HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-10-3, Page 44 ToURADAY, October 1, 1907 THE BEST Y . OODERICH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBI TION A GREAT SUCCESS. Has One Good Day's Weather and a Big Crowd Turns Out Receipts Small on Other Days Splendid Showing of the Products of the', District Many Merchants Make Do s p'1 AV s Special Attractions a Good Drawing Card. , The first year in the histol v of the Goiderich lllduatrial Exhibition, as the Goderich tall allow is flow called, was a record-bt•cwker and the fair of 19U7 Will be returwbered us all unqualified surra ns. Thr weatherun the opening day. Wetine•eday, was anything but promising and in consequence the attendance that day wait very light. The rain carne un in showers the after - noun of the closing day, but the ulain day of the show. Thursday, was all that could he desired and the attend- ance was very large. Tickets uusn- beted in consecutive under were used this year stud there were :4,618 :adult and 891 children's paid aeahuissiona dur. Ing lhr fair. l'uuutin9 " (hr wrm- bers and others who were efal nittrd by pass, there would The over S,I11sl lt-t m Milrl!e•d thrlouKII the gates during the [air. Uu the whole the exhibits were ahatad of last year's, especiaally as to number. Kvery space in the initial building was taken ip and the Dlerehauts took a greater interest in tithe fair than for wme years, it large number uwking displaya of their g Th • central rulundu was occupied by C. C. ler with a display of heall- room furnishings, electric IiKht sup- Vies,Vp st uves, hardware and plumbing. J. Hrrper and J. H. Wurw•II A Sem had similar exhibits, the latter alae showing a furnae:e. George Beckett had a number of stoves on exhibition, J. W. McDonald some sewing uta- chinem and D. Stoldart, jr., it display of tutrners and trunks, rte. Hudgeuh Bros. occupied the whole width of the north wing with a displays of c:arLa, ruga, curtains, etc:. Mc .rate Biros. I'M u Iargr showing of c�u'I, and D. Millar CO. one of drygo d. slid smantles. James F. Thuunsnl hada good display of musical inatruwe11Ls and the other lines handled by him. The Western Cauauba Fluor Mills ('O. had apyramid of salt and Hour in (Nags. Miss Polley had a coltgction Of lutigtAd china on exhibition. 1). Bell haul his carpet Isom in operation. H. H. Becker' had a Iargr. display .if furni= ture. The power at the wwn electric ht station was kept on during the ternoon and :added considerably to the effectiveness of the merchants' displays. THE FRUiT EXHIBIT. The apple exhibit, although At very fair one for such an unfavorable sea- sonsa the present one has been, was not up W teat of other years and the fruit.wits lacking loth in sirs and in color. The Spies and Baldwins, which usually appear in much barge numbers. were not there in any quantity and the few platen representing theme two of our beat commercial varieties were not flnt-class in min Or color. The best -colored apples were a few Duchess and a plate or two of Alex- anders and Mackintosh Red. The pewee, like the apples, showed that the mission was not a favorable one. There were fewer Harllets than usual and the monstrous Duchesm and Clairgeau, which were the, admiration of the visitors of other years, were not Ito be seen. In point of color A very fine plate of Clapp s Favorite was the best in the collection. Plums and peaches were halt it very scanty supply, but the show of grapes fairly surprised everybody. There appear to br same new aspirants for the much cuvet.e(1 reel tickets and our old exhibitors will du well to keep an eye on the ••your stern" tit, they will be distanced alt. future allows. Some of the late varieties of gral,es were not well colored, but the collections of twelve, eight and four varieties did credit to the growers. The handsome Niagara, which is by mill olds the hest white Krape grown, was an fine atm in Other yearn and the Cunror•ds, Wilders and some of the rel and purple grapPr erre not far behind. n the whole the grape exhibit wam me gold one and far exceeded what alight have been expected from such au on. favorable saaultro. • A change w a s nlaude f r o DI last year in the placing of the dairy product.", bread, preserves. emekes, rte., upstairs tiled three cla imses were 'un- usually well filled, its were also the other ladies' depairtineuts, eslo•rially the fancy work claaesem. The exhibr tion of flowers waw one of the liest ever s•eu _ at the Looted irh Lair. III numlN•r of entries the fruit was con- siderably in :advance of former year*. The "Midway" was Onusuald• fldl of aide shows. The Ferris wheel proved a ,cent attraction for lilt - young people, and for lots of tile- older on", too. The glassblowerm, the om- Riflet mall. Emma, the fat girl, It merry-go-round, two moving picture shows, a mhoNoting gallery, an anat- omy exhibit, a photo gallery, and places where yon puuld throw balls. at nigger faces Or rings around rane•m for your sphre cash, beside! till- crip de that coo d cough his hmir with �I iN feet, nil mlenled to Im• cluing It good business, The fine rornling hears and nionkr)•M were rrnaark.ebly clever. They W,.r. forneol tell \Vcdne,day evening. All( on Thursday afternoon anti evening. hal owing to I ll,• shower•m tiD Friday did not Kice &n exlultil.ion that till )•, inuvh to the dimaplNm eintcnt of %anal• who tnawle their first. vimit tit the mhow on that day. , H. L. Pucker, of 1,011i lien. lamed the dining haul privilege.. . T[ IF It %CE 4. Four goal horse racess were inclndcd in the prngrartl, Ule formes' that and 2:10 rice Iwing part on, oil Thu•isbly afternoon and the olwn rue and run- ning rner on Friday afternoon. The rellults we re an roilowN : ' r.t llNxR's Tae? OR 1•"'a WKsgleWm 1%nrtchl I .... I I I Oliver0or lUederichl .......... .... Y L t A. Church A)odsrrohl .. . '1 3 4 Will. MrlAnnan IlwnrtrrL......... 1 5 a JR., its, t a .syy, PeterMm..Intl (Parlor's Hun.... ., a it a vast Tm//T not rier:R, H. li. M0.1land• POrl •r. Hill. ' It. Itnei-noa•raiq. Grand IN•nd. A. A. yoNnx• 1'Rrlow. orr.s. • J. w, t]mlth. A1,111ericho Misanerl Chief I I I It. B. MolAlland's nester's till)) Little Fled . .. ... .. ! s i H Mow snbs erry (hand 14.1, s'aaaldle IAA i... i .. ! l i X skmarte RMi Ke� ... ( a a A. YPollYY1 10444 s • :e (/ atutom Jfn RACK. Y..0oeg.�nliGierlrh. J. 4 Aitken. flM ern h. HORSF I,. Rn A DNT R R. Filly or gelding, three yoars old. J. A. R Whitely : filly orrutingg, two years old. John Knox, %V, F. itsung : filly of -gelding )roat•IinK, Fred Mlurgun. Huhner' v;. ; brood ware. M. J. Part-, A. A. Yount( ; foal'uf 1Wi, John Knox, GOO. l.rIthwaite ; pair of matchtd hormer, m(►res or geldings, Uundry Brun . single horse, rurtrobr Keisling, Robt. King, %V. I. McLean.. aADULIt. Nares Or geldings, Fred Murgnn, J. L. Aitken. I AHHtAUK. Stallion. u11y- Age. Fred Dpavis, E A.. tlatlery : filly or gelding. three years -Id. John Jamieson, jr.. filly or geld- nq, two years tilde A. W. Young. 1'has. A. `VItitelyy ; yearling• filly or Welding, Robt. Glen. Alex. (lien . brand mare, Jas. Chisholm. Alex. Mein ; foal of 111(6. Jet$. Chisholm, Alex. Glen ; lutir of nwtched var- us•{. horses. Gundry Bru+.: single ,viriage horse, Uuudry Blow.. Peter Nit IAtalgrll. UKNERAL PCHPO4E. Bnxxi niare, Chas. Clifton, Perry Sit -wart ; filly or gelding, two Vyiord old. Percy Stewart; )'exiling, Holey ur vel ling, N. Furse, Mrs. F. V. NurneY : f...tl of lima, Petry Stewart, W\ An- dt.•ws .1luatched team. hied 1laa% . .\UHIIULTURAL. Brood Hove, A. -McLeod. Hobo. lilen ; filly or f(eldiug.' two years old, P, -IVY Stelwart�Jae. McManus: filly or gAdulg, yearling., It. Ai•enstrung. II dubs linos.: levyel of 11116, AI Me- iAXA. Chas. Clitt lli : tnatrhr al tearu. I .memory Suffield. 44 , llisholfil. H IPAVY nRArT, IM •:1111'1:1 OR cAN.\- UTAN R KD. Rrallion, threw ye, 1•+ old and ul1- wAld, .,Fret Davis : site Ilion, yearling. Fred Davis; broad war . \\'..Maar lis. Jtts. Hayden-, filly ur elding, two ,%,•ars "Ill, John Chisholm Gru filen : tellyy ter gelding, vei•linl, John W. S•+Ikeld : span, %%. F. 1 lung. Jas. 1 ehisholnl ; foal of IlMli, \V. Marquis. J w. llaayderl. CATTIX istiolrTHalRN tl•I•HK Il ItK11. Roll, two ve.at•s ,:!do ld nod up aril. John Baul•; Inlll. unr ye;u o1J, " Barr: boll calf, J. \\'. Salkeld ; I w, J. \\'. Salkeld. Jaws. M.-Mitnus, Ise year, : heifer, two yea, old, Role lilen, .Ills. Chisholm. John Harr , heifer. tine year old, John Biter. in.. C•'hisholm, J. W. Saalkehl heifer calf, John Bnrr, J61owSalkeld A Son. tl KltaRY (PuRr lrttFDl• Holl, any age, Ueo.. Lait\visite : clow, Juhu Knox, lis,. Laithwxitw: heifer. two )•Pars uld,.Gets. IARIIWAite, Ist Anti 2nd ; heifer, under two years old, Gi-o. failhwaite, Iso :old god. UHADK (,.\rrl.R. ('role, John Barr, Ist And 2nd, Rohl. Andrews: heifer. two years old, J,thu Barr. .1. S. Clark, 2nd xud 3rd : Heifer, one year old, John Rarr, (,ell. Latith- waite : heifer calf, S. Farsr, -John Barr: two-year-old steer, John Hart-, Ist and 2nd, J. W. S:►Ikrld; yearlinK steer, John Harr, W.,F, Young: alert• calf, John Barr, J. N. Clark. F.%T c.\TTLB (ANY BBKRUI. Fitt steer, John Harr, J. W. Salkeld; fat heifer, John Harr, Robt. Andrews; fat row, John Harr. SHEEP. LEII'KNTERA. Haw, two shearm Panel ove: Robt. Glen, John Harr ; shearling ram, John Harr; rain ImeniL. Robt. Glen, Ist and -'.fill: ewe, two shears and over, Robt. (lien, lot and 2nd: shesrling ewe, Robt. Glen, John Barr: ewe lamb, Robt. (lien, fast Audi 'and. 1 INCOLNs. Hain, two shears and over, (len, Prnhlale, Jam. Uhishuln); Nhearling ram, Geo. Penhale, ; rain laulb, Uel. Penhal4-, last panel 2nd : ewe, two shears and over, Ge). Petlhale, Ist and 2nd ; ethearliug ewe, Ileo. Pell- hall-. list and 2nd ; ewe larval), ties, Penhale, Imt And 2nd. a11HOPm1111tK Dalw•Nm. Shearling ram, Geo. Glen, Andrew Dunkin ; ram laanlb, Gen, Olen, An- drew Dunkin ; ewe, two she:lrs and lover, Andrew Dunkin, lest and 2nd : shesrling ewe, Ger, (lien, Andrew Dunkin; ewe boob, Geo, (filen, Ist and 2nd. , OXFORI)sH I HF. IK)%'NM. Retail lands, \%'. F. Young: rwr, two shears and tearer, Jas. Chisholm, IV. F. Young; ewe Iamb, %V. F. Yofing, Jaw. Chisholm. ANY 1411I6KI), NAMED, myr ON •rHR mmr. Ewe, two sheare :rad over. John Harr, Ist mnsl '2nd : mhea i ling ewer, John Baur, last. and 2nd. FA•r siixi . First, fat, sheep, .lohn Hurl. (ieu. Pen hale. PiGS. IMPR/IyFr) IIKRKNHII()-.. Rotor, over one veer old, Snowden Brom. ; Imuar. littered in 1111x, Sntewd/•n Brim. list staid 2nd: sow. our year old and lever, Snowden Bros., Ist end 2nd; mow, littered in llit)7, Snowden IiroN., lettand god. TA M wolt-r H a. Hoor, oyer one )•eau• old, Snowden Bros., Ist And 2nd : boar, littered in 111117, Snowden BrAls., oat and 2nd. IMPROVED Ye1ttKKHIHE. Roar, littered in is11r..film. Hayden, list anti 2nd ; sow, litterwl in 11116. ,lam, Havden, Ist and 2nd. 11HADEs. Sow, One v,-nr old and over„lohn Salkeld At Son, Mrs. J. T. SAlkeld: sin%•littet-HI in 111117. A. E. Matheson, Sfio.wden Room. ; leen tit twobarorl pigs, McNeil Brom., I'llR ns. '. it, •11. Pl)1'I'Tit V. Corhim, Gro. \%'. Irwin : Dorkingm, (leu. %\'. Irwin : Ilxnlhurga. (:eo. N'. Irwin ; 1A•ghorna, white, single crnnh, Hohllem Braa. : 1A•Khornm, white•, relae- t glib. lira. W. Irwin : I'll vnunrth Rocks, lesn"l, lira. \\', Irwin, INI send .-"ad : PIyfllofith hocks, Miff, (iso, W. Irwin, Ist and '2nd; WvxndutteN• white, O. Pennington, R. 11ow•nw•nd ; AV'vnudutlem. Nilver laced, If-. \%'. Irvin; %yvmndnttes, gulden, Hert Towrim. -nd :•Arldaluminna, I', arm, .1, S. Howrie ; Minorraa. black, Hohnes Brum., Hirt Townm-gd : Bantnlal+. black Afriranm. .Ins. K. Hardv : Head. tamm, Any other variety, Jam. E. Hardy ; hrrkeyN, bronze, 1lolnrP4 Brim.: ge•ase, Toulouse. John "hill - holm . g" -w. any Other variety, John Swlkeld k Sori, Mra, .1, T. Smlkeld ; ducks, Pekin, (leo. \\', iratin, 1st And 2nd. . At'ItINI. Innil". Coto ling, (ie/. W. Irwin : i carkintt(t•., (leo. \V, Irwin: rimnlbut•ga,(i/•n. `V. Irwin, Int and 2nd : black Nppnnnish, Mii,..1. S. Howrie : I,eghornN, hrown, rose cnmh. Mn..1. S. Howrie ; Leg- horits, white, min Ie cnmh, Ifnlmes Brom., Me%..1. S. Howrie : Legho rnsI white, rose romb, Hnht)Pn Bros. Polish, any vnrism - (:au. W. Irwin : P)ym„111h R,s•kn, s.nrt•PII. Geo. W. Ir- win; Plymouth Pock*, whiU te, . Pen- nington ; Wyandott.ee, white, (). Pen- nington, let and 2nd : WyAndottea, 11il-r laced, (iwr. W. Irwin, lot and find ; Andaluasians, Wit J. R. Hewrle, Int and 2nd ; Minorraa, black, lfnlmPm Arras., Uso, I.althwadte ; bantams, THFFx' SIGNAL: GODERICII, ONTARIO . II �eee�w i _- -- Pekin, Gs). W. II. rwin : llsntu I tit I I goodookLil am other var10ly, Geta. W. Irwin, Sol Furse: turkeys, bronze. ifullnrs Bros. ; turkeys• seely other vurl0h', I __ate__ 4 \\'. F. Yuuog ; grew. Tuuluuse, Jobst -s.ofA.,ri�li� alaam V. Chi►hulm: geese, ally (offset- vari,t). argJ& tuerd a�tyAtme •.tel -w Goo. I.aithwaite. let and '2nd ; ducks, Pekin. (inti. W. Irwin ; Kuinea ruwl, id it of thebecat-rt:aciy t z:),a S, Meese. I The hi�llea epartirw .,, RHKK11N11 Pietxs - urniKg YUCNU 1)11 ' �n rt . OLD. I Semi -ready Cost ar tt1A BrIaluumem, light or dArk•. Ural W. Ir as carefully auriehuneudyinli win Cuc•hin+, (set). %V. Irwin : Lew- us the arts that hurls• Hul'int•s Hrum. ; \\'yaundotlrc, l P l►. Pentlingtun. Bert Townsend : that's why Sem 1.Augshans Gets. %V. Irwin, Mo.. J. S• yuelity is hacketll)sutrprr . Howrie ; Miuurcas, Htsh11rs Bros. . lieu. W. Irwin : ljorkinga• Uel. \V. full guarantee. 11 win. MIscKLf ANFut'K, Sem;-ready TailoringwerstlsgoN ('olteclion of fish in aquarium, ('has. achieved in a moment. The,.," A. Wells, Mrs. ,F. C. Murrey : culler- ! tion of Pigeons, Bert Tula•usrlld. �unl, and its present pe>bar�j;p AIiRICULTIBt t Townsend. !1• graduated from years elf-exprnmtaQRl and experience. &steipronouncaealliffil/ FIELD ORAINM, r.rc. Uiehigan Amber wheat. J. K. \Vise, hood as custom taslurinCigits"-J• I tialunt•I \\rise; Daws dl's Bolden Chatf a Netter product than any custom fall %11031, J. %V. Salkeld, J. K. tailor camproduce. \\rise : telly Other variely Gtll voilealt. %'hilt•, J. K, \\rise, S. FIF •; nay AsIts,rdb.q nth..• variety rail -beatTI el, N. w11W Fell-, Ilolnnes Brim. spriheat. rw S. Film-. Mc\ril Bos. ; lowed a.SrlltiereaLui.). J. K. \\rise, S:unti\\rise; $'U�ot two.robed barley, 1. K. Wis�•, Sanl• 's 'e + url \1'iNe•; large lens, J. h. \\'iso•• ALo.ne6..n••Ir.ti.,., bcbev&44te�J Samuel Wise. small lm•as, J. K. Win•, b1sL•.,L,,sa..m�d. S. Foust— %$Isle oats• S."ouel' \\rise, ahead. J. K. %% i.e.: Metric O,tl4..1. K. \1•i.e. 1• A1e111r1 \\rise : Hex st"l..1. K. \\lm.-,' A. McIA,NI: to,loth)• s4 tel, J. K. Wise, McNeil Hou..: vlover sed. A. Mc1A-od : white Iwans, S. Furse. J. K. GODIERICH. \Vise. Fall and Winter Stock Complete Special attention given to DRESS GOODS AND BLACK SILKS Some 8 or to ends of Dress Suitings, 4 to to yards to a piece, $I.00 to $1.50, your choice for FIFTY CENTS. UNDERWEAR Men's, Boys', Ladies' and Girls' Underwear, all prices and rock bottom prices. 1`' 1i FLANNELETTES AND WRAPPERETTES The biggest and best stock we ever had. LADIES' AND GIRS' COATS Be sure and see our stock everything new and uptodate, direct from the makers. .N; J. H. Colborne ' GODER; 1'E McLean Bros. - - AOtab moommon� - - ........................ Raj err. }•IKLU 11eol'N, l'KU K`r.\IILKs, ktt'. Laing uuungold wurizels, \%'. T. Bell, I . _. ill A. F. Mathratsn: glob• Inxugold (1Ady: knittedyuilt, Ik•IiaSyluiugtun, The Signal ;Intl The \V"kl• tion wort/ria. \\', T. Hell, JAs. Kirke:u- Molole's early, Mrs. V. A.1 Iloinlier : Mrs. tier. Nott ; I;rtwhet wol a, ,,,lilt, ITulnntul to January let, IINN, io new LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL I : iuteri neeliate unaugoid w'utzels• Ih'aghtun, (;elft(,• Laithwaite, \\'w. 1►e•li:a Symingl"n : woollen stocks. Mr•s suhscr•illen for 31) cents, to your spare time at home, or \Y. T. lull, .las. Kirkpatrick; 4widt• %s,%trno•k : %Vinchel. N'tit. \Vtu•uso'k ; (ilea. Nut. A. \y. Yte11ug; wooll. ra ---- turnips• \\'.'T. Mills John Salkeld R \\'yulllingred. Walt. Warnock:llurlh- glove a, Mlrs.liwa. %Ott. Delin SVIIIill- -- -- Take a P•1'•01111 Course at School Son ; while carrots. Jus. hu•kpAtru'k. 4•rn IiKht. \Vila. \\'tgrno•k : nny other toll; , wodlen tuitta 1►ella Symiugton, Thus. \\'. lull; corn, dent, lie \\'. variety, C. A. \\'elle, Isnau SAlkeld; yrs• Gw,, Nutt: house-nl,ade rtK 11141, 1.1,11is. Andrrw•h, Jam. Kirkliaatrick; corn, water Melons, 1'. A. \\'ells; tuusk tide,. Nott. Deli.+ Syrvlington• cleat, any tether v,u•Irty, S, Fj11•se• welmm. 1'. A. Wells; cilrons. 1). 1\', hulle-mule wool mal, )'aro. 114•lic Thus. W. Hell :lar'Kest pfiuq)ki:n.ti• Ilawiltou, A. F. Matheson. W. An-ISvielinKton, \It's. (ie.. Nola: Kru1. W. Andrews. '2llet; l:argral tori ilea, John Salkeld R Son. A. E. Slxthe- ,11•t-wa(li FLU\\'FRS• aNllilt, lineal front. hand -retitle. Lell.t .Well; l:arg,•eet anti (Nest stock- til field 1 '011eetiun of cut Ho%'el's, IL Iii- Itainiltuu: gent: aulcy flannel shirt, ha nd-made, Mm Geo. Nutt : corn, Alex. Men, Jets. Kirkp:triek : agar INets, U. W. Andrews, McNeil Reed, 11. 1. WARRIORS : dahliah, V. A. het lady's underwear, fancy, Mrs. (leu. - ills. - \Yell+, \\'110. Warnock- -,yet.ensal. Nutt. 2nd s e iheoidery on linen OR a DAIRY1 RUUI'(:TS. %%',,I. "',aft. %%'111. \\ aa1•u4vk • brand cottoll'with floss, Mrs. F. C. MOI.11e)', ell omads t, b1e butter, mated fur I louquet, If. I,. %VaLmnl, ('. A. \\'ells, . MrN. A. Johnston : embroidery. 14"111x11, MI's. 9%\'. K. illy, Delia use, W. E. Du4nin. Lynn It. flaluil- tabor INouyurt. H. 1.. \\'stsnn. H. 1►. Reed ; thereof desiKil. if. L. Watson ; Svillinglon : e•11ahruidery photo frialue, t"n. Sots. Jags. , H. Jtehnmton : teen vol. zinnias. dteublr. \\ln. \\'net. '2nd : Sirs. h. l'. Nurney, Urs. \\'. T. Mur - 1,U11111 talels• littler. In 1'rm•k. a:tl toil free err •alt use. %V. E. Duruin. A. Mc- 1 truss geraniuuam, sitigle flower. ('. A. trey 1.1111 ere111IeF\' .e•Ilfre plPe•r. lilll'll. Mrs.Disls.ntl, W. E. Kelly; Vitt L,1111 F. Matheson ; butler, li+•e• %\enN,'210: ffIIa•1g.-toldolllm, duuhle. N,alcolru McKaty, 1'. A. Well•, • .Ii",. Inroider', doylies, linen., half-dozen. �N,unke i rdl, I,i•naa It. Ilamiltuu, \\'. 'lunkrrt; \Ile. Jes. fl, .Inhnstsm : td) phloxes, annual. H. D. Iferd. MAl,•nlen Mrs. W. T. 3furne•v, 3Is. lien. Nott : 1•Itibete,l,l.•ry Nl,ll•l„1:11x11•.)yl•1•, WIO. Hol - or I-mck I hotter :I \\'. , Ihardn, McKay .. gladiolus, I1. D. Reel, \\'lel. \Varno'k -.11some-tv. Ualrolnl N.•Kay. L•nul, MI.. \\'.'T, Murnev: erlbloid- SIs. .lss. ll. JohnNton, \\C Plunkett. \\'111. loVioilm•k. S. 11•.-,•: l,atll'"" Ircloth. \\. E. Keld•. .firm. •'1'1' is%- F. BORTICUL 'RAi. I)F:PAHTME\" . \Veil. \Vat11"N•k, If. D. HWYI : 1N•tmliam, \� . T. Marney ; rmbruide•ry lunch or ' single. If. 1). Reel, W. W;at:: colrus, [),icl,A-k Lea Noth, Delia Synsington. 1•PLFa. C. A. Wells; catllua* H. 1), Reel.�Mlr, J. S. flowrie.: embroidery Ira Ten varietieri, mm�neal, four mutniller %\111. \Varno•k -.bogmiiats 1.1•x. 1'. A.lt•usv. any kind. MIN. tiro. Nutt.•Mrs. Ur (sell, send six 'inter, W. Hichaul• John \V, Salk \\'ells, Mr-. %V. T. Turney: artisan.1I►oty; rnlhroiJery, three handker- linen, Mrs. J. S. t it ; six varieties, irons, double, in bloom. CA. Wells, chief". with initial". named, cooking, t ) snnnner or fall. 2nd:hangiugtdowe•hnmk4 L.C.A. %V01K. Howrie, Doli: Symington . tiunbroid- And foot winter, .It in W. Sa11keIJ• 'rhos. H. 1.. \\'ntstin : rxlotir teens, SI. %\'. cry ren silk I - Niatill. MIs. lh,t_v. Retia %%'. Bell. W. BI•hau; Kix varier 7', Slutnrv; nastntifiuim, fl. 1.. \%'all- S)'Illiil,(tun: embroidery on Imdting ties, nained, dessert, t •ts sunitner ter sun. %V. •\Varnock ; sweet lN•as, Mlt•s. cloth, Delia Symington, Mrs. lira. fall, and fourw•iule.is) in] %%'.Salkeld, J. S. Howrie. H. L. W;ttson; amparn- Xott: embroidery, lire glitch, Mime %V, Bichan : yellow rmensparent. Kits, Mrm. \V. 1'. Murnrv, r. E. Hing- S)•mingtlnt; ennlorniderv, cross oetilch Archie TORO ; Duchemr of l4clenhurK, haul : storks, single spikem, Slpalrall„t iota liner) or me•een. \%'. E. Kelly. I1. L. S. Furse. John W. Salk,- . Amhie McKay H. i. loVatsun • begonias, \Y.4tmoan: ellfhrltide'. ejelet. Delia Total ; Alexander, N'. Hi sin : St. flowelanK, It- i. Wat-on. C. A. \Vells ; SvIleinKtnn, t'. H. Il11111b •r ; elubruid- Lawrence•. F. E. Hingj(hato .. . eltltfwh mlInflowers. If. 1. Wntslon. 2nd, "I'-), mllndts%•, \\. F:. Ken y, Mrs. W. red, Iluhnem Brim, ChnN. A. \ litely ; box and name -cwt imita Bona T. Muroev: unlbroidery, iianolsh cut Cayuga red sneak, '20-117.. Apple. AHATP.I'It. walk or Ib•JrIN,, Mrs. J. S. Howrie, 'tmnsi: Snikeld. \\'. Hichan : ' 1 -tri. Collection of cntfiowers, %Vua. %Var. 17. Symington: embroidery with pippin Or cabasbcn, fern. IAith lite, no,'k : hand bouquet, Mrs. C. A. House- jewels, \\'. F. Kelly. hors (Iro. Nott: lie W. Andrews. Mrs. J. T. . Ik- ber, W: \Vaarnnrk : table Isaaluel, eulhrnidery himbingei. 1). Millar, Me". edd : mnow, F. E. Hingham. .1 e. \\111. %Vw-nock. and : ge:uni11ms. A. Johnstuti :-riblsAl work. 1), Mil - McManus : wealthy. Jas. McMa - doub-le. in bloom , • 114 -rt Townsend Inr, Mrs. \%', T. Mlurney : a•trh- To enable all to learn we lea,h on cash or instalment pian. We also teach a permOnal class at school once a m,mlh. Class commencing last Tuesday of cath mouth,' These lessons teaches how to cul, fit and put together any garment front the - plainest shirt waist suit, to the most rubor1 ate dress. The whole family can learn II ui One course. We have taught over - thousand thousand dress -making, and guarantee ,a give five hundred dollars to any on .• Ih..t cannot learn between the age of as .end 40. You cannot learn dress -making a thorough as this course teaches d iron work in shops for years. Beware of nud.r- ti.one as we employ no one out%.d,• the sckool. This is the only experienced Dres% Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in an other country. Write At once for particular, as we have cut our rate one. thud for a short time, Address :- IAMW OMS-CUMNI SCiNKIL. u Eris 1►L. tlsrattord. Ont.. Cassel. - --- -- us, \\'. Bichan ; ril,ston pippin, 1'rewarthet Brim., John W. Salk- rld ; king of Tompkins. Jam. Me- Manum, A. \\'. Youngg • cranberry `tie1illJnhn ttxlks.JJos. )• ; Prwnukte. 1:. \\'. Andrews, \\'. Mhlcohn McKay : foliage plants, Mrs. F'. 1'. :durnfiv. Mrs. N'. T. Money ; •gorlinm, IJ. • D. Reed: sweet pram. %'. NVarnock, .*!rid ; munHuwer, Wall. ,\ rne,ck.2nd. GARDEN VEGi:TAHLF�1. _ .t ......!ude-d n.. INeg• -•.. _ ___._ . _ y�w�;��,W��W;y1WWWWWWWWWW�In1rW�IrW�IrNi1� 2 F. _ / GOOD SITUATIONS alkeiV- Stellar ; Wagner,uSlt•s. J. T. Salkeld• - ('hats. A. Whitely ; Iluhbatdson's Nun- C'oI Ilion six varieties of potatoes RIGHT'S such, Mrs. J.•T. Salkeld : \yrstfivld'm C. A. 'tens. S. FIRM': Ial'ly Potatoes: -a F Seek -no -farther, Holt. Glen. .loan W. A. F:.. theson, C. A. \Viols; lotaa- Z VACANT F. Salkeld ; Rhode lAmind ✓rrrning, .let-. toes; ally other variety. 1). Proust% ('. 1 Ms-Nnnu,,'Th m. W. 84.11. J. Hierken- ridge ; baldwill, flollnes Bro.... 'Thies. A. \\�Vllm ' Kenntiler arluasl4 ,outer Salkeld x S. it : hollobard s.11latsh, John DISEASE ' Z %Veporpose making further extensionm to our businrma next \\'. Bell. W. Bichan ; Tall o li m hix et. Salkeld k Su , \\'m. Andrews : whiter nwnUt and will hxvti situations for n rusher of smart girls loop- 6 John \V. SAlkeld. A. Mcleod : Aloe•- tie golden rr rye A. F:. Sint lesion : is the deadliest and most � l-rmet• Willing ulaehin-Ne Io.th in Goderich And (,Tinton. Bxfoeri- F: is An uldl•u russet, John \V. Salkeld, K reinter cn, a A. F:. Natht,on. Jchu K painful is subje t. which mankind is subject. Dodd's Z tinsel tiles rntors Preferred, lint to beginners we will offer gored A. \\'. Young. Iswtc Salkeld ; Canada rIN1, Trrw'xrtha Brim., . Chns. A. Salkrld)al Son; vn) rabhagr, 1'. A. K'rIIN, _nil : turd bloNl INN•ts, table, Kidney Pills will cure any A indileernent by Paying goal wages fr in commencement and in- , F: Whitely ; fatllaaw•ater, John W. Salk. McNeil Bros., ('. . \Vellm ; rar•rols, case of Height's Disease. They have never failed in 3 stxrcthlna will M• given by nn inmt'urtfir for the putllose of mtire . F rod, 1 r•tv:u ells Itrns.: phrwnix, 1'hnh, , for laMe•, S. Furor, F. h:. Binghpant : One single rix. They are ­ „ equiedily advancing girls to position of piecework. A. Whitely : Scott's rivoorl, S. Furse : parsnip-. for table, ('. A. Wells, linear the only remedy that ever i Our piere•wnt•k prirev nn• NxtiAfnctory to our portent staff F. l/ntxt•io, .lobo \\'. SAlkrld, Mrs. A. \\'hurls•, Jaw M1eMAnuN : Sla•avivA• Salkeld ; 0.11 onions, \ lather, field, S. F'ursl•, Sl:+lcolm M , sty; vellolt' has cured it, and the are y I .•a- and %inaart girl' Are tinrning g,N1d %page N. * AnuiO tier, S. Furse, (i. W. -AD. is K • ' onions. Danvers, \int. \%;trno•k, U. the only rimed that can. Y There imitations 3 Hounforw•nrking:ue tea.+onahle send pity day every two P. drovers: northern spy; John %V. Salk. A. %VON; yellow onion any other are a)f Dodd's Kidney Pills --pill 3 wfe'km• rld, W. Riebren, (len. Latithwaite . Munn, 'Thus. liV. Be -11. G. W. yari,•1 v. 1'. A. \Vells: 'Iver skin onion••. C. A. \yells, F. F:. ingdoaln : box and name -cwt imita Bona '� 1'tirsmnl ale;,lir•Ation preferlwl, but mail applications will IleC Andrews: mtedlinK, A. FL Matheson. corn, for taste, Any variel. •, l'. A. are dangerous. The B original and onlyy genuine :aa answered promptly and full infutlna►tion given. �' ('hats. A. \Veils : any either ymeritity. \Vells, Archil foto; . ran ' lower. cure for Bright's Das.ase is Isnau•Snikrl�11, 1). Pro 'use.1 am. \\'hits- Iwlnc}}alkrld:red ur�ns. 'trills: %\1n. I The Jackson Manufacturing Co. IF ly: mala, . E. Matheson. S. FurNe, \\':unok, x1, SIcM nos: c DODD'S yninces. Robt. Andiras, Jnhn NAIk- rn/unldoa'N, ('. A. \\roto, S. Pill 1 I_LINTON GODERiCH 'F,• Vitt It Soil. collection garde, heroes, C. A. wo W _ PKAHs. Six varieties, Jam. Kirkpatrick, F. E. Bingha•nl: three v1arieties, \Vat. "'arno•k, S, F IrNe, John \\'. Ns►Iktld : Rnrtletf. ('ham. leVrlls, Joseph White- ly, F. F. HinKhanl: i►m'eemN D'An- goulerne, \\ln. M'nrnork : I.,ouis Kenn#- dti .Ilrrry, \\'til. Warno•lc. Jit". Kirkpatrick; Beurre D'Anjnn, S, Furse, F. E. Bingham; Reiner. NO[ tine. S. Forme; Heurre Diel. A. .1. Goldthorpe Be-urre Hose, S. Furs•, F. F. Binghand: Sheldon, Archie Tnrvl, \\'. Ili,;han; M-Orre CInirgtion, \\'til. %Varnock, Chns. loVeIIN; Boswell, .Iso. Kirkpatriek, F. F. Hingh:lnl: Stickel, .Ina. Kirkpalrirk, %V. Million ; Clapp'm favorite, S, Fears*-; Lowr•nrr. Archie Toil ; Josephine de Mnlinlw. F. E: Itingh,un, L'nd; Kcitfer. \%'alt. Witriv ck, John Salkeld A Son : sted- ling, (i. W. Andrews. 1.1.1 • Mm. . RI:•adNhaw•, Archie Tum : yellow egg. iim. %Vhilel\' : lomharol. .Mrs. .1. 'T. Salkvid. Mile. 1', A. flmnber : Co•'N gqolden drop, Arr'hie Tom; seedling, .losrpli \\hiteiv- liet•DIan prune, John %\'. Salkeld. I•F.AI'IIFA, Fitzgerald, Malcom 111rK,1)', \\'all. W.rnovk : Crosby. F. F. Rirlghmn, '2nd: m-edling. Mrs. C.,,1. Humber. 41R.\PF:s, s1HLONM, 1:1.1% Toovelvewarietiea, Kruwu rvl ofR•u all, two clualers of carp, r•orr•ctly mored, Mine. \VArnock : right .ynrh•lirim.' nailed, open #tire two clnnleni of each, George Lnilhwxile. \Vnl. %VArnork: four varietira. nanied, open nh; two clualere of each. Georg,• latilhw•aite, \\'ala. \VAri tock : DOisivarr, %V m. \\-arno•k, Mho. C. A. Ifinllm•r: Con- rOt'd, liwlrge Lnithwaite. IV. An. drew: ; Hartfonl, Wm. Warnock: Moyer, Ivan. %%,,Irn,N•k; M ... rti's Illallllerlil, Class-. A. • Well". (:er,rge IAilhwvlile : Fmlon. %\1n. Warnock, C. A. Wells: wanly Vic 11, \\'all. \Irate• nork; Clinton. (iso, i.w�t•bwailr, 1+NN1' Malkeld ; Rmelalphell's ra�ly, %V m. %\'nr- nonk; MAaaNlUit, \Vin. \Varn,s•k; Wilder, Wm. Welar•nrs•k : Lindley, Gen. IAtilhwalte; Gerrenr, Mres. U. A, Hunllwr ; Ag)►waun, \%'m. \Varnock ; Merimar, %Van. %\'Aipock; Saem. Gert. 1 aithwalte; Herleert. %\'m. N'nr- nock; Ning,alsa, Gen. lAithwaile. Win. Warn "-it ; Empire Slate, C. A. %Valla : .lrsairme. %Ven. Warnock ; Wnnlen, Wm. Warnock, Mn. J. T. Valkeld ; r•Ieffect iota Kaarden produ,r, lea I I DN EY �hththt�ffii4lff%ff%fitmq%,fth„r,�,rt�oviiq phr,f���c Salkeld k Son, C. A. %ytills; misify, C. A. \\'ells, F. E. Binghnnr. _ HO\I F: MANC'FACTl1FtF:4, PILLS �-.___--�.___-_- Dodd s Kidney Pills are Rech quill or log cabin ynilt, 1A•nx filly cents a box at all I Hamilton, Delin Symington ; rrnz)' druggists. I a silk gone. id 411 ILlrni W. Fi. ,Ism. Doty'. The Season for Dyeing Pwbrloideed ynill, Rr. E. Kealy, Slim. - NAXX OTHERS SAPPY Whel the frau comes and the leaves Iwgin falling front the Do not compel someone to rub A T st Meal trees, and we think of pputting on heavier rlothin end preparing VI your ✓ for x cold winter -thin iA when the Seoul houmewd�fe sees dresses, ' achina Deck or limbs this winter, but start mate, ,etc., which would he like new if th Py were toyed. right in and takE' Served . y time a t WE SELL DYES. All colors and for 1 The Ol .WE � all kinds of material. If yon are nefeling any dyete, this im the place to get them. Gafe . A pleasure to show goods. F. J. BUTLAND _ _ CHEMIST AND It will clear your systrim of RheumRtism Everything fresh, skillfully prepared and I DRUGGIST - and all other Kulnry diseases, making you nicely served. The Store that Pleases. GODERiCH happy, conscefurntly other%. 50c, a bo. at Drux Stores or by mall •12 ore cream, sodas, et r., in all flair S. �4N l�� - �ti The ClArM CREMAL ro. Limned. WINDSOR. eat Next Hank of Montreal, Goderich. -_ - -- - Pimples 8CZ Face Sores ass acommon trouble. Impuritleme which should be thrown oft from the botly have 1 THE GRAND JEWEL rndeney toveensin In the eynterm• thus clogging Ute pores and Riving rine to all orLof Mattpf 11.4" nine ttvnblea. lenn link st imul t., � RAN GE sibs Mtua meet wholesome etiert. IbtnnulAtes AM bete tlu.akin to throw ofrany Impurity end xMwr4be skin to a healthy nuts. I 'Laa-!uk V the Yes h,m.sehold balm ever Amongks torte sehi ale." Ruch ns the opinion of Mrs. Marsch cnDetald•of Hirer, tent -1 She mayes:--'My Can be Changed from Coal to Wood in MW* girt W • wavere and ohatinal.e resh on her dm. , ' k t tl d h 11 .6`1 ed Lm -Re a ew moa sin t. a II tt1 aides bonds was" had defied all othar r'smedim I� l WUA &warlike msec." Lo-Aok o srar F.r.vnu. 11'erm. Scrofula, Votes aasd %lends, Pestering R,xeeand a ll Mkln llirsrr Y�oek�d weY In 1e7nm Ruk In the finest rmbreca- br Rhanereattwm• -WmA.n,a, mix Wall storey ead ,less et Ae ewatts. or from 7. no No it I se - Tore)or prlr , ! boxes for ell dib. 1(. i•:. P a1Jor•J ER or= Ili ?;* Li � t 11 ti ;I r Twenty Seconds. 1'he most convenient stove on the market. Some very important points that ar.3 worth looking into. Call and seo for yourself. Geo. Beckett, AGENT Hamilton $t., Goderich.