HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-10, Page 6i
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t P a ,.r..nl voftil:rtr� r " ikwoo"rvr, 113eajasvotafuvls'�lt".On"I,�Swg91IM11 6 .
. ,Tw R9nr, 1 „sari *4.a"' ++!'etletyt:.a,, 'moil'.•, 17 ';.'`fir +e _
tv. r 4.. +pvpt i t E, t, r• 11ee <a ,�c;; r r` t i f
6lrrsuwpsnarwsm"q�a t,tl.> '"''IR"I-1"sl-` R,W "; .;-P> .v° X13, 1 4.; '°# r� ,,i J 4.r la .., N.d 4.1- , a .
• tt!1;".."_l - .4wa, 1, tie y��o' C } 1 e, i a z� ' �� h
1 n•�� •"` t 'I � T1;4- SIGNAL: GODERiCH, QNTA Rioti
Jg auvAIDAY, Ot7lohDr 10, 1907 - I - - ^ �" `-
.. 11
it Is Bol what our fa•kenhm ":ay that
diaturbe us ,no muck% to what they
Way think.
Right now i> the br.t time to etartU
semethingtu y, t your Kidxry/iud Sys
is shape to wttLstAod thesuddeq changes
of Fall and Winter,'which bring on Rheu-
atism and other Kidney disorder.
is the rrilledy to lake •'lin 1,." i 1¢faran-
teed, your munry 1.... 1: it 1t 1 u'•
60c at Drug attire• or I,1 Ma I. 119
The csrta t=tocu Co. Unum, wtausea. a.a
A Surprise In Iiiswils
Every bt,x of Moonev's Perfection
Cream Sudo you open -you will
find a new delight in these dainty
When you want to surprise yountife,
gi,'e your appetite a treat wish
isrise-wwwrs at ,"Veinal Fall Fw
wo Last Week.
usA\'Y iH.trr.
Broil( mare, Aceuul,Kionied by ftwh
Elliott Ilion_ foal, Elliott Hrtitt.:``eld-
Ing of lily, two) yeast old, Elliott
Bros.. T. tilehonrfn% I Nin of working
Iwrtaw, lieu. Prnhalr, Ihmkain.
Brook %naw. I41rolli tried by total,
\ m. (114.11; foal, \�u1, (lien, A.
-,mart.; Itrlding u4. filly. two yeann
Ill. T. Nieholaan; gelding u4. filly.
-tie year old. U. Nohnell: spun of
a' ., Dig horses. %V. Autrnt. J. 4lpven-
Broond ilaale, nSrctoll list niel by foal.
U Aldw•orlh, A. Scuh•hnlere ; foal -
,4. ('leave, U. A. ('ober; gelding or
tills, two yearn old, I,% I3. Middleton,
Elln,tt Hnsa., gelding or filly, one peal*
ohl, J. Thompson, S. Cleave ; 01"411 of
wok klug hut•sea, T. lirownett, J.
I31,mil mare, accumlwutiel by foul,
R. McchiBebe •, Elliott Broke.; foul.
rbo,, Amber. Elliott Brum.: gelelingur
,illy, twit yuar0 old, J. Spat -row. . A.
Elc„rat ; gelding or fill?-. tine yea• old,
'1'll.w, 4herrai t, A. hleuat ;1-
•011 41f
11.,.lwlers, Thu.. lherr:atl. Oeo. lit ie;
Ili. .lilt- r,w►dst•r, H. King. K. A.
BraNNI mate, 1N'(4u1111"Inllel by final,
D. Schnell : bud. D. Sclilell - gelding
of filly. Iwo ear" old, 1). till,,
nh D.
a e year 1
y• / n
m• filly. >
W (hell, ('. Tipjlrtt ; spat. C. Walker-.
single carlZito, Juh11 Hy+Ggn ; lady
driver. Aliso Hobkirk, Miss MO-
Judges 1'. Mc(iregor. Brucefleld :
K lit . Mcl.e ll. Iiolericb : Oliver
Jo 1k,doll,, Chilton.
t111Ai6 t,ArrLY..
Nlih•h cow, E. H. \View, U. H. liew-
sote; heifer, two' ye:arm old, Beattie
(ilio.. J. Heid ; heifer. one year told. J.
Reid, h:. H. Wise ; heifer cal. A. SI -
coal. J. Reid ; "taper calf, A. Elcoat, E.
H. %Vi -e, steer. .two years old. J.
Reid• Int and 2nd; Power, one y e•,►r old•
J. Reil.
,Alooney s9, 101-KIIA..
c,�,_ Alilc6 cow. J. Reid. lii-Attie Brow. :
Perfection Cream SOdiS heifer, two years old. Beattie Brow., J.
Keid ; heifer, One year uld.1.l. Reid. lot
and 2nd; heifer calf. .1. K ,id. E. H.
\\'i.4. ; bolt calf, E. H. \\rise•. lilt aatd
- .. - a , JRnsrv.
Mitch low, Richard Smil,lr, list and
Jndge•m - %Vn1. L-tmont, Stanley :
GrO. Slanbory, Stanley.
LRi 11MI1H.
Ram. L' mhearn or over. W. W". V.
id. Middleton : shearling rave, A. EI -
coat : I -Ali) lunb. C. I3. MiddletNl. \V.
C:Iell ; 4.wem, 2 whearr u4. over, C. H.
Middhrton. W. Ulrn : »hearlitig ewes.
C. 13. Middleton. W. tilen: ewe la1111as,
W. Glen, C. B. Middleton OU sheep,
tiny breed, Geo. Penhale, J. Stmirt.
Li NCOLNa. .
lieu. Penhale took till the prize -4
awarded in this Onto.
FINK w•4. N)L.
A. Dunkin took skit the Irrizes
:awarded in this Olnss.
Snowden Brom. took all the prizes
awadel in this chisel.
Snowden Bros. took all the prizem
awarded ill this class,
ttKU r141I
Snowden Brer. took All till- prizes
awarded its this 1•lim.. '
on ('fork, D. C. Galbraith ; naangulds,
unreel, Snuwdrn Brous., J. Camp -
)IF; lu,tngulds, yellow gglupe. 'Chew.
MI, linuwdrn Brow. ; hilernit-dialr
uangolds. Snnpwden Brow.. Thos. "'.
ield carrots, S. Cleave, MI'w. Huston I
,aide citriotr, U. H. Hswwrn, U. C.
.t*Ibraith : table ►arts, U. H. Hew-
tuu, 4. Cleave : calbage, lieu. Lind-
Is)-, A. Anderson ; cauliflower. A.
►nde.on, to. If lle•wsora t musk
Uelunw, it-. -11. Reversion: wati•rnleluus.
A. \ emilake. Y. Cleave : parsnitw•
l; ('•41111 -hell: S. Cleave: largest pump•
IIS�Mw N'. B. Matter. (I. A. ('Doper : "
11f1•Krsl »tlua»h. S. Cleave, 411owdeln r
K" .s.; six field tnrui`w, W. 11. Haider.
Tltars. BvIl ; while crier)•. R. W. Uel-
fnl,v. G. If. Hewwxn : 1Wteelery, Ii. 11.
lrwwu, John Tough ; wintry radish, i
%V. H. Battler. J. l'anylwll YcfU•unolr I
H. W. D elgaly, U. A. 1'folo•r: small 1
(trans, J. Cameron. R. PI•nhale : 141-ge
Im•:als, J. K. \fist• ; Iolalu unions•
large 1411gi,i 1. U• NVelitlake. It. Pon -
hide . onions, barge white, Snowden
He..,..: unions, Iargr ref( or yellow.
K. W. Delgaly. Snowdell Bros.: small
red tomato•m, U. H. Howson. 4nuwdu.i
ileus_ large red tutuaturs. A. h:. Math-
rs, I. G. H. Newsuu ; Huge yellow
1u111a4aos, Snowden Bron ; small
vrlluw t41malo•s. Snowden tints., A.
V. Matheson ; saalsify.. it. W. Del ritty.
J. Causp:a•II . sugar, 11languldm, 'Phos.
Hell. ``
Judger -W. Wall itc•k.;• Gltderich :
Fred Hewn-/.urich.
Pillow shams, MIN. J. S. Huwrir.
Miss 1'. ,Null ; toilet uual, Miss H.
Wise. \V. It. Rattler ; eivchet table
mats. M1•a. J. S. Howrir, Mism M.
Wilds ; crochet work' in wird. Alr•e. C.
Parsons. Mr., lluswn ; exwt. t work
in cotton. Mrs. Huston, A. E. Mather '
ern - enwhet ill, knit sdiPler•s, J. K. :
\Viae, A. E. Mathemon : crochet quilt.
Meet. .1. S. Huwrir ; ruin pillow, Diss
P. ,Null. Mu•s., J.
S. Howrir • been-
bitching, Mrs. J. Sp Huwrir, Mrr. M.
Hos*-. embroidery un silk• P41161 ill u4.
velvet, Mis" P. Nott, Mea. Al. Books;
oluuluw enlbnridrry, Attie. J. G. Mor-
ed; eyelet embroidery. Mrs. V. P1ar-
1011m, MI -S. J. S. Huwrir ; CILIIVar Pur
bruidery in cotton, avaol or 'milk, Miss
H. \\rise : e khroidery letters, Mrs. J.
N, Howrie, Mrs. J. (i. Fureat ; enl• I i
btvidery table cover. fine o'clock. Mi -A. '
J. 4. Iji.w•rie, .AliOw H. Wise ; fancy
whisk holder. Miss 1'. Nutt, Mrs.
Humtui ; fatey loop mhaafle, Mrst. M.
Room*. Mrx. J. (i. Futesl ; fancy pin
1711411iuO. Mno. J. S. Howrie, m.
Huston ; knitting 111 ward. Miss I
\oil, A. E. MAthesun ; knitting in
rotten, \lis" 1'. Null• Mrs. M. Itutw:
knitted quilt• Miss 1'. Nutt, J. K.
Wine ; tailing, Mrs. J. S. Huwrir.
Miss P. Nutt ; tea cosy. Miss P. Nutt,
Mrs. J. S. How•rie : applique work,
Miss 11. Nutt. 114.". J. S. Huwrie . i
repel doylir., A. E. Matheson, Mrs.
.1. S. f{uwlde : eta-hing ui cotta tir %
silk, Miss 1'. Nutt. Mrs. Huslun; plain
hand mewing. Alrs. Hustuu, Mra. M.
1{ass: kitchen +apron. A. l:. ALathrwm. .
Mr,. AI. Kits" : I-imids v Inig. Mrs. J. S.
Huwrir. Miss P. Null ; Mexican
drawn work, Mrm. J. S. Huwrir• Jlra. '
Hudir : harelIenger, Alta. C. i'Ars,
Mr.. J. Ii. Foa-"t : solid elbbreidery
Lefttte pier, Alrm. J. S. Huwrir. Miss
P. Nott ; Datla.h cut work, Mrm. J. S.
lluw•rie. \Its. Hustuu: cross stitch.
Miss P. Noon, MtN. Hu+tun ; patched
guilt• rutt,11. Mies H. \\rime. Miss P.
Nott : patched quilt• cloth, Miss P
Nutt, Alrv. AI. Ito.— . woven -,toile,
hand made. Ali"" H. Witt, %%. H.
Mettler : Irish Imaint W -P. Mrs. M.
Raves, Mrs. Hn.t1Nl -. htiuitun toe lktint
lace. Mrs. C. PaOiwrl*, Airs. J. H.
Huwrir : 11lrmulmellick. Airs. J. S•'
Ht'waie. Me,. J. G. Forel : net ladies.
turderwear. Mi"m H. Wise, Ni"r 11.
Nott ; fowl culle•tim. ladie,i work.
Miw+ P. Nutt, Mrs. J. S. Huwrir: r•ag
mat, hoakad, Jliss 1'. Nott. Alis" H.
\Vim•; rag itim, me -wed. Alr", AI. Ito"",
Mrs. J. l;. Forest : pair ivawdlen mt ork-
l�es1g., hn11nP-made, M im; • P. Nott, AV.
I3. Rattler. pair coition .t;nckin
haute -mauler bliss H. Wimp, !Diss y'.
Nnit t pair coition mom -k-, home-mndr•
jet.. Stirling. Mi -.4 If. Wisr; twill.
wood ggloves, hunse lilmle. Nita P.
Nutt. J. K. \Vise : pair wool Illillelrm.
home -Made, Alis" H. \Viso•, Jas. SOO-
iug ; hatlenbntg. Ali++ M. Ru.". ,
Judge. -Mi%. Ir. H. Air\aughtom.
Slnolev : Mir+ A. J„hn.t.eU. StAlJVV.
'i 4411let of floweret. large. G. 11.
Hew•.urt, Mi- Al. \\'1111»: Iw111ai'let, elf
hover-. .mall. (i. If. H.•w•mon, Mi..
M. PoVilb,; culla•clinu of dahlias• U. H.
ll.-W,mott, It. P4.nhmle. pannier, (a. 11.
IG•avwnl, Mipm Mel,:Alf; gen•Aniuurm. G.
11. Ile•wmun. Nil,. C. PArsent": fu"r6in+,
IL 11. uolk,m.sn: Rtliagp plants, it. 11.
Hrw•mnn,•• Mim+ M. .\\ 1141" ; 114111x•
S4.l tits. (i. H. Hew•m41n : notte'n, G. 11.
Ir•\tw,a,. Mer. 11),••) Metcalf: filo:•
;,nia, Miol" At. Wildie. G. If. Hewslrn:
Iw•gotriam, Mim+ W Wild", JohevTuogh:
calla lilie". (I. H. Hewmem . gladioli•
Mr". ll)r.l Metcalf.
,lodge Mr-. IDr.) St►nbxry, B•ay
The good housewife always feet-, like bestowing upon the
Pandora a cheerful "good morning." t
•f font. any breed,Sunwden }
, lozcly before retiring to rest
1s at sow, ant• bn•ed, Snowden4tiro..
In five minutes -after .
Judge•+ of .here land Ings' John
H4.n.,all: John 1\':altr•r,
Shedd she sleet/ j
a I I f ord.
11 -
;Z:r 4.'i-
i Tub,nit butler.:4.0 founds u4. over.
,utd dampers so II1 --
It. W. I lelKaty : .':n Iotenelm batter. R.
_ . -
\\'. IMlgnt%'. It. Pcohalr; lit Ihy hul-
ter. It. \\. Delg.tty, Reallit• Bnril.:
never lets
•\\ rtlh•Igatyltl•'hrt'+thlhutnt,t4uaulr.
the clothes
drop in the
IC. ' Vke: ho,-g,;a,le win-, .1. K.
mud: its
\\'iso• Ali.m 1'. N.dt : hoary in cum h,
_ 1 1I your lucid ds sive ,
1;, A. OK4144', S. 1'Irnve; honey in
long bard-
- ,`-
lit l;. . I'oow4., S. l'le.ve; t-ullec-
wood arms
.' f
icit of h soy. �{. Ih•own, U. A. ('top-
are well braced
r: loaf boric -muds• Irreml, not
for carrying
bnke•r'>• Jo s ('-,aryl»•II. A. \V4.stltkr;
maple myrq Im", Stirling. Wnh B.
on ('fork, D. C. Galbraith ; naangulds,
unreel, Snuwdrn Brous., J. Camp -
)IF; lu,tngulds, yellow gglupe. 'Chew.
MI, linuwdrn Brow. ; hilernit-dialr
uangolds. Snnpwden Brow.. Thos. "'.
ield carrots, S. Cleave, MI'w. Huston I
,aide citriotr, U. H. Hswwrn, U. C.
.t*Ibraith : table ►arts, U. H. Hew-
tuu, 4. Cleave : calbage, lieu. Lind-
Is)-, A. Anderson ; cauliflower. A.
►nde.on, to. If lle•wsora t musk
Uelunw, it-. -11. Reversion: wati•rnleluus.
A. \ emilake. Y. Cleave : parsnitw•
l; ('•41111 -hell: S. Cleave: largest pump•
IIS�Mw N'. B. Matter. (I. A. ('Doper : "
11f1•Krsl »tlua»h. S. Cleave, 411owdeln r
K" .s.; six field tnrui`w, W. 11. Haider.
Tltars. BvIl ; while crier)•. R. W. Uel-
fnl,v. G. If. Hewwxn : 1Wteelery, Ii. 11.
lrwwu, John Tough ; wintry radish, i
%V. H. Battler. J. l'anylwll YcfU•unolr I
H. W. D elgaly, U. A. 1'folo•r: small 1
(trans, J. Cameron. R. PI•nhale : 141-ge
Im•:als, J. K. \fist• ; Iolalu unions•
large 1411gi,i 1. U• NVelitlake. It. Pon -
hide . onions, barge white, Snowden
He..,..: unions, Iargr ref( or yellow.
K. W. Delgaly. Snowdell Bros.: small
red tomato•m, U. H. Howson. 4nuwdu.i
ileus_ large red tutuaturs. A. h:. Math-
rs, I. G. H. Newsuu ; Huge yellow
1u111a4aos, Snowden Bron ; small
vrlluw t41malo•s. Snowden tints., A.
V. Matheson ; saalsify.. it. W. Del ritty.
J. Causp:a•II . sugar, 11languldm, 'Phos.
Hell. ``
Judger -W. Wall itc•k.;• Gltderich :
Fred Hewn-/.urich.
Pillow shams, MIN. J. S. Huwrir.
Miss 1'. ,Null ; toilet uual, Miss H.
Wise. \V. It. Rattler ; eivchet table
mats. M1•a. J. S. Howrir, Mism M.
Wilds ; crochet work' in wird. Alr•e. C.
Parsons. Mr., lluswn ; exwt. t work
in cotton. Mrs. Huston, A. E. Mather '
ern - enwhet ill, knit sdiPler•s, J. K. :
\Viae, A. E. Mathemon : crochet quilt.
Meet. .1. S. Huwrir ; ruin pillow, Diss
P. ,Null. Mu•s., J.
S. Howrir • been-
bitching, Mrs. J. Sp Huwrir, Mrr. M.
Hos*-. embroidery un silk• P41161 ill u4.
velvet, Mis" P. Nott, Mea. Al. Books;
oluuluw enlbnridrry, Attie. J. G. Mor-
ed; eyelet embroidery. Mrs. V. P1ar-
1011m, MI -S. J. S. Huwrir ; CILIIVar Pur
bruidery in cotton, avaol or 'milk, Miss
H. \\rise : e khroidery letters, Mrs. J.
N, Howrie, Mrs. J. (i. Fureat ; enl• I i
btvidery table cover. fine o'clock. Mi -A. '
J. 4. Iji.w•rie, .AliOw H. Wise ; fancy
whisk holder. Miss 1'. Nutt, Mrs.
Humtui ; fatey loop mhaafle, Mrst. M.
Room*. Mrx. J. (i. Futesl ; fancy pin
1711411iuO. Mno. J. S. Howrie, m.
Huston ; knitting 111 ward. Miss I
\oil, A. E. MAthesun ; knitting in
rotten, \lis" 1'. Null• Mrs. M. Itutw:
knitted quilt• Miss 1'. Nutt, J. K.
Wine ; tailing, Mrs. J. S. Huwrir.
Miss P. Nutt ; tea cosy. Miss P. Nutt,
Mrs. J. S. How•rie : applique work,
Miss 11. Nutt. 114.". J. S. Huwrie . i
repel doylir., A. E. Matheson, Mrs.
.1. S. f{uwlde : eta-hing ui cotta tir %
silk, Miss 1'. Nutt. Mrs. Huslun; plain
hand mewing. Alrs. Hustuu, Mra. M.
1{ass: kitchen +apron. A. l:. ALathrwm. .
Mr,. AI. Kits" : I-imids v Inig. Mrs. J. S.
Huwrir. Miss P. Null ; Mexican
drawn work, Mrm. J. S. Huwrir• Jlra. '
Hudir : harelIenger, Alta. C. i'Ars,
Mr.. J. Ii. Foa-"t : solid elbbreidery
Lefttte pier, Alrm. J. S. Huwrir. Miss
P. Nott ; Datla.h cut work, Mrm. J. S.
lluw•rie. \Its. Hustuu: cross stitch.
Miss P. Noon, MtN. Hu+tun ; patched
guilt• rutt,11. Mies H. \\rime. Miss P.
Nott : patched quilt• cloth, Miss P
Nutt, Alrv. AI. Ito.— . woven -,toile,
hand made. Ali"" H. Witt, %%. H.
Mettler : Irish Imaint W -P. Mrs. M.
Raves, Mrs. Hn.t1Nl -. htiuitun toe lktint
lace. Mrs. C. PaOiwrl*, Airs. J. H.
Huwrir : 11lrmulmellick. Airs. J. S•'
Ht'waie. Me,. J. G. Forel : net ladies.
turderwear. Mi"m H. Wise, Ni"r 11.
Nott ; fowl culle•tim. ladie,i work.
Miw+ P. Nutt, Mrs. J. S. Huwrir: r•ag
mat, hoakad, Jliss 1'. Nott. Alis" H.
\Vim•; rag itim, me -wed. Alr", AI. Ito"",
Mrs. J. l;. Forest : pair ivawdlen mt ork-
l�es1g., hn11nP-made, M im; • P. Nott, AV.
I3. Rattler. pair coition .t;nckin
haute -mauler bliss H. Wimp, !Diss y'.
Nnit t pair coition mom -k-, home-mndr•
jet.. Stirling. Mi -.4 If. Wisr; twill.
wood ggloves, hunse lilmle. Nita P.
Nutt. J. K. \Vise : pair wool Illillelrm.
home -Made, Alis" H. \Viso•, Jas. SOO-
iug ; hatlenbntg. Ali++ M. Ru.". ,
Judge. -Mi%. Ir. H. Air\aughtom.
Slnolev : Mir+ A. J„hn.t.eU. StAlJVV.
'i 4411let of floweret. large. G. 11.
Hew•.urt, Mi- Al. \\'1111»: Iw111ai'let, elf
hover-. .mall. (i. If. H.•w•mon, Mi..
M. PoVilb,; culla•clinu of dahlias• U. H.
ll.-W,mott, It. P4.nhmle. pannier, (a. 11.
IG•avwnl, Mipm Mel,:Alf; gen•Aniuurm. G.
11. Ile•wmun. Nil,. C. PArsent": fu"r6in+,
IL 11. uolk,m.sn: Rtliagp plants, it. 11.
Hrw•mnn,•• Mim+ M. .\\ 1141" ; 114111x•
S4.l tits. (i. H. Hew•m41n : notte'n, G. 11.
Ir•\tw,a,. Mer. 11),••) Metcalf: filo:•
;,nia, Miol" At. Wildie. G. If. Hewslrn:
Iw•gotriam, Mim+ W Wild", JohevTuogh:
calla lilie". (I. H. Hewmem . gladioli•
Mr". ll)r.l Metcalf.
,lodge Mr-. IDr.) St►nbxry, B•ay
The good housewife always feet-, like bestowing upon the
Pandora a cheerful "good morning." t
Why? Because the.Psndore always has a nice bed I
f h -,t coils as a reward for cheehiml ulf the dampers
, lozcly before retiring to rest
In five minutes -after .
!nrning on the draftashe will - _ - --_ . -__ '
line a glmwl, strong fire. I' , - _
Shedd she sleet/ j
two or three hours longer C
that% usual there will still I v„
be a fire ready for her. I q' A. t �
The fir"'I"'x, flues
,utd dampers so II1 --
scientifically rrranged
that the Pandora can be ,
,�� regulated t-, I. a bre 4
from 24 to 36 hours.
Pandora owners
never have their sleep t
-,R-� dream::
disturbed with of
waking a new (bre in tit.; q
I ' morning.
_ 1 1I your lucid ds sive ,
' I �a does not handle Inks most I:
��j� I` I perfect of all ranges. write /
s%��a-1�7�rJ1-.. direct to us for Free Booklet.
L.-•}kSlPlr i'11 .
*V Lobd.., Toro•re, xtc.lrral, l7;ew;pr/. V�acm.,r, S,. .,,14., Rim.:•. 'I
E. P. PAU LI N, Local Agent.
F, it- I...d. roadster or frits.( iage train -rnst Is, tT me love and trust an to"
n hm-new.. C. Wilker. and undimmed.
Pat. Im•"t tea in in hau•llese, excluding When•Quarrele Are Nursed.
v:ulsl.•r and carriage team", J. Stev- The trouble Is, my dear, that too
For best Itenlle11tAn'. single driving �y gaarrela are not allowed to pari,
naatflt, H. Kinaf, Like prise chickens, they are fed am
The r.fllcers of till- S,o•iela• are : H. nu sod and petted and glow stronger
4iowdvii, president :It. P4.11hale, vier- I and harder to kill every day. They are
president , Ur. Wewwl+. •2nd vire-presi- �� oat-IYs gaarreL I'm talking
Ient ; F. A. F. Iwanl, bred firer; (I. ( about now, not thlcSrm►-they are
E. Grre{Itlidr. mrrnt:u\' drawn out day after day until love
grows tired -and slips out the front
-I- door, never perhaps to return. And
M I all for what? Just a 11113e too much
The g of a pride. Jast a little too much o muss
o[ the neck, just a littleetoo mock
derned foul stubbornness. That's It
Successful W'if a "He's wrong, and I won't ,bye
Mare what you say. No doubt that's
what he yiL And so you Ito on with
the corners of your mouths turned
By GASPER S. YOBT. �n and the ends of your noses turn-
frutu. Y Sl ed up. sact2lle-
-- ---ito.11 -- - TIet3 13 1*O ing all that lig
Jump, but you want to be mighty PLACE POR I anod d and Mlle
careful about getting too much lenven ME beautiful
in. It's on envy to go too far, particu- life for a batten
larly In the matter of family quarrels. milk pail. Do
The Gest way to bold them down to Yuu get the point
the right proportious is by trying bard `1•[ that story
not to have any at all. Being human, /` -t now? Praetleal-
fou probably can't do It, but the mere ly all quarrels,
effort do -
effort will serve � keep them Crum
Jumping out of the spice box in to- the nle*tic ones. are
tour bin, so that when I may s olentnly '%Goat compare
and with parental sterine"g, don't they trifles, Gut
N they are too of -
quarrel, I meau dou't quarrel any of-
tener than you call possibly help. ) (4.n carrell on
Imw the teal
t-Uske Up Quickly. , Ruse 1" forgot -
But when you do quarrel --and this ten and in iG
b the meat in tier cocoanut- when you place I» a mo -
do quarrel, make i tual soulawnlssn
! 1t U quickly.ot p unforgk ing and
„u„a - t Don't let It drag. Loaut,,v out the trnnt unreleiiting, the
tDon't put It back dews. alestrover of hap -
In the refrlgera- rimers and chl'f ci,mnllrmluner of mull-
0�� I a
Headquarters for
` Fine Furs '
Ladies' Mantles i
t Girls' Coats
There's wide choice range herr At '
PRICKS ilorof ,acdvautageuus to our
Custunters thAik they can find else-
_ where. The strong loin% with uk, is
i Quality• gouda that have a reputatiuu !o
fill• hising geuuinrly g000t and flee
- fnxu all imporfectiuus. We urge
shoppers in their own ilrt vests to
1 bhup around before deciding on a
`l[turchnow; we would apPreciatr a chance
k t(I show y oil our (1001) VALUES ill t
' WEST STREET, Opposite Post Office. ,
Tonal -Wass i not hearing tat Tann ' 1'
Each Entitled to Opinions. sun to post-Inaater wear wanting til
of course you are entitled to your marry hers wife's deceAaed aider, an'
own opinions. all you want of them. la law w, old nut prriteet it T Tougsl 1
So L be. But let we tell you one- flooas, you're All inixtnrel, Tonal ;
thing, my little girl, and If I was a it's T,mmon's de cenaed hrither is want•
printer I'd put It In the biggest type lug Ili tnairry Tamwtu's 111i And
lhr law canna prrvaint rim.
to be had -there never wait an opinion
that was worth the price of your hap- - . - --- -- -- \1l
pines", Have your opinion, but don't
try in ashen. Isn't
them oat Bill with a Po-
ro masher. That way n't effactlr*,
and, besides, It lacks -a- The unflermi ned having been re
When lou want atui•ed to health by rimpla cleans, after '
him to think wuircring for --al years with it wit.
your way Just err longg Affrctiuu, std that dread
Z' put your arms diw•amt• Gasampties. is auxiow tt uuake
around his neck known lit hi" fclluw sufferers the
:1 u d - B u It mentis of cure. To those who desire .
p.haw.yuu know , 1t, hr will cheerfully t.entl Ifnw of
' 'w 14 1 how! All wom- 11.111trgel n copy .or the prewriplitin
a t•n do. The troy ".rel, %'Lich they will find A sate cin•
` bit Is they some. fill- Gasawplles, Asthma, Calarrk bra•
fit% your arena arouses{ 'chills and ,.11 I hl,. tt and lung MaWlr.
Umes allow their 11.• hu,m•. :all suHrters will t4.yy hie
his neck tempers to blind Rein'-dy, n» it in iovtilualle. Tillie
them to the old reliable, never fall- dt•siriig the promeription, which will
Ing method that they have had copy- ro.t them iiothiug, need nrA`V Pence a ,
righted since the days of Mrs. Adam. idl. 111;, WdlMease,ul,ir,•,,
It's an old saying that It taker tau
to make a quarrel, and there's an- bt• EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, N.1
other almost as old -that 1t takes
but one to end 1:. Both are equally meneinetung Mineral Water
true, but when it comes to closing up -_ _ _
a domestic controversy a wuutaal will f 1HE (;ODBRICH MINERAL \\ A.
pucceed where a man will only get bhp I TKH tv,. saana0•eturen of -W
foot in deeper, and she can do it with- Ilr.u.'An• prered to delker to any ,met -
h1r. lawn He fall
fall Ob,rarr Ale In Vint. most
out concessions, without hunrillettlon, """',W, Mineral W,Pter Ir, -thr. .t..
by the simple trick of forgetting. 1-1,11t.. pun. ,Ind quolrt.,, -,schwa water aunt
I Ik, ible ".da- Thr,m• enm,dm are alade fnwn
Thar* the stuff that will mend family aptuowl udnc•ral Wolter. and are lhereftwe h,.
Jars quicker and more effectively than If"ll all ill -11-1111i , 1•. L WALTOX M.,,, .
anything else. Prate the recipe in +trtr. Tlwwt• ra, W
your cookbook my dear, and take s I - --- - - - ------ 1
look at 11 - fiery time you get on the ; j1�Q
warpath. i Fb losg, little sweetheart. I -- -'
Your afflsctlonate dad I Aa ROY ADAMIS i
JO(Lr SNEED. Tucxaa u4. i'uso I'll,
&*die in Bank of Montreal Dispel ,
\Vhrn a wortum dw•
,an't know her - ------------
own mind it is time she sought nit Sedleal
mtrotluct ion. _ . -
__ - - - - - , A. T. Row bersamtim, N, U.
N'. K, TukPINUu. M. LL
-�a� Mer,. Hwututwa -,Heel. •Phone lar:.
Ur. t•:11rinanrw'm remidence. Nl. Irarid'. -tee,-,.
"per Victoria street chun-h. 'phon
e Im.
Phone 141.
STREET l)lt. A. H. MAl'KLIN, M. I1.
1 1'H YNI('IAN AND !i l'Itt11GrX
l+Veclal attention to Kye. Kier. No- ok
Throat, (Mkt and n,-.,-,• nM 14ank of M,•,
real. R,Vrr,lle 1'dtoMcc, \\it•.1 .t., paten, I,.
LIVERY I TeleVhune Nu KK
Good Horses and Up-
to-date Rigs.
e for nod warm It
plies for the divorce courts. Ohmy .'
up for tomorrow. UtUe girl, quarrel if you must, but Call up "41'4
Have It out at don't let 1t dreg, don't let It d , rag!
once and then- But, you may protest, he any» things TELEPHONE Nu- t7s
l.l. forget It. That's that hurt, 'things one esn't forget -and a good turnout will be sent to
file quality that so your order. Prompt and satisfact-
�' mnkem the little easily. IIb;hah. I guess go. But
my dear, l'II bet my old gray home ort service at all times
heavy, loads• ii Mettler. JAm't pill 1t fn tlac re -tilts between Ml,Nh: ARTS. egalnat n small boy's pocketknife that
The "Davis" �`_,_ - .Indges Tho Johnston, 4lanley : Jrfyerator. h u m bn n it anal
Y whet he mays to you is Ilk- nrrpthlnq
will cut down the ' \\'Int• Scutt, Brut'y •lirld ;Jas. (:unnully. Pencil drawing, Mt,o, Iluslon, Alrm. -,site hnnnl,ms; that's the Reulle nn
I ti,"I".ich luw•nshl n. 1. S. Ilowrie: crayon drawing, Mrm. sirup compared to what you say to
work of a heavy weal• of forgetling. One of the hnpple•mt
Ilimlun, Aft -4. AI. Rn+" : sorter color cod des 1 seer knew song old Jerry
int one•thir (MAIN A. / SEF.US. 1 y D K
nos painting. Al 4.m. M. Rix+• J. li. F,irrml : Palmer and hl" Rlfe, who nwd to �Im. T1re g.Nsd (.4111( prm•Idavl rter)
If you will try a "Devi-," for I I..\`Udwhite mlht�liealll\citnlr K. Wine,
1. IHu"ion1tlKtKnsiniss lotnl wab`tin Nrv. -,11(-,1111( with some kind of tell
11\e Jn"t around fife corner from nit.
yourself, It will send y1>r one R 1 R• of offrn"e or defense. A luau'" Ia hl" Opposite Colborne Hotel,
K. \\'iso•. K. W. Ur xt • : 01-4.141 M. Ko"", Mra. 4, flu»lair : Ills,,.*. i eerily laellet, (here never n•a" n slay
on Dial. h won't cost you a cent. y K fent; n s so far p her tougprogressed
t . t itllisn
wheat .1, K. \\'iso•: larg whirr (son", minting• Mr•m. 4. Hn"inn, MrIt. AI, tint they did not have n quariel, end %lou has so far pn,grt•esel that it 41(-,41 I NEWGATE STREET.
Send name and address to -day. ,.I. K \Viso• : annul white'ream, l;. A. •Ro+m : painting on milk, satin or vel- i am Jnmt.n confident they never hid ,
tram, m"- J- K. \\rime: mix-rrtMrtl bArlr vet, Mrs. M. Rom., Mr•". J. U. F41n"et : It, their minds when the went to -that 1", n gentleman cannot cmc hlr
1'6E PAs R)�r�. CO. I J' y natural wenlrou In dealing tvlth :r
Lo R (Buz sits) ORI. '.I. K. \Viw•, 11. A. Cimilwr ; t o -rowel '111twing by children nndrt• omrteeu �w
I,attry ..I. K. \Viso•; white. rut m, J. K. yeanr of nge. Mr.. Al. home : burnt woman. Thal'-, nil right. Civilization
\Vi"c, 1;, A. C.wgoer: black oft J. K. sono(, At .P. J. S. Ilow•rie, Mr". M. ♦ has made some mistake", but that Isn't
- \Vier, Snowden line. ; tinwthy seed, It,ws : Iwncil drawing by schulatr at- one of them. ill" 1t has placed no - - - -
1, K. Wine, G. A. Cfmper: "feel , J. tending pibdie meh•mil, AIi"m Jean such Ilmltationse on womnn's weapon, a =s s a.
GET THE BEST K. \Vier•: yellow corn, Avow 4.n Alwmhanl• sad ages of constant note have given r
lira+., I1. C. (iallrrwifh; Brent 4.m 1udgP --Mr-. II)r.) Atnnlary, I3ny her n skill that puts n min nt n pretty P1'U�lde O■
Snowden Hrow., Beattie Ams. ; "wow "Pitt. i considerable ellmndvanta c Wheth'r
• 1 -ot•n, Snowden Bron., John CAIIIpIN 11 : POULTRY. R
any olhrr t,aiety, John Campbell, 1 she "nee It ee n pnDGrd or n moot ncrI11
.Iuhdge, .1. Ilorking=. \V. li. liarinnis ,mlhmnn, I the ����e■ .IudKr. .I. A. \Villianm, %m•irh ; 1 title Ib•n+.; black SpAnimh. 111rm. J." I Inm. Thomlonim. Hayfield. H, ow tie, \V. J3. tialller; PI) n olith
I A lobe H.- Smith, \\'• Ii, tattler:
1 I r t 1 h'1{111'1'. white locks, Jam. U:Onplell. Snowden __ 1.4
I! I Ajz ImnchP" gr•a1ms, 0 11 Hrlviews Hro+.: •hire lleghorM". Mtw, Ilowair, QQOD STOVE
1' 1 A. P. Matbrson: colee nlofgrnfN•", N', H. 1 Utlrr; hrnwi) le•ghutna, 11.
1i. I1. Hewson, Mrs, Hudir : collta. Little. % B, "rather.: linmbill f7t., W. rd One I At will•mnve coral and give
1 11ionofn1-,Irm. 1).C.(iadbr,atth, 11.
A. R. lhlill' Mr". J. H, I3otariP: 4". ,__ veryetitiafartlnn.
I1',o,N•r ; all it topics. torr vtirirlirg, D. hanlnnm. \ H. IinttMr: Andnlnmian"e Thert are none better than
i s 1', ll,mlbraith, U, I con Ir winter Mra. •1. S. uwrie. W. It. Battler ;
s ,epple•m loan \nrirtir•", I). C, (lnllrtmilh, Wyawl,otle., L. Mlnith, Alree. J. S. Mt nil It Ihis same day. a Go od Cheer OT
A I 1 I9 hOa. IIr11: v,dlrrtion ref polar'", Minim Howrir: Minor P. F. H. \Viso, K. W. I `
A1. \Vildm, ,lag. Stirling I plate of fall DrlRwty : Peki ductile, Hnowden rllep. i mcnrlon rnem last to ebow a Penn Esther
s IN•ft ", HUowden Brom„ !tan. Atirling; Henn., \V. H. lint let-: Hoorn dick", the pnamlbllitle" of forgetting, not as '
winter {{star", .ia". Atirling. John K. H. \clic, W. B. !battler; Tuulon"c •-1 rcnnlvle for you to follow -not A rroinan's weespon U her torque. A full lite 1,1 choose frnm•
Recently Enlarged CAmPI.11,: peaclnr", 0. H. Hew"on. Reese, A. \VPmtlakr•, SnOwdrn Hrog.: by tl long shut. PRimer and hl" wife Also the cele brat ed
Mrs. MclMugall; pinme or pnrnes. Rea+"-,'• H• H. Battle J. Thompson; were exceptlonell (-n nee. Ilepend" upon her temperament, but
WIT. l3Pattle Brow, ti. A. (poo baldwin turkev", Snowden Hr . W. H. Btitt- the rt•"ult fa o"nnlly the "time -the
25,000 New Words apple", Mie M, \Vlldm, ,�.' 81irling; ler: t•ollertian elf fowl, �'. H. Battler•, Thry w'rn n gear"] deal like Rome Good Cheer Art
Now Gazetteer of the World northern " len, U. H. Hawtmon, Mra. Mrs. J. S. Howrir. Alec:rnna who won't Pat "trawberrlPs union pork-, n1- ht" hit sad pec" for
,th more than Tmooe ities, 6xemod on Ila I Melwu tillp °flow crap w tea, A. Judge --1'. Decks, 111akPr� nah•"a they nnr• "eamontrl with r d pep the front wotr. Now, under
It'" n peculiar. Bast Burner
77 PP Ity of n woman under "urn rlrcum. f
latest musus returns. HCotchnie.m. T. Brrwnettt red erali Per. Tht•ir dnilt• Ilfe had to he wnaon-
JgAtil'h'.\1"rl'Hi•::. "inn -4.R that, while "Ito rrmrmlwn et R
New biographical Dictionary wppleae IL C. Hwlbrelth, Beattie s ed re•l hit Pnch n diet, mental orphyn- with highly ntngnttled clenrnp"n nil and Hot Blasts
containinit i be namnl nt over l(INlao touted Bm". ;king of Tompkins, Get). Lind \\'ov- I bin nkrl", Ali"+ 1 tion• Mi"" Ival. I, nnhrnithy for ninety-nln° out of
p,•rv,us, date of blrito, death. ete. Italy, J. W. Tough; ftteenlnR". Ther", If- \\ int• : ming"' light '"""""+, Percy n bnndred n,nrrlal conpl,a, and you that he says Rid touch that he didn't.
&111-,+1 by W. T. IIA 1t It Im, Th.i1., 1.t..T., Be!I. U. 1. 0%lbralth, ribeton pippin", \\'-,nigh", .fnhn l'ippr•t.t. dna blr he'wvp And 11111, I'm pretty ear,, belong to the lithe rntlrnly forgets the rN•cn"1111111( 4.r- tleetln
U1ltedmistos CumuU..lUut•rur Bduoauon. J, W. Ton A, 1st and lard (went v. hnrnes., .Cohn Tllgn•tl., Perry Win mnrka she. made henrelf. 1 want gots In Plumbing,
1Js0 Quarto Papa ounce 1-1 In", G. H. HP nd : li. A. lean : mk'in ttuulh•n :retia Ali 1'. Mott, nln'ty nine. go I gay, try not to have
pp t an frail to MCPrw that 1-rrx•rIt". Think neer P
"..Oise.. Mos 41(.-,11..+-, R1eb s1pa1.� (:ewrpet• {\%"norm. A. 8colchincre, 1). a e(i, 1. 1. K. \ i"' ; hoauetnad,• y y 7srg nt all. but when then and General I�(' 8 4.S
I In nn broken crnekPry arorind the whet you said and long r b,fore tyou
Needed In Evetty Hotlne ('• Ulalbrtilrh : Bolden nlleItPt+, .1. 17. carpet. Alia" I1. \\clap ; r•nllgrt i„^ of ' for RHI in tomo bock from work you We lead
Aia,n weMter's ate Dlctlanary Wrxids. T. Hrowntpu s RIPnheim pip- I flwnnrl", Milks H. WimP, Mi.a P. Nott, hmiw mend It the acme day before the w - Ill h• in the proper frame of mind to
Ills ttia.. lees uL.W., Wit plea, (1. A. Cost 1). C. 0A111raith ; Jtidises -T. .inhnnton, Stanley : 1. , IlghG go (sit. Thrrr year quarrels will I meet him with n klga, to twonnr own
Regnteraditlnnt... terd.a es.aawya "now*, Miss M. Wilde A. Senta•hmetr, I Acott, HntrrflPld : J. Connolly, Owle _ GP Ilk- little, "nmmor elaada that ob- y Q
n.l-nr•LaaieepaeKo•il.. T41.,-ar,.hm Judffea-H. W. Cook, llin4ul : A. rich townahip. , I arnrw the run for awhtlq bat make I "wept elf, wrene nail limiting. Joint to We Re FINDER
�•-r'" t .s„ar.r.. aw."n„1.,. ns.. M. MittNholti Hey. I RPKI'lAL PRI%K4. eMm all thet h htor wheel the If a gnnrrol hid never hmppPDPd min"
FRRa.••ter,.,aw,rrw,l.bl.a-41s.11,.a�a"...•ss+. V$(irT.%HLFK. I Them I" nothing mneh gwaptpr In I1fm, the w-nrld bPgnn. Then, nnr heae,n1i
' O. A C. MERRiAM e,O.. • I For baro pair .,f iraeon hag., tang my dear, %Mtn ttta mnnbnnt of lose and Pottle, don't rcrer to the disegtpptnent �iPhone i55.
°`. iablbMre. a"rla*flela, Nww. hely pelntn p, 1; H. HPwann, ing from It111 to 21M) prntndm. U. H. Miry again. You can bet your life Bill
JoMt IlJrqeph,ll ; late pre wtoes, Wil. dletton, 4now•den Brow vet -bleb f"ws ldsesladk tdss'lssr won't �es
r c g i, . La �x
°; r t" fx
M. �y 7
• as. ) .' a ipm�..
,ly ,14.. u , s IrG v .e4.. u.... ae . F ... .I- w .. �..
) ./ n - ' err x:' :,a,. 631`. ,S.kwE 6',. Y: "ii) �- „:,1.", y�,4- re -s. ,-ti , j.,*'
4..; d t
r: w'�rLL
t. t'- ( ... _ .s..�nolu:. .11,..+1.4. 11114._ A A -
sow -...•e.- as_ .-_-'w.. - ...____..._�i..l.at..- at. A
Hamlhon sL. t 111'd � holm K9laale�tiold�oh.
Ont. St. U. CAMKHON, K. 1. J. L Kit.
)imrrbdem molicitorm, not"rid public pe,
;oteln the Maritime court, etc. IrMre, r•,nt ,We
Bevan. next door ('. A. Nairn's rr,wlery. Pr,
• u fend. to lew
nd at it rostens
. of Inte,.
ws. PH TI,1`Otvr. K. t'. H- C. HAYK U. a
Q It18TIt1t . wttorneya, "nliciter., et,.
Ooderich. Money to hod At lowrmt rat-. P.
a. CHAT LKS OAILROW. 1.1.-11
JLIIB ranee. Lofli" ete.
ilUtate arid 11wumnele Agents. Itewl e•
late for male er to Mt. Propertlem handled i„
any part of the town and weinty. Fire and
Ifs (..manta, money to loan etc.
t and accidoolinnuronce. A ntfemrlead ing
pplateal and pteck cuntpaale,,. lnsnownro In all
11nts, effected on Mat pfsa..wnd at lomi mtc•.
('nil at oMtee, corner Wept Ht reet and req uan•
or addrmaa J. W. CRAIOIE, Utderich, Ont.
rule .hone u ,
8 U R A N C K C O. -Farm and i,m,lao.d
propert In.tered. Yaloa of pertyy in
mored up to San. 1 over K0011jln O111mn
and dlreetorm : - J. H. Mel.ean, prow. ; T. rra» r
vice �e'o•,. ;Jas 1'on nul)y, O. Iins , Mr. Chr-
ney, J, w'alt, hwk.Kv►n.. J.O,Orlr,-e, J. 1N•nnc
W.Ip. directote ; T. K. Hay.. 9eafurt h, mer•retary
tmmpurer - jnptlecterw, a oars it. director to lo...
J. W. leo, Heelinwville, well, for WeO
1{neon. Polley holderm oar pay aweeepmrnt•
and ret their Dards rooelpled M Mr. ('061.,
Cllnten, or ►t McLean Hr W.' Pwlaoe Clotbing
PARWRA. - The beet plare in town.
apt berries; everything clean and man,
leq'. Ho, wnA �p�n� t,nthm. WM. DAVIS.
Hr ble R.'Zois* Hotel nloek Imeccomor to
WAL11* R. KRLLY. -
Him oNT.
W Intl* er, Jeweller and Opt.lelan.
beget Marriage Llosnmep.
• AOtoOaderleb, oet
, end ggssnrtOvral anrt lar ger. OMnm. nn go"th
Ntmt, wkere M will be tn,md at all Urrlb•
when not ^rYltq ",akp. 'Terms r,y,a,.,,,.,hill'and
every eRmt tweed ,o five elan gatAptaotio7l"
I PMme.• 1 - --
General Aactieoeer.
New Sysism of Tickets and cataleygas.
P. o. mi" tg�\
gg� ,r�
- .«, T" a �,oi r_,ta �,Jle ' :.i;9
tt h . t"eai .er+ry tie 86�`d,P'_ P _"'A' 1 aa.
X. ! W.•_t ,at Uc '. _ Auit.,M -,I. . M_..r.si'.,--._.