HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-17, Page 50 GOTHAMITES ARE INTERESTED IN THE LUsITANIA. The New Cunarder Has Many Visitors at New York Harbor Italian Col- ony Affording a Serious Problem for the Metropolis Governor Hughes as a Presidential Possi- bility Bishop Potter Reproved. 1 t t i d! l THE I NAL: COI)ER11111, ONTARIO - --- _ _. _ ----,--------r __ �— --- -- - --- - - — rebuked fit no uncertain laugume" by ceburoh is a Cory, tidy, well -arrest rd I �"� �`� L CC r Y1 he pn•sm, adlflce And its Iwr Jim im big•wruirt uN (✓� �/L r'' � �t he is large -booked. Phare mit sews little controversy 'rite Prembytrriau rbureh choir rep-; ammi landlubbers and others es til' Pllel n Ilur uuamicul pr�rgruu \1'axlnaw- If day, evening. whether the refusal by the New York Yacht Club of Sir ku'lliam Liptou's REV. DR. CROWN'S VISIT., •halleng0 for the Ameriea'r el'p was mp. et- ruling ee or out. 'fly upil'ii)n of 5 Cups of Tealoo. mite ruling rlrut0ut of Lite Club sats Temperance and Moral Reform Agent of .hat the cup it and should lie a trophy the Methodist Church. 'ur only the larKp(est area famtemt slops the eil'rty-feed. claies +old lair Au event of intererl uul ol'l} /a the L I'humar, with his unfailing guilt nu- gre•thodirt I)ewplr of the flown, but fee Do you know that five cups of Red err, is now cuuridering it challenge l'axtey others, woe. flat- vimiy o(' Hev. J with A yacht of the size of his first Ur. Chuwel last Monday. '1111'• Chow" Rpm Tea ('TOC. grade) only cost one cent? .hrrr Shaturoekr. Thsre is A 1101,x1110 is the geurral sea•rrtxry of Wmya•rxucr Rose ncrea►e, Incidentally, in the +ulve1� w and moral reforelik a tilt• e Methodist tig of Liptun'r tam, I0 which o11. a:hllrrh of ('anad+a, 111"1 am Itis workYou can actually make 200 cups from e terv. mnl'li"g ly aster. The Yankee brings his freyurutly 14) public nolive ' New lurk, Oct. 9, -- is the it not the only until with A keel' syr il' cuu"rctiuu with lbeverl'"teuLal If- Lusitatiia lay at her dui k, . her to huriiiiI l'. H. fair., {{uarticulatiy it, rerpert of teat• one pound. lung. yaa:ht-Ilke .tern prv3eclrJ – —_ -- term afferliog the liquor tattle, "utiq flet u•t unto the t'iver than rely other CONVENTION AT BLYTH. were (,III- r 1,u hear film. tit- (art r ores - h 11 is easy to prove Iltls. Buy 8 package and try it. ship along the water Irolit, her I pled the putplt of \'i -turLt mtret cabins xnd great pmnirmulr dre'm -- Uethtalimtchureh in lite 11o)rl'i"g and Ae your Grocer3. somewhat dwarfing the lung, drab- Gathering of County Sabbath School and that of North street. church ilk tale' colored pier where she was moored, Chriehan Endeavor Workers. "veei"g, •and ,adtl•psrel A eaeethig in her (tour rod funnels could IN` seen the court house, under the auspices of rhe trier fimtannual thScnrionu( RO aue,"g enrtNts and piece for A mile y tle Citizens: league, tc tilt- afternoon. RED along 1\'ewt street. M60 stale little the Huron County Sabbath Mchowl Ar' In htx M<rruiug nJdrras Dr. Chown socistion was held in the Metholimt-S E short of a senmation when she arrjved• outlined tile.. weak of the drtrurtnrnt w c, rcb. Blyth, lou Turmday of bast under his clear r, wlmch thou to bring Those favored with parolee ere et shown through iter w►loonm, tend tecep- week. W. 14. Kerr, of Hi us.els, ptesi• tilt- 41.111 force of the- church to locar dent, war in the chair. There wnr a •• iS GOOD tions sees held to chow the Cunard fur tit adr.efieruirut alt twtf{xrunrr Coumpany's ill){cera itliun of the pith• gel attendance and an rxcrllrnt Pr'u• loud ole r social rrfonur. The !)actor tic's interval n the vessel. Mite tN gra", doxclated that the Methodist chnrrh TEA •• surely the finest craft that ever 1'110 afternoon mrssiuu opened at 11U,' lurk not believe ie lite connpclion of • A1 L�L� TE cnteiel this tiAriom. Rev. S. Anderson, pastor of the chutch.A"d stat,., in that the church church, cuuducting devotional exrr- should receive Any material RAIII • ' ' cissa. tags at- privilege, hot it dues behive In spite of the fa.•t that x11,• brollp After it few words from the- prehi- Ina vital emauecGon between lett ion sal records for the Qui eeust)wn-New dent hr called u ton Rev. K. W. Mer. and politics. Thr nation shuulrl la• MUCH CONCERN FELT. (st�•+unrrs N. )Illi ;tied City of Cleveland Turk route, it tN dieua rps ,hating to rill, H. A., (If '�orunto. to conduct u tuumel in righte modems, +aid nu man going far toovardv bri"ging up the many, especially those of` Hritish birth conference lou Mabbath school work. who wits not I.e•ized of the conviction Ordinary Methods for Treating Catarrh grand total for dvst•uctimn through hr sympathl", that the sprsid per The reverend gentleman, who is get,- that this was Goat's world, and .Guild Pro�tre Unsuccessful. this cause to $I,Ii11liO1Mi, IAWN of life hour of the 1.usitauia did not edunl en{ superintendent of the Sunday lAe governed according to Gol'N ore aceexmt lot firs scam taw) cumsider- that of the UeutaI hl►nd or the Kaiser school hoard of th0 Baptist cunvrntion will, should be entumted with public lie:p11t atarrh I x�,' lhakmK x11 in- Willielut IL. whose records have of Ontario, IN espe•eially qualitlecl for office. The speaker mentiunral rmpec.- Il a:axe to finedic halve ,ll the i Lite con- ably, ten ip The thrill deaths 0l' this stored for tee years. It IN more than shim work and, after• distributing a hilly the liquor traftlr, foul language• tlde"ce to( nodical men in the usual per- "Ponsiaccoul The Naomi total, R e rp- lwobable, however, that the "shaking queatton III containing fifty impureeanduct, corruption ill public scripti0um to oafrguxld huurnn health .{wnalble fill' the big 1,.rta1, arveu �f down" of her turbines will give tier orueriem, es•cupiel almaat An hour in life and political partisanship As ell. 1.1„111 clip r:avaKrs lof this dtwaNe. tier crew and passengers meeting their It gold chance to take the stipremm-y solving some of the many knutty pr•ob- which Ca"+ada-should combat. \\•hsu mtcrtuach during proyel it,- death. in the fire which destroyed the lot the sea front the Oermanx Irui. ptwarutd w lir "iter to tbim His sermon in tilt- evening was eff-ctivle, it was. natural tie look fur ship. Thar loss of the Area Jia, off . a ' • tuapurwut depsartmeia of church largely devoted h) cut attack upon ower lothrtr urn(ueut, and it i. IN- Yenlwxler tin April 'h is It)so far the work. rite. elxtrrialistir t.rndeecy iu present- lie'ved that in Hymnoi tut a11.olute greatest file of the seas., four - work. war u little resentment show” Rev. J. C. Heid, H.A., Hr U., lot Nile.„ day trate Hie. text war trout St. John's row for all cxtierrllA•i 't•oubdes has at teen people --every penton aboard the in the papers against Mir Charles Tut)- gave an interesting'seid instructive Ocspel hl:Il'--••I site sotto• thAt they last been found. Breathed thneugh x little boat. --meeting death in the lake per's assertion that Americans were add,-e•mm to children on "The Spider," alight have lite, and that they might next pocket, inhaler, its heading medic when she went down. ars onsible for the Vancouver riots, from which he drew umany practical have it more +abundant v.' The rAt ioe rem -hes every spot where thele }} g R lessons of valve to loth old and our Six Boats' Total Losses. nitduu h, according to one account, of Young- money -lurking lever, he declnrroL al's caetxrrhxl ge•rumae destroys thein. the twenty leaders arrested none was The closing address wits given by %vas eappil'K the life of Canada, Jr- ptrvents their future growth. :tied The total losses for the measem thus an American ritizen. The inference, Mrs. Kull"till, furmerl • Miss Irwin, "other the irritstel nmmcans siert- far member rix• giving int estil"I led of course, is that Canadians ars 1eNe y NtmyinK the 6lghrr tdYAIN, xnd ren- brans wt that relief is telt Alurost in- loss of i111,(11M1. The lo,ttm :err : Pil- of Clinton, who with Iter husband to dering the people incapable of xppree e111011 prejudicel against foreigners than prig in in mission work in the isle red letting the ta•tUr things which gave scantly, while IAmling cure is prac- grim• struck in storm on I.;akt- He Americans are. They aro where they of 1'rylun. Hrr topic eau '•Ceylon— value w life. The imul' titive spirit. tic•aliy more to follow. lhtl,IMMI ; tiaK L. B. Johnston, turgecl don't !newt tetany lot. them. The well• the Island anal Its People" and bee which Heckel potl�ing i f Lite tarps of ache romolete Nyulnri nmtfit rust. turtle, $5.41110; Areadix. wrecked ill disposed Canadian or Britoil who lives addtesm abounded in-itiforinati(M. others• trot looked tell]. to selfish in- Iola =Enol, xnd in salol by J:w. R'ilme)n sun'. oaf I rntwxtxr, $ln,ltls) ; Car. in a law-abiding Christian e.anmuliity 'I'be audience wax sorry when %Is: trrest, wits far removed from the tender ion absolute agreement to re- ringtun, went to pieces on l exrh in of Angl; Saxons im, full of svumputhy Kutltaue tesunl'd her meat. .pmt tot the Sermon nn the 31OnIll feud the moue}• if it d"er not give storm, S3i001; Niutick, driven on for yellow folk x few thuusand-utilem A choir of girls gave u good chorum. and, although it mail whalwuuld gov• elati+faction. It is file only rare fill- Lake Superior necks, =4 A1011. away, blit when he lives close to them, After ancentineements by Ke -v. J. L. ern his Imminent; affairs in accordance vatnrrh that has ever leeeu hill under Other big losses were sustained by and ares that the yellow man can do Sol -ll. B.A., will) s^tod as mec•re•ttty with the texchitiKN of .Iesim Christ A guxrunteP to Cort cathing unless it the burning of the City of Cleveland his job Aa well for half him pay and this ititerestine• g msseuu was cunriudrd o would, he Itkn ;is ed ,pole willd ill,. riares• hest Jam. Wilslom ham sl' much xnd Naomi, the hulls of which were I iar on a dried fish and a hunk of with the doxology and benediction. practical, they were the ideals �hich faith in it-+ power ter.cure all catau•ldixl saved and su•t- being rebuilt. Thr bread per day, he speedily conte. to The church was neatly elecurAted Canadians utast met I.'f.11'1• themselves troubles that he to willing to cake the lossem+ on them were $175,(") lend .We momething like a Jiffgrenee in the with utott)es. Rowers, etc. if they were to make the lest of life. risk, sl' if Hymnei dim•s not help .tilt *I:Vj,t1110 re•.11_ettvely. races, and would prefer that his The evening session opened Al 7:311 'there was A fair attendance at the there will not ke It penny's expense. Early in !lir seaman vessel captains, hrother move to wacr other lucallty• with x sung service, Key. J. L. Mcmall court house in the aftrrenon, G. M. (ie t<ul outfit x once tin this liberal. in an effort w make more money fat• . caking charge of the devotional exrr- Elliott ticcupiet the Olair. Dr. Plan. _� i the owners. htilt itched to [orae then Iotas clues. Chown'sieldress was opened with x - though the piled -tip ice. Thtotalled Nrw Murk lax na yellow peril as A l'otice lot motion was given to the co"denam►tiorn of p0lit.icxl corruption, THE RECORD OF THE LAKES. scam that the principal losses totalled yet, that ;it certainly has au Italian effect that the Sabbath (( School rend which hr wail way honeycombing the — - s7a,(XIII, There were innumerable aril. Thr number of crimen that Christie" Endeavor Andociations of principles of No unsay • Next to the This Hai Been a Disastrous Season amxllei luysem, for scarcely :a. boat lave been committee) by this 'proud the county lir a inslgamated under one inspired Word and the• "aced ele- i for Sailors and Shipping. went through the ice without receiv- and honorable" rare in the past year Net of oRlcers, the matter to hr lis• i" some damage and repairs on is enormous. The Italian. of ten ueel is in lite co►ltil'unitil' he looked Windsor. Ort. 3.—One bundled live. R R cusael eat \\'elnreday's forest" sem- a{ore the ballot am tate intent a e, 4 I lost xnd $1e.ifsl 0111 dam age den,• In l)oxtA quickly mount up. years age, whether frecalaar of the Bion. thing wt-• have. Ur. Chown gave x slit ping im the toll of the great Inkem The most .shout. losses of life oc- smallness of their numbers or their The choir sae a ver • cheery mini- curred on the Arcadia, Searchlight, R ) brief atalrutrn[ of the condition of the 1 tui at- Lhls }•ext•, with thrsuost danget•- strangeness in a foreign land• were it we.. ,•arlipAign nKII the liquor trade in nes part of the seta•. yet ler comae. Naomi, Nimi -k and when a rowboat b • e *.Wadton K. d- uveae un down v n t •u hearth , - r shrank from K.. a� liter hila s . less who rather W Itry. Mr. l;laassfurd, o[ Guelph, "chat the various Provinces, (nem I rulers The death ;list is xe ,lmost unprr- ' inP upon native Americans. At leaxle the first, speaker and gave it very Rog- Edward Island with its wtcl abultion I cedrntel one, and the property loss is in Duluth harbor and five men this was an impression 1 had of them. retive and encouraging Address, lak• drowned. Five apamen committed K R K of the traffic to Manitoba, -which sats also rxtreutely high. Now they are told, seemingly realiz• in Thr itaxl of Muses" Its him topic.' suicide from their IHntts.:anll one was R I et the bot tot the lima, sad took ,a f Tlie chief item in the mourtary iog that ppee•�otppI err Af►Aid (if there. It was listened to with profit. htop o-ftll view of the situation. lie II limit" im that cause( by fire, the Intudeted by a companion. In aurae localities, especially in the Kev. Mr. Merrill"m topic war "The celtild see no difference in mural re - suburbs, their encroachments on the ,ytindx `ichoolTearher.' He is thor- t outskirts of a awn are looked u m Y ' mponet and between the drunkard-4 ol'R61y practical and set out clearly ulakrt• and the utxkrr lot the drunk' with alarm. They t narrel quickly, the relationship of the teAcher to the And -maker, xnd he urged the time of Edpkss from RheomaUSE and have little regard for their own or school and the clams. Rev. Mr. Mer- the lmallot, when opportunity offered, any one else's life. And the (luration rill is well worth hearing. w destroy the traffie that was an -4 When Rheumatism grips y•,u—..Len yon can't walk without of their assimilation is far from tieing The mewling Wait euerluded b • lir crutches—whet every movement means agony -- tat its most, Acute point at. this time. } neatly destroying and Degrading lo It is one fur the future to decide. hy"m, "I want 1,u Ile n vof wi for the many. Iw)rJ," Rev. Jfr, Allyn, nt \VingheaO1' Take Gin Pills • . pronouncing the benediction. A GOOD APPLE MARKET. Governor Hughes' pebdic utiditirm Christian Endeavor Day, _.___ They Cure Rheumatism cuetanission ip manfully trying to fon-p rite fourteenth session of tile m e ('Iis- British Importers are Depending More Itiswonderful—the wayGiu w., Pills - � the strret railway monopoliet. to give Tian Endeavor convention, held on ads nate service to the public, but as on the Canadian Crop, the fain—strengthen and heal tile kidneys o 1 P \\•edne•wlxy morning x1, the muni• and carte Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago •vet the mervicepis not noticeably better, p)Ixae, was licit in goal things. Thr Ottawa. Oct. t).—A p.arti••ularty IT i- to stay cured. a 'though the outlook is promtatng' devotional hour• lel ley Hev. H. F. mastic 'report, trona the Caiu►dian 7 Gin fills on our naranter that they 'there }arm• se many iutric;wies in the• Allen. of \\ Ingham, wxm x ":assn lot Stand{winl, has been received at the Try � m anagement of three corporation., reheehin the addres were stint- Department of Trade +std Couuurrce euro or money back, got-. aaxil—G for X2.50. „ and No man devious was of befit R from John It. Jacksuu, trxdr +a ant at At druggists or by mail, oo " Y Y i<" ulAttnK and aha• whole it re.[ the R ging the main pointA am to who to un seting wam exredinKly helpful and Iw'eels, of the apple trade he .aye: DOLE DRUG CO. . WINNIPEG. MAN. rempmsiblr for wretched transit wholew,111 •. "'Pa way that prospect. are bright is service, that, the rvrl'ntimsion hats An admirable addressi wits giver by only, x jkor ev;ky of describing the tont- already, been accused b' not x few Kra.. Mr Merrill on "The Relation of look. Importers are relying enure news perm lot str"ply isl�ing and not Our 1 using Pe)rle'It S.wirtirr to Men- than rvPI oil the Dominion nFrltle rropt, Doing. But, it most lie IPmrumbiPrral, day School \\ urk•." This was fol- ant it. it up to Lite Canadia" shippers to we neve• - before bad "ire like Hughes lowed by an eaplally inspirievK auldrese. mx a the most of their opprrtunittes." And I•ins lou Ilse trail of the IAwlreak- by Rev. G. N. Hazen, of Ooclerich, on Mr. Jae-kstm saym that there will Ire an ars, rued there tp a feeling of rttisfac- ,g•hristian Citizenship." equally keel' demand for Canadian lion in ilk,. public mind that 'the Tilt-IAxt half -hoar of the morning fowl, awing to the unseasonable people'. ,rose• i� tat such Rood hands. ' sepmiton was devoted to hnmil'rss, weather whirl team prevailed. Thr a • which vesulled in earryinig out the raising of fowl of ell kind. Its (iuvernar Hughes is Literoan u! the prop)mmil of Tuesday til the•ilniling (of been seriously interfered with ; in R the two Asmoriationm under one hesel fact, ehoottnK uta surae lof the hour just now, With charactrriatic as the Huron County Sunday School large'estatt•s hats been diaruntinnrd for American impetYreslt}• there is alrruly and Young Peoples Association. the season. a movement of some inagnitude t.le There will IN- one met of ufflcetr, con- hn•ee hix mane before the ItepublicAn misting of it president, four vice-previ• mreet y as ,r Presidential candidate. 9'he i ..o re a- may wet? ly hft I de- drntA, x peeretan and it treasurer. The list tot oltilcc•-bN9arPtN for next TT migns ,in t h.• numination, bet is dimctwrt enough t.. slake no committing reply' Yeller i. as follows : President, Rev. t\'. E. Kerr, Clinton : vire-preaidrnl� to ilio- ram.tant query a-.% At his int•n- tio"�. Ilk. in Ieally in thetowition pf - .Rev. H. E. Allen, Wingham . Hev, D. Unpihart, B.A., Kipp•n : Hiss Al. a .nate fit for x higher Isrmitiba who, for ts•rtn ('err. Blyth; lila., liirvin. Nile.: duty's sake, which im the people's make. should first do the task xt hand. 11t' mecretary, Miss Stevens, (Tinton : object IPasen of x !4tnt• well governed treasurer• MiNm Murray, HPnwtll. Ifenwtll will he the next place of im of As much twnefit., perhaps, as the office Chief Executive is when that. meeting, x yeiir henry. of high office is well filled. At tilt- Afternoon sep.ion A. Cullens, Y., M. C. A. secretary, who is en- * • is denvortng to organize Hain county The joke of the day in New York is Along the lineml of the Important, I the "affinity" joky. It In on the lips work of this body, led x conference on of young and old. Mince Fenlinard 1'. Karle, the Artist, cast off him I yotinK pm{)Ism work, front which were, elicited many helpful hints and poet nest wife. anti gave to the public him workAhle methods. peculiar theories of love and matri- He war followed by A. 1'. Cooper, ineI and a weird attempt, at imeti- of Clinton, in a temperance address, tying hip action in taking another one Mr. Cooper haw had a wide- experience to himself, the question of married in. for a young man in Chir work and i,, felicity has again taken the public at-11 tention--though mostly a. a subject mmanguine of the aucreaN of the forcen that tend to the uplifting of the for humoroum eo..ment. The. old- fashioned villtgermof Monroe, N. V., world, The evening perviee w•am attended the town sheep h:urle lived, s,i far ig- by A IAi'f[e• audience•. Kea. W. H. Hartle}, of[ Blyth, took charge of the pored the modern Pittaburg and New York social custom of throwing over devotional exercime•s. Them were two x wife sm to hurl Addled eggs tit him. addremaes, one by Mrs. Kutnana, of The female portion of the e)mmunity, Ce}•Inte, an "lo'striol'a Phases oif j hria- aN nsnal, grovel t11 themselves that lie tion Work in Ceylon." The' people of WAN not worth worrying over Am a Huron county will take a deeper in - husband he brtngttlweak-voiced, milk. terest in that mission field after hear - whiskered. and altogether unmanly in R her inspiring words. She is a IT pp of pPrmon, giitel lady and Rets at the cote of the ALWAYS ON IIAND. mnny thinges people desire to know, • • .The Church and Social Problems" Oood Bishop Potter, the leading weep the subject of it trenehnnt, and theologian of New York, made the well -pointed addreps by Rev. A. C. comforting statement while preaching I Wialitirt, B. A., of Brupeela. It was to the soldiers of (iovernor's Island the ••cher day that there would he war clearly shown that lilt- church of tilt, I twentdeh century ban enot'utoteA work until the end of the Parth, and that, to do to {trrotting down arming and lift. the. Hague conference wares a poet's dream. 1,w fitting osenti- in p( up IIIII stAndard of righteouetness, Tate reported Theme may menta for the war lord of Germany. resolution committee and the Blyth people were heartily One could imagine Hip MajPaty ata thanked her the generoum htimpit• German h I tout instilling blood- ality arrorb od the delegates. It it thirstiness into a myatering crowd of only fair to atate that much of the Noldiers by WidinR warfare : but it is success of the ronyention, from tier nothing short of A crime for one who date of the executive meeting ar mhould he the ideal Christian, marked ranging the program to the close 111 fnr his genrlenemm, to Rive voice t) the (-,invention, was due to Rev. J much sentimentA. It must he that the L. Small, R. A., Presbyterian minim reputation of loch a pprominent roan ter of Blyth. who took oil moms for "saying eomethlnR" on such active and invalnahle FFmtrt in the hemi r nrasiona makem it poem nPrPxmary to noxa management. Hism TAIT CH", a: hire to depart from the old but well. convener tit the hillptting committee beloved pPntiments of the church. It with her, able, ssmista itte performer im gratifying to know that he was their part admirably. The Metbodis .AreYou Making Wr will goer you Money ? bell Caeh Commis- siona and VduaLle Pruni for each Suiliscription secured. None of the prices are competnive. You can fend old how you can do this by writing to the METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE low particulars concerning its great Subscription Campaign and the im1wern"Is which we being offered to Representatives. Equally interesting to old and young. Address The METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE 3 West Twe}}tyelelh Street New 7ork (:fly It is Worry That Kills The housewife stews and frets because the groceries haven't ar- rived -- and when they do come she frets and stews because they are not just the things she ordered. I The Way to Stop' Worrying is to stop it, and buy your Groceries from STURDY & CO., WHO DO BUSINESS ON TFIF SQUARE.I The Telephone Number is qt. MILLINERY and is turninle out at her establishment head -wear for the ladies' that is 111 strict style and best taste. TRIMMED HATS FROM $I.2S up MISS CAMERON HAMILTON STREET (,()ill RN 11 e o Tii(JUDAY, October 17, 1907 5 MI Men's Shoes Good solid wear, and'real comfort in our Men's Shoes BUILT TO WEAR and stand the walking which you will certainly fentel like doing when you wear them. All flue best makes, in all shapes, sizes and widths, are here. Easy to get a fit. Easy . shoes to wear and hard to wear out. WM. SHARnAN A Horrible Example. "I think I will write a poem on HEATING*AND COOKING ' stammer." "Go ahead I The summer "e have been having deserves it C' I just hate to wash illy tate !" lirandmA: "Naughty, eaughty ! When little I The -maw old. old star. we. hear the year n1.011rd, I was it girt always washed illy face." 'telligence And integrity. Your Ih.•.1 ny hddl .I IL.. mother, I &ell sorry to say, looked --Uleveland Leader. Happy Thought Range dp— which is, " %%'e want a Happy 'j'haught Range, the p;unr ram nor neiRlttor's. Mite t.rieol nthpr sG)yt-a 1)efore The Principal of our Shorthand School graduated under the author best• .he got x I Inppy 'Phunght. and new she is well rllrnsel. Mtn• III that Nhe eats ilk) more, cooking with Ip.m fuel It is written in one straight line assistants are graduates of the than on Any stove she ever had fir saw at her friends', nesS Educators Association. You to write ordinary longhand. It re- And WV went tint- jot like hers." quires no shadings, back slants or here. in large The saner Applies to tie, - More information our remember ", and require "slackening Radiant Home Heaters up" to make correctly. like to mail you free. First lesson We have taken two coal mtoves nut of it holler and pet in one Radiant Home which gave more on Gregg sent free on application. write and read. A speedy, accurate heat than the of tier two on leme fuel than one Look. stenographer is the result. ates than we can supply. It ham no eplal. .,sabers of Bina... Ed.calwar J. K. WESTERVELT. Wis have it tilmnt it%, of Priew.l. Lee" WIRE FENCING an hated steel if you Are Lhinking of doing any fencing this fall or next spring ii will pay yore to buy At once, A quantity of NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT ALWAYS ON IIAND. HEt'TING, PLUMBING, ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING AND TINSMiTHING given special attention and all work fully guaranteed. Store 'Phone 22 C■ ■ A SSA , C. LEE House 'Phone 1r2 1 e o Tii(JUDAY, October 17, 1907 5 MI Men's Shoes Good solid wear, and'real comfort in our Men's Shoes BUILT TO WEAR and stand the walking which you will certainly fentel like doing when you wear them. All flue best makes, in all shapes, sizes and widths, are here. Easy to get a fit. Easy . shoes to wear and hard to wear out. WM. SHARnAN A Horrible Example. "I think I will write a poem on !lull)' : , "N0, I won't wash illy face. ' stammer." "Go ahead I The summer "e have been having deserves it C' I just hate to wash illy tate !" lirandmA: "Naughty, eaughty ! When little I Father—"Now. Maud. in selecting a husband, look before all'things for in - I was it girt always washed illy face." 'telligence And integrity. Your Dolly : 'Yes, an' now look at iG" mother, I &ell sorry to say, looked --Uleveland Leader. only for money." dp— \te teach the " Gregg System of Shorthand because we (atow tt is the The Principal of our Shorthand School graduated under the author best• of the " Gregg .. system, and her two Bust, It is written in one straight line assistants are graduates of the and based on the movement required nesS Educators Association. You to write ordinary longhand. It re- are assured of the very best tuition quires no shadings, back slants or here. in large vertical strokes which are " hard to More information our remember ", and require "slackening Illustrated catalogue, which we wiI up" to make correctly. like to mail you free. First lesson The Gregg is thus easier to learn, on Gregg sent free on application. write and read. A speedy, accurate A greater demand for our gradu- stenographer is the result. ates than we can supply. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE .,sabers of Bina... Ed.calwar J. K. WESTERVELT. A.. oot.... Priew.l. Lee" AND STOVE STORE OVERCOATS W HAV TH M in all the popular Cloths FOR FALL AND WINTR WEAR. You get a better selection by ordering early. FRANK He MARTIN THE TAILOR AND FURNISHER II BEEF, IRON AND WINE We have it most reliable snake of this well-known tonic. Guaranteed to Ise-imude of the best and purest ingredients. 75c a Large Bottle. SYRUP HYPOPHOSPHITES Another goad tunic, particularly net this season. Uoo a Bottle. He C. DUNLOP, DRUGGIST Bedford Block, GODERICH t.• 4 S T 0 V E S 1 We have shown the people of Gode- rich and vicinity at the great Gode- rich Industrial Exhibition that we have the largest stock of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters in this section, and our numerous sales demonstrate that the public appreciate our efforts to give them something better every year. Come and examine the Largest Stock of Ranges i and Heaters at our store on Hamilton Street. A second-hand Kelsey and a second- hand Sunshine Furnace for salecheap. i WORSELLS' CHEAP HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE t.• 4