HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-21, Page 1REMEMBER THAT
It pays to work; to
tread straight ways,
To try to rise,
And, furthermore, it
always pays
- 1 r+
F�e-11 �1 11
11"a - 11,\ /
is something that every busi-
ness man delights to see. En-
velopes and letter papers were
never better made than now
and certainly never better
T. -
printed than
I11 To advertise. 11 — + i�
_ J ... _ A
____ ________ ___ __. _
,• 011ERIUI, ON F'Ati), IANADA: N)�FJBEi`�l,17Vi
— --- -- ---- -
Finaneial 1 LOCAL
r ] T pr Q What a Caoderieh Man Missed. vented those pivaient from having a of those wit() cuerte-ibuted In the Huron NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Nov. 21st
_ ---- -" LOCAL + O+ •�✓• The l'lintuu New h:ra of Iwa tvel.6 merry lieu% tit lhir clue Iw+t nccaNwn of ewulty ditslay fit the I'I•ovinvial __ _- , ,
- — - �~'' Lt • k' 1 1'vmem►din look lits a tits
exhibition bel l t 'r ,
Debate ■t the U. C. 1.
pub 1,411 the following taitnulg Ntlnry
1,loic I IN sulllmoramei t/ 1'l•G•1' to ,a writ-
a tat . 1 K 1 a A til•
hit-ge lool-tioll of the evening. ami at onto hast K•ek. 1'11' l'fille•u'11+111 la(
UuodNh,roions-llaaleaich Hil.ihem ('011ease
Al Ihr alerting err the G,Nlrrich l'ol-
a nierttr
knower genIlenlAll now rrsidillK in
intervulr me) excellent program %via- fruit trout this county wam tine ,of the
(100. F. )+whin. Principal ... .•
Ir aIle Ole ror .Sieirty lir
(:udrrirh : •.1 vel dsurveyor. wh„
given, including vocal NUI++. by AlirK prominent featu(y•s mf the exhibition,
Iyaan%t At unci -. Sander.' Uterauuitigg
uunruw IF'e-ida>�I eceuiu Ihrre will
lu++tdPhxtr thu 'Itrrldveut,
At resent resides Ill Iturmi. wits vu-
Kng,s! surveying In the (eo1N11t, when
Olive Smith. E. C. CTIA r111an, of Clio- which watt x very uttevesurui atfxi!
,. �
ton, and L:ordoti Wig ,lead : reella- throughout and ave a N dendid dem.
K K • (: t
Nchem,l .. . „., ,• .. 1
MeellfigrountyCame"I -W. Lane Y'lork I
on subject,
that clearacter tail%x rester influence
the nliufng fevertirrt broke nut. His
tions b 11i%s Mac{ IWIIAuI, Alisa IfPlctier m11NLlAIIfin 11( tIP nnatluetive r,t abil-
Y• { p
Hendcr FNmily IlcrNld Nnd W"aaly Star . . i
in determining men's wetions Chau
teu,t wits pitched "n the prellerly tit
And 11frs Mary Murray : it cornet Nilo flies cif the Province in reslm•et of fruit
Rc,Nlcm Prof.S, L.Tanbe ............. ..... 7 -
uloney." Thr rpeaker•N oil thrattit•ul•
the Huddson flay Ulfere, and hin ttyyork
lay Keg. Blackstone: piAui uluLla•rs and Hower•b. W. Lane. vomil ' clerk•
by Miss C.u•IinK E..lut%btn. Frank Moonlit. Itlylh,
relobleto ltent Theam.Hurrowa ..a. ., ..... 1
oohs Nny:.Itobt.
atfve will h, Alex. Alrlw•unaer noel
N•as dun, till- Wit caul ala When
1 1'•
arid .1. Nnd and of were
Wilson ...... .. ..., r
Ilrnlxld Finlayson noel thusc till the
the aettel with 11111. the ave hint
Y y R
Id+stirring rhuruaes h), the Gare in charge tit' Ih(- display irony titin
Novmubor spcclalticm J. H. Colborne ..... /
negative U. D ur•nin and C. Fitiglalid.
by way of lonus ninety shares of
('hlb. Pfere•ipal Ti tit of a Goderietl eount which car ert•d :e tatele 4'fly
K" Y.
Mrl.eno Hrv.. Cloth . •
Hudaoer Bay stock. The surveyor did
Middel school Acted its rhairtuxn, find :ii- feet. Auleng the t kiWl•% who
ClothiuRThat the. SaG-faettso-welter C.
The Masquerade Ball.
not like tilt- Cul+alr distrivi, ,and was
brief addresses were given by 1 rine(- i spoke in cumplimeninvy terms of thte
Hadley Clintuu Motlel�dimplay
1Mdlutm .:.......:. _............ ... .... s
The dutvulN,ur of rain last night
1,(l- dinguatt+(! with everything tbere
Wil of the were- fon. .N;,'100" Monteith,
a ;
militated against the iurcew;, in a
that, un leaving. he scdil the'niyRtry
.School. Ur. Strang and lusl{lector Minister or Agrivoiture, turd several
Inte•re,tfngl'rles- Johnrltend.... .... ... is
flnxnci;el sense, of the uutsllure-eulr tutu
%hares fur n ti ill bill. HudNu" I3,)y Ir
Taut. Aled. iilarkstune and lleaass. Huron •'Old M)'% t•PNidin In
.`:atunnlaynndJtnndayHNrgains- A,cheeaw
given at the 11'eNt bn•rtrt rink fu aid
away up in G nils•, and has p>tiel hind.
Jtudan tried Millyard were the +tee ill. Aftet the exhibition the fruit
& Sued - •
......................1.........,. !' .
of the lioderich . hospital fund-.
watne dividendel, and thisNurve.yor told
ullulpanistN of till- evening .I'd music from this county N•As sent to the Sick
Berlin Wasel, els.- W. A. lllcKhu ........-., t .
plNlsot sixty l IIP wets
prl l ryl•ebrnt, and
,t friend the other day I liar if hu had
fair tilt- promenades \YAK illl'111N laelt b
1 Y Childre•n'tl }fuaprtal.
`levee [htym to 'her the IMd Rade-if„dgttnK
the fancy ca.tnurs on the floor ulxdr
retained hi++.tick it would b; worth
Minster Yarling, Due - Alill*•r, Dyke. rt should Ise nlentiouell that the ex•
Itrvw. . . ...... ... ...... ..... , a
t very pretty rplxr•ctaele. ►conn+ of the
almnit $01,U1y1 today.
Irtidlaw and YJark and Messrs. .tor- hihitur•s from this euunty did nutcum•
dun Altlty-it d. Ltln •perm 1,llete
Strayed- Joseph Kluahan, Ht. Augnsth,e.... I
Antauuneennent NIA. l'ox..
lxwlnrradelw t'nil elpi-eime•cl exsrp-
MaeKernie McIntyre.
+old \t as ror the Provineinl prfzea, Nnd the
........... .... 1
Warr in the make-up of their
ae•rvel atNlnt ntidni ht, after which , ai'r,*•s awarded are thu% Oven b the
g i ! IF• )'
M. bHlolt ............. 1
eostuules, find pr:sherd effects; that
were frith beautiful and inter•estin
A pretty \veddiuK took plan un
%I'eNir Whey evat-Aing. October :111th, ^t
tlie ,gathering disper.l•d and the ('lin• euunty tit' lful•on. In future yenrs it
tun students left ti” their hurnewaki'would let- well ir•the Huron county
Ten hilt li,irgah, IMy. 1;eorge lk'e•k-elt.I
palatesleepen, -/. P. It .......
Music wait furnished by the Hlack. Ihr hfllue of Mr. Nnd Alr•r. Duncan Mc- trip. The evening was% a Peery enjoy- • growe1-8 would enter their fruit in the (•aamt to ('ua.t ( . P. It ..................... a
- - — — -- -- ,`- - --- "- til lyre, hud.sss, the orcnswn loving til,• )Ib)r acne, :np) the nn rnlo•rw of the !111)7 1'rovincfal enol petition and` demon- 1'1:11101, N. K. Ilb•k ... .. .. 1
litone opef r vea.ry
Alld till• lit flrnrt• ( Leaning 1•n.lerw,er Niaro 11, Mllbrr ca ... 1
Auction dsfles 130DERICH MARKETS. gay% Nrope for very rajoynfilr d,urcing. vedding uC their daughter ALu•y to ALnlel ti :haul %lass pmvtfl �Inewselcer dstratt- in as still mune m+trktd manner
William L. MacKenzie. The erre•- capital eut.•rtainer's. ;he superiority 'of Huron county lira,• Nnd Iron 14%1. If. H. +<rkrlt _...... 1
.. __7= ... .. ._ A Treat for Thaatre- Kno,r1%imc cunt 1•u,h F::Bill IpaKlno.a Call.
tLVARING AUCTION HAiiF: THURSDAY. Nov. 91.4. Koen. mune wits lerfirueetl by Rev. F. Ale- fruit.
Fall ,olNwt, per bu.b, new...... f♦n ai Galt Holds the Cu I've .... .. .. .
el-• N `� M' The announcement that Kirke Iia 11•nu,uL t Ir brd^1 l)art) rtnndtng p'
y ori ar wheat, per bush. new. d 1t) to o ill) The Weekly Pun, if Tw•fiutu, booty" : dtasen,ent of C,rNI-tt'nter ,.n idalU l'om• •,
llut'NkkUl,lr FURN I.RE. F'l'ItN1All. Rye, per bush . ... . ........I a 1.5 W n 414 Shelle's exet•Ileot company land Pia. under an utrh if ec.•rgleeuN w Ihr. Un Saturday lust tier /:rxierich Cul• , ,
1\UN, 1 IIA7T F.I st A\11 EF'PKCTx. Huckwhamlt• Ire bush Ir A, l0 Ir Nr IN rrxtr ,N!ru u: p1%m1UClluil u( "'file Barn• drnwulg Ivwm. Thr brldesemxid was' Icyti:ate +I n,tintte fmotlmdl to. jour- 'The county cuuncll Of Huron I udewfon ........ .. 1
I Im"' rca•i,'o+l ln.irucllnn. to ,.•II by put is (MOs, per burl+., new 04, to air+ ( peered to ('%alt to (In hxttte with the'Rr'Anted 717., Gel PUeuter•tage Its tYhlh- tender -Thr NPe';ly inn .. I
aneth..I at the m.tldenee 1N+IfiIlriur to I�ae P,w,+. 1N:rbash . ....1 .I.. 11 7: to a err nil- Beret• Iinah" are rmnuug Un Vir• Mtrs Lizzie Alc•Intyte, sl%ter n the itot-s and tin county woo ago well re te. "a _ ��
e-tnat.• of tine late (•. A. Vaulter. Emit, Vietorhf lt.rl,,. per humb .. .... o Yr to 11p traria Opera tionbe, (:(rderich, ,in Fitt. bride, ,trial the (yr N)111Ni1p111 wave stuart lralt Colleglxtr tram fat• the coveted P' -.- -• - ---- - . --_
sOntt•tl err xo liberally xdvertiaed.
.Inwl. t.rtrrh h. NrnwnLlg. per ton JA a, fit 1s ,n unix% evening next has given plea%urs 1tfil,rrtw•n. Nisi l.nlia AlxrKenziP. Hough cap. Thr(:. C. I. won all right. Plate after ILat, tit ulmoNt perfect eonrt (onset- roauuencinK at 9 o cheek.
v,t'I 1'IttA\'. VuyF'NHklt �i, IY+7, Flour, famlly, 1■•r,.wt ..... . t .9l- to ' .ill to clines of our thentre- +Net:, who have nein of the tYM111, Witil the riU • bat unfortunately it words take wnrng 1 Ik 1 2- ,
%Pules Ins at I: u't•lork .!hrrp : Hour, present, pave ewe •',p to K K Admission ' bi s
I dri,h.r nutte. Y bnanr(o., 2 con., 2 I hon+• Ibwn, per lou ...... . yin 09, to :}, Wein witnessed pneviou" l,lerforloan e,4 of la•amr. an(1 Alittm Lizzie .Stewart played G. The defenders of tilt• call), of is war *displayed to lire delight of
.aIle.. l lilt teem. I Neuyyle hrnlrsa, I G.der4•h Nh.wb., per tun ,..,. YJ w w :!I ns this t-ndu1, Srfilt fah play, fur it is the wesltitng march. After the cert•- tout se, had the advantage of knowing the visitors. The exanple of itnron In coonectiun tyith the Sunday
plauu n„« ,,Tu, 1 11gWY Thought range. Hxy, new, {ellen :.. I•t an Io L. Its known bo Ire ear tit Ihr. few theutrieal menu x recherche n•p,4%t inn% served their Held thunnuKhly sand the [Net ultght Wr.11 tN• tulluwrll by the other evening t•vlulgrllit ,1.rrvtce" being
ll.."Ad. N!w N'" lessee% Nnd raMt•n Lrd- a1'u,d, Wrcorrl ... ............. 3III# to it aU .. cunnties. hell! Ott ltlr L.1 itldsr sill/11 h. the 1
hn.w`hold furniture anA fnreimbinrr :tr..l -out-+ Huller, per Ili ........... ., to la le 4141 erste rtamments that ine•re+all(• In po ill- air(] till• eve•niog was Klient III gainer that the ground wits soft rind til/• t l xatov
erfi.sm other article. ('hews,, per IL . �.......... 0 1314 a t; laxity with ►epel.lttun. No letter e�,ly ^till dancing, music Iwing Zu-nished spAce round tile. goals like mud lxxds" Many of the rdsadel+ of The ..Signal will have for Lite Nebjeo-t next Sunday
filen will bre no t.•- r%e. N•,narylliuK „nn•t Fier,+, fresh, perdryl ............ o tri to u a< play tans IN,rn aFP recipient of mrirr by Prof. 131,sse•nbrrry, of/.urich. Mr. ties Tile G^lt Reformer fail.- It I would have expressed their lifeAsitre with v ,lling. "Thr 1:r-r,f;f,+t Galt of God.
IwdlRf....d rf• Cattle ml-, view 11 el le s Its emaine vAnnnendation th.►n --Tile arid Mitt. MArKenzie left Cur Toronto not 1m• tr favor of the viN+tng teaul, the renuLt•koi made by thin paper IAst This will Ise Ih.• host, of the services
TF:ICMS :.All mina. of tai•, wild I'Ail , %Pell Cattlu,.M�ng W road, p.. ..... 1111, to I ,i K which holy(- 6-eo f-Akerved the
uv that amount these „serail.• rni.111 will b• t'at(le, export, iwrcwr:......... / 51r to 1 7.t Melanie Krill• li,lsh." ttt•nts mn Nnte fit ase+ their honrymcxrn„ :/rcinllru,ird by ceytxinly. A [:alt account of the w•/•rk with rrrrrener. Ur ;1'he Glulw'tt , , peat
ban on h.., 1,ing al+`+rur.ri .loin( note,. A H ., Ilve.wrfrbt, ler cwt.... .+ Ms io i Mr ,unr tufvs IL land no effect on the meal stn cid st , eriv about 3Hr "c•li it tie ells- tett' \\'rt•ks, There will hen ttxptisln
d Dunt at thc,ale n d Ire seal. n1lnN,d for yea - I e.we 1 s1 to sill% 1t. F,dwanl. re%tlurant. the t used wishes u[ A hurt of friends. K I p'
. n. o, rnrlh •ulounl•. N�d deep. per cN t ..... _I .. ..... 8.91 to 1 al- text". Thr Keorc, worm :l t" ". The IU a(lv^utagt-s," One correspondent aug. I1Prvlce fit the clow: of the regular ser-
( . . 111 MHF3t. T11cs,. UVNURI'. Ham. per It, o IA uo 11 til Captain Lane of the Susv B's., Youn� Men's Clul►s. former ,evens to think the cup de- gestin that Link writer of The Glotee'r vice next. Sunday evening.
'err F:.lat.•, Auctf(NNN+r. Hacon, per Ib r ti to r bll The .St. Catharines .Star-jolo-oat of Th ran of tilt- Knox Church feno(e•s brut it all own. way, but rerwrt ought to eonie up to Huron "-
Lan1, I,er It. I3 to 15 '1loveml0el' i Ili) hano,t rl- Nn•1, of Net'e•al Youli Men'. Club are linin ex- ---G. C. t. HAS A "YELL."
`-- - —`-- "--- -- "_.---•- TNlluw. per I^ a (M to a W I K gaining
$eat YAWS for Mlle. Hilo,, .•reel ... ........ .... 1 49 in sago ('(%tune In length of x banquet given perienee of d4way thingN Air dune in
--- _ _ —3 Nhr . kills.. ... 't too On by ('aptun' titUart flane. "un of our tin intere-6ng aurt,of Nay. On Afon• �r Yes. Two or Three of Them -Pin and
('Ili Y
L1ARM FOR SAI PART (1F o"' ..r• . j" to la count • Inks and the suha]ternr of 11. tiny eight last they mficeedesl o elect t 1
P Turkey+ tY w is ) S I I [ Scissors Man Didn't Know.
Week 1,, Irks, net earl Colborne• luaus ,lrut. pirl", kn(aon pate St _ - Cotnp+rnY of the 19th "PKiraent to the n town council and t+ -riders xni note °{ I'll the };ditoraf 1'en and Elciw.or..
.Sorin ;asked fur lh(- discha fug of the 1 < r a
•hips two mute (rota, Underich, Iiil acres, g,rrl nml•cunnnissioned mlllcera,and oleo tit K f
Lwu,. Dock hm,•al, linea :fix l-6. NIM .F S.+, DR:\R BIR, -Kindly allow nle' to
• rue fit ,tabling. nrte.rnn well. Nr+re In Lulls -- _ —.-- - -^__ - - the i`ollwAny, to murk their ap reria- duties of clerk. asbes,dar. ri1 ectI)r, Ptc. IQ Y Y
,norm and -par,r,
-reek. Y acn•a .tanding tlmi,er t3ltnattenr Vacant tion elf the gond work .Iran*- fry file Cohn Fingl,ttrd lists Iseen Plrried to point out to you where you are labor.
.nd ro inf on•luanl. Apply to C. C. M, NL11, _ p' 1 ' K upe•titl the Mavur'N elixir; Hector McKenzie _ '' • nig under a false Impression. in opr
Nunlup t . , (%tail - for Male in n r sarin mond col g �.-
ANTED. -- G(`>vU GENEHAL far Major-General EA•ns.w'r Ja•izr for watt appointed I{rt•yr: Kenneth Boyd, cotwnn in The Other hi tile. or Inst.
BALK. -THE HOME OF • 3i ,en•anl, to ssotoo Vancomer. IWIIW y the Itrr+t drilled compxnY, which wads Deputy Reeve; and tie(- following are Y„1l Nxv. "Another thing for which
1' MIRS. FRANK \AIT►:L, Waterloo At met. fate and o:peersem twit)! must hale Ni refer- won by B company, (',NIein L:tne's coonc•illm-s h:. ('lark• D. ('lark, Road- (haderich people ought Ut he thankful
Apply at Till.•(lsEcc. N7-tf. 1,fie.. Apptoo ler MIU+, 1LIL1 J. TUIt-N- compauris spokPo of as iwit g a color- well Kilheiforl, Iw•mlie ink+ter and is that --at least so far as we
a HILL. Net.on street. piny nt young n1Pu ^fid he is us tm• Harry KPirl. Noov that this slit%A err ;,, - have heard -- our Collegiate Instil
YOUNGi ----- _
dC RUKI?KTtiON, 1tEAL t0UI) Gillis WANTED.. -TO UO rongratulatrd un his mwee%N in brio imitateaia talks sprung up the ine•enherR tute has no yell', -arid so on and so
F'r(at« A inlet- l:odench, (ml. -Fara, ars K of the realh•-truly town c•muncif will firth. Well, you hunt certainly be deaf.
town propertle,potyrht mold and exchanged. (1 rrrheMl ),ouseonrk. Woue m tall a mouth. itig It to ouch a stile of efficiency. Poi certainly "eyPt• have guar ,a\vw
.. __ _ Apply to MRM:' DAVID BROWN. AtorleAtut - have to „•r to it that they walk y. �/,il.i i y
LWIt SALE. -A LA RG F., COM• strnrt. I A Police Court Cash. worthy of Iheirwrlc,ttiin, ailh the Goderich l'. i. foot )At club
I1'' FURTAHLF:brick hone merlookinr t1« OY WANTBI) TO AKF: 11111• A t^I#ng nit amongGoderleb town- The Y. M. C. A. chub reeenth or= el- y.al never would have said such a
Rutileat all itinnin. ply Usirre..•-, b•chldlnttff 3 y r i Y K xnized Ir W. Cull hold wt-Pkl "pR+'A''` 'fir`”' I. `: j w � thing.
Rant waterh«atlas. AVPIY'La+Yui'NU a: {full- 1' NF:LFgr nC, a,rfut Apply at THF hi r urn wen Nits the acus%of x K Y Y - r
F:I:TSI►N. Utlderkh. NhINAI. OF"F'tCK• lung add tedious trial which opened n+ee•tinR.+ for Bible study. The K. U. IiPre are two samples of yells which
LtOH BALIf:. -Lel A!'HkY )i\(.'KL- at the Police Court on Friday rafter- ti•• M."t' will profitably merge into the L bay#, been in etxistence for several
I' noon. The plaintiff was Archie V. AL C. A. club after New Year's. years:
LENT trend for market r,,deu. Nith l.Nnd Lost or Found 1le/ttie noel the defendants Chnrlrg /.igcrb+ro,u. /.igerlrooln, Zip Boom Both,
LAINIna+ amt t«roe..: two nui+. (rem (iirlr Water and Li ht for Goderich Cam
tell : A,e a.:n•. in "'hemi or apple., p«an. " --- An:l Wilbert Provme. The trial lasted g p• Scone from "The Bonnie Brier Bush " " I '!! blot her name out of the Bible." U, C, I., U. C. 1., fish, Pah. [(ah.
I em, cherries. lrtl,-hem, grappesw API fitsp{ `'TItAYEU FROM THF: PRE [SES All afternoon and was then adjourned In connection with Ih,• Oro fiwa tt
rnea.. 1'ras+And Pena%lawntble. .apply l0 1' •+f t^e ondor`lr+ofd ■trout Nuvom r,t 1 l P At Victoria Opera House, Saturday evening, Nov. 23rd- I'ul n+w,n non ,►fie pnlverc.
Yfol.'NU a Rt1HK1iTSb)%'. Undersell. I Lelverster a.•,•. arid' :t ewe. ere,• wcron fu Tufu+dAV Of thin week, stud it further ))stye file training calop for the Mrd Pnluaam iron aloe nivel%,
Leicester and Nhreprhire. ami 1 Nhro hlro adjiurrtnenl wail Inxde to Thurs lay. Huron regiment hwate"d at Godericb p
I(.1UII BALK. -- I "TORY HOHf1F: ewe -1-1 Pwb. Addnp-. any Inf,,near to Pahmusoft sine pulvwe. -
Ju.+EPlf SINAFIA V, fit. Art u.rins, nut. the. filth iusl. .Several times duct"g next yeAr the water anti light vote" ill at loss to ex rutin "the wonder that land et his even opened toy- )"ttin in
m, Arlrle,.ra rteeeL li .tory houme Im g i K i'r' i K A[ [ke,(i. c. i.
NApier ,tract, tl +Hors hell,« an Flr,n ncc- i __ -_ the lrixl counsel for the drfrnre sag- nndssinn hive had h:ngineee- hr11Y K.o a biggri• sr•uIe w1u1 not piled up I x new den's with the, apple- p:ackettf.' The above tour linea are sun to the
nue. I story hot m, tat vM•u„la srro«t. i I "tell that the twit thing file- lire into the ,llle.l,tiOn if the curt fir pro- xgxinrt the yimiL(11s." iarHF puts it ' - tine of ^..Sohn Brown's 11od
Tao mtury brick nous« oil modern
street near til« . XOt1Ce lily%to do was to ahxke hands and go viding water and tight fat• the camp• down to 1- cmbil defer live w•ttrk." Ar. The following y
IKkc ; aloe count., all meAetn ,xNlccn(pncr.,' home, hal the Nu ration was nut The Attrill Garin is the location bi K LOCAL TOPICS IN ERIEF. R yell has been ado t 4l
sI. De,,id'- steel ; nine tuum,. NH n.,.,,, cwt =---_ _-_-- - =--- - -- -_== : KR p• coaling to the (wait i►coaunl" of the this year. it bat
the same with few `
o'rnirmr,.. !'Pram f� isle ht war 1ala or ( IK�}Ol,t'TIUNI)F1'AKTNhI{IiHiP. , crptPfl. and so the trial Cnlltillitwl . tar+vMl of by the military engineers, Rxlrlf• the fnrwnrlr on the hour team ! except ions tae the Ucxierich Mcxlrl
Wron (maturity. yov.'u at .P.OHKhtl'MUN. II' , Jre L, -Killoran Appe.j I for pbtintitf�• died the proleamal is to nopply light by were doing x lot of hard work O•ti The i>rceulher srtleion mf the noun• School yell:
G+rlrrlc^• UnL To All Whon, It M,ly Comwru : end W Proudfroot, K. ('., fur de. a%ing tonne of the xm Ianlps toruarby d,ntly it wits not'ids wallrrvee- after too council will romnu•ncr un '1'11•,wlar,
Take I ... tice that the partnerm1 .at prrment fendants. u"I•d in the town streets; and to have Hobble Gobble. liobbleOobble,
��'ai F:XCELLEN'r' FARM FOR eri-tingbel wecallr,J.lk•n.nu I�'hltel•no�a All!, erre hxekel up sfi strongly Ptd prox.
t1 S,\L!:-yr,acra%.In Near N'NN'Andk.lwo N. 1 fin engine and dynaerw installed there Ola defense. that McCallum (illg( ►ail Sia, ttoom. Hwh,
F. (:NIIpN, under til« arm Panic o Urn. D. O. E. -Notes. 1 I The Ntentnet• Camldi:w diNlatu'g•'d a Afobhle bobble, Mobble Lobble,
u,ihr fruun Auburn : wl) re cbay Lwra. ,abort IN1 \1'hlt.•Fp w (:,a11nN•, will on Ike, ember 8t+t. lar-,, to supply the current and to provide wow [ronbl.-if less than b,alf-a•c ozen
w,rv- under cultivation and :in, to sr acres be,li.«+I,,•.1 by unitual co,.•tae, At Ihr ]Art meeting of alit- 'Il.tugh. water front fin artesian well on the cargo of k life([
at kite al Mill duchy ltah Itch eked.
tows%• I" "llfrh \eats " no\vh)Iaye ml at Che week Nnd cIP^IYf1 un llnndsly H wm re.lu kat- Loom -a -lacks.
tiud,er. A well and two • ,rine- of water. A .and furtlN•r tNke •,lo(hr that Au account.s arts of the Empire It infest hrxrty vote (,neon. The rstimntrd coat iv $•Alli, effective," '•huprlt•Ks,' Mai players at night.
new haune dwelling, a serial Warn, "table and . owing the said firm must Ise -criild by eash or of thanks was accorded David This information will he agent on to the C'hoonl•A-lacka•chay,
A+i,yW Wheel. Apply to 1'UUNU a: RUHKILT• note, nam before the above ditto, as after that bill." Anti yet the Guderic•h Iwyn held Warden Currie has Lf•Pn in luN•n U. C. I•• G. I. L.
)N 1N. (3oderich. - rime the book. N'III be- I.I.,ced in other hands Sproule: for hi, very- gronrtvus dons- council. At the meeting of the than down to three galla. .1. D.
turclo,ure. tion of work in cunner•tion with Ihr commission un Monday night the Campbell. who wits on the Leaching this week attending to tnatlers of llurr'oo, Hurrah. Hurray:
F fi cIvk_ s UR TO KENT. ala- I, W.
lo'. GI)N N•H1TEh1'. hospitals Also to the• Inlr"atKer arid statf x) staff at the Collegiate here during balminess In connection with the work Hoping that you will "ee fit to pull.
[1'' ni,lrta.. '1'Ioacro tam+ In West t\ awn- tt, F. UALIA)N. (p11CALin1LM of K. HrLran Nnd of the count h
numbs c•omrmm4m b, lot 37, with 1:,; Poem in w Uoderich, Nov. l.t, 1164. f Wonderland fur the evening tjie Hohnwn Olwrm Uri, for electric .Septemlwr, rwnl*, lip feom Tmtvnt„ y council. Gish t is correction of your ideas and
+told .fele of cultivation. well fenced. welt given int lwh:llf Of the hospital. whirh light were granted. anti the following for the oreasinn ai A. i►uff hA% been away front his beliefs, I refunin•
,lou , .ret orchAM. la e bank barn, rood - •--`------"-. ad-pbtfPd with thgl i•ollry .truly.
house. )f."t"fi te. klref•it Ith shop and .(oro netted to the IAdicr the handaotnP row accnunta erre nrderwl paid : C. C. Goderich boy , post At the public literary for several
at corner of fano.' Caareafe«t to achrinl and ?;•0 .iLnflt of IkRkcN1. Lee. $_+2.54; Doty Engine Works, 'rhe learns erre': on account if ilint 's noel t/aLa. F:x-STIVOUNT unr THB G. C. 1.
charrll. 3f udlem frets C. P. it, t,tlon at - -'--- - --- iL is requested that. all donations of IPhl1,i and a:rc, The t ich•l ire'. 1)rinndo I)t-an I.,, -Re -k.
is rrlxlt•led to Ire rink -Ain Gcalerich, Nov. 13th.
Aubero, Terra, soomy. W. A. IIARkISON• �xrAIILF: TO Hh:NT - OOOD, tangy work in Aid of the IML,LAC to Imo
to, it ow,(Iwt. S aa,n„table, two mingle -talk, root, stir held Tuesday, Uece•mlNer 3111, be went Bubonic Plague :n Seattle. - hacks, Orton Durnin, Guidon A1'ight- Court (i•ruletich, *No. :hl. (',1n,ulixn
\OR SAIX -FIVE ACHKS C W`iB two Inn. of ^rev And rig.. Apply to THW,As t) Men. it. H. %.Smith. 1n x late issue we uyentiined the fact nian ; hill( leackn• Ferguv McNaught. Order of b'otestrra, will hold its an. Simple MetMds of Clgniny Fur Wrwps
to : lae•ge fro"( 1W Rid OWS. Nelmar mt r,et.
are onone bef toe main thor- Donations of home w,ulr goods Nnd of tilt• it r intmr•nt of Ifs. Btrurns, Ifectnr McKenzie, F (iwm hilpntriek „ nual (ryater ruplie•r-anrl ertertainulent Ru a
augbfAro pitied for lake water -line. building - - - -- K f (o fut•wnrd%, J. U. (7xntplN•II, Win, nn Fritlw}-, Ilw•,mlbi•r 13th, ,in the• Into two pound of bran. Divide it
site. Adger Box Im. SIONAL OVVICK. �F.AV FURNI.SHED HOUYIi TO dairy pnmlic,, alae honey of fruit, *.)n -in -Lav of His Honor oTudge DoyIP, portions and place one 1n the
Alathrson, Victor Curran, Orville Temperance Itall.
IN Irl an Ohopo is- It. WIT ER. nerd vttn- will Ire gratefully erreivrh noel may tin to the IxMrl of health of the city of Uurnin And Worthy Kil lattrick. oven to tJeat. Sptrnd the far on paper
bila rued. Apply L. 6. NN'IT%Eft. PactPent Seattle. Nov the startling news I Over' LOW) in pabroniz(A the on the table and rub 1t well over with
OUKi:' FOR MAhb:. t ti NINo inor ng. -V. to town hall TuPsda)y Galt -Goal. Ale0illuln : hacks, Per. Wonderland mnvin the mid bran.
H ronllNd tonne dwelling, harinr n gncd --- - -- lnurninK,•Ues•einlrel• Peel. or W urn, Al. cmues LIAt the dreaded noel most fatal l K pictures show ern
(matins, on Keays .beef. Si,Nto feandaton Hn. of disertodem. the btllonic ill^ nM, (ris and Burgess : half ir,•trks. Hoarse. rhurlda
and.unuuer itlWhen, proud ml able. \vol b•,01d Jror We I R ba" McDonald noel Dnnd,no ; G,rwxr��s � Y night Last, lives night rf tilt. Shale out the ban slid brosh the
re Ili . Vor further partlrnlar>s .pply w --= All the mellibers if the D. U, E. are appe►red there, ,and that six deaths ht.vpit^l henellt, ,ani tire hospital fund
'non. Nct'ACUHAN, r( Lac1@e�»Ftfvo., TWU•1'K:1K-OLU SHORTHORN rrptPatP(I to relnrinbN•r the sleet•(^I hater aln•Ady taken lace. 1)l-. Tilt. Colvin, E. t(c•DonaW, Biaunettr war inrleaafvl by ytia. fur with a soft bat brwh. Whsl,the
_ _ ++ p and Todd.
relit of the bran tech hot tab It In
!i Bull IrflrlsvroAr for wale. Also a regi meeting Thursday next at I p, fi . ;o Iloorns has been (•hos(-” Ciy the city Work is to Iw resuuted next Aloe-
jt�ARN FOR SALE. -A CHOI('F. tend iLvk-Irbil !rens. Vor IarrticulNn at+ply to complete final aeran enlent,% *for council and appointed s e c i a I lieferee-D. A. McLachlan, Stmt- (lav evPnty In the fur in tLe
1 rami for .wk, wAAWed for mixeel br h,g� ANDI EN• KIRK /%rrofcarlon Y. Neq \t.w,v Ila bazaar and supper.K 1 foil. I Jpn Ohl• ♦Vheel Rigs factory and it �t19!'toaIIO!!
R 4 against will la perished to completion
talth +� mon'
or u,rc, aq Ace , rleAnd, IO aMxr, rmd n •n. n.,mh. lunarer,r,on i'. o, Il3hu health gue.offi' r I n lead the fl h The ter+alt of this g^ml- IP,t\ Ptt ((alt 1 P Shake It am and b171m 1t un the
Va the tit gtlf','•thr rT•rr111nPlallepe fur his the PX ng olv an if ns ti lr}P"Cing nlanll-
ard li error good limber. Moil a ar lea bl---'-`----' -- - t1 in pusnPsnion if tilt- cup for this year 1
rlNv (mals Elrod fratuc house, (nine barn noel K !iAi,K - A li1:CON U-IiANU � - -__ — services to Ire 16:>'s1 a rtwnth. fact irmg fi orcnl ions at New 1•rer'N. (I fir In 4111 tie foss from bra a. acid duet_
,table.. good dri, in dNd, fes. Tt ,Ina JI• llowwrrl tubal fornAr'«. nasi Am geod N� rhe follrr\vi"K is An extract from one ,It irltst. e ] They ire, 11p*lwser, n (THfPlvmt
y NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS I thR:far-Wheels. W. b'•• A(rhenn is opening the new rt'Qu
+ea,Na..len 1, l:rrle-h lown.hip, AI louj to new.-nlrabk fur .tole er eel vale hna-r. of the city la per% there : Killed Beneath
PROVI)FOOT HAYS a HLAIR or to C♦IAS. (;hesp as 1 have no further time for It. J. H. -'-- - I relent Market on hast street (the stand treatment from this, otdb"fry art,
J. 'A I. Ytl! (•OI,h)i)ftN►;. COPY of change of running advertise- "in nplsnutiug Dr. F. S. Brrur"s Lo A shocking 'A,rhient. was that Ivy just east of 1A'm. Sharm:un's Ahme `IavM>n(t and pdatPt-1rt 1Wira.rdtseakl
_— _--_____—_ -- - manta must be left at this office by take ratter direction m( the work IN•- which Ruon 1)ur'st, ,t ` young'store) on S'Itnr(tay morning next. M heated and rubbed, into the slop,
_ ` Flf{^iT•( LASS H F:IN'I/,JIAN fl Monday noon to ensure insertion ing dune In the city to combitt the hrtkeamnn on (h, Grand Trunk, lett, Look firs- leisadvertircruent next week. several times.
� _ FXV FIV 14TV -^ (� Cn. p,;nofor•ask al alar Nin; lit it my in issue of same week. plague. the Ig�rd of health has taken his life on TuiptiAny mirninit alNaitt Thm+tbR?t=shoaldba
RV BK'1f t+TUDENT a slop nose ; can be eeon not lilt information nPnsible and cormneudable action, N pl (i chink. 'A. true of fourteen A walk along the Pdp�e of the con• Out"sect of dootg Ups+
in our sch(wl succeed% hecxuse we siren bYApplyingtolbx IN, NIl)NA1.(lF'FI('It -�_ _- �_ 'rhe►t the Altlln(.lern detnaptielf N %cella em fit curs wAt+, sin hnckra down Crete retaining Nxlt by the elevator is
y �- I being const, (:t,d fear the convenience ANNOUNCEMENTS,
prm fele sensible courses, employ - pnbilC Nat10@ R I K
Kurcesaful teAchers And give indiv- 1 UMBER FOR f1A},F:.--HEMLOCK, i-- - \ directing hand has INrn hppnrent ChP hill to the hat and, a short dos- And ,Nicety of C. 1 . It. hrAkeernrl in
idumlinstrlction. And way time. or canbtiemuitonler"�Furhin6ur�mrotrllculian RFTIN(i OF THL; 1}['1tUN figi�allront m:n'ttmlN��,e,lPct d�lr„rWrlathe t.Anf,e Pstst of the overhead bridgelswitching err con Inn cars. T --`
1VrftP far canal Orr. apply to Ill E1.1,InTT, U.rlerich. if �I hat has leading to tilt- Maitband rn'rr htldgP, P K he wall
oR . IOl'NTY (vu'Nc9L• already hri•n dune is largely to his sin into a rota whir h "'ads ran the will Ibis enplm)rted on I)rnck"Is ,rnjrct- Something gaxl in menti ane x"r}
fiArrGrr ANNKrcaN HI'at,tt:dsA Cor,Lrug _ -_ Ther»uriril of the rnr(Nprntim, of the rvwdly l•I'R(iIL, bi[ he la,j Illg out frout the retaining wn�l. two buckle gam rlbbers. Alio one.
TOgioNro '� of Huron will Indict in the counell ebamber, in Kht have done evert track. The aninnal's bead wit% C(/ln•
.,-,r.--�,- _-- -%,_y-4 WanteQ the town of U,Merich. nn Tnesday. the 3"1 d,sy I"(4p hall he liven gia•en the authority pleiely a(•t•ert•d front its )Polly hp the Mims Cox, who lour returned from a hundred find thirty pairs of lumleer.
- - --F - - _ of Ali
bl mtwr next, n( :t o ilec•k p. m, to "flea" unhal" red frfinl Ills wheels of the (•,u•a biseiul( oyer it and J.hree month*; visit to the West. will turn a sox for men and to •s, I Ixr. ,
- - --- ��jANTRl1. -- 11111 Rl'9HBL8 /)F All account. ,tg:dn-t Oho cnunlyy Mill 11) RQ h veld At cut prices. (I. Ai, ILI.t)Ti',
,cilium«fit nnl,t he dwa+r,1 NIIh life clerk by Hrst At'ith 1)l-. Bmnrns directing the cheer. fit• tour ears ""'IT. (lrrailrA, Mr. rrfill'n her dressmaking rourn� on prank nide !(ynare, GtNtrrich.
r� reaIIAR cereal. ,and rnnng•rl., R'NH. OoderDoomeddi^r.Nit%ed. �•,LA\F:Ctrrk. work, til, Peo'lleof Seattle can rest Dursljullipedflout Ilie earn hilt foil; West street Uecenllmor•lnd. .She Pima . I _
{til SFa.I:S )IAHIIWpRF: NToI{IS• 6,ldrnrh. Noeewb,•r Isis h. lYl;, nblmlrel that nil will" be
(lo tethat can tan r�L Intworile hhelm Arid
was alluni ti visited t'hicago and Alinnempolim while
- _ tm• (Iran(-. The y i n\Yny and fully ac(1u11inted her,delf AUCTION SALES. . as
THF. - - - ----- -- with tile ntvlem in dressnlnkinK, titrl K:a.\t, Nov.Xioril. Clearing auctionmA!
aboard el- not mitt if proportion to the was taken to liroph,y's undertaking rff o
f 1 II, i"jort MAIrN, B1' Council AND Lt(ifth ('l)MMi state 1'11)N work done, miler present rrrnrlft.ions, %%aims, where it. wa. viewed by A� -las,;lohnston. d'rrtyinan, vvhm meNt. fit hoomrhold h,rnlnlrc. furrd,hlno. chattel%
�r1+.IiLINt� �3atirk L Iwlirat of the Turn l'uuncil, .Sept,ul►N r lith, 11111(, fur statement roar of it levan Ppidemi„ of phtgue• it roronPr'.% jury in lhi• ,v,ning, A I inch hurt ye,tenl:iy nftPrnirrn tyhiir, and "Mr, (+fir the n•mre. I'm Irloner,. to thn
OF�. , cool expondihlres far Chia year. %•hate of the let., I. A. ln1nlN•r, victorlre
(✓Attalla Would Ire entirely imlde.luate for tie brother said a frrothe••in•law of the' oni(iading a piano At the West street .bele L. '('111 a%I A, til N, II it\. a Uc t loll e1• r.
Th, Ponl sheds were prnrtit Ally empty At to IrPgunningg of the year And rink ti br taken And the work to ls• dereAm d arriveol during tier- day band � link. The piano beliplN•d and be fell MnNp,v,lhro, 2nd. Mile of len were. of bnAh
HKAn•0r►rl•a Tr/ae1Nr,. the cowl hereunder lastest for conomption until October Filth, list, , done. A1•hen Ili-. K)ilrn9 was lnadso yPsterlay morning the body wAs l purIIV nnfler it and received A INuI at Ma Island Ifo IAtke tte,ad We.l. rblborne. at
AUTsoilrsan CArarAl., $1,11D,i•, -- , �-_--_ • . -- _- ----- - health allies% of AhtniM to tight the taken to Sehrina(cilli•, the ening Kash un.the side of Flis he+Ml. Irnrrmy Vat- orlork. N1. t %nNi:t. pnnprie or. Trwm,
Aplague there, h, wit, told by the goy- man'% hinur, forinterment. 1'he only! b'•(nnicrson otnd Turnbll!l attend al to csuay. nnetonee r,
fMte vwwlor tat '`. Prnor of Manila, who calhsl neon little evidence taken on TuPsclay night ha• ithe wulfn(d. BORN.INCURI'ORATEb BT NPKcIAI. ACr �'{Etoyolnnt,Pr for the se"" h to IIx ilia Uornner Holmes tv,la thmt of Ur. WAI- 11 on l on AfxOF M)MiNION FA)t1,IAMKYT+ t --- -.--__r.-- -- =-._ - own alaar ap to the limit of S1,1s111 a ter Turnhnll, wlin aNw the bofiN After
Imundry non ern h:ant Ott (�hinrse t(t'UFf11tit.- in Colhnrl,e ror Mnnraly, Xo-
fp , how lo•- %%miler Intl), In \1l-. nett( \I rr. .\tirrrt sup
TURkC1tiVEi1EIYWITN rCR atralf•(IMLG„•.•• •-.......•. •„ Illlfrla 14141 19 IA IIIcnLh. d(IelLuthe►Ad11POfblaPer• t.hPArr'leleh[nlld de,Cl'lla'(l the injnr•!cume IIW fiN'neI' err LI)r, property he Toni,NdNllghtcr.
•I - _ • I :a Ice .rl !a 14 vlees at thAt$first,• is his MAnIls experi• i,s. The lNNiy \teas lying on its elide. war occupying, haying purchamed it at ('t11Saollon On W acacia', Octotwr Inlh at
... rr, ill :ft ss Ilii iii '� in securin Ihr services of hr. Butte ed
To 11CCOnlmor'AlP the Fo rlle'll lit 1
�. _...... ' + : , .. partly Hntnl a,nl. In t.lrul. t hade, and firm.
inre, itll� t nth r gestin n IMi non nrrfiAA the tracks rmr11 under one tit the aurtoti sale of Ain. Lynn's prop- c hislolm. Amon.
4- : health,” K ) fnry eine
we have opened Branches in the I:r
Lf) eW' :'illy e1lit R erns til, rine-whee)a noel death mast hwve,' rely on i•irttintay haat. The pride TAl'rAlli. -In Whq(han,, nn Nm•emi,cr(kh, to
villages of ;; ;a' 3- ;+ ! I I+ he the fl uIe +IPO h the lonnl if IwPn m%tantxneous. The t wile 117:,(k This was thm only propert • \Ir. And Mir. J. A. TNylor,n sun,
a 1111 1. lit +:; 1,11 h, H nota of the followin A. 1. Coit► r ICY. In Onderlrh. November 11th, to Mr•
M il a t. u Cooper! said at Litethe +►ugtion.
DUI�GANNON, r ;; . 1 ;u "'' •' •trait rn The Model School Class Entertains: (foreman). Geo. Graham• %Van. Tail, l - - - _ "nil Mvs. lrenneu,Orcy,awon.
P, Mckwan. Chain. Young, 1), A. Alc• MARRIED.
AUBURN .. !, :fro ler A, fit For Pone }ens% Oho MrN1Pt School former. A. .1. d'alhid P, ..Sohn .Shaw. R. I CHURCH NOTES.
1 (Mor. 1 11 I� 11 Li' tTt riAsse•A r/r (:/Ntel'i('h And Ulinton Ir^ve R UuLS\yultTH-1'EltUl'1: -At the rcmldenM
YARNA All(I + v. H. tt+dues, .,.'.... I t:a 3 .+, I •ba !rl -ser hotel an annimI exchange of courts W. liall, %%'bill Pa- Naftel• Walter Kelly 1 - - f the bride. pArrnt- Onderla.h town,hip
' r a' A a: en R And F . L. Wrilton. Further evidence Kvangeliste merverea ice Iwing ObeidWright'n November 13, by fire. }(, )a•, iter ,
April :1 ».., If anI 8 ;', all Italap lIF1 In til, wwy d ,til ' at hour" h,n in Virtnla street Mefhaliat rhuieh (t,Nterich.John A. W, IMdaworthlnNtnniP
BAYFIEI T) and dirty t R will In, taken t-inorrow oa+wning tat
sow. time .. ... ....... ... .. ... I rlmI`PC ivPly by IIIP two 1+111- •n (Inr•• angh.11) At and Mn.. 1•. I cMn o
i Peart. d
' N vr' a+:I, alp the town halt. Thur ,if the ears %veru night ex(•Ppt .S,ntnrlxy, and the \\ EItrTl;lt Itlap. At til« h,Nr,i, fit the
I'! 114 I at I let 1:. Yin inK the term. t few weeks ago Iht• tf•hich were derailed wete badly daw.I aerwlees Are proving of cwt IntP1•e,t hrfde- mnthrr. In 9ranle On Nov,mber
We solicit the Patronage of the ..... duaypaid Clinton tPhrhers-in-trninin enter. Y Kt
K nye%I, inP looping broken up Into. 11fid ariritnnl lNonvr. rho' lrxatpr \vitt ash, hl Rev. .Inns Nrn�'n. of IMytlelA.
.. � Fit 1 Pill! leo ...................... AIn !+n :+ :.t /017 a Ct tatnrd their fellow -students front
PARKINCR. rrfrrlRhll kindlin w.mNl, another thrown ramiv per. Fttmday, the 21th feet, on tilt. Itw I— - goonrr.t AanRRhn•r of Mrs. John
May 4 L. L ('Pal fb ..... al- ;,n' 1 Ge 111117 Der (irxler•ich, and on Friday evening last b { RciA..r., toJnm,r Nclr.ter, of ,hear fuck
Il .. `� e1D 7!H LAP GrN]erirh (•lana faeCPl Yid t.ItPlr (pipe• Up the Mnk and tearing mit A Al reLCtI following het'jvrlA : 11 A. m., Dowl now.
"ALK Itortlit DlnLot7atysn, of pill.nK own It left the trmrk•%, and the, It Nay's" i p. m., '•The World'a DIED.
11 W. Lea -....... ton Tri,nds, as will as a ntmlm r front
BAVIN08 BANK AOOIWNT Y1 F K Halms+--exllMyer........... Il " Mw) I v a S of Wall." Kvt-r Imm s
• • • • • •............. tin 1A .i0 ,, thiol he•InK tnrreh• oyrraPt ,mel dnrir- Y loo welcornr scats R.a1,I p. ,tt (hslrrl.•h, nn Tntsrtny. Novemt>w•r
ddtypreM own, fit inn nl bonus' halm a the ,, el. The Anxillnr front Stratfml•td free, Imb. Khr,ttreth Ram,, wife of the late
opened by deposit of t11.h(1 .; fail IFP fro Act TrmlN•rincr flail. Am thin foo the Hnxl RR yy ' . iied. (`neon Dann, re lar if St. UtNJohn UERfWashtarm m yenm ,
it Mckwan 111 Ati A A Air, tutu of the'Model FrchoolN, under nal d"red tip the wrerltag„ ,an Tuesday
Interest ata 'compound y 1f7 „ .................;..I N tA^ I s "a 1. Acs afternoon. t mm. ThP bate Rudolph Durst PAnI's cathPolrnl. London, will nrneh NnldNr. N+venpber 1711° r(ghrje,�eiiride ,
?► list m 1(N 314 new diapt•n,nth,n of the Ih•parLpelrnt wonll Lwent two yearn of age and wan INrth morning Pari ,vcning sit St. •lad a, Yen A,, l n,nntlls NnA 1:11 days.
Rod ruart,tly. Jana ►;F'AlrC,wl('., _. (Iain PA t� }oI Kdncxtion, Friday Pc«non a nth• yy, I K IUrLMF1N to NnhoN••,ill« nn SnraMAy N..
.. I .. IAS 71 L71t 71 Y R K( a arm elf Daniel Uuritt. whn resiidrd , GP*,rge•'s church next Nunelay, the
. -- May McKwaa 11 7n1 ariul( was the I:ImL of carne ploasalit nrdr.Selningville. He is survivrfl h• I•a•tfir. itev. Af. Turnhnll, taking the f''InM,rlrah.11"turrah tlrtlw+rnl, rolirt of
Aga. rair('now('o .::............. ..... Jia im t •. 711 x, 3R aff,hrn. and touch I•rgret w,M ex• K for late Jnln Itnlrurm, In her,rtnA rof rl
i )Oi±,ItiCH BRANCH f'. O. It. ? %sailed thrrenL by thrne whn hwve t.hrre hfv,thers land one Alater•. Wen, canfittA work for the day. 'rhe fall- Uunit RI:ACOM. In Ursench nn MtN1da Ye.
NeIO .la IM 701' Ii/ 01 era had tilt- )revile a of Nltendln lhPno• . of Colborne, is stet uhrle, lowing TueaiLly PV,nfng (`anon 1)anit ,«mire Islh, John iMncom, Aged Ij�ean.
A G. UAMRLK, Manager. YI F'. 16 Holmes 1Ft I- [ lain 1 .- I Sal ell ( R Al will give, an intrremtin 11 month -and %.Lily
_ _ CuirtRoom front yopat to) year. How• f'llogralr s ONpley at Torotlto. K K Ie,tirr on
_ Attl _ v- I I "IrelAnd And the Irish" under the SHANNON. In 4inslerlcb. nil selNhy, N„
- �__, _,_-•_ -no .�iw IlIaM.�if 1d tit Ifni ever, no saddening rlAectiom pre• We Publish in Another column w list auspices of tine A. Z'. P. A., In lila `'etwbwr rth..tn.aM I. Natsar,,,*llastdr
lata U. 1. YMn,41o, X. L , ttgM 71 1•wt■.
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