The Signal, 1907-11-14, Page 44 TlIUMDAr, Noveluber 14, 180; THE SIGNAL: GODERICHI ONTARIO VOTE NEXT MONDAYI THE POWER QUESTION. MILL ENDS I'u the "tot of The 81gual. - t)KAH 5tH,- 1 notirr that the ower ON ELECTRIC RAILWAY BYLAW IN `giestiou is receiving x go"d deal of NORTHERN MUNICIPALITIES. NORTHERN attention trout the city papers. Per - it few estr:tet- Prem the discus- yards. This is a great flannelette offer, just when flannelettes are needed. ition of the yueotion would tie of in. log Via: am lece-t to the ueerso of powerin our Campaign Being Actively Prosecuted town. When such firms too Goldie 8t ' 1n Huron Township and Kincar- McCulloch of (salt, the McClary Cu, time Town -Ratepayers Showing 'If Isolation, the Iar1111 FPIIre ('u. of Ismdou, said many other large ulauu- Much Interest -How a Kincardine fpcturing concerns are taking out' Newspaper Views the Proposition. their straiten plants and re lacing them int{ortwl, at R1' 611, You should are what our WIIII pnlducer-gas engines there - must Ise something in it.. A t'igloronA cawpNplgn it icing pita- The following extrActs may Ile in-, e•uted in the township of Hurtle atilt lrI undo ; London. pint.. Nov. 7,- obel the town of Kincardine in connection with the electric railway bylaws to be ri g nA ng °f lie.• Empire that the voted on next Monday. fill Friday nifi oli "t'11 said eddy that the a ma hiiier 1 d t. tr run x11 the rothe find tiNturdnv nights well -attended in i ig new ea in its big new brans works in the east meetings were held in the vicinity of killlerle and Pine River, and were end by a producer -Kos engine. "TI1PIw N Id t'ea9!(f ply :lL (i, Cameron,M.P, I'„ in Ill/ question at :111 aM111t I p gas Icing tier ruining Morgan Dalton, ex-R"ve of Ashfield, J. J. Hunter editor of 'rhe Ki11rouddioe ower.". power." he s id. \\ r Am nut g�lifeg it is Heporter, +rod Other. Un Monday evening a musing starting wait held alto the utatter haphazard, itself only attrt• three years of the (nowt i 1 Kinvoirdiue, .1. W. Uuves, C. R. (,at fill investigation that We decided' 1'rf• f Per of Toronto, wits present anis spoke, in to plot ill A ptrslurrl•RRxA rngiur. woput i 1 mut c f:a of Nis am ' Addition to uthre. l)rhrr nurtinKs 'rhe pe,wel if it can Ile drlhvr -Ml her• at n I a -r toying held ttas week. remi• dente of the twit urlunici{Iiditirm ,law price within the 's teach, ladles' Underwear, natural Color, full Iwpxi1, 1 sisns, 8;•c, &1c, 75c, $I.(%% •l.l,�, -r-YntlwinK •Iwai interest in the die lar, 'tit the Nvxt•en of aaeasnring by the k 1 1 l to IN- Illont ,111• Nionm, Null tier pm-" ;old user" ad pea "a' s•PmA ' In the ulatte•r Are being threshed out twaaousll0. 1 nm IatiaHWl that the-- tvheie•trr Iwo lar t61er are gathered Corr would trap a large tevenur and 1 wherever Thr ,flar7f tier redby. redutw the lax nnttrtixlly if it were to MARINE NEWS. I Ask n Irullftil audit for his ti(/i Ilion I paw" tin• tint having advocated all their own estllillall NII elect ricial 1111t11t if its own Assaf tilt. Chiu(" are that he wits hand and run it by pit"lucre gas, If it were In all e if Dr. Kudol Ih Herm s res- Y"'I something you don*1 want. way, of voutw•. Cerhlin interests ire I 1 K opposed lit flat- project and »rt. work- to supply Io we and IhKht to every 11011. tie t the opening of Alas alddi• The Minirtevs wife- '-Why. bore is user it ..)laid ureke n hfindfsnnP profit tional hale to the Chic , drainage a safes to in the collectiow" TM 'ing hAnef to defeat it. For instancy, I 1 1 �' K y D• the Ripley {euple are not set tall all- "it it. 111vrNtnent, ant gar t 11 IWO11 0 canfil will n lower the level of IA►kes Mlrii*t*r- it f fancy the loan who 1 electricity far chlaa{wr thaw they ser Mirhi tit and Huron, the lelirf will 11x111 lit out in N Mlllun is now torr• H,nto Ayr ,t ip at)' built throughK 1 Hmm� township lit Kiucanliuc, ,aA geeing it now'. endear" lust it a last have ove hee•t. cowl." I)rUoit Journal. -�.- they are afraid it would divert A tairge hl,ndon. Nov. S. - 1'.d. Oast'Mire Perhaps tehicageo should oeverthrlewl lodge "if ytxl knew you were in. they of trade from their own vil• wa .. 144•11 t.Miny in regard Ila the state- Ile allowed ter au r the drainage of no cent why did you give a false+ ff 14Kr. Thr cut.• if %olulay' next twill talent nint venter 4&v by m limulhlt7n the rely own+ .`orf t, last 'Illy 1'n'- nwuy Y, Prisoner -1.1 WAN adraid of dhow whiff effect their upfxlsitiutn��s- Piper to list- effect that the -%1( y Ixxu►1 to cut » dOP11 xtrr Channel to I ottlltrnmising text n�+nY people." having. . Huron township i. Iwill>k Cufl1lNut\' 111-It1IIW1 a {Naxhll.'el' KN. rn. for Mis.ia,dw, .fur n cigx[i7n par• ,lodge Ind1e! ! And what is your S N A P S IN A+ked for» guarantee of $75.01 t final Kiser duly flat' trmpxorary saw, and its. IN, -e" will Ie x[rcnuaiu"I tw"istwl by coal 11111110. Prisoner - "John the town of Kincardine for's gu+Il„11, tends to lake Niagara power it, "Wise [l@4yde who depend tin r lake% for Smith." tee of $30,(44), as it c:ut le delivervil. Col. tiart. tiaie{ortatiou.-Toronto O de. •'\Ir. 4lutrpp "If Ihere were nn "hors, wbi i+ mann`el fait thec•otr The Nnrlhwn Navig»tiuu 'u, are women. the• mei wo4ild have nothing [likely. said Ihr artielr was a fahNirfi- .oillrmplatiug, extrusive Iola 's mild to IauKlk at."' Urs. 4luuyop "IC there The Kincanlalle Reporter "aeon) till" ; that Ilse \I• i'lary Coonlany haul overhauling in some of their sten ter- were flu women• the men wouldn't advoeate" the lW%% ng of the foybourm. fait the slightest entiiu of "dupttaK duri"K tier "Owing winter. Alta 119 want anything to ltogh�nt ; they Thr following xrtirlr is from it- nil- I Ningrr:a (Darr a.sl dixpLtcinK its tier impcoteu►rms and lettrrrlut s wouldn't feel like laughing."--IlluaDINING=ROOM - ltulns : plrmoirrr-gA- plant. "Thr pt,odu"er. already de•idel ti oes i- the new Ntere treated Hits "Thr future of Kifir:u.li ie de1N sed■ 1 Kits plant is {moving Its, wtt kinclotA Ixiiler fur flat- steamer lieroutuie, the largely (toll tier action of the rfih•-I fur nnv such tum-, to 10 ctiuterH• roe Co in which has bbeen ildingen to Co.--- FURNITURE payers of hplAv. F'or yraiw tier t•:u1m- pintwi, ` h0 sail. •'1\'e knaiw pretty tier CoUingwlN"I Shipbuilding . Porte tioil prohlrnn h:tN leen fi t horn in nearly what it roosts tali tit Kot our The new boiler will le of theScotch the flesh tit the manufu•tnwr anti Ilia power roan it. We kn,.w nothing as type with thaws furnateew. It will Ise One oft he most Getvelling public The town i+ sercel yet regarding Nimgar» power•• last, of fourteen le•t in diameter :rod twelve 11 ons and rerulsivr forms by but Our lifer o[ rails+y, via.., tier slterpP, it it --all le delivered to u- for fret in length and le cA able of carry- KidneyDisease u Gntnd Ti link, fired not any too well »t less threat our powerfrous the` rotineer- ing a ste»ns pre"snn• of I:S•i Ilse, to the twat. AK n, Mlhrix the torminusof gasengiuerostxn.we should be fowl. inch. The eo-t nfthe•Moilerinstalled FOR THE NEXT TWELVE DAYS WE ARE OFFERING the hailwat�which is not gaxxl fair fifty irh not to Adopt it. Rut s, Gtr Ihr� •e will to between,ll,plta mod $10,1441. Ulan whi has only one voted. For hr nti rens ei to believe that Niagar Southam toe Tu Sold. y ural the Ixvople herr leave lived in powrrcan hedelivemi ill I'mdon seta. , p g SOME VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS IN nope of having lhr (1. 1'. H. come in, rate Ihat will compete scull the must of Port Stanley, Nov, ,i, --N. Cornell, but that corporation out yet shows flat pill• power for reducer Kiss.- tes.al of the i.IkP Erie Fiala Colo. DROPSY great nnxipty to put this town 711 its I D g• ";'. 6a" Immght tite tug Frank A. DINING -ROOM SUITES. luudon, lint., Nov. Ill. fallsili. for which Dodd's Kidne tines labor. A Chance is now ttein{t Fence p ,nipany, Another of L iudun'" Hv dewnyi old. 4lothxugltm. She i, in offeroffered the ratepayers W erc11rc » y ;ti feet over Lill, 1.: feet Pills are the only certain 1 rule ratep when rnropleteol, industries, is about to in -hall n pro- 'brats find lisp {leen used in towing cure. In Dropsy the Kid- will mit from Sarnia, to Owen ?hound. dneer-gas engine. Conmteltine Fn• rafts` She will Ie very mailable fol. aeysare actually dr se wed ELM SIDEBOARD QUARTER -CUT OAK SIDEBOARD ole Pr 1. li. 1(0»11. of Montreal, who f r ,and the water, whisk 'flw mute of this toad is through d 1( the fishing bit-inefis, iaa ► nP Pala get out ' jj tract of country that is not reached es here• vontlovertel the alatruuents in anis sea in which they CA a pull should be expelled in the 1 Fine Sideboard, 'S drawers. 14 x 34 QQ((�� I only Quarter•cut (ilk Sidelwtard, serpentine sere ilial to Hou. Ad:un luck by The twine. u t (oral»see, of Soutltmue 1 form of urine, flows back inch mirror. Regularptice$W. 4 iAl .�•+7aJlJ tont. 1 is ! by any railroad. The first section , P • { PL ' rge drawer, ' an►all, 1 lined, massive Free I tray in regnud to Ningar•a too, doh rad the to and lodges in the cell• of $31.75 •�� pprolpxsrd is W Ile built froroUollerich to g here IiaAt Stan. pillars, I9:8th inch H hovel Mirror, Kincnnfine, if the districts through f 'wer. air. Iteml says : -Mr. fle-twk day nigh \I r. Conlrll intends to the flesh and pwfrs out the regular fXi3.tsr. Spr"ial........... which it is uo t --i are prepared to Is wroll worn he eutyN neutral gets is sell the t Bertha L. l'Iorkell, frith skin. Remove the filth ROYAL OAK SIDEBOARD K pA P { in rot the low rate o[ $3i {tar finnlim which he h ixwn Join K which plugs Li the drain.COMBINATION CHINA CABINET guarantee the b odds. Just in connec. g his fishing pN•r Are lamp in Chatham. 1 drew for the last t o-easons. Re -store the idneys to 1 Royal (htk RidPlxrttd, nicely flniahWl 14 x tion with this guarantee :it may be g health. There is only one 24 inch mirror. Rrgtddr 111t(Itl pointed Out that this is not n bonus or tier contract myself, and tier te:trtn- S Bay6etd's Work M health ld $10.65 1 Combination China Cabinet and Buffet. oft from the ode. The romotrn fres were hatted Abot olutely tin pro- y edicine for• ............. . . ............ ... Said quarter oak. Ne+gulsr >It;11,14i, CA� II people. D Owen bound, 1m. 1V. The DOilife .pT?.�� of tiro road have bonds to sell and dnret Kx-, feudx complete Prwlucer-gas for .. ... . .. . ... . .... . . . . these band- will command a and eOgine plant is watt is bring installed. Itin survey eteau r lixytirld has gone DINING ROOM CHAIRS The contract of natural as was men• into winter alta en here titter theDODUS figure r the money t market if they used aedAl/n'r work r I Lakc 411 SOLID OAK SIDEBOARD tiunrl, Nllll It \VIII leu nut y*4 its px•rior. are guaranteed by tier ronnguarlities. Cal fain 7,ealand find his staff were Dining Room Chnils in gulden ,anti solid i ,,tllxand xry. At twelve cents lar thou P The latterare not acted to gaurNntee occupied ied continuously in survey workg qunlj... ak, par li t 1 only Sltiid le"L 4idrlxard, :t the bonds to the full amount, bet to -sed tubi" fent it figured nut the "snpie P y PKIDNEY frow.... $4.00 T(1 $M.00 I drawee. i lintrh ulAt •l7, for the extent of about $7,1101/ per mile, furl cost as *flthru:ite r.Oal at $.i r in the north shore am Lake Supletior " 1leK �.�� It costs from twenty to twenty-Hve ton. I "uggest that Mr. Beck get a in tier vicinity of R(xcport unw 04. thousand dollars r mile to build an copy of the Chatham contract, whicle toiler 1• when they mgvel down w r in of public iveorl, and Ke inlet, A {aline about\ staidw•av les- Don't M/SS These Snaps. electric railroad. The Government P get the• matter Y 1 PILLS Only allows the pomoters to sell their ctmighL" Since prxducer gas is ap twerp Byng .)let and Ft�\n`ch River, chert ns natural set• at twelve cents where a survey wits nude 1 the Than. I One Of the best Stocks �n the County t0 Ch003e from. Militia to the extent u[ I -e the par I g net leading to the extenrilir"ocks Iw- mile. That being the ca+p there is {ore thousand it apples ui London xN � front five to ten thousand dollnra r well an Chatham." ing evLablished there by the � 7&tiadiwn 111 Northern Railway Coenpanyjor the mile which mast Ix put. up by thus. at We are corresponformedndence en a with a fi gentleman shipment of ole, of which therAin said the head of tier venture, 'the Only who iN in correspondence with a Hnn to wan unlimited supply. There is Ours thing that militates again -t the paN- that nlanuf+ctures and insuills pro• still x couple Of rnouths '*work M do sage of the M•law in the probable fail• tluce.r planta that they guarantee there next spring. 1'he Ltle r- ove of the roouut. To those w•ho look tier plants to do certain work At err- for work will not Ire completed or into the future and view the growth tain expense, at from twenty-Hve to four or flue years Yet. Active pre and expansion of cannd:t the word seveuty-Hve per cent. leu coat than + etee•,im, H. Bo B CKETT Further, they would install ations have idreadv commenced f motor" bre no pater• This Ise p of putting the ateumer inW shape for the FUNERAL DIRECTOR ND EMBALMER the country must of necessity mor par- any Plaut And run it fore term W ire winter. b �iripxtoe in the plel-i{xrity of the "te sed II'�Pnn, and dnrinpe this fern all - r , uture, out they .)lust not expect that sr as otrr unnng expresses i -i the they can shirk their share of the amot•nt less than it formerly cost to burden. If private capit(tlists are run by strain, and at the end of the willing to risk their money in an rn- te•rni the plant would le turned over t •rprise, they should n•ceivd "uppnrt to the owner paid in full. f•ono that portion of the public who, Ot{p RRyF:H. like thetnxel•em, will tie henefitted. To the keen otserver it would -appear' AFTER MANY YEARS. that an electric nosed, -inch oax pmwncd, would be of incalrulshle value to That George F. Shepley, K. C., Makes Geed section of the township of Huron His Fathers Forgotten Praaise. through which it woldd plaw. "As has (tern pointed out in ofletter 4t. Marys, Nov.ei. -The St. Marys in these columns it opens tip greatplos- Methoxlist" have received n windfall sibilitirs for the farmers and the ad- in Iht- -ihalle of it 041 donation, which vantages to Ile derived from -each r comes under eireumstanees of An in- road are innumerable. If it im g,wwl for teresting find unusual nature. the farinee then it should le grxxl fair The story plates away back to 1979, the people set the town of Kinc,udine. when the .5oIpthtxlimts wore pinnnil)g That being the rase it in Only fait• thnl ti Luild toe "t•uctnte which was tier the hands of the Itroinotet•1 shexdd Ire Iwginningp( of their present handsome strengthened. The I,vliaw has lateen e,liflre. `l:tny Of the old ritizena ware published and it plainly "eta forth princol' sums, ronsidering the Pear- thfit those who gi1,IrAntye tile, bonds city of lawnry in those days. Anifing have aflet mortgnge on tilt- road. its the liberal donator" wit" Rev. Joseph ro11inK stork, encores.- and reslnrrrs. Shepley, It IMilell Methodist minister. This mecterity looks Ample and Moron it ho lived in thr 4tone town in tho"e- and Kiflcarline shoidd not hesitate to days. Shortly afterwards a 10x•»1 gramp the hand of relief extended to lawyer who held large sums of nwney than and give the bylaw, if rousing tit trust '•skiplard" the counyyry. Rev. majority on polling Jay, the 19th of Mr. khepley, like utility mo ther hon - November." eA ritizen, ryas left without the --- wherewithal to inert him obiTrani A .orres{Nmdent of The Khnrardine and coll"ueutly the five ':,7,,d re, Review wr.tex nn intemi ting letter to (],little- "uhmeriptinn to the huhldhng thilt pmper, from which the following was lint pallet. i. ;In extract : Debt Forgotten. "1 cannot ser out clip electric line h e Yemt•s lossAet by. The reverend the future syalent tot travel. The gentleman died. 'flee debt, if nuc11 it cutetbr us, dirty and ex{en.ive -txlni rnHld Ile rnlbmi, wit- long furgotlen. engine ix riaelurti bi K f and wt. muni A new board of t•iemtNem pleefe l adopt rNnrslem to n.•lv contihthnns. fir 11417, who lint] never known of the Kinemrdine 11@441 "fit ex{wel to retain sllbN.riplion, wit., he nRire and Rev, a fair share of pro%perii v without an '1(, A. Oralrtm w:tx I lo• pastor. (life effort. I ran see of Kreitt cbangr in day twwntly when ht- ens in him the whole sy-tern set agrit•ith 11ree alonK glonlil -it nxxal, with x enrronuu nn our lake hunt. P roil-growioK will fes , hurrh fends in IIIrFe•onteN of lepxuea• Kone into exlensicrlr, Re there will Ile t inn, he op eneil him .)nil and found an it ready Shipment P rpm set wilbin-three lar (our interesting letter. miles. That Ilit- whole of the lake The letter wits from oleo. F. steel) - front is likely to Ix«•oute a vast fruit. ley, K. C.. the ,pnoninent Toronto growing area few wvt-wit(,wa ill di.pote, after Ilwr, m .olicitor of the seeing the grpilt gn:vntity' of apple•%lIhouiniin (tovernwent lit the recant mhipp►ed itorm Kinrondine mfSntion this in-iuranve investigation. Mn•. Sliz year, and thin in fromi on•h,tnlm nn- ley Neat@4i that Ilio father once lived tended and unrare-1 for; find, in all in 41. Mays and went 7n to say probability. oreharls of apple•, plum a wht•n the 4t. Mary" Methodist still cherry will le planted nnrl eared "l11n•rh "-,I% built, I believe he mob - fair an a meiney•nriking hn"hness. Thr mrctlo,d il)wNnlA the ,vtml. 1 IN•lieve value of landm will rise, am it has done That nothing wasmiibo" ttently paid, in the fruit. )wit" of lakrx 1►ntario and :1,h -i r left nn emMtr. 1 Clave alwave Erie. Kincardine will bernnne the I jo lso-d at patent- time to discharge this cpntre of a fruitsection, and no eveten• ohligxtion. Will you kindly excertain atie hteainr"s of Packing findxhipping whatthe Geeta nnv,' eta..(mail will be carrirel on, and the (i, T. R. from a business littlest of view will Amount Forwarded. try to serve the people not they 7110tht Tile oMci,elx here went. back throe1ph t0. Cattle, hnv., ppxnonitry, ftetit send the misty files of the treasurer fIn• grain will he enrried to the market 10% and found the infornatbnn nskel where the farmer Ilud.4 he is Isest for. it was duly (orwardold to Mr. served. (tor -hors• will beronR more Kheplwho hoax just ment a check attractive he"mnxe of itm ronyenipnep, few at.), which will he n4lebilly and cottages will lie elected and lived acknowledged by the hose d this work. In." When you hurry An old animosityit*menher tier (],tin of S. r.. Tattllx•'A v{nit to (iexlerir-h• mnd if your eye" never mind t he grnvestone. b otho r you In an] Way snake it n The fit nal and 1'h0 Toronto Week- Poirot to mit-tilt lino at Dunlop's IT oltbe fm' n Year 41.101, Balance tit drug store, nn Thorwlav and F'rifny, JW7 LPN to new sulwrrltion". Nesvetnher Ylat find 'tlnd, A Few "Don'ts." j r)on't call it wharf a dick. Don't use "liable" for "likely." Don't light the fire with coal oil. Don't call a railway station a depot. Don't call it stabled learn, or at borne - barn. Don't stay "liars" when you clean "lend," Don't neglect to pay small debts promQtly. Dont throw' lan(tna peelings on the sidewalk. Don't imagine you have life grip every time you have it lout cold. Don't mprund more sail than the hal- laot on your keel or in your hold war. ran In. Dint tail to hunt up a parcel, or two, if not a drayload, for the D. O. F•. "rlmmlkgle aille." Don't fine "some" for soinewlxat (a very counnon and nte/st objectionable error). Don't think it livery slnhlr horse hAin no feeling. or that these is no limit to Its endurance. • Dran't drop envelopes Or ether ert•apa or paper on the sidewrnlk, as you collie fr in the poetoffiote.' Don't smile when a dentist's *liver- tiyeitent guarantees potinlesN den. tist.ry. Many terms ase rrAttive. Th)n't Idle hecitueie ,rose can't get just the work yon prefer, or the wages you think you arr entitled tit. Don't Cif you Nte at young moll stand off the macre rorne". and snake t an objectionable loafer of ynurmolf" Don't apeak slightingly of Clintmi. A Rememher the proverb which.11P.ol- (w lip to Roy nothing halt gxl til the dead. [)()"*I refuse it Neat in o 1Ile twn council next year, if vont• nrighlorn think you ate Ht for the position, and wish to elect you. o 7 Don't t wast•I he wit water tea:uw= it does not tip{war to voint you any thing. It, luny ile dirt clients. but. real estate come" high?,I11.t m preform t. Don't let Ione imaltination111Wamp your discretion when the next snaNtth- tougu@4I ntnek-ppoldlpr offee vote ••a draol sure thing" for half ilia vatur. Don't Its art ready to criticime your minister. Think for it nnnnnent what volar minister Height say nloo,. yon• if he were dime oaell to le "t-nmorintlm. Don't irnngine vote have read The 4ignnl unlet. you have lead the Ad- rertisementa. They oliRht to Ire nudp profitable to you every week of the year. Don't itnngilar t list yoo fire Protuimi- cal when you spend 3c worth of postage find stationery and 511c worth of tltne buying your goods by mail to save loc in the pr10P. [koA't forRef, thin year, fndoyour (7hrimtmns mienpping tip Iwrly an Ar- cattle" tanrme will pprtnit.. You proh- ■hl♦ Iast*ndpd to ofla so Inst year, but didn't. and were sorry for IL Drsn't stand mlout on one Ieq (or loth log.) listening to the mode set the Salvation Army nearly curry tit ht in the week, mind clone your eyes whpn the rolkction plate r Annex round. ! WEST SIDE OF UARE. IPROKIL:,13•toaB, tri.. '1'noyw : }trpt7r.a r., 1 iii i'a A rmourin be'sn�ext reset of Bea LIf .eria11� s. the moat front t000uraIse pre y �r•---.�_-� prses the +Nataral Juanita--fanA lessee an onatlalox fink a that Seahr baa alas este ---• �. _- _-_- I _-_-. ___ -- _ __--_-- _. -- ___ - ut Nit- tbeake•ee►wflidoru AMtn her worries entire the he dolts WONDERLAN roast sed haktl maatsand fowb woolen worries more than she d/ms �� �0� etawes the cook to create atl(Nnt her prospective harp and crown• makey daietr dikes - and is of alrftnst homely seeks In the • kitehes �- ' THE ELECTRIC THEInE until NOW YOU'S 9eftd terser..., seat book.' My IdODERICH )'ar,Mte on r I4eir�'-free eceipt of a" medal cap from jar of Ar- MILL ENDS mour'. tiatrevt ., Def. Arman r, FOUR BALES of Flannelette Mill Ends in white, pink, and light and dark stripes. Good width, bought at lengths so much a pound, from I of the (lay. High-class in z yards to io. A lot of them at about 7 cents a yard, in all about i,000 _ EXTRACT Or 8EE/ s yards. This is a great flannelette offer, just when flannelettes are needed. log Via: am Ladies' Coats Furs Illustrated Songs lieu• stir if coals see far has been too laud \\'e start lactim' lung nolo-ahaped Isabella, t ONT1N1 OUS 1'F.kFUIt\IAN('F our expectatiour, which shows that we have int{ortwl, at R1' 611, You should are what our the right costs and At the right prices. Comr ai,exl,7ul $7.511 lines are like. (loud imila• and get one Ilton the choicest are gone. tion if mink at Omelet ,ne•thlyd mink priers, Dress GoWs Alld 11,1110 Of thews hook just like mink. Our stock just flow is larger and better Underwear than ever In the brat makea imported. A Men's fierce-Iintd, all sixes, $1.1x1 a suit. good ln all•wlxd cloth, 411 to 4'. inches wide, 50c. Teter tines and wider widths, li:ic, $LUO. ladles' Underwear, natural Color, full Iwpxi1, 1 sisns, 8;•c, &1c, 75c, $I.(%% •l.l,�, $l,'ft and $1.30 in Venetians and Unlade laths, $1.'Jfi, Nu Ire found black, blur, green, brown, light life,, dark atter to anywhere at t h. prices asked. cdrlinalm. filet• the dark oenter stripe" anti check Corsets "uilinge, very new and stylish, all wood, 411 to, If you want Corsets, coffee and get a I). k 4N inches, .Iter, S:w, OUc, and KGc. Clan tm-tans, A. They fire the hest in the market, ;iSc It, all NIN,1, Sok and 75c. $l.:"l, loth white and drab. DRESS GOODO REMNANTO FCR SATURDAY. iteOUT ffALF-PRICE. ''tic,i1.• J. H. ColborneI'HK liOUERICH. ERICt. the Ripley {euple are not set tall all- "it it. 111vrNtnent, ant gar t 11 IWO11 0 canfil will n lower the level of IA►kes Mlrii*t*r- it f fancy the loan who 1 electricity far chlaa{wr thaw they ser Mirhi tit and Huron, the lelirf will 11x111 lit out in N Mlllun is now torr• H,nto Ayr ,t ip at)' built throughK 1 Hmm� township lit Kiucanliuc, ,aA geeing it now'. endear" lust it a last have ove hee•t. cowl." I)rUoit Journal. -�.- they are afraid it would divert A tairge hl,ndon. Nov. S. - 1'.d. Oast'Mire Perhaps tehicageo should oeverthrlewl lodge "if ytxl knew you were in. they of trade from their own vil• wa .. 144•11 t.Miny in regard Ila the state- Ile allowed ter au r the drainage of no cent why did you give a false+ ff 14Kr. Thr cut.• if %olulay' next twill talent nint venter 4&v by m limulhlt7n the rely own+ .`orf t, last 'Illy 1'n'- nwuy Y, Prisoner -1.1 WAN adraid of dhow whiff effect their upfxlsitiutn��s- Piper to list- effect that the -%1( y Ixxu►1 to cut » dOP11 xtrr Channel to I ottlltrnmising text n�+nY people." having. . Huron township i. Iwill>k Cufl1lNut\' 111-It1IIW1 a {Naxhll.'el' KN. rn. for Mis.ia,dw, .fur n cigx[i7n par• ,lodge Ind1e! ! And what is your S N A P S IN A+ked for» guarantee of $75.01 t final Kiser duly flat' trmpxorary saw, and its. IN, -e" will Ie x[rcnuaiu"I tw"istwl by coal 11111110. Prisoner - "John the town of Kincardine for's gu+Il„11, tends to lake Niagara power it, "Wise [l@4yde who depend tin r lake% for Smith." tee of $30,(44), as it c:ut le delivervil. Col. tiart. tiaie{ortatiou.-Toronto O de. •'\Ir. 4lutrpp "If Ihere were nn "hors, wbi i+ mann`el fait thec•otr The Nnrlhwn Navig»tiuu 'u, are women. the• mei wo4ild have nothing [likely. said Ihr artielr was a fahNirfi- .oillrmplatiug, extrusive Iola 's mild to IauKlk at."' Urs. 4luuyop "IC there The Kincanlalle Reporter "aeon) till" ; that Ilse \I• i'lary Coonlany haul overhauling in some of their sten ter- were flu women• the men wouldn't advoeate" the lW%% ng of the foybourm. fait the slightest entiiu of "dupttaK duri"K tier "Owing winter. Alta 119 want anything to ltogh�nt ; they Thr following xrtirlr is from it- nil- I Ningrr:a (Darr a.sl dixpLtcinK its tier impcoteu►rms and lettrrrlut s wouldn't feel like laughing."--IlluaDINING=ROOM - ltulns : plrmoirrr-gA- plant. "Thr pt,odu"er. already de•idel ti oes i- the new Ntere treated Hits "Thr future of Kifir:u.li ie de1N sed■ 1 Kits plant is {moving Its, wtt kinclotA Ixiiler fur flat- steamer lieroutuie, the largely (toll tier action of the rfih•-I fur nnv such tum-, to 10 ctiuterH• roe Co in which has bbeen ildingen to Co.--- FURNITURE payers of hplAv. F'or yraiw tier t•:u1m- pintwi, ` h0 sail. •'1\'e knaiw pretty tier CoUingwlN"I Shipbuilding . Porte tioil prohlrnn h:tN leen fi t horn in nearly what it roosts tali tit Kot our The new boiler will le of theScotch the flesh tit the manufu•tnwr anti Ilia power roan it. We kn,.w nothing as type with thaws furnateew. It will Ise One oft he most Getvelling public The town i+ sercel yet regarding Nimgar» power•• last, of fourteen le•t in diameter :rod twelve 11 ons and rerulsivr forms by but Our lifer o[ rails+y, via.., tier slterpP, it it --all le delivered to u- for fret in length and le cA able of carry- KidneyDisease u Gntnd Ti link, fired not any too well »t less threat our powerfrous the` rotineer- ing a ste»ns pre"snn• of I:S•i Ilse, to the twat. AK n, Mlhrix the torminusof gasengiuerostxn.we should be fowl. inch. The eo-t nfthe•Moilerinstalled FOR THE NEXT TWELVE DAYS WE ARE OFFERING the hailwat�which is not gaxxl fair fifty irh not to Adopt it. Rut s, Gtr Ihr� •e will to between,ll,plta mod $10,1441. Ulan whi has only one voted. For hr nti rens ei to believe that Niagar Southam toe Tu Sold. y ural the Ixvople herr leave lived in powrrcan hedelivemi ill I'mdon seta. , p g SOME VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS IN nope of having lhr (1. 1'. H. come in, rate Ihat will compete scull the must of Port Stanley, Nov, ,i, --N. Cornell, but that corporation out yet shows flat pill• power for reducer Kiss.- tes.al of the i.IkP Erie Fiala Colo. DROPSY great nnxipty to put this town 711 its I D g• ";'. 6a" Immght tite tug Frank A. DINING -ROOM SUITES. luudon, lint., Nov. Ill. fallsili. for which Dodd's Kidne tines labor. A Chance is now ttein{t Fence p ,nipany, Another of L iudun'" Hv dewnyi old. 4lothxugltm. She i, in offeroffered the ratepayers W erc11rc » y ;ti feet over Lill, 1.: feet Pills are the only certain 1 rule ratep when rnropleteol, industries, is about to in -hall n pro- 'brats find lisp {leen used in towing cure. In Dropsy the Kid- will mit from Sarnia, to Owen ?hound. dneer-gas engine. Conmteltine Fn• rafts` She will Ie very mailable fol. aeysare actually dr se wed ELM SIDEBOARD QUARTER -CUT OAK SIDEBOARD ole Pr 1. li. 1(0»11. of Montreal, who f r ,and the water, whisk 'flw mute of this toad is through d 1( the fishing bit-inefis, iaa ► nP Pala get out ' jj tract of country that is not reached es here• vontlovertel the alatruuents in anis sea in which they CA a pull should be expelled in the 1 Fine Sideboard, 'S drawers. 14 x 34 QQ((�� I only Quarter•cut (ilk Sidelwtard, serpentine sere ilial to Hou. Ad:un luck by The twine. u t (oral»see, of Soutltmue 1 form of urine, flows back inch mirror. Regularptice$W. 4 iAl .�•+7aJlJ tont. 1 is ! by any railroad. The first section , P • { PL ' rge drawer, ' an►all, 1 lined, massive Free I tray in regnud to Ningar•a too, doh rad the to and lodges in the cell• of $31.75 •�� pprolpxsrd is W Ile built froroUollerich to g here IiaAt Stan. pillars, I9:8th inch H hovel Mirror, Kincnnfine, if the districts through f 'wer. air. Iteml says : -Mr. fle-twk day nigh \I r. Conlrll intends to the flesh and pwfrs out the regular fXi3.tsr. Spr"ial........... which it is uo t --i are prepared to Is wroll worn he eutyN neutral gets is sell the t Bertha L. l'Iorkell, frith skin. Remove the filth ROYAL OAK SIDEBOARD K pA P { in rot the low rate o[ $3i {tar finnlim which he h ixwn Join K which plugs Li the drain.COMBINATION CHINA CABINET guarantee the b odds. Just in connec. g his fishing pN•r Are lamp in Chatham. 1 drew for the last t o-easons. Re -store the idneys to 1 Royal (htk RidPlxrttd, nicely flniahWl 14 x tion with this guarantee :it may be g health. There is only one 24 inch mirror. Rrgtddr 111t(Itl pointed Out that this is not n bonus or tier contract myself, and tier te:trtn- S Bay6etd's Work M health ld $10.65 1 Combination China Cabinet and Buffet. oft from the ode. The romotrn fres were hatted Abot olutely tin pro- y edicine for• ............. . . ............ ... Said quarter oak. Ne+gulsr >It;11,14i, CA� II people. D Owen bound, 1m. 1V. The DOilife .pT?.�� of tiro road have bonds to sell and dnret Kx-, feudx complete Prwlucer-gas for .. ... . .. . ... . .... . . . . these band- will command a and eOgine plant is watt is bring installed. Itin survey eteau r lixytirld has gone DINING ROOM CHAIRS The contract of natural as was men• into winter alta en here titter theDODUS figure r the money t market if they used aedAl/n'r work r I Lakc 411 SOLID OAK SIDEBOARD tiunrl, Nllll It \VIII leu nut y*4 its px•rior. are guaranteed by tier ronnguarlities. Cal fain 7,ealand find his staff were Dining Room Chnils in gulden ,anti solid i ,,tllxand xry. At twelve cents lar thou P The latterare not acted to gaurNntee occupied ied continuously in survey workg qunlj... ak, par li t 1 only Sltiid le"L 4idrlxard, :t the bonds to the full amount, bet to -sed tubi" fent it figured nut the "snpie P y PKIDNEY frow.... $4.00 T(1 $M.00 I drawee. i lintrh ulAt •l7, for the extent of about $7,1101/ per mile, furl cost as *flthru:ite r.Oal at $.i r in the north shore am Lake Supletior " 1leK �.�� It costs from twenty to twenty-Hve ton. I "uggest that Mr. Beck get a in tier vicinity of R(xcport unw 04. thousand dollars r mile to build an copy of the Chatham contract, whicle toiler 1• when they mgvel down w r in of public iveorl, and Ke inlet, A {aline about\ staidw•av les- Don't M/SS These Snaps. electric railroad. The Government P get the• matter Y 1 PILLS Only allows the pomoters to sell their ctmighL" Since prxducer gas is ap twerp Byng .)let and Ft�\n`ch River, chert ns natural set• at twelve cents where a survey wits nude 1 the Than. I One Of the best Stocks �n the County t0 Ch003e from. Militia to the extent u[ I -e the par I g net leading to the extenrilir"ocks Iw- mile. That being the ca+p there is {ore thousand it apples ui London xN � front five to ten thousand dollnra r well an Chatham." ing evLablished there by the � 7&tiadiwn 111 Northern Railway Coenpanyjor the mile which mast Ix put. up by thus. at We are corresponformedndence en a with a fi gentleman shipment of ole, of which therAin said the head of tier venture, 'the Only who iN in correspondence with a Hnn to wan unlimited supply. There is Ours thing that militates again -t the paN- that nlanuf+ctures and insuills pro• still x couple Of rnouths '*work M do sage of the M•law in the probable fail• tluce.r planta that they guarantee there next spring. 1'he Ltle r- ove of the roouut. To those w•ho look tier plants to do certain work At err- for work will not Ire completed or into the future and view the growth tain expense, at from twenty-Hve to four or flue years Yet. Active pre and expansion of cannd:t the word seveuty-Hve per cent. leu coat than + etee•,im, H. Bo B CKETT Further, they would install ations have idreadv commenced f motor" bre no pater• This Ise p of putting the ateumer inW shape for the FUNERAL DIRECTOR ND EMBALMER the country must of necessity mor par- any Plaut And run it fore term W ire winter. b �iripxtoe in the plel-i{xrity of the "te sed II'�Pnn, and dnrinpe this fern all - r , uture, out they .)lust not expect that sr as otrr unnng expresses i -i the they can shirk their share of the amot•nt less than it formerly cost to burden. If private capit(tlists are run by strain, and at the end of the willing to risk their money in an rn- te•rni the plant would le turned over t •rprise, they should n•ceivd "uppnrt to the owner paid in full. f•ono that portion of the public who, Ot{p RRyF:H. like thetnxel•em, will tie henefitted. To the keen otserver it would -appear' AFTER MANY YEARS. that an electric nosed, -inch oax pmwncd, would be of incalrulshle value to That George F. Shepley, K. C., Makes Geed section of the township of Huron His Fathers Forgotten Praaise. through which it woldd plaw. "As has (tern pointed out in ofletter 4t. Marys, Nov.ei. -The St. Marys in these columns it opens tip greatplos- Methoxlist" have received n windfall sibilitirs for the farmers and the ad- in Iht- -ihalle of it 041 donation, which vantages to Ile derived from -each r comes under eireumstanees of An in- road are innumerable. If it im g,wwl for teresting find unusual nature. the farinee then it should le grxxl fair The story plates away back to 1979, the people set the town of Kinc,udine. when the .5oIpthtxlimts wore pinnnil)g That being the rase it in Only fait• thnl ti Luild toe "t•uctnte which was tier the hands of the Itroinotet•1 shexdd Ire Iwginningp( of their present handsome strengthened. The I,vliaw has lateen e,liflre. `l:tny Of the old ritizena ware published and it plainly "eta forth princol' sums, ronsidering the Pear- thfit those who gi1,IrAntye tile, bonds city of lawnry in those days. Anifing have aflet mortgnge on tilt- road. its the liberal donator" wit" Rev. Joseph ro11inK stork, encores.- and reslnrrrs. Shepley, It IMilell Methodist minister. This mecterity looks Ample and Moron it ho lived in thr 4tone town in tho"e- and Kiflcarline shoidd not hesitate to days. Shortly afterwards a 10x•»1 gramp the hand of relief extended to lawyer who held large sums of nwney than and give the bylaw, if rousing tit trust '•skiplard" the counyyry. Rev. majority on polling Jay, the 19th of Mr. khepley, like utility mo ther hon - November." eA ritizen, ryas left without the --- wherewithal to inert him obiTrani A .orres{Nmdent of The Khnrardine and coll"ueutly the five ':,7,,d re, Review wr.tex nn intemi ting letter to (],little- "uhmeriptinn to the huhldhng thilt pmper, from which the following was lint pallet. i. ;In extract : Debt Forgotten. "1 cannot ser out clip electric line h e Yemt•s lossAet by. The reverend the future syalent tot travel. The gentleman died. 'flee debt, if nuc11 it cutetbr us, dirty and ex{en.ive -txlni rnHld Ile rnlbmi, wit- long furgotlen. engine ix riaelurti bi K f and wt. muni A new board of t•iemtNem pleefe l adopt rNnrslem to n.•lv contihthnns. fir 11417, who lint] never known of the Kinemrdine 11@441 "fit ex{wel to retain sllbN.riplion, wit., he nRire and Rev, a fair share of pro%perii v without an '1(, A. Oralrtm w:tx I lo• pastor. (life effort. I ran see of Kreitt cbangr in day twwntly when ht- ens in him the whole sy-tern set agrit•ith 11ree alonK glonlil -it nxxal, with x enrronuu nn our lake hunt. P roil-growioK will fes , hurrh fends in IIIrFe•onteN of lepxuea• Kone into exlensicrlr, Re there will Ile t inn, he op eneil him .)nil and found an it ready Shipment P rpm set wilbin-three lar (our interesting letter. miles. That Ilit- whole of the lake The letter wits from oleo. F. steel) - front is likely to Ix«•oute a vast fruit. ley, K. C.. the ,pnoninent Toronto growing area few wvt-wit(,wa ill di.pote, after Ilwr, m .olicitor of the seeing the grpilt gn:vntity' of apple•%lIhouiniin (tovernwent lit the recant mhipp►ed itorm Kinrondine mfSntion this in-iuranve investigation. Mn•. Sliz year, and thin in fromi on•h,tnlm nn- ley Neat@4i that Ilio father once lived tended and unrare-1 for; find, in all in 41. Mays and went 7n to say probability. oreharls of apple•, plum a wht•n the 4t. Mary" Methodist still cherry will le planted nnrl eared "l11n•rh "-,I% built, I believe he mob - fair an a meiney•nriking hn"hness. Thr mrctlo,d il)wNnlA the ,vtml. 1 IN•lieve value of landm will rise, am it has done That nothing wasmiibo" ttently paid, in the fruit. )wit" of lakrx 1►ntario and :1,h -i r left nn emMtr. 1 Clave alwave Erie. Kincardine will bernnne the I jo lso-d at patent- time to discharge this cpntre of a fruitsection, and no eveten• ohligxtion. Will you kindly excertain atie hteainr"s of Packing findxhipping whatthe Geeta nnv,' eta..(mail will be carrirel on, and the (i, T. R. from a business littlest of view will Amount Forwarded. try to serve the people not they 7110tht Tile oMci,elx here went. back throe1ph t0. Cattle, hnv., ppxnonitry, ftetit send the misty files of the treasurer fIn• grain will he enrried to the market 10% and found the infornatbnn nskel where the farmer Ilud.4 he is Isest for. it was duly (orwardold to Mr. served. (tor -hors• will beronR more Kheplwho hoax just ment a check attractive he"mnxe of itm ronyenipnep, few at.), which will he n4lebilly and cottages will lie elected and lived acknowledged by the hose d this work. In." When you hurry An old animosityit*menher tier (],tin of S. r.. Tattllx•'A v{nit to (iexlerir-h• mnd if your eye" never mind t he grnvestone. b otho r you In an] Way snake it n The fit nal and 1'h0 Toronto Week- Poirot to mit-tilt lino at Dunlop's IT oltbe fm' n Year 41.101, Balance tit drug store, nn Thorwlav and F'rifny, JW7 LPN to new sulwrrltion". Nesvetnher Ylat find 'tlnd, A Few "Don'ts." j r)on't call it wharf a dick. Don't use "liable" for "likely." Don't light the fire with coal oil. Don't call a railway station a depot. Don't call it stabled learn, or at borne - barn. Don't stay "liars" when you clean "lend," Don't neglect to pay small debts promQtly. Dont throw' lan(tna peelings on the sidewalk. Don't imagine you have life grip every time you have it lout cold. Don't mprund more sail than the hal- laot on your keel or in your hold war. ran In. Dint tail to hunt up a parcel, or two, if not a drayload, for the D. O. F•. "rlmmlkgle aille." Don't fine "some" for soinewlxat (a very counnon and nte/st objectionable error). Don't think it livery slnhlr horse hAin no feeling. or that these is no limit to Its endurance. • Dran't drop envelopes Or ether ert•apa or paper on the sidewrnlk, as you collie fr in the poetoffiote.' Don't smile when a dentist's *liver- tiyeitent guarantees potinlesN den. tist.ry. Many terms ase rrAttive. Th)n't Idle hecitueie ,rose can't get just the work yon prefer, or the wages you think you arr entitled tit. Don't Cif you Nte at young moll stand off the macre rorne". and snake t an objectionable loafer of ynurmolf" Don't apeak slightingly of Clintmi. A Rememher the proverb which.11P.ol- (w lip to Roy nothing halt gxl til the dead. [)()"*I refuse it Neat in o 1Ile twn council next year, if vont• nrighlorn think you ate Ht for the position, and wish to elect you. o 7 Don't t wast•I he wit water tea:uw= it does not tip{war to voint you any thing. It, luny ile dirt clients. but. real estate come" high?,I11.t m preform t. Don't let Ione imaltination111Wamp your discretion when the next snaNtth- tougu@4I ntnek-ppoldlpr offee vote ••a draol sure thing" for half ilia vatur. Don't Its art ready to criticime your minister. Think for it nnnnnent what volar minister Height say nloo,. yon• if he were dime oaell to le "t-nmorintlm. Don't irnngine vote have read The 4ignnl unlet. you have lead the Ad- rertisementa. They oliRht to Ire nudp profitable to you every week of the year. Don't itnngilar t list yoo fire Protuimi- cal when you spend 3c worth of postage find stationery and 511c worth of tltne buying your goods by mail to save loc in the pr10P. [koA't forRef, thin year, fndoyour (7hrimtmns mienpping tip Iwrly an Ar- cattle" tanrme will pprtnit.. You proh- ■hl♦ Iast*ndpd to ofla so Inst year, but didn't. and were sorry for IL Drsn't stand mlout on one Ieq (or loth log.) listening to the mode set the Salvation Army nearly curry tit ht in the week, mind clone your eyes whpn the rolkction plate r Annex round. ! WEST SIDE OF UARE. IPROKIL:,13•toaB, tri.. '1'noyw : }trpt7r.a r., 1 iii i'a A rmourin be'sn�ext reset of Bea LIf .eria11� s. the moat front t000uraIse pre y �r•---.�_-� prses the +Nataral Juanita--fanA lessee an onatlalox fink a that Seahr baa alas este ---• �. _- _-_- I _-_-. ___ -- _ __--_-- _. -- ___ - ut Nit- tbeake•ee►wflidoru AMtn her worries entire the he dolts WONDERLAN roast sed haktl maatsand fowb woolen worries more than she d/ms �� �0� etawes the cook to create atl(Nnt her prospective harp and crown• makey daietr dikes - and is of alrftnst homely seeks In the • kitehes �- ' THE ELECTRIC THEInE until NOW YOU'S 9eftd terser..., seat book.' My IdODERICH )'ar,Mte on r I4eir�'-free eceipt of a" medal cap from jar of Ar- mour'. tiatrevt ., Def. Arman r, I The Biggest and Best :)c Show Limited.D - I of the (lay. High-class in _ EXTRACT Or 8EE/ s every respect. log Via: am r''r Moving Pictures, Illustrated Songs t ONT1N1 OUS 1'F.kFUIt\IAN('F P �C,A dish of Oysters Iv�1f = .rte "Black Kifight" shines quickly-sliines bright - shines by day and shines by night. No dust -no dirt - uo hard rubbing - always ready for instant use. And it wou't burn oft:, no utatter how loot the fire. To keep Stoves, Grates and Iron work always clean and bright, with the least possible tmtble, uta "Black Knight Stove Polish I t set vel in :any style to suit the most 1»trticular tNste "goes g,xxl " jnRl now. Bulk Oysters sold in any gnnnlity. \\'P hn vy only the choirext bivalves. Cream Candy Clwi,•e asmortel ('resent", l5c. Iwr pwonnd, or two pxonnds for ". Try snrne. Everything fresh and good :It Olympia Cafe i AreYou Making Mone t, Cost. lR . :e.. yz aw Valrabb Parr. for Pack 306wrill" cawed. Name ,A fkw piree are ce p.eriw. You as fed out Itaw you raft do skit by weitiae fe, eke MCTItOPOLITAN MAGAZIN[ (for- p»carina n eewr0rftia� it1 Oraf'e�sttip�e cuia (:Perp aft,, oke rrhir6 w 664 elvad Is Reprwwtrises F.gra6 •a^a'd•t to am and yelftr AAL -rte The METIOPOLI TAN MAGIAZMT P a we %? aw TeA rlFs Complete (change of Program every Tuesday, Thursday and S:11111'flay. NOT ur CONE I e�NNOW Lawr's Hair Grower A NEW DISCOVERY FON RESTORING THE GROWTH OF HAIR Warranted to effect g(wpl ie•"ullr in all .nxrx where Che nxotmare not Absolutely dcvtrovltiL itro neem dandruff, stops th' falling of hair find orings it new growth on bald heads. HAS BEEN TES`T'ED with excellent rrmOlim. 1 con allow wh.•rw itham rentoretl growth of hair after almost ental 1»ildnesa. Emmlly mnd iefulily tipplhel. Warranted free from any harmful ingredients. (:her if I eIi"I, Y"'t will Is -plop xesl. \fill le s,•nt I.% moil on rr,1•ipl of pri,•e. 50 CENTS A BOTTLE MAnnt.,I OrNi and w,l.l I,% J. F. LA WR reesoreal Parlor, Redford 81erk, GODi•RicH, ONT. will be one of the busiest times of the year in the kitchen. For the slaking the housekeeper should illy in her supplies with care, no that the prxturta of the kitchen .)lav haves, foundation of purity and unquestioned quality. We have planned to meet tilt- s{wcial wane of this se.asem with the right gfxxls, which we guarrn- tee t, IN, fresh, eleven, and of AI finality. Raisins Figs Dates Orange Lemons Peels Nuts Spices Flavors -everythinig needed for the baking. Call or telephone and your order will have prompt and careful attention. STURDY & CO., THE GROCERS. 'Phone No. A1, NEW MAT MARKET I have opened (Nit a Ment Markel. in the building on KINGSTON STREET NEXT THE KING EDWARD HOTEL ub,.r.- I am prepNaml to "apply Fresh and Cured Meats, Poultry, Etc. All of the Iwel gnalitt and at tr,Aaon aM• prk•m•. Oive we a Trial Older. JOSEPH FELLOWS