HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-21, Page 2I
Tlit'labAt', NUI'DMI*r 11, 1907.
lrvatteil tilt- uusfiicip:d milled Willi
IIu• hiss Aa•,a lmil: Iim., I,i conle. 1'i I.
moose von %%ill havl' to Inakr ltrwxl this,
1'flll(l'lllp(, and It IN 11111N it IP:11'111Y1
11:11111't11, ,Ila( Itfll 1'/•g lrll+llol4., IIINI.
�� A
IIINI It 1elll llllt del NN It Pleases.
re• • 01t.411.1 w 'e' I' 'e I
tl 1 1 L I 111111 111111 ion.[
. - - _ _ __
- '-
----__ -- - -
luurr cln'il ly' o+ I IN sled tit him JiKI in
i Thr resolution passel by flit- \Y..,t
K(Its11e1 (•an•re I.Mut, kill in Ihr di.•
Ilulun Lilwexl cotiveuUon wane
Ixnt-* Thee iv fill hint .f if. Ira11
apjNayu•ll, but it cannot I.• delayed
i Intention aKu. deprn/•aling flit- .laudcf•
181,11-i thus it fees- scale at fu►•lht-st.
tin fnrul
'Chi' dpvvtl,In lel Mill hwtunes letters'
jTelepbeene Call M4 Is.
loons nthack. public nirn which
'l/ lierge ,t INlrtiml 4,t Ille OpmNslimi
p1-mionfile items l W41 willows: the nU-
Tonna of lis,eeorietlesn :
lolan of 1•8111luaign. demes 11,11 Rppwar to
reamolling 14.'wdts ley INllltif-A n1blue 1
ruts 4,n his hfitifir a. at public noel),
{Lir) per annuw�u nu rrurr.
stilt 41411' t•Ylef-u...1 Wesel street (•4,tl•
41141 1111. 1'/•� Ie't ill whir -ll Ike. i. 11"M its
I"ll!ontl1,,.Aa•,ftinY leal..IhN:•N•.
(t•Illlk)l'ltl'y. ()f cnilrw•. title, e•rlt•ense,i
flit' IN•tt4.1' I13141i•:4 all Liver i11e Ike.
To, I'n, run ..-nb.niG•1,•, il,:d u yunf
.err l I
( . ill 11 Ndt
IU t l•fi 1
Illelll N ,1'' 1.1 1 I
t 1 ,n Iwk
1 >
I" nion, mid a1N11 in llrr•:1f 111•itaill, No
YUhKt'rlMms wall tilt ,1 'r , K
I 1 Ire i '4.u►. lux
4.o utirl ' b ' umil w'i 1 atm) 4.r , - flet-.
Y > ) 1 f or by w'•�
1. ullL t4.) t u•
1 least Ilff cele %cunt-, its,,[
fi111r1• FlrNlrhu a n1 K e•m fl
IU Id IIU hal IIIN11 I
%• either ',Ire tons .4 n
1 1 h , u 1 a► ,.11rIn • h Id
Npo'.*Ibr". u, Of tale fa•1 at Ne Mtity' A date N„
fullest wllll pride (I-) tit Its Intel 1st -will
sIl nnt, 1,w•I I/lll ll((III• r rul"I•Ate while,
R'hnl a rhmNYe Of atdre -l.dt lm,[, tell, Io one
in IcKal'tl lel its ll'e:ttinelll elf public
retainingthe regalrt of NII eel Iter .rr-
old mild the newrddre-- Jeuld tit- lit%eu,
lilt -n, +41141 ilt (-fill h,atdly tel• 1•\INY'tsd
tiling. -
An Appeal That Failed.
Advertising Rabe:
-111.41 it wU11I41 .yllllualhi%e Willa Ihr'
Iv t'esennleles the nllllol'h fir's) IIM'el,
IA•(( ,I;: ,l i' .1u111ar Ad%e111A'ule t.. IW
INlxiliOn (akell ley file Lilseral (-4,11%e1-
Monln•al WiWw..
.l 1'. llMran.it Inillle hiA llpl.7 l fu IhI'
fN•r Il.u• fur lnl In.crt inn olid Ir IN'r lila• fur
tach-ul..Nlurnt in,eniun. M.•a•nnrl by
l lull.
Iw,opIP 11udr1• the 1x111 Pe•1' fif Idle
1"NI{NI I,.il r'rdr. l W el\e li11a•K In N11 t1.•II.
=Ile--ranl. of.ix llmp, Rud under, *i INn
Itert•1'I•ing Ifi Ian• Ii,Isilinll til' 4.r In-
41111I'1'11 and as ,t 1':11'1• 1'haln lion. atill
they tolyl• given hint Ilia reply ,1 wig-
Adverti.awn4...I—(Gies:, Found. i;trate. Nil-
Llal• valftel by 111•. ItriUlir Na•sloll t,
Illllvnl en.., I•te11.id'•I'ing when• it
Nali/el,%'--let. situation. tt Nllttrt, Hiro Nxfer
rot '1 Torten 1. The fAllldllfl Free l'rek"
vollies fl,.111. If had I.N.n Illllllglit
Yale fir to H. -tit. FYnol, fur l•:de ler l a Itww,
1. rt 11 w fur tale. Ir., fine rur.Nlintic elldlt
Irlllarkel 4 few' die\'m ago :
that, though 111rwydras were deadin tile
Inca+. Y:• e•,u•h inw•niln : it fur nnl tIMNId1, U
law each anl*ANownt intgdh. IAulter ah'enir•
"Vivil w'm ice• renal -fit i. In' n nt I,v
ti '
ret erg. fh..\' xlJl IrIl1Yl 111 Ihr 1'1117114.m11•
uu111itic'. Tile Lilwr:ll4 hold a hr mililanl
.lent. ill,.".)[) hs'.
AnunuurrlNeul. itio),lluart n•aliliglylNl lou
ealltd fol.. Thr IIIIIr 1* 41111Q Iul Al
Whet) KUverninent 4,flh•es hilollld fel•111
felre ld Ihr ('11111-4•11 itgaill.l 1111.111 in
r liar, No e Ih•,- IWe1,."I.•.
n),.I--ial nnli w. fhrobh.i of lid"h i• Ill
1111' 11'1%e fill' Illi WI1111111 - N,I11le:d
1 is 1
heed. foul w4,11 all level. the Province..Province..lt,
#tied IItiN' tile/•.. flit- 010or Kinner,
110CIIIIbar) li'Nn•af or all)• I lab) idn.11 ter arew•1.
lxl, to b" era-Id11ill Ntl wG1H1-,•ine•IIl MINI
twit-lt•. h. let -el Ylllong lisc IIIIIN(
p•l',INtenl '141%'aPt-al s 4,f pl ival- -lesions.
wievi'I lo'.I)ItKIv ,.vpt• MI•. Itinlrilgw:I.
IIx, faitet 'rill•
lolwcfo.rl I'lela ,Ifni.
flAlex for Ie.\.ay Ind iv/ ud%rni•r-
Adlni,.imo leftist I.• by tent fir va No
to, itis wire. fact is ) flirt
the 1•lwu(-h l':uladilul, are IxY41M1iuK
aaentK will Liv Norte On wpylicLl{uu.
fodity'. ,Ind termite's ion to Ihr Jrsrrv111K
nalionalisl,e ill tilt- large• wnl.e or
unlst )wR'lluled. flow elms ntily Ihr
count 6 all Calne&i Iheir ete11lt14.y' aml
y.tN.t I'T F3t k Hee l4 h.l:'1':al)y:.
Ion No. 1•xjwctr 1 lit- at-Ille Ill mervivp ?"
)tit its INY,14.- alike CallNllianw, 'rill v
'I'veN gl,.xtl,
\\'dl TIIP Free- I'lr'., Ilett' ex pre.'s
del tint. 11.11 Ills• to y/111. 11. a race. for As
1 I
l{:. etirh. out.
its upillion spun Ihr m:lnuer in
It I•IIII10I, [lilt tis l'i/11adians, IIIMII
• ' - - . -__ ---__
-- _ -
which the /lovennwnt 1141' filled the
issue, of cenlnnml inh re"I. \\'hen
OODEIih'll. THCItriD.\Y. NOV. 21 lair
%': I •'
1 . 1/' N t- 1 NI
ll t I .1 1 r II
til I 1 Ilflll 111 r It.
it ) sealer ll, 1111 nae 1 t4. '
F1 Ir % 1 lints ale.•.
------ - -
--- --- -
A. E. lCwlt:11tevidence fif,illy Ir:winKlend
mel I'll thele shoulders it I11I Nl,l ler•, aIIII
y voting fur lilt- man who'1"..I
Ilfiw'trl. vivil service rrrornl sen flit-
Ir'ItIwwYJs their views, w'ht-fber hr
INII'I of flip Whitney t:ovrrnnlr°I %
speaks French fir linglish. whelhrr
U:atholic fir Prnte.tt1111. A
if in not oflrtl we quote Apprrlvin>11y'
I 7'11.. Signal recently :t
,aPpw,ll wan in ade in Nicolet agaiuNt
rrnnl The Mail :old F:m lilt•,
Orylill an all 11•imhrel:ul, foot hr gut x
Imt the following atlielr frnnl its rel-
danger in life var'ry'ing tint of file
sweeping majority in a I•on.titueu(-y
unions i4 we'll worth reading anti heed•
INelicy Ill•getl in solo. glnirterl elf place-
a lu".t In' 11-1.y f'r'esh. 'I'llelw n v
ins' at e\Ior( duty ,on p.Ipwoo'd ;
wlinlesulta• signs. for ,Iplw•Alm lel raker
In throve (lays of rapid growi 11 :old
unnx.ly, that it might lead to r4yn'islls
at lit class can Ise used, thongs not in
thin (-else, to cover se•Illmh tit -signs :land
expannl(111 tlll•lr• IN 7a Il:l lager elf dwell-
not I lel• llart n( Ill• I rlited States fifty-
W111110 II:rl lulls 1'1"11 lw col'I flitter in the
ing fix) unic11 1111 Illy Iltldeslrlille I•le-
rl•IIIIIeII which Wendel Illake things
Halne elf INatnnflmlll.
relent in rmiFration, fol Kelfnl 4,f the
material that
rather uuctlneforla[lIe fur many (slur -I
A Little Essay on Nalnes.
gloat proellwl•ity \Ile
familybrings illi
ldinn iInwufa
rtureiN. No lesli tin.iVerilget-onigrard
Huff.lo ( flown. mat.
fill)) to Ihi+ country. (luilr lerently
anlhurily than Tilt- New Yolk ('fine• I Our neighlNwm acro»' Ili,• lint- have
sepoor wolmill just :u'tivel h+'111 1"ak-
1114.14+11 loony drawn attention to )ht-
NOIneti.trn ftllje'tfd theN,tetiemlly to
Land with fiverhildnru wn.% pIr:IN:uul.
saner I"os-ibility. It points tout flint
tile 4ssu11gdion of tike n:alne "Anle•i-
spMken lel I-.\ s g4.n111•ulAll %left la"p-
prnl•d W In- waiting un [hr soler mU'Ir1
for tl eenhel Ill' l'nitel Nhatr. bane
clue' 1.) - the IkY.ple lit life Unite)
states. •'1\'t-• too, liar in America
co • r u • t r• r •
to 4.[ t a ('at. H f Gtcr I' t Y
1 bel
Ilte 1 Ihr 4.x o• 1
1 It if iluwr
1 1 1 Is
and nor its much :\Iherie+u,. xY the ill -
top 'tied thele wall a batt- of trars as
gol'tlltitit.w nt c(LIton'tied /•(ne ft) (;rent
habitants of Ihr anther) Itself of the
she "lid. •'Ill vote know. air, tht"w at-
the fleet kind words 1 have heard
n null ' ati'tsta, turd. its Thr (llolx'
(-ftnetnell.•' J'rue euonah. Yet their
hlnre I :'.1'1'1\'el 111 l',a11:Ulel. 11nc1
rrnutt'Lm in all elitl,rial un the gull
own prat tice 1'elt•nimile" lilt- complele
elllw%%er. TIN• Iteoplo, elf this country
n1ple laugh :It Peter Idd ways and
j-1. "till• viting elf Iliew rollit1nNllties
Nlw callel Atnericars" lievil11NN flit -%-:11'1•
only have even toll it, that we had
Ina)- top4411 intimation that the Pro)-
till' dirt' nation elf tilt- Western benli-
no bueine'e coning to this r•ountn•y."'
In )another case :t teacher *111 'life of the
hibttion elf the exporwtion for pulls
s cher for tine thins, and Ile•auw-
t9Ntwis no fitting wulostitutle feet. this,
•chools fieri emllied upon to stop it
111 in would top followed liv the prohibi-
)))nue. Even our northern neighlNn•n
,chorslleny light, the cause• of whirls
tion of the exportation of rntteen and
vould not a•h(ol theinsrives to call
vs. its the leering tannls of twit ler thtwr
p,,,d to (%lnadx." The Glolw goes flit
'IN "l'llitel Ntateary,." "Americans"
s•hadlMyh toward n couple of English '
lads ork h d just been enrolled
GI sly ' " e do, tint think that we
they and the world rill its. mild Anter -
pupils. Not (Lilly is it a commute (Lloli.
should Ise deterred in taking what
Ir,l els we will ,Ilea\'n IN•. Thrrr In no.
initinndetitxnding in any fyreign
gat ion to treat the stranger -often
ete11% are neer*Nary to pr~rve our
capital whets our asks to fes dinN:lel
lonely, dlscourriged, sear ,if work filed
forests of spruce fly' ally possibility of
tie tilt- American eniflN1Rsir. I
unused to the wavN (If thecountry-slur
with courtesy and •thnughttnlnewl, but
reprisals much ms are hinted tit in Thr
friends in flip lionnniniun slundd
glxJ that Ihe•ir country has too
it is important W renie alwr that much
l'oulnerciat.!' Certainly not ; but if
Puphnnioue end convenient x mmull' a,
Eeople, if wisely and mytie pat hetirally
we can preserve our wolxla ley #I svwible
Canada, which in t le hftnle elf "( :n-
rlpedto get stilled tinderconlfort-
plan of reforestation, tie %which Petit.r.lians."ofroura•.
Itble mocial conditions. will in la very1,IrighlMr,
short time Iw (if great vrlue in the
Could take iso rxcrption, w4.
winAntewfifourl'ni"nhavelwcN.ion to
l"$11rnt sln11ef111nN that their conllnon-
develo Nurnt of the coebhy, while
sh,onld Ite blundering ogre g' lltmh• in
WPalths are net. len/re happily Isallied.
their cllildlen will un•loub►ell )raw•
,filo tin • flit• bull•11 tiled o
P ti f
What IA it citizen O ( 4, 11
f 1 lith t, all him•
u o N'O '
I 1 CII all) '1 1 1 . �tl
1 I l l l f scitizen-
ry U
export duty. Them is no s•n.r in
self to • • •,
r example ? A Yernunllrr in
slip it is clay l0 recall the nanlrx of
s Imo of 1'anAd+l'e nota useful riff%rna
inviting trouble unntrrma oily.
till right• lout how theme Ihr purr
11ansAchusrtlxe•. ,or ('onnertiru'er. ler
who came here nm youths with not
.—____ _.
%Via•onsitier ', The trengians, K..n-
earthly polaluxsionot lilt strong arnlN.
It Hope Were Gone.
Inekiatl.,Texanm.Uldifornians. are well
and determination fol
l with .oth-lweundinK "It.
snake Mlltlethlnit for their live. In
If-I...Mould....... dell .ra: to,Af
pwll,itions: Not :flan felt' flip Micht•
this connection It refight Ix• mentioned
To:no' bitudly Ipopieur Imother,
g,tnder,e, Moist the women of that
that one fewksign a distin•
Y A w"Nmole
It for mil hour Iola• left u• all
Iw mtyIeJ ••1lichignnarm' by tilt-
guixhed gathering of public men as-
To -1 n1gYl-% Oar mea ill -i not leer,
.t 1111 ,Y/11*ttll(-holllmt. ? Tilt- people elf
menlbled in .'%few York til tlo honor In
'Ills pinoin• w-ould nu lonurer whir.
I'lah are said to L' willing to Iw rill lel
Dr. Blxumtetn, mulwrinlendrnt of flit-
\',, m,,.l.•u'- IN nahterwout11 he ri,IKINa;,
••1'Ulhtls." If they don't mind that tiler
F;dncationRI Allinnrr elf lh,t city. It
\0-,(l-i.nlli aill.l .n,uid Yeeluy.eir
Inight call Ihell) tiny nil folesune lleaNrs,
was recalled flint Ili-. Illaustein :les it
le*%e-n" An)' -lisle Wallis ,%
witilont 4,1ielle,•. As \cl•11 il�lll•4.sx m
young inane R Itu,skimtl exile. Itself conell'
If holes- -hould Ynr ;m Icor. -Dole da),
citizen elf Maine. a,, A "MAnia1'," wl•
front Gernl:any in the steerage, friend-
IN•.•1't n• w'ho,ul' INI or le'.thr;.
-hnldd mly• as is resident elf Utesh am it
less. pennllP.a, x1111 with 114, (N•4-upa
.t• IIII Ihr1-r whr.lnil .Illel IIID+C \, ;e nl.l )'
tiro. Fearing he Would not IN'
Allfiwelbl,land in New Yurko hr tlw,k
ted the,. "Ile Iced 11 are unliv edbla,
t•)11u•Nlllcbxny4f.dre Would lie.
More Hevenue, Lighter Taxation.
F swage tilt• B,oslon, little had ler not
-en filet at the pert (or arrived by at
R ahbi he would not have been Nd-
iniltel, and vet, with aniNtion spurn.
ing him oil. Ihr wA,4 able let dfi A great
work for flit- w".ial elevation elf his
c Itintrymel ill Ihr great inellr' xlllm.
One earl never tell what po.sil/iltttex
are ltwkel up in the youthful lorex.l.
and it therefore is the part elf wiselunt
to greet the .-tranger coutinst h, our
Nhorep with tit least 't clipe Jh I
Thr title -t would tun/ rival hi. de,"t into.
7'he in'll-terod-lh*t thnndcr by
VV- -I.,nd uu!rtred an 1 rohl.• I .
If hoe•-hfnehl foi;Aii hunr11e•trUt
Proem Ill.-. ,the, 1,11114 mild t hn.r who
Vn.holtlllc in the 1,u,y uklrt
Would o it Ole heart of any 111.111.
The Ian• on of rry health would fait.
Widen Ad%vrli.er.
'there weer sane Knott points in
Hon. Won. Peltrtw)n'. alsepch to
South limpt Lilser:& the othe• night.
Ile eh•nit effr4-tivrly with Ihr charge
that the Iii den. of Ili.• Iw•4,p f. 11x11 in-
rreaaYl Under Lileprll code b,c,ulme Ili,•
F'eleral revenue and exp endil,ore hall
In 1lsl:%art averageof$1Y.24inJulie.
N''ts 1.1 id till every $1,01 cif unisel. pre.
To, he Kdil,.r IVs 1'IN, simile).
Nut. 111 view (if Ihe p•rilmlie rauillt-
tilln mor file leaching IIf Ile" Hihle in
pis Ili Nc[l wdN our 1'relm like IaskiuK
%•hrthrt• IN1n•n1s rel lou;. -I. hn%r fitly
I"ivilexes til' dulies in Ihr u•aillhlg of
theirchiltheu. It is mine Than prfib
able flim, if tilt- a hill. of Ind.&%. ..,Intel
Kite their ,•li(llfrtirnre. it, %%-leftist Iw
found that Nwa1fi1K lhoa• who know
Ihr Itilolr GI•at 1114. umjol'it•v Wendel
ncknewlelge (hut lhry hast received
their 'til
t nldil u' .,
K 1 til Ir Ln• ret• tl l
K K .
4, e t •a'
11 111 1 111111 , 1 1 r'
Lh 1 1 t1r til 1111.. • nth•
K 1
lir or Sunday MI'h/Nd. It is 71 pity
Ihat Ills- ,day w•euls Ion" %vheu INu-
rnls toilet tills" and inclination tie
Ka1hrl• their children alNnit 9leln to
read of- fell to them Ili lie .turn,-. It
'Nr•niN n-lianst• rtrn to suggest t hat
the privileste of 1'•Iliug 111pw• ,toriew
i4, Ihr (-hied fur the tie ,,t litter should
Ise gives to atlyo111•luxrrpt Ihr father
fir uufhe•. Wiill fit,- work IN•Kun at
Intent- ,and s )I11tN11.vtt'd by flit. stul-
elOy as.IM4,1 ::!I chill needle, In grow IIP
in ignm amu of file great liken find the
gnvu troll 11,4 of flit- Iiible•, even if the
mlolu• a"n"al!' wholly 11PKll•r•Iell such
le •1 . • It I 1 ' -
A Witnesle,
Tilt- litwyrr fell' til" de•r.•ndunt was
Ir i ti(-•te '
vying t f ss-rx, l i le• , P w
l! 1 1 a WWI IIU
11x41 hVen 81,lolifeenned by the tithes
1" wlt.r.s in ;son al•1'Idf-fit . come.
"Now, Ander-ii, "I I. I dte you Je?"
itmkwl lilt- lawyer.
:-:fink you, new sell tint view well."
'.I didn't ask )-tilt hues• is your
Ileal t)1
It h, It wluu dfi you Jo?"
••flh, van ; aw work."
"We know Thal, font what kind of
wise k Ju you de, :-"
' Pudd,v pant work : it evN puddy
h,llrl %vel'
"Yev, but ft 1 ,'
d lel d''er, end /1
11 l t u.
do yon work un N rail•oAd, fir du you
handle a ninchine, fir esu yutl wor lel
at factory ?"
"1111, van ; aw W111•L III fatAry."
• V"l'\• ,pNlll. \\ IINt kind of a fat--
"I I eNN :1 very his faclury'."
•'Your honor," said the lawyer, rule
dreaming the comet, "If this kega4 on I
think we'll have if) have fin inte•-
Then hr turned lel the evil ,U.N.:
"LooL lien-, Andeimni : wllut do
ti (etlt-. "` "' I. u y L "Nl;Tu If • Good Situation
The tllolw s,ya, "1'Ntlnn L. N. Tucker s •
is guile right wbru Ile 4-1111. lilt. 11141 ,%aid, Union Carlwt. Vald wide. ?
neglect or Itillic Iew-hing In Ihr pall• are ( Lir , tea- and :elk. Special clearing ... . 25C) 35
l w ales)-: ay,ulxl•IP With the twurN•al C sleet yOC
ht• Nnhl.s n Iial•f.." Woaval"I l 11nd a (1t inJlledrial activities in earl Spring;
KltuuN• to l'hria iia.." \\'e• sbftuld like Y • 1 K.
to know to what #.\14.111 til her cionon but it in nevecm11•y to enter now, if you Tapestry Brussels
'1'n:•krl• fir The (i1.4%. ha. inve'l igal of draire one. We have iucarlx)rxtetl the
t'11r iluesdimi as In how 1,111011 Ile• cnunw•is of our t•vel•e hrtMdly esu•
Itihlr t. In"Kilt in lour K 111e h. We A very large ra11gr 4,f 'S7 -inch wide English Tapestry Bru.,el.,
t7te1 widrl e x 'ienceil t +
v4. e
v x 1 e 4.0 holt-'.
Ill 111 11 r ti 1' l'il ' N.
u I mean then in :tlltlt'st, if 1 tlwt ilea%•)- pilo and splendid pfittertoa. HrownN, greens, rNl.,
Pilot ynile, fill fir 1114. prill-11 91- Day Students Attend Night Classes Free. - little*, ml,IW)lr fur any r unl tit• hall, worth regularQ�
Ilihlr alrlrie" air• rel; hl•the ehil- 73c to!ai_, at per yard ................ ..... e ... WC and 70c
JnN), while in flu• lune• ad\•aucel individual tnntructton. Enter any
1•INweN. in Iuhliliuu In flip Jails read• lino•. '1'hrn re'ulden - '
ing elf weu1P IMrli'lo 4,f N.•riplur•. roll
swtlt relen•ncr is made til history COMMERCIAL,STENOGRAPHY, Tapestry, Wilton Velvet
and in litl•r run' to hfldr seorir„nlcl and TYPEWRITING.
vllnractrn+, while file grent tl'111hN elf \\", it,. Gtr catalogne. I and Brussels Rugs
III,- It'ok +err continually and cost- GEO. SPOTTON. P7}ttn I
slnrltly ,oh"Prt•ssad upon lite children �' _ I ling" 3'X ':k 3 x :I" :1 x I lid 3} x 1
in 11cil• lelatiuns loo11rauel in-r,and ---. --- __----.- yards. Special Price .....................$4.50 1'()$45.00
to) their simple dutiPsin file lunge and
clergy. \\'u the it iw ns Nell H the Alma College,
telergy and the press tilion . fora g Tweeds for Coats
time, devote )her nitrnlinn In the
home :old the tlegle•t for parental ••A Leading College for
truiniuK, and give Ihr s•hcxpls A rest ' /t I 1 )-Pry large choice of ,'At•inch wide "purr
A Ste sin. TH.U'HKn. Girls and Young Ladies. wool Tiverdstur lxditacreats, rrtluced in price lo75C gull $1.00
Iligh Sellool Cla.ssee.
In a Dilemma. Junior 1►cplu'tment fur I'llblicSchoo1 Blanket Cloth
Nh til ies.
Ile WaN a quirt and unobtrusive .Music. fine• Art, Commercial. DO.
younK nrxn. And he lilt] called upotl ulretic Science, Eltecution, Physical
thrsutle• girl regularly foe• live .tied Culture. In a*Irlinal fir hive, b1 in -hem wide, extra heavy.
1 hal[ yenta without in any way For year Ixg)k- write regular $L'l.i, feet' ...........................................
di%nl` "' him hrlure plan 4,f Alel \Ii n. $
I 1 K
Not lm11:u.'u•+llly.lhrdawsrl11ndKlrlwa St. Thomas, Ont. �
weary of Ibis, and to clear the .0 mile �..einoleumS
Itt lest decided that Henry moa Ili• Reopens after Holidays, Jan. 6, twit.
flrndv dr:alt with. No 441'. /v4., . I
1 ninR -- __. -- ---------
she• said. uilliont r"oy nrly, nee nn Ihr I \\'r hxvr l'r(rivel word (tfim tau of lilt- lugeml ulanulr Irncf. ,n
va'uug man's part : ••Nu, n4,. 111. ••NN•••••••Iwe•••••••••• I England of a hilt advance in prices I.n NII Linolruulm. Our stock i, ,t,r
M,ttlew'tsh, 1 cannot nian•y yon, me it I O LARGEST AND BEST • 1 vel'y 'large•. We quote old low ptiri' fur Novemlwr only.
is u.ele- for y()of to (-x11 neon n"' anv Linoleums t :k +uiJ 1 yeu•Jx e'tJr•
int,r'e•." "Ale;-," noir •Mored Ill.. vnilth.4STRA9TFR
AL ��/n�
"What shall I do? khat ,boll 1 dui" I tit per eiyuure yard .... ................. 4oc• 5oc anJ WC
'*flit, do tint take it al 11ru•dHenly ! I ,
will tecnnxider-" -It isn't' that," in ;
terl-lepdolor tel the to it "but what I shall 1 is
. ONT.
4111 [fir a plNtr to gn eluting the IunK
eveningm of the crooning winter'-" • By Iwi11K the liest this s'h4,
______ 2 basIwcl isc the In We fou*int-. W Acheson
# training xchlol in �\'emG•rn On- W. &, Son
The Limit. ♦ lario, Our enrolment again ,•x -
reeds that elf a year ago. \\shy r
Canada's Supreme Court has fixed R t Benuertiolr(r'u -a• -- - - - - - - - _-
♦ 1 Marr th4,n.0 h I —
alaxiulunl $if three• hnnlr. fell' ef/nnsel'. K •
• ++led pinrtirnl %%'ith mf)rclAll.ts in • you Ito in that t„r•l4,rc what do you hi illy n
a(ldtesa•m %v c 1
h (-1 dr s � K ICe) voting o lady. w ,Me•
1 1 1tY• h.l Ir'• : % h
sallied •Commercial,fx R
r , n
ht ref u
senor hales of ,ovrrlouK-lNwrfor,. The # handed Tek aphlUsr�t.. • ; lnAOh. 1. ; I 1111 f'hIINII' : Non wallet d�111 at th.•'hlrhiu cit t�•� (walk toeft e ern pb.
dory in told nf,l rounwl who pressrl ♦ :%II oil{ 4.:u 11:ur% n1/tNin .NI y )'
As Argument fur a run lime with • K K I to know ext I ,,,like in fiaet'ty. 4.h ' She arrived in Guelph rt 1 o'clNk.
K • Ixndtions. Poll fully enter now. Exactly. Now tell its what you p. tit.• making the distance tram Ber•
MY Hent repetition. • \\•rite for our fere c•Ntido nee lin to) Guelph at /wnurthio over 11wr
.4.. - - -. maid the judge. "yml • R I make." 1 R
)live -:list flint lx'fnre." > ELLIOTT R McLACHLAN, "\ on do11Ar n' R bAl[ n day." 1 1 -a an hour. This in a tnnat credit-'
"11Nvt- 1, nic lone replied c(nmeel. )'riorl,al-. • And the ints•rinet,er %vas"called in tie able rrrord, and one of which anyone
holo getirally, •'1 fun very sorry : 1 2•••NNN••�••NNN•NZ tarn his alt.- From The Philadelphia I might Ile `Innud -Porn a mule ptNle--
rergut it." I I Ledger• trim walker. Unless mortes othrl
"Don't ells llegi%r," was the judicial � - - I - Inthletic young lady arlse•m with a
'e- '#),I• : "is wn, wl very IunK Ngo..1 I Now. Girls. Can You Beat This? Iwtter scoffer • til .1 1
Au Ainei icau lawyer, who -mined; n
m b
u le ton'•'•
lulr til the rend of x ) 1 -
ringed speech, At last ventured it) 4.x-
Iresm It fear that lie was taking tip
no uluell time,.
"Oh. never .mind lime•" ,observed
he judge. ••but for gloodnpesti sake. 'do
lilt trench so loons it1•rniiv."-Bulfalse
Was a Wise Guy.
Ina New York streeta wagon Il.lde•d
with lunp KIM" r•ollidet w'ith''a
truck ,old many elf the glolle. were
.111Ashe1. l'onmiderubl• .vnuulthv
Ivan felt for the drivers ism he gam4l
ruefully til the .battered frlgneents.
A dwnevrllent-looking told gentleman
PYF41 hint cnlututnsionatrh•.
:Iv Inner 1114411 " he mtill " I %llrl-
t ,
W. Acheson & Son
Saturday and Monday
Ladies' Coats much Reduced
Fashionable thave-knarter and seven -eighth Irogths, Ir ,
sruli-liltingg Varum, 11lehnin field dark mhadec, a1''i
$7.:A) to $12..AI, to clear at front ............... $5, 1st) 11)$9.30
Carpets Reduced
I tie^ rt, rrtlue pi gel
Iran pretty well claim to hold flit -
(:'triple Merenry : IAng dixlanr'• rectord.
walking lime Iwtnrne very pe,pulxr this --
year, Raul it in twing I.omet toy every
Niso r
KK • Dh' daughter is going t..
i Iwcing Association. The fever h,in n)xrry young t•tcnlggm."
ibeen confined to the uiwlr sex nlmcxlt lloggr: "Why, 1 thought you holed
exclusively, but following the Indies'- hien."
�Rl1llt retro IIId the twit line In T4,rvnet,e) Nnoggs : 1•1 Ian. This Is R schene of
t neem. to have herome contagiuna, ( mine w have my wife rleecome his
and at Insist it has reached Guelph. A I mother-in-law." r --
- ly n
and a henrly Landshsk,%
be K - Le na nen ne in eery tlw.•r.•
Andtireadfol-delw.• wNnddpw%'ail
tprin tier vnnntey, duliAble anti free.
moose von %%ill havl' to Inakr ltrwxl this,
Thro mt[h.dl Ihat dI-met. efnpl) hoot.
Ian) year ooh• *1:1,73 w•nN Jolliet en
I loss met of your own �of k I V,
. - - _ _ __
- '-
----__ -- - -
k. R. Ri.•1.
- - .
an average "n rvrrv-'Illin, Wurlh of
g4te" N entering the e1Mntr%. dollialllf•
Nnst herr.
wit. the lelr'ttl(Judy rrpty'.
"Well, will," slid Ihr phihlolhroPic
seld gentlentau, ••bold oat your hilt - '
We air• lel Welcome INInk
r1Ylu(-linn in practical dollies e),
*[,No was IKS;r',
a qu•1:-ler fnr yon, and I dispose,
�Ry' menu• for 1114.x•
glad :1 ❑t -w
or. as rollopalyd with
other• iwoplr will
ley tele 1111111111• 4,f "Joseph \:1llrl'.
1'f *IS.2K. it IfYINI.11.Irl 1'f
tile ,-let feel vent.
Kf I'11e 11llriver pIlp1IhNnt Illstime."
' til Tort I.— .I.vlyd lhonw ode Of
Gory of
Mr. Foster's Indiscretion.
Thin -lowering elf (•114t4,nls IAxaIi4,„
n4'%rrll Iwr7uotis Ita.frned Io drop
• ),tun/fMne mad ne•nmlus.-. v wa)
u Kiri who find. Im•nr(n(-t4,1. nownK
IAnulm, .%u%rnl,e•r
11:04 11(4-11 111-1-1 0111 niel Joy not incrr:aRel
1•nitis in it. At bent. when Ihrron•'
.o im-11.1 111-11 .11-11 -111- . IA -1 n-
pe(IpIP of It class different hells he'
Mr. Iso -Irl• is still papa -ping again,t
re•entle I*Y•nuse 4,f Ili" 14xndry'. Ione.-
Iriblelor. hast veneNYl. he emptied Ito•
wit.. ,.At III,- rlmh, .11.11. Ili("real
numrm•o "I I.N., 1•, .J.od Ili ne:t .i%
own. In thin respect ties- lsNlk K(r•:Il.
Kraft. ,,,III it;,,, tort sc itv-pi.y n welt ele•
p•rily and gnlw•ing pmrlensing ik ivel.
conviction (if Ills hat 111(11 IIIY Istocket.
ill ... /tl- N -till u,. ll.nler fie) tin"..
Iv t'esennleles the nllllol'h fir's) IIM'el,
'pant• of gen-. in hi- own premie•.,
In INf11d Ihr ponenl rrvrnmw N'ere
163,111111,111n, ;11111 Inst %rill', *fi,Imol.IMNt;
Then. minting to the retreating ligan.
ti( the philrinthr opi.t who 11:141
in which '•.I(w •" I. lw•rcipenlell Iry it
If He Has the Figure.
A' wl.e.11 hfroi 1X
the rnlleetion, he nlapt•%el . •Tela%'.
W. H. SHAW. Principal,
young Kiri whn.nrcerdYiu intr•r4.,Iing
un.•p.h Mrmur).
hon IN•rn extorted froth Ihr iN•,oplr, n.
tilt- pen lese.r
nmy9w he nin't the wise guy . Taut -
m4. IMSA !"
Yon a and Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
`�� I J
he' father in tier Ind. "Ali -in," ••Alin•
4,r n, ran ptis.esls site andel. fee a
conit-nd flint a gt•oes'th in 111.t4,r,lm
for-Nhea t," is aided lv it mule u,:ln
l N'
'we'll f urnoul, but every tarn. wnlnxn
atld child 1.1111 111,Pfe%it n fled coil -ria r
re venni• under n lower tar elf stet%• in
m heavlel• Wei lit 11 Pell Ill •1 7'I
" -- - --
- .. I
I K K g 1 , n. u
Hall his Niste' who practically 111llgnt dono-.tic loonsta
a rate hag tweet low-
' her. Tillg Ktr4t similarity in te IN•• Small Potato Politics. . rrpd h4,In Ihrwt- to, IN4,
rrnlm, and the
ginning elf tile, 114,vrls dews tint, how• ' I IlAiA.1 f he'"i, ie. I - iugx•rial raft• from live to two retie..
ever. mlrike tine- els it lark of origin• 114.. iGnllen ham fern playing the The Iwmtal vevenne hnn dnilbleJ, w'11tlt-
pxni of it p fish Ixoliiician, I'll"kh"K till Ihr rt1Nt fir IgINtaxv hits been nlnt/ist
nlity in the writer, Into in 11.1.4-1. as a Ihr hm'nl pleJ'udicew to eve-ry Pvtoyincel cut if, imir.
mingulnr coin idenev. Their i. min'v visited. in ties- 11,11". 4,f rlenling rill.I Jar. Plllet•son wits little- W petiole Io
of a pint lot"Alicr-row.shoo"• : p".rbnpl tatrrnxuln..ut Nod diflleilty rot- the flit' fell'1. flint )114. bnstK#.t elf till- Nst.
it its Ileruts• of Ilii. thnl rnr feels fi Oovr1t111euf, session, rle11"Oving :til entirely new
A Sherlock Holmes Wanted. s/'lIWI111P •f JutieY.•%visa ndnpteil� after
germ desire lotgrl on with Ili.• Ilr,t•y, :t levier dehale, virhrlly. without 4,P.
send �4, is liable Io n,'sm 111111-11 1•niny- zeli''h HrnJd. ' pn.ition. The 1,1111 •ier Iiuvernment's
/petit w•hi(-h n mole• leisureiy reading, rt,ers 4,n Monday n1m71ing financial And nllnlini.Irativr'rl•,•tird
world la•stua. 1'rnlaahly In many nolievol n hirylq.• balk ill fill-s11nw. rnnnof be ,nevra4idly challenged.
Tier '•-pM
.t 4''111111111•I11041 ill n 114,11.4• ill C, -
Ieade'. Ihr Isw'k, I.rnus• of it. tell- low'u:ulol a.•nl in an ra"Ieth' direr- POLITICAL NOTES.
%$-list pLd. will Iu-n%l- inner interesting lion oil fit,- %nlirh could. As Ille snort'
fl11ell Ihr first story-, yet lite chRl-Liv. r4,nlnnrl:rlY1 en fall Nfte•r :1 n. In. Ihr 'Pile-nKKeslinn Ihat ,more for Ile•
quratifiu "l'lw•., whet little did I"'. term IIII 114,1 mrl'lll I/1 live ,Ixlll.l III,oNe twit I,y may goombl1glif "till which fine. lot folio '.Ill- Not If ple.. 4,f.%. Mr. toreled
Ili '•.11 -syph Vanrr.' 114,wrvt-r, the' 1,1141 ihlrr Vetoing Indic. ix reaprnloei""' in
Ihr pore 0 . wee pl need
IwMk stands ill the flrint rank atl11)ng for the prolonged visit Y in KPu� Iw lllti hen• p that
lend diFirld-
inK Public nitair., lend that Dl r. le'irlJ-
thenovel» elf the any. We hope, it The DiRerenct. Ing, fell. inslanve, .114,11111 Ito hearel
will not In. the In NL wl• .hull trNrivf• NinN eK• M (is somI, )unrr nften notside his own 1'frlvinc,•,
front the pen of Der. Dr.Mforgmn. A lore)( strip of lerritory hitherto i. token tip by The T4,rnn ) Nhu,
-_ regarlwl an Canadian team Iitten It7tnm• Ther w'nuld 14-a Iwtter Ka cal un-
ferred to Alaska an n result elf the derestn iding (Lf Idle public h terms of
EDITORIAL NOTES.mtlrvey work by 1'nmuli+til and Alfieri- the 1lolninion and (he policies of the
— — - VAn ellgineer.. '1'116 tranmfetlyd (et•li- lkl rt...nes, :M IIIP 1'g.Ills-it l titishCanikeIla- -lice
till v Is Inally tilne. renter• ell extent III' ..)t Ionto (Ing Ihf• Itolotec Ill'nk ng I
l'ongrntuLtiflnmU) Kin(-nrdinr town K 4,f uof poltUnK off the xpttYch•nulking
fhlul Ihr• rsinne I territory which i
and Hurnn township . The-)- hxv . IAnd AI%rI.414,nr prewntlYl tit the until the election rnnlpxigol. )%hen the•
joined in the procession ,of per/grewh'e 1'n11e1 Nhltla ; belt them lltPmt h',lllm(p• I lei)' in full of bent ,,nil rxeiletnent.
nlunieipalitirs. I will not c.11t*r a ripple of indignntfoil, '\led, uunrflvrr, the unite of Ilio Oo-
- ('nnnJinna d4,n'1 wont. to kep tem- minion wtvild Iw promoted by the
The \taynt rightly rhnrlrtet incl as lory which doxy not 11R}�fitfully Iwlc)vlg Ewrq)le of rnr h 4,f atm diRerr•nl 1".cf i4,na
t4, ('annllR : but'thr%' tl/m't. wane to I,P w 111 Riven 11 -re frevi"Pnt. 4,pportnn.
"high-handed" flip onion of Ihr (l. T. itiem of henring the ipl)r•e•mentative
tricked tint of ne single Ael.P. That is
H. in laying a t1:7ck on 1lnitlmnd fennel menof the other xretionx.
without the per►nimmion of the r•nuncil. the differenre. —
There in no reaxon ler exellw for snrp, Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Strength. F'Arolprx noel not take blind chanrps
R prieceeling and Hix Weerelldp would Guelph Memory. Ian Innrket. rondltione. The Werkly
have the public behind him in tie- The Conmervottivrx, not mprely of Nun live. (Al serve the inte'eslm of the
Qnetwe. hat of the whole IMminion, ,rartir,J rnrwcr in Perry pnrti(-ulAr.
ntxndinR trot the railway co•IpRny may just nm wrll make tip their nlindis �h, rolmm�m nRPr the fullemf., first to
forthwith take tip the hack, Nor, fail- lhxt tilt- PI'ponier's c4,ngnt.rifitw in hand infornlAtion M to how, when Rnil
ing that, in llRvinA the vorpN,rAti(„1 lQ1110,1141'” "till the nthow lhovinceto will where In tiny and sell to the very Iw%t
tarn reninve it Rt Ihr expense tit Ihr' xtaltrl by hint list long an hin hpn11J1 Advantage. No Mfner call rR4,td to I
px•rtnil. hien t) im-ropy hi. pre.ent. Itc wif.hmit• Thr \\'erkly Nun. Ara rt
company. 9ht- Is not fhr only In- ?win 1,11. III• is the flrtt. Flrnch Pr•- iIIIIIII ri,fht ley .uhecpil,ing (,or Tho
"tense in w 11ir11 lbe lie 'I'. It. h$sat toiler of the Duminioti, anol he will be' Weekly Nun. i I
. ,
. 1�
-___ -14
•, f
Inc. 'C,
111;11k, white and color.. 2, 1 .mid x ply 1:4. 1.11 tt
\\'IMI .... ... . ......... .................
........ .. .................
Underskirts Child's Bearskin
-Wr, 7:.:, E1.10. SI.'Li, $]..As and Coats
*•l.ul. Special lined Under- '1'%%onnly left to clear
skirt. tit $1. i.i, black steel sit 271 per cvnt, tit•...... ..4 Off
Iv If I t P. estrilw el, •1.25,. $1.00 Ribbon
fief................. ....
Tl ve specials At tic. ilk
find ....... . 15C
Big Clearing Jackets
Overcoats Sonic At 1 1 on, others at 1-:1
I'hpy art' going, the pri,-• ;if,. off. and .nine fit just half-price.
doing it. *12.:A) aver.
emelm fnr............. $8.5o Skirts
\'pry special value tit $:1.7.) and
Yonti• Puts on low•er•plic..st $1.1X1, in black, navy, brown and
cults. A big• hravy. full cloth green. The goods would coot
pt• ctoillp Widest , his @@ 1 his and von can't slake them An
vmluP Rt $7.101, for ... . $5.00 well.
Sample Handkerchiefs at cost.
Afire the lerst ulillinety .eameen we
evrr hnrl, there ill yet n Knoell stock elf
the vPry new(-xt lint«, fettherm lend flowers, many of them At half.
Ili ice.
(hold (foods and Low Prices at
'I'll)•: ifrvT AN�iflItTED STOCK OI'
IN Tifls'FoWN
F. H. Martin
The Tailor and Furnisher
Ilh:orolcll IfLI.,'r (rrrol-jm if. ()cr.
e•�a �of
That Gives Satisfaction
LE. One sale is not enough, we
want you to keep coming. That is
why we are so particular to carry the
most reliable clothing, and then we
guarantee t hem, so you are bound to get
satisfaction here. I
Men's Overcoats
Ali .experi,ally growl line of
black chedlntN fiy fc• "I, 11 And
.)it inch It-ligth. tit
Men's Suits
()fir ulcxlernlP-Price links 1(x)k
well are wear well ; ptivem,
$8, $10 and $12
aSIf.--__-e --m J