The Signal, 1907-11-28, Page 4I 4 Tuvastoxv, November Vd. 1&07 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH• ONTARIO NO ONh TO BLAME. LOCAL OPTION AT HBNSA},L. POSTAL STATISTICS. wrrvicr, even with an rac'urdiusily '"a" -' - wlNlerut.• wvilr of ehar„e fur the err- ' Result of Iltquest loollowing'Last Week's Village Courted Considering Questlen The irluilt elf flit- IhNtu►umler•I;r11• vice n•udrroil, the town last yrae Fatal Accident on G. T. R. of Hotel Accommodation. 4.1. .61 riot. III" Dour nulsiths endi„K uladp a proHt u( nP,u'ly $111.1019). 'Phe . Milli 1,14 has IN -VII lxwlel. The wulerwoiket vrrvice. which is al,o ,. • 'Tba mijournwl InqurlA isito I e Says The Ktnotfurth kxlNsaitur: Ax is rbaugr or Ihr flw•nl ywu• in govel•t- uuder 11,uuicipal collinl, about pltid • drntlr of Iht41olplr Uu1„t, t1,e (irxiu, ; vvrll kliuwu t(1 ulwt lel our n•ailrn file ID a rirrlrx,lr,•uunts I'm. the Net IIIA6 fill w•u)•; fi very Kemal A mwiuK cunriti. November '' 1'ronk brnkvutatu 'Able %a% k711r.1 iu 1'itixNsim of Henaall carei.tl a I,N•al ti rrjN,rt i, for uiue 111,1111 Ila uuly iu r'inK flit- I' ull4trwriveli• liudlwl Ilttul- Specialties IIP aCcidrul tilt Tut•w1Ny morniug of '+pliuu bylaw ill I lust %'illrgt• last Jan• intrad of a yc,u• 3. 11611,111. Thr b.11ow, tier of I,rnple pert'el. Ifut tl11•Ie are• '3' last wort, lw.k place At tb4. tutu ball's,,at)•. Since l6en built the bulrlN hl inK flgure". r•batifag to (1ftleem' in few lAt,eri" towns in which if :I. 7x „n 1'ridny e%viaiOK last. Cr„N a At- I1hi• l,lwll hav" been rhswd. One n; lllln,n. +Ila• f'„111 it. The malar) N much fill axil yr still pt lIit- s)1irllt"I LADIES' COATS FURS •,' I 1,.1-Iley �Ieagrl' N•Mtcheil the 1.ilNr I w I Ito •111 Ila., b ell 11u1•llr,l dowit noel lilt at" ':4)'to IN11NY1 iii the t•,irithi 6 ,1r the t'lri'Le11ship iar� IN• timm it, oi-iiiin. F;li flit- l'%„wn ,old U. 1 . Hlfiir acted for other duns u(1r nKonl nay artonunuda• prt-vioum erne, x11 Ihnl it otbo11 d lot Ia• Tailor-made, Is.ught direct f,lu1 the wrksla, K'4. never slmwwl w, nice !h4. Grand Trunk, I'hc ryi,lrl,c.. limn fur Uhc public. /hl This ,tiruuut l%IIIIt4111'ei with Ihr sevenur of tibia Connection for Sealorth and Brussels. lung, hose, dark Oulber chucks and stripes, fen at- fhb yfar'r offrrin , an and anent o' txkrn oras !lou uf'1'honuar laiug, the Ihr pnhvu» ..f f hl• i'ilh11oltte rend r last'• yror. Pvrry coat new and a Wdate in sl Ir. Just lower than the 'd offs ring jot -y our Prices lift cunduct.w lel chat ge of the II-aiu ; 1.. tion lel' the ttvvelling pllldic have lav11 llevrnue )la lilt v A lit usw•Is rt.l•Ir•r •onleit writes. P' y `p an, Wood ion riN'ift, the eoginerr ; Thits, hnlrotus, %cry couotiderrbly iucuivenirncwl rind Auburn . . 'g'"' }p & :oa.it s 114f.7ii "Will the C. l•, K. Ibwld the rlreh'i, ZI left (jilt of lilts to Ile wild at Ibe following i tiou far ItIhIC, lest like minktl end w i • , road t hi• s'u 'oi%i Iwtwtwll Montortl. reductions : r 11 ill wear fife Ilreruan : S. Hirotrll, for uN'IINI' Ut 1111' bllerttePos lura sad nv,wrt) - Amts i h a 110.7.1 4 1.3U )' 1 {M f JI t u well, fur aiwut one-third of wink pritet. lite 00w whit•h o,l1lmlNt the accident, olvuec- nl'P uf,aid that t�le bnsi• Hsvllrld •1 < 477.71 1I*.IN/ ""I Ht.usst•I". cunnrctiliK with their ; 7.50 or =5 00 = 8. So for qs00 :ltd J,dul Mclkm:ld, Ihr l;ra11,1 nl..+ st,tudinK and repuhttiorl elf M-IKeave +'rt: ° ii. I:r.31 2.1uINl floor At W41ton! In the quotation oft.•„ 10,50 for 1.00 sa.00 for &00 ' FUR BARGAINS To look yield 11laNle1% ' Ibe p1,11rr will Iov. ole this uccomat, in. lienmille 1p: I 101.117 I.i.INI nrkel. riuch a road would alfa well, " 13.00 for s.So 14.00 for so -o0 l'u11ductor IAiug waid flit- trait c1 1 1'11,•,1. II is true flint procreliuKs :uw lilurwalr ., ' +i t Jrt70 111 IN) Milli if continuer! n"Illi tell miles In =t0.7S for ;lion At big rrductlunr We following llollats nuKN 6iNte1 01 tit' rmpuer lU1,l Ie tN•ndinK Iwfure the cuurlm to yu+t,jl Hlyth it °t. 1:11r{a, 417.1111 Wr't•Neter [i the('. 1'. H. linrthert.. GIRLSi C i*1 and Hors will be ofieesd far the _ t'A'„ Mad ,anti N'rN I hr Ib st Ile go down Iljill Ihr hvLtw on tilt- grouudm of .Noor Hr urrtle 1 I* 4 ''`I. Alli.{ I 14:.311 and front Sr.ifurth run G, Il.ta•ilrl,I fur OATS weeks fit just one-quarter off regular that silituling. III• Nate un tilt-t,.pof levhnlralily. Ilut lunchstaii should firti- tai i. S sunuo'c nwurt uppers, ,thig sum,. Prices. ); 7 ' 131.417 (011.1.1 pi the ilea• clic loud Dunt wnron lop„f Dol IN• t,lken in this ax for Iwo. venrs lielliesit r _ IIU(is 72.111 Iver U'xHic would be arailred, and n d Coats, jSS0 for $3.73 fi. •y Three Otsossam Ruffs, $5.5% 47.00 and Life in,t (1r leading car. th,•i Nrl,• w.i% ,•Iap,e• IK -1111-V ,my de•iooiou is Make ° 04 Ibt,1Nl 1211, KaNI lreit(ht xnd exprrPos G'uolr a Coats, also for 7.75 17,50 hawking duwu. Thr% stoppl•d at Ihr leached by fhr comms, :old even wilru Hr•r%v..l t t I - i 1►,k I:1 41 1x.73 Llimugh Iter twrl•e• ill, 'D IC Nuulof a Coats, 2.75 for 1.95 One Upossum Collar. $LOO Krrv4.1 pit Iuuf Uutott Kut utT to u,N•11 , t Jt-''isiwn ix ranched [ht- Government ('pills elite ia..l f" :0r_.:t! 12.1.:111 ulean mnt:h to Brupwls. ,tad woldd b1. All new and stylish. {.veryy tvtat in this store Two State Martin Ruffs $6.00 the switch. After they hatd n1. Olt I'm xdn ,ted Ihr ,hcy of refrsili to Clitit.n1 .„ 7x7 1, r a , rent feller fur the l'. 1'. It. alwt." G, hr cleared Out at the Above reductiunr. ,5 Floor Hare Sable Ruffs, $3.00. $5,5o and Ko I 1 iN K r J11NL�4 ]:SIS.:rll 7� for a short distance hr saw I bust Iwuo7t Ibe granting of licenses in Nny l'rnnb"s ` Q�� v �, 148.x; 73.INI „' ;. TltnesSable Bou, =S 7 and throw up his finndN, which tats the ut+ulici,alily vi -it- ,fir b_vht%v ham CrediGm. ... (•97'14 Sii.42 :W).(AI g MILL ENDS X75 d ig.So of tial W Still). Mni1 At flit- Nillip tiller INVII rnrriwl leu a dw'7de1 ula'r,rit CArlow . t•':d';t l_ The Pro Progressive Farmer Defined. ���� Ons, Sable K 1 j y it f Urlax 4x.73 our) yar,im of Hxnuelelte will eudlt, ink, while, Boa' $13.50 he 11Aing) naw the ear lhu•st Nits un xnd quamhrd on a trchnicnlity. Of CILIAelhur"t,..:i.; gr"�V. :.x.1'1 _3.311 \Villi tilt- help of nupruvetl lunrllin• p lite alxrvP ore lead. fresh txxls dancing along the ties. Ihil .t fell oK co•'nw what they utight do in Chir in- ('oosfuticN .. '7 't- ;' IIL01 0.:191 Pry. flit- pro resmivc individual faro,- and striper.. gaol, clean, sound K good*. direct froul ns the r tiltwl and fell ainmt the stance leo N•1's,.n 'cnn s,,y with ver- Col-loett ... ^,r • , 01 1 K One-quarter less than well rices. geode, fully the makers, rod should uveae quickly attthew• ��t% MK I .. [" 7x,111 PI Is ,r,Ntucing much uulrr than P quartrf-off penes. (!Owe and ... them. .ills at 1111. side of the track ;end rolled taiuty. riot it is out salt- In trust Gr Cte417Gm E u t... t.� IGri.'L, 117.1111 the avrrsge fiu•ruer did u generation Lack. Durst did nut run f,)cw.u,l leu n h:u Ihr courts ,t1. the Uuvrrsiment tlrwr ........ ii 4 I LIN/' Ix.7.i MK„• and n,rn Of this class ata+ kee lin * i the can. The rNr Wrnwl x war of uric du. 1)x«hwlNal t1. •f :S71.I ) 14.7.311 kill the prueluctive qualitien of tthrl Phone f half-a,lmemmult 161141 warlr if Ihr olht•e %%*I. wid,•r,.txud Ihr ,vnik•il flit 1)uugaunon....eT I i7J.119i Si1,;lt, farwN• 1'hry ollsrrvr ceresin prim• p Iw px!,' lolls + J His Colborne riQhAHE cxI•x went through it. The ayihlrmr under considrrnhtin the :advisability JSr)•,•Jxlr .fi}#� 7:4..57 ati,1N1 i'iplrs of faruf rurusurinrul.: [hey du WS, a enW Uursl dr gal the length of r car 'if snhmittinls• n bylaw to the rate- I)luilup yl dit;i.', ,7.11111 :U.O, nota sell forage aN 1,ut IL1 +yf 3' K ,,tory L (;oUEltll'll. and x lull(. lir +uuI fhr• 1.uggiutvr w•11l PA%vi, for thea• uppt'.%al nt lilt- jams• E1i111%'7lir ,a.yt 1.'i."' 7n.I1, :fi.,:.l kl`o'P Iter ,la'k, and gtvav feed rue the Hrrnuul IN/k fuser tar thruuttt anal illy el1.ctiw(1s,uithorizing thou to loor. Ethel . ....:, r '-4'.,, ai7.4; 1.71.:.11 th,•m ; they sell xnimalx and their drlachwl fhr engine,ul41 Nent INck up tuN 11•11 or twelve thuusuul d(1Ilnn• Exetet•.......... ' ;,.... tr+i,,11,75 7110.31) pl•,siucl", fruits, Tegel,alder, etc. AN the hill Mlld telrphontd far n dta•tot., I,n' the Palo of purchasing at site Egmoidville..... ly°.. .'71.Ir1 ]IM.3o long am the pioneer ole virKin r�lh a They then vvrut luck and ivaitwl fur aril electt11g a suitable building fur a F'urdwich a 1;311-:71 2411,1111 grows wheat at 'el"t•, that hate hero - - -- - - _ _ file mrrivri of the cwvner xnd d,N•tur. fleet-clas, twirl in enine'lion with Fordyce • ler :44,11, Ix.7.1 current, the l rugrelasive (nrnler grows ---� Thtwr cxrx N'r1e drn1171ri1 by striking which Ihrrr alight IN a Wan hall and lilcnaunUl 2.i+` 41 W. _,,;t, lilllr let nuns. Hr ktr,ls improved --- - r,Ulle, of which the w•itnr„a aid Ibrrr nuu,iripnl wfTi••c,. This building conn Illeufnrrow. _, .V* :{t.si-, 1x.73 sUN•l- that tws,Ntnd tw their keeping i wen• two. One was Nh'nck :Ind hr plrlcd and 1'urnishwl, n suiGablP tar• (irxud lirnd... 2.irl.rl trtlNl turd that put fait the greatest tar cent. r stw it rolled over to the 1••ft side sou :w uuatingrr w•onid IN• Necutel and (In,•oway ...V n I:ii..:•t 7;.111 of went leu Ibe prilue parer H! puts of the hack. '19w other uniuul t1. the bouw• wwuld Is• run sis to unmicitlal Uale•rich , Irxrl,•�I IU7K.-A) 111140ti a ion+lu�,tly oil the fields. SA aG•rwatds will) its haul cut off [rmpl r+wcr hotel. At f hcrn41 of rxch (;011ie ie 5* !'I d. . 7:Lk97 :015 IN He t•otftlet Is crops BRASS and IRON BED i,i'= Ihr file ilrrits his lands. M.; S0 on flit- right nide, ,,'TheY were goilig )',•,o' any PIWIls that might xrenie ffrns: ll. IM12.4U 431.:m, at a I -ate of lretwe•n flee on [Pie mile. would go into Ihr tmrn exchrqurr And lfarhN k .. "• . I1.31 Is. i, Ile or nP good fences. ►a nn hour. The brakes well` nppli„I any lots/•, would Ir paid from the Harpley .. o . :IO,I*l .'1.111 He hits K.NsI prstnre. - `' A ■ �i i�' lefutr the car shack Iht- man. but snnlrsuurrl. 'Phis is. t., our cii•a•, a Holuusyillr I, ]Cf/.N, trLlNl IhrtaxaK, Kaldru. 1 BARGAIN PRICES aka` �j,'er�i,�t,{fi: r till` cxrx skiddwl owing to till` w4,1 uu,sr 'runuut-ndxbir sehrsiu and N4. lirnfryu t 1 i :►i.4n S,.;I, lir br•tdN rut horses, stud doer I k '1 , sq V11 p; rail. 'cit.. ruled not hair stotgwd it",s• Ihrrwunciland INY,.Ir Nill r.ua'y 11711mUnPu t 'l tariff work avittt 61,sN1 warts end 1 I 11193.111 I:3.:/) it l�;{ xnv lteN,sivt than they did if the)' h+lel it let. Tilt- less, if loss threw IN, Hunringfirld. .. IttF 1,INI ,x -i,; KtvwinK culls 1 11 kern going forward and hl` cinsidrtw, cunld nut Lr bunlvusoutc wu the whole Hurondale....,., tki. 11.tNl Is. 7'-' He baa n library, ,lith parriodicatm E FIND OURSELVES WITH TOO LA it would 1�r safer 1.w K11 J,iwn the hill Iwwu : retuill.el lucouuualxlion world JamesG.wn x1.01 101 and standard works, and a musical LARGE A STOCK 1 INckward It furwnnl. Cars were Is• flirnishi•d ; therw would Is• no ill. Kippen............ 1ti1, 2,7)1.11; I.11,1N, itixtrutuent. of Brass and Iron Beds and have decided to reduce I twice its likely to derail going mind a •'rntive "c tell) h, Dui lwl1 ojl KIfiva. m , 1n.IN1 Ie1.73 Ihr bel(w his wife in the house when the prices curve nN leu Ihr ,hatight, tw bolte the SAW 111141 :til (.IAm*.s hingshridge ..... °'.. fic0a I1.zn otlk" needs it : has a stn ing vehicle fen ` , •, t knginrrr Swift wail ht- nppliwl III.• should IN sati"IIrt11, It aunld Is• a Kiuttiil........... ! li,.lsl iu.INl bar t(1 visit in. and K,nr W church ' cwergrury brook" a2. „mm its hr naw practi':,1 test of thi, much 41i,puh,, Is,ndeslNnV s1i.;1 1t.INl with1,4.t hilllltrlf. > + UNT/L DEDE'MBER C I''° ` ala`! ' I' F{, lhust tht•oN up his h;wd, ,old then quPstiotr a, to w1,1•rher ler nut ,t IAnrm.... r (it 91. 111.111 •1.,.N, Hr keepm dairy cowm ler nlutGrn 6TH. r 9 u , .,, ), it ,., alolie,•il the ran wen• drrailwl. Ihr g,kal hwel,•:111 IN- pr11lil abs ran will I.iuri,•r iu 1"1 •t other. 1 e' M staid it was j11rt its safe going I4ack. N:u,l futavanl y I- out a tiquur-mrlll11g att:trlunrnt and if I,radbury.,, ('^*,, i''r''k 11.IN HLINI at S, :r.:,ll ,. ler slit i. --Jar. %%Ilwtu, t nitwl States lrcretary of Agricldturr. ��`{ I spNcI I wants of chis lilt in wit), xm Uel lit,• c:u•s- err sure 411l'wuuld loe;ul object lesiton to IAwbitlmh ....1.:.0k ., 1. 1_'II.x:, 37.IN1 fit and put together any garment from the r this port ,end • W11'•11 Itow. it Mother Duty G, H,.,. Fart \Villinu.. rhe Amminiloin. artkel Child Ilegin :•" satin. * not mole likely W l,1. drrailwl. They had gall• only aloamt loareelly 1, * :,It other uurnivipalitit', HPn,nll is i'I,t 11„1' ill tip right ,N1Nlllon let try ti•thinn.. I"val i :? , • J. I 1't InY 11.1:{ 1x.73 How tha Editor Gets Even. ;. give five hundred dollars to any one thlt cannot learn between the age of 14 and 1.7tllt' limp IpxPlomivPly) - after havinK Iavn Irroogfit Ilu•ongh 1\'Lnt's ooh' nlnitrr, *with lengths from file slandslill let lbs Krncel switch, htul ... Ihr expel imrnt. Itul if [I -). do Ihry I.nnlcy.. it IN•Nulivanif n ivlr:i 1 IL I.:ltI SI,tG ;{(,;,t, 16.7.7 cnuPl• of yeil•r agw a crank)' ,4,1.1 your The arrilay of tfir I"I> , _ nn mleeul on tiled the bl•skes well. nppliwl. "I"Illl'it grl:elN it in Ihr Thr)• Slltfrking yht t:`: 1 11.:,11 IK,7;1 IIit"'as, c:uue into Phis ,,floe• Mud Ripley -Wants Uonneetion. -i F'ir•eulan Antrobus eurr„I"orutud the right wllr. Must Its ealefnl aloof Ill IN•ru,ii. 11udul` txtrlifln,D)- on the unr rill ,ch. _ M.mcrielf...:.. a,., L: a?' :11,lµ 71[.75 1":/1 slupls•II film pltper lace ," s,nurthiuK lel n did nut just him Last Chance OttmN•n. boy. 21. -W. A. Mo K7nnnn, the Canadian trade ,igf•nt at ilf4stnl, evidence of the other witnellers. side, ler unnrcessur% extratyugance un *the .. .%I(M t Curnlel .., #`h. 1'.. 1i r,,:a) 11(0, suit roue)'. \1't- hayP Irwgnrnrly tact hi n. leo ooh.• s and eoug6$1 1 ::a ';•,! :.Nle_ ' N. Hispett admitted that the row Which wait killed was hiF. Itis Ihr ill her, to favor succt•mm of the e n t i- rn r i 7'fit• Newbridge.....,.r`11 i 111.101 4fl.:,t, sl,ret since that time mud i[ I. ,uuumiuK In r trod ft„no the ffir•awry 6hotl.s of Al"ItA % 1 would dip It In the lava Whn end cimnuxlnte of L1,r lake Itre•f, fent mud. T11riDlo, 11x,INN,, Life in. ! pas. Glee was fenced in with the rxcrptiu11 i.e. accollmlodation should h1. sable :Ind of Ihr IOvIt :end Nil'. .. ......... f ort Allwit prm"l Ifx,lt, A1,111 ILS; :01,11) n(1tr the look of nuprlsr on the old fellow'N fiewe that wral,• the Assmilruir today. glmNlr sire yalu*.d ,t $1.4vol: flit- mtt00•k _ _ - -- (if :t miull tart where- the fence around flit- had ls•en Illy ul:tutgrnlrnt capable, c:61ef ll and i''"trr'N Ilill...... ... Ng,O :Ct.INI still in exist - torr regardh at of the fact that he Toronto Star: Orillilt is an excel- Ient example of Iyhnt may he Itecom- November 'L,, no we are crowded for space to din- golf groun41s burned last fall. se, e•onunlieit as due eflici.-ncy wooed lrnrslvi•ity......,, I!1` 11.I19r ]x.;;, st"Pfe1 hi, Paper. :+„urs day - ;tad it goods' \'aldlmaater Mellonald maid that hr permit. \1't- believe flat such all e-1414 et) uuu,aKwl in this wfiy Hwlgnavr...... Mt. Joseph........ ".! >?! k' Iu.:C1 Iti.:frt _,I.'li w•:ll t 114. Imig either that Ood gPsitlr- 1114 will tilto up his hlul had a goat dealt of expel'irncr wield prt.vr a mucresx. If it ,1,11.11 Seaforth , Ia47.7n Xi, 75 t,N•Y. III, heart taking cora down to the.I k H ........1.s':. 1't-/LINI , (N. . r o pluae tl world IN• It cresllt Ao the ht• Au Iletllle...::-1', 77 Oki • .'01 -- hd - - -- - V' �, k k 4M 4 k(, d ll(( �. n never seen a caro• when- tilt- rou,. town, ,1 sntlsGtrtiuu to file peoplc Mild `I1• Hpie nm r,rf'. Itd.6t) . Ib.D11. catcher (1n the frrnt ofitlls•wnlotivp would pn,vr the IN•"t•pa)-iog adver. K+uepta.....,,, .Pfx1'. 41 7.-, *7.01 had hotipd'in throwing an aflillud off ist-mm�t t1,-• town I-,uld X. -t. N:tltfonl.. 1:111.77 7x.7.7 • •.r i ' B the track. It alight Is• of "alit)(- amp Shl`P,l:trlWi .. , ' . w'1 ►i.Si _►_':,111 . for trains travelling at a highre I•Ntr Mripka ........ �.:rl' :*I :.,I) :;7.31 •H*`�� f1 oft`r i that[) this oar was, tut woulJ Northern Navigation Co.'s Season. 'S uillil,e•Ihill . •1'-►_rlr) is. -,.-,"I 4 nlnkr leu difference sit the Ina rate. at •:61117,1. Nnc..'L - !hr "fr+unrt line. �lunmhinr. -r :' �Y.iyi FUNERAL DIRECTOR.. BECKETT,, I which they ,vert- nu,cinK, and flit- (joie Irft )r+trld.n' foo I'urt Arthur ThnlfaesllrNd AND EMBALMER11 4 1 train would have d.n,tiled xa nail• if with 2.4011 tons of (r4,ight. 'the 1„t.Kl•st Vair'na.... r 2IN.lki 113.CI1 ,I'� 1, �,� ', the 41 of I Ilil bud Al -11 it fnml in. ' 01'27 of Ili.. w•rwon. The srltNtm 711 at- \\'Idtwl. ills) l I3,:A) Lu bago P61 : Krotty. KI. WEST SIDE OF SQUARE. • . eG•al of Is bind. Vnrd eugisiem wen• lee•+t rnlnplrtel. used has IRPII the Wingl,nlrl ......,. !,. jiWt.,ft IE13.IN, I nn�r' : It►wnll!vf g, 1Kf M171t withuuL say pilot 101. r•uw• nawl"urr,, fail ill rhe history of the Wroxel,-r Itl33.a; Y7L:1.l '` catcher, ; this waw) xl,l work but the• Nort been Nna i nl ion 1'0. West tlrld . i, Rheumatism ofihe back. - -- • - -- w'ere using :t I,N I engine. The gr,edr _ _____ Rlnche-lie n 1- I"It.W 3LUNI / The cause is Uric Acid at the point of ooh•• occident was unr of : Winthrop t a: , Isl,ll 13.1 t in the blood. If the kid - the womt, oil the l;l•and Trunk my,lrnl A Home Missionary. Zurich 1µL.5411 neys did their work them _ _ _ still tile-,•irvr w•:I. very s11:u•p. I'ht- pnhlir-,pirilel bid) u,Pl flit- J'ii.INl would be no Uric Acid and will IN• .tillwl fm- Peer. Neighlorm , N,kt-n of hint war by the .,Iitor of It appearm aecunling to Ihr Ai•t lulls- I—% in Ila• street. NoulrUrtn no Lumbago. Make the and frirudm will 1rt11ow.him 17felps, clay that Nprr which 711 hi, lir• hp at- I K 5417 FOR 2S YEARS 1 k dneys do their work. The I"Ille%ilell rily Ivlkd I:Iy hum to iwsl l spijillly'•mt•rppell.' ]Sill yon t-yrr ii haerailway ickspnn7em it. nit I'etnirYI to mh,nrt bit njgN•nl:uuI• b.11tel hPr• rib'• sure, positive and only I.. the Iluvicei .\u obituary well temnmt• just n 111011114-111t and Mink that �O� IIG�P-�.� x + %'X liner [nicks sorb n, this A•nred lint +IrnYl nt latest in Iwr near-sighteel way. IN• n,seIliv 7i Ih•w• itobi n, tclwill quer ehtur, N•h'lrvcr ;r al t k hill • 'W must not allow their tr•uinslumovi. '1911. L:uly Little Im.y. havesi't you Ma:fine Boucher Suffered, Then Dodd's cure for Lumbago is ] ' i what a kind DU her, +s • ,NI n••ighlNa write your ubihuu)' N,r[)Ic iiat % Fac-t� New Ye along Pouch within town limitm ,u'si •any hum•• % Kidney Pills Cured His Kidney Trouble. uul t it kiii. ririv• '.I. wh7ch flit- write ar greater Apeeptl tb:61l tell ulilrs till hour 'rill- LiLtlt• Huy Oh, yrsln : I've gut u,r•onliflg al. ,,%. i• .k fir rhmr- osu S ' - -______-_- and 711 INckie l marl have a ilnn which, :1 home. 11111th n+toavn. [jut•.. Nov. :- ooh. - vPry• short hole lit. Ile was a young doe -tor, and hr hv, N ill Is unr o , Acefor in the Trading car, allot which, Thr ].out) And having lau, nes % I`Ip''r'7nl.i -That chly to khmId - rni - ( Dodd's it snkr -n, • ,If busiest times plaint virldm rendil)' (0 1►111.1 m Kid- wooll.lrr furguu,- :\s b4,11Pmont tht-re flohemi's"s' nkod to l rrak Kemp Foul flows, of tilt• year in the kltcben. For MEa` in thim a to the icy in was dine Th.. 1,7ttlr li,q•-- \-rs'ut, n1.) fills im ,town b • ter rase of in the cold, cull ppp, in this raw•, The jar) 711 tlrir verdict Thr I.uly Ila of aid vol do mol Krxveyrrd wlaa 1 to the wife (1f s uuan wife) had leen flit- Laking the hinieekeeperehnuld attme-hed no blame to anyone for the kn,rw what I..vP lPally iPo. fo your SlMxiutP Houcher, of them place. Mr.Kidney in the silent militn1wr of dt4alh, hr will ran urrr b) :a nmb' I arcidrnt. 1)t-. Hulmrs aiaw the cut- {Nirrn[m I.N.k after your moral wel= 1Anlehrrsays: nrirrknowthat the hest kind wur,ll I ,sty in her supplies with care, at- - - ouerand runductiYl the enquiry. fitre'r "F't.r twt•nty-fl:r vrarm I suffered that the products (jf life kitchen L With the ulnlady of the kidne s 1 - --- - - _- .- ---' LEARN OR __-__ __.-_ _. - I'hr Little Holy 1'rm'nu )' Thr IAdv--.\ie Ihl`y bringing oil felt filavays feeble and was nftrn inPills in your spare time at honk•, or and unquestioned 41114111)•. New C. P. R. Steamer at Owen Sound, nP 1.o IN• a g'Nml ,and 1lrlpful citizeen)? INule, i read of may wnnderful cures ��`{ I spNcI I wants of chis lilt in wit), The Little Hoy l'rx',,,, Otren Sound, Nov. '311h. The splen- The, f u!y \1'111 ill 14"Id's almnnar• ;%till dr,•ide,l to give Ulmld's Kidney Pills n ti•7al. 1 talk ' err (o Ile flesh, ekau, and of At , yon ,wk a„ter 417.1 pas6enKrr stenulmhip erre the l'. I'. ut"tbt•r to roma AM, #'Poor file talk leu H. lake 17114, loetween llwenty-fl% Is.xrs in nil and nm now fit and put together any garment from the r this port ,end • W11'•11 Itow. it Mother Duty G, H,.,. Fart \Villinu.. rhe Amminiloin. artkel Child Ilegin :•" satin. * Pelfevily rurril.' IhNld's Kidowy Pills wprr the liceit i ate dresm. The whole faasily can learn from Oranges I.emoos pals ne•xt 11ftrr- here this nnnnh+ ftvm Hufinli, y where her tw,, "Pel mm wpn• oin•%tl, 111,1'11' at:4o'clock. at Lycemu, ILII :' I I'hP kidney pill rver given to the public, nn'1 in ,11 their lou thousand drestimalfing, and guarantee to Nab Spim Flavors give five hundred dollars to any one thlt cannot learn between the age of 14 and 1.7tllt' limp IpxPlomivPly) - after havinK Iavn Irroogfit Ilu•ongh 1\'Lnt's ooh' nlnitrr, *with 1.x hnve never islet a rase of kidneyrienev Idis I you, uln the 2.t, Lawrence and 1VelLtnd r:uuvlm lorl'L you know Ole % 1111 11tH! slum llec.wa.m ease they did not cure. work in shops for years. Beware of im7ta- and your your The arrilay of tfir I"I> , _ , careful attention. hip etexfllship wMM annonnre,l by Ihr sal- •I Your STURDY & COs, site fwin the whistlem of all the ,tPaul A Substantial Estate. craft in the hrrhor itself fcoon Ripley -Wants Uonneetion. -i -. THE GROCERS. sill lilt. fnc Wri,;"'aling the, mhure. Thr run oto Thr N'ill of Ihr IMIP Jifin 1). (!11(11- ]Juke Hllrpll I Ripley Exprvst : Tilt**- litmie,' mvsilotec" of Ihr, rlrcttir• rvilway ,.. �� ��� 1�0. ' - + r was ,I1. ;l tllil't••••fl•kl„1t "ill- pnttrl'lell" if the 1ANrd of Tralle speell, thollgh the siurfltlel ,1N•el i+..vet' hot,•'. Torwom, Mntl It foruler remident HftePI, knots. Thouwi di. of citiz.•ns of Ii-wlerich. ,lisP,ww of Nn rstnte APiMar' top lie in parne•t rthoomt the pry!- %,"4,d DPW rad and flow that the lay- InN-m hnve curried ave Last Chance OttmN•n. boy. 21. -W. A. Mo K7nnnn, the Canadian trade ,igf•nt at ilf4stnl, thrungrd the aessel t'.IA ♦'rimsheIllyvalnwllit*:tl,:ilk,,ofwhich &IO,.,0 expect to see the flrmt hem Informed the Drg00art.ment of Tend; and (nrmi,pr•e that (lwnndinn we'rk after nPc', like Me]ican main." at her Iwrth x11, lhI. 1'. 1'. it. t4ww•ngrr IPI"'',,,"t, real est+tre. The pr•41 erli• m malturuell fhr HrN( of )lay next. The next move will IN- to have s and eoug6$1 1 ::a ';•,! :.Nle_ ' wh,tif. She- ,rill not. likrl%- D,ak,• if Ihr- :'1 )le11nswick Avennr. $1.'.:,1111. in run lhi+ tall. ('4114, E. If. N•hirh It life intcrcmt thm rtilw,Iy c(1Dner't with lliple?% The Shiloh's Cure is a safe and sure eosgh and cold medicine for Regae Black s And. anon, is Ion to the Lite of the C. 1'. It. 1Mkr liner .\!ani- 1111othor elf the deeee"ed, and Its Cres• old mtmge conch IwUyeen Kinrllyd7nr nod (irNlerie•I, should fork fr on lien bn 211., and thssar from Canada front r trod ft„no the ffir•awry 6hotl.s of Al"ItA % 1 would dip It In the lava Whn end cimnuxlnte of L1,r lake Itre•f, fent mud. T11riDlo, 11x,INN,, Life in. ! slam ga into history. Thin will prulNthly take -Only a few of oar swill gMRs-see„ Son„ rad $1t,00• AND FURNISHINGS I I aLw.ok" nv THIS mill was ill collamAold, And relived heol•tt' ,111.11111.1. 1t111n11tllm 1.. $10,I11N1. In the- cunitrmtllxtions oD stepping oot I'Mnk tho•r• im 1111,x -s, •n,th. Hons••hold Place 'Alien thr railvfay it completed. ready-mnde suits left. :M '' u f �/} f^^ I , Ai'y' J � t14� w 't 11s .l G '1. ,^`e' V the Assmilruir today. glmNlr sire yalu*.d ,t $1.4vol: flit- mtt00•k _ _ - -- \Ve are selling theme al __ in trad4, at f} ,373, the hotel flxhnee al Urillia u an Example. COST. Thom sale chrnem 111.4,01111. The *."title mine) includpa Liverpool to Edmonton in 11 D'S y;, foment velour• mhare" Home Ilank Pollock Toronto Star: Orillilt is an excel- Ient example of Iyhnt may he Itecom- November 'L,, no we are crowded for space to din- 'l,on.ln', flail. Ma11.1 . ' yaluwi at tk1, NFL. Of the restate $.'01111) glwm to, the nwilier of the decela,wl To the Fsliber of The Oversens Plishel by benne of public ownershij, wf public frinchiw•s, natnral' play our Christmas U lil • Mail : 3 and Clip lemotindel to the widow and phis a,l- y4lit"Kes. Some sixteen mllem from goods' ESS'MAKINC OT MAIL 8 "lily have a f(nudation of purity. sx,4'y in your spare time at honk•, or and unquestioned 41114111)•. Take a Personal Course at School. \Ve have planned to met•t fill. To enable all to learn we teach on ��`{ I spNcI I wants of chis lilt in wit), cath or instalment -plan. \V4. also tench n personal class at school once a morn k. I lip right Rode, which we gllaral,- ~ ,'�, Clercs commencing last Tuesday of each err (o Ile flesh, ekau, and of At , month. Thele lessons teaches how to cut, 4+lality. �,,,,ql . fit and put together any garment from the r plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor• Raisins Figs Dates i ate dresm. The whole faasily can learn from Oranges I.emoos pals one course. \Ve have taught over seven11 in, I l wtme fowl,, or•Ipe1Y1 Jay thousand drestimalfing, and guarantee to Nab Spim Flavors give five hundred dollars to any one thlt cannot learn between the age of 14 and �aneything needed for the baking 4a Pott cannot learn dress -making as I thorough as this course teaches if you ('till or telephone work in shops for years. Beware of im7ta- and your t6on• as wr employ no one outside the schook This is (he only experienced Drew or(ler will hay a I,rolnpt anll Cutting School in Canada and excelled by I, in careful attention. none an r other country, Write nt once for particular., as we have cut our rate one- 10714.7 to pay hie Iftindry bill tldrd for a short time, Address ` usaw &Ila-eumn tIt meL STURDY & COs, K"BO.. &tsstlort Oat. aasada ` F a'A*NiTKh AT 1tVch:. we, hm%e dw,ldid to instruct and employ a number of smart young -. THE GROCERS. ladles to teach our mneme h1 Dntwmakino. harlot one teacher fur tree six town+ nearest when they Ileo-sRe pf �tT Ii hOl1e W. ' dl to 1S. Thome who bare worked moo it ...aJet or who INre dnwlnR 1�0. ' - + r Imefereed. 1'leamr do net app1Y anlerr lou tan devote yonr whole tlnN, ,andretw-- T he mskrd. ••Key F'lidwy teeratisr I Its nw1. -Sir.- 1 attACh a c'sting front ,t Im-ni slaughter. 6 flip town there is it waterfall, which - -- ---- _ ' lin+ IN•!11 h11t'nP+mwl by file nnmir711 - 13,1100.1 concerning moms hi"I', wh71.h No mon ever ham a h 1' we had Pohipped nut here the other fifty. Hilt -ply this the wonutif he is eng+tKedltto thinks he AN �Nullost )light nn 1 Im.wlr.l�sP Ile fhr Reapplying attelr Come add Examine mch,evrillelit will r•cqu7rc efafltp Swatting', ham, )'()air- fa7thfnll�, "It my humisund rt-nlly ell %" asked flu• Indy. --------- -- ---- KXOWLi..-14 fili0s. "E.Imontun, ".\- 1.r -n lit tie run down," mi.1 the 011 r new fall K,Nxlm. i Rverything t h p Wrier AIIN•Ita, ('antadn: 1'o trmnmfec grNNlm f'om I,iyPrp,al. IiiK , W Edmonton, NoddingTrevem, hopefully. Mandy "Don't vnu love W hear slyly. IMrhym. both We Guarantee AllevitN, in II (Inv. is the r•erol" ('(tile Ilonlinion F:rprp,m. tt.c mastic of those le•ilm coming over the English and Amrriran 711 cniinprrion with it ron,ignnl• nt of Il'' water Y" shandy -. ••Yes, 1 adore to cure your cough or Cold mhNlN•m. All kinds fat in, I l wtme fowl,, or•Ipe1Y1 Jay rvervthing that halt r ring eonner•ted gloves, both fordrers and K IIi%v firos.,' Edmunlon. They were stit,pr,l in I,iv.•t'IN)1,1 on ri4,p- wi(h It.., •'" '4110 you thinitthat music is of any father weer. overcoats, No "ifs" or "buts" -just blsr•k. Mur and brown, trnll,er dill, ,,rill at:riyr,l hem ,in ort. iao, 6 -cling ,t Ielt.•r pri,tetl Practical Imenefit %" "Weil," replied the cyl'ir• "judging frorn the straight statement-Shiloh's frons $18 to $27. on fife name .lay, which dist not get herr till photoglstp6s of eminent viulinistm, it gullet keep the Cure will nun your cough -":p, • - the ►ollowing j:1. Thr rxpreN. ,grid! Carne ivpr by the Enlprooms of Ireland, I la \fonhrofil. ,leu) fhr letter hair tom felling out,' p v,,,,1. g man of tiostun who had or cold and do it ticker . . O V r Spec l a 1 t y than a n y t h i n it ha the 1,umitanh. 10714.7 to pay hie Iftindry bill you vIN. Nrw 1 ark. Roth rtrxmcn left fhr same day," en- deevurwl to turn him Chiminttan aside over tried, or your druggist - - •, frorn an inquiry Say an attack upnn Ihr t 4lpmtiNl'm will return the purchase Nobby tailor•mnde sukw i . ' Our Apples Best a`" mwnrlpr of spemh, \\ by do you somy 'F9ilay.' John ?„ price. Get a bottle today, Not thy, which ern not he he mskrd. ••Key F'lidwy teeratisr I and cure that cough or cold. duplirrted in any other OttmN•n. boy. 21. -W. A. Mo K7nnnn, the Canadian trade ,igf•nt at ilf4stnl, mean F'Iidny." rrpled .lohn, stiilla'. ":111 mna 1iid,ay aril inenn mryi"' "fore, 111 we have w I'Pp hem Informed the Drg00art.ment of Tend; and (nrmi,pr•e that (lwnndinn we'rk after nPc', like Me]ican main." W folie al this ptirx 1 cure& colds ,' a Shiloh apple. command hisltlpr prime than do lhrrre from the united According to rhe ]ndianap dim Newt-, w e,lPrker in the lover Lrgirlwture sell s and eoug6$1 1 ::a ';•,! :.Nle_ ' ritrtes, In the variety known ,tui Kings the difference Is very market: shops canning from 19Mt.,fir and Mminr efnounand I►I4 ti 21a the other day : '•If 1 were endowed with wane olnnir00rlent power. i would awrrtid the. Inftipmt park pf the A1- leghpnirs, Shiloh's Cure is a safe and sure eosgh and cold medicine for Regae Black •d, Wase frc/m New snd frorn Ihrre worold pluck fork fr on lien bn 211., and thssar from Canada front r trod ft„no the ffir•awry 6hotl.s of Al"ItA % 1 would dip It In the lava e � ft has been eRectkrg carne (Or 34 years. AV drag- FINE. TAILORING IRS IM to RIs. Mr. Mf•Klnn(rri rtllilr titer thin Iwrgely to the rigid )system lespectuo la for,: st Mt, \'Patvins, was wotild write rctn,w the calu of the hwarens in 1)1"og gMRs-see„ Son„ rad $1t,00• AND FURNISHINGS I I aLw.ok" nv THIS mill of lemon t •Labor, I love thew I.I .%He :M '' u f �/} f^^ I , Ai'y' J � t14� w 't 11s .l G '1. ,^`e' V '# 7 y i : I, { r., .�: ' d 1 .{'P awe s • 6. Hair Grower k �� A NEW DISCOVERY FOIL � 1 RESTORING THE gii y Jw GROWTH OF HAIR 03 Warranted to effect good results in all �, cases where the roots are notabsolutely aw *` destroved. }(eenoves dandruff. sLops # 4" the faring of hair end brings a new Ix�. growth on held heads. 14 i a HAS BCbN TC9TED:1 .„tet with PorMlent results. I can show , `1 where It hes restored growth of hair F after ahrlost told baldness. Easily � ' x and tewdily applied. Warranted free from any 'P)d11 l ), harmful in jredienta, ' , (live it a trial 1 You will lie pleased Will he sent by mail on rompt of sal.,'* prier. i � a 50 CCN" A B&MC ' A ,. ,," ' Maaufactuted and sold toy `'. ,t . Jr F. LAWR .,011 . 4111 '� t� GODBRICI11, ONT. Blue i ' ->� 1.x'4- vF x " ,_ 1, flee...,« i"iwt . , I . f''o. +9'r;y!, V a ..d r• , v .., , �f - v -. , ,r 4 a ! , a ) , ;r at- w 1.. ,,.,y cm >, ..,;. � W ,' , ,, t . r t .i iT" r, 1x0 , , 74' ., Ty. I , �4 . §" yc Parlor, BNferd . 'ti"''�..t' $. -¢.�g , .f:ii .. �w {;. .. . .. �- r. , .;; ., fi r,. , <. .?.f. +.s.9'r " ail; +`':. h-',ffi '�'" ,.v,. ,• toja'_. ::p w. »,y..- 414 # f K arra ..r l.. i; . ..e I. 'f. : x r ,.-1 >,.... ` .' ) • , ° .j. .7? A �t ' i i, ,p t.. ,y,: �,.F�., I . . d . t :, at:.ate n . .'y c :. 't) ., . 94., r -..w, r, ,.., ,M?. ,. y @'yry,�y +. ,, py1.f.. ' .,"a %y(I fig. y 1 J',�1� ,.T� y yr •et '1m` .,1.,r ,r. k.. flu _..,....f'3 �'tra .µ.wt .NrrA .. i$Tf.Ati.'.,� Ir_ ...�,.ffi."4. ..... e .,.. ,.. ,. :..{..1 ., ,..:.-, �„ .7•....,:,.4.....-..Y.�„�d'i ! .. :i.>>., k,.,id.,xP:.-...... :".tA.w ,.-tk, t , .. wt�:.:, TJ`e.. 'a...F-�.Y.. �,,.. ,,.1. ..8Gi,-.,ib dot?';. ...1.:#l._ °. _..'R+' .. ,....,k,:i'lwl ,2`.':. `P;^'Fief......"'e«_ .r . _.. ., .i y. _. !�, I 'W_ -A .we." _.. "N' &,_ *, A _:.realw.. N "..I 1f•-�