HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-24, Page 9The DUNLOP. lic Alia, Annie Haug6la/u, whu I leen visiting her sister, Mrs. Cham. ! McNeil, And waving . lativeh At Loyal, returned to her home neuLn• Ilarrie On , Thurwiay of IAst week after a ple•+Lwunt I month's visit. I Si Lu -MILLI NO. There was A big turnout at the Annual filling of the I curn silo at W. F. Young's, Ltrytil, oil a Tuewlay of last week, and the turn 1 tied a gaol time. The Held men wen, under the able direction of Robert. McMillian, assisted by J. Haley, jr., of Leeburn. H. A. Horton. George Green and Roy Linklat•r (took A prominent part ill (coding, andust as a night came the mammoth mi a Iliad t leen filled from top to bottom with feed fur• Mr. Young "stock during the 1 cunning winter. 1 STANIAr THY TKa1T.—The cement cul- 1 vert that John Far•ish, of lwteburn, , recently designed and built lot- A. A. I Williams hold a good testing the I other dA•v, when Daniel (7arney's toil 1 derous engine of six taus was dravrn i over it by his engineer, W. Brown, of Port Albert, who fearlessly held the lever its the machine went (over the 1 culvert, watshwd with breathless at- I tention by the machine staff and a I numberof others. In its wake came I the , four -ton separator. George , Green, of Port Alpert, was the brakes- e men. After the weight had /d pa,std I over the culvert was carefully ex- i amined to we if there was Any sign of a crack, but there was none to be I found. 1'he final test will lir the strength of the freshet• in the spring. AUBURN. THE STERLING BANK OF CAN- ADA-AVHt'HN AGENCY. Open daily In o. m. to ] P. no. ; Saturday", s a. no. to I! noon, Sed t to r p. an. A general Iwnking ' humin- Lrgnamort d. Savings Hank de partment aooepa detsrtila of tl and up .olds. Interest at x per oent. per annalist. Iraq• sblecrerryyt.Areemonths. Fa eroo .ale tortes 1 ur•tu.•ed mrres"onable re16,. J. A. HL•THFH LAND, Anent. MONDAY. Oct. 21at. Rev. Dr. 'McLean, of Go dericb, preached in Knox church yesterday. A service in English in to tar held in the Lutheran cdurch next Sunday $afternoon at 2:311 u'clock,to lie con. ducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Badke. It is e: ted that mail service over the C P. R, will euurmrnte in It few weeks. The mail, it is Understood, will lecat"ied front here to Westfield and St. Augustine. itIYLK SRooT.—The An it Intl *hoot of the Auburn Rifle Association will tw held on October 29th and Wth. The shooting will commence At 11 o'clock sharp xnd competitor* f(>t- the cup must do their shooting on the seat days. A team 4-f ton men will shoot at Dungannon on Thanksgiving Day, To HKPYAL Ltx'AL Orrio i BYLAW. A petition making for the subtuit- ling of A bylaw to repeal the local option law in Hallett is tieing circa• lated, and it im underntroel it will lir laid before the township a"Incil sit its next mues meeting. Hodlett lhand pro- hibiriun for threeSyrians, xnd the Al tio ' want t4i have smother Vote on the• question ml the next municipal elections. PITMAwri it A1r NHo1-S ILLN1CmN. We are worry it, report. that D. h. Jlunro its not improving as his friends would wish after the Operation which he underwent recently. Mr. Munro is one of our treat citizens. and he has I oro lu•tive in every gtmsl work that his illness meann V great Iiw" to the village. It is hardly necessary to nay that he ham the sympathy of the whole community in him boat le fur life. IIIirD IN Ti[x NKAT. --The s,ul in- trlligqenm ce has Itereceived of the dentin of Moa W. J. Meint[a•re, which 1eCurred At. Strntlncoua, AllsertAL, on the 13th inst. The deceased w,as a daughter of the late John Mills and lived hese before going to the West alout two years ago. John Mills, Mrs. Logan And Mims hoary Mills. of Auburn; Mrm. Carr, of Nile, And Mrs. John Meld, of Dungannon. are bother land siste>✓ of file alts -ea". Six, children --five boys and one girl- itreleft to i nonm their mother's death. EAST WAWANOSH. MONDAY, Oct. 11Rt. Aliens (; r►hama And Jeckell, of Gole• rich, viatted at Donnybrook onSundny and attended the anniversary f4rvivee. The battle of Mr. and Mrs. George Naylor. ir., was gladdened toy list - Arrival beArrival of A Jouncing faulty girl recent- ly. Both another' And bade Are doing well. The Ihonybr•ook Iweague im to he entertained socially by the Auburn IA•agile•, ;it Auburn, on Wednesday night, the program to he furnished by the former League. DoN-;yn a)oK (�HURI'it ANNIt'KH- m.t Ry.--Iwrge conRgregmtionm awwmbted to hear Rev, sir. (W.wm At the Donny - hrxrk anniversary on Sunday and Monday. In the afternoon. tatting as his text, " Exercise thyself unto gaxdli- nems," he delivered anplendiddimcour"e melting forth the value of moral exer- cise in developing the Christian graces and the talents with which God h,w endowed up. Him evening address was wlually helpful And inspiring. On Mon - dory evening his lecture on „The Sunny Vide of Life" was brimful of practical mnggestionn for the developond of it cheerful spirit, intermingled with writ and humor. Mrs. (Rev.) Finlay, of Whitechurch, And J. A. Sutherland, 4-f Auburn, delighted the large nudienve with well rendered molds. Th; choir of the church ably Aminte d in all the mervices. Altogether the anniversary was one of the most profitable and successful that have ever been held in the church. WEST WAWANOSH RATt'RDAY, Oct. 12th. Cnt9r( at, Mmirrimi. Council met t.xlsy AA per adjournment, members All pree•nt, ]reeve Ilmilip in the rhair Minutes of last meeting were react anti confirmrd on nnntion of Medd And Andermon. The t.ronasurer's plate mpnt, showing balance on hand of *51111.70, was filed, on motion of Misr ray and Anderson. The clerk was, inatructed to collect dividend for 1(IIII from Dunralnon Driving Park Ammo citation and pay the name tae trpnmurer on motion of Anderw)n and Thomp son. An order was drnwti on thi ta•pa"urer in favor pf Anhflrld town ship for $10 for court roan. on motiol of Murray and Medd. The •rounri agreed to lower culvert on ronremmim A, opposite lot 21 (Wilson's drain), ria j motJon of Murray And Anderson Chequers we�p implied to the smount o absent iM)I) for ympnt of conLrwcts et,$. u The concil adjourned to mee on November ]lith At 10 o'clock. W S. ACCRoNTtY, clerk. 8uliecribe the TAB 84pal. News of WEbTFIELD. i TUKSDAY, Oct. end. ` Mier Clark spent Saturday and tonality at her haeme rel St. lielenx. Every mann and toy in the country vho call, plerseibly leave his farm wor t it busily rugagad packing Apples at ' i *resent. Simon Dow, Mrs. flow ,and three p ittle boys, of Hel,mall, have Imes I {•+sire ding the Ft few dayys visiting e des. Dow's father, J. B. Jefferson, p all('(•FesHFut. IiYKVICIir, one a/nllr- •ersary services at lkonybrook dothodist church on Sunday and dondxy were n and success. Two ; ervices were held un Sunday, in the t dteralo on xnd evening, xnd at each he church was crowded. Rev. i)r. )rews, of Toronto, general socretaar • a d Sunday school* and Epworth r n•aguem and editor of The Epworth t :rya, occupied the pulpit, and his ser- t urine will not soon he forgotten, being a ull of the spirit of hopeful And help- 1 all Christianity. On Monday even- 1 ng the church wan again filled, xnd i he Audience listened with great ap- I weciation to the excellent lecture by {{ )r. crew" on The Sunny Side of I Afe." If people would only endeavor ) n put the practical points of this lel:- t lu'e into Actual practice there would r ale more enjoyment in life. Solos e vele rendered by Mrs. (Rev.) Fimlxy, of Whitechurch, and J. A. Slither - and, of Auburn, and Added very ouch to the pleasure of the evening. Phe excellent choir gave very ef- Icient service on loth Sunday xnd I dondAy, The proceeds of the anni- :erwtry amuuntaxd to SO). I 1ST. HELENS. TUYHDAY.Oct. =aid. Miss Mary Clerk- wan home over 1 Sunday. The tax collector visited our iaur•g ext week. Rev. It. AV. Craw preached in St. kndrew'" church. Guelph. on Sunday. Miss Gladys Jefferson, of Donliv. ,)nok, is violating her aunt. Mrs. A. WeDonald. CtirltcR A%%Ia•KRNARY.—Ann iver- wry service" were held in Calvin- •hurch on Sunday. Rev. W. ( . Wilson, of Guelph, conducted loth morning and evening aervice. The attendance at loth services was g -AA. f)n Monday evening it tea -meeting las held ;laid the night (wing perfect e Church wits well filled. 7'l ppr 0. resin, Con%imting of s hex pry Rrv. e emrB. Haastip, of Belgrave ; Duncan, f Whitechurch : S»under•a, of Luck - now. and Rutherford, of Dungannon, and mimic by the Wingh#Lm choir• wear enjoyed by All. LUCKNOW. MON't AV, Oki. 21st. Itev. 1►, T. 1« Mckerroll. who haw Imen dangerously ill, is reelivering. A HAD FALL. Bert Millm, tiniter for rhunlas Lawrence, met with a berions acc Mont oil Thorwlay while noting on the new building heitig erected by D. N. Lawrence. A "upopmrrt gave way, ,trial he fell to flat- ground, A drstallf of no•arl• thirty feet. Him leg was It -oken, end whether hr suAtaineol Any -Prion" internal injury its 114-1 vel known. Mr. Mills has just had his family settled here it Abort time. UUNUANNUN. /u A. NEWTON. DENTIST, LUCK- lT. NUN'.-.%IInsist- everyday except Thum - day.. pew remedy.for extracUaK teeth Isonint, form). bet ter than ragt,aa, a'ruin. and bridge work etc. Alu,nuouuo pleteatnoo-braakAblei. - N. K_You can alwAy- have jmar work now -h tetter done In the dental oflre Boom timr, better fa,•illlleo for doing the work, osure cavo. rurtAble for the Datient. - NOTICK THE IAWAAGENCY i. in 7=rn oon for The Signal I- at the Post m,I- and Stationery Store, where orde" will tw receiveel for ubw•rlptiou-. Ad verti-our and job work. and reeelpt+ will Ise dveu for anauu ll- Paid for the same. WFI)NKAI/AY. (Mt. 'Lint. \Its. R. F. Manning spent A few days Inst week with friends At Clinton. J. W. VAIIAlter, of The Signal, wast in cur vilingc on business on Sal onlay last. Mismes Mary And Ella Ryan attended the Anniversary nervict-s at Nile on Sunday. Mr. (libation Was called ho Hululemville un Satunlay last, owing to the death of him nephew. T. E.-ilournii; lett (on Tuesday fur the \Vent, where he will spend Pi fray weeks Joking after his interests. Mrs. W. A. Smith Sud two children returned home on Monday Inst• having spient throe monthm with friend" At ('nlg:ary. GUNK •r) PAINLRY.- L (.lover :and wife left for Paislev on Nowday. Mr. (clover h as leased the Balmoral hotel in that village and will takeposuesaton Ott Once. They were ,trcumpltniwl by Mrs. Mallough. BF:RkAVKMF.NT.The young son of John Glenn, aged two yew's, passed AWAY on Sunday last, after an illnems Of A few week". The funeral on Tues- day was well attended. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the community. HK -1 q'KNINIt OF CHKta•K ClquF ,Il.— A barge uumher from here. attended the re -opening services Fit Crewe Meth- odist church on Sunday last. The services were all largely attended And able sernons were preached at the three Aprvic,�t la) Rev. \V. A. Finlay, of Whitee lifnrcT 7'he• church h,a+ undergone it complete remodelling And now presents a very Attractive appearance. THANK111131VINO CONcxRT. -.A hot supper and concert will to held in the Agrcollurml Hall on October 31st, ander the su"pic" of At. Paul's church. The Lurknnw orchestra. under the leadership of 1). McMhrran. has t"en engayte'rd. Miss Murray and Minm i ouglns, molodstm, al -O MimA Moody, elocutionist, of Lucknow, will take part in the concert. Got the tlest Always. When the lest ran le hind at, the sable price an the inferior Article, why not have the beat ." If in Addition to )nor localoran r yn'n feel you should ?,out, one f the Iii ger weeklies, then have the heat. The Family Herald And Weekly Star of Montreal hsA stored the test. Its growing pill)' parity is Admitted by all puhlishern. it is a clean family paper. magazine And Agriculturltl paper without A rival. It co sta as little as the infer•iot pnpprot one dollar per year -so why not have the treat? The Gentleman with the Bonnet t Rax _„Don't Ator trip. old chin Iinn't atop me- I 'vo lot it new hit for my wife in hetrM, And it I'm noxi t stick it'll lin out of fashion heron tae's worn it C'—The Sketch. TH.F, SIGNAL: 610D :RICH, ONTARIO ToURSDAY, ()ctober 24, 1907 7 • �. j OurNew the District. 4: Fall Wearables Haar Vi or CREWE. Its Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, MoxDAY, Orr. 21A. iLday O OLIN C-VKKCbruliucn i a. Leo McGlyou has guilt to furl I I Iirthur. s Thursday next is Thanksgiving Misr L+tur•+a list's, of 00derirh, re•- 1y, and The Signal will be printed a tamed home yesterday. After• spend- earlier than usual, will our corres ng a few days with friends here. dents kindly send in their budgets Mrai. Thus. Shackleton to yisitirn later than 'ruesday? ret• IN►rents, 11r. ;Laid MI`h- Ioi m. Kil• a� oatrick, of Ouderich, prior to thpie i Iepwrtute un a visit to relatives i11 COClia�RNE. l,cle Ss11n'r dunu►iuL tl,,.NlvtY. Oct. 31st. We understand that Miss A. Me Faruua•s are busy taking up routs Vhhney, f Dunitaunun, is in a very I laud attending to the apple crop. Huth DW start sit health tit oreient: •Abe crops are letter than wAx expected V" formerly An old re-ident here And ; eltrllrr in the season. 'There will he I . uaor* goal potato•s than were pro - raw respected by nil wlto knew Ser. ntiwd in August. g As we now make our new Hair Vigor it RKOPYNINO Apltavia Ks. -- The re- Titouui.k A•r BKNMu.i.Klt.—Cloderich does not have the slightest effect upon ,peening of Crewe Methodist church used to have it dog- poi antier. Hen• the color of the hair. You may use it n Sunday last wits a grand success, beingg filled by lniller lilts a poisoner of cats who has freely and for any length of time with - he PFulpit very ably W. Finlay; White- uncle away with several household '111 out fear of changing the color. Stops he }{ev. A. of pets during the baht week or no. -he falling hair. Cures dardruff. ch, assisted by the pastor. Rev. hutas onrtiem, we are informed, Are well —tx.a. p one J. a Ayer ca., L-11. arae..— V. A. Smith. Tal much Praise cannot �nowne and if they continuo their situation, That situation is serious le 'given to Rev. Mr. Finlay for the work they miry find them.,Pry "'Ives enough, but it does not justify the able able i ntnner in which each of "'Ives in trouble. payment tit' n cent Pi pound for hay lis sermons was han a Bind to there resent. Seldom has n ministeroa here Me'(iAty STATION, -- The C. P. 1(. It is Worry aft ►ue;h a goml impression on a cul,• 1 /e,,, d' have not mu far wren fit to yield (1ul- one• hand, sir the wale of goxml cows at ;regstion its he hal. The singing ens by the f)ungxn- tut the desires of the people of lorna+ and change the carne of tbrir $lm and ISD* on the other. We believe xcellent, both that eon choir and also Miro. Finlay'. elections. station in this to(•nship. A traveller the other, Iday aft'* lensing the en cAllinit out the name of the bntkmx that a man with feed enopgh to Inat That Kills LOTHIAN. station, remarked tAaat it wounded like an attempt to imitate, the "caw. caw" duties am chairman, kept up it running THURHDAY. Oct. l,th. J' Yf l h 'ee hoe from vm of it crow' MAITLA, co -low IN NOTW. The housewife stews in . t tines, "air Sear l.aLkr "Melhurn McDowell, it f6mer teacher and frets because the sif our school, called '\kh nuns Miss Mary McLean arrived home bel• Of homes in the isctimWed- groceries haven't ar-- rom Brandon last week. nesday .. ..On Sunday eRev. Air". W sit. McNay, of Seaforlh, is J. S. Burn pretwhed frotext, rived and when they risiting her son, P. It. McNay. "WherewithAl shall it mail do come she frets and cleanse his way." He "pf the stews because the are I Mrs. A. McKay has returned in Deed for pure std noblewren, y • Port Elgin after visiting friends here. who would ire our tutord not just the things she Does It Pa --- -- - statesmen......Atn. \Vieitsbeen visiting her daughteordered. AMBERLEY.ban returned to Michiccon a MONDAY. Oast. 21st. Called by firs. Abe Fisher...... Next The Way to Stop t0 buy Stove Or )!>,all(re because the first COSI L. G: W*lHmng paid a flying visit to Sunday morning- quarterly meeting iH thea ? Lucknow Joint week. services will he conducted tit Bethel Wesley Putter, of Kincardine, spent by Rev. C. R. Durrant. Worryi.n.g iundt►y at Antherley. ---- - Hector clashn week. paid a business trip LEEtlURN. :q (:odrrih ' i's to stop it, and buy Will It be Profitable loa Mrs. McDonald, who has been ill for TuFSDAY• Oct. =1141. y ur Groceries from a some lime, is able tit la• ,around again. Mr. Kuntz has re"umed work at the in the long run to buy a cheaper Range than the g it he is drilling for F. k Shaw atter S� � C0c William Potter how odd one of his a delay caused by n break in Ilia ata• U •own, on are6unt of the scarcity of chineiy. •9 reed. Mrs. Freeman. of Ailwt Craig. is tip James (iardner, of Lucknow, imide Oil It visit to her patents, Mr. ,and Mrs. WHO DO $USINESS ON THE a flying trip through this vicinity last Joseph Cook, And other relatives SQUARE.!RA"? PANDO 0 week. About here. The Telepho Number is 91 Mise Wella Henderson is working at Our genial nighlw:atchuntn and J. the Potter House, in the ,al"tence Of Haley, jr., were up in the husy farm - :Hiss Porten'. ing hurg of Loval "tainting in filling ids•. #Lind Atts. Herbert Humphrey it corn mild »t W. F. 1-oung'm last LEARN DRESS•MAKINC BY MAIL mpent Sunday at the home of Mrk. week. in your sipar,• Iln,e at homy, or The firepot linings are made of the best Iii. FrtLneey. .lack Front put the women folk ro Tate s Personal Course at School. Hunting season has opened again wauewhatout. of humor• by him visit CASt iron and wear for years. Take time LO And Wm. Johnson, Pill sold hunter, is on Monday morning, as his work ;it To enable all to learn aNfrothe m) examine our Ranges and Heaters i we Can tell btisy in the woods. the soft water luu•rels checked their cash or instalment plan. \Ve ch a Archie )iruomald im busy ploughing ordinary speed in perforating the personal class at school oncnth. you something you ought to know. for James Blur. Archie is x KoOd office w, well known to wounenkind. Class commencing last_ Tueseach hand at the plough. Minor ('tori, of IwryAl. Aceomplunie•al month. These lessons teachesrut, Afs. Wmr. Yonog, of 6oderieh, was, by her cousin. Miss Voting, of fit and put together any garmthethe guest sit )ars. Samuel Brownfor a Auburn, who is staying with her. vis- plainest shirt waist suit, to the few days last week. ited Miss Linklater thi week. At I he ate dress. The whole family cafrInternational Stock Food (darn Ruttlrorcrn diel the }ado it in rts"ionary nnetiug held :it the one course. We have taughtevep P churl bast Friday ui hL Miss Penn thousand dress -making, and ge to C Amlm rlry in the nlrternce of Ric. Al r' plPiyed several se•IPctia ns sit' music, g give five hundred dollars to any one that arOld Roofing Fiddel Inst Sabbath. cannot learn between the age of r; and Tht• number of retired farmers Duncan Alr•i,e,ut's little driver, qo. You cannot learn dress -making as which h,u1 its leg broken, will iron Ire an (ioderich ham had a recent addition thorough an this course teaches if you in the pirrpon of NIAtlhew platten, who ,on the road once more. work a shops emplofor y on oilare ,i tmthe hat- moved to the Circuits Tgwn from tions as we em o no one outride "the � Mrs. Carleton, of Gomlerich, is at Bayfield. In his younger days Mat- PI y trewent viniting her, sinter• Mrs. Peter thew• lugether with his bruther "cbool. This is the only t:per;enced Dress B �hiolls, of this village. Cutting School in Canada and excelled by P K Thomas. farmed herr un dlutternut "one in any other country. Write at enc' Paulin Air. x i3 Mrs. James Wilkie And Row, 'and the for11n•r not having forpart icular s, as weIs ave cut our rate one- \ a P. Hazel Bradley visited friends in Tiver• entered nn the nnatrinmanial state w•am, third for a short time. Address: - tion for it few days last week. quite it popular light among thePHONES : Mr. And Mrs. Andrew Shiells, of young folk at the social gnther•iugs, SUKW DRUM -CUTTING Se"0l, Store, 57 Residence, 177 Kincardine, spent Sunday with the lie halo alrr,uly called oil it good now- 31 Erle St.. atraLford. Out.. C'al ado I farmer's brother. Robert Shiells. her of his old friends here "ince mov- --- - Mrs. L. Louis. of W'inni o ing to (ioalrrirh. r Pt'fC. what ping fuover five weeks tonal ezpxctx spent a few days with friend, on the _"--" to run till aiout the lst of DecemlN•r. 2nd e(ncessiou of Huron township. GODERICM TOWNSHIP. has returned home- again. TI'P.SIi.\\•, Oct. '_'.dile. On Friday Inst .lames Steele Inst A A St•cup.s.-r •r. AFFAIK. The; hilt.' .. The Feed Situation. valuable cow. She hold been in the sup``H'r and concert held in connection The Weekly Sun gives the following orchard all day And gut. an ;apple in wills the rye -opening of Zion church Advice to farmers: her throat, which choked her. Monday earning of this week was it "Once more The Mon would warn Thr Amnlerley livery horse has err- INen success• loth in {{pint. of intere"t man- farmers Against the danger of givingg thinly kept on the move .last ife"ted :and the financial reMiltm. Nap• way to sudden panic over the (seal week, It paid visits Gr Ripley, (hade- per was served in the school house :and situation, That situation is serious rich, Lucknow and Kincardine. the concert was given in the church. enough, but it does not justify the Messrs. Churchill and Arnold, of By the time the program way entered payment tit' n cent Pi pound for hay Sarnia, are quite busy gathering up upoun the building wain crowdedto the and nearly two cent" for grin, on the the lugs along the beach that broke door, and there were annoy who failed one• hand, sir the wale of goxml cows at loose front a raft theit wits lound for to gain Admittance at all. Rev. R. W. $lm and ISD* on the other. We believe Nxrnia xoom• time ago. Afi11ynn1, pporins• of the church, o v u- that a man with feed enopgh to Inat Renaemloer the law for wpuirreln, pied the ehnir and, in Addition to him hire during February would be justi. boys. The Iawr have changed"once- duties am chairman, kept up it running fied in holdinpl nn to sill the stuck that what. Squirrels can only be shot How of humor that found A- neatly re- front is worth holding, and the deferring of during the i nnoth of November, xnd "f °ase many in the rien"r buying the food necessary. to mee them anyone caught breaking the law is throng. Rev. C. It. Durrant. pastor through to spring until the necessity subject to u fine. t O[ Benmiller citron, gave an interest- of huyingarrives. In neat"ons similar » Hying trip to Lurknoav yrmtrnlnyAltols, AL Al. Ah. AL 01 (Monday). ing addr•eems. Alias Marie T. 1lurray, of to the preheat, very high price" in fill]- Richnrlwm in (itiletieh Exeter. who is x student at the. lio de- brave leen followed by match lower LAURIER. rich Model School, gAve an reading "lacca,' in pp!teem before spring, and it looks Am if WKDNK"DAY, Oct. Dial. x manner• that drew forth hearty Applause. Several instru• history will repeat itatehf this year. At the name time it mhould le re - The water -wagon hss'come Ashore. mental "elections were given by it trio membered that there are on Ontario Get your turkeys ready fqr Thanks- with harmonica. .violin And o sn, farms every alcor n lot Of scrub giving. which were much appreciateel. The stockers it inferior cows whichrdo Wedding hells are ringing, ringing, Choir of the church rendered Aeverid not pay for the feed put into them. ringing. appropriate choruses. The Affair WAS It i" folly to notintain Batch Pit any Neilie attended the mervices in Goole- hi -ought to x those howith the mingjng -of time -.this year wimltnun will le shown rich on Sunday. the motional Anthem. The proceeds by knocking theme useless feed -con• d I amounted w ahtiut 470. ''A number of munners on the bead and reAlizing on George MAc(iregor untem s pAv Ing people were present from (ioxderich the hides xnd tallow." lair Chicago on Weednesday• town and Benmiller. "The indicatinus Are that in many Elliott Dtannen is spending his viten- —_ -_ __ cases farmers will he tempted to sell, lion, the guest of Kenneth McLennan. dAYFIELU. tit the high prices now ruling, grain Alex. McLennan and Kenneth Mr- sad fodder which under normal con - Kenzie Grt. 'Ll•d. ditionm would le' fed on their own Kenzip drove to Oolerich on Stat onlay � List. .I. Worsell, of Godvrich, wile in town [)laces. Im this n wise thing to do, P (if) Nnnday. There be Alias Alny Ih'nnnt-n spent n wreak at may an Appearance of im- her grandfather's, George Drannen'" Ali. and Mrs. T. H. Brownlee visited unedinte profit in the tt•ADAAction, but THE - Kintaid: Hensall friend" on Saturday. if carried through it will involve denying the soil ita accustomed MI"N NIAoI r Boyd returned to her If. Little ora" celled to Clinton on K fertili•J,ation, And this will mean r CANADA ' Here is a home in G/xlrriC atter spending a Tuesday. Hie mother Wns very ill, lessened crops for the coming year. week with her brother Charlen, At Mrs. Henry Carter, of Tuckeremith• Not in have the farmers good com- years of Ambeyley. was the gguent of Mrs. Little for at Ontario been caned upon,Aor the NATIONAL _ - mon sense couple of dayrlant week. exercise of no much care #Lail! thought PORT ALBERT. i Judge Holt w#LA in town on Thur"- in planning their operations Aa are ' e # stove for TUYHDAY, Oct. •llnd. day presiding At the sitting of the demanded this Aeamnn, And on the STEEL I the farmer, .John Hutchison h#Le procured an- Division court. He was accompanied manner in which the duty is parr• other horse, • by Mrs. Holt. formed will depend in large measure Wm. Glidden has Irtt thin vicinity Mnstarl k Aon" are hnh dtAwi the prosperity of the Province for RANGE to work far J. Moser. lumber And timber to Clinton. Th some time to come." have the contract of furnishing Alias Mary Cunningham returned tinih er for the foundry. He -"Are you A vegetarian Slfe from DungannonlAat Nrid»y, y get#Lrian �•' ` Robert Scott and his mother visited J. W. Whiddon made a large ship. -"Oh, no, 1 love good beef." Me- ment of evaporated Apples on Mon. "Ah ! 1 wish i were beef." She in Dungannon far » few days Inst - week. day. The evaporator has been run. -Well, i like veal also."- Pick-me•Cla. because it has large oven, 20 inches square by 14 inches high, large Will Sage and Jim McJfill#Ln made - - - - - fire box to burn coal or wood: will take sq inch wood, coal linings easily re. moved, will give lots of heat, is built to last a long time. The above » Hying trip to Lurknoav yrmtrnlnyAltols, AL Al. Ah. AL 01 (Monday). cut goes not show the latest improvement with nhort legs under range. giving it better circulation of hot air around base Richnrlwm in (itiletieh of stove also masking it more easily George was fart week attending the Jury of the fall aAmivem.Scott's EmUl ffon strengthens enfeebled kept clean. We recommend this stove. The Ladles. nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and Hnik Twain," "aid a Chicagono, "crox-ed the Atlantic with nip on the nerve force. Minneapxdim lately, And him converook- tion the ctain's table vny gay. It provides bate With the necessary fat ay. The ladies rouonlinumn lly encircled It y the humQr•imt, and the Issi night, on board he proposed slonstin thpii and mineral food for healthy growth. honor. 1rhe IAdir<' he maid, raising his glans and lowing. 'I'll(- ladies-- ALL D)70001STSr fSOc. AND 01.00. sernnd only to the lrrrwm in the di s. s• 0 1111"10 �" AL AL- smtion of new." Kindly call and Ree it in our store. ANDERSON'S HARDWARE