HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-21, Page 5HURON'S FRUIT EXHIBIT,
List of the Contributors and of the
I1Un►n conuty bad the largeal
of any of the county exhiblta at
the Proylocial Fruit and Flower Show
in Torouto last week. The rxhibit
was in charge of William Lane, of
Cloderich, and t'. Metcalf, of Hlytb.
The list of contributors was as fol-
(leo. Laithwaite, Goxlet town-
ship.-Hatldwin, Malin, '.king, C'nuadu
red, 1U -oz. pippin, gulden rusreL, Ben
Davis, seek -iso -farther, ropy. plate
D. H. Hartin, Whiteelru, ltohde
Island greening, Ixaldwin, Hann,
sf,y, Hen Davis, Pewaukee.
M. E. Hingham, Goderich.-" Know.
Wall. Geddes, Morris township. -
spy, I„aldwin, Mauro.
.I. T. Brydgea. Morris township.
Jltiuz. pippin.
A. Preetor, Morris township. -Uol-
den russet, spy. Canada red, Hen
Chas. Wells. Gaxlerich.-Seedling
apples, spy, plate "are, onions.
leu•, lireeken ridge, Gu.lerich. -
Blenheinn orange.
T. Black, East Wiswanosh. -Ben
Davis, baldwin• golden russet, spy,
Canada red, Wagner.
James .�uhnston, West Wawanoxh.
-liulden uxxet, Ben Davis. greening
Rhtde Island, bldwin, plate pears.
And. Scott, Seafurth.-Box. russ+t.
James McDerutid, Stanley town-
ship. --Spy. golden ruueset, Rhode
Rhodse Island. Icing, plate pears.
Hy.Peonfound. Stanley township.
KIW.' baldwin, Mann• xeek-no-farther.
win. Chan.^, SeaforlIf. -Russian
xpr.4 risenhurgg.
F. Hogg, Son olrt4► Snow.
S. Eyres =fo n. -Ben Davix,
Canada teal, Ontario, waukee.
N'm. Slack, 'Lunch.- Cayuga Tort
stint ppipPm.
+ K. Ge foe Sdafoeth.-kin .
I. H. Henderson, Meafur .-Spy.
1'. Aproat, Seaforth.-Mann, o•
ng Rhcldr Irlaud.
\\', Warnock, (:pderich.-Spy, 4
plater pears.
J. Unwin, %urirh.: Ifaldw'r Rox.
inset Atuerican ll. rt(asrt, OnWio,
kind to he named, freekk,
1':. B. Jenkins, Tornlerrv.-Golden
Ionset. Iwldwin, Canada reel, spy, ral-
ntan sweet, winter lenana.'..
.1. Hfirr, Blyth.- Haldwin, now.
J.'. \letcalf. Myth. se•e•dlfn(apples,
plates peAre.
J. 11 Tierney, Blyth.- -Snow.\
A. H. Jacolw, lilyth.-Ben Htavis.
A. Sims. Blyth. Spy.
H. G. Mc(;owan. Kah Wilwanosh.
baldwin, greening Rhode Wan
snow, spy, Cl nada red, Ben Unvis.
kim4s Mann. Ontario.
Hy. Corwin. Ooxferich township.--
Ontart(% a) oz. pippin. 3 plat" pears.
And. Sloan. Blyth -king• spy. bald -
win. Ben Iasi Rhode Island
green 171;
J. \\'. Edgar. Gerrie.-Ontario, lien
Davis, king, spy. greeningg 1,110W. :11
Ioz. pippin, Mann, gol,len t•uxw•t,
pheom i x.
R. Glenn, Nile, --Baldwin, spy, king.
F. Kerr, Nile. -Spy. king.
J. Tavlor, Nile.- Baldwin, king.
1. Hetherington, Nile, King.
W. Watson. Nile. 4py, baldwin.
K. Cameron. Lueknow, --Hen I)Avin.
baldwin, Cayuga, golden russet,
phe ollix.
John Knox. Wroxeter.- -Spy, (said•
writs, golden ruemet, snow. Crosula red,
Hen Davix, baldwin, plate any other
variot V.
J. `'Stewart F,4t., Henruiller.-Seed-
ling appples.
T. J. Huckstep. Blyth. -Seedling
It. Mcllwain. Nile. -Ontario, king.
.fly. haldwin.
The pprise-winners were as follow.:
K. Cameron, Lucknow.-First for
baldwin, first for spy and second for
A. W. Sloan, Blyth. -First for king,
second for spy, and m-cond for gtPen -
W. lieoldes, Morris. -Second for
George lsilhwiate, Goderich town-
ship. -First for russet.
h. B. Jenkins. Turnjferry.-First for
Canada rril, second for raesfet.
It .MeIlwain. Nile. ---Second for king.
G. Fothergill. East Wawanosh.
ftnt for lien Davis. second for On-
tario, second for Canada ted.
Hy. Corwin. Ooderich township.-
F'irxt for Ontario.
It. G. McGowan, East Wawsnoah. --
F irxt for greening, second for any
other variety.
F. F. Bingham. Guderich.-first for
F. Hogg. Meaforth.-Second for
.1. R. Henderson. Seaforth.-First for
any other variety.
Druggists hear Much Praise for This
Simple Home-made Mixture.
Some remarkable &tot ies ern being
told about town aurid among the
r•ountry people coming in of Uskxitriple home-made mrixtute earring
Iheutnatianf find kidney trouble.
Dere is the recipe and' directions for
taking : Mix by shakingg ,veil in a
bottle sane -half oaance b'liiiit 1.Itl.Rct
handelion, one ounce Conirsound Kar -
win. thee(, ounr•Pa Compound Syrup
Sarsaparilla. Take as a close one tea-
spoonfol after menta and at b eriltime.
No change need be made in cone
usual diet, hat drink plenty of good
This mtiEtnr•P, wrilra one authority
in it leading Philadelphia newspaper,
has, A peculiar tonic effect upon the
kidneys : cleansing the clogged -lip
pores of the eliminative tissues,
"Ireing the kidneys to sift, and strain
from the bloat the uric field and other
pelisonous waste matter, overcoming
rheumatism, bladder and urinary
I roubles in ,t oho rt while.
A New York droggist, who has had
hundreds of calls for thPMe ingredientti
since the first announcement fn the
newspapers last October storied that
tate people who once try it "swear by
It," Pspecially those who have urinary
and kidney trouble find suffer witt
I heumatism.
The drugglstw in this nPighlorhrxtt'
ant they can nnppply the ingredients,
wflich are Panily mixed at home.
I'hPrjs fs said to Ile no better blood
c11•anW$g agent, or mystrus tonic
known, and certainly none non
harnnless or simple G, ase.
He Remembered.
Robby's father had uiven him
penny and sLshilling• telling hien h -
might pat sane or the other in Chi
lurch !!late•. "Wh(rh did you give
Hnhhie t" him other axkpd. when thi
1x,y came home from chorrh. -'Well
father, 1 thought at first 1 caught b
pot in the shilling." acid Robby. "bis
then just In time I rrnretrrberPd 'Thi
I.ad loveth is cheerful giver,' end
knew i roild give the penny a grits
dent more cheerfully, so i put that in.
The tlad Old Times.
Yuntrwl it'/tw.•,
Kidney Disease Made His Lile a But -
it Teems ifeeerrary, to teutind out•-
alves from Mile to tiwe by life read-
den Dodd's Kidney Pills'Cured Him.
ug of past history that the world
Conroecon, Ont., Nuc. 11th -- Mr.
cally it r•esichlng out to r better goal,
David Howe, at well-knoWn farmer
I really getting better, us- we should
living near here., it one of the grow -
e inclined twinetituee W doubt and
ilig urultitude who, rescued hunt
eny it. There was touch in the part
years of suffering, give all the credit
hat was desirable fur fortune's
idney Pills.
t Ihald's Kidney
avored few raid no one vain deny it.e
••I had severe pains in any back for
;enoral piclurerokueneae, when the
of,wards of two years," lays Mr.
ordid and cruel W eliminated or left
Kuwr. '"they notde file go lent over,
,ut altogether by the romancer and by
and I cotflcl not straighten up to solve
ho historian to whom history is cuu-
any life. When 1 went to urinut,• iI
Trued only with kings and euurts and
gave ire great pain.
he notable of the earth. But if we
••1 consulted it doctor, halt his prcv
ead contemporary records and dim-
seriptioi did sate nn 9-4110 1 decided
over the true social conditions of the
w tl.y ikAri'x Kidney Pills. I felt
nasmes, to which roost probably we
letter by the Mlle I had used the first
hould have belonged, we shudder,
lox, and leu boxes cured me coast.
fail give thanks raid praise to thistle
;rent heroes of succerrling times who
--- - ----_
ought the Iatltle of lilerty and hu-
A wine unto has no those to argue
affinity, and without whose wisdom
with a prize-119111,er.
and pelf -sacrifice we ehould not have
It's quite it conte -down for a wei nau-
wen upiifted. A writer fit The Week-
hater w•hu falls in love,
y Sun, who recalls sum« of the con-
We don'r believe people wusald be
litfona in old-time Canada, inspires in
lucre lawless if there were less law.
is such thought. lie recalls fn rela-
ion to our progress that, in 182h. the
Mesa who write Issas on how to get
vestal service of Canada was Puts[, ed
rich are initially as poor as church
by the postinaster-general of Great mice.
Britain : that the postage on it letter
burn Canada' to England www front
five sbillingr to seven shillings and • •
sixpence, lir front sixty to ninety
timer an much Garay ;and that
proportionate rates were charged
recoiling to distance for letters car•
rigid tris one point to another in Bargain Days
Canada. General social conditions Ten B
were -fit keeping with the state of the
pp��trial Bel -vice. and we read that it. `--"---
Tirronto, which then had n population - - - _ --
one to only two thothere were O E E 2 st
sxty taverns, lir one W every thirty-
three persons. At that marue date lir
thereab uta, in an underground cell in
the Toronto jail, three female lunatics
wererd together, and the Trench to DECEMBER 2nd,inclusive, at
from theitheir girl was complained of by
life prisonerm in the crllm above. The
S ood old timer ! Faugh ! The pris-
oners above are said to have been BECKETT'S hardly better off than those under-
ground, their l,edclotbing in sine
cases nut having (leen washed fur six
months. The tinter were illiberal and
pretrsive tow. politically and xieially,
wits the fw,hion then. They had
'en taught airy better. For fn- A R D W A R E T O R E
Staby a British htatuto passed in
sI _41111.even
fear were required Gr wait
sevx oro after their arrival for
nali ion, and, evert after that,
pretat g the north HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH
it nese try fit them to partake -
of I cfnl's . aper, according to the
itraaof life Ise esstant church. Yet -"
Gritain. th as now, was in the s
valiberty-lot• at conntries, as
was unreal l in a re•Iwo Great Clearing Sale Bargains
yef the nineteent century. The
cauitwd herr ire on sane or two
of litany that [nigh fe rited to
how great are the• n•ivilegesa vantages of theme who ice Gf
- - - - - - -
da in comparison with any
In Dodd's Kidner Pills -How Mrs.
uffered for Four Years.
Morelnt.. Nov, 18th.- SpPciall
Mrs. JYHughes, of Chir place,
feria it hty to let her auffjring
sisters alr 'ausdaknow that they
can Hud f f Ilofld's Kidney Pills.
1 wawgee i nnlferrr for four
veitrs," M Hughes. '•1 was
treated four factors find tried
nearly Peruedfri f rnukl hear i[
but n.Hreeme to do tie any
1 warsard fur nes v three years
sufferingm 'pains my spinal
enlumn, any head. o er any eyM.scrolls mback and thr, gh any leftside. D,s Kidney 'Pills cured me
and now strong nail ab to do figood davork."
Few People in Goderich Really ICs
Slow eating will solve one-half the
problem of ill -health. Those who
suffer already with indigestion and
weak stomach can with care and the
rise pf Mi-o-na stomach tablets r"tbre
their digestion ti it healthy condition,
wr that they clan Pat what they want
at any time without fear of distress or
Afters. fear days' use of Mi-o-na
mtounach tablets, the headache, dizzy
feeling, drowsiness, had taste in the
mouth, coated tongue. nervousness,
aleeplexaness. distress after eating --all
these• s mptotnr of it weak stomach --
will disappear, and perfect diges-
i,n and a good skin will -how that
the vital machinery its once more run -
nine atnrwthly.
Take a little Mi -o -ria tablet before
effelf meal so that it will stimulate the
digestive juices rand give xtretath to
the stomach, and then it will take
care of the fool that in eaten, without
indigestion find the unpleasant full
feeling with which sl many suffer
after meals.
Jas. Wilson has so untch confidence
in the power of Mi -o -nn to cure indi-
gestion and fill stomnch ills that he
given a guarantee with every all -cent
lox to refund the money if the rem-
edy fails to give satisffu•tion.
Laughter may'te beautiful, bill it
must be r- serious matter Gu I,e tickled
to death.
��� I i'' � , ti{i a 1•
$having Mirror, $8.50
FOR the man who shaves no gift
would bring quite as much pleasure
as this Triple Shaving Mirror. as ,t is
very (much superior in every way to the
'ordinary style.
IT has anachmerss ao that it can be
either secured to the wall or stood
up on a table.
FOR travelling ,t it very convenient at
t can be folded up to occupy only
a small place.
The Priest is $0.50
nue kaatetee-oly Illustrate/
Oatalotue is yosM roe the asking
H.YR IT. 111105.,
134.138 Yonne. St.
/THE Greatest Ten Day Bargain Sale ever offered to the people of Goderich
LL and neighborhood commences on Thursday, November 21st, and closes on
the night of Monday, December 2nd. If you want Genuine Bargains do not
ut off this special opportunity, because it may never occur again. You are
'come to anything in the Store. The Goods are all GOOD, although the
Pr es are cut to the marrow the profit goes to the purchaser. Read the list,
the come and buy all you want for SPOT CASH. Just see
TIrUMDAY, November 31, 1907 6
1 �t�lt1• �� ���
11 W A/s
Good solid wear will real
comfort in our Men's
will stand the wallciii
which you will certainly
feel like doing when you
wear them.
All the best makes, jai
all shapes, sizes and
widths, are here.
.Easy to get a fit. Easy
shoes to wear and hard to
wear out. A
The Practical Lover.
As prices continue til rise, the young
insist who (Ulcer sent roses, violets and
bonlwna conies G/ the conclusion that
his sweetheart revpuires store convine.
ing proof of his affection and muses
Oil. I.anra i. a lovely xlrl;
hl >• ftio"t Lal of ite eouxin
1 think I'd blur vend toaster
Of earl[+ a preriou, doaea.
N1love for dainty Morcel
�. more than 1 can utter:
I really mm.t hies „w on her
A pound of dairy butter.
N}• fxlbgfr for .Uma
n On. must find e.•lief.
1 II •end to her next Saturday
A etc -pound roast of beef.
attreSseS ' Shot Guns and Rifles 'flaw Vises
One Ca Oad of Mattresses:,'s
Bench Screws 75c, for
\bitu,•xw•s w• rah $3 .:A), fir.....(j:3.75 Double Barrel (inn, Krwd value
Clothes Baskele
Mattresses worth At $12.4111, for .................
Mattreslases worthSingle Barrel (-on. good value at
Mattrwesv 8i.* �, f1.
1.01 $7.i►. for .................
5.5() Now is the time for builders til toy.
Cpholeterad Cuts *3..o j, for.....
3.01) Single Barrel Gun, good value at
$6.0). fur .................
Nails, Locks, etc., they are Rojo
1.25 cheap. rash only.
Couches and Loun es
ItiHes wmtth $f.:s1l, for..........
Iver Johnson Revolter worth
Dominion Organ worth $90.0n.
One Couch worth $IIkO), to ...$14.7.1
$11.01, for ..................
3.50 for....-.... ................ISH M
One Couch worth $1o.W. fur....
9idehoard worth $31(.(N) for .... 24.25
One Couch worts $0.01, for,..
5,01 Oilcloth flats for Stoves Sideboard worth 819.(11) for.... $15.40
One Conch worth $9.511, for....
One Conch worth 4S.'Li. for....
i.50 special priers. Irmo I. -s- t„
$1.7.i Stove Pipes, Etc.
One Conch worth $11.01, for ...
One Conch worth 8701, for....
5.-A) Galvanized Wash Tubs
Rest Pipet. worth 15c to Isc, for. 121c
One Lounge worth $11.0[, for....
__ 12c Pipes for.............. . ]Ile
Wr Tule fur ....................
$1.101 Pubs fair .............
n. T Pipes, lent quality.............. 3:3r
xk Taper Pipes, lest.......:..... ... list
$1.••23 Tubs for. ...................
1FL1xlChinineyThimbles ................ :e
Special for these to days only
25c rite Stoppers ................. 15c
Wash Boilers
Stove Pipe Collars ................ 5c
S D v Check, gong strike, worth Solid Capper Boiler worth $L31.
Snapsin Padlocks
$4.OU, Cur.........., ......Bi.LS
S Day %heck, gong strike, worth
Tin Boiler $l.ia, for .............
1.50' Spring Padlock fur.............. 5c
$ 5(1 for ................
S.Day C ice gong strike, worth
5llc Padlock for.................. 31)c
'Lie Padlock fur ................ lar
8:i.' for ..................
Alarut ('I a worth $'1.75, for...
•1.10 ;
, fxl
dame Traps worth 41k•, fur.......
. Aflc :Sr English Lock fur•.............. IIIc
Alarnn (Aceworth 81.'25, for....
Chi I
dame Trape worth :irk, for.......
Game Traps :ilk+, for
2lk Bargains in Stoves
list $r
�tantl- Clock worth $}[.1111, for... ,
worth ...
Mantle ('lucks orth $'1.75, for...,
Joker Mouse Traps ............ 2 for 5c $x,(11) Gipsy .level Range for ... $111.:A1
Special p in Ring*
Saw Bargains
I '11,10 Gipsy .IeWel Range for.... 19.75
Jewel Range
Hinge ranging fn ice from 7ifr
uP to $L,10, our choice for
5fk'I Never to be Seen Agate.
1k3.0) Crown for.. 41i,:r1)
(9,111)$teel Range for.......... .32.'2
� 47.00 Range,, 0 Holes, reservoir,
1.511 X Cut Saw, (S feet .........;'tall
for ........ .............. 41.(K)
11.4) X Cut Saw. 0 feet..........
3,1.00 Coal Cook for............ 211 1141
A number of-atc�Pat o clear
2.75 one man saw ..............
38.0) Rase Burner, oven, for.. 511.75
at riffles., to rices,
1.'155 Hand Saw. for .............
'45.01 Range, with water front. .:*0,75
worth front...... 8 10 to $20.00
Coal Healers front 81.0) sap.
Watch Chains
Pocket and Table Kniv
All these prices are for Spot Cash Only.
dents' $1.b11 10 year chainx, f ...$LftS
folk Jutepph Rogers, tor..........
Look this Special LIS[
Gents' Chains worth 7sc, fair...
Geeta' Chains worth $1.511, for.:.
lac i X L, for .... .. .
40c Pen Knives for ...........
Iioya' Chains worth id M, for......
lkic Knives for ................. 75c
Cross Chains worth $1.7.i, for....
Silver pointed Table Kniv
Aiilk Strliners for.........,...... Me
Ladies' Chains worth 8111.75, for.
*2.10 per ? dozen, foe. ....;1.(q
Gem Callenders for .............. life
[.fidieii Chains worth $a.Jl, fur..
IAKNecklet Chains 7:x G! $1.51), fair....
Knives and I oaks, worth $ .isO to
folk: tin Steamers for ............. .Vie
tic Nonsuch Strive Polish........ loc
Ner•klets worth 7:x, tsar..........
$2,x11, fair 12 sierea... ......
+a Spoons worth 25c, frN•........
8L111b RisingSun Polish ................ ....
Necklets worth :Ake, for..........
Tie loins worth $1.1,0, for.........
Ir ka tic for ', dosen, for........
lic•st eta[ Polish known......... l:rc
9Ike s
lwtrgqe cane f iple Varnish.....,.. life
Tie Pins worth :Nle to islk, for.....
Bok 'a Razors worth 1.511, for....
75c linlling Pins ...................... lOc
Tie Pina worth 11th. fair.....:....
CuR Lihks worth 'tic, fee........
7a is for ...... ............:15e
dozen Clothes Pins.. ........... lir
50c Coffee Pots for .............. 4(1c
Roger at ford Hoket• at Sensors fit spe. flilar Coffee Pot- for ................ 5tk
Cuff Links worth 75c. for ....... 441 clad prices front ........ ilk Fire Hhuvela &
lac to OOc .... �...........
Compass ('harms worth &Ie, for.. Half Mules for loots...... 15r, 111c, 250 40c Con Ilot e for . ...............:ilk
Iron Beds, Special, 25c Whip i�oeketa for ............. ]tic :� Coal a Sc for... or ......... 20c
• / 4(k Stable Srrapeas for ..... :1Ik•
Heol worth $IO,:AI, for ........... $17.11A Plow Dolts,2 for ...................:roc $Lir(1 Shoup Shovels .. ..........#1.1111
Bed worth $1K. -A1, for........... MAN, Curry C Clio ....... Tin Test Kettles, No. 0.. , , , , ...... :t3c
11e•ol worth 4.4.01, fur:........... 0.50 ............. 1(k -W Claw Hemmers........ ..... llic
Red worthE','.50,
:A), for............ 5.5n dun C , Ponder and Shot We Harrel Hatchet, hest.......... floc
Bed w•orLh.7.3. for..........., 5.75 Small Plyerm...................... 1(h•
15c C nvaa Olives ................. 1(k: Lantern Glasses............. be
Bed worth [air............ 300 ,..
4lk -alher Mftts................ :#)e I.amp (ilaaaev..................... .•.c
7 Lined NfittA...... ............ &k �••i,01('hild's Crib for............:2.'2i
Parlor Suites and Chairs iio{re Clothes Line.. .............. ilk•
Whip Bargains I Ladles* Wrist Bags 7tk', for...... (tic
l)ne thn•e-piece unite, silk, worth Lnflies' Wrist Bagn o0e, for ..... .*ae
$37, fair.... V21.00r$1.(10 Whips for .................. ftlk
e. suite, worth the Whip" for......... .....
$:11L1111, for ........... .... '11.(0 1(17w Whips tsar.......... HoeI (;Pole' Pocket h3okrka sac,, for.... 211P'
One five -pier
1 oases worth :3)c for •.......:......: ac
45c Parses worth 271c for.............. 11k
One Easy Chair worth $1 V11111, forj ftlin 011e Whips for......... 41)c Gauge Glasses .................... Or
One Rocker Wirth #7.1x1, (or..:, itis)
One Rucker worth $4.fx1, for. :4.(111 Sir Whips for ..................... tic wire bottle Furniture Polish...... pix
for 'whips for .................... j11'LraeP, Leather. Pte
Two }ifekPrs worth t1Gi.'Li, fro 1.75 p11c\'hope ... ......... Free
Misses' Bickers, Worth $1.-,s, for 1.45 Cold Oil, Arnerienn, pep scallion.... iSc Blaek Dnek, worth X)c to clear mt. laic
A Bale of Wrafarwrette, regular
Stove Boards Wrenches Me and 12r, to clear at ....... w,
f4wve lllards worth #1.15for ... Sale I Pipe Wrenches of all dew' ri tions, 12 1n11iPA WalkiraR Skirta, were,
Htoce RoArdx worth #1.223. to $4.00 *05 Patch. to clPar at.......
Move Boards Wirth #l, tele for.... 1.'Li Pipe Cotten+ Dream Lining, regnIstr inc, W clear
Htove. Hounds wot•th $1.75, for.... LN) 1'Ipe Vises sat ....................... a and Nr
We have other articles to no end not mentioned in the above list, which
are also reduced to Bargain Prices. We expect to sell everything in stock.
Do not miss this great opportunity it is,thrown to you. The Terms are the
best to buy on - SPOT CASH ONLY.
Hardware, f=urniture, Stoves, Jewelry, etc., Hamilton Street, Goderich
a Areleou Makin¢
We will
Molsiey? I, Cash �ve mmyouu- \
Lima and VJuabk
Prima for each Subscription secured. Noir \
of the pn:ea we competmve. You can find
out how you can do Chu by writing to the
for particular& concerning its great Subscription
Campaign and the inducements which are
being offered to Represeatani e&. Equally
mWere fog to old and young. Address
S West Tweely-to S reel
• Nes. Tockadalcoy
One Elnulsion,.noade trout the purest Norwegian Cud Liver Oil,
is:easily taken and, coutaininK the hypophosphites of little find sods,
makes one of the most, effective medicines in Coughs, Colds,
Ilrunchitis, etc.
TWO SIZES BOTTLES, Joc and fi.11o.
The Store that Pleases. GODERICH
Great 1
II tee.:, I Stove
During the bal-
ance of this
month we will
h a v e a great
clearing sale of
Stoves and
Ranges for spot
$ 10.00 Coal Range for
30.00 Range for
:36.00 Itange for
40.00 Range for
10.00 (hal Heater for
15.00 Coal Heater for , '
26.00 Coal Heater for
36.00 Coal heater for is
40.00 Coal Heater for
Tilimmis mm IIA11111I N -m. The stove nkakerm have all -
vaUe A all htovelf tell per cent. since we, huught
and we cannot replace then[ at such low prices.
Good Second-hand Ranges, [testers and
Furnaces for sale cheap.
The Largest and Rest Stock in the
Ir,nt $I,IxI to $1.1wl special at $7..Al
lire. to $:i. u a lair
speci,dly imirrd sat
$1.10 to $I.:AI
fnan lac tet #i ."oo
ETC. r: _�al,