HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-24, Page 1Read the SPECIAL OFFERS to New Subscribers on pates 3 and 4 of The Signal this week. SIXTIRTH TZAR -Ns- 31sl , to I I . I "_ J N I 11 IIIIIIIIIIIII NEATLY PRINTED STATIONERY is soluethtng that every busi- ness man delights to see. En- velopes and letter papers were never better inade than now - and certainly never better printed than at THE SIGNAL JJ w_ e " ,... - . - . _: __ - - ---- __ - ---- GODERICH, ON,rARIO, CANADA: 0(J"POM `)4t 1907 VANATTlZR t ROHRH'ftlUlti, Puatuww _ _> ow _- LOCAL I UrIL.P. j ONE llOT,LA -it STARTS A RAVINGS' AMOUNT Little fly little small souks are deposit -A in the bank, and in an incredihl;F short tiute the owner,.f the account finds that hill money has Increased in aalnitH,t magical fashion, repnyiug hills ,,,any times over for the small •' privatlrrlm" he Indy have under- gone in onler to provide for the proverbial •' rainy day." i FOUR per (:rut. interest paid 4111 deposits and muntey can be - withdrawn at any time. THE STANDARD LOAN C031PANY Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square. W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. \ — _ _ —.- _ _ --- - ___,--- --- liolures and clearxl us, Monday After- F NOT E TO ADVERTISERS nate, light, for Chrl>nygan. pp OODERICH MARKETS. F __ The tug Fogle bas Imen in port 9 THL•aa1/AV. UcL-t0th. aalmeut a week, She ix bound for Copy of change of rennin` advertise F,11 wnaut, per bush, new..... tt w to S I ui Sarnia v menta must be left at this office by Spruyt wheel, per bush. new ... ,1117 to I (go c o as a I) Is Monday noon to ensure insertion Auckshaal, per bush 11 I3 W 411-5 Canadian Ticket Agents. in µsue of same week. Iharm, parr blah., new' ..... ... 11 3,1 to o No At the inial convention lif lbs c _ __ Pwaw, per bush ... o R, to O sa Canadian Ticket Agents' Assoeitation, - -- Marley. per base . o al to I •' held at Winne last week. F. H. II jKeal Z§tate t0r axle. Scr imse. gm, per can . .Is ss, to is iso self _ _ -_ - - - = F7uuq fare le per cwt Y 5r) to 50 li(xlgrnx, of Clinton, wells eler•tt"d l - _- - _ - dour. Intent. per cwt ..... . . T at W J sal anditor, and W. Jackson. of Cline 9 NOl'S AND LOTS FOR SALE. Bran, per Wel eo u) to zp (w Ian, a tsreaolar of the- executive 1 rt-nder- will I%, raxel%rd by the under Short^, per lose ..... ............ ri og) W Yt t .,sued up to F'ril1lIate. the 1.'ah da)' of Nuc ranter. ifay. new. per ton .............. . 1:, ae to F. 19) c10mmittl!P. The cue ver tion dineu„tt b Iw.:. for the-purclaa+' of lot- number, a and AL w'o t . P. awrd.................. S 101 to s /n the- twenty-four-svotem of time and w W'on. wurcey ate the town of Uo deriai). the Butter, per Ib .. .. ....... U Lt to 0 Y1 unanitnuurl fnvisredl 1l Motion to ( property of the late Alex. Morach. There i. a Cliell per Ile -. I............ I 0 F, W o IS Y t rumfonabte framehgeitee us, thepreierty Prn.P- tisg, freah, per dos .. . u It to a z► recommend the aidoptinn of thin syr- I crl, i-beiwa idtor O.,e ut.e.fate. telt„- Ten Puatos,, new n ai to tl Ai tell by railway linen in Kaastrrn Can - per ren(. dowa, balrnl r In :a) der No tender I'l llo. ordill y to Rood. t»r•owL Y 00 w a'to ada other than sets Government lines ( u.•cr-•.Arlly scoepted. IeuN .BT THUMP SON, ('settle, export, p>er uwt.. .. . , a :>ri to t 7S 1 Executor, Ooderleh. ]1 ' Hoge live eight, per a:wt ... r W to 6Im where it it xhendv in err. , 9 ring Lamb+ .. ... \OR SALE. I Sheep. per cwt ........ . _... a sail w i Ie(i Goderich Leads Again. 9 _ Ham, per Ib n Is to o Is A Butte, Mont., paler giver an !n- ( A Jewel double awl heater, nearly new. No Macon, per lb 0 IS to l JI better hetes grade. 1 will to untag r furn,we lard, per Ib . ..................... IS to IS Wresting account of a Neamlon held by Chi. whiter. Tallow, per He 0 tea to 0 (►, lilt- Montana blast of phat•mac to A light comer . or farner + Hldee, r cwt ............ S W to 800 d delivery w,ypun. {{ee sti to w) examine candldatrr fm• certifica xs Nh"ED Slime ........... . . A br of new tup belggy- `•. Uhickens ................... title no regimtered pharmacists Rud .assistants. HKAI. KATATK. `\ Turkeys... -• • -• • • Ii to 11 The examination is rigid, and :t third 1 ha%e a mentionable. madluen-yirr,! h Ons,• lolu.dde marksla on page al l of the candidates failed to reach the ' and lel for ole. i AW, .even quarter ,eectWu" Do: tally- as Y.. - standard ret for registered phurn,A- lected, unbroken tlaaka[ohewan firm lands, lis AOt1m data. The list of xucceadsl tines is a wcll-..ettled diauict : in w ill- or when- -- _ _ _ headed illy W. C. Wilson, of Butte, gad crop, ate the rule this year Situ - ted in cWae feroxlmH! to thenaalu nwOf KMt►VAi« to Goderich township bey, formerly G. T. P. end I P R Feownton,'etc; taint R with Janes Wilson, druggist of Wwm ' fifty mile" were of Sa■kaloon. 1 have rentov/d m)' dental of car to the nem+ We congratulate him upon his stood A small ra.•h Inyment of 11.111 per ao:re will „ver the So%'erelgn Bank, carver of ('o11Mr ell astute a payinngg inveatmsnt' straeet end the Squere ILK. 1. M. MAHKF:. standing. I have "everal thola"aod arse- lif other chi •e , If All emtern lairds at.o to select from. - For the Hospital. My prior mil anv of the above Ia rlghl. ---- — -- The Uaughterrof tot• Futpir• dt•aire M. W. HOWKLI. adeHeh. q'0 Rant _ __ UUNG k ROBERTSON. KSAI. _ — - to stxtr that the bills for coal for the Y ewe Agenu•Uoderich.Ont.-F'am,and RENT. COSY SRV F. N• AlrxAtldra Hospital are filling due. ,towit propertio- lousbt, sold and exchang,.i, roomed loins : latent awl soft water In And they hope that th~ contrihnting kit hen; Tatar l'ollmiatc In-olilte, Owned 1 will le ready for the collecuns of the lot SALE. ---A LAHUF, COM- M Oue.t. Apply to -NII It". GKo. ('", H,i" furl fund Aa they make their rluarter•- F'ORTABLK brick hou..e overbilling the IAnll road. . ly Irau)da. A1xoi that dollRllonn -of iter: all modern Owvenlen,w. i -ludin but waterheating AliplY tO Ytq'NIS k Hunt U 'Sit: TO IthNT, EITHP,K FUR- apples And 0egrtablea, in any yuan- KKTSON, Uoderlch. H ni at or nnfur,ishod • all modern con- tity, however smtrtll.will III' thankfully arnlerroe . Apply to ST. (AKUROK Pltl":, received. tWK SALK. -:0 ACRES FXCFLr Aoglaea 1601 It ha+ allow, been decided tel hold Jl' LR\T Wad for ruasidet garclrn, with goad bunldinga and renes, ; two mite., from l e- F\V U}iNiF1HFD 1l1111,4h TO n► rmwnutgr sxlP next sepring, and it is rtell: ere acro., is, orchard of apple., Im•+1` N Irl ont •corner of lfnlrP-travel owl ('am- desired that houleewivess having art- pq1 Inn. cherrIe", peacbs•, gen{{ra%w, writ rail M•ha road, A 94Y O, H• 8N-IT%klt. a:Ff ides of clothing, furniture, etc., for hrtnes. Prim and urnrl favorable. Apply to _ --- - which they have nn further use would Yo UNU t HORKHTSON, Ualeriets. \OK RF1 . - SEMI -DE IA them Aside And moist the ladies in aOK SALE. 1 %WHY HOUSE honer on a'm.l ,sleee4 F'nroAdw, elw•trto Y A ILght and all n ern ponvenlenoes. AVV Y to mecuring a gird Collection for thele on Anglemea-Ireet, 1) story hour on J. It. HAWK t. Patrick'.atreet. a.tf next pale. Napier ,street. Ii story house int Kicin Aso- _ _ _ nue. 1 tory hoomr me virtoria ..Ire.,. . sale - - At the Roller Rink. Tvrnatory-brick hone on kisex street near the IWIIr fancy dress carnival at the. rot- take- a -nine rooms. all modern oonveniener•w. _ __ St. IMvid'+ mtrwl : nine rain+. all modern con - ventenees. Farm" for mete in any pert of 1p/Nil , RFU (, W FOK SALE.-- ler skating rink os, Tues. •ty nig t caw Huron county, YOUN41 A POHkRTSI1N, 1' ,pr will etcluaae for frock notch cow. A pretty siffAir. It good number of Goderich, out. Almogood inlet driv,,nng delivery horse for skater% appl'rtring !n fancy and comic .ale. J. K. wOKSKhI. get-ups. The band caw+ in nttendanoe AN' FXCFLLEN'1' F' A K %I F' O R And the prize -winners were Its fol - A sm.K.-SK)Across in West tvawano-11. j(\UK !TALE. -A :CUNU-HAND Mit miles from Auburn; oil a Oily, loam, ell IMI 1' IoWx : i.rullPx fancy dress, Howard treat fnrnua•, seely u. gouda- Y Acne+ under rultivatou lend :a1 to W ern•+ „*w., .reliable lose stole or presale home. Chrimxie Campbell, • Pen"Ant (ilrl." timbecr. A well and two + uv of water, a /.eposp. as 1 have tea further w• for it. J. H. prize, milver cream and mugar service ; new fraueedwehling, a barn, table and PrE.&)BN K. Pail ie."' conlle. Stiml Fmrtut Young, driri heti. Apply xe Ot'NU t RORKRT- . -- - NON.odmnrh. _-- _-_.-_ FIH•`tT•l LASS IiKI\ /.MAN ki ••Uanue Trot anti her cat•" prize, l'o. pLano for little at n bearga{ : in uw only watch fob ; grmt%' fancy, Fred F'ritz- L N\"OR HALF: OR TO RENT. --A a .hort little; ran he seen nod 011 nfonualloll ley• '•C'aralier," prize, a milk umbrella; 1' fir-tclame as.secre Iwnn in w'w1 \vasa ver by wpplyl,al LO flet Ifo. '10NA .OF'F'ICE:. I no -h, rove -Joel, ; lot . with I7', w,•r-, In w - . --- - gents' comic, John Mclyor, "Chinook," good -late of cultivation, well f.•Is d, well Ll`MBBR FOK riAI S. HR. IA)IIK, prize-, al watch Job. walend,Fored rn•hard.Iknar e bankImon,good ell's M& ostork. *rhe /exhibition of fancy skill ing toy lou•,•. I Vonlve, blae•k,smith ••top, And .torr w ease be a•N to older. ror fort or pa irular Prof. 7'vIer awl Mixm dh•maie liertoh sat ,ate cornrrof farm. ('onvenk•nt to -heol and ai, ts1WBItitT F.I,i.ta)TT.41 eric tf. chun•h. :p. ... it.-. (ANN t'. P. It. txtior, at dr the rink het. Thurulity, Friday and Auburo. T.•nn. r»%y. its'. A. HAKiIIgON, - _------ ----- -- YnturdAv evenings drew a vocedl num- Lurknuw, int. I .. Rotes too Credltlom Iter of 'spectators. The exhibitions 7r OR SALE. FIVE ACHRM Ci.UriF - ... --__ - _- .--__ were fiery clever, . tile: large fr,nlage on one of the main thor NTHF-HIUH CUiJRTUF JL'riTl J. W. l'r,tigle halm ru•yuitwl the o0ghfar•-,pied far lake water- fine building 1 _-- I letame of the Writ strrpt stink from lhp Otte. Addrs . Ik,c Un, SIUNAI, OFIrlt'K. ' IN THE MATTKK OF THF: w'INIa1NO V present lems•em felt- tile remainder Al kIt1ARM FOR riALF ON DIVISION ;A(•T, HFINu a'itAi-rKit Io OF THE heir term. line ill, the towoshi{ of A.heetd contain RF.visF:l) 9TATVT&r OF CANADA. t Goode Hall. lug Ill, aro•. of good blas• . Only lean good fat mlxnt floating ell pasture with creOE no fare. AND IN THF MATTRIt OF THK UUBF:- L ash• Hall Iskim• week in the {pearl Ilene, and well aengvd •ltual,d oAm- KI 'H F.NUINR t HI'YCI,K(OIIPANY. rA. m if M,dr c, 1'Amtdn Fitundry Co. half mil foils., - hool, one and one Itself mile„ LIMITED. _ front tar.toHlcr will be sold rrawn„hl,r, 1,0n -- -_ :lull .ymk v. (•Morula Foundry Co, jndg _,on call) Iw• gid ten at once. Foe fort bre mor • men WAN given, the actionst haying IIo•nLu-appy tO'fHUMAN FY)KD, Lane+ Ij. u. NOTI(,F TO CREDITORS, leen, led with a jnry at Golerich, to Local Option. v At the meeliust of temperlamce ca'ul'k- n ere nn Thursday mlghl la -L it was de- v tided not to lark fur a vista• 1011 local It Option Ili lioderich utdil a yvall' Ansi d next January. Conclusion of Assizes. J The cage of Cardnu v. Couper, nm N action for A declaratiuu that the plain- N tiff it entitled to right of WAY Over certain lands of tilt defendant in the f' town of Senforth, was disposed of latest f' Thursday at the ageixes, judgment A heing given for the plaintiff with a' veyetr. F: 1« Dickinson for the plain- t' tiff And W. Proudfo oto K. C., for the it defendant. a At the Harbor. G The steamer Turret Crown arrilrod it on Tuewlayy night with a cargo of I1M,1MIM hit2elm of wheat for the eleva- ( Lot, and cleared last night. t The schooner Penobscot wax in last d week with a cargo of coal fur F. B. NOl'SI: FOR 94LF. A NINE ruumwl hone dwelling, hat Ing a small -ilualion,uu Keay" olvi. Stone foundation and summer kitchen. good stable. Will he sol rw,%,nwhl •, For further Vanlrnl&I. It to MILS. W . MvVAI'OHAN, II I)wcles ave.. Toronto. CNf `ARM FOR SALE. -A CHOICE tarn for asele, adapted for allied farnointt or n.t ure, a, wrom elearxd. 10 acrem goal or'ch' wmf, 1.5 erre. good t hiker. Toll a g9od black learn sad tela loom. Uaod frame hollow, f1anM rw -t nl.lm-, pond driving .holt. Las Si and :H, onct.,,lon 1, 11 erich towoahip, AV VAS"' PIt0 I'I) rOO`r HA Ye t HI,AIR a to LAS. J. WAI.L18.OGtort. - ' THE ISTEALING BANK OF CANADA HKAn Orrlo R Towo To Aurincititin CAPITAL. . $1,en,ltn IN(ORW)RATM) BY SPK('IAI, ACT or DOMINION PAttl,IAMKNT TORRC'LiVKDEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers, we have opened Branches' in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, • VARNA and BAYFIELD. We liolicit the Pwtroriage of the FARMIRIt. AALR ?90T 8 D1t1(R)UNTtn, SAVINGS RANK ACCOUNT opened by deposit A( $1.l\) I n terw at at 3% compmrnd • pad quarterly. i 11►l11tiCH Ba"0111 A. G. OAMRLK. Manager. 1'cssl•ANTIOdiret'lloewgiv,•n hereto, orgies' i- hereby gl%'ru that all cr•rditor, and alter+ Ion%oar clahns agaln+t the ooderich Kngine t Hlcyrlei'oorlman)). Umited.:,n• required ,)I. or before the eat alley of Noventler. A.D. 111117, to w•ud hq at -1 pmp id, or ill to Joni- %Vit r to h •n1,d er soled +elicitor, tIt Ir mior of the ill ,.hri.Igtylean and .orn acne-, a,ldrem,,om and drsrriptlaw, the' full pnrmcolnr of their ehJm- and the nature of The wrnrlties, if any held by them. AN , VI "ToMFILTAKg mine,'r that after +uch Ia.t .uentlonwl dale the liquidator will pro - pe tot Io wind up Im- said eatiate,•having organ only to the clainem of whieh he -hall then hove not kw, awl will not le liable 1017 the Iwr•Im of the ,laid ealtate or way part I hereof to any per. son or p.nou nm of whose clalu, not Ice mhall, nut have he then ,received. laftd a1 Ualerlch thi.tNh day 01 0001-- -- 1). 1x17. I)Il'KIN8ON h (IAKBOW. 641411 Solicitor-. P- YHACTICAL KDU('ATION \ I-e+.enliwt to-ut"—In the I'll w world of talay. The. m,•hoorthat 1"%- , lhebeat training along theme )1 Is the R 1 1 rel R tc• m rmlmyAM CtiL1,ihR H T N g t pew TO RO. TO \'on g1' t 'S it courw^, In all a9hlacUl. 8La cafe aaaided to pi+Itions, kegler any me. j Wrltc for catalof.lne - J T. M. t% Arwolm. Prloclpal. l —Let or Found— -- ,sTKAY ) ON TO MY PREMISES 1 7 about t week. ago, three yearlings, one heifer and tw .Iron, rel with while apotm, Owner can tin a Ihem by po lag expenses. JUNK L. AIT .N iloderich. - -'7="!-- -- sittllluo" Qa"Ut . f 1FACHFR \\'ANTED. FOR S. M. a- No. In .A+Idh•Id ; mnlr or femnlr, with „eaonds•la-+ mkoth•al,•. Apply to FRANCIS NCOT'r. I,mae., if; It 1000 4;1111, WANTED. TO IN) T grneml housevi-rn k. \'1`_111'e%1'-N!' 'agem SIJ I month. Apply h, Alit.". D,AVID I tti1v N. Angle sea lit reel . tp/ANTED. -CAPAB : MAN O1 1' woman to ,all on a ew prominent eeople who wmra to know six t our specie h al oar no rmtacto half rlec ,lis oHe ntt rryy V Irldrx,%1 Atlas of ('sensedn. Goat y. Vlmamau mad `rosteble en%loywont. Ad ••n. RAND Mc. Al,l,\' It (•I IM PAN Y. ('her till. BOY WANTED TC) MAK ' HiM SKLF' grnrrselly wmfuL Apply TH SfG%AL OF'F I'k. \\ THE -CANADIAN BANK OF t'MIMI+ R EAI► OFFICE, TORONTO. BRTAII1,11ill 1807 B., lIr ♦ LKKR, President. I Paid-up Capital, $10,000,0 ALRX. LAIRD, General Manager. Refit - 5,000, A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent I Total Assets 113,000, of Branches. -_ - _ -- .-__ -- Branches thmughout Canada. and in the United States anti F tigland. A 6ENRRAL BANKING BUSiNFSS TRANSACTED. ('nM *XRCIAL Altn PARMIKKA' PAPER t'IW'OUW, ZD, SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received ; interest allow at current rateR and pails quarterly. The depositor is Ruhje to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or a portion of the deposit. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager Uoclerich Branch. xvoverdaniagemfor thrdrnthufaPc r• u n eulployell hp defendants. T11e u ,ry'a Hosting wax: "We IeliPvf' then+ ti 'An teou H' negliewt of stillie Mlle in (-till- T rctiou with the work, or like cur Ll ould nut have Gallen (off, anti we it, uuld •iwacd to plaintiff F:dt $:4,7O) k nit tOplMintiff Lynn If:411,." Actions m inulirxrd without costs. L lie sillillie died Village of llrltsll. O. Ntanbur (Fxetrrl, fur Santeel I• ulillist. mover tot 1110x11 a, hew)lution ' the villa a pound! 1. itV. ,Ihouditmot, LI C., and H. J. I). Cooke i Hensall 1, F it the council. contra. Motion re- h Ised with costs, but (race roaervsd to C VIt let to intervene in ('six worth), Ittlill on loynlent of the costs of 1) !is u,utitin, nod giving an undertake ,t ig W indemnify the l,•ouncil against N ti future costs of the arliun. C uv Bros. Minstrels. h The people of (itoderiell will nu s twill to pleloutedl Lee learn t alt the a ler-ws•Icume (iuv Brothers. (ia)rge, A harles. Albert, Edwin +tad Arthur, a v arty til' gentlemen wits, Ane slngets. x An(t-,a, cou,ediane, w -robots, sup- 1• ot•ted by a large and capable conk- v any, will lie set the Victoria Opera u loner Wednesday evening, October s )tit. The euul``tan) count• this season A 'ith A bra nal new allow ; elegant c oatuule., beautiful mrenery and elec• I rival Ptfecta of hundrde, of different- m )lo r- d lights. The first part entitled p The Palace Of Enchantment." an- a tiler sl,ectalAdtlar arrnngement by t sell: R. Guy, is perhaps I he finest 'first I art this companyy ha.- ever carrieJ. t hey have +len all-star olio of tell big ( auiteville Acta. Included in its nuur e ells ate• such noted comedians and 1 tion-shouters'its Bob Mel,Ilughlin, for i he pant five seasons with Uockstader's e linestrela; Harry Prince, the English outedian, and a wore Of others too nlmeroum to give xlwcial mention. I 'hs company 119 peeera for oqe iter- urmance only - W(xinesday evening, ' )ctoler 911th. Secure seAte now, : 'Ian at Haran, Edwards' restaurant, N. C. T. U. Notes. The iegulir meeting O the Goderich 'ranch of the W. C. T. U. was held I )ctolrer 14, the ppresident in the chair Ind eleven tuelnhet•a present. The de- roti(nal half-hour was fillers in by drx. Brown• who gave a very instruc- ive Bible lesson. The following rec- snmendations were, then brought he - 'ore the u,eeting and Approved : lst, .hilt instead of holding two regular neetings each month one le held us, .he second Monday of each nlont h, the ether to be tin executive meeting on ,he fourth MundAy'. 2nd. that, the fill - owing vice-presidents Ile appointed to he different chnrchaa --Knox church, 11 rot. Duff; Victoria Street, Mi-seiHayse; vortl street. Mrs. Hawn : Baptist• Slts.l'amrnou. Std. that the follow- ing ladles lie appointed to the difier- ant departments am %uperintendo-OLA-- Evangelistic itepArttilt•,t, Mrr. Still - yard ; mystenkativ giving and flower Initiation, Mrs. Davidson : j4AL Mrs. Holland , temperance and Sunday school, Mrd. hick : mothers meetings, Mrs. Colborne; librarian, Me-. !eaten; sailors' work, Mrs. Mci)itu-uiid : fran- chise, Mtyt. Browse : lumbermen. Mro. Warnock : parlor meetings. firs. Walker: narcotics, Mrs. Maemlel ; press, Mrs. Belgic. The McGillicuddy Boys' Visit. We were plea -ed to havv n visit last week from Owen McGillicuddy. of ('xig,0ry. And Thoulam Mc(lillicuddy, jr., of Toronto. The former is Aasist- img in the editorial work of The Cal- lIa ry Newm, of which his father. 1). McGillicuddy. formerly proprietor of Thr Signal, Is managing editor. The news is a daily paper, and althouggh only it few months old it has already taken a front place in Wemtern Journ- alism. ,lend is rapidly increasing in elr'lllatltrn and infiuence. Mr. Mc- (iillicuddy- im enthusiowlic in regard 110 the prem -61; pxomition and h,tlire press- pects of the- city of CILIgKrv, which hit% nmade wonderful growth !m the last two or thin years, and is de%tine(I, he believes, to le one of the twit or three MAteXt cities Of WeY tyro , Canada. li ,sides him ueli"twi ter work, aur former ytinseg lownxnutl devotes tclu- mnderable attention to literary work• and his verse, lea how alr•iely lieru noted in The Sil 1, hew found n place in suint• of the lemling magazines of Ca►lml,a ,laid tbs *Hite d States ilnd at-", in British puhlications. lite reported his father and mother and the oth"I. menllel:s Of I Ile- floilnl)" 111 glsesel licidtlr. Which their friend+ heflt Will le glad W Iearo. Ilia brother Arthur Talmo is engaged tilt the- staff of The News. Tans McGillicuddy, who ix• a sin of Ths,mOw Mc(i licuddy, of Toronto, Also well known too readerm of The %ignnl, Iwaves shortly for Iialifax, N. S., where he will #Asks- a cont -be of training 'in connection with the Militia Department, An Interesting Program, The regul's• fortnightly HI•eting of the Collegiate Institute Literary Mor. iety wits held 'ten I.he A-s•nlbiy lfall of lhP school on friday evening Intel. At the o caning of the programn Miss Winnlfr%d Carling gave a leautifol in• strnmental Nolo. which wits ,eshcnt appreciated. Cohn leinglnd tint 1 John Cantpla•II Elliot inside lheil 1 maiden mrmenhPs during tilt- evening, w Weed" and Ably di p( "The W f M t AI Y • iP ' 1011 urn line Ina rester relltnP VN wf n I p g and future pommihilities," respectively. - The audience were loud in lheii kpraise of the glee, cluli a melectinu Jill set Home at Feria" which win rendeml with characteristic enthuse iamm. The, G. M. S. Journal. read by Miss Martha Carling, proved that •th, mrhotol wam most happy in itm eltsllla• o an editor. The G. C. I. number, teal Illy Roswell Rutherford, waw al%o u excellent character. The editors poi( a high tribute III J. D. Campbell. wh ad recently severed him connectiol v1slith the school. The two Journal vigorously upheld opposite midem i' 000 til dlernssion on Japanese lmmigra- tion started in their previous num berm.,,Gordan A. Wightman d( lightel! the audiener witbI a mtirrin nautica l menti rendered In 11xertlen voice. amuel Bean gave A humol Ons rrciWion in him usual inimitahl cotyle. A' brilliant inxtromental del was given { y the Mimmem Grace Dyk And Alma Goldthorpe. The quemtiri dretever eonelticterl by Dr. Strang Wait mtimt. interest g teAti re of the feri @11 gram. Princ iml Field: AN di cbArged the du e. of critic. lie Nu Ct plementeil his market with A fe ocpd auppteetionm, one tit which w Tey t)twt. the Eloclety honed utilize tl magi. lantern and Jet or At[ aqd ge gra hical alidi onginfl to tl sob 441I which, I b rhAp s nume I oarkm f•s,tsl Ill•. Stung, would provide I ft I entertahling and inxtructve varix• l c, us, from the rustonnary I)r ogrant. he u,w•tillg d10.w1 with "God SA%•,, c ee King." Mr, Millyanl aleted Its h rcorupauimt dm'ing Ills• evening. A d x•10 delsats, is expected At the next li tetbtg. 11 ondon Conference E. L. Convention. T The e London Conference EPworth pager Uuncrnfiuu held in SI. "I huueals Tutwdiry and Wildnesday of B nig week win liLtended hA Rev. G. N. a azen, B. A., parWr of ) Orth attvet sl ethudist church, lio derich ; Rev, J • is . Reid, paawtur of Nile circuit +tell ut resident of the lltKterich Diatrict FP- urth League; Mites MalsI Bailie. ileo aecretal'y of the Ualerich Dim- It Diet F:pw10rth ile neo and A. T. e IoW I• of t'lintuu. Krv. J . C. Reid, u sag Hallie. send A. 'l:•. Coola•r em -11 11.01 s Ibjrdts to tleaent W the convention it I d their n,1diegges were apprv+dciattd. !' n iutporUukt 6tep wits taken with a t ew W inc,eat.ing the efltcienry of the a usurer• schools And IOalal LeAKilem, in 'I egatd U, ukisetionot y teaching. Pro- l- i8ion was nlacte for the organization r An annual missionary normal ,I :hotel, to he held in July next at f, .Ina college. Sl. 'rtiomrw. extending c ver eight days. Rev. oto. N. Haden, I. A., was applatinted president of this t Ghoul, and Kev. G. H. Iong. of High- t ate, Necretar)• of London conference, li rad APpolntt mecretary of Oils impor- r ant work also. The. officers of the ` ,ondun Conference League elecLed for f he ensuing year Were. Hon. propel- tent• Bev. `V. J. Ford, president Lon— on Conference; president, Rev. W. p Millein, Kingsville . first vice -prey- r lent, Rev. A. .1. Langford. Dreoden ; I econd vice -President. It. Alvay, St. 'homas ; third vice-president, Joss i icott, Highgate; fourth wive -president.. tev. A. J. Thomas, Brigden ; fifth 'ice -president, Miss M. Smith, St. I Phomas; secretary, Rev. J. F. J. Afill- card• Birr; treaburer, Mil,g Powell. I . indon ; representative W the gen- t -roll Epworth League board, T. B. t ihillington, Blenheim. )r. Bourns Appointed. , The Seattle Poet. In tell igencer of a 'event date , records the appointment of Dr. Frank Swift Bourns, son•in- aw, of Hill Honor Judge Doyle of Lown. to the rvorganixed bosrd of tealth of Seattle. The Intelligences makes the following reference Lao the appointment : Dr. Frank Swift Bourns, who will ' ruccee41 Ur. I. M. Harrison on the hoard of health. It" had Large ezlpteeri- -nee in dealing with problems atfect- ing health and maniUation. He is a native of Michigan and A graduate of the University of Michigan, receiving Che It. S. degree in 11Mtt1. and M. I). in iMCAS. He practisrl medicine in At- lanta. (.a.. front best to IMW, going to Manila in ISM ;to major itself chief murgeoll of the volunteers. ile was app ointe,l premidprit of tale hoard of health sef Manila in Septeukht•r. IRAµ, and orgAllizelt the hoar , continuing in charge u+ to August, INN. when he retired 'o private practice. When the chul•t•:a epidemic broke out he wits appointee) chief health inspector for the Philippine islands in April. ISMM4 And the. following July was made comutissioner of public health for the Philippine Islands. He continued in that position until 11111, when, on ac- count of failing health, he came to Seattle, and hall prRctio#41 his profem. Sion here continuously wince. In Poli- tics Ill'. Bourns is a Republican, hilt mince (-(willing to Seattle hills not taken an active part in politics. Until yeg- tprel ay he had never met Mayor Moore. Because of him experience in ppublic health :and manitation Mayor Mo ore ment for him and tendered him the appointment.". —_ LOCAL TOPICH IN BRIEF. tl he,, n photo you wail ill. your be,%l. . In your snndny Moth" Net roll ail dre ws I: Three come nn. You feliow-. \Lire a im%• line for Sallow• Look plea -ant. and hell do the real. (rho where is uphol+t-ringdo,w right .CnJ pttaarr.framed Ju+t "out of!111 1' ii ih,see Stints h'+ fa the place, ' Hr, hold- the (romp row. HI- %cork will torpri- and detslilel. Nlet the tel(lthe- Owl Ignke tall teen book latter. IW 1 has roto u tq,u, of hH ile-t I Other. Rut the kind with the at That will+ur•rmake. hi( .%ro t he kind uullh- by 1'ridhatn t he tailor. There was a ho avy fre%I. beat night, 411141 a heavy carpet of IeeaVes lies I'I many places L0111ty. 1. F. Brawl., will) recently puI.e.Il ametl the- old Swnnsun residence on 14lo- ef. street, is having it thoroughly refitted and repainted. Thankagiving 11ay next Thorslay, (Mtmle r 31st', The same date im Hnl- Iowe'en, but the buys dot not need to le twmin led of that. Missile (iracol, Polley annonitcBr that still- will IIAVP n dimplay of lips- china palating in the w'inelow of ,leamnrm N'il- stn's drug mtute on Saturday. Octoler Will. '1'lle railways nonoonte mingle -hare rates for ThmnkagivinKK -. tirkets goftd W go Wednesday or Thui•allay, OvtO- ber :91 or :11, and return np to Monday, November •1. The new (irnd Trnk freight oflie( and mhed im practically completed. 0 ofthe office im finished in The inter r Georgia, pine. A platform is beinp erected at the rear of the building, A special nteetin of the Ditughten Of the Empire vyill 1p held on Monday afternoon at 4 ( clock. An the meet ing G for a very special puepome al memlerm are earnestly rettuesteol to be plremegt- The competition in 4cotch dotyblv. wool completed on Friday rtfternomtl I last at the howling green• the strong I combination of H. W. Thommon and .i I P. Brown winning out from Win I Lane and Ur. Turnbwll. I A dispatch front Berlin maym I W F'• A. Ysoretary Luta hew arrangsl fo . the (tall Vollogints Inalittal Gatthal club to go tee Clinton on the 211th insist t to play for the Hough rup, Th Oalerich and Barrie clubp Are next ii order. Three cars loaded with wheat wer t derail.(! near the G. Te It. pam wnge station on Sunday. The xiliar 't from ritrwtfonl wam brought t to r•I eP them and the track w ire w pew t•wc was sells r on Monday. A linker wing rail wo I. the cause of the Accident. ). Major LanvI} of London, enggined v fop• h'(Istel 0o Ontario of the hepar 18 intent of Public Works of Goinacla, wit Id' In town on Friday a vildt of Inspe' I- L++an M the hRrlxt'.c`Vn silsq insped•tc • iiSc grounds at Ridgewood Park Flat I" which have toren ptopnsed ate the si It- the Western Ontal•iu ' military I L1111) for next year. A nlee•tinK Of the directors of the I (intern 11 liorticulturid S(wi,•' y is to I I held at the court houses- set•xt .1:,Ni sy evening. to consider the propawed i tarn county exhibit at the Ontario I )rticultural exhibition tie b• held at o 6 0 o November 12th U I til. cont u p 'fife Doty Engine Work's this week I 11nod two largic yarding co -,'o-to I rldot (ktluatbia• folluwiu I nt,• 1 :hers shipped to the same 1 rovince ) short unlit Ago. They are also I Brit - ;!p five murine engines to Brit - h COiuluhia and tiltvp two others I niter way. Manager 'I'btitsipson is iuterestin t n•ge audiences At ••Wonderland eery week night..' The ivali%tic effect ' C his moving pictures• illustrattxi rags, etc., is not stio n forgotten, loses : ig loth entertaining and instructive. a,th the vocal And instrumental selee- ' out are inuch appreciated. There is complete change of program every nesday, Thur•eday and Saturday veiling. Farming is a bumineos which re- tires Accede to actical businega iu- n•Lnation. This !s c& ,plied in the elumnt of The R Pekly Bun. The ecret of thegrowing popularity of his paper lie@ in its untiring devotion I the interests of the farmer. The iemory of the good it has done will .main long after the, subscription trice is forgotten. To be posted a inner leftist read The Sun. The- Parry Sound North Star has nteired upon its thirty-fifth year of uhlication. The North Star its a redit tee Parry Sound And it@ puts - ill deserve, its we believe they re- eive, the enthusiastic suppport, o[ the K•ople of the town And it strict. For wanly twenty-eight years Win. Ire- %nd has edited The North Star And to still wields a busy pen. The other netuber of the firm is W. H. Bundy, erho waw it resident Lf Goderich for ome live a good many years ago. OBITUARY. Fchlln. Tile ' remains ,Of the late Ge orple Echlin, father of Mrs. W. B. Graham, A town, arrived from Chatham, where his death occurred, on Friday, he funeral taking pace front lMr. iraham's lesidrnce. NewggAte street, on Friday afternoon. Itev. G. N. Haran conducted the services and the 7all-leeAler@ were E. Downing, esEd- ward Acheson, William Warnock. J. ,'. Martin, Jaynes Laithwaite and Wil- liam Holland, Jackman. one of the old residents of the Lownghip of Wisest Wnwanosh, in the person of Sarah Ann Powell, beloved wife of James W. Jackman, passed W her reward on Tuesday morning last at her house on concession 13, after an illness of about eight weeks. Mrs. Jaackinan was sixty-nine yeea'rs of age. She wall horn in the townshi and Itad lived there all her lite. .4hr is survived by three brothers and three sisters : John Powell, of Clinton ; (iecerge Powell, of Blythe and another brother, in New Ontario, And Mrs. Jau,es Switzer, of Hayfield; Mrd. John Cochrane, of Winplham; and Mrs. John Menzie, of Hast AVawanosh. Besides her husband she leaves a famlly of seven children : William And Frnest, at hilae ; George And Edmund James, At Ottawa . Mrs. Powell And Miss Alice Jackman. at Belmoreand Miss F.va Jackman, at Ottawa. The funeral will take place this afternoon to Dungannon ceme. tery. $lyrlpOlaf. 4EM( ADVERTISEMENTS --Oct. 14th Pate luuter- kxcur-im, F. F. 1,awn•usee.... _. 7 Leader- F'amllyHOMS..... ................. 7 towaler-The weekly Suit .. ....., 1 peoWs for the Honmehold-D. MIIW Co.... :xe9ptfonal valuate In Hair Hru►-- aksd. iC Rick. . 9 louse to Rauf -SL George Prloe ........... 1 'woHartNlt Days -J. H. Colborne..,..,-.« 9 Aulluwwad Mlww+' Wanu APplarell-J. Stem 6 thoikelx, Kle. W. Acheomek 8on.. ....... Y 'utile Specials - W. A. McKim.............. f Ictabor Bargain !Nays- Hodgena Brew........ s tuctionSaleNotice -The+, Uundry.I 'est Train. Jet. Kidd......... .... .••.. e ►unouncement -Miss Grace Puller .. ...... I Itoldarl's Harnmam Shop for Hon" Hl -kw etc. 4). Stoddart . .................•...., 7 AondierLamd-J. J. Thompson................ I Clack Knight Stove Puli-h............... I ... e Ihiluh. Cure .............................. 3 rurnatee for hale -J. H. Cot. ... .......... I reopen November Ith-tioddrich Rm+tar Collese. ........................ .... ..... I 'ow and Driving Hones for Sale -J. L Worxep.................................. 1 tuuourlaemen ta- Wowall's Hard wars Store 1.8 A foru,er resident tit (AOderich some ,forty years ago, ill the person cf Miss [Karah Seymour, palmed AWRY Act Mont- real oil Wedneslay last, and the body was brought to tioderich on Friday afternoon for interment, the funeral taking place on Satunlay morning. !Naas was said at St. Peter's church by Rev. Father Itch+. and the interment was made in the Romain Catholic cemetery in Colborne. The pall- bearers were Judge Holt, .lames Mc- otosh. J. J. Wright and A. J. Kidd. Mism Seymour wam a Hinter of Williams Seytuour Rad Bartholomew ("Batty") Sevmour, who were among the leading citizens of the town when they used to cundact it grain lousiness here in what is now A. .1. Cooper's grain • tial house. The Gamily wars natives of Ireland, where they were educated. it wells, in 1Ki1 they came to (Awlerich and they teuutined here until thirty- eight years Ago, residing in one of the housem tin West street which have been newly fitted up this glimmer 'by J. H. Hawkins. The Messrs. Seymour have resided in Dethdt' since leaving 1lloderich, while. Miss Seymour had leen living in Montreal. • Humber. The :.and of death, which but it few months mince removed from this world's activities tilt former police magistrate of the town,in the pers n of Charles A. haunter, whose death els the result of Rel Accident Iagt Match im still fresh in the memory, knocked again! on Sunday ntnrning stmt, him call thin time beinq for Mr. Hurnhol partner in life- Mrm. Htun- her had been in het' u)Ityat health oil Friday hilt ry•am iodi pomed on Sattlr- day and \ism. .►Deep Jardine was in attendance on her, but nothing seri. ons wag extet+cted. (Jen lbpseday morn- ] ing, however, "Whop ,N%M Janhuse I went to bet, roor R nt 7:911 of clink mhe fantod Ctrs. Humber devil• The deeloamedl wax formerly Miall Amev, I the family home being At Mlllhaven, I (Ant. There Were four dauitht.els in i thefamilyand Mra, flutubr'm deatli • makepthe Hat break. Her surviving misters are Mrs. lieorga Evan-, int Vancouver, It. C. ; Mra. Burnham, of Port HOPP, and \Ire. Henderson of Kmprmon, Man. The family of Hvp I oonm And pile daughter them mo Rd-Ia . denly bereaveNl for the -second time r have, the mincers- sympathies of all bur 1 townspeople. The family conalstn of A. Milton Humber, M. D., of Detract a I. Frank, of Detroit; Chairl mo H., of r town ; Henry If., qt Iced Deer, AI - r berta ; Maltlgnd A., of Stratford, knit 1. Mrs. H. M. CAasela, of Hamllton. I Days. s On Saturday morning jaws occurred the death of MrR, HhCry DAya At I. Wonflatock. Ttil>l• remains were t- rughtttort, Clod. on Mondepp the n rral,aklnR phatrom til(+ ISlrwnd nk Rtatdon on the arrival of the 11:36 II a. in. train and pr(roeAitag to ('cal• In ►erne commetery. v, James A. An. ,tl t essevo tt oonduote„1 the serviceR and the 6111tearers were all from Lucknow, Is. Da t' former home. They were : K. Myc[ntosh, A. Pattermon, John urchison, lieorge Siddall, William urdoch and Rev. C. W. Sanders. 118. 1)Itvm' I It den name wtue Eu- nenlia Marta, and she was the Gond daughter of the late Isaac artin, being thus a cousin of our wn@man J. C. Martin. She was crit in Goderich, but later the family caved Lo Lucknow, where the do - Aimed was married, her husband ring it well-to-do druggist, Mr. Days v)deceared her a year Ago last An - list. They had no children. but Mrse aye is survived by two sisters and yo brothers . Mrs. Loree, of Sagi- tw, :Mich. ; Mrs. J. D. Murray, of etroit ; Wellington Martin, of Ber- n, and O. G. Martin, of Buffalo* ince the death of her husband Mrs. Ays had made her home in Detroit, ,t five or six weeks ago went to ✓oodst(ock to take care of her aunt. Ire. McKenzie, whose death was oted in these columns A abort time go. Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Mrs. oree, Wellington Martin, Mr. and Its. 0. G. Martin, and Mr. and Mrs. teemart and 1frs. Stafford, of Harris - m, were those from outside points rho were here for the funeral. "Tire Call of the Wild." 'there is not another place on the ontinent of America to compare rith she -Highlands of Ontario' for eer and moose hunting. This part I Canada still forms a portion of hat small remnant of the world's ristine wilderness -not yet the abode I nkan and his mighty civilization. iorthern Ontario with its rich re- ources is regarded m the richest deer ,nd moose country in the world. .Iidoose season in the moose country opens October ltkh for thirty-one lays. Deer mewaon in the deer coun- ry opens November list for fifteen layys. These elections of Ontario are the )lanes to hunt and valuable informs, ion as to how and when to get there Ind all particulars can be had free by ddressing J. D. McDonald. D. P. A.. ;rand Trunk Railway System, Union cation, Toronto. ANNOUNCEMENTS. J. H. Worsell h Son have fur sales -heat several second-hand coal ranges and heaters, Every one guaranteed. Remember the Thanksgiviyg din- ner next Thursday night In the base- ment of Victoria street Methodist church. Rinner served from fit to 8 o'clock and It good program after- wards. HuReK BLA.-sxirrs,--Wsagot a great big snap on Joni hundred horse blankets (traVellPres msimpleRk which we will sell very cheap. Get apale while they last. Also"a IatgP stock of 110hem, rugs, leather gloves and mitts. at WoeBOB1-I-'8 HARDWARIC 4TORB. (i( etioxn I'il BVmlNltsa C(a1.l.Ysiliel goodly nlunher of stoidentm have Pz- 1)resxpd w dewire to begin moon, so the iB. lL will tttppeen Mornay, November ill%. We Itnderltand the subjects they teach are abortband, typewrit- ing, looking, telegmphy.4•ommereia1 law, business letteret. commercial arithmetic, spelling, rapid calculation. buminess practice, banking etc. A Rtudent ma take• any or all of t.hes. sihject8. 1'afP!1AM, 8potton felted Eby were in this week completing tarrawge- mentls, We wish them oveey success. •100 Ratiewd, 8100. The reader tet thi. {a.p•r well he p mewill to learn that thine is at lew,,t one dro sided dimoeee that sclms%s has heen able to cure In all Its , -tAg6A, ,,led that I. catarrh. Hail'+ Catarrh ' ' lure im the only positive enrol Row known to' the- medical fraternity. Catarrh hells a ma. stitntlomal dleease. ce Wre% n tnnrtftetionwl treatment. Hall+ (catarrh Cure I- taken 10- tonally, actirMet AtrvciJ,1 upon the blood aad Iu mu.+ urfares of the-ymtent, thereby de- -trnyiny, top (Anndsetion of the (*wm,r, arsd or giving the patient.trength I), hadldin up the ,on-tltutloaand "mWi,ag reAtwrn In dof il- work. The proprietors have so tnuOb twit In it s email % e ptwnl% t )like they offer one bundred dolkan for.rr at•• r1wee'that it tall. to caro. Send fol Ilse of lestlre rtlat-. Addresses F. J CHIC -49Y ('(1 I A .Toledo la cadd by ttIIl,Iore -14r, Ica:. Take ky,dl'. Fatly p IA for careen anon. AUCTION SALES, \t'smAr, Oct. etA.-Auction male of farm %tack. Irnp1Qnlenl. And household furniture, rye{rrtyaal T. It. Wittg1nton, lot Ss. Hayfield noel, ooderich townmhip, two milem from Clin- wan T". (Fu+xuwv, isnctloneer. MumuAy, Nov. Ith Sale of fart stock and Impplements of Peter Gunn, at. lot IS, ooneem4m a, Oalerloh township, commencing at, 1 dieleek. K%'urythlns must to dispelled of, s0 Mr. Dano hw, sold the (amt. Tnoss. GomoaT, auction- eer. __ - ____ BORN. KIJOT. -On Ylat Inst„ the wHe of W. L Molot, of adaughter. MARRIED. SANiP.M)N--R-KHiI. On Thur.laty. Octchrr little, In F,xo el,sinr, Mlnnewtls. Msrryy Wehh. those( ell of Mn. Thoma„ Webb. (Fodsrlch. to l'harlom Samtrwr,, of Ktatl,slor. DIED. RUMHM in Onderich, on Ramey. ontnier ftt\ AMcc Ann Amey. retet of the hie arse. A. Hunthnr, mewl Ida yea" and 1 rnontle. The funeral will alike place on Friday. O. tolher yMhm e. fro•r Imre red4pel le. Victoria street, to MAitland wmetary. Servics at 8 o'clock. runeral will lawve lldtrme at Y:>MI o rla►ot. IaAYR. In Wmelmbot. Ord.. on t(aterAasr morning. ortobrr 19th, Ruphemla Market. me,vtnd dentlhler orf the tau; Isaac Mahn. ant relict of this late Harry [lays, of Look new. JA( KMAN.-tn at -amt %*&wele esTus,day, October '.teed. Sarah Ann .,all. Mlnced wits of Jamem W. Jackman, aged ti yool