The Signal, 1907-10-17, Page 212 i UVRADAY, OCtiolow 1 T 1 1907 ­. . � I 11 I THF BIC�AL : GOMRIOU. ONTARIO ----,- _. _ ----,--- -ti _ ., --- - - -_—T-- Able, :tr (he reports Indicate that witheI - Mr. Maden »in"t Indulging in much NEWS FROM OTTAWA�' �� 411111111ifiw& _1110 x Propene ,•&le It -Might iRA%•e hrPn talk. Him statement, it Roslyn, "is to lie 111. 4111 1011111111,111, vuit".. ; taken with momethi ng "'tire than the I, ' Thr rejection of the pro{)umal tar the' Proyrrhinl piroch of belt. 11'r have PUBLIC QUESTIONS AS SEEN ` O UUUERICH. UNTANW ' heard man)• severe things, said of the "FROM TME CAPI1AL.nate of n million acract" of InnJ in Nrw P[1B1.18HBD EVERY THURSDAY Ontario to x group ,)f capitalists Prew'ut GilvrrnmenP anJ we du out j — IVANATTER R HURSRTt)ON stands to the credit Off the Whiteley ''he'ish hml high an opinion of it our- /'rUNaak rely«. tout we have,nevev heanl it No Political Significance in Brock - Telephone $19000 Utivrrument. As much its pommil)Ir [ — ' rxte"1 yuitr so low IN•rore, It is to Ix+ f. .Yarm& or Rubetriytien : Inudr should la- kept out of the hand, .vdle �Eladbn Terms of French feared, if the country lie persuaded iTrealy to Be Made Known When Lal yPr hnnmu Ilf uavau-'. of mt)rrulAtul N. isluarths.3lk+:thraeouit"ttbs.:3o. --_. that AI r. Borden IulrfiJx to ctiunpli• To Uldt.,d Stwtr- syhwribrr, $1.50 a year Parliament Meats Revenue GPow- 4.1rictly in ad%allvel. Another lleenve menridal In Toronto,' fia•nt his following in the Cuutlu"n" ;,)R at a Wonderful Rate Hudson nutpos-dtrn who fail a) r-ei%e Took SNINAI. ,nJ our at l►lLtww. There hem Oren I by taloltinK hewn aulongst them t.hr I would please your Wife, rgtulArly by utxil will eu fifer a favor by Roc• Ba l Railway Project. rnllulbr, ll -of the feel An a.l•arly a date as wore of thin kind of thin in t ere whole of an • Minis(ry which lir may poWmibl„. y K } ___._ _._ wouldn't it? It would please N half ache,Ire of ald,e,. i.de.imd. loth the ye•trs for Whitlley than tiler.• Wits lu;lm! called "titrl to yleate, that thele and :uyl the "Row addra,..,lwuw o,• K(ten• I I Ike #w timer three yearn of Liberal will arise :t very marked r tic I I- tO 01 ttwa. Oet. 1.1. -'Rohr Coliservulives YOU too, to be able to give It— Advertising Rates: G,.vrrumel6. And the (icrfinae udwin• put the tptNmtiton neuter Ili flip are taking asuch cumtfort h'on, the 1.,•Kauand other sit)ular ad'ell .rl"ent.. life I i,I,.atiun WAA W tae iunpruvwl tind••r w•ven• test of proving hi” flattering result at Brockville. They are erne but perhaps YOU can't. pore Il ne too first inwrtiwl "fid Iv per line col' a collie. 10 it fill. F:ve'y thinking mail each .wl..,x,ucnt In-ertion. New.umd by r Whittrep, tun, wtinlm to Ir• true." Nr. Bordeu',, kuows that( a bye-rleeliun in the Prty- lftNip. ,il.,',dt•, twolve line-loarl inch• I - hilu•ity will Im- momovehat fiu)difltd b}' dupe of Ontario xl this time lots mu if fel epot.0(Ax title. mrd wider, stper; �Ir. Uae•Kny in tin the right track But you Can make an In year. such candid cuuuael from (file of his KKIr•at {"dilival mlgnlflca t.e• It cannot Advertweweut. of IA*t. Found, t;m-yeti, M1. ' !ill urging the imports lice of & reforem• iN• t:e ted xlao that the people are untiml. t•acalft, Situaliolf. W toted, lloua (or larh•'s chief newrpaprr supporter". Vestment which will give your Sale or to R«nL Frau. for Sale or w Heal, litli•,n policy aur Ontario, 'rhe pion• more likely to support one w•ho is ill Art lei- tar Sate, ete., tool exct-Ndir1K r' hl e.•p+. _dun out thrix nlemw•y he! -- -- - . ►y apathy with the Ooverlment in wife—in Case of your death— Une., tato• ra•h Irr"Aelolf :fit for Ant fit jth. Sib K Y , Waitln petwrr than another. Had the ('un - for a ach.ulNwrut•ut wm,lh. lArgereeherlble• leve -ped !--were +t lilt[,, tlma zfioaluuN � [ st-ri al itis oppoop d Hun. Mr. UrAham. mrnt.-in prup,rl too. aerenr, l told of) hand. still w nit: a Reserve Dividend Policy Announcenlento, in ordinary evaduytlyp, ton amt thorough ill their work of clear- who had bren tmllel UI lint• Cabinet, 4"''•,\""'"r wind, w ffa,•. or woe : Which is absolute) safe and cent. per IBIpI Ni .the le," then 8 hi ,be land, still what is left of ihr I &fid m"cewsleJ, then ihr affair' might .1uy.p4•irl anti,•„. theoto.l M wldi•h i. Ihr K 11'Y 1Y Ib IIIOro'Kaill.l Tillie or F'alP' have hall wore migniticuuce. This re- benefit {Ax+un4\rybenefit of any individual w n„wN•i rolwst resourcei of ell Pruviu''e' For In! my n"'lf will collie tdun•.I !tion, to b•• mo idem d lots atvertl. (tient end will hms fit, hearing on Domninion poli- as good as gold. It Will to bechRp;!Te fe-"rdiatrly. Mudd Ito most caretidlyadministered. I Rales aur dl.play and roulrw•t alvPetiw- — 1 -lay Iwy Iwae. I nolle delay., tics, fur ihr rr,w,)nN given, Nrld ran- n/nnt., will be i I'Lit a, ndoti,,4alt lou. }'fir what avail+ Illi. elKer plot• ! not lie irgalded in alit, other light guarantee her comfort at a �a was Px{ie tell, the s trend west I .laud nein eternal wpU•., than x local one. Mr. I1,ItnOyAn war Addrlra, all communication. to .. ,mi trip fir ole Cuu:u(I liner 1.11111- I' AM what i. mint- Audi knok 1.1% Nve. popular. he muppartel the Govern- time when she WI II most yANA rTF:H ec HUHF.KTSu\. I wia has broken the trunNtttlun(i,. fitent al Fsteer, and writs elected. The Tier $IoaAi I Adtrv.aw,ak.•, hyuytht orad), tints to tlen,)unce the "'bilney Oov- eN eriell, 1. Irrd)rd. Nut ,)Illy has the Ltisitmia , 'Rohl• friesl. 1 .Rork fir• .reeking me : Meed it. u --- ---- - --- olmelp the shortest tiune hunt .any i No wind can dritewy lark,\.IrA). eoitht t will shortly arrive and no aUDERIcH. THURSDAY, 1sT. ti, our. 1 Nor el a qf. t\t• tMe of do-1hiv. doubt the naleleel tr ill Brockville will l:mrq"vun fort UI New 1 -ark, but it tnryuitu equal to tht• task when the -------- -- ---- - -- has oaule t lip' Itingesl daily run, 817 w'lual patter if l slued adoae r time comes. This IS a new plan. It is THE GOVERNMENT SHOULDACT. n tutical toile", and tilt- fasteml average I wail with joy the tvelilrr)ear,: Liberals Are Faithful Stewards. one which every man In . , ply hral't ,hall rest, "'here it I ... II1.Ow1,, The Liber In hitvr been faithful — - -,peel, ZI A,1 nautical Ianilea, ill' ••(1 .Ind garner up it- fruit of tear,. The Wobt- says that the wreck of l ind «/ilea, tut honer. Britain note a iaef r tf the people. i .The ret- Canada should know about. two v~lm off Sool.baun tun' last holds rindonhtell the blur• riblmon 4,f I rbc t- bro l kilo” their u"'lf and draw ' «aur• ttn the lea six um»llhr of tilt i Y ( erne brook un11 •yri11K- ill yonder heirhl- ; current fiscal year Is IVA1, i11,'J) IS, ane Write to us and we will send week allows the sedgy tof ,,it mw•und the 11lernntile marine. So flow. few eco NI "'lilt equal how genii it third limns greater in six harbor of refuge on the e4,,tern shirr - trio the will of Time d,'lirht-. munthm that) the Conservatives could YOU full Information re• of Lake Huron." [)I-. Beattie Nesbitt -n y" that hi+ toil Auw'etet lfaldiuK ill aloe wintl show for a whole year. after they had oeition ns res imtreer Off J N in & 1. mad), forlooseeighteen the Government larding it. TheOlohc in right in urging the nerd 1 • K � for cightewtt yearn. The iuronlr of i "-nev Ire." If thin ,Inelentl that till• Anti, nlaldatt, why That look Unkind! Of harpor1111pMYpnlehtNlOtIRLhINahOlw. the (1oyPrnI�1CDt fol' tbt• prat Rlx ounce fit registrar For• lu, illy lover elh thee. There ix what is called n "luu•Ipor of reR' rnr im fir blur iuyN,rl- 'a'v' uumtha in Riteatet• than the ezpendi- refuge" at (ltxlerich, but at present, finer. except fur the saNry it provides Tile .uor. come niaGtb to the A). tares by. uvea, 4LA1,fNN1,lsMl. In other fur tilt- o ive-holder• the wh4,1e system The Ndul wave onto Neap. n wordshow the Liheralr in nix months can �UKDU �T with » subuirrgwl xt•ueture (bPtmaitr No tier, nor.µtce, nor deep. not high shote x xurplui� nearly e,uxlling the 1` 1` "until" in meed of revision. If it the harbor rntntn4-p which is a core• l'!II klw,l ill)' UN'N aMYq' ffV1111:11•. total rwvenure of the l'on-ervxtivrs Stant menace to navigAtitrn, the name ineans "iluply that. Registrar Ntshitl I John RurronKll-. during their last'Vear(bf office. and (fn is somewhat of it misnomer.exPreimes nnNuliervisiun liver the work _ T - that particular 1lriatn Department ion then, was a 114I P` im The Dc Wks tet' his office, and huts fit) fowling of deficit. \ F� of Public or FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. During last luotith the public debt gave a contract for the building Of it reallenisibility in rufinrrliofi with it. -_. was decreased abotiot it million ter dol• breakwAterof this harbor AN a pre• then Hegimlrfir N'llitl Nhould Iw Perhaps. lar", 111"111 which intenesl ceased. ' Insurance Company, tec•tion to incoming veseelm. Hrfun• fimkel to get (bill. 'rorolfto Si.,, Treaty with Japan. the worn was IFompletel the portl(bn ___ �� Ith Wt rilally thollmalaln atendtng The Government in pnrsuimg it dig- LondOee Cranadis that had been constructed was Tilt- lAwrals ,)f Knuth Hfir m hate- tour univ«rmitir" :tied cullegrr, we lire ,;ilied and constitutional course with "male a gut"1 choice in-rlrlifig Jxcul 'perhaps ju-tilled ill hoping that .;his respect. W the JApxora teat}. Yin W H. ROBINSON. General Agent. wrecked by the waves, and tht• tyle- age :old country will praluee tine \Cilfrid declined too act: in x lnic. Kellerman. of D amhwt"NI, an their learned umat• thus furnishin additional rcidencr fit - - i - tractor threw up the job. R ('andid:ltr fur the IAKiNL\Nlre. Nr. him rtletesfioanshi It hits imrn de- POLITICAL NOTES. The contract wits then Ica hti o n- No Special Dispensation for Canada. P• other mast, who has want.• lit, xlreci- RoKellerman in :fit little man :ltd [ cidel that Hun. Nr. Letnie•mx. louse- It is 1.•portd that i11creasiog deAf- Irun/ntu Ulubt•. NetseSse. tile' unlpotendel confidence for i n"ter tieneral and Alinister of IA heir, I A British AL P.. Air. Hnanaa)- Attie• fire+ lot- No affectwl the Hou. A. it. able (irognsw Wwuldx the carrying shall pen tip to the Jatnnto) s tle capital out o[ the work, uuJ in the meantime the {people nuunlg oboe hr IivrN, ,aid d4,uulJ, warn" l'nua►Ja &gainer the and 4,prrn up negotiations ho wattle the; Aylr•"wnrth, Minister of .in -tie•, float Ire hats rile lilt) oy fo•telty of Making trouble in store through tilt- whole11alr hip retirement front liblic life will in - the wrecked structure lies x little Ile- l 1 err} intricate and tlrlicutr prrlblrm I friends whoever he K'"•-, lit- is of reflect alienation of sibli It may Int• well 10 presented. The imr)ple of ('tnnm dx nre•sewry, low the surface, a trap for vemnrlm try- refle t nccasii)nnlly that similar may have ever confidence that lin Mr. Nnjor Thmmu. iiesiltie, ex -N. P., is lirruxu rzttxctiun, :t- i" al"u Harry nvmpito- will prrNlure similar reNtelts in y the iwenintrtif the 1A)ndttn Cunseryn• Ing to reach the harbor. Lrmirux'r hands thrix intrteat»• will Filher, dile pre-ent meniller 1 the (`&ands, ax in the mother t4mtntry. ,Tilt Auffer. As this mat ter inay 1 rP lives for ihr hve•plection tt) the Hon s• OOderich harbor is the natural port Lr Islature for Yt"rth Huron. .M r. 1'he aIit•natiwl of land will resolt the (f[ l'ounnun-. J. U. Jncola iN in the for a large portion of �Vrmlrrn On K goaded am melt) judice, p"erhajw it w end "min,e helve a- threw. Held aN a Giolie • ciindidale. Tilt- Lilt- Kellerman and &hound is kept rnnatxnt Kellerman I. n ineoillf, 4,f ihr Hutrm Ito well tti Int iG remain until Nr. Ir n. 1 y count- eolincil. beingdeptety-ewrve of A Christian People. ieux can d«AI with it in Tokio ernls hold their nomination intwling in sate And efficient condition fur t.hr. tonight 1 l: urn .h 11r1cur handling of a large shipping busine"s. Ytephrn Wwn"hip. Thur wall m x e > Hudson Bay Railway. nivel}• fight in .14mith Htnrwn when the The Ihnfiinio11 will tNny fur all dal n- The sub tart (of tilt• Hud --un Mtv It i--l:uctl that ihr 1'uus«rvnlivt A The ole of G/tderich and others in• R j of 1. -ovr, harked• it is onderraNl, by Pro r ertion can tai a ruul«mun. i e dun.• to Japminrs•pro "•sty Ly the Railway in one now deulandin much I t g If y K he IMn/ini(Wu b ugh fir !.he tart, _ 1•,t 'r ' rioters. Ann fit t r e l�r du that xt 'm po naw n e t this tet r 'n r o 1' . Lilt- leant & nit nit n ,fid f low - il , trtwetetl in Lt n n i h r F i fir Ill Irl Hugh t'la•k.. 1. P. l . willing to i hake some alluwancr for beeause tie --er ,believe that Japan i" prnrlicabllily 'of th.• runts oar tory to l'PntlKe• Bra ,gto abandon tlir The 11henherm of the Wonien's In- "t"'I9 enough to rnfnrcr it- Hot nut divers. It i� nntirrahle. however, the present condition of attain•" in con- ,i capper to China fur the destruction that thus who write itcatlPuiit•&Ill• P, vincld elle and lAs•uinr a cot(' i. "titutr" lhrmgh(but the Province h dna fur elle L)t4twtt Ilteil (til. teal intro- n sideration of the evident g f l' err«• property ill 1'anrunvrr• are up{No,rvl to ihr &•herr, and those, l'Lu has uo1 y,d a --erten UI tilt - tions of the Government in regard to balding a hand in the crta ade against. 1ve ,fie a Christian pwuple anti don't who write fro111 Prnetirnl rxpe•iPner Ron N A. thin 6artpor, of the xfwrne4- from Of. ,urtomohllr-, Arcotdinl( tel letters ,w• Iwlil•yc in :nay work -kneel rwncr.xi"n err in favor of it. The ruurrnnua fir P 1 rpived by (i. A. PutnAut. Provincial t4, n {organ tm,lple. No, %it'! milthority ti,) lilt- wehjrcl'i. in favor of Rep •look, to ad.-Initatioq of Orange- tawa, through illness• of the late ilPnld INlliding LL rnilw»y mall it upplrats 1ti ,urn w ieh waait4l at him ill flip of the Public Workm Department and -uprrintenJrnl of F:armee Institute". One Effective weapon. hav,, IArn unnply Jruwfimtrnted that H"tel A' netmve', ►t. �L. MI -der is re- - lhe attendance at meeting" of ihr We)- �..w York Por ), bei it The \•nn.mmiver F ruvinre of of ihr. difficulty ill the work th&t Etas Bolles Bay is navigable for +t IN ri1Nl been undertxkrn. Holl than• exbulne" fnerl s Institmtem ha" i"een greRtty dr- Thr newspaper publishers, A"• 4,f fuer month. • Itwulm• _1 uN leaving settled that creamed todan r front s mbled in spl•cial meeting tonight, Ibnthipt oint it may Iw nor11(iolled '•f�r -rh.A question in Alleerett find P )' :IuNk;ach••w t could tool Ile mxdr an are bring lung drawn out. and it i" R do•elart-d agninxt the joaper tryst. acid that .rums aullwrilits maty ihe• limy I. Sitsk 111 ihr) ext uld vwt ciitupttign. bitem,)n country roads. The women high title the Ihpartnnrnt waax taking tl"u against the etuiff On Iu11wr• opera fhc cear round, tuui unr of them energetic action to have the work folk :u'p afraid to drive 4,u the road" Thum, when the shore pinches• arp fret"•- is ,Nil.. ThiiNoideafi, 'ill eulint-1 eugiro- lit' &1141"[ ti i if the lA•(bple fff the dour• and stthr "try at. home. The t•adt•r" cn•rttel. 11'h;tt neater ub ecI err. nod expliner, who) mAdt• the totom torte I'rovinre want. -d' ,Inv nutrnd- inm fact,*, a and G4,dPrirh herniae 11nn'IP ) lemwln Itf the r.•Ia wo for (1•tl„1N to tariff wtivvell n" in name, n barb„r motorists tow charged with rw•kIC-- ewernt rr{Nnt oil rvecmxl. Ypwpking un in fAct; :tied tariff tti tram[- could we have? Ilei” suh'rrt hr says of refuge. speeding and nate di-regfinl of all j - Anel what ro»id prove more clearly '•Ali ice -breaker mloilAr to either GODERIC rule% and twgtelaliuus. • WhIo,' say" the existence (bf fin anomd ares, ,n Develop aril of ,he Yraule at thin Pt the _\nth' fir Yotlh,' now in use hr• port wait" upon the it"rOvennent of toneindignmentluh•, *,"hotel(] ill*- people against the nggmsmimes of tr11Pts of fill newer ljurhrr and Irvin, vi -mild keep $IJS )f:ss 1 p' P who) cleared the land and Imilt the kinds e Thr pfihlishcrs want lip cat nit the Not Nor open tl.r year rwintl." QLL.EGL' the harbor. At the pro -sent tine• the - the elifir•• tariff. out to nitmlifv it. Mr. a ,rt- Illi. I"i• Goderich Elevator Company is 4-1111• ri'ads have to ahmndun them to the , ea W rich man and his automobile:'" An Exam of Frugality. tion b)• giving rt I renmous. Hc-nys templatinK x 1&t•ge• tuldition t(f it. rip- � � 1• will top opened mpon bey 1 u,auagrnirnt the 14-P astir• swift and wound tfike out '1'.neaao VP"-. the ice• ax last a- it wits broken, Ihnm who h•;nin" n.. u•r ynua K IA•op14- as y c o com�- vntor, an(] ihr nnunti fn t r} If ihr GI(bIm• in trying ((f -how that Exlrfivng;uicr is the rmw• of ihr kerpilnR the chtunnrlm oleo'. All the Mpok-kr.•{N•I,,. Yb•n ,gr:►p •r- rand Trl• lino fit Lite harbor is ihe only thing threw is, nn "til rrxslm fur the ten Age. Ab•h ,are hrlyin alitnnuohilP4 fur Jwlnclinn+ m)nJr Ir tbi11 Ron ill •r our• K' i ) K Ml rKraphe'" theft amy other '11 \�'1-"tern that stands in ihr w n y "► 6ibitiiln of 1►rirntal dome: ration tlwnt"..Ives end "Ron skin-ncgmPN fur twined opoo ele:a'ly tiellnel pir•ua sem, K their wive. when thev earl aflonl Ont+atifi. ImUciJtml i-traeliun. the proposed enlxrgenent. The caul• it to 1111Pree ling admirably. Its latest The advxntRlieN of .,a "hurt liar e pterion fit theC. P. R. a)nnrrf dun filet 1 ) neither. Wealthy t"•uplr are giving the w•+l cannot hr urea•-ratim:Ued. The (irndu:att•, p'ae.al in );e"sl " lnnli(bnn. effort i" to the effect that ,*the- chief enhertAinuN•nt- loivi"h even lu vnigul- people of the "'Psi have- made it most Day anal night. ,'Iae,ae:.. Fit rte, silly .• 'n4- enQ• may he eztx•ctel u, f ting an 1 r 1 w,Tent'• Winn[ Oriental cattle- it y. 1�'umel are drwnnding and re- ren-ounhl.• Jcmand fur Thier railer rR aR fire•. of busine-" tl this p.,rt in Ilie'nat"rat finrnf in (%Rnselx i% that 16r Anialic miring more and enure money from If fit.• prtmlurtx of the west cal 1e enure of eventN, mull it will not be rheic hu -band" for 'the purchase for hrouglel 1111111 miiex nearer a F,uro• For Ca''-IWZ a write - intellect is, "so devoid of ihr damn- clothe" they d4, nut ret vire title] hnrni- creditable to the Departinentof Public 1 prat, omelet via Hud"rn, flee, three creditableGEO. SIIOTTON. WiNGH M 4-nttir jnmtihrt. that ihr rxt"•e•i- ture.thry could And nbu,ild d4, with- that point hecoliirm •'ipso fletei`thP Works if lhepw pro"px4•tx(Wr incteasd rtirnt (bf making 4-ilizenm of cstn tin ,ouI. It i. a 1hor of Lug•• thinking firatnral nutlet. The Lit.-ral Govern- !-" -- • -- •-•-- trade are blighlel by Ihr innrtion of find large doing. it is the age of the• Inert. Its, nlrrnd} ex ,"NeI an a Ill• utitof Chinese fir JatanPs. fir [finfill. P' op ill- In till thin o:ul hale to dun rxyuntble to the huildiu of thin lite Drp�rUn«11f' is hu elem-." The Chine,ee are really r LARGES f AND i 1 rxchuugr gutml soupy fur tinsel :old ronJ. The tt•nu-lmartatinn fu•ililie•N of . onp of the most deal"•retie pe"relt•" mf gilding unr example of hrlgality std the West are inittletiunte to sort tilt-4GTRA;TF0R0;.0NT- that L' earth. Their ari"tlrrpscy in nn ariAlt"•• t',uvdnlnl•-- is Pat tinularlY w•rlr•olor• eons4uttiv iocren"Ing dennnd. 4,f I HE FRANCHISE. The tN-rfu11/e of A r)w• is 111041 apps • rouaurrre, ,nod it hr" lleconte ,t hint - racy of learning, nut Off birth, and if , tenet in I►errm►trr. IA -t. the rrrk'len" - -- ter of utuch ilopowtnnce to the Weet Tho Clinton New Kra i"linl" 4,111 their farm" fit goiVe•rnment an- not xpender", the' mom-iml bntt•t•flien who' that Iheir•promt"•rity ahoteld not IN, Alstiluteh. de locralic neither - arr live' only fur A dry, learn fi 11•"".0 bitni )errd I'y nn lark in this re•m ct. at forte fit the entero list. r•4, Doyo-INle from lilt Acf iaintauce .If 0olonel Den- } B lapin the best thin Threat held ►tefore Him Honor t1uJ r Ihr IP thane of litw,lf liritain. An![ the .ln{r 1 The iii rapidly the Hudson Bay sail- Y K K ) iwm ", a young man who in ltJio ywaht way iN ra idl becoming R subject of has, foe•""'' the u•geort ttpl Altera" Mlles• hgyc shown t.hernw•hve. tip tie a P Y K j skis fall he has rxllwl attention In Kfivc hi- wife only forty rent". national im{rnrtance, anJ it will 1)r training w•ludd n N'rmtrrn Un - what seems to IA• a weak -Isla in ularv.11otlmdy adaptable people. If The ----- considered by Sir Wilfrid'm (iovern- tariff. (Fur P,uvdnient again ez- (Slullw is really ('"Ironn of INdmlerin nient. with nil the attention it de- epedx that of a.ypnr Ago. 1Vhvt the law, and one which h,, thinks R A Harbor of Refuge Needed. Becxumrone•Isynn•memnrethrnou li the Pxelttsiun policy it ought nfff t• sorra". K • might be remedied. At par"rat flip '1'ort"tto (flour. • And practical with Ap/Pttiali"t" in • law requirem that everyone; norm"t be A try to give reasons. Another Session Approaches. rhfir a 4,f aur Commercial, Shorts The racer( form of aero ownilink, ceNxrlA K offYOul.hn11. tion show"Aelie need of it. Another "e -smolt of Parliament is, handandTedegrsyhydep,u•fnwntoo. resident of the Ih)minion for one year '1'114- cl.os of IIIP fall fair xrrtwmn is d within meu»nmhle distamre and the All out rnduntr" ff olain oat mer n t h tr r f rein e l n ihe et. to K before he ran Ile placed on the voters' the ocrasi,)te for slr11e renuar•km by Tile shmp of laakc Hfiroon.R The first of the (loge rnmenr will la• in R position to I(Mitions: Vol may enter now. lief ' This wits dwlhtlemm intended a" n Brnns•IN Pn-t, which uhentiofix three two ve"xrls in acting to enter ihr hnr- pr•rxent Hooey Atehjtrtor l,) the- Hotoe I �Vrite,for our IY@ catalogue. fur conmide•ation. orafegunrd,again-t. :n foreign rlenoel'f• plrrnrnl" in ihr "urcet\m of theme rxhi- f"'r struck the •inrnkwnt•r find ten• ELLIOTT ,B 1MeLACHLAN, tiered uyeb•-- one 4,f the stn Une for Lite fiinAt important will Ile Cerin, t but it often keeps oli ihr• list and dr' hilifin". First• n livelier inet•r•"f most Kr lights. empt I the ennunercial treat tut voncludcrl �• • t -d•• ,rives of the h•Auchils• ,,,en who hare R ig let inlutthl1 I n,llndr(ltlnit tt4ap�Kwtil with France The i artcnlat„ of thio { hN tnnnifr. arms the I'au•init g leen Aritimb mubj•rt«: -fie►) ns inn- cufimtonity in the w•ny of narking ex. Hivvr•, beet we -#.I aground I"•furn rpnrh• treaty cannot of euut•AP. be made pub- ..- _ _ -- -- --- . - enigrantm front any part of Ilrr:p dug a plilcr fir mtrety. 'Phe• unh hat-' lir mhti{ tht• Hffll-r is in fmlm"Ps,"ion of - .,�.� � a.,�.- hibitN if Ihr flit- nrn to retain the .— Into. Yunfh,un rl4,n in Ihrc+ul Ilya tile details. One ham onl to bear in liritaio, but t: ho ltlpt'Pnl)f hNs•11111 Ihia 11 >' GET THE BEST. IT PAYS. prime object flir which they were in- mind that Hnn. Mr. P gilding and tuns the river nlooth, tut tile- con - country the regitirexl length of time. Hon. Air. Hn flem- were the npgoti- Attend the pelpilltr•nnd progrfutivr »ngurntel. YeronJ, cxbibibmor should Ntru•tiun of the Larger harbor h)' the ranee to dispel } The Judge-6.1irveor that mol long n. a not feel aggrieved if they d(W not se• Pmcf-(4,n of n. hreaktcnt•r "Dote dim- 1 1 any anxiet. • that ('tin - man im a ('tin - British Nnbjlrr, HO mnttt-r tauce away fi'um the• rive Ap warm t„ ,1dRm int•r'elx ht►ve.notiren properly •aTofQO oJtxo$ott crew prize-. h:i•ey tN-twm rnrut'If ",ifeRnadel, a�� what his, teen 4,f residence here, hr beer uuulc i1 nrlucrr-way t4, cep the get a prize ticket. ,and the spirit of Ixter in ir" old slate of cfllcicncy. The fact that Canadian Mini"to of ell IN• entitled to role•. A.4'1'h'' friendl} rivalry and the dr"irn to pro- Hfid tht•1'e IN -ell It xe•Ond harlpor ihr ('erten cnleird upon (hP nmtter u( New Err nasty-. Ihim -e•na" tO INe :t per. mate fit(- interests of the exhibiti„mn wit ill it reasonable distance down the this Treaty directly, without inlet, I `%C�iTaT0Mz fpctl • reasonable field fair cunelnxion, 'brim•, well protected• with ; x lice 1• fer•nce fern,, 1111,1 with the hill con. ! And I"+ t hor4,nghl y ed ecu t ed for lin-. > should rule. Third, townepwoplr currency Off, the home Government, i11rss lift. All enter entrance• and with " have gratifica- sod no injury watts r•PI"tlt mm "hound show noir z1•nl in making "brand I"• ihr nernmion of gr+ulaate" of this R range light-, both vPmAelor might have school are nhsffltetcly sur•ofgetting amending the 1»w in hnrmonp with Row )resentative exhibitor of their hemi- herrn navel. The heavy storms nn line. ('&rind,, ham older the guiding it. 1 hand 4,f the I rime Minister taken a position. The drt,nml is mamillae• a• a rt t, 1 r 1 •- 1 tk H l n l I I alt r(;nip front nrorx a lablimhrnentA. Much exhibit-, kin r t the rattly gn,•ntrr than the "apply. Now - "afihr a carter• And while the resent I•ie, I"tnt. place &sang nations, and tastefully arranged, d11 mock to 1 f lot :1 t'llog•nt tinlctnenter. N'lite g Inc rrorulbtnt IN•nedta of thin nation harbor may Im y t of colt at ter• with r4 -A n•et. to Frknee will INt far• fere .vunln a• EDITORIAL NOTES. K� - - "trenKlhen the fair, and the bnmineAA twin time" rt may hNe diMcult to pater f meneonldhelpthrdirnr•tortmn'erixlly At nthPnt. A metmd harlpor differ- venching. The negotiations w h rP I W. ,), ELLIOTT, Principal. What's the nlmtter with IA)ndffn ,,nth• mifuatel mhotld iN provided in NPI i. til this treaty prove lha l!fin- hy snaking greater efforts, in this, dire • P ,Ida has alreaJy entered upon the ('III-. 1 onk,r and AIe•xander Y14. an election on in Ip". then two weeks, tion. the Interest of navigation. finwoion-,)f not,, xNl. e add the pArty braves hnven't Rat -- The Origin p, The budReet will. without doubt, he their war -paint on yet ! "ream not oto Nr, Horden tins been trying to Rel R of Ti fine fif the (teat ever presented to a in other davm. "limp amnow•hneut (Will Of the fact that '•Did you evpr wonder, mir, what wits canadine f'arflamrnt. At the prem-[��t1�i --�0) ------ Yir Wilfrid Leauripi has gone (Wutslir the origin of the whirl 'tilt Y' maid the ent. rat• of rerpipts the year will show r The We"nterner Is atll convinced "f him Parliamentary following at waiter. No tnrentp (ff lit -tie short of •lime,(1111,-A SITUATION "N4,• I never did,- ihr patron an. atoll, and the Aurplus will hoo the largest that Providence baa itol.h ey"or on hie Ottawa to fill Cabin4-t. p)rlfnlirr". He awP1.(sl dry IT • • ever brunght down by a Minietter of country. There may have bourn a Ixoken fan at the Liberal Parliament- ,Well, i-11 tell ywl. In the past, Finance In Canada. l a good salary awaits every partial failnrr of the wheat crop, hof, mery party for the alight thus placed air• every tea4tter•wnt I Red to have a Hach results cannot fie reconciledraduate of the small rontilbistion box beside the with had government; nl-ither can AnCENTRAL RUSINEaa COIIEOE. the high prireor are P. very "arta/&easy upon them by thein leader, and atya cawhier'n desk for paten" b) drop rap. Ad ilnistreition he dishonept whichExperience proves this sltive- romppnaation. that, oil of the Cunme-rvative portion of perm in, find thin ere box was in- cen,VrvPm the money of the tN011010 as, Enter anme. Catalogues --- the House he could form "two better s rittAri with the wnrdm 'To Insures I the Liberals have done year by year IL. Write The annilAl death's have"t has I and mem capable administrationor I�rornfitnesso.' Do yon mer, air? To stare iXM. __._ _ y-._ Inspire promptness --t•i•p,' W. H. SHAW. Principal, r ommeneed on the Great iAkoP. The than Ihat which now preaidw over the. '•Thin I. oar hat, All t Ab, thank Them Yignal fined The Weekly Sunoung and Gerard Sts., To - wreak of the ('y Rolla nn IAake Yupev- destiniett of Canada." The Alnntrnal roe, sir. Ank you very much in. ITorsrnto) to January I"l, I811K, W new)entor Canada. P r � i for last week seelnA prenlialy Iatuont; Star. a Conservative paper. warns good. •' snhert•Ihery for W Cantu. • 11 W. AOHESON & SON LADIES' COATS We upenwl this Werk all Addifiofial lot of tadiee IA»lg 000411 in Ilark'Pw,,e,l Elrectn &fill in plain Beaty r ('laths. Htyllsh Kartuuntleand beautifully brn"I and velvet trim ened. Price- eope•cial, 1117.(11), 1118MI, >thl,(N) and $12.(N), -%N• Fur Lind Costs b Maes f fir-linoll Beaver anti Broadcloth Coat,,, 34 tot ill i lit -Item lung, tri11arlel aild with fall Nil. I S•+ltb le 0.11ar, lit each, IlIMIN) and >11Ko,trt. Furs 11 1 Ye.►rfm, Hilar, Rollin nod Collar" of Nartit, 1„t oedlm, Fox. Stable and Persian IA►mb, a vert. iw,'ial 11howinK, at 115.lkI, $S.W, $10.(N)and *15 .tt, Wove Blankets lit) pairw (special) warns, asa Nl)•, pure wv,. While Blankets, double loll rise, ink and hlo., 1, ,r,le r s, mpticlal tit lair $1.51) anp d (.1111. Draperies 1'► Iairm A ulerican portieres ot• DAmaak curt& in 11 fill- archways or doors, very wide widths and heavily tamsellel. Colurv.crtnam,olive, browl„ and blurs, lit per pair, iL(N), i$,00, fl6.1No, fla.ihi an'l 8111,111, Eider Coating .A inches wide eider Coating for Childlr•n, tv,,,tr' in grey, roll, blue, pink and cteaun ,,t per yard, ixh•. We ACHESON & SON stents made in the constitution” con -Why n Why dues the average girl ►"stow frrevel on them by the Dominion Par- I more affection ten a pet erg when A lia/fiw11t they would have to apply yullug n1NIN prosent than fit any directly to the Imperial Parliament.' other time? The seine newspaper wym that two' Motor weeks age), the wife of ,,t olherGranged,,legatiunsl ad walttdon •e,realthy resident" of an Ontario (enin. the Conservative lepder in Vancouver munity write to Hoo. Dr. Pyne, Nin. and had received lit like Ile,- lit ister of Education, making Peritlus front him. charges against a young Nehoul - -- --- teaches. But when the writer of the Aleft WINO aur• INtld Did )-till evd,r letter was called to account for her think of replacing the het hair joy conuntnicatiun she pled Ignorance of Artificial 111eafi9? Proof. Dorenwend the matter of her charges, stating mkt• cam do it roll• you sot that yoor most find written at the request of parties Intimate hiendm would not know It. whom she would 11ot naaune. The girl He will IN. At the Bedford Hotel ,.n school teacher has taken legal action. Friday, OctulN•r With, where he invites What a pleasant person that wife 4,f it .Vote to call and witness a practical wealthy mmident must Ile ! Camoulian den"onstration of the fact. llourier. •es, �t dei d� ate• IPATTERNS We A. ,cKlm MAGAZINE I loc. 7c OVERC ,ATS1 I- if *, saving of a few I (lolla on your Over - C t 1 re8t8 y011 -If d on ,at, a judge of value4 a (I b►ive us a r few-tjlllllues Of yore I 11 tinie and ii ake a test, I we will proa to your satisfaction t t we call save o d o u olf a Itrs R coat at foC ma 11 or 10) I ' .. Not ranch use in quote ing prices till you set' I tilt- coats. il Fine Fur I More Millinery i' 1 = 1 ac J kets 11 from $3.50 to 20.00 ® Bear Skin Coats = McKIM'S BUSY STORE& i ��as���ts� * m �m��ON Looks Like I Y our Coat Doesn't it ? A pretty nice model, made 44 inches long or 50 inches long in fine melton cloths with fine quality velvet collar. A 0 dressy coat and one that can be worn on almost any occasion. This is another one of those famous "�� .N. 1*�� e a -, 1. . ars, � �:: ... -,. .� J Atyle-makers. We are Sole Agents for King and Borsalino Hats and 20Th Century Brand ' Clothing ---- -_- _._ -_-_ WALTER C. PRIDHAM .1