HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-3, Page 7KINTAIL.
Tu"DAY, Oct. Lt.
Donald McGregor has returned to
Robt. 11. McDonald spent a few
days in Toronto last week.
Gen. (•,Allinson and Ken. McLean at-
tended Blyt h fair last week.
Miss Teti& Carrick, of Lucknow, is
visiting frit•ndsip this vicinity.
Jam. MrChlre, of Ncihletnn, is a Knest
at the residence of A. McMurchy this
MiusAnnie McMurchp, of Ooderich,
is supplyibg In the McDonald store -
for a few weeks.
Dannie McLeod is on the nick list
thin week. We home to hear of his
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Linklater, of Wingharn, has re-
turned to her home after nit extended
visit with friends here.
Mrs. Dick McDonald and baby
Katharine are spending• a few days
with the former'a mother, Airs. Fer.
guson, of Amberley.
The many friends of Rev. S. A.
Beckett, of Carberry, Man., will he
pleased to know that he is recovering
from his recent attack of typhoid
Miwl Harris, of Ripley, who has just.
returned from the Toronto openings,
has opened tip a hranch millinery
Store bere and im prepared to show
everything up•W-date in ladies and
children'x headweAr.
Edith Margaret, the infant danght.er
of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald,
polis," peacefoldy away this morning
after a two week@' illness. The fu-
neral will he held tomorrow afternotm
to Kintail cemetery.Much nympathv
in extended to the reaved parents.
HATCRDAY, S(ept.21(th.
Apple pnckerte Are busy at present.
Itshhit-hunting see•t im more success-
ful this (till than coon -hunting.
A ntmber of people from this
vicinity attended the Ripley fair Rant
C. E. Mrl)nnagh, of faneem, and Rob.
Andrew, of Zion, took in the Ooderich
fair on Thursday last.
Mr. And. Mm. Joseph Rmeltser spent
A few day. of Iant week at the home of
the latter'a father in Howirk:
Mire Tibbs and Mfm Houston, of
Wingharn, visited at the home of .fa..
Lane on Saturday and Sunday Inst.
The rain of Saturday lant wM wel-
cnmwl by everything, especially by the
tall wheat, which wan nirr)ry .prrnitrd
Mit at a .toondstill for a = or more.
The annual convention of the Sah-
hath school+ of Ashfield circuli will he
held on Thnr•sdol, October 17th, In
Hnckett'a chop h. Them will lx
three services, 9:45 a, m., II . m. And
7 pp m. Rt X. G. Powell, dimlrict
Sabbath school see rstary, of BrlsePls,
f-Adr•elemm the audient.elt at she after
noon mod evening sessions.
Mary McCourt, Htephrn add, I'OtmA
Gibson. Number on roll, 31. Aver -
lege Attendance, W. H. H. LUNU,
f the Disi
TtlKNIJAY, Oct. 2nd.
THY PUPlut' HTANDINU. -Tile fol-
luwing is the StAndlnk of the pu4til t
rehtrul t.ection No. 4 \Vest. \Vatt•n-
nesh, for the mmlyth of SepLeeulls`r:
Senior IV. - Thomas Heid. Junior
IV. - Uvorir Baxter, Lizzie Fluker,
Malsl Miler. St.niur 111.-Violette
Plunkett, George Twamlry, Junior
Il 1. --Charlie Twumiey, Muriel Wash-
ington, Charlie Mills, Senior If. --I
Walter \Vashingto ll, Loswrence Hax-
ter, Lillie Plunkett. Junior IL La-
vin, Hutchius, Ada Model. fart
N lwin Moir, 1luriel Hmith. Hannah
Fluker, Hazel Finnigan, Adeline
Smith. Senior Part 1,--Cveil B+azter,
Lillie Hutchips, Rdytno Sicriingauur,
Burton 11111x. Jimiur Part L-rFveret
Finnigan. MAnxl. A. BAIIAX. Te Cher.
MONDAY. 84•pt.:001'
Thomas Bainfotel unit Willie RoIll-
rsm tut packing apples for Geo.
Powell this fall.
Miles lora Phalen, of Goderich, in at
pr -dent the guest of her friend, Mi.'s
Annie Redulot
Hiram Campbell 11 left on Hatilrlay
last to vt his daughter, Mrs. W. R.
Carr, of Kirkton f r a few weekm.
A number front h attended Gode-
rich exhibition Nmt eek. They re-
port a gootl exhibition ' all limes.
Hiss Annie Deusmot whim called to
Wingliam, hospital on Friday fast to
take the position of night tturme for A
Thr funeral of the late ' Edwarel
Craig on Saturday afterntom h"t was
very largely attended. Ilia death
Value AN a great surprise tet ever, ter -
bills ; he wase mick only a short me.
Qoi.NU 'lel Crus.t. --Rey. Mr. N!t>:,
M. P.trlN and Mrs. IAngley ha
Pita•isitinK herr. 'rhe laehr
s we
formerly Misses Nellie,tilll Marion
Auld, former residents of t him place,
but now of the \Nest. They spent a
f -w days with their aunt, Mrs. Will.
Mclarty, and Node farewell to their
retail)- friends here before taking their
departure for Chinn, where they par -
poise going with their husl,ands in the -
near tutor. Rev. 1leem.,rs. Earl "rid
lnngley expect to lee• in the contin-
gent of the fall -if 1t1y1; who leave for
HI/w TII F. Sc HOL.a HM HTA D.-Theful-
Iowing rep owt shows ttie setandingof the
pnpilm of S. S. No. if, East \\':uvanomh.
for the month of September: V. elitism
-Tommy Rodger. Dell McfArh•,
( ev Il McLarty, Mussell Woods. IV.
clams -Ma C.ok, Lredie Buchanan,
Nelson Robison, Maggie F'a rrom.-,
Frank Mclarty, Jennie Tanney
L tensa. ('cabin l'auipbell, Lilly Hilt -
hit, May Tuuney, Maggie Tunnea•.
If. clama.-Gertie Hibbitt. Violet Bi##
rhanan. Part 11.-4:harlutte Tunney,
\Villi'- Hibbitt, Italy Farrow. 1, chasm
Ettie TAbb, Aggie Howatt. Xooky 1.
CI.AHai, Teacher.
Wrenn another come-pondenl.I
CAColtT A HAWK. -Returning from
It. mtrnll the'other morning, .1. S. Ked-
ge., Jr.. noticed a hawk itusiby ell.
gaged in killing it hen. lie Met it u'Ap
And before- t fretting had it flue hawk.
It uleasun•d from wing in wing tett-w•
and n -half fleet And front point of leak
to end of tail rine and a -half fort.
Alm.At BUR% AUkNCV. 0I. -Il daib•
In a. til. tot.. til.: yntu❑lays. r a on. to IY
Ine/nln, std 7 LO r p u.. A gelierwl Iwnklux
bu-int., thoomsel"I. SW%iogn Hank de.
part anent %Verelan dtvN il of sl and up.
wards, ftflntemt at J pr runt. Per annnni.laty-
nbls every lhrre month-. Partner wale notrm
rroolh ed at rete onabla• swan-. J. A. SUTHkH
AxD. Ament.
Tuxiomely. Oct. IxL
Anniverear_y services will lie held in
the Auburn Methodist churvh Sun-
day, October 6th. Rev. M. J. Wilson,B. A., df Teemwater. Will preach at
2 o'clock in the afternoon and at 7
o'clock in the evening. Music for
there serviees will Ile furnished by the
JrmoR Rooth. "extfield Cottle.
Sr. 11, -Edith Stotherm, Ralph (.t Lt. EXTesugm.--A Meeting of the
Disher. Marvin Durnin, Lillian Pent- eoutgn•Rationn of Auburn and Smith's
land, Arthur Roach, Howard Ander- Hill Presbyterians ebutrhen was'
son, Rae. StoLhem .Hazel Carr, Pearl held here on *.Mondayevening, when
Ivers, Fred Errington, Jarvis Ander- it was decided nnnmously to extend
son. Jr. iI.--Marion Disher, Nth" arall to Rev. Mr. Fnllte, of Varna.'
Brown. Scott McNally, MyrtleOliver 1 int Sunday was Children's Day in
c. 11. Robinson, Alex. Andrrmon, Vic- the Prrmby terian ehnrrh herr, ,ted
for Errington, Olive (stern, Harold Rev. J. L. SinAll, of Blyth, oVrupied
Sproul. Sr. Pt. I[. --Iva Parr, F the pulpit.
Fowler, Hazel Augustine, Edith An-
derson, Harrold Rivers, Ruth Fowler. SCHlx)I. CnoNCRRT.--What pr)ulimes
Jr. Pt. iL Lew Elliott, Holly Allen, to lie the biggest hit of the season is
Edgar Carr, Franklin Thompson, the school concert of No. :3. Colborne.
Frank Glenn. Jr. LGeo rgir ( old• This school ham It reputation along the
well. "B" clams--Allwrt Brown, Judson concert line rued we a"Pure you some -
Bell, Margaret Medd, Hadterm Angus- thing good is corning. The intention
tine, Irene Carr. •'A" Inns--Delose Is to hate the concert in this village,
Disher, Harold Manningililladys Err- no get ready. One of the "hig' things
ington, Myrtle Begley, Bert Smith, in the famous "Nigger Night School"
Florence Dornin, Sadie Mountain, now inpreparation. When in it com-
Georgie Glenn, Warren Ivcrs, Harry ing? The 'Lith of October.
Stuart, Wilhur Stuart, Donlon Glenn.
Numiwr on roll, 55. Average attend- EAST WAWANOSH.
ante, M. CORA B. RemgH'tw. Teacher.
- Tumimv, Oct. lmL
NILE. The Methodists of BelgrAve purpose
holding a tea -meeting ire their new
TvgmDeY, Oct. itet. heel on Mnoday. evening, the 11th
M194 Wallace of D onmybrook, is the net,•
gte•st of Mrm. ifenry Horney. On accountof the Auhm'n anniver-
Mrs. It. Girvin, of Lorknow, 'lung ,nry, flit, he•vive :at. Donnybrook will
been renewing old aepusintanees At Ise withdrawmrsext Sunday,
Nile. DKATH (111 EDWARD Cltmi;. - Afteo
We regret to ait been
that Me s, W. nuly a brief illnem9, 1•:darard Craig
.lackuian, who haw torn fel for rants R
time, is moll very low. p a"el away athim home, concession
N, West \Vxwannmh, on Thnn+dnyj Inst.
All roads lead to Dungaumon on Ili+ funeral took place on Saturday to
Thursday and Friday of this week, to the 1►ohnybnox cemetery And was
the great fair. Don't miss it. largely ►Hendee. Service wan held in
Mrs, (Rev.) J. W. Robinson, of tilt- church, conducted by -Rev. Hessrn.
Sparta• visited at Nile the pant week, Jones and Ca Ater. of St. Helens Mlleh
owingR to the illness of her brother, sympathy im expengsed in Iwhifif of the
Mr. i►unlar. bereaved widow and children.
The services in the Methodist -
church were taken last Sunday morn- OOLBORNE.
ing and evening by Ernest Aerwool,
of Rrlfast, and I). C. Taylor, of Luck. ItCKNuAY. Oct. ]At.
now, reappsertively. Both gentlemen Ss'11001L CONCERT. S, S. No, 3 is go.
gave exrellent discoulsem and will 1st ing-to have a concert. Owing to the
warmly welcomed by Nile people at fart that the school has Men fre,ehly
any future time. painted and the meating changed it
Remember the mimmionsry literary wit" thought better to have the con.
at the church next Tuesday evening revs, in Annie other hill], The largest.
under the aumpicem of the Epworth mtntlxer were favorable to Antnirn, no
League. Rev. C. R. Durrant, of }prey- on the 10th of Orto1wr come and hear
miller, will give an addrean on New• something XmId. Have yon ever leen
fnnnelland, begidr. which it Basal pro• lit. a No. :1 concert ? If not,, wok Aome-
gQprram in Ming p repAml. A silver col- fine who ban been. A his darkey
IPort.ion will he taken up in aid of the dinlogile in IN
•ing pnrpar•wl and n s11w1
"Forward Movement." entertainment It. prornisrel.
IWmfner Wolves
`Ever mort»unded by wolvema ?"
No; but. i know the nenantfon. f
umeed to open the dining -room doors set
a mummer hotel.
PAL16-headond gentleman (hAvinw his
boots pollshnd)-- "Confound it t You
take an abominably long time abort
it." Shomblack-••irrs, air. It ain't
done no quick an when you 'not yottr
air cut."
Joaryoin Miller was onre rnriver ting
withA, learned proftexwlr who wam vis
iting CalilorniA. To, the pewvs query,
"What da you do ythe prnfetamor
anmaver•ed that )yc hei d the chair of
metapisi( and In dr at, a New Eng
lanrtun vat'.ity. \'hereupon the ven-
erahle Millar, e-ilh an eneouraginR
.mfle, ressnnringly patted the profee-
nor on the shooller. '•Is/gir and tuet-
aphysitea, liphis Well, 1nppese we
millet hll"'lleegrhe t" Zink `after tbrae
things, even it Lheey-dou't sltlat."
A Great Show, Good Weather and
Lame Attendance.
Splendid wea(hel. f;aaort.d the Lock -
flow full fair, held tut Monday and
TovMlay of tittle week. afill It utist slt(!-
crbmful exhibition %Vita the result.
Lucknow is the tomer of u splendid
a ( r icldhlral dimif irs. and the dimplay
of live stop -k and other farts products
wasters excellent index to the calua-
bilitier of the dihl►tirl. The horn -S 1•m
Joecially made a grand showing, both
nn nnnnler and yualfly. Cattle, sheep
road xwifle• also muds creditable dile-
FFlbtys. The penitry exhibit was only.
ftatr. fIle hillside departments were
filled to too, es flowing, ,tod the a ccoul-
uilmfatiun or the hall was taxetl it) the
utyuumt. We understand the direr-
tors.u•e conleutplating-ch:Mgrs which
will girt- the exhibition ronin to 1 e- ,iw,
still this would is glrnt• U+ Is• to i.,
wove. Nuch a 4 isp]ny of f•flit grid
Huwers,grai'IN. daily produce, vege-
lllblom, Ilal11P 11111,1111f.",
1111f.tures and other
goads which troweled the hall un
1'alewlay deserves the Best aretlulnti)-
intiun that can iw pro idol. Reverse
,f the merchants of Lucknow had
huudsuule digplaym e.f their wares.
While inany features of t1w inside dt.-
partlnrrits ,tie worthy of Individual
urenliml, special iefeeencv inay In -
motile it, the apple exhibit. whiVh, eori-
sidering the dr:%wiNu'L4 of the season,
wasa, magnificent iniv. 'I'll*- fruit was
clean And well Voluted, +Ind there were-
eirlarge displays of mlauv of the stall -
(14141 V3rictiVa. ,
'1'le fair openeal fin \lunday and its
the eve-ning a program of instl•u-
Inental nm.ir, including Magpia M•-
leo-lions, witto given in the hal. Un
Tuesday alt• people flocked to town
f•emu nit direction- surd shortly after
the (finner hour it pre N-emsimi of M•lit Nll
chtldre•n wets (orated down town lend
D 1
, f• utuds bended t
Mar•chwl G tit r
g )
1 I'u d ram -
1 b w t' •les in II h, y
land f 1 u piper. Ix K
rine. There were nlout :I l ehildren
in lice, inVludinK
it runner front Kin -
lo. And \Vaw•anohh t1IWI3ship9, Iw•-
midr the pnptls til' the Lur knu% r bice.
t Wetwitnumh, Wits
dihtin eimtlwl by a gaily-deeorated
wagtn In w'hwh till• pupils of the
M Imol r e in rtikte•, It is cnleullated
that there -ere abut 2,s 1 people on
the grotan in the afternoon. 'rhe
favi that tht• was flit hom"t•aring nu
doubt haul a endenry lel Ielaeen the
attendance, lots it, it writs tilt- gate re-
ceipts were film( it up ler last v ear's.
Aniong the eve 1%o( the afternoon
was a merles of rat •s, w hich r•snited
it. follows ;
Roy nue, owes- 12 Baler=Moloch
Mo-Leod, ('(soil Allin.
(;irloe rays•. over 13 bel M aedon.
oahl, Mildriml Spence.
Rliye' race. under 12 - enry Mae-
kenzie, Fred Kenn)-.
Girls' nue, ugder 12 - . Fa 1ny Aen-
dertion. Annie. MACkt.nziP.
Have fur first ye.ir pupils- -F.. Well-
slre., Pr:lrl Irwin, F.I. M04oi1L•an.
Mace for Lucknow sc•heo) titer
Mildred! Spence, J. H-Aley, Wiu. H t -
PolAto race. mounted - Go•ot•ge Me.
Nall,(% Milne. \V. Ilentlerson.
lluarter-mile• race K. Sherwood. J.
A -kert, \N, M•l'oy,
Old turn's I'dVJ thlandic,tpl - J(x:k
Adams, Mont Reed, Paul 'sineltzer.
The juJges for theM• everitm were
George Sinith, J;w. Bryan, 1). It. 11(•-
Irilnmh acid lien. R ilm'rtoon.
m .
'IIf•1'Y was .1 sell , ('Il 'llfool.
1 1 a IIIp)Pt1(1 h
Iaagpi{{werN, the sno•eesaful ones living
Mr. 11uun, of Lucknow; S. McLean.
of Glurii and A. McLean. of Ripley.
The judge•it were Dr. McCriolown. Rip.
ley : Arch. Andersen. St. Helens, :tied
David McKay. Lucknow.
Fxhibitions of Highland •uyd other
dances were given by the Misses Mr -
Donald. of WinKIlau1; Dan Marlyn,
tlf Ripley: Alex, McPherson, or Luck -
now, and Asaron Pitzell, elf St. Helens.
In the evening it vont) rt. was given
in the t,lwfl hall by tilt. haste Gatilt
Cooled Y ('a.
Tile lfilvers or the L,UcknoW Agri-
ellbturid Society for thin year are :
P. H. McKenzie. M. I'.. Istat presi-
dent; Jan. Bryan, president: 1'. (',or-
rigan, first tier -president: \V. Wil•
stn, second vice president : 3. llnrrhi-I
soon. mec•retmrv. T. I.nwremce, tteas-
u i-er.
A portion of the pr'ze list is ns fol-
lows: the remainder will,ie published
next week :
isaely driver, Mixte Matheson. Hiss
flena Gordon, Mism R. Hnbilimin :
Krutlemnn's single taunout, c. Van•II
. \\'1!uvI?:cD.aY, (►ct. '_'nit.
.110111 Mel.emel, who ham Ieen in \ew
Onlillit) foil• sonar litre, nrrived home
Inst wet.k.
Win. Thoulstfil, who went i1 Benx.ekr
Ili work sal the shoe -making hominess;
is home again. I:' prt.fers Hailed(
to Brilmselx.
L. G, 1.. No, 21 will ltplld its regulon.
1116•P1inK nn WedueNelay evening, Ur-
tolx•t Itch, inmtend of October 2nef, it.,
lilt. r•elill ne't.t ing night falls on fair
nigh L.
Mr. and Mrm. John Fraser have
gone to New O:ltnriu, inert• the I'm -
mer• will engage in preaching. Mr.
Fra,•.er spent smite• time there it )Vent.
ngo and Iike•s.the work well.
Perry Parker, who ban been teach-
ing in Dakota, is hoose for is month"
holiday. leis m:uiy friends nrr pleised
to hear that ler• is doing well in theWent,
We understotnd that he ix spending
him spate time Atetdying theology
witty a view of entering the niinimtry.
SCHexol. REPORT. --The following in
the report of Ifayfleld public Achool
for the month of Srptemler, hasied on
atterklant•e, de llearor and general
proficiency, including the weekly ex.
aminations: V. Ford King.
Rally \(rood%, (:erre Weir, Winnie
McNeil. Senior I I I. Evelyn i'oliock,
FlorenceMartin, Pearl Leitch, Jon-
ior Ill. - Lida King, Anna Wneslm, [,it.
liner King. Se•ni.or I1.- Kathleen
Elliott. Agnes 1i,hnsGn, Iewixa Par.
ker. No . on roll, Al: average, :01, T.
H. BRfI{r LKE, I'?inripml.
When the bowels are constipated, poi-
sonous substances are absorbed into the
bloodinstead of heingdaily removed from
the body as nature Intended. Knowing
this danger, doctors alwayys inqu?re about
the condition of the bowN.. Ayer 's Pills.
-Meele by the J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, 11eas.-
noruyAli, L. Lott. N. Markenzie :
hadiee' hitching race. Mitis Matheson,
Winghau. -. :Hiss Taylor, For•elyce :
Misr. Johnston. Lucknow.
Span len liarnaws and wagon, Jam.
FuNter, 1l. J. Pollock ; brood olare, J.
Mc Dia rloid, W. Webb. J. BRI -hour ;
foal of IIM17, McIntyre Bros., J. Bar-
bour, Jam. Cr•uwston ; three-year-old
gelding or filly, Jam. Flste•r; two-year.
old gelditiK, Frank Henry. H. Morri-
mou ; two-year-old filly. It. J. Pollack,
J. E. Davids(u : ane -year-old geld"
Jam. Alton, N'ri). Taylor, It. J. Pollack;
otte•year-old filly, It. J. Poll«•k, 1).
K. Alton ; female, any age. R, J.
Pollock, Ist and 2nd ; imported mare,
W. M(•Llnillan• lat and 2nd.
Sp an its harries and rig, John Me.
larmid Jam. F ALer brood mitre,
\ Webb . il
John .lutein, N'lu. J. M Ihn ;
foal of IiMt7. \Viol. W.Chb• W. It.
Martin, S. Morrison : two-year-old
fpCeldinK. C. 'Taylor, \\'. It. Martin,
1't•ler \\•atimin • two -your -old filly, \V.
R. Martin, J. F. Davidmin, Alclutyre
fins.: one -year-old filly. %%'fly. Taylor.
W. Richards ; female, any age, J. Mc-
Diartnid,. R'. K. Martin : mare err
geldinv, tiny age, agricultural or
draught, W. Webb, R. Mackenzie.
Span in harness and rig, C. Taylor.
It. 1lackeozie, 1. (,ang17aI11: I)InNNI
mare, W. It. Martin. J. I3aarlxtur ; foal
R IMartio ;rntwo year-yeaylor, Win. ror
filly, W. Henderson. 1st and 2nd• J:w.
ton, Std ; one -year-old gelding or
Hely, J. ilarlour:
!span in harness and carriage. E.
MLQuillen . based roan•; 11. Mather!,
At. Woods: toal of 111(6. H. Mathers,
Jim McQnillan, M. Woolds; one -year-
old gelding or toly. M. McKenzie;
mingle carriage hone(•, V. Vannorman•
A. 11cKinnun.
Boggy horse in harness. Y« leltt. N.
McKenzie, Angus Martin ; mare• M.
IVtewla, Jam. Atc•Qkrill n -.filial of 1!1117,
1 \1'oosds, J. Fobtei, Jag. Crowston
ten-yexr•ald .,filing or Illly. J. Me -
it : nnagyear old go Iding err filly.
Will Strtrthvts„I:ym. Poster.
Jnd for
hewn y horst se -J. \V.
Dickxu Atwtxsl.
f Ii ht horses.- C
fns. Val.
e [[t
lance, Atw'Xxxl.
Bull, two yea (old• McKay Bros.
Peter• Torrance ; hull one year old•
a Continued o pane 11.1
and. by an old trrtpe the bits M"d
e ern• and Ida fur tTu e.o=,&I
Ap%--4 be- .i,rtor, M •e+ -t7
,r. pML1 W tanaat Irr1W NALonend
TM7 Vow W
ken I In to.
M uw rlbw b- I
Nov. t. I -
Wylie Gray. Last Principal.
Scheel for Girle and Was"
TuRsDAY, Oct. Lt,
TUxeDAY, Oct. Imt. 1
Mr. turd Mrs. it. Ctirrit r, of Haml •
Mists Florence Duplin is the guest
ton, and Mr. and Mrse. Menary Arid
of her siater-this week.
sun, of Crewe, nee visitors At Mrs.
Mrs. J. McLeod and Met►. A. McKay
John Hyau's Lilies week.
are visiting friends here.
A. A. Williams has had a cement
A number inlets here ulik in the
culvert with arch of the lAtest design
Ripley fall fair unit report a very gaud
built on his farm. For the {sart nun-
twi- of yearsthe spring freshets have
Misses Annie McKenzie. and Nara
been the rouse of an annual break in
Mcl ran left un Friday for Chicago.
the culvert, but Mr. Williall s now
where they Intend traiuiugfor nurses.
has a culvert which not even the floodof
Nosh's feast could injure. John
Farrish, of D.esheirn, did the work.
Misr Ma to Lawson ham left on her
Tnti will actAY. as Irl.
MfN► Jean Mullen will ret as rine of
return GI serfeen. after r
month's visit with her cousin. D. IAw.
the judger at Dungannon fair.
son. She intends stopping at Hamil-
Mr. and Mrs. Will. Crosby are visit -
tun to visit relatives there and at ing their daughter, Mrs. Win. Rue•
Montreal. She will visit Mrs. Havagr,
formerly Miiu Vila Goods. sitter of .In n
1l.•. Rod Mrs. W. Twrntleyy rlyanl a
(;alt, of Ooderich. While herr
few days last week with \Vinghau)
IAWsun took a number of views of the
waves of lake Huron to show herSeot-
Mr. and :Naw. J. U. McCrostie, of
fish friends.
Drewlen• were visitors at S. McCros-
tie's Inst week.
Mrs. P. C. Carmichael, of St. Paul,
Tu"DAY, Oct. flit.
Minn.. returnee) to her home on Sal -
John Webster, of Tonawanda. N.
urday of last week.
Y., and his bride are visiting R. Fulford
WaflerL.Hackett loaves onWednes-
and other relatives here.
d:ty for Toronto tai resume hits studies
at Toronto Medical College.
The h law W guarantee the lands
--t - - _-'--
of the Ontario \Vest ShoTe electric
'}railway did not meet with a very
favorable reception in this division,
A. NE\\'Tu\, DENTIST. l.l'('K-
uniy Wn voter tieing polled in favor of
("' \Uro•. At home everyday useept Thur --
it, while the adverse vote was sev.
day,- Vewreutedyfor extractinertaethtaomno
tunnt.betWr tenni m aan,,. frown and bridge work
et.a•. Aluu+h+um platualnombrvakablel.
%.H. ---You call always have your worktullch
better done its the dental office auort, time-,
Wooer facilities for doing the work, muni cos
MONDAY. Sept. qkh.
furtable for the vatlent.
Miss Pearl Hawkins Is visiting in
London this week.
leu urun for The Nigral In at the Pu l -
Mimn Annie Uunnioghrm h,u left
oaOe ltoo Cmslid niationenry where
orders will be rooelved for n rtit rIption+ wt
hereto visit friends in oronte).
vertiehs and job work• and r,celpea will ten
•de was rine of the prize- James Ha n
yy 1
u ount., id for the mune.
si vets f r nut ha
I_ W D
winners at (:(xlerich chow hist week.
l.)1 at A\I1KRSel\•a Hardware.
Nixon Dougherty had the nlie-
WxbsKsi)Ay, Oct. '2nd.
fortune to lose a ill st valuable young
J. \Vrlkgm visited friends at
Mitchell frit• a few days Lot week.
Misg'Jesisie McMillan spent n few
A nnnllier from her attended Luck.
dayy+ with her mister, Mi. . Morris• int
now fair on Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. E. Livingieton has retornel to
Inm1low-t.,r Tom paid his seenii-annual
visit to our whood on Wednesday of
her home. after spending a couple tit
last week'
weeks at her home here.
Mrs. and Miss Hosdgens, of Clinton.
Rev. T. Hicks fax again reaunuol
Ilia duties at the English church after
were the guests of Mrs. R. E. Manning
himending his vae-ation in Manitoba.
for it few days last week.
Daniel Carney ham leen threshing
M. T. Bechtel. wife and family, of
Elmira, are mprneling a few days :al
in our neighlmorhtx)d last weak. The
the home of Jae. Whyanl.
farmers find that him tllachine does
quick work.
ARtN-IjRokxs. lieu• Medd hold flip
Children's Day service last Sunday
misfortune to fall while cliulbing over
the fence on Monday Inst at school
was well attended and Itev. Mr.
Rutherford 'a addrewm to the children
and sustained %. fracture of the- left
was very instructive aro well am annus-
•ANNUAL 4sitsrr.-The arititral shoot
- -
of the Dungannon Ride Club will lit
held un October 'Sf1d and '24th. All
the memtent or the club are exptected
FRIDAY, Sept. rah.
to Ile in attendance.
The annual convention of the Sun•
day schools of the Aahtleld Methodist
Site.IAL. Tile Mlcixl given by the
Tile y
be held Thursday, October
\YumIAL.ntri'm Missionary Sac on Wed -
i.esday evefling last wits fairly well at -
171h, in Hackett'x Church.
rl despite the incitement weather.
\Vmim NU. The home of Mr. arse The m of set Will Its used
Mrs. lieu Drennan. on Wt-Inttela •,
r'If" )
pringf Joe
in buying furnirhingm for the plaraom-
INth inst., was the mo-ene of a halF)Ipy
event, about fifty guests ammetnbling
Ho tlut)1. ItgeuHT.-Following it' the
d witness the to Fra li their
daughter. ISva M., to Franklin
standing of the pupils of Dungannon
c v_T.
Mcintoah, of Lucknow. The cele -
Imlhlic w bice for the month of Sep
teenb er. Names are in under of merit :
many wag pxerfornit"I by Iter. R. \V.
Craw, aamixtJed by Rev. 1). T. L.. Me.
lexFlolt tax PARTMENT.
Kernlll of Lorknow. Miss Bertha
Sr. V. Ethel Unlet•, May Jones.
Sherwood playenl the wedding match,
('haw. Fowler. Jr. V. -Ethel Glenn,
The bridexnrmid wax Mutt May Dren-
Vera Durnin, (Tara Sproul. Maggie
nan, of Kiotail, Land W. McIntosh, of
1,)imher. Hart Wiggins, Kdith Tre-
Toronto discharged the du ' n of
festive r. Irene Oliver, Roy Medd, Pearl
ggnnwmsman. The ceremony V fol-
McNally. Leslie Pentland Alan Iver%.
'uunK, Cerra
l)wed by an evening of pleasant fes-
IV. --(:len. ('ase. Lorne
tivities. Mr. and Mrs. Melntt,sh will
Alten, ClarenveSell ile•y,MeIviIle(aenit,
Vernal McNally, Martha Begley, I.aw-
reside in Lucknow. Their many
friends wish them long life and halt.
rence `(miler, Thom. Young. 111. -
Riley Br,adlorL, Iaur;a Smith, Fr"I
Savage, Uertie Begley, Myrtle Allen,
Tu"DAY, Oct. Lt.
Donald McGregor has returned to
Robt. 11. McDonald spent a few
days in Toronto last week.
Gen. (•,Allinson and Ken. McLean at-
tended Blyt h fair last week.
Miss Teti& Carrick, of Lucknow, is
visiting frit•ndsip this vicinity.
Jam. MrChlre, of Ncihletnn, is a Knest
at the residence of A. McMurchy this
MiusAnnie McMurchp, of Ooderich,
is supplyibg In the McDonald store -
for a few weeks.
Dannie McLeod is on the nick list
thin week. We home to hear of his
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Linklater, of Wingharn, has re-
turned to her home after nit extended
visit with friends here.
Mrs. Dick McDonald and baby
Katharine are spending• a few days
with the former'a mother, Airs. Fer.
guson, of Amberley.
The many friends of Rev. S. A.
Beckett, of Carberry, Man., will he
pleased to know that he is recovering
from his recent attack of typhoid
Miwl Harris, of Ripley, who has just.
returned from the Toronto openings,
has opened tip a hranch millinery
Store bere and im prepared to show
everything up•W-date in ladies and
children'x headweAr.
Edith Margaret, the infant danght.er
of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald,
polis," peacefoldy away this morning
after a two week@' illness. The fu-
neral will he held tomorrow afternotm
to Kintail cemetery.Much nympathv
in extended to the reaved parents.
HATCRDAY, S(ept.21(th.
Apple pnckerte Are busy at present.
Itshhit-hunting see•t im more success-
ful this (till than coon -hunting.
A ntmber of people from this
vicinity attended the Ripley fair Rant
C. E. Mrl)nnagh, of faneem, and Rob.
Andrew, of Zion, took in the Ooderich
fair on Thursday last.
Mr. And. Mm. Joseph Rmeltser spent
A few day. of Iant week at the home of
the latter'a father in Howirk:
Mire Tibbs and Mfm Houston, of
Wingharn, visited at the home of .fa..
Lane on Saturday and Sunday Inst.
The rain of Saturday lant wM wel-
cnmwl by everything, especially by the
tall wheat, which wan nirr)ry .prrnitrd
Mit at a .toondstill for a = or more.
The annual convention of the Sah-
hath school+ of Ashfield circuli will he
held on Thnr•sdol, October 17th, In
Hnckett'a chop h. Them will lx
three services, 9:45 a, m., II . m. And
7 pp m. Rt X. G. Powell, dimlrict
Sabbath school see rstary, of BrlsePls,
f-Adr•elemm the audient.elt at she after
noon mod evening sessions.
Mary McCourt, Htephrn add, I'OtmA
Gibson. Number on roll, 31. Aver -
lege Attendance, W. H. H. LUNU,
f the Disi
TtlKNIJAY, Oct. 2nd.
THY PUPlut' HTANDINU. -Tile fol-
luwing is the StAndlnk of the pu4til t
rehtrul t.ection No. 4 \Vest. \Vatt•n-
nesh, for the mmlyth of SepLeeulls`r:
Senior IV. - Thomas Heid. Junior
IV. - Uvorir Baxter, Lizzie Fluker,
Malsl Miler. St.niur 111.-Violette
Plunkett, George Twamlry, Junior
Il 1. --Charlie Twumiey, Muriel Wash-
ington, Charlie Mills, Senior If. --I
Walter \Vashingto ll, Loswrence Hax-
ter, Lillie Plunkett. Junior IL La-
vin, Hutchius, Ada Model. fart
N lwin Moir, 1luriel Hmith. Hannah
Fluker, Hazel Finnigan, Adeline
Smith. Senior Part 1,--Cveil B+azter,
Lillie Hutchips, Rdytno Sicriingauur,
Burton 11111x. Jimiur Part L-rFveret
Finnigan. MAnxl. A. BAIIAX. Te Cher.
MONDAY. 84•pt.:001'
Thomas Bainfotel unit Willie RoIll-
rsm tut packing apples for Geo.
Powell this fall.
Miles lora Phalen, of Goderich, in at
pr -dent the guest of her friend, Mi.'s
Annie Redulot
Hirnw Uaugll 11 left on Hatilrlay
last to vt his (I ' ghter, Mrs. W. H.
Carr, ofaKirkl6iL f r a few weekm.
A number front h attended Gode-
rich exhibition Nmt eek. They re-
port a gootl exhibition ' all limes.
Hiss Annie Deusmot whim called to
Wingliam, hospital on Friday fast to
take the position of night tturme for A
Thr funeral of the late ' Edwarel
Craig on Saturday afterntom h"t was
very largely attended. Ilia death
Value AN a great surprise tet ever, ter -
bills ; he wase mick only a short me.
Qoi.NU 'lel Crus.t. --Rey. Mr. N!t>:,
M. P.trlN and Mrs. IAngley ha
Pita•isitinK herr. 'rhe laehr
s we
formerly Misses Nellie,tilll Marion
Auld, former residents of t him place,
but now of the \Nest. They spent a
f -w days with their aunt, Mrs. Will.
Mclarty, and Node farewell to their
retail)- friends here before taking their
departure for Chinn, where they par -
poise going with their husl,ands in the -
near tutor. Rev. 1leem.,rs. Earl "rid
lnngley expect to lee• in the contin-
gent of the fall -if 1t1y1; who leave for
HI/w TII F. Sc HOL.a HM HTA D.-Theful-
Iowing rep owt shows ttie setandingof the
pnpilm of S. S. No. if, East \\':uvanomh.
for the month of September: V. elitism
-Tommy Rodger. Dell McfArh•,
( ev Il McLarty, Mussell Woods. IV.
clams -Ma C.ok, Lredie Buchanan,
Nelson Robison, Maggie F'a rrom.-,
Frank Mclarty, Jennie Tanney
L tensa. ('cabin l'auipbell, Lilly Hilt -
hit, May Tuuney, Maggie Tunnea•.
If. clama.-Gertie Hibbitt. Violet Bi##
rhanan. Part 11.-4:harlutte Tunney,
\Villi'- Hibbitt, Italy Farrow. 1, chasm
Ettie TAbb, Aggie Howatt. Xooky 1.
CI.AHai, Teacher.
Wrenn another come-pondenl.I
CAColtT A HAWK. -Returning from
It. mtrnll the'other morning, .1. S. Ked-
ge., Jr.. noticed a hawk itusiby ell.
gaged in killing it hen. lie Met it u'Ap
And before- t fretting had it flue hawk.
It uleasun•d from wing in wing tett-w•
and n -half fleet And front point of leak
to end of tail rine and a -half fort.
Alm.At BUR% AUkNCV. 0I. -Il daib•
In a. til. tot.. til.: yntu❑lays. r a on. to IY
Ine/nln, std 7 LO r p u.. A gelierwl Iwnklux
bu-int., thoomsel"I. SW%iogn Hank de.
part anent %Verelan dtvN il of sl and up.
wards, ftflntemt at J pr runt. Per annnni.laty-
nbls every lhrre month-. Partner wale notrm
rroolh ed at rete onabla• swan-. J. A. SUTHkH
AxD. Ament.
Tuxiomely. Oct. IxL
Anniverear_y services will lie held in
the Auburn Methodist churvh Sun-
day, October 6th. Rev. M. J. Wilson,B. A., df Teemwater. Will preach at
2 o'clock in the afternoon and at 7
o'clock in the evening. Music for
there serviees will Ile furnished by the
JrmoR Rooth. "extfield Cottle.
Sr. 11, -Edith Stotherm, Ralph (.t Lt. EXTesugm.--A Meeting of the
Disher. Marvin Durnin, Lillian Pent- eoutgn•Rationn of Auburn and Smith's
land, Arthur Roach, Howard Ander- Hill Presbyterians ebutrhen was'
son, Rae. StoLhem .Hazel Carr, Pearl held here on *.Mondayevening, when
Ivers, Fred Errington, Jarvis Ander- it was decided nnnmously to extend
son. Jr. iI.--Marion Disher, Nth" arall to Rev. Mr. Fnllte, of Varna.'
Brown. Scott McNally, MyrtleOliver 1 int Sunday was Children's Day in
c. 11. Robinson, Alex. Andrrmon, Vic- the Prrmby terian ehnrrh herr, ,ted
for Errington, Olive (stern, Harold Rev. J. L. SinAll, of Blyth, oVrupied
Sproul. Sr. Pt. I[. --Iva Parr, F the pulpit.
Fowler, Hazel Augustine, Edith An-
derson, Harrold Rivers, Ruth Fowler. SCHlx)I. CnoNCRRT.--What pr)ulimes
Jr. Pt. iL Lew Elliott, Holly Allen, to lie the biggest hit of the season is
Edgar Carr, Franklin Thompson, the school concert of No. :3. Colborne.
Frank Glenn. Jr. LGeo rgir ( old• This school ham It reputation along the
well. "B" clams--Allwrt Brown, Judson concert line rued we a"Pure you some -
Bell, Margaret Medd, Hadterm Angus- thing good is corning. The intention
tine, Irene Carr. •'A" Inns--Delose Is to hate the concert in this village,
Disher, Harold Manningililladys Err- no get ready. One of the "hig' things
ington, Myrtle Begley, Bert Smith, in the famous "Nigger Night School"
Florence Dornin, Sadie Mountain, now inpreparation. When in it com-
Georgie Glenn, Warren Ivcrs, Harry ing? The 'Lith of October.
Stuart, Wilhur Stuart, Donlon Glenn.
Numiwr on roll, 55. Average attend- EAST WAWANOSH.
ante, M. CORA B. RemgH'tw. Teacher.
- Tumimv, Oct. lmL
NILE. The Methodists of BelgrAve purpose
holding a tea -meeting ire their new
TvgmDeY, Oct. itet. heel on Mnoday. evening, the 11th
M194 Wallace of D onmybrook, is the net,•
gte•st of Mrm. ifenry Horney. On accountof the Auhm'n anniver-
Mrs. It. Girvin, of Lorknow, 'lung ,nry, flit, he•vive :at. Donnybrook will
been renewing old aepusintanees At Ise withdrawmrsext Sunday,
Nile. DKATH (111 EDWARD Cltmi;. - Afteo
We regret to ait been
that Me s, W. nuly a brief illnem9, 1•:darard Craig
.lackuian, who haw torn fel for rants R
time, is moll very low. p a"el away athim home, concession
N, West \Vxwannmh, on Thnn+dnyj Inst.
All roads lead to Dungaumon on Ili+ funeral took place on Saturday to
Thursday and Friday of this week, to the 1►ohnybnox cemetery And was
the great fair. Don't miss it. largely ►Hendee. Service wan held in
Mrs, (Rev.) J. W. Robinson, of tilt- church, conducted by -Rev. Hessrn.
Sparta• visited at Nile the pant week, Jones and Ca Ater. of St. Helens Mlleh
owingR to the illness of her brother, sympathy im expengsed in Iwhifif of the
Mr. i►unlar. bereaved widow and children.
The services in the Methodist -
church were taken last Sunday morn- OOLBORNE.
ing and evening by Ernest Aerwool,
of Rrlfast, and I). C. Taylor, of Luck. ItCKNuAY. Oct. ]At.
now, reappsertively. Both gentlemen Ss'11001L CONCERT. S, S. No, 3 is go.
gave exrellent discoulsem and will 1st ing-to have a concert. Owing to the
warmly welcomed by Nile people at fart that the school has Men fre,ehly
any future time. painted and the meating changed it
Remember the mimmionsry literary wit" thought better to have the con.
at the church next Tuesday evening revs, in Annie other hill], The largest.
under the aumpicem of the Epworth mtntlxer were favorable to Antnirn, no
League. Rev. C. R. Durrant, of }prey- on the 10th of Orto1wr come and hear
miller, will give an addrean on New• something XmId. Have yon ever leen
fnnnelland, begidr. which it Basal pro• lit. a No. :1 concert ? If not,, wok Aome-
gQprram in Ming p repAml. A silver col- fine who ban been. A his darkey
IPort.ion will he taken up in aid of the dinlogile in IN
•ing pnrpar•wl and n s11w1
"Forward Movement." entertainment It. prornisrel.
IWmfner Wolves
`Ever mort»unded by wolvema ?"
No; but. i know the nenantfon. f
umeed to open the dining -room doors set
a mummer hotel.
PAL16-headond gentleman (hAvinw his
boots pollshnd)-- "Confound it t You
take an abominably long time abort
it." Shomblack-••irrs, air. It ain't
done no quick an when you 'not yottr
air cut."
Joaryoin Miller was onre rnriver ting
withA, learned proftexwlr who wam vis
iting CalilorniA. To, the pewvs query,
"What da you do ythe prnfetamor
anmaver•ed that )yc hei d the chair of
metapisi( and In dr at, a New Eng
lanrtun vat'.ity. \'hereupon the ven-
erahle Millar, e-ilh an eneouraginR
.mfle, ressnnringly patted the profee-
nor on the shooller. '•Is/gir and tuet-
aphysitea, liphis Well, 1nppese we
millet hll"'lleegrhe t" Zink `after tbrae
things, even it Lheey-dou't sltlat."
A Great Show, Good Weather and
Lame Attendance.
Splendid wea(hel. f;aaort.d the Lock -
flow full fair, held tut Monday and
TovMlay of tittle week. afill It utist slt(!-
crbmful exhibition %Vita the result.
Lucknow is the tomer of u splendid
a ( r icldhlral dimif irs. and the dimplay
of live stop -k and other farts products
wasters excellent index to the calua-
bilitier of the dihl►tirl. The horn -S 1•m
Joecially made a grand showing, both
nn nnnnler and yualfly. Cattle, sheep
road xwifle• also muds creditable dile-
FFlbtys. The penitry exhibit was only.
ftatr. fIle hillside departments were
filled to too, es flowing, ,tod the a ccoul-
uilmfatiun or the hall was taxetl it) the
utyuumt. We understand the direr-
tors.u•e conleutplating-ch:Mgrs which
will girt- the exhibition ronin to 1 e- ,iw,
still this would is glrnt• U+ Is• to i.,
wove. Nuch a 4 isp]ny of f•flit grid
Huwers,grai'IN. daily produce, vege-
lllblom, Ilal11P 11111,1111f.",
1111f.tures and other
goads which troweled the hall un
1'alewlay deserves the Best aretlulnti)-
intiun that can iw pro idol. Reverse
,f the merchants of Lucknow had
huudsuule digplaym e.f their wares.
While inany features of t1w inside dt.-
partlnrrits ,tie worthy of Individual
urenliml, special iefeeencv inay In -
motile it, the apple exhibit. whiVh, eori-
sidering the dr:%wiNu'L4 of the season,
wasa, magnificent iniv. 'I'll*- fruit was
clean And well Voluted, +Ind there were-
eirlarge displays of mlauv of the stall -
(14141 V3rictiVa. ,
'1'le fair openeal fin \lunday and its
the eve-ning a program of instl•u-
Inental nm.ir, including Magpia M•-
leo-lions, witto given in the hal. Un
Tuesday alt• people flocked to town
f•emu nit direction- surd shortly after
the (finner hour it pre N-emsimi of M•lit Nll
chtldre•n wets (orated down town lend
D 1
, f• utuds bended t
Mar•chwl G tit r
g )
1 I'u d ram -
1 b w t' •les in II h, y
land f 1 u piper. Ix K
rine. There were nlout :I l ehildren
in lice, inVludinK
it runner front Kin -
lo. And \Vaw•anohh t1IWI3ship9, Iw•-
midr the pnptls til' the Lur knu% r bice.
t Wetwitnumh, Wits
dihtin eimtlwl by a gaily-deeorated
wagtn In w'hwh till• pupils of the
M Imol r e in rtikte•, It is cnleullated
that there -ere abut 2,s 1 people on
the grotan in the afternoon. 'rhe
favi that tht• was flit hom"t•aring nu
doubt haul a endenry lel Ielaeen the
attendance, lots it, it writs tilt- gate re-
ceipts were film( it up ler last v ear's.
Aniong the eve 1%o( the afternoon
was a merles of rat •s, w hich r•snited
it. follows ;
Roy nue, owes- 12 Baler=Moloch
Mo-Leod, ('(soil Allin.
(;irloe rays•. over 13 bel M aedon.
oahl, Mildriml Spence.
Rliye' race. under 12 - enry Mae-
kenzie, Fred Kenn)-.
Girls' nue, ugder 12 - . Fa 1ny Aen-
dertion. Annie. MACkt.nziP.
Have fur first ye.ir pupils- -F.. Well-
slre., Pr:lrl Irwin, F.I. M04oi1L•an.
Mace for Lucknow sc•heo) titer
Mildred! Spence, J. H-Aley, Wiu. H t -
PolAto race. mounted - Go•ot•ge Me.
Nall,(% Milne. \V. Ilentlerson.
lluarter-mile• race K. Sherwood. J.
A -kert, \N, M•l'oy,
Old turn's I'dVJ thlandic,tpl - J(x:k
Adams, Mont Reed, Paul 'sineltzer.
The juJges for theM• everitm were
George Sinith, J;w. Bryan, 1). It. 11(•-
Irilnmh acid lien. R ilm'rtoon.
m .
'IIf•1'Y was .1 sell , ('Il 'llfool.
1 1 a IIIp)Pt1(1 h
Iaagpi{{werN, the sno•eesaful ones living
Mr. 11uun, of Lucknow; S. McLean.
of Glurii and A. McLean. of Ripley.
The judge•it were Dr. McCriolown. Rip.
ley : Arch. Andersen. St. Helens, :tied
David McKay. Lucknow.
Fxhibitions of Highland •uyd other
dances were given by the Misses Mr -
Donald. of WinKIlau1; Dan Marlyn,
tlf Ripley: Alex, McPherson, or Luck -
now, and Asaron Pitzell, elf St. Helens.
In the evening it vont) rt. was given
in the t,lwfl hall by tilt. haste Gatilt
Cooled Y ('a.
Tile lfilvers or the L,UcknoW Agri-
ellbturid Society for thin year are :
P. H. McKenzie. M. I'.. Istat presi-
dent; Jan. Bryan, president: 1'. (',or-
rigan, first tier -president: \V. Wil•
stn, second vice president : 3. llnrrhi-I
soon. mec•retmrv. T. I.nwremce, tteas-
u i-er.
A portion of the pr'ze list is ns fol-
lows: the remainder will,ie published
next week :
isaely driver, Mixte Matheson. Hiss
flena Gordon, Mism R. Hnbilimin :
Krutlemnn's single taunout, c. Van•II
. \\'1!uvI?:cD.aY, (►ct. '_'nit.
.110111 Mel.emel, who ham Ieen in \ew
Onlillit) foil• sonar litre, nrrived home
Inst wet.k.
Win. Thoulstfil, who went i1 Benx.ekr
Ili work sal the shoe -making hominess;
is home again. I:' prt.fers Hailed(
to Brilmselx.
L. G, 1.. No, 21 will ltplld its regulon.
1116•P1inK nn WedueNelay evening, Ur-
tolx•t Itch, inmtend of October 2nef, it.,
lilt. r•elill ne't.t ing night falls on fair
nigh L.
Mr. and Mrm. John Fraser have
gone to New O:ltnriu, inert• the I'm -
mer• will engage in preaching. Mr.
Fra,•.er spent smite• time there it )Vent.
ngo and Iike•s.the work well.
Perry Parker, who ban been teach-
ing in Dakota, is hoose for is month"
holiday. leis m:uiy friends nrr pleised
to hear that ler• is doing well in theWent,
We understotnd that he ix spending
him spate time Atetdying theology
witty a view of entering the niinimtry.
SCHexol. REPORT. --The following in
the report of Ifayfleld public Achool
for the month of Srptemler, hasied on
atterklant•e, de llearor and general
proficiency, including the weekly ex.
aminations: V. Ford King.
Rally \(rood%, (:erre Weir, Winnie
McNeil. Senior I I I. Evelyn i'oliock,
FlorenceMartin, Pearl Leitch, Jon-
ior Ill. - Lida King, Anna Wneslm, [,it.
liner King. Se•ni.or I1.- Kathleen
Elliott. Agnes 1i,hnsGn, Iewixa Par.
ker. No . on roll, Al: average, :01, T.
H. BRfI{r LKE, I'?inripml.
When the bowels are constipated, poi-
sonous substances are absorbed into the
bloodinstead of heingdaily removed from
the body as nature Intended. Knowing
this danger, doctors alwayys inqu?re about
the condition of the bowN.. Ayer 's Pills.
-Meele by the J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, 11eas.-
noruyAli, L. Lott. N. Markenzie :
hadiee' hitching race. Mitis Matheson,
Winghau. -. :Hiss Taylor, For•elyce :
Misr. Johnston. Lucknow.
Span len liarnaws and wagon, Jam.
FuNter, 1l. J. Pollock ; brood olare, J.
Mc Dia rloid, W. Webb. J. BRI -hour ;
foal of IIM17, McIntyre Bros., J. Bar-
bour, Jam. Cr•uwston ; three-year-old
gelding or filly, Jam. Flste•r; two-year.
old gelditiK, Frank Henry. H. Morri-
mou ; two-year-old filly. It. J. Pollack,
J. E. Davids(u : ane -year-old geld"
Jam. Alton, N'ri). Taylor, It. J. Pollack;
otte•year-old filly, It. J. Poll«•k, 1).
K. Alton ; female, any age. R, J.
Pollock, Ist and 2nd ; imported mare,
W. M(•Llnillan• lat and 2nd.
Sp an its harries and rig, John Me.
larmid Jam. F ALer brood mitre,
\ Webb . il
John .lutein, N'lu. J. M Ihn ;
foal of IiMt7. \Viol. W.Chb• W. It.
Martin, S. Morrison : two-year-old
fpCeldinK. C. 'Taylor, \\'. It. Martin,
1't•ler \\•atimin • two -your -old filly, \V.
R. Martin, J. F. Davidmin, Alclutyre
fins.: one -year-old filly. %%'fly. Taylor.
W. Richards ; female, any age, J. Mc-
Diartnid,. R'. K. Martin : mare err
geldinv, tiny age, agricultural or
draught, W. Webb, R. Mackenzie.
Span in harness and rig, C. Taylor.
It. 1lackeozie, 1. (,ang17aI11: I)InNNI
mare, W. It. Martin. J. I3aarlxtur ; foal
R IMartio ;rntwo year-yeaylor, Win. ror
filly, W. Henderson. 1st and 2nd• J:w.
ton, Std ; one -year-old gelding or
Hely, J. ilarlour:
!span in harness and carriage. E.
MLQuillen . based roan•; 11. Mather!,
At. Woods: toal of 111(6. H. Mathers,
Jim McQnillan, M. Woolds; one -year-
old gelding or toly. M. McKenzie;
mingle carriage hone(•, V. Vannorman•
A. 11cKinnun.
Boggy horse in harness. Y« leltt. N.
McKenzie, Angus Martin ; mare• M.
IVtewla, Jam. Atc•Qkrill n -.filial of 1!1117,
1 \1'oosds, J. Fobtei, Jag. Crowston
ten-yexr•ald .,filing or Illly. J. Me -
it : nnagyear old go Iding err filly.
Will Strtrthvts„I:ym. Poster.
Jnd for
hewn y horst se -J. \V.
Dickxu Atwtxsl.
f Ii ht horses.- C
fns. Val.
e [[t
lance, Atw'Xxxl.
Bull, two yea (old• McKay Bros.
Peter• Torrance ; hull one year old•
a Continued o pane 11.1
and. by an old trrtpe the bits M"d
e ern• and Ida fur tTu e.o=,&I
Ap%--4 be- .i,rtor, M •e+ -t7
,r. pML1 W tanaat Irr1W NALonend
TM7 Vow W
ken I In to.
M uw rlbw b- I
Nov. t. I -
warner, o. D., Principal.
Yrs. )ran
Wylie Gray. Last Principal.
Scheel for Girle and Was"
27th year spent Sept. IOUL
god" rrrr - i
Student Lite at Alma
The life of lbs student le made se mash an
Pewible like life in • well regulated family; a few
dmpte roll" govern. t)arlag the year. Inetens
and talks on current *Tents and U,e beef con-
Mmporar), literature are given, and musical,
Iiasrary aloof social eaterWromenls hold at aha
The school in opened every morning by
aPrro rials r, religious tersedseattand"an &Ioheret° an Sundays Is reernlred a all studsoM,
the wlsetion of the church being len lO Wa
Oolle`tate and l'isparaWry studies, leasto
Zine Art, glocutlog Business,Domestto W:
ones, doral and isthetto advantaeaa
Writ* for catalogue W Pliaetw warner,
at Thomas. out.
will be. opened soon Icy a management
who trains more young people a.
Boiok-keepers, Hteneigraphern and Tel.
egrapherm shah tiny other in Wenteern
Ontario. Individual instruction.
Gradnates placed in gfifid situtationn.
i►ay and night classes. Enter any
For Catalogue write
Consumption is less deadly than it used to be.
Certain relief and usually complete recovery
will result from the following treatment:
Hope, rest, fresh air, and -Scott's
ALL 13R0001STS I 600. AND $1.00.
TiiUIWDAY, October 3, IW7 of
You will soon be wanting a coal range or
cook stove.
It willa
P YYou
to examine our PANDORA RANGE. For
economy and durability it is unsurpassed.
If you have'
A HEATING JOB come in and let us talk
the question 4pver with you.' We can give
You the benefit of long experience.
E. P
Store, 57 Residence, 177
is the place to buy the very newest styles in
We have a stock of these goods different from
My ever shown in Goderich before, and the prices
are nq higher than the ordinary goods.
Watc or our exhibit of Furs, Travelling Goods
and Harness, at -the Goderich Industrial Exhibi-
Here is 'a
good com-
mon sense
stove for
the farmer,
because it has large oven, so inches square by 14 inches high, large
bre box to burn coal or wood: will take 24 inch wood, coal linin s easily re-
moved will give lots of heat, is built to last a long time. The above cut
noes nat show the latest improvement with cohort legs under range. giving it
better circulation of hot air around base of stove also making it more early
kept clean.
We recommend this stove.
Kindly call and see it to our store.