HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-28, Page 71 fYR7A4P'"X!`;4'r•173i,V1.b1t*Wo<..,,".,%1,,w,%imd&lLifk,l.,A-ir,;.A prLw.�,r.. -r1.rr{ra��an..._.'.n�.
.,t* The News of the Dist
1'vgxuAv, Nov. R/th• TutaitaaY, Nov. 3tlth. 1 A. Nle EWTON, .. L E 1
John cameleer it putting up a wind- Kolert Young, of (icderlch, vbdtnat (T• NON'.- .lt bumeevery dayeu•c+la Tburr•
dry+. New remedy to
extnu+tlnR lmiherMtgmt•
will to pump water from hi" arlenian him brother Int'ohlorne IANt week. foruo• Iwner Umag, en. '+ r,)Wit nod bridmo work
well. Ir, rittNWArt and faupily, licxlrrich, mU' siuuunun,,,IuW-!non bc" abluh.
.. It. Yuu . au Ales". bene your work much
We regret tot have to State Ibat Max. visited at Mr. Visher's, Loyal. Sunday Imittor dune fn the dental onitw-Moro Uuon
M. 11onaw, art, Ir nut eo well .alit dm IAbt.tetter facilltie. fur dohar Us, work, wore Oulu -
,Again under uleidical tuestment• A Misty A. \\'. U11 -en wqq*-!dl Olinton oil , tmwto. fur use rwtiem.
lArge circle of friends hope to hear of I Monday last owing tfi likeillness of N(Y1Yl'E. 'l'l(F' 1.1N'AI• A(iENI'1'
her recovery al,Ufl• I het- fl'IPlld, Mrs. Win. Alexander. lu Dunrnuo o for The sianml i. -it rile I 1-
ri, it. \\ Mix IIIA, itN'NI agent t� The office liuu and stAtroomy star•, wlwm-
K Ali. and Mass. Andrew Green were In ardor. will br rwui,cI for d,"criialun-. mt-
Signall will r•etrrive new Or rwa•wml (•lint,,• ,in Thursday lu+t attending wsrUmiom ou,I job work• a1N11e,,eipl■ will bol
multmcrlptlnnr fur 11,105. Now, s flawarib- the funeral of the Imre ,11to Wall. mirou fur unuuna Arid for the nuns.
el'N will receive the pal T for re- Alexander. They were neetaupaniA WKItNMANDAY, NOV. 37th.
tlaainder of 111117 free. Bee the (let of icy their little grandson, Mervin I lbutplo Clark anti wife silent Stin-
c•dnhbing otters in this week's issue. Alvxikudrr (ireou, of Port Huron. ' day with friends at Auburn.
-SoMlssi s Taylor Said Btssoiford, of thin
popular "t-ige-driver of the Kinrxrdine village. spentSunday in Blyth.
route, John Watson, gave the pint- UARLOW.
nmre staff and others alunit the linea TCIfADAYtbMiss Myrtle Nevins, of liuderich,
pleasant burps -60 (oil Tuesday of Ou. Nov.. . t visiLrd friends [acre on Suilday hurt.
work. He rlrovr the stage thrat da Qnite. a number of Carlow people
K Y Wass. Mule, wife wnd child visited
And had x witrnl handshake and en• attended the ort a gtxxl t at Zion tart
.iuiry fur, everyone hr art. It is night and report a geNNi thus. friends at Port Albert uu Sunday beat.
atout me.ven Moralism mince he mold not Geo. Fergus n, the township tax Mrs. Bewdley, of Winnipeg, visited
Ili. mute here and when he gave it up celllisctu', it on his rounds. The taxes at the home of Jas. Whymd on Mon -
lie went into farming near Toronto, are about the Name 111,11 last year. day of thin week.
A,we stated at the tittle, bot later r•• The windmill on the harry Tewbley Mra, Win. McNevin, of St. Until -
.'n nied
ntlrwumed his old vocation said !ought farm• which was blown clown in the Arittea, is at present visiting at that 1
out A stage melte front Kiticnnditle to spring, hall been replaced by a new home of Donald McNevin.
Walkerton. He makes has home at one.
Me -
Kincardine and his daily drive is Wait. Cunnin ham is electing one The remains of the late Mn. Me -
twenty -right miles each way.Donald, of Crewe• were interred lei
of the largeest windmills in the neigh-
- . ---- ----- lothood. It will Ire. tired fur pouw•er Dungannon cemetery on riunday shy- .
L[i1lURN. . PIUVON". ' ' The English church and 1'rrehy-
Fndbgmwerm are pretty well tertan Sunday lechoulx are busily per•
Tt,MDAY. Nov.2tkh. pAring for Chribtin" tree vntertain-
r n e ;apple
stomom n with the result f tit
lteevr Taylor leu called to Kaltfunluprut". 1►ntrx and full ppwtticul:u'e,will
tatt Saturday for a Special meeting of 01"S'"'n which bar just rhialml. It lona he giver, later.
the Voilarue council to discnNm lite Iia A Iauy season. INIt the apples
small ueel
pox 1 tion. site Atli away alow. TAKVX CIIAIwII, NKxT Witek.
1 1 lieu. Il. H. McPherwnf, of Shut- \\'tai. Anderson, who) hits sold his
John Farrish has Istel INIt lip a hardware business tel Hobo. McKen-
windmill which in ural )• t�litty feet in turd, plra''hwl in ymith'" Hill church Xie, is this soak movigQQ 1n4r Mr.
height, mothe wind wit 'hSve to blow last tblmath -and will laKtaiu Ixrupy Ward's house. Mr. Me enzier will
the pullilt next Sablrath. ('uttp-
lAlw to get if Into motion. move into the quarters vacated by
r December
affiliation will he dinppsrurpwl on tlaoda. Mr. Anderson and will take charge of
A plow that lou ►iN•n mitaaiug mince IA•e•rmloer Hill. IR'
llmlllolve'en baa tfrned ispp, (NIL tb the business next week.
gatrthnt WAS removed Iprtriry lawful \\'r are ghNl to Irarn that \1'ul. MAKIN-Al I34l-I4o%X14KVTs. - Hugh
Mephsw. who) got n shaking -alis sonlr
Ilxlluwr'cn hours hats not Nhnwtr up Stewart [alis recently h,ut s cement
vet. Now, lap •r, yon shouldInt it lir thur ago by falling out of an apple foundation plateal under his !tarn.
lnowu where it ran lie found
and 111P tier, In Sblo to he A tent again. 'Me He wlme haul cement fhNpr'M ptit in the
owner'. who is A jovial Irishman. will genial bachelor and him violin &I -e• stables and has now one of the unmat
forget the trouble :anti inrona•e•ttirnrl' great favorltts hereashout". up-trp-date *tables in the township.
the lark has tanned him. We regret to report that Mrx. •elle workulsuvialp in of the last and
THK hi.Krrru' RsILw'AY. Sao tIN• Jon". Alar "tekeker.per and post- x{peakr well for the contractor, .Jim
electric railway bylaw rejector in $ofistrwms, i% Alit the sick list. Mrs. Flliott, of Nile.
John Slevenn, of the 11th roncer7un,
thin want N'I'Iald w'It1 gtiN1 uwjuritew CuNURKT.--A grnuti concert for moa•-
in Holton and Kineantine, anti life ,11me. i" Wit up, appendicitis Inning the Ing pictur•en and illttstrated along* will
young men ref Amttedry had a general ''omplaint. We hope both will soon IN• given in the Agricultural Hall,
rejoicing over their ciclory and tireM• well.
1►ungapncKl, on \\'rdneraabt)', lkeeno-
thunght that they will short) lie &file llwsun or YK.s1.TH Mer iNt:. -The Icer Ills, %t 8 o'clok p. . Thin ton-
in trayrl by trolley line Ant�t'Pnp in ,township Im.iord Alf heAlth met with vert will lie given by the Caren Bros..touch with list- outsk
ide warp The till' towship council at SAitford un vocalists. This will be one of the beat
gossips may that the pruupnters will Saturday to take measures of r"e'llau- eoneertm or its kind ever given in
punish the kickeh of t his dlviedou It)- troll Agittlrt 0111411p,X, of whirl, thele Dun anntnn. Admirsiun -adults. 215e.,
's o village. It iA gg
In)'inK the railx where they will toe not I ale wild cage in the I lag children, 15C. The proceeds err Qp Rn
Alf reach of thoar who voted against the part of wisdom to deal with the towards furnishing the Methodist par -
she I haw, while the noble ten who matter in little. nonage.
voted for it will tie Allowed' the Priv- SYMP.-Mi V. Many in tills neighbor- RIFLE CON-Tv..pT.- A tram of ten
ilege of travelling at half -fare. hood heard with regret of the death of men from Auburn Rifle. Cloth jour-
Srianv"s. Thrte tore m•veral rnsem Andrew Duff, of the alun!v town. neyed Lo nor village. on Thursday haat
of bickneNs around the hall. One of Mr. Doff taught ol S. S. .\'u. I for and engaged in a shoot with our boys.
,.in, most popular young (Adie". who several years and in No. 3 for one They tied the Dungannon men at the
itAn hren acting an organist for A little, year, and he wits highly r.-gardal by :Nil) yd. range but were location by
11As I%+en on the Sick lint, also tone of the people of theme, sections. The nineteen points by Dungannon at the
our yuang u1a'riel ladies. and Inst mvunpatlly of the community goes out SIM) -yd. range. Following is the score:
but nut least one of our popular U, the iwreavel fancily, DUNGANNON.
oung bhelors hit* ho -ten in the grip CI►C1.DN'T GKT C.s Nm, --The C. P. R. sou }A•da 210) yd-. Tavel.
of rhetunatism. Am none of unr local Int about half the apple trade from C. Elliott ........ 17 it .
nurmem could pull him through the this locality by not furnishing cars at I. McBee...:.... 18 17 33
I►unlop scribe wan sent for, and as he the proper titue. A Iarge proportion \V. Heid ... .... its fat :G
hal haul it gemA deal (if experience tit the apples had to Ile hauler! to T. Allen ..... In I:1 211
with the milanent his reinedle" u)ade A iiederich and shopped by G, T. It. B. Cr•iw'furl. ... 12 let 2D
grand rure And the bachelor is able The farmer wonder how it is that. Dr. ,Bier......... Is It W
ms-- again to resume his v,Ntaation and with It railway station al their duals, J. Glynn ......... 131a
also to mw• his nounenNlA lady friends they have to train to (ioeterich its the H. Walte•I•".... 1:. la :01
Haid thank thecal for their kindnesses raid way, 1'. Sanderson.... J.-) In :11
during his detention by the ills of ('1luuN•rMA,4 ENTXKTAINXFNT.--The T. Clark 1.: 17 .V
rheounati"tr'• Sabbath mcho of of Smith's Hill church - -
---- _ - IN preparing for the sadnnal Chritetulns Ill 152 JRI
SHEPPAROTON. tree entertainment, which will tae. held +"•"A`
•m. s...
tl-. I . Tolxl
ttubocr dK6 In the
r 3
sir F'ida December h
AioNu.av, r°`• 21tl'• township hill. This bar always I)a Hoon -mm...... � lei YI
Nixon Dougherty spent Inst Sun- let -n apopularevent, &old this year it W Watmn...... Ii lot :Cf
d.ay with relatives at Benntiller. pro rimes Up Ile 'jib good ms ever. J. Logan. ....... 1t I7 'a)
Miss Nelly Clark, Alt I,uyAI. wilts the Everybody should Make a note of the G. Beadle.....:... 7 12 111
quest tit Mise Hayden the Imeginning of date and reserve it. The admission E. iAwson....... 11 tai
Lite week, fee avill lie 15 centa. IJ. Elliott. ..... IA IN a7
Alihe Eleanor Dougherty returned H. Knox. ... ... Li I1 W
Sunday evening Inst fmw n wtrk'x R. Helwig ..... . 18 1:1 CI
vimit with relatives near Beinniller. NILE. or. Weir ......... 21 1:1 :it
Frank Hayden roved 'his'serwing 'rusNDAY, Nov. 211th. Geo, Yungblul..._ K -17 -'L:
nowhine to (tdlorne and rut At lot of A nutnho-r from here attended the 1'L: 102 277
wtNAd for Mr. MnmPI•. Mr. Hnt•Ulfl and te:nneeling at Zion on Monday even -
others. i ng. I Miss Mnryy Goon it at present in- All+. Wiggin, Alf Fort Williston, is I I AMBERL£Y.
disposed. In sen (iallow, Alf Un derich, in visiting at the home alt Mr. and Mrs. MoxtDAY, Nov. �h.
attending her. Her many friends ion- W. C. Potter. John Cain bell had the misfortune
sincerely hoping for her "peal)• re- •rhe stWeixI mervieen are continuing to Ione his driver.
rovery. this .Fele ; meeting" will connuence at Hector Mci.ean male, at businesm
As Miss Mci,ran has done "10.11 Kotil 7:311llsteadofS. Everylxity w•elcom e. trip to Lucknow last week.
work for the 1mAt
two •Pers in the Miss
Y tlIA on has resigned
Mr. wd Mrs. ties '1). I'
'u lore
-htol here the pupils and their par-heranGalotr of C. H. 9 with the (Atter'" px,enU.
,•atm Air stanch picione that mile hts 17ht take effect lit Ihrimtuiss. The Richard Brown w"' visit' '
tidd to rewmin Another petit. (•r
Sllhuxters have engsgrlMiANHwrtlPy,in hinheil (AAL YaUuday 11111 nday.
A few from thin vicinity attended is of Ashfield• for the coming term.
dinner party given by Mrs. Jam" .\Ir. and Mrs. James McTavish, of
Hayden. of !'ort Alli•rt in bonne of MnNTimy &-ural. RE1•oRT. - The Ripley, were the gnesta of .James
her brother, ort Al Ht, in t, of Chi- following Is the report of Nile public Steele last Satiuday.
w•11tw1 for the month of Novenlher :
t'Ago. who was visiting Ielativem for aV. Leonx1d Wan. McTavish has sold his farto
Mcllwain s1N. IV. -
John Fe osm and intends movie
Jew days. •Mattel \Nilson. MO: Reginald Olen. � K
2111 ; Wilber Dunbar, Lill : 'Viols out to the Wept in the spring.
PORT ALBERT. Young, 1L:: "Gertrude Kilpatrick, Billie Longlont is at present lousily
Tutt+n aY, NOV. :111th. 45. 111. Worthy Ryan. 3:B ; Olive engmsfed in the bush. Not quite too
�IcNoe. 21CI ; Victor Youing. 210. easy all parking apples, is it, Bill :'
Al1do Lena Brawn entereain i x fes► Harold Mcllwain. INN : "Lizzie Mr- Mr. and Mrs. Satin. Grey attended the
tatty lilt. \\'erinendwy evening atm I)erinmid, 1112; •May ifeDermAid, 912. funeral of the Iattet'e sinter, Mrs.
Y p Senior 11. - Lrsldr Pentland, ntland, Z3S ; Ralph, of Goderich, Inst Thursday.
Our %wilents frons the (i. C, I. are Viola McWbinney. IR2 : •Ernest John Henry was visiting friends u
hurne just now owing to the bchool (then, 11111 ; Vers Tiffin. loll : Lloyd the boundary last Sund•ty. Sonte sp -
IN•iug closet]. Young. R94. Junior II. -Gerald Dun- tial Attraction for John up that dira•-
Mrs. F. Willim and two children are bar, rill : Marlon Ryan, 2111 ; Mar• inn ?
spending it few days at her old huwe grieritee Olen, 178 ; Lucy Currey, 13). Mr. Peavie, of Ripley
in Goderich township. Part 11. *David McDerinnid. Senior,
the guest of James Blue. e
r P Y. s pre"-
Mrs. Thonimm Baird, of lirnce8eld, is L Hmrry Dodd, Howard McNee. intends le
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Dun- .Junior 1. Isaare
c Cury, Lorne Point• Sorrhaving a Kciil hoot un LLr
har, at the present time. lent!, Violet Kerr. •Alpment for part
of examination. F.vINIK 0If.ax. �\Ins. Kenneth
cK has nzie in el 11d.
Mr. and Mn.. Charles Carey, of 1'raeher firm to Kenneth A1cKe•nzie, intends
aailerich, spent Sunday with lhP taking a trip to British Columbia in
formers unele, Win. carry I the• spring.
Nathaniel Cunningham law% been WEST WAWANOSH.•
K \\'off. }lerfnrd, of .Swift ('urr•ent,
indi"pit/Aad the plant week. We horse Fhinay, NOT. MAIN. Kvik., tornierly it citizen of ihia roln-
he will nylon regain his health. Col -M-11, MICIPMNt. - Coffuncil Met nmnity is at wesent visit' h
" ITV.Nn%y, NoV.:rth.
Mira Martha Wmillave retuned
Iloyle last week nfier spending Mn/e
weeks with friends at. Nile.
Miura Maggie HolPrtmon, of Gode-
rich• spent a few days the pant work
visiting at the house of \V. H. ('amp•
i ell.
(inn. Jefferson• of the Goderich
Alodel School, has Ipeen eng+s�aI an
IPmrher of school Not. 13, Kalit \yawn•
Mt•". \Vol• SIAe'khotleP w'aam caallai
snddenly to her home in Brantford
dant week •+winK to the m•rieaum Illness
,of her mother.
NPIiN)n N(MkM retorne d 1n Gana.
WAllneP'A nu Friday last frotll Can-
elinRton. where he had heen worzittg
fair (some months.
Rev. A. R. Jonen still corllinueti to
hnkd Aperial mrrvices at Westfield ap-
�xrintment. Rev. W. A. Smith• of
Mm nnon, will aammi"t him every
evening thin week. ,
Mr•m. Delgaty and xistrr• Mrs. Ihaw-
-in. from near Hayfleld• ralld on a
few old fi irttds in this neighlorh od
nue day last week. This wan the
IinMP of their girlhood, Iltey Iminq
110ZINterm of Mr. ,'attract-• who resident
hero n ntuttter of year. mgr
its Per aljournmetnt, members All
pt+esent, Iteeve Bailie in the chair.
Minute* of last meeting were ar-
proved. on notion of Mossre. Thump•
mu and Andetwon. The treasurer's
report wam received and filed, on also.
tion of Memors. ]Medd find llfurray.',
on line fence avoltd, wan filed. The
clerk was insot)41clltiml, An motion of i
Messrs Medd anot Thompson, to,
ratify Cot a township that this
township roimcil will not Tee rexpon.
aihle for any accident rn• any action
for danhngem arising nut Of any ne.
cident on -curring rr Shannon's Hill
(concession 1)• Chegnes were implied
to the amount of 141".111 $01, which
will appear shortly in life financial
statentent. All accounts agninet the
tuwnmhip nnixt top presented laefore
the Loth of Ikceml,Pr for payment.
IeceMlter loth testing riundny, taxes
will be received lip to Monday, he-
cemleer 18th, and atter Ihat dale 5 per
cent. will the addad.. The ronnell old-
journPd to meet on Monday ikeeem-
her i(lth, at to deh•ck. AV. .y. Mc-
CRfammic, Clerk.
,. - --
"Chumploy'm auto got away fmw
him and ran fonrte en miles on a toun-
tr}) metol." • 111 li et he was mad."
••jVn, he way tirklMl. HP "Aid itr was
i.hr local, run his tear haat made with -
trot adjusting." I
I r clog it e
Miss Evelyn \CildfmnK, of E11111wooel,
who has leen visiting her brother.
Levi, for the past three weeks, re.
turned home last Fridny.
Jam. McDonald, Jr., left last. Tues-
day for the Inmbei'ing woods in New
Ontario. We understand there air
seTeral young fellows going from this
Mile Stellm,Caampbell. who hits leen
in London since Me fair, Mtot-n,41
home last 8ratnrdey, The city is all
right fore» short time, last in the long
run then iffy ^nothing like Amlwrley.
The first electric car will nun
thrOuKh shortly, se the farmers will
have to get a stet ofV21re strong lines
keep rontnol of tlMir her a". !lo
Beware, yon fellows with wild horers,
for the firer. car.
OPn. JxniinP has him Ramoline engine
going full %wing now, He has par-
Chotse t n grinder from Cham. Bovd and
now he can cast Atraw, grind, off- cut
wood. Farnipr%, you don't need Gr
lose the rr'oss-cut saw murh lunger.
()nP night last. wvvk fwo Imli-s w'e•rP
pretty l%Idly frighteuml by the noun,•
of some fox in a faatnpr'A field. They
were nun It. WAS a wlldr il. Said
thought the Imaq w Shoulc(�f n .,alt noel
hunt. up the viciona ambler, half Ill,
boyn know it tat for the "'I".'. orf a lox.
sol decided to Ieaave him in in -air,
.a.e,:r,,r•�c+ss,", • tAffsrt
'14+4�+�****49 `
• *� Have One
tract. I"Il/y �. i
or I
No sense in running from one
_ .. 10 laalt' i\nV, sttltl` doctor to another. Select the
(aur. Vanr4pnr is bury tlws.+ da).
with the atraw•rutWr. hest one, then stand .by 'him.
Mr. land ltlra. H. It. Long, of Dini- Do not delay, but consult him
K.tnuunrrpetlt Suntday wkln their pro ( in time when you are sick.
cuts bete.
Mimi !Nellie tltnutitban arrival !hone Ask his opinion of Ayer's
front (iodairtub towing to the 11 souls Cherry Pectoral for coughs
lotting chimed their. and colds. Then use It or
Henry Fisher mold Nolse'h McCbarty' not, just as he says.
who have been in Goderich, arrived
huwe Imat Friday night. we pmal,.h ..r rors.t••
The lea unletiug -it Zion oil Noonday w. best!oh at..hm
evening was well attended. A ttnnr rr.m..rowlei e«
Icer from thin vicinity, were premrttt' e;s w. °'' -to
Air. and Mer. It. Lrehlio, tit Nile. .."Oe`°'
passed through our village on Mn"'
day to sen Mrs. Fehlin's pat'et,ta, Mr.
Always keep a hox of Aser's Pills in the
at rad Mrs. Jesse Glemlhill.
house. Just one pill at hedtime, now and
then, will ward off many an attack of
Next Thur•doey evening is the
biliousness. indigestion, sick headache.
tuonlhiy consecration service in the
How many years has your doctor known
League. Special servicer will c•tn-
these pilin? Ask him all ahnut them.
silence with this Service. Meal iug at
_ rads by utas. V. Ayer Co., L. Cil, Mees..
K o'Cluck ; everybody welcome.
wEDNItaDAT, Nov. nth.
-.-,- - - -- -- --
GRUAT $yilrT Comimi.---A treat is
in hone for Benutiller, which proufhes
W Ile the event of the sensual, The
Tu Km DA Y. Nov. 201h.
brethren of Court Be•nmiller, Cana-
-1.1aphn McDonald loam utcovead into Cour.
dian lender of Foevotern. Are making
Decker's house.
great preparations for holding their
Rotor. Aft -G -the finished the semww's
annual public o)'su•r Nnppoer nn New
truealling last ThuflNlay. -
Yearb night at their rolls Ili the vil-
lage. This event haw Iieo baked up-
tinite, A number frau here attended
on rr oar of the red day" of
the funeral of the este Three. Alez•
,►oder, sr., on Friday.
h fit-- Al • •o enter. ovillage nn I tl f 1 the min a alt t
taimuett promimrx to Nurpwbs 'tiny-
('has. Tooke and i, us NelJonald
thing ever held ,hem before, it we
took in the Bunnie )crier Hush enter -
am to judge by the high order of
L'o n nei