The Signal, 1907-11-7, Page 7here, fins new store finished, and Neill move in u it as ston an N-. Brown has the cement platform cougdetefl. Miss Mary Gordon entertained a few friends on Hallowe'en. Those who were present report a delightful vening, spent in games, fottune-tell• R and music. ending with tally and a dainty lunch. PORT ALBERT. Tvy.mo.tt-, Nov. 5th. Hallowe'en passed off very quietly In color village. Mrs. Miller, of Stratton.- in the guest of her Matter. Mrs. Olve'. Mrx. It. Hayde@ spstit Thanksgiving with relatives fn Rtidrtetown. Miss MalPl Quaid returnd home last week After visiting for it short time in the 011TUlAr Town. ♦ ' \ staying .Iles Jennie .irKenzilt 1 K with her cousin. Miss Jennie, McMillan, at the present time. Mr. and Mm. Jas. Scott tended the welding Of the latter to nits. Mliss Ido Irwin, Ripley. Inst Wednr n r en, o fHip - ) Thomas Richanlson left yesterday (Monday) for Muskoka, when- he lit - tends to spend A couple- of weeckx with his parents, who rexide there. KINTAIL. Trr:sio.ty, Nov. 5th. Mirk McDonald had a ploughing lar today. %ling E[izalieth EdwAtils, of G,mle- 1'ich. in liolidmyirl8 here. Sid. Oilton, Ili SeAforth, ilaade n business trip here last week. Ruht. McKay, of Kioranlioe, npeut last week with Jag. Mcol;Iegov. Alr. and Mrs. It. tl&, of Golevich. s;wnt Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrt,. Seeonl Owen. I, .1. Simpson, It. A.. of Toronio, anti Mlinn Mary Mellsugal. of While - church, were the• gu eate of Dr. Situp - moll for a couple of days last week. David While"ide, (if Wst-gxow, Scott - land. who has been cnlploftd fur the rrant four montha with Kenilelh Me. er, left this morning for Tumtlto. LAURIER. WRDNIInDAY, NOV. 111 11. George McGregor left for Chicago last Ttllwday. Miss Becca McKenzie spent it few days in Oo derich lAnt week. Fd. Dnrnin, of Dunggannon, called nn friends in thin terig'lliho •hood on Sunday bast. Mina Wry ilrennan has returned home after %1 eftlhlg a week with friends in Luc flow. LANES. SA•rultl)AY, Nov. 'dud. Wedding loells are ringing, ringing, ringing ; you anti hear then[ if yon listen. Mr. and Alts. N'dl. Lane, ofGode- rich; spent 'rhanksgiving visiting relatives at •Lanes. Mrs. Samuel Sherwood visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ilr•ennan, of Kintail, last week. ,Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Treleaven loved family, of Ripley. forwent Thanksgiving At the home of Mrs. Jas. Lane. Sidney liilsm, n; !i-aforth, our for- mer merchant of Elle+, paid is Hyll, visit in these parts on Friday heat. quite it numixer of members of Inner Hille Associalion gxthe•eit on the %hooting grounds on Thanlesigiv. ing to juin fn the xlortsof the day. Ji he weather w • c • t.hr past tP vrrk+ as h Iteen remarkably fine for all fall work. especially f, r the apple packers, who have! liana good use If the oppor- t pity. Reott and INetnt em wereuuentiy Hunter cover before the re- cent rnin. RIVI.K rtrllmrT.- The Innes Rifle As- soriation intend holdileig their annual', Shoot on Friday and Saturday, Nov -i romix-r Late, and 11th. All will) are meyulte"are re{nexted to attend and tak�.purt in the• shooting. Prizes will Iwo teed cur thr Ire•Pt indit•idual Scor. ing an full atlrndance is rarruexted, LOTHIAN. \Ir-. H. Harris, Chicago. is the gucst if her siswr. Mrx. Neil Murdoch. Mists Hinlie Due CINIt' I her' gis- Ier. Miss AI. Ilurl' one day lust week. !dins Minnie It ker h returned t(t her hone in Kincardiur err visiting friend% hee. Me. rend Mra. ptul,intom, Auulon, spent Thanksgiving its tilt• go, wtm of Mfrs. T. A. McKeith, SI foo, Rxrl err. The fullowiti .. the pinuding of the fo hopes of S. S. IVIS. 7. A rthileld : Part L Graham McNny; Edith Mcinnis, Jennie Johnston. Pau t If. Olive McKrith. E tea Hogan, clarpnce Henderson, Finlay Agar. Thomas Cork. Second-Sn(lle (,oxok. F iia Agar. Kellar McNay. Thiel Ethel McKeith, Oretta Uarlaplwl), John McKeith, Rol- McKeith, Ken- neth Henderson, ire•ne Smeltze+r, Chane Hinelt7er, Maggie MClo"P" Runnel Ritchie. Janet Ritchies, Mahe• McKeith. Junior fourth -Kenneth canlpiwll. Donelda Hogan, Murdena McKenzie. Senior fourth= Lena Hen; odersm, Hannah Hogan. Fifth -Lei Altar, Bridget flogan- --' Alex. McLentlnn hri% t•enteil his LUCKNOW. farm to Ken. McKenzie and intend - going Nest Phortly. MoNnAy, Nov.'Ith. Mime .(fall Johnvtl n Atli] t'Idtm. Mr_ lien. N-. McGrcgnr has given tip (;rrgnr, of liolerirh, spent 'fbnnkg• hosines tend gone t, Chicago. lie givinr at their houses here. su•itlirl all outgtnding account% ex - j,(, -pt McKenzie intends lenvinK for .•,•pre that with the F'it•mers' Supply the• words nu Saturday. (.'herr lip, AdOurjostiny lin liquidation). For the RRirlg ; he will tie Mick with .the ppring stock in of twit he hex placer his Ilirds, duck fn tont with J. Mlnmhialon. Mission Tens tion;�pf, nU Goderirh, WKIlf"C' --T w o weddings on Gracir McLean, pf RI tAil, find Isola- Wednesdity evening raitgeol quits a ,will- Mcleman, of Laurier, repent flurry. Muap M1nry Melntyre, of Kin - Saturday In Ntratlevran. loner, wan married to N 111. McKonz.ip, tinveller, of Toronto. Both thr eon - CREWE. v'arting parties are very favorably known here. and it large number of MONnAY. N41%-. tile. rtiendg grew them off on flit, atte•rnnnn Hr. AM \Ir•". Kimmel Cnngram, of gain for Toronto. At the Pante time Kinls)w, srirnt'Chnrslny with fiend% Mims Ida Irwin, eldest daughter ill heir. Nlroo. S. Irwin, Commercial house. flip AI r. Freeman, who (IAN rellrsl Airs. Iev• `van inan'ied to A. McDonald, of Robert. McConnell's old farm, is hugy 1luron township, hall) lull front fall ploughing. were pre%ent, inrludinR Ofrien l' fund Mr. And Mrs. Iwtiah 1'nn stent. „r Kincardine, 1)dngannnn, OwrnSonlnd. R Atwoxl, Guelph and 1-11dot). Twos Lurknow, i, wilt Venday with Mr. surd from Locknow were Men. B,yd, Mr Mr,. Thorn. rongrun. nnrl Mies. Mnrehiscsn. McMor•a11', Mrs. Jan. Mcl)nnnld Ions gone to nrehe+elra fn•ni-het usunic for the writ Winghani to sr,pnd the winter with ding ceremony, during the Puppet her so, David McDonald, nerved afterwareln send for dancing Alfieri. Shackleton and Victor which eontinued till 3oiclock. Till Curran, of the lirxleirh (:ollrptiate In- deride was thrrPri I I o ninny totitute, were home for Thnnk"giving, honantifol ptesentA. The happy couplf Some of the other U. l i. I. students here• left, by early train for Toronto. are ant parking apples at present. I------- - HorotlT lfAUD1'.iRK Bt:srNErs.--- Hememher the date of S. L. Taulx'� Rotlett MrKenzie has olfNlxsnrd ref his; visit. to tiolerieh, and If your eyes farnioil the -Ah -onepaaion of Aghtield IN•ther you in anv way make it. a to Won. Anderson, hardwave merrh• ro,int, to consult hint ' thHdop antof UnnRa;nove. Mr. Anderson is lolltit(Plntr, on Thnrwlav and Friday giving lip business and Mr. McKenzie November 21st and '?2nd. the concert was of A 1 h ohteN. The receipt; amounted to tKi. fit's xtgrwCn.txlaK.-Wm.Andrrwnt, wits) h:w carried nn it hat•elware finaf- nemH here file muse year", hat, ofis{Iresed of him husiness to Moist. McKenzie. (tf the 5th conee•yiou of Ashfield. Air. McKenzie will take possession about Deceinh er 1st. LOYAL. SATURDAY, NOV -o nd. SAYING FAREWICIA.. -- As lima ;it- lead)- Ieen noted in these! colunenn. Mr. and HrN. (gen. F. McPhee Are leaving this neigh lot Mr. Mc- 11hee having disposed of.the general store and peedofBce business which he conducted for it numlter or years. Mr. McPhee has been the postmaster fr IArt-fil ever since the pxsdoffire wits es- tablished here. :full we find his eslim- :abl.• wife have not only di -charged their dillies to the utnliett %satisfaction of the community. but have by their- unfailing heir unfailing courtrxy and kindliness en- deared themselves to out, pea {)IP. 'rhes ars not giving very tier mtyav, lnot it wan felt that they could not Is• ill- loweel to sever their connectioil with the Loyal regrle, without some ulani- festatihn of life 1•eteefll ill which the y are held. So the other evening atxsut thirty-five of their friends assembled At their home for A farewell party. The evening wits s vent very ple,tsalit- Iy with muste Anel Kunlen, and About midnight the 111dies Of the r41ln;tany prepat•el lo lastly lnerch, which waw ppiu•takerl of with touch rel isele. H..1. `tor is, L oytel's .1. P. and recognized spoliestuall. N•AH 1.111.11 called tips ol. in(] in a few well-chosen rensat•ks slxoke fn complimentary terms of Mr. and Mrs. McPhee nncl exit -vessel the "close of pals which ties, whole neighlsrrheNx] felt in their departure, at the sailne time extending tire holm- that they might Ice long slint•ed to enjoy their leautiful home in the rounty town. These sentiments were hetrtil�• e•n- dorsed ht' flit- Rnthering. fins then after Auid Lang sytle and (,eat Save the King had lire) gong the company dixp er"el wishing Mr. And Mrx. MDc- Pikee all manner of fernsprrity. I;ARLOW. MONDAY, NOV. Ith. Mrs. Varcoe went to Toronto to spend the Thanksgiving term. Rev. NV. Johnston, late of Alherla, preached in flit- Presbyterian church clic lA"t two yrthbnthm. Alan. Chan. and Misn McIlAnly N'ent to Toronto tl spend Thanksgiving with Alias McHanly, of the Moven City. Mine host of the Carlij v hotel ling �kit lt fine high•mlepping While• driver. Or. Miller is is grenl lover of f:ulcy hor%er, Will. Bern hit% Iwen ander lite (]iN•- tor's care fort hree or rift,,. weeks. hill we nue glad to know that fire in now getting around ngain :still hop%- he will Poon he O. K. Ed. )lardy, foreman for Tho4. Borns, has'nlored into Harry Tews- lev's house, and John Jardine, fom- inan for It. M. Young, tx now occupy. Ing the houne vacated by Air. H artly. Trip Atli-,Kmg.---The fine weather of the last two weeks tit is gone now, a1nP!i gave the fat -niers n' splendid opportunity to get their ap- plen pnrked "fill their rlola in.. The apple -buyer- have been shipping two o• three r:att a week from McGaw ntalion. some groverswho sold their orchnnls fn hulk re'p.)rt that they lo"I money on the deal that f-, they would haat- nonde ninre if they hall gold by the harrel. On the other hand, in name raprg the hnyers hAve Ifeet the I.etern, the yield not. horning net. am Ial•pe an they expected fn the Poorly gurilmer. What is fair flit- one to fait ter the other. go neither the hu-vrra nor the farnern should complain river- unn•il. ' ALKX. .14111NsToN g NTKAMKII.- Tilt- following hp following in from a Htitinh Colunlhia pa1wr, the Alex. Johnston t•eferr d to leing a ion of Andrew Johnston. (if (him Inweinhip. lie has Iween in the 1 lists r Mlminpss at ilio. Cox"t for %Pveral a vPArl: The little steamer HraDl caught Hre s shnitly After her arrival at GrAhile Point, last Monday e%ening. And Ie. lot's the Union were got under con. SIGNAL : (;0l,'E1tICHa girt. K, Uol the interior houaewotk crit, hostel up. A cuuplP of lnl+n who were sive piilg un Ix•sent had (heir •lothe.c scorched and tree horned alNout. the 11111)(110 putting tho fire out. rite Hrant, han liven used by Alex. lohngton, ilmudlger of flit- ISaateIYdoll rhulwr Co. 'If callus fit HardN•ick In- land field (graffito. 1'411111, fol -running u oetwecq the cantles, unit it was shurt- v after his Arrival lit liraulit• Point 11 tine Hardwick Wood That Ips. Inner, look the, the ilxi oes first brenktilg out •round the (oiler AUBURN. ' T F?41l.%y', Nut'. 3t h. MlnsloN.yHy srusfuxs.--Rev. li. N. lumen, H. A.. tit G,sleeach, will Illeach niNsionary anniversary rernams on be Auburn circuit next Monday, at onnybroek 11 a. tits., Westfield 'I:YIt o. fu., and Auburn a p. ill, l'I.Ilec- tons and suhacrfptinna (til lwh:tlf of nigxiuns will la• taken kit all Of these ervices. - WESTFIELD. '1'rr::n.yY. Nola•. 3t h. The home of N'eslcv.1. Stlac•khonsc vas Rladdeneel by the arrival of a ittle daughter oil h ank..gicing Morn. Ili-. and .{lrs. Gorlon and Master i nal f 1.1 kt w xnt Thank )• 1 :icing flay At the hodue of W. If. 'ampla•II. Rev. G. N. {faun. of North at 'O. iode•ich, will rn•each ulinsionary ^Iicr- imnot oil thl+l circuiron Sunday nest. quve•lulwr little. James Redmond h ill the misfortune o lien. one of his nurxt valuable hoi-%es Wee morning last week, arult- indiges- ion being the cause of death. Hra. N. to. Ainmlle tried little daugh- er Alice, of Tilbury. spent the holi- lays .sit the home of Mrs. Ainefe's lntrnta. .1. N. and Mr-. ('nrnpliell. it vs. %lnslie's little dateghter Vyrle eturneft holue with heJ', having spent he {oast two) neonths with her Kramf- narelltN. PROSPERITY. Ti-psimy, N,)v. 3111, O(-ronxH Si utnel. IIKWIRT.-The fol. owing is the• standing of the pupils of 4. S. No. Y, West IN,awano"h, for. alie nonth of October: Juniiir' iV.---I izzie Ftuker. George sextet.. Seuiol' H. -- Violette Plunkett. George. rwanlley. Junior I If. - Muriel Wush- ngtou. Charlie Mills, Charlie Twa n- ey. Senior• IL--Inwrence• Batter. Whiter AVaAhington, Lillie Plunkett. luniur H. Luvinx Hutchins. Ada Medd. Part H. - Plovin Mesa, Nlutiel Stoith, Hanitah Fluker, Adeline Snlide, Hoozel Finnigan. Senior Part 1.--Ceil Baxter, Lillie Hutchins. Junior Part l. --Boron Millin, Edythe. Scrimgeour. MAHVL A. 13A t r.1 K; Teacher. BENMILLER. MONDAY. Nov Ith. Mrm. Will. Good, of GOtlerich, m nt A short time with her daughter, Mrx. John Long. Misa Malwl )Straughan is still nn the sick Ifs:. Her many friends hope for. tieralxwdy recovery. A ndiufler of gate must have run •away Inst Thursday night, for of course none of rhe hoys took them. Mr. unit Mrs. Fre/l•- Stoke, find fnrnily spent Thank"giving Day with .Ira. Stokes' a t, cent Al r. � k and .1 1 r" A. Heddle. A. S. Gledhill• formerly of Beumiller n , but, ow of Kincardine• is spending a few days reifewing old acqumintit ncen. We 'it's- phjased tit see liters look ser well. The young men of our burizentertain I-(] the youug ladien to re taffy pu11 last Friday night. A very enjoyable evening wax spent in games find social intercourse. And the pleasant Rath- e•ing be -Oke lip -well, so nedalie before daylight. Mr. and 11". If: It. Long. of Dun. K:iunon. ";writ A few dayg Inst week nt Iheir Old home here, They also at. feuded the -welding of Mt•g. IAnlg'" brother, A. Fimhe•, un N'elne o liv evening I:u t. The groom'n tnan)• friends extend tai him hearty coh- Kratulations. The Epworth !'league service Inst ,rhut-Any evening took the forst of a Thanks •\ing prayer meeting, H. Mew ltd the meeting. The topic for next meeting will Iw, "The Greed for Gold." taken by Rey, l'. H. Durrant. Don't mists I (lig meeting, but c•onle %fill he ire•nelitted by it. GHKtcrlxo. Gentlemen and Ladies, young men and naidpns, reserve Christanta eve for- the Christmas tree entertainment to Ise given by the Ren - miller Sunday school in Henniller church. Don't fail to put in an np- pearnnce, its one of tile! lwst proKraufs that have ever been given in tills MPC - tion will he presented, need that. i" HAV- ing a goal deal. Dont' forget the dAe -Decemher *file. Come rhe, come all. Both old and young. To ses and hear - What w ill' he done_ COLBORNE. 7'rxxn.4.4. Nov. 5ih. iloft 'rift: So nus.►xa STAN11. I'hp following I%llie st"nding of the nlpils Of S. S, No. 7. hornet On g.nernppI.n- ticiency' and Iest exiuninatfnng : .lien• lot' IV. R64ie Do"t, Willie Snyder. ONTAWO The new Ayer's Hair Vigor will certainly do this work, because, first of all, it de- stroys the germy which are the original cause of dandruff. (laving given this aid, nature completes the cure. The scalp is restorcd to a perfectly healthy condition. -dude by the J. U. ares Cg., r.uwtat, Mosse.- LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL in your spare time at home, kir Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn the teach on ash or instalment P. t •n Weal also teach a ' la • personal class at school once a and,nth. Class commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessonsteaches how to cut, fit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over seven Owusand dress -making, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to any ons that cannot learn between the age of '14 and 4o. You cannot learn dress -making An thorough at this course teaches if you work in shops for years. Beware of imita- tions as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one- third for a short time. Address: - SANDERS DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL, ill Sets Ht.. etraftord, Oat.. C'an;.dr Seniifr ill. -Lorne Allin.' Middle Ill. --Barlsu•a McCalwe Florence Snyder. Junior Ill.--willeeluline lirigg, Maisel' Grigg. Senior . 11. -(lifTo"d Fisher, Mirian Schwartz, De•Ila Grigg, Jansen' Ffaher. Willie McCabe. Senior. part' 1. -Harvey Nnvder, Verm1 Ohler. Junior Part i. -Bennie Allin, Ada Grigg, tiertie Ohler, E-mie Fisher. Allin Brindley. Brivrt.% C. HILLIAN, Teacher-. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Hoxt).yY, Nov. Ith. Reeve Middleton to away on a trip to MAllitolxa but will Ix home fn it few davit. Peter (I all in, of the III ficoncessiol, how sold his fArm to C. Fuller! of ('ul- INa'ne. There are eighty acres, leas what the railwny ruts off, and the price WAS Alxlnt $!J,fN11t Alaster McGuire luta recovend from hits attack Of suutlllxsx and is able to Ire (tilt. One of his siAtet•a contracted the disen-w in if mild form, but no serious ramuli•+ Are expecteetl. John B. Stewart, of the Baylleld line, hie returned from If ten months' trip to the. British Isles. Ilia travel. ling companion wfw.lnhu DittTow, for Hayfield. They visited funny of the points Of interest and [tad a most en- joyable time. Milos Edna Cupp liavinet tendered her resignatiou as teacher to S. S. No. H. to go into effect :it the end or the year, Mists Fila AlahatTy. lel preN- ert attending the Clinton Model School, has )well engaged fn her place, at a salary of $3511. N•x11NIr.Mh,\Y, Nut•. Itch. Dr:.►TH erg Mitts NKtt'Tox.--The ee•e ayulpathy of the conununiry is with the sorrowing relativex fn the death on Monday of Miss Michel .1. Newton• eldest daughter of ('llinlent. Newton, Porter'" Hill. Miss Newton was thirty-one year, of nge and lord been ill A lona time. The fnueral took place titin afternoon. tilt- services Ise. ing conducted by Rev. T. A. Stead- man. of Hayfield. The pall-Itenrel•s were Milton'Wooxls. IA -lie 1'11x. HOW. and Uox• Herisert Cox. L. D. Yen find Fred Pickard. L. 0. L. Sur•r•HR.- The mvioloers wf L. O. L. No. 11.), Goliforiell township. :elebratel the 5th of November Tart night fit their hall on the Ith conces- sion, by holding a fowl Nnpp er and entertainment for the mpinhera and their families, About sixty ill- seven- ty persons were present. and Ample justice wits done to ltie exeenentsup. per, after which :a program of songs and addresses was given. Rev. James Hamilton, poastor of Union and Lee. burn Preshyte•ian rhurehes, gate are address send nhnrt speeches were given by itnuullier of the membet•s. Songs were given in go«1 style iov John Kirkpatrick, Fdwainl Flliounnd others• and an all-rruud good lime was spent. KIPPEN. -1010*4imy, Nov. 4th. Master Karl Southcott, of Fxeter, Spent lt few days recently At the home tri .1. B. INnslale. A %Vto.wtN flim -%f nr:u. Arra. ale•.) F..1. Sutcliffe. of Corliet.t, preached excellent illit",lotlAt•y mernlnns in ('his. elhurst and Kipp en on a recent Mon. day. The nlimniomtry offerings thin A Boston schoolboy was tall, weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scott's Emulsion. NOW: To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50o. AND 61.00. TuuitaD.tY, Novembor 7, 1907 7 Fall Wearables NEWEST WEAVES, PATTERNS AND ART -TAILORED DESIGNS IN -FALL OVERCOATS and .. FALL SUITS .. . MADE -TO -YOUR - MEASURE, READY-TO-WEAR OR SEMI -READY. NEW STOCK OF MEDIUM WEIGHT FALL UNDERWEAR IN SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SOCKS, etc. Call at the Palace Clothing Store for your fall wants. EVERYTHING for MEN and BOYS McLEAN L_.J Does it Pay i, to buy a Stove or I►.dllge because the first cost is cheap ?• Will It be Profitable in the loll.., Plitt to buy a cheaper Range than the PANDORA?,, The firepot -linings are made of the best cast iron and wear for vears. Take time to examine our Manges and Heaters; we can tell you something you ought to know. International Stock Food Paroid Roofing E. P. Paulin 'PHONES: Store. 57 Residence, 177 year will Im• in advitnee or last voter by i Mr. and MI -P, John Filter, of Sex - At leant. t \venty ler crut.. it in thought. ' ainith, and %Irm. N'. Pierce, of Iona, I.tst year the Kippen circuit gained were visiting their friend", Mr. and 1011il out of tilt- A11111 lldv.tett-dl oil thr Airs. Johnston, lately. Whole Exeter district. I CnxnlTuoxs IN Nxw YORK ST.tTE.-. Miss" Ido I)insislP, of the Stereo -W. 3. Jonem and his front. Mr. Phil. graphic In"titution. Londren.iopent the I lips, have returned home after a toter Thanksgiving vacation with her pxtr- weeks' visit with friend" near Troy cots here. I and Albany, New York State. They Mc. and MIs. Wm. Northcott and I le•nnclndel on tittle s.l SI'ODDART'S HARNESS SHOP 1 For ]horse blankets from 63c to $3.00. Stoildart's Special Solid Rawhide Whips 35c. The heaviest Saskatchewan Robe, interlined with rubber, for $7.30. Tho light weight $1 leas. Men's Fur Coats in Coon, Galloway Cow, Cheviot, Buffalo and Black China Dog, all sold on guar- antee at reasonable prices. We have a large stock of Trunks and Suit Cases. Very special cases for ladies. We don't think it any trouble to show them to you any bine. All leather guaranteed in single and double harness. STODDA RT'S IIA RNESS SHOP GODERICH. STOVES have gone tip in price. We had a large Shipment in before the advance. You get the benefit if You -buy beforo these are gone. Get the most popular Stove or, Itange. One that. will last. 7'11E JE W EL GEO. BECKETT, Ifamilton ltrect Agent. ,1'11 E R,P41's`4'i"'i``'`''%4 The News of the Dist 4* DUNLOP. I but purchased film stuck and intends I BELFAST. to mupply Nit,. Anderrun'm old cus-I 1't'xau.4LY, NOV. Sth• I t, . -H an usual in the hanlware lilts.. 11 I,II%Y, Noy. J111. Hi►a ('uwt+run link Irolutncd to 1 Phos, Hogie, of IAeeburn, is It, resi- (-two hill a cull Wingfiam. drat of our burK iluw. Alto. I.aw•Rln visited lues sial, JOhn, !- - -- The heavy relax Of p:ttt dugs lints :at llamiltuu last week. MAFEKINU. our floe lin NpA. ('ling. Hail ht11d, Of oval. Barrie. MONDAY. Nov. till. I A. eo,ton lied is vtmilin. fiomlr in M vi I'allotle Holt if was down file- neveral days seeing relit- All gervicem ILL Blake's church w'c" I iveN here and at. Loyal. He is lot ill a wit ldl•awtl un Solidity owing til 1,01tuu. 'Pliny. Agar, of IAoulon, is t•ixitiuK Iwliever in mingle bletwedueHs. quarterly we•rviee at Zion. 1relatives +kill[ friends here this week. I 'rhe Latin About here mlilolA[ forgot it fOhn slake left tilt- Fort, Frances lilt I Mrs. penning, of Paris. Ontario. lilts' was Hallowe'en time this year. Only ota•ninlie has secured u S,atuny ilg. returned houlp after- N mending it fort - Ierrt-. one flu -111 gate was 11oved front its {wrsition :w time•keeper for a cowpony eight with her pnlcnts plAct. and It wn% not carried very fat'. „f [t"fliwl'ttem. I lilt e HeCrostie. wilt in hnmP - - -' 10y Hrytlges. will) lilts repent Illont fl -ton Iclls:dl, had fill, Illimfortlme til LEEISURN. of the summer with eelativer here, 'down w Stratford lust week. have one kit his eyes INadly hurt. We tare gglad to know like might is not in - Nov. 3111. went lie in working in the car solution there. jutetl. Samuel Putter tot building a cement Worthy Kilpatrick, ,of the G. C. I., piglwu for F. N. Sha%v herr. Haiti.. Stotherm, of the (i. Al. S., mild UUNUANNUN. Mthew Foley spent 'thanksgiving awith Finlav field and Marl Rivera. of Lock. 1 A. NEWTON. DFNrl%T, LUCK- Icayy his daughter, Mrs. O'Brien, now puhlie school, NIN!nt Ihanksgiv- NOW. - AthwueeverytinyelimptTbulY,- 1 day.. New lY mllayfur eatralnhta teeth l`4uuuldr At l.un(loll• ing holtdaym at t leis• lea{xr•livr furw6taet ler lhau�flam. frown and bridge: work After getting water at Mr. ]footer's homes. eves Unrninwu p4dw Inmrbreukxblrl. Me-, Kunlz %went to James McManus iat Fl,utoW Dlns.lN ATKO. -- Either TWa ln- N. H.--l'oa call al N'a)',. Have your work •cloth I latter dune in lite leftist offl • more, thew. lint•hraid and in atnitln :kit artesian K ley, flit- ten -year-old son of lieu. better fw•ilitins for doing the work. Inure volar well there. 'I,wandev.v stoTerd it painful accident furtablefor the Lx4tsent. agiving vinits here Amongst Thmil:nt on hridnlast. He fell oil it hors *T(yl {CI:. --THF IAX'AL AGENCY were Hiss Mary Linklmter, Of Strat- andhiul ins eltN,w knocked out of 1V in lain�f:aanmt cur The Nlanal i+Nl lhn Paal fold. awl Mr. and Mrs. A. McKny. joilit• field lar a con%1•l1frence Will eairry his In a sling fat• a week lot- -11. torn- Houk All stationery 14ore, where , unit•er will be rece %ed for oulw'riptinn% ad. of Goderich, lianowN en practices vete ill sr1'\'el lit•ili illri.K sitoirr. -Quite. it number cel- vertisina and job work• and n"•uipts will tie I(tven for a111uuutl Wald for •lie i out. I„Mime of tit(. nla a1N11 here twenty Pb1 sled tlinkr. i\11K i/a >• bY Rof a g Will (reef 1 spent Thanksgiving huuly ahead of time. 1Awt year the over 141 rifle practice at Ill nes, lit hi" huule her'. i owner of n certain farm Kate which Owing tO Iaf•k -if practice U1r "Cell'ing blit of the new R. H. 1\' lis spent a frly day" Lam i j 1 S usell to Ile lifted annually fixed it so the hOva could not inove it, we this was not high, some hands did v eiy well indeel. At In.- week fn our village. year the Lova thought they would get loitering to the Awaa•iati„n shoald do Hr+. (lice retorted tma)• as free.• ahriul kir him, e annual sh;rending then heat to attend tile shoot is few days with fridm ill , tse A YftxKR.tni.K J11ILYMAX.- Quite A on Friday and Saturday. November London. ontnls•r of our residents were fn Gods, lath tend Iuth.:and endeavor to carry' Miss Holmes. of Luc•knoty, NIfent a i rich on Friday of last week, slime a; off s1Ane Of the honors. few days last week at flit- home• of 1 li.tt•Ilcrx, womll! AN witlleWN•m. fiend ro;eeI rte Hfreil. It KI•o HT.---RePnt't kir K. .4 Dr. llice. uryown. in the 1•,118, of Wiggins No. 11, Ashfield, rise- Octolie•, showing Mihs Fria Ilendermnu. Of Toronto Veraux McManus. Thr venerable the standing of the pupfla. loaned on. Nuulni school. s4m-nt Thanksgiving r tiRlllllel Mlllrrla. will, has panned Ills written weekly tests V. - (�ilYll)an 1 r Ylor. kiade• tile wuent t ninny -second luilealnne. Wiw s•leetel •ylothet•N. IV. Total Clarks 41J1-- If. It. Long and wite attended the as ons of the jury to try the cast-. It ix Fanny Fitzgerald. •awl; Leila Blake, wedding of flip l:atter's brother at ' a rarity to find one at the t tinge of life •JINI; %%'Alter Alto n• 'Sr►/: Will ,Alton, llaytleld on Weluesdav Inst. present da court Of las without tilt' 241 ; "Mary SRunderl, =27 : I':retest ilins T. Durnin• who is nt- present I infirmities of ohl age ti worn• him. Hall, 17:; : -George Saunders, 1R8 ; teaching near Millon. spent it few I ----- - Wallace Twanlley (mheopeft for- exam. 1, (lays last week it her honee hers.. SHEPPARDTON. Senior Ill. -focal *lie FfIle John- Will. Hill, who hats sprat tile 1411111- M/I!fllAY, NOV. till.137; hits Junior I It. Jennie Stuthern, •Ellin Twaholry, Wit: •font Illrr with friends set Stralhcuna. Alta.. Miww L. I. McLean wPent Thanks- tile, ltU; -Edith Johnston• Ki: Will is at teientxtx iu at Dr. P ) R f giving at her home +tt Klntail. (ilazler Iah tent for exattl. I1. -Will Mies Haley, Shu for it nuullrer of 1 Mr's. T. IonKheity atoll daughter. Fitzgerald, Li h• Alton. Idfa Glazier -yea rs hex condnetel a dressmaker's ; Mw {Charlotte, fire visiting friends ft 1'art 11. Iteta Twaulley, Gladys ;hill) in this village, moved last week i Wingleam. Rivers. John Glen, Peter Glazier. to Guderich, where she will engage in Rev. C. M. Rutherford and Rey. T. Part L - Beryl Johnston. Irene the saute line of business. Nicks, of Dungannon, made st-vrrnL / - were Moran. Thuile marked tee n laeht ma i x• • 'co. b •' vier n --Thr h f 1 l i n St xs P 1 K Y pastoral calls fn this neighborhood for part of the eirnininations, J. C, tit. Paul's churrh god �'ItAnkmgiving last week: S•nrrimmm. Teacher•, night was lt go and success. The sup - J. H. !i ptson, genet•al merchant - per wits all that could hedewitei slid here, fins new store finished, and Neill move in u it as ston an N-. Brown has the cement platform cougdetefl. Miss Mary Gordon entertained a few friends on Hallowe'en. Those who were present report a delightful vening, spent in games, fottune-tell• R and music. ending with tally and a dainty lunch. PORT ALBERT. Tvy.mo.tt-, Nov. 5th. Hallowe'en passed off very quietly In color village. Mrs. Miller, of Stratton.- in the guest of her Matter. Mrs. Olve'. Mrx. It. Hayde@ spstit Thanksgiving with relatives fn Rtidrtetown. Miss MalPl Quaid returnd home last week After visiting for it short time in the 011TUlAr Town. ♦ ' \ staying .Iles Jennie .irKenzilt 1 K with her cousin. Miss Jennie, McMillan, at the present time. Mr. and Mm. Jas. Scott tended the welding Of the latter to nits. Mliss Ido Irwin, Ripley. Inst Wednr n r en, o fHip - ) Thomas Richanlson left yesterday (Monday) for Muskoka, when- he lit - tends to spend A couple- of weeckx with his parents, who rexide there. KINTAIL. Trr:sio.ty, Nov. 5th. Mirk McDonald had a ploughing lar today. %ling E[izalieth EdwAtils, of G,mle- 1'ich. in liolidmyirl8 here. Sid. Oilton, Ili SeAforth, ilaade n business trip here last week. Ruht. McKay, of Kioranlioe, npeut last week with Jag. Mcol;Iegov. Alr. and Mrs. It. tl&, of Golevich. s;wnt Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrt,. Seeonl Owen. I, .1. Simpson, It. A.. of Toronio, anti Mlinn Mary Mellsugal. of While - church, were the• gu eate of Dr. Situp - moll for a couple of days last week. David While"ide, (if Wst-gxow, Scott - land. who has been cnlploftd fur the rrant four montha with Kenilelh Me. er, left this morning for Tumtlto. LAURIER. WRDNIInDAY, NOV. 111 11. George McGregor left for Chicago last Ttllwday. Miss Becca McKenzie spent it few days in Oo derich lAnt week. Fd. Dnrnin, of Dunggannon, called nn friends in thin terig'lliho •hood on Sunday bast. Mina Wry ilrennan has returned home after %1 eftlhlg a week with friends in Luc flow. LANES. SA•rultl)AY, Nov. 'dud. Wedding loells are ringing, ringing, ringing ; you anti hear then[ if yon listen. Mr. and Alts. N'dl. Lane, ofGode- rich; spent 'rhanksgiving visiting relatives at •Lanes. Mrs. Samuel Sherwood visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ilr•ennan, of Kintail, last week. ,Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Treleaven loved family, of Ripley. forwent Thanksgiving At the home of Mrs. Jas. Lane. Sidney liilsm, n; !i-aforth, our for- mer merchant of Elle+, paid is Hyll, visit in these parts on Friday heat. quite it numixer of members of Inner Hille Associalion gxthe•eit on the %hooting grounds on Thanlesigiv. ing to juin fn the xlortsof the day. Ji he weather w • c • t.hr past tP vrrk+ as h Iteen remarkably fine for all fall work. especially f, r the apple packers, who have! liana good use If the oppor- t pity. Reott and INetnt em wereuuentiy Hunter cover before the re- cent rnin. RIVI.K rtrllmrT.- The Innes Rifle As- soriation intend holdileig their annual', Shoot on Friday and Saturday, Nov -i romix-r Late, and 11th. All will) are meyulte"are re{nexted to attend and tak�.purt in the• shooting. Prizes will Iwo teed cur thr Ire•Pt indit•idual Scor. ing an full atlrndance is rarruexted, LOTHIAN. \Ir-. H. Harris, Chicago. is the gucst if her siswr. Mrx. Neil Murdoch. Mists Hinlie Due CINIt' I her' gis- Ier. Miss AI. Ilurl' one day lust week. !dins Minnie It ker h returned t(t her hone in Kincardiur err visiting friend% hee. Me. rend Mra. ptul,intom, Auulon, spent Thanksgiving its tilt• go, wtm of Mfrs. T. A. McKeith, SI foo, Rxrl err. The fullowiti .. the pinuding of the fo hopes of S. S. IVIS. 7. A rthileld : Part L Graham McNny; Edith Mcinnis, Jennie Johnston. Pau t If. Olive McKrith. E tea Hogan, clarpnce Henderson, Finlay Agar. Thomas Cork. Second-Sn(lle (,oxok. F iia Agar. Kellar McNay. Thiel Ethel McKeith, Oretta Uarlaplwl), John McKeith, Rol- McKeith, Ken- neth Henderson, ire•ne Smeltze+r, Chane Hinelt7er, Maggie MClo"P" Runnel Ritchie. Janet Ritchies, Mahe• McKeith. Junior fourth -Kenneth canlpiwll. Donelda Hogan, Murdena McKenzie. Senior fourth= Lena Hen; odersm, Hannah Hogan. Fifth -Lei Altar, Bridget flogan- --' Alex. McLentlnn hri% t•enteil his LUCKNOW. farm to Ken. McKenzie and intend - going Nest Phortly. MoNnAy, Nov.'Ith. Mime .(fall Johnvtl n Atli] t'Idtm. Mr_ lien. N-. McGrcgnr has given tip (;rrgnr, of liolerirh, spent 'fbnnkg• hosines tend gone t, Chicago. lie givinr at their houses here. su•itlirl all outgtnding account% ex - j,(, -pt McKenzie intends lenvinK for .•,•pre that with the F'it•mers' Supply the• words nu Saturday. (.'herr lip, AdOurjostiny lin liquidation). For the RRirlg ; he will tie Mick with .the ppring stock in of twit he hex placer his Ilirds, duck fn tont with J. Mlnmhialon. Mission Tens tion;�pf, nU Goderirh, WKIlf"C' --T w o weddings on Gracir McLean, pf RI tAil, find Isola- Wednesdity evening raitgeol quits a ,will- Mcleman, of Laurier, repent flurry. Muap M1nry Melntyre, of Kin - Saturday In Ntratlevran. loner, wan married to N 111. McKonz.ip, tinveller, of Toronto. Both thr eon - CREWE. v'arting parties are very favorably known here. and it large number of MONnAY. N41%-. tile. rtiendg grew them off on flit, atte•rnnnn Hr. AM \Ir•". Kimmel Cnngram, of gain for Toronto. At the Pante time Kinls)w, srirnt'Chnrslny with fiend% Mims Ida Irwin, eldest daughter ill heir. Nlroo. S. Irwin, Commercial house. flip AI r. Freeman, who (IAN rellrsl Airs. Iev• `van inan'ied to A. McDonald, of Robert. McConnell's old farm, is hugy 1luron township, hall) lull front fall ploughing. were pre%ent, inrludinR Ofrien l' fund Mr. And Mrs. Iwtiah 1'nn stent. „r Kincardine, 1)dngannnn, OwrnSonlnd. R Atwoxl, Guelph and 1-11dot). Twos Lurknow, i, wilt Venday with Mr. surd from Locknow were Men. B,yd, Mr Mr,. Thorn. rongrun. nnrl Mies. Mnrehiscsn. McMor•a11', Mrs. Jan. Mcl)nnnld Ions gone to nrehe+elra fn•ni-het usunic for the writ Winghani to sr,pnd the winter with ding ceremony, during the Puppet her so, David McDonald, nerved afterwareln send for dancing Alfieri. Shackleton and Victor which eontinued till 3oiclock. Till Curran, of the lirxleirh (:ollrptiate In- deride was thrrPri I I o ninny totitute, were home for Thnnk"giving, honantifol ptesentA. The happy couplf Some of the other U. l i. I. students here• left, by early train for Toronto. are ant parking apples at present. I------- - HorotlT lfAUD1'.iRK Bt:srNErs.--- Hememher the date of S. L. Taulx'� Rotlett MrKenzie has olfNlxsnrd ref his; visit. to tiolerieh, and If your eyes farnioil the -Ah -onepaaion of Aghtield IN•ther you in anv way make it. a to Won. Anderson, hardwave merrh• ro,int, to consult hint ' thHdop antof UnnRa;nove. Mr. Anderson is lolltit(Plntr, on Thnrwlav and Friday giving lip business and Mr. McKenzie November 21st and '?2nd. the concert was of A 1 h ohteN. The receipt; amounted to tKi. fit's xtgrwCn.txlaK.-Wm.Andrrwnt, wits) h:w carried nn it hat•elware finaf- nemH here file muse year", hat, ofis{Iresed of him husiness to Moist. McKenzie. (tf the 5th conee•yiou of Ashfield. Air. McKenzie will take possession about Deceinh er 1st. LOYAL. SATURDAY, NOV -o nd. SAYING FAREWICIA.. -- As lima ;it- lead)- Ieen noted in these! colunenn. Mr. and HrN. (gen. F. McPhee Are leaving this neigh lot Mr. Mc- 11hee having disposed of.the general store and peedofBce business which he conducted for it numlter or years. Mr. McPhee has been the postmaster fr IArt-fil ever since the pxsdoffire wits es- tablished here. :full we find his eslim- :abl.• wife have not only di -charged their dillies to the utnliett %satisfaction of the community. but have by their- unfailing heir unfailing courtrxy and kindliness en- deared themselves to out, pea {)IP. 'rhes ars not giving very tier mtyav, lnot it wan felt that they could not Is• ill- loweel to sever their connectioil with the Loyal regrle, without some ulani- festatihn of life 1•eteefll ill which the y are held. So the other evening atxsut thirty-five of their friends assembled At their home for A farewell party. The evening wits s vent very ple,tsalit- Iy with muste Anel Kunlen, and About midnight the 111dies Of the r41ln;tany prepat•el lo lastly lnerch, which waw ppiu•takerl of with touch rel isele. H..1. `tor is, L oytel's .1. P. and recognized spoliestuall. N•AH 1.111.11 called tips ol. in(] in a few well-chosen rensat•ks slxoke fn complimentary terms of Mr. and Mrs. McPhee nncl exit -vessel the "close of pals which ties, whole neighlsrrheNx] felt in their departure, at the sailne time extending tire holm- that they might Ice long slint•ed to enjoy their leautiful home in the rounty town. These sentiments were hetrtil�• e•n- dorsed ht' flit- Rnthering. fins then after Auid Lang sytle and (,eat Save the King had lire) gong the company dixp er"el wishing Mr. And Mrx. MDc- Pikee all manner of fernsprrity. I;ARLOW. MONDAY, NOV. Ith. Mrs. Varcoe went to Toronto to spend the Thanksgiving term. Rev. NV. Johnston, late of Alherla, preached in flit- Presbyterian church clic lA"t two yrthbnthm. Alan. Chan. and Misn McIlAnly N'ent to Toronto tl spend Thanksgiving with Alias McHanly, of the Moven City. Mine host of the Carlij v hotel ling �kit lt fine high•mlepping While• driver. Or. Miller is is grenl lover of f:ulcy hor%er, Will. Bern hit% Iwen ander lite (]iN•- tor's care fort hree or rift,,. weeks. hill we nue glad to know that fire in now getting around ngain :still hop%- he will Poon he O. K. Ed. )lardy, foreman for Tho4. Borns, has'nlored into Harry Tews- lev's house, and John Jardine, fom- inan for It. M. Young, tx now occupy. Ing the houne vacated by Air. H artly. Trip Atli-,Kmg.---The fine weather of the last two weeks tit is gone now, a1nP!i gave the fat -niers n' splendid opportunity to get their ap- plen pnrked "fill their rlola in.. The apple -buyer- have been shipping two o• three r:att a week from McGaw ntalion. some groverswho sold their orchnnls fn hulk re'p.)rt that they lo"I money on the deal that f-, they would haat- nonde ninre if they hall gold by the harrel. On the other hand, in name raprg the hnyers hAve Ifeet the I.etern, the yield not. horning net. am Ial•pe an they expected fn the Poorly gurilmer. What is fair flit- one to fait ter the other. go neither the hu-vrra nor the farnern should complain river- unn•il. ' ALKX. .14111NsToN g NTKAMKII.- Tilt- following hp following in from a Htitinh Colunlhia pa1wr, the Alex. Johnston t•eferr d to leing a ion of Andrew Johnston. (if (him Inweinhip. lie has Iween in the 1 lists r Mlminpss at ilio. Cox"t for %Pveral a vPArl: The little steamer HraDl caught Hre s shnitly After her arrival at GrAhile Point, last Monday e%ening. And Ie. lot's the Union were got under con. SIGNAL : (;0l,'E1tICHa girt. K, Uol the interior houaewotk crit, hostel up. A cuuplP of lnl+n who were sive piilg un Ix•sent had (heir •lothe.c scorched and tree horned alNout. the 11111)(110 putting tho fire out. rite Hrant, han liven used by Alex. lohngton, ilmudlger of flit- ISaateIYdoll rhulwr Co. 'If callus fit HardN•ick In- land field (graffito. 1'411111, fol -running u oetwecq the cantles, unit it was shurt- v after his Arrival lit liraulit• Point 11 tine Hardwick Wood That Ips. Inner, look the, the ilxi oes first brenktilg out •round the (oiler AUBURN. ' T F?41l.%y', Nut'. 3t h. MlnsloN.yHy srusfuxs.--Rev. li. N. lumen, H. A.. tit G,sleeach, will Illeach niNsionary anniversary rernams on be Auburn circuit next Monday, at onnybroek 11 a. tits., Westfield 'I:YIt o. fu., and Auburn a p. ill, l'I.Ilec- tons and suhacrfptinna (til lwh:tlf of nigxiuns will la• taken kit all Of these ervices. - WESTFIELD. '1'rr::n.yY. Nola•. 3t h. The home of N'eslcv.1. Stlac•khonsc vas Rladdeneel by the arrival of a ittle daughter oil h ank..gicing Morn. Ili-. and .{lrs. Gorlon and Master i nal f 1.1 kt w xnt Thank )• 1 :icing flay At the hodue of W. If. 'ampla•II. Rev. G. N. {faun. of North at 'O. iode•ich, will rn•each ulinsionary ^Iicr- imnot oil thl+l circuiron Sunday nest. quve•lulwr little. James Redmond h ill the misfortune o lien. one of his nurxt valuable hoi-%es Wee morning last week, arult- indiges- ion being the cause of death. Hra. N. to. Ainmlle tried little daugh- er Alice, of Tilbury. spent the holi- lays .sit the home of Mrs. Ainefe's lntrnta. .1. N. and Mr-. ('nrnpliell. it vs. %lnslie's little dateghter Vyrle eturneft holue with heJ', having spent he {oast two) neonths with her Kramf- narelltN. PROSPERITY. Ti-psimy, N,)v. 3111, O(-ronxH Si utnel. IIKWIRT.-The fol. owing is the• standing of the pupils of 4. S. No. Y, West IN,awano"h, for. alie nonth of October: Juniiir' iV.---I izzie Ftuker. George sextet.. Seuiol' H. -- Violette Plunkett. George. rwanlley. Junior I If. - Muriel Wush- ngtou. Charlie Mills, Charlie Twa n- ey. Senior• IL--Inwrence• Batter. Whiter AVaAhington, Lillie Plunkett. luniur H. Luvinx Hutchins. Ada Medd. Part H. - Plovin Mesa, Nlutiel Stoith, Hanitah Fluker, Adeline Snlide, Hoozel Finnigan. Senior Part 1.--Ceil Baxter, Lillie Hutchins. Junior Part l. --Boron Millin, Edythe. Scrimgeour. MAHVL A. 13A t r.1 K; Teacher. BENMILLER. MONDAY. Nov Ith. Mrm. Will. Good, of GOtlerich, m nt A short time with her daughter, Mrx. John Long. Misa Malwl )Straughan is still nn the sick Ifs:. Her many friends hope for. tieralxwdy recovery. A ndiufler of gate must have run •away Inst Thursday night, for of course none of rhe hoys took them. Mr. unit Mrs. Fre/l•- Stoke, find fnrnily spent Thank"giving Day with .Ira. Stokes' a t, cent Al r. � k and .1 1 r" A. Heddle. A. S. Gledhill• formerly of Beumiller n , but, ow of Kincardine• is spending a few days reifewing old acqumintit ncen. We 'it's- phjased tit see liters look ser well. The young men of our burizentertain I-(] the youug ladien to re taffy pu11 last Friday night. A very enjoyable evening wax spent in games find social intercourse. And the pleasant Rath- e•ing be -Oke lip -well, so nedalie before daylight. Mr. and 11". If: It. Long. of Dun. K:iunon. ";writ A few dayg Inst week nt Iheir Old home here, They also at. feuded the -welding of Mt•g. IAnlg'" brother, A. Fimhe•, un N'elne o liv evening I:u t. The groom'n tnan)• friends extend tai him hearty coh- Kratulations. The Epworth !'league service Inst ,rhut-Any evening took the forst of a Thanks •\ing prayer meeting, H. Mew ltd the meeting. The topic for next meeting will Iw, "The Greed for Gold." taken by Rey, l'. H. Durrant. Don't mists I (lig meeting, but c•onle %fill he ire•nelitted by it. GHKtcrlxo. Gentlemen and Ladies, young men and naidpns, reserve Christanta eve for- the Christmas tree entertainment to Ise given by the Ren - miller Sunday school in Henniller church. Don't fail to put in an np- pearnnce, its one of tile! lwst proKraufs that have ever been given in tills MPC - tion will he presented, need that. i" HAV- ing a goal deal. Dont' forget the dAe -Decemher *file. Come rhe, come all. Both old and young. To ses and hear - What w ill' he done_ COLBORNE. 7'rxxn.4.4. Nov. 5ih. iloft 'rift: So nus.►xa STAN11. I'hp following I%llie st"nding of the nlpils Of S. S, No. 7. hornet On g.nernppI.n- ticiency' and Iest exiuninatfnng : .lien• lot' IV. R64ie Do"t, Willie Snyder. ONTAWO The new Ayer's Hair Vigor will certainly do this work, because, first of all, it de- stroys the germy which are the original cause of dandruff. (laving given this aid, nature completes the cure. The scalp is restorcd to a perfectly healthy condition. -dude by the J. U. ares Cg., r.uwtat, Mosse.- LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL in your spare time at home, kir Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn the teach on ash or instalment P. t •n Weal also teach a ' la • personal class at school once a and,nth. Class commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessonsteaches how to cut, fit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over seven Owusand dress -making, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to any ons that cannot learn between the age of '14 and 4o. You cannot learn dress -making An thorough at this course teaches if you work in shops for years. Beware of imita- tions as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one- third for a short time. Address: - SANDERS DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL, ill Sets Ht.. etraftord, Oat.. C'an;.dr Seniifr ill. -Lorne Allin.' Middle Ill. --Barlsu•a McCalwe Florence Snyder. Junior Ill.--willeeluline lirigg, Maisel' Grigg. Senior . 11. -(lifTo"d Fisher, Mirian Schwartz, De•Ila Grigg, Jansen' Ffaher. Willie McCabe. Senior. part' 1. -Harvey Nnvder, Verm1 Ohler. Junior Part i. -Bennie Allin, Ada Grigg, tiertie Ohler, E-mie Fisher. Allin Brindley. Brivrt.% C. HILLIAN, Teacher-. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Hoxt).yY, Nov. Ith. Reeve Middleton to away on a trip to MAllitolxa but will Ix home fn it few davit. Peter (I all in, of the III ficoncessiol, how sold his fArm to C. Fuller! of ('ul- INa'ne. There are eighty acres, leas what the railwny ruts off, and the price WAS Alxlnt $!J,fN11t Alaster McGuire luta recovend from hits attack Of suutlllxsx and is able to Ire (tilt. One of his siAtet•a contracted the disen-w in if mild form, but no serious ramuli•+ Are expecteetl. John B. Stewart, of the Baylleld line, hie returned from If ten months' trip to the. British Isles. Ilia travel. ling companion wfw.lnhu DittTow, for Hayfield. They visited funny of the points Of interest and [tad a most en- joyable time. Milos Edna Cupp liavinet tendered her resignatiou as teacher to S. S. No. H. to go into effect :it the end or the year, Mists Fila AlahatTy. lel preN- ert attending the Clinton Model School, has )well engaged fn her place, at a salary of $3511. N•x11NIr.Mh,\Y, Nut•. Itch. Dr:.►TH erg Mitts NKtt'Tox.--The ee•e ayulpathy of the conununiry is with the sorrowing relativex fn the death on Monday of Miss Michel .1. Newton• eldest daughter of ('llinlent. Newton, Porter'" Hill. Miss Newton was thirty-one year, of nge and lord been ill A lona time. The fnueral took place titin afternoon. tilt- services Ise. ing conducted by Rev. T. A. Stead- man. of Hayfield. The pall-Itenrel•s were Milton'Wooxls. IA -lie 1'11x. HOW. and Uox• Herisert Cox. L. D. Yen find Fred Pickard. L. 0. L. Sur•r•HR.- The mvioloers wf L. O. L. No. 11.), Goliforiell township. :elebratel the 5th of November Tart night fit their hall on the Ith conces- sion, by holding a fowl Nnpp er and entertainment for the mpinhera and their families, About sixty ill- seven- ty persons were present. and Ample justice wits done to ltie exeenentsup. per, after which :a program of songs and addresses was given. Rev. James Hamilton, poastor of Union and Lee. burn Preshyte•ian rhurehes, gate are address send nhnrt speeches were given by itnuullier of the membet•s. Songs were given in go«1 style iov John Kirkpatrick, Fdwainl Flliounnd others• and an all-rruud good lime was spent. KIPPEN. -1010*4imy, Nov. 4th. Master Karl Southcott, of Fxeter, Spent lt few days recently At the home tri .1. B. INnslale. A %Vto.wtN flim -%f nr:u. Arra. ale•.) F..1. Sutcliffe. of Corliet.t, preached excellent illit",lotlAt•y mernlnns in ('his. elhurst and Kipp en on a recent Mon. day. The nlimniomtry offerings thin A Boston schoolboy was tall, weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scott's Emulsion. NOW: To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50o. AND 61.00. TuuitaD.tY, Novembor 7, 1907 7 Fall Wearables NEWEST WEAVES, PATTERNS AND ART -TAILORED DESIGNS IN -FALL OVERCOATS and .. FALL SUITS .. . MADE -TO -YOUR - MEASURE, READY-TO-WEAR OR SEMI -READY. NEW STOCK OF MEDIUM WEIGHT FALL UNDERWEAR IN SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SOCKS, etc. Call at the Palace Clothing Store for your fall wants. EVERYTHING for MEN and BOYS McLEAN L_.J Does it Pay i, to buy a Stove or I►.dllge because the first cost is cheap ?• Will It be Profitable in the loll.., Plitt to buy a cheaper Range than the PANDORA?,, The firepot -linings are made of the best cast iron and wear for vears. Take time to examine our Manges and Heaters; we can tell you something you ought to know. International Stock Food Paroid Roofing E. P. Paulin 'PHONES: Store. 57 Residence, 177 year will Im• in advitnee or last voter by i Mr. and MI -P, John Filter, of Sex - At leant. t \venty ler crut.. it in thought. ' ainith, and %Irm. N'. Pierce, of Iona, I.tst year the Kippen circuit gained were visiting their friend", Mr. and 1011il out of tilt- A11111 lldv.tett-dl oil thr Airs. Johnston, lately. Whole Exeter district. I CnxnlTuoxs IN Nxw YORK ST.tTE.-. Miss" Ido I)insislP, of the Stereo -W. 3. Jonem and his front. Mr. Phil. graphic In"titution. Londren.iopent the I lips, have returned home after a toter Thanksgiving vacation with her pxtr- weeks' visit with friend" near Troy cots here. I and Albany, New York State. They Mc. and MIs. Wm. Northcott and I le•nnclndel on tittle s.l SI'ODDART'S HARNESS SHOP 1 For ]horse blankets from 63c to $3.00. Stoildart's Special Solid Rawhide Whips 35c. The heaviest Saskatchewan Robe, interlined with rubber, for $7.30. Tho light weight $1 leas. Men's Fur Coats in Coon, Galloway Cow, Cheviot, Buffalo and Black China Dog, all sold on guar- antee at reasonable prices. We have a large stock of Trunks and Suit Cases. Very special cases for ladies. We don't think it any trouble to show them to you any bine. All leather guaranteed in single and double harness. STODDA RT'S IIA RNESS SHOP GODERICH. STOVES have gone tip in price. We had a large Shipment in before the advance. You get the benefit if You -buy beforo these are gone. Get the most popular Stove or, Itange. One that. will last. 7'11E JE W EL GEO. BECKETT, Ifamilton ltrect Agent.