HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-24, Page 4ss f Ef i "1',: r ." ) 8 THURAVAT, (Jolober :l{, 1907 fill ( taut variety, that it will lee free from IarentS mhould (mite to provide 1 ,iuguiaul. and that it will tend to r1-wwly, oruadeu &Ind not to nary-ttw the out ' M Mond II - 'I'll,- Peak of the children tllegin Ideas. Theles I.,wlt vtoislavil Ila. tai'Nn mlY GOVERICH. ONTAR10. Isar been it 1l1r1•eat deal of sloverse rriti- c4a111 La( school taookes silted in the lair Ihr se[rding of N deputation to PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY l njtest Ktatr,t, on the ground that (naso Lai pil'rsu IIpN1n fhY fi0\•Prn10P at' they distorted history. dal Inculcated the "I'g/•nt mw•eowity of improving o IOANATTER t ROBERTSON contempt air dislike of other nations, har'hor. Thin is the right thing lo) Tal•phoo• tall No. SS and fostered an ignorant national can• Nil mluue mhould M' left unturned ; & Terms o/ •IeNoriPlio' : ,Pelt. rhe Americans are growing ,alit of thio habit, and it is to lir hoped (ill' Coves In1Ynt "Ilnllld fes Inlp.'l' '.In Par unPllllx l napvanen that we in Call&lla will not wear ll,,• To + aulp�, quo lLlsle 1eW11Ms, I:I0. To i -[last am,stt'"Ilgly its klasible wills Ili• ft I tt.ie. nbwriteer.. th.ru u year Fart -self clothing u( narrow And igour- that the people. of (;oderich and vi l,t rice lr IPl adcluefw) IssC lane(\'1"ail. :4utN«rlbet. who fail lo) tache TNA Slu"AI (•.all+adtt oil 111, of ,-ailll'rr, rn le call l'I rear,lbarly by wail will coater a favus by l&•• � ally 111,• ill -[steel 1•&PIIpsC 111 this nn )' 'rise quaintag u, of the fw•t at a. early a dote rt. I'•-111' tlL(ld In them• rea/lrre, total ('au- Irl'. drpulllluti should 1w laN•miWr, Ila. its history ;And its pubic mets, \\'law,arhuuKeOf.dst'e.,Isdu,lrr.l.I,otnlhrl;,light le "(',Inge• -1 that call les KI11 fllgeth/ alit and I air new mddrw-,• mhuukd he Kit loo. to shuwu its their due aro- salad the tuelllloermshnllld111klepil v portions. Mediocre men should not too Advertising Raps: r, ,Ited into) giants and bel•oNa IweAu"" lare-1•nl their elli[rn ill file Island 1•ff/ L,*al.,ad other .Inablr adtel'limanemm. NN•' Ilwy are Canadian., and Illedioere Ntoff Ike Ilnilim-1. ' Per line for first Inwrilyn %list M encs line fm I mhouhl not to foisted tau children le- e.w•h ,alae -quer. insertion. Mea.Uhd by a Oliver ? V. It i• wl'lltefl hY t'unadiwil:. Thr uw,Psn•i1.c"Ir. twelveliuem loaulnrh. ,�' HNslne%- 1 The Merchants. cant+uf nix Wae, used under, $5 Pre ainf of a series of readers iN lo) ye•r• . lea, h children to reall, Ana to know I.l,,I We. I'--,-,- Alot'%Vreaetit�nt..s t e (.lana Foxed, al. Hoed, to + t\ 1►at in lent in literature, whet -her it It" t ion. Vacant. all oat loPl, N'rntart, Hu'laesa ton I'll •how yon d4uu,mad,. lace..tnd Inle,tl it., Male or to metal, Faruns fur swe or lo) Home. I in Produced in ((real Britain, in ('Lula. Article. for Wale, I,1./, I,fail varlet )•, eta, Plot eurwdiug •hill, air in the United Sates. The)- tinforisocl,•oach lxwniuu ;th. for Isu•h ntal%er 3o) 1 e1,_htlukuuw, too, that rent liter/• ' K At Iow&Al po-1: Wen%iswafchawlelde-i lArst nal,wa, (Leal wwnh. Lrrg,•r ell cert hlr� 1 nwnt-L• Proportion. ' 1,11-e lilts le"11 plYxluced ill other , M . le.-rfoct In,•vrry line: Annuunmtiient+ lo) ordinary rmding tyle leu „nmtriem and in Lather languages. rent -Peruser. NnuwioelwwthslD.'. tuuuul,.v:ur�, .urel) will bo)) of Ito.• Fro .l. Al lmtuftheehrldt#-n will) Any-Pectiol notx'tl, the Otilm•t of w'hirll I. the Imm•uni%ry benrfit of slay Iudivktual or la--oei ;Mhlic schllnld will neve' receive #lily I malaise [)ell. &team', to t • f•onsidered un mtverti.cmeut mist t/hcr schsopl, wtuentian, mlast rho liter- to be chmrged lN'runth,rly. Nolice' Illy PiPRallt bra,V•let- sued nMKlacr•, . v insisting they receive in the Rate. for ti.play aid contract ladverti,e. went« will be Agri, ell on applieut iota, -•'I14mis .,light to le A11 intr olurtion to All of ran- e111a111 V: 19.11 is I'll( a tow ; - .Y Rlw&t f•C!1-new boost Alf herr&Lllles. Address all conuuuxicaro". Io I ought to hlondru their mind", free- F:ua«,a111 alai auntbyel : '41itiall rainbow kiamed a , VANA('TF.R t HOHRRTISON. 1 .g thein Ifrum the delusiul, Thai their THx Mau"AI, 1_tdµ•.ri.ee.arl( tuMq'oftl.rlkPo. Ita..erleh. fiat r.luutry iv the world, &aid t hat the lab' r tan, ole. mno.. '" . they live w file only &gr _ _ __ ._ 111a, I,rl aur ds,ebe)' tot' you rall,et, Moet exylll.,il �whle.h GODEffiCH. THUHSDAi', (NT. St. 11rr,, whose• achieveueils are worthy of thoiay.l of I,unlrrinr note, A, to patriutianl. no worst• ser. AI,., 1 -he., , ---- - vier call Is• done to a country than to Heavy and ,etc .and .fill,.. THE SPECTATOR AGAIN. t• ive its children unfair or unfriendly Sprpxd it, a -isegle sitarist : — \ iMws of other countrie" and peoples. If ou"A'hutils send f ) th h'I,i I•o1k who have wi.dolu will buy of the snot. IE SIGNAL: �GODFRICII he OTTAWA NEWS. pis Mr. Lemieux Gang to Japes Trail Ut- Still (((creasing. ilt Ullaw'n, tart. W. -At it meelimg l air• ill•Cathinel yestridav afterwmm Ih do. alme of the opening hof P.hrhAment we aid Net for Noveuyter Vit, It had bre hope%I that the departinental report favi till-[ preparation Of the legislative peel cl gr um would have (w1•11 Sufficiently lul via iduc d by thiN time to enable I)Nrlis flu•tiI la open aim Novendwr 14 or •31 u• bol uwavuidable delays salad it, he allw•nve of mover11 of lilt. .Nlinimterl i .1•, Kinsale on iusineSs of ,10,o during to large part of the ,uu'tuer have re "ultud ill holding hark the opening it "'• two Weeka. At SNturlay's Comacil tilt- principes gtitstioll discussed was file1111%"ioll c Hun. Mr. Leillie•nx el, .lap►-. It i Confidently expected that when (rause do's caw is presented to the JapnpSl Uovernueflt by Ail•. hemjenxI;tpa1 will consent tal abide IlY the undo.' standing an W a liellitatlon Of Iumlr graliontoCallselao in force wheal the treaty WAN mignel, but it will lir inside �erfrctly plain by Mr. Lrulieux Al okrn that if the innuligratian i, nu limited AN desired by 17ana1dem lite liuv ernulent lit Ottawn will promptly give the six unulths' uutive rocesimxry It abaoga to the treaty. Mr. Lemieux, it solder to reach Tokio its quickly past Millie, has again changed him plans and inatpad of going via (.Lindon lost rarlf-ellwl his lx►enag,- un the Virgo njAr r. fur Friday next.:uld will naw• go yid Va114-onyer, whiling frons Ihill port ail the :Nth just., as miginally intended Canada's Trade Still increasing. The trtule figure, of the LAmlinion felt' Septe►ilter And fill' the finit six Replying W mauls remark" ill The t r ,. I r it anti) n tie world with healthy Ixxlies, sound tum the Ituiu. wanths of tike s.urr.•nt y )i"eal year in Signal, The Hamilton Spectator Nays: rmrnciencev, and well-trained Illinois. aoloelhyIg Ill ,how yon priexless used Pounder- Xi1 dicate a contimied barge expansion o No Prot ectionist-%►Ile protectionist they du Ilae highest possible nervire immune, Canada's tnide, The figurea f) -ever made an attempt to (10 the Ian. f'sr plAtriotimn'. Maki"A ua:,e otr�r- r,,, Sirpfrr r Are especially gratifying it st possible. Five protectionist tyro l'Y 1 '�`--� Tawdry unit ruin! they show &very large 'tncteas, nixes the fact that it is impossible, jai in hilt crdit#4l the Tollodtu people wish Ti. bol a l'lumk of gra) of exports over Slehtelulger of ICN some countries.to ptofitabl' make POLITICAL NOTES. "Mppinaw a the world a) IL.pp) rile. raw w•ho buy year, the increA,e fur tile mou e th• Cel Nether with the Anginal, inclessl• gads which are profitably made in Other ---- '111e•n• will of the IGci11. counterbalancing h)' aver three mil three countries. No protectionist ever thought of raising cotton in (can. app•:u•m to loosen iuc,-e"„• of 1 11 St. Nichols•. lions the decreuseM of,the mil iou ada-nor orange”, nor rx•lianuts, nu hosuanas. Hut all protectionists third that raw cuttou, which is carried d Greet Britain and m&nufactur#4 there, cat, IN, carrier) fl, Canada Ant manufacittalyd here for the Camelia i market. - Why do protectiosist" draw tilt line between the manufacture of cut loss Knolls and the growing of cotton 1 They claim that cotton cannot he manufactured in ('sued& without a protective tariff, and they will admit, of course, that cotton can toe grown in Canadawith a tariff high enough to warrant the necessary artificial conditions. If it is not go -ked business to put a tariff un raw cuttou GI en- courage its growth herr, how can it be good business to pill it tariff son cotton manufactures In encounsge their manufacture here 7 iN not the test of a profitable industry the incl that it can be carried un without the artificial aid of it tariff? If an in- dustry cannot he carried n[r without protection, that is sufficient proof that it is not a profitable industry. It is absurd, of course, to talk of growing Potton in CaHadA---but it h:u to be a very obvious absurdity for The spectator to see it. The free ttruler holds that it is an abNunlity for the country to maintain any industry that cistwot survive without proG•c- tion, the very fact that it need" pr,)- tection being the pt of of it. u" nnit- ability to the country. This does not mean that tela attempt should he made to manufacture cot- ton gcxxis in Canada. We believe that more cotGln would be ulAhu- factu ml in' l anlula tinder free trade than under present conditions. In - %lead of being restricted to a comPairs- tively small market, Canadians would manufacture colf)n for the world. Thi" is not carte theemy : (irent. Brit- alll in dolll It. The Spectator continuem : If it were trite that eery indilsty in Carotids, which exist" h)• reason of a protective tariff means an eeonotnic loss to this country. Canada must be in A ilad way, for tfe great bulk of the manufacture, of ('anada are olade Possible by flnvnx of it jxlolctive tariff. Thr hlectlator ,fix--, mol• Gua —can not, produce the prof for its ,tale. -)ens that I he great bulk of Uamuliau manufw:tures exist only by virtue of a protective tariff. %Va. flu out believe. it. We believe that manufaclurilu" a whole is hatupelyd lit the IIriff. Take away the tariffs, and the wenk industries wduld go to the wall land the IPRitifllate nuinufa/•ttires ,If the country,. freed of file basilicas under which they now• struggle, would flourish It" never lefrore. 11 IN only reason Ah Y 11 } 1 t PeIIYI'Y chi", and cern protection thwlriese are stilt mlpnrior to reason. The sit011ion in (hnada, it is true•• in rolllpllc"ted fly the existelle• Of a high tat•iff wall :dutig lilt- 1'11ilt«1 S eN tat to ' r aile • r. Fr # -e fndr• it, 1'a nndn would, are IN'1i4r4, Ie Ills, grpafemi Now that 4-4)11141 le dealt in Plait's( S states p11 dec11 11 fott U n I tau 11111faU•- turetw, with tilcir large inter'"1" built lap under prem•nt vondiiion", ,uay Is. exculgard for not wishing ,, link the• experiment. Thorp im [rai ,uvh rf•a-on, however, for the maintenance of A tariff against. British KINNim. . If there are "]a that ran tN• polxlncrvl more cheaply in (front. Britain than in Canadn, it would Ie only in aaouoll- ance with cmaro (tin IN•II"•, 11) as), nothing of the Imperial spirit, to pet ' (:rest liritnin make such goelds for. its I and ply lips with the goods which we can the mote readily p,xluce. The I prefPIVnVP (A) (creat BritAltl is It step in the right direction, lot it should ie t recogni7,#41 am only it triple. • I THE NEW SCHOOL READERS. t I The anuululeemenl f lint anew set of It prolific rrhool Maderlt is tea le isslhrd e brings forth (he follow ing sensible re• If nitsrkes from The TorNltn star: r It los suggested that the new arhool c readers are to Ile more palti intic than t those now in now. The members of it the committee to whom the work has leen entrust"d are practical e•doPA. A ti.mista, And it play IN• exima;ted that h the pst,HOUftm will not has of a rant- for its ocanac) In the t failed States, our. lout s•„ I Il a NI ) o4 -rd. 1 per will IN' "trnrk four months.__ - .- • Hleakfnst fold" are goill, up in FROM OUR CONTEMPORAHIES. Last Month every line of induslr'1 showed a large ila4-resme in exports 1 prove, which is not surprising in view, IIIlleh higher n•munrratiun it Uoulininn (Cabinet Minister. With the single exception of the High Alf Ihr growing srarrity of Buller. immune, rein, which showed is decrease u — Weare told that Mr. Kipling {t :1" to e'IrvdauJ laltder, CII Isuglish Je)cwr dw•lalr•n ll NL alNlut half & ulillio[r, us cumplrel with September, I1N1H. The tuta diwtpPoitit[rlent to thOm• who hoard ",Lade"t )' jN a djxPaila'. 1Ve lnuw a �ot mule for the six /Ilont.[la w" 1 Ct"(Nn, 155. an inereamer of 11�;,13fi.I'LI over til him in Toronto lel week. We Lind Ilf pwuplr Win have leell vaccinAta«l. corn"ponding pix months of flat veal - hilt crdit#4l the Tollodtu people wish Dangerous to Touch Him. - ,---- . Sao much lPe•Irlpicarily. Inuit )x Adtrni-er. -.. s Foster's Double Dealing, . --- The apple -growing indu+U•y shoulll It j% a broth• safe prelliclion their the 01 settle) Haivern/ment will leave Imalem Adveti,er. It IN halo to w)gtllt the leased •re,of tht rrriy,- an iulpetllm from the eased *. Yield anti high Ur. Nesbitt. sloop. Lle carries tax) ualq party secrets under his hilt. Conservative pariv of duplicity in their lie title pric/" (of the pres1•nt Wit About Mewat nt of the Asiatic proh It -iii. The srnwm. Ahtlay 1,u•wrlm weep Ix Kin. Oliver ? Hees of Htumald show that sling to despair of their owere m hu[ I Ottawa. Journal. Mr. Warders, when toe Anglo -.la anexr this vPnr the old apple fire hall Iwo., A rWPntY-fish yernnl sof unhmken vie. teeing w:w before the Houw• of Curse. ul,Hl", I eprxlchsd the Government fol money-maker, , __ lory in pulolir life j- Mr. Fielding'.' r plasm for him:.elf, a rcure1 unplral- out hawing taker) advantage of it" ._.- _ The (`on"er{nti\r% Cif Fronten&c lelled in Colonial politirnl hi"fairy' ppru\I'ions mx)nej-. Mr. Foe,ter went =%iie•r.and gave Ihr• OplN•sitiun have "()affiliated Dr. FA)wanl% tut their Nip It in the Bud. credit fur bass onIng the ratiticatiuu of ndid,re for the next Dismission elev.tl :uuilron Tine . the trebly. Speaking tile other day Irl Taimlllai, he had the effrontery to lion. diSrnrrlin the K plwSent memfer. Nufi4-c of ttpplieAliain to P.u-limale'll, for +►n act to "Institute chain Ker. l with it 511r. Ay#-ry. TIF#- IxtlYr was charged wl of Arrhilw•ts" ix given by •1 Arnnf'r711 a given lift" umbing e L"wit in rnmhinR into fir ••w•ilhuul with Opposing the winters of elle l'un- lawyer. It i" pmlom«l lee forbid any• cunt•#4Itian ally -tit pmp •r 4--n"idrr- m•1'Vative Assea;ial ion 111 voting for the iody using the "Allo,••':I.rhifecl" Inn- atiuu." Yrs he:o)", Mr. Feint Pr'" awn -Words 111 tele Ifo( a Alf Cmumonv ' salary gra h." There i" tilouble national he- is ;1 mender of she' ""id Inti• on March 1:1, IMPS : for other n1Pnllwr" will, slowed in the tate. (line flag fw re rJlrunbiii'' A petition who "'a" nal lo) yusinlwl ae N.M. "n A Chance for Fame. with the history Laf thjm mutter -light - --- - -- - Ilrn,-,n llb.Cr\'l•1' cel)' N•1'H have map %,Ned int/ll at,, These in an uutery ag&iust the re. Smile .If urn• well -tai -du oitiu'u., "pech and frolu I�1• 1,•IIIA I•km that Mensa of primmeres aim petition. ('et•- would per etllitle their [rlelnla• • ) ern• nada that thjm wnxo gaudnPw IH,Hh with the yr/[rng and tRlnlV. If(JIIINdIrI' IlPtirl• IM lo) Ie re•- j through the ngess by pls.,euti[r • F HI'll• "illi With Iltarldnai[rIe inge fug respire of Jnpan, end fur w•hirh which "ectad, then• must iN• 1111 HOL4pir9a11 of It IN•II. Ry4ry tittle its mellow tont•« w•rlala .a inlilhtte. till• l;aYerllfllrral ,,eight very well take partiality P p y in favor of why rimmer ise- through the atmosphere the citizen" u. thr/l'srlves "IwcInl rrxlit. \Ve11. callow of the number of his friends, til• Nnd reuple of the- surmnndingm would when alae Lok" flaw it. it all rinnurra down to shift, that it is heat the tort• tyealth of hi+ flintily, us- such cormider- think 1 the dool,rs and hiems their e.nnf,-,miain of it bhmdet, it is lout the &lions. Thr primmer without friendm ineinory' Why the Paradox is tardy att lllp/t Is, retrieve n oui%takP. in the title moat in neral of "ynryuathy Go mtIe Gmay of it, -lad Y and mercy, Tonmro i'rlrlrMnl. )-earn :ago. Thr fact of the Ila Ler its rt. -- Ali incream• 111 lite- price of wheat that in lest( a IIYNt)' was IlInde with The 'roronto News s+aym the de•Imion 1111'-311" dearer ltw,ul. A decrease in •i+ipnn toy the - "riti"h Goyernuseld. ,•f tilt- Lila•ra1N Alt Inmdon nut to rola• the pri'•1• Air 1-.tttlt- if()" not mean IN«d. ' • ' Thim Government at that tint#-• I emppome, llmlk/•d test Lite bye-rh•r•tjun places flip (iuv- cheAper It in perhaps natural tbat the pt•icr of hnaul should carefully intai the "Intl— and they r,tuGe te I the' run- ernnleut in a humiliating position. if not stay down when the p•ive of wheat elusion that the )• would nut le in. the Liberals had pelt up & A-Andidate frf ,I". Hilt WhY -[new flip price of I r hodead in the treaty and voum%puellll• The NI•wx A'111 (Lal have (laid they were It4•f slay )' Ilp WIII.11 f 114- pairs. 1)( Cattle o would not "hales In Il" IetlPtll ", Trying lo) holds sent th+►lwn" ••mtol4n" Kae" down :*e And from 1111111.7 till lo) tile prt•senl (1111'' lilenl Britain and Hrrm:uq and from their sopp4menls. Till• .New" is - The Curse of Landlordism. rte (•nit#4h States Alf America hate all tele KleaWn"t Itieve Alf lypocrimy 1n eliam. Ad%v ahrr. . had the IenrHt Ilint flowed fnml Ilse Aruung the uneluou" •-indelN•ndent" paten of the Two-thirlm sof file whole ,sort-+, Alf Fetagl+t[roi is held by 141,•,1,1 i penNmm, :old irt•;Ity air "iillilar tlwntie", whilst tIAu- ham teeel'n als-hi a font r mer III Y• 1 esu-thitrin of til• trhOlr ur1•a of Scut- IAA^ i I l flly"debar 'trier,- in uaithing very startling in Inn-[ h)' thirty-three h by w%- ll Half Scntlnnd i" hell by prat•" 1 thank it wan, ser l,n thin ,ids of the House drew attention to the state that the people aur lite sewn p•rmnls, w•ho Ilan oyer niur millinn lo) e.c", the fart that there wan still a pussibil• much to Ise anile am the politicians fpr lrlalnl jai tura la the whole Kingdom ity that Cannata might he Inclodpel election bri1N•ry. Thr politi4-i,ul i" nail 1(-restming 'd Ito u,eu ,1. One-sixtli of Scotland is under deer foremis, which in. within the povi-ions of that treaty. Then, and then only, thin (lovern- a dial filet Ntcirm. He in of Lha. Joe rple•; the at till enormous rate, 1,11p lrlent woke Ill/, then, 'mild then only it lel• IM the reflection of public opinion Ilighlawl :old Imlalldoe Collultls-laill stirred around. ,/lid allies tilt- llpm' Alf and mnlimeul in relation to political fou[rd that 1,7800111 acre "et +.part ,s, tan yearn they /come to it. -with whnf alffalrs: Ilia 111101.741" al's till• "VY ,'1' alt deel' pnw%'vrs were mllilable 1.11 .11'Itil IN 1'1111#41 it treaty with Japan. Well. nulr:11m of the people. Thr uuul who u fnt7itig. Beattie! NesbitCs Snap.fill. %Ir. it there in one rellmon naw, wh\' treaty should lip hailed .old a,'- 1'n11dPl,lllm Ialllirulllm 'Is aYhldvillllillg olaun#41 {\delightatoll with :Ip- I((((tself : hs. "#"Is' dai ""like till -ill aria( /)IINNa 1'llixrl, 11 'nal.( pdallflPI , aN IM•IIY\'eitIL shouldlit-, thnl•Ir they nal•. \ The nmm•rtiou ,of Dr. Beattie NembiII were fell renwinm ten %,earn Pages why Ih,/t hill pry,itison An regiatnu' ,if N'rst it "haul-[ have leen aelOpt#4I, and if" 11 would Ise i[rIwwmling 1.. kit/1V N'6's Totlorlro,.lm a "inpe lr• Fail- which he pm\•i"innm.takPn advantage cif ly shim krxlmin.,ible tar liteStArinvill• Ilat draws 1119,I1111) it year in attracting gen- era- i ttrutjof' to till- work of legis- couintry. Simply 1pessuse ten f'eat's of added he[refit over mond Above what the con,'ructimi mf the• R#4n•gian Illy friars, and flat. N •deli, of rugistr tion thin country can now obtain would caluil i, At plank in Ihr l.ilw' I plat.- gener,Uly. In rite yourNr 41f 'this (dim- have (leen obtained by inlercomxr fora. The liovernment ham vertainl • c"ssrnti It hnm INen asmerted that Dr. Nrmhill with that rotmtry fit a rwriced of time (/ not committed' . Is•el f to all #-x eI 1 ' i f Lala r wam guilty of exaggeration in r• . r .11.11 11' '" • 1 him 1 1111 t P K I Inn t 1t. 'I' Thi, i, Pages t. 1 when probably ita demand,. a on such f 4 1 xl11r - m . r 1 n 1'n 1 h ai r la ern 1 III Alf n hundred millions son mach ,t N roi n ion rrt•or on chi• part air IwcipI• 11, 111' .Ir forded would have been even greatrt s'hei n•, laud Ihe'1', i, nn dPtuand forams Pula, of income front the public. ,end n than they will Ie in the year" to till- pl/'I )' !lull 1111• hill\'NI'11111YI11 flak ;addition vnntemlmira ry ins dimcoverwl filial in ill ille x11111 aif $l,lll• 11 Ill-[ lttr emue." he 11/•1111•Illg agaillnf tilt, f•enty at up the plujrvl. The Jurlaiing elf tilt- list• netincome .if she Wral Toronto the present lime mr..Fosfer is neither new ,1 w• i 1 f Il 1 11 Ilncnl+il nljlw;a)' trill Ise office ' ni m Ifssl, itie inrnn11en1 also Iv honest slur pmntrintic. Hr is dixhunraf, it mlfllele•111 111,1111 upon lite Federal c"iVed $0t111 rot- work done fill. Infuli- 'rt. berstuse he 1.1dogized (elf` fn•,ily it )'1•,11' ri Tlr•Nm 1 Ir{ lot- m1111P #4►rN IA) 1•aill,e•. �_ r ,dt.t .. wl tial f:lr i lo 1 (mll, 1• (sofa)• 1 I r. 1t."- lit('saNsrrtiainlN•illganexaggrrnsilM, x Hr I se un.•' n hHltir 1 NY'HII ( Per, fur - it A 1%ainmelvaUve ronlruyonrY :wkn : would aplxrar shad him, inrflue w'ax lanti"ulpurpoUl•" hewunldnggr•avrtte't national dintrully. Mr. '-fer im nut •'After porta' s k v .• IH .will' 11 Alu• 'r It 1 fns• 1 nrnrly $12,lasl in I1406. IIf ,•ainrm•, the o) ' 1 0 T sl ail settlet. 'm . I 1 at. 1 'I' 1 Irving to repair hi" (1Anulge-[ Irle1rt"- I 1 I it,on kr r• 1 I• i hl kul 11 lire K +I hi" job P" Ilan• Tor)• our. lout s•„ I Il a NI ) o4 -rd. 1 per will IN' "trnrk . --- __ friends 114-1 not think to rnnlfort with tilt- Anaimnly of a aegimfmr I,•- , l8ullying Witnesses. eeiving themm leer with `the idea that tilt. new than IIIlleh higher n•munrratiun it Uoulininn (Cabinet Minister. onlooker b, St. Theories- Tian Opposition t- 1 ,Ide 'm t. 1 of flip 1 t luifliing iNMxlhl• or . #-yen than 1 remitm• himself. In one w• at I r noun h t lam4 pcaiptl• kind. When hr gets after Whitney ----___-__- fair disliking' in gas int- rrnt n, Wit ` and the tr"t of then) fit the next mese t POLITICAL NOTES. have , 1, All)• frame. F'1.OIII what i hayrml«•n of Ihr• Irp:alnlent tai which pini), they will require all Iheit• mvin. _- witne,m« :air srlhjrrled by httllyi[rg txtthy fur their own party leaders. A despatch from Ottawa mini,-- 111-1 opt,mition llwyeom, it in an sullen) 11 r. Alxrp<nr knaitvm tlult the path to the Lilx•rAl rendition nlntwiat Fe1x'tt" rPKKAyling the llon. frau which Any Neff-arspxrting x•rmm sun v well slnink. \fhil4 virlairy ill 1►ntariai fires not lir over lards of rowel. 111)(1. if the know hearing -if A. B, A)lexworthx are entirely un war rnnlc'1 h) .rinlPjudgPs on Illy 1.1•n41111mp1' pmtAct Iho- rigQshta of witre-sem, time til#- The d4afnexN ix only many allow it anything nlx{ut hit', he is willing to putiAl ^l an And lempllntry and t4ee I. no n1` lift hulldlrt all, browls•nten a ped akeAny board knockx that, ills)- cnnle thought of :err. Avle%wort h'x havirl g .:or,uenel in tilt- immat domineering, lis wear. to •. _ _ retire Pion) public life. t. Iifvtl. lond'voited mai n n rt.. They Im•r•mir Inw•veral I-) ,look ,Intl in The Kincnrlinr Review erdVINNfPM lo) Till- t.:1 1 eta(" ai 1 f fe ndnn decided /Illi put A P,1ndhlNtP In the• field for the Nlsl, tlp"lll II tIAW f•1„ to till- 111o.t ir- r#-J•vant, inonaletinl, personal, in"ult- he lengthening of the public school eve I"' -election. They thought it wlntJl fngtitlextin000. which have no leering lerlod )Ill A enn-Prtive ail the ,home- I''llty unfair to Nr. "Violate. At the eonventiofl livid (tat week it whatever elplll Ibe gnwtim) lit laNlle, fork evil. If no a ils, were allowed pupils, w"s All ltnll114-w1 that. Mar Hyman F'or inminncr..lohn Snaith IN n w ihnlxam ,rho n try the entrance examination be- world relearn in the xprit And wp old Its pill mannish camp. lawyer A"k. him it till fern Nation, Mg.•, flow much ':=; iretiteAgeoftwelveorthirteenyr^rn' le the I,iletwl randidatA• fit. Ihr gen- 1he mono'v Be Waits in nn insin,l- 4rll hepuhlic socias( c/Nlt'ae would auto- election. -lin K mann#-r if it in not n taut that ' 11%deally lengthen. there would be no _ _ - _ _. soca" one time ars-"ted for moune- sA«m or exivrtr#- fair cramming til#- �» 1 ' Safe' a in thingor If Iola father wasn't once air others j r "t# -ailing xhpep. A upils, and tete homework evil would A citiwn of an ontAtin tA)wn an. witness xhould he treated Am a citizen -Lae. it aft notplPaaant to think that nrlunofd Tairon him intention of moving ter who Is endeavoring to Aid in she,td- 1P brightest of the children Are bring g at. "�Vhxt Are )enol thinking oiilt)ing �' anal. I ministration, of Itiptice, not orim- Ijuted and their pmMpects ref x[rrremm asked ,t citizen of Toronto. to e l A law{•4r ,hrnld not IN• nHnw'p(1 flay anything tA, A nlan in Ihr Wit, {d happiness in after -life ilupwire-d r the ernwding and rushing of Ph#- "Getting An hnnart living." nP.m "W# -ll, there in one thing FIIrP," w"N to box that he world not dArn m%r Join fare nn the xttriet. If the wit the iblle sech/1ol coutxe. Tlrtchero, and havermucht':Iong1 ItiLion.e "1'nn wnn'1 I u.•ss 1Ni lawyer. - rellenfa iOpf"•rlinrnce haul til/• tilt- (Leto appeals to the jildFe ONTARIO Iand the latter fr tluentl • see\•"1,•1 reprimands like w'itnes" anal lhreitit•n Mail for •'contl•nnpt of court." HOW 1•8 e a selfawslacti[rg p•rsoll fecal wlythi[r else but cwltellipt fail- a court whit I perluitxsurllruty,orilylNhelKelinllP A ane paper said Iwrend-v on this sail, N ject : It is like hl/sder; thing in lb " world to make the la•uple enter foruol ennlldaintn. They sw• the wrung l,t " flag done : tout ^laws by on the Otho side." It fuse)• Is• a horie that is Iwrul - -brutally tortilred : yet flow will oak - tie vtelem tle•l•essary to briuK Ito • huulan brute tso justice. For this, w r have largely to thank she bullying Ilawyyrt., lir huts luade the• giving u " r'lo Ito ,err it 14-1-t•ell• Lo ul,linaly' p.oPlo Some folk, iudeed, would alNnit au ✓ mNml Ise compelled to enter till- prix I ones N stock ase flat- witness Ia,x. , 1 The Fish Hatchery at Wiarton WiNt•Iain Brio : Alialut one yearage The Echo Anounced that A Il 'I halvht-ry would Ise built lou %vial•ton There war an elrrlion tilt then, And ii was thought by solve that after tha event nothingR motes would le hear ' abut it. Texluy a building two ane a half stories high, •t.ix.-,tt feet, with erih and dock atands on the shore as l'o11oY"Y• and it sGuld" AN u mouse went to Ihr ability of Manager Mc Nabi, who IIA% overper, the whu11 work and had it dour well. Thr esti uaattd cost of lir l.uilding WAN $111,, 1IIN1, int under his watchful eye the whole {work haw beefl dune for Ip1,6alu %u if Ihr Dominion lioverutnrnt wants to 1w4WIlize!a valuable mae n they hav one in him they should not lxus Iiy. It will Ile of interest to anyone to take a walk and ser the building. Ther Are fifty-lotir fry troughs, six i[rrhe) deep and ern iflchr" wide, and it is expected that every year four land it half fllilliunm of eggs will iw ll:ltcliwl nese. The w"tet• curie" from the, puugi housi• a few feet awrn-, mr there will never Im• a-carvity of that article. 'rise a INlt•-tlirm tall, lewell finishes( for n awe ling apart•uenl fur Mi. NeNabb, and here With hi,, sister hr will live after till- limt of Noveonlwr. There are four leedro,mi%, fission Buret, kitrhro. dining -room lint[ twulor, and there r% an entrnne.e front the parlor un a verandah fl,rnn which tine can dhtain plobibl• Ile IN•sl view Jobe found in thin town. . It can 4,11 he m•en th'•1e, &till it in beautiful at this tiAlw of the year. The hlnestitne cliff", the wide expanse of Witter, and the woodm at Colpoy%, with the gentle mint" in the hind At Oxenden. It 'nay' le "aid that there are few place -4 where I lie mcenrry j, more ideal than front, thin point. Thew in Is docii with a depth of water twelve feet alongside, No any legalist ran easily col a in, while therr. is N break - Water which will protect the building against high w aten TM Right Answer. Theta i" n sharp point of lutlhoN an this "telly, which was related tat A temperance Opposing. A rlmn who had ruined him health Jay heavy drinking met looking sadly at., him wife, to whom lie hall ma -le many pronli"ea of Lerman. Jemmy," he said, •'{•ou are it clever Wu1n11n—a rolllag#4oll", good woufan you should have Married a letter maul than 1 alit." Site II-ok4d .It hills, prematurely haggard Itnd old. "I did, la,esr.." she An%were) quietly. Thr Signal and The Montreal Fam. HY Herald gild Weekly Star to Jan- uary tat. l$Net, to new „Itomctilm•IN for. 7-i rent.,. PATERSON'S 5V$Zk"-.-__4f * The Cough Drop That Cures emand 11,e threr-caroesed is the sal and yellow baa GODERICH ' BUSINESS COLLEGE will iN• IIIN'1114I moe'll I,\' a Ilnallag,•111r111 who Iraitts more vfkilllg INrglh• as HoA,k-kereperl. Steiwgrapilelr, and Tel- egrapher, Ito"n any othet• in Western (halauiai. IndivIdunl instruction. (intdtlatem plavel in games]-ituetions. Day and flight „lamw.m. Enter any film•. For Catalogue write GE O. SPOTTON, WiNGHAM togesesio"."Apate "I"• 1.ARGES7 ANS 01-1 CENTRAL •TiIATFORD, ONTi ' By being Ills. Iwst thin whool ham leenme the Inrg#-"t business training school in Western On. Invice. Our em,dnlent ag,arn px- reedea that of a vent• ngo. NVhy,, IJraus e V ,one cases thoraiilgh Alltd • ;still praejcal with mpecil"IN in ♦' o large..f one Commercial, Short- hand and Toole 1raphy d ep,I rf nen tx. All --gilt, lialem obulin good NM' sa m Irl 11 )',III Illi(' enter nlYl• 1 y now. %Vl'i Ie for aiur free catalogup. ELLIOTT0 A Mc LACHLAN, I'ri air f{ma 1 _, GET THE BEST. IT PAYS. .then-[ the. Im'p,lhal and progressive ELLIOTT GW TORONTO, ONT. ;11111 le th'srnnghl)' eeJl4-Atw1 for bu-- inem, life. All graduates of thin srhnail ,tsp al„olutply "Ilreaifgptting plNitious. The demand is vonsidpr- ately giender than the supply. Now i, :in excellent. time to enter. \\l ile for r•atollogne. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ('or. Yonge sisal Alexn1111e1St,. r • A SITUATION .is good salary awaits every gradnate, of the CENTRAL AU&INEA& COLCEOE. Experience proves this positive- ly. Enter any time. Catalogues free. Write W. H. SHAW, PemcipQal, Young and Gerrard Sts., L o - a ronto. Canada. _ - ---� We AOHESON 41 SON 6LANKETS EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES Fine all wool blankets, British &aid Canadian Makes, NII sura aai,l weights, and whipped singly, best varnishing quAHtIN. $4.� All specially priced to reduce stock this mouth ... ..... lr, $1 LADIES' COATS Head). -to -wear -Coats iu smart tweed effects, plain c1ut6N, will, A,, elxr,-P111 %huwI,eg (If black (rout", $7, ��' N erial, ... . ... ........ and $12 TWEED COA•1-IN41S Au ,-xc,-pliouAlly large allowing of hrad (' v Tvel'sating, II„ ladies' %%var, very stylish [rutteritilr solid para• wool .lock a ..................... $� 1 � .25 slid $1.7 LINOLEUMS and FLOOR COVERING J 211 ue•w pie t -m of Scatch Liuuleuu,s, Sl, 3, &alit I yards wide. F:legsnt patlerrn, and we quote them at taut w,&Nlm'r 0e• 50c prierr -quare , Im•-que yard .................... 4 and 60C WHITE GUILTS I :tit sail), u'hi[,• Ainviicau Crochet Quilts, largesize, leetutiful. l' [rated,- :Ind lini,h,-d, regular price, WAN Saturday and Monday $1.10 CARPETS and RUGS , We quote all Hairs and Cadets this month at special prices. Union Carpets. 33e•, hlc and •ick•, at'd6c, :ilk: and Ilk. Wool Carpets fur Itis, Tic &flat isle•. Tapestry Cart -pets. :ale•, Ilk:, 511c mild dk- Brumwl" CArpets. Bic, 7:1c, $1 &aid $1. 14). We ACHESON ct' SO N Rheumatism Cured Do you Luuw why ),oil are suffer ng with Rheumatism? Because your kidneys are sick. They are too weak to filter uric acid from the blued. This acid is poisoning; your system, and inflaming vvery nerve in your body. Those excruciating pains in hands, shoulders, back, knees and feet—are the r.sult of kidney trouble. Stop the uric front poisoning the blood cud there will be no RheunuaLs t. GIN PILLS avre "heum&lialx beta,lae they man, Che kidesy.. They replace dismissed settle View. ou., healthy tirue—alreagthea the segs...._ Leu lr&la.e uric acid—nod .—,, this blend Was pure Gad rich. Try GIN PILLS on our plants" game&,a uset they mwt cure you air s"Aso, reteaded. Ye. a ham --6 foe llr.yo. At all dt&lers w ham ROLE 011Y6 CO., Woom oa 1►ga, as... "t" elsl� � m i4=0IDEA NEW IDEA SW& Aa McKIM MAGAZINE t Iloc. 7c. SOME SPECIALS NEW SKIRTS WHITE WAISTS ' latest style% In black, n&yy. PURE SILK Kneen and brown. You pave (Mill ei.fll for [ro Metter and Well matlstied. Ther are fol- cnn $3.50 and $4.00 AWUT JACKETS Time you were looking alm,ut that joicket for yourself or the girl. We invite you to Pope our showing. .You don't have ►l, buy last we Would like to have it chance of showing what we can do, Jackets $I.75 to $20 Crochet Silk. Pule ,ilk, :dl colors, l&p(e -pools. L' for 16c Pearl Lustre for nip cla"m•N of Aland 31 to clear, 81.35. Thry are pare silk, well made, „aa," triuuned with fine valenrirnne,, with hemstitch. Lurks, muse :rd :aid :u. Were weld at 82..'o to $s -iii. All at...... ...$1.25 OVERCOATS Aleds honvyweight hlark Iwaverovrr•oataat 88 to $1",. fair......... $6.60 to ell 00 Men'm tint, tweed ower•.'ats. -pecial at •7.60, $10.00, Swoo Men's Ktoffe Clst,em and fees. jackets .......... $3.60 to $7.00 Buys' ,OvetroAGlat llrices(,,.L• rich people like to pity. I white needlework, per dorm" eskeinx................. 30c More New Millinery Peri Lost& will °w •,4 and rt.• E%y ry week, ,almost every day, uranin (right. F ­nal 1-411 new millinery is One of the whvs braider))• alit[ •'ll kinds white slur millinery business iN grow- eulbroielvr), 11t :i mkeins for loc Ing. MCKIM'S BUSY STORE.I r SOME EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN HAIR BRUSHES ail' ALI• hl\11,, .\\II NI'ZI{.s 11 \1.`11 1(I Itl'f:lt. 11"UN. UELIXIA)If1 \\r, LU,N11Y1 >I 11 DRESSING COMBS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE S. I2. HICK, As - - Centra/ Drug Store I`oll1•:Itu('H, „\TAIfO 'ALWAYS TH E•' BEST AT HICK'S." I Looks Like I j; � / Your Coat i)oosn*t it I A pretty nice n trlel rm Made 4•t i ncOs lou b or 50 inches long in tine melton cloths with fine quality velvet collar. A dressy coat find one that can bo worts on almost any occasion. This is another one of those famous fi I- �' "_4:`• . . � I ­ • I . I., Raft / av style -makers. - - - We are Sole Agents for King and Borsalino Hats and 20th Century Brand Cbthinj WALTER C. PRIDHAM 11 _ -omm�ame� 01