HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-24, Page 5I ' •
J • I.
-- ^ the wwtrril ulrtropullr. Besides her MUCH CONCERN FELT.
�f the District.
paronts rhe Irat•rs two brothlfrorrr W a�e��mourn her otirly rrurvul from the Ordiltary Methodsfor Treating CatarrY scene of life. Prove Unsuccessful.
0 A Clinton Octogenarian- Recent statirtier showing an ill">ir. and Mrs. Vanaot'tuan, of Bell- last week t, Robert Pirie, of Ethel, Johu I.,aytou. an tilled resident of crraarte in catarrh ha%e hhaku " the tam -
gr L -, recently celebratvd their gulden for the runt of $'2,4(1). Clinton, departed this life at Ilia home fldeuce of medical ineu in the usual Pr"+
wcd�►itlg. Rev, Kenneth J. Healon, formerly In that town on 14unday, the 13th so•riptioum to toaregoard Kunlun be•alth
J1,w•pph Atia►ur, of \Vinghalli, liwl of Whitechurch, Kar le"n all i " lost. Deceased, who wits bm)Yt ill the (roll► the. ravages of thin diterase.
week [iIt AdaKl mevrral of Kir allele by +arrlrtunt castor of the h:leu street Old Cuu)try oighty•twu yrarr l \\'hell hlo leach doning proved in-
falliug (corn ;a w,►gon, Methodist church. 'rorx"1to, canoe w Cliutun +as a young luau. life, rHrctivr. it was natural to look for
lived ill sums Other u•Natient, old it it le-
h;rurmt Elligsell, of l.eadInLry, her Uu Wednesday,aIle Ztl`h ir�vruKwu, Itirt wily sou diel. halt alt hr 1t iilug frau lil-vwl Lhxt, in llvuglet +all alsoh4t"
N,,,," r+ml the Stl•gcn• form of 1{,
A. eat Karr sail Dlas l• urltvu life two tars Ago Ire u1AVIVil"I
1k II, of Otey, 30-t 11M1. two esteellied Icsideats alt Ethel, g cur• for all cnturrlua► UuuhlNs Maar tit
(unwed a ueatriwulliM1l ullilulce, the widow of the bale Alex. Ilillin, Ili [,at IK•en feulld. Sleuthed UuYruglr It
Mr. told ,bow. H. Philip. of liruKmels. (Tinton, who, hurvives hiul, &fail again tit -at Imwket inhull-rl', its healhlg uledi-
herr rY•uwvtrl Qo Nuunl Fullest, share Dlimr Margaret A. 13nr1,, rhlNsl, took up his rpstdPill in U,wu. 1W' Valiell reaches (•Very spot where thea"
itlivy will rY•ride in fufauY. dnughterof Mt%, F. Cash. of Sest"J"th. C.aKed war x quirt, uuusteututiuur are catarrhal gee -tits. drrtruys thenri
Krv. E. ecoid ein f of %urich, intends N'xrIIIaI.1•ielin Telinto, oft Saturday'suis, erttwuuttil by till what knew him. per vents their failure growth, andR reg fat Hei lrhrt rg this tall. A the 5th inat., to Jainea D'Arcy I a- K,rrthl-N the irritxl,Yl uftaeoual went.
ger, of that city. Might Have Been Serious. brune so that relief is toll, almost ill.
sucrrrwn• Kar not yet INrn Ntv'utrst. Un Monday. the lith inlet., Rea•. C Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford. of Us-
J„len Mciwm)d, Of Hawick, has par• I Nlrultly, While lasliug Burr IM pr#u•
r jt,ill \Vitt. Hainl's lOwit' , as t” It. honor, 11. A., of Clinton, tiod the 1Nrrnr, hal a uaurow rsc•tplr farm 'ttcally sure to follow.
wlptiell knot between coorge Thur herious injury ill at mulles)'y accident pile couudrt#- llyunlvi uuLfit rests
the 4th couceAston of that township }}w,k, of that town, and Miss Estdla ilia u very dark night 1Ym:et . Whin - but $1.49), and is mlrld by Jas. Wilmette
lar $1'J*X). Virsyth, alt Wingham. Ihey were driving huule froze, 4{xetrr under all Absolute agreeluent to re -
Thr David Dunlaar farm• oll lot .t1 of the bit ilia the bridle broke, le acing
John Kale. who her 1)(N•n a rr*txvrtrd feed for money if it ti«ea out give
the 401 concession of Urev. wits Nold Vaimident of Sesforth fair ttlany years. Iheu, tit the user(-)' of x 0`ri"ited hot lit.. mttiNflactiou. It is the only\rare forl
Iw111odiatel after Mr. 'Fulyd hal gut
left Ixat week for Detroit. where. 11e }' catkrrh that how ever been Kuld tuldpr''
has secured more lucrative 'employ• out of the coag the beast dashed off and a gtlat•anIce fo cost uuthing unless It
r l'x Shiloh's Cure ment #Laid; where he will reside in Mali. Foal was carried from one side cill,08, but Jew. Wihmm has leu much
of the road to the other, ft•eluently in faith in
its power to cure all catarrhal s
Shilo SG1r the worst cold, future. tile, ditch(&, in treat danger' of IN'In6
thesharpemt cough wit fit, plowing lust week Jansen damhtd to death. Eventually, as the risk, les that u ii willing filet
to take the
-try •t ,til aguar- Fitans, of the 7th line of Morris, had Ira v u t tike. seat IK•c,anle ill-- rink, sit if Hyonsli dors nut help yqu
Cure Mg Ina' • lhrre will not IH IL Iwnn'm expellee.
a n t e e u( your . the wirforNwr to fracture two of Ilia tar ed from til" box. land Mrs. Ford (irt tin outfit At once tallithim litieral
money hack d it ril s by being %trick by the handle of fell to the round with it. (Italy slightly
Cures doesn't actually the irnplVillent, ILK the result" of con. injured. K - phut.__ ---
C U R L•' a uicker tact with it large atone. A Definition of Politics.
�c A. E. En land's two baro Stores, Grey Loses Old Resident.
CougILS than anything you R K'
ever tried. tia[e to the '•Her Hier" tit'Yinghnnl and his On Monday, the 14th inlet., Alex. A politician who is it gnat walker
taalt�,-nothing in geheral store at River•swwn, ,were McDonald. Au old and respected rrsi• wits Vecently out for #a U-Anlp xluug ea
it to hurt even a place) in the hand& of the National dent of tlttr 4th concession of Grey, country rated, wheat. after going it few
and Colds Sticage l'u., 'ruronto, lust week. answered flat- gre,tt tell crtll, Dr- utiles, he hat down to rest.
baby 34 years of The vuwk im tiring rapidly dirpmosei of, ce:a,". who was fifty-seven years of "Want a lift, mister Y' asked ?a good -
success success commend Fhp uuuriag,• tit Mirm Era l'ulr. age, with at`nAtiVe of leivernestibire, nxluued fanner driving that wAy.
�hlloh's lure-- daughtrrnf \Vin, cif of Flint, Vicle, Ncotl&aid. h'orty cenrA iag(i he took "Thank you." rempunded Me-. IA)•i-
25c., 80L.. $1. x116 formerly of clinton• and grandtlaugl,- alp his lesidenee• in (trey and ill 1%%5 liter• ''I will avail myself of your kind
_ ter o[ Sam f',N,k, of that town. t(I he N•as. married to Misty Anne Joule offer.'
\Vin. Cul i C. k, of Detroit. r,xa(I Melrtuchlin, who murvives hint. A 'Flat- two rode in silence fur uwl,ile.
Mensestunf[ Wneml Water plraie in the first-latentiontd city re- llixn of sterling integrity ,old remark Pre•srntiv the teamster asked : "Ynr•
AIll#- iutelligeuce, in religion x staunch feshiullal 11,^11 F,
-- -=_ crgtly. PlYsbytrrinn, And in polities a loyal ''rm," nnnwere2d Lorimer, who slam
/l1HE GOI)EKICH MINEKAI. "'A• •John H. Uahuuilh, of Hru%sl-ln, nod Libenil, he lend ,t largo circle of tic- thinking of x hill he lead pending Ili--
a` TKK co.. InanufacturoM of ••Menese- Mie Id^ Bowt a ii, ael'ond daughter c uaintances b when, hr war held in torr the Hour.#-.
runt."aro taro to deliver to any tart of of Mr. and DLie James l3nw- 1 y
the row) Ffe fat Olnge r AIP to vitt. snA high esteew. Besidt•+ his widow hN Aflrt• another lung' p+u the
,I„mrtm, ab.o Mineral ta'alcr art three• stiles man. of Mnrria, were onarriel in To[ leaves three sous anti four daughter" faruler observed :- "Kayo you ain't n
e-pllt" iota load quart -i. Soltser water and onto. on Wo duenday, till- 9th Inst. to mourn hie de )artilre. lawyer or you'd he talkin' ; yon Ain't
Ill ... h4,Ptad . These eoud- aro made from Mr. land Mrs. Galbraith will reside ill I a dortor, ,'cause you ain't gut no
mat ural minenl water, and are+ therofore free
rrom all impurlue-. P. L. WAL'n.)N Man Brussels. The Late Mrs. Newton, LLLtkteow. satchel. and you shore ain't x
+%ter. Violate PA. Warren If. Rosm, a former well- After a nice yeat%' illness. (live preacher, front the looks of you.
-- -" known Exeter lsry, son of D. A. Roane Rivers• beloved wife of Ur. G. A. `Vhat isj your profession, anyhow %"
LUMC war married Jonesville, Newton. onoas
d in Jille, Mich., on f Lul±kw, w•-elexlewi "I till it politician," replied Lontinier.
- -- -__.--- Thursday, the loth inlet., to Mie
(roll, i.cr sufferings (Io Monday, the The f•trnlrr glace a %sort (if. u fast.
MMUSIC CLASHES. -A AM !'KE• Florence ,r (Laine, of that town. 7th Inst. Deceased's illness was "Politics ain't no prufe•iosiou ; politics
I'ARKD to roolehe pupils for le -mon- In Mr. end Mrm. Koss will ee8idr tit largeh•Uur le n dose• Of alkaline six- is n disorder."-1:lch:angr.
�iaunand theory. aiao the llumnah- mudrol (brand Forks. N. D. tore, whirl u
talism stricture of the --
iude)rArk•r,' Iuelhod for young chlldmn.
Terre said other information rout- be had at W. M. OovenhK'k, mean of Kohut tisk irm and waNle hl-#- unable U) nwxl SUITED HIS CASE.
TMN„-on, must(- -wro, uoderich. F:NM.\ A. liuvrnbrck, of �Itx[ortb, who Kar barn low solid foul during the long . 'a _
A\UKi`wN. tf a ureulher of tblr atxR of the [.nodon )ihr Isnw her trials with (;hriatixn
Dodd'% Kidney Pills Quickly Cure Proin-
Ae ROY ADAMS Cullegiatr Institute for several year%, fortitude and until the day before her meat Buxiaeas Maws Kidney Troubles.
ACHICH r i'IAsu hits vesignerd to accept a tmmition in death was able' to discharge hi'r
Studio la F1leAk of llmitratl Hloek. the heed office of the Northern Life• domestic duties. Nes. lrwtuu, sly Welland. Ont.. Oct. 2l,t.- (SPecixl. )
Insurance Company, of L(nldon, wits forty-nine year% of Ager, wi►a a ..For a year or 11MVP 1 hal kidney
--- `T On Tuestlay, the 15tb inst.• the daughter of S. Rivers, of Tee-4watel'. ti'etlhle in All Rot worst syulptoluN,”
A01111 ,al home car DIf-. and Dlrm. iA)Ilih Small, o{ fiat• tuns beloved by m Large circle of ,,;tyle Me-. J. J. Yokom, one of Wei-
- Besides her husband land's Inst balminess, men. ,131v head
_ \WirlKham, With maidrnwt by the.,Lee,
1) beth, EMMERSUN k TURNBULL. three *ons ;uY left to mourn her. w;t. bad, 1st. A a r ratite• soil i bat
L death of their daughter, Aleu�y Flirt- 1.t
beth• beloved wife of H A. Tay- young Man Seriously Injured. N•eiRht fast. AL Umrh I sum 4u-
A.T. Ker&Nw.Y. M, l). Mr. Dereaseeel• who wax in her thirty- tired) incal)aciGttell. I doctored with
W. 8. Tcksscl.+- M. K seventh year. had loo -en ;a sufferer for h:rne•st Dinnen, at young man avhu ;a physiriao of wide experience but
rtl ..., li,unilton Strs•t. 14.0110 p•- 3 re•midem near Lumley. suet with x gut no goted trrultm.
1" i:mmerwfale: m.idPner. SI. Ihavld's-troe•I, rrvrl'AI woftlhm.
rhe rewiti x•c o[ Jauu•a Ilxmiltun, lms ulint- and painful arride•nt as he •-I lecau,e de )dent of ever being
1 gyA..itc Victodx -tree, chnn•h, 'phone 1.'ea 1
lit.-1'un,hnll'.. ro-idenre. Moailrewl +1m1. do•ilgglrt, tit ,19th, w^s the acY+nP oft wias returping tomo l'h lNPlhllr�it CP• well agNltl, N'}Iell, Icy gINNI luck. I
Phone Ilea. veutiv. Am the wind toted rain were chanecd to try 11,Kld's Kidney Pills
_ "recta wetldl gun \VN/hIPM1Nf• the ill his face hr load his he,ul Ir.•nt fur- and from the very Hlmt they just "tried
K. F..1. I{. FOK-YTFR i•:YE, EAR Itlth inodi., - •n his only daoy�htt•r, want raid in the darkness failed to to eiuit my cxee. Five I,oxes (-stolen me
11 Now amt T1,roat only. 'Stratford. out. \itNK Ktelka N uuiGd tilt iNptads ace far Ilene rig coming towards
hila completely,'
Hnu..' uraafoo New fork ophthalmic slid of nlafrinwuy to H. M. McKay. ;and hr roll ngniumt the hors•. He ly is cures like Chia that have given
lural In -t It ate. IfI+H�1S. ('Ifnb+wl a.•i-tool f:,,.r. RI th'm ml rlllal' 'e�ln Pwel1P1'. KeV.
N,. -r• .u,d Tbrual Honpilsl, eioldrn `I,laarr, :.aid y i 1 g j wits thrown bawkwards ori the hand [kxld'm Kidney Pillet their reputxtiou.
Itop,el IAndtin Ophthslm+.• tMoo"deld lkycr J. I« Small• If. A , ofllciafel. roiled with such force that c(Inrussion They curs ell kidney dihessem from
no•inAL Lorslon. F: . nm,e .tl►er .trees. An interesting vent tlwkplacelit of flip brain was feartiel. The horse backache to Bright+; disease. They
strmifutrt. opW-Ice .1�indw.r holeL Hours:
+. I_ ,,.ale . Y I Rat.. lir p.mt. Trlephone JR:, till- home of Mr. tit 1 Mea. John Doug' bolted into the ditch• halt tide driver- have never yet radical to cure rheums-
bts, of \lorris, on Monday. Like lith DL. 'Dlorris, fet•tunately escaped -ire tisin,
-- - - - Bdej;>u - -- inst.. when Rev. A.' '. Whilturt, H.A.. jury land atN'edily ran to the aide. of - -
tif Brussels, united re marriage their the uncona•iolIN Voung Mau. While STOP THE STRENUOUS LiFE.
--- ----- -- ---= dart little, MiwSophi It.. ;ted Virtor he ac As me•curiug light :and furtherers-
tAMEKON h KILiA)KAN. HAR- li. I{:ap,apen•th, orf Ile' n)it. Ma-. and sistancr at the neatest house, Mr.
Ill rrklW-dtciton.nexarle-,et+•. tHItce. MrK. I{xlialmart a mail a only feel, Lnn- Dinnen evidently revived and con.
Wakens the "Tassues and Lessens Or-
Randltonrit.,tblyddoorfro0S•uare,Uodrrfrh, ,nun. FmK•, whrr,• they 'II make their tinned his wit v., At the dean• of his genic Vitality. '
chat. M. U. CAMKHUN, K. c. J. L KII, hums.
LORAN. house hl- awd I IApse1 into -""coal- The st ems mud strain of the btrenu-
pKGUDFOIyI. IiAY H x BLAIp{, of, nitirmlity, .tile little 'nmt., Alex. seitnimnems. Hopes are entertained ,111" life in both city anti country Lends
lOU`D", wrucu H 11olarlim. public pp r Kirk. tine of the most room tell pion- fur his toll recovery. towards stoniiwh itomblem.
oon in she MaAtinaf l'oittt.l etc• UIIIM, P.-1 .ire won% of KirkGrn. pauwe•d :a y lit the Death of Robert Leatherland. Tice t)eoplr Kuffrr today where one
•s e• is sur-
'I.lt 1headache.
vatiwfu nett dwq C. A. nates a grra+ry. Pei ,age of eighty -nix y did ten ywu% r e with Nick
rale funds to leant at kw.+.,l alae- po�tillaet•ml. cla't%] by b1lM rlgell plilrt lll'1'-in-'G•, Wile Un Tuesday, the lath inmt.. the tiizziness, flawlenfe, distress after eat-
s. YRUCUF(>t)T:lC C. it C. HwYri. U. F lies lit the int of death• five• rum And Mamt,cr's enll ciune with little warning
,+I.AIR. P(I in speckle IeG)re lilt: eyes, blunting,
foto• d&Lughtern. Among file ildren to one of the incst respectett -residents ing, sp ckle mlepplesAm N% red the
DICKINHON a GARi{OW. HAI{- are Jame -ph and Mrs. led. r, in of Tuckersmith; in the pom)n of Rob- nernervy other scmpWuta of fu;and ithe
R18TKIIS, attorney-, aoucilar-, etc. Kirkton, \William land Mrs. Jeb Han. ert Leatherland. The pptea•ious even- a n who nor nipto ng with Stomach
I;odPMch. Money to lend at lose -t r.ee... t: Ilia, it 1'mlmrnN., ing hr hod ml-wtH•d to hP in excellent tn,ubles, and that wenn•, ,it. least two
1. DI('KINBON. ('HAR1,6:.`44iAltltON'. I.L li heaalth and unusually cheerful. In
Is. H. ('Inbinr, of Lucknow, ,a, out of three in liudericte and other
---- week received till- wall And .%honk g tile. morning be rowph►inel of cohort• towns, Khoidd fame Mi -o -mi; Stomach
iniumnoe, Loans. etc. news of the Sudden death of 1's items of breath, laid himclaughter. Imo- tablets. Nothing else in as safe, yet.
- daughter. IAuun H., Im•Invttil wife of Bowing alxrntwl, called leer bnrLher' l-ffrcticr; nothing rlhr rnn Ie wt Ihnt-
YOCNG A ROBERTSON. REAL A. Miller, of Ma)•nlount, Sask, Ili• Nhu we tit the earn.tise but lint pip be otighh• rallied elion 1(I relieve all
1oetate and Ineranue Agent.,. Real f•- reold reach the Kilns the aitnl %pork trembles trout indigestion Its Dli-ea-ala.
rate for wk'or to let. Prutmrlies handled In rrniHol, who w,tm twenty ce,ar%uf age' tAd fled, De•sensed, who WAS Illus in
Italy peal of thr town said county. Fire and ha d'heen married but :1 few months. aid etfrll PI bit few• ear% ago, r;tln,, It is not ra mete diRemtiVe taken
lie lo -nonce, money to loan etc. - She lend lemon in her a+tial heap h on R y ) R afoot• the ftxKl is paten. but ;t true
the day to( bar loath and ate mile eras+ t, 11" in 1%73 land pntchnswl nmol tonic, Stimulant and mttengthesier felt -
JOHN W. CjiA1GlE, LIVE. FIRE til Kul- Dor. \loony the Low ❑{Kin the muscular walls of the aumineh, in-
nnd r,ecWe•i,f Inmutfnrm. wgrtit for Ierli wnikinv with her husband fell dead. (If 'h hr lend since nY•Nidel. Him
mutual ,uml -lurk ranp1raanlo-. lrrmurwu,.• iq sK Thr Ja•kmnn Mahnfxrtnring l'tiau• ❑she 'ty of chantrter and kindlinrsN c'I'i'atming aha flow Ur.. digestive fluids
Inner e,n,•cted on Incl plw,. and at lowemt rale-. ,told putting the sawmat into such
tall at wticc_ .erner wemt ritrere and 4gtiarr• puny. of Clinton, piny tNtnblish - „( (1i .-itien won fee hila the• esteem condition than it deK•m flat- work
or.,ddt - J. W. CRA11411:, Geaderich, f)nt.,ranch factory at Exeter upsin the land. x e'tioll of all who) knew him.
h1e .boor w condition that tilt' Vill^gr guru•xntte a 'I'houg differing tvidply in pclliticK, Nature rxlle•ctx of it.
loan tit $ i,IMsl for A tern of yeaaem, the Mr. I,P. h `VI' waw in Parlyy life a H�) FelinblP is Ali -u -nm in its ruraticr
�fcK11.WP MUTUAL. FiRE IN• ,.,,n,pa ly to pay' hiteremt and begin to wart,a Is stinal friend of Sir.Tohn A action thou .lam, Wilson, with every
1 SURA %'C E vu. -Farre and InotAted bel-cent.b OX he Kelps, given ;a g"arantee
town m rty Insured. Vlel11e tai proper�y lit. play bark the principal within a few Mcl)nnal( One sun and seven daugh-
Anr,•fd lip ttoJan. trot, over ale of sL (Mail(-" uponths after commencing operxtiuns. term are h•fto mourn his drnlise. to refund the wonPy nnlesm the
anddlret•t0r-: J. R.Meluan, ereT. Fraser The factory would employ nlKwt Ihir• remtdy dates till that iN rinimwl fort it.
vice Pre-..: Jm. Connolly, U. We. Mr. Che-. - The Late Mrs. Thomas Farrow.
ney. J. taunt, Jill.. Keans, J. U. Uriere, J. Henne. tv hands all tilt• year round.
w•e,l..dln•"to":'r. IC. Hay-, aecafnrt.h,-ecev1&ry- A pretty :tile] interesting hyulpnenl On Satntditwy. till- 12th in%t.•he Elsie "Whogmvu you theme View-
tma-un•r ; I-Ims-torw, nearest director w nom-. event was celebrated at the residence tlrrth angel Viaitrsl the home of Pont-}olatrs P" .iM1ek-"I Imwght them mysel[
J. W. Vca, Holmenvtle, 1y[Pnl for wov.t p niaPter Farm N•, of BrI18aPls, and giant. with the money Uncle TOM stye niP
Hnmel. I•e,hi-y holde" can M)• ramisc--ilietlts of .luhn Sherritt, ex -DI. i .: of Haarpley, K
'head get their cards axceits� at Mr. (•oma. ; atonal him Im•Ier,sl wife Gr her eternal
un Wednesday, theAth inaL, tvhrn Ilia Inst week:' I:Imie-•'Hut Gid her said
t'lintun, or tit McIA'"I Hums' PAlac" ( Iothtng dr.ughter, Minot Pearl Keleren, blocAnie )ionic. Ih-ceascrl' head been ill for- it oil should move it up fore► rainy day."
Store U,mderirh Inn titne..luld (I ring the est few
the bride of John Linwood Antos, of g � P eek- "1'rm ; Istat, it rained thin mors-
-- _ -- - - months had help) •&dually grow'
IlrinKley, Tile ceremony was poo- K ing. so I rope llt'it."
$)HA�Q PA$riOS 14)wed by v. 1 . I. Sutcliffe, of tveakrr under the irMidioa,K workings
`--- (:nand 1}end,4 the pia Bence of over of diaalm•tes. Mrm. Farvow. who wits in
1�#HAVING AND HA(K•URF 41NG flyrhundrwlguPatm and wax followed he year•'11!all 'adaughter
PARiA) - ThP Lest place In town. bV plrat%nnt frmtivities. of flip Irate Hnrtatlel Pal I, ', of IAmdon
1'ronapt Aervice: ct•orythins rlPan and man, township. While quit young Phe
terry. H0, and ookl Iwa.hot. WM. DAVIS. 'One Hundred and One Years Old. Wits married to John tiolatt)re, of that
Hritihh K2ehanse Hotel Block tAnocessor to b whom she head one Son
JAA Mtadeyl. At the grand old mgr of U)I years locality, y
.._ dn
hwarl Switzer. of Kirktoentel'ect who died far childhood. 1 -11 mrverx)
=arrtase Lleenses into rest on Tuesday, the 15th inst. yeArs after the death of her first part- '
_ __ By his death a lineal chain of live ner, mile remided with her minter• Mrs.
WALTER E. KELLY, eneratlons has been broken. Until a Frank Mr(:nMken, of the 4th line of I
UODF,RI( H, ONT. few works ago the deceased had en- Morrie, at whose home She tvae near. fits
Watchmaker, Jeweller and Opt action. joy
remarkably go(ml health. rigid to Mr. Farrow eighteen yetars
,_nor of Marriage lAoxn-e-. Goin to China. all°' Decpnsel oe unselfish Chrimtian perfectly s
Going life• and lovable dimpl,sition endeared y
WLANE, ISSUER OF MAKRI- The marriage of Perry Westaway• her to all with whoul she (-rattle in con -
. AUK HoenAes. Ursdarich, ont. gen of the late Samuel Westawnv of tact.. The i err+Aintiwere taken for In- h e c a ll s e
`_._________ .__ -_—- -__ . Exeter, to Mira Mabel Moore, of Lctn- ternent to her former home near
Auetioneenng don, took place in the Forest City on Thorndale. each garment
�-____ __ Wednesday, the 10th inst. After a - ---=-
HOMAS GUNDRY, LIVE STOCK brief visit to the grocim's sinter, Mrs. AN IDEAL INSTITUTION. I' made t0 fit C
mid txssneral auctioneer. Offlemoil Somth A. J. Fond, of Exeter, the young individual typC Of
street„ wkero he will be found at all threes couple leave for China, where they -
when not'tryang mt". Terms mamonahle And will eingatge in aridmionat y work. What the Young Men's Christian As-
!99.aart used to give you matimfactlen, figure.
_ Blurvale Man Nearly Sa(focated. secretion Seeks to Be.
-- Robert, Musgmvp• of BI Ill, hal ,�tigh grade, low cost• young mnes
GEORGE BeeleE�rr
a narrow Pmcapm+ last week, As he elliTi• Aker it is finished and
General Auctioneer. was engaged.in putting a cement wall An athletie organization that dopa
New System of Tickets and Catalogue. tender the hotel it bmank of earth abort not umP men to promote Athletics, hot goes to the laundry for
OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. seven feet high fell down upon him lmem atilletles to develop tlletl. its final washing, each
and buried blue face downward lie- A night mchool for young men who )
P. O. Box 183' nexth two feet of earth. There. Nes- work by day.
Ahomeftir our men Awa from garment 19 tested on
---- ---- - hitt„ who wnA working with him, was young Y
almo held fast by the earth. For- home. models ranging frQm 11
TO CONSUMPTIVES, ttmAtely help was near and the men is ill eight thousand plxrPs in
were resc•oel a m
fe%v momenta before North America and throughout the to SO Inch bust measure -
Mr. Musagrove must inevitably have world, and open to all young Learn, of ment. Thus the size is
The, undsraignp l haying been n diel frontute
suffocation. lie as hadly all faiths or nn faith -
Mored to health bymimplemeans, After it, means to the young main home determined ,accurately.
bruised, lent is recovering. y
sulTering for meveral years with a mev- comforts and rnmpanionmhip, rPcrea- •
ere Inriqq affeection, and thAt dread Died at Winnipeg. tion, intellfactu,tl culture, physicAl fit- Anil the size as marked
disease G•ssara/iise. im anxious to make The mail intell iRRerre wait receivwt nettle, npiritual growth.
known to him fellow alffefil" the laat week tit the riPNfh in Winni pig, It rt rw to thaPmpiQsrr incteame(l Is exact, and JIay.r so,
n,panm of care. To those who desire 1m Th irwrlay, the filth inst., of l�liami efficiency thrnigh specialized d training,
it., he will cheerfully heend (freP (If Martha .f. Kydd• only daughter of honesty,os)hriety, loyalO•. because Stanfield'%Under-
charge) a ropy of the prpwription Mr. And Mrat. Ororgr Kydd, of that t It means to the church earnest. wear tdff't shrink nor
"slid, which the)• will find A sure rurp city• forenerly of Henmall, And grand- member, trained worker. Bible
for G•ssssspl•s, Asrioa. Catarrh, flf•s- daughter of itlr•m. Sellery, of Spatorth. scholar, ininlater or missionary. stretch.
cklth and All throat And lung Mafsdles. ,yhP wam stricken with'typhoid fever It ntennm to the city Rrwall citizen -
Hp h(Ipmsa all muffearprs will try him two we•km Ago and gradlimlly grew ship, honest administration, wimp
Remedy, aA it is invAluable. 't`hfrme weaker until death r,rrt)rred. De- legislation. Vale drain will likely Karr all
dcairing the prPmrription, which will rp+aant, who wain Istria in Ilshorne Tt entering to the future wife N hog- sties and wrighn. if not. he can
cost them nothing, and May prove a twenty-flvp yealrs ago, waw a p)srticu. [land with the faith of w Christian,
hlf-Aaing, will pleame, addremet Iearly height and promising yoftng I the brain of at scholar, the Immly of an Ret them fits yea. 13
lath•. She had won the distinction of athlete, And the, manner• of it gsntle-
Rev. EDWARD A.*fI 5W, B 0@1111 , eel being one of the best elocutionists in mate. �l uw m I=& ILL
D. MILLAR CO. ti - I
Specials for the Household II;
A special par hase of Liners 'ruweln which euablem ala to 1,e tail
I he,$, tit tilt• utemleaate I)rive of:.' pair for 2rx-. AmAher lift#- ill ail Pw•e
I.u,en Sretcll Mauufact u•e Huckuhafk Towels, size 17" x :ii", herr,ulet,
him-cial, $]..'At pool- dOxNll.
'\'e• have at peat variety ill (111180 Towellings, Crash, Hygienic and
Lille), from (144. yd.
Bleu'hed Table Linen, 2 yds. wide, in neat p&Ltterur, "k', yd.
Bleached Table Linru. ,,all pure lines," Scotch tulanufacture. 7Ac.yd'
t'nblenchtd Table linen .at Xx-., 44kt., (ilk,. and 750. per yd.
A large fa Lige far Table Cloth:, and Napkins in all the newest
design% from the inexpensive to the )wilt. Speciad line It, I--
mrd Dinner Napkins, only ten dozen in the lot. $1.36 per dyzi it.
Double -width Mann elette Sheeting. White and grey, 35c yd.
Double -width Union Sheeting, white &Laid grey. 75c. yd.
Shaker Blankets; be quality, front $1.0) per pair
Special purchase in Wool Saxony Blankets, hrnight in the early
S )ring, delivered this week, size t4" x 78", ribl)on bound, pink- and
blue borders, special price.' $2.75 per pair. -
All makes in Union and All -Wool Blankets at moderato prices.
Special line in Oilcloths, joint the thing -for leaving the carpet and
putting under the stoves. Special price 25c. per square yd.
Parnell's Broad
Erery one who has tried
it will have o0 other.
Hu a antty. pa6table,
whole wheat flavor
that u pox diad) its J
own. 1
Our name is labelled oo
.eery loaf.
It to the >Seme Prior lee
the Inferior Kind.
1=1. T. DEA N
Special O
The Signal
The Toronto
Weekly Globe
will be sent for a year for
$1.30. ,
To new yeal•ly suLscrilerm, both pap4VVS will be Rent free for
the balance of 1fMr. That ill, a new mul)8creler may have hath
papers moil .i:titta:u•y lot, H11111-Afotru+en months -for the small
cost, if $1.311.
The Signal, 00DERIGN, ON7.
A Good Combination ANOTHER BA161IN
and and
THE WEEKLY SUN The Family Herald and
Weekly Star
Hent mala
To New Subscribers to
To New Subscribers to
January Ist, too8, January tat, 19a,
for 25 Cents for 25 Cents
The Weekly Sun im , the The Fnmily Herald and
Brent Farulei- 'Weekly of 'Weekly Star is known from
Cauutal,t. Every farnrowiier I Halifax to Vancouver. It.
in Huron Comity should rend give-% a films of general read -
it. . itiv matterevery week.
Address : •' Address:
The Signal and
Toronto Daily World
To New Subscribers
For Four Months, for
50 Cents •.
Your Local Weekly and the Best Newspaper
and Agricultural Daffy in Canada
Almost Given Away
The LocAI Newspaper in part of every household. It is your
friend amt benefactor. in fact it is part of every home.
The Daily Paper from the hig centres in necesmarjltoto the man
who sante to he abreast of the time%.
All the )len love the old farm, its stock, its fruit, its veget-
ahlps, its dairy, or Itm forestx-in fact• is love of the farm lie"deep
in every heart. The World pamily (pats all dailies an the Farm
Daily. 4pecinl pagem Are given to Agriculture twice each week.
Subscribe at oocp and
The Signal and 7 he Toronto
Weekly Mail and Empire
to New Subscribers to.lanuary Ist, 1908,
for 2.Sc.
Address-wVANAI TV'M & RORf:RT50N,
The Signal, 00DGR1C11, ONT.
Tuums"y, October 24, 1907 3
A Good -fitting
Well -tailored
Suit or
\Ltd" t„ your order front uew-
rlet "little% in eo•diuill and light -
Wrights, tit
A A f,
I urniture sad t.'ndertaking:wareroom,,
West aide Square.
'PHONF-S: 4tare9'1. 0IJrle:1
House, 178
N tatht calls: At re-idenoe• cur. Calabria
.. „ toad and Neilson Street. -
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden urully sttenoad to let all
Noun, nlaht or ay
'PHONE 15 AOR 24
Warehouso Cori Wear
ta'hru YYou want and Yards -ti et and
THICfiE81' at Dock Square
AWAil ('sal weighed on the market mcalee,
where you get 2,00s) lbs. for a ton.
Order- left at C. C. LICE'S Hardware Store
erwtside Square. prOMPUT Attendwt tu___
Livery,S. Hack
AND --
'Bus Stables
—STC., A T—
—R A': E S -
'Nell-appo i n ted
Hacks and reli-
able drivers in
charge of Fthe
Buses, which will
meet a:i trains
And steamboats
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
A,,Icvcu numlmred section of Dominion
IAndm It4danitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta,
cxceppti'air m and'!&, not re+erved, may be home-
stca,tai by roar permon who is the role head of a
fain 11 y, or any.+nalr over 18 years of age, to the
erten of une-quaver section of IMI acre,, mora
or I_.
Applluat Inn for ent r - must be, made In penton
byth"Applh•nrit tit n 1mondnim"L'n11ds Agency
or Serb mm"ni) fur t h" dimtrict alt which the land
as itu'hte,. t:ntry by proxy nmy. however, he.
+mole at nn Agce.'y nn certain conditions by
Live M1dher, moth. '#-, mon, daitahte'r, brother or
�l+ler air nn Inteuding homesteader.
The homasw ler - reaidred to perform t e
hoot.-te1u1 dull anderione of the followlnar
111 At least mix ) nthm' rreildence upon and
cultivatlonof the'ia It In each year for threes
ill a hoiniemteelder m . If he wee deslrem, par
fern, the required reside duties by living on
ffieming Innd owned sni by him, not I" than
ctghty • vlf 1tealr- In eaten n the vicinity of hfh•
homestead. eataint owns" r In land will not
meet thin relimirement.
e71 If the father fear ppqoth•r, rhe father Indo_
rvmaAed) of a homentfMkier has rmanent mat
dence ntt farminngg 1604 owned hely by him.
not le,h,1hnn eithty rMncres an tent. M til.•
rlrinity) of the bhfownt*tead. or npon h�Mmtead
enteral kov by him in the vicinity, nbh home,
teaAer may lmrforni hi -own rmide tart dut1A-
hy living with the fethe,r (or mother).
e4) The tarot "virion "In the two p coding
paragraphs is Aeflned as meanlna[ n mere
than nine mllea In eedir•po line.. .Zle,etve I the
width of road nw
tloanev% rrei,e ed In th..
LA A hnnie.teAder Intending to {rrfw,n, hl"
nrkleracc duties In or
ActrAanec with tb wawa\ -e
While lir ingR with petrontA or OA fariwinR lan
nwn.d by hi,nmclf mnat notify the agent or d
r til,
dintricl of .much Intention.
812 monthAnotice In writing mud he QSinn
to the ('omlralwioner of Dominion DAn1a at
(Xtawa of intention to apply for pateme,
K•. W. CORY.
Deputy of the Minlster of the lntanfm,
N,R,--l;aauthorigM I"IMICrU611 of told. wt.
vertYso(ast will sot be paid los.
` ,.