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manager of thu ear let department of mall,
-_-�- I
Let him hen before n1e stand,
Spx•cial V;LInes in HoN16Y I (1)114 5u.atcl + in till colors, WraveN and
Xews the Sistriet,
Pumpkin subjects, I command I
*4' •F'
Ilfr. Still Mr,,. Hugh Mcllnuirrie, of Bourke anti ,stirs. Win. O'Rourke, mf
their McKillop, +are daughteis•s of the de-
Bluth, recently cele)/rlttANI
guj left wedding.
l eulwl•
l'unrllll Fur*, ul✓Illay, has porelltasrtll
W. 11. Kerr, editor of 'rhe Ill"Issice
(or the Nuul of wi,})1111 the Henry
fiscal, Iecently eoulpletgd him twenty-
sixth as superintendent of the
\\ 'arm farm. smith of Zurich, year
J. F. Uooutlws, H. A., furuirrly tit Methmllst Mal/llath heli(*(( Int the lit•ey
Grey. 1e now Aril cipull and mclrl ccs
tit the high school in Qit'Ap•
oil Tuesday, the Vitt tilt., Arrhiltald
L. McDonald, of the 2nd cunceNslun (If
N'ul. Buchanan, of Exeter, wan
Grey, took ti himself a wife in the
per•Mm tit Mfs" Maud Hartley, lit I.Ir-
W n p:araI 'tic v11•oke. It -Wo
,stricken with paralvsis un Monday of
e t
I'"t week. ilittle fops• is entertaitied
Am Ill• WA4 S1311lling UII A 17mtdPr
I11 a recovery..
Jam. Harvie. tit ClioUl, was ,seri•
by falling
picking apples last week John Stoller,
"f Fz»ter, had the wisforhulr to lime
�, a
mush iu'uroi (amt we k
heavily I"i a thirty -Got Insider, till
his lutlAucr +all tau U1 the get 1:
which he was standing.
frucUuting his co.
Exeter Loses Esteemed' Resident.
After b wing In the hands of artistic
Mism IAAIeIIa B. \7111 Fgllll11111, ell•
1st datighle•r of Mr. and Mr". It. \'+til
decorator" for a few weeks fit. John's
Fgmihld, of Fgnondville, wait re-
Fpisr-opal church, Brussels, was re.
candy married Ili Toronto to Sydney
Opened on Sunday, the (7th tilt.
Charles I.otfree, of that city.
The death of Mrp. Charles \Villers,
an aged and respected resident of
Arthur Stephenson, of the Parr line,
Dashwood, occurred At her home in
Mouth tit Varma, has ,add his farm to
his cousin lot thin wale clause, and liar
that place cin Sunday, the •27th tilt.
purchal.t-d a residence in London,
George T. McKay has vold his ex-
where he will reside in future.
c'ellent 141111 -Acre farm a mile and a
quarter eat of Kippen. to George
'111t• mark'nlge Of MIN" (111dh1» Sulitl.
formerly of Grey, to Pearcy I1. Robert'
TF1 N: hl(,NAf.: (.UI"ERI(:H, ONTARFI) TuvuDAY, November i. 1901 3
manager of thu ear let department of mall,
-_-�- I
Let him hen before n1e stand,
Spx•cial V;LInes in HoN16Y I (1)114 5u.atcl + in till colors, WraveN and
111 WIIN IN11.11 111 Wilto6hire, Fog.,---�--
John Orash of Murrill. has leaved
yearm logo. I'll like to Vau:wia
The Late George Snell. Hulka.
Pumpkin subjects, I command I
*4' •F'
N p,uent,s fu early childhoOd alto
ill Dunsm»r township and sol•/le
Uxbridge, Ilk IS741 hr
L •
, _. --
luently. In
veNl with hill u/(irey, whose•
Mrst. .lanuon Ito Airs. Lanunis, in
A Good -fitting
lived until seven year* ago, whru
our if air few renulilhinyt
of I lullett, join "I the silent
Chubby boy -I'm told it nice is!
All classes of Fut* in sttlrk at mualer7all
retired fe-till Active lift Und l/etallle
terident tit Wingliuu. A mass 'If
by GtuN('L COOPtR.
I Well -tailored
markable inta•Ilfgeu•e, sterling it'-
(rhe fur M•asom is moa\ scu.
venerable pioneer tit Hibbert, mcmrred
her home in that township, on Fri-
grit)' :old Lindty dielositiou, the de-
beloved 1-
W n p:araI 'tic v11•oke. It -Wo
acrd wait respected and
virele of ilclillnnll7►11ees. Ile i.
LOBES of gold un the upland lay
ill LA1FI I?N•
I •
1'YIV/VI by 111* widow. look. tl1111N aI1lI
The ripened m kids at closed
r�\IIIti ha* rrl-taitliv 1N•erl It liv.Jy *e•ason our
Src•tfotl. The AssirUurut of nor
tar daught.r)•s,
Exeter Loses Esteemed' Resident.
Up the meadows the cows came slow,
a noithout011160Ih1•
ever Il:ld. Thr hnleA WIIt1 Ila;'N Ilnt rel Nrlr/•l el t1P1T nes'
everinianhad. The lailienwill) have
death i (.emg,. firem.Ls. of Ex-
With bells vlinkle and entle low.
runt we would bpeciallp invite, ,IN the sioek im now licit N1 large
_ __ __
N•hich icvltrreti utter a weeL'm
which c
Tommy paused by the old stone wal4
am when lir Nrltwm op,rped, but yet roough left to milk*- it u
I order ft•uw upw-
\lade• tci vIll
nesm of pneumouin' un Wedtreatl.ty.
Unromantic Was be, and small.
pleasure to sH1,N• them.
est cloth* in uilrlhuu lull light-
e t4d till.. eeffu,ve•N it highly Ve-
What du they sec, those twinkling eyes i
Roll the crust of watered dust, �
waled remident of that town. Ile-
Floating visions of luscious pits,
weights, at
Ned Wits lot•cl in Illicklughaiashire,
Ig., Nixty-five yei Soil, In Illi:( hr
ill the
Flaky crust of (be lightest brown!
Lithem' full length, dotilllk- - bte•as11•el IIIAck 1'lultA, .it.•- :yi
t„ 10, each ........... .... .....fit ......%I$6.50
ltm to ('fimNlt null Nether,( ..Snlacking'bis"placidlookingdown
For mAll;'
Black Kersey (�nalA llml rN'ffKt Cotta In the lilt.•sl
n(....... 11.
cant ravel.
Wo til Ilia ad opttm.
hr wnA enlpin�'ed ah section mail
Over the wall, bi sow a sight.
Pumpkins were stirring, lel and righll
II link .......... ...... ......... ....... ............ $6.50 TO $20
the G. T. It., lift smn•e hid failing
Irength had fort -mi hills to resign
Less and arms had begun to tl
L x �O1
,it pOliition ie hlul 1-atriel cin Alt ex-
Tammy is too much amazed to shout.
We have :,gain rueeived another dtaivrry of Inn• pipvl:u- 1 n.lrl -
nsh•e baking btisinems. Dsecetwoli
How they grin at him -how they sure(
,Lirtd in m oreen, tatratine and sateen. Every Nize flow in ,t,,• I
lh• dimchargrd ale dtitieN Of """'
in the 1'rrmlyte•ian ch ural• cif
Straight on end stands Thomas' hair.
its out• leading Sateen Underrkh is at . ..... ... . Sit
I - -
j�, %iI�
bit•11 Ile wad a ole Voted Il enila•r. lit•
Alsm tlUI1M net\' IIIIPh Roll ell.
We stand d y
survived by his widow and three.-
"Holdr he hear a voice outring.
ulghtrrA: Mrs. (1Po -gP Vivian. lit
Alex. Gould, tit Hel-
"Tremble -I'm the pumpkin king)
foot handl
Our b l-clal line in Ladies' (bilfera at S1.7a each, in navy, red,
jubil •e year. And the gr•.•Ater part of
g i
the ehur;hep have already rempmdell
Underwear that ravels
Bind the culprit, and
While anal black is c--rtaiuly n lender.
U8t aS Wt will to lace any
completed at pre early date. The total
Weir, of North Dakota, for 117,2' zt
manager of thu ear let department of mall,
and Miss hrully, at home.
Let him hen before n1e stand,
Spx•cial V;LInes in HoN16Y I (1)114 5u.atcl + in till colors, WraveN and
John Orash of Murrill. has leaved
the Siu.pson Co.'a departmental story.
The Late George Snell. Hulka.
Pumpkin subjects, I command I
-izes, from, each • . ... ... • • . • . • . • ' • . • • 60C
thigh Porters liltacre tariff un the
loth of lirey. Mr. Porter
Torontic, took lace in the l open Ci
1 I
ton Mtindnv; lir 1plth lilt , lil•orgr
Gut him asp its crescent slices, ,
Mrst. .lanuon Ito Airs. Lanunis, in
will take up hid residence ill nrus"els.
oil lin alma lilt. Snell.
cif is" I'll,, MclAu"Itllll, of Cranirok,
our if air few renulilhinyt
of I lullett, join "I the silent
Chubby boy -I'm told it nice is!
All classes of Fut* in sttlrk at mualer7all
world:" ' .
Thr death of Mta. Patrick Hu+u•hl', w
le veli this N'e,L tot- Portage -lit- oajf/city
eller a lingering illness Null-
Oh for him bate we been sliced up,
(rhe fur M•asom is moa\ scu.
venerable pioneer tit Hibbert, mcmrred
her home in that township, on Fri-
Prairie, Man.. where ,chi- will make
W n p:araI 'tic v11•oke. It -Wo
Mashed and delicately spiced up.
in ire*.
ideal n1An voures along the chances
day. the 25th tilt. !Urs. 1(nland Ken-
her house fn future. James his
lan will follow at the end of tilt- school dree\M•ti
N;Ilglnnd eighty2oui• yeArp ago,
calnr to .l':uixda ill early
Monster of the youthful brow, � tr
Turn about is lair play ravel ' y r'
M� l l Scotch Store
mrd •, of Tuckrrewith, Y. U'•
term next suuouer• manhood.
After a mojnorlt • 11 {'bh;_
-E .
ellown an the dio veme of Ilnron, with
One of the pioneserm of Huron town• g
ship, fu the of Francis McDon- And
otennsv he Clouse to flnrll fn 1N17
mettled on Int :fl, on the Nth run-
'Trice him up and slice him still ' '.'•.
; II
_ __ __
Menesetunlz Mineral Water
nod, J. P., entered into test in Tlow•A- cession
of Ilullett, where he loud aistee
Dig straightway an oven I
to alloot $ill. The nren, c•o\tered is
-.= -- - _==-=
day, October '211th, in the seventy. resided.
Two years later he took to
Roll the crust of watered dust, �
ninth year of his age. lie is ,survived hitnsrlr
a wortiy helplirrt, who per-
l'ntil fn-
Then this ie we'll shovc in IN F .
1 TER CO., alanufarture" of -Men.re
Iuutt' •me• pre red to d-h%er, to rnY part of
by one son and two daughtserN. dece+lsel
Studentm of the Clinton Model e.tpNWit,ttrd
him A fete yeti•".
I;• the infirmities of yeArm
it) the wept. And involvem lilt in nlenNP
deviled tirrnulm•r. ,r;}' r.ty :'�, j's ..' �• „u
INn,ble Melkla. Ih..w tall. ore IItits then : MIAs.GllAlf , No. 11, (Inde- w•h self le [talk +
post n1a1 luffofn.1 water, and aro therefore free 1 y His consistent Christian lift• And genial I"•LS1 -�• G', , �{`17a-, - e •"`t �'+"`"v ,`,'! •
trout All Impurilinm. !'. L. \vAL1'tiN Man- rich township : Mimm Glenn, Ni. x. .tom► ¢ ;;'� hf `;r'7• •t. '
,yrrr. 'I'Itont,1d. Prolon t Miss Thompson, NO. It if 11. distosilion wren for him the re'sps•ct to ; \ of
- lett. and esteem of nit .with whole he cauls r "" ., , ® r
MUSIC A donible welding rnlivenetl the fn cols Four Wont- -Ii George.
7A lit ajs..y y '�'
_ _ - -- _ - _-- house lit Mr. and .Ira. John \\'illeta. anti Willition, lit 111111ett, (irirgr, of 1 .
LASSES. -1 AM PRF• of Tornherra•, on Wedn6day, the' Londealurrti.AndJ,ullr.,nflt»tar\Virg• .�1: y
l SIC C )film- -and t h r e e daughlel•N- .Ira. `t. \ Z 1 1 e+ r 1S` Ir'
Al PARED to receive pupil% fur IeAwrn% fu :*)tot lilt. Their daughter Milks the
nano algid thwrr. wl-u the Hurrough. Inush•rl Walker: of FMst Wawanosh, Mrm. "r -t:- r j�ll I - 'Rr
1leramr the Insole, of John Henry. \ ..' � � n. +t
4indergarten lue,flel for Yum.g children. y' .Lie, FIrely', of Collarne, And .ills. 1. y
frenum Ald other Inronm,tio„ nay b.• had til w•hilr.IfNs \•icLlria hpc:►nn� .Irl. Pef^c-r Nne•I1, of Tit loiloro- Saak. - survive. - `
t'udcrit FNIMA A. (• I 1 y - '.•! F."r? �•fK - SUCCEEDS ' :�: i _ �,�kcA�,
-..:: is
'e The following remarkable cures are
air;• - convincing roof that Zam-Buk is
?,;r. g P
I s the most wonderful skin cureknown.
-- , !, Zam-Buk succeeds when all eke
tails, and no home is complete without it.
ECZEMA. tL, f•l°g %car- \I r.'1•: \I. MAra•l,:
"I I'� . i�.i U, i,ann er Ave.. Mout-al. well' fflo%.•,s
� Iia( :,ltd tai*ht lit. hand+ weer w IAut with
F., Arad. .+ IkMtur. failed to cure lion, but
Zara link' Iriuulphed. %.k Elm absent it.
CHRONIC ULCERS: ao)uwr..ufrer
1. int frvau I I" which rowed her 1..n)
mrd, \tr.. .Ism• Iteer- of 1.'UrICnNI hent.,.
Joint for de.itl.. A few week*' trial of Zaur
Isuk hrou,tht complete rr4uratlen, If )tau
. udrrrd like \Ir.. herr. and rvvei,el .no. I N
wouAvrful healing. )nu,,o,vunld.Aay a• ,he
did: ••1'he Ilk, of /Nm Ito► hA4 not lens
t h art h...
.ince the
l)rrat fleeter left t e e
�ttF1Et/MATISo la bW&list1 -hued
Ir. Alfrat firkin, it Turu'sto: out is Is.rmpiitb
*. ', draniw•d Isis's a, t'ca-1.1r. V In Huk
ale D1a•'I ill "11`1"io lArs hail skilled, %amu Ituk
nlbtred Itheli.atl-m un t. Ion i. flow wN1 asAl
etruug. see Nit lirow,ia sworn dPelaralion
I 1 in%ahetiuk hook of Pruphe-y for 110- firer
... • ermPie will be sent you no application.
y , Mention this advert
••' Nie ran only Clive y.ns a few of iheallmenrs
�-1 Usso-ou1, or 04
here. has it you lore suffering
r \ we iollle TTtau to %IaV ymnr caw• lou.. Mark
four rnveln Allain" Addre-- to Zion-
tu► Co.. Toronto. and w,- will ltive I) "I!
PA, ire fees. -
%tar-HuL I- 541 rent. a I,ux. at all dNRKisW
and attire-.
," -
-, . rn
the Iowa Itelfwl Meurer Ale le Vint. and , _
quart.. al.o Mineral N'aler irl thn•e Ase. School have secmred Ischcooda AN fol. de,erw4l Joint )w'e'n at) NI•tlye worker )11 �,. - _ - - - - -- _-- -- --
I-plp,a Vont" wad gurrtmr, Scheer Nater mid IOWA : Mi" Keyes, Ctecliton, No. 7. the LelndPshorel' aethmlist church. fit _ ..'Y'• - ��".r '
III treat 1 .)� awn ':a .,. ", :rt I
Tholuaon. all-ir Noon., . t/. ttpe aril.
ANDREWP4 Oil F'riday.liut John Rowe. cit Fx-
A. ROY ADAMS I eter, and Joss J. Pollock, late cif Sas-
Ta►l'11aN tit' PIANO katef t -wan, *'err onifed fn marriage
, lir Wellington , street Metheaditlt
8tudiobl llank_of Montreal Bla•Ik. t-nntlagr, Lllndou, by .v. .Jam. Liv-
ingatone. Ur. and Mrs. Rowe hill 1e-
xe♦t1Qal bide at. Exeter.
Thr death ,if Will. Scutt. An age( it
r ,,fill 1'eN aected ve•mldent of Fxeter, took le
PHS. F:il.tF.RatuN k 7l'RNBT LI« 1 1
pilary lit the hinge of him daughter,
tA.v. T. KNmiximm x. M. II. Mr...IA., Itiol ard.ol. Sot' that tnw•n, II
\\'. M. TcIsSNIJ.I. M. It. un 7'ues,lay, tilt- I:Ith lilt. Deceased
IrMre. Hwulilton lilreet. I'houe Vri 111ive1 In Exeter fri,lm ITIa,fI.I!Ar1I to
Ile. Kon nu.rwnl+ r.+id enrr, N.Irth s11e.d, -_ t
ipyeattI, ,a. tieertr - chun•h. 'Vhufle m11L three y1mrs logo,.
xl •lreol
r Maltee
- Ynr •-11 l
till'. ee cid \ e til 'ltY•11-►1.711 1 {
or, " .orb . I,o •irMcl.a ' lh f u
KF, )
• 1'a.
• (.,lore
r '1'houa
f Ih1Islm )
)Wutdwe»1 a daughter �of Dan .Icl.ay, Of the rah n
11 t. F. J. It. FoRSTEI( EVE. FAR I'mnrrmmiin Huron tnNnship. r•- t
Nu%e wsNI,Thru"1 Lely. Nlralf"1%1. !ills. reo1IV had the Illi,sfortone ill have the t
Itou+r muegeon' N.•w fork nphlhaluJ.• aid films),, tit' her left 11A)d vauglh.. in the
lural In.t It ole yrs I\�, 1I II14'NI N-ml?tart F:.ur. L
\..r .!114Thno1 Ho -Vi, aJ. I2t,den!.Placa•. And N'hrel i( it barrow. It w+)m (fund
Itu),11 I,uldon ,4d•thxbldr 'Moorefield FY"I neees•lary lm atllPltGttr the injmletl i
11'."ALI Inlndon. Fns. Ilm,ro Albert .trout. ulemlker. .
strwtford* oupA llr \\'and -r hotel. Hand: A
u re A.m.. 9.1 paa.• 7 A p.un. 1'rtephl.oe+J17. Ite•c. W. (1. ,farmn, H. A.. who ryas f
rroeltly elertAd secretary of the Ion- ,
- - L0�111 tario I.4)rd'd DAY : INATICe Alld N"N(Wiftle r
secretary for• Ka'amte•li Canada• is the
---=-=. --
--1: of
, o r 7 George Ham a.
Holy Nikko 1 tile late t p
1AMEHOX k KiLLORAN. DAR- thrnth title -or Morris. Hr wait Imlril
ItISTERH,mollrmur-.nulacriobt.id- ()Me"- ill Holuo•.ville and prepared for tilt- 1
lialnilton ML. third door rrovl Square. lioderirl. I'niVervity io l'Il nton high school. N
tint. M. U. l•AMWI N. K. I'. J. 1.. Kit,
I., MAN. _ it St. John'a church. Ilt•msw•Is, on '
YI(Ot!DFOIn•. HAYS k FILAIR. �'4 w,niay. the :p)ll lilt., Charles
I'elforl Ketfer, k fret. N•rom" \'nun
Ilarri.Led, molicNore, noAltriea public pre
:tar+.in the Mrrillnle cours, on:.l/leer, r..t%ire Iagricultociietof"the vicinity. Of Ellie
mquwese nest door e'. A. :wlrn'm groerry 1'ri IINl to the alliu' Mitis \'ilia 1'earl Jark-
vate tu7dli ase lend at Icwemt rates nt int" 1. lin. yo in test dam liter of Mr. find' +
N'. PHUUUFWT. K. l'. it. t'. HAYS. U. F R R
JI.AIR. Mrs. FlijAh Jacklin, if the '2nd r•on•
Ceeawhffr cif (irey. Rev. I1. M. lAtog-
DICKINSON 110 IiARROW, IIAH- Find tied tilt- nlrptial knot.
ItISTN", attorney +, moliciLor.. ew. Il -as -int event took dare at the I
Goderich. (Mone) to lend At lowest rate.. K A 1 { ,
1,I)h'KINIdGN.CHAKI.F:SeiA1iROW.JA-H residence if Mr. And Mrs. Ilenry'
Squires, mf the Imth concession of l's-
la0inae etC. I's -
hostile. in Wednesday, the :111th lilt.. I
milliuraneee when their daughle•• Miss Ant►ie. iw-
vaine the life -partner .if John Heid• t
�rOUNG cit ROBERTSON- REAL roan. of the 7th conces"iun of l'mlorne. I
F:mtale end tnmurtnre! Axent-. iteml aid- The ceremony WN. Aerforllled by Rev.
taeformalror to let. 1'rupertiea handled -In l
au)' fart of llle town mud ,runty. Fire ald H. J. Fair. it F,liniville. J
Ile inaurauce, money to loan etc. After A twelve yontw illnems of
iOHN v\, l'HAIli1F, LIF'*:. FIftF Brigght'sdis acce..Mrm..John Appleton, I
e and accident In.urance Ai.lit forlow---n alt Khiva, Stephen li g% off
;CAN re•
mutual and .tock eros{onie+. in-nrelue if- all 1ra"el front her tiuKPrfngA nn Sundet,
tin- eReeted on hest plan. slid at lowest rAIe`. tile, Y7th lilt. Decreased, who wlos Its
e'mll at ofnce, corner N',,t Stec, ald Sluwre
or addrew'J., W. CHA1UM.. Goderich, (Plot, her thirty-seNotl year, wail emt•enied I
rete ,hone Yl 1 and Ioel/yed Ire :1 lArge rlrele (cif :Ove- i
r mnintanes. flerfiusland and yfinng 1
MUTUAL FIRE IN. I�Afighter are left to nnnlrn her, l
1 fo I' R A N C F: CO. Fiorito end Iodated .
town prospers,= hn.urvil. value of property in !Dian {'eAt•1 Cmnmft, or Ilills (irer•n, I
.nre.l up to Jan. r",o%eret.,xa,nn. IIMMII'er na1T,N'iv emrAorcl death cin Smnday.
end director.: -J. R. Mcl.osn, ppee..: T. Firm, r J 1 ,
circ -Pres.: Jaw. Connolly, G. IMIe Jtr, (ilia the •11tH tilt. The• little girl wNIL I11
nto-. J. watt. JAs. Keen%. J. 0.orlecr-J. Heine- file yard where her father Was hitch -
we Lit, direclorm : T. F1 Hays, M.saforth.seeretar)' in 7t horse when ,t roil er of eche,
"easarer • in.pector%, ne,tre.t director to Inset. K p
W. Ye,o, Holrnrsville, agent for Wet which were running nlNlnt, knocked
Huron. Poliry-holden cell {{oy am.mwmentw her .down And tfalnpinl her under i
and get their card% receipt e�d At Mr. If 0.1.i. 'their feet. She was irked ti un-
unnron, or at Mclean Hrus. Palwce'('lothing P P
"tore Uoderich . cunil ,iolts and warn is ind to Ile in a I
,_ _ __ _ very critical condition, ))fit she is now
BRAVING PAXWR recovering rapidly.
_ After a few days illness of liner
�HAViNO AND HAiR-i UFS•SINO ltrtmtia Annie McIntyre, beloved %vitt-
( PARU)ltli. - The treat place In town. of Alexander Dow, of Exeter, poisoned
Prompt ,sen he; clroryihln f clean and punt peacefully awAy on Sunday. ,the lith
tars- Ito, wnA cold lath+. N'M. 10 vivo.
lilt. Dcss.vtsed. who was in her fifty-
DtJtl.h Exehange Hotel Illock t-neces-or to -second year, was a daughter of the
J,w. Frtxlerl. IAIe (lilfwrt McIntyre, nf'Fullarton.
She was A most Poitin Able woman and
Earna�e Lieensea her memory will Icing lie correction-
- _= Ately cherished by all who knew her.'
WALTER E. KELLY, flessidem her hemi and one sin And four
UODKRICH, ONT. daughters survivP.
Yfittrhmaker; .lewclter and Optcian.
IA.uer of Msrrtsge Lhellse.. Apples to the States.
LANE, ISSUER OF MARRL Tile Clinton New Ern says : Thom -
e. A06 Hoeneee, Uodorlch. Ont, wands of harrelst ,if apple" ate going
from this boostneighforto the Stapes
`- th1A year. loth Meast•If, .i. Steep and
Alictioneerinq 1). CAntelon having mold large gnnt►ti-
-- lies to American Ialye•s. There Is is
duty of 7+mc a hard fin n i em oinl(
and enrrwl aoctloneer. tilllrep on Mouth into the Rtatep, xntl ire• Of the AmeM-
t+treet, where he will he found At All time+ call fruitdenlers tilt( The New Ft'a it
when not ^.tying saleaa Terms remsalable end world cost him Co.(11M) thim year for
e,ory It lose to Rave lou aaWltsotlon. rout alone. A tnlorket of eighty nlll-
1'hone.tl6 y R y
lion people, right at fins, doors, "hoald
GEORGE BECKETT lie of Nome benefit to Canialtians.
General Istationeer. A. McKillop Pioneer.
New System of Tickets and Catalogue. Another of the esteemel pioneers of
OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. McKillop, in that Fler•nt of Alexander
P. O. Box 183. Barton, of the 7h concession• y1h11•tl
tyle silent majority on Friday, the
- - - - - - 'Lith lilt. DecksAlowl, Whn wait hi'vo in
yf,nrdago. crre,am in Can 1, ets JKM rnd
vaneq Agtt, come to ('anndA its i8.�,i lino
settled in Northomberland crainty.
The underitigned haying leen n' In 1818 he wait mnrried to Miss Fussily
stilted G) health by simple n)eans, after tree year,
Who purviveit him, lion
sutieria firNPvt-rwl eare it.h A M•y- three yrnr.later Mr. And .Ism. F(IarOn
e1e 1nnggR affection• yard flint dread ratnP to McKillop and mPrurPel n hOsh
fire ]l a GSeaneptlesg, in a of t l to make lot, which by dint (if nntln.gging indil,s-
known til ifs fellow Vonst toIL the try they trano,fornned into the excel-
of carp To those win the lent, farm upon which they h7Nl mince
r ,rodded. Dsperaeteti WAIL A matt Of stsr-
It., he will cheerfully M•rld (fret- Of ling character and genial dimprisition.
charge) n copy of the prescription lie leaves his aged partner••in•life,
used, which they will find n mare I•na three sons and two tinmghtero to
fnr CSasaaplles, Astblga. Ce cloth. firer lnourn his removal from their midst.
Chills and mil throat anti long Metadies.
He holies all auffererit will try his Death of Henry Ball. Wingham.
Remedy, am it is invAklallP. Those In the penicin of Henryr Ball, who)
dos ring the preprript.iiln, which will departed this life On WfNlnewday, the
cont them nothing• anti may prove a •-1•,lr,l lift, death fins clAinuNl i1nP if
blessing, will letleaee addremm
R P Winghmul s must respected citizenw
Ion. 1009 Ards(( , kukl s,NA estlid me elf mosey tnw rnhiptl fUteW,
� p� esteemed pioneer leeidetlt.a, Delw►ged
TCUs How to Prepare a Simple Mii-
ture to Overcome Dread Disease.
Tit relieve the Wont fit•nl*Lf I•heltns-
tiNn6 lake ,t tetspAs+nfol of thrlfol-
)Wing Illlxtur• after eaeh ideal and lit
Fluid Extract Dandelion. one-half
mllrr: Coral"nnnl Kargun, link -
once: 011111ouscd Syrup Sar,aparilla,
lorl•r ounces. '
The -e hai•mde-s ingredients caul be
-1 •isle
i u 11 )
1 rnr h u l -
I '1' 1.1 from K
It. m l
lid are etLsily wixwl by shaking th
...It in a loltle. Relief is generally
ell (timid the lit few dcses.
This pres/•riptifin, slates n N'IJI-
nutvo ;authority in it t'le veland morn -
ng paper. forces lir cloggi'd-ltp in-
ative kidoev- to liller solid strain
risen the bifAkd the poiaroflotis waste
n+tlt,er and uric 7ueid Whir)f Causer
betillmt ism.
AN rheunratimns is -not only the most
bl l n-
: Nr IL e a
1 tl s tiitePt
m (Iry 1
lnin(ul t r
ge•rona to life, this' $,IloPh' reeeipt will
o doubt In- greatly %vdoel by rosily
titferel•. here at, helnfe, who sfhoold lit
. i et til
. • .• .• ixtlll•e t
encs ptep.ar• list- m K
It is •maid that is pers,m will- wool(
Ake this pre.eription regularly. a
dnse m• two daily, or even lo few times
a week, would never have serous;
kidewy or orinary diwlyders it 01011n -
at ism.
l'ut this nut ,end plemerve it. Gootll
'h.•i flint im ll predcr iptions %y If f v It
rally relieve are mearre, indeed., and
when volt need it volt want. it badly.
,lir ilruggiptm hrre slit-rthey will
either supply these ingilirntm or
stake tilt- mixture really to take if tiny
If our readers No prefer.
'41IXM1tl,Y.-1'M THE PUMPKIN grNI"!m
They lunged at him, they plunged at him,
They sat an hien, fell flat tau hilt(,
Surrounded him and pounded him I
They seized him and squeezed himl
They rolled him and told hint
What a pie to bake he soon would make
For their Thanksgiving dinner)
How very glad thaey were they had .
A boy that was no thinnerI
The early moonlight silvered all the hill I
Then Tommy woke and heard the cricket's
Those pumpkins lay in singular repose I
Not one of them displayed eye, mouth or
"He, has 1" laup.hed Tommy, "That wgs
droll 1"
Then to the farmhouse quietly he stole,
Rejoicing that his chubby self was whole.
UBILEE OF HURON DIOCESE. I But on Thanksgiving day, with curious
lenjamio Cronyn. First Bishop, Was
lie gazed on grandma's luscious pumpkin
' Consecrated October 28, 1857.
ilonday. October 24tb. w•71s the
nniverluary cif an innortant event.
n the history Of the Church of Fng-
s.nd in this part of Ontario, says The
.orlon Free Prems. (hl this day
irty ago the Right Reverend
Mrst. .lanuon Ito Airs. Lanunis, in
ienjantin Crltlyo. i).D., wan conme-
perfect confidence) -•'Di voll know.
rifted first hishop of the diocese of
mine is the prettiest hnihy in tilt-
foron, by the Archbishop of Canter-
world:" ' .
nm•y, Iaitelmte•d•ly Other bishops, in
••Wall, really.
. HOW. whist :t eoinci-
at111I)etl AISee, INonalcon, Frigland.
dente!" Mall •Mrm. Llininis. '•Flo IN
)r. CrorTrryyn had [peen elected hishop by
he synod of the diocese if Hnrnn in
luly of that saute yenr, hutwns licit
if a girl remains Aingle until her
�onsecratetl until October :N. 18/7.
ideal n1An voures along the chances
Plevicnis to this tittle tilt, dioceM• of
Are that her maiden fill lift- will adorn
luron f•,rme•ol part of the diocese of
her tombstone.
rorotlto. And wail presided over by the
Bishop of flint diocese. There were
------.- -- - - __ -_-- _____
.ben halt forty -two clergy Of the
'lurch of F 11gland in what IN of W
ellown an the dio veme of Ilnron, with
fifty-nine church edifices. Since then
the number of elegy lilts Increased to
aboutlicit, find the number of churrhes
to alloot $ill. The nren, c•o\tered is
large, consisting of thirteen counties.
with the• lvontiem of (itey, timer.Unshrinkable
Perth, Waterloo, Brant And Norfolk
un the e•nat, and including tilt- cOunties
U n d c rwe a r
it) the wept. And involvem lilt in nlenNP
Amount if travel on the part of the
cant ravel.
There have been four hiwhopr Of'
It is knittcd
floyou Ili sill. the firer hishop. Dr,
Cronyn. holding the oMee, until the
year 1871, the Clue Of.his death. Ile
by machines
;vas Nuereetled by Bishop lfellmoth in
that mine yvial-, And ilishnp Hellnioth
that lock every
having ,resigned the ,o-ition in IWi
he wits mucceedel toy the late Hishnp
fifthlavin in that year. On the no ca -
%ion of his death in 1f114, Binhop Held -
win was pmrcessid d by the present
We stand d y
e Right Reverend David
hishop, tile
\\ illiallis, 1,. 1).
'A fund, known Its the julilee. fund
to ive
tilt a new, y
wnA wtAt•teil fat the beginning of the
for an Stanfield's
jubil •e year. And the gr•.•Ater part of
g i
the ehur;hep have already rempmdell
Underwear that ravels
to the call• and thome not yet can•
visioned art- expected to have the work
U8t aS Wt will to lace any
completed at pre early date. The total
rontrihntiunstit the diocese. of Hltron
Stanfield's Underwear
for religious pmrpci"es JANt yeAr were
V21.0170111. and it is expected that the
that shrinks.
prement year will exerted that aoolint.
A Note from the Bench.
Sizes from 22 to 70 inch
An Sir 11VOry Ilawkinm, 'A Tasrl
Ill'ltnopton wits pre•piding at A trial fn
chat -in light, medium
which one of the ronisel wearied
everyone in court by his long-winded
and heavy winter weights.
speech. After heAr•ing it quietly for
some time, the judge jotted down it
note in pencil and sent it by An at,
Your dealer will niely have
teeldant to the rmmnmel fn fptestion.
When that gentleman had read it, be
your size and weight. if
made an abrupt Pnding to hid or7atinn,
fOr Sir Henry'm little was am fnllow":
not, he ren get them for you.
..Is of cum teliliu-m
n. Gold medal,
Sly Henry Haw�lus ; honorable men-
I Pp
thou, Job."
iiIi 1fiffIIIfIvfl • Stas. iLL
16- -11- boil. oo iag instiod
.,le, t• the clm:c,.t
missal. for let
Th... human mother
(.ells her babies o0
Pure gone-Ilede
It builds mu,Iclr, sharpen. intellrt, lays
foundation for riff --s enaahood.
1F. T. .D=A.N
- - . _ _ - - -- _ - . . --- a
Something New
To take the place of the Screen Door fc.r
Summer we have a lint3 of
Storm Doors for Winter
or if you are putting up a ellen, it saves
you the time of malting a floor and conics
cheaper. •
I, this fall have been larger than usual, but
wo still keep getting them in, and at pres-
ent wat:have an assortment of over fifty
on our floor for you to choose front. 'Phis
may seem a large nuinber to you, but if
you doubt it come in and count them for
yourself. .
We also'have it. number of
in "ood rlell'lir.
TiNSMiTHiNG given special attention and all work
lolly guaranteed.
Ifni 'Phone za CHAS. V. LEE
F{misr hnnr 1u
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carfully atteua,d to at all
hours, ulxht er da)
'PHONE 15OR 24
t\'ar,•hom.e (rr. %%r -t
N' Isrn ..ell w.id `.,tel Pati," .) (-n� _, :mel )
7' l 1 K I t K: i I' it I,,, 6 •a q u itr a
asrAll foal w•rilrhed on the market nettle"•
where you ,tet • a Ili-. tar a ton.
Order. left at t', C. I.KKS Hardware Store
.-a-1 -0. 5111 arc. VrometiV utlendlal- to. .
Livery, hack
'Bus. Stables
-RTC., A T-
-R A': E S-
� '
Nell -a pointed
Hacks find reli-
able drivers in
charge of fthe
'Buses, which will
meet all train"
And AtPAfIlhOAtm
Canadian Northwest
tiomestead Regulations.
Any ecru annll"•red :eelion of i)oulinion
ilium, in Mnnitob.t. S-kattehewan and Alberta.
e\ref1tdint A "1111 2". ,nal n•N:1 %.A. mity be hecle-
trlNle it by env pel.un who i. fit,, .tile heat) ora
family, or any Isle ober IN yen" of age. to the
e%trnt of clue -quarter section of Mall acres, more
or less.
Applient inn for entry) run -t he console ill peneon -
by she npplirnnf at a Ihnnlnio, IAUNt. Agency
or Nub "gouty for Mc district iq which the land
is .IUlate. Khtry by pr,xy may, hnwr%ev, ba.
made "t an Agency on certain ronditinn. by
the father. vowthrr. . ,n; dnnghler• brother or
.I-tPr of en intrndinlr ll 'e.
The homemtee,terf- minireel'to 1wrfornl the
holnv.teul dutiel, tinder one of the following
ill At Ica -t -1x month-' remidence upon and
culti%atlou of the land hl a"eh year for
) Ar-.
rt1,t homa-n
e -trader ny. if he deAres, tier
form i'ha• regained re•id,•me didie, by living r it
fai'ining 4111-1 owned -1100 by total. not Ir-- than
eight), Isk" acre- In exam(, In the %leinity'of hl.
hone-leml. Join( owner -hip in band ,will not,
meet t hi- rah Ilr•n.rnt . .
I:v If lite father slit mother• if tine father tilde
ery1MNbofa tamal-trader bo- pcinianenl re4-
It•no-r on f"renin,t lend own,ef .ol•ly by hint.
not le --1 has, ei1cIII) f-g.,,t• in extent. In th.•
virinilS of tilt- 6nnn•-t,•Ad. or upnn ahon,.tead
enters, (tit- fly hill, In the %faintly. -ach homy
lender am•rfns, M- ownmre-idenre dntie
by Ifvlogmi' .it htnhef.. 11,rlorothert +
III The sells, "vi.dnif "in tha
e tu preceding
,r.tltrw Vh- I- nedned u- 1;:eaninl1tC 1104 Ines..
than nloe mil -lit A direr( ,vee, exxisfi%rof the
width of tall allowsnre- cfu ked cup the
mea llrela vse. .
On :% ho11r•le,ader Intending to prrfotm hl
rmidenee delle- In Ae,vmrd"n.r with the shove
while livieg with,marrnis or al ktrtldn land
Ig n,. 1 by hitn-If "'not 110111(v the Agent for the
11" b-1 of -vel Infant Inn.
Mix tit ... thm' nolle, it writing nln.l hw `th en
to the Cotntuis.lm.er of lsornlnoon band. at
U,tawa of Intention to apply tel patent.
%%, N', I fifty.
IMpnty of the Mlni-d,r of the interior.
N.l�, t'u.nlh... toed pvbll,"tion of thick so.
eetthew t well not be paid for.
' / .t '
- _. ' I r