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The Signal, 1907-10-31, Page 4
0 �� r f1-t'r r,. ,.^ 5F' ,a r ,... .. .. • • ,• .._ .. ,.9. ^'. ryip. a,v R.�y.� ISfyt'. P.g +�.a>fi .S' .R�a,,.rW¢f„ .�'ft P, 84 ''i: �k+: ei+f'i".�'Y.,�3'`r ,r ... .. .., .. - -a. :. - .-rw.uwer: .' .'�+.. (l,. r4i� m 1i.'NAr,.9r` 3j:t..� .nxvY lip ',1,a / �:i►P, `:�6�� .p. ik'V�:'i % } ' � yy 1,b• ^ v, t P e,► hr^ a�IE: ! P A, ,• L,1,, ;• ,+ u• 1"y a'1- r T" ...,.. '�.. .!��f �', y;I. .I Ti'✓• � �/?. T't �'1V'�.., •,S �,.. !. l',X:• ,.,� ',�'yL. 'a °'i":. ., - !°�, . r. •. •lel -p... i W..; TIS, r .I Y P of Sunday sch/ol work which were cS �F r �_f' . ,R ! must get rid of quick and on SATURDAY NEXT we'will offer them at about half-price or under. Some good lengths among them and heavy enough to make girls' coats. up n 4lircl.t connection with Lir t'. 1'. t -ml eutiun. l4, til,• 11„t Place it 41 TeoasDAT, October 31, 1907 - THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO ' r SABBATH SCHOOL WORKERS. < < ' A r `r -- -I Money Returned for ny ?use - Annual Convention or Ashfield Circuit - A Profitable Gathering. The twenty-seventh annual conven. tion of the Sabbath schuols.of the Ash- ,.� The Semi -ready Guarantee Held circuit, Methodist church, was held in Hackett's church un Thursday, October 17th, Spm The murning session, conducted by 1. Itis Sol.,, w.A S. Sherwood, dealt with the work of _-oz, �•a •.•.N th• officers and teachet•N. Ernest "�' What dues it mean ? " Money returned for any cause. " Sherweltd's address o4, the "Art of Asking Qaestions" was one well' Cause mean* reaw,n-and for any fair reason or carate of dissstilsfaction adapted to the needs of many teacb. en's. He set forth the need of I ues- we give a new suit or refund your money. " I* not such a broad guarantez tinning so as to cause the pupils ts, think and to thick rightly. Quos- )" tions must Its- connected and ointeLl- r' .►..I.1 -"""""'f ^" often abused asked a merchant. ....r .d..Jd 1.. w rad algae adapted to cilr prrcu iarities _ ,,, a{.,, Nut often. Sumetimrs it i*. In one instance a man demanded his u1, the individual members of tlu•. class. Norman Shackleton then dealt ~6 -~! with the duties of the officers and money back after he had worn a $15 Suit for one year and a half. Did he teachers, emphasizing the duties to 9 I The President flat ' Give it to him-•ust for his each office and those they had in con,- get It? Very near y 1 thou a& exatuples of character. \\' nerve.• But the Cashier objected, ' that this was unreasonable.' 1'. heed's address of welcome was hearty and set furth the purpose 4,l the convention. For any reasonable taus_ - and the customer is the judge of that word The afternoon session was under till. direction of the pastor, throe b the l /.r. N rte, Ira ..l tato. reasonable. Does it pay Honest, good work always pays- the much regretted alwrnee of J. J. Tay- I 56... S.P. W. for.The report of the four schools workers. Yes, always. showed it fair condition, but yet ; shuti•ed r.on,for improvement and extension. Lit. fit literature was pro- t ' • • vided liberally for all and efforts were mess f the to hools.Lin the effective- Semle-ready Ta1toringnoes of the so•htols. Blake's school has started the work of giving W mis- sions Three of the schools r toll eIor FOR SALE BY that over 7,011 verses had been re- 1�.Mistresiejto cited during the year. ri Script ofMCLEAN BROS.rthe children to memorizd Scri lure servant who come• t was well illustrated in the contest on* own very ]site in the luoruingi the Beatitudes, the F'ord's Prayer ART TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. GODERICH •'Doxsui t that alaruL clock 1 gage you and the Apostle, Creed. Thirtet•n wake )•,o4, np in the owruil'Kv. Jane i," pupils took part. Itev. J. E. Ford and Jane- • Oh. u4,, Mull, not m,w. thank Rev. K. U. Powell acted its judg.•4. J)A, no WIVINtiun to the itppK•al. of Illy' 11 -til Ircr,vt.d their earl)• training l4, i HOW CHINA CELEBRATES. yy'ou: it worried 4,,r sol Nr+[, morn, but C eilw Blake obtained first plate by I,,.,,I,Ie lwol this town Fuld Ihr I the U.IIIV;t.•. Off she evening of Ihr' 1're g,.t uwd t4, it." perfect recitation; Lod, Nonln11 x,.tnmodml couuliv. -At Lost xis.t"w"Jay Itvml%or:uiollof Nle�la,tvI- ttiaalcasLlei. nay In u• CaYatlat elon Smelter; Std, Ida Sherwud and s,nruu• h.s IN•,•„ I.l.V •ntv.l' which) l'uivi•rtity w'a. Reid in the l'il't \\'h) I- it 11x1 ll heritvto wooge trove over - Neta Smeltzer; 4th, Faulty Fitz- �=•L�a'L think. it's up In her to work ncrr- erald and Ra Alton. All were d,•. ,tl,I L_4 feapab. • 1 ll d posihle, ' Id:I.I., church, to ]so•n hun4,ri11 l dt.- ! In China at the begimtng of wtaWr time R Y '1'i!c,,..al will pugs Ihr4,ugh a tint arc-; Rn•r. wt.*,• c�ntlrnrd 4,n n nuu11N•t• of � a festival' Is bele at serving of ,raise. I{ ,u of the rouutry with good rarms prominent uteu wish had leen sou- O$ Rev. H. S. Powell of Brussels th,•n I f I 1 t' Ib-' lents t the WiNNINIoN•k CIIIIP V in 'bleat, the de tles are especially tba3k- gave an ,uldreall on advanced uletho tis ,u,, arwri*. L ,Iliopo t,. I4, t+,t t rt R lisl, freight depots at convenient! I'm IIn•r year-• _ REMNANTS of Sunday sch/ol work which were OUR BIG SALE has left a lot of Remnants on our shelves that we must get rid of quick and on SATURDAY NEXT we'will offer them at about half-price or under. Some good lengths among them and heavy enough to make girls' coats. up n 4lircl.t connection with Lir t'. 1'. t -ml eutiun. l4, til,• 11„t Place it the family altar, and the ceelmerry Is Ladies' Coats Dress Goods brought to a flame a dinner supply in cAseutxhstnct.. Chusisdol,e h having the clam study A lesson one 7 K Our sale of costs sI, far has beau be) and 0111, rxpeclalious, whit'b shows (hat we h%%e Our stuck just now Is larger and better than ever ffi the hest makes imported. A week in iulvanee of the school anll with 1,Illa 1'i 4•u•If lllg ,,NNIS and l4, Ihr man11- lNkrll :11. 1'04 •,•III rtollf.•Iltun+ 11 1. ex - Ihr right coat- And at the right prices. ('oine and Ret one before the rhoinest are Rune. god plain all -wool cloth, 40 to 48 inches wide, ;Ilk*. Het ter ones and wider widths, IS&•, Sl.w Lu Utrrrs rt.criviug raw Inntelixl And pt.rtr.l that It onion r4,111p ilsed Of tl:re.• 'no are kept up for some days and Furs •1,41 and $1.50 in Veltetians and broadeloths, �l�d to the last night of the year. On that evening it to a totem prue- the School Guuiliar withthe main fent- We steu-tladios' loll gdole-shaped- 11iOW.11:4, black, blue, green, brown, light and dark cardinals, fires 4,t Bible study. Thr flew flitle rause file town is Lilt. terluinxl of the this Ill -[t vV;o- Such it union pfrst.ots Vportl',l, tit •3.511. You xhould aro what 4,111• .11 a C.150 lines nue like. UuNI ilult,L• tiuu (If mink 4,t about one-third mink price,., See the dark onliber stripes and check suitings, very new and stylish, all wool, 4o to /il-All't l i'oni. Mlllw;t\', cilli Irtt•;uns.• ;t p.,,., blhl y of I met, greater work .,it a0e"-f I sell my forts+,- In- order that ,aid •unix of them look ju,t like fulfils. 46 Inches, Sec, b5c, IiOc, and Ifk. Elan tartans, all wool. 50e and 750. they msy be wiser the next year. once of the Sunday school laking it Underwear uefind get Nome fir oat• i1.IM1 It ,alit Don't forget Saturday's Relanant systematic course of training hoeh:1N IN o put, Its in louo•h with tilt. ex- 14,t tl.r AIcIh.Nfitt. 1'rrthy:ural Itrot• owns s tieece-Imetl shirts itild dt•,►wei'&. Bargains. **benf4cloing lo,hill of Hill -on ('llrlgrrgatilloal INKilrs, of rspxnlsr to **bent. w•uu r to H. Colborne THE SQl Ontario Sabbath School A4s-,viatinn• ICH. mc:eompatned by the chief odicem of including Bible study, child study .Ind eIor FOR SALE BY that over 7,011 verses had been re- 1�.Mistresiejto cited during the year. ri Script ofMCLEAN BROS.rthe children to memorizd Scri lure servant who come• t was well illustrated in the contest on* own very ]site in the luoruingi the Beatitudes, the F'ord's Prayer ART TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. GODERICH •'Doxsui t that alaruL clock 1 gage you and the Apostle, Creed. Thirtet•n wake )•,o4, np in the owruil'Kv. Jane i," pupils took part. Itev. J. E. Ford and Jane- • Oh. u4,, Mull, not m,w. thank Rev. K. U. Powell acted its judg.•4. J)A, no WIVINtiun to the itppK•al. of Illy' 11 -til Ircr,vt.d their earl)• training l4, i HOW CHINA CELEBRATES. yy'ou: it worried 4,,r sol Nr+[, morn, but C eilw Blake obtained first plate by I,,.,,I,Ie lwol this town Fuld Ihr I the U.IIIV;t.•. Off she evening of Ihr' 1're g,.t uwd t4, it." perfect recitation; Lod, Nonln11 x,.tnmodml couuliv. -At Lost xis.t"w"Jay Itvml%or:uiollof Nle�la,tvI- ttiaalcasLlei. nay In u• CaYatlat elon Smelter; Std, Ida Sherwud and s,nruu• h.s IN•,•„ I.l.V •ntv.l' which) l'uivi•rtity w'a. Reid in the l'il't \\'h) I- it 11x1 ll heritvto wooge trove over - Neta Smeltzer; 4th, Faulty Fitz- �=•L�a'L think. it's up In her to work ncrr- erald and Ra Alton. All were d,•. ,tl,I L_4 feapab. • 1 ll d posihle, ' Id:I.I., church, to ]so•n hun4,ri11 l dt.- ! In China at the begimtng of wtaWr time R Y '1'i!c,,..al will pugs Ihr4,ugh a tint arc-; Rn•r. wt.*,• c�ntlrnrd 4,n n nuu11N•t• of � a festival' Is bele at serving of ,raise. I{ ,u of the rouutry with good rarms prominent uteu wish had leen sou- O$ Rev. H. S. Powell of Brussels th,•n I f I 1 t' Ib-' lents t the WiNNINIoN•k CIIIIP V in 'bleat, the de tles are especially tba3k- gave an ,uldreall on advanced uletho tis ,u,, arwri*. L ,Iliopo t,. I4, t+,t t rt R lisl, freight depots at convenient! I'm IIn•r year-• ed for the preservatbn of life and of Sunday sch/ol work which were I,,,ints along the route for the fitrnlerm Tlii-Ve lhlt-rrent propositiouA for beatth during the preceding twelve such " could Iso ustl in el"Intt'y Ln load 011-11- produce. It ids, oprum church union wrly prum•rlted 'l4, Ihr' I moetba. Offaeings are presented on sehoola. Ila spoke of normwil work t,3' up n 4lircl.t connection with Lir t'. 1'. t -ml eutiun. l4, til,• 11„t Place it the family altar, and the ceelmerry Is which teacher' would he prepared to It. al ti,Nlcrich and twill c.ury bright union 4,t all the Baptists i4, 1'.uladu brought to a flame a dinner supply in cAseutxhstnct.. Chusisdol,e h having the clam study A lesson one 7 K 1111611 OVP1 that line. This should has brcn nndrt coasidrrnlion now tot• K Ie of inrxl•uLublr Vuln, to the uu•reh- two )•ant', nod according t0 til,• action obit f theand at wkkh all members of t!1- famlty er week in iulvanee of the school anll with 1,Illa 1'i 4•u•If lllg ,,NNIS and l4, Ihr man11- lNkrll :11. 1'04 •,•III rtollf.•Iltun+ 11 1. ex - car, fie- Rhe f��g and reJok- thought of teaching kept in mind. Lu Utrrrs rt.criviug raw Inntelixl And pt.rtr.l that It onion r4,111p ilsed Of tl:re.• 'no are kept up for some days and Supplementary lesson.. fiveininutrs welt "911ldaV(ILS t•itloalrle 111 tuitkltig sIt!)iIlKoutfinisheil nufocI, coutouuonsnow «xislingilk N't.Ntri11 \ lhete,ll1• tilt• :111 t'an I (%toil,lit, 011tal'1.: allot l�jllrll: ,•, :111,1 01'. �l�d to the last night of the year. On that evening it to a totem prue- the School Guuiliar withthe main fent- t'I not ,,1111• viled lagre. Kinedme hits sutirre,l be• ALu'iliuu• Proviso -t-, -,11 le f.r ,u ties In some parts ot the country for fires 4,t Bible study. Thr flew flitle rause file town is Lilt. terluinxl of the this Ill -[t vV;o- Such it union pfrst.ots boys to cry aloud in the street. -Maj- class wax also ronaidel•r/1, 1y whlro, IIIc adults might be led t4, eugave i4, Bible /il-All't l i'oni. Mlllw;t\', cilli Irtt•;uns.• ;t p.,,., blhl y of I met, greater work .,it a0e"-f I sell my forts+,- In- order that study. He also spoke if the import• we hit%v only ,III- way 6111 by rail. I lhVvis tot til,• 11plisl. of 1'.urula. Thr r,. neat tit(.clrcti1, load br 1,r ,ort ,if Ilk I. rofinuilfee all they msy be wiser the next year. once of the Sunday school laking it of term �a fair,ulnt4,n t'. our diHlrulty. pnintt.d t �, rnnlrr tcith r. prt.Nrutuliv�•s Every. year on the fifteenth day of systematic course of training hoeh:1N IN o put, Its in louo•h with tilt. ex- 14,t tl.r AIcIh.Nfitt. 1'rrthy:ural Itrot• man the first othe emperor of Chins suggested &till pided tut• by the **benf4cloing lo,hill of Hill -on ('llrlgrrgatilloal INKilrs, of rspxnlsr to **bent. w•uu r goes In great state to a certain fie+d, Ontario Sabbath School A4s-,viatinn• and it would Kppr:u' t., *.fit- otwel •ingl their io,oation to Ili,- liwptists to ioio mc:eompatned by the chief odicem of including Bible study, child study .Ind tlutt hath cort11nuniLies would Ie Iht. II po,ed anion, L'ell IN•e•il lu.,de itis household, and peas rates himseH, method study. Mr. Struthers then %Nelly lenelittrd if she railway conte pubic IN Io,I• t]s.• coltv.Ill iun. \\'hell to Ing the ground nine times with gave a short address on the relation elf to the Sabbath •Lod througgh. 'I'll*' amount, a,k.•il uuty the chlilv!. •, 'ts tcmblc.l al \Vu.I- fig. his head In honor of the teed Tien, aril Parents sch(ol, -veil but our readt.rs most nut I stork, I .piril.•.1 disetis ion fullerwwd. 1-'a Invoking bless et%iasized the ituportanve of their studying the lewrons with the children get, the goarluttt.t.irlg Ot bonds mixed Thr rvpm t•, whi.•h in hri"t was 1hot l a prayer the Ing of the Great Being. Then as high and going till), if possible. Tilt. school lo,. Thr Lua what the ttllplists, with a ut ttler uleat the state•nlcllt 411'h straight gift, while the fnr11149• will in, consider fund:Lulrntal principles was I prfeet of the empire be gneriflees a has a placr for All gradrs from the Ill likt.lihod never cost Ili,- rout- uLtrrt• i11cultlp,ttibl•• with Ihr Jo o-1 batlock to heaven ss the fountain of cradle full to the hone Jepartinent fur lnunity a cent. liy havingthmuni• posed uoi..a, was miglltcd by the roe- e I all good. While the victim la being those who can't attend. cipalitie•4 al their back with it goat•- t'rntiuu. offered, a plowdrawn by a paJr of The evening se.sion was presided over by W. P. Reed, in the airs :e a111rt. it enables the promoters to sell \ third uloteulent ill til,• di:.•rtioa highly ornamented ozen Is brought to of D. AL new. who for the Hrxt time ns Iheir 1N 11(is to it Mulch Iwttet xdvxu• of rto-topsvat{o4, looking 1,•w ods uuiuu' t:1g.•. Ilut ever, we d4, nut want to was p, c•.vltc,l by It"- \\'..I. \\'righf, the emperor, who throws salde tuts lm , robe, lays bold batt- unahe to he present. Sy vote r convention nzprewme(I their xynipalbl.' attempl t4, iulpress our rrMlrtro luolw'ho,eJl1P4Vntetf till' ntr1111Pr• ,;f til,.: ltec. peeial of the plow I dlea and operas several fnrrowa, The toward him, his alsenee having lren alttugl3' in fxVur of the bylaw. \\'r Church .d l'hrist in Aulrrira, wtonld .o,k thele l.. re,ul it lives• carr -I bur. Wright has tern w'oekutgwith prftudPsl mandarins follow his ex. keenly felt At Ii1 the twaxion.. The 11, au.l see tilt- prolos•d s1-cut•ity Iter. W. T. Sdtckhwo,e. go., I,i ample, and the restivai, which Is really pastor. Rev. T. E. Sawyer. gave an t munil•ipA10%. ha+ for tilt- Itccom- "uIN•riwVnd,•u1 4,i \1'«,I,•r11 m,..ion, a apeelea of ttslnka in advance for address on the Sabbath school as x11 111 aeon asked, 1'Le,llm Ili lit Nr/•,lre/1 f,n• I lit• ll,iptisoN. and 111 t\ v,te.1, (..,t,- good lea. 61111 ends Roth a dfi tiibution educator in temperance And moral r1-- form, frost the inonicip,llitiet will by n4, Ada it has I. -Vo dt..'idrd th,,t ll.ti)list. of eiotbes and money to the poor.- showing the advisability of be- holt*) build tilt- 1,03d. The huiltucr Anll Di,ciplcs tvlll 1,o opel•itte Auld Cleveland Plain Dealer ginning the work of prevention at an of the c wal will have to cmeor trout where local conditions of Ike it pc.. - early stage find of assisting to build rap private a otees. This being the case Bible they will unite. \Vhill' utaking THANKSGIVING DAY. strong characters able W resist evil it looks it ,nitble that tit,- wren lie- n brief survey of whitt the denonuio:t• _ influence. Pledge -signing should tae hind ill,- 1•41, h;ivc gone ipt , it from tion he repre,cowd tloctl fur. %Jr. w•lase reed ink oa h wassuf floartla, (•oW ('hairs, OU118 and Rifles, Hardware, Furniture, etc. You will have money left ins your purse when you get your supply from BECKETT, Hamilton St. I firI.,ti;! Ig ne. ,a euix a case there is no c net• to lose. But 111, IV 1a,rltoac loan wrte tP l.x• ptilkned b George � livor•, in e01i•r III-- Disciplt.4 4,r I>Ka y g1- Washington on w Ali ilityiliili ili>t/rNf W t*>titli iliiwiliiliili W ViiliJiili�l+fyl� should the ro,ul nu pay the rinnlici• GOOD SITUATIONS nerve." He strongly advocated the pitiities have in our o inion AuPlr Ne• T'h.• convent i.Y:, it, rptr,l Ito iuvit;t- 1lmreday the 'R.t(u day of November, need of the church in All her organiza- ,.o, ity for every dolls I y ptopo,e - VACANT -__- tioum using sound husinrAa m'Ihools to go Kood fur. - when the workers will each have something to do and will do it with \\'r Lvoidd il.,k .•eery ut.payes to I into We purpose making further extensions to our business next loyalty and devotion. We nerd to have some enthuxia.m Ind In prncti- g,• tilt. matter c,urtu uul at- IVIG the pull,,• luet•tings. AdtIse month and will have situations fur w number of smart girls W op- E y„nccrIt of the pr•ojret and lh t horn! .•stly devide what is best. Prate sewing Inarhines tothin (io(lerich and Clinton. Experi- applauded hetet thanked tot. Ills ilt.l t- \\',• ►N•11.•y1• Cult. IIiLI'Anlo.• 1111111 1 le K enced operators pn•ferr•el, but to leginners we will offer good tool.*. 1,01141 Io,..silt rhr.r0xd. inducement by paying gond wages from commencement and in- Music w•axprovided lythe Hackett's _- structions will IIP given by an in.tructor for the purpose of more speedily church choir anti Me- Anti Mr'. SAw- NOTABLE MEDICAL DISCOVERY. advancing girls t ywaition of piecework. yer. The collections were ,4uffl•ieot Our piecework price•" are satisfactory to our prraent stag r the result of cxre[til trachin that it setas M i and "u►art girls are earning good wastes. B• a 1.11 ti nes. p, fit of View and have Wright •t,ted h« lehteved the utean ■•awe•t ter Cossress. 1 mi ht to entered 'into intelligently rnncinred the• i4elves lhAt tilt• Ven• of til,• li. iti.t, ;eel Di-ci Ir. were lltliurs for working are rraelmxLlr npd pry day every two and heartily. 1 P The first national 1'hankagiving was week n , Tl t ► til a t Rev. E. d. Powell then gave it fine firI.,ti;! Ig ne. ,a euix a case there is no c net• to lose. But 111, IV 1a,rltoac loan wrte tP l.x• ptilkned b George � livor•, in e01i•r III-- Disciplt.4 4,r I>Ka y g1- Washington on address, taking As his topic '•Susi. should the ro,ul nu pay the rinnlici• li.,pti-1 N. Ills•' 34 day of October, 1789, assigning nerve." He strongly advocated the pitiities have in our o inion AuPlr Ne• T'h.• convent i.Y:, it, rptr,l Ito iuvit;t- 1lmreday the 'R.t(u day of November, need of the church in All her organiza- ,.o, ity for every dolls I y ptopo,e I tion to 111 •t in OIt+uwa next October. am the date, says a writer In the ddatur- tioum using sound husinrAa m'Ihools to go Kood fur. day Evening Post. Ile did thin by the when the workers will each have something to do and will do it with \\'r Lvoidd il.,k .•eery ut.payes to I into WAS A TOTAL WRECK request of a ,joint committee of both loyalty and devotion. We nerd to have some enthuxia.m Ind In prncti- g,• tilt. matter c,urtu uul at- IVIG the pull,,• luet•tings. AdtIse hooses of conRress+••to recorumewl to l Till Dodd's -Kidney Pills Cured His ( pxropM of the (;filled Statex a day cal and pemistent. He was heartily y„nccrIt of the pr•ojret and lh t horn! .•stly devide what is best. I Dropsy aad Rheumatism Geo. of Public thanksgiving and prayer to applauded hetet thanked tot. Ills ilt.l t- \\',• ►N•11.•y1• Cult. IIiLI'Anlo.• 1111111 1 le K I (e Olaerne(1 by fil.kllOWllMbg{nK wltl Robertson's Experience. tool.*. 1,01141 Io,..silt rhr.r0xd. grateful heart» the many signal fnvon Music w•axprovided lythe Hackett's _- M"111et.,d,ltnr.,l►ct.'-'.•iib (Sprci-il of Almighty Gd, esINN•delly by uRtrr4 church choir anti Me- Anti Mr'. SAw- NOTABLE MEDICAL DISCOVERY. ('imt.d of .b'op.y :or,l Iheuo,al•"II lug them all opporntnity pPatenbly to yer. The collections were ,4uffl•ieot bar hoof ui.ul.• hon :. total :viV. k Air• establish A fonn of -government for to cover the rxpenxr of the conven• tion, Aire. S. Kilpatrick acted xx sec- Of Spial Value to Many Here is u. Rto1N'1'(s,nl, o[ :ar'S J:11u•-s tut., Ibi. , 4,i ,II til.• reedit to D., d•s I their nufety asAl happiness." reran Goderich. , , gnt.s Kit 1,v fill:. 'I'n.'c cnrcd hie Li,ho•e. i Wastiingtoo bone out admirably the .� Personal mpplication Preferred, but moil Applications will le j An•wPl•ed promptly and full information given. The Jackson Manufacturing Co. ;F CLINTON GODERICH T"T!'Ism!FITMOP Ififffill"ITITT!1!!1!TTI� Lawr's 011eof the most notAbte disrovelie" Mud 1 r rnrr,l kulnr•y.yuu•kly Nt:un,•,I i pious toile of it. sentiments. In his • PRINTED BY REQUEST. :iud toile that ondoubtettly appeal" „fit of u• hhr,Nl the calls.•. "r rhos,•, flrtrt sentence be itald, ••it is the duty Halt. Grower -- ,nut•e, thab anything else 1n ul;ut)' fayre*, drdlsra.e•.. of all nations to altnuwledge the prow Recipe Is Easily Prepared at Small people hen• in (io ilo•rich is the ctowbill. I hint •1,n tnauldro with shellul.t- WONDERLAND! will, t of Almighty God, to obey b ,cion of mtoulach remedies inthe \ti- ti+w:uu1 1'4,ty for five ears." Alr. Cost and Many Swear Hy It. a-na Lientin.•nt. 'this prase*, *tion has y will, to be lgratettll for Irhl benefits and ' t ANEW DISCOVERY FOR { 1 Hofs•rt»ort sa�.. ••1 h,ul l4, t1,.• tappr.l r 1i� worked wonders, And there its flow no I humbly to implore his proteetlon and Hi: the following .hy shaking well to rt.lirdr fur o the pain. Al) :u'n,t RESTORING THE in a bottle, And take in teaspoonful .•arose for nu)ua - ,offering with In• An,l Ings wrrr 1. 'ribby Nwollrn. 'I'hi•n f]svor." In his xrvvrnel proclamation for ,; '• doses after inealx and at bedtillle : digestion ill* wralt Ntmna,h. a fr•iVII,I 11/,IVti fir to t -v UtNld's the next Thanksgiving, which ocoirmA THE ELECTRIC THEATRE' �/, ,GROWTH OF HAIR Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half It net$ Plecili"All)- upon the uuucaeN Kido,v Lill. ;1114 fmv I 'haa ute,1 on the 19th of February, 17%, he used ' •111 i ounce; Compound Kargon. 4, n e tit the mtoulach ;,,,.I i, owrl., xtrt•ngth- the second IN,x I felt better. seven this phrase: "Sincere find be" (IODERI(M r Warralitekl to effect good results In all ounce: l'onlPNrnnd Syrup Sau'p:uil,, ruing and stiolulnliog thea, N4, thiit I hoxt.s, ored 111.• cool I el)•." . " vA»emwilipretbefrotantenotalloolutely f p thanks to the (teat Ruler o[ nations a three ounct•x. A Local druggist is the they ienJilt take rare .d thlL fund that Take c:nc of )our kid :Ind coni• . , , © s � �� de"trnt 14i. lteninveA dandruff, sdrps �g. for the manifold find signal mereles 'f lW Iii est alld Lest 5c.Show Authority that (heel• »imp e, haru4ex& i. ratan. It :Ll.o increases lilt. flow d health will take rurr of It,pIL a }+� _ I the falling rap hair And bt•Inga w new u.rri,- vires. thus getting 81,11, the \ wIIkA dlrtltgulatt our IOL rowth on bald head». ingredients can le uhtuinPel fit n0ni• K j K' g of ill(' tla '. 11 1 ell-Cia88 111 K 1 ^1 cost from our home drug 4,,d the uonrisltlurnt that i» urr1-4- , S W E ET SIXTEEN Rgists. KILLED BY ANGRY R+1LL. The Raahr•i lawaa. The mixture in maid to elranne and »wry for health ,old energy. __. IA fal,idj every respect. HA:i BEEN TESTED strengthen the vlo e•d and inactive The syulptonnN of indigeNtion are KK William McFayden, of Kin *dine I 1R was a henerr »ns, eat, AND HF -R MOTHER kidneys, overcoming backw•he, hhul- nunu•rud1., such its Jlat•e"" xtU•r 191E Upon 11Lantxelvirlx morn, Ing. flatulence, heart-lom•fi, wick h1 -ad- Township, Fatally Injured. Are Wessel goexi judge" of with excellent results,., I rnrl "linw der wewknesx and urinary trvApblV of K• - V she t" an n Of ►Ittle mo�sa oving Pictures where it has rrsfnr•ed'pVowth of heir all kinds, if taken lefose tilt- xtAgetit u'hr"•. dizxiu.•Ls ,4,,d itritahilitY• kowai'dine, 1►,•1. °7. \1'illi,uo \It, �u ate an Par of ^.Orr► FINE CONFECTIONERY niter xlmoiut tot,el flakiness. EA"il These ate All dispelled I•v a few doer. y Bright'" disease. 1 1'ayllru, w will-kutown taruu•r hung• •9t I Pat that thankful Iftefe moxas ��� and-reAdily applied: Those who hILVP tried this, say it '1,f Ni-rrn,t when the u'ouidr is recent, on the• found iti'y line of Kin,ardine H01W thankful he obould Ire Illustrated Songs liive thrill it chane* to lasteniorswnd ►xitivel overcome. Ain i4, the Nick, but just ,ts surely in bmg "tanding and clears Y P luo•jimie, died Inert tilt- at ton• tcsnit Wtmce h. has moop a mewl himaNf The the t Jt t Y4 'll win tot it. arraattd free from an rhronir cx»1,s if the t'rnUnent i» fol• clears thr urine 4,t xe4linu•nt And re,u- of injnrir4 t.nusrd by the uLt:u k of :u, To gals• r enrol fur mat \'here was n tion• when yeht wen• y late& urination, especially At night, luweel for a n•:L.00ahlr It.nRlh of rintr. l xngv)' hull. 1'uNTINI'/►1'tt I'VItI•0lC1k1ANl'E ( pretty gencrom, in bringing n fox of I1aCn1f11i 11► rtd�tntS. Vu osifive fire• the rest efft.ctN fol- •"/wan with his thanlue for havine t•4 Curing even the-wut't tnrutx 111 bout- 1 K Thr :wined was coGlho•d in An 1,n- And his thanks for tP.dlss las- ••andy to a certain girl. lint now that der weitkness, 111.4 4,,g til.• osr .d' Ali -4,-4,;L that the closer.• nc;u• ill,- b:11n and MI. AIcF'..;'- Colli ►11e1C l'111t11'rC (►f I'1,(► rlalll her bofinet'.a hit +14a.flioned, you're , r•rWP V IN "told h)• J,uaes'A i'1.utl un- P'ItJr fill hl. lha•itfnlnPxa 1n»Me- Colliplet �/ (live IL a trial! You will IIP IraArel. Every town ni woman her.• who den haul jo►t Ilnuhcd feeding, 1%h.•II Hew thaaltful I •hall bel" ' I forgotten lb.• Kru"1 11•Lbit. NPVPI' tell) IWIII Pfeels that the kidnap. Aar not slrnuK der an ub"tolufr guawudor to n•fuI I (1111 app:u, ufly u„ llwv.walin„ the fri'1'r)' l'lICJ3olaV, l'hllr8day Inti to nlrud. T"kr horn.• n Mex rap he sent by ntsil on rereipt of nunlr if it Nhnnld boil l4, cur,•, Thus *,mewed" the hungry pussy, eat of active in n livaltly nllluuet• sbould Y I infuriated ht.nst*loml.• a Viriou4:ltrnrk our delicinu" Boo Bons M Caraetds end Pr1rP. Upon Thanlu&rl,ina .i,iv. null-satlll'lla '. mix this ptvscr{pf 1oh At, hone and -- still u,rrcilrwly RorrJ Ihr unfortonat" Out the title mou»o had overhPard bring bal.k hor I.nlilen slit of yore. i Sp CENTS A BOTTLE give it a triad. as it i. s'il'l to Y. BAPTIS'r CONVENTION. And declined (with thluik»)Io .tor, 1 g thea, who Liilrl in hi- resort. to *beak CURIE NOT SOON I T1tis wl'rk wnndl'M f4,f Ill,llly pN'1'MInN. the ,\IIIIa111 i4, ilauad fury• --0Yvr lleg.ford In Outlook. C i The Scranton (I `I Tiers ryas fit*t A Summary , of Proceediegs at the IfavioK nothing with vrhich to de. _ _ _ eur NOSY Special Mixed Chocolates and Cream, --- to print this Ism I+- jdt• rriptwo, Recent Annual -Gothertng. feud himself, the infnrinted Ienst moon rsc a pound, two )sounds 25c, in October of Hssl, .ince. when ;LII til.• The ,LnnuAl rorivVIltion of bile ovrrptowen4l hint and would do"Itlea" __-- - __--- - I. Mixed Nut Tallies. rot a pound. Man,tfactured end sold by lending netvtrpapern of N,w• Yutk, have killed him on the Npot hod not iSA rti.ls of Ih,I:uin Ano fielwe' whieh Elora Select Oysters to take home, $(r»t4,u, YhiLufrlplix, 1'itlxlnrg and p Q ori blow" ap,N^.trr41 on the »('Por. • ^^^^-. r p•as held w� oo of flit, And clteiv {g quart Of pial. other cities L,uVr n,nde man)• an- 'Ihr•)• Nvrrrrdrd with,re,itdifflrull)' Bind THE J. F. LA WR but twee k, was our of the most lArgrly ('all nl the nouncen,ents of it u, their render., in driving Ihr hall away, which had �r t>r • p Tonsorial Parlor, Bedford Stools, A.trnd.41 And interesting gwtM rings levo n, Ihurunghly infuriated fit the �A 011161NAL of thin 1-o ffiv rim a hurt for tern K K YI,gUII Olympia Cafe ' THE ELECTRIC ROAD. light ..f the bla4lin utuun. And with GODERICH ONT. held. 'earofleRev..1. A. fur the ell- blo,mlNhnt evoo nml distended nostril. AND Nfiina) Per are Rev. J. A• lionlon, Il, was afoot to miler it ftnnl AL1•u•k ;tad t How the Project Strikes a Kincardine I►„ of Montreal. pmisident ; 1►, \\'. 121 MONLY -- Editor. Karn. of Woo d -t. k, Iirsit. vice -prem• de -patch hi. vi, Iinl• � `�� ONL I - - - -- - Fron, The K{ne»rdme Itrimriet, drat: Jtt-v L. S. I ighNun, 1). R, of \.41 i i4eonco ioIliImmediately v6%1 \Vinds,r, second vi e -,resident, and II)p -t into nneomNalsit-nt.rNt And de•- I s• s A • Thr people ..f the 'Inion n[ Kincwr-f » file the IeAL medical xttt.ndancr Nur- 4,e »im k' GENUINE A Newspaper Bargain dine ore being amkP(1 to elite on x i o ,. Rev. C. .I. t'amrron, t Tornnhr, ser- I ,,ly Riney All t at' The s 1 1 eulnlrPd a few hrniro letter to u. In- nay (rsMom that menn. much in a4vanc. r•etary•treas firer. 1 Iter the Hood of all that shouldn't be _ - Jurir•. there. T ins the place. Reference is mute to ThP n•pwrta of thr rn�iou" miaaio„ he blood Pate. through the kid r loxnls "hawed an inerP m the flit injuries vouirb almsted of nhtife Inn, nays ever three minute., If the kidneys \Ate the RuarxntPeing Of the Ironu.. of til.• v i gifts Plturtnnvl, which alma* might tory* do their work no im fit i• r: Ontario \\'eNl Sherr Fae•t u'ic Itailwa made And work door in n rly every p4, ' h K rause of Op THE .SIGNAL 3 esn"l'd drat h, la»idem three betoken di.ordrr 1,»n remain in the circulation Company. This cum any ham „ department. It ova+ felt,\ howet•rr. Ps Y• P ribs, harken 1-o11KrInnIP and nuule•r- lonpr(rThanthattime. Therefore if osr charter empowering them 4,r build a that P there haul not IeK" lit fie d, not 1�ITAMS AND pxx K nu. inf.rrnwl inJnNe.x I•Nllxell h)' t11P blood i. out ofortlrr m,1, k s j vs road fnrm tlarnia Ur Owen S/r11nd, A in prnportfnn to the ,teat meant, nor ppy ^a Lranr din failed in their work. The are In nerd of The Family Herald and Weekly .Star $16M start will ire rnitllr fonn /irolerirj, wh eh h e the great been Ishni with n loopling. Y Y �/ which the people have leen hlra"wl in He w•a" welt known in Ihr vicinity, One noedici ,drrngto all t re del finest SOLD ob' a111NTRKAh Pouring thnnlKh AxhHNd to Amhrrley 1 l was "ixty ye•ar+l of age erul unntarrireP, Oria medicine will do all throe til• Attest 4M�, gAT And from Arn1wrle • thmu h n mason the {nkat year would sertu to make _- .�, K -n "ible. and wtost imitated blood msdldsia thee• The HignAl will furnish MI with everything of Interest in this Iocall terri- of nun Wrwn»hip l4, K{ncnrdirw. Iso The -Original Jonah. a y • Tux munlrfpnlily of A.hlh•Id hw. I MdrP then nnlinwry fntereat wt -i , � � terry. Rvery home in thin district should nr•elve the local Paper. voted to glearant" the bsmdot to the I tendert the sessions on •'FducAtion "I wander why Jonah's name its The FAmily Herald end Weekly filter of Montreal is the acknowledged hest K natant of f{iLS,IMMI. The people of the Day'" because of tfie Pelettratirrn of owed as x a mfonl of hard lurk , " said Dodd'sMERI fs family and fano agniicent news service; iia nwmenwrsperp y 4_ pApAr in (;Anadw. Ira mwest alrctinn of 1111ron town"hip .4•111 the fiftieth annivet•lury of the Can&- one flshrrmau. Bspecial drportmenta ; its interesting magazine features ; its great serials and be -had to glinmritre the i.noda to diwn Literary inadtutr, now known "That's snail, ezplainsll," answered Ma � popular short stories, make it the greateet dodlAr s worth to be, load. "i Rl1e rtttrnt of gI8,111M►. ILII \YexoddoP College. AL w M►ngnet the other. "fie let the higReat Ash fli tut,, The enmhinatlon of The signal and The Family Herald and weekly (Star .. f It has long horn a t"+. Ognized fart. held in the College on the afternoon on rttvued get away," KidneyElil� '^'vides the greatest amount of wholesome family reading and reliable news tl►at the true o•t" for this portion of of this day over six handrudg;Na �INARD J '^'m ell ports of the world. flet the comsntry must mrtne froom an I ware present. Among them being many !Sever men imagine they are decentPi][JS,send your of the orldtion toefeetric lies. It Omms As if the steam I Prorminent Ministent and Iwymen from hrcwttae they wear w clean r0lar rvery LIT111�CMTltls�up their luleil3sGr wnwdw end the UnItM Ytw!•s who day. NI Gl4, ej']•iEi RMNIAi_ rnAaaeio-h hilif �: t -m t r r � a i t, F. $f Y.. � ... k i 1,, /' n`a A ,6iY.•�isB. + P �h Mme�..:.',. ... ks'.?,_•,:.a.�".,•�tIA.Y,.";y�,aSL:;Y:7"+Fl ...P L lyy raef'� :t, r.�. '� i q'rdr'n,e�cems"-a.c�..,a..•.:,�.r�RS'fRBl�t'$d1..i • � x q y!is tt• •r �'E1� ? " . Lc « Wit . �``"' \i •w a:..: " ,.+1QiL" .. �ruj• tl lv -,.,. � e ...,_' _.�_ ..�. ,. ;,t "x,y, ,irfit't�e, '.:-t.:tr•;,,........... >se: .. _ , � _.>l� ., f