The Signal, 1907-11-14, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GIODMUCH. UNTARIU
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The News of the District. � esperate
U. ('Irl cat l.undefthoro, will preach. ST. HELENS, Methomlist church, hell its stalling Dangerous coughs. Extremely
tlAYFIELU. I Y. I oil Monday afteruoun last. The shier g g y
The following eYrulinK a leu-ulrwtill!� TuIDIDAY, Nov. It. charges,.heppnwltln, Nile and Kien- perilous Coughs. Coughs that
\\'XDNnMIAY, NOV-.01!) . 1 will be held, tell served front b o'cloc{t Will Todd is r udili his vacAtion I
.I(rr Fh)►rie Pollock Is vsiting f R rzer, were found lu h.• in char herr' rasp and tear the till and
and as K,xxi proprr•uu cuuunrncln{( at at houu•• Hn+uciul condition they have ever'
friend* in Ripley. 8 o'eltick. Admission tele., children Mist, craw•, of Thntutoru, (s viaitiug been in. I lungs. Coughs that shake the
Alxlcoiu Thews is laid up with all IGC. cal. the ntatnw.
nua l cat pleurisy. - I:vANulela err erarvu Il+. Fva Lie- I whole body. You need a regu-
Mrs. f W. Tippett is visiting AUBURN. Ali" ALargalvt Hotherfotd it visit- limit mervices were commenced on lar medicine, a donor's medi-
frie rs. J lu. Tioll and Ails viine Leics TOiwuev, Nov. 12th, Ing her sinter at Holyroxl. I snnday evening in the Nile church, ; cine, for such a cough. Ask
this week. A Otani WOMAN GOxtt HsNI•k.- ou lohn It utherfoid it bricking the HeiConductaxl ti the pastor. ices. J. isV. g
kitchen he erected last auuutner, Reid. Meetings are being held ells I your dOCtOf about Ayer' S
The o •st•r supper under the near Monday, November Atli, (occurre,l at l week on Wednesday. This •ealay and Cherry Pectoral.
piece u[ l l)• L No. '�i wits a Auburn the death of Mm (itacr Blair, • wt. ate *eery to ttlwrt Ihxl Mlw• wee at '1:a1 and 1+, clock. Rev. C. to
grand success, one of the oldest residents of title Robert Murray continues pe loris' H. U ergot, of Brnwillrr, will *peak W. P bu.b our sero a..
Hallowe'en passed off quietly. There locality, she being nearly meventy-mix Thle fall of «new hats brought the I at the Weduelxlty mre•lings, Rev. %V, w. b..ub .bob.e
{«t 1 K+ t I A. Smith, of Duogxnuon, will ncldre.aa JA ens rt...... llmli.luol.
wits nothing doing but a stuAll hop in fears cat age. Mrs.
Blair h+ul Ixwu ill tux m. rabbit iodise out x ty . w. sen r.• ,o
the town hill. esa than at week, hawing contrnc3ed I JAa..luynt leave+ nn Mutnr►it to it• I the• Thursday meetings and Rev. G. .on.uu
J. Elgin Tom. L P. S. visited our lineunu,nia, and her death came am a pend the Normal cullego at Hamilt0t• N. flaxen, of North street. Methodist ao.e.r
sin price W many. she gear a native
,.drool on Monday and fouud every- �)f 1lrland, hxviug Iwen Ix)rn in the I Mr. anti Mrs. John Jlcliw•, cat church, litxlrr(eh, the Frida) wrr
thing all all right county (,f , having in In and rtI(- I Fbralycv, ciritaxl frieudo in the village Ingo. Rev. C. R. Durrant will abbibt Any good doctor will tell you that a medic
(3. Sanderson, of Torouto, is house sacral tit) Canada with het )xrenty in I oil Monday' the paster till next week__ cine like t woe Cherry Pectoral cannot
on a visit. He it accompanied by his gg do its Dest -work if the bowels are con -
I. Her memory of glrlhoxl dx)'s j Nclhl, Lucknow ! This it St. Uel- DUNLOP. stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
friend. Mr. Precious. r x+nt in the id land wits exceptionally ens. We now have telephone connec- anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor-
('ounclt suet on Monday night and cear and she used to relate artily in- tion with the outside world. TUtueDAti, Nov. 1201- recting this sluggishness of the liter.
!sassed it large nuutler of accounts, leresting incidents. Although the Mr. and Derr. Decker and family Albert llnaid is bonne front Sudbury, .-scano bs ea. J. o. Ar.r ce.. Lowell. m.o..-
Mostly thtxe fur repairing the street« greater part, of her life was gent in rooves! last week to Lucknuw, where lipping him father, who recently tart
with gravel. Camula, she alw•ays had kind thoughts Mr. Dhcver has secured a goon pxwi- with an accident Mut I., now progrea.' _-- -- ----
f)r. \V,xrtlr and hib brother in-law, toward her native I:Ind. In INW) "be tion. sing nicely towards recovery.
Mr. Buchan, had a few days' shoutiaK married John Blair and tu*{ether they Our tornu•r well-known thresher. GILT A GOOD START
At Fort Frank lust work and captured wade a home some two tulles weal of LUCKNOW. ( Icahn Ryan, arrived homeTlituroday of Right now is the best tone to start taking
several ducks. Aohurt. SIC. Blair powoed ruw'ay six MATtntD.ty' Nov. Nth. I last week frolin another seastw's something to get yourl{ianeysandSystges
GrosRRr. \Voir• who lar livwl ill yelit~r after they were m:trried, ill !RSI, A. McPherson, It. R. �Mcl.etxl, 1). threshing ill the great Northwest. in share to withstand the sudden cb cu -
lurch Uakota for sate tluir, [iau pus_ a°d the seat of her life was slx'nt in glcl'rae and Jas. 1'ishrt are away on An artesian well h«b been sou!: by of Nall aml Winter, which bring on RLcu-
wictowirto . Nearly twenty Ye reI
chased the Mc Ray LIm a mile and a is she ousted to Auburn and wits x bunting expedition in New Ontario, Councillor
ALrcMnnus Un his Lar„ matismaudotherKidneydisorders
quarter east of Kiplen. resident there until her.deAth. Mrs. I The shippers of nppler fmui this Kern, formerly owned by lite Lale
\f s. Gauld, of Formosa, addressed Blair was +t member of the Metholist btxtiun this year include J. (i. Andre- I Joseph Morris, at the house, water• ho-rem"
tine women and children ill the Pres• church andwar lh4 oldest utemler on son, John Joynt, T. h'. Cain, got at 119 feet.
byteriun church boat week. The ad. the Auhuru circuit, having joined Caeliar, F. G. Moffatt and Mc•(2'lillin l2uite x ,(onnfity of epplra which
7.1 L •kt ow ova wrauur of were Ixouglit hunt farmers mrouDd
dress vias interesting and Instructive. when IIID church wits first opened. k l.o, le cat t I .
OL rxmticN Fje'Hlxt. ItkYtglL -- The \\'ill rrK:mv1 to her ('hrislinn rxpwri- which Dir. Joynt is proprietor, is Irak- here were packed for shiptuent during
following is the re rt tit H ayfteld ente tier life ran answer, for it would ing Ilk, mhlpuu•nls of evapor:atrd the latter ,art of last work by \\r1u.
public sc ltrol for lite month of Oe- le difllcullt to {x,int to one wrung nct, fruit. look, 11. 11rindley And O. crook. is the remedy to take. "Bu -In" isguAran-
sober, txaned on attendance, demeanor prions childhood rhe bervni her !►MTI .vuY. The interment Ux,k teed, your money back if it fails.
and general proficiency : senior M.este, and Ihrooghout her lift. Pit- place in Kinions cemetery net Tntwlay. LEEUURN. 50c at Drug Stores or by Mail. 89
Ilivision V. Foil King. W. Rally dwwurwl lu catty .nut Ilis coutll;t,lds Novemlwr 51 It, of MaalCo►Il MCDuugu 1, TuICAIAY, Nov. lith, nletLUUMCmineLLCo. uolsr< dru"Op-Oat
\Voids, Grmee Weil. John McNeil. -rarely nlwent fruuu chun•11 service whoxlied on lilt- pervious stmd,ty, of I. \loser• bus two of his brothers
tirnior 111.--Fvelyn Pollock. Flurvnce and Iwayermeeting and always doing dropsy. The decrased, who %vita (silly Ifellni Stratford its his guests. -- -- - - -
Martin, Flo Johnston. Junior Ill.- whatever work her handb might Had twenly,me years of age. WAS It sou
Anna Woods. Lcdn King, l.ili:us King. t, tit. Fut• many )-earn she wits n of the late Anglia McDougall, ,.f Alm. Kingswell anti her sister. Mrs.
tirnior I1.-Agne•r Juhnwm. Kathhwn leading nu•nderlof the \Vumau's Alis- the All concession of \Neat Wawa- A. Cot;k, slept a week down near GET THE BEST. IT PAYS.
FI . Iuuiwa fat -ker. Nnoidwi un mionary S,eiety. Though deeenwd, -b. The death oct urred on I Woods tie visith,19 relative". Attend tilt- popubir and progaesmive
I :t • *seen r, al. T. 11. Rltuwx- vet her works du follow herr. std the Thur,xlw•, :list alt., or Henry Cook. lift Mr, Shaw had a windmill Pitt np
stillstill, g ELLIOTT
, Teacher. vet
of her it rich in Ihr tiearls of rste•enlecl resident of Lucknow. The L►st week n r pgwpinK water for the
Ji mior Division- Mrlaior If.- Annie these• sine heat behind. She IN murvived deeeasrd was initis forty-exvond year at-tesixu well which esus recently sunk
McNeil, Don)thv Fowlie, Beta Me- by her four daughlerm: Susie and and cane titl.urknow ialveliMut twelve for biro.
Litxl. Middle 11. -William Dreamler, 'taiza, who r•sidwl Willi her. Mrs. 1). yearn ago. Ile was a natiar u[ Buck- \VIII• liliddru, nth(, for the past
Imxlel Woods, Kenny Currie. Junior li. Munroand nd Mrs. John Rolerts)n. high*", Fngland. His wife, three seven years ham been tD the mill to ; TO ONTO. ONT.
IL -Kate Little, Htwiie FII(Mt. Role tiler brother. John Pierer, and her 'rise
and one gun survive liar' at Port Albert, has -e..igned his p:osi-
bie• Mrl.eod, senior Part 11. --Losec• sisters Faiz.•1, Somarumb. and Mrv. Mc- Thr funeral, w•hirh look {{dncv to Kin• tint there. and has ruler. t) IAeburn and le lhP�rutghpyeduc:alwl fut•bur•
\\':Hurley, Lyall Drovis n. loran Mur- l'rea; of M:ndt st•. Marie, ate the only loss rrmrtery, %was rontlnctrl under again to reside, h=aving engaged for a inemm life, All gnuluntpe cat this
ray. Junior part IL -Lilian Cottlimg. oembort•N of her own family who sur• she MAIN rem cat Cemrt sherw,xxl, (', time with Cemncillor McManus at his i >whcrol acre alaudutely sure of getting
Frank Kingg Irene Currie. senior tier her. The Liss is krrul3) felt, this 11. F., off which deceased Waits s nlPut- lake f+trui. i poa(tions. The demand is Consider-
t 1. „'ileacs Blair. Heaths being tlw first break in the Lituily eon- ler. _ __ MAglxu 1>n Nuvi:WrxT«. -- During Aldy Ktrater tit+tin the supply. Now
Itn.trn. Middle pp�arL L Farl Porter, os-iion tilt nearly forty year's The I is :u excellenttinletornter. \Mite
1'ivence Parke, Russel Herd. Junior lnnerml service• was rondo cte•el nt her UUN(iANNUN. the pre•u• r week our well-known for catalogue.
cat l. -Muriel Kin Ethel Fow•he. residence h Rev. A. E 1'.nrA and in• it ce le wuekrr, .lune hasellie will hi
p, g, y % A. NM:N'TO\, DENTIST, t.l'l'K- a c•rtuent leer*• ill the h:ant•went o[ his W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
11„t Blair. Number un roll, 47 • aver- ternient was Inilde in Alnitl:caul rruK• (y, %4)W. .11ntaner,rryd„ycx,el" Tlmr+ xtablr. He intend* also putiug in A
age, :41. F. AL STANinvitY. Teacher. let v. (,oderielt. trays. Nen temwlyrorerirarllrxrtarothl:iotnno Cor. Yon a and Alexander Sts.(uram,be•.ticr tlwu lInes. l'ruwu and hrid rt- w„rk stone trough with water pipes from K
pWltIrIWIAY. Nov. 13:h. Wiaps"n.%Y. Nov. 13th. etc. Almninnm Pate.inombrcakwblo. t.lie crek for his sack W drink fermi.
`ill. t1rownlee, of sewforth, is visit- Mrs. \\rut. Patterson is laid tip at be.tierL dnae in !the dontal,ovice-t. torek time Ile will to xmmiste•t1 iD tilt. stoc k by H.
ing friends in town. prrw•nt with rheuulntimnl. better fartliuo+ for doing We work, tnure cow- Brown. of Port Albert. Mr. Fa Trish
Mrs, fillip vieitcd friends in Gtxle- Menne of Ihr h'Is, Alnwma front here fortAble for the rwtiext. Front will not come to in• N•••••••d•�•a••••NN••
rich onsatutday and Sunday. Attended :t tneelIng in G,mlerioiTurs• OTICh. THE IAWAL AGF.NCYIspect his work before he is tht•uuKl, � LARGEST AND BEST
Miss L. Cauienm returned tilos week da • evenin of thin week. it a pungnn neap forTI)etlignntt.atthePeat- with the Josh. CENTRAL
K oMtx )xx,k wad su,tienc,y, :itorc )cb.•,(r A HY.\ itt?rultn.--{itRe is :a t•t,•o'd
after x month's visit to Detroit. Mist h:Iiza Ywh•+, of (:axtrrirh, has tuden wttt lir rntxlrcit for .ntosrrtpt inn., nd or fol'SO1114- Of
\l ima F. ('aanervn, of Chiongu, is on lre•n visiting friends and Aceluaint• Ri en i � amount i Uob nfd for the spit ii �.ts will 1« men it) eat. A No'nyrwich cj�rrceapon- �(//� /
a short visit to her father. A. ('arc anew in thin locality during the past \\-ruNtocn.ty, Nov, 17th, dent in it Woxx•
lsuk paper writes
t : e
'ulle week. W. Little returned to the villaagqe "irtauu 1%atson stales that Its hioa six STRATFORD. ONT.
>lira Reid, of the Front rAad, titan- Be v, Mr. Nichol. of 0trgill, last we,•k after spending .% few nmuths Plymouth Rock hens that have laid
I.•y, became Idle bride cat Mr. \Vrlster , . V000 eggs in seven months and that one }IS being lite l in thin seine
List week. !rrxrhwl in lite 1 re•slylerinn clutch in New Ontario. loan Ixv(,ntr the Int•geI•t betaines
!amt Sithlxash and is expectid apt„ next ,1. \\'wll"oui s les(, brothers from 1ef them daring the time raised it fine training sch,xol in Western On-
Peter ('amu 1x ll and Mimm Flur- brood of chickens." A remittent here
P tixllxath. IC.1. W spent s Lew dxym in our vii- t:u io. Our enrolment again ex-
' ,e Martin are in Tonmt) atten-ling Inge lust week uI a visit t(, Air. Wal. dells )•our correspxondent that he is reeds that of avenr ago. Why?
rho wadding of Miser Nellie Marlin, if Lola Firggurt n Irft lust week sur arqunint,l with Mr. Wiatson 111111 th:ltour
Parry Nountl, where lit- has Meets,{ n l'ou'r the item it a uile correct, lie Says Because tical With
that city. Alrr. Alallou h, of the Mltlbugh i c • rood practical %sill spew IraLsta in
lrosition on tbP nailwn). He partite K , Mr. Watsonis a rulutecf gentleman
The lervirea in Trinity Church will to Ix• there for the tenininder cat the Ilnnse, n•tau•ned Iru+t tvcrk ttsmt 1 xis- charge of our Commercial, Short
Ix• held in the evening instend of the and a great hand with hens. handandTde ra de oartuen
)•Pnr. Irv. the W+ax xcc,nnpalicrl Iry Alr+. � pill { carr
ole orxl
ou • rut ogees urn
All r t
•s cat K
til n[rvvdn K
urrniog during the winter, ronuuear l•h:arles itulx•rtstol, whit is attLend- Mover, wilt ,r spending r K )
int; the first Monday in Decrnilirr. ill A busneM college in Toronto• Was her forester imine here. PORT ALBERT. txalit efill You n cit inter now.
Sunday school At :f in the afternewn• R g Dll«su)x•%ItY Sxit% Irp:s, - Mission- `Vritp for ear tree c+ihtlggne.
home last w -ek, &it ending the funeral MONDAY, Nov. 11th.
of his KraZillaiheri the late Mrs. xry sercires will le rondurted in the %lima Maggie Ross. of Blyth, visited ELLIOTT McLACHLAN,
QODERICM TOWNSHIP. Blair. \lethotist church next sunder)• by in this vicinity over Sunday. Print itntl
Itev. C. R. Durrant. of Benutiller. ZN••N•••••�••••N•••••� I
MoNn.vv. Nov, lith. Frank Munro, of Winnipeg• was in Angus Gordon lawiweAre x sing smile
11 r. Durrant will speak in the even.
The apple -parker" have finished the village last week, culled home toy ing ml missiona ry work in Newfound• nt present, n were Lassie having arrived -
their work for this reason. the death of his grandmother. the land, where. he spent A number of to shin his Ltlherly attention. geese Nettled in it field and as the
late Mrs. Blair. Ile returned to Win. A. C. Bennett, c,t Chicago, is m Id-
Alias Al1iC Johnston. of town, spent years in the work. 1tPv, W. A. R I'P were rising Doth Mr. Mc Is
and his
Sunday at her [ionic on the 2r1 coil- nilwg this week. Smith will have charge of Mr. Dur- ing a short time under the parental eon fired.
cession. DM.vrii ov Mlxw f %TTvnstV.-Again rant'r work on the Bennliller Circuit, roof. Hill friends were pleased Ges)rge Nixon is rejoicing over the
Mrs. R. 1'ortrr, who lugs (leen visit- vve are reminded of the uncettan'ty i)ItATH. -- There asNaI away on to see him again. birth of a son and heir. The baby,
of lite, toy the sudden Call of the late which arrived on the 7th of November,
Ing relatives near \\'ingham, returned Miser Fit,% May Patterson. daughter of Smudgy o[ bast %vee a resident of Quite a number (assn n day thin
home on Mntu,day last. , \\reit \Vawnilosh ill the person of village *Put oat east one tin) the Is n line IrouncinK tans. Airs. Nixon
Donald t atterson, county engineer` Mrs. Fred (iriffln, Rt the age If forty- foriner part Of Last week to investigate wits furulrriv Hiss Annie Pierce, of
e and 1 Patterson
Dlias N'(tte Mar M+ tit r'A Hiss ft:Jhewas burn andspent
Ross will attend the Annual mrrlltiq nil her lite in this neighbor- two years. The deceased had toren n a Ile only "('Ave," but .turned out this Place. - - -
of the Huron Viesh)•tvi-W Society to iitxxi, tpnchinK echexol cur necerw! resident of \Vawanoeh for only a fees to le only n •'fai yotm, Don't let
Is• held at Ki )eel In TuCatluy of this Month«, formerly residing in Ashfield. Your courage fail ym), John. take LAURIER.
P{ y PRI,.. she esus Ritttrl Am a singer .rhe funeral on Tharnday wits con- Tour
your traps.
week. and for some Tent -4 WAR one of the TrBmD.%v,A.)v.l'lth.
A. F. Johns• who has leen teaching popultr soloists of this district. Dur- durtst being
Rev. err d tit Hop the e- l'xuot RPV as eld in. ('�NEiigl.-
uulinx lacing internal in Hope reap- A meeting was held in lite Fuglimh sandy (:root is at present tuider the
;it I'urter's hill for the xutt year, bas Ing the past two years she had eery, Ashfield. The leruatrd have church Ixbt Monday evening wit h ref- weather.
,peered w school at }�uleteni, GIPy suffered front consumption. Every the syul thy of the people of the erenee to the Christmas concert and it We are plenmed to hear the jingle of
comity, for next year. at 650) tmlan'. effort to Any its dreadful rouge wan f"
He is a clever young man an] n g,xxd linaavailing and she tied the North -
teacher. wan have today. west for a Chxpge, hilt came home liar CoNDIT10Ns IN Tutt WV91'. - The t,aintnent by the Fnglish cold Alex. Maclennan was in Toronto
\\'slltNo. A pretty wedding took letter. iAmt Sunday morning hero. following from The Kincamine lie- P-hyterixn t uud ly schoods. It in with n carload of cattle thio week.
place at (Tifton Cottage. the residence oirhxge of the lungs Net in, which porter of last week refers to as Aortner t0 he held on the 211th of December ; Hiss \laud MacKenzie, of U: trait.
(,f Al r. anti Mrs, Jas. Wallis. BAvfleld tenuinAlyd fntnlly un Monde r The resident and merchant of this place. admission loc.. everybody welcome. spelt a week unlet the parental root
road. Goderich township. on Wednes- deceiatetl was thirty-one years of� e. And will interest Many re,uJohlerx of The lately. -
day, October:111th, at 7 o'clock, when The renlnins were, interred in i1t11'm Mignal : '.'A -'4t week Jt r. John liiles CREWE. Miss J. McCrae was "at hone"
their yolmgtet &lighter, Evelyn B., cemelwry and were fulluwed to the returned Item at tiiP to the Rest' MONDAY, Nov. 11th. to a few of her friends on Friday
w"ns married to Arthur Fisher. of ('cal- IAs mill ing place by A I rW number He went to Yurkbon, •where hes nt afternoon and evening last.
lrorne•, son of Amos Fisher. At the of friends and ActlWaintxncee, most of his time with his sons, ohn At r. And Mrs. John Aspens ti and R
hoar mp)puinted for the marriage the still Lloyd. The former it Laming faunily, of fort Albert• spent sundry Miss Anna Bell DlcKenzip, of Loch.
bride appeared iPAnln on the non of about twenty miles front Yorkton, with relatives here. *Isis, was the guest of her cousin, Alias
Pp R EAST WAWANOSH, while the latter is ill- the builders' Mrs. David Thur•low, are are pleased Fanny MacKenzie, on Sunday Inst.
her Lather and took her place beneath o Iv busihess there, doing a good tb may, is improving atter her recent Mise Minnie McIA-an, of Kintail,
an arch of evergreens, ferns anti MONO.ta, Nov. 11th. mil i P P' g
Hewers. Mite wits attended by her We lure sorry to state that firs. tr e. Ma Hiles in speaking of etre indisposition. was the guest 11! her ,amt, Alts. K.
little niece. Miss Frieda \\'Allis• who j.zekiel Phillips, who has Ieeit it pxro , prospects pays he thinks there Will toe The farmers in this dislrict rare well AlcLennan, for it sew days last week.
nctr,l as Hower -girl. The cereulomy health for conte time. is not improv- Ar much money there as ]last year. advanced with their fall ploughing M. MacDonald and daughters, Misses
tet performed h the Rev. 1'. A. ing it c sickly its her many friends though there have leen sane losses. and other fall work. Kate and Ma of Point Clark lighl-
witfly 1 It is a country of Investment and lir. and Dtia,. Rof)elt Higgins and pe )
fiteadman, of Bmyflekl, in the presence and seiglltrors would wish. house, spent Monday with friends in
sp)ecelation. To him it appears as i[ KR Mtrathvran.
of over fifty guests. Atter congsaW- Rev. G. N, IlAzen, of Goderich, they were all going too fast and de, wife, of the 5th concession, spent Ssn-
histions were liver Lhe Knests repAireil preached nlleNionatc sermons on the pending upon tomorrow for the big clay with the foruier's sister. Mrs. Duncan and Aliases Margaret and
to the dioingrotil where a dainty Auburn Irlrcnit nn S3nocfxy. The Au' tiny. The man that gee careful and •fames Culbert. Sadie McIntyre attended cite wedding
rv,um' \ Sic -
their in. Alas .lar • Ann AI
Innch was served. The presents were born circuit stands at the fu•aul of the cautious in that sooners will un- Andrew Culbert and Fred Culler • )
numerous and costly, showing the Ocxlerich district in giving for tris- doubted! win in the long run. Its the former a son and the latter n intyts•, to R. McKenzie lest week.
high esteem in which the young ----- ---- ---
rumple are held. The groronr'* prem- slonsar,d the suhscriplions on Monday aucceea to Assured, but sit present nephew of Jsntes Cultx.rt, leave short•
int to the bride wens a gold watch and were• as Its ret•)• liberal. there are no home coturorts. I•'ur n ly to spend the winter in LhP Inu+ler Atter A irl has hypnotized a young
*chain, and his present to the flower- The •Brick church, which hn raa bee
time it Means certain harlbhips. it woods in the vicinity of PeterforoulRh man into IM In tier A solitaire she
gitI wan it gold pin met in brilliants. reptirtf and decornted dmring the last is it country for young m^n. Nein• One day recently Jacob McGee and begins It wonder what she could have
few weeks• is to he reopened on Sun• Dipeg "peen's duller than it wits n year his eon soof it wild Rax)ee nn Donald done, with tither ellen if it were not
day next. Rev. Mr. KIWI'("', if Lnck- ago when he was there. lAnd vahnes McKenzie's farin. A Hock of wild tics late.
BENMILLER. now, will preach nt im.i7) a. m. and have decrement and flattened things
Ts h +nAv, Nov. I'lth, i p. sur, the music to toe provided by tut again- Mpt-aking of living be- --- - ---- -
Miss Nellie MtrAnghltn. o! the G. e, the %%,esti eld Choir and the choir of )'one! Our a p,Ils, Air. Hiles says this
L. spent Sunday at her home here. the church. On Monday (vening a does not apply alone t0 the \1'e st.
macred conceit will lot' given in the It seeing to have entered lilt(,
Some of the Garners are busy trying church, which promises h) to good. the blood of those cat the Fast as well,
to get their apples packed and away, hilt the pinch of me.ttling Jay will
Miss M. Make. of Golerieh. *tent brioR the people hack to solxt And
Mnndny with her sister. Mrs. Chas, WE`3TFIELD. tensllIle livi." Most people know that if they have
Oke, IAIINI),ty, Nov, 11th. - `_ - been sick they need SCOff -r Emlul-
Mr. anti Mrit. Ifierb Fimher and little \\ vsley StAAhoume hold the rim- NILE.
d,u+ghter• of (',t''low, spent Sunday fortune to lose a very yaduAbti• horpe Tumi-iAY, Nov. 12th. ,tion to bring back health and strength.
with Mr. Fishers parents, Mr. and eine (Illy Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. It. Fchlin visited at
Men. Amort Fisher. Air. 1(nrlisty in erecting a very Bennlilter on Monday. But the strongest point about ,SC0f1f*sf
Kin(gy LeMemher the literary Pven• comfortable dwelling on his faun for Cecil and Harvey Treleaven, of
ing at I,Pwgue is November 2F4th, when his farm help W live Ili. Dongannon, spent Sunday at Nit(-. Emt[tJfton is that you don't have t0 be
it q,(rod prrgr•aul will lie given. All Rev. A. F. Jones commences a ser- Mr. and Mrm. G. C. Curry, Jr., cele, sick t0 et results from it.
will he notde WPlemulr. Ips of evangelistic mervires at Went- prated their "tin wedding" Leat night. g
IA*L i iindAy evening one (,t the lest field appointment thin week. Mrs. Will Finnigan (s not improv• r
sermons eve!' delived in i3enutiller It looked on Sunday err if winter it keeps up the athletes strength, puts fat
Church %van preached by Rev. C. R. carie here by the way the snowllskes ink� in would it Last As her sunny g
Durrant, who bx)k am his text Mark g frie•ndm would girl• rump Y happy,
castle fnllhug, or rather UlMhlin I on thin people, makes a fretful bab ha r
"'Ali. 1 Mrs..John itustow• who mnslninni n
down. We'lo o not wwnt, to see %vintrt
'rhe 1•:pworth IaPagme meeting next yet, no we have not lad Indian Nlllli. se\err' two Aran n stepladder ►,Irl, brings color to a pale girls cheeks, an pre-
Tlnnssis evening wi11 ►e r•mdnrtal by Herr. ww•k, is, we air pleased to hear, unuch
71 Mewyev Ic t) Ie rN 11 eel: Men tetter. vents coughs, colds and consumption.
p The apples stn tlr sees Ifrr am MiGs Aline Reid, mister or Itrv..l. ('.
forOldPcm'm I1tnd," taken lv Arthur ,%Trout nil witeol nod sltipled on1 (,f
Fisher. the country now, null the Men and Iteid• Arrives toinorrow hon Lurk Food in concentrated form for sick and
!1r*. F'inlAy, wilt has leen spend- Ixtys sore rpturning to their homes; now, to take 110 her abode At lite
Ing a few months with her daughter, after spending some weeks caring forI PAr OnAge with her brother. well, young and old, rich and poor.
Mrs. Joe, Long, ham lwpn very ill the them. Mr. and Mr's. McDermott, (If IA)rh-
�}aesa*t week, but err are glad to Fxrellent mlesh,nmryy discourmes albh, have moved to the form which And it contains no drugs and n0 aICOIfOI.
Lica, she Is recovering. were delivered At \\•Patfield and they recently purchased front Mre.
Axvt%'ItxreARY Mlcx%to as. Anni- Ikmnyhmok :4t)prointulents vpstpl[lny, I H. Garvin and Art' getting "PitlPtl in
velsul,ry mervirrm will loo held at Zion 11 Itev. G. N. Ibsen, (,f Goxle,ich. thele new home, We Imsope•Ak In
ALL DRUOOISTSi 50c. AND 11111,00•
Mpthudist church oil Sunday. No- A16mtriemary givings protlliNe fair to lie Them It cordial wrlcomp to Nile.
cetnber 21th, at 2::i) 1). m., when Rev. In advance of forner )ears. I Tilt, witarterly Inlaid of Nile chuldt, 10 16
I I • C IIf07 7
Call at the Palace Clothing
Store for your fall wants.
Does it Pay
to buy a Stove or Itange because the first cost
is Cheap
Will It be Profitable
in the lone run to buy a cheaper Eange than the
The firepot linings are made of the best
cast iron and %%-ear fm- vears. Take time to
examine our Rittges aml Heaters ; we can tell
you something you tuloht to know.
International Stock Food
Paroid Roofing
E.Pat Paulin
Store, S7 Residence, 177
•- i
ENCLOSED in a hand-
some velvet lined case this
brooch scIs for $6.50.
THE pearls are all selected
and of the best quality.
THE mounting is of heavy
14k. gold and very sub-
stantially made.
THIS artistic design is en,
tirely exclusive, being one
of the newest and prettiest
broches that our factory has
yet produced.
Our Catalogue In yours hr
the asking.
RY111E I ROS.,
131-138 Penile St.
in your spare lime at home. or
Take a Personal Course at School.
To enable all to learn are leach on
cash or instalment plan. We also teach a
personal class at school once a month.
Class commencing last Tuesday of each
month. These lessons teaches how to cut,
fit and put together any garment from the
plainest shirt waist suit, to the moss elabor-
ate dresi. The whole family can learn from
done course. 'We have taught over seven
thousand dress -making, and guarantee to
give five hundred dollar, to any one that
cannot learn between the age of ty anti
qo. "'Oil
cannot learn dress -making as
thorough as this course teaches if you
work in shops for years. Beware of imita-
tions as we employ no one outside the
school. This is the only experienced Dres•
Cutting School in Canada and ex4elled by
none in any other country. Write at once
for particulars, as we have cut our rate one-
third for it short time. Address :-
at Erie SL.. Stratford.OaL.. (:aaads.
The Best ii Conant Literature
$2.050 PIER YEA.`: 2S CTD. A COPY
have gotyP np in pricy. We had a large
shipment in before the advance. You get
the benefit if you buy before these are
Get the most popular
Sto\'e or Itt�llge. Ileo that will last.
Ilr'Ituu)%%, HTxw vrr f Mmxp. 0).
Hamilton street Agent.