HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-14, Page 6h Tmvft$I)Av, No%ernb er 14, 1911; WILL PISSING I BE PROHIBITED ; The Making of a ' I t ORIGINALTO (*MUSKOKA Tba osculatory Process Denounced AND Successful Wife by scientists as Extremely AND GENUINE Dangerouv How the Dan- ger Can be Removed. By CA5PCR S. 1'05'1-. A flown discussion is being carried NORTHBOUND - , Oil by wm0 of it,. best bel.atisti: as to 040.1 111 Tf)RONTtt IWit &I., 1 r:a.eu \YAs11A(io ICU 1ma oto. p,n RAISING A FANILY. A Genuine the deager end ' , rima" of kissing, led _ - (loutloman Is the lkrudua of a Butlin by Dr. Sumers, Health Officer of At- SOLD SOUTHBOUND tio.nz llo . lantic City, find Be Nalpasw, of the Knows Aledieal Faculty of Paris. They charge ON THE Shue of tilt, Training Calls un the the kiss with spreading grippe, seat let MERITSI Muther Sone Saye Ad.ice. JN• fever, measles, mumps, s hoping OF Sound, serving meals a la Carte cough, typhoid fover, diphtheria, erg• Q Q m sipolas, meningitis, tuberculosis, and 100prriabl, lite.. by Caswr B. Yost.) foamy initici uN skin diseases. They1 PFAR 1.11"I'Lh Cliff. suggest legialatiun on the subject, and don't "odor that you nerl the posting of nutit•dr in railway ata• terrible weight u;' r.-spon tions, street cars and other pubho but they say it would be use. bluty nesting „u you }u 'I'hls F less to post them on verandabs, in nuty ivatter of raisiuY a f.lmi rosy corners, pur•iles, shady nooks, 1 reckon they tau ht Ua to sJ or moonlit lawns. They also pprupow nmrin• 'lit stair a -la a stt•riou+ I u g I r P conlpuluory legislation for methods of sltioll any wily yon lake it, blit disinfection of the mouth and purify- Nuuhh"t worry about It If 1 were yo ing the breath, especially with a view 'There will Ile u whole lot of bridges r to the protection of the innocent babies the Nay, but you won't have to .•rue who are partat'ulterly ulbjeet to iufea but our lit n live, and you won't h:rt tion. The greatest and most effective purifier and germ destroyer known to to cru, guy until you get to It. They' medwal sciotice for the mouth, throat Lail for you• all right. They never Kv and breath, as well as for the blood, wnshtvt alfa\' L1 HINNI:, luta, Ihry', •tumach slid lungs,never is Psyrhine. that aA hurl h. Ret mer ;ir they lou triumph of the medical world that is to be At n dlitanc,•, so don't fret alwn attracting almost lttiverasl attention file rntntre, navy ile.lr. Yon re"lteud« Ilecause of the w•oudorlal results at. the old housewife ,:tying. --lieu's floc tending its use. One of its recent tri• day, totuorruvi'sTucsday, and the tet umphs is told as a matter of experi- d4y's Wednetlay-+t whole Creek gun enee in the following brief statement: a u d moth 1 u' Dr. Slocum Co. dude." , Th a t' A 1 at* wading you photo and tssanwaW here' the Ppiril that with for your anal r@meQr Ps Vcttl\x. 1'0uf n,niedles did wonder@ toe me. t nes about its or }' , makes 140111t.uld vers so year@ of swe wi,eu t talc t9Yct/1NK.. I'be iefurc thelrtiwe, t ductorshad Ktyea uu•upassu im-urouivounaump Lie. la >" Iur.wa abd every uraanof the body Nen Ilett Inti t•rut':'r f tern Dir,liawr r,l r.,.l M'wYted. Fri nd—lid nalggh- flet Ill xklu that Gin t, me. t y uererah Lever. Mur thirst ulme /ac,N1 me. Mr tunlYta Irre user I.uthertd tie Ought lu he YOM, and Parchlae L apernisuentcure. sinuotb as n;lk. MRS. LizzlR OaRSIDa. '1'eN1ay's !a hors i 5111 Bathurst et., laudon, Ona and tomurruw'A i 1 Psychins, pronounced Si -keen, is ad- troubles are ■ miPled to be the most wondertul of all enor ough fto- disease and germ -destroying agencies. For building up the run-down system day. \tad yet, and curing all forms of stonlach honey, Its all, rioif and troubles and diseases of the vilest, throat anti lungs or head, it is simply proper to look ahead, to unapproachable. It is a reliable borne plan And consid- treatment. For sale at all druggists, r. bat wit to r,(lc and It1.W. or Dr. T. A. Slucnm, worry. Ir$ all Limited, 179 Hing Street Nest, To- right uiid proper ronto. to f)yure oa little I_ John WilliauiA ---- -- — future. but it's "":1 whole it t: pone all 'wrong lQ let stead nothim' dome." _ e ., Iu^`�';•Jt�I ��u% MI your plant pile up polo burden+ o the present. Jtwt 4(n•p that I,laa taxes - __ _ .11 talar Bille nu'' -'gin Ntltle I trite yot .ole Iwinrmade views on the raisin „f ,to1111 11•Itllaul, In the Vrst'PI:I•r, little girl, you wan r, to reerignize the fact that your baht' i • ' 1 • a bey nail the main object of your trate In- should lir to slake A man of blm If he lire•% Inns enough 11':11 get the s , rsplisile number of year@, he'll get bI enough tu, wear full ;;rutin trousers :11141 lrr'11 find It nevesaaty,to call o the barber o(•cuslonlally, till without The perpetual charm of freshness and crispness - of daintiness and deli- ciousness — is in every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas -- hcid captive by the air -tight, moisture -proof packages. 'there Is a best in everything. In Biscuits, it's ' Muuuev's. moa H - i .t!. A.• k V O' ` - 1A "it's simply astonishing the wap St. George's Baking Powder It" taken hold o[ my costumers." They say it makes lighter, tastier, tines-Krairwd Biscuits and takes than ally other they, ever Serol for our new (look-Bouk-- free. VNional Urug S e'loru i.al Cu. » n/ ll tali,, t.nuir.d' �;.,rtrral. THE DAMS Will so low that you can pick the clothes ofd of the hasket with one hand, ts'thnut =_ letting go 1,I the _ line with If'e � other. It ran Lc righted into p ,slliorl by a child and holds loads that other dryers cold not carry. Send your address and let ns send you s "�avia'• on approval to try, It will only cost you fine rent fr►r A postal card. 4.4 THE DAVIS REEL Co., LOwnAN (n,.r 16,-q ORT. If he liras long enough he'll call on flat :trrbcr leccnl.iumally. Witch help from you. But It tukt•e fours Than that to tuake a wnu. You call see Tuts of very Ked imitations of mru walk -lug up and down the -treek any day, but real men are scarce, and I Nallt my Krandsou to be a real wan - a nl;lu with backbone slid self reliance mud courage, upright. truthful sll,l just; square In blit drillings with others; haying the fear of the Turd, but ao other fear, in his (wort: courlelnM and -.-title and kind, particularly to women, ul 1 nueu and chlit ren; letiding nut unl) n hand, but. a head and a heart, to Ihuce In dktness. It take,; All that to make n real elan, a genuine gentlenl:nl, and i've se'.11 utighly few of that kind in thin world who werenit the product fit' :t mother who knew her "busine9N. user In a Imig while file gook Lord, fur Rome purlNse of )list own, turns lint a first chv;4 man without any uplinreut hniiiail hdp. but it 1+lit often, nod It Non't du for wulher and father -to Iniily and piuuxly fold their hand,[ rind trust in Pro%idence. 71mt kind of Unit Isn't ally ne'lwmt until you have d. ne this tient you call with the job. The Mother's Responsibility. Rn, honey, It's up to lou land William III Imtke n Ilia out of the kid, nal the b;c&rvt4t share of the making falls on y'otl, for In the ralsluK of a !� T'au'tly a father it,n't 1lannlly gtoo(I for much except the henry stamji11g Around. At tiny rate; be won't r cat any figure - In the game for neveral y` e a r a I yet, Arlt ibe tine to coal• welnee work Is right now. Von c•au't begin the ` training of a O child too enrly. I'1e s4•en ninny Putin r ixn't gr,od for a baby hopele%N• much. ly Npolled be fnre It was a month old, null the first nue IN ran", apt to get n false start thnn the Inter /Isles. It's wonderful hots' mach Intelligence there IN In A little bald. h,•ndal,itel facet. Ntntnp nosed kill not Wree Clay's old, and It Is equally m markable h,ity envy It 14 In Inst thnt In. t6liTence uoriling In lire wrong dirt•'• I;.m at that early age. Little .Inhp `%%'it Ifin1 sats 1•I 61m+elf, "1 tial by Pepe i Y •n/•Ir that If 1 Boller )ing el'onsrh and 1. ;d entrtlgfr I'll '.net Anything I want." Thetr0we he hnlier4. ami uulesa yon ;re hits in undersiald. gently, bat ;Italy, that thle theory of film IN entirely Incnrrert and hnNe(1 npan fable prem Iran he'll contlnnP to holler, and yon nerd W1111am will lithe to dance to his n NrrM thr I',h many a weary day and Welty n slat'IP,,, nighL IAsI the7w,<1 feature of this fal.r start Is not In the disrnmfort It hrinits to his assents. It Is the lafluencit 1t 'L'Illt: SIGNAi.: (mmitIUH' oNrr 11l0 ha• upon hlr charseter, for charncGer bnit,llurt, my dear, Ilke any utiles build 111:;, haw to INeltil' at the founduAb.1.. nisi 'Ief4)ctw bn llw foundullun are woes• d eruna naJ bar,lrr til revied� that i A, ; i 1 dAK Sh -r r h 11 V 11 JI N h t1 tt it a n ti n In di a+ IN N 1'. fI IN Kt rf In w at bl It, fie Io. Nt lel I Ilk fill In, tall It... ti ! um 1 1 I he g I tai. lut t lh, r I tht bu e Let K Or nn` shi Ifill I.r. the HP, Th Imp I C he's (•114 1hL any k-ee not .y. a u Blot less het 1'41 can IvsN you furl hook 1 job, i dati Yet misl inlay and 111• It Ills u)oet pull ral-I lea% bet hrid end, tune not man nevi w Iro that, yuul and • llan how nlnl I TNIy afral liar(, read, Ifilllt lnan (N)Nat phys than ins It poly. d(wlr will Ilam flint ly a kat'ai of tar nwily f leuln of n mskil I he a The dear. n•111 1 find I r; ispM he ad per. of the IV 0 Splendid Purs At Unusually Low Prices Ladies' Fur Coats, Ruffs, Stoles, Muffs, Caps, etc. New styles in the most Reliable Furs. YOU'LL FIND we can save you money on Furs. We handle no Furs which we are not convinced will be reliable. Cheap things are seldom good, but good things may often be cheap. We would like to show you our FUR VALUES. JOHN STEAD GODERICH 'LADIES' WEAR" , WEST STREET, Opposite Post Office. ��---� 10 se. 1 Cal iforn is Mexico Florida f are the favorite Winter Resorts Rnnnd trip ticket. lite isnled he the (;rand Trnnklttilw'ny sywteu) giving choice of all the hest touter, Vital' one tray and returning fail- at !'ell information any b. otNaiutit frau, I•. F. LAWRENCE, Town .1K"nt entice hour,, -f,3 i u. n.. t., 9 p,n1. J. STRATTON, I1e1Nit fickel Agent, J. It. %kllon.1d. IN+irirt V;L,. Agent, l'nigl Stittion. Tonarto. 20 Miles or 20,000 Miles Whether you ptirnev t" Totwo fir U' Vancouver. to Hong -Kong lir to E:ut•o)N• . We Can Ticket You Through No other tran.lNlrtation concern in tete world has rqusl facilil ice. ()n mvn stenulwhipN on the• AlInnti, seta] Iaarif►r, runnecting with all lin- s To the Orient, Australia or Around the World. tall J- Kit- Innavt-iKenv„ 'era.' A:-• , ...1.•^^n e W1 t'. H. h- ,. ,..Iw. 11.1• A . I- It.. 1 n,.. nrnrnttttnmmttnn►ttrrnnrmttrmnmrmmmmmm Special Offers THE GREA TEST EVER Z The Signal and The Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent for a year for $1.30. To Iww ye,t•ly s llArrillets, both pnper-4 will like ment free for the balance of 111.17. That ir, it new s llweriller m.sy have hall Puffers uuf it Jiunlary let, II 110-fourtern nionths-for the small coat of fp sit f. SUBSCRIBE NOW Address--VANA7TER & ROBERTSON, The Signal, GODERICH, ON7. The Signal and -Toronto Daily World To New Subscriber_, For Fifteen Months, $2.75 TRIAL 7'RIP For Four Months Both Papers For 50 Cents DO IT NOW Address --VAI NA 1 TER & ROBERTSON, The Signal, GODERICH, ONT. THE SHORT LINE I t ORIGINALTO (*MUSKOKA AND ONLY AND GENUINE PARRY SOUND FALL TIME: TABLE: BEWARE NORTHBOUND - , OF IMITATIONS 040.1 111 Tf)RONTtt IWit &I., 1 r:a.eu \YAs11A(io ICU 1ma oto. p,n PAIN _ - PARRY lUl .\U .... ... .3. Li pill -AE C i " - �r••.,. SOLD SOUTHBOUND tio.nz llo . ` PARRYWtl'\1) I11.15n. 1 WASRAIill ".IJ Pit, R 1:.:un CiI; sill ON THE I TORONTu S.(l u... 1-11-1 ,r@, &B; MERITSI ( Observation-Uining Parlor Cars be. tween Toronto and Parry �MpN h1Ce j§ &S*W OF Sound, serving meals a la Carte DSLIN iMEHT Q Q , tt-tat Bund. t. -- LIMITED asasrec �a�cwtrJsta 11INARD'S�Of&es: All Stations. also Cor. Kingand r 5 UNIN� Toronto and Union Station, Toroto. Phone, Main S179. I 10 se. 1 Cal iforn is Mexico Florida f are the favorite Winter Resorts Rnnnd trip ticket. lite isnled he the (;rand Trnnklttilw'ny sywteu) giving choice of all the hest touter, Vital' one tray and returning fail- at !'ell information any b. otNaiutit frau, I•. F. LAWRENCE, Town .1K"nt entice hour,, -f,3 i u. n.. t., 9 p,n1. J. STRATTON, I1e1Nit fickel Agent, J. It. %kllon.1d. IN+irirt V;L,. Agent, l'nigl Stittion. Tonarto. 20 Miles or 20,000 Miles Whether you ptirnev t" Totwo fir U' Vancouver. to Hong -Kong lir to E:ut•o)N• . We Can Ticket You Through No other tran.lNlrtation concern in tete world has rqusl facilil ice. ()n mvn stenulwhipN on the• AlInnti, seta] Iaarif►r, runnecting with all lin- s To the Orient, Australia or Around the World. tall J- Kit- Innavt-iKenv„ 'era.' A:-• , ...1.•^^n e W1 t'. H. h- ,. ,..Iw. 11.1• A . I- It.. 1 n,.. nrnrnttttnmmttnn►ttrrnnrmttrmnmrmmmmmm Special Offers THE GREA TEST EVER Z The Signal and The Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent for a year for $1.30. To Iww ye,t•ly s llArrillets, both pnper-4 will like ment free for the balance of 111.17. That ir, it new s llweriller m.sy have hall Puffers uuf it Jiunlary let, II 110-fourtern nionths-for the small coat of fp sit f. SUBSCRIBE NOW Address--VANA7TER & ROBERTSON, The Signal, GODERICH, ON7. The Signal and -Toronto Daily World To New Subscriber_, For Fifteen Months, $2.75 TRIAL 7'RIP For Four Months Both Papers For 50 Cents DO IT NOW Address --VAI NA 1 TER & ROBERTSON, The Signal, GODERICH, ONT.