The Signal, 1907-10-3, Page 84
8 'ITNpnanAY, October 3, 1907
CArl Swt t"Pawswa•by Secretary Tag
to ir\ressbiOsb A 'CewditkM..
when Brcretary-Tift•waided to Od
out exaetly' hoar things were gok10'fy
the hOmee•ce tLe43\000 American.w0dio.
ea ung the lolmhtaacanal
bs neat a wemanRo-fla�o�.
The vkcamwm,tbeJl&thsslss
at the raWlant-•aof the snlesetary par
welfMe 00+l4diooad
Civic federation.
Ilan Books want tit 4bum mstaot Na
do MmAgNobmtk but•tD.A facts
psdaltt�g to the wastfua - of Ilte In
Me ewsl .aeon S e •vsmbdftetnow
- � T
litre • tantnttms: ]J®IL
exactly how the wafters and their
faniDes Ityed, and -as the beat moans
of flndhlg out she lived while In the
trophy In the same kind of house
that a workingman's vette calk her
basic ale the asroe kkd of bead and
srttended the same pbrer at ammle-
meat that the uta aflcyaL
The 9uefftloo-of tbv -of
390 Wourers, all but Gy0W of whom
m foreigners, In mane-tmpoemnt than
tonight be coandidered at ftM glaala
the poeO MDMt has dens mob to eb
ahae•th&<a latroret9 ib enjoy tll
.Ilya ain' -and Sands3er. Pore, Sun-
day eamrroos are given an the water
sNlhe<rynoseat the nation.
1Mrst Gi14e Shodd Reed.
Afthor she baa left nflool' Ons' good
very gtri should unlike a POW of be -
"m#. eedlp fuer wn All the fa-
1AOQn aid authors l2w should bun
all the daadar I works well, from the
pllga of e 111041100 's -W aver
tiny mtvlels, and the earfer • n, her life
she -can bails as this driligiIthU tank
the better, but Jost at drat, whesso-sibe
ihUdns W read with teal batereat and►.ww htr-11rmIue•woft
at school, It In perhaps better for her
Ito tate up Jett 4um, or two wtrlaa - Of
Use more modern welts and to gain
a geaeret If in lompYe4• knolwkadge of
many wrttrm whistle wafts bane bet
ponakinent instead of ksk4king c on ist-
datly to Doe style of writlno ftr the
bat century and mote: when first
starting In to read wits really serious
joined lt. will toe found elasw to shm
about to history to poetry sad from
a writer -of a Century age w Kb his long
dlset asboa, sonrrvhat wihmabral kites
and personal theork'a an AM sabjecb
thrown In the commammmmd or mid -
the of achapter, with apparently no re-
gard to the thread of the gtary, to the
terse, qt r>k, enerxttle style of tLewrit-
er of modem historical novels, who Is
apparently very much afraid of losing
for p moment the abstortiod iMsoat of
the reader.
Scott, Thackeray, D1cLims, George
Idd111ot-every girl must be atilt to look
Intelligent when I names are men-
tnocett and there Is (probably m4, girl
of fourteen who has not red soma
works of each of these famous wtlters.
"Ivanboe" ane]-Keoftwacth" are per-
haya meet Interelating to b m oil, and
after them must fofbw the rest of tate
Waverley novrt% wtdke, if she has not
already read, them in school, Another
summer must not pass by until S ortra
inapt fatuous poetiCal works have txvn
read, 'The Lady of the Ise;" "The
Lay pt the Imat Mlnstrie" lead -Var-
rdlon " "Vanity Fair, as Tharkersy's
t,nod famous character study. should
be read &at, oboe, because of its -ex-
cellent litilmy of the times sad the
well kngwn prvtple f1saing then. "Ile my
Betr000d" Its allimportant. I**enM to
t?o wren known got it In Maxi in sa-
Tect any one bo)Ik to begin with, but
"David (oppvMeid" piowa irlctems'
style to perreertfrnn, and after reading
It It to herd to pfr3 ftp anyadult else
),dose d• N,Tnhkg acykaltY,-d with mere
of his Intmttal,h• eliamil-Irrs. "Mis
Atarnlez' gab , es a gond pk turn of the
eountry arwl the tines that seem tos
Jlave appeale.l ' ".1st to George lubut,
and no SM a-011111 read his bwory tend
not fed t4alpath}' frrr the aid weaver
of Ita'veiae em the Utile gtriaCp{ie Viso
batoght sumttlne•to his old+tot,
went oat laming rUn. 72s.gar-
moot knpc'eat the damp, but It Men
PT--OIW an evapon"a from *9
heratad body aowioped in it Mr. MOF
rtaun.dlskl aw the result Of his experl-
u.eall, and a sobasdma.ts In his odkv
toot out a )latest and rncued the wa-
itterproof duet obOviOn under the name
of the maddoo orh. This is proof I&I•
two as to the4agartfsicw-or patenting
any Invention lmtnrdialsob, even If it
appear to be a .matter of small c'onse-
quati e. The ma idn0oah hes now a
workhride, reputation. and the Original
pialimtee or`hb.hdts twat have profit-
ed awosideraAb br the •laveatkilL
tits), breeding a■inlal requires exer-
cise. This is especially true of the
at:lnloa •
When the mare Is at work the colt
should be kept In the darn or IOL It IS
toeaer not to let It sucklo until she has
rnlrlell Off.
watt -ring the first thing In the morn -
In; and the last thing at night is a
K •oil practice.
It a heave is fidgety and nervous and
hys ,,b+lock his ears while being her
11,•ssed, there Is a IYJson for his can-
•Iuct. It Is mare thall likely that he
line been frfghtemd or atused by his
fames caretaker. Continual ktnd>new
mill In most llsbux" efeet a cvre.
Among the mast important thtulp in
horse training Is to r•uhtvate a good
disposition. Lt adds very much to Ohs
1 slue and aatt>fnesio-of a bonne.
hors the collar HL perlbctly? You
know. a banal may be rained by an III
Doting collar.
It matters little whether the barite Is
I.4, be a trotter, a roadster or a draft
I:arse. the tte'atmrat of tA• colt for the
I' not year'- feed1z alsouttTh , naive. het
I est growth comes from the feed and
It 1s ender to keep a hostile in shape
than to drake Ishn wag after be once
wareambe to dlseese.
You can't Baden a home by making
him endure baadahlp. The WH bred,
wdl kept bye 1s best
Hotsm-wo-chased asoliodraftaa witee
they weigh from 1,tm-wr"-,Oeo-po®daG
chunks, 1.301 to ]FAO; expecaeera
about the same; carriage hetes sad
Ixrndlters. 1.I Wto 1:110 pounds,
Do lot teeth the cults lad lalsttW.
Whitt enema cuts -today ray bavi ions
In a few moedlic
However good the pasRn P, colts W11111
do be•tter•the second year If they have
a anr,d] ration Of grain Rome prefer
oats. teat corn alone has prodmtgood
results. The expense -wm- nd cseaponrks
with the tnerleatrdlmmtlil the
It matter not howbeaardfal a burns
may b4,, If he is Immund in his feet
Will a poor luvestanenL
If the horses gnaw the-sta9s, poet
the wool wttb tar. Paint the ,sat .et
the stable with whlhet'aa►
Tried IL
"What!" cried genial Popkins,. clap.
ping his friend Jobson on the back.
"You fire In Insist with dual Uov►wu
and too bashful to propose to her!
Think shame of yourself, marl Just
YOU follow my plan. 1 was out •walk-
ing one night with a lady, who Is now
my wife, and we came to a Jeweler's
.flop, and I pointed to the engagement
rinks In the window- and said,
'\Wouldn't you like one of thewr and
she said. 'Yen, and so It was all set.
"Capital Idea!" cried the bashful Job
sou. "I'll try It this very night.,-
ight."Twenty-four tour later the two
friends met once more.
"Well, Johann," cried Jupkln., "did
Tile plan work"
"Work!" groaned Jobaoa. "I should
think It dkl! Just listen. I took Shod
xloug high street and mopped at Gold
atria's, the Jeweler's, and I poluted to
Ila, engagement rings In the window
and anted her If she would like One,
and she smiled and blushed and put
her hand on my arm and said. 'Oh, yes,
fear George; I would like that one,'
and `that one' was 15 gvines!"-Lon-
Jon Tit -Bits.
His asrwisw
"pyo you know," he said, "that I was
Alrnmst overcome with sarprlae the!first
time I ever saw your
"I noticed," she replied, "that you
seemed to tee considerably Gnstefid."
"Yes. For a moment I was s. I-
les. You see, I had heard a great ..,.at
about you. Your friends had begun
six months before we met to plan to
bring us together."
"I don't see what that could have hpd
to do with the surprise you say you
felt when ym low tae for the first
"Wby, I fo®d you to be -so beautiful
nail you were drles/Ld with such exqul-
Alte tante."
"Inderdf I suppose my 'friends,' as
you can then. had given you to mider-
stand that I warn homely and a frump.
So kind of them, I am sure."
"Uh, nol They nevem did so. I as-
sure yoo--tt least didn't do so Inten-
tionally. Bat they did keep telling me
right along that you were very Intel-
lectual and deeply Interest ad In public
aMosi"-Chi ago bound-liierala.
That Hyomei Will Cure All Forms of
Catarrhal Diseases.
1'111ti11lorliak could Is• printed her•
Ihr Iho11srculs, nrnly 41f them from
I:nderich and ne)ct'1n• towns, that
Ilyomei is all ah4olote run• for rill
r:rtarrbal to111d1-., and the first proof
"I il. n ol'slal curative power. iv the
Ko.u)nuee that .fits. Wilann gives with
every nulfll that he wells. "Money
hark 1f H v,lnlei dodo not do all that ie
dalns•rl for it."
Ilyoo o•i I- not a Necn•t. remedy. Its
fortoulA k given frirly to phy urians
who want to know what tfiey mile
when Iney prow -tail"• Hyonlei. film
Krlaranteed vender rhe• Purr Fo ti anal
Drug Law by +criAl No. 14111.
Ifs breathing Hpourei, thehealing
tnellication glow directly to every
n,1,.k and -orner of the air pn.mage4
w here t he entarrrhal germ. nnty Int it,
and disinfeetN and heals. Rio In- ron-
vinctd of till. yon have only to give it
it trial, remrtilberin,i; that if it doneto
not rune JAN. Wilson will refund your
The comPlete Hyomei rmtfit cn.tN
Irut Ij1.M. aid in monis CPA" 1. Nmf.
Hrtent to curs the disease, making it
not only a arientifle treatment hot Fine
that In highly reclnomicAl. Get an 1i
mntfit today from .Ina, Wilson It you I
have any catarrh.
tri...°' } r,.•�i,
uI t; ,
t , •r .. �m1 • 113 t ,
10%40ntive 4bwou& a
..;'.: ... .
Prvrple gditld wBh a strong line*
JrAtIM are sometlnies the •pesle =n
1'he Lil.rrals of Ntnith Ilul,ll will
of strange powc•rn of invention. All
111eer al 11••114x11 on Thursdxy.Ak•tt)be.-
Mortis of quaint Ideas Cone to doesu
loth, at 11 .i r1.A'k it. it., (41 selevt 4,I
wh" would noteerclar to th--db-y
caudid;ue for the Iw•gi.1141,111•e, It i4
mind, and 11 4desit they ms . ^per-
exp•4,tc.1 that A. G Alae K4o, the Pro-
torc, work rug um aamv4b, g m4,
volvial Lilwral lender, and Ilou.
l'itrdas be& bam+dlltrehatr-'Mhleeon-
Gc,lt ge P. (ll'.tharll, M11lister of Itail•
Nadb' for tttlllS looggie paha,-- but
v%a,,, alld Ualod., will In- present to
gmkm U sebcat proetimi In fnan(iai
Ii -1111.1' adil -l'es 111 I lit- lift el-liol 1.
ruathats, and only too often it faun to
,200her bm imagtnstbwe Poznan to pe'r-
U to His Ears in Work.
tstt and protect the baveshon so an
-Wheiv ll:t\l• yon loo -ell. 1.24111?
to GFPb' It ttwr gmr cal tae• v*Ae the
"l si iii -ell 111) to Ill:t Iw41 ear. 111 w411k.
1- 400 bbmW pnbably atst little
.m h.'• "(,11 lot %,)Ill' two enrol ill
"Yes; "What
paa/t•aat-ot IMP
work? soh." duinin
ti.oa i" "pial in' x w utalrulrllian, soh !"
Thk I'heeevc miss. tine Due
_ -- --
olio ds-haesstur of the markintoah,.
Canadian Rural Life.
Wbkh saw adanwhooks have been
Iltslslsa&IO0 "Jlalshseia. bgh the name K
rt-@&atel oomb iarawsu t
out) North in "Cal•Inichael." the It'll.
t alls&Sarests. ssslt)]reefaso law t-
Nhlr t :uuulian story of the year, puhli-
Follow,tlllr4�t fgs/s1ilSl�t' lila orydsd
rl. Ad%.w;toe and Holm Magazine.
- am
went oat laming rUn. 72s.gar-
moot knpc'eat the damp, but It Men
PT--OIW an evapon"a from *9
heratad body aowioped in it Mr. MOF
rtaun.dlskl aw the result Of his experl-
u.eall, and a sobasdma.ts In his odkv
toot out a )latest and rncued the wa-
itterproof duet obOviOn under the name
of the maddoo orh. This is proof I&I•
two as to the4agartfsicw-or patenting
any Invention lmtnrdialsob, even If it
appear to be a .matter of small c'onse-
quati e. The ma idn0oah hes now a
workhride, reputation. and the Original
pialimtee or`hb.hdts twat have profit-
ed awosideraAb br the •laveatkilL
tits), breeding a■inlal requires exer-
cise. This is especially true of the
at:lnloa •
When the mare Is at work the colt
should be kept In the darn or IOL It IS
toeaer not to let It sucklo until she has
rnlrlell Off.
watt -ring the first thing In the morn -
In; and the last thing at night is a
K •oil practice.
It a heave is fidgety and nervous and
hys ,,b+lock his ears while being her
11,•ssed, there Is a IYJson for his can-
•Iuct. It Is mare thall likely that he
line been frfghtemd or atused by his
fames caretaker. Continual ktnd>new
mill In most llsbux" efeet a cvre.
Among the mast important thtulp in
horse training Is to r•uhtvate a good
disposition. Lt adds very much to Ohs
1 slue and aatt>fnesio-of a bonne.
hors the collar HL perlbctly? You
know. a banal may be rained by an III
Doting collar.
It matters little whether the barite Is
I.4, be a trotter, a roadster or a draft
I:arse. the tte'atmrat of tA• colt for the
I' not year'- feed1z alsouttTh , naive. het
I est growth comes from the feed and
It 1s ender to keep a hostile in shape
than to drake Ishn wag after be once
wareambe to dlseese.
You can't Baden a home by making
him endure baadahlp. The WH bred,
wdl kept bye 1s best
Hotsm-wo-chased asoliodraftaa witee
they weigh from 1,tm-wr"-,Oeo-po®daG
chunks, 1.301 to ]FAO; expecaeera
about the same; carriage hetes sad
Ixrndlters. 1.I Wto 1:110 pounds,
Do lot teeth the cults lad lalsttW.
Whitt enema cuts -today ray bavi ions
In a few moedlic
However good the pasRn P, colts W11111
do be•tter•the second year If they have
a anr,d] ration Of grain Rome prefer
oats. teat corn alone has prodmtgood
results. The expense -wm- nd cseaponrks
with the tnerleatrdlmmtlil the
It matter not howbeaardfal a burns
may b4,, If he is Immund in his feet
Will a poor luvestanenL
If the horses gnaw the-sta9s, poet
the wool wttb tar. Paint the ,sat .et
the stable with whlhet'aa►
Tried IL
"What!" cried genial Popkins,. clap.
ping his friend Jobson on the back.
"You fire In Insist with dual Uov►wu
and too bashful to propose to her!
Think shame of yourself, marl Just
YOU follow my plan. 1 was out •walk-
ing one night with a lady, who Is now
my wife, and we came to a Jeweler's
.flop, and I pointed to the engagement
rinks In the window- and said,
'\Wouldn't you like one of thewr and
she said. 'Yen, and so It was all set.
"Capital Idea!" cried the bashful Job
sou. "I'll try It this very night.,-
ight."Twenty-four tour later the two
friends met once more.
"Well, Johann," cried Jupkln., "did
Tile plan work"
"Work!" groaned Jobaoa. "I should
think It dkl! Just listen. I took Shod
xloug high street and mopped at Gold
atria's, the Jeweler's, and I poluted to
Ila, engagement rings In the window
and anted her If she would like One,
and she smiled and blushed and put
her hand on my arm and said. 'Oh, yes,
fear George; I would like that one,'
and `that one' was 15 gvines!"-Lon-
Jon Tit -Bits.
His asrwisw
"pyo you know," he said, "that I was
Alrnmst overcome with sarprlae the!first
time I ever saw your
"I noticed," she replied, "that you
seemed to tee considerably Gnstefid."
"Yes. For a moment I was s. I-
les. You see, I had heard a great ..,.at
about you. Your friends had begun
six months before we met to plan to
bring us together."
"I don't see what that could have hpd
to do with the surprise you say you
felt when ym low tae for the first
"Wby, I fo®d you to be -so beautiful
nail you were drles/Ld with such exqul-
Alte tante."
"Inderdf I suppose my 'friends,' as
you can then. had given you to mider-
stand that I warn homely and a frump.
So kind of them, I am sure."
"Uh, nol They nevem did so. I as-
sure yoo--tt least didn't do so Inten-
tionally. Bat they did keep telling me
right along that you were very Intel-
lectual and deeply Interest ad In public
aMosi"-Chi ago bound-liierala.
That Hyomei Will Cure All Forms of
Catarrhal Diseases.
1'111ti11lorliak could Is• printed her•
Ihr Iho11srculs, nrnly 41f them from
I:nderich and ne)ct'1n• towns, that
Ilyomei is all ah4olote run• for rill
r:rtarrbal to111d1-., and the first proof
"I il. n ol'slal curative power. iv the
Ko.u)nuee that .fits. Wilann gives with
every nulfll that he wells. "Money
hark 1f H v,lnlei dodo not do all that ie
dalns•rl for it."
Ilyoo o•i I- not a Necn•t. remedy. Its
fortoulA k given frirly to phy urians
who want to know what tfiey mile
when Iney prow -tail"• Hyonlei. film
Krlaranteed vender rhe• Purr Fo ti anal
Drug Law by +criAl No. 14111.
Ifs breathing Hpourei, thehealing
tnellication glow directly to every
n,1,.k and -orner of the air pn.mage4
w here t he entarrrhal germ. nnty Int it,
and disinfeetN and heals. Rio In- ron-
vinctd of till. yon have only to give it
it trial, remrtilberin,i; that if it doneto
not rune JAN. Wilson will refund your
The comPlete Hyomei rmtfit cn.tN
Irut Ij1.M. aid in monis CPA" 1. Nmf.
Hrtent to curs the disease, making it
not only a arientifle treatment hot Fine
that In highly reclnomicAl. Get an 1i
mntfit today from .Ina, Wilson It you I
have any catarrh.
tri...°' } r,.•�i,
uI t; ,
t , •r .. �m1 • 113 t ,
..;'.: ... .
rhe Sovereign Bank
1'he Lil.rrals of Ntnith Ilul,ll will
I Canada
111eer al 11••114x11 on Thursdxy.Ak•tt)be.-
loth, at 11 .i r1.A'k it. it., (41 selevt 4,I
caudid;ue for the Iw•gi.1141,111•e, It i4
exp•4,tc.1 that A. G Alae K4o, the Pro-
Paid VP CsPltele • • is"oe,oee.
volvial Lilwral lender, and Ilou.
Gc,lt ge P. (ll'.tharll, M11lister of Itail•
v%a,,, alld Ualod., will In- present to
JRUILlee Joavie, F.49, - - Mff4af
Aar, 4C DOwaI.L, l:a,l'11ud1
Ii -1111.1' adil -l'es 111 I lit- lift el-liol 1.
♦. A. Al.Laa, 11149•. VW/�at/17�
U to His Ears in Work.
AtCa. C4t.ea�L1, 1". N.►.
A. Id. 11v Nail. now. .
-Wheiv ll:t\l• yon loo -ell. 1.24111?
loos .'kr►a aif 1. tY aM,
W. K. 111CNar4N1, lip.. N.P.
"l si iii -ell 111) to Ill:t Iw41 ear. 111 w411k.
ALal. Ilaucal, 1tW., K.C.
.m h.'• "(,11 lot %,)Ill' two enrol ill
"Yes; "What
P.O.Jsrra\r. - • G4vef•Neeyr
work? soh." duinin
ti.oa i" "pial in' x w utalrulrllian, soh !"
a.Caaeaso, Al".GwwwL�reayl�
_ -- --
Savings Bask Depariut
Canadian Rural Life.
lotak st at bas carnal iota paid Tsers*,
("madi:ul I-Ill'al life i, presented in t
Ir•.41i4lir Nod \t holesome \\ ay- by Ani-
it wleNca Itl.ulcb :
out) North in "Cal•Inichael." the It'll.
1. PoltTiat Ma11snn•r.
Nhlr t :uuulian story of the year, puhli-
ral inn r1f \\ hich as n seri ll it)'I'he F'Iti-m-
rl. Ad%.w;toe and Holm Magazine.
41t I,I,t)d41n, tint.. k ju.l IN•imK begull.
II.leaders Iel'e to IN• c,1ngl,ttula11v1 up•
u'o11tinuwl ftuu, s 1
,m IIke Meru y teat in simv for Ihem.
IL.Alat-donald : 11111) t')df, six Illnntll4
Limerick Competition.
)cal ulmlet• tivelve nlonlhr,
The succi.., of the "Lioleriek" colo-
It. IL Reid: hull chit', six mmniths KIM
IN•1111�11• 1'hich 11414 11own 1'l tilling fill'
""'der, Nit-Kav I{I'lb., Petel- Tol.l•,1lrrt• ;
I hi 11:1.1 I' -w• work. in The Toronto
liked, ow. McKay Hru.. ; thr•.•1•yr:u••nld
Mail nod I•:mlpile, hit. IN•.•n .0 the.
..,lw. Petl•r Tortallcr, Ml-Kav lit -lis.:
Iwolelnll tl11kl the% lml\•1• dee idell Io
11.•Ilcl• .-Alf, six 111411.111. )olid older
n1i..• the amolnit of Priz1- nnlney it)
lv%elve. 1{. If. Hitur
Heid. J.. I.voN; heife
Ill..4411111• I, Ivhich ronmt)enced
rvlif. 4ix months nod bide•. A1..-
11.1\. 1.1•I'leolb-I' Stth, I1, gloo. The
h...% 1:1 n't., I•t Nlld :.'Ind; f.'lll:ill',:,111'
prrs41u who .rod, in the IN•sl .uggeh-
age, H. N. I,e Id : 1n11 and foul. of Iii.,
NI-Kav covin. Toter Torra11ce:'
tion t'41r tb.• 1:141 line of the incolutllete
heal, John McDonald, Prlrt• Tor
i.iuu•I irk will lrrrivi 11131. Th,- uthl•r
AI 1. 241 1111111w. • ill-' se"111141, *J11;
Ill iZe,
1 "ll" "-
the third :ort' Il.urlh, $111 rash : the
oT116g 1utl:ens.
Fifth null sixth, *:; enr•h, )Bill t.•n con-
Male, any age. Ihuhanl. Hereford t/4,
."Itlio11 prize.,tt *21cach. It is prol'
polled Augus,John McDonald.
aide that till•./• contesis will IN• voll-
tom(41 fimn week to wee►, and the
o1CADIC k'vro-l.K.
r,•ndilinu, 1z41\crnimg thele will be
("lade con•. (ita1. tinct. Neil \Fur•
f1g11111 ill IN1th'I'hr U•Iily and Weekly
b,,h : Iw41.Pear-ohs h,•iier• Neil Mur -
Mail and F:ulpire.
doth, J"hu Alnclet.1 : one -year-old
---- -- - (
livifrr, J.,ho Mcleod. Neil )Im-dld•h :
e; An Eye to Business
heifer calf, Neil Nl11ldoch. Ist •tool
lid : tw41-y'rlu-old Sorer, John Nlnc-
A .1•veo-%ear-1•III INIy 111 Western
11•lMI : 1/111•-\'/':tl•-oI/I .pi'l'l'. John Slac-
P-nll.Vkalli+t i. \'1.1•y 111'14,11 inters -A-11
1-,1.1, Peter Torrance ; dairy vow. any
in hi., lalhir's bu.ini.4. \\'hick i4 Ihat
breed, "waned )cid kept in the village
11l :tn uodell'Ikel. flue evening hi.o,d
Lnr•know, 'rieh-mei, Bros., 1. E,
falhor and uwlhrr t41oL hien Io tile lAgnew
; IN•stthree sti.•r., not shown'
th.•att.•. The Illa\" %% los sl. thrilling
111 ally I,thel• seetion ("vel' t1ro ye411
Thal it 110vr sleep from tyro hi4
of aget, John NfAvipod. Neil Nlurltuch :
\',111111( 1 -\"rte. He .)tt vollat1.•1.11 1111111
11-1-1 of vigllt felllale4, %.•II N(IIIYIIN'll ;
th.-t11't:llll 1\')14 -o-ot In iaii nil the
he,A lir eight stock N(1'.•1 s. Alex. N1ch-
I'Ivt ocelli•, III which the h -11n wet. pliant
411.4111. Isl.:111t1 2nd.
lI;.gw,dIv killed. At .ight Ili the
mtmw c.trr1.K Font Ir K.ALKIna.
owtioilh•.. form on like stage, the IN.y
w:1. add.•nly .iizrd with an eve to
11vu-yrnr•uld slier, Alex. Nirhulsuu,
1111.1111•..*. Tl lr'llIng .-Ag,•I'ly 11,r\')1t 11 Ills
I.1 alul 21111 ; fN•.t three tock Nteers,
fat h. r, It.. pila4l wit it) )t childi'll
Alex. Nieholmon.
tichh. Ih:1t could Ihl• di.tinrtly" heard
01 the ".le11mi hu -h that 1oig11f•d
Gnll. 'I'1'e14•ayP11 BI'n .: heifel' rnlf,
II111• Ig:h"Ilt t h.• hoose :
I'r.•Iravrn Ifh1,4.: frulale, any jig,..':`!:n".
papa. will Pill Kat fill- j..11",
TI-PIl^AVVIl 11111s. ; hl•rd, Treleaven
l.ippincol l .,
Kr. low.
.lodge Alex. Strothens. Allwood.
Ewe, Gro. firer•. Ia and Cnd :
To shine toots quickly de not black-
en, but rob with a piece of an orange
Let the J•mce dry In, then poflah with
a soft bsvish, when they will shine like
a unhrlsr.
A good mdbod.ot wasting windows
In to take two or three pieces of lump
starch, dissolve to the water and wash
wlnilows whh the same. It dry
and polish with a dry cloth.
clamman tray cloths may be mom"
L om waoaat tahleebths by cutting
the d "shed size from the strongest
parts kind folding a hew ase and. ans-
half inches wkle wttb colter earners.
One of the best tremedles for remov-
ing cams Is turpentine. Touch the corn
every night before retiring with a little
turpentine. it will conte out In a very
short time. Appy the turpentine with
a toothpick. '
Wry They Do Not tiAeoeed M Their
It seems atr>agP that so taw wsom
Nucceed as photographers, foremen
prefer to got to their own nes to be
photographed rattler than to an obvi-
ously "professional" man whose atten-
ltons remind them uncomfortably of
thane of a dentist.
'1'be trouble with the feminine pbo-
tographer is that she endeavan to be
torr artistic, at the expense of the
wishes of her patrons. People get
[heir pictures taken bemuse they de -
sir, a likeness, and they do not relish
an 1mpr7,.iontsUc .portant vaxdddng
Iota' the shadow. hNutLe'mote, she
dlaregnreds her subjects' dndtvldtatll(y.
She should first of all try to and oat
how they imagine they look --a very
different thing tram their Actual ap•
lrearanee-and then strive to atLdn
that Weal. She moat somehsw•make
it nervous, dlshevded, nmdfadive
woman a miracle of chant, and all
without such gross flatted s"tueave
None of the other femfmttle-ax" wV
come amlas In her makeup. She•►mst
know Just wtmt clothear and what al-
teWintls In the dress will wart the
transformation, and Abe in In a way
play the hostess and put her subject
at her case.
It Ip diftkrttt art, but those who
do ADreeeel find that in every way they
are repaid for the trouble It toot them
to reach their prevent statins. And the.,
In-st of all Ip that the evveaMthwHr
photngraplNer will ftnl that by e111r
prr•NNing her early ""nruptic" tenden.
r1e4 Nhe has arrived Fit that true Fort
wblch In only expresser] In sl6lplklty
and naturalness.
Mealy Practicing.
"I wonder", said the tall man In the
salt of fader( black, ,if I could interest
You In N clew and cheap edition of the
work. of Anthony Trollope."
"I don't know'," answered the man
ILL the denk. "Go ahead and let me
bear what you brave to say."
The look agent began at once.
"Every student of literature knows,"
it said, "that Anthony Trollope was
one of England'A great novelista. It lot►
true perhaps that he wrote for a limit•
od clan."
And so on for ten minutes.
10,^ stki the man at the desk.
ptrving Again to his work, "YOU haven't
succeeded 1n Inteeestingrue a Wt."
"That's all right." rejoined the tall
roan in the suit of faded black, 4,r•
alacing the sample volume lot his visible
With Imperturbable composure. "i
lave Just started oat canvalking with
hese hooks, and 1 was only pracUeing
111 you. (lood . aftrea000."-Baltlmete
4melicas _-- _---
Tedsun (proudly)- "Yea, t islet Minis
Ahann in 1eFotland, And she AAked me
for my Iw)rtralt." Nedlkrn (coldly)
"Yes, 1 hwcol her say she wan collect
nR pietism Fit all the curionla objects
nhe canoe wrvlsa In that country."
4heading ralm, Geo. Greer : emir Lunn,
W Io. 1.U'utheIN. lino. 1"Irty . visit)
INlt)l,, Geo. Grei-r. 1st :old Cod 4heltr-
IinK ewe, ("tau. ("rw•t' : Iw I lien,
1"1 .•.•r.
oX Fuall U41w'\n'.
Fowl•. W. It. �1cD,»olid, 1st nnd'lnd:
..We Limit. ,IAN, ma, dnn.11d, lot and
: rani I:unb. W. f{. \lardon)dd. 1.1
not ::n,l : dual ling ,•ver. %V. 11. AIac-
d•m:dd. Int and 'Sod : peel.
�H nu FSHInF: 11uw\r,
AK1-d ram, .141hn %Lwdoilabl. David
Hrn1L•1.41n: Pwe. 16-41.401-11, 1-1 and
Awarling eatrl, Ge,,. (61101. D.
11••odel-.11 : ewe Lurch, I:eo. (.bell. 1.1
:old Cud : 1•n111 hunt,, 1"4,o. Well. I).
II. -lid r It • .li-o-hilgewe..l,dln Ala.-
dol,;dd I. t soul .lnd : p. -Il. (;eo. Well :
L'It Iw 411 t\rlfree. nnP Lr -.4,l. 11411
.h-mll ill Ors) other vomloelition.
("e,l.l"n•e. 1). H-odeMon.
Jock-•. A. }ht,•v,•nsnn and 1 S.
IN,t11 .+f „11 woo N1 v
r " 111 rtualtneF �' •
11.11r..l..1hnn, lot an l ' el :. w .1.
ih't-. I -t :oNl :!Ill! ; .f)w fol r41\tf d in
1!41-„I..\h.,n.lslandCad: boor hc-
\nitK•.IIIIr F.
sow fal'row..1
Ilk 1!x17. .1. Alton, 1st )unl S•ld :
Fal I.nrr11 in I!sl;, .I. ',l(,41n.
r \.l woHTIL
I;., y. r.'ravinl : so%%.1'.'1'.Ivinr. 1st
,nod "h.l : -w layt,med in Iltr, 1'.'rNt'-
I., 1.1 •nal 2nd : boar fa1'rovied in
1A07, C. Taylor.
4,i•: v.
hest 1�. d•n, )illy Ined, J. -Alton, Lt
and Cn
Indgt•s A. 1.levennnn %tld J. 1.
('owns, Atw,lilrl.
Uifferent Backbones.
A I.,,v in fit,- physiology clt. of II
.drool in Sooth Roston gave the fol-
lowiog defluilion of the diffewnre Id•-
tw'iin Lha bavittNlt)e of a rutut and the
har•kllone of n val. `
-,% mao's backlelne ronn up and
d"w" whill• Ibe Ilackldrna of a colt
rnn..itle%vaV.. A car, i4 liable to spit.
and Ihrow••mp her hocklione."
Another boy -aid of the spine :
'The spine i4 it long Nine re'Nr•hing
from the skull to the heeln. It ham
it hinge in the middle nn that, von can
sit down, otherwinevou w•ouhl have to
,it standing." Lippincott's.
Phy.iciao plonking into his nnte-
rnom where It nurrrtler of patients niv
w)111111g1ham (wen waiting the
Inngest'P'• Tailor Iwhn has called to,
plenellt his hill) "i have. doctor. I
411-li%et-P41 the IJothes to you three
year's ago.'
When in Goderich
Don't miss seeing the
Qlrull each \ , ,
from 7::30 to 10 30.
Pictures change Tuesday,
'mur,-dilt and Saturday.
Also illustrated songs
change same nights as
Don't Miss This Treat
Admission,, Sc.
+bll i.
» *4
i. {{
aR L
1 1
for Working Men
If vote want a good solid leather pair of shoes for
work cum@ here and see what we have to offer.
Our experience shown us what shoes are worth. It
provents us paying too much for them, so that charg-
lug too much is not at all necessary.
We have the shape that fits the foot comfortably,
and never ask you to pay any more than the very
lowest price they can be sold for.
Downing & M aeVicar
North side of Square, GODERICH.
1 -
tractinR lad habits,'or by committing tall. The treat way,however, for any
wane crime. tie is �irerught before the young man to avoihaving the papers
Iver and receives punishment for his I puI linh what will break hu mother's
lnisdeedis. He then remembers his heart and wound his friends is to live
mother and father and other friends I so as to give the pt•ess no occasion to
and pleads that the matter he hushed publish his disgrace. The time to
up. Itis not the policy of any repo- consider the ferlings of ones friends is
table newspaper to damn any lnan's Iddore, not After, one commits the act
career by publishing the detrrdls of his I that would bring disgrace.
Form a sort of Focus or Central Point between the Summer's Harvest
and the coming of the Cold Season.
Is the Focus or Central Point at which to supply your every want
in the Drug Store line.
They Think Too Late.
From The Lethbridge Herald: --1t is
nhtooi.hing the concern for the feel.
ings of their parents that young Olen
Ar:sume ?a w)on not they, Ket into some
tivluhlr,. that bring. disgrace upon
them. A vonng fellow disregards the
IHllo011iti41rls "rill feeling" of a mother
bP getlillk into evil company, by cult- i
SQUARE . 25,
1. � &4,r r`• 55 ` ,<,
1 t
�•� <r ARE HERE , . .
1 question the last couple of weeks. Coat busi-
ness does not come to any store the way it has
been coming here without good reason. The reason is
found in the all-round excellencies of the stock that is
here today. The factories of five of the leading Canad`
ian and,.Gernlan makers contributed the best styles to
it. All told, a stock without an equal anywhere near
Many handsome Coats among these. Coats made from Rood quality black
A splendid aasortment of fancy tweed heaver and friezes, with some very fine ketve�yya
colts. Correct colorings and pttternn in plaids in Metter grad". Vvery size from :34 to •tl.
nod fancy stripes, in browns, blues, greens.- Nany garments handsomely trimmed. Styles
eta GratmentA that have at
and are Fery that Are absolutely right for young, middle -
effective, Of the nurt+t 1f them no two aged or elderly ladies.
alike, splendid value at each,
$8.50, ;10.00,_ ;13.50 and ;tgoo. a *8 So. ;ta_Sq ;tgtlo ;t6.110 and oo.
r tl p
There is a strong demand for navy coats We show a very handsomel brown ket'wty
thin Nration. We Allow some very handsome Coat; 7-R length, cut. very full, trimmed with
styles in nithat A, heavers cher and kerneye. Outdo strappings of itself, fancy Muttons and silk
nlPntA that hove character and style 'to velvet. This is a verydies garment. at
then. Aty
;15.00 to ; a.. ;Inion
"4,k• r t
i" ,rt.�xwt $� 1..� �_�-.,..•�. Children's Coats a �' S } p•
a, •N`«d
The Iargeat and most comprehensive stock of children's and misses' coots we have ever Imported Is
on our rack. today, There air. inure coatw and (tetter coats, nattier coats, than we ever had Ibefore. Blies
that Ht all age•?l trolls five too fifteen years.
;3.50 to 412.50
Black Dress Goods of Quality
Among this week's arrivals are twenty-five to thirty
pieces of black dress grinds. They were imported by (air.
selves direct from the British marketa, and A, finer collec-
tion of black drrns go dl, euitAble formourning and other
plurpblack chess goods are tined for has never been
oot•s n our counters. Fabrics and weavee are the newest
Every piece is made from pure English or Australian
wools. If you aft interested at all in black dives goods,
come and we these.
Black Batiste Black cheviots
Black Vicuna Black Seaga
/ Black Crepolisa Black Voila
Black Rosanna Cloth Black Pa camas
Black Cordelean Black Venetians
Black Amore Black Broadcloth&
Black Thibet
' New materials, high-grade qualities, large asaortas&sts, At stakes.
) Cry