HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-31, Page 1x l e + r� tri k yl' g ;.. 1 t.:' •rt(f fr, 1 f' p° .ii •ct rl, iT 'a vT t 4,77� ; . ,stir it e r welt x. Et F „' u. a t 1, :' #.,!''Al t rl., L�.,;. � �, of "t„Qro 1�7 `" ;b, � /y". - i 'r" ,,� , '41!:1 ,�, , � " , 1• yes ) 0 +. 11 '11 Rcsd lbs a .. , ( - gP1ECIAL OFFERS to New Subscribers on pages 3 and 4 of The Signal this week. as ...xa.....__. 'M: zb)cl _1. t4l".-,-*% � ,w!4 .. . �,s NIZTIETH YNAR-Na,►� G011ERII;H, O] - phliamial. ------- - __-_ - LOCAL TOPICS. ' Thanks) Our thanks ire due Ger thu splendid response of our convictx)ndents to the request that they send in their bud• geta timelier this week on account of the holiday. Our reaclerm will Held on page 7 it full &(.count of the doiupta of the district, written up in excellent :tyle by our able corps of correspond- ent:. We are proud of them. Deputy Reeve Elliott's Purchase. Deputy Reeve Elliott hms purchased the old grand Trunk freight shed Anil {has also purchiaeel the triangular place of property just across the street 1 from it front the Canada Cotupsny. I He will m3ve the buildingg to this property. We understand Mr. Elliott paid f AXI for the shed and IPIO for the property and lie is quite please/) with him purchase. IOpens Monday Next. The Uoderich Bu:inemm College will 1 ' A ile opened on Muuda • next in the and fl( a- oBice of the Bank of NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS GOCERICH MARKETS. 'ummer•ce building, lately uc' .ed i by Me"". Carey & Ham ink. Miss Tauasuir, Oct. sutir. 111atsel Gibwo, of Hamilton, who 'haw Copy of change a running advertise- Fall wtaa,t, per bus&, saw....... 40 W to i 1'o had wide tamichin and office experi- ments must be left at this office by apri,yf wheat, tier been, Mw.... a a) to !'a+ R Pt' Monday noon to ensure insertion ye, per bush �� 43 n o 4 ence, will Ile in charge until the at - in issue of same week. Huckichalt), per wi+k-:...... tend once demands a second teacher. abate, per bu.h., ass .......... u .'it to a •'la ,Miss Gilrron is a niece of the Hon. J. I'aas, per bush ere ler o sir M. (Itlre"ito. -.-.-._-.-_ __ ltarh•y.l.,-rbush ....:i.:...• e6.11u c 5 Lost •Or Found - rs-meniryfs, per tan. •........... Is a to as pi - - -- Flour, [wind). per cwt .......... s •tie to _ u Pudic Library Board. `ITRAi•ED ON TO MY PREMIHF`+ Flour,p.tent,perctvt..,,,,.... :sitto 'r+ Attheuwnthl meatier of the uh• (, the ant week in Hoptcmher, three )'mu. luau. lar lou ............ ...... /a W W $I W Y K ung•, are hatter and two stators, red with Snorts, per audi ................. YJ w towhitIp ui tic library board, which esus bel iso fifty• now, ter ton ............... V, w to 1.; W tWuada evening Inst, ap rlicatiQua uspe spots. HN' own bore [Lem by pa) Would. mr,eed...,.........•. 5111 to @ M Y R oxpsnee.. JOHN' L AITKF.N, Uodcrlen. 1e Li w u ri were,resceivwd from ti. F:. Blair, on be- Hulter, pear lb.... __ _ ._ cheese, per n .•......•••.... u I.i w u Iia halt of the Knox Church Young Men's 1 Beal jMrtate i0s . trwale. par dos ............ o •n w 4191 Club; from Mias Parise, for a read- P.,.fr . new . u ci' to n a" f circle. And from the Wotnen's'dn- l'attle. ordhe'y to good tier curt. J ear to 1 ail P L10K SALE. -THE HOME OF Cattle, export., la+rrwi _ .. t v1 to 17s statute, for the near of nwmd for their r Mllg, trRANK NA/TR4 Walerlus sauvet. H Ii. a tai fiet, Per cwt ... a In to a ori meetings. The request* were granted, Apply at Omoe. 1R -U. ' afa�• ng Lmw .............. _ . 1 .5rt w s ai &committer+ lain a anted to make S Sep, Iwr c- wt ...'............... ] Ja to 1 Al R Pow OUSY AND LOTH FOR HALF:. H•m. per Ili . .._............ a in io u W anangemenla. A consinittee was ape IIIkwau, perm ....... ............ a IS to P iia pointed t) see Air. Porter with refer• rrudera will ear retisci d1 by tLt• were" lice). per Ib . .......... I,' to l.i .igned up to Voiday. the LMh d•)' of Vu+emlm•r. Tallow. per Ili ., •... •• ..,.,,... u W to our ehce CA magxtdnei+ rwlninetl for the Ir ,, for the:1,urcha'+r of lot- n unl,en a ,led 9n, Il Wes,W r cwt ..:.............. i) W to a'cel coming year. \Tilsorts sere a>'. of the town of Cidarkh. one ,y�,T ,Skier ............ i........, SS4+ NI property of the late Alex. Mociecle. Them L, a (' mea.... ..... ler t0 le Modelites Entertained at Clinton. t•omfon able frame house on t he proper[ Y. Prop- .... rrty ImwA,cm)Idtockw utp tar.,. enus-Ten r Turkey...... .. N to 11 Three, load% of Goderich Mo,led per nota down. Aalalwr In �r da No tender I 6tli., 4e Markel on page 6.11 n-oswaily a,melAed. RoHkRT TH0M1 yea\. _. - ___ -- - -_ 'hwl atdrnta dmvs In Clinton la*t F:xacutor. t)aferW,. x Friday evening and were there lenter- OUN(: k ROBERTSON. REALI The Ontario Went Khoris Electric tained by the "tudent. of Clinton Railway reposition is hecomiug A Model School. A pr•egnun of ptou)- F�L&te A*ertA. (JMerich, ()tit.-FlL m anal P town pews" laic bowRht,,ald and eschauffed. Fig rTi,ne i c cep north. The ort ensilesi vocal And instrumental mu:i,•, Elgin Times cuncludeal w reference to recitations. rate., .wax followeol by n 1.. R HALE . --A LARGE, ('OM-, it last week with the temwrk : •'Heron lunch, And it was after midnight r FURTAHLF brick Iwuw OteriookhW the and Briwe are wealthy counties and when the function was concluded And harbor: all modern convenloaN lnelud";ff should have railway cunnectitln along the visitors commenced their house. lit water nefttheir App1Y tO YOCNU A Rol F:RTSON,Ooderrfch. the lake. 1t may come sooner than wool juurnr)•. The gl•nentw hlwepi• nanny think." , talit of the Clinton students was �101t SALE. --d) ACRES F.XC,FI,- A new hatcher sbu o has I)ren unucK •lpplwciated h,, the young 1^KNT 1•nfo for market garde(, with R,xml 1 f•onl Ooderich, who will nes huildb,p, and freueer:tau nJlea flour I;wlr i wutvl on Kingston street, taxi the People yrn{,i-h : avr acres in orchard of `1Apple., talars. 1 ,hiwg Edieard hotel. bytJoeeph Fel- ciprocrate by entertaining the C. Ill. H. f,ernrin:. heries.d �nuafworaiatd.•. an milly l, lows, who fur the point two ,,cars war Iclams oil the. evening of November 15(h. Tol'NU R RORKHTSON• Ilnlcrirh. with M. A. Pigott A Co. Mr. Fellows Another from W. C. Goode. \OR HAi.E. It STORY HOUHI: haw Edward lttridnsm, w loraetical Our readers will Ire interested in the F{( r botcher. in charge. Mr. Robinscm to bright letter front Walter C. Goode nn Arylk•q,.a ,tree). fl .larY house ml a tum of Vharles Robinson. formelly Napier stmt, Ii story house, an F^yfln act ' published on pur first page this nue, 1 story house cm, \ ietoris, wreef, of (ioslerich, but now of Uungwruou. week. Our former townsman is Two-story brick Louse we K,srx.tr%+t near the fellow; nine towns. all modern "Avrmencw. --- - --"" - --- now atRn:thern, 8sakatchewan. ,is w. I)avid's street ; nine rotmn.•. all modern roil Sltua lUone Vacant f is seeing w gland deal of the lice est, and rnienaxw, Front fur ale In any Karl of an he hire the meful facult y of notictng Huron ooanty. 1'uCNu a N.uHF:KTS(aN. F.ACHKR WANTED.-F'OR S. H. uoderlrh. int• ��� things, arld the happy disposition of 1 Na 10. A.Il@*M : male Or fnk.i witk telling what he has arPn, our reamers AN F:XCEI.I,EN'[' FARM FI)R .%arm .,1&_ mitifimte- Apply to F mit( IH are getting the benefit. Ina m)Ce 6e s AI.F--aorwe"in west Waw•anosh,two awOrr. fA ress. mends with the letter he says that he miles, from Anburn ; soil a My Mata, alete t IW Air". tinder cultivation Aim N' on :v, 10 ler al•res 1GUD 111141, %VANTIEU. TO DO l)Mtoller'Jkh Nae weather waw ideal - timber. A well And t»o - , "Wr• of Nater, a IJ hotise k, WAaw f1'L w month. ••beautiful air, sunmehine and tempera. ne w free d welling. a barn, table and A!t„t lig, DA III BROWN, Angles" Lure. ,• He has not forgotten the drivin hed. Apply m 11 ICNO A KIrIIKRT- .t �o till., i�oaerioh. _ __ .... .-- -- Goderich MusicalSociety, and maks %SWR SALT OR TO RENT. - A ANTED. -CAPABLE MAN OR kindly mention of the organization of .1' sold•,, MlwwO [aril in w'esl \1'a»r W woman to call un a few prominent which he was for many years w lead. hash, euneltmem a hN Y, i h 17b wrens, in A tees r who want to know Abetit our special in spirit. C1. e of rod nolory half rinb offer on oar new g V gimlet tate of , ultivauwe. well fenced. well Indexed AtW of Chi sofa. Oral y. ploweant Kql -red w�,o,� omhard, large bank barn. goend pp•A Opening Attraction. fosse, lrlMualm, blacksmith shop Iond store ,iced ptroCitable cmD 1o11ncnt. Addrrw ICANh. . u corner of farm. Cmit•enient to school amt -N . A1.1.1 R ('U]sPANY, Chicago, III. The populiu• operetta " Pepin, the church. ly miles from C. P. R. st^ti o al Pippin ' will fie the first attmcticon in Auburn. Term. aaq. W. A. HARR.... BO1 WANTED TO MAKE HIM- Victoria opera House under the new l.n_cknew, lot. _ SELi rally Ilmefal: Apply ►k THE Pe SIGNAL o Flip: mannegement. The remodelling of, the j(� )R HALE • FiVR ACRES C 1% opera house will commence tomorrow, 11 in ; lanae (Nutagr on once of the main their- and h Fri I •, November 8th, the nu:h ism., pi pmt for lake water -ane banding To BAnt We Address Hos pit. SIGNAL Orvic r_ date)' the pit uctihn of the operetta. 11 {" - Axgual* .1 Sri 6 �10M�_ ,i 1'ARIO, CANADA: OCTOBER 31, 1907 own this work ruaking enquiries am tiovernment evening ago ran eutrance tlays w•as un ville, tang 1Villiaul L.angauw til Iteid fur tlpared day l4tptain lilies ('all, tractive OBITUARY. ,n supplies for the job. . --- Yacht Lurline Wrecked. Brown. Shortly before 6 o'clock oil Raturday The mubjscl. of this brief memoir, the rtt-aul yacht Lurline. Jame: It. Brown, was born near Fsn- which was purchamell'alout it month fiiwkillen, Fermanagh county, Ireland. I by the Provincial Governul�nt, November 5th. 19t2. tie de )arced on the submerged outride ter•eak- this life October 13th, 10(17, at Tyner, water As rhe war tr tog to` make the North Dakota. ilia remains were in- of the har?sur. The captain .terrwl• in tier Tyner cemetery, there tie he did not know of the break- &wait the rewurrection. In 188 the water, and steering by the old ranggee 1) family rrolgratoxl to Ontario and lived the [iiia in Huron ights he ran right nn to the The Lurline is 87 boat, the the greater rote[ of until ISM, when the deceased water. an -foot with a capacity of mixty-rix tons. She county and his fatuity removed to near Cavi1- built to DW fur Hiram Walker liar, North Dakota. He was married' o Walker- c captain J. B. Forest. f al 1 alt• • el Murdock, o[ I.o ndes- fn 1H71 to Raath ban wailed, her ever since. The borough, Huron county. His widoiw• rtherio of the crew are new men on seven roue and um+ daughter survive iter. They are W. V. (3idley. of Paine- hint Rev. T. 17. Richmond• Prechy. : Fragtneer George McDonald. ` terian milliliter of Crystal Cit}•, .North Campw u and Wjlltaul Dakota• preached a ryrwertul sermon of Walkercilte. The tug in the Presbytrrfan church from the HortAn wits pulling at the Lurline un- text. "Let nut your heart ire midnight on Saturday bot tailed to troubled." endeavoring to bring rom- uuve bel•. A message was sent to the fort to his sorrowing friends. Air re- Wr•eeking Company mit Sarnia ligiouy life wall quirt and undemon- 14alistmence, but a tug could not he stnifive, beat characterized by fireat His faith in in tittle to Ire of use. On Sun- fidelity and it rightness. morning the furniture, furnish- Ood hlousomrml into it beautiful lite, legs, etc., oil the Lurline were taken loyal to the church and a true friend off and the Twat left to its fair. The to all who knew hien. R. E. B. . Lurlinr wits bcillt at a cost of over --- -- $J1,1Ng1 and was purchaw4l for abtuut CHURCH NOTES. half that amount by the Government. - -- Forest was oil his way to Elaborate preparations are going on Kincardine with the boat, en route for a birth lay party to be Riven by ( for a lie ncrgian Bay port, and thought the ladies of the Baptist church on the 14th. he would run in to.Gcderieh harMir evening of Thursday, November over night. Rev. J. T. LeGear. formerly of Jack - The oorrhwent winds on Sunday rote. Mich., has, removl4l to Laureling, night broke the steamer's hull to Mich;, where he is pastor of the Con - Piece and nothingpl im visible on the ural M. F:. church, n church of 1,11W bre wlatrr now Fmt the steamer's mecubeie, oiler. The wreckage lies strewn Jog the twitch. The cries left town Special mprtingw will ble ronducteri Mnl.Olte.eon. Mrw. Jas' Wilson And ehlldren have gone on a visit to If monition, West Vic - by Staff -Captain Dray. of Stialfonl, in on Monday__ the Salvation Army hall on halurds.y LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. and Sunday, j`Iov. 2nd and 3rd. All Rinse. Mn,, \vileelen will be Iowa) for t w•o Mrs. G16son [lamp• are invited. 1 hill line of molsteur photootim lie"' sup- A thankwgwing service will tae held always Iwo [[mini en R. It. Sallow'.. this (Thursday) morning at l l o'clock )rders intended to frorupuy and cantally' teh•ph000 or write. in North wirer•[ Methodist church. Wilmer Smith is "huwinir serum, very &I. Rev. J. C. Reid. If. A., B. D.,. of Nile. �I 1 in the way of hou,w furnirhinp This I. nine brilchteu home for will preach. the to up the the w•iuier"eauon. Call— d lis. his)read.. Servi(•e will he held at fit. Odor e's R This Is Thanksgiving Un)-, and you will be in ane fettle if you are iwh„l in ,,Ile of F'. J. church ttxdciy (Thanksgiving Day) at 11 -w. 111., and tomorrow (All Sainte' t•rkthalu'+ elegant .,III-- the right thing fur Day) there will Ile it celebration of the bonders, for Sunday. and for efery day in the holy communion at 8::f11 a. m. And year. The into work, of the V. P. II. service At 7:.91) P. m. briitges ite being paintrrl. Next Hondav morning the quarterly H. Mci.-au Iran leamotA flat- Opera love trait will Ire held in North street house to Mr. Holman, who comes Methodist cljurch at. U) a. m. The wncranserttof1he Lorl•s Supper will toe from New Brunswick, admiuimtered after the prcmrhing ser - The steamer Hcottimh Itrnt arrived vire. The pastor will preach at loth Saturday with a cargo of wheat for services the elevator and cleared on Monday, The t and of North Some G. T. R. surveyors linve )wen Meheuw h'ir,hoffloe street en rayed a at work in town this week, rrecoutn• t t social etioxh plavwAut social u►reting in t�te lwu+e- allly with a view to no ei4%rer' grade to talent of the church on 9hurimlav even - the dol -k. ing last. After the weekly study of The managenent of "Wonderland" the lesson a supper prepared by the will give a heiiefit night to (lie hos- ladies was partaken nf, and lhi, was ppIIt I un the evening of Thursday, followed by five-minute speeches on Plnvenlllel• lith. wet "nhjerts by a renmtler of the The remaining cellars and brush on gentlemen. It is the pwrpoeme to have the U. P. R. right of way &tong tale whoilar social Pyo -its at intervals, and bank this midi of the river an- loving it is expected that th:•y will lie a burned. The right of way has been Illeanm of inertia%ing iwlen•st tired en - fenced. tho,iasm in the work of the school. The 5c. l tar of bread has 1►,rnirl There was a Knoll attendance let the been Aoduced: now it is Ij lbs., social given fly. the Christian Fn - only, the new order of thingw being deavor Society of Knox church on intraluce(i by the, town bakers on Tunic ay evening last. Rev. Jam. A. Monday. Anderson was chairman, anti the pro - Wm. Acheson haprkned with an gram included vocal solos by Mistaes Atlel:tide Nairn, McVittie anol Wilson unfortunate accident last Friday eat one of his new houses. He tripped And Messrs. Sutherland and (look; and in falling struck the kneecap and recitations by Miss Murray ; A reading fractured it. by G. F. Blair• anti instrumental duets Misty May Wilson has given cep her 11} Mies Welsh and Mr. Millyard and \lass Dyke and Mr. h)n1An. lieftesh- drPsm•making shop cited will lie at her inente were served and it very enjoy - honie on the. Huron road to te••eivr ve able evening Wits spent by those pres- all kinds of drP,ss•mnkifig, or will ant. ort sewing by Lite. day. mteAtnPrs off 1 afro• As it was the Barnes lost near) nil The regular tweeting of the Goode• PERSONAL MENTION. -- - _ W. C. GOODE AT ROSTHERN, S 4SKe ANOTHER INTERESTING LETTER FROM OUR FORMER TOWNSMAN. A District of Historical Assocta,;,,ns - Some Incidents of the Northwest's Troublous Days -Many Nationall- ties Represented at Rosthern--How. the Grain Harvest Is Turning Out. Itenthern, Sask.. (ht tier 21.t. IW7. Ti the Bditar of The Slgn.l. SIR, -This little town of Rosthern, where I aw at prow-nt, located. vuesseases many fewtufns of interest. In the first place, it is situated within a few miles A the chief placer of historical interest I the rebe111on of V. The fir t out- break in that struggle took place, not at Duck lake (as I stated in a previonm titter), but At Frog Lake, far west of hat, when •' Wandering Spirit" and his band killed the Indian agent Quinn himself a half-breed), an he was corning out of church, immediately atterwarde shcmatJng down two priests who rats to his Assistance, and follow- iog up this murderous beginning with further slaughter, looting, etc. The uprising at Duck Lake took place a few days later and the spot where the tittle &tiny from Prince Albert wall anrhumhed, with the result of twelve killed Hied ap,�ntiniber wounded, in point, ell out to viAitore its one of the sights of the plai•e. ' The Days of Louis Rid: I have hall many interesting talks with u ien who were here in those eventful times, One •' old-timer" told rile of a certain house in which the plans foF that rebellion were decided on And a resolution passed to send for Louis Riel to lead it. M informant wait intimately acquainted with nearly all lite prime movers and can name everyone. present at the meeting re- ferred to. Riel was in the States and responded to the cattle but immediately Made secret appr>wches to the Govern talent -if the day. through a clerical int-nurdii►ry, offering to abandon the pntjrct An( 1 leave the country for =iINMON1, which he subsequently re - delved to Il).9p,(tO(1, beat without avail. Another gentleman who relatrl many interesting incidents of this perks) and of yearn h afore was in charge of'a survey party through this country. On one occasion, souse Yeats before the rebellion, a survey party of which he \vas a member was about to leave Battlefotd to survey a district north- east of that place, when Indian runners cAMP, in to say that the tribes Wert- on the warpath and would [loon reach the town --they were almost starving, as the buffalo had become very scarce. The leader of the survey party said : " If they're goin to kill its, it might :to well Ise on the plains aft here iki the village," and the party set Cent. Before the close of the first d,►y they found the report true, for round- ing w hill -top they saw on the plain below a large hand of Indians, and were quickly sighted and surrounded. They expected nothing but death, and were greatly relieved when, after their eipthl wiagons had been looted of every- thng a table, the chief shook hands with each man, said good-bye and passed un with his painted braves. Gov. Laird averted trouble at that time by giving then[ all the provisions he could spare and promising further -. sr�. a • 1 i?v^ i NEATLY PRINTED STATIONERY a something that every ban [leas ounce delights to see. En- velopes and letter papers were never better made than now - and certainly never better printed than at I THE SIGNAL I ANA9TSR t ROBERTSON, PvaLuisaas 11 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Oct 91st. Rect Ikwr- Y. F. lwwroel e....... . �......! . 6 Short 1.1110 toJludkoka--('•[milia s N",r,in I torite "Ll auch� I.vt of IMlteeent Kinds M llKoveel- NVoraoll'A Hard ware and Ston Mars...... House for Rent -D. Foarguroe................. I Ietdiea Wear Newo-John diwasid ............ s Hates Off to the Style Leaders-wattsr a PM - ham.. .. 9 Ronotauta-J. H. Colborne ....... •...... • •. .. 4 direct Duality Shoes -Downing t MaeVicar a ureetbvt of Tonlixt-Psychine.................. s Net 11"04110r, ae Poor Watoh-Halsey Park....... .. • AnntW. ... nI.- Mi -May Wilson ........... 1 House tri !tent -John A. Walker ............. 1 House for Sale -Thal Ogles . . I Header -Family Herald. , .. .............q 9 Underwear -Martin ................... ......... a New Most Market-Juieph IMinrrn..,,.,.,., Underwear- Hodgen. Hew ................ s Wits originally included in Poland• and is no\t Austrian, but they are a tile - tinct Slavonic race And tit) not call themselves Polacks nor speak that tun((��ne. I have heard theme risen spoken of As the beat types, physically, of all who come here; but for anything I have seen I would not rank them Yea high. However, their military training is apparent. I have noticed a squad of Galician lab. carers going home front work, swing- ing along with the regular stride and even step of regulars on the march. They are very -,plain, hard-working people and loth sexes frequently wear coats of tanned sheepskin, sometimes curioualy ornamented with braid. East of the railway there is a little -dug -out" village of twelve or fifteen houses, occuFled mainly by these _2,le. It 1e difficult st first to resit." that hums beings occupy. these itlaces, which resemble in appear- ance. an Ontarid farmer's root -house, nothing but a root covered with earth appearing above the ground. An excavation is first niade about four feetdeep : overthis an ordinal ridged root is erected, sometimes with beant- tingle and boards, at other times with poplar poles only, covered with brush to prevent the earth running through, &fill then soil a foot thick. 'there is a stuall window in one end, one room Vin, and the floor is clay. A I"e bed in one corner, a cook stove in another, and a few plain articles of furniture complete the outfit. In the country the Galicians erect houses of logs plastered over with clay. They have high ppitched roofs thatched with straw, polre being sometimes added to prevent the straw from being torn off by the wind. Some of these are r�uite neat and pretty -looking homes. n a few places alien i have ween homes of settlers built of acxls, the roof as well covered with the same odd build- ing material. To gee a modern bicycle at the door and lace curtains on the windows of such a home looks decided- ly incongnious, but of course they make cheap temporary homes, &aid people do not seem to care mnch how they live for the first year or two in this Western land. (Many Nationalities. There are several other nationalities represented here in smaller numbers: Buckowinian -another of the Slavonic races from Austria -Poles, Hungar- ians• etc. so we have a perfect babel of foreign tongues here. Some have to do their business through interpret- er•m, but most have picked up the names of their necessaries and struggle through someway or other. Almost every nation is represented more or less in this country. In North Battle - ford an Efyptian tailor is in business for himse f, the only one of his race I have seen here., They have there also A nti.Oer of Persians - Nestorian Christians -- swarthy, hardy -looking fellows, laborer's, farmers, restaur•wnt- it- era, etc., etc., who seem to be taking up -.with the ways of the country well. jIrARM FOR 14ALE'ON DIV14IO V Out on the Prairie. October so far bete been a beautiful month ; some frosty nights, but every daq bright, 'sunny and ,pleasant, atTorling Aplendid weather for thresh- ing, etc. un the Hth and Pith I made long excursions through the country. The weather was,delightful. Great flocks of birds -blackbirds, snipe and other varieties -hovered around the fields and wild ducks in considerable numbers rose from the lakes, while the Poolar bluffs shone like Po gold in their of autumn leaves. It seemed odd, though, to we the fields full of shocks of grain with, such autumn surroundings. iii places the trails wind through unfenced grain fields which literally stretch away ss far" the eye can reach. In eu u err. Y lacer stacks are seen, but nearly all fsrmet's thresh "from the shock." ck." The machine is set in the Held, eight teams haul sheaves to the separator, three more convey the grain to the granary and one or two others bring water. The Wheit Crop. The yield is turning out from half to two-thirds of last year's crop, and there Is not much "No. 1 hard." There ham been jugt one thing to reduce the crop through this district - the utter alimenceofiipening,weather. August and i�epteinher throughout were cold and wet and when killing frost came on September 1•tth many fields were uUCrBE TO Rf31VT,-THE SEVEN- al RG1)Mh:U dlt(•illnRon Nelson strw•t at itwl prawn, amuc unprov appear- ance. The plan for this attraction rich branch of the Women s Institute will lie held let the home of. Mrs. J. A. J. Kidd is s nding a week's holiday in ne r Toledo. RWigtAtice, wo havingBattlefonI from looting and 1)(podwhed. I hAVe heard 1' line In the townehlf of Amhfle+d remain in blare•rlar Inuit, for present occupied by Lhe undi'"W'l%1. Stahl. opens on Monday and everyone who ?3lr•aughlan, Fast $t•, On Thursday, , ,,--,,,i,_,__,:-___,1.t'__ mans• other interesting anecdxtes re- R lin wirers M,,,nd glmal nuxed fameinw ear pwwluro with rree•k on farm. on mimes. P/xwcwfon can 6egive-1 at(mce• w'ALKIaRi 1•t. can should patronize the nxfnction, P Nlryenll)er• 7th, est 3 ti clack. i ni- J. K. Jordan is s tenAing ThankmRh•iirg I>rty with friends at Exeter. hated by scouts, volunteers and settlers ltr[ mint hisnn.: well orad Atu.t,%t eller. half mob from ..dead, ane and nae nal[ mows JUHN A. AOR RFNT. - GOOD D NINE- I j, which is given by an wmateurconipany under the direction of J. Fast Jordan. portant business. r !Mrs. H. HAYde•le 1. visiting friends at Rldge- lows during the Thanksltiving swlaon. who were here in the rebellion da m, daym, illi[ It would take tier time lelweh RiNU'e pisaoalt•.•, will lie sold rrw"o cwbly. tsb•� sesminn will be giten at oorae. For further alar [� reomrA house on Keari street a two Iota kitchen and a The chorus nuiubers some fort Y Henri K. Jordan, Dr. Emtnersun ham t )11 'N Ayril to Itim hoome on North street, opposite St. (')wide S. Pot-, of the Sor d Lown this relate thpnt. Fish Creek, where our ticulArs A + ly to THOMAS FORD, Larirs I . e). 1 p mid Rood Raeden : town water In sullel min-w•Ater ([Alain. Pon' r-- -treat. -treat. ieghthofr gmia. of sin and Btxntlnrd, will I>r the accompanist. PI Geurgew church, whie6+he re(enfly so -v Toronto, brie bairn in town for w•veml day. ail. wank. v volunt; era had their Hrst fight with gg the relrtle, and he. the OUHF FOR HALF.- A NINF H ppb'ro p. F'K[tGL'BON. near the LIDntY. ( Theeawta will he 5(V. Kee and :C) cents. orchased froin Mr's. S. 1'. Halle. E. V. Campion was In town over Sunday. Mr. ('out ion 4 now In the head office the ugh[Bato Riel final ilattle waw fntlgltt and Riel eap- roamed frwlae dwelling. hating a wises) sirnat {on, on Klmtrm sl reel. Stone hmndallan H F V F: N• One night only -Friday, November 8th. rs. Halls has winvtrl into her new house in the same block. v of ttovcrolgn Hank at Toronto. Lured, are both within fifteen miles o And summer kitchen, good stwhie. will tie sold I'M RENT. --A CORY• Mrs. John thin place. AL Lhat time, however, th e recesienably. For tnrthe particulms apply to MKS. \\'M. or fa t.'UHAN. 11 Darin ave., j Horned house; Mrd and son water in kitchen : near CollegiaW Inslltute. owned b Deputation to Ottawa. The proprietors of The Si nal Are itdel)tOfl to the kihdnesa o McMrs, Mich., am icing at the fount, of iMich., ora visiting at the boron of w•m• St{r1inR, Uoderirh tovmAhtµ Willi. only settlements throe y throughout tele ilia• Toronto. _ ' fat RR Mrs. Guo.- Apply to M , ONO. COX, .-I. -A lhewneck of the. Ontario Govern- Davis. litiehey and (iwlt fu gifts Geo•apoumt,ofwingMm,was intown )es. terdwf 1Xbnminesm In connection with the ormn. trio were those at Prince Albert and Battleford (VA),anti"further west), i f FjccARM FOR HALF. -A CHOLUE FUR- meat cnrfser fcurline on the sub• Af meximr Inert., r portion o.• their inRof tneuodeAch Bewum scmlegp we except w few rnismioos and trm•lin g farm for mile, adapted for mixed fanning or m. -itis•• "r w,•rem elmrod. le acral good orch• black �OUSF. TO RLrNT, EITHER nl•hod or nnftlrotshad : all modern con• me ged•irreakwater on Hatutday last wam an Additional spur in the matter p captore on their hunting trip to Northern Ontario. it in a toothsome ' Bert H. MrCreath was nil (root Toronto neer Holiday, His many friends were tensed to MP V poste, Indian w enciell, ete g .M. tai cern•+ g„ad timber. Holl a Reseal rowy lawm. Oo.,d frame hou.e, frame Mrn and ,•enience'.. Apply to 8T. G.r,O1WE PRICK, `�"R le„ew ,+treat. flsaf of sending w deputation to Ottawa to vlwnd, ham and al know that he is prospering In the Provincial )anus)' First Settlement by Mennonites. stAble". maxi ilei heli� shod. Lots Sat end A. co'=4,n 1, Goderl(h township, Appl to PRODUFtN)T, HAYH a BLAIR or to CI Am" - - TEW FURNIHHED HGUSE TO N parem" upon the new Minister of Public �V orks the neceasitq of patting the wp The Menemetun R Canoe C)Iub haw again opened, iia looms on West street Mnl.Olte.eon. Mrw. Jas' Wilson And ehlldren have gone on a visit to If monition, West Vic - - The He settlement of iuo rtanc e � here ILbOot thirteen or fourteen J. WALLIS, Clinton. t;tf J. let oo tN rorneraf Rrmore atrrest an'l Cam- brow road. Apply to B BwIT%kR wstf pro CA the hat•bor In pproper condi- Tuesday Mayor Elliott, for the winter. , Some improvement, Rinse. Mn,, \vileelen will be Iowa) for t w•o Mrs. G16son [lamp• years ago and' was b Germans Germans. - - _ N1•Dl TAGHED (ion. afternoon Reeve McLean and W. L. Horton, have Imrn made in the rooms and the months and will roneain At [on for aha winter. urniuly Mennonites. Theme jaeo I pp have excellent farmers, RA( CiCAI. EDUCATION lal to meaesw In the Lua{nt+wl world AOR RENT. - 8tr is(' F'nrnweie o w• eettee4 electric 1' Aoame on etc App�1 to aa6 n the G/detich Elevator manager t iso at r b P. for fnembers of the (lib Are looking for- R w 1 to a leamn an eat winter P to season to \1't e o he le Zahn A. Ik r. f the. 1 m ilon l'i r (M e yf wa r vas " t. a A r o Works, 1 w shortly n t i 1 Ula Sae r uh- proved rule))[ ant tun o g d more than ordinarily d naril in Y . The erhan. UrsC,procldem the bee+[ Ilgbt and wl Inadern gern•onlcnres. J. B.HAW<�iNS, St. Patrloik'. street. - [It-tf Co..left (i. R. the Capital. y p R. Holmes, Clinton, W. Proud- their cnmforhlblP ynartea'w. wtx.tern Slates. Hr hA. oat hal gaeA ha•ehh eat IMe win try the that for dunsrioue, and nowhere have I Been ser afTh hese linea fm the AMR"ICAY Hrma/R ('OLraraR F - - _- of And tpA(„ K. l'., wPrr LA Ain thein nn the a Fred Av' D t J. (ink An K d T. Herne Y and alienate, of ,•ountry \\' w r wlelle Mrs Walker will ItatRan n t 1 lAt r Ili'. u' great A percentage of breaking w right bete. We are es need to t oo k McGill Ham,. TURnNTO rouse+ la An mabjecM. Students �'�i 1E way, and they Pxpected pit interview Hon. Mr. PnK"IPM ietlr. on Mondw from their hint,. ing rxpeditinn, hrin ing [rackw•ith g Curb, whom she w•111 vlsRher northers living Lhan,. nait hok upon the JfPnnooites we w nation1n poslciont. Enter any time. _ p;LL BRED COW FOR SALE.- with the yretetdwy '!he Mini"ler`m xttrntinn hod alre+uly them the head4 and hides of two BI th Standard: Dr. J. M. Slewn .end wife, of Nome, Alaska, arc hero v{suinR the fonnar. g &lity, but they are Cher w reli ionroetwloprnr. founded byMe non.-TheyR Me. w A•nnv, Prinrlpnl.' �/ `'y th will-xahanRe for fresh mfleh now. fleece called to the neres«il. •far action Moose and a large quantity of meat. events Mr. slid Mrs. A, W. Sltrwn. 'rhe 1 W. lils sect, miT. grated from Germany to Russia an d -"'-Y^'•'-� --------- Also R(id quiet drivenrc or delivery home One s sale. J. . WORREI.4 by Mr. Ht lines, who last week re- following trim The trio ulAMde thele htunlin rounds R R this year r►wa,, off about 300 folies til toi- acid alfa same Olmngh the \yeM, after landing at Heattlo•, Aid he win, surprisat at ire ninny of them \vent from there to th e LAOR NAL.F. - A BFCOND-HAND ceive%1 the mrsm&gP the Department of Public Workm : the northwest n[ Pott Willilatn. Inner ase the way s�rowth of toe a eemiy such \\'Inu11 bad become such a Lager raty They States and thence here. l'heq con "ides themselves Grennan", THE 1 iloWant rata, bursate. nearly ar Raod aA Ultftwa, (ktah•r�xith, I!a ..Hum Reels•rt Holmes, F>q., were awn since the 3r(I of the They Y month. will visit witA minliv-A and friend. till sprin ss navlgAlion 1. now clued In ih- north cent - miaow. There arP Also many GPrman s new, meltable for +tole or pnvate final chewy' sA 1 hove no hlrtner ams for it. J. H. I ,a... TheBarnes, has been o Is fourteen years mince the !Dolor heir who nn• not MPnnonitrs but u STERLINGBANK (' g tie Lutherans faith.dangerous Donk hntoors, ( T� OF CANADA ___ FiftHT ('•i,AH9 HF.iNT7MAN A A bar in n.c only condition of the breakwater at. the tnmrih of (anlrrlch hftrlir, /he tans argent escape in the big blow Ivhieh wre(kPcl the two Hou[IwUn oat of town are Mn. Mdrnm,lh and her daughter. are Hyslop. In Toronto; Miss came the who hav P severer) cillo gas within twenty mile s ('n. piano far sella at to ain ; fl AhotY time : ran be myon Am[ All Information repr•Aentwtion,eho miller will hate my tin- , Inte Attention. Yeram truly. mteAtnPrs off 1 afro• As it was the Barnes lost near) nil Traunch, in Detroit ; Mrw. W. T. Mornay, In Hamilton; M I s s Im nicub in Uetrolt ; from town. eincc the recent [mull es Rasa Op'Ilca ToAle%ro glees by ►pp1YhlR to F)ox ID,SIGNAL UFFIC R. _ --- _ _ ___ w•M. Pt'nsi'vy. Apparently Contractor [fit bar canvas and is now 1 ing eat (:ore Mrs. J, S. HOwrie, in Niry[arm, Falls ; N. cart, In [),end : lir. Mabee, at Vittoria; Mm, W. A. rPK7lIdInK their 11ndw. iIWVrVer, la rl 11 nllrter of Li1P"P IIAVe moved down t AUTOORMWn CAMAr, - 1IMM.an FOR BAI.F:.-HEl►tI.O(7K, from Atock. nlinghaaal RIAo has cern the urgency `of the .Bla •. An endeavor wily toe made to y I secure tug bring H. Cuff n Torino ; Lionel Panmina, Toronto: lravid tun. Tocronto; Miss Widder. Toronto: their settlement near Yorkton. The Thew fNCORPORAT DAY HPFA'IA1, A('r Nm and maple lumber for male wqie be cut to order. For further particulars (natter, la" him foreman lane been in UaleMoh. tf a and the schooner down here for )winter. She will re- MlmamF.thel and inane Ache in+ Toronto; F'. 1,Hutland, Toronto, Miss 1. X. aMrman P<'npie are another religious mect, with enmrridnintir, Rum applrtiROBEitT ELLR)TT. quire new mails. -Kincardine Re. ai wood,tork, principles, And are UFI)UfMINIUNf'AfILtAMICNT -" -- --- porter. Sian". Their lace u e im a t alxtnre of g TO RECEIVEDit"ITA AUCTION SALES. the RUSSIAn and LI nfan. An In TA accommodate the Fanners t THE CANADIAN BANK OF (' OtiIMIti"iRCE Port" Elgin Time" : The latest. pm. pilaf lir it new railway int) Bruce telligent Rumaian informed me that properly there Is no •'k" in the) \vp have opined Branches is the county almost. take" one's breath Mawntr. Nov.lth.-Sale of fm,nn stock ami Imp letterata of Peter Gnem. at lot 15, coenrr ioln nsnte : it consists of two words "Douh." villages of HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. wrAIII.INHED 186% away. it is nothing lens than tie ex- 6,Ocelerieh township, mmeneneingat I oclock. Kworything niumt. bedinves it Mr. unnn meaning spirit, anti '•obor,' tend the Intercoloniwl Railway of, as )las sold t farm. Tomm. Orwnay. ftnrtlon- to frighten or mublue-- tims "howin DUN(3ANNON, througgh Ontario with its te.rntinnn eat Mr, the chief nine of theirspiritoal culture B. F. WALKFH, President. Paid ill) Capital, $1000000(1 Inverhuton. Hunte one how actually TncRAnay. Nov, 7th.-Anctlem sale at farm lot W aubine the worldly spirit need de AUBURN, ALEX. T.AIB[1, Aenprlal Meana era R rt(i/� !tra RAs[ 7) 006 written to Ilon. Gen. P. Gresham, Minister 1(oailwaym. muggewling the stork, at 7 conce,olon s, W. D. Amhfteld, commencing tui !O'cock. HnaxxrA. NI Kra- sires. This also explains why the are. mometiaiem spoken of as "spirit VARNA and A. If. IRELAND, Superintendent Totrlll Assets 11:3 000 000 Idea. There is nothing like letting xre, proprietor. Tnoxe,ur%unr,anrUonirr. wrvmtler:(," rhry live together i of Branches• ' + the outside woe Id know that there in BORN. villages and hold their plismP"Igons Ir BAYFIELD, --_ -- - room for more ,and lietter trmnAporta- F:RWIN In Fast W,ow•ame-n. an mer uah comtpon rear the feenert of all. 1 Branches throughout Canada, wild In the United Wat•m and hngland• time fne-ilitien in this great county. Inst, the wife of Thomas FIrwin, w laugh- 11111nt not, be sitpinMed that all of then We solicit aha h'atrono►ge of the --_- --- .�. K-11, a former proprietor of ThA for. favor the fanatically inwnne "mareh FARMRH. _ _ A OENERAL BANKING OV81NF88 THANSA(TFD. Niglrtl, wait in town for twit ear three I,EISHMAN -In Mc,t \1 aw'anMn on ("eh,r dot, to Mr. and sin Alex. IAelshman. a tried' about which an much hall rim writtenr.. The great ninjority Art, ion (Ings dnrinBQ•� the week. Ile in visiting &ALR NOTNee Dm('OUNTRD. rnMMRR('IAL AND FARNMA PAPRR t)I K'otT'fTISt), the shay innumtries of the Prnvinrp In MARRIED. telligent and induntrimts people RAVINGS RANK AC/'OUNT -_--- the intprealh of the Dominion Depart ment of Mines, collecting Information ICVANS RUSE. Al tar I'r sbyterLue ciansr, DanRannon an I/rtottei Inch, Ahrwham The have cast aside their objection LO the use of animals and now fav opened by deposit of =1.111 s S A V I N G S BANK D E l A It T At F, N T regmrding the uoanoftorttire of brick Kvans, of Ki icarcitne township. to Miss the Best of hormem to bring their Qprn Intim, rat ata'/, compound• l Deposits Of �1 And I1pWArds receive( interest allowed land tile, pottery Kn(R1m, etc. The lien- ))I Irk tolenw Hose, ds.nghter of Mr and Mrs, Alexander !tome, townechiplef Wnwolnnah, darts to town. GPneran A Akfn y )'!' R they are good) type" of dP ed quarterly. at Current riltP1l and paid quarterly. Tho depo$Itor is subje,Ct miller ymrdY wA%about the only indicate -//pp to claim him offlciwl attention DIED. Mc\t'HIVNF:Y stn DgleRnonnn on Friday, phymical volopment, snd l e women in spite o •---'- to no dolity whatever in the Withdrawal of rho whGle. or Any hpr(e, rt. im thirty years or on min/:/+ Mr. Bell the I)rtleher•rMh, swrale Morrow, laelaved wifw of the lata Andrew McWhinney. the aamf.eritiem err their liye+, have ve roonrd and pleasant foram. i )IIF.iRICH BRANCH occupied editorial chair of aged .,o 1 of the deposit. rhe Signal, bol ha round w mlany Mean and months. Picturesque but Primitive. A. O, GAMBLE. Manager. portion I� WILLIAMS, 'hin still ablaut the W*. to Intrt•elrt � b1m. TTlmlt.- I. Mary An Hnrtup op Frtdsy, 1n i ones Is. Mary Ann Hwrtn rv: lrt et rhe isle Anot fpr nationality in ennddrnbl R. S. .Manager Uodwich Branch. William WI%s, waled Ill Y"mands maintain. force here is the Galician. Galk still green. Flat] the last two wanks h of Se Apinher been waren and dry an excellent crop would have been har- vested in most districts. however, there will be as much money in the West an in almost Any other @Fwmon. r Ther+ in Alm) considerable of last year's wheat still to sell. One mean told me he had I,e(s) bushels of it. g He can now sell it. for OU or 96 cents. Threshing has Advanced rapidly thin month and will son be. completed. Y Fvery night the sky im lit op with the - glare of.dicitant fire@ from the iurning n straw which in fired as Roon an work is flnished. The Plevwtors are rushed t with business. We have in Rrmlithern I! right elevntorn mind two floor mills. whish also have eonederable storage n cap%ity. _ \N w have seven churchrn. Two, th [English land t'rewh terian, have only English merviceim. The Methodist Is e German in the morning rand English at night.. The others are all foreign. A splendid town hall with tower sixt.v feet high im nparly completed, f and brick. We have exceptional) ty good hrirk clay hArr. One coneern i already manofarturingg and a pawn with a capacity of f[U,FO) per day i. exported to start next year. e Yours tnrly, is WALTSR C. GOOD16 a - �,�g, :. I yin'•�'y _ _-,,. ". ,., AA61FI$t .�%Nry+f,4' 'R. t. a.�)"aila•",.k....•i:.'�rt� a�� 'i. ,,,'a,s ift.. n ', )":p� .4 • :. "e �,. ..,. d,lyr - . r , �{. 5 'j!t-fir, : '�•ti....r •,,' .. "... tl.4�ii; 0. dW.' . . :'. r \;.: , a ,: r -. ., , . e!& . ,.r £, ,.. V.�,.- .. f•�i..7-�. .i. e'.bt �' 'i ri, . .. ,. Ti $� p �t': •r, tr'�.AP"x• `" k$re.: 5 .t .} , ...i "N;xrW'rPS 'sa..#... 4 MyM•1f +'+wamr' k It.': a,.� y °?y"'^, 1r74s-' u,` i( same 4', - 'W war, ^-n 9"' , ^.�' ,,,{� .�,4,r, a.':.. 4.a�SYrB.'`.-� ,. ,y ::a.. °6 d• .°'!" 1.. 'vim.' ,t .q'� 1-. -Ia'" �`y w,y '. r^ia:'W(ib/''ll' x . , .. a ". ,. , . , ,,--,,,i,_,__,:-___,1.t'__ ' I . •.