HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-14, Page 2. 1 r 9 TuvaiDAr, Notaleber 11, 190, TUN: SIGNAL: GODFRIC11. ONTARIO Ilse I • � g.xxl work in tilt- r•gnlaliuq of lraua- lhnuughsput Ihr Prutinee do not cull- lull ('of i011 xffall'r. title thelllw'1\'1•t- loo rtes"A)•rxd lesolu- candidate ,nld had holes uouliuMed. It W11,90-t'xl'l1el'r Will torikert all in- ffllellrl• I'nl'hlttiletil. ll'l Zen (111'111 ������ �II� ' UUDLUICH. ONTARhk -_ 111111 V, INII Inst IIIN)' 1't111YA ynl' 111 am- It hl/Iktl as If Wt- lead Ills' Pitt. of till' Ni.t of Ow rwal work of directing pub- ill 1111 (/fill}•. .'%:ll•t Illi 111',ig.'N. 11111• 1111 111r where les tee. erusehfr� by for et- IllwNv- to r Pl]BLIS1IFs11 R\MYHY TFIU1ltiU.►i' new MihirlrrnC Public 11'nrk". lir 11411X).. Sewltking At It le•rest - sl*rwriorto thele. le•t Ihs-nl, instead. sU ipr, heavy \veighl, regtllAr tit-, rt Icer )aid........... 7c NY VANATTF:K k ItuRRRTKfr): A1111t1r1' tial a ainbt ter IIfH elf t ale Illlr•tlllg 111 1'1/Ir IUIII, tlllll IY•f/'1'tlllg In I K ( har•n IN' Wit It holy wt-, N1i•t I Y ) I }'- own n, dywl in of lew.Nd n- tiny others, Become London 1 Canada, I Cma- lease In -en ditecoverst. They will winNlhinK that lord wail with but let Iheirs coo# 11,rirrl�Prgilw three of lhrlrP in Ontario, which laid I rTelephouel-alallNa. U grlhlww)nMdx}•, leg,u•dtolhpdrmirawiityorit gN11Nr»I open neelliiu»tie. s olrlrrtioun -cud Prints Terms •f autetnMlioa: - - CoMeutiull, lit- olid that if I.olmvadb -- we 1hn1 lura a xrarh•rand worth hl tfrld. of ptwjndirr A{ nin,l a w"orlingnuin in Thr lowusllip of Stuli.fen.d. nN:u' would 4.111). IN• cnre•ful in the carrying are pal the - --- Ile"Vitt• his defeat 4.l IA•IlwhnsN.•, �t.lYl Iwr ut1114111 111 nJ\"Y YIY', is uuNah.., at• :leu �• uwwllw,'t,ir. NiuK:u'o Falls, "ill light ion highways out of their primaries, the 4ele•ling 41f �'- POLITICAL NOTES. (,;,tan yard.., :1: inches wide. English printm of Insist qualil} To t'nil.d Still". ,ubwrltr'r. sk.:YI a scat toy t-lrchil•ily hoot tileb'ulls. Lightest &.14 -Kates les attend cunvrfttions, lend ___- Them 1•iricily in wlrruve'. flubNrriber..1 fail Io nr•rlvc Tu% theNAL elni !try nNlds Will Iw 11 nuvrhy. the-electiuu to( candidatra by the Gull- llell'i IL1tlr -con. ex•U.P., ham All• ., rtitit. conliwlP to tint'+ell• hi. oltruliou In 1.1:41 tepllrrp' by wail will r4Nlter a fn.ur by rte'- gtuintlnr so. of the fuel +,l a,, e:trb' N date err venti41n-, ill this unlnner they would '1'tV11111/l1'r nuunced his inlentioll est Ieulainin ill K (llll•Iwl' I11Y1Y1111'1:11 � IbIC. K Ill/•Illllers ll( PNI'11tlllll•Ill In IN`i'xllh• 111 get N 1'Ullw•Ilxlllf u( Lllr'1711 rlevll(ICr, , wt- (.lint there la nothin at all the > K inatter with ale hitt Illy 4 -ars." tMn r rhuurn of add n•.+., f• d.•w11Yr1, IMl11 SIM split awl the new addlwY should be eri\ev. hr nprx)inhd to the St'll its. ')'his ill :► opinion 1 hloughollt the \I holt- kills' It IN reptirted that A. K. DymNni, the• present Lilke til ulenllwr for h:tN(I If you die will your family - Advertising Rasp: practice which we lwlieve is not en- ince. ••\\'hal hr would hnce war (lull AIK"nen, will t -i0 Ku UI Shp St•n,l s •spial-y1/glhUny olwh,rllrl0f ul•nrly I" Nlxty nuwiconns, it proof snMairit will Ire olvenld Nelson Ly a nll►nagPmrnt ciptvxitY. '1'tIP\Yorlddru\YsnnrnlilrlyNrung 114.rtl1r1 by the Lihrral party in geuvroel. , the I,11neral c•onven(ionm of the k ru1> tit' cunteal spite est lbs TillrNllu e.,n• I be provided for? No thought- 1.1f.+hold oihel ,iudhtr wlvcoorumul-, ar poitlinefor nr,l h,Ml•rt(m, :ted Ie IN -r Inn.• fur __ -__ Thr Spike Government let Michh o11 ince .,1,4111141 fm- formative Imrhes, look- -1iturneies lit tilt. ural Acct rwtl•latem•y. -__-_ tNw•h .utr4quuut 41.rrtfml. Ahvt.,u1•,l by ,.a. live+., NlM{N\n`il Nl'alt. lNaite Ifnw lU t-4 hN'h. it far IY IIIIIUt-III'l'll A rales Nll et 7l aimpt, ing a NIIIII'l' In Ilep 41111, and r'l•NiN 111 Ml- 1 g K Awls. ('auk leell, M. P. iter 1'Nnlle J York, need A. A. Nrlewlrt, lel. P. fur fol man can let that question Uurlst tint. of lis little :old is I ser year. the xixii-rumis and is uffel'inK two vents hllity in lite Goriilog Ile 1111• I3lk'VAI Ottawal, tie nallled fill- I11"ti of 1111• remain unanswered. You Adverll+ewent�,of In,:,Foeold,Kloly,d. Nit- It IIl•a.l cul' (horn. Thltl Is / Illh• len p1Nlf41t'lll. ThP rkll'1}' war. a lh'n10' I \'nr31L'IeN hl 1hP tuna,,'. Tnl`II• nl1• 'Iltext ser, New York, and Tmm�ln is ISrndnxttw pinerl in goxxl NItInItIQ"P. nal ian, �'+Nwut. Kit nal iuu- N.lul cd, Huu.+tot nab or1.1 it lit. Feel— fur Kale or tie Itl•ut, advallee till the Nerilllural i)ri(e. e,ali,- UIH•, anal Ile w'antwl every Lib• IN)iutohrnt Will Ilroe,sititte bye-els ill 0 -est 'e Pe- owe them the protection that Artl,lb for Nale, Nr., not eza4Yltlllr eielot al 9k -_ rl':11 ill ale 1'1ltillce to Illldl•rllttood limas York Atilt Ottawa. visitwl an that eludes a trip Verne, ill*. .\nu•rien11 r 11. time. homes, stir- want nt in•N•rtiou ; for term ulontl1.. for ew,h•ulN,eyuunt uluuth. lAiwwrrdverii,e. The IAINI(allrA Ilse lwateu ties- 1)WII t`lal 111 1lIP IIIa11UP1' he held sllgglslwl '1'lIP ntlnlltll n►lertlllR tit t1Y i.ilwrxla I':Ist 111111111 lN• life assurance gives. nm4te in propurtial. Announremeotx to oniinary' Iradills tYl'e lea relX>nI tOl'tilt- transatlantic trilo. titer 1' Ihey could r,leh lull. x fair alecks 'If will lend at HrltN• ,els un Ilrcrwlxv Ihh. Thi+ 111e•linw 41r. Sacngr "ill bring les nront" GEO. SPOTTON, WiNGHAM Ihr le «til.• pot- line. Vu nutlet- le+,• Ih.tn :S•. Any MINr•irl nil 1,Y•, ter obiw-1 of whi.•h i- the no", file , tet tt•rslw.tid 1utw1 tge in in the work ttelw done. Poll.•iN4 erre is held fill. file plertnn of officers and The new Reserve Dividend tmx•uulrry benent of any individual or roo ol•i. ftalr days, righ1twn bourm anti furl}' not 4.f at nluahn:onl growth. and in the h•musaction of general bumine". ;elect ill rhe.1rit talio11Rn1Y•d - - - -- - -- -- -- the- 11,ng &tion• to be c risidelwl an w1\ertialfwuut and to be chargedaaY4dinrty.IIUl114-111 average ]11r1y sipeed Ill theircn•iderltiun te)• hato ave 41111. A. l. MacKay, lilt- new Lillrral policies of the Rate* for dtgllay and routr:trt wllorliv. 2)1.21 LII III s, re aid not only for isle ponlities est R tl•a 411.1', \%'ill lie ane (f lilt- speaker9. Jahn Itevbinwln, ex-M.P.. diel pmm'w41 in every way. mspatte will be rircn Ole applivalloN. Ti\4. Oxford colnity raillierb "'ere Yt%terl.ly, but fur thoss, of tilos spud nil Saturday Inst at 11iN borne uenr St. 1'111' 1111• fr'n1•fll Ill 11111 •nf-t llwll ret(• "A Leading College for Addra+sall tonsuaulralion-to 41111.41 N few II:I\'- n 11 for \Yell e'In tomorrow." K K Thomas. fie rellrwentld \\ e.st Fialtl tons the ftlnnageuu•nt of Ilee Prinvelsl VANArTklt k I(OHERTM)N, Tule C..eri 1, liau v m,. out. their Wilk. 1'hiuKs baYr nu( yrs Kul - - - i4. file 11MI-0 est Commostlm fr1n1 I1R11) to Ilk" anal his iudr N•ndeut { it -WO, at. 1 �T �O" �O� quite ISA bi rely 7ul%iou- fur Ilea• t I much at 11,614 that it is ut•ress%ary fu Do They Miss Me at Home ? Voll water in the milk 111 Male enough INI rbcs esus:• we at have ! hu they Illi- lose to g4. nrnulul• :n Immo - T,vmlld Ix• an r.+,uruN'r mo-! deur Ironed lontliderables attention, '•1'la• nPwSprtpprs alyavr know n lo( more alkinut A man's affairs th♦ll 1,r dors leis elf. I urtrt I rank of it. T7� r OUDERICH. THURSDAY, Nov. it. flan:. - LABOR IN POLITICS. A new reatirr is( the 1111wiuriarI Tu know tit ilei. wannest .1nu.• lucod ono hate never tho11ght of Nnnh a tiling." lite supplier. W. Acheson & Son Saturday and Monday Bargains NOVEMBER 16 AND 18 TWO DAYS' easy selling, two days' un- loading, two days of unparalleled bargains from which we invite you to do your fall buying. Read this partial list of offerings. 20 Dozen Pairs Corsets Nearly ':&V) polis- Corsets placed tin apeci&I Saturday and 1londay selling. !Sizes 18 to:il in half n dozen maker, all up to the Iniunte style. Sl.ttu, $1.241 Mild SI.:U quality for........... 69c Coatings and Dress Tweeds W piecetl, Gil inches, all pure w(x,l, cheviots and tweedy and lwave'$ In Ili diun, and heavy toriKhi , new and I eantiful 1-f. forts. Suitable for long eoaLm or foodless' suits, regular $1 01%7Jc *LZ nud $I.GII, tit e'er yard ...... .. . ....................... so Flannelettes '1 - '(IU\'t-l'llltirllt'tl 1'l•iN11't 1111 IIINIII':lll/'N {{'sly, w, kelt-. "1 w1+11 Ill• w,'R here : by ill 44c, ills wit. lite answer Iwule toy Hon, A. If. :\)'Ily+w eve'• 11 w11N11 rale! 1,V x i Insurance Company, . I,larl ,-wYls, ?l �� :4l inches, fMlley llanuclrtle, Mltll all/! Illllr K -fearing to tilt- Lolpl.111 tl\'r-els • sebuietler Is file lwft•r•ti(l• to) weather TN fccl ilk -it ale•• rtetlp lit new+pa�N r t. rxnlrr ill Tmonln N'hat Ik,IhNytninlcoflh.•,d1.ruL:awl 01,01 Jul ••N+NYt sU ipr, heavy \veighl, regtllAr tit-, rt Icer )aid........... 7c ' rnndi/htr tion, les which x Ia1Na• i 1-su:our rumpunieN. Isere are now ,1Y, re thinking .d 4.w• :at- 1 raWr eta. b INywNI uwiNurr truth t u•Ie war in tilt- u•rx,rt that hr London 1 Canada, I th 1. Ibs-ir wy'1'irrM at the 41i-rwlwd of was dr[rxtc l by liar candidate of ter three of lhrlrP in Ontario, which laid I )e..'Iwould ,i.n �•„ kuotr then Ih,y wi•.arl 4.l.• rl hour. N'as nlxtut to retire. The 1liniater of I Prints (:.tltw•1'\'alltr lNll't )'. '1'hl• 'l'a1111111 ,slu•N totalling gl.lidS,l Whel. Iw'iliahl approat-he-. the •sen -un Jnsfire was on his w:,y to Clift --n Speinge, les take it 111'iel rest INdorN the ptwjndirr A{ nin,l a w"orlingnuin in TlNonhl lend ambitioels les IN•ronM World says : - --- Ile"Vitt• his defeat 4.l IA•IlwhnsN.•, Th:at ever I- owro,l in olwninlr sort lie IleaPion. Hr is in ,creel ( furnish Endowments at Life (,;,tan yard.., :1: inches wide. English printm of Insist qualil} It in reetwelizeal xs right hl nick A wotrki"glwn to vote Int- tine rorthr \Ir. I111111•aswt det-1Alr-1 that he 1ldl u.r•..ouu' 1NIo syr• a 4.i• 4...u„• Na 'c Alsj,irhn,al IIerY..loagr! 1 heAlIs, baoot- for hie drulot-ss. ..If you w"Ant, to post anything in the paper Rates. The guaranteed Cash and trnlp wn•ttrs, light, mediurf rod dlykrnlurs, regular price 1 oc J { . _.... I.;c anti ix, res rt per )used........ .ether est lilt- old IN II 1111':11 1/a1t1YM : Il ., rtitit. conliwlP to tint'+ell• hi. oltruliou In 1.1:41 Anel i.Ibcroreb,N11 in tilt- mu+it- nlNnrt Int-, r:ud Nit-. Aylesworth, • Surrender Values and Paid � )file not yet barn ndulitlel Ihal •1 workingnutl has :tilt- right hl a.l l It rl, 1 kill' 1 me alter That i• nd-.,1 ttlN•n any voim i• au'ar, Anda --hotel in rYrt1 hear( that aw:tLth wt- (.lint there la nothin at all the > K inatter with ale hitt Illy 4 -ars." not haudlr n piNknud rhotNl:nlll t•rt Underwear .x•eft,ievmdly feel- male Lind ..t 1, - veo tainly r:Iluullt la, ,,lid Ih;t tl r, Itr��r(at 1:,> ! huk=, � --- - up Values are exceptionally s •spial-y1/glhUny olwh,rllrl0f ul•nrly I" Nlxty nuwiconns, it proof snMairit will Ire olvenld Nelson Ly a nll►nagPmrnt ciptvxitY. '1'tIP\Yorlddru\YsnnrnlilrlyNrung I11111ar%:► i4 dNnriPnt in 4-0111-Age;&ted illy ...:til saw• Ibthey.•tn,r:irhArI.nrthe lable _ _ "MADAM BUTTERFLY" liberal, in keeping with the p � I"tclieh'hear•,wdt.el"tic, fierce vebts and drawers, all ) Iveen rwtl•latem•y. -__-_ , w'lanrteniuu•-huna•,1ka+ulr,Nli•uihh. AT TORONTO. his hitt with spline degree est coutnrt I sizes and itoNlyfloihltett. s lwrrlrt garment. Regular calur��e inference. \1'ut'kingmen Note It lurks eft- if Iherf• world IN• :t wm,. N 1wn t.e c.uulle• a Y• lir in'lhr p:evlor. He W Sa -- ' E other terms of the policies. :17M., :it each ........ ............... .......................... rlerlNti asp 1':uliawent 4.l l auatia : s n ininveoi lot spite or other of IIIc Iwo IN•r is( w`xtll alt I lel• tow'ri 1.winvil Inward �fl}• Aloof UN -.t tl- les lite P41n1 Aline -k) , ANd thesepNNh.irhl• :orareNat. nU sap s nehsh Grand O para Comppar�i��C��ouung to the Write to these spew INlrlirN, anti if Mr. Javob, tint, 111 IN• nowt 111•N' IIf1.11 IINXt }Y•xl'. i. 111 AIN( all hl) 111x111 d.1Na, IU IIP•Ir-Ir.',, �t•YlCee. us about , 'rill• gt':al ikeen the Ihr ml 1. of the 111.1 Now• i- tilt- lime fur public-Ppirited Ik,IhNytninlcoflh.•,d1.ruL:awl 01,01 Jul ••N+NYt inlerrslinK xnnounrrmet hits policies. 1'811dillnit• vilizue" telser tint )Wine g(NNl luen A w"hi-lN'1'IYI night while tie(.)' Weep., IlTentiv IN4.11 Iliad(. by Ilse Innnnge- Mor 1utrlirN in the renal bye-t•leclitoll th 1. Ibs-ir wy'1'irrM at the 41i-rwlwd of 1N, Uuon.• un•:II hNau•r IN) spay' mos. 4.N•., mrut of Ihr• 1'ritwess Theatre, Tier - - W. H. ROBINSON. General Agent. It • IYollld doubtless have had I hr• loyal hilt- tectenvl. a Asmntnl*.r. est u.Nni, Nr al uirhl ! • nolo, 1 hat- 11rnry W. !+Ayagl' . KnK. a Ir/aNlrt 4.t that ritl'1 \•. There iA 1141 1 - ---- -- AINt fulNre....... 01.11x) -tN41Y rU11nd 0.,a, Iill Olivia Coullltln) its :111 P1:1INN'altl -- - ptwjndirr A{ nin,l a w"orlingnuin in TlNonhl lend ambitioels les IN•ronM t'h.l old) uIi taY• a•n1•t r:,n liaht ! Presentnlit•n lit t ne•ini'N ••\Ixttnw Me-st . Steep, Cantelou and Elliul t 11(tll•1 n}••' wnllkl Ike IIIY nfTering tit (�at1a41:1, Px.'rht IN •1'har'N all 1111• INI1't • Ihr• w•at of .1 Klw:tt Nllll•It IIIK Industry, tFejoy, inviting le,•H Na'I,Y/I111,. Iv.• Irak• IN•furrr apple lniver+, needles file- r.11ll Illi- playhmlw fur front- l4•I forll arc e4, I • ' of it few snulx rherr and I herr who rut bat it s:unple :'meal fr1Nn a III lelting nu•ItiOK reel plraeulY•. th:ul 11.•ca 4..r cook,. i, u.f,•CYI fn4n the circ 1t-. isegonning Monday. \overalier IN, - - - - no Itgure anyway. In fart. ut-1114Y I a.eblishmpnl already lim-111,41 in the 1111-:4..•r INI'. „ith t "11. NN IIN,)..! iueluding It Inaliurr Wetlnr,llnv. No. GODERICH YrnlLt•r yl. H\'YI )'INNI, in t'nn:uLl i4 it wooking- ,•il }• tee r,wwrl them Isp Un•ft their -. - The tYonling of this great mg1linira- BUSINESS Inas Id shun well 411, Ulhrt•. ale truly n'twes in Allot Joel- direct ion. Industrial FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. (ion 1\'ith :1 Ineonliemilill lit Itlle bull - not haudlr n piNknud rhotNl:nlll t•rt progn•xs wunt-tiuu•% ha, its 41rn"•- \iAnitrtlul Uocrnluent, which lend -11141 :11111 filly Iwd ,I,• int•11N1on1 1 / K it COLLEGE Ilea hard-working num. huk=, � --- - --_-_ Swelling Reduced. s •spial-y1/glhUny olwh,rllrl0f ul•nrly I" Nlxty nuwiconns, it proof snMairit will Ire olvenld Nelson Ly a nll►nagPmrnt : INI " r N' o ht- 1. r 1an 1 The tcrnln s f 1 �Ir: )atly' hAN Wilt up a L•u'gr int- 1 unchdl Nrn•nr>. that this will Ise the 11u,Ml iesgNertanl who h•Ains mon+ young rNriplP as didate'x ll(/sition i, this: he IeprN• tiudry in G(Nlrrirh withonl any sepia- Ilenri Houraasa will Iw gin w ww/r nL'INit-M air Ibe lrieal notrartion in !Ax)k-kt•Prx•rN. Stenl)grnphelr and Trl- ' Toronto this The sents tl else%$ intelest instead 41f Ihrhis t:11arr from lot- low'". Thi+ fart will his hitt with spline degree est coutnrt meastin. ruftquuly Comes ilnle•t relent a ,l•nwu iunnl sew•- !gl'tt p11PM thin ally other Ill Western Interest. Every usall Ill n plllF r•Illelt 1:11.6eh in f:l\•Ihr 4.f hi- r11YgN1w11 twN'. The March e( Progress. '11'll•Iaeaking 11111 at !ht- (iltlrh•it Untorlti. Inlllt11111A1 Inst l'llel 11111 lie position should fw•1111nt he 11 -pi r- Int -n hew h•4.1n lilt- u4.uuclpatiot }• t.. ll.usilu,n AfeWs 'Iltext ser, New York, and Tmm�ln is ISrndnxttw pinerl in goxxl NItInItIQ"P. ernts the pnblie. nspt siulply evil.- set-- Ito. I. Ill alt III Yxl/•1111111 • til/' Inti11MII\'. r,. tor. The Lusitanin 11:44 eat 7\uulhrl' mderl foYtun,ate to Ike our of the tint I);l allll 111 Int 1`]:IrW%. 1:11111 7111 cities in ilial-rury in• Y K Y Linn of it. A nu•utlN•r of I':Mli:unrul Tilt- town i, nut going it blind in lend- rhnnk ..IT the rnr4.nl. And her wister visitwl an that eludes a trip Verne, ill*. .\nu•rien11 r 11. time. should moi to infiuelove I.•Ki,htie'll iuK mum•}' Inv w4.11-Islaldirhlrl colo• lPlt 14, her hI.NIk like n Ship is nN linrnt. For Catalogue write yfel� the public IN -11011t. t, ut for Ile flwnPtlt 11 look},• frt-ieight, Mutt. 41r. Sacngr "ill bring les nront" GEO. SPOTTON, WiNGHAM Ihr le tit tiny paOicular 1'L1,+, --._- Poster Right for Ogle. Malar lust Irl east orombarli.til irk sena}• IN, true•. and it is !roe iliat nun) Ur, .I. \\'. \10).,•4, whit or inn Iwstel '1'iwt.,,. ;elect ill rhe.1rit talio11Rn1Y•d - - - -- - -- -- -- the- 11,ng spfternfornlyadv(xntwli4.the uriftnp in Iht- Unlwio \\'NMI Sherr M:Iwtl"ia Iblilw•Ay 1134 IN4`n InkinK IL,nuhon 1.1,1 nigh) Ilbn.lSwl. F. FuMlrr told rule tit Ihis 4.14-r;6 in New V01•k Mall :t rougllrt.•:uul eL11Nn•nlr ptlwl11rlion is Alma College 4.flalmlrnre ralcuialel to advaner Ihr pr)JNrt, is \\'arl :' '.Ties That ftn ubclarle. pmm'w41 in every way. well-1x•1"g Int tilt- whille rnllntev. 11 11111111ille It lWart in lilt- 411w'll NMle 1111 Ir•• %1,1111111 IN• Ills/Irl 111 HIN N'71Y 41f ANI• 1'111' 1111• fr'n1•fll Ill 11111 •nf-t llwll ret(• "A Leading College for is prolNlbly true 111,41 that 1Ne r llre- torr Ibe Dmuillioll railway r41nl tads. stir. )•owing to Canada. '•Nsp rlwel tons the ftlnnageuu•nt of Ilee Prinvelsl iN`ntAllYea Ill 1111•'l,llNrl' IN11't}' am 4ion til '1'numlo in rnnnection with I , r .il 1 ell• . 'll Y Ill ' r roil r h 4141 I .le :alyt., a ft- n 'hint len$ dw•id.rl to nt-crpt all wail nnll•1• Girls and YoungLadies." quite ISA bi rely 7ul%iou- fur Ilea• Ihr viudul l qtr+tion. 11 r. Nny.•M Iwp- 1.11111111Kl( 111.' 11111\-eee,l. IN nlll in lint 13aunlrn ht, Items saying in He it- ti-meryatiori,4 Ior NNnt% When spectull• 1Ntnitsllby 1N tofllee money order, ora iligil Sebool Clatwe+. I)II h11C welf�arr --feel' Use wt -al of IiII• IY•-elfs IIID '1'4.rnllln ILl:lod let Trade in Isle 011illllhnt. vertlnrtl 1•he1iie lin}'able to, (1. H. Junior Ih•lpecoto ellt fill 1'I11,1ii-S.•hiNd rulltltry n%a wlllrle :M are the• repro- lite supplier. A Valuable Crop. Sheplulyd, Motnti Princess, The Stoldi". s1'lltativvii lot the Liilel'al ..1• lilt- ('.lei .A - _ - - -- - \ York laty Inlilx„xW lei plot :1 I/r illi: 1'NI•:1.1. 1a-��HeeM fM• (iii% eiigagenkent will lip Music. fine Art. Commercial. IN) - e�.:11111 till :R 4 0 IIrr N•rt for tel• 1, owes. ruestic Science, line 1tim). Physical servalive Marl)'. tint Iht-,e IllingN A,,p G1 Ihr NL}• w•raler rtazl• I,y cit it- Uul)''a few year -4 ague it *a% thought 111m:r, and *21111and 161.:x1 fbr the full. Culture., , do nut alter Ihr• fart flint lite feetum- ll-K.11ation, pnlviding that nu new 11n1t Ali/les would never ►x• g low•u cony, while $1.101 "'ill he charge) fur ' For year Immlk writs - tion (If n InfNur ulrty in nd1UvN IN 71 1 I building ,hall be over 'L71 fart in wllisfeu tocol} in live 1lrillia district. Ihr Illt-e K+ }' I PRINCIPAL WARNER, rhes ulmellient; and howt-vry' shoug- blight. A Ieller rtwenll Iuhlishwl Y i Nuw• shim ct1 1 i4 nut- of the wort im- l rwltanl the Iarmet' bite '(ht- r St. Thomas, Ont. Londest)orce' Station Burned. I). a tuna uwy s)ulruthize• with Ila• in TFu• Vign:41 loan ,00 New \'ut•k cot-• fail for of nunlry rowing in 1,1.14• thoN fall for � Reopens after liolidays. Jan. 6, 1003. deniands 4.f Ininn• be wln' rehls• t(t rv,INmdent slNrkr of It huildinK there r /ler+ nuly Ix• Nvrlly este«rl by thllw• 11 I K Clinton. %41\•. 11.-- ha -ly this 11101-11- wive lei, aid In a ulovenlent 111.1 tend$ U) inlr,mbive Mtwtinnnikm in111 -11_' feet high and of a still higher ime (11:11 warlr•ingerec11r1. in x r1iN,itinn to 4111 -Plop the LlrKr shipments going Amt. from Ovilli:t reed - day by day. I,Im41011. ltnelln & truce- brancleing tier (Irand To link oitatiovi tell ttit I.4,udemlri4i, Pks I•ven lui• n41etll r,( r emir lmaities and _to- set OrNM again%t -- '-- wity,tItion re he. was tmorn d down, and, although CENTRAL cla4/ in oar Pill lilt menls. 'Ilene A Toronto uuln xwallowel a ul*41i- Let the Public Have the Names. Ilip rnlnpany did nit IrNw heavily. individuals BUSINESS COLLEGE iN nxlln--plenty of it - f/N' IIItiY1N'lhl• raw• tH111Yt N'hiCh ler rr•(•itell :IN :t Ilntotfnnl Fapodinr Thee are rPrfainly 11.4 u•an). ' f:oot itiv:te were hit hand. The, agent, Pewy Carlisle. INtt I' voice un ahs- flrxrr of 1 arli:unl•ul. lent runrilr. thuvugh the mail- .old "nil Iwrtho" anlohg tile, rogiltral- hilw of ryrrything nil tight Saturday night r 't'no,n:n 1,.1+ ,::.r:„1 u,ou 1NJ+ 1,t- what 14 1 aritel IN indelm'1141t-nve let 1 taken \lolenity 111. It N/•1't'1'll hill, 1 the i rotin/•e, The chip( oh)retispn. n$ 7111-1 Ntld the nfllre :I visit SIInda 1••'111�1yar.1e. ted wN11N•n Un the r. .Y tY.y' 1 )' I t.1 imirl,.•ndrorn Ned +11,11':+. IA'1 .,- any pArty, any class or sly inlerebt right. AM he wits cold rimugh Lt) know Ths- E tpusit4 )I w already stated. it ,tilt'ilingEarly this morning, one tit ria I the richt -tilt. \\lltr fawn( except the interest tit tilt- It1,ole Ierl ler, but Ihere is rxulitive dimgrr flint ulna col ale a istrar,s stow cit• Y lbe reindents who lives clause to the alog.le "old plan t„ -1wnd 4..r next niz "'unit'-t„t1,,1.. E:err.,..)' link,. i e0ple. in the whulemalo dirlribuliou of gaged, in other lousines. stood Iravr thll•ir work te)drputievAnd chttks. Nn station wltx xw nkt-nel l/ Iht- Ixre or } K .\titin•-- file ah :unes, and astily arising ler gaar - - - `41111114"M IIf [Intent pills. They n1e rv+giMUxr 4.r ulhrr ufliciAl .,boned draw the .11111.111, but IN -fore Anylhilig ruuld W. M. SHAW, Principal, GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES often Iefl on themstelul whets children cial Ire:tsty Who luly (conn lite I'sovinn doem hie bread toy the INtr (]one the womiden sucture w:IN in Yon and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. "TPN• ������� IN ALBERTA. c.ni get Ihrm and rill Ufrn►, and lilt- out earn sweat Mr. Carlile arteol as c:whie' for practice sleould'Iw sMprilrl. of his blow•. - -- - -- - --J The I'lu\'incial Go\elnl*'ut or AI- _. --- Mr. Bourassa as a Member. hertA has shown its ptoglensive spirit The town of F:ssrx i$ asking flunk T.,rowo lycoti.'. in the establishment of an extensive elle• aut4.unt of Ih1• Ihlr iutlNNlwl 11100" Nir. bmrlmwl, in -little rebim-ets, ens system of Guve•rnn elft Owned 104- the Michigan Central Itailwwy err It not an industrious utendN`r. Ile tsel- phonelinre. Addre-ringusleetingal consequence est the disibtnne pit,, inin attended duty her inetimmittee unit mingled little with other uMmtx•rYs est Vetlllilion film ti livi. Italy, 114.11. W. p14.Nit 111 tit 11 )'nallllll• ,it 111Nt IMP ler lite (louse. Ile followed retail)- de - H. Cushing. Minister all Public \York, paod ,nvrr 141 Ilei• town insten't if Istes. MOwe\cr, ver?, Carefully, anti for Albet tit, said Ibnt the (SovelnuM"l ituing iu(o 1111• Provincial treasury. oftt-u slimmed till at the nrgul}}lents lend nor into kiln matter intending R K Thr request sews it vert rel,onnllle :,in troth sides iwtore Anu minci6g his otwit nphsion. As as speaker, he pr,lti- to build only lung-dintanee Iinei. Inst all, , seeing that the town of I;nsex ably had no elual. Whenever he aux• had mince detetini ed to build II -'fel Nustainvel all the damage. Ilse lwople to Ninnk tier chamber Nunn fi11t41 lip c%changes anti rural line- throughout spf life test spf till• Province have no till(] though lie often udlhesoned n hus- the whole vounti')'. A4 n tesultof desire to 1111411 by the towu'm alis- use p fairly compelled respect lile hoh ;IIII ndntivafinn. His departlre kill this policy they now had liver Ilse (4), little.. leave a void in Parliament nut cit-ily hundred miles of 14111gAivtAnCe tyle-' filled. ph/+uP ling« rulnplt-t.Y1 :wd in nrwla• Tilt- Ihajlyte'i,ul tenrrll A+- Control the Telephone. tion, had x nunlllet' of Loral exchanges, mehddy'm i nnittee on ►nnial anti Kme-anline Its. iew. and,wete steadily Kuing,ahead with wild AMyal reform h.mde•IIIn-d Irl favol' 41f 'Their. IM out. public Ilel'Vice \\hn'h ale work. Ill` undprAtntod that lilt- me it isymit•111 ti( public owner- Mhnlll,l IM bnlllght, under Mlltdle /•nll- \iAnitrtlul Uocrnluent, which lend Whip of the liquor IraMc in those Iron without InN.4 spf little and flint is the lelelihone. \\'e know of 4.o of 114.1 taken tip tier nuttler IN•fnre them, hod V',l%incc. i4. a'birh Ihee is esu ins• institiltnn whirr ser clow•ly anti- nor• not lalilt a mingle Illile tit line til' mosllatA• 1111/+r Nr't of carrying ptohi- evesfllliv imilntem the INCI it•!, let Ile rgftipllel n Ningle.exebanllt-, nithonKh 1 14,11. Tlie Signal hate un mn ore Iha •11 T.-lel•hoe• Stand,ud Oil ('n. Am the 1(( n U1ry hail hired all kilulr of t-xrwrtP one rNraeion valled ntlentispn to lhls (lo, ('unsidrr tilt- wrvive and n -k why a c11%toulNr -honed pay h'•Itn >Rl.i ' mad had nprx0intwl a 1'ahhMt \Ihuislet• ulplblxl of dealing with till- liquor to ir.,op n yenr rest* III,. lewsil 41f n trlt-- fur the t-xptesa rNlrix,me of hNlking of• pllhlr11l, Int the urganiurl tentlet•- hone fur hN•nl time only, lo" distance V K ter tllim busints-. ant -co ImAlies do not patent to take Pill ra. Consider the service and 71ak Nr. 1'4.shing eSpprsl•41 ill,- hole kindly to it. _. ___-- why you Amidd lift)- fmm ai rent- it fur a (ha P1• nlinutt- Inng-dirtnne• t-nnl- that lash the \Inntohn need Mayipateh \t the auggemliun of the (leinlan tnnnirnliun. The thing is utterly nil- esvan (11overuinenl4 would tate thin Emperor an exchange 0f profePNurr surd and the wonder is flint the matter till and put (heir trunk line wase arrringel isetwepu the 1'niverliti.`s lx•oplp pill up with It w) nulinhly. throughns quickly as rxmosiblt-, w/ Thal of Her lilt need Ilam sill. with lite idea How to Secure Reforms. it could tw arranged to clainlr't with of effecting somw sort of intellev. 'nosmao NrlurdnliNighl. them anti have A great tuvernlnent total tranafunion IN•twe+n Germany.If the Inen who work (tir n wage dp- aystrul Alt river the• WI-Atern county)'. #told ''America." The professor me- more to force certetin quPmtony nn the or nrnnnt'y,ltrntiy, of Pnrlowupnt and the He thought if nliotlet fee adyiaahle in Irate) toyHarvaill, Dr. Schotlrid, turns hart rnura•, whrlhe• in the near future for Ilei• Governmentm oat to lap a Canadian, whereat there Toronto or elw'whotte in CarindA, to Ire Riven e)ntol of telegraphs. If k much conSlernalion in oflirirtl rise- Wooild seen) to IN- In inllnerive the tfile ahtndd Ise doine it w(lild chat very rlrs. Probably the AutoiritieA of nomination of rnndidntrm hl the lune little to put in It Unt•.•rulnent tell•• llarvord Univermilytlnd it,, inteoli"ll )• press YNn!loll P. The rolrtitiletivieg! Nn- sl oehnllwl tip, need lwrryiam iS all graph line, its Ihey runlet ns, the tplr- or slaking tier lar -if ndntismion Ileal the unseen it hmbif, flint its ohree ridinK./ phour i%)lose olds In. All that skinniest moat intellectual retortion of Ihr nut of every fiour Isle man who gets a he neded wn1114l Ile to string another '•Aurpriran" Ilw/ple lire north of the remain nomination is more est plectinn. wire along them. 1 niled Stales Imlindar) . The n)ntrrt in lint A farm of exercise. It al"uses the Ixnple unit keens them fmin thinking. hhery11orly knows The Provincial IAlleral "ler pus- who will win. The (>rnplp turn nil EWORIAL NOT98. phaairpa Lhe importande of the fiscal oil peolling day and are encouraged to --- poorly conveuthone in illedeterndml- think Ihpy{ are setting PinlnllNa•tant lite fhnninion railway colurn loomit/ll Him fit Ula` lw)licy Int the resort Y. Hp gllfMtfnit INIt. the /rl NeNtml wit stet. 0141 Ill Nll•mntw by n few men in the IA a liensitiem inigls .it41n and Is duing asks, that Lllm-rals in co"venthm dotuinantparty when th,•y selected it Furs \left's br,wn woutbal (v/alP, Nuperiur skins and well liner ��� Anti finklied, Special price .................... ..... ........ \ien'm fur r,utoo, bla:•k dog, heavily furred out hest quilted, $20 lined with heavy farnler� satin. No. 1 quality, for.......... . Ladies' Coats L:idie: tine cloth rout., of purr wtxll nlale'iala, long, full $10 � I, rind stylishly triunnel. Spm Special nuhers at 47. SM and....... V W. Acheson & Son wtfe he )lad1 epox ited vouchrr%. Cash':uld it i% enut thought that Arep,to- send r4•optl were time-Ioer•tl. In viould have any enu+e for incendin' addition fu the valliald" in the wife. ism. thee• railnad4 of .tppleN warn niorrd its --- th•' frv•ight steel, readyy for shipping. 1`1w Kigual :old The Tmoulrl Wtr-t aril they \ver,• a Ispl:tl'1 wM. Iv Blore• for a )•e•ar 111,:-1. Kd,ua•e .d The (-;tie--of liteun r He-, i+ tiLiw%t. 11111 in -,-to new sullmrriller-. ll WE HAVE IT T11E. HEST ASSORTkl) ST(X'K OF SWELL WOOLLENS AND FURNISHINGS F. H. Martin The Tailor and Furnisher HEUPUKb Buso-K. G"", "I, II, UST. aaes OVERCOATS1 are having a big run with us, and it's no won- der. The style and workmanship of these garm uts are equal to the high-class merchant tailor goods. They are made in Toronto by highlc-p.li,l tailors. They are not "got up cheap." '1 he only reason they can be sold so cheaply is that the goods are bought directly from the mills and then it's the Inrge iluantity Wrii6l out that enables them to sell so much more cheaply than the retail tailors. Many a customer testifies they are the nicest Over- (-:)attl Ire h.-ts ever seen. Made in Miltons, Beavers alld Cheviots. PRICES, $15.00 TO tf� 2.00 Special Blueand Black Worsteds I 20th Century Bland at $15.00 I ! This is a cloth the companyy had a hig supply of before the advanc'e. We bought tip a lot of them at small profit. Take this opportnn- ity of getthig a fine snit or clothes at this a special price. Sizes :35 to 42, $15.00. WALTER C. PRIDHAM