HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-21, Page 415
4 Tiliummuav, November 91, 1907
THE TOWN COUNCIL. an 1t. lilt Mr. that •Ihe- l regrill Issas—
ail u{wrnUun ; that the- plemrlt war-
ket Wilding and grvumh le hold and
1 new Market ereeteil on Vletoriit
I'Arl: fit A cast nod tat cxa441 i i,tsllt : •
WHAT IS TO 89 DONE WITH VIC- IhAILthe clerk write the Oe'and Trunk
TORIA PARK •e, a and n4pll.rt then) 141 l.tllarge their
rattle yuan!" and pal Ihrw in Iwltrl• THE
ahs►`)r, Greatest,of - --
Residents of Neighborhood Protest There was elitist, critieissn of the
"coed clans., sou)• of the Inelrller"
Against Moving of Trees Pro-
thinking the price niuuwd Kite tilt)
posal to Build a Market Revived-- high. The clause was tinnily Telt over
To Vote on Doty Bylaw Military to the next mPPling of lite council.
Camp for Goderich, the ca1111r11Ltee in the Inealltllie to get
e"titllales of the cost And report fill--
ther its W details. 01tancillor He( it (Pronaunced:S -if w
warn fin Advocate of the need 1y( :t F e
DeF tz Reeve Elliott and (buncd- I,I.,,Itet•m+lrkel, but thought ihr !!rivep V
bur UulAlliOl•Ile were altseut from the nail"! was twice its mrrh lie wt)klIdR0A jlf`
regulrb me•hng of the town council he necessary. The other cbtllses tceri•
list Friday night. Adopted. TROUBLES
The clerk reported that Dir. Salkeld What the Coal Coats.
was willing to halve the pmposc"1 sell
face drain in 'l'ilt's new survey sol The tinllnce committee recutll-
across Ilia prilperty. Mr. SAlkeld will !!tended that the relm)lt of tilt. %veto
he "ked to hist the commillec to and lig{(ht cunllnlllnw/111 oil cast of con!
make arrangement:. be publiahed in henth the lean l"Ipl.lm. -
A High-handed Proceeding. but it was Stated the c'oa111irsion
'1'I 1 'k 1 1e Sorted hr had (leen would publish it, sal lm" WAX dle)pIX41.
ll- c el N W 1 I
unable to find any authority futon the
1 he relxa•t recotlunendel no actlun un
tale k% heel Rigs, Co.,.. Application rat-
council given at) the Grand Tr11nk
au advance on the mwliellutl loan. mild
aur formser yellow t'ownmuuml RIVes n
Railway Co. to build the siding they
had sat in W the divest of then IY/111111•
!ht. itlfnrmaliull was forthcoming that
U\F;l' can Guy n,l%ertining space, but it can't bay •
OPuturpIs e0coeeefui record of wonderful slid
alnitl4ld toiui: The
the company had mastPiolher arinnti
almost mirac"loue curer of We me tt difficult and
house oil {nut of
tarots fw uncaring the needed papita{
lmutt. The letter is dated fit Caultuil,
Ma or said at all "crate the t:'ow any
3 1e[
It -gal to the ending
to complete the haclmy.
intricate cases of throat, lou said stomach troubles. Such is
1'sychine's Thuunimste of eases lip by leading
had no right put
Thr public works culmuittet' ret••
= reronl. given
there, as the,P had Ulcer, no 11vinw
omm euded that the Whorl !togs CO.
doctors as hopeless and incurable have been quietly anal lrr-
F used go tog thele that permil,siwl.
he giceu sewer ruune•tiun un the
manently cured by Psvchme. It is an infallible remedy for
bronchitis, indigestion,
It was deci4 d to ask raille•Ay
llsllLLI IPrt11e, that the sewer un Eliza•
- cuaghs, etelds, pneumonia, oteusulupUon,
company l0 Show [heir aulhurit v.
twill street In, at mi- ,let-%ryt41. The
--_ Ips of appetite and ail t1 YLing 11LCarCLL -
I'hP Mayor charm-Lerized r.tel-
wit s action as high-handed.
'I he Mayor reported he was IAtislitd
IW N)rt was adopted.
('qll tlrlllt)r Reid gave flmLl"P of Ills•
_ "Jay .0 Aad a terrible ca+lrh lira
_ was waned lis • s11Wuw. 1m4•Wrs
said het dd not lit'. 11.111r, ray.
Mit L aicL
wale worth itiU,% P.
aisle Yarrluta U„r. \.S.
" Mr loop an• m saw rXlnd u atoll
the town wam amply protected by till-
Bull to rescind file bylaw to co llle [
()xrord fine street.. Ite Mr. Bold.
ehine, it caml hum.•' -Mrs. J. (taus-
after ulna 'rtu71tt"-lL ]LObtA7tt
insurance of the Kensington furniture
lhot{w toad not vonveyet to tle town
et., Bmt-kr"le
^ Alar taklua 85.2 worth of P"-
budxcburx, taut.
'HIr p irlesavtd mvllre-"-A.wa1-
factot y and that when the urN'
am Agreed Ihr lots retloired to le lewd
al iae my lllnrsam well &W life fa
dem.: Gflnrmu et. Tu ouw
itmAiclea were made alit they would le
!Sanded over to the town.
in ulm•uing up the streel.
Psyehine Never Falls Psychine has no Substitute
The Mayor said the water Aud light
To Vote on Doty Bylaw.
commission would nut le able to make
mitter reeoomelltlrtl
The special comm
w lir ALL )eA[eRs, 110o: sad ft.00 A BUM.8
the report asked for until flat- middle
that a bylaw he submitted to the ere•-
D11-T.A. SLOCUM. Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto
of December. What the e4runcil is
tt)rs at the January rleetions till the
was to collwa ticket+ helm all !rose
roost in need of, however, is A stitte-
lines of F. W. Doly's pnlp)mal for the
- -- --
went of the amount expended un tht+
systems on capital account in older
e.tAblisbntent of a toiler -staking
plant, the main belittling of the new
TIGER HUNTING IN CHINA. Not the Right Kind of Head.
W have a bylaw prepared in time for
plant to be !tl byl.'Al feet and to law of
_. __ _ An I i ishulan nature[ Hickey, who
voting on at the .laniary elections.
co Seer tv and and located in the
was killed by a blow left the head
The matter will Ise dealt with sat thent-ighlorhl"d
of the Hansford salt
"Scottie" Hutton Tells of Encounter with recently \cos found, on surgical exam-
next meeting of the council.
works, and that Litt- appplication for
a Man-eater. illation, to have had A skull iso,
Communications penes the
of licese+ front `V. Tilt to 1'.
Irististrr n
thicker in ao tue places than blotting -
of Public Works And from the Deputy
Mdis Is- granted. The re{ort was
In stevordmire with our proilltsr paper. This recalls :r story of an
Minister of Marine And F•ishe•fe4+ ware
last week• we give lel.lw nil exh•art
with reference to the glia bell- "lark•
1 1 • k • ter which
Thr Matte• of repairing 41r tearing
h•otll A letter (1-4111 .John Ilutton, aces'•
f -i rn or Ihr
Ing the outs) P Igo it N,a
had !!"Lour ahlrltd illlel till. chatill, .
down the steps at lilt- 6-1141 of \V elling-
t1(1 mh'ert N'UN h•1t \\'1111 the {lllllhl
Brut l.ngulrer or a sw e
Y IIA -Ilial nisi!N•Ily, ('h i111, in Which
but which was low moved hack And
works t-4 nnnlittee with lower,
aur formser yellow t'ownmuuml RIVes n
anchomd,trlth A heavier weight.
taill list- dignih' If itM rollits, !tilt
generally plllllir reprhisanllm to rola!!-
thrilling 71evollilt of. Ihr t•x poi-rielletw of
The mual grant of $14) to the NA-
Dr. Clark Has a Bout with Mr. Beckett.
him wif aml H. Carr. Harris in it tiger-
tional Sisnitariunl association wit"
Councillor Clark had it grievance lis
lmutt. The letter is dated fit Caultuil,
Air at this pot int, objecting to • slab•-
October 1-t.
Asks Consideration from the Town.
relent allxdr by Councillor Heckett at
air. Hutton m1tys : • Wt' 11741 it ver-
tile. other d+ey
A letter front Alex. Clark of the
the previ'ou" meeting of the council,
with reference to same cl.netery mitt-
exciting e•xp•nirnce
limiting It trod live 11!(111-eatiilg tiger.
corporation staff ,uekekl co"eidrr,Uion
front the town in coneeluence sat n
tors. Councillor ClArk mion ade a:-
[fell. is Illy story of the atTitir : Oil
lhe."'o' "ill L9 of Oil• LN(b SePten) ler,
long illness from typhoid, due as he
plAnatiun need Councillor Beckett°wits
ct'illing to necept it but balkeil at Ink-
while. sitting it breakfast, aur reel'
was advise/! W his having had to clean
out at dirty cutch -basin At the earner
I ing basil: his mtalenent. As he thought
lit-Ought-lisviewsthat three Lige!! h:►d
leen seen in a neighboring village And
of Nest and Wellington stree•tr. This
the wit\' he llml llladl! It was aixellt
1'IKllt. ("'tmcillor Clark {t}•'oI111W41 all
halt IN4'll doing Away with all the
was referred to a special coill"llttee.
A long Inter from J. R"' Fortune.illak'e-
Councillor Beckett take back
pigs• det,-. t,•. Twn flays pceoionm Ip
ulaunget• of ihr (io derich ttldrl Class-
hotel had test-
is,hat lit had said if he would not du it
willingly, which Couneillor Iteekett
able IIIPy hotel I tnkru ner awn ill !hl.
ilative women w'ho had leen W'orking
pxtny, calfliaitllwl Lhat the
dere!! ucient me•rive ill clltlnectiont
filially Agrees' to (it) flitante Nike (if
but added "with it rese•ryatnoll,
in the rice {x4dllle•m. Il:at'CI , 111\'mrlf.
M141 01114 - Of sells' Ie Alygll:ll'd lel 'oIn'1•
with the official olwning of the Gurlph
:i rent tiger haat, x!1.1
d Ooderich Railway lis tint itI it too
Mili Cam at Goderich.
7 P
wl sell. . Icing nruev with our
pxryment of $1W instead sat $iiie which
the ewtncil hast agreed to.
Lt.•l:.tl. Young leas bran! it) rl.fl.r.
lite •pier". Iwridrm aur rrvulyrl•m. L• .
"huts in rapid mucrt-mmiun, when well-
once to the pndmable coaling of list.
riving sat the Village w•he'e• the tigers
Had Cigars to Top OR With.
military camp to (-ode•irh next nems•,
Were suplm.ied to b,% wi- sbutwl nn i
It All 1, the hotel nmulagelllent
He wtintwi at) Ltiow What the town
role perilous task 'of ls•itting the
was to collwa ticket+ helm all !rose
would fee like doing with reference
111-IILP". 11111. after Moist Iirteen minutes
who were nerved with neal4 at the-
to wat'r Anll light and renNal of
in the juilgle It native limlight it.
town's expense that day. but when
gruntlde for the. e:xnlp. ThP lItilitary
news that they had gmie off to Ihr-]
half it 11111" AWAY- Off We'
the visit -r.4 presente.l thenselye" at
eimiiim-rm. he gaid. hall melts-fwt the.
$text Village
the hotel Wlltle h,ul tickets and *unit- ,
Ati vill fat -111 as the- hint to atioll.
started fill the 1'1111 roti!" IIeXt village-,
asal only hadsoon• were vouched
by heal
IThe N 1 llbring Mal It IMaI
iiislrrirh there would
eagert.1 ro • 'on1• Jerry. re a lad ritto-ted the
jliligit. again. At this Xriut the hear
fill- ata C. 1'. H.ollicials the
C. P. it, tlrliet two -tit. And others in
}f"•uple to find
1a' ill IetWelon iland $:01'1110
N'aa Illlllleel IIIIla Ilit"Ll) I- :&oil I WAS
turn were vuuchwl fill• by those the
in leis"•" as ,t con"luenve. The Itself-
t f •' d t fl e'trial r rout
als"it sell in. At IitXL we discoverel
one in manse thirk brtish. We- cn111d i
n1n Iun4pience
agent vo11chwl fur, ad tw
A large number of nerals WPI-" served
er Nan n eIr u t 1 r .
nlilte•e And it was stated the water
not mer' bias, bol by the umvenent of '
terruptnf with, "for burning the
for which no tickets were collected.
and light ru)luission wits roscsidering
file buslle•s ave• knew hr wits then" 4811
taill list- dignih' If itM rollits, !tilt
generally plllllir reprhisanllm to rola!!-
Mr. Fortune's letter mentioned that
what ro111d bo- dune in the 111ate• of
right, mild tlo•n things loo -gall lis get
the Visitors 11141 lee•11 well treated :lllll
had Ix"en nllowwl• suflicirnt cigar" to
N•;ttrr and light.
The List item of bumiilrss was ihr
"1V a were e/te[y fifty feet trap!! him
cil on the chairman of the parks cool-
and the Reeve third hack the
1 K
t i'ona ns to what he ehonld and should
when Ilarris olm•nwl Illi•, the ;;cards)
r ,
topp off with after
e.. Clark and Ihr Reeve moved 141
paslfing elf twenty bylaw", And was it
mete. formality neessilatetl by ant
followiftg in rapist sncressiun. On
rapi'on the nitdYou fiat question leap,
refer this letterto the mise -inn cornfrom.
Ir ('01,11.
objection the rmrchasI.r of aumr•
Ilring my rill. I diw•uvereil that the
it" wt) Id not go Self. ovvil)K h' the
mittcP, but an anw•nduu•nt, Y
grnnolithic sides'• k detN•ntures lis
Ilewlle I ing al ants that it would'
cillont Beckett and alacklin, to Iflr it,
ale form of the bylaw•" which h+ul
"'It %to ke tike varitidgv. Cons,•
was carried.
IN•en pamard dxdt)re ill this connection.
illently I had tit mhtild by end look lit
building of A marlin at Virtoria Park
Protest Against Moving Trees.
"The•n something did hapten.
the Iwaml, nut in the lest. of 11un"tls
The removal of the rhestnit Dees
i''1'i nnly Ise sure. It way very hard
iTHERB'S nothing like a gam! soap to
from Victoria Park wool the cause of n
Scotch village one day in (till oviform
It k. Well. Harris find four More
A pave the wilt for a goo,l dinner. And
vigorous protest from residents i., the'
"Wily, ( Kot aloe` pretty well until
"huts in rapid mucrt-mmiun, when well-
I there'snothmm
g like Armour's Kztrart
vicinity of the IXtrk. George Stewart.
Nothing but the Finest of English
dente• all•. Tiger lealled nut of his lair
of Beef to give that indarrriW,I,! relish and
Jacob Stokes and Benjamin Switzer
Allowed in His Court.
evith two great big jumps aliod alit le
lavour to soup.
were heard. Mr. Beckett explti"441
that the removal of the trots" lathe
I'omnt), Nov. 11. aft.. Justice I[id-
directly for um, fit the sane time
gfi•inK two mewl unearthh ream. 1
Armour'rlianntof i'.eet gives the rich,
tastp,appoli:ing flavoruf r,».t IA4f u. all
Harlan Park had loo -en decidecl on by
dell is rvidrnth' drtermine•d to do
tell you %vital, it Joked su if it w:as
meat diahei.
the whole council in the spring, that
the its llmt meeting had de.
%vhill he- can to linve the English len•
Kuage [rs{wriest in his court, loth lay'
{(Ding In he all up With 11s. Harris
hnd'only Iwo more shuts left. which
.. Hy hvortrc iGri ."teat of many wa7s
In Arosmrp mase
council at
tided to have the work done now, Mr.
the- loar and toy wit nemeses. Hr in mit.
hr fired At paint blank r:►nge. 1 Iwing
whu•h tract fit may IIs
•sed. +eat fn•e on res•i,fiet fir rnn metal cap
Watt saying that this was the rX•st
ting in the nomj11ry ama'yl•4.
directly lehitld hie and the re ml-
I tram ajar of Aruwter'i Rttrowt of lieef.
time of the year Ga transplant and
Yeate•l w hell WIN). I roudfoof•
having run away. it louke l vary blue,
Address. Armour Limited, Toronto
that the trees would grow lwlter after
K. C., NIkwl it witness if he meant by
him Action is, -throw down" him firm,
best Ibase Iwo sholm which llarriss
Arm s Solid
their m•cond trans planting than after
firt4l mndr the brute change him mind•
I our
their first removal to Victoria Perk.
however, the
Ili» Lordship said, down !
What dews Ihat Illean :• Don't lei ns
for mnddeidy he veered off to rnn• left.
very ImIlAi wounded, :Ind
Extract Beef
The prnLeeters, claimed
trees would not grow, elitist they
have any Slang here, ph-Ame."
took t utly
took to the rice Ilelds. IC all h p-
wanted the brei left where they 11,141
Later in the day• when the mance
(enol sr quiekly that I hNd nart lime
(leen and didn't think the. treeit should
witness replied, in a n"wer to a (liters.
to pull out nay revolver. We mtarts4l
- -• Ila
havehren movedon accn)nt ofthr'Mlye
tion Am ba what he had to any to A ro•r.
in pursuit, but for sola" little lust all
who [mull them in their way in l)INy•
Lain Acclimation, with the wants •'Itis
tri4'P". until it native told lea he bad
Ing baseball, as titre IanguAKe of the
p[X.rfectly nbsurd," Justice Rid-
Ihipmatiently, "No, it is
seen •llini nn the other side of the
boys was very had.
olell maid not sit)-
village. On arriiling there wt. saw•
surd. It im either trine or untrue•;
m6 -tiger grappling Willi a natio in
The Reeve vs. Councillor Beckett.
which its it:•"
the rice pruldiem. On coming up to
The Reeve side1 with the protPaterm
Another witness hhle onid in him eve-
the roan, and also air. for he
to scrille extent and hied a crack it
dernee that the tenant of him house had
t deA/l, having iia,
Mr. Beckett on account, of tuhbish
pulledtitTnpieceof headingwaeasked,
e wlq)
alr we
for the wound. he had received, we
which was raked a At the Harbor
How do vnu know that
frnwd the man terribly mulilued and
Park thin mpring teing burned nude!•
Rome of the trees, resulting in the
- "Well, 1 e1111pose it WAS they IV
did it; there was no line Plme," the
FrImiolinKfront at lesmt twenty wounds.
We hastily stressed them up with our
de*trnction of six of then), he claimed.
wiinemm replied.
handkerchiefs told
Mr. Beckett said the brush hiul been
"You do your rase nu goal by utak-
and Pont-- coolies
to carry hint to our stationwhee we
hurnt there contrary to his expres"
ing statrott.ntm like that when yoll sire
world properly attend to him. lie
directions, that only two elf the trees
oil oatit in the witness Irox," said Ilia
will .Prover, I think.
were hart and that the 1(eeve could
fw)r& hip : ••run elrbberately assert
"Four men were letiuired to earry
I o
not evade his nhnt•e lel the responmihil-
yon know something which you do
oar prize to Ytien Tam, ,nd when he
it for the removal of the trees front
lw(-ii docidwl
not know. I will not have such trill-
ing lmgowv%"
al.l.ivrd we ft)und that he 111eAsurre[
Victoria Park, an it limit
"even feet from tip to tip and weighed
on by the whole council twice.
The RPeve'm neeoned t)
And to it grump -if tlkative hewyem
Hie terldskip maid ember in the day :
1.0, potul&. The skin in it homity.
catch the appreciation of the pro-
the Mayor, evidently
• 4on1r rwopiv seem to think that this
is not his Majesty a court.. Irut al con-
Alar. Harris, hats sent it down to Canteen
to he Inileled. That's nhanr all thee.•
I vU
teatera, and
is to fell now, except. that Harris rise!
thinking that Mr. Beckett wait getting
VI-INAzione. 1 reallyrntint insipt on
I think has ale• thrilling
more than should he comity to hint,
si1evre within the bar fit ]east. The
it these i live
and exciting time in oar Ih'al. • There
remarked that he (the Moyne-) thought
conislahlem will ]link after it mitiside
are+ still two mitre there, Net we do not
Cmincillor Beckett de"ervwl it gnat
deal of credit. Send was going on to say
the 1111r."
intend to go after theist until we have
more truatworthy rifles."
This is the big, it 1. Call
for hip activity on the park commit-
tee and KeropmIly, when the Rerve in-
The'rurnnto News Pays: ",Mr. Jus.
terruptnf with, "for burning the
I11•P Riddell, if lost wiIf pardon tale ex-
remission, Is tummy. It im well to main-
He Made It Right.
tre-en F'
Dr. Marklin inttnlato4l it wePmed to
taill list- dignih' If itM rollits, !tilt
generally plllllir reprhisanllm to rola!!-
A p1117e[1 Ira)' N'am Aakt•(I br InkP
diA is at l l uv of n dfptinguitakel
Q 1
him cowardly thin for member
to to throw LMP
se•1, Pxcr q fur gate•• olTonrPn, A1r to
lit(I'm 'o r • frit
The IA 1 w til t, in r
sat the council mePK
onues of the united Action of the co1111-
omali{ may mama hf
PII. Fin every -day
Ili: received
rnceitYd ift aIle PYery-tlNy' lAngllNKr of
lest he mhonld r• lnnnit mune breach Sist of
I,Itfee Ph
Pllt IIPIt P, Arr III nI re At4t dllt•r-
cil on the chairman of the parks cool-
and the Reeve third hack the
the Iwnplr. DiAny {x•rrme get into the
1 K
t i'ona ns to what he ehonld and should
word '-unmanly" as applying to the
marts who Art. not nuimte•m of FInK-
limb. There is oniv /lane! opinion A4 LII
n•,I dn.
I m,n his ream n from the an -lit, 410•
Doctor'm remark.
The R,cr,ve claimed the expense of
loll a Riddell's aenk in the judiciary.
K j
And inenrrupt.i
ITh i" mole, oto
rapi'on the nitdYou fiat question leap,
J moving the tI'ee* was gain K to Fre very
Slav thele.
I This is only to rosy that he in un able
••Hall/1e[, did yo11 rt Alun wt the
table all right
heavy, but moved W bring those
whom !rill already hw•n !liken ill Har-
Iwncll N•hnt, he I%;%% sit the r. HP
"ballet no,. meek tai' lie .]-a st Ifesaor
::()It, em )lamm a, well enol h."
"Pull are pure vnu didn't ihr Any-
bar I•Ark hark to Victoria Pork.
There was no prronder. The- inform•
ot F:ngliah pod n (eAC11Pr a drpin't-
stent, bolting him r !•!sang in pohlic."
thin that WA not perfectly lite
K i Y nil
•tion was thrown not trod the urarkrt,
2 Coats, 2.75 for 1.95
and gf•nWemanlp P"
Committee wap rei•ommending thr
--- -
:Why, no nothing In,leak of."
building of A marlin at Virtoria Park
The Scottish Bon's Reply.
"The•n something did hapten.
land after a while the Mayor aucreeded
What. was it?"
in pprorolong on to the next order of
A young officer,. riding throiiwll n
-,Bert f fixed it, all right, mamma."
Inst oew, which was the market cum-
Scotch village one day in (till oviform
"Tell Ins At nnrr."
mittee's report.
and mounted on A eplendid hnr•*e, wits
"Wily, ( Kot aloe` pretty well until
Market at Victoria Pude.
much annoyed by A lad following him
AlenR the street. AL Insist he maid to
file tient ('Rine ; twit while, 1 was
hying to cut mine it slipped off on to
The committowmenmmrn ledlhatthe
the Imy-"Did yon never mer A war
lhPRonr. Hutimade itall right. -
tender of %%. J. Towermey. *We, far the!
ham before, my let,]?" "Yem." *mid the."
did pot do Y'
oWilloction of fees at the town meales Ie
"I have seen a wAur fw'on,l.l
"Oh. 1 just, !said, soma of carelessly,
aineeptesit And the te,•t Pa*ary bylaw
horse tin , In
mony a• tist never a wear !
'That'" Always the way with laugh
pr'eparsed. Mr. Fwtf(etl aRrPring to cru-
of stove polish that is
delighting so Many I se -
keepers, cooks and maids.
It c shines es jnuk as a wink,
And the shine stay's,
bright and black. Won't
burn off, no matter how
hot the fire gets.
It is always reldy for use.
just as good for Grates,
Stove -pipes and Iron-
work, as it is for Stoves.
Not rntll• the hest stove
r)lisli, blit the most of it
the money. Insist on
Mack Knight"
At your dealer• d
of Brass and Iron Beds and have decided to reduce
the prices
rlloxv.: S'rolli:. Al. WEST SIDE OF SQUARE. Pit Rltxtnexel:, l.1
altercation letween two natiyes oft
One's neighbors can see ;in eclipses.
1'nilur-nuulr, IX,ughl direel from the makes,
NVe never showed Pill nice An amortnlnnt ..f
fats lir this year's offerings. and our prier" art•
lung, loogir, dark umber checks and stillest.
well than they have )seen fur loam (flood im-
every coat new and up-to-date in style. Just
itof 111111k,j
k, uat like mink, still will write
'22 It -ft out of 1110 to Ise sold at the following
just an well, fur a poutone-third elf mink pricer.
$ 7.50 for $5.00 $ 8.50 for $5 00
A spw'ial title let 7th-, size" IS to :I), with hoar
to. 5o for 8 oo 11.00 for 8.W
sup par Leri attached, drab and while. lie sure
13.00 for 8 50 14 uo for 1o.00
and got a U. R A., every pair guaranteed W tit
$!0.95 for $12.00
iuld N'ear.. None so gocxl for the price asked
am 1►, h A.
ern gem I' he
anything ia m y ! INS
.imply tenuirkwl U) ihr judge, "V'er+
A lot of dreas goods ends At afoot half -pi t-
6 6 Coats, $5.50 for $3 75
:Ura It few Imttllle cloth ends, cloutIN half -prier.
2 Coats, 4 50 for 2.75
2 Coats, 2.75 for 1.95
honor, I'm sorry abant this thing,
All new And mtylisIl. Every coat in this rlorr
"IMI yAlds of flannelette trill ende, pink, white,
atld strifes, good, clean, sound goods, tulle
to In' clovued out of the •bovc reductions•
one-quarter less than well pricer.
II I'"sti. I H. Colborne
LL ct)nh:ItJl It.
that the prexturta of the kitchen
)lav have a foundation of purity
of Brass and Iron Beds and have decided to reduce
the prices
rlloxv.: S'rolli:. Al. WEST SIDE OF SQUARE. Pit Rltxtnexel:, l.1
altercation letween two natiyes oft
One's neighbors can see ;in eclipses.
- - -
Dublin let Donm•hnxlk Fair. Tberro(the
honeymoon without the :till of
wait the11suml PxrF"^ga of millnelall
a telescope,
From now
ruillplin,enr•, so -4 albs nk,111 of ane
Nan mmash,••1• At the: trial of the
viclotious youth, , gear Irstifiel
Of ernes" thin world nlav Is-
711 tetter, but n lot of neer ¢ru%v
R jails are
until New Year's
that the I ctim tenllxlratl lone wits
rrec'tel every year.
nm thin film. . in egg -shell.. Never-
thel•sm. O'tililm\.lin was convicted of
"-- --
will he ntle• of the busiest delle••
it hr hate
homicide, and when fire
of lame year in the kitchen. Fur
ern gem I' he
anything ia m y ! INS
.imply tenuirkwl U) ihr judge, "V'er+
the t>akmK the houxke4epermhould
honor, I'm sorry abant this thing,
lay in her supplies Ivitb care, w
bill you ht-At••1 what the doctor said
about the titer )rlunate. young man. An'
that the prexturta of the kitchen
)lav have a foundation of purity
I leave it to yer honor, now, if that
wall any kind or it head W go to it hair
and unquestioned duality.
With in Ireland."
We have planned to meet the,
The Big -est and liest aC Show
special wants of this moam n with
tinoggm : "My daughter is going to
of the clay. 1 } iKh class in
the right goods, which we Kunfrin-
nl11ry young
I101(K4: "Why. I thought you hated
every respect.
tee to be fresh, clean, and of AI
Nnogg" : "I do. Tleis is A s•heine or
mine• t'o hove my wife lore-ame his
Moving Pictures,Raisins
Figs Dates
III )the[ -in-law.
°""g" Lemons Peels
Illustrated Songs
Nuts Spices Flavors
_,.verneeded for the leaking.
In your spare time at home, or
Take a Personal Course at school.
Complete change of Program
Gall or telephone and your
To enable all to learn ive teach on
every Tuesday, Thursday
order will have prompt ani!
cash or instalment plan. We also teach n
lwrwnal class at school once a month.Careful
and Saturday.
(:lass commencing last Tuesday of each
month. These lessonsteachem,howtacut,
t And put together any Ktho from the
Vainest to the
& CO.
e m
shirt waist suit, most "!•neon-
ate deems. The whole family can learn from
__ -- _ -
ON e course. We have taught over seven
thousand dresoo-making, and guarantre to(
Kive five hundred dollars to any one that
cannot learn .between the age of 14 and
qo. You cannot learn dress -making xs
thorough as this course teaches if you
ivork in shops for years. Beware of imita-
tions as we employ no one outside the
school. This is the only experienced Dress
Cutting School in Canada and excelled by
none in any other country. Write rot onye'
for particulars, an we have cut our rate one.
third for a short time. Addrrms
X Ede lit-stlatl(td. Ont.. Canada,
I% IN'r F:I) .%7• I)\( 9: .%V,• have J. 111(sl t"
imnonrt wed amploy it number elf mmiNit yonnx
Wife. to leach Near Hulme In hn-ninkins.
heti Ing nn(- teacher for the mit town, nrnm.l
where they live--eItc in to it. Thane, who hnv,
workel at. dresmme Riot or who like drawls"
prefrrle4l. I'lewer do At t apyly enitas y can
dr roto your whole tlm.•. AAdleem
Tim flo*i4m..
1 have opened out a Melo Market.
in the building on
uhps•r 1 am prepalyd to snnply
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Poultry, Etc.
All (if the Iwet anality And at iellsun
"bit-, prices.
(if vs mew Trial Order.
a dish of
O sten
peeved in any style to suit tho ,
most particular tanto "goem
good " just now. «
Bulk Oysters
sold in Jany quantity. We
have only the choir."t Ili val vrp.
Cream Candy
Choice assortd (')ramp, l5r.
per pound, or two pounds for
lie. Try some.
E.veryth;nR fresh and Rood
Olympia Cafe
'Phone No. Ill.
Hair 61rower
TYarranted to effect good reslltri in All
cvasem where the mots air not Absolutely
deettroved. Removes dandruff, stops
the e N
h falling of l i a d brio
lar n
growth on bald hends.
with excellent ntsults. I ran Nilo%'
where it list* restored growth of hmii
Strips, alnm"t total baldness. E01111'
And rPmlily applied.
Warranted free from any
harmful ingredients.
(live it a. trill' 1 -I will I"• plrns,•J.
Will IN. pent I I. llulil ,It t'"r"il'l "t
WnnfNctlred and said by
Tonsorial Parlor, BPdferd Bla IN.