HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-17, Page 1Read the to New Subscribers on page 3 of The Signal this week. nlm)� , '*--.# - ____ --.-- - __ __� - - _: - . sIXTINTH TZAR -No. 314', GODERICH, ONTAM0. CANADA: - Inna-cial __ z�=__. � _ --------- - - . - . - . I ._0 N E D0 1, L A It . " - ACCOUNT I STAKI'S A SAVINGS Little by little wIIAJI aintaism are depastaitthl in the bank, $anti ill 'tiff incredibly short thne the Owner of the awcount finds that him Money has knereased Ili alinust magical fashion, reving him ralany times over for the Ismail " privolationob " he may ,a under- gone Ili order to provide for the proverbial " rairly day." YOUR-poil,eent. 'intereolt paid on delosswits and money vito IN - withdrawn at"Any thike. I . I � - - I -_ - - I t THE ISTANDARD LOAN COMPANY Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Squ;ire. I I I W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. I - .. - - - I . - - I- - ­ -, ----------- . ____ Auction Sall" Z_ - - - ___ - - - 7Z: .---- - - - - - __ (ILEARINO AUCTION HALF ' 4w ' � ARM. FARM STOCK ANII IMPLE- MK.%T)4. __ SaInnel Lewi. %ill offer for .. i A tle ,,,, U I`: I.,, at tbc rell. _. 1. m. .I. _ufd�,,: A -I ,told lowh-h 9). of, .. " - XYDNESDAY. (X,Tf)H).H :014J). IV#,, , -kork. 1::tInneacing at I ,I, the folinwinit' I oodantre. rill )oarA0kI in foal; I hor"c I.11. two year. ow. I hor,,o oilit oil- Yesiar .1d; I .pring ,,Ili; I onsisir of ar;�Ii. hesta,$) work no�; 3 cow-. All, yesta"old. It. 4-1f; 1 co-, ­11.y:z� 'ild. I,. calf: I heifer. I%* yvolsr� (,III. it t � I -omr. Ins- I— sold; �, .t"N. -e )­rcsld� 4 li,itel­. into )Gat old: A M�V filLrri, laintler. In fir -1 claa� mossit; I Manary 'No-ri. nwiner, at - new: I Noxcm diss,; V .1, I:X so. I "in, bay Or. sanest intle lanbsnul; I IsVft I..r% -ter so'd inow,r ansa,licall; I I will allow : I bay rake ;a -eed drill � I ­uffler . I �t troll harn­; I land ripliew: 2 williabur l4ow.; I socafritilles, plissim; I .upirstar ketue; I tanning ,.,Ill. I double buistry; I -inale buggy i I cut I er: I hravY 0agon. % 1, It box � I tin% iack; I , � fork. earrislabot and mpr­ I ,ev tit IK)b I gravel box; I -1 ,if do.ble hasnants, ;,.-�, L � of .Jubsole h.r,t.--. artaild � 4 inflit ,.. tim 2,4'ruills. �.ftn-, KWA .. I's -sr; I I 1,,I.y vh!r,,. Na.2 � I nulk cam, laols. Atalut'41 lon- of Is", nial a ka af ,Imw; fork.. ehmi­. rake,, h..... ,haveltl and rinmirrou. other stro, I-. 1p'%kM.: All tmtm� of 111111-1 " under. `ft -h : ­ or I hill nrannou, I .olle is ... allis. credit will bc I " ..I furtn-hmar appon,sed Insint .... is,. A fli�,'=fl of -it Ise, tls'.I� salla.ed flit -k ins r"Ait israbount­ At t he -*"to I two I he Nnn. ! kK:m�J,n-,W- of usnold hundred ascm,,, on w Ili, 1, ag'..1 Imam- hounr &lid barn, giant orcharil, isrie,iwi -I], etc.. will Ins offered for -1r. &lid a ill be ­N1,;:t ~V tentan, which wall be st"Int ..... -tat I'llie f "ale. .1'kM V EL LEWIS. TH40MAS IiUNIIRV. propookostor. Auctioneer. I ___ . ­ __ � - - - - " Iffat" to cn&wm � - - - __ ___ __ __�_. � __ �_ - =�� - . - -_ -_ - - -_ IN THY HIGH VbOVRTOFJVHTl.CK ___ IN THK MATTER Ok TPU WINI)INU-171" A(T. IRKING CHAPTRU 144 011 TAX RKVISVII STATUTES OF CANAIIA. AND IN THE MATTKR OF THE OOJ)E- ltl 'H KNUINK & BIC YCLX CIL1111,11-ANY. 1.04 ITICI). ______ __ - __ . A TifunsitAr. (.Osci. volt. - J. ( olopeo I- -hipping Iwo carload. (A wheat -d I--,,- ioa.j for export. Pot— Ifer-imt1helus-al acrissin anarkef rot .... I,. a. 41 ustistst la�l wis-k but I 1". unarket I. .troam at I hr- fissfurt , Fail wheat. per fol.h. now .. 010 117 to 0 1 tot -u w heal. per Lou.h. New .. J 117 9. I (0) r. per btk.h . . ... ....... � Vy. I . : 04310 it 46 Muck wheat, per hunts . ..... o Is to it 0 fy&LA, &ter bunh.. now, . .... _� 0 171 0.110 Penn. Per bu-h . .. ,. _.... 0 7.11: U 78 BiLrilly. tier bu.h . . . ..... U A:. to I a) Scone.ninks., per lost .. I.: is tat to 14 01 Flotir. fainaily. pOr r % I ...... V 3o to 2 Ni Flour. Went, per Visit ..... I . 2 110to ,lot- flortan, per ton ....... .... .. � 0 lot to . a 00 ithoes.' pra ton ..... L ' ' "'. 13"110 0 Lot Hay. Ile .. lot Ease . ... � ­ . IA too W V. IN) W'tisoll. per "am . . ... I—" .1; (it) 0 if flutter. per Lb ., . so Ar 10 11 . . . .. . . I. � Cheeno. per Its . I ... at I ." I ,; ,.,, 61419-. fr-h. per dos I I ­..'�', I *: 0 21 .0. , 91 P,takose�. I.e. . L L.. ... V W, Is, 11 Wt Cattle. ontil"y L.'Int u. peregist, 3 fill to . oil CAtOr. export. per cwt ".. _ 4 ,VJ to to s5 HOIF-. It% a weight, pol cwt ... � 5 10, t, .% too Spring, J,oair, . , ..... I . 4 .t' till .1110 Shim,p, Isev , ,,I .. .... ... � 3,10 to I Alt Ham ,ter Ili . , , ..... .1 -1 in to it U H&W6, per Ili L . I L .. . 41 Is tat is Ili lArd, tar it, . . . I.. 1510 15 Tallow. Iter Ili , . . . 1. 1 @list to n a5l tilde.. lisere . t . . , . . ... .,. (10 1'. final Sib" Skin. , ' L ' ''' � A" O" fat) 1.1ocron. ... I � .. In to In Turkey. * . . . It go 1 4 ou"t,sid. Inarkel. on ~P.kp I - _____ ___ - Callist of Thanks �_7�'_ -I- __ ---,- - C1ARD OF THANKS. I DK4JHX tot&kettil�,)Pt..,Iultit)'O(Pxr,rii,n by rIitudV fair isind appm-lottion of I , ,v.,_ _ rs�#7n am fly the nt-in) friend, during my cI of illuessn' hwitsdily I li�* w he railed upon i., and intaulmd fisr in.- , I HE ST . WA It I. CARD'OF THANKS. I WISH To iliskink the tin- ctroulany of Oodeneb and the ril,iwn- rh ,rlliy who an,,wked slu prompt I its Ism"Inar In ,,at hav- other-ine pros,e� � ment dinvistran- firs, and great hss� The *Utcb In thim, hisso, been forribly dconsin istrated maid any apignes, J� ,jilil,tin I. *zpn-"-d I,, " publir way. )H A1L - ___ - - ­_ - BOW Matate tor basic. - . I - �__ �= - - F 3OR SALE. - A Jewel double alsibi hessilser. nearly lie%,. N, I NOT`1VF TO CHKDfTORM. . Isse"gir beater stands-, I will bc losing a turnatt I but, winter. _ - AlLorlstirrocer,tor farmer,i delivery wagoin A brand new top buggy. Pi "t Avrtodirsertion-allwen hervin. notice I, hc, roily giVell that all ,rilditOr" milli other,, HKAt. VATATK. having claim. millishiisst, the (losterich Knifirse Alk I have a comfortable. loof-doonsixed holl,st litryirleComplatij. Urnitod, am required oil or &,III lot for ,,,Ir. before, the 11r,st 4,%)- of November. A.D. Mr. to ,.,I is). ­t ordoli% or to Jan- Wit: Al- neven quarter ar,tion,, re-r,sonally ,,r fect&A. prepaid. �n. the .liquidator at the staid 0"notiany. or to t unbroken 8"katch,WA%i farlu liand,,. it a well-ncttled disarict ; in a di,tri,t whom I hc undensiogned �licltorm. their chriAtian and ,solid r,roins am the rule till. year. Sito 11"Iftlate. addressines, am d;bilic .,.the (till *led in clone proximity to the neftin line,, ol as . au�llpifioa I of Icularn of their clain ft,- tnrc of ,Ile. necuritlea. it any. hold by them. (I T. V. &,,it I . P. K. Koinjonlon ]Ili- : about fifty mile, we�t of Me,,loatoon. All) IsURTHICH TAKIL.40`1`14'K that after -uch A lontaill esi.41 Payment of S.1fou per acre %ill I-t allentloned date the liquidator will pro oeruire it paying inreotment- , "Ve'l :"If to wind up the ftA e -tate. he% ins I have m-veriall thounand acre-, of oll her choivc W tern hand,, :alj�Ita The clanu% of which he siliall then ve I at . and will flat be liable for till- so,,,,etn of c. al- to -feet train. MY price oil Oar of the above I. right. I the �ld entAte or ang:�%thereof to any ter M. W. HOWXI.I., anderich. . I ___ win or pressorn, of w tin notice alitall tint - YOUNG k ROBERTSON, REAL Is.— been then received. , hilessli at Goderich thin Will day of Omober. A. Kistiftle Agents. (1011"Ich. Ont � Farm It. islor. DICKINHON it GARHO`W. land town propserfi� bought. sold and exef,aroogod� ___ oaf �11111 Salleltants. )R SALE. -A LA HG E. CO.M. F F(ORTABLE brick hoome overlooking the I I'll*- Signal ;just The'lila-po,kly ' %fail No'"IV TO CKNDITOR.S. --- harbor; .11 nind-m etuaveniehern, inchadin hot water hisatinor. Apply to Yot`NG & REIN nil Elupil-r to Jannoury falt, I-INK.to Submerihers :it) K117'80K, (Juderich. . IN TRY. MATTER OIP THY ESTATE OF - - (INUH1119 ACH10110N, IATK OF THY, LIOR .SALE. 3) ACRES Ex(,j.,i- '")`lVNOF4l4I[)KRICH.I'4 THE COUNT V LENT land for nosarket Carden. with OV HURONAINNTIAMAX, PICCEAHVI) Wilding- #Ind fosters; two notion, fron. (Foodoid rich : live merts,s to starboard of ni,p).... ­ - polar,, hrrri�. logal-Agons. irl.,,p,. and .r- Mrrit�,-. oPricto mud IV. tat omkilk.. Nqtricr in berelly given that nil per -ore, has, ' .,,pp,my a YO11NE) & no"" )N. inx any rhillso- or sionsiantin sagain4 the nald late tioderleb. . liss-rite Aelle,son. who died on or about I he Ind dav -4.1ols. A.D. 1111(fl, at the -14 town ofGaild _____ 1OH SALE. IJ STORY HOUSE k Anorlit-la v, ivh. *'H- re,pneed to �nal bL gick,st. prepaid, or I­IvIi%cr Alo,� Nil& M. Ac Mis­�m. ,in .grect. 14 qol) flail- on Napier �tris-t. It Mory hou� Eight It, -on and I . ., Hrowti. ionti %V111hun Ache,Nm he olic'ell- oil ave nor. I �Iory house on Vbqd�ia �tmrl ;1�, % Ind- ronor4ofthe will of lhet�,Naid late Two wory brick houne, oil Konwit-treet neart1w: 4 I,orkf. - A, to y note of thrill. their )mks- ; 'title roollb-, all modern ,onvonnenca�. n.ints. nn;11"_..o".t,fa"tw% ^"nil full postil,ularl in St. I)ak%14'4 *tmet � o1we rosiakn­dl luoident coil 'aritlogglIf IhciVON1Jm4, AIMI AtAtCHICAlmof Lheir voluence . Vararm( for Wt- in anv part of iu"unt-.nont the nature of the oeenritir* lit Huron county. 'I' ATNU; & P.4011F.KTS41N. Slays hold by them. Ooderich. Ono. ANit, TAKIC NUM -K that after tile 1*1 day of IN' I ovember. ISM. the maid exertuals" will proverd -_ . N EXCELLENT FARM FOR A In dixtribute the assisset. of the -1,11 decrined 64A LF. -21119 sterf" in wro 1% . Awann.11 two he permn� entliledl therew. list infi 4".11ot.11 'ha little. front Anburig; .oil a. -las Ioaa,,. al.,,;l 14" sloe clitint. of whI,h I hey I hen ha 111*d hot ass,m- tinder rultivation anti .,vi 14) 141 teren lumber, A well and two ,,�,Vlnfr- Ye nobJest. &old I I he ,oud e so'ecu - to" will not be liable for th"d walls, or an therombil' or ".11 new ttatue dwrill barn. Aslbl� �4 drili-W,orl. A'pn;i k Inort to any portions or pors,ore, (if wl:wy 0,11M or clainals, &her oluall not then have m- ,'.T".,'.NO ROBERT. 8OX , (Tivod notice. _Pr)ch. - - - ­ ­- - � ­ .------ listed allOoderlets the .31ith Aar o(Sepl,inher. OR %ALF OR To RENT. - A F itor. IIN(-,I&­ 'Affo-fterc (men, III %% , e.t V% . low$%- PROULIFIKYT. HAYS k BLAIR. no�h.coialcenelotl ."'. tot *r till Is.', acrem In it 8salleltorm for the maid Kxogemorst good %tA(,. of rultlVation."well foncoal. well tered, good orchoovi. I r hank ham, good wa :� __ ------- � jror Ws flail 3,, - I'lloffler. black ,ma I h -hot, and .to" corner -1 f4mi. Convenielif to -hool. and liust week. The rerinillony Was I.1, I liech, 3.4 attic. froln C. Is. it, .t.,tion ,,, T 11 11 Auburn. Term. e^,)-. loV. A. HARHIS4�N. . Luck no%. Ont. ______ ' 8RERIAN(i BANK I R SALE. FIVP ACRES CIA)SE k law frontage Of the Ill'i'll"lls falber, Thomas kot*p. ; on one of the Is In that-. no pipvtl far take water ft 'a loulldliot I OF CANADA .s,Zhf=_ Ifox In". M nrvl( K. IONA L OF ___.. HIKAII OVVII'r. TORONTO __ - 1ARM VOR NAJ,E ON DIVISION I Z. Al"fifoldZito (!ApITAI, . f0loo.oluo, of 't. field contall, Inj bG;­,Isi frinns' good tot r, I In . ed flarronsay or psk�t tire "ilb'�mr � it on tarot, INCORPORATRf) my r4t,r6('IAI,A4,r hion. and well ,mq,da .situated oop vir mile train ,,,hool, one knit norhmif 11111c. OFIX)MINION PAHJ.IAMKNT from I-10111cf! Will he nold r~0110,bly, po, TO 1(IWKfV`K Diril(Wirs ion will tie iris ell al once. Farforigior e"'%r"i,plyt,)THoMAMFI,Rll.[..,,.r,'). To Xccc)lllMOdAtP the FArillerg - ' loft SALE. A (.0,41' SEVEN. We have opened Branehes in tile 'I'M boll-: bard maid nl1ft water In kj. vfll"rp 6,h-,,,, ; Near ('"11(10^te 111-filate. ApIAy 1. _ .. VA). COX, firit,sionin read. UNGANNON, 'BURNO ' ' ' ' VA A and BAYF 1,I). We solicit the llatronssgil (it t lie PAP&Mftft. _ AALk N(Yriogn Higook,ot,lifl�X0. 14AVING14 BANK A()CdVNT OPergind by deposit of $1.10 - InWt"tat3%cnmpotind. sad quarterly. . - 4 11111-KICH BRANCH A. 0. 0AM1111,K. Ititionster. ---- - oumF FOR SALF. -_ A NINE i it Moonlit fmnlv dwelling, havinit a broad 'dinstion.on Kossayst stiviet. m000, foundation and -vuloner kitchon,loroodishable, %V111how,ld 11 Far further Peril Imr. apply to = "14t �A ' M, 4'A 110 RA N, e"Is 114vue., Taman, __ -_ )l ARM FOR MALK. A ("HOWN J (Anti fat ,Ialo. ,td^1sbM fir mixed farming - or 1411". at "ro. cleared. Inloorm,l good arch , 13 &,"A brand linthor. ',+Al a 11A black 'Ink lcom. flood frAtne holo,' fmme harn knit of^ I-. gooll driving �Ikod. 'Lot- X1 and 34 I OOW�OmiOn I Ooderich town,illip. ApM to' PROU111"(ft HAYS At BLAIR or to WA 1, J. WALLIS. Motion. 154f M. r ======== " - " � I I, f 11111A(TWAL 91`)V('ATJQN - ill ---ontial to.a",,omw Intive banjos, in oftoday. Theme=Jumbugleev,blenthe traini air along I Is Intel 1. the 19NUTIa" AMXRICA14 JIVRINLme(' Yang* & MoOln st... TO' IRO�?W 4% rt Tpe or Moorman in ^11 'r ny f .tz of ,,, I 'ossit'.... n 'T". . "04 It - T-1. �ki"Alte"IVN. Prinselval. I \ \ I , I . � I J a Is 1] a a __ -, LOCAL -TOPICS. I To Vote November 18th. HY)AWN 'art- heing mullunitted lit Huron township and I lie town I)[ Kill. cat,ditie for tbp gliartintee of honds Of Nits,vilt.4hore Etc the Ontario 4!t He Rail- way. Kiiieardino is moultmi tot- at guar - not". of $50.10) land Huron townithip tot- a guarantee of 111175.0111. Tile vot,e ill LA) Ilse field In [lot[& loollicipalities coil Monday, Novelislookir I sth. Citizens' League Organized. A ineeting was )felt[ oll, 1.11-iginy ,light ill tile Temperance flail to `,-oniplete Like organiv.,ittion Ili ti le Goderich branch of flit- Canadiall Citizellm` Ileagots. tile ouira at MAE 1011 In r011nee- tools with wt ic I Dr. Rhy visisited God- erich recently. T110 Ofth.'el-111 Alliklinted 011 Friday go iglit Were lam follows : prob- ident. Rev. B. Clement; Via-."- pre" Men t. (;, At Elliott : speretary-treatiourer. Jainem Mit�clkell. An executive colak- . islittee, alml-W " gap :11 1, to ef laskollit of the officers. toxet ire - with the folluw- ing . Dr. Strall 1. If. Robertson. G. F. Blair and J. T'.1 Brow if. Scott v. Gilpin. I Ali as -tion that Ila% hoosen herot-P tile Court fin- munie Lime hot bit,# he-enad- journed from little ft, little I. that or Scolt v. Gilpin. which clause top liefore Him Honor Judge Doyle on Ila tilralay Insl - Thrillitioliff it; J. 1). Scott, tile Assignee 41 tile ".tat*- air him brother, Adana. what wits it tenant of %%,. .1. (ililloirs. (or St. Nlar?,�N. Tir. unit is fo, the recovilwy of ?it egeAl 4 verpayinent to OilPill. vi�ho hall it rhat tel mortgage Again -1, Aditin Svott. Judgilient Ivan rt-wrvoill. E. L. Dickinston for plairs- tiff. J. Its. Moskin-. Ntratfom. vounsel to'- defetultiont. W. W. (irithant, St. Marys. solivitor fill- defendant. Bedstead Factory for Gsodorict,. F. 4'. Ill-iinicke. of Buffalo, wn's I Is lown a collp)e of daym thi@ week, look. ing over tile ground in 4-olopany with our t4ownistuall, If. w. , rhouppon, with the itlea. or Ilse psi Atli Job [Niel] t of a In-Alid anti i'llso 1pfidstraAl factory here. Mr. Hennicks, wits valry foLvorsibbly fall - premised with the town. its I"OkAtio" And shipping facilities. :anti there is every prompect that Ilse project will IN- gone fit? will, After rise- first tit the yrar. Mr. Hisonivile is superintendent fit it factory for tile Inanufarture of thin line in Buffalo ,and would have the inantwos- itient, air the-. Goderich factory. The eapitail. apart. front .%Jr. . Ileaskirke's, however, would In- lol-al. A Sunday Blaze. Al,olit I o'clock (lit stloodity after. not)" fit- was discover -P4 Ili F. .1. Prid. hall"- latore : the brigade was ealled tint land quite a larKe crowd gathered. The tire originated in the office juid wits cO111111-1 Ili tile lwu-k portion (it ' the store. Mr. Pridlimiji'm Mock (of goods wimm- got out alkil in entirel oninjured. The windows oat the troc� tot the n4pre wer,­ broken, t fie glouss of I lie partid0l) talmildim wits cvicketl Ity I thoo, beat corninK tip tile. stilirway, tile rI" L of tbe reiling down.4tairs, I ;.diy lilintered, I fie vagIlig of the offlei", ___ - ___ - - - a -_ --- I NOTICE TO 'ADVERTISERS , -_ . Copy of change 0 f runnin� advertise- mants m ust be left at this office by f Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. - ___ - ol I)R. F. J. R. FORSTER . E'?E. EAR r I None and Throat only, Stratford. Ont. H*a" N York Ophthalmic "it Is Attrul I=n 1.4'se, (-I -^I iss-i.tant F�nr. 0 .. ini, ."tase and Threat Hospital. Oolldens,juam, and .1 ""at London Oplithatuale iMooregield Eye) ItHos�pitmsl Istornice En )ffl,r ,%then ureet, I'llratfor4. unpomile %find(nor -��'"Io`: It I I p.m.. T, 11,12 a.lu . L 7 8 me- n h 2a.1 -to 1, . a _____ ___=� v Imt or Found 11 - -� I 4 V)ST. -ON WEDNESDAY EVEN- c ING. asunewhere bet wern lownand Nfle a long. mink furmfole. Finder will plem�a; ic.1ral SIGNAT.offloir. R,ward. ... SITHAYED ON To MY PRE.MI.SES I All"of Iwo weok4 ago. I berl, ressirlinarx. one �cif@T,old two -teem red %fill white .pot.. owner can have !hein loy parinar expennomss. lOHN L. A ,TK1Z' Ossimirsch. ,4 � . - - - - - - --- �_,_ 51tusittous valmut ANY MERCHANT Can Umkc amuey)by setting his goods at a little above cost if he c&o sell enough of then,. The way to do this:ls torad 'i I Yertable in THE SIGNAL, West Huron's leading news- paper. =�_�-_== - - .__ - - ______:� __ � - �_­=======� OCTOBER I is 1907 VANATTER & ROBERTGON, Poininiang" __ - __ __ ____ ____ land woot1work 'Ir"und were horned lowpi, photographer.. I Thin prtaiu, and Elie whole of till- Imick Inortioll so( tioll IN co.4ting nearly IKQ for cotitutni the stort- put into) t ineink. Hoone of And the inatiagenkpia lookil forwar tile plate glAmOd tat Lilt- front of tile (A) it larl(p house. atore also "'no crat-kod. Mr. Pridlisain Tile stpanopr Scotthah Hero arrive varriod insurance in the Western and oil fdo it ,,!ad , with WAII.K.) Inablihialln tot thi A %,*-I-), loronstat isaijustment wdm made. menjo, a Wisest, for the Goola-rich Hit Uuilding Notes. I vator and Tranallit, Co., land 1111,011 flood prog . J."vila im 110ing islaile on'the Ituallielm fill- the Big Jklill. Thin is tit factury hoildiiijit which is lasing firsE vai-To tit tibia aleation's, Agraill t evesArd fill- the Jackwin Manufactur- arrive. lie Svol timh Hera a clearvill oi hig Co. oil Westatreet. Theground Tuesday. wam � broken till laht week and the ex- Tile Scotch iloubles content Ili Ili eltvatiolk started. The istone work law" howling clull IN nearing an Poll or fit,. imuseillent W:111� in lovi"K built lit the blemi-annim,rhoinson and Brow, monle sit the red Ill -ick for (fie wallm oi defeated W fill and Houghuff .4164 tile factory prolotti. is, 4.11 the Rround L"lle "I Id lCoboll (14-featittl Kililu, 4odholneofthemahlies. The building milli Jordan. The linal giants, be'tweel will Ion. :r) feet, loss, I�g) feet, null will the twit winninx tetanus takes plao consist of a Imb , I wills )a wood probably toniorrow (if, Saturday. "711,11 1. floor and villier ne 4, two Stories Roy S. Kelley, of Yarmouth. N. S I above that. was Ili town this week in till- interests The building just oext tit#. new (if Alillant,s Lillillgent. and I)Inceal ill, Jacktoon factory in 1whil, litted tip fit,. #Averti,keluell� ill 1,11" Signal. Miss it lnrf�,,steitns lautuirv. rise Imilding arll'K Liniment is title of the "slid re falls ,ft jacked till' and tile interior 411,11140N." land with it genial and ener will 1W torn out. relie representative like Mr. Kelley P. T. Delon flow tile excavation inade , soking after itm intevs ists ita totleg in to). all Addition at the real- of hiN slot.", this section, fumv lie expected (4, 'flow on the corner tit ha. -I Street land Ihe is Illm erial, .* ticia'sAw. t, ,441181v. � , The Prize Essayists. OBITUARY, I The Dsolgtktrl�.of ill-, Empire all- ___ nounet. that the privA.-witillell, it, fill. Thomson. rewpot competition for lbe twist essays Jalasetl F. Thoinsun received word written tiff "Tile Empire" are au, f,tI_ I Ili- morning (if tit#- death of his nuclei low. : Miam Nellie Crew., S. S. No. 1. M. M. Thosowni, tit the towliship Of Collmu-ne ; I'nmwt)l.11l Jonem. s. s. .No. Adelaide, near h1triathroy. Tile Ile - 1, Colborne, &fill Margarvi, Moin ceased Wilts 1thOtIt NiXtv y0arg tit fix(., S. S. No. 1. StiLtile?% Lucy mar%ll�i%j: and Woum a brother (it au- flow Goo. W. of Porter'k Hill, a eserves honorable Thomson. of (soderiell. anti of Jalues ukention. The etatany,I reveived reflect Thommon. of Boweskomit. N. Dakola. great "Is4lit on Ilse tpacherq of the lie leaves it. grown-up I ..... ily a . 'k.t. t;f The VitrionS IN-h001S. It is ;I lHoo,tter ,if 'Anne of denth was I. I's Rlht. regrell. that it Ill-aler uunaller wero. Wexy which %if-. Thoinw)n sustained I not received. 'he Polidw who wrote oil Tuesday ruoriling last JtH(I Whieh were &tit front the (,(,tariff%* w-hut4s. wiliff011owed fly him denth in about land tile esnuilyn showeil rarr*fol train- twenty-fluir hours. I'll*- funeral will ing in CoulpoeitiOn, 01-11logriLpliv milli take plact- toinorroltV. graloular. :anti gains) that file pupil" . hall taken vorrriderable pains is) ,at.- Ryan - quire I tie necems,ir), data. rhvDauKh- M rot. Mary Ayall. heloved wife of terstLof I Ile F .111pired..sit.r. ill eungrato- Rev. David Hyan. paqsed ;away at the late not only tile successful voulgwti- I famill-v residence, IN) Elinwood avenue. torsi $'nt tL heir tenehers as well. The Lond;On. Ont., art Saturd&y &fternOofl . prize. are on exhibition in Porter -m 'after & lingering illness. The ! -ate windows Atilt will Ile nklArdefts) Instated- lill.m. Ryan Wits at native (If Goderiell, latelv. The examiners and imiges, hut, find remided ILL London fast- about ts I . were' Insipet-Lor Toot. .1 odge Doyle )anal twe tv yeatiN. The ,dectinsed who Dr. 4trang. was sixty-nine yearm oldi i4 su�vived Iry her husband. three. daughters and Durham Old Boys;n ' Goderich. tw'o sons : Mrs. David Gilbert, of That the town Of (ioderich lots Itee" Delaware: Miss 1AILian, oat house ; indebted to Durham county tot. mosol. Mrot. L. Wilkins, Of Delaware ; Ed. Of it" leading citim-114 i- brimight is, ward. (of Sonnyslope, Albetta, land vurattenti011 hy n1wirat raph its Ilse Frrtnk. of Stratford, Ont. last now tier ..of Ilse 11owinagiville . Stattesillars, which 'it ' vN : "Mmny Of , Chambers. our readerm will reinetillier like refer- Hugh ('11 aul hers. it former well- Poce ,,fault- in #9 lerout ishoe �of Tile knowii resident of Ambill-ld, died (in statemillsibil to tile title Maj4 or F. Jordan. Friday, Hill ilint.. at Guelph, where of Gostlerieb, and to the Jordno falnilv he had 1* -en living for a year for two. Is er.,identa of 1parlill�;Lofl. %%-e have On ,be Alanday previoun Mr. (!hall] - since learned that tile last public act hea- was lamle and heart%- despit4- his Mr. Jord4n still wits to give tile. PA. advancing year* and Paid a vimit dream of welcolue in him capacity am to the Agricultural College, but the ehnirstian of the Goderich Collegiate saine flight about 12 o'clock he was Institute board at the atiodents' re- t . aken with it Isaralytic stroke, and lie inion held Ili AuKumt Imit, in lonnor of lingered Ili an unconscious state until Dr. .4t.brang. the vefernil principal Ofthe hits death. Mr. Chambers was for school. Itwill forther, interest - - inflIny yours It prominent fariner 'of, ts 14C f our reallem to know that the cwha)"ilrf A .1d, living near Arnberley. and Hall at flat- evening hanquet held I was for a time a ineontler of tile cpt!n- in -onnection with the Name gatherin tY council of Humn. The remainto Wan Fred Washington, K. (I., (,I were taken to Pine River flor int,er- 0 ruent __ - - - - _ _____.________...� !- where he realded until congin I 4 Goderich. Ile was twice inarri:3. h I meeorld wit(-, Willi Was aino Of frig hirlb. Nurviving hill,. ,.%Ir,.. Willhb, I Wilson, of Uodericli iown.i,,I,. :11, ,a Mum. Holhert Henderson, in ,Nt.v� 01 . tario. tire daughtom, anti lie is In I vived by two broLhers, or ill Co . horne anti one ,It Port Ht ,if. Tb , funeral took place ()If Sonjav afte I noon it) Maitland cemetery. ihe ... vices losedrix conducted 1)), fir�-,. I!, I -i, . lilt -tit, and the pall -IN-Arers Iwing ,a,I,ti . Todd. John VAIT, tileorgv (ireeti, Wi line,' Swaffiel 1. H. Hale Milli Jaille I' Milliam. Mr. Kirkpittriek was a men Iwo' of tile Ortinge order and the fill , prill was attentled by quite it 1111111tot I Of the jurinbery froia Goderich, Gobb rich township and Coliburnt.. - CHURCH NOTES. -.- At Knox church next Salkhati evellillit's $service will tile conducted b Rev. J. D. Anderson, B. A., of Beat hattioiN. QUe. The annual convention of Baptis churches in OntiLrita and Quebee will b held in Woodatock frong the l6th to :Vnd itimt. Rev. H. W. Wright. Mrs Wright and Mrs. 1). Cameron will re. Preseut the GOderielf church Lit this gathering. The choir &lid ushersa Ili Nurtl sitreet, Methodist church we" plank, antlY entertained at the, parmonar air . Thursday evening last by Rev. . N &lid Mrs: Hazen #Laid Mr: and Mrs. J P. Brown. There wok -4 to, full repre detitativat ,if the choir ,trial it joll,l evening wits mpent. . A special ineetilig, of tile pre,, ,. 1) te.r� "'t'swas held &at Knox co"tircl It y I. pronwetite the ca, I o' ; - r -!"";a rad . .4 .4 ...I . - luith'ki Hill congrega. "' '"'I '�Hk tiolitt is .Mr. Foote'')( Varna. .Nil-, ' d � ' 7 Foote, iowever, declined the rall. anti "' the ,-,)if ro'KatiOrl", will issun- atiothei - ' a aftrr hen -ing further candidates. g ! Ntratfo Herald : Rev. R. Millyard, pastOr of icteriA il,trvet Methodisl I of fl churh �i rich. preached at both i - . "' - service. ion e Central Methodiat ,( - church on .Su day. And gave twc fOrr.i'1:!tlo, \andinxt letive sermons. fit the eveil!19 hi.8 ,n) ject, wam the revelm,. ( I I __.� tion of . Jesuit Chrott all - " ' ' showo toy I. mkt;�i' 0 and chisirmacter. The LA)=. Counl nee I, dpworth LettgilP Con Ile bet ,in St. rl =Crig� Thoulimstis oi � The'discus. ision of the topics will 1;��ed by some of the hent peakers fr, the ItRnplerene.e. ' " .H. A art. Over' .311) delegates fr I 'ill Western Ontario w I reliant. , �0, Rev. is. T. Bartlett, of Sack i le N � B., will Ile present to address th �Oro: vention. Services at Victoria 8trC4-.t let o. . dist church next Sunday wit . I Ile con. . ducted by the pastors whose subject in Like morning will he "The Great Millilonsitire," and in the evening "Danger Point." The anniversary of the church will he celebrated on the z7th in'sit., when servicem suitable to Elie occlimion will he held. Oil the evening of Thanksgiving Daydinner will he served by the Indies of the church. FALL ASSIZES &1H to. An 0,48 "Arlinirtorl t00%. roin near Solion, that one of th;- flat . - Taman. Several Interesting Cann Elefore Chan - . tkers of tit- eveninK was Dr. Alex. The finieral of tile late .1(-Wepil calloor liloyd. y")Or, all old Bowintinville High 4chool Italy. now It rineinber Of the '011egiftte Tainan, reference to which was oinitted Ili last week's istwe of The The fall jory sittinyll Of the High Court for the county o Huron I InStitute boned in (.Ode- Hignal,took lace on Sunda)- afternoon, opened onTuMA&Y afternoon at L31) o'clock ich.andthat :another 81WAker who October (ItE., front the remittance of before Chancellor Boyd ad the honor (if proposing the' fount f -The Old Masters" wam Principal JARIeS Iforney %'let( * trept. Mr. Taintgn*s death'Oectur;=hRe Thumdav The 11108L important, c" on the list were tibia Elliott. H. A., air lJow"Idgiville, flight In't-vions At the 11, spitall. wher'e two Actions againat the Canada Is rY 1111144, Fou If Co nY which he had t iniselfitgrosailluate ofthe tachrml and I) old Pupil of Mr. Strang. At the lit-W&ht'LkPli 1LfLPr him accident and IlPeFatfsl upon.' Tile. services were . , contract for this construction of th " C. P. R, hridKe across the Maitland ame reunion mynipathetie reference am Inalleto tire work and worthof condocted lay Rev. R. W. Millyard, books- torof Victorboostreet, Methodist River at (loderich. The actions he late A. .1. Moore. B. A., another church, and Rev. (, Z Dtarritint. of Bersiniller were for dammiles, received in tit(- accident the loth Darlington Italy, for funny year" heinittiral inatater at,0oaJericfi circuit. andf the interment was inade. sat bridge Imagot October, when Enitilm,"tielf Neddatord and ollossagurof Dr. Strang." - Title deceased . was A Inerallier of the Orantre order lost his life #and goversoll (if the other workmegs e I LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. - - %% hen^ Piet tire or twoyou want anore, 4)rfurnliurr i­lvantloolhe floor. The best plat -etow it Nowdon, Vol' to it .,I'm1-61 Smith -Art orultun-More. Kre I lit- world bad gone 1.1114CH'A Insist Perfect portrait, at .4011OW4 were hall ____ ___ - _____ - __ - � --- ­-- ­_ - -11011190o On the -work w, -re injured. The aweident. it will he re. llnellibered, occurred on October iiiatc WoUid ney 1. I 9i now -it 1.18y, I I 110o I OIRL WANTED. TO DO t1r iresseral Imant-work. Waren 11101.1 Is since at TAIIIall was forty-five Years (if .,age- and leavem to Makinig Itamlyaj, I 'I I held po.-M ig)nd. ,�Ua hPPIY W MRS. DAVID MOWN. Anbrl��n it evelf And fall. in , int,L) the ri'ver. Ont- of tile plain. Tholm %%al & yotillif 111�1111 �111. Awron To I lwe-e chat he, . . ANTED. The death o1`31iss ,%iinglit-A. Greer I sers- , no ,hmp,o it, I he' IlAn, ; HIIA t next .1111 I at IV -CAPABLE MAN OR W wonlan it) call on it few pro"jIn'.. tit :11K $10,01JI) glatnage,s. Ail.. pdp I, I � (a. K -, Von t The next -all ill" tomae by I;;jdllmJ,). APOPIOVI-110 Winst 14) knoss, missal our 11 troducto hal(sineerin -filiscifti It offer oil "' it' health for 4olue tilue, I,ut thf. ent, ' AH,'Uriel"Toto-A Coalkin" joillpany ,ayed - 17 is . rlfsn�ftllt odozed At ..of Can * "old J -'L. RANI). fluslole clut) cru. Ad on Indq- . I 41. AI,T,Y&('40.1i'A','Y,('Iiif.,Ito. Ill. �.n at ViorOtorbl, Op"ra House (in I I , I fly Is -- n 1). 11 F. I , 1% 'I - no y %%'ANTED To MAKE HIM., still .11gn�sll rep.,.t. lit I'llsy qeft- at falls evaporator, , Jig ,taff I, "?1oKlFfrV1,1rrAIIY "-fill. Apply ,at THE I UNAL O " a P.I. About forty-five, �bt` lArgest, ))'I. flail - - ever had ' I - __ - __ - __ _�___ Notice. Unidno v. col " which was An action A repast I air sof name Of NO) . 140poX In �_ ' toWn lit without. fon'"dittion' The - � - `�- �z*-_-- �A It K PIr F P Ex. I trouble chickenpox. wag Higirply Oil �Ight r., of I T EN 1) F Its %% ANT 1,: I 1. Nil Joho W, :anti Mi— ' la Ikeld, 'it' tendeal the fune.rid. which took, phu-e I I'll*- Signal ;just The'lila-po,kly ' %fail Ineonformily with clan- oi ql( IV N . IK'40. the smile 110a n I will re,eh,- all'.," �Rlsslaud o:'tn1lder,s a new nil Elupil-r to Jannoury falt, I-INK.to Submerihers :it) marked for ina,krf f,-,.-., �Pt(lltnfl i"Ondlair Ih,',J,Ilt AA% of October ary Criltm, To.lann- . lilt, 11111151, $I.*-,() Or. for ( he fras,,,Iswor I lie Inargi,r fr., ,if I its: ow I of OtArrich under t h c ,akt 6) Is. .. �he twid h occ III.I.Isd wits that the derrick ,-,I,. la'am inoved far enol4cli forwmard COlIft-tor Carolthell's ofth.e' wan n Tl:# �llmt­fal tenderer .. Ill Ile ft ... ..... rkel look (,lr lively spot for a couple "I'daYtil fail% Week flit- ciwilljor year. The higtir,,t or ally terider on $account of 1he rumb of. tat%phyp" not nec­nly 'F"" " anxiolls Ell get, tile (wt) lwr vent. dill. � -N r'- Isin w,lsth -^I- At 1&- T. H. .tati,ta rfllal� be meeivi-dial wime little aml pl^ec. Pat"ltl,i-lfkhdo),,,(O(.I,,b,�r count. Tile students o(I tie Clint,6n hill I,ps­ 11 ill. I 1. JOHS�-#N. t,';%* n Clierls. f-Imism lifod are RI% if )ill tat homp (111 Fri�at I - __ _� E FMoVAJ. �hak,.� or the next weXT) ter 27it Is. a( W 11 Ie rl ,%;'1,;I , Ormlerielt IN '.1 School mindrillm rro-i. Vol Inurntal isimer to the rooln� Will ask, 'oltwr 11 I reel anr1% # T. verthe I, 1 ('111FE" ho-orsiNn"Nam., wt. Al. At it lie entertainet), Tile reViAr lilveting,of the,listo'. I% ' I In- held J" f f � la, at .St. 4' "`"r9c'4 I'llurch toy Jle rell.tur, Rev. ,%I. Torisholl. , . wi them-colld '11tork(lay - - Of clu.11 Anolith : the exe,entive wiJI - - __ - . - - -- . To Xmnit Ineet o'chwit. ever foot 11VIonday. t :1 , -th it it, Ete Tent1wrogatirt. 11,111. . - I ­_­­', - �FW FURNISHED HOUSE To 14-1 'branch The pr,-mident of tile Goderieh of the Women'm Insitit Ilte on the earross,rof Renee nime, ,it,(, a fit,, I In rnsibid. Apply Its K S %VITZ Kit. Ils I f it call. alpecifill ho",nesis , meeting of all t ))I. , - __ llloslulser4 fill' , I'll"`13Y. OlPtollber =lud. pmt RENT. MPMf-DFTAcIIED at :1 O'chm-k. at fit.- holne or M r%. 1: boll-te on We.1 �trrct. Fortnive, clocirfe !lit and all model n eft"11 Isniencen. A ptily to W . T. murney. ft. HA W K 1 `424.19t. Pairk,k,..ter.t. W,_lf Cmpt- Alex. Mel,eosil and Mr% _ 1,11c.N - - Keriotgoll Alrolf"I ft HIAttimoilisl alli. , � jror Ws Ance liust week. The rerinillony Was r____ __ _7_:�_-�__ -� 1113;elly Rev. Ise.r(mon-ti tot, 'I'llur,alay , , , ) - �, 01� SALF. THokol'oHRRp derlep -ins. A. And"I'looll At the rear I ,I) "I"A One Yearlinst nnd �sel-rn ram imbs, Tell Lelc­ter Hric' Of the Ill'i'll"lls falber, Thomas kot*p. miss. rise (Ilford ism I^mb*. Alan fivis young tit hbred lorthorn hillil. All at erl,ce, t'o-tu'lit, the d^T Ax the restult ,)tit roleeti : .... in Mon - , me. JAS.C1114HOL.M. 'o borrel t.innothip lurdor, "vellill ', ouldremoted toy I - Coilena, i P, 0. ,ondon ,�, M. (,. 4. of. - - FIRST-( LANN IWINTZMAN & Interdenominational Flible. glanizer. tin 'Young Mpil,m : Study Clean has been Co pliano for &.to .I 4 VInl;g,VcAn be st I=. in ;In on@ `mly Ivor b tip Inat in I'lls"11's. 8f1oV,1t",,p- ',Ioy�b I with Y. foround, 4 the view ultimat,ely of forming it I M. C. A. branch in Goderiell, - _­ __ __ - - � IJMRFR FOR SALE. -HRMIAWK. ( Photne of the chortnism and cam I J ell" ILIA ingaple lonshor Ant �b, from nilock. I .. he I the wffl production of 1, The pippinr I be cut Forfurther rilesilik" "m to ROBto Wrl 11,11141, Lit LIOTT. of) viess, In dAym in the # uud forich. tf windows ol"Mossiourts. 13"by #and Hal- I . ;and a large number of tile inernberm of Illyth. Colialarne, Ijivertiale. Auburn -11011190o On the -work w, -re injured. The aweident. it will he re. llnellibered, occurred on October rtnd "erich Inalgeto were in attend. the funeral. ',%If,. 12th 19W. the cai which straus being itself t(* since at TAIIIall was forty-five Years (if .,age- and leavem to raime the icaritrie" usspOl in connectioll with the work toppling over inotirn 1114 JONS ft Widow mul two young children. And fall. in , int,L) the ri'ver. Ont- of tile plain. � - Greer. tilm was John Fde, who brot ght action On %ehalf of the widow Ii!nd The death o1`31iss ,%iinglit-A. Greer six a . children of Mr. Medditiford, cI Ili - Ind. slaughter air lien. fireer, lit West ,k% -ft' :11K $10,01JI) glatnage,s. Ail.. pdp I, wArsolish, occ-arrfNI tiff Monday. (;tl ill"t- The decent,vil hall Iteen Ili ill'. Ilinistrilator of till. patAte Of Mr. 3fed� him �Inifilr`(d� Who . brother-in-law, health for 4olue tilue, I,ut thf. ent, P I her ",i.Jt!vms ion wam brought fly III. ( -aune munler tilitil wits extbeeteil. Mis%(iret�i-wit,qagrit(tillitp(lfti,, lillf. Lynn , . 'wnuc , I . 1 $4 W (Or him own injuri , ea. , fly u 'ell c0nment of counsel the falo general hompital,11,1111 load held loon. itiobs Of remponsibili in two "ctingill lva"'O tried together. IV. Protidfoot, K. C., tot, the V movoral hom. ill tile Unitt4*1 HEmotd... tier rill.411n. plaintiffs and L.Hellmot h for the defendants. failing. Nhe gave up ber work A Jory (or these e -H was called tint 'net Y`al_, `"(I 'after Vimiting several IT"iled Statemi-esortli meekiiig re-slorn. it](- Prompert of it mettleflient, 111-wtowll�g�lrothe prog-tit-a the only 0ary tioll 11419- carne home Ili Jilly l,L.%t. Milan ("'""' was all, exceptionally c age On the list wits gone ollnol with it, �tho Hwarstillie. This was tile emaefig bright Young, lails- and her donath I" Unidno v. col " which was An action Ionvil laluenteit li�- ber relatives and for a doe. lariat af#1`nlkhAt the plaintiffisters- forierld.4. She wtax IL misiter of MI.. titled to it" eamement of- right of way Jolsepts Salkeld, of (ioderiell toityn4lill), over certain lantim in the, town of Sea, - fort h. and t he little,. sind tier fainil y' "I'(' '&I- F. L. Dickinsort ,&fill R. S.' Hay. f6r Nil Joho W, :anti Mi— ' la Ikeld, 'it' tendeal the fune.rid. which took, phu-e plaintiff. W. Proodfoalt K' 4' .. Is abal F. Hill ie,4tpd tot. the 41,.'. fit Locknow oo Tol.-dav fit Inst, wupk. fe' ndant. I ' , The trial ,)f:tll(. actions ,killatillil Nahel. After $A IOoK illue%%, patiently bornt. Like CATIlula Fountiry Company took tit) all � dayWPainesda Y',thejorylefirissIgIal"nit Il'betbeon-ya4lvaric-esl Mi"s Co'cili't Nliftel pateard away ou" ruenday last. a( the Bedford Cottage 6:31o'clork. 11%, I tile Piltilltity" an to how , �)n Lighthoune street, where title all(] ter Kinter. Alism At. if. Naftel, had been �he twid h occ III.I.Isd wits that the derrick ,-,I,. la'am inoved far enol4cli forwmard living far, morne Hiontlin puat. ytli.,, NAftel hout been art invalid rail, Else last fit,- t Ile ennt . wheel for the frout troelk. tat run ott ,Joe ,Hd of the rnif al;vk that thi-A'c"s L.0111)11� of ypaM ^lid since the begip- 'ling of Septo-olubf-t- hiiI(j been t5nahlp toned I he I VAP to lurch over to that Aide atuill No I topitIe 'Ayor, " 1,110 tp ellave her hed. 14he wit" the ai,th evidence of I of fill. witilessom for the tier. "s"A I , 'd ga n tit'. Jaujithter of tile title John Thornal; litaftel, (life of all (lift (luernmey ft ily, howryer, al if) the possitioll 'in whi(,Il they were Ntanding will) was prominent a g till tile ins" with reference to the'eft" would tievin 14) make thin ink- �foneefob or tbim district, I . 1i " 1"idence )if Hav&Id road )Wing It well-known Imollsibip am the "alone Of file at-vittlent, if their evideu-.e IN to bet'llieved. andni'ark Ili the earl y daym. Since After -1 1 the Jury had been out it long thue the eAving.Af.bas lerich filings Naftel had ;V1 7`iOf`"fktO , Judge cnlW thein, Nick to explain thfty I until early Ili the 1111111ner of ,Mi, year, wheat mile re. t,e.n of thein coul(I bring in a verdiot. it 1`1 they could ,,(it all agrees hiall, it wam ,urneol with hser pinter to town. The '11114'ral tAsok phosee this afternoon to it Inigilc t inte aro.r. I him, about IO::,k). 1,11,11 the job v Ion., I in I islaillstrid cemetery. mervic" foseing -onducted gilt 1% Vprdi,.t. I wo ,if Elie jl * lrt)rmdimwtltifig, for t,holifaintiffs at .St. 4' "`"r9c'4 I'llurch toy Jle rell.tur, Rev. ,%I. Torisholl. , lkwarding $2, 'III) it, Administrator Ede: ,, milli Witill tit Lyno. The Jury, hosove.;er, Iffirkpatrick. I were unable to may in what the negli. '% . Anl)thpr Of the Alit remioleuiN of ;odprich Rence of the defendant coo 14111111 I * cQ11I. as slatit4l. "r st),1110 awarl"(1 tit Ede waski rolingoved Its, I he hAlo.J if death (In Friday last in 'tit rslon If John Klorkpatriek. ife hZ I= was basked on the wages one in similar employment to Nfoighboatord would earn fl a -poldent, of town tot' the Plant tiventy- for three yt.#Lry, I hill being what the Work rnari'm Compensation Act wt) or twitinty-thrre Years ,and wall ,rigaged ,at thr. North American ' allown m the maxinions. the, larper sting ca( $1 Q-fx)f) being -'I'Limed ,lb"okleal Workm vintil it fk*,W �'Pobfiq w,,. He was% A Hativp of Irelnold tinder common how. tinder Which. howevolges the Judge N hot I atne to this country when it liters hild. Fair nomis time he wait oing,We.cl t "led this. plaintiffs could not once "wt* The $47'q therefore, Is the largest If ttle n the huriberfrip husinem ill the gisiatit.. p4ra jury could AW&A. Collins V. Frost k W(,,l _ rn t)art,)nf Canada. F.HimasOlopnEly moving t4 the t,)Wnnhlp (of Collsomost, (.Orn# to trial, & boat,hiraWntilid not beet, come bawl ng J1 to betwe" the Partiolls. (I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Oct, 17th IN --- It "V!1I a Ft IALrogt�l Atilt n ­t Elliott & me dSO rest,forti .................................. �. 2 I - Stantleld'd Underwear ............... I .. Itimuter --Moutroaj Family Herald msw­-��: I. , ly ntAr ... ..... ..... ....... * .... .... o , 7 P -auction Sale -Kannaill 1,ewLM . , I . I ....... I .. StAtiollerY F.J.111tilland .............. .... ... It .. Annourambluent-8overeimn Bank .. ........ I 1. Wbitat Warukin C'sagatts.-John stead . ....... 6 if Proportion for aftJOL-Voling sit tLoberUion. I I- New I'dantlen-J). Millar co., � ........ V..,. - 3 , Ove"00at,t-W. A. MoKin .... ...... ......... a _ . Forklage-4as, ch6holm... ......... ........ I . YotLr(,O&t W. C. Pridlialu ................... % 11 The Mo.t Coal- slid the Ailing, Cgle, Are Here �. H-Alten. Bona . ......................... 6 V1.01,184"Irio�ity"I"p-.0. #J. Unocal ........ I Lansim land Xffectn for Malo --M. W. Howell .. I S"e't SiXfoon, OIVuu­ . AA Clisto ............. :,.. a kirrydting for rnll %%'OW -Rex. Mark ...... 6 Millard'- Itininient . . I ..... ................... it "I Card Of Thstak­ V. J. Pridlisaw ............... I . Uirl VV&nL4A -Mrs� David known ............. I wanted - )law. McNulty 4; Company. Chi. calso. .. ''' ''' ­ .................... I � 'Allstate to Itent-J. H li&wkJn ....... � ......... I � Fur I"t -Signal Ofif .... ... ...... I ...... .... I I Cisrsill of Thiank.-J. Ure Stewart ........... _ I ­ Brick'- Ta.telites'L ...... . . .. ........ a Tender. for Marglel F., _.M. O. Johimagan,. I Vurni-hed Hou.to to J,ol R Switzer .......... & -_ -_ ' The Plaintiff Wkk.% Patrick C,ollins, ^ . ligar-unaker residing #at the city of .Stratford, who Sought damages for injuries received. am alieged, froma [I crate, of machinery Of the (ImIsPridantobs" failing against him and hreaking his leg as tile cr"kEg` was twing moved from the street into #I Warehouse, of the defendtintst'in Stratford, Robert - "on & Coughlin for plaintiff; Dal Vernet. RATU101141, Jones, Ross sk Attlagli for the defendants. Bis-tt, v. the Guelph & Goderfells Railway Co. and X A. Pigott Ik Co. The plaintiffs in thin action is Samuel Hismett. the well-known daI7 . who clairus datuagag; .wt 117% alleged. to beinit debarred from use of certain Pasture Ands owing to fences which were titketi down for the con. struction of the railway not being erected the following spring when he wanted to use thersture "n ; &too Otis or ,f to other ences being down enabling his own cattle to get ,lot and ocher cattle to get Ili. This cam wage 'adjourned to the spring sitting; of the court. Proudfoot, Hays & lair for the P100tiff. Macillonald & Drew libroad Dickinson k Oarrow for the defend. anm The came of Bruce v. the Dominion Fish Co.. which has beet, So often adjourned already. was given another L18tponement. Proudlibot, Hays & ir for the ralaintiffs, A. D. oreasor for the defendant. The case of C*rdno v. Cooper was proctseded with this inorning� An Editor wanw. The Canadian Grocer. one of The Mcl-,ean Publish' Cb -'s well-known III news a Wra, in I=ing for an goditor. The FNZ IHAn that can be t I " Canada Is wanted, and in Zer �� secure him the Oo nY in willing to Pay a salary of $?1T.fM at the outset and *5,(M when he ban proved hit, worth. The Grocer 18 recognized as an authority in title foodstuffs anti Provision trades and circulat,f.,a very. widely, not only 'in Canada. but #&too in Great Britain And the Continent. The new editor will till. expected to atill further strengthen the POIDer. There should be nuilberobou, Applicants for this PO'sitiOrk, for it is 'Ind b"I one of the priages in Canadiancilau= I isin. � � I . - __ AxvoLT.,socIcAgxNT, - The 9O,rere*.n Flank of Canada announces, this week that their branch in 00derich will not keep open on ,SPA-%i&Y afternoon and 'evening. The cloosing hour will Ile I o'clock. Yr OLI)T CURIORITY NuOr has, opened (lot fat- more business than ever- Th,; blame oide siM but on the right side of HArnitton Is collie from the . treat as you everybody. (,, ,eil. Everything for . . Gltgsx�. Vyery ladY*n boil- retluirem, attention lit tinses. Let PrOf- Dorenwend point out ITW to do to preser,ve it and (Irems it hY "leans of hill very beautiful art. Special .styles in hangs, wavy fronts, switched, ete. Fa,thion hinges onhisftdvice,. AttheBedford, hotel. Friday, October Mill. Don't forget it --a moci&I to be giyv,l IFIY the Christian Endeavor Society of Knox church in the hookamement, of that rhurch on the evening of Thosenday, 24th inst, A good prograja of local La,lehtwill tie rendered, eurfirnencing ,it S o'clock. Refregillonsents will I*-- ,ervold. Adininklifuu, 14cents. ,I%v(.ry- )ody collie. I Really Amogairg. An American touritimit ork the. gum. �Ilit fir Vesuvius "I'sn" 11PPAlled aL the randplor of the, x; .ffht. "Orent ftniliketbil he exelikittled. --it �Ossmindm file of UpAe.. - ' "By Jove, how you Alnericans do, novel "' I I "t"!l1ned art Nnglish friend vho b4tolim ---A . Short 14torl0n. - - 1`46t PO$Sible. Mrs. fialsaitter - --I wag OlItAgoters in 'y "entillients, sit the club t it, loon." I after - Me, Gamster . "I can't, beffeve it I Vbo ontapolle Yoti, d,,, P" --- AUCTION SALES. - T"i'"4%, O"�*?�'ltd -()to tot 13,00tar"Imirse, We -I %NftwAoo;h, sall tile opIQtuooL,,. fit- istack .ad find A "111116fititY of he, .,raw. XIL Irn,ill and wood hOlon ong t�o W . �3`1117, who ban -old hiss �lsa,a .Z On ill giving on. 'nolow. Jolan PJ.1tV,n. mortiontler. - -_ BORN. ltOl'"KV In Ondstriph. at, Tuesssd^y, 0� tallow 1.4h. tn,mr. and Mr�. J�ph thsaillsers a daughter. MARIIIIED. to" )1)-kk1tNAOIIAN. -On I,h1l,,d1Iy Oe. t%or paI I tat or. bl.. at th" e-lde"t-e of the Isrid'-n Ab�xsandl I',*%'- -I&,. A, Ande,.o. If A M'"l-er"ll tl� Mns. La,y kor�;W. h -n, daughter of Tiogirmin, Hock.l.p. ROWNLEE P(9-1AX'K. in Trinity rhorch. Ho dil r H I ad "d facdt&Obser -$th. by Rev. , It, T. � . to r- 4"ghter -(John floltock' " -tit-' fd's .111-1. ski) of Hartle . n"'I"'I of a he robot; DIED. FWToN 11 Lu,know. an Venda far. . tobor ,-Ell. oil,., h.lered "'fit of y1lor, f;. A. 14storgain. in her 4fth Year IRKPATRICK.-L-In Gooderiet, ob, image ("obnot I Ith, John Ki,kp., y4ft". elliaw 'I'd h. )HNSTou, I III (.O1t.Ik.,3rdO`":s`gft*, t0 -1-11111s. e- ye". W. In hie sigh I .I. I ft . �J