HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-17, Page 7r '454 The SALTFORD. WKUNKNUAY, Oct, ltfth. PRovicirry CHANOICU HANtw,--The old LAshaui hotel near the bridge, which ivas occupied by Contrac- tor Pigott during the time he had the C. P. R. contract, has been wild t, Hold. Simuonsaof this village. HUSINOW Norum. The large and sponcious two-story stone building formerly known am the Kirkpatrick tannery, at the foot laf the Maitland hridge, is Just now the mcene of till' greatest activity, all in the interrml of 1br apple frade. One portion of the building in occupied by William Syur milds am A -Kerr shop and the largr piles of slaver. hoops. etc., hredmd up t 1 r building indicate1 nt a outside til heavy bumiue*r is baring carried on. Nr. Synlond% output will uutk,- fr ell 15,11(1(1 to 31,11(1(1 halTelb tit ill s•Msn. which Are del:vered by Wanis from the village W the different urcharlm of ('ulbxorne. Ashfield land Goderich town+hip*:. There appearm W have. 1*4•n some difficulty in procuring it stock of st+vee, which tire- nowt7rr ting inure wain*" every year, affil nr has h,ul to refuse meyeral lantern for barrlm froln distant points, prererri7 sllliply him cuntpnlerm its till- initial, - ante neigghbortitmd. Another, anti lay Gu• the larger. portion of the building 1.,m•,'UPMd by Joseph Uoldlhorpr As an apple evaporating factory. roue prising peeling. drying unit packing nonlm. Some twenty m' twenty five hands sur now enawageml there anll the daily output of those haldsonu .quare boxes ready fur shipment by toil os considerable. Am bond after load of Apple'* is nrrive4l they Ili rfirst peelotd, then sliced and taken to the ,evaporating tronas, where they are .prPiul over hot air receivers ;%I (I ,-came mut Itf Autiful and whit.• ready fur till- packers. Tile , Oat tit y rr- veived alrrndpp its large an the supply will no doubt continue for opt weeks lunger. lir. Goldthorpm in- forms un thalt he is pri-paral to r4eitve ,tiny quantity and give the highr4t -"It price on the Market.. DUNLOP. Tt,MIrAY, QCt. 151.11. Farwerm here are hump with their r(otb and are ppicking apples And help- ing their Leeburn and Loyal -tie 1_ l - hors in cutting their corn fur their silos. 4TA09-URIVIfHN S114J LII HK CON- Niuxitxm We notice by the prems that the Postoffdce i onpartnn•nt in go- ingto raise- the malaries of tile- post- nuteterm, hot what about tier rural Mail carriers:' The stage nlen are 4-x- 1weted, living or decal, to face ail weathers to carry mail Along the mutes fair which they hate the con- tract• said often get little con- %ideratien from the public, who seem not to believe in the stress (if weather. Men, and women toll, who face the elements mhould to given an allowance of too i nlch ,a dity while they tine in the service of the Uoveru- talent and after sp many vacars should receive is pension. In Icoking hack over the pilot five years the pill) - lie nrouud here (eau tell how John Watwpn drove thr/ugh all weathers his seventy miles a day. And how Hunter Str(•le on the Lucknow route drove him forty-two miles. The latter still continnrn on the route but is not file contnetor. At present the new contractors on the Kinaranline route drive in. turns And sk far have gut along with only A few runaway acci- dents -nth an the past contractor had. ' LEEHURN. TMC" DA Y. Oct. lith. \ince til,• middle of last week i)aniel Carney has quit Ihremhing for a time and wilh his engine and staff and It corn cutter ham lawn filling silom at John Linklater'm, H. A. Norton's and A. H. Cluttons, and this week in at Councillor MacAlitnum' At Uarbraid. and W. F. Youngs at Loyal. Mr, Carney my resume threshing Woe the week rlomem. PORT ALBERT. MONDAY, Oct. 11th. Onto munIon eery ice in the Presby terian church wan dispensed last Monday. Percy Hilyden, of the U. C. 1. apnt Saturday And Sunday at hit home. He was orcompanir,l 1) hit friend, Chester Barker. HARVKmT Hoslst. -The annual har vest home and thanksgiving services on ennnection with Chrlmt rhe,reh will he held on Sunday next. Rev. Mr Hartly will amrupy till- pulpit morn ling and evening. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR SKiN A healthy skin is nlsfilotely emmen hill Inhemllh, happinemm and iwauty ,knot the otturnl total never• -failing war it, keep a healthy akin I!. to treat al injuries mild eroptionn promptly wit) 7am-Ruk. %am-Ruk contains anit the rich Asps tint] joive% if healing health -giving herbs, and is theredori Nature a own akin remmly. %apt -link cored Mrm. A, E.(larliner ('ataing, of pilem ; Mi4s K. M. Hart lett, Montrea), of erzrma ; Mrm. A Harrison, Kingdon, of blood loin -n Mr. Alfred Htrtwn, Tornit,, of rhea matimm : Mra. Coggill, \VnIN-11 iMIMk.I, of alMrettAPA. All skin dinPamen virld tit 7Jun-Ruk Obtainable from nil druggists not mt)rP% at rdk• it Intl\. Send t.17A111-Hol 4 t )()., Toronto, file (rive /wmple loo -4t hist exit out thin offer, write name n psPrr arrom it, and mail with It .t*mp to pay pontage. The Si al And The Montreal Floor ily Herald mind Weekly S11��.ta ,Tar nary l.t,, 11118, tp new mulma(tribers fo irl cents. Ttii: AGNAIJ : GODFR[CH Nevus of the District.,it I KINGSBRI[xiE. ISREWE. COLBORNE. \VIII/NKmUAY'. Oct. Idth. MONDAY, Oct. 14th. MONDAY, Oct. 141-11. The recent rains have hello ml the Mr. and MI•K Able Culbert are visit•MAITI ANU Uuw KiwwM J(yrr Nis. faruerii in their Gull ploughing. ing friend* ala Seaforth. \list+ Amanda Durst. spent tiundx) \Ve reegg-et top report this week flat-, Will. Kaiser, of Toronto, .a former Ill her holtl"......Ali"r Millis,", Sohn berious illness of little Loretta Austin. citizen of this plater, it visiting friends and %Ir. Kunichrnski solvent Wehil•s- hete at nement. day eyenoug (if last week At the hutue Michael Austin, of Hamilton. fm� 1 I If Mr. Snider...... 0u Kulday afte•- mplendiug a few weeks with friend: Mrs. Jar. MCIo1Inthl, who ham leen Dor tile o e cugleg+itfun of flat- Evan - here. Mick for *onto time, is, we are ptexatd Io g"li(-+l churrla limt-nel tux ve)•y help - Apple packerm in caul• neighborhood to hear, improving. I fail sermon from the text "Anti He report all unusually m"uall crop this M n. J. B. McKay, of lloderich, it ,hall 14• called Wouderful." "cluron. speto g x few day* here at the home Mr. and Mr%. Hullivant Ili Chicago, Of her nu+thrr, Mrm. W. Pierce• BENMILLER.r aro• renewing laid Acquaintances ht this Mrs. Johll Glazier and tier hall, neighborhood. Hobert, of Mateking, were the goes, .I WHIJINHa UAY, Oct. I6Ith. John Flatd Irft on TuosLtu� moruin of Mr. and Mrs. W. Shackleton ou I THH S. o. '1'. Co%t,KRT--Thr 'rrm- talr Washington. whet". tr inteud� Sit tidily. Im'r'auu• HAII viae crowded to the dim,* making his home. Crewe Methodist church. ivhich ham 1 tmt uiwht for till- efincert given by been clotted for the last few wookr on Pure Retrat Division. N,,.:ysi, Sons Mrm. Fagan and Miss Mary O'Rielly. acrount -of undergoing some reloairm, 'If Trurpx•runce•. Hev. ('. It. Durran of Ruston, are visiting tit their old I Ile Met),,.(list ulinihtrr, Jimch,uKfd the I. to tie reopened next Sabbperth : *er- home lit -war Kingsbridge. ,lulirm ill' chuiruuul, and as the )tnd- yice" At lu:a1 it. in., '1:11) and 7 p, nt. irnCe was 9011.1 -natured Mild A(/ reei- lhuing Opal week hvu Fluncisnn All will he made welcome. Rev. W. K I p father[ of Monteal will hold x 'Ili"' A. Finlay, ,if Whitechurch, will ,ttivt• his l+tak w,as nut a difilcu t One. *ion in St. Josrph's church bore. i pptewach, land til" oungaunon choir will 1'he prograin Was lung And varied, in - 1 ('11, Tuesday evening of Fe the tuumical servi(-r. On Tuewlay ''lading an olm•uing chorus by rile last week Ashtleld lout one of it.a evening, end inbt., Hev. E. U. inenslmrrm of the Division ; v(x•AI *rlec•- worthittt and i noel highly respected Powell, of Hrussrl*, will give a *plea- h. \Iles bt :Vita Julia Johnston, of Car- remodentm, in thedenith ut Mrs. Mary did entertainulrnt of lime -light views. M l- Vnori, Minn• Male. Noble tit tike wage of sixty-seven yeat-t. showing suint of the world's most Muhring, the Hisses Snyder, Rev. -The deceased had twen in failing interesting phace•m. Admission Adult a' Air. Hurn. Meowsrs. Fisher atnil Long; health fur Serie time, bot until x leve 25c. ; children, 15Crecitations by Hev. AIN. Burn And F:zra Duret: Inutile by the Nile alrbPhtr,L; weeks of lieu death every holm• wit,, -- clielogu"s, `•Thr Wedding (lift." and entertaineb fur tier me-ivrry. Alts. LANES. • 14cene fu It Blikkwnlmts School I." and Noble watt x woman alf mtl•rling qunli- ties, Her life had Iwe b crumhf4l by Mosmoly, Oct. 14th. x VIKolemla tela{mer)torr ,uldresm by ry- mane trials, one being the lues air two Leo Clare Left on Tuem(lay flint for bleu. enjoyed fla of Auburn. Fd the only Bilin in the prime of inxuhlmxl• Detroit, where he fnteuds citaying for Ixxll, ervf tet- Division n i And the slue• yNAllro ago. but alar Imo*• thrut ns some tiute, narmlerr alt the Uit ixiun +law to Int• mile did tier recent illnesm, with Chris- ,MITI. Jan. Little sent hunt week with "rIngnitulxted upon the 1•vt-ninK s Ilan rnurage :Old (Alit resiguatioal to her sister. Miro. Williiti n J. Treleaven, surce•ss. 41(s1 -s mweet will. Thr funeud, which of Winghauu. was largely ,attended. Umik place lin The wreathe this {ural 'week Ill'sThursday i orning from her late semi• Intern very disagreeable for atoriug tory, funeral servervict•m and interrnrnt tierce to St, ie Catholic rem*- away the potato, rout and Apple. bring perfumed by Rev. Father Me- crop". Corlwu% Thr deceased len•ep 1:41 John Quitul, of Colorado, and uuaM•n her 11,xN one daughter, Miss Joseph Quinn, of Turville, are at prem - Hattie, ti whomt we extend our Non- Putppaying a visit to the old home- cerr sympwthies, while we hope that Steal. Nile Sully -,blain consolation front the - - n eillory of tier nm,ther's virtuous life and peAcer l• happy death. I,Iit. be (tirnl.tbew..•a-i•rltafnieliuu- Not faun, the mruund aris,. Ifni oftrnt im. - v.loslial bi•nr ilct ion - ,A -time m dal di,rrta/ml•. _ AMBERLEY. MOMDAY. Oct. i llh. Wm. Potter is very busy picking applem. S • out 'm but-\' hxnlm{, n ,Mtn, I . \ 1 .r.\ ,Shu I film pens. The Laurier grist mill will stun pie un tile Ko again. Samuel Brown Made a buminess it it) to (boderich last week. Hubert Steele spent a feu days visit- ing friends in Lucknow. \\'m. Nixon, mf' Lo'know•, 4pent Sunday withJaulrm Blue. Jaines Bradley woos (tut ill Lock now with it load of hogs last Saturday. We aur glad to r•ptrtthatJnrnes Brown, who waw hurt. by it fall• in im- proving nicely. Thus. Robb. mf Ashfield. has leen blessed by the birth of it beautiful little I'Aby Im,y. The farrier% tare very busy plowing now. 7'he land is in g.mxl shape, roving I., Ile• recent rains. Clots. Boyd has mold ht* little driver suit limit pit s rchaed another one near Suitable fur him driving. Miss Ida Potter is at prest•nt en- n in -business in it fel Ill ttiP irrmh IAk K K K KIiwarline with the Mimeves Huston. Al raw. MvDonald. who is living woth her son-in-law, Robert Walker, halt hoes on the sick list for the past few wo-eks. Alex.. H. McDowtld i4 x very hu4y man just now. He im putting up n barn this fall. John Nesbitt has the calritrart. - l'amplell Thol burn, who flax loran out West for the summer, returned home at week ago last SAturlay. Hr took up x homestead in the rtrighb or- homal of Swift Current. Sask., and in- tittids moving out in the spring. Miss laltra Hallet, who ha% been a ending the summer utunths with , out Isalvel McLe An. left last week for Behar (reek, Michigan, where she in- tenuls etayfng a few w14•k4, thence gw ing W her home in Greeley. Colorado. Tier ELY..c-rmw HAILWAV PROJsil'A. On Satunlav past three of the pro. uroter, of the West Shine Electric R,ulway ptlmsed through Atulertev on their way to Kincardine and to Aitaend till- Hurotf township council alerting. There will lie A vote in the near future an to whether the township will guar- Antee the txpnds of the rrtilwav to the ,ttnount of $7.5,11()0 an n4luested by the rompany. Uo let everybody think what a benefit an elect Iir m.til would be, and Int• stir" to vote the right way. LUCKNOW. AIoNn.ty, Oct. 14th. Lucknow fire brigade will celebrate St. Andrew's Day lay it iall on the evening of Friday, November 711th. Fred Grundy has returned front Manitotoa and taken over the station- ery and jewellery business of \Vat. Mitchell. Mr, Grundy intends to settle here permanently with his family-. OHITOaRy.--On 'Monday morning, ith inat., there panned away Olive, le - loved wife of Dr. 0. A. Newton, aged forty-nine years. The sympathy mf the community in extended to the lot,- reaveTd husband and fanny. CVRLINO CLus.--Thecurling club held an oi-KaniyAtion meeting on Til /lav evening at J. Murchistti'm office.. Offlre•m wt -re Plectx41 as follows : President, G. A. Siddall; vice-premi. dent, Uetrge Anderson ; secretary, W. Farba; treasurer. T. H. It.•i,l. UPotgeSmith and Walter Murdoch, aulded to the above, ore the executive. Representatives, J. S. Murdoch and \V. "Allin. Another meeting will lie held shortly for the election of skips. p In Lucknow rorling is it business to be o taken seriounly. A proponail in nn foot looking towards enlarging the rink. _ Better This Year Than Ever. Any rsnn wnu has rend Thr Family �m•lernld and %'vekh• Star for a few yearic hack would wonder holy of could be improved front year to year. Still everyone will admif that during t till. Past. twelve months there hit. barn n tt-mnderful improvement. tint] 7'h(• Family Herald and Wr1•kly Star I in today bigger tonne Than ever before. L Newml)nlwt-. nooKnzine and agricul- tural jouronl all combined, it in rrr- f tainly it unigne puhliration. Any perwin whit does not know The Fam- ily Herald and Weekly Star eholld give it is trial for i90K it is a won- derful dollar'm worth. . (let your job printing done at The Signal, Glood wait at moderate Ment. BELFAST. Tviesmty, Oct. 15th. J. It. Me(rostie, of Verdun, spent Sunday with hisparents. Mims Mle ('Aileron. of Winghaul, is visiting her twister, Mrs. Will. Twaluhly. it Mrs. G. 01e,Amick. of Toronto, And he: sister. Aliens Grace Maynes, are visiting rriends here. We gyre Klaad w know Mrs. Hugh Mccrm/tie in convalescent after A very s•rfrnlm ilhnesm lord hole smon to heat- of earof complete recovery. UUNUANNUN. �t A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK- )<„ NON'. Athome every day elimptThur.- day.. New remedyfor•traeLboaxWit- Sorunu- tonau, bel ler t ban Ir- a •rue I+ avoid bridge too work ete. Alun tit total pinte., Inun brt•ak.Me I. ' N. H. -1'wt ran rlwr)'s hat,• your work unu•h better dome in Ute dental lithe lnuro tune, better faclho.ia. fa doiNs the work• inure run. furtatble for the patient. NOTICE. --THF. LOCAL AGENCY tit flunptnuuu fair The RigwA P' kat tike I- ulllce Il,o,to and Stationery stow. whore urderm will be revvi%ed fur .ub+ertptiun-, a•I.' vbrti%inir and job %cok. anti t",eiple will be titre fur aniuuot, timid for the sum+. WFoNks11AY, (h3. 1611. Aliss Mary Ryan visited At Nole, on Sunday last. Minot Olive p Olive(rwford is 4•nding llnrl week in Goderich. S. J. Tour And wife "mule ti trip to, (iodelich oil Monday ltst. Miss Taylor, of \Vinnileg, is ' 11 to nt• ata1 visiting her Aunt Mrs. r I Apr. anti Mrs. Mair. of Hulle•tt. Visiltd At, till- haute of lien. Br,ulfolrl alit Sunday. Alex. Stobie anti wife. or seiaforth, spent Sunday with Mrs. Me Math, thv l+ttter N 1nother. David Olein, who is at present {oaeking Appl•m nemr Kinctirline, spent 4unday ail his home here. 'chum. Diruin and R. Reid %hipped a cariwitl of cattle each to Toronto front MCGAW station ou Saturday last. 1). 'McNevin ham moved inta his hoame•, which ham just been completed Ne now has oar of tht- most comfort- able land up -to -slate house in the vil- I,age. Hi PLic SHI HIT. The annual shunt of the DunKannou rifle elute will laid held on Wednesday and Thursday. Octp- ler Zid and 21th. Every- "nemler ut till- (-hill is expected it put in an xploo•urance on either of theme days. YrrPa Are being olleml in connection with the shoot. HH ovioiaNO.-The re•o peninK ser - %*es mf Crewe church wil� be held till Huitday next. Rev, W. A. Findlay, of \Vhitechurch. will conduct the servicer at 111:911, 2-31 and 7. The moiie for these services will Its fur. nished by Ihtngxnnnn choir, a%sisted by Mrs. (Rev,i Findlay. on Turslay evening, October end, Rev. E. (i. Powell. of Brussels, will give wan *el - dress, acrompanied by lime-Fght views. The Crewe chiimh hits inde•- gone exLensive reptirm. d Hheral collections xrr nmked for nt hr Sun- day service -t. NILE. W t:uN Ks u.% V. Oct. ]lit Mr. Mr('artnrv, mr., of Holme -4 lie, Was a visitor tit `Tile the past week. A number from here attended the E. L. Iim! S. S. convention fat Hlyth N4l week. %Va. :art- pleitme(d to report Uutl. Mir,. W. JyckmAn is much improved After her recent. illness. Epworth i eagne• topi(. next Tuem- day evening will he '•Dutiem fit tike Day." taken by Milts Minnie Currie. Regular anniversary mervicem will IN- held at Nile church next Sabbath. Rev, H. .1. Currie. of Walton, will punch fn the morning At 10:80 And in tlie evening lot 7:11ofclock. Mr.Currie will Alen noldtens the Hablwtth school in the afternoon. ST. AUGUSTINE. J TI'KJIDAY, (ort. Lyth. Joseph Flvnn in putting in stabling in Hngh King's horn at present. I)iavid Mc,AlliAlet, spent a few day - Inst week with frieendn in Colborne. Threshing kind ap plc -parking in Ila, carder of fixe day ill this neighborh(xol. Charle% Robinson, of KAlamaxom, Mich., in vimiting him abater, Mrs, .John Ite mond, Ihis week. Miss home Mary McGuire has grant to (t(derich oil nn extendeol visit t, her *tint, Mrs. Thos. Troy. "Dear father," wrote it vonngster fit twelve, "rule nre all well and hnppv The both, hila grown ever so murti and ham * grant dealt snore ri nn* thmi he used to, have. Hoping the v(me to sou, i remain, your iuffectlonnte mon JAWN." UAkLOW. MoNu.tY, Oct. 11th. Reutiemler khe riitertaiument of S. S. Nil. 3 at Auburn oil the evening of the 2rith. It prouoisrs it) Ile ,t great event. ' Thr V. 1'. It. is doing quilt ;a busi- liemm at :\lc(iaw station loth in pmts senget-v and in freight. Apples and live stuck make up the principal ship- ments. Mr. and Mrs. Edward (iiedhill have returned to Detroit after it two weeks' visit at the Carlow hotel. Mill, Oled- hill is it sister mf Hu4t. Hiller. 'Mr. and Ate,. Gledhill also vimited their old friends at Witioiller, where they fotruerly. resided. S -rum li KILLKU. IU the rlrcttical storm alp Monday aft•ru.naii of last week a heavy -draught imine land A vow belonging to S. LiutterVIAVer weer- .truck ;tint instantly- kilted by' lightning. The animals were out io the fields, forty rolls apart. The Inair" was it valuable out-, ,anti wits inhurkd. DUCLINKII THK CALL. Will. Men - wain and Alex. Young attended the muting of the Presbytery at (iede- rich .on Feidway tie+ lielegate" trout Sutith'4 Hill rungp{{ egatialn, to support the call toM. Flhrt•. Mr. Foote de- clined flat- (-all. :Dui the Sunith'm hill and Auburn congregation+ will pro- ePed with file hearing of other later. Hev. Mr. Gilchrist, of, Toronto, iecn- 1{loetl the pulpit her the Lost two Sab- 1R1t11+. lie in An )title Preacher. F.tstm No-rrs.-The rains are w•el- caltie and have pat the Ienond in splendid condition for pinw•Ing. Thr farmem have been rullfng their corn and filling their silps. The corn is light thim year... ...Apple packing in progressing. There ale more apples than were expected, but individually flat- fruit is on the mmall mid*. Pricey e• . 1 1 an, wood I. al n srrrl for selects $ K and $1.21; for '-run of the lee." These art- Ihe• lest priers apple-grow•er4 have received for yeas. John Levy. repre- sentin+f Robert Elliott, of (icnierich, is tit(- principal huyernud shipper in thim neighborhood. He hits mall" meveral Shipnlentm ft•onl AICGAW station. _ f AUBURN. rHE STEHLINU BANK OF CAN - ill,., AUENCY. Open dmNy In .a.nl. to :11, ill.: matll:Thq•+, 4 a. In. to IY nontl, and I to 4 ikill. A general Isnking husines tntnvttted. having+ dim" dr a4e partnlent ,-pt. d-xb, Iits of $1 and up- wanlx, Intere-t of 3 per cent. per annotie, pay- ableet'ery•thremonth,. irtruert' wale note. (t urrbAN,d at reason,thle rates. J. A. 91 -Til I,AX11, .l Ment. ONTARIO 1'nu11111"AY, October IT, 1907 7 When you tell your doctor f app tit bad or FALL `, J D E R W E A R taste in our mouth, loss of appetite for breakfast, and frequent headaches, and when he sees your coated tongue, he will IN SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SOCKS, etc. say, " You are bilious." Ayer's Pills -- -- work well in such cases. -K C.,r'rCo.. t'°"11'Again- Call at the Palace Clothing Store for your fall wants. PAT'ERSON'S %VVTRZ COUGH DROPS EVERYTHING for MEN and BOYS -:tv t.d t. ��.vntete. oorbMed t,ndMcLEAN B 0S. 6Y WILL CQitE WESTFIELD. L_ TricND.ty, Oct. kith. Melbourne McDowell, off Sher- bro oke. Ijuelwc, ham Iwen visiting his brother Harvey during the past two weeks. Miss C. McClinton attended the Union convention held in Rlyth on Tuesday of bast week. Miss Lillie Taylorand Miss (trace Wightman as delegates from the Epworth 1.( -ague attended on Wednesday. DR. CROWN' VISIT. An excellent tl tie -int expected next Sunday ,anti Monday, Oct )ber'JI) and 21, in connec- tion with the Donnybrook church. Rev. A. C. Crews, D. D., of Toronto. Secretary of Hundav s•hcol% land Elk - worth Leagnes, for the Methodist church, will preach At 'S 41. m. And at i !m. . a Sunday and will lecture on Moaildnay evening oil "The Sunny Side of Life.' Music will le furnished by J. A. Sutherland, of Anbutn, And Mrs. (Rev,l Finlay, of Whitechurch. Free- will offering at the lluor. IdAYFIELU. \\'i uNbmuAY, Oct. 1111,11. Dr. Woods has moved into) his new premises can Main httr•et. T. H. Brownlee loan moved into Ili-. Wood's cottage ui Hill Terrace. John Davidson haw Droved to Mr. Cainpliell's hoime on Chiniquy street. Jaules Heid, Merchant, ha -4 rentecl the r comm over J. \\'. Tippet'm shop and Imas moved ill. Our postmistress, \pism (iardene', IN having n cement platform and steps built in front Of the office. AVP art- morry tit learn that Hugh McLe(el, who t(mik it Ntroke it week or s) aiKo, is not improving very fast. F. Keegan And John Mcfwkxl, who have tw•etx Limiting At Port Dover for the past few months, have returned Italian- roar the winter. The Ladies' Aid of the• Presbyterian church intendholding1 ii co n(et in till- town hall on October Ytth. they have s4eure,l the London Harperh to .fur ish Music. I ":sHKTATION%. Th- pupils of Ha flehI public srltoul n•c4-utel their 1 ! teacher. T: 11. Rrownhe•, with it gentle man's travellnll� COMPatuion on the eve. of his we it, day. The congregation of Trinity church pre- sented Mr. and Airs. Rn wnlee with a Nelver teit service em at consideration fair their mervices to the church and Sxhlotth wch.ol. The former is church 1,7.bdd.,. and superintendent of the 1kittit school, white bath are mein - here of the chair. TL FsDAY, Oct. 1.511. Brownlee -Pollock. The latest addition to otPr village is A ver]i, pretty And stylish event I% hair cutter and shaver. took plater at high n(x)n on Saturday, Rev. Mr. Flhrtc Inrx dePlltlid the (rail October 5th, in Trinity church, Bay- ayto tothe paattl•ate of till• 1'r•sbyterian fielti, tvhen T. H. Btlhwnle", the p)pu- cfingregAtiyn here. lar Principal of the public school, Thr sidew tfk4 Ili tile vllAge ,tar! in Chikinled its his bride MINK Mande such A condition that it will wmn re- Poilock, of'lfavileld. This being the quire a guide to traverse tilt• streetti first marringt• 'iri Trinity church in at night. What are our village many years, the church was filler fathers doing :' with guests and friends lrf the young The right Iof way to the Ntation Vas couple' inf-hadi"g litany from a dro- it last been And it into be Lance. The church wpa4ptettilydecur- ,pun•hautel, hoped that the lung -talked -Ill ],O at 'tied for the oceasion with Paints, will moon IN- ready fur trafflca .The myrtle and white Asters. 1 recisely at 1'L n'ckxk the Initial p.Lrty entered the new stalinn ngedt,htim Inken Int.4 14 church to till- tfl'alnm ;if "The VOIck. Nimll at the simloll. � . Unat breathed tier Eden," m)Ing by the- Thr coo wt Oho 1 hetrhad it chore 1 choir. After the beiultifid Marriage call fine night lust week. Aleut 11 service of the Church of Eugland had (i clawk. M"w. StrAll loan w•itm pamm111Q leen read ;byth- rector. Hev. W. and saw th- fire ltnll gave the alarm. Hinkle, And during Clic signing mf the If it hail not been discovered in time, register, the choir sing mw"etly Itt-sL the fire would have• swept a g(pcxl part And lie Still." The bride, who wA4 of the village. gite 1 away by her father, John Scm)oi. CoNrtiWr. - - Arrangements Pollock, w o m daintily gowned in white have now leen fully made for tile e bigg concert to be givers by H. S. No. e, col- on mmeenv line de ie over white silk, trimmed with lover's knotm of whit(- borne, nn th.P •_'nth Inst. A piano haw riblmn au.l embroidered chitroti lace. livll plarrof in the hall and this should Her long wedding veil And orange alltiitlAtPl-ially to the evening's miter- blosemn" with it INnuluet Of 1VhiL1' tainm lt. Halon will le rendered by- bridal rises Atld ferns completed n Miss J11 dun, of Carlow, land J. A. very pretty calmtunle• She reins at. Sal iet•IAll of the .Sterling Hank. tenJel by her sister, Miss Flossie Mih4 1'uung, f Iwpyal, w'hu is widely Pollock, as bridesmaid, wearing posit- known in Colin ne nn ti violiniht, hits blue crepr-de-chene and carrying kindly consent to ,resist. Club- white carnations. Little Mie Evelyn swinging, reeftato m, etc., and It Pollock made ,t winsome little mond of fnnryy flag-dt411 wool Imng• lnnke a humor and wpm dressed in White "xcellenl. {{nograM. Mit deal to rhes silk, carrying carnations Mlen, \\'fol is "Ur. Slnrs -ight Acau nye," The fownlee supported the .groom ,Ind honomble Dioctor has ro tolerable Ithase•11 Brownlee and Halbert lhtiley trouble with his ininchievot s olarm, netAd an nsher4. The wedding march hpving to mubmit to "caulings h hie was plfyed by Mise J. Gaillraith. A own F"In No but nitt•Ays nlanJO O 'inculcate." 1•eceptkpn followed at the bride's home, 80111Pirltere4ting bemson utter which ttie bridal party drove. to No further ntln'ouncenlent will toe Brucefield, and amid showem of rice mottle, so rrnlemler till- date and t(Aflr the 4,3) train for Toronto. The attend mie of the best whooh concerts. hiritWi tray (ling dress want little silk --_ -- with hpt to • Match. Mr. and Airs. A woman hit-, lost her chief attrnc. Brownleehave rn,tny fril'ndm who will tion for a man when he ePARPn In will)- (wish then). nonny years of happy der what she will do next. married life.' he'), will 1wItt Jacinto, to their frivnets afbrr 00tolei Yidh. -- A New Orleans woman was thin. Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from her food. 14 She took Scoffa.r Emulsion. Result: She gained a pound a It day in weight. ALL DRUGGISTS, 80,. AND $1.00 Does it Pay to buy a Stove or Range because the first cost is cheap ? - Will It be Profitable in the lone run to buy a cheaper Range than the PANDORA? ' The firepot linings are made of the best cast iron and wear for years. Take time to examine our Ranges, and Heaters; we can tell you something you aught to know. International Stock Food Paroid Roofing E. P. Paulin 'PHONES: Store. 57 Residence, IT/ STODDART'S HARNESS SHOP is the place to buy the very newest styles in SUIT CASES AND TRUNKS We have a stock of these goods different from any ever shown in Goderich before, and the prices are no higher than the ordinary goods. Watch for our exhibit of Furs, Travelling Goods and Harness, at the Goderich Industrial Exhibi- tion. STODDART'S HARNESS SHOP GODERICH. THE CANADA NATIONAL STEEL RANG Here is a good com- mon sense stove for the farmer, because it has large oven, ao inches square by 14 inches high, large fire box to burn coal or wood: will take 24 Inch wood, coal linings easily re- moved, will give lob of heat, is built to last a long time. The above cut alis not show the latest improvement with short le s under range, giving it better clean. tion of hot air around base of stow making it more easily kept clean. We recommend thisve. Z Kindly call and Mee it m ase ANDERSON'S HAR 0WARE DUNGANNON. 4w 0