HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-21, Page 61
6 TaekausY, Notember 11, 190; THE SIGNAL:, GO]PERICfir ONTARIO
--- - - _ _ ---- ---- - - - ----- - _--> >-_ -se-
ns soul as new, If uouo of the stripe '
Not Altogether Sad. I of caue are broken, by well w'ashlag - -- --�-�- `.
A policeman saw u wan amici: rnlh i Ihem lir but water and then placing I
4.r stlaplcluusl) near q jewelry stare Woman'sWorld thew iu ncurrent of air lir dry.'J'hla•dere evening; res, gulag o+th to illi, he collars the caue to till be ult, and, Interesting Pricesdrmalxlet to kuuw who the m:ut tas nthru dry•, the war will bx quite tint.
and ictal he w'uof a as when
re tltrat woven Cut t lik d I AlmR�� ��
"Ibl thinking of oprculug a jewelry � ^ � 11rw• bread elrtut au loch thick• sail
elute III this net hood," replied the I MS. THEO RUGGLES KITSON.
ghbor place in rife flu w'Ith the cake. 1'hls I?
inaa, "and 1'w wa4ldug to sea if there (/we of til. Greatest Women Sculptors I 11111 bell) to keep the tyke fresh for Every
bO!s much trade." Whereupon the pot- In the World. 8111114. duce. The bread roust be re. � �
rman went on his way, satialled. hewed when study. An apple placed In
In the t'urls salon u[ 1`4:10 a pleasing
Next morning word was received at the take tin will answer the save parr- HOLDS FI ALL NIGHT
♦be station house that the jewelry sture study fa bruuxit was exhibited under
the title "Young Orpheus." It reprep 1 w're � tfn• Itrrnd and should also It4. r l Mantle Price
'had been round and rubbevl dcorlu;; I n•urwtrt flora time to tinct.
the night. The puuceulfo who had•ac• Related a boy playing the flute and a _ The good housewife always feels like bestowing upon the
at 1-twittrfn r IW rerabbit with onta erect crouching ut bls f 11. J " p
coated the my g4. &i
flectively, "He may be 1L Oaf*, but lie's
feeet, trauaftzed by the wagle straluot.
no ILr!"-LlpppucotfM _
The creation was gl:eu honorable
iri r.k.ete,t.e nays Ia H■saarw.
mention, a rare distinction to be coll-
lu Hungary 'rhAuksgiviug dam of
ferrel on the work of an artlst of wv-
sunlethlug aoaiwou11 to Olew ureal to
be tvarmun, but lisle now wn.acd
rhen of, lath sides of the water It
away except esu rare tocesaluns o: uu-
l begun to be asked:
clonal rejoicing. '11;:= a horer race of
..Who Is this artLit, Theo, Alien Rug-
a particularly exciting d�acrlptlun
I ales, and where did %flat tome from °"
tikes the place that foutwl occupies
1 She was baro cot Uruokllm•, Itustouu's
7n for Anlrrl(•tiu otllaen•unre of the real
Is linable suburb.
thing In the way of Thanksgiving col-
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat F1ltures
When It rollicking little girl of fuur-
I of hot treater. .Iktll one minute, Sweet-
toosen, Iiia}Ing if, the snow ince winter's
era to taste and drink as hot as Immt-
Mr. W. H. Lesson, of Wychwood,
Out.. says: •• For zo years I suffered
from Eczema My body and legs
were covered with spots which itched
and 'irritated terrib:y. My legs
down to the knee were like one
nand., of wurwe. 'rhea dlrehargcd
ere eery unple•a•mut apart from for µstn
I Lad treed all Lind. of ratio aaltr.,
nlmenu :usit rrubns•sliontn said c,uur lir
I'Ne rou,•Inw,on that nothing would cure
im•. A . mplr of %.1M Ill'K wsa giver, to
ttac Otte day, snot 1 applied it tun +uur
Petah of the ecawa 1'hi• did ms sauce
ga.l a" I obWn,tl n hall .uppl) of the
I&al'o rhe flrwt box %a+& reveiatiuu to our
a. :o %A\l-Itl'W* lower. It took away
the ..wartier and redut-ell the irriiatiou
sial Itch ',a It took' w•vrr4i !sale- of %AM
Itl'K to work a car.•. mail 1 am Klan to .xi_
I list in a few wl•nL+It. aeric mrcoundr10f1.
pfitinn, Z.tM'Nt K 1s wUltT'H
tett �FaG13T IN
All Skiff Diseases yield to Zam-Buk
Itral. Cuts; Harna and Ilruidem rapidly nail
I + •• Nature a Vir.t A A '
.ciao cure. Piles. 111 rU III[[ �O%
ragl inns and Se Id, i, Is
mprnina. rl.•. diesylrea. +1.l Lail ronlnu
%.t]LRCK:�t hmc1, of it with b•. slistup,
i. '•1rrlf nddtrd in." few m to %Aa. col A
hots at all druggi.t. aad C"., Toronh..
.torrR. 11 % t
to I I J ---u - -- e
x14S. Ta Cel aeGeiLES ana0%.
day In the trout yard of her father's
G�0 5 or 560 I place, a sudden k1spinttion came to
7". 5,000,000 I Leaving her
her playmates, who were
fashlunin a rude snow man, she be-
�5 -;hey are all gan to model n horse out of the rattiest
i - t Y j a Qui " .
alike. I ljUlCll� If look shape, the 6184. Aral
Each biscuit farm of a Shetland pony.
as light is if 1 The next wonfhl„ when Edward -C.
I �} made by fairy ['abut, a Beaton architect, passed the
1 hands. Itu_•liles house he was atruck- by the
Baked to a naturalness of file little snow pony.
golden russet lie told Air. !toggles that It child who
brown. could du that had genius that ought to
be coltivated.
1 So fresh, AtlIa, result little Theo Alice began
and crisp, and to take lessons in modeling from the
tempting, that Bustin Sculptor, henry 11. Kitsom She
_just opening the I was tas yuan,; to Ix: admitted to the
box is teasing Art Museum school.
the appetite. That was file lirginalug of her artis-
tic career and also of a very charming
And you little romance.
a new
The next year teacher and pupil
delight in every vt'etit to Paris.
one you cal. llesry Nilsen was eteu then a sculpt•
Yon get perfection for of note. The queen of Haul tauia
;then you get had honored him with n commisslun
to make a marble bust of her,
y, Icor thn.'e years Alice Ruggles re-
1 Doone S mained in the 1 Tench capital studying
uotler various tna"terw-Uagnan-Him-
Perteetion I veret, Catuis and others -ant! winning
high honors.
Cream all the wbdc she vvas under the
tutelage of ]fenny Hitaon, who encour•
sw(��9 Rgel and guided her budding genius.
as friends and companions they mere,
then. drawn together by mutual ampl-
ret Ions and idetVA.
After their return to Boston, a year
or two later, this pretty roinanee cul-
i�. i -'MI
I min.^.ted In their marriage In ISW'.. She
II �ll A,'MIII II Is now one of the most famou3 women
jlllll �� sculptors in the world, and her beat
til jl lop uk Is the natmorial statute to • Nloth-
1.I I (ee' Blekenlykv, the celebrated civil
tear nurse.
"No sale now for any but
St. Georlge's
Bakiln jg Powder
(.lad "f it, is-, I dun't get
arty more complaints -but lots of
So out with these old lines.
Write Thr \choral Una & Chemed
Co. td Console. I,,uu1e.1, fist closer aew
I— i,m,k Iln•,L. w
f'1�IRi RIEBI�
'- makes the line
I come to you. You
simply stand in one
spot and spin the
line by catching it
here and there to
hang the clothes as
you sort them out
of the basket. A .
child can operate
We will send Ilse "Davis" on
trial and approval to any one.
No cash required with request.
Write. us for particulars. 4.1
[ n.., 11,
1.Ommall OPT.
Laundering Handkerchiefs.
Who uwuug us has. not wourn(d the
slKlillug of line haudkerchiefs In the
laundering' They `urn pulled out of
shah•, streaked at one corner and turn
:Mout the tdges of the lultial or euf-
bruldery, and we have nut far to look -
fur the reason.
The ,%,,ruga laundress hangs a bun-
dle of htudkemhiefs by nue curler,
hiym thew lir 1.t elle oil her Ironing
Ward and nuns the irun over thein
ruughshaal, with sublime disregard for
any such lrtcink matters as embroidery
or Ixee.
Now. handkerchiefs are a very lw-
portant iollet aaeetssory and should hr
treated with due cuusidettitignt Spread
thrill on the line and fasted}t11e very
line owes w-lth bllo•k tullet pupa (which
du not rust like the white ,ones) fu-
slead of clothespins. Spriglile very.
wet before folding down for frescoing
uud fold thew swouth.
Irun thetu singly, first the hero, treat -
Ii, whatever form of decoration they
may boast witL extreme care; their
Iron the ceutter and troy perfectly dry.
An Initial ironed oil the wrung side
will do better sen'ice aux) loot; better
[hall If Ironed on the right.
Abuse of Ammonia.
Many vouwen find washing the hair
such u nuisance that they put ammo-
sia In the water to make It dry quicke-
r. The violet ammonia prepared so
tlea%autly for toilet use is very good
u Inuderato auluuuts, but the lavish
fray It Is sprinkled lir bath water for
he lauds, the face, the hair and so on
lots inure harm than good.
Too much of It dries or parches the
skin :cud sometiwes irritates it great -
y. It Is especially drstrueUve to hair
'ullicle+. Weak suluflons of It are
mnneUwes used to destroy superfluous
fair. It bi even unwise to use It as a
leauser for toilet brushes. Never an -
ler any circumstances should it touch
Lie hair of the head. A good way to
maten.tbe drying of the flair, if haste
here must be, Is to twist the strands
ightly In hot towels and to briskly
ub the whole head In towels that are
:Ppt continually hot. A wallet dry
vow also helps.
A Labor Saver.
One woman who Is her own honse-
naid rejolles fu the pwssesalon of a
rvy oil wheels which Is utilized when
he table luust be set or the dishes re -
novel. It is a bomemade contrivance,
,ut correctly adjusted for all that. It
prong until equipped with caster,
o that it is easily mored nbouL A
cep tray fitted with strung handles Is
tted In snugly at the toll. All the:
Bina and silver needed for the table
re placed oil the tray at once, and 1t
. moved around the table as needed.
Vhen It comes to clearing the dishes
t to a t^.enitine labor saver, as the dish-
can two, filled on It in quantity and
A. Illy (Yawn out to the kitchen to be
Baby's Blanket.
Bay one pair of pretty cotton b)AU-
Open and cat four laches below and
hove the center borders.
This strip is cat Into four widths,
making four blaatets of convenient
Bind around with baby ribbon or fln-
th with blanket stitch.
This is worked wIUi a double thread,
ringing, the needle between the thread.
Indian Waffles.
Take one cupful each of flour and
ornmral, two cupfuls of thick- sour
nllk. one cupful of sour cream, half a
casp(kinful of Ralt, one teaspoonful of
oda, two tuL;vxpconfuls of sugar and
we eggs beaten separately, the stiffly
seateii whites belug folded In last.
take In a very licit, well gneased ,waf-
e Iron and serve very hot.
Bente Pot Economies.
A buttonhole worked In the corner
of the dlahcloth w!I1 M toenail Metter
than a loop by which to hanZ it lap,
because a buttonhole wilt last as long
ov life cloth I:self, whereas a Ic`np
oftru gels pulled off. 1f when ua!ng
I lemon for flavoring you need only
holt n one, put the other half on a
plate and cover with a glass tumbler.
This excludes the air and preventp4t
t m drying up or slitting molds. al d
111rio bath towels Mean world Mins
nnlrh better than ordinary Clothes du.
)'cot pleres of Bitch towels In an nrtll-
nirlly 10114 handled mope and yrsthwlll,
find that the nmgh t0wetding S-aWprs
lap fit Boat very eRertivrl}_ TP roo
new castle chain, if the seater hnrve•ly-
come limp and stretched Rn.11eft they
IA the CMder. thewrmax-taismBdr
Pott,,r, rregratTt•, Ird,x,m ....4.'n o ^I
Vlot., new -Taff. driz m ...... 0 2. o :a
e:cas. -sold stolvtKe, .Msrn.. 0 23 0 24
t'hrrsr, large, In. .. ... 01314 ..
1Y:rew,. twin, Its .............. 0lis '....
Now York Dalry Market.
`:left'' 1 U/1K, Nov. IR--Ipallrr-AtPndr:
t,.,..lel w, :C""'- r•n•w•w'rw, rrwm•1nla, :151rr•:
• thea m. 2'k•; Ihlydr to ftrwIs, 2y t0 roe:
held Fe•Ond. to sp"Ltlr. :'k• to Der; state
.Ltarw, r•on,mmi to rim•st, •.le so =r.; pro•
-,•ad, r,memn to sses•lalo, I r to !4k,: qeM-
•rR imctor{�'� elan tl■a, to first. Ilk• to •'le;
hnitatMn er+tamen'. first P. - ter 1-
t•I1N mr-Irrranbv: rirrlptl, 160; ltnte,
fall creams, Pmall colored Bell whttr,
Kept., runt•, 154,.: hl,, (h -l. hoot. 1^_O; do.
snood to prime. If yar to lltyc; do., rom-
Won to fair. A.• to Ike; do., )arae .010ml
"plem1,er, flnn, 1.:k; dn., whit,,. 14%c; dn.,
lnlge (art. heat, 11%,; dn., eMnm on l0
prfmr, fire in 11{tr; Pklmm, le to Ile.
i+Bsr,-It'Irm, Mrelpt0, a'44: &tate Pit"".
Pah-sels and nearM• fancy lrlIelMled white,
f5r• to Sar! 90" In rho", ;air In 4a•;
brown and mixed cele-teA, lane,-, W. to
Or. are►aKw teat. 34e to W: firm it% ei•
tris first. _!l,- In :or, western "n.1. south•
ern firsts, :J4. to me, seconds, 71d to At.
I an ora a cheer u goo mornlag.
arranged t ,
It, Spite of patent pills slid powders,
Why? Because t!le Pandura always Inas a if bed d
w'itrraatel to break- up -a cold In les9
Poor Weiner.
than twenty -tour hours, the old tush-
There are nervous woolen; there are
locoed remedles are by no Ulennit a
hypernervous women. But women 90
hack nutober, and It Is rather a corn.
Ilrn'n Ila that tine conflnual rustle of a
furt to resort to one of lherit• when
milk, skirt makes tta"m nervous -no,
ur.r's fillth In putent medicines begins
them an, no women so nervous as
to weaken.
that! Fllegende Blatter.
Icor breaking lap a cold there Is noth-
f11� better than hot lemonade taken
upon retiring. This Is made by plat•
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat F1ltures
Lim. the juice of two lemons lira pint
Clase Higher -Live Stock -
I of hot treater. .Iktll one minute, Sweet-
Latest Quotations.
era to taste and drink as hot as Immt-
Monday Ev, ning. Nov. Is.
41. Lirrrp,mal wheat futures •cored 1!;ld
'III famhlonel onion Slnlp, which is
ll 111Kher. (•eat. ld to ]%,I up. �
especially g.ad for hon [se'nrss :1111
1.V Z�* spot Ice-rmix,r wheat (lofted %e
1'i;ther; Jeer. rem -'{r• higher end flet•.
sure throat, Is made of minceed onlons,
otite %W!. nlshrr.
A tablespotonfid of rider v-luegar and
Winr•doelt Options.
half a cupful of 1,ollinit molassc••r.
F..lfnwlmr are tl:e rl000ing gtinfatlons on
The film#-% of buret cunt lhor will In-
\clrid3rR s.r.,in h.t,rt•m to•daw:
sla ntly relleve told In head. Put a
Wheftt--N„,. $11p',(, fold, fore. 11.41V4 told.
Mme of camphor the size of an Pgt(
tiara-.l,.r. ;:a• bid, I)ere. 3tla, bbl. May
ht an old Sa ucer. Sot It on fire, and.
ti • hl•1.
after burning :I few nn,wents, blow
Toronto Grain Markets.
nut fire flaule and inhale the funks.
'1'11 Funke ►mrn(r�f•L ten take one table-
t%.heat.-lin'. hush...... $0!G to :....
V1`he:u, gall, hush 1410
"!manful of latAgel RINI not In n pint
....... ....
WAIrm,. /,rods.•, foolish ....... a x+ ....
of hot wafter, letling It draw for fifteen
rat, rnl. biaah ......... Ito
Inluuf/a. Sweeten I will, 1114.11Rse..
1'raR. Itn•h•I ....... ....11114 ....
It1r1.•p, I,Uslml ....... :.... . 0:n
When eold take two taldempwmrnfulx
( VIP, huWm•1 ................ 0 57
refry half befir. This old fashl0nrd
Tos'ents Dairy Market.
herb may be obtained at any drng
Butter, d:ttry, 11,. ural. ...... 0 ]A n -1
Bente Pot Economies.
A buttonhole worked In the corner
of the dlahcloth w!I1 M toenail Metter
than a loop by which to hanZ it lap,
because a buttonhole wilt last as long
ov life cloth I:self, whereas a Ic`np
oftru gels pulled off. 1f when ua!ng
I lemon for flavoring you need only
holt n one, put the other half on a
plate and cover with a glass tumbler.
This excludes the air and preventp4t
t m drying up or slitting molds. al d
111rio bath towels Mean world Mins
nnlrh better than ordinary Clothes du.
)'cot pleres of Bitch towels In an nrtll-
nirlly 10114 handled mope and yrsthwlll,
find that the nmgh t0wetding S-aWprs
lap fit Boat very eRertivrl}_ TP roo
new castle chain, if the seater hnrve•ly-
come limp and stretched Rn.11eft they
IA the CMder. thewrmax-taismBdr
Pott,,r, rregratTt•, Ird,x,m ....4.'n o ^I
Vlot., new -Taff. driz m ...... 0 2. o :a
e:cas. -sold stolvtKe, .Msrn.. 0 23 0 24
t'hrrsr, large, In. .. ... 01314 ..
1Y:rew,. twin, Its .............. 0lis '....
Now York Dalry Market.
`:left'' 1 U/1K, Nov. IR--Ipallrr-AtPndr:
t,.,..lel w, :C""'- r•n•w•w'rw, rrwm•1nla, :151rr•:
• thea m. 2'k•; Ihlydr to ftrwIs, 2y t0 roe:
held Fe•Ond. to sp"Ltlr. :'k• to Der; state
.Ltarw, r•on,mmi to rim•st, •.le so =r.; pro•
-,•ad, r,memn to sses•lalo, I r to !4k,: qeM-
•rR imctor{�'� elan tl■a, to first. Ilk• to •'le;
hnitatMn er+tamen'. first P. - ter 1-
t•I1N mr-Irrranbv: rirrlptl, 160; ltnte,
fall creams, Pmall colored Bell whttr,
Kept., runt•, 154,.: hl,, (h -l. hoot. 1^_O; do.
snood to prime. If yar to lltyc; do., rom-
Won to fair. A.• to Ike; do., )arae .010ml
"plem1,er, flnn, 1.:k; dn., whit,,. 14%c; dn.,
lnlge (art. heat, 11%,; dn., eMnm on l0
prfmr, fire in 11{tr; Pklmm, le to Ile.
i+Bsr,-It'Irm, Mrelpt0, a'44: &tate Pit"".
Pah-sels and nearM• fancy lrlIelMled white,
f5r• to Sar! 90" In rho", ;air In 4a•;
brown and mixed cele-teA, lane,-, W. to
Or. are►aKw teat. 34e to W: firm it% ei•
tris first. _!l,- In :or, western "n.1. south•
ern firsts, :J4. to me, seconds, 71d to At.
I an ora a cheer u goo mornlag.
arranged t ,
Why? Because t!le Pandura always Inas a if bed d
can be
cf but coals as a reward for c%ecking off the damprrs
regulated to hold • fire
'c!u::ely before refiring to rest. y
from 24 to 36 hours. _
in rive minutes after
*Pandora owners
�_�i: 1111
__ �.��=
t•,rainggn the drafts::he will �� *
r never have their ' sleep
!� of black Kersey, black Reutl•r,
P ! black
_ - _ It
have a good. strong Lrc. t '.
disturbed with dreams of
Y� 0 I �` �'irnux nod dark
r { ` uuw on silo alt
Should she' sleep / e
two or three hcurs longer
making a new fire in the
$4' S0+ $6.00 �%.50
l!lan uncal 1!tcrc will sal
and $10.00
be a Fre reedy for her. -
If your meal dealer)
TORUNTO ... ... 5.15 Lina •11. 1
The firebox, flues
does not handle this most ,.If
Ixss 1.11811 ununufxctUrerh' 1.11.. .
"ad dampers) t:re srs 1 _
perfect ttf c.1. rao_cs, write
Gd 'hLd''
arranged t ,
that the Pandora
can be
regulated to hold • fire
from 24 to 36 hours. _
*Pandora owners
r never have their ' sleep
disturbed with dreams of
kc, I ht, I
WASIf AtiU Nits Joe., I •.
making a new fire in the
I'AltdtY SOVNII ;t
No. 2 No l
PARRY Soot Nil 111.1, most
If your meal dealer)
TORUNTO ... ... 5.15 Lina •11. 1
does not handle this most ,.If
! /�
tween Toronto and Parry
perfect ttf c.1. rao_cs, write
Sound, serving meals a la
direct to us for Free Booklet.
JOHN --)LUAU-'I ales Hear
9 West Street '
- Loeden, Tt 1.. Montreal, trl,n;orC. Caeeewer, 51. .' !.n, n....::,,.,
E. P. PAULIN, Local Agent.
Couldn't Fool Him.
A city lad spent it part of Inst fano-
Cables Firmer -American Markets tuPr on a farnf owned by his uncle.
It wool file lg,4•'m PR v•m' . Il
Steady ler Fattle and Hofls. fl"t i it t the
1.UNIm/N, Nov. se.,l.Ondun --ahl-p are ;('lain lZii Trod lly ti farm nn Ihr (sari
firmer at Ilk to 19s:c rod, i If:_ drr."rd + wnx (delightfully unfamiliar to him.
v1. e1�1.1; refrigerator w•rf Is quuted at toe I One afternos n the youngster. who
per fl und. I lad been prowling alaut Ilie chicken.
Toronto Junction Live Stock. Il/Mise srizee(l the product of one --ac•k-
TORI)NTO JUNCTiON. Nov. •tri.-- ' ling hen, and marches exultantly into
Remipw of live stock at the Union I the house with his prize.
Stock Ylards were 5.3 carloade, c0mhom- f "1d•t me have it. mon." said the
1.:i df iM6 cattle. 2 hug, UX sheep Iliad i runer's wife, "and I'll cook it fill-
orIJ calve+, yniir hluchron."
Exporters. "You const. think I'm x greenhorn.
Few gl'sml exposer.. were on sale. r'rie" 'auntie I" exclaimed the Forty. ••1 guree
ratund retail, 81:5, t•, ft at, but only oar lire hen ctrrkad it all tight. It's
local at the let,.--- price. Export bulls warm."
will at 81.•6 to $3.:3. 1 - -- ---
Sutchers. Got Filled Up.
There 11'20 a myur.•It> of •hoire hatchets' I -
ruuh. Two: air uu a plckrd Inncbrra' '•(bratficolt'" said the ob.-tor 1.0
sold 1.:t 111.:11 Ili 1,.-01. loads .,n "Al". hin servant. ••Ilam nohwa)y called dur-
which were n.na lima au•td.' rabl at S1: in y two) dayo' ahernce :• I left this
w,dium, cot ST -.1 lir r1; f,trnfm.n. Ili to Irt.3 K mo d'
rom,erP, -..• a„ 1.l.:+, is•r rw r i slate here for (-#Lifer+ to write their
Foedero and Stockers. names cwt, and it is perfectly clean,"
I'-% feeders- air ma.m-k••rm %y un solle. "Uta yam, sir." feapk/ndel the set vAtnt.
and iris, w,•r.• IAliii
K m:•haugrd. .1 r+rs. 1 .
t 1 r
Pr 'fl Ian n " a
h I II •. •'.� 1 f f Ik has cattle.
1 f
11 ii'. eri. 'm, f elm• is % #,worm. aitho • An' the date gnf wa toll tom111tPm IiUtt
tINM weed •m,1m 12rnetm who wort- look-
InK for a few well -bra l f -e term of•rood;(only thin innrnin' 1 had to rub'rfn all
w••1{thtx. Ilrr.v f.-de.a of model•loant,- outtollnaker(ssinufuruunre!"
were- ri•loru.•d to heinK worth fro.;I CIO
to t•;.ib, :,not r.nurl hung r haler wmlkl .,•
worth u little 1r".rr moue.
Milkers and Sprinklers.
F'ew' tnllkrr. .onal mpringrra weer
Fula, and it or•• wuld ha%" found a re
rnurkel, u Or—uVth- leadin, row buy.
,ra rr esu lllr a.arkol. Prior. rio. ransrd
tram wr
3111 to pit rarh.
Veal Calves.
t•.dvaa Redd at is to ::r te•r f wt.
Sheep and Lamb
'I he run t f xhw•n Ind 1� r x wits fol, 1,
1:lrgr. and pal• were leote,i at L: It—
t wt. far etp,rt eh.'ep, and Jr. to $7.35 in-
toe Im•sl Itllntoa, a:ltn ^.srrmon to inferio-
at 31 Imr cwt.
(tunx. t.Imilyd. Hu.1el.
nhotels ht i.;.-.., fed
sold wuU•rrd. :mil 13.:+1 to i:,.;o, f.n.b
t•RI". at (outside rmolllts.
Montreal Live Stock.
3fUNTItF:A i„ NOV. 1st.-(Jperial.)-At
the ]funtreal rtlock Yards' West F.nd
Murk«t the t.-rilttm of live stock for the
week rndlnm Nov. N were Int cattle, 541
,dteep and Inn hm. S:. hugs still :L-.% aiv-.
whlle lhr supplier this nu,ndnK fur ih.-
Ilsvl trade ,v,nsel Pled of :'UW r.life, ?'..o
sheep atm) lantl,al. Ease huKm and ::m) calve'.
There wum utile or no dt-mand. heir
purt"o, nd lradesln till, dlrrr-
t1o11 warn slaw'. Sales "f is".1 catllr Iter,
wt re trade at 14sv to It(w: fair at i!ioc to
4.; ovisortionit.ott 7tic to S•. and Inferh,r
• t 1%. 1.1 21.• err Ib. A wruker fis"•Itttg
111ea dret-0otssl In It,, markrt for export
artl•rp sine, thi. Jay week, and prlr•ea sit.
syr ter M. low,•r, which In du, to 11r
(reuaefl muppll.•x -tonins forward and did
louraldux Lida ice. from nnruad. At 11n
alcor. r,•duM inn d,inurml' wua fairly grlrml.
an.' msb•x wrrr inptde at 4•. for Ih. hl bn1-
rhrrm' mhr,p, read, w 110
an 11. fool price.
ruled atm,ol xl,,mh. al 3%, to 3%,'• and
-ullell xhrep war" dull of sale tat • pt•r
Ih. The demand for tamhe wax wood, aril,
ax the offerinx Kwere walwwhnt larger
than ua11al, mil active )rad, was donept
r,%,. to, I;, per It,. Th, trade In r•alveA
was fairly brhtk, and prlcex rul,d Rt,ad>,
wilt. Pair+ -or chowe afa:k at ft9 to 1.u:
gui,d at SA. to flu: fair at ffi lir $7. an.l
common :it $3 to It rorh.
A atrunafer fi•,,linK has devrlopoll in ll.r
Icy, how rdtltallon. and pri-- leave nd-
♦anted '1.:a: Io 3..4- per Its) Ila), mine, .this .0
day week. Thla han Ir•,n d11, principally -
to tilq falllnir Lott In the rerrlptm and the I
Inerr/Rol demand from pas krrs for 141111- 1 -'--
plleR: but. ,1 rid.• frown thea,, fact x, Itier- I v
r.. bt•rn no -Ohm, factor In th, market -
to warrant the I.Jah,r prlrea, as rabl(
from mil the I-LostIlAtorhave,
fbeelwn rllnI.Ingrket but
��' ^�
Canadian bacon fo:n-r barn onytbing hot `U``
en(•ouruwior 1n exim,rtrrx. A falr4 Reti".
tradr was doe her, 1n hogo. tint] Rales of e
P"latr•l,il IotP wrrr 1. de at $6.1L to 16.:,0
per 1.00 lbs., wrlghed off cars.
East' Suffale Cattle Market.
UASTrl rF.l1.U, Nov. 1x-t-Rot-ar- Did you see the dandy
r, Iptx, esu head: Plow roar) 4.wer; prlm-
ateerm, s..et in H; ohloping, s1.. to t .. CUTTERS at Bob
hnh•herti. 14 to 3::.'S,; hrlferP, 3:1. is, fl.�. Wilson's warerooms
t owa, r_.Ss to 1/; bulMH
. 12.1, to . Sq,
Rt oche -oil and fe.-7.
ed, V, 7., 11111.:x: %tork- On Hamilton street.
arm and brifers, 3".� to 1C.i5: fresh cows
aa.d soprlmretN. Rh•ady, 1:'o to Vol,
IfPgs--/tet•,•Iptx, 00.64.0 head; active; Ito He ham the Insist. Collection of
1.u• hither; othrris, steady; hmioy mattioll,te('ate,rR that ever came LO frown.
Piq-. , V.All 1., i...;; Yorkers. CI -0 to IS 20 kN t Inatter what Ptyle ynll want
p1:tR, F - All to 16.'.n; n•hwhs. N.s4 to li.7o
xtrgR, 17 to $4.rs: elairtra, to, 15.00. Air what prim, they are there.
Mherp and cottons--Itltrt':pu, :S,eBo fired: I lie lima them from
Phrep, setivr an.l steady: In,ab1, Rlow
and Id• lower: comics. $6 to ii(,. ;,;; year- $5.t�0 4l) to .��.�
IIs". 15110 to a.46; wethM, l6.:'S to M.511,
rw.., V. In ,:lain ab"4.4 incee'oo. '" Cal! and have a Look
31.51'; l'ansda laintat, 1t.q l0 10.48.
Now York Live Steck.
NEW Mi1K,No:. U.-6erv,a-'/irceiptx anyway. IFnh is nlw'ltys glad to
&W-. Sterns, xen,trally lar, tower. (cows. ore yon. If volt don't want any.
at,udy to firm: str•.ros. $33 to Ia.T,; oven.
11. l0 34.16; 1,11111. 1-1.10 to W cowls, 11.% t , thing in his line, a nyhol yon
1 v
t; top price, 1110. Rslorts to-1nOlvow, have frienm who He is sole
04. card, 20 sheep ani U10 yvartrrs of agent fon•
chloro--ilrc,lp:s, 2131.' \'ra1P, PtrnAv to McCORMICK MACHINES,
firm; nr �
gr7Ro• 15r to OG• higher, a•,at,rn,
.OIL Yea IP, r5.:d) to 10.50, chotrr, p.75; GRAY CUTTERS, BUGGIES,
Bulla, N to 16; •-ramosrs. 82M to la.M, FC.fiURYaadPERRiNPLOWS
)•raHlnq, $I,% to $3.
Sltaep and Larahm--Rerelpts, 14,214.
a1110M ,toady s1. IoM wek(k'U
las t1,a. Plow anA /3^ to St. lower: aMrp.
l: _t to "; +;; few rholee, 81. R; collie. V
Iftmh.. „Sr to Y; few watts Ralas. 11.111, GOUERICH, ON].
to $:.1x; lana car chiles, S; Cala 4
Webs, V. culls, 14.•M N K I
kc, I ht, I
WASIf AtiU Nits Joe., I •.
I'AltdtY SOVNII ;t
No. 2 No l
PARRY Soot Nil 111.1, most
TORUNTO ... ... 5.15 Lina •11. 1
Observation-Uining Parlor Cars be.
tween Toronto and Parry
Sound, serving meals a la
I...if) (vteet sandel.
Offices: All Stations, also Cor. King and
Toronto and Union Station, Toronto
Phone, Main Sr7q.
are the favorite
Winter Resorts
Round ld in d tri i ticket. n conn In.
t 1.r u Pvl
the Grand 'Trunk ILliltvav !system
giving choice of tall the Hest roulem,
going one way and returning an-
!cull information may, he obtain..) (tour
Town Agent
/Unca hour.-f..S) a.m. to 0 p.ot.
Repot ricket Agent.
J. D. Met)onmld. 1)I.triet Pses, Awenl,
Unirm Station. Toeouto,
constructed in the Company's owil
haps, built with wider and higher
hrtthR than the online, )• draping cars.
liandeuuiely decorated in tratful
calors. Ventilation and heeating re•
vvive especial attention. Equal trut-
ps•rature waintained n ruiner and
w inter.
Good Night's Sleep Sure
Courteous Attendants
tell lm fnrsetlnn rmtn
io.. Kahn. TWIt,l Aunt. aiodenrR.
,v art n.yuaTtr. l/ A_ e. r. a.. T.rr,ob.
Special Offers
The Signal
The Toronto
Weekly Globe
L will be sent for a year for
,EE To ne'ty yearly sabscrilw•r1, hath pit{m•ry will hot sent free for
the Rolan, -,•4 111.17. That ist , , new mulwrriller may have both
papersuntif .Innitary lot, 11IIIN-fourteen ,nonths -for the Pmall
cost of
Address -se VA,NA7 TER & ROBERTSON,
The Signal, GODERILH, ON1.
The Signal and
Toronto Daily World
To New Suhscrihers
For Fifteen Months,
For Four Months
Both Papers For 50 Cents
Addresses- VANA 7 TER & ROBERT50N,
The Signal, GODERICH, ONT.