HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-28, Page 5r
sans some snob
82.75 81.90 93.80
ATIE PIN always forms a pleasing
" suitable gift to a law% and
especially of it be from Ryria's.
No 30025 -Fox Ilk rope urban tie pin
with whole pearl ccm.42.15
No 30020 14koe pin art with selected
pearls, ortental whole pearl incentre.
excepeonaly good value at $1 so
No. 30021 -Toe Put, twist rope 6".
solid 141, sold, with two fire whole
pearls--cM seasons newest Nyle,
jl 50
steed toter our owtwlals;ur
11YRIE 13110S.,
134.138 Yonge St.
The Biggest and Best 5e Show
of the day. High-class in .
every respect.
Moving Pictures,
r Illustrated Songs
Complete change of Program
every Tuesday, Thursday
Y and Saturday.
i 1 aIi
dish of
Oysters` {.R
wind In nut'
sr style to alt the
mento taarticulxr tante goes
g,mod just allow.
Bulk Oysters
veld it, Zany ylwntily. We
Cream Candy •;r.
('hoice "sorted Crearus, 13%
per Pound. Try somr.
tis;! Everything fresh end good
{F� Y
jN": Olympia Cafe
spa Moving Pictures
f Illustrated Songs
I at Lhr
IC �4`.
� y e tIMNY.A('IAa
5 .
Monday, Nov. 18th
"h DOOR. OPEN AT 7:811
A y a gti,
ty"yl Everything new and up -to -data
!� �
ter M
1 have opened out w ent �arket
a t in the building on
irk ,I
A here i ern prepared to munply
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Poultry, Etc.
a All of the beet quality and at reamon
't�� v� able prices.
i Qih we a trw order. 5 i1
....��.,.,.n..�....,�....�,.,m.4�..weraasa7.�ua<•�a:te� o.R
THE SIGNAI:: C01 FIR1('lf, ONTARIO Tnomror*, x....kim,428, 1W 5
THE 1/51f OF THE-
Prof. Day, of Guelph, Advisss Caultioll
in Dealing with Present Situation.
Heroes Mau Pace the Peril& sold Har4-
I'u it,. Miwrof Dur Almost.
ships of Lake Navigation.
14itt.--It it mrddonl that the farent•r
t•',om Th. 'I'oeol,w sur.
•MOWN hiolrelf to he carried AWAY by
It Ina luBtter „f vital uwomity tit
x Iseult. Him cnstoul•►ry ,hand coati.
Lite 1Vr►tlhttwlusualdwlpatchrbulllw
uWnbellow and cuurervative methyl.
shown luuwvitgthe rurplurgra!nitric
Il'""I'lly III hill) front thim evil;
this yeae''s harvest to tbe•sralro A.
but, wheat we heal• of young pigm law.
A I+u•ge proji-rtiou of the crop bar
Ing sold at fifty cents sorb at weaning
suffered injury Crow freest, and a lung
tinge, or slaughtered to stop their do-
holding of claim, urgtxged grdu in ele•
inands for fowl, it would -voila as
vatore will uause it to heat and thus
though wnlething cltlarly a preach•
Jralruy .Its teed value. The willing
Allwt lie hurried forward,'
iug a panic Mutt tie' labt•iwil ilia$
grain aims
ltircaume, owing td the scarcity of
Panics Aggravate Evil.
wonry, it prompt turnover• frulu the
Ilrst and second buyers Lb the wan
There probably seers waw x panic
tubo rtandr next Ilse Wl/rlllllel' is
which did not xgd(rav sue the evil
t scrAvI,
eZentfal lar the prevrattiou of serious
which set. it and thedo-
nuoralizing effects of the present
Ass aivausofs.
Ar u uteaua of sec raring the rnpi+lltyy
panic among forums indet lame appar-
art olovelt
tont to every eye. Detubtledw there
e Inside Low keep lake
an effort it lar Ice wadO w keep lake
effort ad ti
tire *onto Caruterr who are forced to
ship aiog wuvirtg until avr11 loin Ile+ -j
aril their pigs throughrhrer necessity,
ceutlter. Those wilt, have never seen the
but, such urns
herrn arc not
uplll•r fan mt(atwP have
sufficiently numerous to Ad;rount for
i it) on have a art
met it, can have
all file young pigs and breeding soar
hi ia, il(we
d lhlose• who i
the dangers and
which are facing durnpled upon a
nghalwills h
s dills shipping will have w taco'
doubly, glutted market At ppresent
The turner with teed In kir limns her
in I,erturnhing the service called for.
need a du innate careful calculating
IC is fever Warm oat •Lake Superior.
c► tats -cast is
Leven in mhe
fore deciding to throw away him
•boast• when alt
it, wh vi
digs. Belling stAkk on a poor market
in thered
In Che alt. stretches of that lake at
u under to sell grain utaln a high
luidnigl)L lar Nuvtlutluer uud lb
market it not always a pnaHtxhle en.
bel• Illy biting spray carried the
ter'prive, and the number of dollars
to turned ice the
routing into file treasury during the
1rloroent it striker rigging um, fender.
it g
year may lie considerably leas under
In a few hours decks ure slippery am,
thin method than land that grain
glatim, and great *Levi bully are trans-
hxrvumteJ in the. turn of weal. l+'sero
into iceberga tumbling alalut
xniutAlm, and em, dally hogs. (:oil.
in waver that roll well-nigh flannel
startle a, turn uw valuable UleaL
high, and the chill euihnrce of Wilit:h
products which, otherwise,
li certain death to the unfortunate,
would have to lin netted, +u1J th�ugg6
whose benuwbed fingers tail to hold
Life lw me! rnuy not always realize the
highest market prices for the grain
fart to hick ul rail or rope.
led to his 1101414, the otherwime uatsal-
little products fur which the hugs have
Ice which stings, and wavmea that
mono playthings Of i t of Lerr-ton crrCG
do not rxhnomt the list O[ trrrorm. A
provided it market will generally, un- Rtory mark- of cloud lying low on the, _
der a careful sysleus of, feeding, touch Noriutn is sudde11ly blotted from right - - -- - ---- --
Inure than mike up the deficiency. %# the ship striker headlong into a nese he speeds away, past our next the same token the merchant who it
Where is the Profit P howling blizzards. Pellets of snow, nrighlxour Maria. unravelling the resTrained I]•um the time of printers'
What d,a m Ulr. fanner gain by hand as leaden shot. are driven against 'uytiteryof the great canals, past) ink by An over -developed bump of
the Igoe eyelaall with the furor oda K y Jupiter. past stupendous and conservatism will never learn how to
sae•rifici ng his high ,uud rr11InK his tubipllli, and all around an iwpwne- majestic natural. and Iaast other of the. II lam• really prosperous. No man can
grain % In the first place, he Obtains treble wall o[ child shuts out the I planetary wonders of the midnight, appreciate the wonderful stimulative
prevaillang market priers file- him green' view of everything u yearter of a skies, up W the dazzling iclory of the, power of pubticit•v without having
which might. lar Ought not, have been ship's Iength away. 1f then the sun itself ; the mighty surging wrna- given it a fair trial under favorable
Obtained (fail the grain been felt to storut•drivrn mariner is fortunate dc's" art Bre, and the infuriate whirl. conditions. Thefavorable conditions
hngr. Secondly, he saves the lab+or enough to have the full stretch of the winds of turning gases ever wildly are thteefobl - nleritoriosis wares to
r/f feeling lite h
hugs. Thirdly. he es lake about, all may he well. But in raging with convnlsive energy on its exploit, atter Live, convincing ••copy,"
It,w risk, and b+m, capital inverted, the narrowing channels at the upper surtacw transfixing hills with awe And and an inflr,rntial newspaper tltedwul
Against this, I , Isar Incurred it heavy
Low; by diwpl»iug of his stock on at and lower rude of the father of wonder.. Then, hutthiel intothe xbyas through Willick w rise uhttr it.
walerio, and still enure in the tipper art ,pace, midst rushing luulinaries -- _
gglutted market. 114• still has the rod of lake Herrn +lad Oeutgi,an He►py I careering each with their planetary -- - -
Iahur of cleaning the grain and team• Clain on their Ion orbit round the
Ing it to warket. He has lost the rale there rare treacherous waste and 6 �-
K mote treacherous ahuals. A slight ' greet centrAI Pivot of ell the universes I
of A nunllier of ptrm}uct, which the art (fend, atidst bbaxln
hold could rofitabl • utilize. He has rtsiscalculati an of the speed of the K. corlmwcxting
ll{( p ) verrel, or the strength oft% current: j sena in the wraith of their effulgent i
acdJ u dol of valuwile -shefortni is the end A gigantic mass of ice-covertd lustre, and midst lightless, lifelessorlt, SV
alaa•ure uC which well Irss•n his era steel is w rlinterel like watcbwcxxi ; whose fires have in the long cuuriie of
, nip, and hence incr,amr the timid of cargo sun crew gat down in x ahs{wte the aeons Gulel aweay into eternal
production. ctiuu. He heat• p,Acwl hiwse,lt bl less ulass, to ler sportily turn Amu11e1.(; darknelta st+lrllel art the overpowering I �Q
psnition when• he cannot take ad itv the t Rollie force art the rolling I glory of it all, he awakes- And luehold
vantage of the high prices for finished it is a drerun, 1
ho which sent certain to prevail deepen, and in the pre•ar there is added gfiliLIANT
R" P one u.ore to the lung Iist of lake tra- But akhough all this is fancy, yet ;
when the Present excitement has I for those who have not spurned An I
hornr•1 itself (alit : rand, After all. hr geiie•s. d 0
To face thew, dangers requires a Gool. but d the with
His n s of their
Is not wtmmdutrly certain that he got ,rr(,4..trs aesr�
staynope for his rain than if he had higher type of courni(e than wait nems- hell, but have with His right rrfusel
R err to carr the Light Hri ode into help lived the lits of the righteous, end -
fel it to IJn hngr. This but point y )� B belched I whose• sins, inherited and coulnfitted,
salts for farther consideration. the fiery furnace e Ruich anails from
the nwufhs of the Russian gone At have been expunged teras torr second The
Some Important Figures. lixhsclava. At Bitlaclava thele was thr'hgh the great expiation tuade
I)ur in til laws
two ears, fit. On- the exciteutent of the, nionient, the nn til, cna s by the Rede•etne• of &tan- g
R r ) impulse given fly, tumultuous notone.ra kir , for these a time will enure when t
lariat Alarictiltingi ('olle•ge }uud e'ol- R I the on Angel win will snrel bme Housekeeper's
tS /
and fiery brat war hnparted to the Ra K y .
Ie tel some very vAlunfile data mer lolool f. the t,nwanl rush. The chA I laevo ed perinimsion to visit All these Fr><end
Kwnling the prices realized for V-oob y ' wood. �!7 crewtipn and to roam
unsnnuwl Ly hug.. P,ut of the hugs teas, too, over fit it few winutes there
wee fed fat the t'ullr a and' mart w•rrr tear no prolongged strain. On the deck I throug tall this vast and glorious uni-
R 1 of A fake ireighlrr the rush of wove vetoer• -m a k;e s -%v o r l;
feel by farmers in different parts of .•-
went And the enthumiAwnl of nowhere
the Province. The experiments drwl easy
err wholly Absent. '1'hrre• is no a nick �( tJeefess Tears.
with file fowl e•on-mnwi h)• Lar hugs, Y 1
aggn•gating' S.-0Is ounJs when sold, tall to action in a charging maws, but Ttie ofltefn) 'n chs a lit the -mal-es servants
{{ w demand for acral endurance of mel( Rnanndm
Sr An average weight of 190.9 pounds Y wt Moil \'e'irrtotr not long ago caner ha i
cold, fatigue, loneliness and danger- u to A Wn111A kneeling Wore #a
1 �3
aitch. A variety of foods, was uwad. Pc R•
Comprising barley. pens, oats, slid- nn endurance that depends wholly on hutlding not for pial the monument. -makes stoves
Ilio bran, corn, mkim milk, roots. the inward quality of he individual. Khe was 1011111 1 tortre. Thinking '
Rw Peace hath its heroes, Aud In the, loc&- fresh
.111.1 nsiscellaneoum
foods which erre that the lady wa it, trouble, the ,Clean
very forefront of these itro throne who'
vAluwl by the fe•r,lrrs lit certain Hums, director gently inqu\lad whether he
end duly charged x14vinst 1111• pigs. man the freighters n1 the great Ickes. tiI!, ht be of ma rvice r Diller. a li=atrifull\'
rho y,fuug pigs at wr,ning tittle Are -- u, thank you," an ,Medi the wo- polished.
valved at $1,511 each, which Is ter- >x:r, Fantasies of the Night. * si, •• 111411. ••1 urn not in trouble. but my -+
fainly nbruae the cwt of tailing Frigs patriotic feelings ove►rawac me when --stakes sto\'C
IHy a Nankeri.
front hirth to wenning, includ1 ing I Hrst jinxed n{mm the tot4h of the
A child art earth is Indulging in n
ntaintrnancr of sow, etc.• am shown by K g FAther of his (7ountry." polishing
rxperiments conducted at the College. long reverie, giving reit ti) his inial i j Pnrdon site, mAdunt," ' Id the
Dorthlrting from the welling price the atiun And in a flight of fancy casting director with s smile ; 'but yo have cost less,
writ O[ the pigs at flI.JO each, and off the gyvees And trammels of 11=1• anode a slight i nistAke, This not too bCClnse
the charges For miscellaneous foodw, ity and soaring through lite tinlveram. the tomb of Wa.hington, but his ice r
we find as follows : - Onadually sinking into the water* of house." -New York Tilnes "Black rini tie
Lethe•, his reveries have now asswned
If Lhr ppigs were weld at {4 rents
per pshnnd, live weight, they would rr- tangible forty ,old shape, end he [eels }Ie
that. he Is no lop er subject to the fro• A Business Talk.
turn `31 35 r ono ter all meal con- g' l
warmed• includ ng widdlingm and hen• tering thraldom of worth. Vaulting rite young women in the 11nr toy Store Alh$il
So ,puts per hundredweight for skint upwards into the other• fit the flash o jingle a -ho wam adjured to hang her assts longer, is the largest: lwz at
ruilli, and 10 cents per bushel. for a thought he alights upon A cold• dead clothe. op x hickory Ibniti but not to � Price. and is the best pomsh fou
world• Without Air, without water, go near he water• probably never caul bat at an
roott., P ( 7 Y Pt:ce. 8
At S cents per pound, live weight, Without life, Hanging threateningly roAsterelt the art of swimming. By
they would retern :•Si.Kt per ton for overhead is a stupendous and gigantic
tueAl,u'1o.nts FFocr hnilndrelweight for tashining bri11 Antly in the +•tarlews
mkim milk, and 10 cents per hushel for heAvens and lighting up the rup(ged,
routs. scenery with a flood of reflected light,
At 5j cents per pound, live weight, which, front the couflgurstion of the �1 F
they world return =n dr per inn for markings h the surface.art he nd b NEW
mtxl, DI centro per hundredweight ter nines to ore him native earth; and 6a$ j , j.,I
skin milk, and 10 emus two- humhel for renlizes that he is upon her w►trplite.
After exploring the wonders of those
routs. huge volcanic craters -- Copernicus,
AL 0 cents per pound, per weight. with Its rni ht 1 ireamil walls. Tycho
they would return ski,, i 1 per tun for g Y ' 1 THE
mail, 20 cense r hundredweight for wort Ptolemy, soaring e op d the attics, HURON STEAM LAUAiDRY
per or hickAri, more wondrous than h
skin) milk, and 10 cents per hushel our ,K i
snits. the,
ase, its crater clout four hundred
miles in circumference, and art w 13 ON WEST STREET r
At 04 cents per pound, live weight, in capacity sufficient c ural tr ene, aperhaps " mpax+4;"%
they would return $;J4. 1:1 per ton for P y WILL BE OPEN FOR WORK "
ed every volcano on earth -depressed at
moAh ail cents per hunts , wedgght tees P
nillk, and 10 cents per bushel for the dhsmal-and melancholy aspect of MONDAY D E O E MB E R 2No
rots this dead, cold world, he 'hiss off to •
Cono-Hering that niddlingn and visit that other side Of the Moon
bran enter quite largely into the unix- which is fur ever Invisible to not, and ( The plant consists o[ the very latest and lost machinery that con
c w know {
tut'e, and Lakin frill consideration of the aspect of which e xbeo-
g lir had.
the pricer received for hngr during luteiy nothing. It is unrAntredl not to tear 0m, spoil e
the year, we out»t admit that this is A Lemving.this Arid w idlifeless wilder- R pat gads of Aviv utaterial '
Phe goods will not low bleached or rotted. Ttre•y will Le thoroughly
re11larkably good showing in values wAshed with ort mrpx n
received for feed. We must Also n- R P lad clean stexnu•hewhM r.vAter, cued ir0.ed with
member that the grain wan fed hi e, pATERSON'S x btraufifed Huish. Wet tale Lt,e miry or'ti0n.
came from • the threshing tnxchine, i rave yore orders at Lhc Laundry or'phoUc d18 and work will bo
And the price obtained for unclenned rolled for And delivered.
groin tte tenly l it to theme pigs,
should certainly leave w cnntfurtAble al o. •b �°t tnu ►.. `°"'
Y e.ea«,°..°,,:,,rt. ERNEST ly
margin of profit to the Mrmee, A e ndw .o m1•tr^^id'•' �� I
a• 1 : t i'...Min.ni nen n�ew..li,~i
Let Us consider. a W. M .M /41- *ox t � A RV E I
The itoints toorhed myon would fear T H Z Y WILL CURE �41ANAOSM.
amplifluxtion, but perhaps enough has
been maid to set a(arneal thinking, - - -
I.et it lie nndervtxxl, however, that
tiler+ is no Attempt to dictate to the
farmer. Evet y farmer must he his
own judge 'its to what is the 1lest SUFFERED TERRIBLY MITCHRIA, ONT., MAY 1:1, 19(re.
coorme fur him to pursue. and the UxT, f; Tim CI,AFLIN ('Heryu wt. Co., \1'Ivnenit,
farmer who flndm himmelf compelled to ZZ YEARS FROM + nrAtt FKisNrme .
sacrifice his stock Is de tA•rving of syn- A great viet,.ey h Am teen won by th, o. of "Rn -,I rt" Onfter 22
pand But let ares with teed an �E*T Af���M years of terriblesuRercAg @oro Sciatica and Rheumatism.
hand oak. very careful counsel with
with ``uu''
themselves, aid thoroughly consider i hot Val horn a Ducat mutterer front thin teerible dimenmt• rot•
All the features of the situation, before years hack, at tin,em I vcould have imsekache And terrible pains in
deciding Wpon a line of action. Let any hips, hip-Joi;ats aril Also down ;ny legm to the lottoto of my
our action he gevernel by sane delib feet, i hlive m,,fffer"t untold ngnny and only thomr who have haul
erwtion, and let its do all n our power , I�hr all know who t the terrible pains ase.
III stem the allstrous tide pf panic I tried. werythin•.r I cold think of, hilt Kitt no relief till I SAW
which wppewri to threaten. T _ • Rt•Ju." the yp,ntir-Kidnry PIIi, Advertiser) in the proper•. turd i
Orn. E. D.% Y. „ thought i would gic a it A trial and 1 did ,too. I tx,uRht one lox of
Ontario Agricultural College, lin-.f u" anal Rot gr eat relief, then i Kot five mon• !roses of them.
end alter using six hOxem I^, completely cured of the aches and
Steamer Burned on Lake Huron.
Plains and urns recommeul th 11 to !lay person sat}G•rinR ns 1 dill,
t f amt'avinfrr i thought. I World have to give up it] to (ether• as
\dish., Nov. Crl. The n.,f in i tr1 P ovoid handl
y get around oat tryy legm. I Ant mon• thankful, more
atenmrr Lizzie Wadden, of Raw City, than tongue car, tell for getting rid of arty dJLn•As, by the us of
was destroyed by flee oft I li it wmm.thin '•Ht-,iu," end raany others 1 have told (a/ it have .he"n getting
Lake Huron, at. w early hour shim relieved of their m►Inm. I shall never be without ddsm in the house.
morning. a unAll of is thirteen men CURED HIM l have been days and w(wit, That I Could hardly rnawl to the
tont l the mtoy t boats erl.1 were IT WILL CURE YOU harntodomychorem,t had t0 whop difftaent tan"atoll rest any
picked lap later by the mlenmer (angels 1po, i thought. many A time 1 should lie w cripple for life. hilt
tiny READ JOHN (iREENWc)OD'11 LETTtN thank (rod I Not swlet.hing at iAwt to knock it emtm w hen i got
Thy Wadden inns on her WAY from hold of •• flu.
And i rain realnlmend It hi w to others
Rwy('It to LittleCurrent,Ont., /lar a r,0 PILL4i 11 IVE. W CEIfM l; suffering from the some. disease. R y
cargo o lumber. She man valued At ai,,, �d; Your" Toor•). trn) '
Iwbtaut M.lxl0, and wall partly Insured. I AT ALL DRUG eTt)RF:ti \litthell. i3OgAn Township, ont. .14111Y 1i:Ev. \\'lao1).
subscribe for the ft"
-..._-.-.._._._ �-.. .._- - - --____-�..,.�..,.�..,.�....-......-..�:�•+v,row•.1+,�•aa+axaw�u:.ts>aear.;�-.re •
We TVs
Good solid wear antl real
comfort in our Men's
and stand the walkin-
which you will certainly
f%l liko doing when you
wear them.
All the burst makes, in
all shapes, sizes and
will hs, are here.
Easy to get a fit. FA8y
shoes to wear and hard to
wear out.
� dsta�rs e>. s wwt� ��ft�sese�ese�ei• ��'
,4.. ONLY 22 MORE � 1141
l• 4, &tzar,
I order. In fact C istmaa bub -i, g a th-R
store h s been a fact for s e days. The great
Saving c eeted in the buying o ^od Christmas gifts
is n0 don 1110 caude.
NVe are Lowing the largest and best range of
Selections sdaall de t
oc AT F.
The Store that Pleases.
4a1wg Pas+
,•;# 1'a Pik
SaleI� � j ,•�i�x;
l)-ing the bal-
ance of this
t 111011th we vv'ill
J p have a great
e clearin'r sale of
S L 0 V e s all 11
ltanges for spot
$101.00 Coal Range for $11.99
30.00 Range for , era 26.75
3K.00 Range for saEi4mei rk " rtkpt'l *{
r 32.9s
q .2540.0 Range for ��
10.00 Coal Heater for 36.75
15.00 (coal Heater for �'�;;"x 13.00
26.00 Coal Heater for 4 r 23.25
36.00 (foul Heater for ���ri'. :13.0(1
40.00 (coal heater for , 37.00
yt ICAF ARE nAllOAi*iM. The stove slakes have ad-
vnncei sill stoves ten per cent. since we bought these
and we cannot replace them at such low pricem.
Good Second-hand Ranges, Heaters and
Furnaces for sale chop.
The Largest and Best Stock In the County.
tro $1.00 to •J.tM) ficial at 07.30
M11TS a/ OL OYYs<
13c to B3.t0. a rpair
specially priced at
AILtq td, baLSl "~i ''
8.0111 15c In I{Lue
ETC. o,_