HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-17, Page 3TIIF. SIGNAL: (:I)I)I:ICIUHr ONTARIO TitUagDAT, October 17, 1907 3 , that shrinks. Mr. and Mrs. John Caner, all Chu- He was leadly shaken up, bouillon hav- -- - --- HedfordCorel Coats and Robes Ing his forehead cut, the flesh under a ton, who iveently moved to Brandon' bin right rye torn away, and his AN ATTRACTIVE PRIZE LIST. I \, iu ill all styles. _ tt 1 tfwdxx { r In Sizes from Z2 to inch Cews f the I91*3triet. STOP THE S•('IiENUOUS LIFE. ,Weakens the Tissues and Lessens Or- Ir ng le tam e y wt• Lave tuade man addi- 1 a Y ]O Mian Gr•ttAThom{nem, Of Neuforth. An Usborne Wedding. Milan at ember tot h. \ tions to our k so Depart - talent includju xumr very -- game Vitality. Over Louthoumind dollars are of_ 1 .% 1 specifil purchases inside by D. MILLAR CO. I frlell in cash prizes fair the Ontario PTUnshr;nka Mr. Rubinsou sucet•els Mr. `lander. Saskatoon; Joseph and the Missiles Cllr stroked b rill strain of the sttwnu- sur lido in both city and 4ountry Lends Provincial Winter hair to le held at lately. !ties„ `+walla 3.71 p.ue.. VII sae alt I”, :rL C, rA. The death of Sam I.r•l Pbi11ip s, a steels)•, the: 'dud inst., when their p dao titer• Minx Chm-lotte, became the 4ent of'. (Juelph. December title to lath, 11117. - Thr. following :see the different dr. bl0 run ar stionater at Wroxeter. • I ?.lien, June and Minuir, on the house- po toward# rtws+tch tuuuhltui. tau silent" of lilt: fair and Lhr xnm)le„t s of t i 56 56 - your six and weight. if cently. Ikreantd wan a brother of F)**ruux young agriculturiat of Cr• Mr. Andrew# has djspolwd of his mto+d• I ' Five people suffer today where one Mrs.'Williau, (Comore, of Kiplen. s,rile. sou lir Sinless Cautplell, of the Thames road. Rev. H. J. Fair ler- Daniel If. Eby, of Torouko, had been focused the verruenny ht the presence ................. llRiry.settle..... I,:NNLIIIi Sheep ............. l,KA1.eN1 ` for 30 Cents — The r11gagetl sew teacher in the Chastain of tyvu hundred guests. U nderwear ggenentit #Lora+ in Cromarty to David Another of llullott's worthy did ten years ago %%•jilt sick 6otuluchr, Business College, to succeed Mists Dryer, whose illness will Iwpt ten•nlit Brown Injured. I.ivoPoultry............... Lomil.ou Dressed PoultrytsndNpecials !NN►.IIU P .N' ILII- her to rearm# her Isr,itl,n. Ripley ExprehS of last week : On Seeds ............1.. ...... 530.I1111 PAHRYSOUNDhCy.—eenk3ediNoontinunl rs McOonnoll, of Dublin. I pionee, jet the ptetwou of Mrs. Sulu- diz,inesx, flatulence, di"lrers after out- tare circle of nee leainLaneeki, She in R 1 only offeure accrles in M• I hut. 1lie • are + ) K of ('stn,uha. Every tum ownt-e ) rile Srnforth Collegiate Institute, has can't ravel. Mr. filed Mrs. Fred faller. of Credi-, mon Hugetsun, of ('uustance, entered Into I**( un Wtdnexday, tile'Lud just. iug, specks before the eyes, bloating, uervol aua•rn, mlrrple#x111ram stud the give, n Istria of g neral read. resigned, with the intention mt gohlR t, Edmonton to join her husband of Hstrtnep, Man. ,eN;IP and Byres. 1 New ing master, every eek. Address: It is knitted tun, last week celebrated the- fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. Dovetailed was dearly loved by a large CI circle of acepuaiutanced and hod, tit -til Tito Canadia11 Bank onuoet•ce Irl many other w)•lllptoln# of indigestion. All who are mulTeriug with stomaell YANAITER ROBERTSON, YANATTER a ROBE ON, f = i MANTLES drratifewl char rs esu la}• nt their dN,r; THE S1 ' of incapacitated by tile infirmities of nrparing to erect u new building at in lilt- troubles, and that u,uau" ,at leant tw,r / blI]1CIIZaLa y I years, been tali ai-tdve worker Vingham W tie awcupie(l by rho 13xnk I,ttt +If lluro in (:Islrricl and other iGsrl t Cuurtxncr Methodist chnrh, of which town., #hould ose Mi-u-na Stomach / have arrived. Ills[ lock e+>VC Mrs. Ransom, of Exeter, received's rhe was a devoted I Bunter. IhsideN I her Aged partner• in life, six sous #tied tablets. Nothing rise is tart sure, yet offo.:tive; nothing else can use• au thor- • l severe scalp wound lout week by one daughter are left W mofn•n their oughly ra•liel upsat it) relieve all I We have now received our 6L1tch. falling from a chair against the toruer tut,,,• troubles.franu indigestion Jill Mi-o-ua. oolsprtrttion of Mantles trout of a stove. To Quash Clinton Bylaw. It is not a nlcra• digestive token _ (ierin+ui which went :--tr',ty Y Nstand reedy Jar. Anderson. V. ill.; of Morris, An effort is being niiule by wl,ute of left Intel; week for Deeslwro', Bruce afler the fixed is topes, but a true Lullic, stimultut nod strengthener for i I in transit. Thry are will, .,.I doubt the best. the nattiest and tilt' Iatt'payern of Clinton who tare county, where lie will pursue hi# uppwsel Ga the waterworks bylaw ter• the wllbColaa• walls of Like Stomach, jai- smartest garments we have - to give you a resew profession. cantly panned ill that tows Go have it Dr. A. K. Gifford, formerly of IA•gal xa•liun is leing taken crtvtning Ilia- How of digestive .fluids "I'll Putlixgf tltr italivach into such ever had on Our racks, lived all I • •aloe mnrkrd at prices that will merit for an Stanheld's y finished. Winghum, ling been appointed resi- esu be Ing the mutter lefoir the courts. condition tleut it doer the work Waal up{cul tti all mantle buyers. I' Underwear that ravel• rt., dent surgeon or the London Asyluus sur the Insane. Runaway Accident. :Mature exilec1u of it. Nil reliable ill Mi o -ma in its curative ! and letter ;-;-0 r loents than ever of list as we will replace: an J y Charlem Hawke returned to his Wiin. Cunningham, of the 7th line of Morris, met with a serious accident action that. Just. Wilson. With every sill -cent kw,x he #ells, gives a guarant've / Children's School Jackets, Stanfield's Underwear haute jn Hrnwtll hast week. after a tru Ise#t work, when he was thrown b n yearn ableuce in Notlth Africa and 3 tat refund for nuuuoy antras the /( ! Infants' Bearskin Coats, Great Britain. runaway team under it load of hay. remedy dales all that in claimtd fair it. ,Cashmere Cesoats, that shrinks. Mr. and Mrs. John Caner, all Chu- He was leadly shaken up, bouillon hav- -- - --- HedfordCorel Coats and Robes Ing his forehead cut, the flesh under a ton, who iveently moved to Brandon' bin right rye torn away, and his AN ATTRACTIVE PRIZE LIST. I \, iu ill all styles. _ tt 1 tfwdxx { r In Sizes from Z2 to inch Mau., have returner] to Ontario Roll cheek bone brukcu. ore sow residing in (%hxthnul• _ , . _ Provincial Winter Fair Guelph Det- Ir ng le tam e y wt• Lave tuade man addi- 1 a Y ]O Mian Gr•ttAThom{nem, Of Neuforth. An Usborne Wedding. Milan at ember tot h. \ tions to our k so Depart - talent includju xumr very chest—in light, medium land base Been appointed librarian in the An interesting hymet wal event was to-uc- celebrated tat "Ilial ('rete" rile rests- Over Louthoumind dollars are of_ 1 .% 1 specifil purchases inside by heavy winter weights. public library of that town, coed her breather, the Intl, John denCe mf Mr. ,and Mls. Well. Stewart, frlell in cash prizes fair the Ontario Mr. Millar when in the city LAL:EHUPKRIORIII t•.--Pamarauerr.:tiling Thounlason. Of Iles' F11111till r, itmlN)n'IIP, un Wed. Provincial Winter hair to le held at lately. !ties„ `+walla 3.71 p.ue.. VII sae alt I”, :rL C, rA. The death of Sam I.r•l Pbi11ip s, a steels)•, the: 'dud inst., when their p dao titer• Minx Chm-lotte, became the 4ent of'. (Juelph. December title to lath, 11117. - Thr. following :see the different dr. Phone r 'Phone M I LLAR S SCOTCH STORE Your dealer will ,i►cly have former• well-known m bride of Arthu Y. l%am press, a ns- ley, oc,urreti it his honef-iii Sarnia re- 1 t p tau silent" of lilt: fair and Lhr xnm)le„t s of t i 56 56 -- - your six and weight. if cently. Ikreantd wan a brother of F)**ruux young agriculturiat of Cr• of nose I nUutlwl tIl e•le h freer CgqtileE 1,4GI►,U) int, he can get them for you. Mrs.'Williau, (Comore, of Kiplen. s,rile. sou lir Sinless Cautplell, of the Thames road. Rev. H. J. Fair ler- Daniel If. Eby, of Torouko, had been focused the verruenny ht the presence ................. llRiry.settle..... I,:NNLIIIi Sheep ............. l,KA1.eN1 ` for 30 Cents — 134 r11gagetl sew teacher in the Chastain of tyvu hundred guests. Sw.iue•............. "......... 1,4+,ILIN1 NORTH sill dilly Sel%i,•e al Ihi. die. STAWMW III TO UM. K.S.Ex-Reeve Business College, to succeed Mists Dryer, whose illness will Iwpt ten•nlit Brown Injured. I.ivoPoultry............... Lomil.ou Dressed PoultrytsndNpecials !NN►.IIU i•iou will Iw w•rforie -I h .ttwmer N t*.I is 1 r +al1 kw%in, colli,tgwoaf ThurtdaY• at tall l'. M. escaped without iii lit• • in his slight 3 K robes. sauething %i•rong with x similar outat her to rearm# her Isr,itl,n. Ripley ExprehS of last week : On Seeds ............1.. ...... 530.I1111 PAHRYSOUNDhCy.—eenk3ediNoontinunl - - - - - — - - Mon le hint Ja(uese Browse. ex -reeve ... :01.g1 _ !Hiss Mary NYalker, daughter of \I r. ) Judging UlnuprWtlou. .. and Mrs. C. walker, of the 4111 line, "r Huron township, sleet with an acei- -- - -- dent that marl • cost him his life and T i 1/1lydll INI On 7 hutwlu), Gctuler loth, Juhn h{ei Ixla m ouW wend U,l,tr contra sun 'ri irt• ,.rid la(orwwlluu bum all rullway it. While thew engaged, his .Own _ t+ri-Le, -id (•Ita'id.n(!iG►rlley,tus to himselftt GIA. P. R'ratrneste tirrtwl:uv, Till -- U. becoming frightened, tan wife, in the {ersaml of Miss Edna unto, berme October Intl). The 8", Holtz. of . Blake. The cerrrminy oas away, anti he was caught between the relary will fornish Drize lints and rel- 'PHONE 15 24 two harvl,stw•s, one of wh'ch )ttsend ^ prrA,rtnwl at Lilt- holier of the bride's est )' furntx free of charge W un) intend - 0 R r cuneplrtrly over hint. How le e11= s rrnlw by Hev. A. I). Giwhler. of jog exhibitor. i I %IairiC6. #upsell (wing cut to piervv is a mnrvl,l :---_-- ---- - _-_- _ %vwrehouw: (Cor. K'eNt H. 11. ('#ceder, w ho fur w•verAl ycnrs as it wa- hr WAN badly rut uRai I %when yox want ( and Ywrd,) nt.reet and l be, im,d MAKE IT YOURSELF. • N N THY RF:y'L' wt ['tock Square/ FOR conducted a retail clothing business infl lf fIWingham, relieved hi, rashly to 1.011• Sudden Death in Howick., Sys Many Persons Here Can Be don last week. Mr. Crowder hits nc- 1'hc residents of Howick were Aur- cepted A {Naitiun am travelling re•pte- prisel and widdened Its hear of the Make Happy Again By Using This. OOAL SINGLE FARE sntntivr rut n whole, de clotbiriK death of 1Ls. Peter S. Milligan. Of the There it No uuurh rhemonli"rll here Offel'S iit•ili in that city. IAakelet-rotatl, Huw•ick, which taceor• in our neighburho,ml now• that, the ful- OCT. 8th to NOV. 5th The death lir D.Lvid Rife, a former teed suddenly Ilia Sunday, Lilt- Gail inst. lowing ;uIviot• ley tau t'utinent author- pecic9l A L L KINDS O F COAL I • I•'anl•;,,Trm.ua•m+.I^"t''- )L, u.,,, Well-k11Ilw'rl remittent of tilt I'arr line, Mrs. Milligan went to Clifford un Stet- it v, %% hit writes fur readers of A large - IN"( Arthur: to Pru .%,-u,,,rwnd.,i Hat•, occurred at his home in Sheldon, ulzluy a\'ening to visit tilt- millinery Pastern daily paper, will le highly - C C A L WAYS O N H A N D +-•o, i•wI(irmrglan ILI %;m N. a „ N. 'D.. on Friday, the• 4th inst. De- whoa #cones, and while there tawlC appre-ciat Ptl bV tho-P will, suffer : .•`Tj E G! 'EA TEST EVER rid to IV, ealn point- o. IJu,_INs-. Nr,. ceAdedl's wife•, n daughter of the late Stealth ill. She was twnl+n ld to her rdAld ('rias we, on the market trcalea, u, rr,.wkk„sore Scotia. Nr»reser Get [rani;un texas phannxry sue- Juhn Troyer, of Hills (steer, And sl•v. home. oiler# after severe convulsions half ounce h'liiid h:xtru t Dandelion. wham you get z,r , lb-, for a con. lural children survive. (tenth intervent -d. Deernsed, wbo -one ounce Couopouud Kargon, three • „ M, LEE, OCT. 24th to NOV. 5th The old Wroxeter foundry. which wits x bright send mtryxuently healthy ounces of ltutn N)itnil Syrup S:ars:►pa. The Signal for mule time had been used by )teed y/rung wonitan, was held in high t.IIht. Shakt• t em• well in a bottle under,, left at t`. c. LKICS Hardware Store tNt'LI'HIyIa - eatevin ley many friends. She was a ,anti take in tPn,+xxlnful chars after r,\"tslda Susan, promote attended to. $rat: am nn apple Pvn sent##, ens and TMt danghter.of Peter Reddon, of Carrick, Pal II IllPal Nll1I lit N•rltin,e: n1Nu drink - - cuwPlelely destroyed by ter recently. - and Wnm n child alcor four years m, The Toronto Au overhetatd furnace was the all aft plenty of Codd water. Sportsman's Paradise p- l►nP wxulg child ala•vivrs• It i, claimed that there are few cic• posed Cause•. Tile It:dr is partially Muskoka Lakes, Penciling covered by insurance. The Late RobertJohnstem, Bruce County. tints of thin dread and torturous di" - G U N l) RY ROS. Lake of Bays, Midland. The denth of Mrs. John White. of Thr death of Robert Johnston, a raw”' who will fah l God to Ill relief Weekly Globe Maganetawan River, Lakefield. Ttockermnith, which occurred in the a till, lost ,t homP•umtir utixturr, esu Nrutawwskw to lM•p,t Harbor; Arg) I,- prominent o resilient treat. Bruce s ban' ► • a retest„nk. Umf , w Hwhhurt.,o. sjxty-H[th year of her age. on 'ed• nccw•t•eti nn Lhr :fns inxt. tat his home toad jn moat c,asPs A permanent rut•%+ i, j r y, the result, i/IVel , hack -bxrhb ,,A. vin Rl,t1. iteucti,n nrslix),thetith items., renunex an es- in Kinrardinr township, in 6t( will be sent for a year for eu I Klnptton and I•-u,hroke Ry. All IPout d and well-known resident or eightieth year. The dereased was for This simple eanrecse i” Said to strepg- i"nnt.Srvrrn toNot-ot Jul, u,clu-h that townmhip. lb-ceaslvl is survived sourly years an active• flgunr in` the then )tied #leans: the rliminxticr - _- ----- -- tis -Ines Of tilt, kidneys mo that they can $1.30. --- - A N D For ticketes and tall information hall on I+)- her h1lAbantl and fly# won,. munici{Nal life of Huron and Kileesir" ' A! Win hunt one tilt), lot week, dine tow•nhhips anti wxa highly filter and strain from the bid and F. LAWRENCE. Nle-. Hankin the town bell-ringer, met este ended in ,t wide cirele . He leaves ")•Sten, till• {Nps oso #trill, and 1VNnn- ba new a fares' ants a IN•r", both pea``outs will be sent flee, fill- Tallest or Toler, Agent With a serious accident. He wan split- x widow need mix children. Thr nuns suiatG•r whirl erns• not only rhesus+l the isdxnce of 11N17. Thu is, a new -,I ase•rilter relay have beetle 'Bus Stables - F. OMoebonrw-Alda-nl.to#p.m. liens, but toonoroom other dineaaen. pxllPrm until .1,ansttr)• int, 111UF1-nrtu•ly tlfte•en tnnnths-[or the J. STRATTON, ting worsts when the axe caught in a nre Robert, with whom he lived i Fvery man or woman here who feel+ t lothemline and struck him an the JAmg", a farmer in Kincardine town- Annals Cost of $Last, leper ilrkrl Ain -w. that their kidneys are not healthy )old .. 1. Ir. Mclbnwld. Ilwines ricket Agent, head. Am be in advanced in years and chip, and Albert, of Massey, Ont., and nt tier, or v. -ho nutTets from any urjn- p IBE' ] L \cry fertile, it i# not ext+ccted that Lhr d'"A "Ili, Mts.'l':apinr, tar Ash- al'y trouble whatever, should not hemi- suUse t / Y O W. FCARRIAG HORSES I1Jnn Htminn. Tnronw. will recover. Held : Mrm. John Harris unit Mat. H. Harris, of Ripley. Tile remains tate to make up thin mixture, ,t- it is ES Thr marriage of Perey Bruce Dig- p S' certain tp do inurh goold. atilt ma)• Address— VANA7 TER & ROBERTSON, EToNS rias,aon of Mr. asd Mrs. James Digman weir in erteed jn Riplev comet ry.K mace you rrom oiel mime) stied mar- The Signal OODER/GH ON7.., wT— nun of Fleeter, to Mine, Lillie Raycroft- Death of Mrs. John Crich. Seaforth. feria^ A After while. ° + N A RT,R rroft, daughter of Mrs. Raycroft of How•ick, was married, in Toronto un Wednesday, Lbs 4th anal., esu Alex. although hu condition has improved Thele titre elasmes and prizes dor all 1 r Parnell's Broad ;y, ho is not ort out of dxugrt•. Un Mon- Grsehaut, +r.. now of that cite, the' Il,tulin p11rebrcells lid ale, rut• K 1 either anppdy tit(- m e• ingredients or the pr•etacriptiun ready to take if 'tier readerm ask them, • I 1, ¢i day Mr. Brown was building ilii iuldi- 11I r. and Mrs. Richard law, of Brass- tion to his ba rli when he fell uta' n grades. cussed and drr,m 1 e•arrnA;es, Kemwfrd by machinerc, no .wuey ---- -- --- The *'Cheap Labor” Cry. p eels, let week celebrated their golden lsyit able tat the stunt. Wall used then to In addition to the c:Wll o izev threw { ;Iter m H•rnal n•r/AW cunxixti of v+ll- ghn hands touch it is manufacwr- '"#. "raked in peer«dy LAL:EHUPKRIORIII t•.--Pamarauerr.:tiling wedding. Prior to her ulsirringe. Mrs. the ground. Thr lat.emt to Nn t that Mim. Klrut Frakio. old tit [Intel, -l silverl votes, uowlxlm, lilies I 1 Nn,tary wrrwn,lioa.. !ties„ `+walla 3.71 p.ue.. VII sae alt I”, :rL C, rA. Ran. wits We huyN reeClv'el Ix (.Illi[ , U. Ifl•ow'(a daughter or list. late .'Ill'. "fill Mrm. list, fell- nll(t gaNl- fill' eOIllpetll1011 111 the II\'r Tl,.,t means m..rt than Ince% Ito !, i, 11. le. 21, :a5, res, NO%'. IY, in, re-, .r, FMig a —Illetg• in a4dllluu to alio r. it, possible chalice recover%. Joseph Frain, of Grey. A Close Shave. Ntx•k, steers and {x Nlltry defeat too-ots. '1'hP,%e' Will h:avr a #slut• of note %bun {•.-••pia th;,k. GI:riltUtAN DAY IIIV. Stemmer Iona— T dhxrwuod 1.30 1'.AI.:Uwen #+solar u.:o 1'. st,. While- in Newmarket last week John 'Currulcr, of Porter'- Bill, had.it Glen Fair. Nun elf Mrs. .bane, Fuji- E- „INNi. r rhe NperuN is for the Isnlltly d tet- a eters eo m.m that- the k.ult•nly kind Tua+drtw.Tbunedi yy.mAMae unlay, for Sault- Nu• Nurlr. cosy. slwcklnw: Nercix duwrxotiu narrow• es•u e. He did+cuvenvl that of Clinton. who is buuu•,lr:uliug in p ' 111e•.It will Is published ill a nrp- ` for 30 Cents nal. the hotel tat which he was "Laying waw Lhr West. had x narrow P,1',atN ry(Iln a a1711P hml. Whirl will le r:,uly fur dist- Try It. NORTH sill dilly Sel%i,•e al Ihi. die. an flaunts. He ave• tilt. altarue and horrible death rsv•enlly. A, he was K driving )1 f0alr-hor+e• harvester ill• N)1 ty trihuliuu i1lNlut Noyrulloer 11 h. P . T. DEA N i•iou will Iw w•rforie -I h .ttwmer N t*.I is 1 r +al1 kw%in, colli,tgwoaf ThurtdaY• at tall l'. M. escaped without iii lit• • in his slight 3 K robes. sauething %i•rong with x similar outat Puulh•y exhibitors who wish to ha .r their exhibitlt in cumiseliliurr(ot•tie YOUR POPULAR GROCER, AGENT PAHRYSOUNDhCy.—eenk3ediNoontinunl labeled of tie land gut dowse til adjust , I tare circle of nee leainLaneeki, She in R 1 On 7 hutwlu), Gctuler loth, Juhn h{ei Ixla m ouW wend U,l,tr contra sun 'ri irt• ,.rid la(orwwlluu bum all rullway it. While thew engaged, his .Own _ t+ri-Le, -id (•Ita'id.n(!iG►rlley,tus to himselftt GIA. P. R'ratrneste tirrtwl:uv, Till -- U. becoming frightened, tan wife, in the {ersaml of Miss Et nit unto, berme October Intl). The 8", Holtz. of . Blake. The cerrrminy oas away, anti he was caught between the relary will fornish Drize lints and rel- 'PHONE 15 24 two harvl,stw•s, one of wh'ch )ttsend ^ prrA,rtnwl at Lilt- holier of the bride's est )' furntx free of charge W un) intend - 0 R r cuneplrtrly over hint. How le e11= s rrnlw by Hev. A. I). Giwhler. of jog exhibitor. i I %IairiC6. #upsell (wing cut to piervv is a mnrvl,l :---_-- ---- - _-_- _ %vwrehouw: (Cor. K'eNt H. 11. ('#ceder, w ho fur w•verAl ycnrs as it wa- hr WAN badly rut uRai I %when yox want ( and Ywrd,) nt.reet and l be, im,d MAKE IT YOURSELF. • N N THY RF:y'L' wt ['tock Square/ FOR conducted a retail clothing business infl lf fIWingham, relieved hi, rashly to 1.011• Sudden Death in Bewick., Sys Many Persons Here Can Be don last week. Mr. Crowder hits nc- 1'hc residents of Howick were Aur- cepted A {Naitiun am travelling re•pte- prisel and widdened Its hear of the Make Happy Again By Using This. OOAL SINGLE FARE sntntivr rut n whole, de clotbiriK death of 1Ls. Pete•rS. Milligal. Of the There it No uuurh rhemonli"rll here Offel'S iit•ili in that city. IAakelet-rotatl, Huw•ick, which taceor• in our neighburho,ml now• that, the ful- OCT. 8th to NOV. 5th The death lir D.Lvid Rife, a former teed suddenly Ilia Sunday, Lilt- Gail inst. lowing ;uIviot• ley tau t'utinent author- pecic9l A L L KINDS O F COAL I • I•'anl•;,,Trm.ua•m+.I^"t''- )L, u.,,, Well-k11Ilw'rl remittent of tilt I'arr line, Mrs. Milligan went to Clifford un Stet- it v, %% hit writes fur readers of A large - IN"( Arthur: to Pru .%,-u,,,rwnd.,i Hat•, occurred at his home in Sheldon, ulzluy a\'ening to visit tilt- millinery Pastern daily paper, will le highly - C C A L WAYS O N H A N D +-•o, i•wI(irmrglan ILI %;m N. a „ N. 'D.. on Friday, the• 4th inst. De- whoa #cones, and while there tawlC appre-ciat Ptl bV tho-P will, suffer : .•`Tj E G! 'EA TEST EVER rid to IV, ealn point- o. IJu,_INs-. Nr,. ceAdedl's wife•, n daughter of the late Stealth ill. She was twnl+n ld to her rdAld ('rias we, on the market trcalea, u, rr,.wkk„sore Scotia. Nr»reser Get [rani;un texas phannxry sue- Juhn Troyer, of Hills (steer, And sl•v. home. oiler# after severe convulsions half ounce h'liiid h:xtru t Dandelion. wham you get z,r , lb-, for a con. lural children survive. (tenth intervent -d. Deernsed, wbo -one ounce Couopouud Kargon, three • „ M, LEE, OCT. 24th to NOV. 5th The old Wroxeter foundry. which wits x bright send mtryxuently healthy ounces of ltutn N)itnil Syrup S:ars:►pa. The Signal for mule time had been used by )teed y/rung wonitan, was held in high t.IIht. Shakt• t em• well in a bottle under,, left at t`. c. LKICS Hardware Store tNt'LI'HIyIa - eatevin ley many friends. She was a ,anti take in tPn,+xxlnful chars after r,\"tslda Susan, promote attended to. $rat: am nn apple Pvn sent##, ens and TMt danghter.of Peter Htddun, of Patrick, Pal II IllPal Nll1I lit N•rltin,e: n1Nu drink - - cuwPlelely destroyed by ter recently. - and Wnm n child alcor four years m, The Toronto Au overhetatd furnace was the all aft plenty of Codd water. Sportsman's Paradise p- l►nP wxulg child ala•vivrs• It i, claimed that there are few cic• posed Cause•. Tile It:dr is partially Muskoka Lakes, Penciling covered by insurance. The Late RobertJohnstem, Bruce County. tints of thin dread and torturous di" - G U N l) RY ROS. Lake of Bays, Midland. The denth of Mrs. John While. of Thr death of Robert Johnston, a raw”' who will fah l God to Ill relief Weekly Globe Maganetawan River, Lakefield. Ttockermnith, which occurred in the a till, lost ,t homP•umtir utixturr, esu Nrutawwskw to lM•p,t Harbor; Arg) I,- prominent o resilient treat. Bruce s ban' ► • a retest„nk. Umf , w Hwhhurt.,o. sjxty-H[th year of her age. on 'ed• nccw•t•eti nn Lhr :fns inxt. tat his home toad jn moat c,asPs A permanent rut•%+ i, j r y, the result, i/IVel , hack -bxrhb ,,A. vin Rl,t1. iteucti,n nrslix),thetith items., renunex an es- in Kinrardinr township, in 6t( will be sent for a year for eu I Klnptton and I•-u,hroke Ry. All IPout d and well-known resident or eightieth year. The dereased was for This simple eanrecse i” Said to strepg- i"nnt.Srvrrn toNot-ot Jul, u,clu-h that townmhip. lb-ceaslvl is survived sourly years an active• flgunr in` the then )tied #leans: the rliminxticr - _- ----- -- tis -Ines Of tilt, kidneys mo that they can $1.30. --- - A N D For ticketes and tall information hall on I+)- her h1lAbantl and fly# won,. munici{Nal life of Huron and Kileesir" ' A! Win hunt one tilt), lot week, dine tow•nhhips anti wxa highly filter and strain from the bid and F. LAWRENCE. Nle-. Hankin the town bell-ringer, met este ended in ,t wide cirele . He leaves ")•Sten, till• {Nps oso #trill, and 1VNnn- ba new a fares' ants a IN•r", both pea``outs will be sent flee, fill- Tallest or Toler, Agent With a serious accident. He wan split- x widow need mix children. Thr nuns suiatG•r whirl erns• not only rhesus+l the isdxnce of 11N17. Thu is, a new -,I ase•rilter relay have beetle 'Bus Stables - F. OMoebonrw-Alda-nl.to#p.m. liens, but toonoroom other dineaaen. pxllPrm until .1,ansttr)• int, 111UF1-nrtu•ly tlfte•en tnnnths-[or the J. STRATTON, ting worsts when the axe caught in a nre Robert, with whom he lived i Fvery man or woman here who feel+ t lothemline and struck him an the JAmg", a farmer in Kincardine town- Annals Cost of $Last, leper ilrkrl Ain -w. that their kidneys are not healthy )old .. 1. Ir. Mclbnwld. Ilwines ricket Agent, head. Am be in advanced in years and chip, and Albert, of Massey, Ont., and nt tier, or v. -ho nutTets from any urjn- p IBE' ] L \cry fertile, it i# not ext+ccted that Lhr d'"A "Ili, Mts.'l':apinr, tar Ash- al'y trouble whatever, should not hemi- suUse t / Y O W. FCARRIAG HORSES I1Jnn Htminn. Tnronw. will recover. Held : Mrm. John Harris unit Mat. H. Harris, of Ripley. Tile remains tate to make up thin mixture, ,t- it is ES Thr marriage of Perey Bruce Dig- p S' certain tp do inurh goold. atilt ma)• Address— VANA7 TER & ROBERTSON, EToNS rias,aon of Mr. asd Mrs. Jamen Ui weir in erteed jn Riplev comet ry.K mace you rrom oiel mime) stied mar- The Signal OODER/GH ON7.., wT— nun of Fleeter, to Mine, Lillie Way- Death of Mrs. John Crich. Seaforth. feria^ A After while. ° + N A RT,R rroft, daughter of Mrs. Raycroft of On Saturday, the 5th inmt., the (Saar hone druggist.m Sit), they will I Hamilton, took place in Ibut city oil +angel of death released front her muf- Thursday, the 3rd snot. Mr. and Mrs.ferings Mrs. John Crich, one of the, Dignan will reside at 87-Metalf either anppdy tit(- m e• ingredients or the pr•etacriptiun ready to take if 'tier readerm ask them, A Good Combination ANOTHER BARGAIN 1„amt respected remldentm of Seaforth. street. Toronto Deceased, who was formerly Mi%m Ag- arm Grant, was a dol hter of the late While driving in Toronto on Tuee- K ---- -- --- The *'Cheap Labor” Cry. p I THE SIGNAL and THE SIGNAL :unl day of last week, Hoy Grey. formers John Grant, who pamseel away in Se - Y n of Winghain, IIMt control of his horse forth x few years ago. She, was Horn 1"H{,d•tatmr" in The ('xn•adlna ('hulrhnuu+.+ THE THE WEEKLY SUN The Family Herald and -+ and came into collision with it Street in Haldimand county fifty-eight yearn The de•ntlmatration of hostility tie- iTor•nntw Weekly Star A u, but for nearly enm prier to her este. The yrnlnq man Snslsiineet A R Y 1 left I and marriage Gr her now•drrr,amrJ part- wotnls the Japanese Ili Vartconver it, ion,% tet rrttnble. The .lapanexe toxo# To New Subscribers t0' January est, i9a, +siert rrwb To Ne Subscribers to ver • dee rut on the S p ram dossed of violent rain, in the I I nor She resided with her {sarrntm jn not. "c far its war have hY'ard Im•en ` for 30 Cents ansa 1st, t J • shoulder ,and ,ids. Kthrl, (Joey township. 1►wrxSrll'; p charged with any rioh•ncP, tiny dim. .; Cent% Mess. Chan. torru, who, high chxrnrtrr nn(t genial diNtxpeition won for het• the el+terol lan d t/lye of a tn'bance or the bare, nov infril.ctioll 1 +If the lawn or the• land. Tht-irrhie'f and The 'erkl) tion i- the' • re at Fxrmrrw' Weekly , F The, FAnul • Hvealit and eInce Lhr opening lit the term, had acted in the IhP cxp+teity u[ commercial teacher in tare circle of nee leainLaneeki, She in R 1 only offeure accrles in M• I hut. 1lie • are + ) K of ('stn,uha. Every tum ownt-e Weekly s itr j. known front Halifax to 1'a •'louver. It, rile Srnforth Collegiate Institute, has murvivod by eight children : Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler, of Clinton: Mrs. (:Allender, Orient lN, that they area+ jndumtrjuus, that the 3' +mo Pfllrirnt, and that they in Huron Count Should read Y it. give, n Istria of g neral read. resigned, with the intention mt gohlR t, Edmonton to join her husband of Hstrtnep, Man. ,eN;IP and Byres. antnetimele work mute rhea pl than I Y Address ing master, every eek. Address: Nfiam Chidley, of Cliton, tau been en tat home : d'illiam •soul ('heater, of NPxfotth : F.arl, f Hnrtney. and or whit: men. To the ordinary citisen those• world loot appear to fee very YANAITER ROBERTSON, YANATTER a ROBE ON, gaged its her successor. John o[ (►"cndn Mich drratifewl char rs esu la}• nt their dN,r; THE S1 ' ..mt ,.tree ... ., %.NAL. GODERICH THE SIGNAL, GOD ICH points in Quebec and New Bruns- iAamt week Rev. Mr. Corr— And Mrs. • ,;; blit to :i 6-rtw n clam; of labor official, wick. ('tarry. of Walton, were thrown out of A Pioneer of Kinloss. they conmtitote sufficient ground for thoir buggy, near the parsonage, ley After an lllnrsat of sixteen uounths, ejerting.fhem from the country. Tito- OCT. hr Signal and OCT. 24tH to NOV. 51h being role into pry twb young men. Mrs. John Gaunt, who for over Itself A quer-tion of chelip fne-e•ign lalxm j- tcro The Si who were driving furiously towards century had Inee•n an Pateeenl,-d regi- INrge to di-cusm with fsllne"" here, but to all stations Sudbury to the Son, Brussels. Mr. And Mrx. Carry fortun- dent of Kinloeek, crolam ed the bill, on I we are of the opinion that there ie a • SYNOPSIS OF water to to Sharhot diatr Cold• their heaped as s Aljght be- jurat, nut was bo the 4th be 1, I►errnm,,I, who white labor ill IIn' al' IIIIle11t. (1( till• Toronto Daly World Canadian Northwest water to B)t10., M11AkmkA (tIALrlrl And their hnrmr was meriou,ly injured and was born in Cuntlerlwnd, Eng., sixty- white ill ln'tr IPNIII•rV. Mese inen Illlld of, the Lindsay branch. I their Iniggy badly broken. live, yeas It #torr to C naelil In that cheap foreigner" livintt rouser RETURN LIMIT Stop overs ; After it long hattle with the raylagea 17i 1, nal! n dot veal# 61trr wive n,:uriel conditions which :uw quite degrading TO New Subscribers Homestead Regulations. molien raindlA1,n isesise theola Plfirorgr Yparl- r her nos ter•ft p':u4ner. A• A f Aelf•rv•Apecting while nun ttakP alt• Ti// Jan. /S t, l(X)t3, for y DEC. 7, 1907. I anywhere 1 lonecr of the townithi 1 sill• IkIry het' fast fulls tile Illoath" far oin• Ilative %n ,•ern ta,lullwred +ecu jun of I+ominirn, Tirkt•ts, book1Ptit. Sportsman'; trial) Ing, of Senforth, PAS94`41 Away at the Shale of till, tilillt incident to early workmen. Thi- Ream thr lirguule'nt Gmnd, in Manitoba. Smk,atrhewnn and Alberle, and home of his another in that town, nn pwitlemrnt in a new rounty turd by originally unel agxinmt the cul do)- rx,rppungm and Ja not re,terved. Ilkley to home d 0 Cents le ,WM by sits tlerwNl whites the tale ty?arf o< a ►7n Inf-esaNnn rnwt Toraiday. the Rth trial., I►e:c:esiewh %vile her rxroryrUn'v (!hristinn life and talent of haben "Iaving machinery. nilly, or any maleover la yew#, ser eget to Lhr Jose, arl•n, Tlrt.raaee t, Oodenea, mai+ is hjs twrnty-fifth year, was i► lovable die o"idon endelu•e•d herseelf to Fvety invention May bP Said esu be e,, tont of one-quarter mectiun of len aoroa, more m well. C. A. P„lTxm. D.re.A.. C.P. a..'Mee10 inoet exemplAry young mafl and wt►ie all with w mm She rnme in contact. taking labor and Ihr re -wards of I:I IN,r or '"' f Your Local W eek/y and the Best Newspaper a general av,wire with it beast, of Abut it vertu' load .% half ago mho and (Artie wot'knlere, Nnd one wonl(t think A ,licntiva fur fent# nunmt be mwdr in person and Agricultural Daily /n Canada h) tit' apples,'"nt ;,t a bminton lal,ds AgemAy ---- friend;. herhnsband twrk Ill) their re•sidt•nee' that. all that was neretimm • it) lir Sul tgrne• hr Lhrla0mirt inla-wwhiettthelanI" in N%'(n{Q'ham, hilt w•hl,n her illness umber in file Iaborei'm millennium Almost (liven Away is muua •. ria ry by proxy may, howyver, to HUNTERS' A former esteemed resident (if-Tperk" ,"Iltlt(YI at ill„rP ve•rioux fnrin -onH• N'i,llili IN to drnlru% rill the lulwrr•S8c• m,wie wt ,1 Enrrm'y on rertaln rondttlon” by rrsmith, in Lhr pwtnxm of Margaret t•wo months aro she Irlurned to a.x in machinery. Iiut as a matter of TTu• IAn•al Newatu,Prr is parr of every hou"eholl. It in your the Gu hr nuNher, on, daughter, brother or McConnell. twill d wife of I'hoinit, P K ) -iter of a Inlrndlrw hone.tewder. EXCURSION' her declifling dA m Ntoong her cl►it- furl, each invetntiorr crP m new Pill. friend And Iwnefsic or. In fart if, is {part o[ Avery hnmr, Grary, of the Rah concession of Hit)- yp nt , ThehornIto- u" o, one rt Perform the mowers N arefull• away. in her tlrrn on the old broth f .J HPaides pinytnent. And h} rheatl(ening,'prodot - The wants f Apt•# from the big centres i; nereatary to thr ma11 bomr.teM d fir- under rine n[ the following SiNGLE FARE Inert, t 1 her hualNtnd and brother. John Mirehouse time it malls for snore workmen under who wantlto Ile sibrPxmt lir Lhr timPm, plan": (ntL\'-aevehfh year, After a linRrrlt:g tb At lew-t m ulontllx' rr,tidenre upon and for the round trip. illneAs, on W(Arrai day. the 'lnli inat. h"IirP• 1'f the ars of Kinlrsm, one other condition,,. Tile warns thing All tilt' men Inv# the old fArm, it; stork, its Prnit, itA yrgr(- r111Llvatlon of til land to each year for tAl et- Besides her hoalNrnd and daughter, A dAnKht•1', Idem, Gro, McIntlmh, of h•tppente when rbea1p fOrPig11Prs An' allies, its dairy, or itm foreatn In fart, a love of the farm lie;deep roar.. OCT. 24th to NOV WhifPchurch, nod two INlom. 14dwin imported into thio catntry. Tcrillus- in every heart. The- world Family lendee all dailies its the Fat -ill t'2n e dao+nrNlrllde may, if he Nodeslrote, per 3 5th, 'IYJ, Rood to brother and tont ajar##; are left to and Thonlae. nip left, to nlonrn her tralr what We, lilt -All let nm A11 / Nrse Dail Special p,i e+w me form fhI, mquind Arnow Aatle,, n Itvin on return until DEC.. 7th, x907. ntnnrn her early removal front the- demise+•• 1 f )'• fx 1 K Riven to Agr•irnitnre twice- each week. r lheul to le Pun doyl,d an navvlPa on the• Sub.crile at once and fN,711i reg Iwn1l Ow11M Irby by him, not lean Hewn Avene of life. i •Intl All ,M rc,, in exn4lr., In Lha vlrinit M hl+ Short Line to Muskoka conal ells Llrrn of rnilwstya. They are hnn„.trnd. .lief nr own y A ., in is iory f til ill NIP Albert R R / O I T NO i I J t h hlp In Iwnd will trot R 51110 Reward, 1;100. I dnin work nt. a wn P that A white Ll NOW YV neer# ells nv alrrmrnr 3 and Alta., in nprnutty of Lhr late Aller+ ra If the fathm or mol hom if the father Inde Maganetawan River Thr made"of thly ppx.wr %rill be plen-nes to rtlAn may not Arrept, but IhPir cheap#- Wa.A•dt of a homamtrndar hM Mrmwnent rest Mr(dneen, of Sfnnley, who n )enr Ngo Imre, Ihal Ihrrr IN at Ira„1 one dnwled dlNrarN, I nem In rendering l,irmaible the erao- Address: VANATTFR h ROBERTSON, Thr &&nal, GODERiCH drnrr on fnnn, ,.. n Melwf +#hely Ay been. Round trip rtes from Toronto to %c,%a drownwl in the \ 'f aft while Pn• sent Nrfrnfr has IArn able to rurP In all It. atrnction of huntilyda of nn(Irm of rnil N P/I (n IntmmiODAC work, Thr +Inge•-, nml tiler Im rvttarrh. Hall'+ catwrrA nut lime Ilan rfg ty I)an ts•Iwt art nfrnt, in til,. Principal Points. K R y ,lir i%the only i,n.idcr Hite now' known la wa\'a IrMrP t10.I1 r,11d11 oLhrrwlmr IN• rlrinlf of Lhr fir/me--fres, ser Upon wAOMrNIrwJ building of the church i; being aides • rntarrNi for by him In rile clrinit Nunn home Ii,m gni limpid. ARM H►nwann` n tib.a, the niMienl fraternity. eN l.rrh Leong n ran- I bili It. Thia Pkirn 11111PAKP Will call , N Rer"r um% Nhin•m hl.. A 'flit ldr ch borne I fork Ain o,N,Nenerk %.1x1 fa`r a barge extent by eonfrihotioleet sl Itminnol dl.ea-r, rtgnlm- a rfnwlltwiotml for'hnmlrwlgrtrf ',)fare Akillsmi hand” he signal and 7 Fnntr. Ileo aid IIn rIA,kr AI. mt41t from Huron county. lie%•. Ills•. tn•ahnrnt. Ilnll- cnhilrit carr I. lakr•n hr /' he Toronto Y y I Ilring wit Ihr lathy" for he t%*res. Lake .lose ,h A.M es^n on Siding Ali tetnalh, nett^, dirnrl h' ar-m U„• trintat .me to rgrllp nlld npernla• Lhr nr;ulw, niers art • +U Thr N•nn "%Irinll y" In the ted prrradln 1 R Mr A law Rev. ih'. ; g : I Weekly Mail and Empire M ` I'mrr •+.,and 1711 Nnnrh Mata nalnwnn a1 mnrnm,, Nnrfm y. 1 phi• •+-iron, IhrmAy dr in tier encs there ie n erns re-, amt t - iwrtlglwM+ 1. Aron ax n,ewnlnR',ant mmr 11' Mfr i.enll, of (l,xl••rirh, Will )W the slm}•b, III, foandntinn of 1he dl-nnsr, and Ihan•dne mile,, In IN, llnr,Msnl ndre ofthe rix n11r ',.n5 Noah M nrtA wan .A-. R IgA -creel,. druueHl for while labor. width of ritwtt wllnwwnrw r ##weed In Lhr Rim Rlrrr (i'Y,r'•'dt. ,aaror Of Ihr #hotel. gl%-tie the pnurnr .rrnnuth by bnlMln, rip rile r I Vt'r regret ivt PxrPfrlin I { to New Subscribers to Januar I Rt, 1908, IM11NI tatlnu and n,.I+flog nxhlrn In dnin, its R R y thief oar oulili- mraamrnm•nt. Special Trains to Maganetawan and Still On Toe -fluty, the Ruh inwt., Fort flet- mark. Thr protwletnn hncr Nn n nrh flilth 1n I cAl leader# are not mufltcient.ly colo. y Ise A honarvtra.ler Intending to t olferlo kl ' Rivers, Oct 29, 3o, 3e-, t9o7. 1Pr/, who for forty-eight years had If-c—tive mwe.ro thnt tiler nfl+-r mlehnndrwd ageoua to withietnnd the onreaAonable re-Idenre duties In #% f )alanat wits, the •bee• dollarm fnr wnyy r•w-r 1 hwl 11 fail* fn min•, Hent,gt , for 30c.while riving with pwrenta or mn Anlrtl g jAad In rmine,rl lien wllh Irwin from Toronto Ih'n been w re"perlArl n:Si(tent of Mnrrisi tat IINt of la•Jlmnnln l+. Addrv.N F'. J I ifIe N'y I And Abort-mlghfrti ,polity of Ixlxpr owned by hinrwrlf must notify dao error 7e1 eke stmAPtl away Al, him home 'tn the :diel A co, Toledo u. l orrtors. We -,ally nefrl own who Addressor- ANA l T/; dimlrirtof morn Intent.lfrtl. Hin.im,\m. will ,)ndrrtlake t, inat.roct And N-rlte for full marts -wan and ngey of file tulle of that. township, after A Aix `+nld by rill ,irnR,1+I N, i1t• tt load !l rSc ROBERTSON, tq ale rnemil the In wNtfng mnnt Mggl1nen Blame Hustling wtrh rm-plrre map, tncenthn' illne?at of dropmy. i►+s•eruted Twka HaN Fnmlly Pill. 1`4 Cen.tlTwtlnn priblie opinion rAlher sheen to pick up owr of horninifm Tarda all The Signal. OODERICH ONT. #'seer °f + ^ +«' reps# ear pwtewt. +1. PRIcKORUMv, wM. PAtl.l.11'H, wAaln,rn In Yorkshire, h:ng., mevrnty- the rrt,de polio #" of the polwllwee anti _ + PwwtengerAgents. o,m. Possessive Agent. three yPAFN ap o. He ih murviveal by (ire your job print jug dohP at. The , Shout them at Lhr hosed of the oro- MRy. Car"Idrwn Nortbern RuildID& Tbrontea. his widow rine flue children—blit in Silineal. Gall work set moderate oteet. c"slon• 1 11•pury of Iha M1n1-ear M IAw ht rloi:. q l'awntbnra Ited enl/lbrtuon of th!. a+ 4 vilarlla•nwast will not be paid few.