HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-10, Page 3,)E•7,: '-_-------.._....a........,,,�:..�.,,....�arw ..:-t,.err.,woez a•«a.•�.stair'�ti!eot`5:�i"a73;'�.P!"Ttra�.'t-1'&�'�„"Y�°,ts-+`i+d�9`�.�ifA^:�."^ era•. w aa.. fir. ,,"i �x`."",: 71 T•+;;F,r `c`i.a...',! ''" rr,7•#r° :�j .) Y° S a ,..'•tl+:; , ` a 't . < If"I, v .a'.: °i . ,k a✓ �' , ^:; °' '4 't" . it x�,.)3 .+e , + . . c.. I" . I` " $, rt �'�:r • y,,b<Y ,.... � .,. ' t � 1t L, .i t ;;� .� .� y, fir..,_ ...,. �, .�,.� ; �, _ �. THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, �e .kk. W,u�, .F'� i 1" b , —_– ___ �: __ _ __ --- - -- — t of Mrs. Doig, of Clinton. Hev. W- J. Jolliffe tied the flu tial kuot eft the tNews of the District.phome of the briele. Mr. And Ma -m.• vedet• will A. Me w Clinton Mr.fur filo The Making of a yy�erent. N. A. Meguw and Mr. andMrs. — R. J. Mogaw, err OeNlerich, were among sitter's tax rate this year Is nine• inch. Careful medical ttratumnt per- the guests at the wedffiug. Successful W if e • teq' inlUa (vented teltxA-poison and the inJured \\ I) B. Kenaady. of Clinton, had a'. inember is slowly healing. Wedding Festivities at DashMood. , , alight stroke of paralysis last week r d HC BD,Id;eeiyf 1 �ioesr in but furlaed tin tthe 1 Lulherunt (�hiir lir at Wimghain •karshrll teatu has woual Ip Iaee to Porter Bros., who purpose Dashwood fur nearly fifty year" Wats By CASPER S. YOST. the championship of the Lakeside. DutldlnK whero the old Royal hotel that which ou'rhurhday, the Will ult., 1 League. ( stabler auood. - Mr. Shuldice will prub- united in hytiel,neal bonds Mitsm Thos. Dubbs, of Oorrie, had the utlsi- old u to Loudon to reside. Riecka, daughter of Air, and Alrm. MLnD1i1G FAMILY JARS –Cal fortune to fracture hie flow while y g Mewl (iursman, of D.tshwood, xnd Woo Jan. R(wch, u former well-known Your Quarnla to the Minimum by playing le all last week. ! and r%opected resident, of Brutuie&, lingtuf S,tride,rcock, (of Lufldou, Ile d. Win. Siltpley, of Ulinum, in suffer' yxsmell away at hill home to Haruiia oil E. If. Beau, ,of Crwlitoll, ofiirialed. Trying not to Haws Any as All !ng trout l,l(Nrd-poiwning in hill lett Saturday, the '21st tilt., eat the age of The ceremony wits fulluwe(I by `rlras Don 1 YM Left Over /ossa Into the arm, as the result of injuries received seventy-seven years. He is ourvived ant festivities til list- home til t1u• Lefri{erectar for Tomorrow. Jt-► while wurki¢g at a fence, by hie widow, two wens and ttvu bride. A uuvel feulure in Connect ion Un Tuesday, the 'lith ult., Mira daughtur•s• with I, s rural was the was It tl of till• -. Lena Alle¢, formerly of Wil#gghate, I The trrideats of Hu were rinve(1 W I,ridu's slipper, which twee nurtio fed [('uvy,lapt 1f07, by Casper s. Yost.] was roatrilyd at her borne f¢ Klnrar- y g elf auwnt the tul,mts, +tad the yrc/- Y DEAR L1'1vIL)r G[R[r A dine to rt- od at tit I>atruil, leurn of the death of .'Mi -+r Lizzio ceedr divided Among lilt- young lade• Martin, daughter of -Sul. Martin. of who wt- gr:tcefony ee,-ted as w."g 1 +, M little while ago,–Just a Itttle The store tit Alex. Strachan, (If I the Babylon line if that township. 1 v j while, It eeerus to ane, though Hnr.seis, sea. again entered by thievtim I)ece,cmed, alto was in her forty-ninth Death of Mrs. James Scott, Seaforth. It may seam ages' to you, last week, and several articles of yenr, bad been ill tit Bright's dimease After nn illness of several il(lntilr when you were u Iltt]e bit uta chlld- wearing apparel were taken. foroome time past. Mr%. Scott, beloved wife of Jas. I used to take you on my knee In the The farm of J. V. Ryan, of McKil- Duff a church, McKillop, which haw Scott, of tile' Arm of N( „lt Ill`— Se"- evenings by the firelight and tell you lop, which was wW by auction re- been clumed for a number of months forth, was relembed from tiermufferiogsstorim Sometimes they were Just to oeutly was purehaoed by hits father, undergoing relhalra, will be re -opened on Ftiday. the •27th alt, Drcrxmed' entertain you, but some other times Timothy Ryan• for the aura of 11b,100. oil Sunday, October 18th, when itev. who was in her fifty-iwund yenr, was they had lessons hidden in their sugar I 11Mrs. Jas Mcl.augKlin xnd two Jar. A. Anderson. of Otxlerich, and fuinlprty Miss P:IIa A..1. \\'turns, slid dauichteav, of Corrie, left last week fur Rev. 1). Rogers, of Seitforth, will con- WAR the yuunge"t daughter of the tale coats. Now, I want you to and that Kametwit. Bask•, whiter they will re- duct tjle servicer. Jacob Willwrn• of Colborne. An ac- yours+alf a baby girl again and that side with the former'% r(xl. A. A ' Chas. T. Currelley, a former Exeter Live worker in the Prerlryterian you are caddied up in my lap, wltb Crawford. boy. has joist returned Ur Toronto church, of which site wits a evicted your early, golden head nestling ,, droller, thv deceased h.ul It large against my shoulder, and that I am Morris lost one of its most popular trnu Egypt, where hr bar epeut til circle of acgoaiutanee% Iry whole rhe telling you the story about the tau young ladies on Wodneeday n last part two yeAirs looking fur trraeurw wA" dearly toeluved. Reseden her hus- week, when Mim Mrwnk McCracken, for the tuuseum of TuronGr Quiver• (rand she leaves three inns, Robert , �n� and the buttermilk pall. Per of the 4th line• war worried W John sity. He brought with him fifty pack- \V., Archie and Clan+nce, and one bap• you don't remember the story of Dare, of Evelyn, Ont. Ing boxes toll of costly articles. daughter, Alr•s. Walter Pickard, to the two kings and the buttermilk pail. the engine and boiler room n( the A quiet matrimonial ceremony way uurniv their. loss. Well, dearie, kelp your head right Blyth electric light plant, owned by performed at the house of Mr. and Death Clinton Resident. there on my shoulder, and I'll tell 1t to' Elam Livingston was desttuyed by Mrs. It. J. Day. of WinghAwu. an you now. Aar on Wednesday tit tut ace The Wednewfat•, the '2nd iist., whole their On Saturday. the :Nth tilt., N'illiAi' Once spm a time there were two I doer is estimated at 62.000. 'rhe origin aecond rl(jext dxughtrr, Mills Etta, IiriRK, who for fifty -Ave )ears hod kings, pretty good cert of fellows as of the Are it not known, war united W J. 1. Uisen•. of Htrat- beefl ,t resperted resident tit l'IiuGnt. Mn. Robert Thoro{won• of While• font, Rev. T. S. Boyle officiated. floishwt his courme+ and it) Ili the kings go, but they .ere lath tremen- ohurch, Tart week st1*40 oar a nail. Jeyes Harriwrn, of Ourrie, bud his silent ilajority, who• having fought a dously road of bank Inl1k. One of which penetrated her flirt about an arra INadly crouched in A thrrrhing KIS fight, have been prunlu1/,v1 to1. I them liked 1t so well that he had a machine two works ago. tiangrene the realms Iwyond. Deceased, who pail ¢fade for his special use that was -----_, ------ supervened and he war renewed to w,ts born in Hunlertetshire, FnK•. the wonder of the wort, It was ham- Winghatu hospital, where it tits funnd seventy -right yyearn ago, was a blit k- meted out -of pure gold so bright and �. -+ flee sae to ant ut^w. the turnllxer, sulith by trove, but for the pilo[ M , r f Y P shiny that when It was hung oat to jj' , Although be in in a very weak condi- quarter of a (•eulury he had livwl re- me' the son hurtled up and gut behind tip ( tion, him recovery its hoped for. tined on the fruits trf his earlier balotim. Sherwaxlu M»rte, the residence (l1 I)eceaswl wast man of high charas- a cloud and It was set w1U1 diamonds Al r. and Mrs. J. I, Little,ere of Turn- ter and was universally eetcenled by and rubles as big as walnuts. At last berry, wits the scene of a hapi)), event ,,it tShn knew hear. His wi.lu0, [urw Its fame reach" the other king. who on \Vrdnewlit m the Moth telt., event p,.Iy Misr ISiddl%cC0lolN•, ,t eimter had keen contentedly drinktttS his but- • LAKE SUPERIOR DIV. --Pa~nger%%illttg , of the Irate Joy. IliddI,•volub", of Cldo- termtik out of it ten cent tin pall and from Sarnia til sty.• on rk•�t. IK Ill, •Lt, " their rWeat daughter. Miss Alice Jean• tun, cold one sun• A..1., survive. 4icL Y, 7, 11, tit, YL 2S. Al, Noe. (, m. 11 Is. -a. r7. hecamr the bride of J. R. ('(urney- _ _ . __ wiping his mouth on ills shirt sleeves, Freight sailinRe las addition to above. worth. of Toronto. 'rile ce•re•ill(ruy '(I1GrHUlAN RAY DIV steamer leave- w,L. performed by Rev. U. 1'va-Vie, of , , BEST OF PROOF ' ` , Coilinetwood l.s01'.M.:Owen tso urd I1.301l M. \Vinghxm. Tue,eday..Thundap� �w4Saturday- for Sault Stn Marie, only. Mackinac .erdlcc dirooldl,, A pretty wwlding war coneuil• That Hyomei Will Cure All Forms of est. tuatt•d at tie• residence (lf Mr. rn' NORTH SHORN illy -!Service on bbl+ div Mrd. John Knell, of Exeter, on,Tuem- Catarrhal Diseases. Idon will be perfonued by reamer MrJe+tls day, the law insL, when their young- Testintunials could be painted by I IeavinR('oHherwoodThur"dayaarl.Su1'. coIdaughter,.Misr\taeM.,bes,unethe till. tboowlo,l", mm�y of tlievn fnnn 1'AItRYtSUCNUUIY.-Servkwdlw+or,tinusl' life -partner of Clarence H. Smith, of Goderish :Out nwtri,y lown., the I �' Ticket. and Inforntatlou from ell nllwnp lugrrsll. Il:rt•. A. 11. Going. p+Mur Ilynulri. is un absolute nuc f.r. all11 p""' iureracrnt" - of tilt- James rt1•ret Methodist church,, ratiu•rh+l u•nuble . all(i tl,• IN -mi polof .F i Itixrter, uMciatwl, of its unu,ltal curative powers is t ht Afro. ('uthl.rted hill, un old And ell Kuaralltve that ,lout. Nilson Kivs, wile li• 1�1� • • npected resident of '/.urit pasard vary outlet that hr wells. "Moto•y i to l I away at her lunne in that town in I, rk if Ilcnuu•i does not d. all that it i 1. tlund.ty), the Wth tilt., after x few rlxinied for it." jt- dxye' illurmn. Site In survival by two Hyonu•i is not a "ecf•et renerly, Ile i FOR HUNTERS daughLe•rn CxlherinP, I)rtroit, anti foruwl Killen by e•ly phyari til, / f .l TTE \Ian. Brown. of Mit-histi►n, atilt two who w.tnt 1.1 know• whnl they u,r (� 1 " I � I ruler• August, of l'redit(rn, xnd Henry., when Ihey prrw•rtlre Hy.ule•i. It is Ll in the United Smiles. Ism -it tel.d under the I ore F,-od and SINGLE FARE PI lig IAtw by "-Ii,tl No. Int:. (to 'Tuesday, the Iht insL, Mrs. Ilv brr•tfriinK Ilynnmi, Uee'l • (lilt c "Sa. ha," he trial, for he was full of OCT. 8th to NOV. 5th I(olrrrt IlraUir, nn old and highly niedi'stion g,Nw directly if every buttcrm" rehpectwd resident of the 5th c•uneem- Top�nalnTenu4ptnd:PduaMallwa+t ion of McKillop, fruxerl away in the• n(Nrk :unl r.rtirr lel file Hit p;is.nK''s and he straightway fell sick with envy. to Pon Arthur: to Ilopt Arthur and all where -the s,u:u•rhnl Kerrn, una)• lurk, go he sent special messengers to the yoi.t. a, GerorRlan Day .I, N. N. ('o. .ixt)••thint year of Iwo ,tgr, after• n ynddisinfertsand be.l.. T.0 Im cm)- ,. and to mroshi point. in Quelow.•New lingeriflt Illnre.m (If diabet". Ile_ first king's court to try to buy the t'inrwl of thin yon lug Duly las tido it 1 milk pail. ` Hrunewleik. Nora Scolia, Newfound erased was drxrl Iwlovwl by :a large wonderful butte IH 1 land. _--_ - circle of acclomnlances. She base•. n trial. reehl,nll ilWIll that f o dol.. to Inourn [let- denli.w. lm•satl•" Icer hits• loo soil'' •lar. \\'ilwm Will refund yo,ir But the first king laughed them to OCT. 2416 to NOV. 51b hand, two mmi# and six daughters, i111O1'y. se0ro• ">�t he crinl, for Ile was uN('Lt slvk' In the arson of N.li I)usluun-I- who The: ruugdrh• Hy.nw•i uullit awl" frill of buttermilk and vainglorious, ( M L P hot $1.441, and in mast ra.e•. i. sof• Ngo tea your craven king f0 stick LO pas•evl pearrfolly Away ole Sunday. Ilrie•ut to soil. the diw•nAe, snaking it �.. go they departed. And when SQO�tS�laB'S Paradise till- 28th tilt., at the advanced age it( IW1 only :t scientific ti"It"Ie•nt but one eighty )-ears, there was sunfoor Pit teat is highly twonomival, lief nu they had made their codal report and Muskoka Lakes, Penetang. hence tine of Drys(btle'm most n•- outfit olilay from Jam. Witrnn if yonfiltheir expense account the second Lake of Bays. Midland. sisected citizens. #tied one of the most have nny cittiO•r11. king jumped out of his royal bed and Maganetawan River, Lakefield. rtutdy pione•ere .r Hay townahip, kicked his royal pajamas out of the Na.law,wka to IMy,N Harbor: Argyle Dereaurl leaves x widow and family Wanted the Remedy. window. "Gadzooks," he cried, "let m t•oboconk. l.lnd.a to Halibunoo. of gn,wn•up sun" and daleghter" to me at him." So they went to war. yharbor Lake via King -ton Junction inuurn his tvilioval front their midst. A very agglemsive ,-nmttie it, rilv'+' And when the had fought for ears and Kinenton and Pembroke Ry- All of tvit}N•ranre hits recently' IN -en gas- y y pointN Severn to North Hay inclu,ivc. On Wt4inesday, the 2nd inst., Miu't' ing on in a Scottish city. :tied +t v.)onK and thousands of good men who Alxetin, lelovwl wife of Sanitlel li Ihilmntitl•.rist who had given large couldn't afford buttermilk and didn't For U61setm and full informaLion call on I 1 K ' Smale, of HrusAPln, drpa,twl this life .uuhr of uume) to help the rw.r, Idle It anygow had been killed the F. F. LAWRENCE, at the age of forty' -nine )•Pars, after it „feeling a convert line afternoon. in- I first king caller! a trace, and they had ' Town Agent lingering illness of dropsy field heart (uirnd how he wits getting alum (NOcekoorawa/am. turp.sn. LL[lutr. Drrraawl• who was x former K K K• a parley. "BY the way:' said the flet 'tie roan kept. well hack. king, "what did ,we start this row J. aTRA1TON, residentof Winghnnl, was mitrried to -Ah, Ro1wrt,' Bald the- Rentleouti aboutr' "Steered If I can remember," Depot 'ticket Agent. a Mr. Perrer prior to her union with "adl) "Fin afraid you've been drink- said the second king, "Dot, whatever it J. D. McDonald. Di,trict 1'aq� Agent• her flow hereavwl partner. Ahs alae ing xgnin. 1 ran smell it, in your l'nion Station. Toronto. held in high estpeiu by till who knew Meath. Why not give it np alter Wes• you're another." "And you're aa - tier. Rether ? You never rotell flip eNlur of other," said the first king. go they W. F. Smith, who for over thirty• liquor in my breath." went at It again, and after they were - - thr. a year" had twon a moel` w:tw1 re"i- -'No. air, 1 npver did," was Rolpert's both dead from appendicitis or rheuma- 1 I 11 art anxious tune -- lit that It dis- 1, Wil' '�. ., $ , r -. "'`� oda,•"--e d. ,- 7 W;;# 'r _ ONTARIO '-rt-' i1 uuDAT, October 10, 1907 3 D. MILLAR CO. I WARMER (JNDERWEAR aFor Ladles, Gents and Children wE WOULD DRAW YOUR ATTENTION to our very complete range of Unde.wear for thecoming season. It will be a pleasure to buy your winter Underwear here, b�cause you are sure of getting just what you like and at the proper price. LADIES' VESTS AND DRAWERS in all styles at 25c, 3oc, 5oc, hoc, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $i 5o per garment. %% c- feature Turnbull', and Pmtivaa - lira fid.• which we believe to be the b: •t CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' UNDERWEAR a specialtyhere. CHILDREN'S VESTS AND DRAWERS from the cheapest to the best. INFANTS' WOOL AND FLEECE -LINED VESTS in all sizes. Hosiery -1-Z"_ - Hosiery - __ Hos..:;• Onr s xcial Llama Huse fur Lalies Yat 50c per pair. Our l�u. 08 Buy,i heavyy t-ambl here, spliced knees, is the best that is uutile, sires front 4J in. to ll) in., front Zile per p Air. Special line in (rufies' h+utd-embroidered cashmere Hose,, sizes 84 to 10 in., .penial lit 9k pet' pair. CORSETS CORSETS - - =CORSETS The business in (lei Corset Department is increasing every week. We feature the B. & C. Corsets, which we guarantee M give entire ,,,it ist+Mlion as legar•ds tit, make mud wear. Styles to Quit all figures, motif idler per pair. P56 Millar's- Scotch Store, 56 . ' . lap y , ten. m it uu . of voice, he sulded : -What d'ye (imp - Parnell's reined, who was in his seventy-first Bread of the poultry yanl had been using the t EAT WHAT YOU WANT. '' ! blade h Machinery. =am" Milton it B., of Chesley, and A(i1Gm J., at Dtnue x. the modus bou"wife to ehickens for the past twenty years. have superior std seen I Science Has Now Found the True Way wholesome bread. with. + , out Yy of the troahta a" 4 AP . % ! t worry baking day sera. t _— Waned her -otter. malt whohxsdi"rvn•rrcd the prtN•PA.or' AM It Lits loss T►n ts Nks, t # i `; P. T. DEAN i1. I I , ! YOUR POPULAR GROCER. AGENT flip littest addition to the list of native 3" "(' i ' lirure celebrities. He was lean in M, . dent of Turnherry, rrosnw trip %rent Divide on Saturday, the2Sth tilt. De- d til lap y , ten. m it uu . of voice, he sulded : -What d'ye (imp tfsm q�[[ som ng a was eovered that the second assistant lad reined, who was in his seventy-first for it?" _ of the poultry yanl had been using the year, in survived by his widow, threw sons- Thom. J., of eg,Kt EAT WHAT YOU WANT. '' golden buttermLt pall to feed the Milton it B., of Chesley, and A(i1Gm J., at Dtnue x. - ehickens for the past twenty years. -mid two danghterm--Aire. Denof Science Has Now Found the True Way Your Little Disagreements. ('leisaircillp. and Mrm. John Gannett, to Cure indigestion. It's hardly necessary to say, my dear, of Hluevale• J. Russell Coutlp, B. A.. the yuan R A,few j•earr ago, when a sulTl.rer that I am not telling this story ex - elusively for your entertatnmeat I malt whohxsdi"rvn•rrcd the prtN•PA.or' frnru indite -tion went Ii, n shmhnrh pix•,'t:tlifel, tilt- leestit wits ,t Iitld diet don't know whether you see the point (making illnm[uatiog g.ts from coon- enh., cnhnstniks fend emoniun strnw•, in list that, nlmirst meant starvation, or not, but it's there, and I am moved flip littest addition to the list of native Iblt till, fli•"t thing to do in the case to uncover It by a little conversation, lirure celebrities. He was lean in elf iodigewtitio ,)I- sloninch weakoem. is (amps of which 1 could not help but Tiverton, his faller, Rev. Jas. (loon,. to strengthen the• nnlrsnimr WAIN of bear n they tlonted over the bock of n (wing pILNtol• Of tilt- Hiyrtist ,:hutch the slonutch and intestine",' so that the car seat in front of me this morn - there halal ISM to 1874. Mr. Coutts they will carp for the rood that is In no other wily (-:tie this he Ing. It was just the ragged end of a is a graduate of McAlester Univpr�ity, and hits the backing of John ), eaten. dein'Its w( -II an by Iaki11 a Ali -o -nit familyinsignificant little quarrel, an Incl Rockefeller. Dll'et hefo a park oll.al. This reAtnres drat between a young man and his . ifA OoaAerecc . . s.0" Rente'A Ray b s RO*er lake - - - KI -5 ItakeJoasob S., 110"A" strength to the Atilniarh lon%ries and young wife, but it carried my thoughts On Monday, the Lhol alt.. John "tiol1latem the• pouring (lilt of grill to you arxl William. OL cot roe I know Throul.wrn, an PALPempd resident fit Juleps. "o that the foal is digl.mtl,d you never quarrel, and eves If you did llenmall, wits suddenly sunnnonrd to readily and its noori-hment. retain(A you on re towell bred to do It 1n public that land hon whtinP INnrrne no travel- ler returns. Decemed wait born in in Ihr "v"teen to build njr l,11rrKy nn'i I can hear con sny this, with a toes of Aberdeenshire, Scotlmnd, sixty-seven vitality. 1►o not think bhp "ick headache, your pretty head and a retronsae earl yenr" Ago, and in early manhood he hritt•thio-if, had tante 111 tilt• t000lb, of your dainty nose that ought to be came to (htnrtda to poifie hiq trade coated tongoe. spot. l"•I'mi. the 1•y'(•r. either tempting or exasperating to Bill, its fi stone -ratter. f Ater he took up rll.l.pll.."nes. an,, the• tinny )ibe . according to the'Aay he feels. All the farming in the vicinity Of Bloke, where sy-lopli,il" that till' life direct result of same, little girl, unless you and be have he livwl until as year ago• when he indige•.ti.n, will go awnv of thein- got your diplomas and been measured re.tire(1 from active life mond retooled nou•h must lit- , t- bnilr ti sphum,' '191v .tim I for your heavenly uniforms I am satbt- t(r Hetiawll and strengthened by Ali -o -lea Im•fore• fieri that you have your Ilttle-dlaagreo- Hensa l Nuptials. yon sen In- well and strong, free from ments. And'I don't blame you at all On Friday, the 27th tilt., fill interest- sulTering 4411,1 (list Ivr - for that We are all more or leas bw inw event t(x)k plmre at the remidence of MrA, Thomm Dick, of Ilensall, The guarantee that .1,t4.Wilson give+ with every id) -cent Ih,x of \ti -o - man, and no doubt, In order t0 keep when her youngest daughter, Mins nn, to refund bhp haooey unless the things from KeWng too monotonous d h Lon1 beau hr.'s.I'4",'4=4111, t* "` -„ s. ..n, i - ..,r,,,v,,7 .9.. �.• ,� r .. + ,/k -ver ' - ,'ns`. Special Offers . I THE GR -A TEST EVER11 The Signal and The Toronto : Weekly Globe will be sent for a year for I S $1.300 To urw yearly sill��t'ail"•rs. 6.111 palx•t•s will be, sent free for the h,lance orf liters. Tllat its, a new mu m-rilwr rely have both papers until .ritnoary 1st. 1fNt0-neti•Iv fifteen months -for the snimll rt SUBSCRIBE NOW . ' Address--VANA7TER 4x ROBERTSON, The 5ignal, GODERICH, ON7. A Good Combination . Jean, A poet -gra vette nurse of New t-how-derly sure., -how- hi, cunll•lence In own ere, a Rood so ar- ---- - - ----- -�--' York, was united in the Ivhnds of next- the treittmenl. ranged matters that no two of no can HUNTERS' rimnny to Dr. F. J. CitnthorpP, re- ,W.ra;',: always have the same opinions. You Weekly Star Mont mall Gently of .ionesville, Texan, anel form- Kept Mis Seat. can we at once, can't you, what a EXCURSION erly of Henciall. The ee;emony was (in his trip homeward by trolly)• „ dreary place rile would be If we all 4k perform 1 by Rev. F. N.. teL. Smith. tired hu"iness man w•ar ntosh ,ulnnved thought alike? Why, we'd all wear ex SINGLE FARE The happy rnuple will re%ide in Park• h)• the elluduct of three loiddle agi•d hill, where the groom intends renum• rectly the same kind of clottles, llve fn I:, 1 for the round trip. Iadirts who Atooil near hint. They Ing hie practice. wrre evidently just Il.Un•niog frail +t homes the game else and color, eat the same food, and theft woaMn't be OCT, a4th to NOV. 5W. 'df, good to Hallett Loses a Pioneer Resident. surmner. toile•. A11 the seat" in the (•,u weir a 11ti(rl, hilt they se•emcd (le- anything at all to talk abort Tbese retarn until DEC. 7th t907• I 11angel On Wealnpsday, the 2nd inst., the of death {xtwtell over the village terinined that lie should offer one fit diRemnm% of opinion are jurat as nat• ural and probably Jost as frequent In Short Line to Muskoka of L('nde bor(i and eununonetl to her thein his sent. He "rreenrd himself behind him cope boogie as In see next door ndgh• y and Maganetawan Rivet reward ane of the rno"t rmepected pian"r cil.isens, in the person of pAper and lintenedl tie Id,tinly andible e send girreis are merely dlsagr•ee- bot', an STURDY & C009 Flixfileth Anpll, beloved wife of Fran W inarkA shout. the derline if gmllantry menta Knew to seed. Round trip rates from Toronto to cis Brown. Decomed, who wall a In till, present etgl.. This grnte.l on A little quarrel now and then Isn't l Point Principas. native of Devon, England, ung in the his nerven, so he IMP,e, And With a a bed thing In ally family. On the p%WV Roplda 0aM ahawan ' Used Bar is 'ark "event el h( i,g romfinnd hi)w nd,lterrwl tilt- thrre• y g h year of her e. lie- ,.Will lhl, .Idrst, of yin I olirA hence contra my dear, it has its virtues. f7, [>omeatic life is too likely to become . ifA OoaAerecc . . s.0" Rente'A Ray b s RO*er lake - - - KI -5 ItakeJoasob S., 110"A" sides hpr hn.hand and rhlldrion, two brothers, Geer a and K hrfiim Snell, nip. h)• aerepting riy phare ?" g p humdrum it itis all cooing and billing. . siding • - a4.S �rryry Rerlh - 4.70 "nude Magenetawana.(e1 asbamkl Of LondephotO. are left to mourn her 1�hprru{nm 1hr17lm(aoie in.erpated in the adverllaodiOnis over bhp wire it needs spice. But just a pinch, lit- - e.MNnnhM;r 4wwna.s& Bull River . - e7.f t departure. Anwea, and Ihr thein. triumphantly S•p- tie girl, just a pinch You know what S}eelal tad Salt A Clinton Wedding. saine•d his slat. deligbtfnl spice cake your mother Oct-Maganeawaa it-% 30, 3 907• A pretty and Interco ting ceremony _ __ - An Inconsistent Baby. makes. Well, now, suppose phos should a"Y'.'• In amineMor with train teem Toronto IL'n was that which nn \5 pdnegda , the make a mfrtake and pat 1n es unoclt Str.lta s. 2nd inst., united in the hands of ntat- Tommy -M., 1"ahy in naoghly, He Stlice as she does Roar. Wouldn't Write Ihr tall parucslsea and copy of their Gams rlenony one of Clinton's loft pnpnlar erled tif,cwtor 1 Wonldn't give him any ladies, be tit to eat, wouM It? That's y Hunting with toinplete map. y!ning in the plMsem of Mist- of my eAke. Minnie Holmen, Mrs. Jost tho dlReeeMs• As the good pool O. DCSaftgtN, W PRiLLIPS I,tj PsessanW AtoeL Oita ?iusaRer Assaf, onlydaughter of Mamma --Is hi.t own (-;lite finished W. J. Holmes, and W. O. Linder, earn- Tomniy--Yea, try ; find he cried ? �7a, a IItW leaten iMve¢a the wltol4 1. ICesolaisl as pyo LI hssnat.a Nsetkon lt.IMls. Tssatw metrial tnvelNr, of Toronto, IxatMr while 1 was sating that, too. hr.'s.I'4",'4=4111, t* "` -„ s. ..n, i - ..,r,,,v,,7 .9.. �.• ,� r .. + ,/k -ver ' - ,'ns`. Special Offers . I THE GR -A TEST EVER11 The Signal and The Toronto : Weekly Globe will be sent for a year for I S $1.300 To urw yearly sill��t'ail"•rs. 6.111 palx•t•s will be, sent free for the h,lance orf liters. Tllat its, a new mu m-rilwr rely have both papers until .ritnoary 1st. 1fNt0-neti•Iv fifteen months -for the snimll rt SUBSCRIBE NOW . ' Address--VANA7TER 4x ROBERTSON, The 5ignal, GODERICH, ON7. A Good Combination . ANOTHER BARGAIN THE SIGNAL THE SIGNAL alld and THl WEEKLY SUN The Family Herald and IT„m,,I„+ - Weekly Star Mont mall To New Subscribers to .r To New Subscribers to � January est, t9oll, January tit, i9a, for 30 Cents for 30 Cents The Weekly titin is the The Family Herald and gie+u F, loo-rr' Weekly .f Weekly SI,1r is known from Canada. I velV L•trtu-menet• IL•tlifax to Vancouver. It. in Huron1'.nuty Ahould read �IV”"a mass of general rpiul- it. mg matter Vvpry week. Address : Address: YANA]IER & ROBERTSON. I YANATTER A ROBERTSON, THE Si/:NAL, GODERICH THE SiGNAL, GODERiCH ;, ' ,",'The Signal and . Toronto. Dally . World To New Subscribers Till Jan. Ist, 1908, for ' -II50 Cents . - I'' Your Local W eekly and the Best Newspaper and Agricultural Daily In Canada 'Almost (liven Away • The.lAwal Newspit1wr is part of every hooKehold. it in your friend nod lwnefowtor. In fact. it is part of every home. The Daily Paper front til(- hig centres tm necessary to the man who wants t(l be nbteAAt of the timers. All the men love the old farm, its "tock, its fruit, its vegl.t- ablem, its dairy, or its founts -in foal• it love of the farm liesdeep ht every heist. The World easily lend” sill Bailie" Ase the FAtln Dally. Special pAges are given to AKi•irniture twice rich week. Subscribe at once and . DO IT NOW Address: VANATTER A ROBERTSON, The Signal, GODERiCH The Signal and The Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire to New Subscribers to January 1st, 1908, for 30C. Address— VANA 7 TER & ROBERTSON,' The Signal, OODERICH, ONT. r •rhe Signal and -The Toronto week• ly Globe for a year =1.80. Balaooe of k' $j x • II1)7 tree to new subscribers. . � �n: - -- ------- J��,�; ' i, It is Worry rp ," I 11 'That Kills - The housewife stews �, and frets because the S t-4 , : 71, ,! • • groceries haven't ar- ' f t rived ---and when they et • do come she frets and a f ^I stews because they are f not just the things she ordered. i �'' The Wayto Stop P 1�4 11 Worrying i is to stop it, and buy e your Groceries from j" STURDY & C009 ,, 191 f the father (fir mMher, if the tether IAds• e t"wool l of t he hone -trader reAtdea upon farm li I WHO DO BUSINESS ON THE SQUARE.I , ui . The Telephone Number u q1. - H. B. BECKETT 11 I EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR: Furniture and Undertaking waroroom�, west side Square. 'PIIONKS: 8lore8:). ,l >,l Hou„c.178 - I Nicht (.all.: At residence, cor. Carsbrta mad and Nelsen 81,rset. .. I BROPHEY & SON 1-7.1113 LeADINO— Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders antalfy attenaad to at mal bean, night w day 'PHONE 15 4R 24 /wanhou"e Coe. Wert When SYoar want 1 and Yards) (street and THK IIKS1' at Doak 8 oar • COAL; :1_ �._�r 11 p,� � . � �n: ALL KINDS OF COAL J��,�; ' ALWAYS- O N HAND ` L, Anyeven nunJ,rred nection of Dominion RaAll Coal weighed on the market aoalaih 't• r where you Ret tl6U Itlr;, for a ton. �, WM. LEEei" S t-4 , : 71, ,! Otderm left at C. ('. LK"Hardware Store cant aide Square. Promutly attended to. ' f t - ----- - et • GUNllRY BROS. Livery, Hack — 4ND 'Bus Stables GOOD HORSES CARRIAGES PHA E T 0 N 8 —BTC., AT— REASONABLE —R AT E 8— •%, Well-appointed Hacks and rpli- ahle drivers in charge of Fthe Buses, which will meet all train s and steamho ats ALL CALTA ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY FROM HOTEIA AND PRIVATE HOUSE8 GUNDRY BROS. SOUTH STREET PHONE FIFTi ,���"* SYNOPSIS OF ,� � its FI , ��. Canadian Northwest �=: Homestead Regulations. — i� Anyeven nunJ,rred nection of Dominion I.tnd-in Manitoba, Smicatchewan and Alberto, p excr l inR a ,old '.a, not reserved, may be home, hr,ticot by any who Is who head , i-": pennon sole of a faullly, or any male over 18 yearn of aRe, to the e is tent of one-quarter aectlos of 1110 acral, mote S t-4 , : 71, ,! or le+s. k i ! Kntry mune be made personally at the local land for the district In a o on which the land M 11ante. Entry by Vmty may, however, be a f ^I n mdr on cgrtaln rendition. by the father, daughter. brother f mother. ,n, or .Inter of M Intending hmuc.tender. The homesteader I. required to perform the i conditions connected therewith under am of 1�4 11 the following plan.: i (1) At 1~t .Ix month.' teaidenoe upon and e cultivation of the land 1n each year for U= j" y ,, 191 f the father (fir mMher, if the tether IAds• e t"wool l of t he hone -trader reAtdea upon farm li I a In the vicinity of the land rnteted for the 1'•• quirernrntm ^a to reaMFla enm may be tlafisd , ui hp .Itch rwr.on re iding with the IbrAer or mother.] ' - ISI if the .et.ther has him permanent rucMenao t , ,,1 upon farming IairA owned by Atm IA tit* tblm T„t Ity of hi- homeatesd, the regmlramemts m is realdence may be .atbMod by I"Weaes q'' epee the .ald Innd. l ttAASi�t month. notice In wM EE.hoaW M vsm ts o � A () .. a intteenntion W &Wy Me pacouL "i W. W. ", CRY, Deputy ofofRthe Minister of the is - . ' vettiN.ewnimt will m•t Masud f°rce et tale and It , ,,I i kI , '11 "'," , I ,� � r]