HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-24, Page 8% le TBuR$DAY, OcWber 24„1907 Wise its the loth whin expects the asnexpeoled it happen and is ptrp iut'd for it. Are, Toss Courtinld Trouble Do not neglect your Kidneys and thus court We return of your old friewl Rhea - autism for the winter, start at once taking W as TIIF SIGNAL: GODERICHI ONTARIO tont round Is just us good ■ud sweet Rind seetdWr, possibly Just us refined and acivtupltabrd, us Mrs. Van Twiller at the Lull. The difference In purely a nuttier -it dollars. Depasda on Bitty'* listing. And Hutt Dtinge me around to you and trilly. Now, 1 don't know anybody an this green earth Metter ratIded by By GASPER S. YOST. beauty ami ITrs('e and tntdllkt'ftce I. shine in the very uptap herven of so- ciety than Is Buy daughter. That's no KF"ING UE SOCIALLY. -- Uun't taffy, little girl Tbut'a the null 91x42, Try to Kick Over Your Financial I straight as a fuotrule. But these OEM I Traces Can't Ted In the jI0,000 11.1. are not ac&pted as a standard Class an a $3.000 Income and No I o[ wisor rade it's Billy'atoting In }Jtm'r yr }iradatMrt'm that dors the and by Winter your Kidneys and 5yrtem i Use to Try It Avoid the Dull Thud. !work. if lid. Al !n tJtr4nandal regi - will be fortified against Rheumatism or tir be'Ig pretty well qualified to rallk any other Kidney trouble. fil a bo, at Drug Storrs or b, Mail. 91 1Clopyrilptt. IM7, by, C.apar H. Y"Ll ar At In the social truer. '1%c truu- tlas Cta*ttlt tmtcu Co. u.uee, wlaasea, Rat. ' Y DEAR Lrr!"T.1': _GlItI -�-I Dle wiidt ttllLv 1r that he Isn't Al or Sao - halve just 2ic+en a' Witness to a ewn Z- He might alias the Oki Sao - halve J . spilt sine stow day-t`�'asung• `is My Name Written the window int my i;t f m Tberer and, get anegtative uuawer, for Ole GYtte cpuntry, hotel where I sinI �� fulfils with the great majority You have beard of bilis.-and readolbitcviu- andeatenbiscltits- but you don't know biscuits-autil you try MooDcy's Perfection Crests Sadat. They are everything that the ideal butvits should be. The sir - tight, moisture - proof package brings them to you fresh, carp, inviting. Prutically every grocer in Canada ata MOONEY'S. Yom will get them if you ask. In t & 3 lb. pkgs. Ii•sl Ali r i,R i• IAA "I can take -you to a hundred homes, right around my store, in which tit George's is used." "You can ask those, who do the baking, what they think of St. George's Baking Powder "Andr%-eryoncuf flit-humired will tell you the same that St. George'% stands every test and never loses its strength." National Ulug le Chemiosl Co. of Canada, limited, Munurnl. to DAVIS r makes the Ione come to you. You simply stand in one spot and spin the line by catching it here and 'there to hang the clothes as you sort then out of the basket. A child can operate it, We win send the Davis" on bifid and approval to any ow - No cash required With re(iuest. Write In; for particulars. a-., THE DAVIS REEL CO_ n,.. i,• LONDON OPT. ALL 1Pb hW.G' ' a r� must wi:, ttpo 1 t• merits. T1!.' Irl Q'- :'AI .on.,0. Dictionar; fiat y;i,,t a; greater tii�tir.! t ,ott upon its merit:; : owl 1'i iL :.1')ee general u:;e th,mian; lother' worn: of .its ,:incl r�..,,.the Fnglhi h la• 4 u�bl�•41 i 1 • .I+ ! t. Fnyr''• 1. t, -f t..r,.A, of C a:.ao ,. rply, 1 ngluk.l. bent it , r 1 ,.: It f.ln Ar.lau ons warn: l � p0':,:nutti,e M: 1 am•l "d Ih ata nl n v.•. rk, !.r : : r :n • 1 ell' of n.t so tv•.r9•rceth<„I••1.'.db"Iklt$fnA. A M, Ipk•,r•ru 1•, Ilia• new ••IL'K, t bull Im"11 at ,1 rt u; up 1'. .:ate. I have Men Lott nx! I n• r•11lie let •r "41,1 q h euro t•f• A.At. mane&mt it„s,mpomoowft And fit a binaunt .11 intow that Inas bean Int hllit it. - f TI'IF rRAUCG PRIZE t, In. M• nau„nwa A. dins %\,n nf. Fn:q r-;. L.,u U. (j r jt6L • d Tcat is rtwmsaiatir a," i n• j ''r I tl•e a . t ant Mf.In1nA •rtfwwM•.rfalnllp.✓1 11•wl 1114 •,c,.pldr/. wss 11trr; a M[RR!AM CO., .Raw �' e•,r,.: m aa. set en,sr ,>•1$ty'.:ittl o. MMU. t + tRoppttg today Is u pretty cottage. I and dint figtne in the times ial re - don't know how It looks from the ports.('josequevily his place and your must, fur the rear elevation, us the plum 1tv the social scule are Rowe dis- arcl,fteets ally, 1s.turned wy wuv, but tree below the top. And the quicker va•hat 1 can we -of It fnl(u this side you, get your lueutian surveyed and leadd+me to befleve-urat the ownt-r-Lt 'uti to up your wind to pixy lin your In a XWe•better thimmaferatecirctml- uat11 ytmLr bank -account Jus- r:t:LUNNI-racireunmtttneLs gin In a town u-inaw• this better 1t will be for this Size. He has.a have and (•om- boila'Awiou in -snore way% than ran be 1. ,Adtous back yard, - in which be is innleabild bydoUrm-turd •cents. '" IIn the thrift place, illy desr, while wont you have to tae principal quall- s }}yy "IV ® �-� ra 4k Sl, t; woom mw of those Jopo-Avaaioaa ktnlr.rlus. wateb w 1"40e$at4eiauwsphe of tis U tfa r'alrfg chlcltens for-pjamure. I know ficatlou for social position. it's mainly In for pleasure because ;he graciously what you spend that puts you into the permits Ws wife to du all the work. Swim. You may baxe millions and At least I Suppose it's his wife. Jny- cut no Ice in aoclel'y unless you can how,.she wr•trs :n faded ted sttrdtume t, let louse • of them 'pretty freely. On one of tbose, Japo-Amirktw kiwouod the oth✓er•Imod, you way blow in tell that stop Just u little too quick, and thuusaW A yeurun u five thousand iii - an air of authority that is quUe uti- ` cuwe and tttanege to hold your head mistakable. There artio n number of above water in the $lo.ouu class for pens Or rums or whatever they cull awhile. But just for awhile, mind thein In -this back yard, and each Is tie- you. Amd Oil vi -but causes three- cupied by a lot of birds of a feather. fourths -of the evils that result from One pelt ebowever. is evidently reserv-u worm's amta�itou to be like one ,ed for a, bunch In which the owner I of the candies on a bLrtW&y cake. takes a 'special prWe. I don't know a brighteand tghtaing nsht on the up - .what kind of chickens Uu-% aur --'anneal I per critalt. Anglia, tuavbe--butt Uiey're NWell Ards I yes. I Ines. Bally may be willing -- all right, and they are feel uu the fat b,. maysesen, give you a boost May - of theJand, while their neighbors must belbefsawduggoned proud of you that tw content with the cruwbd that fall he just ristrurul,y wants to Ree you from -Dives'-table. milkay..gll the fdks around the corner In -one of the adjoining pens, how- oft up and take. notice. 1 Wouldn't ever, waw un ambitious young puUet � fue feeling -that way, 'deed who -thought she was something of a + I vA.M n%; but, my Intl* gtrl, let me swell herself anti wanted to get into I tel] you thefts many a man sttltaitss the plash tnlgiap bad. She wast -bigger ou in_a cor»et wattitdng the social tri- and.bland9ornrrund could cuxc(le luuder than sume of the aristutomts on the 1 umptm ,B his v/lfe wtth a sm71e on his uther-side of the fence, sin why not? face-wttl]e he finger of hale cutting as d%rp 1>ofu the psalms of his hands sa After siring up the Iletght of the bar- In wuoodaa where he's going to raise rifer shin too► u running jump, batted the money to pay for it Msay a into the wire and fell to the gtoual, man just grins and saves wood. but w1tIh a gee it sgtrt>vking and 8Viling a d2sptp-or teem wetn't increase any - of veings. Not.dbroaragesd by failure, body,,t InecO®Is Innierlailly, and one she-tritd again and attain and finally way'afmle-mad_annile andbe bantrapt got'highsenutlglasunlaadl d maje stic"y I flu}]. NiO, •bttney.. theses jontwor cer- over talo the charrtaed clrlcile. _ A% s the kl�aono, eusrt'gatd from .j s' the cotYoge and,,' . al, after n Ab00 •` log antt,dodglux, _ - - caught the pul- let and put her .) back- in ber own Pen. Three times thL9 per formsnce w -aa b repeated whin• r77,raody of the kirsolo watched, boat emeryedl %c hell the mhatrvs.•;-of the rotas came rwee-plugi uten therpath for the fourth time I gaw tbe•re was going to be something dgftw Int that buc* yard. And theere way. (Irwping Aliss Pullet finuly by lne nets-, she gave a simple twist of the wrist, and just now the fragrant vdur d tried chirken rotors Ablating, gently- earanag, through w) open cfrsement. Flying High Socially. I tfray be awed) off tls, track, but I have gut the Anpnsalon from sundry renwrL& in yxSrr letters of rtcrot date that you tare begiuuiug to fly pretty high.•tn u nocilal way. I want you W havlp fill the Lim )uu cart. I.urd is owes, drst, ie•, I wouldn't cut you out of any rer,1 pleasure„ out for worlds. And put- well. It Te1WcAlm.tut• of the time `Nilen I tivedl1tu•thiltk 1 was getting a holl hamhel of slatrlskatlUg arOutld a In the Ice tryinar to wig how• clues• I could get to the ragged edger,. One day I broke my record, and when 1 knit over the spell of pneumonia I couldn't for -the life of we tm- tekwvtmnd how I could have•fteec. anything finny in milt form of amusement It's DbNGfR � 'im a.gouddealt any ortth. this suit•tal w,1271 I don't wast 8 you to llirfrtl� clod tam, in dear. Se` d baaheI of tpart. cirty to an right I don't vivant ' yv u to gt to me Mixed up wlth tlluseelong halrrdi xrnl frayed trowwm i lueonlgioota-who.('isim to think mocliety In one of the lir vl(c•A of the gentieman wltb therrrd nrttts and the•overtreatrel, WIND,,. Not on your Ufr. i'ie got nothtrltr-against aucyety. It wuuW be a. mistily leoe- mnnie world without It R'hat. would our newmpapent du? But thalll getting ,"ay front uw+ main road. 'rho print I want to get Into ynnr pretty little thinking box IS thgt sa le I , I. a good thing w long as you stay In your own class. Yen. yrs, my dear. i Lnow yfxrrr am good -so anybody else. Mr M!'"Onal opinion Is that you're a whol0 lot bWvr than anybody else, es- cept. your miother. lint yon haven't got Itl+ifr as ltnxh money am Anne people I know, And thats the Oiling that makes glass AtAtlnctirms to thin rormtry so for An Ie(►-1,.0.1111•tetty hprsaktng. is concern- ed. Tate m Arnertroml lip and down the IaWal laAdar and win -re pretty nl��lbefL.lts�,l>«, Just weews lesied •an if 1 ball won The titin end•! tonoctal -ambition that goes ubtadAdvooft.luraere,.and thsW4 Mbut the uld.tlimr'rnewopatpPr reporterm-Liseel to cats . a -dull thud. Something's go- lug to -drags, ware aseabo.oung. and -If 1 was -axalting-a-buok-on U rd be wilitng to - aake -its ,himdre d to -one abut that tt'ltoald be�ou.tul Hl1ly. I've seen many a antra and many a woman cTxme+alown.Irke-urat,and mightyfew of tbr'1n„mlghLy-fr%vrof tbrs.,.ever gut able to•cihub (back .up again. "Pow smdth! lie wits --a •good fellow, but his wf a ruiml-lbim" That's what they sold ,ever) I don't want anybody to flay fallout my•:daugh- ter. Keep 'in11t%ta eOwn Gass. You trer,Airs;jnstant.l told yon. Tl.e trouble.arwt-WAtinfamick-ty; ft's the -get- ting oat-or-ywr•ctsa. It's doing like Wits Ptttlt- R)fng•rw't•t11r fv'u('e.iuto vatpa� lgtletvtlktA woilln't belonc. If you'teeRUtng-to tltri jam V: in this world nice and -colt$ a tablesan d happy. ,you've gut to reetltpnhe aluonaewn.11mltatluos I never play poL,•r with a +11311 Who Atartn:tbe gaust• vi L111:11 k ve dollar note. No, slr.er. I pulttely buttbwly draw out Ile aluY In wy else++„aul:l've got men.ee futoluttt to klttllw• It. M)- bay snare Is as tine -in aitauul am•t•vcrecalne off the blueagrliss, aral.when.I m KW fur it split with her nuttrIEW ,.It -four lett. k going W p04a for. Lint If n.UMWIWorUem along with a altt$ bortirpsises-ir atttomobile do you tt1!u1L,1'nl goingrtu'try Ju keep alenwide of him? Not innclf, 1,173 J,1Ttr. i pull :to one'sldtr nad watt tin (ibn Ofrt. trta-s, then 1 trot.aheud.juat sus scoattentart aN If I hUtA ""'n the Deity. Arid 1 don't litre finny hard f"lingt agate•Nt the mturwin file auto either. If hell . trot the o 11ioney to pay far tt, why Me otildn't he, have one and ride to It too2* t woukL And ira just the somal Io _you, little girl, nod the to rrlls arrmind the corner. Ishey,re. nice its opie. 'jbrrell good and bad Burning the in, just as the rse are on the -muds wirraa tint they'll.nrytrrugo' lip junt ■q high as tiny of us. No lane to rwn at the rad A of the so•e'albd high aocinty TbaYt mostly sour grapey it's h e If ynu win, irit It's hlKhway I „hl rY y it the other frllnw win*. 1 mut is up oinat t(nlgh luck If he msn•fes ,e wAti sit who knows that. Rhe know• tan he does. PRI E. P. PAULIN, Local Agent. They have their faults god and plenty.; weep anO Ramo* So have all of Its.But they are able to Export Owe., ld at $1.01 1"•r cwt.: rams And 4 WIN. at $J to �. A1: latubr, at $rr. met a pace that It would be foolish Hog's• fur you or roe to try lin keep up with. Priven were quoted unOuin Red at $$ 25 Maybe some day, If )-on are wise for Nrlects: llRhts :Ind fats, at 36 to >r now, you and Billy will have money to Vet c'w't. Montreal Lives stock. burn. Then ,you Toronto Junction Live stock. t!{ be AI(ONTREAL. Ott. 9t. -Ar the•Monlrral will justified !•t.mk Yards tweet end market). the re- in setting a -11,1N of lice Nt-Lk for the week rnLlon; i match t0 a lit. I h't. 19. were 3:%h ckltle, $Till sheep sold caperters. iambs, 4W-' hugs :tnd 711 delves. Supplies Prkc•a. ratlg.cl ft..n H lin M.73 per ewL. the bulk renlnq al s1.0) to 114.50; exhort life of It and cut- lid. murning fur local coasumpllon cut, - hard nlbbing - always ting as wide a 1111w1 of its) rattle, JYM abeep and lambs. Bilotti enough for the Christmas market, fit ha" h.rg. uud los rall.ow Owing to the And it AYon't burn off, swath RO(•iety I rulder weather and the fact that the �I Il.e prices riltui l ha follnwa: Prime Pick - as you please, uffrrhtgm of rattle were fully 21st, head To keep Stoves, Grates provides] you do ,fual:rr than It Ar.•k ago, a firmer ("ling hfilm, fit if to r or, vw 1 F"dM and Stockers. ' clean and bright, with the Jv%vioped, lin the market and prices fur least possible trouble use po + tiOt lore RI ht Of g tm all, grades were his, to 20c per cwt . 11Y,f1 to film It,., each, At the tact that you fifthly, uud Ill• pev.p•vim are that still 82 to choice at iJ to 3t rO, with n few very chMrr stn o h,OW %'_`tv l76a have u home and IJKher agur.•N will rule later on. There per rwf , tier "Airtere R 3 to $2 7% par rwt were .r%rfuf %Julbes.bgyerw on the inar. Stove Polish a husband, pot- krt, -1 *allied .,tole, but on atruunt arm of $v' I„ 111;:,.1 en h Rib]) children, of Oe- inrrea"d prices demcnded they who are Of mOrC did out operate an freely an usual. Thr. demand from loclil butchers - Importance to and jobbers was Kuod and an active trade wan dune you and your and 1 h. re were ansa !lune small lath taken byraltorlirN to e(wnpletr ahilmnents with. happiness than fable advices frost Wverptk,l on satur- all the /octal d..), r•purt,A trade in rattle plow. but victoriesou y noted no rlum blge in prices froa week could win In a ugu; chulve bet-ve" here sold at $1.3r to r• lin. NOW. at $1.:: to Si W; fair, at 31.54 thousand years to H. common. of $2.340 to N, and can- tt::::$/ Zeta- tiersat tl Z to il.3u per cwt. Receipt.. Get all theV yf bittvP unit Iamb" were Iarlrvr than a Grandpa, SneedI Gee: ure you can out week ago. tur which there continues to of life, honey, but be mighty sure that be all urthe lural And rxport demand, BUIy's got the price and got It to spare. esf,et 1 afi)' for I:uubs. In consolius'nc•e u stronger fr•ding haus develop,.! In the Your loving father, I fast ket fur the Bann• and prit•en have ad. JOHN SNFED. vuntwl tilt• Per Ib., with Nal" for export sit ill while 10c.41 buy.•rs G P. S. -I have Just received a personal laid rents t,l Gkv, per lb. sheep w••re unchanged and confidential communication Erna and firm at 4c to 114c per Ib. Au active tour mother which tk*les me atmeet trade was done In calve" and priciest were firm• with mule-. of "Mule- stock at $12 to to death. Grandpa Suesdl Geel $13 good. at tx to $Ill: fair. Int $5 to 37 and , umnwn. at H rash. A stronger feeling ---- pr-ralled In she, local hug situation and THE MARKETS. Price" "ince this day Werk show An ad-. ,ulo;e of Its- to 2A- per Ib., with the trfl- d,nry still upwards Thur to store sxleat Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High- Is due to the <untlnued string advkes fraud abroad "n l'anadian bactio Auld the er, Chicago Lower -Live Stock fact that rsbles on Saturday noted It fur- -The Latestuotations. thrr advance ht .,rare" rf a to 4s In Lon- . 31u1.day 1':%enteg. u. t. 21. don. and 1r to Jos In IJverptiol and Brix- nut IJ%repoul wheat futures rlr,ated lu-d:o• East Buffalo Cattle Market. I., 21St1 tip. (•on, uncharixed• EAST BUF'F'ALO, cwt, .1-C the -Re - At Cbs-nRo to -4- December wheat eelpts. 7At1 brad: Nluw and lot• to Xk; low. tloa.wf Heir lower, lo•h;yn torr corn tzp• fir: prime sirers. gn7 to fr 'S•: shipping, to*er. l" -ember oats woe lower. $'o W $6.60; butchers'. $1.2� to t.. 25; hdfers. 'Wincipng Ootlons. Q to R; r ill". 31.75 tuts S' bulla, 1:.110 Following ars the quotations an to M.b: Itw'ktrs and feeders, 3Ls to r $1.5: stock heifers. U, 12.$3: fresh urs t t%'Ina1VrK griiln futures to -tray : uww and N ran D Kt•r•. ■trans to r' tagger, \\"Leat -ew•t $I II Ids. Int.,.. !I In bol 12u to sWn. N e"l.- Ittx•..JptN. Vol) head: active and Val I h I List. bid, D-1. r,411"- Id,l, May. $1 to $s.-:. �I:ty *,,Ir hid, Md. flogs-Resripls. ls.7u40 head: ,,,-live and Toronto Grain Markets. IUs• to III(- lower, lirary a„1 mix. -d. Wgif tri Grain- MW Yorker., $d.91 t.t sm.9p; pigs, XM. n,ujrhx. $r..3 to $a, staAil. $4"A) to $a: N%spring, bush ......$1 00 to $.... dairles, $a's to s6;:, .;:rat, \\I"( ,full , Duels •.. 1 1_ .... and' L sheep and' R••.' •ipls 111,0110 head' \%'heat, ggome. bush....... 10-1 .... active; shMV, Iwead) ; lambs. for to 1$M W heat, lett, bunk ......... 1 L" .... higher: Iambs, F to 1-1G: vearlings, $6.77 P, a", bua.rl .. 0 x: I busth 1 ............... 010 0 t�y M; wMlwtrw, sG 511 to sG 7r. stags. 16 to .urle•y. , ' t311N, llew', ht,+bel ........ n 61 a IL $i.tiY: sheep. m ixwl. V-5-0 O, $r' :nil. VanAAa lambs. $7 to 57.211. Toronto Dairy Market. Chicago Live Stock. t:uttrr, dairy. Ib. rolls ...... 077 A 24 CHIVArlo, Oct. 21.-Cattle-Rect•ItAx em- il„ttrr, tubs .. 7..... ... 0 A 0 al.1 tlm ittvl at 38,1111111. market steady; steers. Inst ter. orearnrry, Ib. rolls.. u _1 11 .a 841A to $7.01. heifer., 11=50 to $6.76; Mulls, Inew-laid. , ozr:S ... o.:., U 31 1 $7. fue t0 Hal: row., $-s.r to $4.40: calve.. EeK., -.fit sturag,•, dos .... 0 2'. .... $1.50 to 13.211; stoekrra and fertler.. $22' o-In.raI. large, w ............ n I'hrenr, Iwtn, Ib . . ..'", slugs-Recelpla estimated at e42.ouu; mar- h!oarr, .•xtra,l,d, n. .....019 Ola ken sec to IL- lower: light butctlet•r. $6.01 Money, duz•vl s. ding. ...... 2 73 3 00 to $¢.6G: light mixed. $6.01 to 36.54). vhulrP New York Dairy Market. NF:%\' y4lk!C. t1At 21.-Itulter, alegdeass - --'--_--"- "-- It•.•efp%N, taea' 1' •Innen')' Afnes'la l". :71 �!n . r.%tru". L"s.: •t fill d.. n. 11(PI s. Zh In ", M', Lt Id -r. -(luny, list to .perl:tln, .. .:at,.t.rl,, „•nlnun I„ •h•, -j. 2'• /?_ ill -••'4•; .prN-r".. vouu ion to xl^lal.. I%- �J to -%,.; western furlury, conituou to f1rNl, :•�,.. to 21r. !west. ;'r, Hf.ru', full ..on, All til, sol ne.l lint) hit Ke red,. yid. �rld fine: do.. lhtubrr, lr11• In. 161yr: dn. ulJAmr.. n. I::,- t„ :3,At•; q bllh Ise; ...rtn mmrs, Io pri •• nklnu, Pur t. t:lvt,•. .: i".. Ir.n. f.,, iyL••, 4171. Ntnlr. Penn. neo Nq• fumy. s►lerled. f •ylianla Ihd v.lAo. ;:b• In ak'. r.w,.1 to 0-1. e, .I,• to 3:k• brown and mi.•sl fumy. _a• to :Cr; lir>+t lin ,•\U., fuse, ^M III 3:r: wrslerq first. :-r +r Sh „n-lsi. Ilk' It Cables Unchanged -Hoge and Cattle I " I' 1, Lower at American Markets. r / LI r\ I le nee. (l.l I.,,tl•1..'1 ,nil✓ ;fir --��` r - firmer al Lk• to l,'•yr t»r Ib., dmNmrd - ,,.j;i.,, !'t.i •, ..C. ,. 1... f I:: quotid :,1 lm AT SINGLE FARE I., u,•,r per It _ v Good Horses and Up - Toronto Junction Live stock. to -date Rigs. "1 Ontario" inrinding Tow)N'11) JI'�r71uN. uct. YI.-- Iteceipt, fir live -tork at the Junction "Black Knight" shines nlark.1 w,•rr 612 carloads, rflmpolwd of quickh'-shines bright- I:H1 cattle, ti hop., :lrltl sheep, :14 calors I I horse. shines by day and shines caperters. by night. Prkc•a. ratlg.cl ft..n H lin M.73 per ewL. the bulk renlnq al s1.0) to 114.50; exhort No ditst-po dirt -no bulla stuld at $J.t,u to $4 per cwt. IlltitahoM hard nlbbing - always one Int of It Dutratrrs' rattle, 1130 Ito.. ready for instant use. Bilotti enough for the Christmas market, Co. , urn• soli by MAylwee, wl11im k Rall, to And it AYon't burn off, a dnni lin t'harintlelown, Prime Edward t.:an.l, 41 $rt :r. til•,' col. (,utit of these no matter how hot the fire. Il.e prices riltui l ha follnwa: Prime Pick - I i nem. II 1 IeIN. $1.Jn Io $t.,�. Nada of ao1Ud butch- To keep Stoves, Grates rtli, SCM to $4.01. Iriedlu(n. $$-54 to M: erm- mon row.. $9.75 to V1 %; canner rows and and Iron Work ftlway's hfilm, fit if to r or, vw 1 F"dM and Stockers. ' clean and bright, with the Nrnll% all of Idle h.nr1A of I -lets and the I'rlre% least possible trouble use po + at,w-ker. were tin martial. were nuk•h the mair us rerarded last week. . 11Y,f1 to film It,., each, At Black Knight 82 to choice at iJ to 3t rO, with n few very chMrr stn o h,OW %'_`tv l76a per rwf , tier "Airtere R 3 to $2 7% par rwt Milkers and Stove Polish , a An A IImIfM numMr ,.f milk, and e~era arm of $v' I„ 111;:,.1 en h 4 Veal Ca1wa. A riser eslra..Nuld 4t t%. tQ_,ll IgKAft , WE ARE MAKING A Grand Showing of f Ladies' and Misses' Warm Apparel Cots ` S Correct styles fur ;;iris, yotyg or eltler- lN 111thes. Fur Coats, Ruffs, Muffs, Storm Collars. SKIRTS, SHIRT WA!STS, HOSE, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, Etc. ~tyle. shill are right. dualities guaranteed. Price+ lord n.Nsuttuirut that make. your chcwviug an easy pleasure. .Step in and Nee the new things. JOHN STEAD GODERICH ((LADIES' WEAR" 'WEST STREET. Opposite Post Office. ' tight, $5.610 to gs e0; lsling. s5.7a to $s.:o. The Signal and the Weekly Mail pig.. sG to te.1s: bulk of sa lea. $s.M w still F.tnpire to January lot, 11AA1, to WWI, new slubscrilsers, $1.70. Subicribu sheep and I.amba-Receipt. estimated at now. e' ale' k t firm' Rhee i3 5t1 to $ax mar r lambs, 06.76 to 17.40; Yearlings. $6.60 hs i& Yon lire apt to Ret It sting�Cing re - 1 Iroof if you interfet'e With tsar busy ittle Iles. If it Wool kit would stop to think when she is talking she alight think to Ntup. ILAKF Ht'PXRIOlt DIV.' Paastenger ssdtux frum Sarnia 3.:1ft p. m., on Sept. la, la. Yi, I!, (ht. 2. 7. 11, 16.21. Yb, 11. No%. t. S. 13, is. Freight Naflings In Addition to above. ' OKORGIAN RAY- DIV. Steamer leave. C'ollingwood 1.30 P.M. ; Owco round 11.70 P'M . Tursliap..Thnnatn +And Hsht eta)'• for caul, Ste Marie. wily. Al-Lekinac ser%toe di•cont to umt. NORTH SHORR DIV -service on thl, It, i.ton will be performed by .termer M*j-ti,. Int ing Collinewoold Thnewday. At 1.11 I'. M. PARRYNOUN D DI V. -Set rice dbic•onlin uud. Tlcket,, and infonwttion front all nllh..11 p INNetumr Agrutw. FAST Montreal -Chicago TRAINS Double-header,+ tight And ,L„ giving splendid set vire east an l west from (hltario Nt:atiuns :it;,! Toronto. THROUGH SLEEPERS leave Tnrontoevery uiKht for M.•n: real and Ottnwn, i)etmit And Uh, , ago. with wider anti higher tlrrt h- ;uul lelterventillvtion than usual. NOWAY SO COMFORTABLE. -I t is rort.wurm rum. Just. cepa. Ticket Arrtawl. tlofe Rrw. a' writ, C. a. F,.•TIIk. 04'.A.. C.Y.N., Turuno. NEWGATE � - - - t TILI(I I STREET I HUNTERS' LIVERY ExcURSIONS AT SINGLE FARE now in effect Good Horses and Up - In all points in the "Highhunl` to -date Rigs. "1 Ontario" inrinding Muskoka Lakes, Penciling. Lake of Bays, Midland. Maganetawan River, Lakeffeld. I TemaRarm District Call up I •elan b; certain mutts in Quelle',', New Brunswic, hewtoundland TELEPHONE Nv. i 7s and to Sault Ste. Marie via N: N. and a good turnout will be sent to Co. , your order. Prompt and satisfact- Tickets K(Io(1 dint it Dec. 7th (,c In,tilelopeof navigntinn if gar lies cry Rervlce at all times II Io poinim reached by stratit•I I i nem. II Opposite Colborne Hotel. NEWGATE STREET Single Fare for thanksgiving Day Between ill stations in Camilla. also to Detroit and Port Hmmll. Mirh., Niagara Falk, Suspension 1ili,lge anti 111111x1", ti. Y. Going Oct. 3o and 31, returnog till Monday, Nov. 4th, 1907 For lirkr U, And fall information rAll on F. F. LAWRENCE, Town Agent Office hmlr+ - A:ki a.nl. lin m p.nl. J. STRATTON, impat 'ticket Agent. J. D. MclMnald, 11Htrirt Pali. Agent. Inion Station, Toronto. HUNTERS' H EXCURSION SiNGLE FARE for the round trip. OCT. 24th to NOV. 5th, '07, good to return until DEC. 7th, 1907. Short Line to Muskoka and Maganetawan River Round trip rates from Toronto to Principal Points. RaggM RAptds 33.00 Nhw wwnAga ' INIw 1'Aek .3.411Oe(rlrnrrk ' Fnnte's Ras 3.7"1 Milner bake Lake .loseph :cx% Hnrton SMlnig - It V; Parryy Sounds I.:vi mrnlh M.gwnrltAwAn w"anhwmlr !%(V, Nnnh MAFR no awan A+ still Ricer $,.e\ Special Trains to Maganetawan and Still Rivers, Oct 29, 3o, 3t, 1907• In cmtnert.ion with train from Toronto It'll Stn.l a w m. V -rite fsr full paritrul., and (x1117 of Pic fismw Hunting with i rmplMe map. d. pftwit f1RKY.N. %VM. PRIT'I'llel. I•sN•enger Arent, lien. PawsemRr Agenl. ('Il tttdtan 7'l a-tharn Building. Toronto.