The Signal, 1907-10-31, Page 54
t8a aIILg MATH YUBr Icor Da ren a
» aacaal�
wd dl, testing on top at an
wooden stick perhaps three feet high.
arbich In to is fitted errert on a more
substantial dans. As these became
lighted nus after moth at equal dis-
i+ tones alaog both sides ot the zoom you
4 follow tip the Ogrrvw, strip of reed
nettings rshalh eager else Suter at tura
tare Door. Ybusaed the rear end that
rise one bersd and llgbrs than so
After tame tlaa or flee editors of ner-
row, reds twodm batlltw And Tan-
€=W� der. high up -on the up oC>De but of
these etf4m, batitnd some trash a It
s, brsarhme of eon
these be waieetbW flgptr7 Atti JtisdLe
bvmUtknd nfTar,
Itoaid thrbQaedlSaa.a[ 13® to her
regal rem to the nemE'r
tar world am tie wan t lenge at the
releratlal extort. "1 Ctlit 60PO' thin nnrror•
VIM Precious game and thisawued that
Ye may look no in the e'•esdea and
morming into the meow_ e+s•e am unts
ase. and se• that there in no btPtmdsh
in the, dfscbmiMp ar , and
011118 jetturvd tbml;" etlt; And the divine
ancestor of ass aserld ea>pesor els'
acPnded to the idenLat Japmx So
trays the trtadelon
You can wes Ike - "Iturt tt !d
lowing asoe•iatka aptimirew!lhtmhtlna e
a Japanemae ml I • rewemEN03 kle6fte
UP into a (I hat of mh a w-shelohrg forth
through Rm'e�. Rath
in the tantttb. urate, thwee-
fore, doe tow two the spirit d the
Ithaca Teo wm free! IW very dutDnety
and Dilitionsss betata pew wffb
air of spasms owrwb em. at eltbs
rmt& cunni f wiffes of geld and aliwr
there ars aaaw not-ttle heely Simonet
or Incense- B ttLaytett frsgrmdr,sm tt
Useless ant tmd!vtitttity, fano pularal and
lead seed tloortegs, or >wa4atpnd Cedar.
"WOO" and polished 1 onto 02111aal
slide of jumigrlm pbrrr unel! they shine
tr, out of thdram beensy, more laesrzll-
fm lb" head eoass d pts mi war -
nista -how Sareemblest And 4MUMrssi>m
those tm by laxgtn born In selene
"ti-adham poo tmegh yaw -we starall-
f Part how eomnpvn euttnsbm aAnme
verb st>einiffe het amd"lnrat»ew
sn tl hes the rill: in
nummerxtd 4� m �
and mYos-saint
htlrrl a tsad
fi oho 4a lle bwq woodm if d
rb trite,
(If JIM gatlistringlo-of thim-answea. 'M
l`• tills trap tfaPse-fa lae•n�oa
of r e" from rho- Impeller .Rall, wlbmr
the etlriegot-1>tlwaeV mrawed flat
eniy emmram, and in that ydi-Q
Ptltthen tn1214w the swam lfatmsr Oi
malt tlw »ret bseaaed•ot-thwtxmvmtwt
�lm� P"ti Tray nfter•trwy the mdm- !
t eetwo the first rruAarti mx at burl!
man IWW loorpolcm9m Qwrmmw or hist'
and fill" d wfedtasd ant, old in hat! -
"I stleem-e he plares them on d(Ree®t
strum in due order. The offPtings are
now on the aldr. The officers take
thelr stents In single rown on Moth rides
of the center mettlingla. Hark the roa-
tMng sonndl There romee the PmPW-
or. Attired In him eraciettt cootnmo of
abate, tho majPAtirf(rcm 1uTOmreos slow•
IT to the akar. IDI; he -all) I Trash;
q; hie taken it poir4ao4ent refit -Warp
Kashl-Krim( RAtiffaLfconf Maaakrf-in
a" )read adrwstlnn. oh. fsrflrrs to hmty-
,,+ en, wP Mann to 11rmy. Aa all mWt
stlllnslna farbal"j tows, thosartiew, vibstt
r,hire arlM oft"asilidlisistillbs.IkMW.&RM
of bill untie and had never returned It.
Aunt ICmma was placed next to Conti -
In ➢fanny. Tile latter had married Into
t family Aunt Emma considered be -
math her.
Brottleir4sal-law Hardtapp Smithklnat
Int beside Unelle Gottmoory Smithklns,
who had tweelowd a mortgage on
Aunt Carotene and Aunt Jane were
time together. They Wways quarreled
xm woman's rights.
Uncle AlAoer and Unde John were
rempeettsety tariff revbionlatand "stand
per "
Cousin Mary and Cousin Matilda
were pha ed aide by side. They had
bad a property division quarrel ten
years befAWS that still exlsed 112 a law -
Uncle Mnanfwd and Nephew floury
were table neighbors. Uiwte Mumford
had allowed Nelgia •ev 114uWs note to
go to Protest
MPP the American )lora who regard-
ed fare washing as a task rather than
a pliesslure were marsdw" between
A®L Stackapp Smtthktnm' eight Maun-
deroy dosed soenm.
tfhoLO r Uade Bill• whom everybody
t>enrsght was to jail add who bad not
been hsrted, tame in Intoxicated and
made a few remarks apropos of those
present and their failings and in at -out
five miniKell -
e e e
"WeQ" said dear old Grandpa Smith-
kina an hr viewed the wrested dining.
mom. "talk about stained relations!
t-hele (lottnnoner'm collar bone is bro-
ken add'- But the hysterical mobbing
of Grandma Smlthkina as she gazed on
the havoc wrought broke oft his train
of magaeaoamt Ulou ght - New Tort
saw raboa we tate umbee, Dwens-
ttssa V we+a7.
"'Our 'IlInxilkagirtrlg dqr"• said the
Freactimatt_ 'ate don't call any of of r
fetrs by that ttame, but we migbt an
well. T91e D'aerK "rtmr k'rrgfvtng dw
eek-brsrion I ewer saw took pbKe at
Yevay In ZWU. It ww orputiz,•d by
wine (bwoma am the maxylineent
pageant lasted stxty fimys. The idea
of the fete was Irl reprodurall all the
familiar objects said phaa.tit of local
life and wort:.
-rhe festive) wag+ opened by a great
(ti)ria, afaKimt the snitional hymn. The
abbot drOvered all lmpnssttve speech.
1ta11eL•1 were daar•ud in the great mar-
ket mquatm--a belief of the raper', a
ballet of ttm grat>P putters, a ballet of
the Joanna and Itairrhuntem, a ballet
of the spring and a dalM` of On" and
Ynlion. Floats, exgaltdtrty decorstP4
r•epnmiented the dairy inttnstry, the
utlller's week, the gr=im+ picking and
wim4 inking spring and.antrrnnn. Mu -
air, color and grace marked this glori-
fication of agrieutti rc, labor and pa-
triotism. It all meant the same thing
m" your 7"baanksltirtaligi Ilse." - New
York Titres.
.tobaay's Artre•tfal"Wist.
Thow's one ILYat Ian trim ttsnkfbl for
skr•r 41avnkrRlvirm In past -
And t xp-4 Mey+s other boys that's
Axial that k thumb I "frtbb(nd" lots and
grit 'Ytaaed- tall aid fat,
'Root Jilin a turkey, tat oboe coated or
csrwxl or et rue. fire.
Yabee TY kw,ialt coot. Moore
harem a Hit 7%.Mw.
liner Admiral Uewl•y play'edthepart
of a morle rn otilambut and dimeowetetd
an arehipeltorn with n grtster number
of'lnhabitant" than were to be fonRd in
11 America when Volumbn(t landed
it%" have been greet changes in the
llhiltppinat". and a gotwl many nt the
cruatoins hrotight over by the Tinkers
have nem adopted by the natives. Any
form of relative enjoyment always mp.
psalm to those childlike people of the
mouth menet. oral to the nnmeron" holl-
alaym introdunxi and eelelarated by the
Hpanlards they hnve ieen g1Ad to add
Thanksgiving. Turkeys are am yet
lacking, but they will come In time
doubtlemam, and meanwhile there are
plenty of other things suitable to feast
ttncleuAam tam now 10,000 sowers In
the Phlllppirww, anti every one M them
will reipitrrate Thankmgivitlg Clay In
some fashhwt. Though they are, vrat-
tered over flap Island In no rower than
400 dlRaesgnt find, evvvy "rnom" will
have Its spertst dinner in mark the joy -
ate oeertshan. par thts feast nwmsey
will has. rwroo del mat or this "mmosrp
tutld," wit" M handw by the esirits n
of tsach.rmssearty - �'Vsde4lNa Tuna
il ii Islet
sl tt.-
J: T
4 TEA �p
1 , Girls are neater, more careful, and more cleanly than boys, so they are "�
employed in the Red Rose factory to do all the packing and labelling. t .
It is a factory girls litre to work in, and Red Rose Tea is
a tea you will enjoy drinking. Everything is done to ensure it
being absolutely pure and clean.
r r ,
IVill you fry a package? Ask your grocer • or if.
TavawAy, 0otoStr $1, 1931
4 'Men's
I, Shoes
(food solid wear and real
comfort in our Men's
and stand the walking;
which you will certainly
feel like doiuL when you
`t t wear them.
orf f rl All the best makes, in
all shapes, sizes and
- ~--- widths, are here.
- a♦ t d„
butchers. + si$e torise par m: A rarr owns war out
THE MARKETS. '"`''"'''s'"- Prime yyickxd ICS, .•t bnl,;•rp sold at � in lambs. and pricer ruled steady at i0.. � Easy to get a. fit. Easy
$4.60 to 14.78; loads of L, t butchers' uw i to 656c per Ib. There continues to -bis
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futuna the market, WA t 44.•u: io diuu,. SLT:. i good demand for give-. of which ate- � r i tI shoes to wear and hard to
& to N; common. 13 1 $.:;,u ,•nc". it to 84;� poem are coming forward fairly will and r'hu t wear out.
Close Lower -Live Stock- causers, 81 to $1.W. 1 • ,' ,'ii, - sales of choly stuck were inaile at 11: to t; t 1'lM x ,.
s Latest Quotations. ,+ Foodors end Stockers. nixuna `t 34 en its; tali at >� to 37, anal „
M.Pdxrs fur Jlrtlllell-p„o)strws sold a-;
In syn r,at by with fire continued strung
leaf rotor"
hr"clo. Qct �. follows : Steers. lute t.. LV•, tl.+ rich; aAll Is from nd the
suun• t a earn- WM.
CIJverpwll w•hr:at futures rlow•J` WJrY �•"' to$SMI; bulls. i:S, to r -'A awe cw`t dietaster, and lhx fact tenet tabun un
(%d to µ5d lower, corn a4d lower Milken and Sp. lnyefs. fiat-rday toted another rise In prices of
At Chicago, Docxntls•r wheal , I, golf '•140 rvw offered. Prix.,: i..egwt s ,,.,Krro , es b1 8 to London. _s In Bristol and in
lower, December corn age lower, and Ile. 33a to tin each. ! In LivertatoL the total market rot, hogs
wtnbnr uats ]Sit• lower. Vast Calves. is latrongrr. and priers are lee to IM per
• Wtneipsr gMtan• Prices for veal. tmlv.s JUMP list. blither than a week uau, with
.zaM'r#s" at .ID tv 16.60 pe•r re I. rales of selected lots at $11,40 to $6.71 per 1
Following are the closing quott duns an $hsep'and Lambs 100 Iba.
Winnipeg grain futures to -day '
•. tt.'iv 1,111,w
groatnea d hsiliwen tad hslwrat meds
East BuRalo Cattle Marts/
ancestors, and flow,; tap thinking for
How the Mikado
Stn Sneering return d tlts joyful sea.
a- of harveaft and plenty, and neat
Gives Thanks
and w ift-u lalg their n fifnp- hI -
end ps+oZsd3on that the Imperial Loth.
.MDtil, SM head; good active unit to,
may rNgn user the lard people and tea•
Mew bogs on Itte - - tet. (lunar,. Lint-
i__ with them In the goodiamme d dl-
ar R• 7i. '[AiYaAmf
Ville poilmR trap eternity. The and IS
resdied, and with an tmprelmolve chap
4 atefpek In the
of hand. rice repeated, he mob los
morntrg of oet rl lits fam,
Dom, and the tneperbl ft- assess
portal stems bsgpt to M ar
outer the same august sde0oes-
pu- and mltt4
The etm is up, and am Its first rayls
lust tusidod trent a commmbm of
strike the rugal ctirymazitherismas, en}
dint and aeon. Tbla Is the Place, -bur
I bouldered in Said, aptaol the pmpie
M,acuw the • e mperbs _haemin; the aa-
I ®surd Dapping oxer the Impartial gats-
rred wepter of juselobwet-
way the wimie of Japan aerates In Joy.
souls, the ad ado at &sett 1RWo4
- Ilmtred star.
lucre sp nmdata ho -linea ttt:2 tkre
Meigs--ftw-eipts. 1m.70u lead; fairly active
and 10c, to Me higher; heavy, 36.60 to U.00:
mooted edesmoy of ten Japan-
Yon are
it noted In stralined etesatUma
piousness with all that In wtmtK and
s as Hysterielal S.A.,
I am aLtaid you will hardly beibom
"plow," amid deur old Grandpa Smith.
not to dotartheot eon a p tamatmipllkt
kens, -we are a family that sort uv
flit' to the ealublim of gay. IndeRd
keeps in touch with our relations, and
in thin sanctum mainelmem at lop=
ret we never seem to really gill to -
there to ooh to ®sae jaw ssrOft
ðer. Here we are all inure in this
potion of msgzt/lbastu . It is arty a rasa
&seat beg homestead. What do you stay,
tangoler repom,ar no-e=moedmary Afte
Soother, to us having a big sociable
tinder a tbatrhed roof at rke Irtricims,
family reenfon atht love feast Thanius
posted ae the imaermemt wing at the
givfag dinner? We'll invite all our re-
snDafal Palmas- After parsing through
tattoos old and young. What do you
haft sad enrri I wLese the phew-
my to their
ssgme arta at Japan gfvlet pnm orae}•
Grandma Smltitkhue cheerful farn
wbeee, the haat V strange as yes
tably beamed. -It will be file very
enter this llOs dime wrlh pidr wood-
Ihf firm she said enthusiastically.
en floor said wafts aval,c,dlhap, sharn
So the big tabic was set whir forty
at a w orymsle LL
matters. All the male and female
But stay awbUe. There come In the
6mlthkinmses, cousins:, uncbe, aunts and
amdou" offlemm of ewemom, in short
nephews. sent fraternal acceptances of
rostra and broad ttxr0ws, both of
the tuvttatim, and for a week Grandpa
white, and woutug square pieces of
and Grandma Smtthitlns kestt their
Otalnlrs Mete now thatb elssss sad
servants working overdue.
mouth that the h- beealla may not
T11-knelving came, and so slid the,
ftltille On artlefes of ame ibm Tlasy go
r'eiltUvee--Just In time for dinner.
about ter r eaodietgfht,
Uraudma and Grandpa Bmlthidits bug -
to lamps of mid, old tmbbxx srhteh you
gral and kliftied everybody, and dinner
often act' to pi7rtamem, of smartest ci rvece,
teas announced. _
wtm a tow lames of their - swum-
Uncle George waw placed next to
sting in a.®sII, plain earthen basin of
I Cocala Charley, who had borrowed $50
t8a aIILg MATH YUBr Icor Da ren a
» aacaal�
wd dl, testing on top at an
wooden stick perhaps three feet high.
arbich In to is fitted errert on a more
substantial dans. As these became
lighted nus after moth at equal dis-
i+ tones alaog both sides ot the zoom you
4 follow tip the Ogrrvw, strip of reed
nettings rshalh eager else Suter at tura
tare Door. Ybusaed the rear end that
rise one bersd and llgbrs than so
After tame tlaa or flee editors of ner-
row, reds twodm batlltw And Tan-
€=W� der. high up -on the up oC>De but of
these etf4m, batitnd some trash a It
s, brsarhme of eon
these be waieetbW flgptr7 Atti JtisdLe
bvmUtknd nfTar,
Itoaid thrbQaedlSaa.a[ 13® to her
regal rem to the nemE'r
tar world am tie wan t lenge at the
releratlal extort. "1 Ctlit 60PO' thin nnrror•
VIM Precious game and thisawued that
Ye may look no in the e'•esdea and
morming into the meow_ e+s•e am unts
ase. and se• that there in no btPtmdsh
in the, dfscbmiMp ar , and
011118 jetturvd tbml;" etlt; And the divine
ancestor of ass aserld ea>pesor els'
acPnded to the idenLat Japmx So
trays the trtadelon
You can wes Ike - "Iturt tt !d
lowing asoe•iatka aptimirew!lhtmhtlna e
a Japanemae ml I • rewemEN03 kle6fte
UP into a (I hat of mh a w-shelohrg forth
through Rm'e�. Rath
in the tantttb. urate, thwee-
fore, doe tow two the spirit d the
Ithaca Teo wm free! IW very dutDnety
and Dilitionsss betata pew wffb
air of spasms owrwb em. at eltbs
rmt& cunni f wiffes of geld and aliwr
there ars aaaw not-ttle heely Simonet
or Incense- B ttLaytett frsgrmdr,sm tt
Useless ant tmd!vtitttity, fano pularal and
lead seed tloortegs, or >wa4atpnd Cedar.
"WOO" and polished 1 onto 02111aal
slide of jumigrlm pbrrr unel! they shine
tr, out of thdram beensy, more laesrzll-
fm lb" head eoass d pts mi war -
nista -how Sareemblest And 4MUMrssi>m
those tm by laxgtn born In selene
"ti-adham poo tmegh yaw -we starall-
f Part how eomnpvn euttnsbm aAnme
verb st>einiffe het amd"lnrat»ew
sn tl hes the rill: in
nummerxtd 4� m �
and mYos-saint
htlrrl a tsad
fi oho 4a lle bwq woodm if d
rb trite,
(If JIM gatlistringlo-of thim-answea. 'M
l`• tills trap tfaPse-fa lae•n�oa
of r e" from rho- Impeller .Rall, wlbmr
the etlriegot-1>tlwaeV mrawed flat
eniy emmram, and in that ydi-Q
Ptltthen tn1214w the swam lfatmsr Oi
malt tlw »ret bseaaed•ot-thwtxmvmtwt
�lm� P"ti Tray nfter•trwy the mdm- !
t eetwo the first rruAarti mx at burl!
man IWW loorpolcm9m Qwrmmw or hist'
and fill" d wfedtasd ant, old in hat! -
"I stleem-e he plares them on d(Ree®t
strum in due order. The offPtings are
now on the aldr. The officers take
thelr stents In single rown on Moth rides
of the center mettlingla. Hark the roa-
tMng sonndl There romee the PmPW-
or. Attired In him eraciettt cootnmo of
abate, tho majPAtirf(rcm 1uTOmreos slow•
IT to the akar. IDI; he -all) I Trash;
q; hie taken it poir4ao4ent refit -Warp
Kashl-Krim( RAtiffaLfconf Maaakrf-in
a" )read adrwstlnn. oh. fsrflrrs to hmty-
,,+ en, wP Mann to 11rmy. Aa all mWt
stlllnslna farbal"j tows, thosartiew, vibstt
r,hire arlM oft"asilidlisistillbs.IkMW.&RM
of bill untie and had never returned It.
Aunt ICmma was placed next to Conti -
In ➢fanny. Tile latter had married Into
t family Aunt Emma considered be -
math her.
Brottleir4sal-law Hardtapp Smithklnat
Int beside Unelle Gottmoory Smithklns,
who had tweelowd a mortgage on
Aunt Carotene and Aunt Jane were
time together. They Wways quarreled
xm woman's rights.
Uncle AlAoer and Unde John were
rempeettsety tariff revbionlatand "stand
per "
Cousin Mary and Cousin Matilda
were pha ed aide by side. They had
bad a property division quarrel ten
years befAWS that still exlsed 112 a law -
Uncle Mnanfwd and Nephew floury
were table neighbors. Uiwte Mumford
had allowed Nelgia •ev 114uWs note to
go to Protest
MPP the American )lora who regard-
ed fare washing as a task rather than
a pliesslure were marsdw" between
A®L Stackapp Smtthktnm' eight Maun-
deroy dosed soenm.
tfhoLO r Uade Bill• whom everybody
t>enrsght was to jail add who bad not
been hsrted, tame in Intoxicated and
made a few remarks apropos of those
present and their failings and in at -out
five miniKell -
e e e
"WeQ" said dear old Grandpa Smith-
kina an hr viewed the wrested dining.
mom. "talk about stained relations!
t-hele (lottnnoner'm collar bone is bro-
ken add'- But the hysterical mobbing
of Grandma Smlthkina as she gazed on
the havoc wrought broke oft his train
of magaeaoamt Ulou ght - New Tort
saw raboa we tate umbee, Dwens-
ttssa V we+a7.
"'Our 'IlInxilkagirtrlg dqr"• said the
Freactimatt_ 'ate don't call any of of r
fetrs by that ttame, but we migbt an
well. T91e D'aerK "rtmr k'rrgfvtng dw
eek-brsrion I ewer saw took pbKe at
Yevay In ZWU. It ww orputiz,•d by
wine (bwoma am the maxylineent
pageant lasted stxty fimys. The idea
of the fete was Irl reprodurall all the
familiar objects said phaa.tit of local
life and wort:.
-rhe festive) wag+ opened by a great
(ti)ria, afaKimt the snitional hymn. The
abbot drOvered all lmpnssttve speech.
1ta11eL•1 were daar•ud in the great mar-
ket mquatm--a belief of the raper', a
ballet of ttm grat>P putters, a ballet of
the Joanna and Itairrhuntem, a ballet
of the spring and a dalM` of On" and
Ynlion. Floats, exgaltdtrty decorstP4
r•epnmiented the dairy inttnstry, the
utlller's week, the gr=im+ picking and
wim4 inking spring and.antrrnnn. Mu -
air, color and grace marked this glori-
fication of agrieutti rc, labor and pa-
triotism. It all meant the same thing
m" your 7"baanksltirtaligi Ilse." - New
York Titres.
.tobaay's Artre•tfal"Wist.
Thow's one ILYat Ian trim ttsnkfbl for
skr•r 41avnkrRlvirm In past -
And t xp-4 Mey+s other boys that's
Axial that k thumb I "frtbb(nd" lots and
grit 'Ytaaed- tall aid fat,
'Root Jilin a turkey, tat oboe coated or
csrwxl or et rue. fire.
Yabee TY kw,ialt coot. Moore
harem a Hit 7%.Mw.
liner Admiral Uewl•y play'edthepart
of a morle rn otilambut and dimeowetetd
an arehipeltorn with n grtster number
of'lnhabitant" than were to be fonRd in
11 America when Volumbn(t landed
it%" have been greet changes in the
llhiltppinat". and a gotwl many nt the
cruatoins hrotight over by the Tinkers
have nem adopted by the natives. Any
form of relative enjoyment always mp.
psalm to those childlike people of the
mouth menet. oral to the nnmeron" holl-
alaym introdunxi and eelelarated by the
Hpanlards they hnve ieen g1Ad to add
Thanksgiving. Turkeys are am yet
lacking, but they will come In time
doubtlemam, and meanwhile there are
plenty of other things suitable to feast
ttncleuAam tam now 10,000 sowers In
the Phlllppirww, anti every one M them
will reipitrrate Thankmgivitlg Clay In
some fashhwt. Though they are, vrat-
tered over flap Island In no rower than
400 dlRaesgnt find, evvvy "rnom" will
have Its spertst dinner in mark the joy -
ate oeertshan. par thts feast nwmsey
will has. rwroo del mat or this "mmosrp
tutld," wit" M handw by the esirits n
of tsach.rmssearty - �'Vsde4lNa Tuna
il ii Islet
sl tt.-
J: T
4 TEA �p
1 , Girls are neater, more careful, and more cleanly than boys, so they are "�
employed in the Red Rose factory to do all the packing and labelling. t .
It is a factory girls litre to work in, and Red Rose Tea is
a tea you will enjoy drinking. Everything is done to ensure it
being absolutely pure and clean.
r r ,
IVill you fry a package? Ask your grocer • or if.
TavawAy, 0otoStr $1, 1931
4 'Men's
I, Shoes
(food solid wear and real
comfort in our Men's
and stand the walking;
which you will certainly
feel like doiuL when you
`t t wear them.
orf f rl All the best makes, in
all shapes, sizes and
- ~--- widths, are here.
- a♦ t d„
butchers. + si$e torise par m: A rarr owns war out
THE MARKETS. '"`''"'''s'"- Prime yyickxd ICS, .•t bnl,;•rp sold at � in lambs. and pricer ruled steady at i0.. � Easy to get a. fit. Easy
$4.60 to 14.78; loads of L, t butchers' uw i to 656c per Ib. There continues to -bis
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futuna the market, WA t 44.•u: io diuu,. SLT:. i good demand for give-. of which ate- � r i tI shoes to wear and hard to
& to N; common. 13 1 $.:;,u ,•nc". it to 84;� poem are coming forward fairly will and r'hu t wear out.
Close Lower -Live Stock- causers, 81 to $1.W. 1 • ,' ,'ii, - sales of choly stuck were inaile at 11: to t; t 1'lM x ,.
s Latest Quotations. ,+ Foodors end Stockers. nixuna `t 34 en its; tali at >� to 37, anal „
M.Pdxrs fur Jlrtlllell-p„o)strws sold a-;
In syn r,at by with fire continued strung
leaf rotor"
hr"clo. Qct �. follows : Steers. lute t.. LV•, tl.+ rich; aAll Is from nd the
suun• t a earn- WM.
CIJverpwll w•hr:at futures rlow•J` WJrY �•"' to$SMI; bulls. i:S, to r -'A awe cw`t dietaster, and lhx fact tenet tabun un
(%d to µ5d lower, corn a4d lower Milken and Sp. lnyefs. fiat-rday toted another rise In prices of
At Chicago, Docxntls•r wheal , I, golf '•140 rvw offered. Prix.,: i..egwt s ,,.,Krro , es b1 8 to London. _s In Bristol and in
lower, December corn age lower, and Ile. 33a to tin each. ! In LivertatoL the total market rot, hogs
wtnbnr uats ]Sit• lower. Vast Calves. is latrongrr. and priers are lee to IM per
• Wtneipsr gMtan• Prices for veal. tmlv.s JUMP list. blither than a week uau, with
.zaM'r#s" at .ID tv 16.60 pe•r re I. rales of selected lots at $11,40 to $6.71 per 1
Following are the closing quott duns an $hsep'and Lambs 100 Iba.
Winnipeg grain futures to -day '
•. tt.'iv 1,111,w
Export .•s said al rt 6-0I '7 qqct--"`'st
East BuRalo Cattle Marts/
Wheat -00. $I.ONse axkr•d, De•t
ata. 1L13?. falai.
bungs al fit 75 to K.:0 1&,cwt.
'ART 13U IPP'AW, Oct. 21J. -Cattle. -Its.
Oats -Suet. OUce cod. Ihc. S"14c bld.`may
.MDtil, SM head; good active unit to,
tak bid.
Mew bogs on Itte - - tet. (lunar,. Lint-
higher: common steady; prime steers,
or eomrthinv.
tied. yuoled 1st,. 1,.,j.,nd outer Pd, it
36.75 to Will; shipping. ire to 16.66: butch-
Torento Grain Marker. 4
the market, and 86. IL. to b ,ars, at coun-
'yrs• 84.3G to IS.Z; heifers. $S to Is; cows.
try Point., w hitil would Irl✓all about at;
to $4.40; faults,�,,J to 14.60; stockers
Wheat. spring, bush....... 31.(0 to i•.••
to the. fainter fur 1 ill inog4od h„
p "t"• hl"i'
and J!"lers, 33 to $4.5; stock helfers, gt.35
- Wheat, fall, bush........... 100 1 it7
! Montreal Live Stock
to .'-U1 fresh cows and springers steady.
1830 to Ills
wheat, goose. bush........ 1 00
Wheat. red. bush ...........IAs ••••
! MONTREAL; tort. "N -(St., iAl.)--At th.
Stook Acst
Veuls-$iaoalpta. ]iM head; active sad
Paas, bushel ..... 0 M ...•
Montiral Yards' Etel Markt
■tPeJy. f to 76.
bushel .............. o
the rrcrlpta of live Ptm:k fur tilt• we.•.:
ending tk-t, ^% were 1131 rartlt•. c..
Meigs--ftw-eipts. 1m.70u lead; fairly active
and 10c, to Me higher; heavy, 36.60 to U.00:
Oats, new. bush...........'.. 0 W 001
and lambs., 0097 bogs and wV calves,
mixed, $6.40 to 10.50; OB.M to $6 41):
Toronto Dairy htaraxr
. the olferingil this on-rallg for Intal ,00-
Pigs• If 1,1 $4.5: rouaha, 116.30 to 35.75;
Butter, dairy. Ib. roes....,, 0 2: a to
gumption. were ItZo o:utle. lbs) &herb an/
stage, $4.3<. to 14.75: dairies, 86 to $6. X.
flutter. tube .... .... 0M 0 M
, lurnbs, _vu, bugs and 5Vr calves. A nuc:,
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 23,000 head;
1, utter,creamery, Ib. roll.... _'t 0 a
easier fet•Iing prrvidltd it, the marks,
sheep active and steady; lambs slow and
1':ggs, new -laid. down....... 0 YO u 3}
for cattle. and privet, show a detinue of
la• to Site fou Ibbs..
15e lower: lambaA I $6 7.'.: yearlings, /6.75
to 16.t6;•wetlers. 36
Eggs• cold storage, dusts.,, 0:'b ....
per an tompared alta
50 to f6.S1; ewes. $5.25
Cheese, large. Ib .............. 013% ,-,.
j. t0 15.50;'eheep. tatted. $2.50) to 15.:0, Can-
r'Irrew•, twin• Ib ............::' Ilia
Thin was flue to suppilcm. being +"a boa l
' oda hlmbs• ,.14,;:'S W 16.65.
}luny, extracted. Ib......... 013 O 1345
larger than u week ugo. uod also to the
Nes r10e1[ Liv Stock
ltunry, dozen sectional S Y i M
very nota curable wrauu•r which r0 idl-
I ed, as the attendance of buyers was not
NEW YORK, Oct. ta.-peeves tRecetpts,
New York Derry Maes?
no )urge Itsusual. and In consequence
MM; Plow for all sorts; choice and extra
NEW YORK. Oct. 29 -Rutter-3teady ;
the demand wag semt wl�ut limited and
steers steady; others easier, and fair to
rt, eipts, 042. CrealficM specials. Mire;
Uade Plowed up. ca61.• :oleins from 1dv-
good. )lot. lot ro The off; bulls Joe to Sc
extras. :Mc. thirds to firsts. rl,• to .;,rt•;
ripoul on Maturday Ityorted trade in cut.
lower; cows 10c to lac lower; steers. 3375
held, first to specials, 4%, to :44'�'; Ilt•to
ter very nb
luw and 4 ••ttaa
l do(llne In
.to t. one car extra, $6.60; buffs. SL75
dairy, common to Hot ,t. -1c to _,fits; pro.
prices of 4r• to le per Ib, wjth Canadian
to 34.5: cows, $1.40 to $LT5. Exports to -
(egg, roaamon to Ppt-cluls, I& to Z.yS.:
steer" quot,d at 1o,- to Its,. and rancher•lmorrow,
1153 cattle and 4000 quarters of
western tactorl, coOunon to brat, :bc to
s 444e to Arc per Ib.; choice beeves here
I beat.
sold at 4$v; gut.i al 41/,r- to 41,Sr:; fair at
'Calvin--Ihsosfpts, SMO: slow: Me lower:
t'heese-Irregular; receipts. 1=." Flat.,
1 3+,11' to b•; cornmon at11jc to ac; canners
grossom and westerns steady: veWs• $5
full cream,' srnall. Colored and white,
at N4c 10 I%c per Ib. The market for
to M: few prime at 39.;6 to 19 50; culls.
f4eptelnber,fin,•, l6lnc; do.. October, dna,
export slo-op was stronger and prices ad.
39.30 to $4.50: graaaers. 13 to $3.50; common
114-; do., small. Rosi to prime. 18.4v to
•. vanced 'Ac per 1b. The offerings werewlsmterps,
*%c; do.. common to fair; Be tip lac: dei..
fair, but the demand was quirt, owing to
Rhrt•p and Lambs-•Recelpta, 16,6:6: sheep
lalae. colorvii, Septernber, fine, 1414c; do.. the fact that shippers had no ocean I easier, lambs 1&: to tree lower; sheep, $3
ahnt, Itic do.. large. colored. October. freight for sheep this week; however, i to 811.!Z; culls, $n- to $2.15; lambs. $4.76 to r: ---- - _ - _ --
fine, 16c; do., white, 15iie: do., largo. com- cafes were made at $4.40 to 34.50 per 10(1 culls. 3'1.50 to 1[.60. -'
on to pri, I3c to MY4:r; skiing. I%e to lbs. Butchers' sheep were fairly plenti- Holts-He,-Pipts. 16,30; market slow; Little Johnny's father is is physician j Yeast -it is difficult to tell tho
13%c. fl. for which file demand, was stow at Quoted at $L13 to 09.60.
Eggs-I'7rm; receipts. 7151: state. Puna•and hitt mother is a Christ inn 9ciao• I waiters froth gentlemen dinersat
' G '
sylvanla and nearby, fancy, white. 38C toto 36c, brown and threatened with appendicitis. His _ _ _� list.-htecently the little boy was fashionable restaurants now. Crim
43c: good to choice. Sic Isoebeak-Well, it you happened t
mixed. fancy, ; st rn first to sotto► �e,.« rar..r ®" x " Nktxr, going into the mom where search 'em when they went out you
first ;etc to 21q; western nest, etc to Lc; - Johnn wan a in hed, found ver in. could tell the difference. The waitersawcaiads, 10c to 2:c. dignant little boy, who trade this would have the money in their
CATTLE MARKETS "`' y;:" complaint : clothes. -Yonkers St#testnan.
"Father and mother won't let me Makes a lot of push to diipose of
Cables About Steady - American talk vL(ng, but when I trdd mother how the output of is, wheelbarrow factory.
Prices Are Slightly Firmer. siekIwas site eaid'Forget,it,'andwhen tP y 1 told father he Said, 'Cut It out., ll a unlike horse owner, b
1N WNi, Oct. 38. -London cables are ' willingng to to coke another
r man's dust.
firmer at We to 121%c per Ib., dressed
weight;,, refrigerator beat U quoted at 1t 4
10c per lb. 6nYbody who has the "determina- favorable impression on an employer - - � tAd g
i tion" can become a good penman if than the neatness and legibility •of
Toronto Junction Live Stock. he or she will intelligently follow an a licant's handwriting. ®rlaw... 1''' ' " ;";i
p :�NEW TORUNTU JCVCTION. Oei. 2B.- our instructions and racticeanhour Wrtpteforourlarge,illuagatedt[ztlsReceipts of live stock at the Union or so a day for a few months. catalogue. It explainsoar Businessblock yards were 41' carloads, corn- penmanship is of far greater im- and Shorthand Courses in detail.FALLANDWINTER
posed of 1000 cattle, 25 hogs, 362 sheep portance than most young people Shows the value of an education iqand 13 calves. realize. a school which is a member of the
Exporters. f We know from intimate acquaint- Business Educators' AMoeiatios. UNDERWEAR
Prices ranxed at from N to 84.30. but ante with business men that there The demand foz d only one toad brought the latter figure, firs IrafGs ie +.the bulk gelling at 114,25 to $4.50; bulls Isn't anything that cfegtes a more .greater than we can supply,rL4tAT MARTIN'SrOREST C1TT BOSEWM COLLEGE J. w, WESTERVELT Atmwlg pervtlnt tet wteial Blanding Mwcutina. ,x t''",t' 1.t >I'+.• cs<`: Y, t:
Rent -rally the world throughout fit, -
average age of marriage is sit present,
MITCHRI.L, ONT., MAY 13, 1*7.
for men, thirty-seven,, and %wineu,
Lwrn1 y -eight
It is `� I
r�tO rr
There is something ta•rnnK with of
woulati lvho isn't jealous of Kolneb(tly
or eomrthinv.
That Kills
-- -
t� 1
The housewife stews
and frets because the
groceries haven't ar-
rived and when they
do come she frets and
feet. i have moffered untold agility and only those who have had
taltews because they are
not just the things she
serious ronsegaences were averted at I
ordered. I
Kingston by am -Beak. Blood Poison
"I " "°
t hmu`tla s'ts kin dye has on more than ons I
oresl, On proved RANI such rulehL
of Kingoto", had r not olfte fur %am Huk
ofKingeathern•t with ti Thos.>,-o.ler. ;The
Mr. F'oslea Jnnnerlyan omorrr lu i1,eHone,
Way to Stop
Artillery idatlonod at Kingston, any.: ,
"IAAt hall I hall a nutty .ore on ml foot .
trout,Ia prr(tert ml•
eyeletf by alts ine.
/ •
eyelet In uq rhos Ikrtoro I war rtw,n-t of ' i
o r ry I
` n. at....
It the ,olorttl tock I wore limit paigarn, A t he
fields and I .atrererf rntich Inconsequence.
I tried a (rood many galre+and olntme,;ua
t Im
IS to stop It, and bU y
there !!m no ritwea.ent unlll 1
link. Thi+ointment drew
still after using mix lw,xes i auI completely tared of the aches and
ant all the IntlArlltnation turd 1i„
your Groceries from
e11A11Pr41141 heAle,I the Mere in scat•rnldays
afteralndyisig. Youcnnpuhn•hrhiaat.,to-
�t wLWorShe mcHt„ 74m.lruh
cannot tow rknown." -STUkDY
& Coe
AInt rMn darn••+ y Write r:n'44laaa, x,m P.A. 0.d,1 M W I
:., e..t frgP
' s
,tr7 ,.IY ,.Ii,
1}tiW,4w•s.J 11,J..,
Z A M Bo UN.
The Telephone Number is 91.
Good Horses and Up-
to-date Rigs, 1°
Call up
and a QocA turnout will be sent to
your order. Prompt and satisfact-
ory service at all times
Opposite Colborne Hotel,
Such a lot
of different kinds
of stoves.
i. MY I
aren't they beau-
ties ?
These are some of the
expressions we,- hear
from our customers
every day. Wer are
proud of their admira-
tion, for we have the
largest stock of Ranges
and Heaters in the
Every make of stove
r°t A we sell has been thor-
oughly tried and tested
by some one in town. We give a written guar-
anteo with every one.
Tremendous bargains in some makes of ranges
and heaters, second-hand Stoves anti furnaces.
We'll take your old stove on a new one. "'
IIorse Blankets, Rugs, Robes. Gloves and Mitts
at Wholesale 'prices.
Wo have a complete stock of Hardware and
Electric Supplies, Stove Repairs, etc.
' t
.. . ,.
wyv pti
MITCHRI.L, ONT., MAY 13, 1*7.
FROM k 1"
CIA.V1.Ifl (7111cane'M. CO., WINDMIR, UN's.
1)h:.1R FRIRNfM .
A great victory has I"n won by the lima, of "Ru•.1u" after 23
yeah of arribte r ea from Sciatica and Rheumatism.
I neve Stern a great atdTernr front this terrible dimenne for 'll
yearn hook• at titres I would have and terrible pains in
my hips, hip -joints and also dawn :Dy loRm to the, hottmu of illy
feet. i have moffered untold agility and only those who have had
the disease know what the ten•ihle pains are.
I -tried everything 1 conld thirllt of, hill Rot no relief till I saw .
^," the Kentle Kidney Pill. advertimiel In the paler, and i
thought. 1 would Rive it it Inial and I did en. 1 bought line• )mix eat
'•Ho -.Ili' and Rot great relief, then I got Ave more boxem of thrill,
still after using mix lw,xes i auI completely tared of the aches and
pains and can recomnleend them to any person suffering nm 1 did.
IAmt winter 1 thovight I wotdd hate to Rive upalt(�Rether, am 1
hardly leR". 1
' s
rould get amend on my am More thank fill, more
tell for dimeame
than lonttnk con Kelting rid of my by the unit of
"Ro•Jn." and litany gthera I have told of it have tw•en Ketting
tviie•ve•d all their phinr. i shall neer he without m Am the house
limen days
i have ande
weIks that ctntkl hartifyn crawl in the
barn to do my chores, 1 had to stop diffentnt times and re"t. my
lefts, I thought many ittinle I should he aoripple for life, but
thank (sal I got something at Inst to knnok It out, when I K{It
holil of •' flu -J u," and I van reeomu►And it highly to utherYto
situ PILI:(--pkICK. ixt CRN7*
auffering-from the same dlat+mae.
Yourm veru Indy '
IAT )C1.1, "Al'O 4TORP7H
MittIwIl. I,ogno Townrbill, Ont. ImIN GRRK1YNUon.
Such a lot
of different kinds
of stoves.
i. MY I
aren't they beau-
ties ?
These are some of the
expressions we,- hear
from our customers
every day. Wer are
proud of their admira-
tion, for we have the
largest stock of Ranges
and Heaters in the
Every make of stove
r°t A we sell has been thor-
oughly tried and tested
by some one in town. We give a written guar-
anteo with every one.
Tremendous bargains in some makes of ranges
and heaters, second-hand Stoves anti furnaces.
We'll take your old stove on a new one. "'
IIorse Blankets, Rugs, Robes. Gloves and Mitts
at Wholesale 'prices.
Wo have a complete stock of Hardware and
Electric Supplies, Stove Repairs, etc.
' t
.. . ,.
wyv pti