES, Ere.
titmtem of Arnerica wits in nerd of re- with on e•xpremeinn of the keenest dia•,d1.ra«N1giorttot, of the ear. There I. only one lit':IIIIIIIII e'un(IK IHlller
pair's, mild a lmct11g wA4 hell) to raise appointment. TAP jn m of hrnlhtr- way toms! deafncan. and that I.byTconotitn ght (til Imrpose to meet tt0 wants of (1iristillas buyers. R'Dr
flatio candilit-+. flr:efi,iuu4 iau gjnF nnln I Ill• 1aIri1` Ell' Hllf►w all elegant Ilse of
Inndm fur that pnrfrcrw . 7'he tninistr•l- hotNl Were nrd so fall ns hr bad xn- I dmre,Nl r•andulon of the mor ,ua Barn of the
halving raid lice handled dolleu's ticstt,,lied. "�Inthtr, mayyn't l go piny 1LanG%ehlmn 1e,fx•. tt hen thi, Wpe 1. fnflwulrsl
%'^nld ler• rw,ulreel n wcmlthr loandltviththe larys�'lieasketlAtlength. t outu%veormnbllu«vwndorlmd other Roan = CUT GLASS AND SILVER PLATED
aR. and 1.h, n It b cntiroly dtre,d d,nlne.r i. WARE
eyaany ." Ani asaid lie
of the give , I ••1 thought that yutl were going G, I the noult, :ad %rase rile Inilammstloncan L• _
9alitin r.ree and said he would give a ,Imy ,with sister a sea s, And never taken out and the. suet, rrhtored to Itn tor•gnal PR/Olds R/GitilT.
rnnditlnn hearin wtltho dost ell forevor: E N6RAVINC FREE.
dollar. Just ,u hu sat dawn n lump rare her to play with Lie boys," aha mt '
of lila.>1rr f.•11 train the ceiling and hit trasoe) him. y nine I- i. rut a�tle aro .140 j by dharrh, - HALSEY P
which 1. uahlnx M,1 all luaaaaod osndfUea+ of ARK
him ugwn tit• head, whernnpon he m•rp •'Hilt, n,ofAer," he hhttteel not Ism- the +nurnA• hwrfarw.
h:artily and e:dlt•el (lilt, that he had pnti#)fly, "•Me knowthmt if f ata ed w -e will grave mre huodr"I d,ollam forany
rnnrle n tnidmke-hr wmrld girt fifty in Ai
thein nflMrnrnn nu %voul In'tyns M ^M"rdomt�aNslgcaA.,d nycntarrhe that fa.% JEWELLER AND op TICIAN
y wll'•e'atwrMCarr, i•e+xlfur South Side of Square, GODERICH
+41iors, An rnlhaxiao,t pptrsent, for• nulrh na let five touch her, Wild nun tJnulan. n.•c,
9"11°1 of everythinggg, ralleel oat far• can see for yr,ursalf she's not much to 1..1. (IMNBY a: CO., Tulalo, u.
%earl) --`•p, land, 41t him so=lo t" look at." 'Ink tiitflu�.w�:i,y'Nu] rorwnstgruoo
�UNeUNfN�U4 1VIN.M�wLlwulw�ui�iii�itiilll11111111111111111 11111 I l l l l l l l l l