HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-28, Page 6A
8 'TuGHauAv, No%emler SB, 190
Recommended by a Nyell-ksows
Toronto Doctor, Whose Love
for Humanity is Greater than
His Prejudice Against Pro-
prietary Medicines. .
The following very raluabb ppre
ascription, by an eminent and sucolas•
ful physician, will be appreciated by
many who are suffering from la grippe,
cold. cough, proppumonia, or say throat,
leas or stomach trouble, or run-down
system," it is a certain cure, and
will save many a doctor's bill. It is
almost a certain prrvrnt,ve as well: -
"When you feel that you are taking
cold or have chilly feeling or aching
in any ppart of the licitly or head, or
feel we stat
tired, dizzy, unfit for work,
pain in the head or back of the neck,
o not neglect the,e dangerous symp-
toms, bait send immediately to your
druggist and get a bottle of Psyching,
(pronounced Si -keen), and prepare as
follows :
"Psyching, 2 teaspoonfuls.
"Sherry, whisky or water, 2 tee-
spoonl a ls.
Choice of the latter can be made
according to the judgment and pre.
forenoe of the patient.
thoroughly and take regularly
before each meal and at bedtime."
This pre.4cnption has been used in
thwu,ands of caws and has been so
universally surcelaxful that a number
of leading physicians regularly pro-
scribe Psychine in their practice for
any of the above troubles, or any run-
down, wasting or constitutional diffi-
culty. it is the most reliable and
valuable home remedy. It tunes up
the entire system. Riving a feeling of
youthfuhlexs and vigor, adding many
}ears to the life of those who use it.
"Toon aro I was almnst a physical wrack and
Vonning with lung troubnra Friends cad
athtu,rs thought I would never get better. I
Mylan to despair MyselflArnla filth is my
pbcde4n. I pf.x•urerl o lwIhtr use who r•a,m-
mrn,d,d MP oma d r"Ya'H I \ F:. It was eurprimis
M).sd deerrlptlon the eae. tit bad. I seemed to
aaio with every dose. Inside of two weeks 1 was
able to agetd to my to see wurc wale. Then
an ao syMpf ms of conela,ption abaa me row►."
HRs. HE.\I)1KTS.
at John, N.E.
had been ondigrint from TAO Yr
mire were weak aannddI hW sooagb, but
erred me."
, Cheapaide. Ont.
Psyrhine can be procured from any
druggist at +4W. and $1.W. It is a very
'• Cas All of Th! Tu e
VM Nose of The Waste"
That'p Armmrci Cxlrnes of
Beef. All of thxt rich riteor
rule of primo nowt beef wn 1,
none of til. waoole Inc.dout to
isopprofoomm ion.
V. bore e►pf nrpd Iho 111,141 -
lot the tasle capture )vu.
Our aPw coot book-, V, rof'orb e
R,re'•-rel Ire rel "...II , I
gee meal r.p Mm Ajar of Arwo,ar e
Rea Wt et se. r,
Mwp.tr. L diad. T.rmlo
Solid Extract
`oi Beef
A Sarpria In Ilisesits
Every box ol"Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas you open= -you will
find a ne\v delight in these dainty
When you want to surprise yoursel4
give your appetite a treat with
loony's et
Perfection Cream Sodas
"I teff yon. 112'am, Fou aught to au
St. George's
Baking Powder
H only for the reams that It is who"
ow" smd healthful.'•
rhe k■ewlrAge that cot oro NOT
Nffor alum1 Ifmr, atamoaia lid odd to
yoer f'W A- ArIf111M rm,nt for* grew!dsat."
1T. of:grsor b mace erg .e/ /erg
C.+aM of Tsnar',." T.v al.
Nidi /roe /. n re/.v eJ 0.r .~ reel• ♦1406.
I.alle".Il rr„g A ctlrmi al Co. of
ca".4. LI,nwM. Nnnfrral. so
.._._.._�.�,,..�.�,�,�.�_..,...�._.....,�.�.,.. CUDF;ItIG[i• ONTARIO
r el'IIL MGNAL :
TNInTEEN.-- --- - •���'�
I The Sups.atition Attachd to It Is by
No Meana Modern. ® HIGH GRADE
1 Ia u.ually A,1.1tvil dant the su►Irrxti- , , SILK Ilo•ae ub;r. liuu he siUlug thirteen lit u I yr W A I STS
1 die r S °' )
table In J'latli:l,:ts cuuntrlw was b:axel I t���`kt(�' ""
wn Uw tact of toe 1a-1 supper. whentk •
l nn. -r :lull IIIc Incite dlmai„he ant _ FOR SPECIAL SALE
d.... it to eat too cher huwediutely be-
rove U,e Na\lune wax whwl 1., hit en- - � '_-=� =-:: .. E AT BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS '
7Lr ex,nlurmath,n of the udder, Its collo+. Nut lel the No wytyol-A. ��^ .+ $ 1� ON SATURDAY NEXT �
approximation lel outline to the curve ( \Milch Is s1111pr,xed to antedate the lel-
9f a semicircle, its extrusion there- troxlurtlun of Christianity nations; the _J 30th NOVEMBER 30th
from, Its balance of quarte, etc., are norlhuli
', we field the superstition re- '
justly regarded as all important lel the (erred to life fact that at u banquatt of
file gods Loki. the spirit of mischief. / � r o.�
judging of a dairy cum. A poorly IuUnd(d himself, slaking thirteen rot I,• Mj The Waists WC specially bought
balanced udder or one lacking depth the table, wlierefore ,(fere was a flights r : and Include Waists Worth up to
one which Is deticlent In the fore fluor- ,yon! Baldour, it young hero especially Jd $%.50 each. All-over lace W is
term or Is funnel ahapled or not will loved by all flat- g• 11s,.w'as k'IUeel. For ty l , �1 X11 1 ts, y,
tarried up behind, is out deemed it IhP fact Iv (fir objection to this sum- black silk Waists, cream, cardinal
lwrftvt wllk luaking inechunism. Is bre s:e•nlx to hace existed eves hefon a1i
this propfoaltion borne out In fact? Du ('nristlnnity. :\InoLg the 'rurks life A convenience much Every Pandora their- « and navy silk Waists
tows with ell balanced udders snake utJ►uber is so disliked and fennel that appreciated 1)),everyowner n-ometer is ca-efully ad- I SATURDAY'S SPECIAL SALE PRICE $3.95
It Is never even uamrtl. With the Az -
materially less prudutt than these tees, the aborigines of Mexico, It was • f a Plndura is the towel justed and undergoes a Another lot of beautiful silk waists
with stands better prop„rtioned? behoved to have nnngie power, and a rod attached to the range. practical test by heat -is 4o ^S,
The mature animate of the Vermont like fancy has been found In other n- black and cream. ti
experiment station berd which land dian trt Amon • the Ignorant
As one-third of the rod proven cornet before being
iDe blacks ofwtAo south Among
fear`Iit,i i i trade of emery, it makes sent out. is ?t SPECIAL SALE PRICE $2.50;
made one or more years of record
were earcfu0 xurveye(! nod grouped lumber In any consoctioo Is actually a splendid ]:Wife sharpener,The
y Ilssurd, but whether the have Ifor- ft res, which show 1 r l ^t JOHN ST �A D �f "
gu t , f'
Into three lots -ti -se with well Ise- y too• e
rowed this Iden from Their Imperfect It'salwa always the required degree of heat
auced udders, those with fairly well Q g
knowledge of Christianity lir whether S y e
balanced udders and those w'11uer nae necessary for the successful aoderich Ladies Wear, West St.
ders were deficient, usually In the fore It Is a survival of file Voodoo worship for you. You need waste
lit their nneeston It le Imp,aalLle to r baking of bread. cakes. pies
, •_-.-_.
quartcrxEvery cery n\'allablr versed of no time hunting around for
Say, for the superstition ha a strong etc., are plainly inscribed _•
each cfol in ng herd wasilei used. the nlis)Iace t'steel."
hold everywhere. even among these y 1 d,
I'hr tuUuw'Ing were their recordx at ,rho should know better than to lxr Bright idea, eh ? in black on a white enamel - - - --- - - ---
Uv elope (if i flail as to their cvmpaln swayed by It. In Italy It ls never used b �'• surface, so that they are
tier production: 1 la•#est!•,at•
Pounds. I in nau►mg up the namlx-s of life fa - easily Wadable, even when
Milk. Butter. vo%i4l lotteries, and In Vans It Is omit- � An accurate thermoat- the day is dull.
Well balanced udders...... 6.-S N1 ter In numbering the hooses on the eter is a reliable guide to
Fairly lxalan',ed udders... 6,177 TA atreeImi. -Iloueeke•per. If your local dealer
11.urly balance) udders... 6,99 92.4 r1_ Cccssful baking, while an
The Strong Point of tie Ayrshire. ,:]accurate one is a "cheat" does not sell the Pandora,
Thr seek u[ points as it is today / Ar, r" "write direct for free
In all Aynhlre countries calls for a THE MARKETS. of the worst
loerfect dairy cow, with atiuly as the -- 62 kind. booklet 1
chief characteristico," said the lle'Cre•• Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futurists,
Close Higher -Live Stock- jQ;: p, llairtE..
The Latest Quotations. ON, FN
�rI z A(mulav I•: v.nh, R. \Oa•. Z.
l.lvrrlx».1 whrut fulur.•s eloped today i,,-lx7(/seLTr
i4d high(•.,: .urn. 1.l to Ilower.
At ('hi :Igo. Ix•e••wb«r wh-eat eloped 1';r • �.
I IdKhrr: 1)• on.brr Born. *er lower, and r
I,wrml»r calx, µ• sip h.•r •j
�/ G ad/'•
,) • I Winnipeg Options. j<.,•yy✓�
- full mans anUi
• .• .,)ming gout utlw,r on
t\•innlprg grab) fun.pex today: WINNXEe7, VANCCI:'✓r•n = JOHN, N. B, HAMILTON
load. 1Nr. t1.111L•ij bid, 1
%I:.,tl r bid.
t,at. ,Jr hl,,. Dr.. 4C• LIJ. May I .-. E. P. PAULIN, Local Agent. &t
i► -r•• -" Toronto Grain Market. I ,
Grain --
A FURL Bade AYRaaIR& \\ 1 t lnlnc. hush.......:09G to a•... t,an to rurmer Tear. 101 - 1 o•- r•+-r��., {�t,
\ I t full, bush........... I W towel Ix fc,xA and petro of 1 b. -an k THE
ilnlpom-d Flora Ill. of Itonshaw 155,: I\'I rt I;.a+r, buxn........ 091 were n,rdr a a4" lel '�. Q
rlsurd, 11.5.:1 pounds of mii: no use )rar.l tt hru 1. Mrd, loss.)............ I W •••' I 1 kktx.J. :.t fx t I ORIGINAL
1•. ;, p, hu 1.. .......... 0aa r"' i tlo: fear. at >r to 17, and nun u,.ue Io az
carr lit tilt• Ayrshire l:neelrr.' as.4tx•la. •• to H rash. A weak frrlfn • Lu+ dr, Flu
Ne.I Ne.z
TOHUYTO .... t ono am f ass pt-
WASHAGOflue. Vin
PARRY SOUNli'.... ...:ewpm
No. 2 Me. 4
tKH\' SDCNl1 .. f 11.13 ant f
t' ASHAUl1......-„wr:.... Yea sets
TORONTO ......... .......SIJ lata 1,300.1
Observatlon-Wraing Parlor Cars be
I tween Toronto and Parry
bound, serving meals a la
I Daily except Sunday. A
OQsces: All Stations. also Cor. Kung and t
Toronto and Union Station, Toronto sy
nuckw t.- of. lamb . .. 0 7V .... p Pboae,Main St7y.
lino- at a reve•nl ineetill„ of :Ifs Ayr- � Corby. 1.o 10 . ............... 07U In sloe market for hogx .i o.•• tbi±sdry; IND
the w.rk, and prig.. haw de.nu,«,1 lel'
shirr club. "rhe slr.u:;rbt ,uint of . ()lit., bel+i.. ...... OA
1 ..-........ •••• i 37t,t• per 1'wt. TI,,M 1� .sur plc n. ipulh- t,d; - ----- -- - -- ' - --
the _syr+bite cow, around which (111.4-
Toronto Dairy Market. i the (ontlnued Alst•uuinglnR and, wruk ail -j ���w
,1..•s rominR [roto F:un.pron x.m.«x, on /f,
to all the other »,7ut.4, 1.4 the udder
Vt,tVq ,L.Iry, Ib. rolls...... 0:3 u�
t inodlrn 1.w n tabs., on S.,tuld:n flon
slid b•atx, and tlai.4 Ls the asAlr III till
.... V'_'i As 032
linger, tubi .. ... io. rolls..
I:alt err:unrl Y. n• ruler., 0:a 0 I
f.lvrrpax.l. Lundan :u.JVL'rfxb�l. nalfaa a
l til revision:
under the i(e•(•rl[ rr\l i n.
I: Y l•M •::11,1 tlnaen....... ..s a 3s
, n
decline in paler- of '.1 h• -,1 I•rr , wt., a..
cnlnyure.l wlth late pr«.Ino. on... h:r.•ript4
':\ Irrg/•, xq UArP udder with four guar-
F:KKm, told r1ul ass,,, duarn.. V L• 028
t'hrrP«, taro.. I b 1• .•••
of I.W. to -dry weer Opi brad larger U.an
ter Of equal l'a pa(•ily, IIPId Al[OIIgI)'
1'hrrpr, 1 well, Ib .............. 0 a lig 134. .
a w`rrk ago, but Ibr hull of the pupply
- -- -
up un the belle•, running well forward
Plot,«y, epee .l. 1, Ib......... u 1. V 11% 1
wax name histvd for f❑ U, i w., 1•c .wall.
packers at Wle* pso-loc Ibrn rail-
and la•hlod, up out of the way of
New York Dairy Market. I
s .,if
Ing herr. a,Ie4 of .rl«teed cul,. on pont
dirt and Injury: four titiod Pized trate
NF:\t• v,tl:l., No,. 7+- Ihil(rr Straal);
wrrr made at N lel 36 IV1s•r . wt., wtlgb-
wide apart ou the tour tururrx lit the
.ret rill-, Glx_: ,,ruu,rr)', p,rr,alx, :1ty'. I
extrax, _y : tJ.tr0of to lirfols. gip: to ,� : I
ed oft care.
tast'Buffalo Cattle Market.
udder, in length truth two alid A halt
I.J.Lr-'sa.lx to plw'lrl., 7k lel �!k•.
e'AST III'F'1•'At.fl. N. n'. :..
to three and a halt hlellrx, Ina lllg
+ort.• dal r,, runlinon lel fine -I, '7c IL -.r:
erupts, :Jai head: doll .till IJ.- IU _a. I.W.
� udlrularl It rued. n r ar u-
� g
.tsnmul, to x,.rt Irlx, l;r to 1k;
lir nrpl- to .,.. ,...
"natation revel f
1 n =15p
1 er. prime surer a:..,& 1. a K,: u,pl•ln_,
'+ t.. W, bol h r� N t .. J. hrlMr�
s<.. s r .
�( •�
�, '���`
Anent to allow that, other thing" bring
wrpl rl 1, f.ctw ). toi uf"on IU first., ya
is `''
Y: ia, a4 Ga to Wr, t In til ,: lollnp, a'.:01
I keV- treefer-, a.
equal, a cow with the at a ve udder and
t'he nor Dull. rr,,•I,.t p, 1r5. plate full
to a4.5o -1.x :,rod -a, n'
1 Kms,; ei•tet I rifer-, a1... IU is 7-,. Ir«r'.
+8 EXj
trate I4 lltrfe'Uotl, :end If brrtelera of
crran., woad ruloreJ :a Mt wlalt e, ,rpt.,
1 w- 411.1 p,,n ingere , hol.•e, et Pudy:otherm.
Ayrsblrca would all nim to produce
fine, 161-• , do., I tel Ix'at, 11a . Jo.. gt»xl
32 lower. a10 to f.0.
ihL.4 style of uddrr om their cows 1t
1•• pl 1%. t lltar h. . I$ Jn., ruvvnoa to
foo, :e• l0 11.: J.., IurKe tulorr.l, .'rpt,
IIoR--It..•rlPt a, r1:e had. mrex,• and
+, N. :d. J..wrr: J,advv, n.lxrd yoot,ral
would hi itself crrver a multitude of
tin Jo., whit.-, If%,-; du., large. Ut•l.•
and pig-, H.:,:, rovafw, aJ..A to ln, ;O xf.;f.
imperfections in other parts of the
t>P 1
L« [ llz..: Ao, ..•In mon to prime, !,.: to
Il•µ: to ?t..
I g-_;, I" C:..;.. Julrlr,,. at to al .n.
Sh,-fo It.nl h..-Itrr.ipi -:.ser
1:KRx--F'frn.: r r.-Ipts, raw ptaar, Penn-
and p, o:Ad:
1 pan.• an.1 lower: btmt.., x. to P: .. ,rill-
,t, [uT
The anlmal here illw4tntted out only-LIMIT[D•-
xy l,aufu +nil n••:u-b> fan•y arlw-ted•
Ingp and wrthrrp. I:,.!:; to C.. N,: rwr , ti..'
ahowx the charactrrLltic furor of uddrr•
w hitr, C. lel aA ai,, ,,, c o rholtc. I%' to
4:iL: foruwn Ink .I + 1«revel fancy. 3ke
to sv.M. -prep, mlxrd. r'.f i to U.S: Can-
rmM To c cJtICK% &fA
but its milk tries err, xtrongly de.
to v'. ay.•raKr bra, :w• o, :).k : firpl tU
oda lamb-, 1:r,.;.^, to elite.
extr. rlrxts. % t =, . western rand south-
cin firstx, :XX to ac, sc,ouJ., n7g to lac.
I - -
The Veins and the Milk.
In cownu•ntlnit upwu the• llolateln
cow 1'artbenia liengemeld, which has
t i
.L. :Z Nov. 25•'07
received first honor hl competition
Cables Firmer -Hogs Are Weak at
With many noted Animals of the brcel,
1 1
IIuard's Ilan mat- rewarkx: There 1x
Lf,N I x)N. Nov _. -I. ndennre
firm.•,' lit 101r. so ,lh' per Its.. drrsaed
Full will Ilniax-Ullnl• 1'1-A lult•-
one thing in purUcWur that stands out
wrigl.l; arfrlKefator beef in Uuoted at lou
galllx If \'fall fall to set. what I
veryprominent about Ills cow. and
I- Ila.
can do fur visit in one of thisse
that is ber m11L vehm A teen• pal•-
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
epitsful cow dta•tor onfa informed tax
TORONT'1, Jr S(71 N. Nov.25.--
! Good Cheer ranges
tiler the mill was made III We AtOlel-
Retripts rot live mock at the
.3 -k learns were �' earl°adv, a""'
Good Cheer art heaters
lx'+ca ell 419 cattle, 14 hoax, :194 sheep
_ ((++
and lambs and lel tuh.•r.
Penn Esther ranges
=� 11 -
1'ew e,c,»,rt,•r- wrrr oftrrrJ, end those
on -a 1. wrrr• I"oolght b, In• unrd for butt h-
NolhiiK just ills for the
In. Torun l„ 1o. 1.1y.nl. !.c. (Ittaw•, In.Li p. n,.
er purpoxr- at almost $4.45 per -wet. Ra-
port bulls xuld at s: to fZ. r. per tot
Feeders and Stockers.I
money :every our guarantclll.
I.IaLnl. Acl•rtrrlsiro /.IfW. u,.
Ar. Ott.wu ,.fu ....... nm
a. I Ar.Totu 7,110 a.m.
Not m•,ny n„ ,1.. Pri(ex steady. One
lot lit '� pbKkrrr, fy,ti chs. each• sold
r cent. off for of
S per P
at t1 .)1 t»•r col
I Thtimigh
A few Irked cattle sold nl H.:.e. IoaJs'��
0, X ,,. r Sa
: f. ' �
tic'kclp ismied, and (rains
I loll lines) a,nmrtt to and from psiintA
of the hpest butchers on sale sold at
$, In ail.':,: medium, al 71.31 to tt.7-,. ren.
i t,d
m Oufario -oath, wr,t and north of
sand ial.7., for•momr of the M•st; cannery
,•••..� a
A � , I.11,
•-' 0, il.:,o per cwt .J(..n
Full infosition w
J. FUm. Ti.9.u1 A -rein. Cod,rirh.
1( 1� �
Milken and Springers.
T~ than )lnlf dnaPn were on
a rows
sale, and lhe,blghrpt prier yald wan IN
f', F I
veal calve..
A few sold at 86.60
Electric Wiring and
Rood quality tolven
to ,G3t per, cwt.
She and Lambs.
Export eh.rp -ld xl a4 per cwt.; lambs
at $6 to lir)11)rwr Hoo.
•xyh�\`err `
IL P. K,-nn.dy iutrs 1151A for selects.
w �.
€ 2.45 ,�:t4;p,
M., .n(e walrreit and t6.2: f.o.b. care
at tnuntry Ialnu.
Montreal Live Steck.
\If,NTItRAL, Nor, :a.--(Speelal.)-Ths
-�•� 'Phone ISS.
' export live -lurk sensors will loo brought
ach and wUa carried ti, the udder by
to a rlup,• to -morrow with sailing of the
S. AtonlPfuma. for lAindon with M,4 eat-
there vriax. it Is held by lisp beat
ter and stn Phrrp. The export- fur Nova»-
anthorlticx that Ihrxe \'e[ua corn Ibc
I,er' were• II.Gt:r.. ulllr fa and 4134 sheep, inak-
ills a lucid For the peausn lit 19trr rt 06.'
--- -
w r oi'
bhn-1 tihlrh tm.4 la•etl W 1hP sadder
•�-: oalll.•,'11.3K. phrep. fes t•orllpar�''� 11 if
bark to the heart.
Thom b•
1:x.1101 leder and I.G91 mbe•p For Ise:.
t, 111,. Jlnmr.al Stwk ,'ars-, wept eros
Provkiti Wider Fair
udder must Plappliel with 11
market, Ila.• receipt- of Ifvr Pao, It for the
■ ■� Say!
/ l
larMe ninuunl of Llt„al, fur it' lx Trans
work rnJinor Nox. '.• were 451M until., 4171
Ill.- hlo»„1 that We lullk In eltraetr'fl -
plo-el.:mid Iamb+, 7.-% bots.. tuna :r, Calves
dl the or(rrlugx tar lural ,vnsum lRla.❑
w I'll"
i TI('I�IS r`l (7(1(1!)
not dirowt.ly by filtration• but by the
this Inorldo,t were Itol tutu., Ilio
DEC. % TN TO 13r.'4
hldWlnR Iql of owlb which Hai! broken
and lainbp. Esse hoK- and :I* calves. There
down Inln Inllk. The r/'flU:, Ixtltll;
wrr•• no 1.••w ,`,t11!at jls If the tater
rlluatian, epee ,l Drs for f.r11nR was
Did you see the dandy
i \".\LIU F'(lll It 1;T1'NY 11!('fII,
larkre and tortuous. rare indicative of it
-wnrwhua Iwtfrr. owing a,. tilt !foot mat
)trod cow', for they show that th,t
VIls weer fully Nip head eglaller than
i , .,-••, r, ..peen "..... ". ,
Wilson's wat`erooms
ladder hen been well supplied with
pe•asonahk• w allryMfr, Indurrd buyer. to
operate mor- sir" ly,
bloc -1. 111 poor cow'fl tbext' telmtt are
and an arthe trade
was done. Inst there was rs, Improvement
on Hamilton street.
not prominent or large, but short and
in prlrrp lir In til. quality :f the -fuck.
%%lit i Y01' TRAVEL Ill• TIIR
Pnfati. Another thing to otmerve about
the bulk of It rough. ('Ixdce hre,ves
"onflnue l,) bp wArce, wlillr
ter hn. Up, collection ll(
ell is cow N that rho. has a place for
goal were
non. ton plentiful. hot th„ supply of lower
ower exilic
fel'- that ever came to tf„ten.
nil line of the prl*flinPnt dif•
t11tlY ap Ifo til. 11,'rlofi pail
Au In Hier ,chat Af Ic tlnn wvlYlt
y +
fefPOCex heLwlv'n the ta•Pf COW and
the Whole
on the whn,. rise neap nwas to till all
r.qulrrm.ntx. 'f h. JPmxnJ was gond from
rot• what price, fhc•y al's: there.
He fin- thele ft•uln
1•nC .\RIC .l pati RllU ail' THIS
the (Wry row Is that the. large, round
Loral and out0d. hu,rr., lout wrrr w„-
no business done for export a, muni, as
$5.00 tO
head quarters of•ibe beet animals giro
the wagon for POlpring from tide part
up $50.00
no place for an udder.
Ip prartlrally over. sloes., I -Ing only o,.
Inner ve-x.l to Pall with live Aaock Cables
Call Have Look
frown Liverpool on Saturday rt•girte,l til,
and a
Hovis This. y
market fir, with pts
rlpoxt- brighter.'
Mellen Railway Tinel Gs Otter
We offer tlnr Hundred laollaA Itewar.l for
,'holo f"vVe" wrrr gllolnl a1 4%". w-hllr
As""I aux k Pold al il•,r to 4%fii rain,
nn)'w':,\'. itch it Almay. glad to
n.y .•».r of CMAITh tbat cannot M• eftrod h
H;dl. (nlnrrh l'nn• y
. :at
ro 4r'. comnuan. :.t 1
•',' : �• h. :and
w•1• you. If you don't want ani.
K .1, ('HF:NF:V J: t'u., Tolevo, In,
Interior lit P,1,.• to .c per Ili. Thr draw.
LhitR in hie line, mltvlN• you
Woo the nldrr;anerl have known I.I. J.
from packers for oann.rs w•:,- gt-»I, prod
l,wt•e friends who do. Hn
e is rle
I heney forth" 1:14 1.1 yr„M, Alit] believr joint
ml.■ were made at Coat,) We• loer cwt. Ow-
Agent for
11 "Jr Imnotwhte in All hn•inew tnlnw•tlonr
Ing to tho c•untindPtl I rAl Pupplles of
smtnaanciallyAble tocarryartanrohllgettlone
pl,rPp and IamM corn fall forward, an
rnmin by his Arm.
easy feeling prevails In the market• but
WIsfolrgls I,rn,nrt M, •1'odeelo,0.
there hap b..n no further chenille In
►all Information may hr ohtnlned fnNn
/loll'- ('whurrh ('fire ;r IAArn IntrrnAlly, nerd
prlr►s -Inco this day week. The export
demand for ah"r M qui t r, as the ship. I
h. F. 1-AWRENC C
Ir,a Alr.r•ty v,,.m t M• Move! and i -if onm far
tw. of rho V4Asn. Te-tlmnnlah rst free.
ping steam from thto pert Is new pray- I
- Town Agent
1Yf •ke.ierr t: Ixmm"lly.M. Ik,Mjo,sti Nuaglrtp.
Take Rnll, F'nmlly silly law• tun-tllwtlon.
WAlly livor, and foreign advice. show Ile-
rya Iw,prnve sen,. Chel" Into of AI,P.p
sold of M, g,s,rl. at 3%r 1. Is*,. out ropll•,
at 3r rwr Ih. The Inral demand for 10nM
Blow ne.krl AAM.
Asch people nysy find 1'Pa) joy in
lifn : halt when Shey du their bol
rnwflm,PA gxM, AnA an arilrr tenAr was
deme at list,• to M Its, nocelpto,
J. I►, Melmn.M• 1H.trlet 1'aw.. Agent,
foes, f
valvas a but coatlAPrtag the
otFttl rb eotuVo of their jr1y.' no 'e;'re, �a are am*Iarg•r
L 1
Union HtalMn, Toresle. t
aY�f �eI.TFaiWl6 t'.ai�M'1t lS�•'�:d_N�•�.; f'F')?:''tir�+i NAis...
_. _._..�9'Y.i-.�..-.
The Signal's
for 19o8
p ,
p0•, I 1 e,ii x 3t � , l��i y�.. � lN� #i
;�•.'Ci$yi Y.��.n:*l, �.£a'W; 1"i _-.- _ kf a' I�Iw r ., i�-;
'he Signal and Toronto vrcckly Globe $I 30
•I'he Signal and Toronto Daily Globe 4 50
The SIg nal :11n1.1 Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star . . . , . . i 5o
The Signa) and Weekly Sun Cl'orontI 70
'I'he Signal anti Toronto Daily Star 2 ':0
The Signal antl Toronto Daily World 2 75
The Signal and Toronto Daily News . . . 2 35
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
Empire . . . . . . . . . . . . I qo
P•eNm Nllulife, "(iOlgoth:l. Ill aII )errly mubr ii (err to weekly Mail" Linpire.
'rhe Signal and Farmer's Advocate-. . . . 2 35
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 160
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser • . 2 35
The'Signal and London Weekly Advertiser • 160
The Sdgu tl anti London Daily Free Press
:Morning Edition350
(;\•ening Edition 2 go
The Signal and London Weekly Free Press 1 85
The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness . . 3 50
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness . 185
The Signal and World Wide . . . . . . 2 25
"Che Signal and Western Home Monthly
(Winnipeg) . . . .I 3D
The Signal and Presbyterian,• 2 25
The Signal and Westminster . . . . . . 2 25
The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster, 3 25
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto) 2 35
The Signal and McClure's Maget
Magazine . n 2 40
'Iluding 1» -lege on on Moulmre•e to Canadian addrel. • f^ •
The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine I. 3 50
Ancludlne po'ltare on Lippincott + to Canadian addro rr.
i'hese prices are for addresses in Canada or Great
Britain. '
'rhe above publications may be obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers in any combination, the price for an>'
publication being the figuregiven above less ,$t.00 rep-
resenting the price of The Signal. For instance :
The Signal and The Weekly Globe =t p Ir r
The Farmer's Advocate ($a.33 less ;t.00) f ' w , . 13S
kx +4.JWN
-making the price for the three papers $2.65.
Ifal, The Signal sad The Weekly Sun . . . �r 70
The Toronto Daily Star I$2.3o Ins $t.00) ; )i it 3o )
The Weekly Globe (=1.30 less $t oyo) . 30 E ;
--the four papers for $3,;0. ' i li'''f* 4Z '
if the publication you want is not in above list,
let its know. We can supply almpst any well-known
Cat,)adian publication.
Send subscriptions through local agent or by
postoflice or express order to
Vanatter & Robertson,
The Signal, Goderich, Ont.
Y 3tJ�J.FSxpJt^x,.