HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-12-12, Page 5T Shoes for Christmas . F you are look- ing for depend- able value in shoes or slippers for Christmas Gifts go to G. M. Elliott's and get it. Some Christmas Week Specials . . ladies' Niue Patent Shue", lilucher Styles, uew last". Special $3-M $3•50, 4— Ladies, Fancy Dress Slippers at ... $1.75, $2-M $2.30- Meu's up-to-the-minute shoes iu ` box calf. gut- metal calf sold rtl+able Patt•1114, . . $3•50 to $S.Ot,. Christrim Slipptn, 15t to G. M. ELLIOTT East side of Square, - - GODERICH_00 I SKATES We belle e we ha%e the linest line of skates eter slum in Goderirh. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S SKATES for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS in all sites. Wing your skating shoes and have u, fit a pair on for you! You will realize more pleasure in skating this winter than you have ever dreamed of. Skates sharpened and repaired. WM. YULE Next Opera House Entrance. Kingston Street a Merry dhristims to At[ Christmas groceries ....at T. Pringle's.... Everything in GROCERIES, 'TEAS, COF- FEES and NEW FRUITS, fresh and good Fancy Chinn for Christmas We have the finest stock of faney china in sets and odd pieces, fancy glassware, lamps, etc., etc., that this store, has ever handled. Highest cash price paid for BUTTER, E.GC S and all farmers' produce. Christmas shoppers can rely on getting. the %;1)0K_ est butter and fresh eggs at our store. T. PRI NGLE 'PHONE 146 HAMILTON SrREET Fa Ca R CHOICE CHRISTMAS MEATS PO UL TRY, Etc., ,LL ON OR 'PHONE W. T. MURNE Y 11 Always on hand the best fresh anti Cured Meats that call be pro- cured. t See list of special ;Meats anti Fowl for Christmas in next week's Signal. 'Phone No. 21. THE $IGNAL :•GODERICH, ONTARIO — Nearby• did dwell -one- G-oodma. ne-Goodman Pell, But tete from Albion'& shires. An eke &near, for ne;ghbor's cheer, L'tit .these two fairs with proudsome air, Did Goodman Potter bide, Ye common flock disdain Whose pilgrim soul was soun.i and whole— And tet them beth to plight their troth Forsooth, it had been tried. To but a single swain. A maid as sweet as man may meet This favorea Wight is Ezra White. Was Perseverance Pell, A fairFome I outh is he. And there were awains of mickle brains rut 'tvriat ye twain this fuddled swain Loved Patience Potter well. Cannot himself agree. 1 Ye maid of Pell Ice loves full well, Ye Patter lass ye same. But for his isle v hick one to wilt 7 Poor Ezra cannot name. ZZ"A NNII I i F. "My only loves," quoth Ezra, "doves Fit each to share my cote, Upon my niettle yell have to settle This matter by a vote." So on ye street, with gong to beat, Ye Crier of ye town To warn and call ye good men all Went loudly up and down. 'Come one, come all, to Publick hall!" Ye lusty Crier cried. "That maid ye name is fairest, same Is Ezra While his bride." So gathered they to have his say. Each man, and claim a kiss From her who might be Mistress White— Elected to the bliss. Sweet Patience there upon her chair In wistful patience sate, Tlt,& Perseverance by prompt appearance Was ready for her fate. Ye votes are cast ; all in at last, Ye tellers matte ye score. For Patience ten are told—but, then, For Perseverance more. h�l Eleven t:;,l'a (',less God their souls 1) I•� Made Maiden Pell tl:a winner. I♦ So they begun, those twenty-one, 11 1 And kissed her—every sinner I While Patience sate, demure, sedate, Anal Ezra, much amazed, 0 Upon that hissing himself was missing, Quite starkly, darkly gazed. Then up rushed Es. "See here !" he say's, "Fresh lips for me, say 1 I" says he. "My choice in truth ye make. So Ezra White did grab One kissed by twenty is kissed a -plenty, Sweet Patience Potter ('twas thus he got her) And her 1 will not lake I And kissed her right smack-dab ! So they were wed and lived, 'lis said, Z- In lifelow, wedlock well, TL- While lived an.l died as no man's bride Foer Perstverance Pell. e A Fine Christmas Number. When the World Began. tray, Loosen Up 1 The Chri+furan nimil/er of The A Free, h artist who recently visited Their are t hrlwlnm+ baraainr waiting In the Avestern Home Monlllly. Ettst out, lhi„ rnnnh y has a , /r opinion of the ywnina+ho,,. h, tr,wn CUIItNllla rightydour pag,•e of 191riat• el,lightenn,p cat of the• Rrilinh public. Ir +near t•hri�t uls.. There' n little hlf o ii :1;i aha woeM like a rune stor•ire, ('hristdrA. I,nvlime+, ideas In the nrili.h mimuin he once aver- nrnnAnow .town . on hon to make nae of IA,mrmtule heard two uien diseu.sing aonle RRyp• It'+near t'hristmn. Christmas gifts, the whole beantifn0y Him coins. And that I. why she onddle� you and .nusele. p : illnstratad „cad enc,•sed in a handsome "'l hem t herr," said the first, man, ,t . a haste . to you he hit+ to du it hl.t to tet aLnt. Christmas coverin roinrs. Wa desire 'must Iw the,•. or fuer 'Itndied veers tS U., it,,. tAl rail the att eution or our reallet s to I old, eh• Bill !" Laren u,r anJ mak! Ser harpy. make her the fast that we have cl,thbin ^rht•rn thnnsand, more like) esti- chH rmsed rTL rom. ire. g Y • it's I/o.r lnrf.•Uun+. ari•nngrrments with The Itestern I ,atM bis compvnion. - 11on.tm, 11a+t. M nor nl.. Hunte Monthly- Thnsr \w•, goon, (till! Why, wft'rponly arriliere who M•nd in their sa1114COp- in 10" uuw : '— N vrryh•,Jy's DiNg:r rhrr, mo prop!,• whit never nP tions fn h,• tao papers stow will zitw. pn•riat.• the ro"e unlit they Apprebeod t•re'eive ,•opy ,.rrht, W,•strrn Uotue Monthly Christtuas ut r, J Hcw .cn 6 either now or never, the churn. w TuutwuAT, December 13, 1907 6 IMPORTANT TO HOLIDAY BUYERS HE chance of a lifetime to get good, 11 useful and beautiful gifts at special cut prices. Contemplating important changes in our business for the coming year, we wish to clean out all our stock of BRASS AND IRON BEDS, FINE MA- HOGANY PARLOR SUITES, FANCY ODD CHAIRS, FANCY TABLES, Etc. ;ALSO $'',axw WORTH OF THE. NINMT IrURN1 TURD COVEiR1NGS I'XI-.R SHOWN IN GODS RICH, REGULAR PRICUS FROM 35c TO $7-", PER PARD. ALL TO GO AT A BIG REDUCTION. You can't afford to miss this chance. You can't fail to find something in our choice stock suitable for all purses. Use- ful and pleasing gifts for all. Shop early and avoid the rush. Smith's Art Store EAST s'rREET Oka Only Thirteen Days T H -EN CHRISTMAS ALL YOUR GROCERY WANTS t:.\N BE -SUPPLIED BY US DURING 'rills'l'i*m WE HAVE ON HAND= - Fresh Raisins, Fresh Currants, Fresh Peels, Kure Extracts and Spices Right Goods at Right Prices. His I. Morrish 1'1t.,n, 1 , 1 Itamilt.m Street HOLIDAY GIFTS ) AT THOMSON'S MUSIC STORE You can't hang a PIANO on your Christmas _T_r_e c - t3E! or put ode in your it Stocking, but It would make a l_ very acceptable ; � , � f � • gift all the same.�'f in music we''hav'e a select line of pianos, Orgags, Edison Phonographs, Violins, guitars, ,7Pccordions, 3{armon- icas, Sheet Afusic and yusic Books. In Sewing. Machine`, the Ad rcllAl lc a nd time -tried "White," 'IjYew Williams" and "Tt'ay- rgogd,"all good and any one a useful gift. Call and see our largi! assortnlcn! .,f .Coca! picture Post Cards. Che cele- brated Raphael Cuck Cards and Post Card )91buMs. Your collection of presents will not be . 0111plctc withrltt a few of mir )Yew View Books of goderic4, Special for the Christmas trade. Fine Stationery Hymn Books Bibles James F.Thomson Christmas Flow' erS Nothing txtter than a nice PLANT or a fine box of ROSES, CAR - 'NATIONS, VIOLETS or LILIES OF THE VALLEY for your friends. All can be grot it G. STEWART'S. THE FLORIST'S L - to ., I