HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-31, Page 60
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1 ' r ' t 1 N t r "•- Wr1P '�I i..x .ir " a7.F'z l �'I,di`
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Y" 1•,Cit
At �.q t��„ T•RA
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TlilUDAY, October 31, 190;
"F.! '11, . I, d tete
karry cnnatmir true•. I i i,rJy), k( teas' woofer an• +uf: u'l. torr i
t'ruadiru Uroter. r1uuA borate+,funs, uud yuu r•1Uit IP1 t•, •
The Christauas reason tries' the facile • t.., nota h tn.l,l.lc ten tet them and Let• , •
itics of tutr.t utterer very severely, unit The Making of a g I ,0
• ,
the greet majority of ulrrchxnlr feel thrid, I:he t+:u Ir• n frleud to jute II►e I . , 1 Ladles' Wear News
that if they could nzIf in the holiday tent r nu othr: ft'leud except your own �.
rnah oval agood al I&rgprri«I they: Successful Wife i
would do a cxxl Jeal Iw rr huriurw, �F I4i, 1st: • W
And handle it %ith Inueh ulcus• .+atfa- �I t' m
I'm to their enbtoiner-, and. eA+o re• - • � a THIS STORE was rover better able to GII
t orally, to Ihewuelveu. It call le jDb ALL your wants than now. For with, newly
t�teur. In uwrl retw•s ache selling - By GASPER S. YOST.-?. arrived ,
does, not e,nntnenre until the tlr•ut ', 141 + The Pandora oven never smells clone LADIES MANTLES y�
wtrk in IMcru,is•r, ter LUrr, and Ihr it t*''i I 1 and stuff' as do the II l
congrPtiou „f U+tele Hutt follow', ill ij THE NIFE'S MOTHER-IN-LAW.-- A 9 [ y' SILK WAISTS
Lee lis overyone. Is there it Viably Important racial, In Makin( OVe� tS perfectly majority of range OVQDS pp
ally gotnl reucon why you could sol 11 r I „�:• `G..
? altrart hriA huviuglht• last wtv. in
Your pem.aie Happiness If Yo 7 __'� j ventilated. I'he air in the Food cooked in it is more TAILORMADE SKIRTS
lei alai: st
Auveushrr i _ _ II
Yousing You'll
BeTkae'll kful For.
-_J' .. — 9 oven is constantly being healthful, as well as more FINE FURS
6lauiag Tw'll BifaaWal for.
The uoly %A) I•,r A rich man ll,+ I,r 1 renewed with fresh air appetizing and satisfying. CHILDREN'S ULSTERS
hr+al(hy' Ir, by excreter• Buil +tl.stini•ue•'•' tier rAlt to leer a ►tun. If
Y >our k,eal Dealer cannot gi,a
to live rc if hr weer IAA,r. t''kvrr•tgbt, tau;. t„ l:aWflal, A. rwt.l drawn throw tree vents
-other. send the those will often cutter g >we vwnykte ani nnaU a abtr,t Ake WINTER HOSE
Y D1LeH LTJ`1'l.h 1111tI�-I between oven and fire -pot -+
Nis don't wuuder that the cow- when you will thank I,taavcu that l� YanJur•, wore dorct for trq +t3• T Gj,Q`%ES and UNDERWEAR
HW's l a is b our aide holding your d .1 h k b•eklN t4`:. ,'
a .
abut. — lea r, tween oronto and arry
:Alice that to Was is pretty ueur divine. Isn't any wuouo on earth wbo•can a
There's uothiug wruug about that, wy 1 come uud,f. the win abngxkle your ser love Is Im �fh, 'sound, serving meals a la
perishable. Iaet /� Oarte w,
dear. oil the cuutrary, it's one of the ' r.Aotber w1A, :+ it cO:uew to vtAtuh But ` <_ I Ilan e s Sunda
tug visit of 1l llleaw s mother a Y Y Gorse an 1 e CQo Int �
makes you r little bit nrrv- hand and Wiping you over the rough
„u> It L an ordeal thut neurly every Phle"P. fumes car-
ar you enol come knowing you can get WHAT you want mind w•Ifs�
i, onug offs looks' forward W with a 1 duo'[ doubt that be L.u+ brrclfcel r i e d out _ I gull wool it and At the RwHT PgH•tul. era's every induce.
,'rrtuin dr about her u gutsl deal. Ilr'd be u fast. talent fcr you herr,
gree of apprehension, if not
dread. She feels that she is going to be Dy Ron It be didn't. He'r toll Yule through HKAt"1'I FG1, HTYLMY AND HIO VAIXFfi. "
l+eld up for luspectlua; that herself and what a wonderful wauager Phe is and another set �••��
',••r welhods are about to be subjected how hit-' can cook buws-A-ruassy, how
r critical nualysis by a ateru and cLe can trouk' -There never was any of vents in back JOHN ��^�1
rludleed house4suld wartinet, u per- 6.1y could wake blueuits and laltlre y t,J O ( i N STEAD � a!
1 - t paragon of dutueatic virtues. lila hie'•' stat duughuuts like Hill's'
end Of oven, as /•nv i"rI
But dua't uu let that worry you. - •a •WEAR"
+ hes' protwLl) b.•tn ratuurd ler the > y shown by illus- `1 - ' GODERICH LADIES ,
t ,naatur and char( raptateut oC the There's just tls mtxL iwagitntlun `«� WEST STREET, Opposite Post Oftice.
ti, .! art of ratio lug a hams, the one wo- al.,ut ulu's pew as there In about lull (ration.
win who knows exactly how to do true" his viewpoint. Thely-s n balk �' ��,,1r -- •_—• • -•
about her blacult, too, but nobody can Pandora ,-rex
Wags. tet course Miler uerroup. But y -mss
bl,•se your dear little heart, there's no Ker It but Hill. I'm pretty sure you
tate tna.e flat as ---�
m II reewu for 1 S [nod antro, and t �-- - - ' --- ---
11 Bill's moth- know your mother can belt her hands - HLINE
-- -�
,., I down. But don't you let on. It won't
el,. 11►e every ; _ _
o ;her man's° Ju to tswlA r recklessly with his It (� -- `-' I I CANADIAN
t 9 eals. Wall till alts ever, and risk
mutter, is about W -.'� TO -
or fourth wow- her to show )uu how. That %UI .'r - - - �; - +
a, and three. t please lull and tickle the (ad ladyMUSKOKA
to,rths lulagtna ' half to death. If she isn't any great • FAST
tlt•ti. Did you I oilt for
ns a croon, en, an will find It v fiui
ever notice how �) out fur Llwself then, and coming to AND
.4:: a man looks `•••-- • I that wily it won't hurt him. He'll McCla
when he's cum. lust think his mother a losing her v
y PARRY SOUNt� Montreal -Chicago
fag toward you ! grip, and he'll t1r aL the proodsr of LONDON, TORONTO . MONTREAL WINNIPEG. VAP tOtIVLR,aT.JOaN,IL►MII.TOM FALL TINF: TABLE TRAINS
through t a fug? )tell' E. P. PAU LI N, Local Agent. t�,
You think ICs' �� Housekeeping Is a seisreee. - NORTHBOUND
the boss giant at, BUl's rnuUK•r, On the other band, It aha W reany tee. u Na 3
Tu KO AU 111%pman 1 01,111) pill Uouble•lteaderM night and dx
lie onus' 1mti1 he gt•L+ up close. ated , vv'ay up lis 1: is flu• kitchen drop your - vv'ANHAUU 111% pill Ul.mpn g )".
then you find ft's little SwithUn,, ,w,king school wetbcalr Iflm a tot Sat- PARRY SOUND .111, pin Riving splendid service scat nod
wLu wrlglw 11U pouted, ,lith ills lulu- ' Ione and get seuet :o her ,cheroot. - move. tie sun and 'moon or -his w'or• s s q went from Out rio statiVns Isend
amp, to the end of his days. They L SOUTHBOUND Toronto).
ter t big fat un. A luau, no woughatter knots that yuu learned a gold deal should, , but sometimes they don't PAItItY riul'NU t 11.4:,Me.
what his Mgr, ucva his wuthrr through fro:u your mother that the cullssry Hometlmes the 1vASHAU11 LIS tons r.{i w°i
Use suints of etildb,,,rl and )uuth. professor w:tAu-t able to get away from greater love P! 1 'fe lltuNTvt ... ..."V. poll 1u. 10 me
lead the sous of his life shlnhng y1,u, though the turd knows she�ded wan and yen n' leave Trnontatevery night furV,•ut-
ttruugt the hrzr t•nvrlup her ill urade- hard rnoet;ll, and W wy notion these g
kE D DEER Observation-Tinin[ Parlor CPars be twat and Ottawa,lk+trnit and ('hi-
uwst beautiful farts in creation. Hot that Isn't iLe quint. The mrtlu Dmlinest IrtetAM tdevelop y,,W, y rte t )• --- ----- -- ------ ---------
between the Are abundant in the
wbru other peopb• lout at Lis ututber of u wife Is to please her hmf0aild, Jost �'• "HIGHLANDS OF O[ices: All Stations, also Cor. IGn and rnlear"r-'ueln r—
Life and the [ Joa. tau,. •Wean a oade"".
they ser just a n,wwuu, ordinary little as it ,hotel,! b,• the main bus 'immolate of a mother, and. I+ ONTARIO" Toronto and Union Stat Toroate. enwC. &ruts,,. DP".A_C.r.a..•r,riece"
woman, no better and no wurwr than Lusbaud t., ple:tx his wife. U.Ud if his Phone.Main sin.
though the man
Its average. Yuu'II laud that to l,r the ' n,uU:er Lauer a Iris ter t%•u that he
may ter true to ------------ - — -- — -- -
rase wheu Ifill'y area stepP in. You thinks gre:a jou rau,t do anything bet- -Single fart- in etfert until Nov.
Itis allegiance
w'on't Lr aide to ser nliy talo around t,•r to Ideas hien than to make them :,ih, to all ls,ints in +tls)ve district
YuUto lea wife. iuf•ludin
herr tier and w'ua't ler able to die vonrs. Asa wafter uC fad she torulus' though he may Muskol Ltlr. ,, PrnI -
rurrr Ler wonderful superiority to the t,l)' Asa :I whole LuucL of hoaaekeepiug K
rest of wulltaukited. Bill sees them. but tricks up Ler slerve that it wilt be
p� by her ' Lake -let B+tcs . \lullxnd -
dde on' take �� 1Laganatrelika River l +ekefleld •
)on will fill that she has her faults nd wortln your while to 6tt aoremov, rd her that I'rnrn tete! llislrirt Special 011ers
and her fallings fit's• other people, and � with: liuusa•lt•eldug Is a sciltace, but 17sst. Take Ace to out ter 7J1s g' t►
her failings are wore li.ely to give you i It laeks wore of bring a flied science �r love will est. Ute, to r.vtain IAoints ill ljurlr•e•,
'rouble than her vkturs. I than auy I know of. and no woman away, be tug- Nevv Hrnnsw'irk. Newfoundland.
CA have, bossed a borne as lou [aiC at esus heart. No man can be hap I •end to Smelt )its. ylat ie vier Vorthern
The Wife's Mother-in-law. g °s toy tmder� clrcumstancese. NO wife THE GREATEST EVER -
1tllrr ma Alas w Ithout accumulallag a
And that beluga up a question that I who lover her btst►and can be happy
have pondered over pretty rorssldernble I lot or facts nut du%n L, the textbooks when he L unhappy. Don't tate any Ticket, got,el until Ihr. ilh or %
besides urakiug sums uriglml diniev'- until chtsr ,d Navigation if ritrlit•r I °
and never found but one. answer to IL such r4s1b, tittle girl. Billy's ra sboOW g • t
11h Ls It you never hear an'tbing I P be ytror friend. `take her your :zlend t l y!, tl
Blies of lux own. No 1'n' earnestly ad- by stennu•r linea.
Wily , y v'isc• you, iMle girl. to let Ler know set ] The Signal
about th- wife's mother -In law. Tharr KA!rp her your friend. That's all now. x
4 I on,•e that wu want to take u uatgrud- y col tukf•l. mol full infwtual,no Call on::.{..i 1., t'S *a'~• i, r
the question. The mother -ars law has (,00dby, horse Your affectionate aS
U ate course ander Lrr. Somewhere lis f. F. LAWRENCE, " rand < x
been a subject for Jokes and satire i i t
father, JOHN A\L'ED. s xo
and derision for yaw espy book or your grammar you P. S. - For heaven's sake, don't let roan An(rnl l r t F ? 5 t
lance hour, r.Ha.m. !„!, The Toronto ” �I
goodurss only seen the saying that Imltatdm L the Bill see this letter. J. & ,,.e,,. 9 kli p ,l t • � A<
'-"-" • `sheerest }tatterk'. rad 1 ain't !ening J. STRATTON,
knows how trsany Ire ,+ ftek,•t .Lip m.
A617� out any state sacred when I tell you The Deacon's Philosophy.I• V`✓eekly Globe
`F`J years, but
Of\IrUon.d,t. nt.tri•'t 1'o).._, Ar►n,, t} !� 'Ib+ ""
} that slncere thin flatter. makes moue overlook lots of thin but hire is one S
R friends than r Ftufio,l clow n overdo k hackle ,awayp Will be sent for a year for `s p
99 yam, bat ttb al- hhtlue hlzea than: I !"
- ways the ma0's its•
school to the Uhl lady, and 1
mother -to law. corer to tier heart In three t t, t from we. It }
One would think la a while lot easter to alt bac. In the
there wast only ', -r cmgoMtion and ctiticlse the sermon
one kind of 1'� 1 c� than It IS to get up In the Pulpit and
them. They poke ll, b �-*+ Fill Preach a crac•kerjaek yoor%elr. Solne-
THE DAYIS fun at this Gas !'1 1 `' + 1 bow or tether it ]l r Just t w get the
b `ter kind In the f®- , rA _ ` Idrb out of thee heads that way down
CLOTHES RE ny I'apers and at the bottom of every old mald's
BILL has Lr god about thealmanaesand I I trunk- is the photograph of the man
her. oil the stage, and I she could'have warred. d have noticed
' they don't seem to have ever heard that r that %ben a girl deliberately bald
there's tere"Pr brand of motber-Litslaw, I l` her book and goes to fishing for a hums-
. lust as num.•rous, just its busy and band she be wore apt to land a craw-
;a�. ouce in awhile just as tactless and 8 �- r; tate than a black bass. •Agamere-
tneddling. The wife's mother -In law is non," Bald I to one of the members of
bran s the ub+sulutely unlnu%u in literature, while Sittlny uP to UA• parlor calledvematpa our church the other day, "aren't you
g n•ams and v'uluwrs and whole libraries , Oubleat. going to give anything toward the
clothes line --- have bes.0 written ubout the husbaud'r you could 1n gd mmthsPr'eacher's salary this year?" "No," he
to you. You can , Sitting fid. lied
� r mother law. Why W It. There's I the parlor amt running ° gabfrat At reperY emptlatically. "I gave iG
shod on your / just tent• answer. It Is because torn the sum,• time wiinam win be dlmis one Y� and didn't get a bit more
own back steps ha%P Is•rn doing all the wdtluK and ' lug the holden ladder t0 the sewena trade from the members, and i made
in winter time Ihr . only mother In-law they know' heaven of dellght, and, if be Iss't al- up my mind that 1t was simply throw -
anything tel Is thele own. That x [Honey away. --$annus Cilty Jour -
and hang out a { ready certain about It, iWO be erose• taut.
whole washing their u%u luotbers are also mothers -In- I I Inved tbut lila little wife is fie moon sn td
gnat- Naei�haw � otx
without having to 4 law• srnw never to have occurred to eat that else happened.
drag the basket afoot.- thein• If 1t bad there probably would tf 7su�toa so about the
Is- one subject I"s for the joke writer Make Her Feel at Haase. gilt•, eitalsalba,same old
and one of the greatest Institutions in But that Isn't all. When it a ma
We believe the "Davis" is the � moon. -
best reel made and we want to lbe world would have Lad a better ''owes. tall• her right la out ot the "I know. Bat .I was with a tapir
prove it to you. Send us your n•pututJun. For It Ls ort, figurutively spetaking. Dont a fart, my dear, I her down Gua spindle �9 girl. `-(71}to¢go K�sa14'.
that urotben In law, taking tbP- in n ` p legged i�alr In
name ■sed address and we well I
send you one on trial without it !,tenet, urs one or the wort tlt
eefl.vnt We drawing row. That alae is ft"
costing you a rent. lath of n mystrrl6ns but all wise
❑rnthely speaking, for f'm pretty err-
°" Providence. There areexceptlous that tail) You haven't got a drawing room,
THE DAMS REEL. CO.seem to justify the attacks made upon "°d I howto cvurcirlxY YOU hu lj ^�
v LONDON tis, , o)1. 1 ONT• the clatw, but they ler• exceptlous, and lgot, any spindle legged chairs. I t!-!
even with them In ulne rases out of I mewbvruuce Butthat t'sge:ttlugoff the
ten It's the smart Alexander sons -lin. I
low alwho are must to blame. So. while dnulrwa road. What I mean to ater h, s
twr Into your arms, justttss you
GET THE BEST fI„I u your ""° IaeWer. Itlaks �
1 leave wondered why we have, but
' one variety of mother -In-law In liters- fr•••Irt howl,. Alakr her [ed,.ln fact, 0
I am's wife Is her dairffbter
• h I torr, i have a!w•ays hPPn mllthty glad tbat Willi
"r! a $1630, r
w T.
To tlew yearly solute rils•rs, loth palwill Ile sent for for
the halAnce of IIet71. . That is. , new so earri her may hove fxuh
jo+upera until .lnoulu-y feet, HOW --fourteen months -for the small
rnAl n(;I :*SUBSCRIBE NO W. "1
The Signal, QODERIGH, ON7.
A Good Combination ANOTHER BARGAIN
ser d send
THE WEEKLY SUN The Family Herald and
,Tnrone„” Weekly Star
TO New Subscribers to To New Subscribers to to
t' Januar) set, tgos, January tat, tgos,
for 25 Cents tot- 25 Cents
The Weekly Nun is tier Thr F'sntily II,raid send
great Farmers' Woo-kly of %Ve't•kly Ntxr is known front
Cau,ulx. Nvery farm -owner HAlifnx to ♦'xncoucrr. it
in HIIroII (lunnty Phtntld mend gives 1t maws of geurrAl read -
it. ing mutter every week.
Address : Address :'
•�.F • ,, t The Signal end
Toronto Dally World
the other kind remained undlrerovertd. Riv ttorthy In Pvt'ry way to'be+ocoe•• SJtlLLIAN11 t s I TO We Subscribers far a raw
•, '�,
I i.Pi,'.ensl. Shote her tin• rt+PmK lee ah - F F M til for
� !
I .to) with e
1that Pnc@ has t y rut . little
du with that h,u. At nn)• note, Ilttle
tlnlew that is' due to her Mgt; asd If she
V' •„ G� O
v L]
i \
Klrl, getting bark to your own cay.
to hP
has sty rr.u,l y no!iou+ butene Them•
( nr)$krtnfrta*rAr sarrs,y
t 1 1
tour mother -In-law ht nothing
•'ll hacr thew, nil right S11'.11 I,e a
nfrakl of or to stand to awe of. If,"
wuuder for •furl• if :ou- dw•sn't. Mighty
b11omynfimirletr or peciedillw or. gettfnq
f.•w ptsyde c.w roue duwn the iwme•
down to plain Amerleau, her ernnki-
ahetrh or fife withoutde%Aopingis few
nese may give yon Rome trouble. but
kinks that try the pntienr•e of othrrn.
This is the llt!r, new can
the acme she's a mighty 1mlwrtant
learn your old doubly has them. Vem,
of Sl01C xl)fall that 1S
factor in the making of your domestic
1 leave. 1111), 1 b,•t If you could get
nappineess, and if yon play your conlr
000 u( these herr radiant PtA.togr:q,hs
delighting su Mans' house -
right sbe'll prose n blessing that you'll
of toy tuenlal procewa It would lotdc
keepers, cooks and maids.
11e tbankfrl for all your days. 1 don't
like nue of thus,• wlggWy hdlrpinr
• y _
tonw Belt's me, but I'm w1UloR to bet
you use to keels
1 your runrhiue from
( 1 t shines el stick as a wink
dollars against cold mutons on this
gr.lting kropp. That's right, my dear,
.ktld the :allele staffs,
]Recently Enlarged
w don't let her Links bother you. You
blisrht and Mark. Won't
2See New Words
-she Is allies Mother!
in the first place, you want to recon.
Can't straighten them, anti they won't
do you any home If volt let them alone.
iltll'tl off, 1!u 11IattCT 110R'
New Gasetteer of the World
aIle ifs fact that refs a BUI'@ motber,
Let her nee, lest, that her troy, Is In good
)felt the fire ,ets.
ash more then M.010 title, hosed or, :bsi
latestoennu returns
!nal the sretno in little nq your ul,dhf•!
Illinois. That's an Important point, for
I It's sumething shell top most ansloss
I It iti ;1lwa 'S l*eadv for Ilse.
New slegnphicalDictionary
Is to yon, and poo umst r,•,;s•f I h`
about, but It will be an easy job for
�tlst hs 1! KA fttr Gtates,
•' penona,date ot I'll , h,dentn,etr,
I r••elings In relrrnrd 1.1 her. lis Ihf• se
yes. itatlMr It %III he o)0 jog set all,
Stove -pipes anti Iron
FAIfssi Ly tC. T.ILllt lila. Th.n., T.i,. n.,
United stateso-mwiaaww•n,t IWUcarioa.
I darn•. )on mustn't forkn•t Ihul. Is•
!I.: hla mother, Phe iinfor,llly lielu.<
for I'm inlghty "rtain he twldn•t tic+
In Irttrt galore.' iIP91 say so ntmwelr.
work, as it i, Gtr Stoves.
2360 Quarto Pa os
:I hen r of him and rna IN' ,hest it til
I >
ter Ifo
If he didn't 1'n' De after him with
Not only the best glove
r.. t"e.tr eM, w .,,., ,a a,. � mousy,
Needed in Ever7He the
Ineun,•,1 to the Iden ill:tt ref,
girl is quite rotas enourh for him
ruelMlhing lit and bels to throw.
]test a minute now for the other aIle.
1)Olis11, but the most of it
Alen w@be $14 feta Dtcilonary
Alrq ,von sehonid feeler In mind til:!!.
A man's leve for Us mother begins
for the money. Insist on
R•gnl•t EAlnlna7aMalrl
Ilke Hill Nmlth's chum, she's ••olds;
at his hlfth end Infs mtHl ills death.
+ r:',.;: ,r•
Da LanpwnleasK.etl.rte. rr,•.!r .
end had morn. sperlentr" thein )'nu
Pro All ynn've Rot to de, little is
It Is not the greet reaanming position
f a...ren. aM.wrr• el,. ,r,! ,..,,
of his lift. That rvaePrrM for them
as`-orn'rrr�s"o' tee""^"a,+r•►
M rPmrtnher three three, Milli- and
other women, who hseertrr hili wife.
;Black Knight"
a. a C. MEILRIAM CC?., •
net arrnMingly. It IArkA n whole MI
Brit, no matter hew mach grwater bills
►eftleAors. a•rla.tt•fd, Maw,
of being u fav to An It ns' t„ -Ay 11
1'll admit that. Rllt It's w,t th the
Iwo troy he for Ms mete, It sever
At your reakrs
prices. Ties love mad good will lead
Mitpa. that eatllsr affeetlea fer W
,,thee. _ altls .by AIM "M Sfealr
42 t or awe on s,
d50. Cents`
Ir s
Your Local Weekly and the Best Newspaper
and Agricultui al Daily in Canada
Almost Given Away
The lAosal NPwopuper is part of every household. It iayouur
friend And henefxcte,r. in fuel it is part of every home..
The Daily Paper from the hfg centres is necessary to the man
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All the men love them old fartrl, Its Atneke its fruit, its •Pge t-
ables, Its dairy, or ata fon'rts-in Yact, alove of the, farm liPsdeep
In every heart. The World easily Ieacls all dailies As the Form
Daily. flpecial pageP lute given in Agriculture twice each week.
Nuhec•rilre at cmce And
DO IT NOW g> . X. '3. ," 2-1
The Signal and 7 he Toronto
Weekly Mail and Empire
to New Subscribers to January 1st, 1908,
for 25c. i
. The Signal, GODERICH, ONT.
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