HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-24, Page 7PEN AND SCISSORS.
" The leavew Are falling now front
the trees in the range of haekyards Its
view froul guy milady window." .aid
professor Vun Joggeby, ".tud that
brings to oily mind, as It always dotes,
the question of which Nelson 1 like
beet. Am a matter of flu -t,! 1 like thew
all. And here I ala res).Qed }of the
words of the Impel, as to the mon )II lit -
would prefer to lie In : '
1 wuulddt die lot spring tau...
In ruuumer it In fall,
e in -
I% uuklu I di' at all (e 1
..You are, when IN. cause ll) really
•give the subject collmidelatn111 he
fuund that be didn't want to die in
any of thew, Ute obvious inference lie.
ing that he liked all tilt- melaNanm, and
aw like the poet in this rrmpre t, am
well as like him iu out wanting to die
ill any aeNsuu. tout 1 have- it choice
among the measelnm to live in, las. In-
deed. Perhaps ha did. mud fur nlysrlf 1
like fall the test.
•'1 like spring, the awakening of
nature, the renewal of its youth, the
coming of the buds on myrimodm of
plants, awl of the buds and the leaves
00 the doers, #told after the rigors of win-
ter I like the soft And I)Alu/y air of
springtime, but I like the soft, hazy,
yellow richness of the early days of
autwnn, of nature'# full rip•ne%v, let.
ter, and fall 1 like leht of all, when
the leaves are.
going. as the NIY goin
now ; when, After* Like 1»nQ r 91 1111-
1 I
mer, the air is bracing and the winds
hlow and life is a string, full •oy,
••I may at surae other time ave ex-
pressed another preference am to my
Choice of seasons, but if 1 have done
ems please consider that now, revoking
.dl fururer wills and testaments, 1 An-
nounce fall too sly final selection."
e .t.n• .1�Q.rfrmr.
Mond %luller on all Mutation day.
Ail tuned and brown front raklna bay,
stood by the kit -hen table, where
A pumpkin stood, all holden fair.
she 1 --led the sit—. one by nue•
Ks, 11 Aleve m, yellow kis the ,un.
.end then she put it on to -tow
ITht• pot .he used waw while and blur,.
:(he took a lot of ems•• and milk
And -piv, kind things of that wine ilk.
Arid made a alhng, rich "Cold.
Aold later poured It it, a mold
Tbat -he hal made fr in aborteusl dough.
Then put it on the dove, you know,
The �udtre tune by and s,tw the maid.
Ili -auto car in haste he mtayat.
And to the window sill be erne
.ind .only r„urmured Maudie'w name•.
,the ca,t on him a startled eye.
'rhea handed him a:pltatr of pie.
He took a bite -the pie was great '
H, knew at once he d met his fate
Iter cheeks were pink, her lips were mi.
A, he. the Judge, with ardor Wald
.'Ah. Haudie, dear. came. be my wib•.
.ind bake toy plus thruugloall uiy life.
She hung her head lad +n,iie•d :e sin Iv.
Hut she forgot that all the while
That a. ho hear( her son ly list,
Hrr pie was burning to a crop.
Thr rook his ring and netned•thr day.
And then he-wiftly rode away,
And then mile turned to get the pie.
Hut it was burned, and black and dry
Twa.. to the hungry piglets fed.
He - worth one pie, -'she . fl ly wid
The recent visit to I[' LoiLaba of the
Hishop of London recalled to a news.
Fpr writer a stolr`v which is maid to
well known G, like people of Lon.
don, Ontario. It refers to the »bsent-
nindedness and general unworldlinesm
of the. saintly Maurice nialdwin, the
late Bishop of Huron. Bishop I.Wd.
will (,auto int/ it railivay ricket oBlee
one day, and maid It,. wanted A ticket.
'•l'ertainly," raid the polite clerk.
"Where to le" "Dear ate," hail the
Bishop, "I really forget. Didn't you
notice in the paper where 1 WAS going
topreach tomorrow ?" The agent
hail not [teen, nor did »n examination
of the newspNpers avaflAble. afford Any
slur. In thhe end the Hisho 1 wM
forced to call up Hishopetowe �A
phone and ameertain from Ail"'. Bald-
win what him forgotten appointment
Those who have struggled with the
problem of the doctrine of election
may appreviate the following lines,
which come In Pen and Seimmorm from
it young body of the Presbyterian
persuasion. '1'11e authorship of the
lines im unknown
An nneleel.+t infant sighs, out it. little
And warm,rr. l through thedarkno• along the
m 10r , .,f death,
I ntii the eats+ of heaven. aglraae with loe:erl.
it .plat
.1 n, rnn L, then, and clung [herr. and would
n,n Iw denied
'I'hnueh -sill from rkirlh ens• elm trring+,
enter in
I,e+wrt into Urhenna. yu child of wrath and
.1t ll) -t tl,.• antes were opem.d : a moot wilh
trot are miW
Woopwl IIIb\vol and rased I IIP wrepinit and Il,
"I Ahold.
Immortal light thrilled .iflly duw•m avenue-
of Wlsa
A. on the infant's forehued the spirit placed s
llo are You, thus to hallow an 11110 ted
brow r'
"hear child, my nave wow ('at vin, but 1 wee
thins• better now.
A young CansAian whose career
has opened brilliantly in Charles T
Currelley, who hmA just come home
after some eight or nine yearn of old
world lite, to take top the, duties o
curator of the Provincial Alomil l o
Ontario. Mr. Curre.1ley is it Huret
boy, hill former home being Nt Exeter
(iruluating from Toronto Universitd
in Itflkl, In the natural science course
Mr. Currellev, who had Alwx had
tastes outside the routine Of hayyis cul
lege work, fmind what seems to be hit
lite work while wandering id lyy inn
interestedly through the Hritied
Mu"um. Him curiosity became
aroused by the Egyptian section Ani
to Blake it he put some questions t
another gentleman, a perfect stroll
to him, who waA in the room. This
Kentieman was Dr. Flinders Petrie, o
the Palestine Exploration Fund
Which w•as then engaged in lnakinp
researches in the Sinai peninsula
He in turn became interested in the
young Canadian, and enlisteil his Aer
vices. That seemingly fortuitouli in
rident was decisive in turning Mr
Currelle.y'm energies into atrhaeolog
Iral exploration. Since then he ha
ronducted remearrhen in Crete, it
Niro i, and in Egypt. and hall moult
renin famous discoveries in Fgypto
109Y. his, work being rer(I�nitrad Icy a
decoration from the Khedive. In hi
new Position to curootoor of the Ontarit
MuAeum, he enters it what in fo
this Province a practicAlly virgil
nerd, except in regard to nature
mrience. To bring theOntario Mus
Il up to the tank of theAgg�aamNi
lfilmetim in CAmbrridge, the Hedpatl
of Mrtllill. And other rich stores n
m ientiflc and momhaenlogiral 1remsulas
Nr. Cin-relley Itaa a tank which wi',
Drove a worthy test fur his bee
A Live lisue at Kincardine Vote to Be i
Taken November 18th.
Fruw'1'hr Kiura�dinr ltrvirw uflust'
The, buildinlr of an elerttrie road by
the Outirio Nest Shote Railway Cl).
between liotlerich and Klnctovdiue has
uow becoule it live question with the
valzunm of thio town. lou Salau'da •,
Coumcillurs .I. T. lluldthor1w,' H..1.
MrEwit". wall uuumfw•lurer, and It.
S. Williams, Iluuulgerof the Canadian
Hltuk of Coninien•e, tiodprich. with
Al. 64tituu, of A+hfield townehip, were
here in the iuteremts or the pnn•iei•t
and dimcowed tilt, matter generally
with Hleullew of the town council
and other citirrus. Owing, however,
to ilm being Saturelty night Out itt-
temdance w!s not Jorge. Atter hear•
ing the arguments of the geutleuren
promoting the line the Mayor decided
to call m, Special mleetinF of council for
Monday night at which Mr. fit. U.
Cameron, Al. 1'. P. for West Huron,
was to he {resent with a copy of the
bylaw which it is proposed to aubmit
to the ritteF etyera of Kincardine.
Oil Monday, the council chamber
Was well filled by citirens, will) fol-
lowed Air. CAHIPl•un with deep atten-
tion. He prefneed his remarks by
stating -that the meetings held in the
several municipalities partook more
of the nature of quiet talks than
otherwise. The promoters dol to
fret the general frrltK
of the people
in regard to the enterprise. If eronsid•
eml lllepeticial to the district in which
they lived they mhould vote for it ; if
out, vote xgxinmt it. The Ontario
W'ertShore Railway Co. had out or
newer had h+td any connection with au
electric line scheme of which moue
year a ago a Mr. Pugh was the ppru-
luOter. Theyy hlul seeor•etl oleic
charter in the year I!Mrw anU the
chal ter called for it rtaut from Sarnia
to Owen Noland. nd. At that time three
or four citizens of Uoderich had
started an agitation fur the toilding
of the road but found they haul Im•guu
too gamin. They had endeavored to
interest the C. 1'. It. in their enter-
priae• but that road had other views
regarding the country through which
for would (wild. -
Mr. Cantering, continuing, said that
the dine would run through some of
the treat couutra• in Ontario. Next to
the county of Middlesex. Huron was
the largest and wealthiest. It mur-
passed Waterloo count!. He could
not ser why it should not Pay, (lov-
ertnnent legislation lWeventeri a com-
lrauy operating till electric road fnnu
INsuing lNond s to more than $13,1001 a
toile. This line could not be built for
laws than "),001 A mile and could get
It() fivaoei»I asmint#tucr from the Gov.
ernment. He expected wane op!xui-
tion in Hornig and Amhfirld u,wrlshipl,
but thought m,a a rule people would
vote for an enterpprime that was for I fit.Kerovial good of the public. (loderich
already hadku,r•mnteod the IN)ndm of
the Maitland Itiver Pucker Co. to the
»mount Of $IN1,100I find the Company
had contract" t, supply that town
With power for twenty-one years at N
roMt of $7,1011 At year. Ashfield had
Pasateal A ItyIAW for it gmar'anlere Of
$ULi,0101, and it with expected that
Huron townmhlp would submit A bY-
Ikiw for $73,1001. Mr. Cameron desired
the fit•Nt-and second reading of the by-
law that evening, but on motion of
Reeve Hunter anti Councillor Kaake
it was derided to adjourn until Tues-
day morning.
Comnril met an Tuemelay nm -ruing,
All the ruenllx•rm present, unit un»ni-
nu,osly det•ided to mubniilt the 11ne••tiun
to the peo de of lilt- IMth of lovPlll_
ber next. lie bylaw 1-N11N for a goal -
antee• oflhr Curnrplany's INII1dM to the
amount i,f $,111,1011, for it term of thirty
year.; detineq rat" W he charged pts-
w•ngerm,. etc.
)Ir. Cniserun explainid that the
passing of the bylaw did not give the
Congmny any privileges, excepting
with the consent of the corporation.
Tilev could nut build one ((Not.( null
within fill- town limits without that.
consent. The Itailway Act provided
for that. Public nteetinKs would lie
held, at which those interested in tilt-
prigert would endeavor to show the
!uh•ant 4es to lie gained toy the build-
ing of the road. The matter, how-
ever, in in the hands of the citizens
themselves. He hulked that Use Miami
of Trade in Kincardine would tint in
conjonetion with the rueneil to nee
that at majority wan Iecorded in favor
of Lite bylaw.. Mr. Cameroon sigried an
Agreement to recompense the corpora-
tion for the expense incuneel should
the bylaw not carry.
Postoffice Safe Blown Open Sunday
Brussels, (let.. :111. Another of
eeriest of nob eries and holdups which
have leen perpetrated in different.
parts of Western Ontario was com-
olittevl here 01 HateribW night- or
early thin morning• when the post -
()fit -e was bracken into, the mate drilled
and blown and the contents, aHlount-
ing to several hundred dollars in
stamlpom and registered letters, were
stolen. The work was that' of no
amateur eracksmarl, 122nd any
doubt. A rear window h even been
removed before the jab was done to
facilitate it hurried escape in came the
robberm were disturbed in the course
of the operation.
The robbery was not discovered un-
til early Sunday morning Citizens
did not hear Any repo rt, although the
wreckage of the otWke would indicate
that the explomion was one of great
violence and that nitro-glycerine was
umed. The mate door had been twilo l
oft itm hingem kind its contents laid
The INmlmaster had A large number
of registered letters on hand on Sat-
orlay night and they were deposited
In the Marc, together with agltantity
of stamps and small Milver. The
whole world probably amount to be-
tween $,Net and $Ipl. It was one of
the richest hauls which have been
made in the last few months by the
crooks, who have operated with suc-
There iM no definite clue to the
thieves And the police have not picked
Up their trail As yet.
Cornered the Bishop.
Dr. Ingrain, flis,hop of Lindon, is a
learned ecclesiastic, but he declared
that, at times youggpit children, of
whom he im extravagantly fond, upMet
horn hn(!Iwith their questionot. Once
he, wwr addressing a gathering of prior
children, and at the close of him nm -
marks invited an toyy sir girl to ask
him quPs,tinuM. a His,hop anawered
several, but was finally floored by A
little girl, who Asked :
1'leas,e, Alr, wary did theAnsse�lm
walk sip and down Jacob's IAdder
when they had wings P"
Dr. Ingram escaper' by blandly in-
quiring :
,-What Tittle bray or girl would like
to Answer that question P"
(let your Job printing done at 'rhe
Sigisal. (food work at moderate east.
The Expert Tea Taster \ a
is the one who knows the real value of Reed Rose Tea
and uses it as a standard to judge other Teas by.
Wouldn't you like to judge it for yourself ? It 7 �'
is the Tea that has that rich, fruity flavor
just what pleases the expert Tea taster. Q
Ask your Grocer to send you a package.
HURON TO BE RECARVED. I East riding. The result of this ar-
runljenlent would he somewhat tAn-
An Honorable Office, In Which Much
How -Will Coming Redistribution of
cerne . far am Nest Huron stretch con -
The riding world
Good Work Can Be Done.
Seats Affect This County?
Esta the town of ll(Iderich to the
Fmin The v.,rll et,. Ad\',wale
It IN generally understood that a le-
northeasterly extremity of Howick --
A fringe along the north and west
N N own 11
The IInLII Un Cllr land II.L bl W
11 r �M N
x •ran euu•nt f t6 electoral dl frit[
1 K
the •.
II xriem of the t
tM Ind
fortune and prugrrNs wrappt•d u o in
the ouuntry, toeing houn(1 to-
of the Province is to le uuule at the.
IA-Kil.htture, before
}luwea•rr, theme are • only 'cunjrc-
+old, wl
next memosiuu of the
toles, and according to the NGttelueut
gether, he is anxious t, do something
the Oovernuleut appeals to the roon
of the haul Cou.ervative quoted
to advance their joint imtrrrata, the
try iq n grurral electiuu. 'there ill
+altos the party in power hdm Hot yet
country's just its sincerely as his own.
colsiderrblr speculation am tU What is
Ade p the rlrctal ap ut uro
Just what to do, is it more difficult
to be dune with this county, and
an it is to he mubnlittedmll) the Legis-
Problemll/ color. He Inas Ill)[ 111(InPY
various theories tire ,out 'Moth
IItI IIIc lit till' veining session.
enough to Jar it public benefactor in
partiPN being of the opinion that the
thea metal Areeptatiun of the term. !
three Hurons will not Ile left its they
Politic" And lawmaking have their at-:
are at ptement. The SiKual wam in-
What the Premier Sought In a Pawn
tractions, but special qualifiedtiuus
formed the other dar by a prominent
t-ce"Ary, ad openings for this
are inn
lo•,tl Cuuserv»tive, w'ho generally
kind of mervice nut very Plentiful :
knows what is going um, that the
When Kir Wilfrid Laurier, was in
city and tiown offices of trust and
t.overnlnent hioul not yet consulted
Turunto a fortnight ago he wait seen
honor are not, proportionate in nits-
with the local party leaders, and the
one morning in that part of Queen
leer to the nnnher of men rnlulx•tent
Inference is that no decision halt yet
street where the second-hand store"
and willing to NII them, and in the
twell arrived at as to the disposition of
exhibit the Pndlems variety of their
ruraldistrietm there are still fewer op-
the thre•r ridingm of this county.
contentm. The Prime Minister war
por6oInities for public bervice to the
One theory, of which It good deal
out for a morning stroll and like
Item been heard, is that thewhole of,
many another per sun found it
But thele is one hunor•iable and ion-
(;oderich township im to go into SauIh
most interesting to gaze into the
portant office that the public -s drited
Hur-/H, the whole of Hllllett into
windows of the pawn whops and
man in tote country call ha d, and
Neat Huron, and the flown of Wing-
second-hand stores. Hut somebody
that is the trusteeship of the school
ham into East Huron. According to
saw him and the e•veniu9 pap•n
in his district. It isn't a IArge-suumd-
this plan the idem, is to make Fast and
Gold of the way he hlui loitered in
ing honor•: there is no film*- to be
Sout Hurn safe Conservative seats,
that locality.
gotten out of it, and Iesm money. It
leaving ��-Hir Huron x ('rit "hive."
111 r. Bergetun, who is with It. I„
is a thankless tisk, and he who on.
A met -*- d Cir recaof the
Bowen on Political tour of• f11e
dertakem it becomes an unfailing tar-
county has 11 . lntapPed ant in Aur-
WeNt, saw At item A out Sir Wilfrid's
get for the criticism of the, eountry-
other quierter. Thi- contetnpla" the
morning walk in Toronto and turned
nide. In that it lear•a a strong re-
Making of it -hive- in East Hmno6
it to aeaotlnt III him speech at Edition -
semblance to the p oaition of the
Ie:Lving Nemt HI ,n ,and South
ton. Mr. Bergeron was talking about
teacher Of the mine'mehoed, except
Herron easy ground nl' (!otleervative
j the fatuous Liberal platform, drawn
that the bitter 11ILM a NA;kry attached
randidalem. The Way • I which this is
up in the convention held at Ottawa
tot a sitter•
to be door is by altnrh K the town-
in lrtfei, but, entirely lost might of since
But thele are stole Advantages ad-
herring to the `xxlitiun am crowdL><1 in
ships of Howick and To •nberry and
the villxgl• of Wroxeter to \1'emt
the party attained office.
The stools platform," he declared.
Rulon��tr.the(in vantutges, And eertnin
{loran, and Liking from q t-Ifuron
"ham leen relegated In somewhere —I
yItalifltxtions are as ne•cemewry to hold- I
a„ at present constituted th half of
don't know where. A few days agu
ing it with endit#is the tilling of mare
Hallett township wbivh it ow in-
Sir Wilfrid was seen gazing inlently
lofty places. The rural-se•h(sd truster ,
eludes and paRtAl it aver h, East
into a pawn sh.lp in Toronto and some
bait in him hands the reins that guide
H11IY111. Acing with title a•itlag of
men saw Kinn. 'Why,' mid one, 'that
the future of the rauuuunity• Him
Itlyth and possibly Ibe town of C in-,
is Sir Wilfrid! \that can he lie looking
judgment Ilelects the tea c er, him
tau,. 'I'll(- whale Of (sodench townthrp for The ulyeitery Was solve(' when
.1 ight kpox the work and the
would be inelmded io South Huron, 1eome am replier' : 'He is hooking fur
erluiphµ•nt of t to school in goof order,
and the town of Seaforth would be the in Lileritl platform.*"—Sat-
and him opinion is file pattern own
front the South to lht urday Night.
which film people of the divtriet niould
thein,. ie mural and intellectord--
health of The eorntry depends upon
the trine of the wveroil districts, and
these in turn upon the mcbloolx:
and the man who helps in ever ata
blight a degree to t•I Pale• A g'lxxl Spirit
`uf citizenship and loyalty in the little
red mch(olhouoe bas done an aunount
of service far his gauntry that snout
le ulenmured.
It rellellle•m IIIb loellll ekip Vity tel IM -
a rural-srhoed 1 motel— gaud t uslee•i
You wank to learn bookkeeping se, You will know the correct way to
One of the wc,tof-the s e iug t tiny- t
is an uulKrotvlh of -the ides that. any-
that When you finish Your course enter u ever conceivable kind of
laxly ran le it trumlee. There never
You will feel [lure of yourself, dont a transaction by either single or
Was it greater mistake. To Joe•Kin
You? double entry.
school ,in
thewelfan aloof have
dlatr iet. not t
Tlla�s the way we will teach you You will know every phase of
r►n iuyx•r•wmnl wort of feeling, bat�tt
modern banking
g methods.
healthy, human interest in the lrsglle
We will thoroughly instruct You You will „make good'! in actual
within ilm borders. Ile should have r.
in the theory of bookkeeping and business life. And, do you know.
mouse education the Isom the Is'tter
then make you apply your theoret- owe ur cannot supply the demand for
not to the preponderance of
looks unit bo oklearning over pru•tical
g aduates.
IC knowledge m a practical way-
g P y• Large, illustrated catalogue free.
knowlmlgt•. Ire should know some -'I
thing of rnoole•1.11 Illethod l arm' itloielel•lt ;
in the work of the teacher.
Yela�e mar Stoics
Hemil old
He should be nblr to view any salter
ata, J. w. WESTERVELT.
eonne•cted with the echoed from the.
Principal, Iekideki.
standpoint of the taxpayer, the par
ent, the child, the tenehe•r, and vet !
have clear enough judgwent and firio
r 1
eneuKKh will to withstand the de-
inands of any of theme groups, if mileh
demands are blmsed upon ignorance or
unreamun. 11P should be patient, slow
Fall Wear
Natural Wool Underwear,
Britannic Underwear,
Fleece -lined Underwear,
Wool -nap Underwear,
:ind all other kind•
[it browns. hlackm and grey
Winter Vestings,
Iq all MlYlrs.
We -till have a few ready-
made Suits and Overcoats to
get rid of.
This in the store whet,,-
}ou can I"t rig yourself nut
for fall and winter.
We carry full a mortntent
in all lines \
a From the cheapest that's g'w
to the best that's mak.". .
Reg. Black
As usual Miss Cameron has all the season's latest shades and shapes for
fall and winter
and is titrnlnK out at her establishment head -wear for the ladles' that is in
strict style and best taste.
The salve old, old story We hear the year nround,
Ila the story told of the.
Happy Thought Range
which im, " We want it Happy 7' 110,19111 Itange, the
lift' ar Am our neighhk or'm. She tried other stoves before
she got » Happy- Thought and now she in well pleased.
14he sayn that she can do more cooking with lesm fuel
than on any stove she ever had or sato at her friends',
and we want one Just like hers."
The same applies to the
Radiant Home Heaters
We. have taken two coal stnvem nut of it
honmeand put in one Radiant Hone which gave anon+
heat than the other two on less fuel than one took.
It has no equal.
We have a quantity of
"n hand and if you ,ite thinking of doing any fencing
I him fall or next spring it will pay yam to hny at one(-,
A quantity of
TINSMITH 1 NG given special attention and all work
fully guaranteed.
—L,': use,
House 'Phone II=
TnumvAlt, October 24, 1907 d
hVY/Cras-, t
Good solid wear and real
comfort in our Men's
an,d - stand the walking
which you will certainly
fusel like doioq when you
wear them.
All the best makes, in
all shapes, sizes and
widths, are here.
Easy to get a fit. Easy
shoes to wear and hard th
wear out.
Renovates the entire system.
Is palatable and can be easily assimilated
od lever oil is nauseous —
Knocks out th6 stomach,
So that very few persons can take IL 4111�.;
Take a dose of " Brick's Tasteless" v r
And note how pleasant it is
Starts you eating at once — edfem h ,
Tilat tired feching Which 4
Every one speaks of from time to time, and the f
Languid feeling disappears immeditdy.
Every bottle taken is guaranteed to short improvement ;
So why should you hesitate to take it ?
See your druggist today about •' Brick's Tasteless•"
Two Sizes —8 onum bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00
WE HAVE THEM in all the popular Cloths
You get a better selection by ordering early.
We have a most reliable make of this well-known
tonic. Guaranteed to be mule of Lhe• hest and purest
75C a Large Bottle.
Another good Lonic, particularly at this season.
$i.00 a Bottle.
Bedford Block, GODERICH
T 0 V E -S
We have shown the people of Gode-
rich and vicinity at the great Gode-
rich Industrial Exhibition that we
have the largest stock of Stoves,
Ranges and Heaters in this section,
and our numerous sales detnonstrate
that the public appreciate our efforts
to give them something better every
year. Come and examine the
Largest Stock of Ranges
and Heaters
at our store on Hamilton Street.
A second-hand Kelsey and a second-
hand Sunshine Furnace for salecheap.