HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-11-7, Page 64 It e 6 Tnt'srnAv, November 190 THE, tifCNAL : (.'0DEItlCIl• ONTARIO ( OCToRS (SIS. __ women doing that tar tlw al•t,rt ,rf hit - DOCTORS •--.—_' jJ�� �J����itp�r M tuaulty. '1'hat'a all right rnuul;b, but It PATENT 1CII S The 1/laking of a %b.alldu't alrrate* la lll,la fret flint Nutt-st i geun is ush houti. •ret tall LADIES' wullt.st wlssluu Is wuba•rwcad. Ixt 4.N ID RA ---- the utber little rulewlona fruit along Ir•• Successful Wife LI11d 1f fwoyYwaut 14.. Iw)ta of tilt's unv RANGE lite Honest l'hya'ia:Jaa Is Aatl3aYg Olir, wlgllty floe. lour old duJd>' tory LONG COATS to Cure and Uses the Best Available Remedies. ier wane es By CASPLR S. YOST. I •tt4rgnoy The proposed lament;°° the � ,ov HOLDS FIRE ,ALL NIGHT Misses' Coats and Ladies'' Skirts the Dominion Parliament fur the reg- TRE FIRST BABY. Nif•boo l W;W- Lo3C "d Jo ulation of the manufacture and tial•N� out Motherhood Merely the Vesii' The troll housewife always (eels like lrestowin upon the of patent or proprietary medic ;nw ,. - I g y' g 1Selling at One-third and More of the UtmtlRt importance, and it i:, bole of Mairfatuoy Children Cour- „ g p Pandora a cheerful "good morning. Lees than Regular Prices. pl ewe the tlume and Cement the►ar- reorhing a greet duel of attratioa. Why? Because tie Pandora always has a air,• Led cola' Love Childless Love. � not ou}y ui the proprietary mleadiuv I of hot coals as a rewand for AcAin uir lite Ilam ,ors g l 100 COATS AND OVER IUO SKIRTS ret -tors, tnd d but afro by er lMull1Y - TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES d;x•turr end dntKgista. Every soon' U'vpMaet, Sl0", by ('copra N. Yu@t•1 • r!u:uly before retiring (� real. r 0 (afturer of rvllablr and high via., Y DE.\It 1.1'[ 1'Li: t:I1tL-1 � t` remedies welcomes the bill t►w a atrp In five minutes a er , In the right direction. The diseuwioe ave jus( plow ti, I I to Uclaf betide hie foot b the utl ht of his = y hots ht at One-third oft. These garments are tilt) death. I'll rt) eased I don't urninq on the dra is site ill - -_ _ b' 6 has brought out the tact that the btr.t p xnrne. I +• _ _ - Afe physicians in Canada rad on the con luno Which nue of the• ls,ya ie a little old fashioned, dant ile ain't have a good, strong fire. s best (Itlalltles, newest styles, male by the most thnont • rove of and proscribe Pay I am. I'm w puffed up 1 don't kuuty PP V a lout on u dead lug. lie don't Ixllere Should she sleet) � � ' - chine in caws of the most difficult Whether I'm cumiug or going. T wet as noted makers for [1119 BeAS011. character. In • recent Ilrita11Ctl of in saotehing whcrlxut progress u[ any I r. cel friend down the street a little %chile two or three hours longer ..� Don't miss seeiii- thein. Lint, aur whatever Will help the w0 ,, very carious had be and lung trouble . ago, aur he says to tion "John You're meat full to keep away up ret the head lhamusual di, re will still I',. \ the patient had bw n using P@ychine. wlnut'a the mutter with you? You're of the prex•easlou will find file a pack- I:e a fire ready for her. Two leading United States specialists steppic' as high Is a Lilly just off the were lonsulted, rn addition W two grass. Been elected Kuvernur or souiv lug It. But, all 11,1.4. same, they should eminent Canadian physician". t Upon I not be allowed to get In the way of the The firebox, flocs (; JOHN STEAD body the you u fortune?” 1 ret -lion d dampers crc so learning what the Patient war using, unuln Lavluesa o[ lite Rex. And that �" ) ---- o that's tilt. wry I tool. uuJ I'm sure It's a sample of Prychiur was taken and buaiuc�<, soy Dear, is likely to give a :.rieatihcally arranged t;, ! t,' -LADIES' rr analysed, .with the result that the Lite way I feel. Nwnt.bedy lease mo a woman about all 11110 wants to do fora f ORE ERICIi LADIES WEAR , fortune! well, 1 fru , WEST STREET, Opposite Post 7fhir physicians advised its ountinuance i•uexa .yrs, Not a t few years. The unmarried women unit that tlic Pandora can - The rearrilxd no other medicine but uleusly blrnrh of mutlry. UL, my, nu! ` •_—•—•� • y p I the ole married N'n e:L 1 :p well us the regulated to hold afire Pay('ileac, with the result that the pa- NumrteluK better than K0k1 4.r RrP+•n• maidens all forlorn ran put iq all the F _ tient has fully recovered and u a barks or cites ks. I've alw•aya he•ird It time they want o4. side issues, but the _ from 24 to 30 ho.!rs. \ splendid walking and talking adver- said that there's no fool like a young yomig mother has her work cut out Pandora owners - tisement• for the wonderful curative father eteept•an for tier, unit I'm pretty sure the Lord'd When He -- power of of a remedy that will "stand = never have their sleep�' I When Me Drew lits Line. � , old grandfather, uiu • c' up" before the keen prdsawurl j g L l4. ire satisfied it Rho attends to Mr. tworge• Marshall, x philapnthrup. SHORT leIIVE' unit I'm lx•> lti -� disturbed with dreams of v criticism and a ken As r bander that. She can Jo more to uplift hu- ist who has always kept n shat look- nL,K to believe up of the system and rasturer tf a8 f tn:ualty by rulrfu@, her where of It at making a new fire in tic % out never to he wasteful. derided to TO wasted conditions, lssychine has uo ther�'a. some- I hone than -Rhe r:aP Jo In a hundred ,,.: �% g4. for a wrrk'11 rasping, tnkinK its hM T thin, fa !t. I morning. t MUSKOK equal, and the Deet and mwL earnest years of effort la any other direction. If 1 ll = 1' Rnrsts senor rxKKed street urchins. physicians recognize than fact. went ansae thM , v� your I cal d •seer ,Y � One morniu br naafi the bits of Loral )g That's the way 1 tool 4.t It little girl �))ppLtyyp6 r.14.i ° K e '• At the ate of 3 my l m o r n i n g a n d (G "�'v11e' ` " / 1 ants were to •tin• gee Wifehood Iv a grand and noble thing, t., P,i , docs not handle glia moa' ( / IOft from the evening la•fnre, rear wee• 1 hw Iatrip{re me year heJae, a setYad barguiutd fur a Vmade haahYur hreAkfast. Their wits AND en my loots and 1 kept suawuy snwti+s w•� but It's just the Introduction to the •� all t tut duwa w bw t wall m hed for eau veeYa lux of candy, n perfect of a,. rnn;;es, write %% I - stole left over, which he concluded to real purpest, of :n sca'rre'd life. good PARRY SOUND I had a t•onitu tatiou.t d,n can• end tie) amid ser ml bullextu uo.l direct to us f.,r I'reC Booklet. reheat ante nerve again ret arum. mold do nothirt mon for sa Theo tIYrt•d• i=\ honl without ruotwrrbusal Is a good '•JuluuliP, will you have soine ur Peychine 1 toot the med,clue foe mon nee 1 �\ aid ttnn before I drat like a person going Into the Testi- hash P" hr nsktvf one hal. a yewr. a ,mustily dad wueriars car ase I r i itit led to the yule of a church and stopping !'Ala. lMh: '1'AfILF: now as strains as l,m before m I ack 40Z. opping there. ••Brt yer life," replied the lad, w•hu tlag g yUP; fief that I was It mar• bei a beautiful vestibule, With xJ mcci ons rouatftutionally hungry.. laer�, OUL :t few years pre- r i NORTH80UND flower of mosaics, with marble columns ✓ "1 iter, pass your plate fur none no. t Ro a Psycbine. pronounced 6i•kean,istlr 1 uhature, but you and impuRiug arches, but nevertheless haah."-to another frw•kled-nosed lad. TORUXTu .s..e.,,,,, grstest of tonics. boilding up the ave can eat the can- It'11 only the entrance to the "Nut if l known it," wee the unex- q ANHAG•t rl air tem, increrasutg tho appeatata, partJb y great nodi- 1'.tltH\' cOt �U t:, pan dv yourself, and pea tevl reply. ing the blood, a;ds chic tion, and atter Ft turlum. the other thing" „I thought you liked finish, from the SOUTHBOUND directly upon the throat and a vestibule e city who gets no forint.[ than wet you ate it this morning," giving fora and vigor to the A firer r.f rarely, a t.a!• w11I keep. That g „lo- Loa.., T,.ro.eo, ut.cure.i, w:..io.e, v..ro..ar, .,r J,.e., n,m.aiea Y . R," replied no, z no e loon tine! u drum. tele rant re•a,ly try f the di misses lIse crowning Nr. Jlaawhall. PARRY rttu'NU all s, system. OAt all druggists, 6Uo. nit K ry' of the edifice. That reminds me of [did like it tar hreitkfaer," replied w A1tHAUO knocked late off my fort. Of course 1TURUNTu a, ..m or Dr. T. A. Slocum. l� , story I've E. P. PAU L I N Local Agent. the lad, *'but none of yer review of re - Kia Sheet ,W a %,as expo-eting It. and, also of course 1 7 b g �' Larw tine churatea were about six to a hemi Rlruut who QX I T views for me for dinner," IObservation-Dining Parlor Cars be. Old cuupl4. whet tween Toronto and Party calf dozen that It would ler s boy. Still, ea me up from j --- — - - - `Sound, serving meals a Ila when - I opened that yellow euvelotw I the worries' and litre rexaUons ane toe His Native Town. laud any eye: drupin•d on the word "toy" Ills tat W Nf' tintinnabulation of the slipper on the- I t ' g Carte laxlls to visit (I "I tvnA in the town sheer xoal weer Dally cseept ,undny. ( felt like tents"iug up we bat and I l oh, yes, they're on the programme. ant, , Born the other dav," sitid the friend 1,twy w're fair. bless your Heart, little girl, that's part res- All Stations. also Cor. Kin � hollering like a ►fit. Maybe I did. Any• of he author. Q� g and Low, I know I had n tive dollar gold I ltwy NtM a of the game, the diversiond which drlre "Indeed! Quaint little pbtre, isn't Toronto and Union Sutton, Toronto g deco In /u} 1 nice old couple, monotony awn which keep . Phone.Main SI e I pocket that disappeared anal y, p Sou keyed iii" olw•rt•eel the t.minent re it r. 79• but they hadn't up aqd watchful. 1\'henthings go too "] es. While I wasthere n friend RED DEER r Jurt nliuut that time. and I ower a•hazy been around recollection of a inesse•uger trotting easy a man's likely to Gro to sleep o4. of mine pointed out the little hoose io In uc h. (low- his job; likewise a woman. There, which you "oat saw lilt. light of day.' -. away with an ecstatic grin on his dirty v tit • t 1 •'1 't 'hl 1 1' t h' k 1 DO YOU sl know huw good they are ! a6 face. e Va. e} r 0 -r out to ter fore the good Loral Invented troutrlP. a i "l. P • art nut t rn t It building was Rtandinq yet." - ` I wonder It hill Is takingIt as hard. grounds all "We'd Letter ate the 1'nsent my congratulations to HIII, I ' Oh, yrs. it is tulrrubly run duw•it Are abundant in the : r r r Probably not. Probably hr's Just stand- right, bought tzu,4rst.' Jeep oceans of lure for yourself col �Init it is>till la rather resp•ctalate-hs.k- "HIGHLANDS OF + et `� hcif sweets Ing around with ills wends In his (rax l• their tickets and went through tire tender m most profound 'regards } p feK rds to fag building. flu the wxy, Lite city ONTARIO" k0$e their ets, rising up laud down on his toed and I hrrtulug Ilk" gatts. Then they paused in some lie- John wlllinun. \i y, my! ltow nasions recently phlrt.d is handsome tablet on the side of the house." S\i'CCiIlc, - a seraph u p pun everybody. from the cook- to the wan with a gas wlldrrment. There wan s4. ouch ix•- \ _ 11 ]o4. don't wi nu! Put n htbb•1 0❑ } Single f:uc in PttP, 1 .utlil \uv. i` andet stlbstantlals,' bill. I never saw a Cheshire cat and fore them that they diJn't ow whlrh a the puns in xrhtrh I w'ses Iaan? Well, :,tit, is all points in niwrvr Jiarict M+� never saw uuytrudy else who has seen way to turn. After twI ng Isis neck /� well! Now. 1h1et is certltinh' hand- including their charm—there are one, but if turn is such a tb111K I fiat It for a few minutes the d gentleman spier a lofty portal ov r to Lia right. l J none of the city. After all, it gates to show that the folk anhung whom tine Muskoka Irtkes Penetang I.tke all Nivs Minuend alwaY. ' MOONEY S would go out of the grinmfug business if It could get a square hwk at Hill's 7'larre were many people paaain g was re•an•d, wTlile the • know sill his ) affil Lfsvie tueo.t Ma iotrew'ar• Iliver Lakefleld K r went tutor went merrily sounding In front front St. Georges through, and aWve'the arch he read � pride ehrrinh rrnwg:uni District � r I E R F E C T I O N face about now. I know how It Is. I was Just that way when your brother the big lettered word "I:zlt." "Welt• • -e a l rend lues, to ire i P Kt oil [herr• is in kindly tai re uirr in dein the kindl it K y litth• Alwo l4. rert,lfn xrhrts its l ,IP►eP, 1 1 e huiv, We twve Diowed, we have Wowed. camp. But 1 ruudfather's feeling Is Dluriu," be sold finally, 'that 10olue The tintinnabulation of the flipper. thiri in resin the friendly tribute Rs• P R New !lrunswirk, Newfoundland. CREAM SODAS LU xliRrngt. a fellow finds telt be patty nice, I reckon we'd Letter see spoonful is as good as the first." that means w) much• doesn't it :' Ib y tad toNault 4tr. Mitt ie ri;t Northern In the evening of harvest home the or the 1s u pupa for ler tltBt time his delight the exit tical" Tern they joined the crowd and found themselves outside. r_ ' •� ° the wxv--rr-ah-. rr--do you hnilaa to it -co the wording of the tab- Nal". Co. coaX back Is so mixed with embarrassment that say the old wan still talking � � lel?, Tickets good unril Dec. 7th or theaappetite. PP he jut looks silly add feeN [pore so. Grandpa Isn't troubled with einbar- rassment. IL) way act foolish, but he aboubeyt atxrut the way town fellers Juwa at ll St. Louis.RWindled him. `ice It's ❑ poselLft to pet taxa much of a p„4.d , , ] t's. it sxys 'JLtin Street . until chase of N.tvigettiun if writer by rterarner linea. Children the Ties That Bind. thinti. For ticket) and full Informat loo rail on DO YOU sl know huw good they are ! a6 doran t It-" that Way, anJ In cu11sr queuce Ile grid a great deal more fun out of the situation than papa does. Important) of Baby's n Name. And yon'rr going to name It John wllHam.! Dty, b4.[ that's n comLina- [lou that ought to conquer the world! /// I A say, I ON�a ,? 'I r V Tea, little girl, I'm glad you have Rtarted right, trial not alone because you are thus tilling the highest mission of womanhood. I um lad because you g y are laying solid the foundations of happiness. You and William might get along swimmingly together all of your days, but yun would lots-.% most of the pleasure, most of the beauty, most of the glory of life If you passed down the great road unaccompanied, for home, my dear, Is never truly a home until Its walls echo to the of I am to see him! But, nay, wh,ltecrr you do, don't tell me lie looks like his grandfather. Not yet, my child, not ' yet. Yuar toeing dud, JOHN SNm-r). P. S. -I almost forgot, something 1 particularly wanted to say, and that In, whHe i believe Irl childrell, I'm pretty well convinced It's possil,le to get too much of a goal thing. I have always felt more pity than udmirntlon for the celcbrnted old lady who lived In a shoe. J. 8. / 5 $2 .75 ` prattle TRIAL TRIP childish volees. The love of a husband - fur his wife or of a wife for Hlr hus- i HE HARVEST HOME: ;-L , band never wells up from tie deepest e „ 'than Laal. inR la the old simple "e v” � tj/ 1 4.a r • of Idaslud. In the old simple days of Fnglaud \ _ 11 eO„ DEAR IIty harvest home was such a scene as Ilurace s friends (night have expected a Ill - to se0.at his Sabine faun. 77w grain last rut was brought home in its wagon, t M+� called the hock cart--surmuuntvl by a 111!h an ecstalle grin on hLs dirty fare. figure formed of sheaf with any dress- There Thon are n gout man} Johns unit R'i1= Iligs suggesting a repreRPnhlton of "Tbert's nothing like liaws scattered nruuud, and thews J the ('rtes, while n pinr0 +owe of them I wouldn't he proud to >- r went tutor went merrily sounding In front front St. Georges have In up• family; •but, take them as � and the reapers tri p pngi nniu I In a hand In hair ring, singing: • they run, the- fellows with aucw bran - � o hum", harvest home! • ,Iles are a little bit above the average. � �fA e huiv, We twve Diowed, we have Wowed. Powder g I don't care what Shakespeare or all) Indy else Rdya, there's a whob tut Ina I The tintinnabulation of the flipper. We have r.•ar •d, we have mowed. We fuer LrodRht home every load, ,,It keeps its strength -the last name, and schen you widdle a Lill with depths of the heart until their hearts 111p, op, fill), harvest tome!" spoonful is as good as the first." Algernon or Alphonso or something an filled and expanded by love of In the evening of harvest home the like that hes got a haudirap that's pret- their little ones. Love without children supper took place in the burn or some "And it gives such a fine flavour ty sure to Idive him with the ulsu rano Is like a song without words--beautiflll, other suitable, place, the master and to the baking, once people use it. t}1ty want it every time." urge's he's got more get-up ,laid Kit It may le, halt meaningless and Incom- n,bstresa generally presiding. This frust than the majority. Mnu • a •^•.sad main 1 ) -plete. 1 dun*t net m •Re•lt u for an au- ) P w'as nlwu s rum 3 Wseal of snb0lantlnl F. F. LAWRENCE, Tu„ It Aerrnt Office hours - ixa a.aa. to is p.4.e. i J. STRAITON, Repot 'ticket Aww. J. D. McDonald. Di -trio Pass. Asa,w. Union !Station. Toronto. 20 Miles or 20,000 Miles Whether y..4. purnev or to ]'aneouver, to HonK•Kung or to F;nrol„• We Can Ticket You Through Nn other �ransprrtation ronrrrn it) the wnridlI has eupual facilities. Orel own •teatlashipt on the. Atlantic and Puri",-, connecting with all liner To the Orient, Australia or Around the World. roll Inf.,reaatloa rmrr. Jus. Klub, Tl.•aett. U,Wenrn. n•writ••C. r. Fo Ter. II. r.A.. C.r.r.. T—l"., �tm►mmmnn►mr, rmm�nmmrm►m►r►mrm►►mrmmmG Special Offers THE GREA TES T EVER The Signal _ �- O and The Toronto weekly Globe will be sent for a vear for $1.30,. To new yenrly Aoliscril>rra, both papers will he /t free for the balance of INµ7. That ir,•,t new tanlrw•rtrer noir have Math papers until January 1st, i/MIN-fourteen i n)ntho-for the small rust of $1.3). rue us or our has been held below his level Ly the Ihont} vu inatrin:uny. but if I were go- food will, plenty of good ale, pscRIL7L: p (�` NOW new Cuok-Book. weight of his ,came. Put Sohn and \I'll- Int to write ,no essay- on how to be 771ere la a growing tendency at the ------ Nai!ional neva a Chenif-I fn. of liaui! Every'b.aly knows what th.•y happy wbeu married I would put down present little suUe to abolish these old bar- I ` n t auada, l.rmn'd. M..atrea t. THE �thfi�'�IS -w• never lets the clothes drop in the mud; its long hard. wood arms are well braced for carrying heavy Ida ds. i'he Davis" _ f• will cut down the work of a heavy wash- ing one-third. cot If you will try a "Davis" for Yourself. we will send you one on trial. It won't cost you a cent. Send name and address to -day. THE )AVM REEL CO. LONDON (Rost ret) OW. etre still what they ntaol for. There's nu 1101.9,100 al-ilt them. They don't make you think at curling Irons or ruffled shirts or spate. No, Indeed! They give you an Impression of back- bone, stnrgg arca laud a, broad Chest, with a head rising above that Is full of common. met yddy brnins, the kind ' of brains that do things worth while. J'be first Intpre•ssiuns of other Iaople have at it"] de ai to do with a mail'@ success rte failure In life• mol a fel- low's name hits more to do with flung Ont Impressions titan most people real - he. I've alwnyn freta mighty glad that my name Is John. it's been a whole lot of help to me, nod I'm [lure pleased that ov tint grandson can start our ot, the road without any dead welcht tit carry. Likewise I'm proud that heft nn mel nffrr in,,. rill clan tint his own ',, ern. The Holy Mission of Motherhood. It's a great thin; t„ ba• n giondfaflwr. Wit even n rant thing to M` n father. But 9renter, much gmater, flum eit1wr It is to he a taint her. 'There hti t ,nav- thing on enrih as fl*or as bemitihll na n young mother, 41}{' little girl, and f'm 00rt,linly glad that nay dan9htrr has jahaM the ranks of the rsnoniterl You've started calf right, henry. I don't eat". a enntinentnl ding what they say AMrwt w-nmsn's mission They can get up In the rinhs and twltter all eae• .dL••a tshaut wnttsan doing tfkla or Just one word as the sum find sub- staor of the first principle, and that one word would be "etilldren." They are the, tit• that hinrin hnroler and fast- er thale any work the grcate0t prPnch Pr on earth civil Day; fh.•I- I0 Ihi- love which coments and make+ pt.rfect thot other love, land down at the nom of most of the domemie dissensions which _bare thele culmination fn Ilse courts 10 that lark of t4at frond which nature de- mandR. And that Isn't nil, little girl. A home withont children In like n ntdderlean ship drifting nimleAAly from no pints to nowhere. It may be stanch and 110 ('11`90 may 110 gold, halt it 111191 no (I"- tinafion and It never gets there, as n Mlleslan friend of mine would tiny. It Is children, my derv, that Rive pnttxwe to life. it Is ckildren that fake Its benrings, art Its course and fix its haTPtk Little John \Allam has given You Romrthing to the for, something to work for, noinothing to spar yonr amhltlons. without him you halve alm• Ply existed from day to day; kith hlm y0al have a definHe nim. Already i can see yon planning Ills future, and It la the working nut of such plans that malar the perfect man and the perfect wnmsn There Is nn r1itiMpllue fnr the rhArActrr like the jnys and tro Iblen which 9n wr! with the spwrnsibllltiet of falherhnM and motherhood. Oh, yrs, the troubles will be there, aloog with vast festivuls and to sobstitute n featl• Val for the w11ole pariiah, with services In the furrnoon and a dinner after - wart. followed by sports and games fee -td` tarn and tea drinking for the women. Cif-velund Plain I)Pnle,.. Milton's Quaint Pii reit. John Miffon`11 harulonlcnll and In. geninite soul did lodge in n beautiful find well proportioned body. Iie was it spare man. Ile had abroun (auburn) hny-re. His romploxlon rxec-eding fairs - lee was so fairp that they called him "the lady of Christ'sgqillrge." Ovall trice. His Pte n darke pFAir. IJP had a delicate tnnenble T alre sad had gored skill. IfIR father instructed him. Ile land an organ in hilt howse.; he played on that most. of it very cheerful hu- mour. -fie would be chearful even In his grawtPfltts, land sing. iie was very healthy and free from all diseases: sel- diSme tooke any physique (only some- times he,tooke manna); only toward him latter end he was vlaital with the gowte, spring find fall. TIP had a very KOM memorle, but i belecve that his excellent method of thinking and IIIA. pnsing did much to helpe, his memorle. fie pronouneril the letter n ("liters. eanlns) very hard- a eertaine Rine of a Ratyrirall Witt. Temperate main, rerPly dank haitwern mealrs. Firtrerrie pleas. rant In hill rnnrrrlatlnn, and at dinner, Anpper, etc., but "tyttMJL_,&nDreys "Srfet Llgs." " Address— VANA7 TER & ROBERTSON, The Signal, GODERfGH, ON7. � The Signa/ and Toronto Dai/v World Ijoth Papers For 50 Cents DO IT NOW Address--VANA7 TER & ROBERT50N1 The Signal, QODER/CH, ONT. i � 1�111111111NIUll luiuiiiluluii� To eve Suhscrihers For'Fiftcen Months, / 5 $2 .75 TRIAL TRIP For Four Months Ijoth Papers For 50 Cents DO IT NOW Address--VANA7 TER & ROBERT50N1 The Signal, QODER/CH, ONT. i � 1�111111111NIUll luiuiiiluluii�