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The Signal, 1907-11-21, Page 7
THE SIGNAL: G"01:1MICH. ONTARIO TuuaauAY,-NQVMI#Or :1, 1907 .d ;4 Destroys1 McLean The News of the Distl7ict.,ailHairGerms' DUNLOP. night. luhu wi)" the elrcUic c+tri UUNUANNUN. COLBURNE. I Receatdjscoverieshaveshoan I'u►csu.av, NOV. 19th• 'Yua'[ teas t,wyulck [us, hila, / t A. Nh:\Y'lY)N. DP:N'rIS'1'. LL'l'K• SOIruvamty, Nov. H►th, that failing hair is caused by Mr. NIHI Mrs. \\'Aldo of neat' Ifrlfwrl, ('ilk 131'LAaa' l%.a It H1H: n. Thr f•Iee• \�. NUN'. Athuw•ovrrydayazlwpt Thur+ Mnellw, file xu'c told .luhn Durtot germs at the roots Of the half. Ins Iallwav l,yhtw curried by N Iltrge i1'1j"• \owlrwwtYfurratnLothrtl,wlhl 00100• ,,tYivwl hulur frulu tilt \1't+at late[ I Therefore, t0 6fOp faII1pQ halt, , Clothes a'kil ed lit .10111[ Kvt11'r last week. feel. hettrr then ,w. l'ruw n.nd brkfwr work avrek. Master 1'r1r Shirldr, of unit Stir majoril)' Iwlh in Kim [thine Hold 011•. Alualiuuw p tr•41lumbrYwk•ble.. Y N• Htu-on in r rite of the 4111, ewers. The l N. U.- \'uu uYlwayshYtuum�yuurwulh"Its"' 4erviee. sit till- Evangelical church I you must first completely de- IwlYltu', rnjoyywl x most plruoutnt visor I wet [fags held at aloe dilVelent iminlr intiur fdollltie fordula�il u work. la on ewm will le.avithlluuwn turSund»y, 1)rcrur I StfOy these gums. Ayer'S Hair lrre flair wrrk. did a wonderful tut of gfxNl. 1'hs, rurailmr fur tilt '[[teat. Icer Itlt, :1s it will 6, quarG•rIV alerting Hiss, Wilson, of near Winghunl,I1tr,ple gut evelytbinp( expin'md byI xervire to the Mullett Evangelical ViQOr, new improved formula, at plvbiut atteudiu the Model Slhlxd I !�jlYl ll'E. '1'lIE 1.(N'A1. AUENCY K I have p distinctive g tilt uutnulerfa. In KinfYud�nl' Ihr 1� InUuu,ptununforTheSignall.atthePu•,. nppuiutulent. WiII certainly 410 this. Then at l'linton, viritrd hese l4tlulday find l uuljont•y wam Iia and iu IIurY,n Iii. ' umw IYrlk NIH[ Nnlllunory t3tpn+, whop, Next Sundap xnuiverl+u•y ofe•rviceb leave the rest to nature. style and appear- Stfnday. I The work 1,41 the road will Ise cul'- ueJor" wall IN• Kll•1,Ud fur llh"l1'Ip110N-, Yd ) , llOt than a the color of the hair. Ii Thr Mi uul of last week we nfrticwl wwn. Several of the Amhllrhl rtru.f of rad job work, and m-„ipta will br I will le held at % uu. Rev. Hr. Durr t ante, which no- fly K Ifirexl furuuuuut•, paid for ahe wluo. Of f.undeNlwra). will preach fit Bethel notice that Ali"" Skelton, formerly of friends were pre•eent at the {x111 un the 4, 1.. Txu1N•, f•yr.i ht site cialiat, all* in the. tuur•uing, %ion i' the afteruolm Y.rm•. wail •. b con,• thing but the [test the Office mtntl' tai that paper, lots fallen I Ith concemrlou, Huron, Haid toaak grrxt g l Hud Brnwillet +1t 'light. y ale w ,1 141 ro•r x a•iclim tlaln,irlxdv axxlhlri I~fr wW 1 weft AL ilh Dit alton, enhnlxl,md oaents r\1'eduewhw, Nnveulloei(IY7th. latiif CHIIIINTMAK 1?N• MN'r.u�y115NT' Al era A't ° toll brut 11. tailors Can prod- '411 the) g there is fin)°tiling wh,ttwer wrong l,brinttuanenterrtinulent''�ill le held ta.uao..h...r• erery wlcters i' lift'" journey, \\'hen Alexander Young. The Anderley. ish your ryeritrht. du nut neglect at Bethel church Cohwrue, in the in - is, uCe 7t a much alar war un the stall of '1'Ile signal it Iwyr land a grand celebration in honor this o rrtunit nC cuu►ultiu w re• [farm[ of the Sunday xrhtx,l, uu Hun- Recent discoveries have also proved that was always A plentAnre for your w rile, of the rlw tris rliilw xy. We haps to "ll ) K da evening, December Lird. l hr dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp. when in town. Gr have t chat with have letter upportunilies when this liable r{ecialirt. Y tier over hall correspwndence. which road i" built than we have hold to the \\'RUNtcNu.av, Not•. •�)th, decorations will IN rap G) tiller of (far- Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing rater Occuaa ions nd it good time is ex- to do is to completely destroy these dan- nttrn cause ! into trip to Tnr,ntn bilei for approval ['fast. Percy •Sandrrxrt''rrk. uu uuulu a buriners pected. llon't mism cining. drug germs. Here, the same Aver's H air lefore going into print. -- '- - Vigor will give lite sane solr:xlid results. A Hill ImmurvRitiver.-Il week LOTHIAN. E. Firhrr and wile, of ('arlow, --ttawsnsLista J.aAiring w.,tamau,lsra.-- H. Brow 11. of Port Allert, the well- TuLat).av, N„t'. Hhb, spent SundAy with friendn here. AUBURN. known cement builder. was (n aur Gem go IN home again after spending Thus. Smiley left un Friday Istat for S. l.. Taube, eyesight slweiAll"t, of _ mt1st with lir gasoline engine And the fall in apple packing. Putt Arthuwhere here he will "{end the 7olYmto, will Ise at 1). E. Afu'ru's 1 talent utixer c•uutlrleting n large dolor Thounts Fund it staying with his winter in the lunller woods. ,tore, on Alonday aftereason. Novel, DON'T WAIT n der 1). Lawson,a IArgr luirn. New daughter•, Alrm. M. Hogan. Howard Care, John Roberts find ler'l,3th. it there is nnythiug what• Get at least an even start with your old pm, r have been put in for the stalls Aliow AI. Durnin spent Sunday with Miss Birdie Du-nin, alt 'tilt- (l. C. 1., I ever wrong with your everight, 410 not friend Rheumatism this year. You eau nud two gutters have Ileen con- spent Sunday fit their houses here, ole Irct Chir o ntwdty of co'lrultiug head him off d you start right now to take strut •d with drains sander [heal. Miss 1. McLean, AndlrrlP)•, g PPI. Mr. find Mrs. R. Mc Keith are ci.it• David Glenn returned home Ixrt a tvdlablc tl{NN•iahet. ! The 1 Inert ,w it f n41w Hotel all' week after spending a couple of Tuvai iv. No v. 19th. will uIA r very comfortable M Hi -m ii tag their sun" hereHenderson for a week. nionthm packing a , Its in the vicinity L,r At r. «►wwrn'x rtlx•k. AI r. Hrna'f+ T. A. HendelYNm hits rrtnl•nwl home W g I P Y Thr fax weir conn huntrla, ut•r jubi• W" moria[ f by Harry Lea dden nud from Bear Lake, Parry Sound. of Kincardine. rant urrr their aucrems. W. lirovin• Alias, Al. A. Maclut •re and 11. :tic. Rew. ('. I2. llurrant, of 13rnwillrr• Mr. Johns hoax srrucrd•the principes- ' occupied the pulpit in the Alethod "t strip of our village school. - Lean called un frieuds here lust week. church on Sunday Inst. In the even- EEUURN. We are pleased to met- JAntun (ail- iug he s(roke un the work in New- The find has ml stall running full more home again, after spending tilt- fuundland „old his discourse wab well [fate and t p n g41 t. supply of apples l It beals.and strengthens the Kidnevs so ukauAv, Nov. 19th. un hand at )resent. ` JIisN Taylor till Mihs Linklwter \V C 1 I ,ki td 1 ! re•utiutf { t6 b 11 l f tit t 'ti'c's were at the teem meeting of the W. F. M. S, of Humn 'tebbytery held fn R iplw , on T --bo. Of INxt week, nor the drlrgtlrA fru. til &ko iety herr. {';v.l41y K.D HI"TRIP THRIPOANT. \Yr had the pleasure a •w days ago of receiving n letter tr•nna H. (i. Hor- tun, one of flat- 41141 Is/y" 1 Lephurn, which speaks of hi" recent ' 1 ora the No rthwebt and Vanc otiver. r. Hot- ton "peak• of uaeeting t'o John I lillil•r''a daughter". Louisa [tiff Mtn - lair, N ho are settled there with heir hnstatnds, and are naw joined by sir IkArrutr• who are on t trip to Vane if -- Ver. Mr. Ilnrton alwa Jlentinns tlarti Dan. McGillicuddy. the former editu elf The Signal. rat ('algae}, with whati he wits acquainted whenout !ht- (1, l', 1. Weare war•'• Ms. 11 rtnn did ural Meet James Tuloin, it printer on fits - .,fail of Another paper in that city. Oil their way huule Mr. and Mr•m. Hrrlon vi.,itrd relatives lit Sault Ste. \littir. In hia early day" Harry taught w had at Parauu,unt. near Lncknuw, for three years, ;laid tilt - present {laatnr of Nile was one of hi" pupils, living pmpxttrd for the high .rha•1 entrance by him. Since Barry gave tip xww)•ing tilt real IIs, studied the drug hitainrsr and for ninny years haw conducted a suceensful huminesA in the (Queen City. Al r. Horton ex- prembeA regret fit not leing able to le present at the reunion of Dr. Strang s old Iwys in August of this year. PORT ALBERT. with his outing. He was e11tY;rsehA in c:ipUu•inq tin• numlN•r n dw•r ail• IowaYl by Ina'. Chmrlie wakes this an AnnoAl outing and is therefore well versed in ecrrthitig that {ertxi not fn • a ell- weeks of +tlttuuu weather from Aluskok:a after a two weekli ye•t deer hent. lie relates a uum►er of lin to Stothelal, of Mafeking, will startling encounte•r•x in connection MuNDAY. NOV. 18th, 17''....1 ..,1..�..... �..,.. Thr Nlissem Rutherford, of Belfast. 'err' In anter 41f merit, :t folluwx: .,tent Sunday in this vicinitc. Stuart Finlay, Eulrtaton A. as,•. C. Stotherx, ('. Melhil":7, H'. J nrton. lohn Bennett, jr.. wild w vfLhrable J. Fmrri.h, A John+itnn, Ernrht Take, , alt recently fort growl auto of money. D. Hc[e•nn. Alf. Kitchit-, \\'. tin- tluite a nalnlwr enjoyed a pleAsant 'ton. The next practice of the wr- ce•ning at lilt 6oule: of Jack Green cirtion will le held un MNUudxy, .'o- I:INt FrNlny, arn11N•r'Lild. All are welcome, a - Alts" Kerr. 41f G,xler;v1s. wax the `111 thaw what 'lave not ruulplel cur"[ of her ttiend, Miami Malmil (Quaid, their bhootiug for the annual repent. fast Mundma'. - --.-- --- Mimx Elizabeth Richardson has left theme part. for rexam. where she in- tend. spendinK the winter. George Fielder has lost three sheep through their being worried by dogm. \\'r think it time that the ownerm of dog+ waw After them and kept them chained ail night, KINGS• RIDGE. \V x"% ).a v, Nuv. Will. Mrs. Martin ib Ilfering front a %evert illorm. 'We hope she ma)• .non recover. The fine weather in giving the farw- c,.m an excellent chance to get the fall work dune. On Friday Irrt Alt -P.. Kw r Ircrivwl the marl neam that her dao htrr, Miss M ,l wall me 'ounl III wt Mt tome h'N 1 ra. A 11 y P hospiital, IMnVrI'. Rev. Father McCormick is wssixting Fattier lAtirendeau, of St. Auglatine, avith the forty hoori devotio thin vio-ek. 4 numlwr from Kingsbridge attended th,• services at St. Anginal, e un Sunda)' evening. AMBERLEY. rutuuur w ratrtn atm( n, IN ng retey oy a arvn tong 6 at t ey wt ,e prow ap;. is , hale Hud F.exrty, Thr, crop of apples is nwtrh• dirportYl \Vut.«Kluxrt IPC[ un Monday with it of. A few carllulda are still to Ia• when sudden changes uE arather conte. " -' ---- gang Of IIIPn�fl,r 'r. U. Allen'" hush in tlhlppexl fI',1111 tltr .,Ixtlnll here. tiOc. a box at Drua 6tolros or by Mail. 90 LANES. 1 elrrlwtYi county. They will ole en- � 1ke CWLJIt ea>Etac►t ce.t-attew. wlttasea, saL (,aged' during the winter w taking nut I;rv. Air. Mcl helYxnt, of Stratford, Mu\JrA Y, NOV. IKth• huutwr from for bosh Which Nr, avid ufllciate in tilt Presbyterian-__- \Vrrlt-r' Hud J,unrx Sherwood have Allen pulY:hase•11 Inst r,pring. A awn.- church the next tw•n Sxblxtthxi rrUu•uwI hams ugaiu after their raw- her of men from hers- will follow inn S. hchlin has bidden goodbye to the the srrcires till through aces• it. source met- of work. of great profit to all who tttrnded• few day., village. He intends ha reside in Gexle- \1'. 1'. Ite•rd left un Saturday Inst rich, where he went W.I. Tuesday. & ueaar. l'IaNI'kHT. -- The dialogue far Mnnitoloa with a rnrh)lul of apple" ducting M. lieuinger, who ham lwlga run- ) ducting the butter factor'rented herr for Tbc nu•t-ting in the I'reabytet•i,rn entitled ••Tht-[lewt Child,- whish is to \\'t• N'Imll 111111 it .11f1• N1111 x110/.YYwfll it 1.1111 Il, 11f AYawlntl, hlLA IY•n owl t11H r1111I'Cdl !amt I''1'IdN\' was .1 Hnxnci,al le gla•PII it the S. S. Vin. / r,mrrt'l, tri ,. P has aur l'unfulixu Northwest (,,,III - if general at41rt- rat St. Augustine. He eucct•elr. 1'hr proceeds uuluunteNl to pletely IN•:alrn fat• the number of A nunller of yunng peuplP of I«tors hAs purchxserl tilt 'fleck from Mr. nearly $;alto natiouulitica Irprrw•ntt-d in it. It mjoyel a a•ery lrlwta+ult evening alt McGuire and will t'oltt11111e the h11N1- 1{.dK•rL Roberton is ntoving into talon nut t41 IN+fin internxtiunnfl affair • the tutor of �\\ illiwno Baldwin on nese [herr. His brrths-r, Hnrncy, in• the haunt which he purchxwd froln lefnrethe '•li y will his fare kiverefl \\ 'win u)• Inst. tends taking a course at the U. A. l'.. 11 r. Echlin and 9'hlw. Uu h• Gtkrm Tilt- wain sleigh IN•Ils pots one in (iurlph, duri ► the winter. Y with trecklrs, reef Lo>f•n, blas- cycna will during possession of Mr. Kutertou'o old the buttons guar" ix found. In ".lake wind of winlr gain. Winter h,ix Huyty: v'Hon TttB Hl•.rrrnu (:uouNDn. home. I Ha)•terd in the City," Jake shows the. 'yen us her Hra,t +ullutr but We hope. .-('hNs. Elliott retnrntd h►st week - -_-- ! city el falls that he is not its green Its to the hunt, BELFAST. J1muAi'. Nov. 18th. Ilughir Alr('rNltie tet.•tied to Hen- -Will on Monday. M(A+ Chriatinm Knthrrford is a•inil- Ing friends at Port Aller[. Miss Annie MherN•rNxl, of Luck now, spent it frac dace with her {[areata here. 1\'tai. Krlbins/m, of (i,xierich, a•ibitwl his sister, Mex. A. McAllister. lata[ n•f•rk. Mrs. Jar. Hackett wad DLw, W. .I. L:utt- ciaitwl friends in Gexlerich 1+,• rently,Roger 11'ut•rley, who has been With' JAA. AIGrn f41rthe paxlrt year, left foo• f'etrrtwri on Munduc. Ah•. and Mrs. Jas. ('IN,k and JGultrr I ark nit trndrd the Nnnunl fowl .uppn•r 'ern by Mr. and Mrs. It. HHmiltwt, of etthixn. J k Afc(lromtir has reUuned home until \ew t'ear's, when he will leave cur UA hwcxxl to take the Position s thatch on Sunday night. CREWE. K t ►irrN., MuNn.ta•, NOV. IKth. Jar. and Mrs. K. Curran left here Mir Hamilton [allay. 11(rA. Jets. A1rDernnld it iudiA{aune(1 at \Vh%hmrn. We hops- to hear rat ht -r restoration to health sam. Alias lA)ttlP Pierce in horns after A ndiri Inst N'Pek with her sister, Airs. J. . McKuq, of U(xlerirh. JII•.. A atthrty Shackleton, as,., ix 'irk Ht p Bent. We wish the old h►dv a spa . • recm•rry to heath. The carat r iA all that could Isedesirwl wt prP eat ; it ought to r•nalde ronu• of tilt- apple [atrkPre to Iw Hmund short!)'. nue alt uA prP 'Wait• in((�� nor f ern to rt nor xppleA pat rap. \\•here is Frank ow :• When a'P hrnr Ix• CullerCN new nlin gaar engin. w king and re•e the arae telephone poles Hart wires mt aur dcxtrA it nuikeA rax fPPI nA though we were in town. We will be there prer• cgtly when we get the Mmnaa, Nov. lKth. J,unr" !lhit-lls Made it husint•ms trip to KipIP)• Inmt Mntntalx}-. JIisA Ada. Potter renewed old Ac- yuxintwnceA in the village Ixxt Sunday. 11irA Durnin, of L rthimn, waA vlrftiog friends in the vicinity last avtrk. N'ul. I'nttPr as n� one of the scrntin PPI" at the election and filled hiA pnsi- twm pretty well. Jig likes !Aur wtic Ii I1fnl't 111tH[/• PnouKll to have one of hie r -little bleed tri heath Iart week. llr.:rnd Mrs. Jas. Steele spent Kurt - flossy with friends (Ili the 'and rnncPZ- afon, Huron. Jn•t week. (.(4,. J,uvlinr has ercurwl it .,,•aPn• I1eNaN•-1N,WPP knaolinP engine and is fhuAy culling straw for the fntlner (lrrrttyy Alcl Pu+ has Add his roan driaPrf to hia throat her ural has hnugbt . 'tlwtbw nice driver front K. D. Mc• (i ••PRrA•. A nitiv 1[eponuld is a Iwsy fallow this fait )1s, bu Faern ploughing up in Ila ease rr/d now In cwpin)•rd by that of princip of the w huol there. MAFEKIN(i. 11omu.av, Nov. 19th. J. C. Stuthrre tll(rk a trip to l:(rde- 1 ich nn Friday evening. Stephen Stotherm vililerl relatives near I.rx•hnlxh on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Mawvrr i+ holding revival n1eY•lingx in 131AIts- chtlarh. Mi"mPA Lrithw and Ahtlel Alton vis- ited trlxtive•a herr Inst wrrk. Gillett Barkwrll spent x few dNyye at the home of his Hunt, AIr•A. \V. Stgt herr. 12ni1r n fi'mlwr of the IIN•HI n{x,rtA uttrndwl the annual .hoot at !.Anes on Friday and Mnlnrhly. • Aft. told Alral..lt". 1\'efwter+tud Alis. Ia:ter0f . 11 ow act Millie \ \'r Itkn le .1 � giremtA o 1 f .IrA. 7'. Blxkr on Su n1 la)'. N. Saunders has been very wick dar- ing the puts[ week. His canny friends I, hupx fcr his q)erdy recovery to him. normal health. Rev. Mr. Kict-rs funk charge of lilt- work on Amhflcld circuit on Sun41xy trod preached very accepptAbl)• to N large congregation in lihakc' AUGUSTINE. Tt•1•:su.ay, Nov. 11101. David Mc:lliatl•r land a pleasant visit in \\'i'gh it / if Friday. Iw•u \\',uidPll, of I«tngxidP, .,prof Sunday at Win. inahan's. Mrs. .l41hn Mass and JItAm Etnm:► spent Friday with Al . E. Mi•Guire. The• work alt INTI iug the new rhulrh shwas in pro ailing axing rapidly and will IN• co.plt-twl sit •tl)•, \I a are sorra• U, hear w h t Annie IMnua•iul in .,uttering fmm n meverc Attltrk of xp{Nmdlruls find we haps to hear of her is moon. The forty hours' devotion stn wl in Nr. Augustine church un Sunday est.. Father Mcl'ormirk, of Jiingshri r, Father Hanlon, of (Tinton. Fit g, r F:mt-r)•, 41f Kinkorw, and tenth, I hantu•r, of Henson, AAmistrd Father «uuandewn in tilt services, which were largely nitendwl. An old and rwlp)e•cled pioneer of 1\'set Wwwmnorh, in the (son of Afro. James Flynn, Flynn, relict ofer•the late .Inmem Flynn, departed this life on Monday, November Filth, Al the ripe old age of tnurAcorr and two a•s-wrm. UrceatxYl axA born in l'ounty Derry, 1rPbtnd, and was on a- of the s-nt•ly Ae•ttlers of Went N'awanoeh, having w+ttlwd hP1Y• xtwttt fifty-two yyeclat ago. She eras n wonlnn of mtcrling char- acter and genial spirit and was highly respected and Psteen.tNt by all who kneav her. She IewaY•11 err tnonrn her Ica+A three arms and two daughters, who lance the Aympat.hy of the Min' infinity in !heir and lx•rn,►cement. The, rrnaninA were iub•r•n•d in St. AugumtinP r•rnrrtPtr on \1'w1nPAdna•. NnvrutlN•r lath, leing followed err tilt remetel )' by w bu•gr numler of sor- rowing friend" and ACY{uainWnceA, The pallhParrrat were Win. McAllister, John hwldy, Koht. McAllister, Mich- f►el !.eddy, John Craig and There. Cummins. BENMILLER. - NILE, Tur_t r y, Nov. 19th. r IraEpworth Left ole mervice will he The fN "°us," Are ynits- ►may plu'IRII• Tl?RItD.\Y. N 19th. held AA uauAl next Thursday Peening iug again. ' The fell of snow sblffr[aef Aire Spray HAfItP, of the U. C. I„ at 8 o'clock. There will lie w literary [.heal n lit, :t hit tint they ere making r[N•nt Sunday at home. program. glNal prngr, � MKAin. Henry Harney held A very cceaA- Dame Runxrr 6,w it that. there in to Kn11Prt Mhi 'H"' wow [eking the place fill auclhmwidess thiA ITYPM1Hy1 tier- tip n 'Wedding near Ffs-nmillPr in the of Allen Full t. "+v few days IAA[ 'Wreck noon and will uun•e to Olxlerlch in A near, near future. \Vs, would Itke to \Vyley k Fled have few llw s milk, lotthiAtrue :� rat the thrs-mhin) •' )' ' x Int of threrhio, � And straw -rutting Tile .pPrial w•rvirPA are lacing well Rev. W. A. ASmith, of Dnngnnnnn, to 4141 yet. '[[Pallet and will emttlnne thiA wrrk. erearhrd very accf•�)tnhly at. Firnlnil- .IAme• Johnston, �r*r1. hall been out Srn•irelt every evening at I( ti clock. Pr church on Surn Ay tnorning• tt)�- 'w' ,UIP past four p!verylaaly welcome. ing for hist text, RL John 17:11). in the Nnrthwrmt steles- IARC wreck. muntha, returnedh /(ft -the country Mrs. It. Ulrvin, who ham IRPO A(Ay- MI'. and Mrs. .1. T. NPWPII Allll fain - He is much taken up w iug wt Nile fin• the past two or fly, of G,"lrrirh, A{wnt. Sunday at mit there. three weeks, returned IAA[ avtwa W PIeNArtnt \'frac rnmidPnrP, the home of aprwi by not her home At Lucknuw. Mr. And Mrs. W. M. Mohrin Rolrart. MtPPIP IA banc' f Gr A few g. having the air of him deft, MI'A. Smith, sr., who lana IMPn Ureaf imrpnratinnA Arn being made days. The Animal ham N IN slily( flNrt, .,{ending the Autnonrr at her old honor for tilt (' IrirUnan erre enlrrtainnll•nt : arlfi 11N VP Not it 'vola'[ Ile long fill he here, IPAVPA [lata week err spend the the children NA well AA grnwn pwoplP him on the natrl Agmin. winter with her dmughter in the war huAy(` practising. It Aermv tri takeOns, old and faititfnl mirage driver Quern City up all LIIP spnt•e!Ill they havrl. Mr. \\'[Econ renewed old nc1 at�tin'-r--.-r-. tantTtf hbt 'I'nesltwy. Mr. Hart ~k'h 4nnIP men am Ixrrn great. tint nA x JeAlnnmy is n vine which prl"IucP� tn,lk Mr. \\',atwrn'n Irip for ons-, A i" tele they INaM1 begin to Phi talk. stale gtat{x•s. holm KfIN•xtdinP t• \CHlkcrton. It Just. x nice day's work. whrrrax Ila is � A newly marrricd nlxn protertm him '17I04 world ham no have For the lave[ remote is ane day and half the•• pits- by {nitting ills nrmnr t•dund her, 1►hu lover only himself. a11a�. GODERICM TOWNSHIP. y JIIaNUAY, Nov. 18th. MissJohns has hw•D e"ngageYl by the truslrvb of M. S. Nu. 0 for Itr.st HI it salary of $I:alt. ANSIyRIrH\ItY Mlsnvu'r.N, - Anni• cPltilary services will bw livid in Bethel church next Sunday. Noa•rmlet•'Llth. Mt-n'irea will be at 111::1111 it. In. and 7 rialt. and Sunday school at '_)::pl p. an. ev. F. J. Oaten, of Uilvrrtun, It forulrr esteemed pwetq, ''ill be the preacher. On Monday pigbt Kra•. Mr. Oaten will give 80.30x'turr on "Pinnt-rr Dxyx in the NorthN•t-"t." There will be n speciala/llrctiun alt NII the services. \\'r.uDlw: -,1, petty wedding [task place NL the home off'. Perdue. Huron t•u:ul, nn N'rdnrtwlay, 1:31.11 fast., ''When hi" second d:ulgbtt-r, Minnie Pearl, scam m:u•riwl to .lobo A. W. D(x1A• taurth in the presents, of it number of tiuo•At". The bride luukwd charming In it bhlr silk dress; bridesmaid +end gnwmunan wt-redirpenwd with. The crlrtuon)• w1iA performed by Ilea•. Mr. Wright, ufjl li(xlPrich. Auwng the frt-Arntm rete[ vf•d by the bride N•mA x wautiftd [suck from the .IAckArm Mfg. C/r., whets alae a•NA enrployrcd, and It chair front the members of [111• Baptist church, of which rhe has leen tit(- efficient heefltrient urgnnist far the punt Ha•e yr,,uYt. A g.rld bt•lxxh, Art with {earl+, wax tlte'grlNnll'M purAent t41 the bride. After partaking of it most suwpUurus dinner, Ali-. and Mr.,. Dlxiswot•th left for their new bows in Sexforth, accompanied by the congratulations and good wishrrottheir many friends. EAST WAWANOSH. DtuvD.ay. Nov. 18th. P:/l. Kplrinaon, of \\-inghnm High Schad, was house over Saturday and Sunday. Nis" Hamilton, of Affluent is cieit• iug her brutht-r, Ila. Hamilton, of Firlgrnvt-, this 'trek. (feet F:glraone, who luax been hook - keeping [air it firm lit 1'etrnitN, is visiting at his hrnuc near \Vhitr• church fora week. John l'oullxs, of the Aixth line, had it very Al1CCPNA(111 AAIB of cattle nhd horAeAl:ast Thutsehae. The prices re- ceived ern• ptr•ttp fair rowsideririg the Acwrcity o[ [stir +tn,l the rmAe- (ueol difficulty of wintering stock. Chess. A[cl'rra, of }ielgrwce. hAm thin e r grown in his garden several larva A u[ Holt- rablNtge. some Of them tippi the ACeseA Ht hf the. Mr. AIc• ('sew I. It gardener of aide experience and till has been it most successful sr:ulon h) him. }{NdIPF•N Nn SExvartis. --The. re. opening me' a'\*nted, he Brick Alethn- dlmLchutrh ) v sett most Ano- rrAsful. Thr , which hxA been artistically d, wne taxed to its utmost catat seat the large congregwtiun evening.ery ,lilts Aennons iaered by Kev. T. E. Swwye r ow, and weremachwpprncThr rick chulrh rhnirintheg nnthe+Vent- fls-hl chtrir evrm ,tlAinlellvery wild)in vire of ung and be* hN,ks. He sure to come and sec the fpm. tlAYF1ELu. \\'I;UNRND.aY, Nov. ;dl)th. Uhrimtuphrr Cooper. of t3exfoMh, is vibitiug friend, in town. • John Tort -once, license inspector. was Ito G)N'ai [late N'Peit. All Clara Parker spent Sunday with friends in Ulxlcrirh. ` Miss F'hle.ie Pollock in visiting friends in I)ry,dnle and Blake. I1\ -wading" are the order of the day. Another next went, and more to flat - low. AL•. and MIa1. Little celebrated the annict-rxYr•y alt their wedding on Fri- day last. INat. R'm. Hnnvnlre lett on Tuewlxy for 1'ou,ntx), where he has proceed it ei tuwt fun. Vett. Higgins,, 41f Brucrfleld, wits ill town this work laking utter the insur• xncr business. Mise E. FAlcons-r and W. McLean. 41[ GlHlerirh, tested on the tut•mrr'N patents hire 41n Sandxy, R. JlcJfun•n)• and \\'m. Niton have jest Huimhwl x very bury xrltslm pack- ing appltw. They packed Iseverml thouxnnd barrels. Kolwrt Hountt hxx moved him furni• torr from London, where he lass leen living for the prat, couple of years. Its, perfecta }]xyHrl(l. There will le it meeting of the 13ny- Itrld breach of the Bible Slx:irty in Mt. Andrew's church on \1'wlnevNlAy evening. Rev. n•lu, liindt• will give Nn wddt•esb--- KIPPEN. ,,... ' '1'uttrlD.av, Nov. 19th. John Jones x{pwerat it few dxyA haat week with his elnilghtet•, Nes. Jedtnf:, in }slitiaville. ( ns- of l alt tut 1 IuutGr .11. ('uAtiin Inst with 1I 111tH R loss qs haat week Wiwi; his driver, lemming unmwnwggenbh•, ran into n wire tense land broke her neck. Arra. Thomas (iemmPll, who with IIPr• M,II Will was on ft visit to her sone in the Noose .iAw dimtrirt, hAA rr- turned }mate•. She rnprortA w puud crop but partly injured by f1YNtt. 'William ('lark and Arthur end Bruce Logan have returned from the \\'t -at, where the Ilrat own went upon the harvest excursion wad where the latter heal leen Cm• til•• Ifixt own and m half vwrrA. They were all delighted with i,heir• exprrienre. [herr. Cttrnru ANNIyRIt».a)tv. Of, Son - day, the 17th fast„ xnnicerxxr • At-r- vicrs were held in the Ale•t�txiist church, the Rev. W. H. Katt. of Crn• trxlix, being the officiating rniniatPr. His Arrunna were golrxl and delighted everyoar. The music a•nA furnimhefl b)• the choir and was felly up to It high degree of excellenr•e. The ollirr- i'nge were in the neigh►x)rholyd of >Ril1, Une kind of preen entice is the nt- tention 'girl given to n hug. 0000000000 Raapid changes of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform --the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind -know the difficulty of avoiding cold. Scott's Ernulslon strengthens the body so that it can better withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature. It will help you to avoid taking cold. ALL DRUGGISTS: Rnr, AND S1.00. greaterpnce. Call I, and get prices of the bzst line of f overcoats ever shown in the county. McLean gyros. I Dass it Pay a I to buy a Stove or 1tanRe becamiu the iil•ac cost IS Cheap ? Will It be Profitable Irl till' lUllo 1-11 11 t(r illll' a ('lll'Al)('I' lPAN DO AL0? ,allnl; tit ill tilt: The tirepot linin;;s as,© made of the best cast iron and \vcuJ• for years. Take time to examine our Ranges and Beaters ; we eau tell you something you ought to know. International Stock Food Paroid Roofing E. P. Paulin 'PHONES: Store. 57 Residence. 177 The 100 Year Old Cough Cure if till' [ileo'[ 1A '•raw, •-rllfSt aOR-bad cough -r.n•I a•ou oche "all over" -folk• Boles Preparation of ' � �' • `:�''� Mar Cough Balsam airrt llunx yon evn I: •ace, the throat -tin!, the tuna+ -break+ up • mid - and Nlea a CONaIr til OO [late. ` Tret)a red by lit• lartf•at wholesale drug lana at- in the wort 1 from the forrasla in nee for over a eeuh,ry. Itis l,ottlr, roc. At druxZi.te. as NATIONAL DRUG • C4110ICAL CO., Llr,rts - - LONDON, Oar fi1DraQa� vel �n That's the way kidney trouble 6666 tasks., you feel -and that's why Always tired -"nerves jumping" you should take • ---can't sleep -hate no appetite GIN PILLS -dull headaches -biting pain in the back -bearing down pains- Tiley taste sick ltidaeys -it. Tiley de it puffiness under the eyes-SR'OI1Cn every time. That it why we alR such • hands and feet ? ,,1lanwtee with tory bo:. if. atter [skis[ Gin Pills, You ain't my that you are any Or perhaps your sick kidneys tetter. return the vol: and your ae•ler win show In another f01•III and }•pit rtfunA the money. Try them on this allnnnteenfanlreormoney hack, Soe.at+oa are suffering with Rheumatism, -e for i,. ••. AI dtalen or rrom tea Sciatica, Lttdnbagdor Neuralgia? .oL[ oauc co„ wtnnlPti., atAra. Better nn aunts of•elcwtupls- than x' What Is home without x Rood cook P putted of rulvicr' When it nxan talks of himlrel[ he Is Giving him credit ham started many initially ! neurally more elaplent than interest, at nan nn the rnx(i to the nlm.hnuAP. iug, ' STOVES have got© up in price. We had a large slllpnlelit 111 before the allVAnCP. You get geL the benefit if you buy before these file gone. + Get the most popular Stove Or RaI1Kl•. (.)Ile that will IAB[. THE JL w El_ , .III'Rltn\1, TITh:N'AItT GEO. ]B ECKETT, Hamilton street Agent.