HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-24, Page 2.04
8 TnuanDar, lkwber "4, 1907
t -- pprl►►ut variety, that it will ie free (risen parrots should unite to provide the OTTAWA NEWS.
liouuism, and -that it will tend to reuely.
1Q„� 11.96 rosdrn and not to narrow for mut-
� I'ak of the children uprNl lift-. Thee Thr howls eroded haw taken ,s1
liar [well x teat door[ of sedvrtxe "rill- Lair the sending p
W)UEHII'H. t/NT.1)tIV. g M N ale nlatluO W
siren of school nDtheOk% used in tar taw;[ 10 foresaw upon (he Hovernm
PUBLISHED $Y6KY THURSDAY United Staffers, on the ground that
ah' they distorted history, Anti Inculcated tae urgtont uer•eaaity of irnprt�ving I
IVANATTEM t ROBERTSON contempt air dwikr of other uatiuu", IlnI h.1r. Thea is the right Ihfl�g ton
Telephone t'o►ll Na at. and fostered an Ignorant national con. Nor .gout- should Me lett unNrnlel ; a
Torfner of arMorisuon reit. Che Arnerleans aro growing mut Ili,• U,ry.•1 emelt should Isar inyae.
11.110 of this habit, and it im to Ihr hntotd
per ■nonejnrdv,or•o that we in Canada. will nut wear the itsalro"Kly'Rs INls-ible will' tile- L
Is due :throe tsw,"tM, IFad
To t'alt«I cols. ulrrriber., tl.rAi a year ''art -OK clothing of narrow nod Ignor- that tilt' INN1ple of (imit•IIt-11 told vi
I.I Nct loo 111 adtr,uvl Int nativibink.
Hubs•rltfe. who fail Io ae,•Ciye Tar; :;m"AI • nity' Ili-*- ill deal earliest in [hi* Irl
re,pahirly by mail will currier a (*torr by sac. Canada oullht, lit e-o1111w, Im be faddy
gailnoail a„If the f.N-t at w early a data. a. rrmrerentPal its these readers, liter care. Isar. '191e d.•pu111f k-11 should Ire t
I.ewdble. 'nal, its history and ib poblie ern, stiouge.l tilde caul lot- Kill tugeth
w'h . r rlu,uge Ilf eddrns, IsA..sitxNl, holh tkr ie%
-light tU ►w shown in - their dor ,rte- caul the Illf•IIIIN•1'w-hnllal l,lkl' wlina
old and I hit new addt'e"r should be Irl% els, 1 !
1*IrtiOns. llfeliorre mprushriuld nut la• pre-4en1 lileir claim ill till- must off,
AaveaUHaa flea.; alted into giants and h"loell because '
the ' live Ill+alelri•1'.
la+tral and other riwilar Wtnruwlwnl., boo' ! )' ora' l.auiulian', arid luelitr`resluff
per lice for nose! Insertion red N• per line fen i,should not he foistatl till children at-•
each sulassorr ff"t luse/ion. illoa.ruled by " r:1JNe it is written by CaoRdiaits. The .
aomllsrt,d reale. t -wive title. to an lurk. The Mlrehantf.
Baelnsss r&r,ts of -ix One, *led under, 65 Joel ' Aim of :t series of readers is to '
YOU. 1'•t-, h children to cereal, nod lit know I alit we Frva,
A10m %'renfeal. tt ha•t, Foaud, stra)fd, tosit "lust is beat in literatit e, whether it Fit -how you d{:mu.u"d.. lace, and ialr••n res
at- I ions �'w•rnt, vi t tail Ina. w'*ntr,l. Hmlw-, fen
sale or rte hent, Fara", for :bile w Ili Hent, is Produeel in Ureal Britain, ill Pana- (of all %-arlet v,
AHkde. for bale, etc., uc extrsdjug eillhl 1 da, ail• in file United States, They At IuNrsl e't,t :
lines. Gk• each insert jail; SI for ant mouth, Xk ---it lit lit know, tool, ter, r'al liteni. We,o it )fchaslede.l .
(oreachrulNm,gaCUlwuutll. larsp-rrdveki.r- �' K tK' a7.
liter Is in prop ertiou. folio hila beell p[•ohu•id ill /ether 1't•1•fe. t in every line :
Announcement -lit ohdinrry rearling I)lw tau •.1lintrle, and in other language.-. r'uuuot„imr,.urnly' will bu) of the Vilosi.
cent. per line. Kit notice hiss Chau L:r. 11 1st rif fill- children Wh40 nI trod our
Any •iwrial uotiw, the oblts•t of .v to I, is Ihr ;•111 I Ion t ill• [few.
),pcuniarLirrnrHt of way iudividurl air +ward. lie arhtiols will Ilse• receive ant Nail it-.• r.1' rkgrul brnrv•lel. auA ne"klacc,..
&tion, to mnshlered an advemiscuiew .,1d ,fhrr achlal elllrntion, real the Iiter•
tobeokal•Iredat•rvadh.,�yy I•y' training they rrcari •r its the Aleut rnw quality:
Rata. for display . ap metol[. wh'er1141•- i local Is Iwt i, iow ; 1 d
nwtrts will be oral ell nu appliuglon, "'1luola .algal t0 Iw NII Illtnah�'tll ltd tie Na
• ,e great, tl•eurulw huM.r of litre■tori•, kowrakl asst drift, 11).1 :
AAd ser" all conuuunfcatia" to I -ought ll) hloddel their fill lira. fn•.•. I'jil all ruiulwN kissed; '
yANAfrF:R It KOHERTIa)N, i ,g thew from lbe deluaiuu lint their Lldic,ri..•r•:111) In buyotLim, fit•..
Tax ■sonar- e•.untr • is lire world, and that the a taut IIt.•.IIUN.
IfYr,eliorb.thft. i ag
__- _ its whish they live is the duly age 1m1 I..e.h,phe) aur you cupet. ural ext- ul.it
GODEIt CIL THU148DAY, txT. u. Itsr,, wh#.Ne• 3chie'eustools are worthy lit Choice -I of Ilunlerius
uolr. A, to patriotism. no worse set'- Allo 1 -hon , '
viol' call Is• done to a country than to Heavy a...1 ,oft ,,.,,I Nhite, s
THE a3PECTATON AGAIN. lJve its children unfair or uufrielldly Spread in ;t +finale night ;
__ v dews 'If other cuuntrie+ and liroplea. Folk Nilo h:we widow will buy at till•,4816"-.
If our sch000m lurid forth child -if
Replying to nom* remark■ in The tole world with healthy ladies, sound tom ole Itti u.
Signal. The Hamilton S)wctalot• Says ; "'ras,eienceth and well-( rairl.d minds, SO1Oe11ik'a Ill .how yoN priceless and wolrlte
No protectionist -wane protectionist tht-v du flip highest possible service i1.
P for patri,,ti.m. Malting these"hee l..•..,
-ever made an ettrnlpt to du the dole Tawdry wad vnju
Itossible. Every protectionist recelg- -� Ti. but a t-duak or gra>
nizes rile fact that it p iltablelible, sit POLITIUAL NOTES. w s*i'f i"s Ilie world aN.r)
lame countries, W prudtably make }j;llal)' the ('•,e N'lIU NI❑ ba)' Of Ike Ilaill.
goods which are plolltably nlaile in
other countries. No protectionist 'Then• appeiu� lit Iwaul inere.as,. .of .-St Nichol.,.
ever thought of pairing tortes in Can• hallormatly in the United States.
ado -nor oranges, nor roeaanuts, not, - -- FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES.
hananas, Hut all pmtectioWstm think Bteakfamt fads are going, rip in
that raw cotton, which is carried to
(rent Britain and ruanufartund Price' which I% not surprising iu view
then, call Iw currier to Canada and 'If the gnawing ncxrrily of timber. Immune.
maoufacturet here fire The Canadian - . - -- -- I letla„d Lead,•..
market. We are told that Mr, Kipl'ng WAS A An Isnglish dlr•tur dPelares that
Why du protectionists draw the di"Itpp()intuleu, fu Ilium• vb�w heard wildest) is a d{aritarv. %Ve know y lit
him io Toronto leapt week. ' We had 141 troplr who have Ireu vaccinated.
line twtwrru the manufacture Of cot-
ton gootla and the growing of cotton % 11at credited the Tutonto people with a Dangerous to Touch, Him. I
They claim that cotton *annul Iw "111111''11 per"piencity. Lend In Aa vert I,-,.
Ulan ufaeturel in Cxllsda withmrt a - It is n 1)n,tty safe prediction lila
Tilt- lipple-growing Industry "hold,) lilt' Ontarom Government will leave
Protective tariff, and they will ad 'III
reeive an ifaatwtu4 (toil) the gree[ Ili•, Ne"bitt alone, He CAl•rie" lin
of c()ufar, that cotton call tae grown 111"Illy party secrets tinder his hat.
in Canada with a tariff high enough hired soul hiKh prices of the present Wast
season. tally t,u•uleiN were begin• i About Oliver Mowat ?
to warrant the nacre. -try artificial Illllg tri de•"IMII' of Ihrlt• ol'rhltlrlm lint I Ilnawa Journal.
coyditiuns, if it i" not goal hu.inram this )Iqu the old ,ygdr lire ha. teen a Cw-r11(y-fiyr year" of untimlivn vic-
W pill a tariff on raw cotton to ton- fury in puhlir life i, Mr. FieldinK''
Courage its rmm�ty-nmker. oitim for himxelf, n Iw•unl unparal-
taKe growth here, how ran it - IPllet in #olo,tiAl )rdifirltl r!I, ti i
be goad burineas to put a tariff un The Conservatives of Fronteuae
cotton manufactures to encourage have nntninatel Dr. Ftlwnnl,s tie their Nip it in the Bud.
their manufacuira• here'', 1s not the l-mididate ins the next' IAominion elec. 11 -aunt"" Tin,—
test of A profitable industry the fact lion; diw•anliug the ple"rnt : em1)er, Note ire -If "pplicali.1n Jr. Riiii:rueor
that it can Ile Carried on without the Mr. Avery. The latter was charged oft.-kl n ""tl. II, lost ahlish ate "Inmlitille
artificial Rid of a tariff % If an in. with roplxrsiug the wishes of the ('un. lawyer. It i. given by' f Mill an)-.
) proloM.1 to forbid any-
dustry cannot iw carried un withuut s•evative Aswrcialiuu ill voting for tile, testy n"ing the Lame "Architect" mit
protection, that is ruffdcirut pnr,f "Iwlary' grab." 1'bee is hollblp alit x/l less lit- is :1 mrmlwr of the mofid In"ti-
that it IN not a profitable industry. fur other inenl,wrs will) )owe[ in the tine. (►nos nu,rerilrrw rnwbialr.
It is absurd, of course, to talk of saint. lw.af. A Chance for Fame.
growing rutton in canada- but it Isla 11.•.....11 uh.nr,el.
to be a very obvious absurdity for The •There is a,t outcry AgaiuAt the rt-• `tittle :41 our well-to-do eitiu•u,
le•illw ,1
f3pectaWr to we it. The ftePtnule f pm"Durr_ ()n psetition. ('PP would IartrlgM:de their 11lt-oan•y
holds that t is an #ttso a ft- for the• t:ainly. if Canadian joodlgp IN to Jen n•• through the ages by plew tittg Ilton.
slrtt-1. there inteit Ir• no,sumpirhon elf mall with a h,uul"nett Iwll. f very
country to ruaintain Rn) industry tittle it" mellow tnufw would wintillate
partiality in favor of ally primmer len. through the Ntwnsphere the citirens
that cannot survive withuut proG e- (;atom• of the, nulnlwr of his friends, the people oaf th4. murroondin
tion, the very fact that it needs inn- and gto wo,tld
wealth of Isis family. or such vonsider. think otie(- d•nlors and hlPm, their-
Ability being the country,
of its un"flit• atiuna. The prisoner without friend" "senior)-.
chili is o the tmea IN the one moat in need u( myopathy Why the Paradox is
This does not mean that tars attempt and nlrp• Toronto "1'clrrrxm.
should the tnRade to manufacture cot- • y.. -- An increase in tb.• price of wheat
ton goads in Canada. We believe The 'Toronto Newa way" the de•iai„n lite:ails dr•,r'pr 11rea,l. A de•crealw in
that more cotton would lie mane. '•f lilt' Lib"TRIN tit landon not ho ,.(an. the prise• 'If rattle does not mean
rht•aper 1*.•f. It is pwrhapa natural
factored in Canada under free trade test the- bye -election pbues Ili,• (lov- that. the price of ,,r•,ul mhould not,
than under present condition_. Io• e•frulent in x huruiliaLing IH,Nitiun. if stay down when the prior of Wheat
■read of being lestrirtetl to a comp+ua_ the l.itwn4111 haul put up It e:hdi,j,alp glees Leri. Hair vvhy dolt v the. price of
tively small market, Canadians would The News wu,tld have said they were t'e`f .,try rip when file price of cattle
uuanufgcture cotton for the world. trying t() hold ;t ,post that was ••stolen" gr,l.+ flown
This in not mere theory; Great Brit• fr"lal their oplionents. The News is The Curse of Landlordism.
ainindoin it. Ihr gle,t"ie•"t pure of hyleoul•im). U-iodoor Ad,t'rtl,.-r.
The Spectator contimlae%: anhu11g the un(-ttlotem '•{rulependelt" T1vri•lhilrls of the whole lied of
h:faglAod iN held h)• 111,•,1,17 p erwitla, and
If it erre tnlP that every industry PAtepr%of the country- Iwo-thitrls .if the Whole an4a of seot-
in Canada which eximtm toy reason of - land by thmty-rhrep pvj%,,fa4. Half
A protective tariff means stn eeotlo,),ic There is nothing veey ";&I.11ing in Seedland it, held by s•t'eu Ir•rwat",
loss tothis country. Canada mumt fen the st tenieM that the f"•uple ntr• a., -1111 ,river ower• nils.• million an'r.•.,
in a had way, for tilt- great balk of the nmeh Ili bbalue n" the falitirianv fair efott11 in area to the wharf#• Kingdom
uvmufactun•+ of Canadlt are mwle e1 ltrnnnu'k. ilne-sixth .d Se.1tlao,l
posrible by mean' of it nole•tiwt• plerliun bribery. The lsolifivotra is not
1 is 111144.1. deer foreslm. which are in -
tart$. x dirtinrt "taciPm. Hr in of the people; creAa1119 at Inn ellormolil" rate. The
The hpectator la•m viol, odea, r•Irn helm the reflection mf puhlir ()piniu' Ilighbind and Island" ('mm�lis,imn
not, produce the proof for ilea .title. and 4eletiulenT in n•batioll to pellitiral fuumd that 1,7fi11,1s111 ace's Net Apart :n
nffxilw'; his uunnl" ere• the average IIe•I' pmn'M•1 yl•N Well- ,Ilslaldp l.1l Nil 'it
nlenle that the great. balk of CHn+ulhlll ge' Ger loiug.
manufectur exist ()rely by virtue or A loorals of fhr lwople. The men w•ho BeattW Nesbitt's Slurp.
protective tariff. We dri not believe '"'"delete)- Ialitivirlll,•ri" r40ndenuli11w
IIaN 1'
r [etre 1 ,
. hr he s r
111 oris
it 1 I to
We believe that mels their, t 1 at nuhuhu•tiu•iteg us 1 u w What• The n --ration of Dr. Beattie Nrabill
a whole i% hatutr•red by the tariff. they it,e' hull his fon-inion as registries. of %%,pat
Take away the tariff, and the weak It would IIF inlwwstimw 1., know wills Toronto i- to "itircnn• for which he
duawm $[►,11110:a y'rsir i" Atti-t-ling gen-
indumtrier would go to the wall and is reml"en"ibbr for the ,lalehl/rol Thal. Aral ;ittentien io the work of regim-
the legitloate rllmufartorer, or the lheconol rurtion of til#• (;Iorgian Lilly trars, and life m)•"tele ()f segintnatiorl
country, [[real of the burden under c:uutl i- n plank in Ihp Libel -al plat- generally. hl Ile volitNe of thin dip.
which CiIPy' II()t\' NlnlgglP, WOIII/d [onus 'rl'r (;uvrrnmrnl lin- certainly e11"wion it hits been nsmertf•d Ihat Dr.
Nembiti enol gn{Ity of exlggpration in
an Ilryl•I' ba'fnn•. 11 is only nal re11&toillfd itself tit all exprnditnre regard it, his eloelolnellf • Thi, I. not
reltaonablr t.. he
Leve thin, and even of n -hundred Million- on mush at a r011nuen eerier oar fails part of Iwcipi-
protection the,rien are nut imperior lit scheme, +led 1114.11 i- no demand fnml (oillH of inronu from the puhlir, area n
IY•IM"tl' the p,u•ly thou the llrorrrnnlrM, take rontPtulli'vilry likes discove•"41 shift ill
'to ld iti()ri i0 tae NIllll of $1.711• nuteltfm
This melientott in (' flip
ext it in off a ml- fhr plujerl. 'net• INalldirig of till• the net inconm of hl'* West To -onto
h h tariff w l fhr exiate 1, of le ni'ty tra11"""n"11cntal 1•AilWay Will In• lot11rr in "Net- Ih4. inefattlla'nt awl
I .. I le-
high tariff wall ;alunK tile I'niled it s,tf 6vot drain reform dile Felernl ("*IV"' $7- Al free w,lrk done fur 1r1Ufai-
States Io1•eler, Fn•e 11-1041" it, Crina'M Tleawlrry fair ,Dail•.veal, 10 earner. eipalif iem. Mo, that. rise. horn Ire. NrN-
woldd, we IS•lie%v. be the greate,1 _ hill'.A--rrlium I■•imgall exraggrrarioll.
it would Aplwxl that Ili, inconle wmm
101OW filial (.4011111 IN' deald f" I•nitel A ('nns•evillive runleoilanu•y :asks : nearly' $1'S,IesI in little. tar e40nt+a•, flip
'Stales prote,•l ion. 11111 .1111 lhuutGle. "After Wet" kville, will AlaeKay feel 'r.,rontai 40nh a is a pAl l iefalarh' 1"en1-
toll■ Mr. Lemieux Gang to Japan - Tral
Ot• Still Increasing.
rut Ottawas (Art. 9). -At. H mtoetiug ,
lair the "IfIllet yPmteday Itfteruaam if
do. date of the opening,.f Pm-liesslent was
rid set for November •K. It had law
hoped their, the departmental relr,rl
41sa'd used limpal•ation of the legislative pro
jet graus'would have lawn "efficiently sit
,.i• vanctd by thin time to epable Part{r
meal a .r ()n Moveslllwr li air 'S
'i1' Imp �1Ix►'isidHhl. Irlays and Ili
he Hllsen, - of several ,if tilt- Ministers i
er, Kurupw• un buairlem of "title during
largo luu•t of the auooue• have Iv
fu sult.•d {u huddirig back tilt, opening h
"'• t wit weeks.
Attiaturday'at'uuucil tilt- jrrincips
g11e%tioti diartistswl wits (lie 1111.x rill ii
Hun: Me. Iw,ulieux lit-Ixpufa. Il i
Confidently expected this, when faun
tilt's eitae I" pteaellled til Ole Japaanrsl
Uovermiteitt by Mr. Lemieux ,Liprl
will consent to abide by the under
standing am W a limitation ,of ilslnli
gr•uliou to Cantina in force when the
treaty wH" signed, but it will lose made
�wrfl+clh' plain by Mr. Loinierix at
uklo that if the iuunigratitn► is nui
linhilet as desired by Canada [lir U()v
ernusent at Ottawa will promptly give
the six nwreths' notice necexasary it
abr(Wale• file treaty. r. Lell►iemx: it
older tai reiwli Tt)kio :I4quickly as pars
sible, has again eh;ulgel him pilus,
cud inrtend lit going vitt lAmeloti has
"4111elled his I'as,:,tge mit tilt- Virginian
fur friday Irext, :&till will now go vin
e' 1'luleonver. whiling flour [lint 14.1.4 rifa
lire :Luh Inst., as originally intended.
Cpnadn's Trade Still Increasing.
The trade ligules of the 1Alsuinion
fur Meptrnstwr and fur the filet six
smooths of the cement fiscal year in.
r dicate a continllei large expansion of
l'anada'a trestle. The Norma fur
Seldentiwr ane,wpecially gratifying in
that they show a very large Increase
of export -4 over tirptelliber of hist
year, the illeease fowl. the Muplh, to-
gether with the August increase,
counterbralancing by river three 111i1 -
lions the dreleases ,of iht- previous
fulls• months.
Last month every line of industry
showed a large ins -teas- in export*,
with the single extepliou of the hale.
Pries, which rl'OWed :i dt•Cl•ww 11f
about half a million, as et Ipale,t
with September, 1lNNI. The rural
triule for the six Inowll" was *too INII,.
t lis), an increase of tl:t-1:.11,(41 over till'
c()rnwl oliding six months Of last year.
Fosll is Uri Ib els Dealing,
I Iwo"loo Adveilj.es.
P Iti" II&Id lu,icquit the Ienelrlr lit' the
s Uon.ervietive IsM1y of duplicity in
their llrat11lent of the Asiatic pr ob-
le,t,. The fileh of Han -a d show that
Ms. B0111t-1, when the AnKlo-,la nesse
t"Pit I %. was Iwfore the House of uonf•
salons, 1epronched the Iiovernmelt for
outhaving taken advantage of it.
pro[.-wnm slom•r. Mr. Forster went
furtvher, nod gave the Oplarsition
e 1
te.lit fail- ems
h truet r
K1C h uitificxtiun of
the trealy. Spefa[ing life olhrrday
Ill '1'uro111e, he hied the r'ffsonlery to
chal"ge Sir Wilfrid I.mrie• with a
"eanlina l G&tdi" in rro'hing into the
convention "Witluuul propperr rune{der-
ati0u.•' Yee herr deo. ..1fr. Faster'*
own wands in the H40u4r of Common%
on March IS, IWO :
•'A perasm Who was nut :aequ"intef
with the history of phi: matter- freight
t el y well hdvr Sup ,.1s.1 from Ill
stwech :old frrone t 4. remarks Ilial.
Were• ulmdr that this War a br:ridnew
tle•Ialy made with the young and pis.
ing eu,pire ()f JApn
s, and fire whish
the I;overnnoeelt 11eighl very well Iake
to. tile1114elves .Is.•cial credit. Well,
when unto Itaks intao it, it :ill .iulnsrr"
down to this, that it i" hill the I:de
4;,o11re.si40ri of a l'hendee. it is font the
tttdy nttrfrll,t rte retrieve H mistake.
0say the least of it, Trull. molly
years argil. Tilt- Girt of the nuUter i"
that in Doll it treaty wits Made with
J#tp;ul try tile. Britimto Government.
t. • ' This (:ovrnnmrnt mt that time,
I NllptaMe, rar•fllny Im ked inti the
matter and they Lune to the con-
clusion that. they would not be in.
.1tideol in the treaty and con"jurntly
would slot "hale in itm Iwnrfits. '
Anti front Istel i lip t, Ili.. pmreselit
lune (;1'-111 Hrita if and Nrren:rly Hied
the Fniteal Slate. e( America have all
haul the benefit that Rowed frim, the
ty air similar Ireaties, whilst (',III-
Ada11A'4 been ;lbsalotely del);lrrel (nil,,
any .If hhosr benefit'. Some two ,
yr;&t•, ago, I think it wart, we or, this I
-tide (If flip House drew attention to
the Net that there wits still a Ix)smibil- I
fly til:tt ('an:lda "light Ile inchided
within the provi,inilp of that tecaty. I
Then, and then only, thin (iuverel-
Mpnt woke up, taett, and then only. it
%tirred annind, tend alter tilt• lapme of I
two years they Come tie Its with whal
is c:tlleil a U'Pnty with Japan. 1%'cll,
it thele I% 11111• rf•llsoll Il.1w why•
shim treaty mhuuld lee hailed And I'
elaifa.#.I with delight and with aIs-
lallse ,
. t I believe • • '
h to 1 r: n
P t huldl•
be. them
were Ian "easmm ten yenro, rigor why
It shottld leave leen arluptfrl, and it"
provisioni, taken advantage of by this
country, simply lweaupe tell yeti.' of
added iwefit. live and armee %hilt
this country emit flow Dbtain would
have Igen obtai"Pd by intercourse
with that country Pit a peri/lil of time
when protaebly ite Ifeenandm street sash
1,"111'' , '
t ll.
p Calmd.1 n r
1 1 401 ,
lve af-
foaled would have been even great for
than thew will Iw In the year% tit
pp debiriog againmf tilt. Ileal)• AI
fol rP.11t fllllf' MI'. NIMfI'1' is neither.
honest nor Ia iriotiv. lir {, dishu"eat,
IN•f•7ellAl• he e11140giyad the tr••aty it year
awn. He i% onjoist Hot {r Ircfauar, fur
p41 -tis. -Ill prir Hme•- he would aggro vate n
'"1'"11"1Ili �(-rilly. Mr. F1 IeI• inot
trying to rrp10il Ilia dreMnged I.IL -
lieu. • -
Y 111rPIM, with their lege inters m1- hnilt
like chocking up his job P" lie Tory flee
nue, trial IN..plr will 6t- sten. k - - - -
apunder pre.ew (-otldili,rrl". ttmv' ,S'
friends nee[ ,tilt think to r40lufort wilh
till. anofalnls• of a regi -trill. Ie- - Pullying Witnesses.
exruereal for riot aviahing los Hook' the
thenlw•Ivea vith tilt' idea that flip fhr new eI•iving
murk Loehr reunnurali"Is shdaloh.•r in St. Thorlurs Tion.'..
:t Dominion Cabinet MiniRtrr..or
experiment.. There is it.. murll r4.swlrl,
Optrwition leader is of the quittillx IN,serihly
kind. Whe"
even the Prrntitn• himNelf, he nap way, I ean'ot. hlanle 1.4
for i7iNlikin9 If, into
for the nulintenanre of a
hp etas after Whitney.
------- go covert nN e•ir-
tariff against British g,%rl". Ir Ihere
7L11i1 the tent of them nt the next s•s.
nee""." in Noy name. Front wllilt t
PVLITICAL NOTES, hove ,4.4.n arf till• Ire:11n11
areg;rxlolerthnl ren he pnalroeel mute
pion, they will mquln NII their .-ver
nl hm w which
_--_. wifnt•,me- -n mfabje•cfed by ImnllyinK
cheap[ in (treat Britain then in
pathy for thrix own t1arL)' lerulerS.
A drmpldeh from Ottawa erhne4.m Ihnl 4441,,-ition Ilfav30•1'N. i1 IN :&t1 onleAl
Canada. A would bw'ainh' in ar,coe,l•
Mr. MacKay known that the path t" the
afatfalist..rclat•t" rPKl(,,IrIinK fhr fl"ser which any Nc{f-Iewtwetir,K )e•1"rn,
#tiny well
Ing t �ofiges
ante with rnhulon "e"m�, to as y
Liberal vict-T in Ontario drips not lie hearinr
-of Hon. A. H. Ayll -Mink. \l'hi a ,enlP
e,e on til,• N -n( -h empty protect the• r{ Is
are entimly unwarra,tte d
nothinKof the Imperial spirit, let
over Ix elm of mora, rind, if we know the
by elf w {mems.,, g
fleeter. The deafne-, ftp' Ilroow allow thrid
Core" Britain make much o ledn for its Imything
i B
about hire, he is willing to Nal•tiAl
R 1
i" only
nail tPm fro Iw• hnlldarzel, hrowlwnten a m d
iNnrury. Ned forte i- n,l
end foot her with Ihr wot,s1A which we take
any hard knox ks that may rnnee thouwht
,:'re,Llefa4.,1 in the Muret domine•e•rin
.d yr. AtlPswrorrh'm hNving
can the Mon• readily plrxlure. Thr
him %ley. to
tt'Iwnn{ral. h,l1d-vr.icr.l ma n n erg
retim flout puhlir life. They IN•m;t Inwcer. In ark in
preference t) (creat Britain ie- N sip P
The Kiocaulin" lit -view ntivOraten lit
,m41 -
The I,ibemiq of (e,ndnn derided error "int towel tin.wel'n l0 111 `rine - t ir•-
putx r,uldidate in the field fair
in the right dim-ti40n, 6111 it &haiuld Iw til-
lengthening of the uMic acttexrl
P love
the ielf•viont, inm illeinl, IHer-r nl, inwult-
-election. They thought it wnMld frig which hove
recognized a, only N mtpp. periost
Aa a enrrective M the home-
oar-h{nem, n0 .erring
unfair to Mr. HvMan• At the whatever ulpm rhe gnrsti,rn ,U i%
a Item
-- -
work evil. If no plepils were allowed wilco
convention held bast week it F'mr• {11N111Mrf•. Joll i•(mith i" n t N
allnotinref that. Mr. Ilyrnall 'I'll*
try the entrance examination he- wosaid
Int NII .IM,slwro "a M•. If\w t', •I' N
rehm•n in tile -Pring rend would Ill" off
the tageoflwelvenrthlrte*ny,mara, iee
Il11•, ,rl•etl NII it on. fig.•, how noMrh
the Libersel randidAu-at the gen- n1()ney he• ,out em: a"km in an inaime
Thr anttofanceireent that A Flew pet of the
1 eal
public w•hoal r,ourlle would auto-
election. nein g nuanm#•1 if it is not N fart that
pmhlic rrhool reader■ in to Iw inmlNd rn+tically
lengthen, there would he no
-- .' - I hp wap nor time arrPated for Nome -
brings forth the foliowin sennible re-
gR reaa,re
or excnme for cramming the
Quite Sate. I Ihing "r other, or If hill father wasn't.
nark' from The Toronto Star: pupil'•
It is auggelts.l
and the homework evil would
fall nflrp for mtoonline sheep. A
A nitixe'n of an Ontario teen an wltne•as rilreidd ire Imated a„ a citizen
him intentia)rr
that the new achoxll cest"P.
It in not pleasant to think that Toront,.
Of moving to who IN a dedvorl111111I to aid in the lid
readers are t. A1Ote pat iritic Ihan the
thOm now in use. ThP niemhl•re
hrighteet of the children are hero g
m{nlatralinn Of ,triptiep, nod not a crhn-
"What wit• yrnr thinking 40f doing =" inlet.
the COmmittee to whom the work hap injured
end their pnspecu Of surerss asked
A lawyer "hrnld not hr Nllnwprl
A citizen Of Toronto. 140 may oris trig t. fees an in 1 hr
tarn entrnmtsd are plwct.ical .•dors. and
tioniatp, and it may loP exlNN,ted 1l',., by
happiness in after• -life irnpait•ed I
the ernwrfinit mid
an honest Hofng." nrmS Ibx that he womW not darn Sx.
Wpll• there. in one thing suIle," wAsl m hill eaten nlr.
the patriOGam will not ile of a enter- pudic
runhing of the
ach#Nd cnerNe. Tracherw and h
idanfthe wit -
On the mild
trcmoeotting Eit1). Yny w "I t. nems reWL"ts impertinence front the
Pts lawyer, the latter ■"Mals to the j,tdgire
iand Ihr latta•r 1 flvquently M•verel
repriolandsIthe wit 11/wmanal lhmalen
him for ••conte"Ipt ()f court." Hower
le x ruff -respecting person feel anylhio
elrrr but cunta•nlpt fur a cullet Wille
,[ Iwrmiis such cuwairdly Ir u , lgel In A
one paper raid rwenfly "11 this rut
r t : It Ir je•the harder: thing in til
it world to slake Ihr people enter foruem
G complaints. They set• flip wrung la
a trig done : but ••Iawsa by un till- lithe
sr side." 'll may Ir• it hotel• that is Iwiol
tortlnrd ; vel few will ,fik
[' the Ntt-pm rhee•b"u•y too bring til
I. huuuul bt•ule to justice. h'ur this. w,
t' have- hugely t() thank tilt- bullying
Islawyytoll. lir lilts 111,1411• Ihr giving u
a ,'I 'it it tet'1•or to ulsli11ae•y IW4• l)le
'. M,Mne folk. indeed, Witold almoot al
V Mr•11 Is• roubpelleil to enter the prir
I ones-,1,a'k an (Ill• Witoiess IN.x,
a The Fish Hatchery at Wiarion.
\1•inrlon Echo ; Aland one year Ili((
The 11,010announeed that a fist
I hatchery would 1t-• built In Wiertllll.
There war an election on then. and it
was thought by some that after that
event notih{nK mule would he h@Arll
alrlut it. Toiliay At building two anti
a half stories high, 13x30 feet, with
crib and dock stands on the churn ail
Culpoys fifty. and aIt atrldm at- a anomp
went to [tie ability of MAttager Me•
1 Nabh. will) has ovetrern tilt• whole
work arid had it dour well. Thr esti•
mated curt of the building was $10..
111111, beef tender his watchful eye the
whole work has been dune for $II,W),
No if the Ikaniniun llovernon•nt wants
L41 re•ognize is valuable main they have
one in flim they should not partes hyo
It will Iw or inter,", to anyone to lake
a walk and me• the building. Thele
are fifty-four foot• tnlllghr• rix ittrher
deep and tell inches wide-, and it it
expected that rye•y year four #tied ;t
half 111{Iiimnr elf *Kgs will he hatched
beer-. The water comes (role& the
pump bollss• it f.•w feet away, one there
Will neyer IN' A se:rcity of fillet lr'ticle.
'rhe a "tails 11.14 been well finished fur
n dwP ling apart•urnt for Mi. NeNabb,
and here with his sister he will live
after rhe fimt of .NovelnlN•r. There
ate fall"' lie d-sier, linen cltwet,
kitehen: dininK-nate and parlor, Sad
there is an e•tttrienre ferrite the parlor
oil it verandah (limn which untocan
dbttin problIdY Nle Inst viewto lie
fumed in this (town. .
It can 'til Is• tern there, and it ill
tr•"utiful At this lime of the year.
The limpmtone cliffs, the wide expauae
of w•+tter, and the woods at l'olpoys•
with the gentle slop[•_ in the land at
Oxelden. it ,nay Ire said that there
are few placPs whsle the scenery i4
Inure ideal Ilea's frons this point.
chore is ,t dot•► with it depth of water
twelve fret alongside, sit any haat ran
elN{ly coins in, while there it a break.
water which will protect the huildlng
agAillst high water.
The Right Answer.
'thele IN It '1141`11 point of puttilus io
this story, which war, related At it
tens oo
Iwra cn meeting.
A man what h had I'
1 r elne.l
ht health
I-) hefty drinking most-luok•init reality
at- hi, wife. Go whom hr had ni a.lr
ma " o
ny promise" reform.
"Jenny" be said, "Vote are a Clever
WolUlen-.a I ouragMllls. gooll w"Illafr ;
you %hould have harried a better man
than 1 alis."
SIl.• l(akpd :it hien, prelloatlur•ly
haggard and old.
"I did, 1a111rm." mile answered
Ilse Mignal,,fail The Muntteal Fatt1-
ily Heald mid Weekly Mtar to J,&t1-
teary 141. 11111S. Irl 1l1'N' .,111".'1 slm•I"N fare.
'f i rents.
VZ6.-, t The Cough Drop
That Cures
Demand t h e three-case5 in the red and yellow boa
vill IN' "I"I'll solaria by is 11nalmlw.•u1et11
will) Ir•"ells 116,0n• ylosing lN.gde sit
IHIk•kef•ts•rN, Sterlugrap;lprx ;trial Tel.
'grapher- thrift any Other' in Wetatcrn
hettl•hl. indivislowl , in.lruclion.
hvadu"tes placel', in g,Nrl .itilatil)ns.
hay and nigill %lass'-. Enter ally
Forf Catalogue write
Sr*NN*#*n,%�0#• •♦
By (wing the. Iwai this ae•houl
hon become the haraprt bmminpas
training "cho l in Weatern On-
tario. Onr Airolmenl again ex-
r.l m t
hat of if ton t � t• ago. ,
114•cnnat•oureraurm.•Nxrelhnruil, It to
Is tried practical wit h',pm-cialist..s11 •
charge of rotor Commercial. Short-
hand and Telegfraphy del rune11 tit.
All offergl•ker ualem nhtain gairNl
tamitionm. Yml fairly enter flow.
%Vrite fall' INTI' fee (al -aro *tee.
11111111 ♦
attend the Iapuharnud 111 -ogles -live
ONT. .
and he thormighl)' etliwntel for be,,.
i"ws life. All graduate' of thin
mch#al are atsnlulely sure of getting
Ixsitiome. The deomnd is consider-
ably greater, than the supply. Now
in ;in excellent time to enter.. 11'lite
for catAlogme.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Cor. Yonge and A)exafad,FtIoflm. ,
at a good salary awaits every
graduate of the
Experience proves this positive_
IT Enter any time. Catalogues
free. Write
W. H. SHAW, Principal,
Young and Gerrard Sts., To-
ronto. Canada.
'� _ -Warr-v ;-w r s' 1,
-- _-
Nine all word blankets, British and Cauadinm faf&krs. all sir.rh and
weigh, and whippet singly, beat washing qualities. 1,
spatially priced to reduce stock this month t" $ 7
Heady -tai -wear foals it) autart twrall affect■, plain clouts, with ,,,,
ex"et,tio"Al showing of black coats,
rpt-•elals.................................1... $7, $9, nn'1 $12
Ali rephomilly large ahuwiog lithe•lty 'Tweed ("'aling, 6„
ladies' %year. very stylish Materials and $1, $1.25
pure world %I wk at ............ .t. .. nod $1
:LII new pitoes of Scotch Linoleums, 3. 3, and I yards wide. {?I,•s,,,,i
lutlternm and we quote them at last seasons 40C,
price. Iter sgn:re yard ................. 50C and 60C
:#1 duly, white American Crochet Quilts• Inrrggerizr, hemostat I
ly ulfule• and finished, regular price, $1.31), Haturday and Monday $1 ,10
We ,loot• all Hogs and Carpets this month at special prices.
Union Carpets. 3:t-% 4Ilc and 5w at 2k, yak and 40c.
Woad Carpets for tkSr, 75e and yak.
Tapestry Carpets, :lit', 40:, .141se and dl•
Brussels Carpets. Wile, 73C, $1 and $1.10.
Rheumatism Cured
Do you Luow why you are
suffering with Rheumatism?
-Because your kidneys are sick.
They are too weak to filter uric
add from the blood. This acid
is poisoning your system, and
inflaming every nerve in your
body. Those excruciating pains
in hands, shoulders, back, knees
and feet -are the result of kidney
trouble. Stop the uric •
front poisoning the blood r:; l
there will be no Rheumatism.
rah abea-.ti.m t-- they rye tote
kidney.. They fepl.,-1 d"s rased with i1Nr-
0ur,he&IthytrLsoi rlrrnrthr* the•er..r-
seutraliae uric Kid -and "n.&re the bi-A
beim pure and rich.
Try GIN rll.Lp on our pwio.e p.ara.,ce
M&t they raaet curs yo, air -11011 retadrd.
yet. &box -L fox gle.yo. A t .11 de.lrre ore ho.n
DOLE DOUG CO., WrIwrlPaa, r.■.1l-
mmll sse�=M ewo
r - �---- n.
Latest mtyltw iu blark, nave.
green and brown. 1'011 have
,•aid $5.111) for no fetter ,,,I
well satisfied. These are fill. v,r()
$3.50 and 4.00
Time yutl were Iom,kinK ■lain
y•aa'krt for yourself or the
girl. We invite you to see our
4v -wing. ,Yon don't have to
oily halt We would like to have
" Chance of Showing what we
,•all ,In.
Jackets $1.75 to $20
Crochet Silk. Pure silk, all
(-,)form, large steads, 'L for . 16c
Pearl Lustre for all (-'IAMB" of
while net,llework, per doy*n
skeins ... ............... 301
Peri Luella will 'w 11 and re-
main bright. F... . , :Irl rut
ten,idery, area[ -,II kinds white
-Mbroielcry, tit :1 skeins for 10e
Aleut jl to clear. $I Ys. They
are pure silk, well made, some
tri I
faunel with line ywlenrienne.,
with hemstitch, trick', evxN :C'
and :ti. Were sold at $1.a ,.
, I
and 34.
All at..... $1.25
Men's hewvywright black
beaver overcoatas at $s to $):r,
for .......... .... $8.50 to $11.00
Men'.•. fine. tweed ,overcoats,
special at 87.60, $10.00, $11.00
Men's Ktoffe Ulster■ and Pea-
jacketa.......... $3.60 to $7.00
Buvoi Ovetco ate at DriceaGo dr -
rich people like to pay.
More Now Millinery
Ever% week, almoatrvery day,
new millinery- is one of the whys
liter millinery brininess is grow-
• wm�mmnow�emalm�em� mi
Al.u(s IN RI'Blll?K. IfO RN', UELLi•1.()Ii) v.ar .%I,r.%11Ni'yl
S. E. HICK is - Is Central Drug Store
n4)DERICH. nN l'A1tln
I Looks Like I
_J -L I , r- -i
/ Your Coat I -1 -
)nest t. it I A pretty nice
n►odel, made 4.1 inches long
or 50 inches long; in tine
melton cloths with fine
quality velvet collar. A
dressy coat And one that
can be worn on almost any
occasion. This is another
one of those famous
"d ) 0,
I04.is 1;4i:0.
11 - 1-_�� w
♦, I.
' style -maker's_ I
We are Sole Agents for
King and Borsalino Hats
and 20th Century Brand
J Clothing
1 �m�