HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-17, Page 6t$ 'TmitimDAr, (kiabor 17, I1.TD7 . ..a.iw I 'i THE SIGNAL: (MDERICH. ONTARIO Thr RiFlIal And 1 he ti Iuonto \\ have an Ouaet, u sort ill' tbuFat or ly Olulw fur a year $11.31. Ihebun•.• I I --- -- l meatal Safety valve, as It were, to Ilal7.five tO new mtolaa•rfla•r.. v keep it front tearing homes and break. The'Mak" ' Ot.a Ing up thlugs malls of Wr Tell tinge-, maladnrruty, for lustanor and It in r DON'T WAIT fart beyond yursUuu that y guild eigat Gbt At legal as ever' start with your old 1jr nue of Its davent suis shutes will friend itheunlali,ul 1111, vrar. Yon qt, u=ssf ul Wife answer that purp.ak+ with less harm, ra bd ban [iii if YOU start right NOW to tate 1 In himself' and I IVAN d urtugge to By CASPER S. YOST. bb, nuruuudings t It a if anything salve. You full). NAN'SNINIATUREIAILINLS. Let t grant all tbis Bill Statute Around the House J It ( a[:., still wonder Keeps Him at Homo Dunt Expert a '!1 why lie can't do hl+ amukling it heals and streugtbuns the idneys so h3N ere ale Burped to he a Parajun of a w a y front that they will ire proof Ilyai t attacks, ' ropriely His Physical Comfort. home. If so,your wheasu den changes of we,at11w cove. rill to get tdaesl- eOc. a bo. at Drug Stores or try Mail. go Uolr b drfLv uce- noCL ran CWWAICo. L1wtIN. WMNOLeAL 149pyright. 1111:,, by Caspar S. fuaLl for 1t failed to MY I iLlit Ll'1'I E 4:1111, it for I ,fa ou �m takes some wutneu longer tiffskell tu/ghly IUuur- Wau Others to wake' up to - (ant thltyptabout th,, fact that thele busand -Oil.) the .•Ret•ts of to- Q Q it• iaOt truly and ulxwlutely and tutu -' Iwcco esu the ba - of perfect. and Suave are likewise mcV., onun he ba - 4 • ' lower than Others In Iwa•uW1sg rw.•vU tkutarly the bu- ue,,1 to the rowwunplaer. I don't O LDarr brain. ,Pak- uuw what YOU expw•tc,l of Hill, hilt on q4e cnrfrr6lrwe ell iYt mod4lrll. • . -i : " • t seems W we that 1 hills, already pin uiowe. tick". Its action teslflKd (� r p1Bt* photo to y-uu that; wbulever It la at Once nedativr and stimubttlug. It . to be would full ruusklrrsbly short promotes dlgeatkau quiets the t,rrvell, 11M mark, Lrlug hwuuu and it wan and while It trungaillfu•s the wind It d ht's a mighty k'oal thlag that he �,, Its doesn't dratlru It. flu We conte I A into t Ger er)dUym ldrsl runts pair'- mental effect is that of oil esu u squeaky f7Wn tI1C I:t tnCu the everyday life of this prat- axle. It makes the wla•ehl run easier Ovm- to You I At net,. Iit•'d`In- run 'in by the cops and at the Same time faster. biture he Kut u bluck, away from home jlwt on susp14.1olk He'd tw as lour A Man's Physical Comforts • We bnd CSStance F. foe as the Ilt21r boy that got last in A Usual dinutr, a comfortable lair, W44h our rroof, C corufleld. LW 1 ever tell you that the cumpuuy of a Sympathetic and lov- Wiry? Remind me of it the holt time, lug wife and to G'ugrsnt Havana make &-s.-Proof paeksizc& Hat- I :n at home. ICs a pretty good Story,' it comblanthuu that will carry a wan fax but just now I've gut some, thlno to stout as near to heam ven he can get and VapopiJvt� air 9:,Y that will be, hard to kwp within esu this side of the Jordan. It brings N=4itle to the ovals U • limit of u two cent �ttlrup. nut all that Is good In Win, reuro•u1 the t11nD You present it pretty big Indictment wurritts of the day, stralgbtem out the dopts Farms modn admit trial. At any rate, I've no wrinkles in his brain, maker film more tOsrsau Are pRA on the ,Setae V•, fit It looks that way to you. Yuck amiuble, a pleatinnter twupanhw, a w,:\that he wants to smokir, at home; [letter husband. Leave out the cigar, *m with the big apes, that be dr4os various and Sundry, and the cares of business are likely to tbingtii like maLarinew uud cuffs and I4AX with him; he is grumpy Knot Irri- mbonCy'3 perfection ,pleb, around the huawe u1s1 that some- table, readyto quarrel at the drop of Cream Sodas times Id, the evening he even gt*A no Me Litt slid ubuut u: t•ulartaiwug ;is a PV IolaRer salad les the throlu•uf dfgeaUcaL peeled in I t 1 d air-tjhs If YOU matte him go out and Sit esu the padagcy Gosh, clop, drbcaws-_ curbstone alone while he takes his mrd reach y«, i4. of erne con- I • after dinner Sanulce the effect is morally •` r'=1 phyak•aLy tad. and the stat thing dismiss no manor vvhere you live. AT ALL ewt3CCRs YOU knew bell 4w chasing off to some St. George's Baking Powder is belt fur Hum:uits beat to. Cakes -brat tur Pics--Isxt fur everything you crake that. requires Baking Pewdcr." e tulle can,tu :rv, t, i!I ahvay, make yuil lav) St. GLurge'a." 11410 y•,u a a ,Py of our new t:ouk kuokr seat free if )oil wror aau..ar Isug A Chenrpal Cu. of Canada, Lsnuted. M,,w, , h dousl. important it is from the feall. nine 'tulidloint that everything should be in its proper plate and stand at the angle, Hut gr' ut film gently. 1'ell Gita about it when he's feeling In good burner. We're all aware of this but mOet of u, urs apt to bristle i plait, wtlere he can suruke In CU[Ilfort. stilled owe .,L Kfr .,. pe, , wt ' Plat's the N.-4naiue of the eml. It's upi-D airs MVNTI:1:.\l.. act 14 ,ril,rclY1.1--At If,,- he I wise wourun who lets ber husband -- ! Well. he did, and Smoke at borne, and If my advice has ending Ut•t. I: were 4!)K rattle, 3M sheep, It Was 011e of and lanmbe. IDs' boorn unit viol calves, while' illy weight with you you'll eactiusuge the surept lndl- eallmpttall 1 anaimted of :it. r cattle. 1 the habit in Hilly in ine deraliun, mind sherp amt Ia�OLr. 1'r0 hu,;m and W11 calve.. I:y gn•ntness. But 1 YOU taut for gtatdntnS' sake big him the cattle Alaation -taco 11.1. dry *wk. wouldn't enrour Supplles conthaw w rise forward very In got a better brand of cigars than pruper age Hill to gr', s - tAe (Aolrs• at" true he gave me, as 1 wus leaving theme the last tlme. a heel" a e vela- .cane on arc„ant of the \ 7Le Other habits that yea object to falling, !,Cate to me flint b.• loves his home, ire Just failings, and they are so near-U Ind when a man manifests an affemlon . I~I ly,luntls•ryal auruag thc• we5teta Of i that It In net. ;w•eet IILUe life that in• half In him thetier trop}l•rS that their alxsruce would les- l materials that t~tal hlwhanols air made. it. Your chargees show ran thnt 114• ae.l hl the fill dignified home. Nor Is such an extreme elrv;e w litat.• vuu,ethJug radically wrong. I lion necessary to his comfort. A chair Ile Is up to the unrrhlng clear hcslhd iun't know why It Is, and I don't think roll ready for business. They show Ile'd be run os by the cup& he scientific fellows ever tried to e[ - Ing hours. L far as to put his feet on the tib olaln It, though they have wanted their who want to embroider Violeta on the rhaim. That's awful, Simply a r Tires In luvesthguting things of much that order Is nature's Lirxt law. SOLD,, But, toy dear little girl. It might flout Importance, but the fact remains 44teet of bis exNtente Is to provide worse. 'h'bese are grievuus shurtcom- that flew wen can be really, truly cum - reipunsibh: for It. It may b, so, but lags; I'll have to admit IL. even though furtable unless they can get their feet mhirt wnlsts, for yon. "prefore and a I ldead guilty to them myself. But C the floor when they sit down. I t - 'here very failings prove to nae that ve a kind of notion that It's one of esrh my estlmate of Wtlllum Is correct. ua W" metbuds of equalizing the elf - -Latest Quotations, He's just a man, a plain, ordinary ,ula uns,uf the bkxxd. Possibly women Ing the prat week. In all the Imading luau, but 19WI he In a man. Somehow trust a same Instinct originality, but Llverpoof wheat futures closed today ur other we just can't make our corn- Ig4•a cruel rep". shin setim to have morntnor. Out pi•tcr. ahuw• it,, than Re, a. dart Jibe with the rules laid down for 'Ilse -ed Lt any rate, it dw�'t ap- wer. I)ec44nter rr,rn unchanged, and the Pure, the Rood and the beautiful, iear to yrry term, while It does have last N'rdnr.day. %ke,Plpls were large, and trillion a woman gets a man, wbaoe • pretty usi,ierable to du with the LE. P.tPAULIN, Local Agent. I when you tome at us too suddenly. day't)r )on tan educate it out of BLiI. hope sr', Little girl; I rally do. But gr' Show. Ira a big jub. Yell ser, my dear. It all comet back to the very first tWug 1 told you, that men ain't much account anyhow, and you've gut to take thew pretty much as they come, faults and faWugs and all, and do the I"t you can with the material. Your Hill's a goxtd deal ubuve be average, but he's just a man, and you can't hope to make him all that loll think he Ought to be. If you tilt$ ao you probably wouldn't Like the jub ,ourwir after you'd ffulabed and girt • sgwrrr look at It. 1 wouldn't coun- tYnaDee any vkea -dusi't believe BW hers any- but a whole wife will shut her eyes W many of the faults and Toronto Junction Live Stock. T01:4-IN14o Jl N4"11U), Uct. 14. lieeerpl• of live •tuc•k at the (!mun block Yards were 7ti carloads, cuuspur. ell of I'Wi CALL4•. 5 hugs, 241 xhrep, 44) calve. and 1 hur,r. Exporters. Prtcrs reused frwu 8.16 to 34.75. but Wit) aur load at lhr latter prove, the bulk selling Aruuud 14 W pet , wt. Export bull", tx.,n to 83.76. - Butcher*. The best load of Lutebrrs sold at 55 per cwt Ion t;. oilLha lot. I'Irked lute. jilt;:, ter $4.w. luYds of gw.J,. N.M. to 14.e,; m. - dluln. M to f4::• cumtnur, 33.x, to 83 V., oma, guild.3LG to $4. caluuntal V Ski to 33. ,.,brva e. $1 to 31.3Ar per cwt Feeders and Stockers, Distillery feeders • were in demtnJ Mesar,. Duan. llaingan and bunter 1,.- Ing 4.a the roarkrl Laying all that vier-- suitable for the purpulle at following price- : diger,+, IviAl Its IIW Ib,., at 93V, to $3.:A; Lulls, at 31..1. to f:.:0 per cwt. Milch Cow*. Fred Rowbiree b•ugl.t it,, bulk of tl,o.e offered at In to tSl rat le,. but only on. een brought the latter le' Veal Calves. Vol calves sold at 34 r,. 36.:4 per cwt. or an average of 1• :Ar iwr cwt Sheep and Lambs. Export Pheep .4.:d .t $4 '•-, to 34 W r . a White Bearskin Coats FOR CHILDREN at $1.95 and upwards. Misses' Ulsters If^Yy' myrtle and Lrown, alwo all the new fancy mixed tweeds. Pretty find low priet+d. Ladies' Mantles P" know where to get what is curre et in style meano half the haying. OUR STYLES ARE WORTH SEEING and we art always glad to show unr goods with alwllultly no obligation Gr buy, and whether you Inry or not you will always find something here of real interest. floor stock also includes Fashionable and Desirable Furs Prr.ian I.,unh Jat•kels, Alaska Habit, %link, Marlin. uul Isalm•Ila Fox, Ntoleb, Huffs, Muffs, etv. We are blowing this week -Nottingham Lace Curtains at I-3 off. EVERY DAY A BARGAIN DAY IN OUR CHINA DEP'T JOHN STEAD 'aODERICH -LADIES, WEAR" WEST STREET, Opposite Post Office An Italian Ialsrrelr was killed while I No Music. at work on a dam at the pulp -mills at Millinotcket, Me. At the hearing Ire- First `summer Girl - Ur' yolk huv„ forts the hsnl justice thele was found nlllsir tit your hotel +" in it too ket a roll of bills collwil!' Second Nuuuuler Girl Nu• fill[ w, Set. and hidden in one of the lsotil" have a couple of hi-nds." rigs we,., found a dirk knife. As there was nn IWUhat4• cokirt within Ohuty -- op" of no what he;nd rwasat�t TO CONSUIrIP�'IVES Ittoms to know what disptrsxl should Iw uuul - ttf the money, Finally hr hit • Ulon the sol lotion. ']'he court took '1114. uudrrmigilt-d having Im•4-rm r,• rlsarg. of -the uroney and filled file stored t.4. health by simplelurnns, offercorpse $Li for car•r0lig concealed anffering fur v "ecrvl yegro with it mev- weatous• ere I11119 litfrl•tion, and that drend LOUDEN FEED AND LITTER CARRIER This is beyond dispute the BEST CARRIER MADE. NO SPRING, NO BRAKE, NO COG WHEEL. efisidime•alw t;eaaamplea, im anxtuum to mike rge) now to his fellow sufflswm the eans f carr. thos"A who demi!, t, It" If ,chrrrfttJly stand (frre of d copy o file preacription usdyl, which then will flood It "torr iter• C4NUUWptl•a, Althea, GUM. Brea - chills thud all Ihruat and lung tlshodles. He holm•s till .titferem will try his Henu•tiv, nm it is invaluable. 'flaw drairing Ill• pr•ra•ription, which will ("wt thein nothing. Allot IIIA\- prove :o blenuing. will pleases .duress ' key. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, "1.1 Menesetunit Mineral_ Water tltFlh ()DERI 'If MINERALW.% 1 TIiH 4'4 r„ ' m&llufartnre" of ••Menne 1....a," air pt.!trre an to deliver to y 'cwt of I the town !M fl a.t UinRReer AM In pint.. and q.nrtal•.0 Mineral Water I•, theme.ise- I.pla,, pint. and juarno, Schur water * .I :amble 4,.Thee to ta. ad. air uwlr tum" a4lural n.inrnd water, and are lherrt.sv frav rmin all i ... pnrille, 1'. I. IYALT41Xl Man ea.•r. 1'11. a.a•!n, Stun : �1I 4111 1'LA`SF-4. I AM PRE 11 1'.1HFU 11, n.•eitr pu •11- for lI&rl0 rtlld !her try. 4,1W t he lhlrroltKh....u•n..i in letgArlr,. lelhul for yuuoa )own" 1'rrut, and of fuer Inforinatios. ,,my be "1'Mmuwrr • mu"it• .lore. 4iodel"101 E)IM A .y. A X UHf:11'1t, If A. ROY ADAMS Tx AI'Nka u►• Pu\o Kt ndto In Ftnnk M Mtlnte'aa1 Hlorla faults are Nous• •ht'erf"In of the triter sex. I think �� of her hum eat : lambs. $;,:o ver , �Ied><eai. Krrrrl she'd better [rand, make v1r•ttratie- _ a(•cept them with resignation And l have poln ed out W you the Impair- of others and rub out the rslR like ',f P Mope I RN FNMFHv+uW lbaruLlulneas and then proceed .omake tan, of making a man comfortable In virtues or thew. )nier to keep him contentedly at bone. No Nonsense About Isilfy. Well, my dear, pedal elevauun is que For virtues th.-v can be, little girl, of the means to _ though they are argative.TDu very' r that end. I r I don't suppose nn IRK THE DAV�� � you know that �� �1-N 'r) Abraham I.in- `/ r I Sed tilts so low tfa that you can '! Pick , the _ ,.clothes out of the basket With 'one hand, .without letting go of the line with the AV r Other. h can fir righted into position by a child, and holds loads, that other dryers could not carry. Send your address and let us send you a "Davis" oil approval to try. It will only rust you one cent for a postal card. 4114 THE DAVIS REEL CO., LONOore 1.. OMT. 25000 , NEW WORDS are added tot 114• I:Lat edition of Welk -t,r'slnternationalDictionary The Gazetteer of the World uni thf Biographical Dictionary Eve toper completely revived. The Interns tional is always kept abreast of the times. It takes constant itork, ex• pensive work and worry, but it it the only way to keep the dictionary the STANDARD -7; AUTHORITY of the English-apcaking world. Other dictionaries fallow. Webster leads. It in the favorite rwith Judges, Scholars, Educators, Printers, etc., ih.this and foreign countries. THE GRAND PRIZE (HI best Award) wag given at the World's 1"Air, SL ISnlin. k � A postal card will iding you In. terestinK sprrimrn pages, etc, G.&C.MERRIAMCO, /mak SPRihO►oELD,MA99., eMrasnn ►uei.raaa as or xm W E B ST E R'S eCT1NiK` INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY -A I � ' ' L . . 4— ­,olk s th [Sather used to do my headaches lift dey's goad w day. nchanged. D'cemtter _ u n u. toetmly law with his stilled owe .,L Kfr .,. pe, , wt - feet on the mau- upi-D airs MVNTI:1:.\l.. act 14 ,ril,rclY1.1--At If,,- he telplece. Su? MwArral Kt,"-► 1'ar.l w', -lit Knit !lark. -t To W, J Well. he did, and ending Ut•t. I: were 4!)K rattle, 3M sheep, It Was 011e of and lanmbe. IDs' boorn unit viol calves, while' the surept lndl- eallmpttall 1 anaimted of :it. r cattle. 1 rutlona of lila sherp amt Ia�OLr. 1'r0 hu,;m and W11 calve.. I:y gn•ntness. But 1 the cattle Alaation -taco 11.1. dry *wk. wouldn't enrour Supplles conthaw w rise forward very lie ten tion ser lar as to put fly fed 4.m age Hill to gr', s - tAe (Aolrs• that far.. Irs all heel" a e vela- .cane on arc„ant of the Isargetl you mnkr• agulnift William in. right 1n a f5aei4 !,Cate to me flint b.• loves his home, elor apartmr•uL Ind when a man manifests an affemlon I © but I'll adndt fur tel% own thrr,Ide you can bet your i that It In net. ;w•eet IILUe life that in• half In him thetier pretty' nor' T IAL owt IJatY Inc. materials that t~tal hlwhanols air made. it. Your chargees show ran thnt 114• ae.l hl the fill dignified home. Nor Is such an extreme elrv;e w pends ills evt•ulugs at bome and that lion necessary to his comfort. A chair Ile Is up to the unrrhlng clear hcslhd will do, any veld cluslr, but don't deny roll ready for business. They show I")m' W111lam that solace for lots everi- nae that there Is too tkouru•nse nbunt Ing hours. L Itifly. lie Isn't one of those fellows Disorder Is Man's First Law, who want to embroider Violeta on the You've probably read somewhere• iummer cktoxds. IIP s oil to his job. that order Is nature's Lirxt law. SOLD,, Ile recognizes the fart thet the chief old tuner with a reputation for w•ts- 44teet of bis exNtente Is to provide dam to malutain is said to have been u :,rend and oleo and a few other things, reipunsibh: for It. It may b, so, but like stuffoed olives and embrohderld illy experience with motare forces one to mhirt wnlsts, for yon. "prefore and a ill doubt. However, thrat's neither s th [Sather used to do my headaches lift dey's goad w day. nchanged. D'cemtter Krnnvd> n•purtr.l ,.let•[. at ti.�• per cw•ot. hot all 1!xht It._ hugs, will be ��- "I stilled owe .,L Kfr .,. pe, , wt an t3CUEV[ 1 '. litlontreal Live Stock. upi-D airs MVNTI:1:.\l.. act 14 ,ril,rclY1.1--At If,,- he As As Mg UUM MwArral Kt,"-► 1'ar.l w', -lit Knit !lark. -t To W, J the rec,lt.tm of file rtes, k for it,, week ending Ut•t. I: were 4!)K rattle, 3M sheep, and lanmbe. IDs' boorn unit viol calves, while' tine offering,• slam nn.n-aing for local cvp- eallmpttall 1 anaimted of :it. r cattle. 1 sherp amt Ia�OLr. 1'r0 hu,;m and W11 calve.. .r Ther,- I.a. haven m, new de, elopm tits In the cattle Alaation -taco 11.1. dry *wk. "t Supplles conthaw w rise forward very frrrly, which rousllt curgely of unffnlsbwd s - atrerr. tlrifrr, anJ room :m,1 choice heel" a e vela- .cane on arc„ant of the fact flair fsrrnirr. will nut h -ed theta. owing In the .,•amity of f"thu tar thru- - H uut the (ouatr) unit she very high prices ruling for the .arae, u. ouulpared will, livers tortltdw4t i/he j. prrvluum yesrm. The lural motif outside drutawl fl:�ng lite and I've a bard tl'�t' wave not esu artivr ” A week Sao. Sales o f , h,•h P ,•attl•• herr were made leaf} before me tomalsom, no al 4as,.. to r,,..,I .,t 4e, L. 41tjc; fair at Vii,' to Ac; rill, l.,.:, at !ii to 3c. wild nl�2 Isom loet�ald dui, rwtoers at 1Sµ• to :..Sir per Ib. Suppfle, of sbrep and Iamb* were fully JO11X H1YI0D. 600 head =smaller Ilan a week ago, And to P. R -I opened this to Induct. the conaecluence a atrongrr, feeltng devNuped libeae of my elgar dealer at home In the market fur the latter, which re- ell Hill if he'll ask thin man for toy, sulted In pr'ic'es being advanced Vee to We 1.•e, lb, but Pheel, , alae. were Arty and vo Jte bland he'll get a ®oke tlfat unchanotetl. The deruand for luteal eun- III make the sun mhh w an a CbDU4y munlption and exlarrt account cyotlnues good and an active trade wu, done Sheep J. a .Md ut 4: to sortie. and Iamb. At SSSS• to &r per IL The demand for calvem was good, THE MARKETS. of which the offering. wemR fair. Choice .luck ould at 312 to 315; good At $1 to DO; - hdr ut $6 to T. and common at 83 to $4 iverpool Wheat Futures Unchanged, esrh Chicago Lower -Live Stock In syo,-I!,, with the stronger cable advirea on I an Man bacon, and the ad- -Latest Quotations, vane In prleea of In to 2s per cwt., dur- - Ing the prat week. In all the Imading Monday Evening, oct. 14. 16urop•an morketm, a nrmer fueling pre- Llverpoof wheat futures closed today valle,l In the• Iot'"I hog situation this rorn hl higher. morntnor. Out pi•tcr. ahuw• it,, than Re, a. At Chicago, Im•ceni er wheat cloned Sic compared with those of a week axis, but wer. I)ec44nter rr,rn unchanged, and tl,ey nes,, a little higher than It ....... pmid onto %c higher. last N'rdnr.day. %ke,Plpls were large, Win for wbl, h the den,ans wait K(mml fnmu I) A T;hRNBULL. A. T. Wrouxamets, M. Ir. liv. M, Tritsrrla_ M, /1• n{cew. Ibuallton Mlnyq. )'hone ve. la-. Kwrnrrwrn',• Ivoidrme. Mr. lhirkl'+ tr_t. I 1pps•Itc Victoria •Intl church, 1'tatne Ira. Dr. Ir. Turnhnll'• re.idence. Montreal ratnoL Phone iia. ])Il. A. H. MACKLIN, M. H. `+lrecial,ln ttention PHYSICIANAND ye, spray Nome slid Throat oTrc and n;.klencr aid Hank of Mon n•al, opt-ite 14a,tofflce, Went rat„ (IadericL. Telephone No let,. .--Le 1AMRRON 4• KILWHAN, BAK- }':,miFUST'4Hist, o licit r". none moo` elr. (Moe. ,Ill. Al, U. CANKRON. K. �q uar�;uoderlch, Lu1tAV, L KIL PRUI'DF(K)T. HAYA a BI.AIR. lwrrl.term, ,nneltorw, notnrlem public poo :on,hl rhe Maritime Couri etc, (pace, evt else Solitaire. next door C. A. Nolen' -grocery. Its tate fund. to lent at Itws•t ratan of interemt. W, PROUDFOOT, V. C. FL C. HAYS. U. V 4LAHL DICKINW)N k (%ARROW, BAIT. I;alrefch TICHM. attorneyt aolicltorA, etc. MonL. DICKI\MOV, RANI M41ARRU L•Lli Insurance. Loaner etc. ROBF,RTNON, REAL 1 KAtate and Triourton a Agent,. )tool em - tate for ole or to Irl, Vmpcltle.l handled In any lrart of the town and county. Fire and Ife Insorance, money to loan etc. JOHN W. CRAIGIE, LIFE, FiRE t slid accident lnanrance, Aysnt, fur leadlu{C moonlit &list mtock eornpp&anles. in,sorance In ell [film effected on be.t planm and at lowemt rate.. ('411 At office, corner w'eet 8taeet and Mquwre ,cm a girently tic must hustle. 1141 here tour there. The point I want h, r4oma Ootoons. local t rulers an I,; kers, and trade was or addream J. N', CRAIUII!:, Ooderich, ons. Following are the rinlslnR quotations an Active, with nalow of small Into at 1116.25 to _ ____ rele,hone Yl l,ro:•.tbl' don't know It- few worsen to Wilke ds that wht•thier nature has tiny N'Inoh"•g grin -f t J 3f 60 100 Ib w t hell f' u urea to a) Per ps., 'a - o cur.. -but it's a pret- Such an ordinance or not, first or Inst, Wheat Oct- $1.14% hid, It",. $1.1.1% fit,] -East Buffalo Cattle Market, ty serious Muy $11.119 bid. t prop- It's duggrrled rrrtaln that there's noentts-Oct. 6%1 bid, ber. Mas, hid, May RART HUFFA1•t)• (set. 14 rattir-Re- ormltlon, this bunt how of that kind In the sutufr Ioks 57'soe bid. eetpts. 0`10 head;fairly active Sad toe to n.•si of inking .d nlau. You notice i don't wry ukan- Toronto Grain Markets. 1"'lowr:prinLeers.36.76to9678;shopping, 36.:Z to L'•..6; butchers'. IgA to ear• of a family. kind. i weal taus, just plain man• Grain- 36.60, ivitees, t3.m to 36: ntwls, 33.;s to II'mareslmrns,bir eh 11 whl :inrl afarehrd Rhirls. Whear.spring.bush..;.....tom toI.... $4.:4. btdL, 12.'50 to 84.0; stocker. and Ity' that illi ht Wh,,al, fall, hush........... 141 feeders. V to $4.711: stock belfen.. t...40 to K 7 \Yilh woUu a il'" JiR151'etlf. IlydrP f. not \vhrat. 9-111-, finish........ 0 :C, ...• 33. fresh cows and stwing•ea Strong. $3a - atom take9 ths' "Illy their hr,t law: but It's the first \vbi••at. red. birmh........... 1 les to $LK qn pefff U011s Mil Pearn, bushel ,,. n>,fl Veais nucelpta, L90 band; acilve &ad tlwent out of n' 1'nrnl raph In their eonsUtutlun. '%'hut ftwrlry. humhel . 0 W. zit last.." x to 3o. .... tidy unk.l hang Jamt aM; that Sofa pit ,rat,, aeN bumhel.......... 063 '• liup-401. 41pts, 111.7110 head: abw am loc :� onion. ITnder- law• must .:turd rxnctl In till. .... to W foster: Meavy and mixed s7 to ", ' onion Inv, uuw, 1 ) 1"i• Toronto O+try Market vorkws. $&SO to 91.0; plies.. Kgs to $0.30: altknl; fill- the mud's slake, : wonder flutter, dairy. Ib. rolls,........ 0 2. 0 24 1Ougna, 36. .6 W 311, 16, "&as. ILM W 36, M.11.1 superfluous, avis. ral.r•d that window Shade w, ltme•r. hub. ....... .... 0 zt o 2a adroelw, acs to 3iJa. the k 1 n d that I:uo..r. , rr:nn r, it.. valla... o :'3 o Cr Shaap srrd La lAw-ttsitie�t� 2ken head. 1mIKh: I•iwerder la more trolly mnar U. I a1 neem-LmtJ. ddozen........ 0 C4 Seth, and steady: larnba. 36 to TtJfa rear- [wj aloln over nada o •tlrrgr. IarRe. IM... :: 0 13% .... Imps, $6.76 to is. watbwlk K6.w to 36.76: hn•, nnrl 1m Il,ts realsar man la of ills , t1 e, Iwin. : b ............... u 134. I•wa/, ib to RsO, lsl rung down the I Iwai, or, r:Uls•r. ilia wnraf at home. 1 lion.,. e.oaro•d, til..,...... o L ii is "tip• Rao to .•l safety txllcr, a, tt sld4se like tido- !too, :r, dt 11 mectlona....... 2 76 3 25 Ms: coda IYark� i to roc 16tre, nm u1lKhty Sorry' ntont'thl.; hnn4•e,lly New York Live Stuck. insars on it jug. 1 ant. It ain't right. We really rlev, York Oasry IAkeltsl. )sat no sweet a: that -On the Inttlde• hilt NAW yokK, Uet_ K 4kwt�e-Re- utlghltk't In hn' ter llmlrrelisp find ,aft' 1 -ala:. (ha. 14. -flutter -Werk cellrta, 3aa, tarn atsYww iledd7; etlaeri Ise, 'rummy and Alarlram• let :A r, era.. even n,rr 1w•w.paler. and !. rap. tale, •,r'*': to 211114. b~r: brdls tem holier mw steady 11111, K�tlnh hack to 11111si"M faults, i . Ih1ril" r,. firm(., Jh In aril : to a ,bade lower; 10 oara of I bw nn- dRnr n.hd. and heLt, , +,.nn.•r'): llrrt t„ mpw hJ., _ to acrid: cosmos to ebok•.e see" M to KaD, woof fes ell you haw ihm•y Idxrk to a dho'r b r F4. Iltj "'fh state d&try, meters"n to tlnrat, 22r M s K - bulls. 3L:U to $3.76. rove,tl.30 to man, t0 an OW man, who hoe alwale =d;prrwesw, r. wnm„n In special”. Is, Fbrpprta ttrtronew2M0 c&ttle and+rlb•rrd that Ings {ndlsorinrI Lr z,a„•; weptern factory, eor"nion to lira, gaartsws or best K.ma h.un„ t'a Sou coOr InAtely around:Ic I,. 2M. (ya3elrf�errllpiP.. y, Willrlt some pr•Ily' h.Xor lA•iak: the ever•. 'R ^'al•11t'r4y: fhe homes; we Vlda; risk41111a. 2ltll• Plate. fillt grs•Aewa and wevlm x, 36c t>i~: vtmeis.nor Ihiu_, air .pal a i Itortslthnll til mmAll, colored and while• Nrpt.. K to as^ chadep aywnred, WADand n little Inorye .i, th:tr, :'JI) 1rUghfrS't fn mltsaI fl nee. hie grad ttiprltne, ly!ya to IS,e,, graasrq 13 to K3.ri0, w,to things lip lM,. .un to fair. Lk to I:W-: large, cnlorrd, $4-6; drel>swl rallwa rtsagy: tyty.dre, el.e, hln echo deals U'1 irrde upo11 ..note, Ira. w hNeI jc. oimmnn to realm, f4• h) 14• per Ib.; rawtr dr'e,sead, ltllt, I,orl blessi•. 1.^• I:•yr. mklnlP^ Ir,},' fit 11Hrr•. t,, to =%c ' ilAn111 Mar'ft, Of js,r :'a•Ifr; n+ yolk little girl.KKK. Alred), recripl.. 2x1mtwtePronand the tjady.hapor, and Lrnbe. Via. 1A31, oabeepiii st.R,aelel liar art rpt :L, ,I WIP just natural rYhYnIY :rod nearby, fwney. ,elwrtlN. steady. lambs opwrM ,wain to 3tc lower.iifalllhk• the td•:IehlnKs ref file while. U1 d, :am,RuuJ les ehtd,v, :!c to rh.red 36c to [Or b�wirw,In.. Ibe yatnz IaGr ly can't help It.awe brown and mixed, fancy, 211• to 33r: fo 60, rung, " to $3; kwl� ntstoIt`s part of thear.1 In extra first., •M to re. was ern enllbary'. And. firstly. AA fn am„L its; ffrlstm, 21Kr to fir; •etn4da, lk to 1k. gentlest IS.market 3Ls L Rs: etb, N :bol, i ndmlt, IN tl tanit, Irlll If I, un• cut's i n e s s prop-_Ronsidot.. ILUk vnerbr,t r� at a'Ifk ora many PnvinR graves fli.+r it that's In sur R CATTLE MARKETS. la to V4.11,. "fly aught In n Ire erournRoyl by thanyhimWorst, RHI ain't _�- -- -- l e Any than I wism lee sirloin rrwrrll Cables Steady -Cattle Are Lower aft Easy. ty For the Prmm�tlon of home"11•' tilt, rent M us. that lcteadow• aha,14 eut7ale end Ch 11:1 in4rat. it la pretly grneralh ,, ! �M• F:diar- What. is better than ' ttevtson with him. me donor. Rhnw him f.r)NMN. (k1. 14 Letldoao [tablas area khsaY" 11tH that lhP nafurol. inhonl.•Innate 1 haw mnrh it. Adds M f,rm,r at lar to 12ye (lar N►, Ne�td F:mmw- 'IMn't a4. kn.w• nnI cue4�edpeaa of We 13laacttllip agiiwt3 to your st1eR and %eight. refrtiaratot kanf Y 4. oral eft y y lour worm t91ov llle to Joe ler 1♦. timlthptication table'!” t . 1 f1,,y�fcKiLLOP MUTUAI, VIRP IN- iA . M U R A N C E c O.-yona, and lawlatcd town Property inmu red. Valve o r .urell tip to Jan, lith otvr$3,(v1(.f {r1[1pe 1, ,pIf, (Mlcrr- end direrton,:--J. It. ]ifrl,ann, peva. ; T. Frwmci vloe-rrem. ; Jwa. Connolly, o. Dale, Mr. Che. ney, J W&tQ Jwls, kr4nm, J. O. Uriere, J. Barone- , wells, direrwo"m ; T. F. Hwy., Meaforth, mecretary treamnrer : hmmpectora, nt.eresI director to lora. J W, Yen, Holrmwvllle, agent for Wed. Kflunm. Policy-holderm cYn posy aamewlment. And Clinton or oat Med,cwn H 4.m.' sl Mr. ('oft.,', store tioderlch' to,,' F'alare Clothing I.IHAVINO AND HAIR-DRh'6iyINif 77 PARIAMS. TM heat place In town. 'tornpi, aervldee ; everything cle4n and mini Iwry. Ho• end cold M►tka. Will. DAVIS. Heitlah Kxehwnae Hotel Block laeooe.wor to Joke. Frlulley). Rarriase Lloenses_ 1`rALTRR X. KRLLY, UUDERi('H, ONT. Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. ilsn,ter of Marriage MeenAea. WLANK, iR9UER OR MARRI- is liennaea, onderich. ont. Auctioneenng IfIf IIOMAR GUNDRY, LtVR FOOCK end gmeml aNll,r("NOWr. Olaoen th .,4,lt verm I.. where he will he found at all unrest when not -tying sales. Terme reisonwbleland every oRort, tested, to [live yo% satldaetJon. 'I'honw.11l. GEORGE BECKETT General Atictioneef. New System of Tickets and Catalogue. OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. P. O. Boat 193.